Imho business of giving 2013

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International Medical Health Organization

November 2013

Business of Giving Help others while helping yourself Through proper asset management, you can give a charitable donation to the International Medical Health Organization (IMHO) that will not only benefit those in need in Sri Lanka and around the world, but will also save you money and help you turn your humanitarian vision into a reality!

Why Giving Can Make All the Difference… We all know the importance of doing or supporting charitable work in our world today, which is why so many of us choose to give. If done properly, you can also help yourself by earning tax breaks today and saving substantially in the long-­‐run, while ensuring future financial security for you and your family. IMHO welcomes gifts of any type or size, which will immediately earn you a tax break. However, setting up a private charitable family foundation or charitable trust will not only protect you from harsh estate taxes after death and keep you out of probate court, it will also help you put your humanitarian vision into action. Consider investing in IMHO today to see your goals through starting now. During life and after death, you can guarantee your humanitarian legacy by investing in IMHO. We welcome your commitment to the International Medical Health Organization (IMHO), and we encourage you to strengthen this through our Business of Giving program. The investment of a gift demonstrates your resolute support of IMHO’s principles and objectives. Your gift enables IMHO to further its mission, while making sure our current and future projects are well supported. There are many ways you can support IMHO in addressing our financial needs while also helping yourself to save money now and in the future. Given this reality, it makes financial sense to give!

Table of Contents Why Give?..................................p. 1 Types of Donations……………p. 2, 3 Monetary Donations Life Insurance Stocks Properties Sri Lanka Pensions Sri Lanka Properties Grant Writing “In Memory of…” Family Foundations Living Will Charitable Trusts Planned Giving…………………...p. 2 Change your Approach to Life…..p. 3

International Medical Health Organization 955 Proprietors Road, Suite B, Worthington, OH, 43085, USA Tel: (614) 659-9922 Fax: (614) 659-9933 Email:

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