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rr{r pue requleur Surpuno; e s teln$yy qzlereuqs "r:
pell',rur oslc sE\\ 3H '"Iu?T rrs ur surBlr,\ rrrr!unsl IoJ slJolje JsrloI rtsrpeLuwr pue rdruord Surpr,ro:rd roj OH1,\1 w elor slq puz fvrn8vg
SurzruSocal 'uolnlosar
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'B>1UB-I rrs gN ur ,(paau aql JoJ a.rvr {1]:arrp or eulrl uowtrE srq 1z Sulpuads se't lum8zg 'rCI OHI{I Jo uondarur erlt aro;rq ue^g 's"ew PetrelJ? rtll s,AOS a^rrp Ieeq.a-rnoJ eqr Jo xls pue 000'098$ qllom saqddns
Flrpeur Sunrelor ur rlor Ia1 v pa'(qd rH 'sILIt pa.\\olloJ lauuosrad rltluerl peryz pue srsJnu 'suznrs'{qd gg7 uzt{l arow SurzrJrqolq 'slroJje Jerter roJ rru?UnsJ Jo srrl lZ ur:Itla' 000'09$ uEql aroIII 8unra1or,(q surprlt rurzunsl ot puodsar ot lsrg
aLIt sz.tr fzrnSug
1 Long term established relations with local Ramakrishna Mission, CenterforHealthAgencies and otherapproved local NGOs has given IMHO to give continued support even at critical time. So far IMHO has funded more
than one million worth health and medical realted proiects in Sri tanka in addition IMHO tras funded projects in India,Burma,Congo, Bangladesh,Katrina disaster, and few more international projects
Dr Raguraj has made total of 5 trips until the warstarted and is able to work with all segments of society collecting from Thmils,Non Tamils.American
Canadian,Australian and others.He has helped put together a team of Doctors and others all over and working as a cohesive team. Paypal is available and makes it easy for donors.
Dr Ragurai Mobile: 443-417-8510
Home: 41,0-638-6729 Work: 4'10-420-9637
Web site is :www.theimho.org
With Best Wishes to ATMA.for a Successful 2009 Convention!
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