Dear Sir//Madam, Thank yo ou for consiidering our invitation tto sponsor tthe Septemb ber 24th Maasquerade B Ball for Hopee in supportt of grassroo ots projects aimed for tthe betterm ment of peop ple in the No orth and Eastt of Sri Lank ka. As appreeciation for your sponsorship, whiich inspires giving from m other com mmunity organizaations and in ndividuals, we will be rrecognizing your spirit of generosiity and hopee, and yourr commitmeent to enablling change.. Please direct your sponsorship p enquiries tto the follow wing individ duals: P Prakash Kum mar at prakaash.kumar7 om V Vidhya Mage endran at viidhya_mageendran@yah We woulld be happy y to meet wiith you to diiscuss the w wonderful sp ponsorship opportunitties availablee to you and d/or your orrganization. ou, Thank yo Masquerrade Ball forr Hope Team m
Masqu uerade B Ball for H Hope This form mal affair w will be a fun, interactive dinner and d dance, with h 400 mask ked guests in n attendan nce at Claireeport Banqu uet Hall, Eto obicoke. The event presents multip ple opportun nities for yo our organizaation to preesent your b brand to a saavvy giving audience w who are part of or conneected to the large Canad dian Tamil ccommunity in Toronto..
Giving g Hope The prottracted confflict and nattural disasteers in Sri Laanka have leeft communities with little or no inffrastructuree, thousandss widowed, children orrphaned, and youth lack king access to educatio on and vocattional trainiing opportu unities. People are desp pondent as they strugggle to meet bassic needs an nd renew th heir lives. We recognize both tthe short‐teerm and long‐term need ds of local ggrassroots o organization ns in Sri Lanka to continu ue their effo orts in devellopment and d rebuildingg. Our goal is to financially support programs tthat assist th hem rebuild d their lives,, convey thee importantt message th hat Canadian ns do care d deeply abou ut their welffare, and positively incrrease awareeness with o our audiencee about the circumstan nces in thesee communitties. Supporting local prrograms alsso helps theem evolve ttheir organizzations to remain sustaainable in th he long‐term m.
Charitties Our aim is to focus o on the follow wing established projects with succcessful tracck records, in needy co ommunitiess that may cu urrently hav ve limited investmentss or outreacch: • • •
After School Programs in Jeyapuram A m, Kilinochcchi District and Kudath hthanai, Jaffn na A Ambulance f for the Card diology Unit,, Teaching H Hospital, Baatticaloa In nternationaal Medical Health Organ nization (IM MHO)
More infformation iss available o on each of th hese charities by requeest. All procceeds will bee directed d to the Sri L Lankan charrities, in full. Sponsors will be prov vided with aa post‐event summarry that includes an acco ounting of fu undraising eefforts from m the event, aand an updaate on the alllocation an nd impact off funds to th he recipient projects.
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Sponssorship O Opportu unities Platinum m Sponsorr $5000 (avvailable to o 2 sponsors) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐
Lead sponsor for event Recognition aas lead sponsor for event on all markeeting materiaals R R Recognition o on stage for sponsor repreesentative, to o launch event Premium placcement of banner created d by event teaam with com mpany logo on n stage mpany logo aand advertisement in introductory prresentation Premium placcement of com nt on inside ccover/back cover of book klet Premium placcement of one full‐page advertisemen onsor logo on all marketiing material Premium placcement of spo onsor logo an nd link on ev vent website Premium placcement of spo hip announceement on Faccebook Congratulatorry sponsorsh V VIP table with h ten complim mentary tickets
Booklett Sponsor $ $3000 (avaailable to 1 1 sponsor)) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐
Prominent plaacement of aadvertisemen nt in event bo ooklet on bacck inside cov ver o and advertiisement in in ntroductory p presentation n Prominent plaacement of company logo ponsor logo on all markeeting materiaal Sp Sp ponsor logo and link on eevent websitte Sp ponsorship m mention on F Facebook V VIP table with h ten complim mentary tickets
Table Sponsor $1000 (availaable to 10 sponsors)) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐
Sp pecial mention on stage Sp ponsor logo prominently y displayed on table Sp ponsor broch hures display yed in recepttion area Sp ponsor logo and link on eevent websitte Sp ponsorship m mention on F Facebook Sp ponsor‐logo‐‐branded tab ble with ten ccomplimentaary tickets
Booklett Advertise ements, Fu ull page $1 1000, Half page $500 0, Quarter page $250 0 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐
Placement of advertisemeent in event b booklet ponsor broch hures display yed in recepttion area Sp Sp ponsor logo and link on eevent websitte Sp ponsorship m mention on F Facebook Four complim mentary tickeets for the fulll page adverrtisement mentary ticketts for the hallf page adverrtisement Two complim
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Projecct Inform mation After Scchool Proggrams St. John n’s Evenin ng Classess in Jeyapu uram yapuram, in n the westerrn part of Kiilinochchi d district in St. St. John’ss Evening Classes in Jey John’s Ch hurch have more than 150 students enrolled. The studen nts range frrom Grade 1 1 to Advanceed Level, and d they receiive free classses and tutoring. In this prrogram: • • • • • •
The program T m features 8 instructorss in total. Each studentt receives in ndividual atttention. Special classes for O/L aand A/L witth teachers ffrom Jaffna.. N Night study a arrangemen nt for 3 hours every day y. Those wh ho live nearrby are ablee to atttend. A gen nerator is u used to prov vide electriccity. G Grade 6 to O /L subjects are: Tamil, English, Maathematics, Science, History, G Geography, C Commerce, Health Science A A/L subjects s are: Tamill, Geography y English
These sttudents also o participatee in a youth group whicch discussess current so ocial concern ns of the youtth, and they often perfo orm street p plays to addrress issues ssuch as alco oholism. Funding requests arre for: • • • • • •
Shelters for tthe classes ((stronger bu uildings, ev ven if tempo orary) T Tables and c hairs ds T Tutor stipen tutors T Training for B Books for stu udents Support for y youth progrrams
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After Scchool Proggrams (con ntinued) Kudath hanai Afte er School P Programss Kudathaanai is locateed east of Po oint Pedro ttowards Nagercoil on tthe northeasst corner off the Jaffna peeninsula. It borders on Manalkadu u, an area off spectacular sand dunees rapidly disappeaaring due to o unrestrain ned rapaciou us sand min ning for construction an nd profit. T The commun nity in this aarea was lon ng isolated ffrom the resst of the pen ninsula as an “uncleareed” area. During that time, th he Church att Kudathanaai started a small after school proggram for you uth from thee nearby villlages, a proggram that h has grown quite spectaccularly in th he last decad de. More thaan 20 students from this program have entereed various u universitiess in the nortth and soutth, and last y year 13 outt of 15 studeents who sat for the A‐L Level examss passed all their sub bjects. Grad duates of thee program n now serve aas local goveernment offficials and teacherss in the regio on. The pro ogram has ggrown to incclude compu uter classess and was th he first to p provide them m in that waar isolated rregion. The succcess of the p program is rrooted in itss strong you uth and com mmunity parrticipation. It remains the practice for older sstudents to tutor youngger students, and for un niversity studentss to work ass volunteer iinstructors.. ught some u unexpected challenges to the program. In thee past The end of the confllict has brou d graduates remained in n the area. N Now, even d during holid days, studen nts bright sttudents and travel aw way from th he region maaking it hard der to retain n a volunteeer base of in nstructors. Thereforre, there is aa need to su upport the p program witth long term m funding to o support a ccore of instru uctors, and tto expand on n the compu uter and vocational leaarning aspeccts of the program m.
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Ambulaance Project Our aim is to raise ffunds in parrtnership wiith the Interrnational Medical Healtth Organizaation (IMHO) ffor an ambu ulance for th he Cardiologgy Unit, Teaaching Hosp pital, Batticaaloa. There is a long standing need to have a carrdiac ambullance unit fo or the Teach hing Hospittal oa. It is the only cardio ology unit fo or the entiree Eastern Prrovince. Thee total Batticalo populatiion of the Eaastern Prov vince is arou und 1.5 milliion with a considerablee amount off coronary y artery diseease and other cardiac diseases. Due to th he fact that the hospitaal is runningg its unit witth only limitted facilitiess and does n not have som me essentiall cardiac serrvices like aa cardiac cattheter lab, tthey need to o transfer m many critically y ill patientss to Colombo for urgentt intervention and furtther treatment. It is alsso necessarry for the ho ospital to co ollect patien nts on a timeely basis fro om peripherral thrombo olytic centers, which they have initiatted recently y at Valaicheenai and Kaaluwanchiku udy for CCU U care ology Unit B Batticaloa. A All of these patients aree in a criticaal state and need safe and at Cardio smooth ttransport w with close monitoring ev ven during transport. IIt is very diffficult to exp pect this stan ndard of care from common hospittal transporrt arrangements. Also, it will be veery useful to o run a prim mary prevention center,, which they y are planning to open soon, effecttively to do outtreach cardiac clinics iff they have a separate aambulance facility.
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International Med dical Healtth Organizzation (IMH HO) The International M Medical Heallth Organizaation‐Canad da (IMHO Caanada) is an n internation nal humanittarian organ nization that focuses on n developingg and impro oving health h care in disadvan ntaged and needy regio ons worldwide. IMHO C Canada is a rregistered n not‐for‐proffit organizaation in Canada and is ccurrently aw waiting registration witth the goverrnment of Canada aas a charitab ble organizaation. The o organization n was formeed in 2008, ffollowing th he model an nd mission//vision of th he original IMHO in thee United Stattes. Althouggh IMHO Canada shares a unique and d close relattionship witth IMHO USA A, it is an in ndependent organizatio on driven by its own Board of Direectors and T Team. Vision hose in need d, by identiffying IMHO Caanada aims to improve health caree across the globe for th health neeeds and prroviding ressources & trraining to ad ddress those needs. Wee believe in empoweering communities to build their ow wn health systems, imp prove overaall health, an nd to respond to health needs as they y arise. In th his way, we promote seelf‐reliance and sustainaability. IMHO O Canada offten partnerrs with locall and intern national non n‐governmental organizaations to bettter channel assistancee to needy populations. Our work is focused on the follow wing areas:: 1. Primary Care P e & Public H Health 2. Health Educa H ation & Traiining 3. Capacity‐Buiilding Foundin ng Principles IMHO Caanada is fou unded on principles of h humanitariaanism and n neutrality. IM MHO Canad da chooses its areas of f operation aaccording to o an objectiv ve needs‐baased analysiis, and remaains impartiaal in treatingg suffering ccommunitiees in conflictt situations. IMHO Canaada works tto provide assistance d during timees of monum mental suffering, such aas in the afteermath of mplements IMHO Canad da’s natural aand manmaade disasters. This emerrgency relieef work com ongoing structural aand capacity y‐building w work to enh hance health h care opporrtunities an nd O website (w for more deetails on theeir relief. Pllease refer tto the IMHO initiativees in Sri Lan nka.
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