Delivering Community News to Eagle, Star & W. Ada County
Volume 6 • Issue 2
In this issue:
New Feature: Everyone has a Story Page 2
Holiday Photo Contest Winners Page 2 & 3
Star Man’s Weight Loss Story Appears in People Magazine Pill manufacturer says diet and exercise key
“They kept me in the hospital By Philip A. Janquart for a week, put me on a treadmill STAR, Idaho – He once wore and hooked me up to EKG masize 60 pants and a 6XL shirt. chines, but I walked away with a Star resident Mark Bryant, clean bill of health,” he said. “It who played water polo in high happened again when we moved school and junior college, says here. At that point, the doctors he gradually gained weight folsaid they were seeing some lowing his sports career, eventhings that could become probtually tipping the scale at over lems and that I wouldn’t see my 450 pounds. daughters get married if I didn’t He eventually lost 264 change.” pounds and was featured in One doctor wanted to write the December 2014 edition of him a prescription for Lipitor, to People Magazine. Bryant says help lower his cholesterol, but he could never have imagined Bryant lobbied for the opportugaining so much weight, but nity to lower it naturally. fell into an all-too typical trap. “He said he’d write me the “I was never a fat kid growprescription, anyway, but I threw ing up,” he said. “I was into it in the trash as I was walking sports and was pretty fit. I just out the door,” he said. “When I kept eating like I was training.” Mark Bryant, before and after his transformational weight loss came back the doctor said, ‘it A contributing factor was the looks like the Lipitor is working transition from home-cooked for you,’ and I told him, ‘I never meals to college eating binges. rewarded, in part, with a feature in People took it.’” “It was the whole freedom of college,” Magazine. Healthy Diet and Exercise Bryant added. “I come from a pretty poor “It wasn’t my idea,” he said. “It was my Ironically, Bryant works for a company family so the things that were cheap were wife. This all started with a competition at that manufactures dietary pills and aides for brown rice and vegetables and chicken. That’s the gym where I work out, Anytime Fitness. how I grew up. Then suddenly I had a job and They had a contest to win $10,000 for sharing other companies that market the products. Most television ads include the truth about my own money and I was eating at places like your ‘Anytime’ story. My wife, Rebecca, told diet pills in small print at the bottom of the Taco Bell and thinking, “this stuff is soooo me I should tell my story, and that the money screen: weight loss is usually achieved when good!’ You keep plowing and the next thing would almost cover the $12,000 it was going the product is used “in conjunction with a you know you’ve gained 20, 30, 40 pounds to cost for cosmetic surgery. I don’t like to be healthy diet and exercise.” and you want to do something about it, but the center of attention, so I said no, but she That’s how Bryant did it, no gimmicks end up back at Taco Bell the next day.” entered for me.” and no pills. He started with an assessment Bryant, 40, said his decision to find a The $10,000 went to a former soldier who of the situation and took action from there. solution was similar to a drug addict acknowl- lost one of her legs in Iraq and rehabilitated “When I first started out, I hopped on edging his problem for the first time. at Anytime Fitness. The national media direcGoogle and found a calorie calculator and “The difference is that you have to eat and tor, however, contacted Bryant and said the typed in my height and weight,” he exthere is a dealer on every corner, and it’s company had forwarded his story to People. plained. “It told me I needed 7,000 calories cheap and it’s easy,” he said, admitting the The man who shies from attention was thought of missing his three daughters’ suddenly swept away to Los Angeles and New a day to maintain where I was, but I was still gaining at the time and thought I must be weddings is, in part, what drove him to York for photo shoots and several interviews eating about 8,000 calories per day. I started change his life. “If I didn’t have people who with Good Morning America, Entertainment doing the math, and I thought, ‘man, I am love me, and who I love, I might have said, Tonight, Extra and Inside Edition. eating so much food.’ I decided I couldn’t ‘who cares?’ If it was just up to me, I might “They all asked me the same question, totally switch overnight to broccoli and have continued to indulge myself, but it’s not ‘what happened to make me want to lose chicken, so I cut back my calories to 4,000 all about me.” all that weight,’ but I just told them I was fat and just ate whatever I wanted as long as I Bryant began changing his eating habits and miserable,” Bryant said. didn’t go over 4,000 calories. I didn’t want about three years ago, two years after moving Health Issues to feel like I was depriving myself.” to Star from California. Bryant says he suffered from a serious Continued on page 2 Fast forward to summer 2014: by then panic attack while still in California, one he had lost 264 pounds, the equivalent of that was so significant that it mimicked a another large human being. His efforts were heart attack.
Say you saw it in the Independent News
Eagle police training hits the 'bullseye' Page 16
Businesses are noted for membership in the Chamber of Commerce: Eagle (E) or Star (S). Eagle Chamber of Commerce 939-4222, Star Chamber of Commerce 908-5476
ANIMAL CARE Kringle's Korner, (S), pg 13 Spoiled Dog Resort & Grooming, pg 7 AUTOMOTIVE CARE & TIRES Big O Tires, pg 10 BEAUTY & BARBER Opulence Salon & Spa, pg 8 Todd Stewart, pg 2 BUILDING SUPPLIES Evan’s Building Center/ ACE Hardware, (E), Insert COUNSELING State of Mind Counseling, pg 14 DEPARTMENT STORE Kings, pg 4
DINING & ENTERTAINMENT El Mariachi Loco, pg 3 EDUCATION Little Miracles Preschool, pg 11 Stepping Stones Children’s Center, pg 6 FINANCIAL INSTITUTION Idaho Independent Bank, (S), pg 5 FOOD Olive and Vyne, pg 5 FRAMING Frame Works, pg 9 HEARING Eagle Hearing, pg 11
HEALTH & WELLNESS Down to Earth Health Foods, pg 2 Silk Touch Medspa, (E), pg 16 Star Medical, pg 6 HOME IMPROVEMENT Budget Blinds, pg 9 JEWELRY Star Diamonds, pg 14 LANDSCAPING, IRRIGATION Eagle Tree & Shrub, (E), pg 13 ORTHODONTICS Star Dental, (S), pg 7, Insert REAL ESTATE Smack Realty Group, Insert
SENIOR SERVICES Edgewood at Spring Creek Assisted Living, pg 3 The Cottages, (E), pg 8 VISION CARE Artisan Optics, pg 13 Eagle Vision One, (E), pg 15 BUSINESS DIRECTORY, pg 11 Ada Emissions Carew Rentals Flowering Fist Tai Chi Handyman Can Ron Bishop, Realtor Star Tire Steve’s Auto Care