Delivering Community News to Eagle, Star & W. Ada County APRIL 2014
Volume 5 • Issue 4
In this issue:
Eagle’s Own Micro Car Page 7
Industry icons honored at 2nd annual Fresco Gala Awards By Philip A. Janquart BOISE – The 2nd annual Fresco Arts Academy Awards Gala was held at the Egyptian Theater March 6 in downtown Boise. According to Fresco, the event serves as a “gala fundraiser … designed to honor Idahoans who have made great contributions to the arts.” Receiving honors was musician Marcus Eaton, choreographer/dancer Marla Hansen, visual artist John Killmaster and celebrated actress Maureen O’Hara, who topped the evening by personally accepting the Lifetime Achievement award. “I just want to say that if you have something in your mind that you want to do, then DO IT!” she said, moving the crowd to a standing ovation. Earlier, Eaton joined Fresco students on stage for a song entitled “What’s the Difference,” and followed it up with an acoustic solo performance of his song “Fiona.” “Marcus Eaton is a nationally touring independent musician from Idaho with an extensive catalog of original material,” according to “He is truly unique and
Maureen O' Hara with her grandson, Conor FitzSimons, and his family.
groundbreaking in his approach to songwriting and his guitar playing. Incorporating rock, funk, reggae,
flamenco, classical, jazz and folk into his songs, his mastery is recognized by fans and fellow musicians wherever he plays.” Eaton has performed with Bob Dylan, Dave Matthews Band, Jason Mraz, Train Victor Wooten, John Mayer, Jewel, Counting Crows, Tim Reynolds and Sheryl Crow. He was recently featured on where he talks about writing with David Crosby and James Raymond, and touring for Crosby’s upcoming solo album “Croz,” according to his website Hansen is an Associate Professor at Boise State University in the Department of Theatre Arts, directing the Dance Minor, the Dance Option bachelor’s degree and the Summer DanceFest. She regularly choreographs Boise State productions, is co-artistic director of Idaho Dance Theater, is “professional company in-residence” at Boise State and has choreographed over 60 ballets for the company, according to the university’s website. Fresco presented her with the Extraordinary Contribution to Dance Education Award. Continued on page 8
Star Senior Center participates in GoRide Vehicle Sharing Program
Meet the Snake River Karters Page 9
By Mark Carnopis, Community Relations Manager for Valley Regional Transit By all accounts, the Star Senior Center bus, used to transport members, had become a major financial liability. Recently, the 2006 14-passenger Ford cutaway bus needed work done on its wheelchair lift, a tune-up, a new alternator, and almost $900 in repairs when dashboard electrical wiring caught fire. “What we put out in repairs in the last three years was astronomical,” said Norma Dawson, president of Star Senior Citizens. Inc. “It has been a costly adventure. We have put so much money into the bus recently.” But the senior center found financial relief through a new program operated by Valley Regional Transit (VRT). The GoRide Vehicle Sharing Program consists of a pool of vehicles that human service agencies and non-profit organizations in Ada and Canyon counties can use when needed. The pool of vehicles includes a variety of transportation options, including vehicles with wheelchair lifts. VRT staff recently delivered a 2012 sevenpassenger Dodge Caravan to the center and will add the repaired cutaway bus to its vehicle sharing pool.
Norma Dawson, president of Star Senior Citizens, Inc., accepts keys to the 2012 Dodge Caravan the Star Senior Center will be using from David Pederson, Mobility Manager for Valley Regional Transit. The senior center’s old bus is located behind the van.
Dawson said she believes that by participating in the program, the senior center will cut its operating costs to provide transportation to its members. In addition to not having to pay repair bills, the van gets about 18 miles to the gallon compared to the bus getting about 10 miles per gallon of gas. David Pederson, VRT Mobility Manager, said Star Senior Center staff heard about the GoRide Vehicle
Sharing Program and decided to contact him. The Senior Center bus, which has only about 58,000 miles, will need about $1,000 in additional work before it is placed in the Vehicle Sharing pool. “Star Senior Center is a good example of how sharing a vehicle can benefit the senior center, its constituents and the community as a whole,“ Pederson explained. “By sharing through VRT, the vehicle is always in top shape, safe and ready to roll; the senior center can then use their limited resources to benefit even more people in the community.” Pederson explains that there are three levels of participation in the Vehicle Sharing Program. The Star Senior Center is an Annual Donating Member, and under this membership level, an agency or non-profit donates a vehicle to the program. In exchange, VRT insures, maintains and performs all service work on the vehicle. VRT becomes owner of the vehicle, but the donating agency does not give up the right to use the vehicle. The value of the vehicle is credited towards the cost of the donating member’s annual membership fee. Continued on page 16
Say you saw it in the Independent News
Visit and support your community businesses for products, Goods or serVices competitiVe with any treasure Valley business for Quality & Value: Businesses are noted for membership in the Chamber of Commerce: Eagle (E) or Star (S). eagle chamber of commerce 939-4222, star chamber of commerce 908-5476
EHS Varsity Baseball Page 19
achieVement brain balance, pg 2 animal care Kringle's Korner, (S), pg 6 the spoiled dog resort, pg 8 the spoiled dog training, pg 16 archery dead-on archery, pg 8 arts (the) fusions Glass studio, pg 11 automotiVe care & tires big o tires, pg 13 beauty & barber todd stewart, pg 10 buildinG supplies evan’s building center/ ace hardware, (E), Insert business opportunity moms making six figures, pg 13
community & benefit eVents eagle first friday, (E), pg 11 eagle saturday market, (E), pg 10 star chamber easter egg hunt, pg 14 mom’s Garage car show, pg 14 dental care star dental, (S), pg 4, Insert department store Kings, pg 18 dininG & entertainment el mariachi loco, pg 3 education little miracles preschool, pg 5 stepping stones children’s center, pg 19 financial institution eagle home mortgage, pg 17 idaho independent bank, (S), pg 13 framinG finer frames, (E), pg 11 frame works, (E), pg 8
health care st. al’s medical Group family medicine; dr.’s Goldberg & coate, pg 9 star medical, pg 14 state of mind counseling and wellness center, pg 4 health, wellness, fitness down to earth health foods, (S), pg 20 Keller skin care, (E), pg 17 silk touch medspa, (E), pg 12 home improVement all pro exterior, inc., pg 20 avalanche Glass & doors, pg 19 budget blinds, pg 9 cf construction, pg 4 landscapinG, irriGation eagle landscape, pg 10 eagle tree & shrub, (E), pg 19 star tree & shrub, pg 12 tree maintenance, pg 17
pool, spas, maintenance aqua pro spa & pool, pg 3 real estate lions Gate subdivision, pg 2 maggie price, century 21 realty, pg 5 the smack Group realty, Insert senior serVices the cottages, (E), pg 18 spas sanctuary spa, pg 3 Vision care eagle Vision one, (E), pg 7 business directory, pg 16 ada emissions carew property management handyman can hummingbird lawn & Garden equipment repair margo's cleaning star tires