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DHVSU ends 18-day EVAW campaign, NEDA 3 Dir notes ending violence is ‘a shared effort’
FOLLOWING the tail-end of the 18-Day End Violence Against Women(EVAW)campaign,theDon HonorioVenturaStateUniversityhas marked the end of the celebration withaculminatingactivityattheDr Ernesto T Nicdao Sports Center, whichwassimulcastedonFacebook .
SaAkinMagmumulaangRespeto,” the event reiterated one of the legal backbones that support this advocacy,whichistheRepublicAct No 11313,alsorenownedastheSafe Spaces Act, which has been deconstructed to exemplify equity, and responsiveness for all gender formsintheuniversity
The event started with a . Moreover, Ms Gina Tablante- welcoming remark from the universitypresident,Dr EnriqueG Baking Inhisspeech,hehighlighted the importance of the campaign in promotingbenevolenceandbringing citizenstogethertoworktowardsthe sharedgoalofasafecommunity
Gacusan, Regional Director of the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) RegionIII,spokeastheevent’sguest speaker
The director emphasized how ending violence against women and girlsrequiresshatteringthetabooand fosteringacultureofrespectandzero tolerance
“We do the things we do today becauseofourmemories,[and]our actions are based on the things that happenedwhenwewereyoung,”she emphasized. men who witnessed their fathers abusing their mothers or kids who were subjected to corporal punishment were more prone to commitviolence.
. Furthermore, she also stressed “Hurtpeoplehurtpeople ‘Yong taong nasaktan, sasaktan n ’ ya ang iba...Thememoriesthathappenedto
“You change that with an environment usasachildaresodeeplyingrained thatwewouldalsohurtothers,”she continued as she explained how the trauma we experience from our formative years could have a lasting impactonourbehaviorandviewof theworld environmenttellingthatitisnotright to hurt anybody, particularly the weak,” she appended, trying to remind everyone of the value of fosteringasafeenvironment
The NEDA R3 director also detailed detailed how important mentoring and leading by example is This involves discrediting and preventing people, particularly children, from seeingthosewhoarepurportedtobe their role models behaving in ways thatwewouldn’twanttheyoungsters toreplicate
“We have to look at this as a disease. If it is [considered as] a disease, [then] it can be treated by counseling,”sheargued,pointingout that the inability to control your behavior, which distinguishes humansfromanimals,indicatesthat people who do so have inherent problemswithinthemselves domesticviolencewas also

Subsequently, the existence of . |top 4