The Independent Issue 43

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Fort Lewis College News Magazine

Issue 43









February 2013 FREE

Haley Pruitt

Ayla Quinn


Michaela Goade Livia Hooson Shiala King ONLINE


Courtney Ragle

Jordan Alexander

Andrew Mangiona

Michaela Leach Meryl Ramsey Bob Brockley Daniel Huppenthal PHOTOGRAPHY

Bryanna Kinlicheene Tom Rosenbaugh REPORTING

Hana Mohsin

Graeme Johnston

Allie Hutto

Carter Solomon Meagan Prins Deanna Atkins Christina Tsosie





Shannon Roe


Amanda Penington

Emily Griffin

Indy Editors & Staff




Emily Fagerberg

Trevor Ogborn

Jimi Giles To contact The Independent or a Indy staff member, please see “Contact Us” on The Indy Online.

Chloe Eckerman Adam Romero Aimee Gardere COPY EDITING






Cover photo by Tom Rosenbaugh

ws, e n g akin news, e r b r b fo mmunity e w e n th s and co h more! o s u t Visi ily campu and muc da sports,

© The Independent 2013

CONTENTS Breaking Campus News

FROM THE E d i t o r ’s D e s k


No Bear-Proof Trashcans for FLC Story by Meagan Prins

Campus Living


Hello Indy readers,

A Day in the Life of a FLC Resident Assistant Story by Carter Solomon

Money Saver


Free Food? Yes, Please Story by Deanna Atkins



The Abbey Theatre: What is Happening and Why? Story by Carter Solomon



Don’t Drink the Water Story by Deanna Atkins



Health Insurance through FLC Story by Deanna Atkins



Need Tax Help? Story by Meagan Prins

I don’t know about all of you, but I’m feeling a little deflated this semester. It’s a combination of a lot of things: the 19 credit hours I ambitiously committed to mixed with my barely used ski pass, on top of the loss of such an inspiring member of the Durango community and this college. I noticed becoming a little bitter towards increasingly more things I can point a finger to, like teachers cancelling class or consistently ending fifteen minutes early, or teachers not providing study guides, and giving exams on loose interpretations of material covered in class. As a result, my grades are not as good this semester… even my plants at home have become a little lackluster. It saddens me that I’ll never again exchange words with Peter’s chipper face, bright and early in the morning, both of us thumbing for a ride up the hill, and it saddens me even more that those of you that were much closer to him than I ever was will have to forever hold his spirit in those amazing memories you hold. But today, I was hiking home down the trail by the front hill, and I forced myself to stop. The sun was shining, warming everything around me. A hawk was circling amidst the snowy mountains, and a deep inhale of fresh air showed me I have a lot of things to be grateful for. It’s cheesy and true; I have family and friends who love me, I have a roof over my head in an amazing town, and I have a good education that has given me positive experiences. The Indy, for example, has given me the most experience of all. But what I’ve been accustomed to telling myself this semester is this: life is not about building a resume. Doing what you love and being happy is what counts. Thanks for reading,



Horoscopes, Recipe, Madlib, and Indy on the Street

Jimi Giles

Got something to say? We want to hear from you! We encourage reader participation through our perspectives section. Submit letters, cartoons, or anything else you’d like to see in print to Editor in Chief Ayla Quinn at or News Editor Jimi Giles at Note: The Independent reserves the right to edit submissions as necessary or deny publication. News tip? Contact Jimi Giles at For any other inquiries, contact Ayla Quinn at

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Breaking Campus News

No Bear-Proof Trashcans for FLC Story by Meagan Prins Photos by Bryanna Kinlicheene


hough multiple bear encounters occurred last year on the Fort Lewis College campus, FLC is not going to purchase bear-proof trashcans just yet. Bears were seen by many students and staff, and their handiwork was apparent by rummaged trashcans across campus. The number of bear encounters prompted FLC to send several official announcements to faculty and students. FLC is past due for some bear-proof trashcans, said Bryan Peterson from Bear Smart Durango, in a phone interview. FLC has bear-proof dumpsters, but similar trashcan receptacles have not been implemented. Approximately 19 dumpsters are on campus and only 2 of them are bear-proof, said Wayne Kjonnas, the director of Physical Plant Services at FLC. Bear-proof dumpsters are placed in popular places of bear activity, which has worked well in the past to deter bears on campus, Kjonnas said. Kroeger Hall is an area where a bear-proof dumpster has been placed, he said. “The sidewalk containers are a lot more problematic,” he said. Last year was the first year that the bears have really hit the sidewalk containers, and there is deliberation that this was an effect of moving the trashcans away from the buildings due to the 50-foot smoking regulations on-campus, Kjonnas said. Because the trash used to be close to the buildings, the bears were less likely to get into them, he said. When the bears hit a specific trashcan, an employee from Physical Plant would pick up the litter and bring in the receptacle for two to three weeks. “It just had never been a problem for us in the past,” Kjonnas said. Physical Plant considered purchasing bear-proof containers, but concern as to whether people would use them arose. Such receptacles incorporate a latch that has to be lifted or use a much heavier lid. Because of the inconvenience, people would not use them and put their trash on top or next to the trash can, Kjonnas said. “Of course, there would be a cost,” he said. The bear-proof trashcans are expensive, and if not used, extra time is required for Physical Plant staff to take care of the trash,


he said. A slight fee also exists to adding more bear-proof dumpsters as well, Kjonnas said. It has not been obvious what the best solution might be, he said. The bears came for the crab apples trees by the dormitories as well as the trash in receptacles throughout the campus, Peterson said. A combination of last year’s late frost and the drought damaged the bears’ natural food source, forcing the animals to look elsewhere for food, he said. The biggest concern regarding the bears’ presence is student safety. Many students sighted these bears, but others were unaware of their existence, he said. The second concern is the impact’s effect on the bears, he said. The female bear and her cubs that were spotted in the fall, the family noted in one of FLC’s official announcements, were relo-

cated almost to Moab, but relocating bears is not always the solution, Peterson said. If current bears are taken away, other bears might take their place. Bears get two strikes. If more problems occur after their relocation, they will be put down, Peterson said. Though the crab apples are a big concern for attracting bears, trash is the biggest attraction for bears on-campus and in town, he said. “I have been here 13 years, and there has always been bear droppings by the crab apple trees,” said Ed Webb, the LTC Operation I for the department of labor, trades, and crafts at FLC. “This last year, though, it got to be out of hand.” Beforehand, the bears would eat and leave unnoticed, Webb said. Other solutions besides implementing bear-proof trashcans are under discussion. Moving trashcans back closer to the buildings and offering separate cigarette butt receptacles at the mandated 50-foot mark is an option, but the cost for the latter container would be about $1000 apiece once installed and cemented, Kjonaas said. Moving the trashcans was an experiment, and if the college eventually moves to a smoke-free campus, the cans could be moved closer to the buildings, he said. “I don’t think all of this has been shuffled out, as far as what kind of trash containers we are going to have where,” he said. This year, the idea is to be more proactive about the bear situation should it reoccur. This means not letting the bears become accustomed to the campus as a food source, he said. Education on the dangers of bears becoming accustomed to humans is also needed. Bears need to be scared away, so they maintain their natural fear of humans, Kjonnas said. Colorado is in a bad drought season. If the snow pack is not adequate or if the state is not getting enough moisture, bad bear seasons will occur. The problem will have to be dealt with at some point, Peterson said.

Out of the 19 dumpsters on campus, only 2 are bear-proof. No bear-proof trashcans exist.


Campus Living

Story by Carter Solomon Photo illustration by Tom Rosenbaugh Dorm life is a new experience for incoming freshmen to help acclimate to a new way of living, and resident assistants provide helpful services to these students. “The RAs are there to really just help residents,” said Julie Love, the director of student housing and conference services at Fort Lewis College. The RAs ensure that any safety equipment is operating correctly in the dorms, as well as any security features, such as checking that doors are locked when they are supposed to be, Love said. “The responsibilities of an RA are to build community, foster diversity, and make sure facilities are run properly and safely,” said Jesslyn Hunnicutt, an RA in Cooper Hall. The main concern for RAs is to make sure residents are safe when living in campus housing, said Kelsey Scott, an RA in West Hall. Helping residents become comfortable in the dorms is another responsibility of an RA, Scott said. “You get to meet a lot of people too,” Scott said. “I was a transfer student, and I didn’t know anybody.” Another large part the job, is having the ability to refer students to other resources on campus, she said. From counseling to tutoring, RAs know resources students can utilize to better the college experience. RAs hold programs in the residence halls throughout the year. Some of these programs are social in nature with a goal of bringing students together and getting them to know one another. “Others are more developmental in nature,” Love said. These programs center on alcohol and drug safety, relationships, test taking, and study skills, she said.


An important aspect for students to remember is RAs are students too, Love said. “It’s important that it’s a peer position,” she said. “We didn’t just hire full time people to look after other students; it is students looking after other students.” There are two different types of RAs, those that work in the residence halls or in the on-campus housing. RAs living in on-campus apartments are typically in charge of an older group of students, Love said. “Rather than focusing on first year transitional issues, they’re maybe focusing on choosing a major or how to get internships, and what it means to graduate in four years,” she said. First year RAs are given a room and a meal plan for free, as well as a $50 monthly stipend, Love said. Returning RAs get the same deal, except that they receive $100 monthly stipend, she said. FLC is looking at these policies for next year and potentially changing the stipend money into scholarship money, Love said. “The basic value is going to be the same, if not more,” she said. There is also a Senior RA position, and students participating in this position may have extra leadership duties, such as operating the front desk at their residence area, she said. To apply to be an RA for the upcoming 2013-2014 year, an online application is currently open, Love said. Six questions compose the first basis of the online application. The questions range from asking why an RA is an important position to what would be the most rewarding and challenging part of being an RA. After the questions are submitted, two references are needed, one of which must be an employee at FLC, Love said.

Money Saver

Free Food? Yes, Please Story by Deanna Atkins Photo by Bryanna Kinlicheene

Canned goods are one type of food distributed at the Grub Hub in the basement of Reed Library, room 16.


urchasing food is an expense all students at Fort Lewis College encounter. Options for free food and self-production are available for those who want to decrease their food expenditures and increase their wallet size. The Grub Hub, a student organization started by Charlie Wecker, is a food bank where FLC users can take home free groceries. It is located in the basement of Reed Library, room 16, and is open from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. every Thursday. The organization provides a mixture of foods including organic and boxed foods, said Louis Tafoya, a student at FLC and member of the Grub Hub. “We get our donations from Manna Soup Kitchen, Sodexo foods, extra food from the EC garden, and also donations from people,” Tafoya said. Students can walk away with a reasonable amount of food for themselves and others, he said. The Grub Hub is a stress reliever for students who need it and take advantage of the program, many are glad it is a resource available on campus, he said. The Grub Hub sees about 30 to 40 student visitors every Thursday, Tafoya said. “It depends, but students could save $10 to $20 each by coming here,” he said. There are multiple free food areas located in Durango for students to utilize. Manna Soup Kitchen, started by the Spanish Assembly of God Church, provides free breakfast, lunch, and dinner throughout the week to all citizens. It is located at 1100 Avenida Del Sol. Breakfast is served from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and lunch is served from 11:30 a.m. to 12:20 p.m. Monday thru Friday. Dinner is served from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday. Brunch is also served on weekends from 9:15 10:30 a.m. “People can come as many times as they want and we have sack lunches,” said Kathy Tonnessen, the lead volunteer at

Manna Soup Kitchen. Manna receives donations from grocery stores, other food stores around the Durango area, and from members of the community. During the growing season, Manna receives home grown and organic food from the farmers market, Tonnessen said. Students are encouraged to use the facility at any time during the week and weekends, she said. “I know during the weekend there are 50 to 70 visitors,” Tonnessen said. According to the website, students can also receive lunches at Turtle Lake Refuge every Tuesday and Friday from 11:11 a.m. to 2:22 p.m. with a suggested donation of $10 to $15, Blair said. The website states that lunch includes a drink, main entree, soup and salad, and dessert. Students can receive a free lunch if they donate time volunteering in the kitchen. Turtle Lake Refuge is located at 848 E. Third Avenue in the same building as Rocky Mountain Retreat. Access is through the alley. “We do see many students and encourage more volunteers, work study, internships, and classes on how to make foods,” said Katrina Blair, the founder of Turtle Lake Refuge. Turtle Lake Refuge also grows most of their food, including sprouts, micro greens, beans, sunflower greens, pea shoots, buckwheat lettuce, radish greens, wheat grass, herbs, spinach, mustard greens, and greens for salads, Blair said. Students can also save money by growing foods at home. “The cross quarter day between winter solstice and spring equinox is Feb. 2,” she said. “That marks the time to start growing food at home.” All people need is a tray, dirt, seeds, sunlight, and water to start the process, Blair said. “I save over a $100 a month by growing food,” she said. By using these resources, students can decrease their expenditures on food.


Cover Story

The Abbey Theatre: What is Happening and Why Photo by Tom Rosenbaugh

Story by Carter Solomon

Graphics by Livia Hooson

The fate of the Abbey Theatre, one of Durango’s most prominent music venues, is still uncertain.


pproaching weekends, seldom absent are the excited murmurs concerning the upcoming show at The Abbey Theatre. The Abbey was the venue typically associated with having the big-name acts, including Reverend Horton Heat, Bloc Party, and Reno Divorce, and was arguably an integral part of Durango’s music scene. The Abbey has drawn its last breath, or so it appeared when it advertised what was called the “last EDM show” on Jan. 21. Yet, when consulting their webpage, future shows exist. The Abbey Theatre is closing, at least temporarily, said Michele Redding, the owner of Cuckoos Chicken House and Waterin’ Hole, located in the same building as the theatre. Abbey owner Chuck Kuehn had to take a step back due to a fight with cancer recently, said Eugene Salaz, the past general manager of The Abbey Theatre and current music promoter and owner of Durango Massive Productions. There is also a lawsuit brewing between Kuehn and the landlord of the Abbey space, Redding said. According to Redding, it has been a confusing and drawn out process. “So much is up in the air right now,” Redding said. Redding intended to lease The Abbey space when it was first announced that it was closing, she said. At first, it appeared that Kuehn was going to walk away once his lease expired, she said. Once the time came to close, Kuehn asked for a 5-year contract, Redding said. The lawsuit between Kuehn and the landlord is making The Abbey’s future hard to predict, Redding said.


Part of the lawsuit involves disputes over ownership of equipment within the theatre, Redding said. Cuckoos intends to maintain, if not enhance, the use of The Abbey Theatre space if they are able to lease it, Redding said. In the past, The Abbey had been used for more than just concerts and shows, Redding said. Other entertainment included movies and community events, she said. Once the storms brought on by the lawsuit clear, Redding intends on signing the lease and hosting concerts like it used to, as well as showing movies and holding community events again. The goal is to utilize the space to its full potential, Redding said. Even after the legal issues subside, it will take some time until The Abbey will open for business again, she said. It will take a few months to renovate and clean the theatre so that it is ready for the public again, if Cuckoos is able to lease it, she said. Many people within the community can’t and don’t want to believe that The Abbey is indeed closing, Salaz said. “The Abbey Theatre has come a long way to transform into what we experience today as a music venue and a movie theater,” Salaz said. “Past and current owners, over the years, have pieced together, in my opinion, one of the best rooms in the state to see a live show.” The closing has affected many local and outside acts, he said. There were many national touring acts that are performing at huge music festivals that had requested to have an Abbey date on their tour, Salaz said. Any shows with confirmed dates before the closing was announced either played at The Abbey before it closed, or were kindly taken in by The Henry Strater Theater, also known as “The Hank,”

and by The Summit, he said. Although the closing of the Abbey is unfortunate, The Summit has benefited by having bigger names perform at the venue, said Scottie Sindelar, the owner and manager of The Summit. Until The Abbey is running by itself, ticket prices at The Summit will be ranging anywhere from $5 to $20, he said. “It is not us making money off the door charges but how we pay these acts to come to town,” Sindelar said. “The Summit will accommodate as many acts as we can and try and make the shows just as enjoyable as if they were at The Abbey.”

“One has to move forward when music is your drive,” Salaz said. “I look forward to expanding my services to The Hank and The Summit for our rescheduled events.” -Eugene Salaz It is impossible to put a date on when The Abbey will be open for regular business again. Too much is unknown and too much is happening to predict when the stage lights will be ablaze and when the speakers will be thumping again. “One has to move forward when music is your drive,” Salaz said. “I look forward to expanding my services to “The Hank” and The Summit for our rescheduled events.” Music goers need not be worried because of the cooperation between Salaz, The Strater, and The Summit. Durango still has ways to catch some great music acts, Salaz said. “The booking will continue as long as my taste doesn’t upset and the venues are available,” Salaz said.

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Don’t Drink the Water Story by Alec Cairns

Photo by Bryanna Kinlicheene

The main concern for drinking the water from the Animas River in Durango is that it may contain bacteria from the stool of local farms’ livestock.


rinking the water from the Animas River, whether in Durango or Silverton, is not recommended because it could contain damaging bacteria or heavy metals and toxic drainage, respectively. Although there is a good chance that drinking the water once would be okay, the water can still hold diseases like E. coli. Animals produce bacteria from stool, known as E. coli, which can be washed into the river from ground water, said Ann Oliver, the coordinator of the Animas River Watershed Partnership. Much of the E. coli found in the Animas River are generated from the livestock of local farms in Durango, Oliver said. Microbial Source Tracking is the process of taking samplings of E. coli from the Animas River and then tracing the animal that leaked the bacteria, she said.

The Animas River in Durango also contains heavy metals, which are not a serious threat to humans due to a built up tolerance, said Peter Butler, a member of the Animas River Stakeholders Group. Humans should not drink the water from the upper Animas in Silverton because the amount of heavy metals and toxic drainage would be harmful, Butler said. It also has a high acidity, he said. The Animas River is filled with natural and unnatural minerals that either come from the ground water that flows into the Animas River or from the water that has traveled downstream from the mines, Butler said. The mines are the predominant source for unnatural minerals that can produce harm to the water quality, Butler said. Ground water will proportionally bring in both unnatural and

Citizens of Durango need to be more informed on the Animas River and its standards so they can make better decisons for its water quality

-Ann Oliver coordinator of the Animas River Watershed Partnership


natural minerals, which makes it hard to contain the unwanted minerals, Oliver said. The unnatural minerals are toxic because they will dissolve in the water and cause a large amount of acidity to get released, which makes the pH go down, Butler said. When the pH level is low, the water is acidic, which makes it hard on aquatic living conditions, said Barb Horn, a biologist for Colorado Parks and Wildlife. The lower Animas in Durango has better water quality than the upper Animas near Silverton because there are fewer amounts of heavy metals and sediments, Butler said Most animals near the upper Animas have many other sources of drinking water, Horn said. The fish, however, have a harsher environment to survive in, Butler said. The Animas River was once the water supply for Durango, until the water quality was so tainted, Lemon Reservoir was built in its place, Horn said. Lemon Reservoir and the Animas River still provide water to Durango, but the main source is from the Florida River, Oliver said. Eating the fish from the Animas River is not a major threat to humans because of the human tolerance to the metals found in fish, Horn said. But if a person is sensitive to small traces of mercury or arsenic, he or she should not eat the fish from the Animas, she said. The fish tend to collect heavy metals, which can sometimes kill the fish because they have not had enough exposure to the metals, Horn said. The fish population in the upper Animas is much smaller than the fish population in Durango, she said. There were four species of fish in the Animas River in 2005 and the number dropped to 1 in 2010, Butler said. Durango fish hatcheries allow fish stockings in the river, which allow the population to grow, Horn said. Other animals are less likely to be killed or harmed from drinking the water from the Animas River in Durango, she said. Animals drinking water from the upper Animas near Silverton could be in danger because the water is so acidic, said Butler. The Federal Clean Water Act says that the Animas River in

Durango must be swimmable and fishable for the citizens of Durango, Horn said. The Animas River should also meet Colorado’s water quality standards because it provides a small portion of Durango’s water supply. Colorado’s standards, which measure the amount of unwanted minerals and sediments in the samplings, are so high that the Animas River usually will not meet the water quality standards, Butler said. Citizens of Durango need to be more informed on the Animas River and its standards so they can make better decisons for its water quality, Oliver said. Ground water that runs into the Animas River helps raise its water level, which dilutes and lowers the amount of unwanted minerals and sediments, Horn said. Much of the storm and ground water contain things that citizens and animals produce every day. Oil leakage left on the ground from either a car or a kitchen can be harmful to the Animas, Oliver said. It is easy for ground water to wash substances that are harmful to fish and humans, Oliver said. Citizens can help restore the containment of storm water and ground water by making sure they are not leaving anything on the ground that should not be washed into the river, Oliver said. Septic tanks should be cleaned every three years by owners, Oliver said. Sediments are washed into the river all the time and tend to build up enough sediment to cause a concern for aquatic life, Oliver said. The real issue about the Animas River in Durango is that citizens are not informed enough about its water quality, Oliver said. Durango’s storm water management was a program that reduced the amount of ground and storm water that ran into the Animas River, Oliver said. The storm water committee was cut and Durango is now without a management dedicated to keeping out harmful sediments from naturally produced water, Oliver said. The involvement of the people is the most important part of keeping the Animas River water quality more sustainable for Durango and Silverton.








ort Lewis College offers a student heath insurance plan, The plan covers expenses at some percentage when a stuand though students at FLC are not required to have dent visits a doctor, she said. health insurance, they are recommended to. Physical exams and immunizations are also covered by the The health insurance option sponsored by FLC’s Health Cen- plan, but not all of them, said Gabbie Burgin, the client relater is available through Nationwide Life Insurance Company, tionship manager at Nationwide Life Insurance Company. which was designed specifically for students who attend FLC. Students do not need to provide documentation in their apThe plan covers the student’s medical costs for up to plication but they do need to be enrolled in 10 credit hours $100,000 yearly, with minimum restrictions and conditions. excluding online courses, Burgin said. “It is a one year policy with a limit of $100,000 as required “The policy does renew annually but the student has to reby the Affordable Care Act,” said Virginia Newman, the physi- enroll at the end of the time frame,” she said. cian assistant and director of the Health Center. Once the student has applied and is accepted, benefits beAccording to the brochure, the insurance covers a percent- come effective immediately, Burgin said. age of the total cost of surgeries, testing, physical therapy, in“If the student needs a payment plan, the provider sends jections, mental illnesses, prescriptions, pregnancies, dental the bill to us and we advise the provider accordingly and then injuries, x-rays, chemotherapy, miscellaneous doctor visits, the student,” she said. and more. Many students do not know the health insurance plan is The brochure also states that in network and out of net- available at FLC. work coverage percentages ranging from 60 percent to 100 “I think I heard about it once when I first registered for Fort percent apply, meaning if Lewis,” said Keneda Randal, a freshman at the student goes to a facilFLC. Students don’t need to take ity outside their coverage Randal does not have health insurance or network options, differand never has. out their wallets,” she said. ent percentage rates apply. “I don’t need it, but if I had it I would “We provide a take home If the student reaches use dental benefits for sure and x-rays,” she super bill that they can send to said. the limit of $100,000 the student is required to pay The health insurance plan is available to their parents. the rest of the bill. all students. -Virginia Newman, The FLC Health Center provides services Physician Assistant and director of the Health Center to students with or without health insurance for most illnesses and injuries, Newman said. “We evaluate and treat students with a $20 charge per visit for full-time students, $25 charge for half-time students,” she said. Students may also be additionally charged for diagnosis codes and medications, she said. The Health Center is the cheapest place in Durango for students to receive care for most services, she said. “Students don’t need to take out their wallets,” Newman said. “We provide a take home super bill that they can send to their parents.” Many students can be insured through their parent’s employer if the parent has benefits, but the student must be under the age of 26, she said. Students are recommended to come to the Health Center first for medical needs before going elsewhere because of the low cost, Newman said. The center can also refer students with health insurance to specialists within their health care provider’s network, she said.



Need Tax Help?

Story by Meagan Prins


Photo illustration by Bryanna Kinlicheene

iling federal taxes is a complex process and can be difficult for students to figure out, especially if they have never gone through the process before. No specific resources for tax help exist on the Fort Lewis College campus, but help is provided. The easiest way that students can do their own taxes is by utilizing free internet sites. These sites are usually user friendly and personal information is all that is needed, said Fred Gordon, an accounting instructor for Tax Help Colorado, in a phone interview. A website containing many tax resources is the Internal Revenue Service’s website, On the right hand side of the site is a link labeled “Freefile,” which directs users to a page offering free tax assistance software for those that make $59,000 or less a year, said Chris Lyon, a visiting instructor for the school of business administration at FLC and faculty representative in the on-campus organization Alpha Beta Psi. The “Freefile” page walks users through plenty of options, including printable fill-in-the-blank forms, which are online versions of the normal tax forms, Lyon said. The main forms of consideration include the 1040EZ, which is the most basic form that most people will need to fill out, said Sean Osborn, an accounting student at FLC. The 1040EZ will need basic information from the W-2, which is supplied from employers. The 8862 lists all educational credits important for students. The 1098-T is also available for students who want to apply for the American Opportunity Credit, Osborn said. “If you are reliant on your parents for income, then your parents are going to want to claim you,” he said. “But if you are

supporting yourself, you are going to want to claim yourself.” Any students supporting themselves should apply for the American Opportunity Credit because it covers tuition and fees, he said. It is also worth going through the IRS website if a student is not sure whether to fill out taxes or not, because it takes those with questions through the process, Lyon said. Under the filing tab, users can see if they need to file a federal tax return, she said. According to the 2011 tax guide, which should be similar to the current guide, any student who is making less than $9,500 a year does not need to file taxes, Osborn said. “I would recommend the first time that students do their taxes, that they get help on them,” Lyon said. A state-wide organization called Tax Help Colorado offers help to anyone who makes less than $50,000 a year. If students are eligible, they can come to the location to get help from tax professionals, Gordon said. The Tax Help Colorado sessions took place throughout February and will not start up again until tax season next year, but there are FLC students on campus who are willing to help those that need it. Accounting students who are a part of Beta Alpha Psi, an accounting organization on campus, will help others in filing taxes to meet a service hour quota, Osborn said. Lyon can put any student in need of assistance into contact with Osborn and other students like him. Osborn can also be reached via email at



oscopes r o H MADLIB There once was a college student named _____________. They lived on a mesa in the clouds, NAME

Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 18) – Mars and Mercury are in dreamy Pisces sector this month, so expect plans to feel elusive. Be prepared to trust your intuition. Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 19) – Stay clear of negative thoughts and influences in your life. You will find clarity in your decisions through positivity and happiness. Aries (March 20 – Apr. 20) – Though you love to be center stage, try and stay in the background this month. Be flexible and try to understand your own desires and needs. Taurus (Apr. 21 - May 21) – Try and explore unfamiliar situations and do not fear disappointment. If you do not try new things you may miss out on things you truly love. Gemini (May 22 - June 21) – This period will feel confusing and complicated. Do not try and force things, just follow closely and let life lead you where you are supposed to go. Cancer (June 22 - July 22) – Keep yourself a little distant this month, for it will be difficult for you to sort through fiction and truth. Soon the darkness will subside and opportunities will arise. Leo: (July 23 – Aug. 23) – Focus on getting your life in order, both in relationships and business. Do not let your emotions keep you from getting what you truly want.

and attended Fort _____________ College. One day, OTHER NAME

_____________ was _____________ing down 8th NAME


avenue, when they happened upon a _____________ ANIMAL

holding a _____________, lying on the side of the NOUN

road. Nervously, _____________ picked it up, and NAME

continued down into town. _____________ stopped at the liquor store, and asked NAME

the _____________ behind the counter if they had LIVING THING

ever seen a _____________ like this before, but they ANIMAL

hadn’t. Then _____________ cycled down to the river trail, NAME

where they asked every _____________ they passed NOUN

Virgo (Aug. 24 - Sept. 23) – Allow yourself some space this month and take some time to figure out what direction you want your life to head. Something unexpected is headed your way.

if they had ever seen a _____________ like it before,

Libra (Sept. 24 – Oct. 23) – Do not fear the pressure you will be under this month. Be prepared for a difficult start, but you will definitely reap the benefits if you strive through.

So _____________ gave up, and decided to take the

Scorpio (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) – The new moon is suggesting you make a few changes at home and be honest with those you care about. Truth will bring you much happiness. Sagittarius (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21) – Do not allow yourself to be short-sighted. Make decisions that will benefit you in the long run. Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan 19) – Try and stay out of others’ arrangements and focus on yourself. Take your own advice and things will become more clear.



but none had. NAME

_____________ back up to campus, but unfortuANIMAL

nately they were hit by a _____________ and the VEHICLE

_____________ went flying into the Animas River. ANIMAL


ACROSS 1. Love 3. Candy 5. Heart 6. Kisses 7. Sentiment

DOWN 1. Lust 2. Valentine 3. Chocolate 4. Passion

Indy on the Street What is your guilty food pleasure? Brianna Berrisford 19 Saint Paul, Minnesota Elementary Education

Donovan Cazier 20 Colorado Springs, Colo. Physics

Cheesecake with caramel sauce

Pastries, cakes, pies.

Mayson Husband 21 Ada, Oklahoma English

Shelbylee Simeon 20 Aniak, Alaska Accounting

Any type of cookie.

Tang on ice cream.


Take a Spring Break with Style... Without Breaking Your Bank • Long & Short Skirts for Every Season • Colorful Tanks to Keep You Cool • Jewelry, Purses & Accessories Will Dress Up any Outfit • Men’s Tees, Hemp Shorts and Pants • Deep Discounts on Winter Wear, Coats, and More! shions That Fit A ky Fa ny B Fun ud ge t!

Taco Soup: 2 lbs of ground beef 2 cups diced onions 2 cans of black beans 1 can of pink kidney beans 1 can of whole kernel corn, drained 1 can Mexican-style stewed tomatoes 1 can of diced tomatoes 1 can tomatoes with chiles 2 cans of diced green chiles 1 package taco seasoning mix 1 package ranch salad dressing mix Tortilla strips and grated cheese for serving Brown the ground beef and onions in a large skillet Add the beans, corn, tomatoes, green chilies, taco seasoning and ranch dressing mix. Cook over low heat for about 1 hour To serve place tortilla chips and grated cheese on the top Enjoy!

1015 Main Ave • Durango, C0


Adams State University Master’s Degree in Counseling Internet Classes and On-Site at Fort Lewis Financial Aid is Available

Accepting applications Emphasis: sClinical Mental Heath Counseling sSchool Counseling

Introducing: sAddiction Counseling sSeeking Accreditation by CACREP

CACREP Accredited


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