This time of year is hard. If the long stretches of darkness don’t keep you at home, the frigid temperatures will. We can manage, but something deep inside calls out — Go outside! Bathe in sunlight! If only. Until Mother Nature relents and delivers those days of endless sunshine, we’ve got you covered in this year’s HOME IMPROVEMENT section. How about bringing some green into your life by getting some houseplants? Heck, build a living wall in your home. Or try shaking up your domicile’s lighting situation, with either more direct sunlight or better bulbs. Anything to replicate that thing in the sky that warms every so often.
But, of course, we’re all dreaming of a green spring, so start planning your new yard now. Do you really need that lawn? No, you don’t. Tear it out and replace it with native plants that don’t require hours of watering. After all, we have just one aquifer. Don’t abuse it. And while you’re at it — “it” being a kinder, less impactful inhabitant on the one and only planet we have — consider going solar. Because, despite your February feels, the sun still exists. It really could power your home, on top of improving your mood.
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Ooh, spiral staircase. It would go from the second floor to the attic. It would be all wood with wrought-iron bars going up.
Would it have a pole in the middle you could slide down?
Ooh, that would be unique for sure.
I always wanted a kitchen with a walk-in fridge. Like you have in a restaurant. You want to see everything without it being hidden behind the multitude of stuff I have in my fridge. I just want to walk in, have it all nicely organized so it’s not crammed in. So everything doesn’t fall out of the fridge when you open the door.
Some sort of sweet swimming pool. Probably an infinity pool overlooking a sweet view. Infinity pools always kind of terrified me. Where would it be located? Maybe somewhere overlooking mountains or lakes in Idaho, something like that. Coeur d’Alene.
A library. Leather-bound books. Rich mahogany shelves.
What would be the most precious first-edition book there? How about Treasure Island. Original edition.
I’ve always wanted a movie room. Big screen, comfy chairs.
What would be the first movie you’d screen? Probably Pulp Fiction.
Idaho GOP’s rule could push the state toward minority rule: A top-two system offers a way out
The Idaho Republican Party has adopted a new rule to limit who can vote in the primary, a development that could further push Idaho into the grips of extremism. Proponents say the rule is meant to prevent Democrats from crossing over and voting in the Republican primary.
As Kelcie Moseley-Morris of the Idaho Capital Sun reported, there is no consensus on the meaning of the rule. Some think it would require affiliation with the GOP over a year before an election, others a few months, others as much as two years. But the intention is clear: The party wants to exert greater and greater power over who can vote in its primary elections — elections paid for by taxpayers.
The rule on its own may not do much without follow-up either in the Legislature or the courts. It’s unlikely to be enforced by the county clerks unless state lawmakers write it into law or the court system orders them to.
But that isn’t impossible. It’s essentially what happened in 2011 when federal Judge B. Lynn Winmill struck down state laws creating an open primary over the objections of the Idaho GOP. He
ruled that the party’s right to freedom of association outweighed state law, creating an opening for the party to exert considerable control over public elections. That 2011 decision, regardless of its legal merits, has been disastrous for Idaho’s political climate. The far right has steadily grown in size and influence since then.
“I think it’s led to certainly some of the vitriol on the national level permeating down to the state level. It’s made the state’s whole election process more partisan, more confrontational, more loaded with vitriol,” said former Republican Secretary of State Ben Ysursa.
Primary turnout is usually quite low in Idaho, and those who do turn out tend to be highly partisan. Most general election races throughout the state are essentially coronations. The closed primary has promoted ever more extreme nominees, who then march into office with
little or no opposition before the broader general electorate. Perhaps this would just be democracy functioning if the views of the Idaho GOP were closely aligned with typical Idaho Republican voters, but they aren’t.
The Idaho GOP is a small group of people headed by Dorothy Moon, a John Birch Society member who failed to gain a plurality of Republican votes for secretary of state. Its platform supports revoking voters’ right to elect their U.S. senators, supports returning to the gold standard, opposes funding Medicare and Medicaid, implicitly supports raising federal taxes on the poor, and opposes abortion regardless of the circumstances — all positions opposed by large portions or a majority of Idaho Republican voters.
Allowing this small group of people with rather unpopular views to exert ever-greater control over Idaho’s political landscape will have catastrophic consequences, especially for moderate Republicans. The far-right in Idaho more or less ignores Democrats. They view moderate Republicans — or RINOs, as they call them — as their primary enemies.
There is still time for moderate Republicans to push for an election system that puts in place government officials whose views broadly align with those of Idaho’s electorate.
The obvious model is Washington’s 2004 People’s Choice Initiative. That initiative created a “modified blanket primary” in which candidates are allowed to list their party preference, and voters can vote for any candidate they wish, regardless of affiliation. The top two vote-getters would then face off in the general election, even if both are from the same party.
The Washington GOP fought it in court, but they lost in the 2007 case Washington State Grange v. Washington State Republican Party. (The 7-2 opinion was written by Justice Clarence Thomas.)
Such a system would put the state firmly back in the driver’s seat of administering fair elections and put the people as a whole in the position of controlling who runs state government — where they belong.
But if moderates wait too long, the day could come when it is no longer possible. n
Bryan Clark is an opinion writer for Boise’s Idaho Statesman, where this commentary first appeared.
When the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last year, nearly all abortion in Idaho was outlawed, due to a trigger ban recently passed by Republican legislators. Just across the border in Washington, where abortion was legalized before the landmark 1973 decision, access remains legal.
The starkly different abortion laws have set up a dangerous and murky situation for the interconnected communities of the Inland Northwest, where people live and work across two states. While access was already limited in North Idaho before the Dobbs decision overturned Roe, a slew of health care options may now be even harder to get as providers on either side of the border worry about the legal consequences.
What happens, for example, if someone works at a clinic in Pullman where more than half of the abortion patients last year were from Idaho — a state where providing abortion is now a felony? And if that provider also lives just miles away in Idaho, could they be arrested under that state’s strict laws for work they performed legally in Washington?
What if a doctor in Sandpoint has a patient experiencing a partial miscarriage that needs to be surgically
BY SAMANTHA WOHLFEILremoved? A procedure they did without hesitation before now may threaten their livelihood.
Lawmakers in both states are working to address the legal uncertainties. In Washington, some are pushing for more protections to ensure that the abortion policies of another state won’t impact care. Meanwhile, in Idaho, others want to change the definition of abortion in hopes of clarifying when doctors can terminate pregnancies without the threat of prosecution.
With each state pulling in opposite directions, patients and doctors in the Inland Northwest will be among the first to test the legal conflicts and ramifications.
In early January, Idaho’s Supreme Court upheld the state’s ban on abortions at all stages of pregnancy. Under the ban, providers found guilty of “criminal abortion” would face no less than two years in prison, and anyone involved in helping with the procedure could lose their medical license for six months or, for a second offense, permanently. The court also upheld abortion laws that would, among other things, allow people to sue abortion
providers for thousands of dollars.
While some describe the overall ban as having “exceptions,” the law in fact offers only “affirmative defenses” that health care providers could give in court to have their charges dismissed — defenses useful only after they’ve already been arrested, jailed and charged with a felony.
“An exception means, ‘We can’t charge you.’ An affirmative defense means you have to go to court, hire a lawyer, and then raise this defense,” says Wendy Heipt, the senior reproductive rights lawyer for Legal Voice, a nonprofit that advocates for women and LGBTQ people in the Pacific Northwest. “We don’t want [doctors] to worry about the law, we want them treating patients.”
The defenses include if the abortion was provided in the case of rape or incest (only for those reported to police), or when the life of the mother was at stake.
A U.S. Department of Justice lawsuit that’s still underway could block part of the ban. Specifically, the DOJ takes issue with the focus on preventing the death of the mother, because Idaho doesn’t also offer a defense for protecting her health
Spokane’s ciclovía lives on. Plus, a truce is called over Camp Hope; and a social media spat at Spokane City Hall
Last year, we reported on the death of SpokeFest, and how the collapse of Spokane’s annual bike ride spelled doom for its sister event, Summer Parkways. One idea we floated in a cover story about making Spokane better for people on bikes (“Biketown,” Sept. 29, 2022) was to have the city run a yearly “ciclovía” event — where some streets are temporarily closed to cars but open to people on foot, bike, skateboard, etc. — like ciclovías are in dozens of other cities around the world. This would help avoid the biggest cost and headaches of Summer Parkways, which come with securing the proper permits. Well, it’s kind of happening. Last week, the Spokane Parks Foundation said it would run Summer Parkways following the formal dissolution of SpokeFest. The foundation isn’t technically part of the city, but it serves as the nonprofit, fundraising arm for the region’s parks departments. “The Summer Parkways event is a great fit for our mission, and we are excited to take the reins from SpokeFest to ensure that Summer Parkways will continue into the future,” said Kevin Hennessey, the foundation’s board president, in a statement. The event, as usual, will be held on the summer solstice, June 21. (NICHOLAS DESHAIS)
For months, city and county officials in Spokane repeatedly clashed with the state over the East Central homeless encampment known as Camp Hope, which has sat on land occupied by the Washington state Department of Transportation since December 2021. But last week, the conflict surrounding Camp Hope showed signs of winding down, as state and local officials reached agreements to drop their respective lawsuits. The first truce came Tuesday, when Spokane County agreed to drop the abatement lawsuit they filed against WSDOT in an effort to clear the camp. A few days later, the city reached an agreement to settle a lawsuit filed by a
group of camp residents and a nonprofit that had been suing in federal court to stop a looming sweep. In a statement, Spokane Mayor Nadine Woodward said the city “will continue our ongoing attempts to work with the property owner on a plan to remedy the situation before seeking court action.” Woodward said the city’s plans to work with the state to finish housing camp residents and to “restore the neighborhood that has been impacted.” The camp is also shrinking fast: from more than 600 people over the summer to a recent estimated count of just 138. (NATE SANFORD)
Spokane Mayor Nadine Woodward wasn’t happy about the Spokane Young Democrats’ social media posts attacking her plans to fight homelessness, says City Council member Zack Zappone. So she took action. Zappone’s legislative aide was Jeff Gunn, who led the Democratic group. But when Zappone and Gunn met with Woodward in December, he says, she issued an ultimatum. “She said, ‘I don’t know if we can continue to meet if these posts continue, especially next year,’” Zappone says. But Woodward says the problem with the social media post wasn’t that it was critical, but that it was based on a falsehood. “It criticized me for running on a ‘platform of solving homelessness in six months,’ yet I ‘am now responsible for the biggest homeless encampment in the state of Washington,’” Woodward recalls. “It was a lie.” Woodward never promised to solve homelessness in six months. But as Gunn pointed out, if Woodward was following his social media that closely, she would have noticed that the post was made before he became chair. The post was removed, but Zappone was bothered. “I told her, “I’m an elected official who represents a third of the city, and you’re going to stop working with me because of a post on social media?’” (DANIEL
WALTERS) nSome pregnancy complications may cause severe or debilitating health risks that require medical intervention (including terminating a pregnancy), and hospitals that accept federal Medicare are required to provide “necessary stabilizing treatment” in their emergency rooms.
“Federal law is clear: Patients have the right to stabilizing hospital emergency room care no matter where they live,” said Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, when announcing the lawsuit in August. “Women should not have to be near death to get care.”
Meanwhile, Idaho state Sen. Scott Herndon, a Sagle Republican, has introduced a bill to change the definition of criminal abortion to address physician concerns about being able to treat things like ectopic pregnancies — when an egg is fertilized outside of the uterus — and miscarriages.
The new definition would state that abortion means to “intentionally kill a living embryo or fetus” and “shall not include the unintentional death of any human embryo or fetus or conduct that occurs after the natural death” of the fetus or embryo in the uterus.
However, the new definition not only introduces words associated with murder — changing language about terminating a pregnancy to “intentionally kill” — it also doesn’t allow for a wide range of instances when a doctor may need to end a pregnancy, says Dr. Amelia Huntsberger, an obstetrician who has practiced in the Sandpoint area for about a decade.
For example, while the language “in utero” was intended to allow treatment of ectopic pregnancies, it doesn’t take into account that an embryo can implant in a cesarean section scar, which is partially attached to the uterus, Huntsberger says.
“This highlights the problem of people who are not medical experts making laws about medicine,” Huntsberger says. “Instead of just providing the care that we’ve trained for years to know how to do, we’re thinking about our personal liability. Am I going to spend time in jail for this? Am I going to be a felon for trying to save this woman’s life?”
Huntsberger says pregnancy decisions should be left to patients and their doctors, and remain private. The new laws restricting abortion have led her to question whether she and her family should move out of Idaho, which she says is sad because they consider the Inland Northwest their home.
“In Idaho we have forced birth,” Huntsberger says. “There’s a certain irony that we value freedom and liberty, and yet people with a uterus don’t have the ability to have autonomy over their own bodies.”
In Washington, meanwhile, Democratic lawmakers are pushing to further enshrine protections for abortion.
Since Idaho’s Supreme Court also upheld the state’s law that allows relatives of an aborted fetus to seek $20,000 in civil fines from the provider, some in Washington are working to limit participation in out-of-state prosecutions or court cases. It’s not clear yet if states like Idaho will go after Washington providers for care provided to Idaho residents, but the threat concerns health care workers and lawmakers.
Washington Senate Bill 5489 would prohibit another state from receiving information related to abortion or gender-affirming care if sought via subpoena (think everything from cellphone records to depositions), and would restrict warrants and extradition requests based on receiving or providing that protected health care.
The Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs took issue with the bill, with lobbyist James McMahan asking lawmakers not to put officers in the middle of the abortion debate.
“This highlights the problem of people who are not medical experts making laws about medicine.”
He noted that anyone arrested on an extradition warrant would go to court first, and wouldn’t be transported to another state without agreeing to do so, or being ordered to.
“Law enforcement officers in all states honor judicial warrants from other states,” McMahan told lawmakers in January when asking them to oppose the bill.
Even if that shield law passes, some Washington reproductive health care providers are now worried about even traveling to other states.
Dr. Anuj Khattar, a family medicine physician who works with Cedar River Clinics (which has locations in Renton, Tacoma and Yakima), has held medical licenses in multiple Southern states, where he used to provide reproductive health care and abortion before it was banned. Now, he wonders, could he be arrested if he visits friends there?
“I’m asking them to come visit me instead, or meet somewhere else where abortion isn’t necessarily something that is criminalized and my life isn’t going to be put on the line for it,” Khattar says.
Aside from feeling restricted as to where he can travel, Khattar also worries about what could happen if he treats a patient in Washington from another state. Could he lose his license in a state that’s banned abortion due to providing legal care here?
“It’s hard to know how extensive those laws stretch if those patients come to me, because I hold medical licenses for those states,” says Khattar, who didn’t want to name the states for fear of retribution. “There’s no legal precedent for a lot of what’s occurring.”
Cedar River is already seeing patients travel to Washington from those more “hostile states,” says Cedar River’s spokesperson, Mercedes Sanchez.
“My suspicion is that when the Texas law went into effect, all the surrounding states were getting a huge influx of patients first, and then it would kind of ripple out to other states, and those wait times grew,” Sanchez says.
Patients traveling to Washington for care is nothing new. Spokane Valley and Pullman have had the closest Planned Parenthood clinics for those in North Idaho for years, and Kennewick has the closest location to Boise and Southern Idaho. But with clinics receiving even more out-of-state patients — 53 percent of abortion patients seen in 2022 at the Pullman Planned Parenthood clinic came from Idaho — the wait times for in-state patients could be growing as well.
In general, Washington has been very supportive of abortion rights, Sanchez says, but more protective steps are needed, including passage of several bills before the Legislature right now.
“I think there is just a concern that we don’t know what this is going to look like when the charges or cases start happening, so it’s really just trying to protect everyone,” Sanchez says.
Among the other measures Washington lawmakers are considering is a joint resolution that would ask voters to enshrine the right to abortion in the state constitution. While abortion was approved by a vote of the people in 1970, it is not explicitly protected in the Washington Constitution. However, the resolution may not have enough support from Republicans to get the two-thirds majority needed to send the amendment to voters.
House Bill 1340, another protective bill sponsored by Rep. Marcus Riccelli, a Democrat representing Spokane, would prevent health care providers in Washington from losing their medical license if they’re disciplined in another state for providing abortion or gender-affirming care.
Ashley Wilson, a nurse practitioner at the Pullman Planned Parenthood clinic who lives in Idaho, spoke in favor of the bill, noting she’s thankful it would ensure providers can’t be disciplined for providing legal care to patients, regardless of where they’re from.
“Currently, providers working in reproductive health are trying to juggle all our normal demands and now also the very real concern that the simple act of doing our jobs might in fact prevent us from being able to continue doing them,” Wilson told lawmakers last month. n
Over the past three years, police departments across the country have reported challenges with staffing and attracting new recruits. Along with the broader economic factors, many police chiefs blamed the political climate and rhetoric stemming from the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020, including Spokane Police Chief Craig Meidl.
“I think it caused a lot of people to secondguess whether they would want to make a career out of law enforcement with that level of scrutiny,” Meidl says.
But while the Spokane Police Department reports ongoing staffing challenges, data shows that the number of applications has been steadily rising — even amid the marches and calls to reform the police.
In 2022, 839 aspiring officers who took public safety tests across the country chose Spokane as one of the agencies to send their scores to. That’s up from 771 in 2021, and way up from the number of people who sent their scores in 2020 and 2019, with 465 and 414 respectively.
The public safety test is only the first step of the hiring process. But even when narrowed down to the number of people who actually followed through and submitted paperwork to the city’s Civil Service Commission, the data still shows a steady increase in interest.
“We are blessed that we are getting a good number of candidates,” says Jacqui MacConnell, director of strategic initiatives with Spokane police.
MacConnell says the increase over the past two years is partially the result of a grant from the state Criminal Justice Training Commission, which allowed the department to send more recruiters to public safety tests.
Jacquelyn Valencia, who does recruitment work for the department at public safety tests, says she’ll generally try to pitch potential recruits by highlighting Spokane’s climate, outdoor recreation and general livability. She’ll also point to the pay: New officers can expect an annual salary of more than $90,000 after three years on the force.
Then there’s the political climate.
“We have a good reputation of living in a community where the vast majority of people support our police department,” says Julie Humphreys, a department spokesperson. “And that doesn’t go unnoticed, especially after what happened in 2020, after George Floyd.”
The department saw a
surge in hires from other police departments, like Seattle’s, after the protests. Meidl says he’ll frequently hear from new hires who say Spokane’s pro-law enforcement reputation was a big draw.
The rising number of applicants doesn’t necessarily mean the department’s staffing problems are solved. In early January, the department moved dozens of officers to its patrol division as part of a reorganization to improve response times. Spokane police are stretched thin, Meidl says, not necessarily because of trouble attracting recruits, but because of the department’s City Council-authorized staffing level of 356 commissioned officers, which he says is too small for Spokane’s population of 230,000.
Meidl says there are currently about 15 vacancies, which is not unusual given the size of the force, but still not ideal. When an officer retires, it can take more than a year to replace them.
MacConnell says the department used to hire one in every 10 entry-level applicants. But over the past few years, that number has become more like one in every 18 to 20 applicants, because an increasing number of people have something in their background that disqualifies them from law enforcement, MacConnell says.
“I think some of the behaviors that people don’t think are going to be disqualifying… are unfortunately becoming more acceptable in general society,” MacConnell says.
Cannabis has been legal for more than a decade in Washington, but if you’ve used it more than 25 times, you can’t be a Spokane cop. (Using any hallucinogenic drug over the past 10 years is also a disqualifier. So is using cocaine more than five times regardless of the time frame, or injecting it just once.)
MacConnell isn’t sure what the most common disqualifiers are — they’ve all increased across the board. Some have to do with professional standards or character. She cites examples, like an applicant showing up to a virtual interview in pajamas or a recruit who told her that “the people I hang out with aren’t so great.”
In an effort to attract more qualified applicants, the Spokane Police Department is hoping to expand its outreach to young people. Valencia says the police want to start going to more high schools to tell students about the benefits of a career in law enforcement — and warn them about keeping their act together. n
Former Army Maj. Jerry Gutman knows what it’s like. To be under attack. To have been “shelled at three in the morning” while “dodging Charlie” in Vietnam. To refuse to show your panic, “even though you feel it.”
He knows the nightmares, the anger, the hypervigilance. He knows what it’s like for service-related trauma to destroy his first marriage and family.
But he also knows what it’s like to find someone else who knows what it’s like.
“I finally found, on my third attempt, a retired gunnery sergeant who was a good psychologist,” Gutman says. “He knew what I was talking about.”
It’s a powerful concept. Today, Gutman is a Spokane Veterans Forum “mentor advocate,” harnessing his own struggles to connect with veterans who’ve committed crimes.
“If somebody’s hurting inside, they figure that’s it, they’re the only one who has that issue,” Gutman says. “But that’s not so.”
Veterans who commit low-level crimes are sometimes given an alternative pathway through something like the Veterans Enhanced Treatment Court to avoid jail and reduce fees. The program requires them to attend Spokane Veterans Forum meetings, where they eat dinner with fellow veterans, and to meet with a mentor like Gutman once a month.
“We’re there to be a coach, to be a battle buddy, to reinforce the positive effort,” Gutman says.
Since launching in 2010, over 400 veterans have graduated from the special court program, each of them reading a letter at their ceremony.
“Fifty-two of those veterans testified they would have killed themselves had it not been for this program,” Gutman says. “Powerful shit.”
Most people convicted of a crime tend to reoffend — for some crimes almost 70 percent reoffend within a year. But only 6 percent of those who’ve gone through Spokane Veterans Forum reoffend within a year after graduating.
True, those who are less likely to re-offend are probably more likely to be able to complete the program. But Gutman says their graduation rate is “way over 90 percent.”
And yet, the number of veterans being referred to them has dropped significantly in the years since COVID.
At one time, says Tom Squires, a probation officer with the veterans court, they had over 70 active cases. Right now that’s fallen to 15.
Maybe it has to do with shifts in policing tactics or arrests, Squires speculates. Less traffic enforcement, for example, might mean fewer veterans pulled over for DUIs. Or maybe the judicial system is too soft in some ways — going through a one- or two-year probation may be less appealing than just paying a simple fine. Or too tough in other ways. Some of the cases Squires did get referred to him were serious felonies that prosecutors weren’t willing to budge on in exchange for going through the veterans court.
And it’s possible that, without the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan raging, fewer soldiers are coming home traumatized and suffering.
Then again, as a veteran himself, Squire knows what it’s like to delay getting treatment. “It took me 30 years to go and figure out I needed some help,” he says. n
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Jeremy TeGrotenhuis has been furiously writing since he was 11 years old. Spinning up fantastical worlds and characters, plucking them from his imagination, and breathing it all to life via strings of words, sentences and, eventually, 400-page novels.
Under his pen name, J.T. Greathouse, the Tri-Cities native and Whitworth University graduate has so far published the first two books of a three-part fantasy trilogy. The Hand of the Sun King was released in mid-2021, followed by the second title, The Garden of Empire, which came out summer 2022. The third and final title, The Pattern of the World, is expected later this year, wrapping up TeGrotenhuis’ Pact and Pattern series.
“I joke that I went from the learn-to-read, easy things to the Animorph books to The Hobbit, and from there I was reading Dune in middle school,” says TeGrotenhuis, 30, who’s called Spokane home for the better part of the last decade. “So, a lot of reading at a pretty high level from a young age, and a lot of just writing for the fun of it.”
As a high school freshman, he was encouraged by his teachers and mother, who taught English, to enter a short story contest put on by the Columbia Basin College in Pasco. He got second place in his division. He again placed among the top contestants each of the following years before enrolling at Whitworth.
“That was kind of validating to be like, this is a thing that I’m good at, right?” he recalls. “So that was what kept me moving forward, and then I started taking writ-
ing more seriously in my 20s, trying to sell short stories to places.”
His short stories have been published in Writers of the Future Volume 34, Beneath Ceaseless Skies magazine, Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show anthology, and others.
In his 20s, TeGrotenhuis also wrote novels “just for fun,” but among those early projects, none, he says, were “publishable” until he landed on The Hand of the Sun King It was picked up by the U.K.-based publisher Gollancz, which signed him on for a three-book contract, a typical span for sci-fi and fantasy books since J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings paved the way back in the 1950s for the genre’s modern landscape.
“I am friends with a few other writers who feel a lot of angst about getting published, or staying published, and I experienced some of that, but I also would be [writing] anyway,” TeGrotenhuis says. “I was doing it when I wasn’t trying to sell anything, and I will continue doing it even if I can’t publish stuff.”
When he’s not writing, TeGrotenhuis teaches English and philosophy at Spokane’s Innovation High School and works as a part-time bookseller at Auntie’s Bookstore. The perk of that job, he says, includes an employee discount to help feed his avid reading habit, but he also gets to see who around town is buying his books — Auntie’s is one of only a handful of local stores where it’s available and, of course, all copies there are signed.
In TeGrotenhuis’ first novel, The Hand of the Sun King, readers meet protagonist Wen Alder, a boy living in the Empire of Sien, on the island of Nayen — a fictional land loosely based on the actual geography, history and cultures of China.
To live up to his father’s expectations, Alder is studying for the imperial exams with hopes of going into the service of the Emperor, a revered and fearsome, god-like being. On his mother’s side, however, Alder’s bloodline descends from a powerful class of witches whose magic and culture have been stolen from them by the Empire. Alder’s grandmother secretly teaches him how to harness this magic before disappearing to join a rebellion of other witches led by his uncle. Alder still longs to harness the magical elements of his world, so he chooses a path that largely sees him conforming to the Empire’s rule in exchange for this knowledge.
“The central, core idea of the whole series was this concept and experience that many post-colonial writers would talk about, where you’re a member of a colonized population who is part of the sort of rarified group of people that get to go study” from those who oppressed you, TeGrotenhuis explains.
This theme was directly informed by his own undergraduate studies at Whitworth focusing on history and philosophy. He also studied abroad in China for a semester.
“It was all stuff that we talked about in my senior seminar and history class that I thought was super fascinating, so that was the germ of the novels,” he continues. “I was like, I want to write about a character who’s educated by the empire that conquered his homeland.”
While that theme of the novels was inspired by history, specifically China’s Ming dynasty, the otherworldly elements of Alder’s world should also feel familiar to fantasy fans. In Sien, the witches among its different factions of people are able to control various elements of nature (some use fire; others wind, water, earth, etc.), communicate telepathically and even heal.
“I had a friend who’s a huge Avatar: The Last Airbender fan point out to me: ‘You’re just doing Avatar,’ and yes, I guess I am, but we both drew from the same actual facets of Chinese philosophy, which is the Wuxing five elemental phases concept,” TeGrotenhuis says.
While the first book focuses on Alder’s coming of age as he begins to question the structure of the world he lives in, the second is a broader view of the struggle between the oppressed and their oppressors, and the moral challenges that arise on both sides during a violent struggle for independence or control.
The final, forthcoming book, TeGrotenhuis says, “is largely about when you realize a system that you rely upon, or that is sort of integral to your society, is inherently broken. And what do you do next?”
Carrying readers along on this magical, philosophical journey are a cast of realistically flawed characters beyond just Alder who are faced with plenty of difficult decisions, and whose actions directly impact the future of those around them.
“I really like that kind of story dynamic where the main tension, like in The Hand of the Sun King, is a war between the empire and the rebellion, and there’s other things going on, external conflicts and external tensions. But the core of all three books is internal tension,” TeGrotenhuis says.
“It’s a person who has a question about who they are, or a question about what they value, and then they’re trying to decide where they land. I think that’s more realistic. It’s more relatable.” n
When he co-directed The Rocky Horror Show at Stage Left Theater last fall, Troy Nickerson opted for a back-to-basics approach. He scaled down the set pieces, dialed back the gimmicks, and shifted the focus to the story and its characters.
The run sold out before it even opened.
He’s approaching Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street in a similar way. When the show opens at Stage Left on Friday, it won’t feature the famous — or rather, infamous — chute that sends Todd’s corpses to Mrs. Lovett’s popular pie bakery below. Stage blood will be shockingly absent. And, as in Rocky Horror, more responsibility will fall on the tiny ensemble to help drive the narrative and create the atmosphere.
“Everything that happens, happens directly in front of the audience. I only have so many people, so in the one song, when Sweeney slices their throats, my guys just kind of rotate through the chair and become different people. In some cases, I actually put them back into the small ensemble and they start singing,” Nickerson says.
“That sounds like it’s going to be kind of stupid,” he laughs, “but, surprisingly, it works.”
More than just an attempt to recreate the success of Rocky Horror, the switch to a more stylized feel comes down to the physical constraints of the performance space. Here, conventional wings and backstage areas are practically nonexistent. There’s no pit for live musicians. All that limits the usual methods for achieving scale and spectacle.
“It’s Stage Left, so it comes with its challenges in how it’s being presented,” he says. “But that’s actually turned out to be the most rewarding part of it for me. How am I going to do this? What do we need to do to make this work?”
With the creative resourcefulness of his cast and crew, Nickerson has been able to come up with answers to those questions. Jeremy Whittington’s set will feature some unique paintwork, for instance, and lighting will play a more active role.
What’s proved more challenging is Stephen Sondheim’s music for Sweeney Todd, which is known for testing the mettle of even first-class performers. None other than Josh Groban was tapped for the title role in the show’s current Broadway revival.
“I knew this music was hard, but it is really difficult,” Nickerson says. “There are parts where the rhythms can be tricky. So I give [the cast] movement that matches. If it’s something like a patter lyric that’s going against the music, like in ‘God, That’s Good!’ at the start of the second act, my choreography goes with the rhythm of what they’re saying.”
Of the roughly 70 actors who auditioned for this production, Nickerson was able to choose the singers who he felt had the necessary skill as well as the endurance for it. The show is almost entirely sung-through and therefore “pretty much an operetta.”
Erik Contzius, who ended up being cast as the homicidally vengeful barber, brought an atypical background that may have helped him get to grips with Sondheim’s demands for the baritone role.
“My training is as a clergyman, not as an actor. I’m trained as a Jewish cantor,” he says.
A cantor typically leads the congregation in prayer or ritual along with the rabbi or, in some Judaic sects, is one and the same. For Contzius, his liturgical experience dovetailed with his love of opera and musical theater, and he began pursuing more stage and film projects after stepping away from the pulpit in 2013. It ultimately led to a gig — playing a cantor, what else — in the 2021 featurelength Barry Levinson film The Survivor.
Given his druthers, Contzius prefers “goofy, fun, animated roles” over simply reprising his former profession. He’s a self-proclaimed “Gilbert and Sullivan guy” and names Aldolpho in The Drowsy Chaperone or El Gallo in The Fantasticks as “dream parts.” Which, he admits, makes Sweeney Todd an odd choice for him.
“This is against type for me. But I like to stretch and do dramatic things. And you can’t beat Sweeney Todd for its drama and its gravity. It’s a revenge story at its heart, but it’s also a love story,” he says.
“Actually, it relates back to the story of the Bible of the Hittites, where King David wants to marry Uriah’s wife, so he has the whole army pull back and Uriah’s left out there and gets killed. That’s more or less what happens to Sweeney Todd with Judge Turpin.”
Contzius points out another religious link lurking in Sondheim’s music: the Dies irae, a medieval Latin poem that later became a Gregorian chant. The melody has been used by the likes of Brahms, Haydn, Liszt, Berlioz and even Danny Elfman, but it carries added significance in Sweeney Todd. Dies irae means ‘day of wrath.’
“From the very beginning, you know it’s not going to have a happy ending,” he says. “But there’s a lot of humor in this show too. It’s not just this whole downer and killfest. It’s got this levity. And the point of the show is not the killing. It’s about obsession.” n
Sweeney Todd • Feb. 3-26; Thu-Sat at 7 pm; Sun at 2 pm • $30 • Stage Left Theater • 108 W. Third Ave. • stagelefttheater.org
20 years ago still hold up — here’s where you can stream some nostalgic ’03 goodness.
BY BILL FROSTRemember 2003? Before we were shifted into our current alternate reality? Good times — and good, new TV shows. Aside from a few snafus like Stripperella (Pamela Anderson as a cartoon superhero pole dancer), The Mullets (two brothers with mullets — that was the show) and America’s Next Top Model (Tyra Banks smize-shames young women), 2003 was a hot year on the tube. Here are some Y2K+3 series you can stream right meow.
One of the greatest American comedies of all time, Arrested Development seemed too smart and intricate to click with the Fox audience in ’03 (they were into American Idol and My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiancé). Mitch Hurwitz’s fractured fairytale of the rich on the skids is a masterful collage of kamikaze camera work, droll narration (by Ron Howard) and a cast of comic killers. The first three Arrested Development Fox seasons are perfect; two Netflix sequel seasons aimed to match them. (Narrator: They did not.)
Nip/Tuck was future TV uber-producer Ryan Murphy’s second series after the criminally overlooked Popular (imagine Glee without all the annoying singing and earnestness). The six-season FX show about an odd couple of plastic surgeons (Dylan Walsh and Julian McMahon) weaves seamlessly between family drama, dark comedy, psychological thriller, societal satire and straight-up medical doc (if you’re averse to blood, stay away). Murphy’s American Horror Story, Dahmer — Monster, and even 9-1-1 owe Nip/Tuck big time.
Aside from a break between 2009 and 2020, Reno 911! hasn’t stopped cranking out mock-Cops content since 2003, including six seasons on Comedy Central, one season on the Roku Channel, three feature films, and whatever that Quibi nonsense was. Thomas Lennon, Robert Ben Garant, Kerri Kenny-Silver, Niecy Nash, Cedric Yarbrough, and Wendy McLendon-Covey are an improv dream team, adding just enough realism to the Reno Sheriff “docuseries” to make the comedy pop.
One of the best concerts I’ve ever seen was the original BOYGENIUS tour back in 2018. The sad singer-songwriter supergroup consisting of Phoebe Bridgers, Julien Baker and Lucy Dacus all played full sets of their amazing individual works before coming together to play all the harmony-rich tunes from their eponymous debut EP. After a few years away, a pandemic, and Bridgers exploding into a megastar, Boygenius returned last week with three new singles (one with each member singing lead) from their upcoming album, The Record. The swirling rock road trip of Baker’s “$20” contrasts sharply with the melancholy apologetic slowburn of Bridgers’ “Emily I’m Sorry,” and Dacus’ “True Blue” splits the middle distance as a mid-tempo folkrock love song. (SETH SOMMERFELD)
Fans are still butt-hurt about the 2005 cancelation of Carnivàle, a dark period drama that was meant to run for six seasons but was cut off at two (HBO business foreshadowing?). The series follows a 1930s traveling carnival set against the twin bummers of the Great Plains dust bowl and the Great Depression, pitting young roustabout Ben (Nick Stahl) against preacher Brother Justin (Clancy Brown) in a low-key supernatural battle of Good vs. Evil. Carnivàle’s dirt-caked aesthetic and colorful “freak show” cast make for an utterly unique series.
When he’s introduced to Orange County with a beatdown and a “Welcome to the O.C., bitch” in the pilot episode, it’s clear to teen outsider Ryan (Ben McKenzie) that this ain’t Beverly Hills 90210 The O.C. creator Josh Schwartz (Gossip Girl) tweaks the pretty-teens-withproblems genre with undercurrents of classism, metahumor and a sprawling 2000s indie-rock soundtrack that made stars of Phantom Planet, Rooney, and Imogen Heap for at least five minutes. The O.C. also brought us Chrismukkah, a.k.a. Festivus 2.0.
Pre-Dexter, Showtime had no original series luck in the early 2000s, but Queer as Folk, The L Word and 2003’s Dead to Me at least attracted some buzz. (Related: Why the hell isn’t The Chris Isaak Show available anywhere?) Dead to Me was the first creation of Bryan Fuller (Hannibal, American Gods), following a group of “grim reapers” who, instead of moving on themselves, are stuck with the job of escorting other souls to the afterlife. The dryhumored series ended at Season 2, giving star Mandy Patinkin no time to rage-quit. n
Bill Frost has been a journalist and TV reviewer since the 4:3-aspect-ratio ’90s. His pulse-pounding prose has been featured in The Salt Lake Tribune, Las Vegas Weekly, SLUG Magazine and many other dead-tree publications. He’s currently a senior writer and streaming TV reviewer for CableTV. com, Salt Lake City Weekly and TV Tan Podcast.
Have a knack for making up silly songs? Or maybe you’re a serious musician looking for a fun side project? Well, the COEUR D’ALENE CASINO is asking for Northwest musicians, songwriters or anyone with some rhythm in ’em to create a new jingle for the North Idaho establishment. If you’re interested in making a little ditty, you have all of the creative freedom in the world, but the 30-120 second jingle must end with the lyrics: “Winning is just the beginning at the Coeur d’Alene Casino!” The first place winner will take home $3,000, and $2,000 in prize money goes to other chosen jingles. What are you waiting for? Get to jinglin’ and submit by March 31 at 5 pm! (MADISON
Noteworthy new music arriving in stores and online on Feb. 3.
Before kicking off her world tour in Spokane in April, the pop country queen drops her first new album in six years.
MACKLEMORE, BEN. While he’ll likely never hit those “Thrift Shop” and “Can’t Hold Us” highs again, the Seattle MC still is out here crafting new melodic hip-hop for his devoted fans.
SAY HI, ELOCUTION PRATTLE. The Seattle indie pop oddball mutes himself on a new collection of 20 vocal-free instrumental lo-fi synth tracks. (SETH SOMMERFELD)
Some TV shows from
Humans need plants to survive. We eat them, drink them, use them as medicine, and even decorate with them in order to bring joy to our daily lives.
Once you start caring for a couple of houseplants, it’s easy to spiral into an obsession with our magnificent, leafy friends. If your collection of 20-plus houseplants isn’t enough to satiate your need for greenery in your home anymore, why not take it to the next level with a full-blown living wall?
Living walls, or vertical gardens as they’re sometimes called, are made up of an array of live plants that are planted vertically and can range in size from just a few square feet to entire walls in large atrium spaces.
However, larger installations can cost upwards of $125-$225 per square foot of wall and aren’t exactly feasible for renters or homeowners who are on a strict budget or have limited space.
While you can certainly contract a company to install a living wall in your home, there are also local and handcrafted options to consider depending on your budget, your lifestyle and what look you’re going for.
Dominic Villareal, the owner of A Modern Plantsman, weighed his own options when expanding his Colfax plant store to downtown Spokane in late 2021.
“My partner and I were scoping out the local plant scene, and we noticed immediately that there was a lack of living wall installations in Spokane,” he says. “There are no plant stores or nurseries in the area that have one.”
When Villareal secured the space for his shop on the main floor of the Hotel Indigo building, he began designing a plant wall that was eye-catching as well as functional for his customers. The plant wall, constructed by Villareal himself, features wooden shelves that are just deep enough to hide the pots that the plants reside in, giving it the appearance of a living wall.
“That’s very doable for a home setting,” he says. “You can take the pots off the shelf for easy watering and care.”
Villareal recommends plants that trail for any DIY living wall project, but also says that including plants of different heights can give the wall a much more textured and varied appearance.
“Start with plants like pothos, heart leaf philodendrons and prayer plants,” Villareal says. “Prayer plants specifically can deal with very low-light situations, which is perfect for a home installation. They’ll disguise any nonnatural elements of the wall once they start to trail down.”
Previous owner of Sage + Moss and seasoned houseplant parent Annecia Paulson recommends utilizing organic elements when creating your display for ease of watering and a more harmonious facade.
The most common way to do this is by creating mounted plant displays. Mounted plants are plants that have been affixed onto an object using moss or other organic materials.
“Creating mounted plants is actually a really easy process,” she says. “You simply remove most of the dirt from the roots, place the plant on the piece of bark and then attach it using sphagnum moss and fishing line.”
The upkeep and care of mounted plants lie in the choice of wood, Paulson says.
“Using cork bark is the best option — it’s lightweight and naturally mold-resistant. Just soak the whole thing in water, let it drip dry and then hang it on your wall using Command hooks or string. Super simple,” she says.
If the trial and error of diving in headfirst just isn’t your thing, many area plant stores, including A Modern Plantsman, offer workshops on how to create mounted plants and products that can assist you in your journey to creating a living wall.
“We really try to act as a resource for people in the community,” Villareal says. “We want to help people learn how to do these things. I’ve already gone through the trial and error of the projects that people attempt at home, so I’m happy to give people that knowledge.” n
Invite nature into your home by creating a verdant “living wall” displayDominic Villareal in front of A Modern Plantsman’s living wall display. CHIANA McINELLY PHOTO
Effective landscaping can do more than beautify home exteriors. It creates outdoor living spaces and interacts with sun and other elements to provide shade and windbreak where it’s needed most. The plants themselves — groundcover, flowers, shrubs, trees — also provide a vital eco-link, such as food for pollinators and habitat for critters.
And yet living things, as we know, require water, some much more than others — including lawns, which are at the center of a national debate about water conservation. In May 2022, for example, the Spokane City Council did something communities in the South and Southwest had already done: It restricted lawn watering from June through October, reserving the option to enact tougher restrictions in 2023.
“Unlike [other areas] we don’t have a secondary place to get water here,” says Spokane County Master Gardener Kris Moberg-Hendron. “We have one: the aquifer.”
In 2005, Moberg-Hendron replaced her lawn with native and drought-tolerant plants that survive — even thrive — with little or no water besides rainfall. Called xeriscaping, its principles can be applied to any portion of the home’s exterior (even gardens).
At Washington State University’s Spokane County Extension facility, a xeriscaped strip of land along its North Havana Street entrance helps visitors envision what that might look like on their property. The WaterWise Demonstration and Research Garden, as it’s called, is roughly 30 by 130 feet of ornamental grasses, perennial plants and annuals, embedded in various colors and types of mulch.
Interested in learning more about becoming water wise? Attend a free workshop at the Shadle Park Library from 6:30 to 7:30 pm every Wednesday, March 8 through June 10, to learn about such topics as rain barrel construction, landscape design, drip irrigation and more.
BY CARRIE SCOZZAROAlong the fenceline, clumps of Karl Foerster grass, which can reach a height of 6 feet, offer visual privacy and attractive feathery stalks year-round. Flowering plants like bee balm, California fuschia, goldenrod and iris add color March through October and provide food for pollinators, while sage, thyme and chives can be used in human food.
All the plants are nestled in mulch, from crushed rock to bark chips, that is visually appealing and water-wise, Moberg-Hendron says.
“It keeps the sun off the soil so it doesn’t get too hot, it keeps wind from pulling water off the soil, it keeps the soil in place,” Moberg-Hendron says. “It’s insulation.”
The WaterWise garden is a collaborative effort, providing research opportunities for Master Gardeners and a demonstration space for SpokaneScape. An innovative arm of the city’s Public Works & Utilities department, SpokaneScape offers financial incentives to city water users who replace (or significantly reduce) lawns with drought-tolerant landscaping.
SpokaneScape’s website provides comprehensive lists of native and drought-tolerant plants, tips for understanding soil, planting guides, design templates for laying out your new xeriscaped space, and certified professionals.
You don’t have to live within city limits to benefit from available resources, however, which are also available at the Spokane County Extension office, including its WaterWise garden anyone can visit.
The garden has already proven valuable as an example of xeriscaping principles, Moberg-Hendron
During its initial creation in summer 2022, the garden designers put in drip irrigation to get fledgling plants going for the first few years, but someone accidentally turned it off during the hottest part of the summer. “And it still looked beautiful,” she says.
How much is xeriscaping going to cost you? That depends on the size of the job, what you’re doing and your timeline. Renting turf removal equipment, for example, typically starts at $100 a day, while sheet mulching — laying cardboard or tarps over grass you want to kill — is free but can take several weeks to months.
Bark mulch is $5-8 per bag for small areas, a couple hundred plus delivery for several yards at a time, and close to free if you sign up for a service like chipdrop.com, which allows local arborists to drop their ground tree trimmings on your property.
You can spend a lot on irrigation systems, or do it yourself and get a soaker hose kit with 100 feet of hose for $40 from your local hardware store.
Your next expense is plants, which you can start from seed or buy from a nursery, knowing you’ll pay more for larger ones. Also check out places like Spokane Conservation District and Spokane Community College’s greenhouses, which sell good-quality plants at less-than-retail prices, or look online for people who have plants to give.
And if all that sounds like a lot to process just to save a little on your watering bill, maybe your first call should be to the WSU Extensions office to see how they can help you do more with less. n
We have only one aquifer — use it wisely. CITY OF SPOKANE PHOTOFor those interested in powering their homes with clean energy, going solar may help you get part of the way there.
A January 2022 Pew Research poll found that 39 percent of Americans had seriously considered installing solar on their homes in the last year, while 8 percent said they’d already made the investment. The Pacific region of the country, which includes Washington, was even more interested, with 45 percent seriously considering solar.
Many homes in the Inland Northwest may not be able to fully go “off grid” with a new solar system without breaking the bank, but even relatively small setups can still contribute a significant portion of the power needed to keep the lights on.
Currently, the main solar incentives come from the federal level: The Inflation Reduction Act’s climate provisions increased that funding so owners can get a 30 per-
cent tax credit on the cost of installation and equipment.
Avista, the largest utility in the area, offers a solar estimator tool on its website to help homeowners calculate the recommended size of a system for their home, and see roughly how much that could save them over time.
“It gives a breakdown of your upfront costs of a solar system,” says Stephanie Myers, Avista’s solar product manager. “It has in there all the available tax credits and rebate incentives, and your average monthly expenses, and also gives a break even point for installing solar.”
For smaller homes that don’t use as much power, solar may not reduce the bills enough over 20 to 30 years to cover the installation costs for customers. But for larger homes with bigger bills, costs could be recouped in less than two decades.
We plugged some Inlander staffer addresses into the estimator, and here’s what we found:
For a small North Spokane home that pays an average of $90 a month for electricity (heat not included), the estimator recommended a 2.1 kilowatt system, which would cost about $6,825. The federal incentive would knock about $2,048 off the cost. The system, which would provide about 30 percent of power throughout the year, wasn’t expected to hit a break even point. However, for a larger South Hill home that pays an average of $300 a month, the estimator recommended an
8.4 kilowatt system, which would cost about $27,300 to install and get a federal incentive around $8,190. With the panels providing 30 percent of the power and the monthly bill dropping to about $205, the break even point was estimated at 19 years.
For many, cost savings may not be the only incentive. In the Pew study, 81 percent said they were considering solar to help the environment.
It’s worth noting that Avista isn’t actually involved in the installation process, Myers says. Customers handle both the installation and incentives on their own (she recommends talking to your tax professional about how those credits work). But customers do need to fill out a $100 application to connect to Avista’s grid before moving forward, so the utility can ensure the equipment in their area is suitable for their setup.
Avista’s website also maintains a list of vetted solar installers to help people find a reliable company in their area, Myers says.
If a solar installer reaches out, Myers says to listen carefully to what they’re saying, do your research, double check the information, and get multiple bids.
“The average size we have in our service territory for solar systems on residential homes is 6 kilowatts,” Myers
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Game Time: 7 PM
For those considering investing in solar for their home, Avista offers helpful online tools
Humans need light. Not only is it essential to one of the five senses upon which we most rely — vision — it’s also integral to our mental and physical well-being.
“As a Southern California transplant, Pacific Northwest gray is hard to take,” says Designology Luxury Interiors co-founder Deanna Goguen. In both her design practice and her home, Goguen looks for every opportunity to maximize available light sources.
Using paint with a higher light reflective value and employing shiny surfaces — mirrors, of course, but also tile and metallic fixtures — helps amplify light, she says.
“The more we can light your space during the day without electricity, the better,” says Goguen, whose designs use numerous ways to extend the sun’s reach, from transom windows that can direct natural light into an otherwise windowless room to thoughtful consideration of surfaces.
Those same techniques for giving sunbeams places to bounce around inside your home also work for artificial light, says Goguen, who cautions that not all lightbulbs are created equally.
There is a downside to compact fluorescent lamps or CFL bulbs that power companies promoted, Goguen says. Yes, they are energy efficient, but the color temperature of the bulb is actually quite cool for our climate, she says, whereas newer LEDs tend to be warmer.
Goguen uses higher-end LED bulbs with a temperature similar to an incandescent bulb. The downside is the cost. Higher end bulbs cost $50-$120 for a recessed can light compared to buildergrade bulbs at $10-$20 each. Goguen tries to balance cost and function, recommending the higher end cans for primary spaces, such as the kitchen or other task-intensive areas.
Like any expenditure involving the home, good lighting is an investment, one that Goguen says can impact more than your ability to see well.
“We use light that makes you happier,” Goguen says.
A graduate of Washington State University, Goguen co-taught several studio experiences with Judy Theodorson, head of the interior design program at WSU’s School of Design + Construction, whose research substantiates the link between light and good health.
“People are phototropic — drawn to light — so electric light sources can be used to stimulate behaviors, create atmosphere and reinforce spatial settings such as zones, hierarchy, etc.,” says Theodorson.
Theodorson notes her own affinity for light. “I’ve had this longtime sense of light as a fluid substance,” says Theodorson, who suggests that humans are hardwired to respond to light’s inherent variability. “People are really drawn to the patterns, and those patterns end up conveying information you might need,” such as time of day or change in the weather.
Daylight — and the windows with which we experience it — also creates a biophilia connection, Theodorson says, explaining that “we are of nature, therefore, we need to be in contact with nature.”
“I like to think of daylight as breathing life into space,” she adds. n
Question: Which alcoholic beverage is made like beer and wine through fermentation, yet has qualities more similar to distilled spirits? It offers complex flavors from dry to sweet and fruity to floral, yet can register between 15 to 18 percent alcohol by volume (like a port wine) and has a longer shelf life once opened than beer, which goes flat, or wine, which becomes salad dressing. And while warm beer can be gross, and only select wines are typically chilled, this versatile beverage can be served warm, cool, and even ice cold like a cocktail.
Sake, sometimes referred to as rice wine, was exported several thousand years ago from China into Japan, the country typically associated with sake. It’s basically four ingredients: rice, water, yeast and k ōji, a fungus used to ferment rice and which sake brewers need for its alchemy of alcohol production.
“It’s similar to beer brewing, except it’s done [all] at the same time in the same tank,” says Marcus Pakiser, a former sake brewer I spoke with by phone from his home in Oregon.
“The fifth ingredient is brewer’s alcohol for flavor and aroma,” says Pakiser, who notes that differences in rice milling and whether alcohol is added account for the main varieties of sake, such as junmai (no added alcohol). Sake can also be “cloudy,” minimally filtered in a process that leaves some rice particles suspended in the final product, like the silky sake called nigori
Restaurants serving Japanese food are where many
diners first experience sake, typically served in small ceramic cups, either warm or cold, depending on the sake. And “sake bombs,” which are a shot of sake dropped into a beer, are still popular among partiers.
Knowing that, Sandpoint-based restaurateur Junior Solis offered beer, wine and what he called “saketinis” at Oishii in 2007, first sparking many locals’ interest in sake’s versatility. It seemed a clever way to offer cocktaillike drinks despite Idaho’s nonsensical liquor licensing.
“By blending a variety of unfiltered, sparkling and junmai sake with local fruit and exotic purees,” says Solis, “we were able to take sake from a hot wine you take shots of to a delicious cocktail you can enjoy.”
That was 15 years ago, and Solis has since retired. His saketinis are still outliers in the pantheon of beverage options. We recently found two places, both in Coeur d’Alene, however, that offer sake cocktails: Try the sake mule ($8) at Syringa Japanese Cafe & Sushi Bar, or Kaiju Sushi & Spirits’ creamsicle ($8) with nigori sake. However, the lone Spokane restaurant we found offering sakebased cocktails stopped doing so once its full bar license came through.
Instead, you might just have to ask for one at Umi Kitchen & Sushi Bar, where mixologist Phil Lerdal made us his cucumber saketini. Lerdal says he doesn’t get many requests for sake cocktails.
“Our sake drinkers, they really like that traditional sake” experience, he says.
Umi typically stocks a nigori, the drier, cloudy sake, something that can be served warm, “and a few fun flavors like sparkling peach,” Lerdal says. “It’s a mixture of affordability, high quality and brand names.”
At Umi, Lerdal uses Ozeki, from the first Japanese sake brewer to establish a facility in the United States, in 1979. It along with Gekkeikan and Sho Chiku Bai are fairly common brands and available at many grocery stores. And although the U.S. is the top importer of Japanese sake, the drink itself remains a niche beverage.
Sake industry expert Pakiser would like to change that.
“There are so many misconceptions about sake,” says Pakiser, who moved to Japan in 1988 to teach English, immersed himself in the culture and met his future wife. When Pakiser relocated to Colorado in the ’90s, a sake brewer looking for someone fluent in Japanese hired Pakiser to learn brewing.
Regarding how sake is served, for example, Pakiser says it’s meant to be savored, not slammed. The little cups, called ochoko, and the carafe from which it’s poured, tokkuri, are part of the ritual. Pouring sake for each other is a social way of drinking, he says.
“That’s just a sign of gratitude, and it’s a sign of friendship,” Pakiser says.
Another myth: Sake only goes with certain foods, a misnomer that similarly hampered wine and beer appreciation until the culinary industry and consumers realized otherwise.
“It’s only our minds that, say, ‘Oh no, you can’t have sake with cheese, or you can’t have sake with pizza.’ I’ve proven over and over the last 30 years that you can have mac and cheese and sake, probably one of the best pairings on the planet,” Pakiser says.
Many menus include numbers next to each type of sake — a positive number indicates dryness, while a negative number equates to sweetness. That’s misleading, says Pakiser, who counts himself among the misled.
“Some years ago, I decided that I only liked dry sakes. I would never drink anything that was less than a plus five. I was an idiot. I missed out on so many great sakes because I just decided on some arbitrary number that I had to have something plus five or more. And that was a very big mistake on my part,” Pakiser says. “And that’s how you learn things, right?”
What he’d like to see is menu descriptions like “any sake within this section is dry and earthy, or umami-driven sake. And the next section can be fruity and floral sake or smooth and elegant sake,” Pakiser says.
Pakiser would also like to see more places selling sake by the glass — versus the bottle — and doing sake flights (both Syringa and Kaiju offer them), especially since it doesn’t oxidize like wine.
“You don’t have to drink it in a day or two,” he says. “I have bottles in my fridge that have been open for nine months. No problem,” says Pakiser, whose advocacy for the beverage has earned him worldwide recognition.
In 2015 the Japan Sake Brewers Association Junior Council designated Pakiser as a Sake Samurai — there are only about 80 of them total — for his dedication to sake tradition and education.
Knowing a Sake Samurai was helpful for Northern Quest Resort & Casino’s Assistant Director of Food and Beverage Michael Miho when developing the sake menu for East Pan Asian Cuisine.
The restaurant, which opened in May 2022, has four sakes on the menu, including Dry Mountain ($9.25), imported from Fuji Brewing Company, founded back in 1778, and currently being led by the 13th generation of the same family.
That, says Miho, appeals to him.
“I am looking for the story, the provenance behind the sake, even more than what classification it is, what price point,” Miho says.
The story “always comes down to an individual house, a story of family, a journey. And it’s everything that they’ve done for 100 or more years, multiple generations of just focusing on this one product. And it’s beautiful.” n
1 ounce Tito’s vodka
1/4 ounce Ozeki sake
1/4 ounce St. Germain elderflower liqueur
1 inch cucumber, muddled
1/2 lime, muddled
Splash of lime juice
Pour into shaker filled with ice, shake, strain into martini glass and garnish with cucumber slice
Full-Size Kitchen Appliances
Coffee Table Folds Out
To A Family Dining Table
Sliding Door
Convertable Queen-Size Bed
Fold-Down Twin Beds
Totally reimagined studio homes that can accommodate most families comfortably • Makes extended stays enjoyable Innovative features include multi-use furniture & multi-purpose rooms • Outdoor deck expands living area • Studios in contemporary ski-in/ski-out residential lodge • Exclusive owner amenities include: ski locker room, fitness facility, spa pools, kitchen, BBQ, fire pits, bike storage, indoor parking • Walk or ski to Schweitzer Village
We are now taking reservations. Please contact John Calhoun, Schweitzer Real Estate, Sandpoint, ID for complete information: jcalhoun@schweitzer.com or 435-640-7757. Inspired smart space studios—another reason why Schweitzer is as unique as its name.
Stressed or calm, happy or sad, the simple pleasure of a freshly baked cookie is one of life’s pure joys — it can turn any bad day around or make any good day all the better. Crafting delicious and fun-flavored cookies is Cookie Co.’s specialty.
PEND D’OREILLE WINERY Live music by KOSH (5-8pm)
WESTERN PLEASURE GUEST RANCH Sleigh Ride, dinner and concert.
Cost: $130 for adults, $75 for children ages 6-12. A no-host bar to purchase beer and wine. Reservations are required please call (208) 263-9066.
SCHWEITZER Let it Glow Parade and Fireworks Tubing, Village Campfire, hosted snowshoe hike, nastar racing, twilight skiing
JALAPENOS Winter Carnival 50th Anniversary GOLD margarita Monday
JALAPENOS It’s Taco Tuesday! Great deals on food and drinks!
PEND D’OREILLE WINERY Apres’ Ski at the Winery: Wine specials with a ski pass
PEND D’OREILLE WINERY Peter Lucht on the Piano (5-7pm) Happy Hour at the winery: 15% Pizza and Bottle of wine
SCHWEITZER Tubing Hill open
2023 17-26 oUr 50tH yEaR FeBrUaRy FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17 SANDPOINT SHOPPING DISTRICT Winter Carnival Sales 17th – 26th CAROUSEL EMPORIUM Snacks and Sips 17,18 & 24-26. PARADE OF LIGHTS SPONSORED BY TING, downtown Sandpoint, 5:30p PEND D’OREILLE PARADE AFTER FUN Block party on 3rd street 6-8pm DJ, Fire dancers, s’mores, hot cocoa bar LIVE AT THE HIVE Stoney Holiday Band - Doors open at 7pm SCHWEITZER Tubing, Nastar racing, twilight skiing, kids’ night out MUSIC CONSERVATORY Concert Michal Palzewicz Trio. 7pm SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18 THE 219 LIVE MUSIC Desperate
PIERCE AUTO CHILI COOK-OFF 30 Gun Club Rd, Sagle. Questions 208 263-4212. Start Time: 3pm sign up entries. Time 4pm judging
SCHWEITZER Tubing, Village Campfire, hosted snowshoe hike, nastar racing, twilight skiing,
PEND D’OREILLE WINERY Live Jazz with the Ron Kieper Trio (5-8)
SCHWEITZER Sam Adams Air & Apres (Big air show)
SCHWEITZER tubing, campfire, hosted snowshoe hike, nastar racing, twilight skiing
LIVE AT THE 219 Jake Rozier Band
PEND D’OREILLE WINERY Mike Johnson Trio (5-8pm)
biscoff, featured events: Weird WonderFul Winter carnival For more festival info or lodging options please visit:
Cookie Co.’s selection rotates daily. Join us for our SandpointChamberOfCommerce_WinterCarnival_021022_10H_JI
EICHARDT’S K9 KEG PULL, Downtown Sandpoint
Oreo, and the peanut-butter oatmeal and M&Mfilled Monster cookie — are announced every Monday, and each week’s flavors are available through Saturday.
Cookie Co.’s signature chocolate chip cookie sticks around every week, and thank goodness it does, because it really is the perfect cookie. A little crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside, this tasty treat is great warmed-up or served as is.
Cookie Co. also has a variety of sodas ($2$2.50) with the option to “Add a Twist” of flavor to any for 50 cents more. Flavor options include orange, vanilla, cherry, lime, and more, providing the ultimate companion to any cookie.
Started in Redlands, California, in summer 2020, Cookie Co. has since expanded to 12 locations. Family-owned and operated by Adam Le and his wife, Katie Huynh, Spokane’s franchise location is at East Desmet and North Hamilton streets, right across from Gonzaga University. Find out more at cookieco.com. (LAUREN RODDIS)
Do you see yourself eating seafood? If you like a good seafood boil — typically cooked whole in a seasoned bath, with or without veggies like corn and potatoes — then you’ll think the new Spokane location of YUMMY CRAB (1723 N. Division St.) is aptly named. Except it has way more than crab. In addition to king and Dungeness crab, Yummy Crab offers a large variety of seafood — shrimp, lobster, mussels, even crawfish — served a variety of ways, including Cajun-style and fried. Visit yummycrabspokane.com for more.
The former Davis Donuts (2520 N. Fourth St.) in Coeur d’Alene was as well known for its doughnuts as its reader board, a tradition being carried on by its new owners. Dana Robinson and her daughter, Hether Young, along with the help of other family members, have revived the reader board and renamed the busy corner business BREAKING BREAD ARTISAN BISTRO. You can still find doughnuts at the bistro, but also sweet and savory breads, cookies, and a cross between a croissant and a doughnut. The bistro also serves assorted soup and hot paninis ($10.49-$17.49) like turkey pesto or apple brie made with its fresh-baked bread. Visit breakingbreadcda.com to learn more.
Sometimes you can tell a lot about a place from the way it names its dishes. UNCORKED WITH FRIENDS (9443 N. Government Way, Hayden) wins the fun eats prize for this ode to Sir Mix-a-Lot menu item: I Like Pig Butts & I Cannot Lie ($13), a toasted sourdough sammie with ham, of course. There are plenty of runners-up, too, like Hot Totties ($6), seasoned tater tots, and Pullin’ For You ($9), pulled pork tacos. The new casual, family-friendly wine bar opened in fall 2022, offering canned cocktails and beer, wine on tap, a solid menu of light bites, a retail section, and frequent live events from music to culinarytype classes. Visit uncorkedwithfriends.com.
(CARRIE SCOZZARO) nTo-Go Box is the Inlander’s regular dining news column, offering tasty tidbits and updates on the region’s food and drink scene. Send tips and updates to food@inlander.com.
It’s time to gather the Spokane film community. It’s time for a weekend of intense movie bingeing. It’s time, once again, for the Spokane International Film Festival.
After making a return in 2022 following 2021’s pandemic break, SpIFF returns Feb. 3-5 for its 24th iteration with opening night at the Bing Crosby Theater, more in-person screenings at the Magic Lantern and an array of online offerings to screen from home. SpIFF programmer Chase Ogden emphasizes that this year’s lineup has a particularly strong slate of Northwest films, ones that are best experienced in person.
“I would stress that the festival experience is more than just the trip to the AMC,” says Ogden. “There’s constantly filmmakers present, there’s voices and types of work that you just can’t get elsewhere. Like the regional content, for example. That’s not going to be playing at AMC. If anybody hasn’t had the festival experience, I think that it’s an elevated way to experience cinema.”
It can always be tough to sort through the array of films to find what hits your cinematic sweet spot, so with that in mind, here are some of the noteworthy films showing at SpIFF 2023.
Base jumper Matthias Giraud hates the term “adrenaline junkie.” While he pushes things to the limits, he approaches his wild endeavors with a zen-like yearning for spiritual transcendence, not a cheap thrill. This short doc distills his meditative philosophy while also showing his
extreme feats in action. Screening as part of Best of the NW at the Bing Crosby Theater on Fri, Feb. 3 at 6:30 pm.
Honestly? Magic Trick kind of feels like a magic trick. In less than five minutes, the actors in this queer meet cute — Donia Kash and Jessica MacLeod — display roughly 100 times more chemistry than what’s found in a typical rom-com. It pops off the screen as the pair meet in a coffee shop and engage in an impromptu card trick. (I very seriously want a full-length rom-com starring these two from writer/director Chris Lennox-Aasen.) Screening as part of Best of the NW at the Bing Crosby Theater on Fri, Feb. 3 at 6:30 pm.
Along with Best of the NW shorts, opening night at the Bing also showcases the feature-length documentary Sam Now. Made with a ’90s DIY-filmmaker aesthetic, it follows documentarian Reed Harkness pushing his halfbrother Sam to seek out his mother, who disappeared and abandoned the boys when Sam was in high school. What begins as a mystery becomes a reflection on generational trauma, and the whole thing really comes to life because of the wealth of footage Reed and Sam had when making their own movies as kids. Screening as part of the opening night program at the Bing Crosby Theater on Fri, Feb. 3 at 6:30 pm.
Nothing at this year’s SpIFF delights me quite as much
as Varken (Pig). The animated short from the Netherlands features an array of super cute animals using a huge sleeping pig’s snout as a power outlet. What starts small — a cat with a heated blanket, a dog with a tennis ball machine, a bunny with a blender — spirals into a massive power grid city with dance clubs for mosquitoes, gyms with fans for birds to practice strenuous flying, a goat rocking an electric guitar, etc.… and then the pig’s power starts to drain. While they try to ignore the problem, it eventually devolves into pure destructive chaos. Varken manages to be both so adorable and quite dark while also getting its message across effectively. Screening as part of the Animation Showcase at the Magic Lantern on Sat, Feb. 4 at 11 am.
While SpIFF doesn’t have a boundary-pushing midnight movie slate like some film fests, Circus of the Scars essentially fills that role. The documentary follows the rise of the Jim Rose Circus Sideshow, the grunge-area Seattle collective of out-there performers who gained national fame in the early ’90s as a featured act on Lollapalooza. While it’s overlong and certainly isn’t for those with a weak stomach, it does provide a detailed look at performers who lifted weights with genital piercings, put needles through their face, pumped their stomach through their nose, got full body puzzle tattoos under the watch of Rose’s manipulative carny ways. Screening at the Magic Lantern on Sat, Feb. 4 at 9 pm.
there’s plenty to see at SpIFF ’23
Of all the uplifting fare that SpIFF offers, none resonates like Kumari. The 30-minute doc tells the emotional story of Jagat Lama trying to improve the lives of the people of his home village of Kumari, Nepal. After leaving home to learn and become a trek guide, he returns to try to build more medical and education facilities, but faces challenges in a place so remote that there weren’t even roads to the village. It’s inspiring to see Lama’s exuberance for betterment even in the face of hardships along the way. Screening as part of A Better World: Mid-lengths at the Magic Lantern on Sun, Feb. 5 at 1:30 pm.
SpIFF runs Feb. 3-5. Find the complete schedule at spokanefilmfestival.org. Tickets range from $12-$15 per screening and $49-$99 for festival passes.
An Oscar nominee for Best Live Action Short in 2021, this Israeli film centers on a man trying to retrieve his stolen bicycle after finding it locked up on the street one night. Filmed as a single, nearly 20-minute shot, the narrative stakes rise dramatically as the seconds creep past, becoming a tale about ownership, immigration and the cost of “justice.” Screening as part of World Shorts at the Magic Lantern on Sun, Feb. 5 at 4 pm.
SpIFF’s in person programming closes with a mumblecore-y Seattle relationship comedy about a struggling screenwriter meeting his manic cynical dream girl. Felix is languishing as a go-nowhere adult until he meets Stella, who shares his same jaded worldview and tastes in weird movies. While the movie’s banter can be quite fun, your mileage on Mountainside may vary depending on how much you can stand a creatively minded, sad sack thirtysomething Seattle dude bemoaning his self-destructive relationship decisions (as one myself, we for sure suck and this film maaaaaaaybe hit a little too close to home).
Screening at the Magic Lantern on Sun, Feb. 5 at 6:30 pm.
This sharp little narrative sports short follows a scrawny high schooler trying to make the varsity basketball team after moving to a new school. While the understated kid might have the skills to make their hoop dream come true, they’re hiding a secret that could derail everything… Only screening virtually.
When the bashful Victor is forced by his mom to go to a quinceañera despite not knowing anyone there, he’s liber ated from his awkwardness when the brash birthday girl Clara secretly steals her uncle’s car keys to blow off the party and grabs Victor to be her driver. The pair begin to bond while night adventuring around town. Quince an energetic burst of rebellious teenage dreaming. screening virtually. n
Four elderly female Patriots fans (Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda, Rita Moreno, Sally Field) take a trip to try to see their beloved Tom Brady play in the Super Bowl. Hijinks ensue. Rated PG-13
Based on Terry Pratchett’s fantasy novel for kids, this CGI animated comedic journey finds Maurice — a talking cat — and his human accomplice, Keith, working a Pied Piper-esque hustle, only to become entangled with the meta fairy tale-obsessed girl Malicia. Rated PG
M. Night Shyamalan’s latest thriller finds a vacationing couple and their daughter held hostage by four fanatical strangers who insist one of them must be sacrificed to prevent the apocalypse. Rated R
The anime franchise set in a life-ordeath virtual reality role-playing game continues, as protagonists Kirito and Asuna continue their quest to clear the game’s action-packed 100 floors. Rated R At AMC River Park Square
There’s no feeling quite like falling out of love. The butterflies once perpetually fluttering around in your stomach fade away and leave an empty pit in their place. Your heart lacks the gumption it once had, the reason for its beating seems forever gone. Many of us have felt this crushing despondence over a high school sweetheart or a summer fling.
But I’m talking about your favorite band.
The band whose songs you’d scream into a hairbrush at 3 am. The band who seemingly grew up with you, whose albums serve as the soundtrack to the story of your life. The band whose music transcends childhood nostalgia and adulthood taste. The band you thought had taken up permanent residence in your heart, and the thought of parting with them would seem akin to losing a part of yourself.
For me, that band was Panic! at the Disco.
But our relationships with our favorite artists really aren’t that different from the interpersonal ones we nurture — you’re either in it for the long haul or, eventually, the time to part ways arrives.
It’s hard to think logically when you’re initially smitten — blinded by adoration and obsession. I can still remember the first time I heard Panic! — a childhood friend of mine had come over after school and showed me a music video of her latest favorite song, “I Write Sins Not Tragedies.” It was like nothing my 9-yearold ears had heard up to that point — frontman Brendon Urie’s bright, clean voice broke through my pre-adolescent haze and the band behind him drove like an arrow into my heart. The next day I went out to Hastings and bought A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out and listened to it on repeat on my CD player until I had memorized every verbose lyric and drumbeat.
Quickly and without hesitation, I was immersed in a new life, a new identity. Panic! became my defining trait and singular thought. I collected their first two albums on CD and vinyl, wore far too many band tees purchased from Hot Topic and started a Tumblr blog specifically for talking about Panic! with other fans online. So began the honeymoon phase. I doodled their name in notebooks with headphones buried deep inside my ears like a lovesick puppy. When I should’ve been memorizing algebraic formulas, I instead studied every word that fell from Urie’s lips as if it were my own personal gospel.
These were my formative years. I was designing and redesigning my future every day. Friends left as quickly as they came. I was convinced I’d be a teacher one day, but the next I was sure to become a fashion designer. Over and over, my likes and dislikes were shuffled and replaced like an iPod playlist. One day I was listening to nothing but showtunes, and the next I was a diehard Taylor Swift fan, but Panic! never left. They were my constant companion, never leaving my side when I needed something to lean on.
Within the first few frigid days of 2014, it finally came the time to see Panic! in concert. I’d waited six years for this. Like garnering the courage to ask out your first crush, the butterflies were definitely present, and it was like my whole life had been leading up to this moment.
A lot had changed in those six years of waiting. I was now 15. Original band members came and left. (I miss you, Ryan and Jon!) Two new albums had been released. There were times I’d felt slighted by the choices my love had made. “How could they do that to me?” I thought. “Now things will never be the same!”
Once the tidal wave of emotions had washed away, however, our relationship emerged unscathed. We simply had too much history. We were bound by memories of nostalgic nights in my bedroom and tight companionship through middle school and into high school. Seemingly, no bump in the road could tear us apart.
No need to panic, but it’s hard when infatuation with your most beloved musical act fades…Our writer’s love for Brendon Urie once burned bright, now extinguished.
After that show, I realized that there was no replacing Panic!. If I could’ve popped the question, I would’ve. From that moment on, they were the one.
Our understanding of one another was at its strongest, I’d never felt so heard or accepted. I was committed. There was nothing complicated about it. Plainly and simply, life with them was far superior to a life without them. We were inseparable — you couldn’t mention one of us without mentioning the other. We were a package deal, and I was totally OK with that. It was a musical soulmate connection.
As I grew, the band grew with me. We evolved and changed at the same pace. Everything was smooth sailing through high school. Panic! photos hung in my locker. I was always waiting for the next adventure that we would go on together. A new musical sound? A television appearance? A festival date? (And I still doodled their name in my notebooks.)
Admittedly, it was somewhat of a long-distance relationship. But that couldn’t keep us apart. I traveled across the country to support my love, attending at least 10 concerts over the years. I aided in the creation of fan projects, like cutting and handing out thousands of paper rainbow-colored hearts to hold up during “Girls / Girls / Boys” during a show in Boise. Heck, I even went to one-off shows by Panic! member Ryan Ross after he left the band in 2009. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do to show my devotion to my dearest Disco boys.
But soon after I set off to college in 2018, something shifted. I was exploring my newfound freedom when suddenly, my future looked very different from what I’d originally imagined while doodling in junior high notebooks. Maybe I was worn out from the chaos of that decade of intense tween/teen passion. Maybe I was just maturing. But something felt different.
NW musicians, songwriters and those with a creative musical bent of any music style are invited to create a new jingle for the Coeur d’Alene Casino.
Jingle submissions must include and end with the familiar lyrics “Winning is just the beginning at the Coeur d’Alene Casino!”
To enter, submit your 30 to 120 seconds MPG3 or MPG4 file by MARCH 16TH, 2023 at cdacasino.com/jingle
Winner(s) will be announced at the Coeur d’Alene Casino on MARCH 31ST, 2023 AT 5 PM See cdacasino.com/jingle for compete entry instructions and contest rules.
Get the scoop on this weekend’s events with our newsletter. Sign up at Inlander.com/newsletter.
I pulled back the curtains and opened the goddamn door. Panic! at the Disco was no longer what it once was. The music on albums like Pray For The Wicked and Viva Las Vengeance was frankly abysmal in comparison to their first three records. It lacked the prolix lyricism that’d originally got me head over heels. Despite not being hitmakers like they had been in early days, the group seemed to be cloying for a self-defeating more mainstream sound, which felt like a betrayal.
Left to his own devices, Brendon Urie turned the band that once meant so much to me into a glorified solo project. He composed songs and entire albums that made me embarrassed to admit that I had once fawned over the complexities of A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out and Pretty. Odd.
When falling in love, the possibility of falling out of love doesn’t cross your mind, but I suspected that point had come. We weren’t the same people anymore. We’d both taken different paths, grown apart.
Did it happen suddenly right before my eyes? Was I too in love to notice the gradual shift? Or was what I thought I adored never there at all?
Was it me or was it you?
Or was it both of us?
In “This Is Gospel,” a song on the band’s fourth studio album, Urie sings: “If you love me, let me go.”
And I have.
And it seems that they have too.
Just last week it was announced that Panic! at the Disco is breaking up. A lover lost to the sands of time. The one that got away.
Removed from the throes of young passion, I’ll likely never feel that wild musical infatuation again, but I still look back on our time together with tenderness.
We were both finding out who we were. In the end, we just weren’t right for each other.
Someday if we cross paths again, I hope they can muster an awkward wave or a slanted smile. Something to let me know that — even if only for a moment — they felt the same. n
Athumping low-end thrash is a hallmark of death metal. But don’t tell that to Slovenian trio Within Destruction. The group is a severe outlier in the genre — a metal band without an actual bassist. But that doesn’t mean WD isn’t heavy. Guitarist Howard Fang and drummer Luka Vezzosi are technical wizards when it comes to shredding. When mixed with singer Rok Rupnik’s growling vocal edge, the total package is top-tier headbanging fodder with a faint hint of melodic accessibility. Leave the bass to the EDM kids.
— SETH SOMMERFELDWithin Destruction, Fox Lake, Carcosa, Dead Low, Anoxic • Thu, Feb. 2 at 6:30 pm • $18 • All ages • The Big Dipper • 171 S. Washington St. • monumentalshows.com
Thursday, 02/2
J J THE BIG DIPPER, Within Destruction, Fox Lake, Carcosa, Dead Low, Anoxic CHAN’S RED DRAGON ON THIRD, Thursday Night Jam
J QQ SUSHI & KITCHEN, Just Plain Darin
ZOLA, Desperate8s
Friday, 02/3
THE DRAFT ZONE, Beat Salad, RCA Music, The Red Books
THE KENWORTHY, DJ Dave’s Backstage Mix
J KNITTING FACTORY, Dirtwire, Bloomurian, Hillstomp
Saturday, 02/4
In general, Kai Wachi may be labeled as a dubstep producer, but many of the muscular Boise DJ’s new songs from his 2022 EP Skins center on emotional lyrics and melodies. Still, good things come to those who wait, with many of the tracks rewarding listeners with some filthy bass drops. I’d wager Wachi’s stop at the Knitting Factory will have plenty of the headbanger dance vibes he’s shown when teaming up with his metal-friendly EDM bro Sullivan King for back-to-back sets (featuring both artists on stage at the same time) in recent years at festivals.
Kai Wachi, Hairitage • Sat, Feb. 4 at 8 pm • $22-$25 • All ages • Knitting Factory. • 919 W. Sprague Ave. • sp.knittingfactory.com
THE BIG DIPPER, PeacefulPinder, Kyle Bender, Caleb Brown
THE DRAFT ZONE, Juvenilia, Ron Greene, The Red Books
HEARTWOOD CENTER, David Raitt and the Baja Boogie Band, Peter Rivera
J J KNITTING FACTORY, Kai Wachi, Hairitage
J NEATO BURRITO, Gabriella Rose, Vika
ZOLA, Blake Braley
Sunday, 02/5
Monday, 02/6
J EICHARDT’S PUB, Monday Night Blues Jam with John Firshi
Tuesday, 02/7
LITZ’S PUB & EATERY, Shuffle Dawgs
NEATO BURRITO, Video DJ with Normo
ZOLA, The Night Mayors
Wednesday, 02/8
2231 CONCERTS, An Evening with Mark Stuart
CORBY’S BAR, Sammy Eubanks
THE DRAFT ZONE, The Draft Zone Open Mic
ZOLA, Runaway Lemonade
J LUCKY YOU LOUNGE, Damien Jurado, Shoecraft, Feb. 12, 8 pm.
J J SPOKANE ARENA, Ice Cube, Bone Thugs N Harmony, Xzibit, Tha Dogg Pound, The Luniz, March 5, 7 pm.
J J KNITTING FACTORY, Alvvays, March 13, 8 pm.
J LUCKY YOU LOUNGE, Old 97’s, Caitlin Rose, March 23, 8 pm.
J THE FOX THEATER, Jerry Cantrell, Thunderpussy, March 31, 8 pm.
J J NORTHERN QUEST RESORT & CASINO, LeAnn Rimes, April 14, 7:30 pm.
J J SPOKANE ARENA, Cypress Hill, Dr. Green Thumbs, Too $hort, Do Or Die, April 20, 7:30 pm.
J J THE BIG DIPPER, The HIRS Collective, Simp, Blacktracks, Spooky, April 25, 7:30 pm.
J J SPOKANE ARENA, Shania Twain, Lindsay Ell, April 28, 7:30 pm.
J J KNITTING FACTORY, Hippo Campus, Charly Bliss, May 10, 8 pm.
J J KNITTING FACTORY, Joseph, May 16, 8 pm.
J J GORGE AMPHITHEATER, Brandi Carlile, Marcus Mumford, Allison Russell, June 9, 7 pm.
J J GORGE AMPHITHEATER, Beyond Wonderland, June 17 and June 18.
219 LOUNGE • 219 N. First Ave., Sandpoint • 208-263-5673
ARBOR CREST WINE CELLARS • 4705 N. Fruit Hill Rd., Spokane Valley • 509-927-9463
BABY BAR • 827 W. First Ave. • 509-847-1234
BARRISTER WINERY • 1213 W. Railroad Ave. • 509-465-3591
BEE’S KNEES WHISKY BAR • 1324 W. Lancaster Rd.., Hayden • 208-758-0558
BERSERK • 125 S. Stevens St. • 509-315-5101
THE BIG DIPPER • 171 S. Washington St. • 509-863-8098
BIGFOOT PUB • 9115 N. Division St. • 509-467-9638
BING CROSBY THEATER • 901 W. Sprague Ave. • 509-227-7638
BLACK DIAMOND • 9614 E. Sprague Ave. • 509891-8357
BOLO’S BAR & GRILL • 116 S. Best Rd., Spokane Valley • 509-891-8995
BOOMERS CLASSIC ROCK BAR • 18219 E. Appleway Ave., Spokane Valley • 509-368-9847
BUCER’S COFFEEHOUSE PUB • 201 S. Main St., Moscow • 208-596-0887
THE BULL HEAD • 10211 S. Electric St., Four Lakes • 509-838-9717
CHAN’S RED DRAGON • 1406 W. Third Ave. • 509-838-6688
COEUR D’ALENE CASINO • 37914 S. Nukwalqw St., Worley • 800-523-2464
COEUR D’ALENE CELLARS • 3890 N. Schreiber Way, Coeur d’Alene • 208-664-2336
CRUISERS BAR & GRILL • 6105 W Seltice Way, Post Falls • 208-446-7154
CURLEY’S HAUSER JUNCTION • 26433 W. Hwy. 53, Post Falls • 208-773-5816
EICHARDT’S PUB • 212 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208-263-4005
FIRST INTERSTATE CENTER FOR THE ARTS • 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. • 509-279-7000
FOX THEATER • 1001 W. Sprague Ave. • 509-624-1200
IRON HORSE • 407 E. Sherman, Coeur d’Alene • 208-667-7314
IRON HORSE BAR & GRILL • 11105 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley • 509-926-8411
JOHN’S ALLEY • 114 E. Sixth St., Moscow • 208-883-7662
KNITTING FACTORY • 911 W. Sprague Ave. • 509-244-3279
LEFTBANK WINE BAR • 108 N. Washington St. • 509-315-8623
LUCKY YOU LOUNGE • 1801 W. Sunset Blvd. • 509-474-0511
MARYHILL WINERY • 1303 W. Summit Pkwy. • 509-443-3832
THE MASON JAR • 101 F St., Cheney • 509-359-8052
MAX AT MIRABEAU • 1100 N. Sullivan Rd., Spokane Valley • 509-922-6252
MILLIE’S • 28441 Hwy 57, Priest Lake • 208-443-0510
MOOSE LOUNGE • 401 E. Sherman Ave., Coeur d’Alene • 208-664-7901
MOOTSY’S • 406 W. Sprague Ave. • 509-838-1570
NASHVILLE NORTH • 6361 W. Seltice Way, Post Falls • 208-457-9128
NORTHERN QUEST RESORT & CASINO • 100 N. Hayford Rd., Airway Heights • 877-871-6772
NYNE BAR & BISTRO • 232 W. Sprague Ave. • 509-474-1621
PEND D’OREILLE WINERY • 301 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208-265-8545
THE PODIUM • 511 W. Dean Ave. • 509-279-7000
POST FALLS BREWING CO. • 112 N. Spokane St., Post Falls • 208-773-7301
RAZZLE’S BAR & GRILL • 10325 N. Government Way, Hayden • 208-635-5874
RED ROOM LOUNGE • 521 W. Sprague Ave. • 509-838-7613
THE RIDLER PIANO BAR • 718 W. Riverside Ave. • 509-822-7938
SEASONS OF COEUR D’ALENE • 1004 S. Perry St. • 208-664-8008
SPOKANE ARENA • 720 W. Mallon Ave. • 509-279-7000
SOUTH PERRY LANTERN • 12303 E. Trent Ave., Spokane Valley • 509-473-9098
STEAM PLANT • 159 S. Lincoln St. • 509-777-3900
E. Trent Ave., Spokane Valley • 509-862-4852
There’s an oft-shared anonymous quote that says “If you want to learn what someone fears losing, watch what they photograph.” While I can’t speak for photographer Dean Davis, I cherish the immense amount of local writing talent that Spokane has to offer — losing that community would be earth-shattering. Through this new multimedia exhibit at the MAC, viewers are connected to their favorite local poets via larger-than-life portraits and recordings. For this project, Davis took stunning black and white photographs of local talent like Mark Anderson, Laura Read, regular Inlander comment section contributor CMarie Fuhrman and more than 180 other poets from around the Inland Northwest. Bring your own headphones for the most immersive experience possible.
— MADISON PEARSONPictures of Poets • Jan. 20-April 2; Tue-Sun from 10 am5 pm • $7-$12 • Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture • 2316 W. First Ave • northwestmuseum.org
There’s an inherent charm that comes with cult classic movies. Sometimes they actually live up to the hype that surrounds them, other times they’re so terrible that they’re actually good. Palouse Cult Film Revival is aware of this dichotomy and understands it well. The group, composed of film lovers, provides a whole new twist on their beloved annual event. Not only will viewers be able to enjoy favorites like Little Shop of Horrors, Mars Attacks!, Romy & Michele’s High School Reunion and The Room, but each film showing also includes an interactive element meant to engage and connect audiences. Little Shop of Horrors is the perfect way to kick off this event — Rick Moranis and ginormous man-eating plants!
— MADISON PEARSONIf you missed encaustic artist Jan Schnurr’s work in 2022 at Dry Fly Distilling, check out her colorful abstract wax-based paintings at V du V Wines during February’s First Friday artwalk. Some of Tybre Newcomer’s new work at Kolva-Sullivan Gallery looks like metal, even though its ceramic, and reminds of modernist artists like Brâncuși. Several group shows offer two layers of visual interest: the work itself, and how the artworks play off each other in the space. See the work of local college and university art instructors at Gonzaga University Urban Arts Center this month (that reception is early, from 4-7 pm). At Saranac Art Projects, you’ll see a range of artwork by the cooperative’s members, including Annie Cunningham, Josh Hobson, Kurt Madison and Mariah Boyle.
— CARRIE SCOZZAROPalouse Cult Film Revival: Little Shop of Horrors
Wed, Feb. 8 from 7:30-9:30 pm
The Kenworthy • 508
Main St., Moscow • palousecultfilms.org
First Friday • Fri, Feb. 3 from 5-8 pm • Spokane, locations vary • Details at firstfridayspokane.org
Submit events online at Inlander.com/getlisted or email relevant details to getlisted@inlander.com. We need the details one week prior to our publication date.
To quote the legendary San Diego weatherman Brick Tamland, “I DON’T KNOW WHAT WE’RE YELLING ABOUT!” But Lewis Black doesn’t have that problem. He always knows what he’s yelling about. He’s built an entire career off it. The comedian rose to prominence as a commentator during the peak of The Daily Show. While Jon Stewart would skewer politicians with incredulous reactions to hypocrisy-laden video clips, Black worked more directly — loudly ranting against issues until he worked himself into a rabid froth (there’s a reason he was tapped to play Anger in Pixar’s Inside Out). His comedy is a blunt-force object used to pummel. And there’s still plenty he’s fired up about, as his undoubtedly manic and scream-filled “Off the Rails” tour will prove.
— SETH SOMMERFELD• $35-$55 • Bing Crosby Theater • 901 W. Sprague Ave. • bingcrosbytheater.com
Lewis Black: Off the Rails • Sun, Feb. 5 at 7 pm
To the casual observer, it can seem like the bulk of classical music that’s stood the test of time comes from White, male, mostly European composers — Mozart and Beethoven and Brahms and all those other guys. That’s why the Spokane Symphony’s next Masterworks program is a nice, fresh breath of air. “Made in America” features traditional and contemporary composers, along with a vocal boost from the Eastern Washington University Symphonic Choir and Spokane Symphony Chorale. A concert highlight is Sydney Guillaume’s (pictured) “New Works for Chorale and Orchestra,” co-commissioned by the symphony, EWU, and Ron and Sue Runyon. The Haitianborn composer resides in Portland, and his pieces have been performed around the world. Other works performed are by William Grant Still, George Frederick McKay (who was born in Harrington, Washington, and resided in Spokane) and Samuel Barber.
— CHEY SCOTT• Sat, Feb. 4 at 7:30 pm and Sun, Feb. 5 at 3 pm
Spokane Symphony Masterworks 6: Made in America
• $19-$68 • The Fox Theater
• 1001 W. Sprague Ave. • spokanesymphony.org
• 509-624-1200
DON’T DO IT I’m the guy you got arrested with one winter. I’m the dude who wrecked my tent and pinned me down like I was Simba in our friends front yard one summer. I haven’t seen you in so many years — about eight — until you and I ran into each other just a few weeks ago. You have been so stuck in an abusive relationship with a jerk who treats you so bad. All I can think is “Does she remember the rest? Every other memory of the times we had hung out in the past? Did she feel anything for me back then?” Now I’ve found myself back in your circle of friends. Do you see how I want you bad just like I did back then?
HIDDEN GEM From the outside, I would never have guessed. A little bar and grill tucked between two car lots on an industrial stretch of Sprague Avenue in the Valley. But by happenstance, a friend and I ventured inside the place, The Bearded Ginger, to discover a welcoming little hideout, with a nice-looking bar, but an even better looking menu of BBQ favorites. The staff was warm, the food was reasonably priced — and excellent. After one unplanned visit, I’m feeling protective of the place: Let’s keep this local gem in business.
MOTORIST STOPS TO HELP Thank you to the gentleman in the silver pickup that stopped to offer help Wednesday morning. I had a flat tire on I-90 halfway up Sunset Hill by Exit 277. AAA was on their way,
but standing by the freeway waiting was stressful and your gesture of caring was greatly appreciated.
MOVIE THEATER CRIERS Last week I saw “The Whale” at Regal in Coeur d’Alene. Some folks left immediately, but about six of us stayed and cried. We really shared a moment there! What a movie!
Cheers to the young ladies at Retro Donuts, great customer service, which is hard to come by nowadays! You brightened up this guy’s gloomy day!!! And thanks to the owners for putting, great REAL bacon on the maples bars, and hiring people who clearly love their job!
BIGOT IN A JEEP Jeers is not a strong enough word for a woman who would drive by a teenage boy and pull a U-turn to go back to yell racial slurs at him. How dare you say, “You (slur) don’t belong on the South Hill. Go back to your ghetto and don’t go to our South Hill schools.” A woman spewing such hateful speech is who doesn’t belong — anywhere!!
DO BETTER, LOCAL NEWS Jeers to the local news stations trying to sue for juicy goss in the Moscow homicides. Trying to claim it’s about freedom of information is utter bull. The gag order only prohibits extrajudicial discussions on the case, but there’s a whole section of court documents and case summary available to all online with the relevant info. What you’re looking for is a scoop for your revenue, and you don’t care about compromising the case integrity or rendering evidence inadmissible or tainting the jury pool in order to get it. Disgusting. Utterly abhorrent. The online sleuths and psychic Tik Tokers are awful enough, but you’re barely any better than them. Shame on you, and stop asking why no one trusts news media anymore. This is why. We expect this from national outlets, but you’d think the local stations would care enough to make sure a fair trial can be held and justice served. Stop treating tragedies like cash cows and start doing some actual journalism for a change, maybe you’d see your numbers rise.
DOUCHE AVENUE CRIPS Your graffiti and drug dealing will not be allowed to ruin West Cental! The cops are onto you!
MUSIC HELD HOSTAGE Coulee Dam is a small town of numerous cultures and faiths. Our one music radio station has been replaced by Christian-only music. We thought it was for the holidays season, but it looks like it is permanent. Half the town is on a tribal reservation, and geographically it is difficult to even get an AM station.
light, floor it! You must beat everyone else to the next red light. When you encounter pedestrians using a crosswalk to cross a multilane street, accelerate and change lanes to get around them so that they don’t slow you down. Tailgate. As a transplanted Californian I await the haters to hate.
to the owners for hiring you, and ever even thinking that PRECOOKED BACON would be good on a damn maple bacon bar!
Jeers to the Spokane “businessman” who continues to collect $25,000 in rent EACH MONTH for a vacant neighborhood grocery
Someone with no regard for the general public has decided to monopolize our airwaves. We miss our music.
YOUR KIDS WILL LEARN Jeers to the bigots that keep kids in the dark on trans and nonbinary issues. It’s an absolute epidemic in Spokane. My child is transitioning, and the amount of hate and disgusting comments we have received from the parents at HER elementary school is enough to turn our stomachs. My daughter cannot help who she is. You people need to understand that you WILL have your children learn about the innate beauty of childhood transitioning. It starts with education. We can only hope the future breeds a more tolerant community for kids outside of your Trump-loving heteronormative fantasy.
SPOKANE TRAFFIC RULES Preface: I have read in these pages that all of Spokane’s traffic problems are from transplanted Californians who don’t know how to drive. As a transplant myself, who spent nearly 50 years driving all around California, I have never witnessed the moronic stupidity that is Spokane traffic. As far as I can tell, these are the driving rules of Spokane city streets: Whatever the posted speed limit, drive a minimum of 40 mph. At blind/ uncontrolled intersections drive 40 mph. The vehicle that is larger and or going fastest has the right of way. Stop signs are just a suggestion. When you do decide to stop make sure it is at least one full car length past the sign. Which brings me to the physics-defying phenomenon that is unique to Spokane: accelerate to the stop. You’ve all seen it, nuff said. When exiting a driveway or side street, regardless of traffic speed, density or weather conditions, just go. You waited at least a nanosecond, and you are a VIP in a hurry. When leaving a red
SOUND OFF 1. Visit Inlander.com/isawyou by 3 pm Monday. 2. Pick a category (I Saw You, You Saw Me, Cheers or Jeers). 3. Provide basic info: your name and email (so we know you’re real). 4. To connect via I Saw You, provide a non-identifying email to be included with your submission — like “petals327@yahoo.com,” not “j.smith@comcast.net.”
RE: CROSSWALKS I personally haven’t been on my phone crossing, and I agree that people shouldn’t be. Don’t cross anywhere else besides a crosswalk/designated crossing area such as a light, and pay attention. My jeer, if you read it fully, was about drivers who damn near hit anyone in their path because they can’t be bothered to wait the five seconds it takes for someone to cross the street or are looking at their phones. But I agree with what you said. People need to pay attention all around, but drivers have a certain amount of responsibility. But that doesn’t mean walkers shouldn’t be held accountable, my jeer was strictly about drivers and some people’s belief that the car always has the right of way. Don’t cross in dark clothing, don’t look at your phone when you are walking in a crosswalk and/or a light. But drivers, get off your phone, watch better for pedestrians. I can’t tell you how many times I was almost hit because someone wasn’t paying attention or they think that the meer 10 to five seconds might slow them down, so they gun it. I have had drivers look me in the eye as they almost hit me.
DRIVERS BEWARE! Jeers to whoever is responsible for the upkeep of Argonne Road. That pothole on the northbound side near Wellesley is dangerous and it’s not new, it has been there a long time.
SCALLYWAG ALERT! Jeers to the ugly longnailed, straight outta Hillyard witch, with elementary level vernacular, and a bad a** attitude serving donuts! I can’t even believe you got hired at this place. I would’ve come back and complained about how terrible the donuts were, but by that point my IQ had already went down 5 points hearing you speak!!! Advice: Get some education, cut your nails, and clean it up, sis!!! Jeers
store building that has been empty since Albertsons closed it years ago. How about actually contributing something to the community that has created your wealth? Maybe another grocery store, a preschool/ day care center, a dance studio, an exercise center, or restaurants could use the space and provide a valuable service to the community. It might reduce your $25,000 monthly income, but I’m thinking you can scrape by.
THIEF I dropped my gloves shopping at the Rosauer’s store without knowing it. I discovered they were gone and went to the Lost and Found. No gloves. Been back again and again. Clearly, some person picked up my gloves and walked out with them. No big deal, right? Wrong. Those gloves were important to me for reasons you do not need to know. All you had to do was take the gloves to the store’s Lost and Found. But no, you decided to be a thief. Shame on you. n
NOTE: I Saw You/Cheers & Jeers is for adults 18 or older. The Inlander reserves the right to edit or reject any posting at any time at its sole discretion and assumes no responsibility for the content.
A woman spewing such hateful speech is who doesn’t belong...
CINN-A-GRAM FUNDRAISER Meals on Wheels Spokane is now accepting orders for its annual Valentine’s fundraiser, delivered to recipients Feb. 14. Each Cinn-AGram contains two Cinnabon cinnamon rolls, a ceramic mug, Roast House coffee, two chocolates and other goodies. $40. Orders must be placed by Feb. 8. mowspokane.org
THE WINNER WINNER BASH This event benefits Emerge, an arts nonprofit in Coeur d’Alene. The evening includes live art making, a dance floor, live music, food and an auction. Feb. 3, 6-9 pm. $85. Honey Eatery and Social Club, 317 Sherman Ave. emergecda.com (208-930-1876)
SUNDAY FUNDRAISE Flatstick Pub hosts
Spokane Helpers Network, a nonprofit that serves low-income households. Spokane Helpers Network shares how to access basic needs, as well as how to volunteer or donate. Saturdays from 1-4 pm through Feb. 26. Free. Flatstick Pub, 618 W. Main Ave. flatstickpub.com/spokane
MARDI BRAS This monthlong fundraiser aims to provide access to bras, underwear and personal hygiene items to people experiencing poverty and homelessness. Drop off items on March 3 from 2-4 pm at Hope House. Free. bit.ly/3YsbK0O
JO KOY Jo’s relatable comedy began in a Las Vegas coffee house. This tour features all new material from the comedian. Feb. 2 (sold out) and Feb. 3, 8 pm. $42-$82. First Interstate Center for the Arts, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. firstinterstatecenter.org (509-279-7000)
BAD TRIP Comics try their hand at reviewing a fresh crop of unusual and psychedelic art, while telling trip stories. Feb. 3, 7-9 pm. $10. Shotgun Studios, 1625 W. Water Ave. shotgunstudiosspokane.com
EDDIE GRIFFIN Griffin is a comedianturned-actor who’s appeared opposite Lady Gaga, Dave Chappelle and Bradley Cooper. Feb. 3 and Feb. 4, 7:30 & 10:30 pm. $35-$50. Spokane Comedy Club, 315 W. Sprague. spokanecomedyclub.com
I SAW YOU! Join the BDT Players as they pull comedy from the weekly readersubmitted section of the Inlander. Guests are encouraged to bring their favorite (family friendly) posting to the show. Feb. 3-24, Fri at 7:30 pm. $9. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. bluedoortheatre.org (509-747-7045)
student comedy improv group showcases family-friendly humor. Feb. 4, 9 pm. $1. Gonzaga University Magnuson Theatre, 502 E. Boone Ave. gonzaga.edu/ theatreanddance (509-313-5383)
SAFARI Blue Door’s version of “Whose Line,” a fast-paced improv show with a few twists and turns added. Rated for mature audiences/ages 16+. Reservations recommended. Feb. 4-25, Sat at 7:30 pm. $9. Blue Door Theatre, 815 W. Garland Ave. bluedoortheatre.com
SOCIAL HOUR COMEDY NIGHT The Drink N Debate Comedy Showcase features two teams of comedians facing off in a comedy competition filled with absurdity. Feb. 4, 8-9:30 pm. $12. Black Diamond, 9614 E. Sprague Ave. fb.me/ e/45vsGUIBN (562-544-4612)
LEWIS BLACK Black’s trademark style of comedic yelling and finger-pointing has been featured on late night shows such as Jimmy Fallon as well as on CNN. Feb. 5, 8 pm. $35-$55. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague. bingcrosbytheater.com
NEW TALENT TUESDAYS Watch comedians of all skill levels work out jokes together. Tuesdays at 7 pm (doors at 6 pm). Free. Spokane Comedy Club, 315 W. Sprague. spokanecomedyclub.com
OPEN MIC STAND-UP Wednesdays at 7:30 pm. See website for sign-up details. Free. Spokane Comedy Club, 315 W. Sprague. spokanecomedyclub.com
DERRICK STROUP Stroup is an Alabama native and recently filmed his own Dry Bar Comedy special. Feb. 9, 7:30 pm, Feb. 10, 7:30 & 10:15 pm and Feb. 11, 7 & 9:45 pm. $15-$28. Spokane Comedy Club, 315 W. Sprague. spokanecomedyclub.com
GABRIEL RUTLEDGE Rutledge has made numerous TV appearances including Comedy Central’s Live at Gotham, Nickelodeon’s Nickmom Night Out and Laughs on Fox. Feb. 14, 7:30 pm. $22-$30. Spokane Comedy Club, 315 W. Sprague. spokanecomedyclub.com (509-319-9998)
MEETING Meet to discuss ways to continue serving those in need throughout the community. Feb. 2, 9:30-10:30 am. Free. Central Library, 906 W. Main Ave. spokanelibrary.org (509-444-5300)
INVENTION CONNECTION Spark transforms into an invention lab for kids to explore, code or build something from their imagination. Feb. 3, 3:30-5:30 pm. Free. Spark Central, 1214 W. Summit Pkwy. spark-central.org (509-279-0299)
LOVE LETTERS TO EARTH Show your love and appreciation for Mother Earth with a fun craft using new and recycled materials. This program is intended for kids ages 9-12 (4-8 with an adult). Feb. 3, 4-5 pm. Free. Shadle Library, 2111 W. Wellesley Ave. spokanelibrary.org
ROLE-PLAYING GAME DROP IN Improve your RPG skills by watching and participating in games. Fridays from 4-8 pm and Saturdays from 1-5 pm. Free. RPG Community Center, 101 N. Stone Street. rpgcenter.org (509-608-7630)
EVENT Learn where electricity comes from and how it gets to our cities. Create a light-up sculpture with conductive dough, LED lights and batteries illustrating the concepts of conductivity and insulation. This program is for kids ages 9-11, and 5-8 with an adult. Feb. 3, 10:3011:30 am. Free. Shadle Library, 2111 W. Wellesley Ave. spokanelibrary.org
1912 CENTER WINTER MARKET The market includes dozens of vendors selling wares, food and drinks. Feb. 4 and March 4, 9 am-1 pm. Free. 1912 Center, 412 E. Third St. 1912center.org
DROP IN & RPG Stop by and explore the world of role playing games. Build a shared narrative using cooperative problem solving, exploration, imagination and rich social interaction. First and Third Saturdays from 1-3:45 pm. Free. Spark Central, 1214 W. Summit Pkwy. sparkcentral.org (509-279-0299)
SUDS & SCIENCE: THE MARTIAN A night of analyzing science from The Martian, and a discussion of what they got right and what they got wrong. Feb. 4, 7-9 pm. Free. Golden Handle Brewing Co., 154 S. Madison St. golden-handle-project-spc. square.site (509-863-9167)
BRAIDING BASICS Sharron Davis shares braiding techniques like parting/sectioning, single (individual) braids and French braids. Bring a friend to practice on or use a provided mannequin head. Registration required. Feb. 5, 2-3:30 pm. Free. Shadle Library, 2111 W. Wellesley Ave. spokanelibrary.org (509-444-5300)
OPEN STUDIO AT THE HIVE Stop by to check out Artist-In-Residence studios, tour The Hive and ask questions. JWed from 4-7 pm through Feb. 22. Free. The Hive, 2904 E. Sprague Ave. spokanelibrary.org (509-444-5300)
MEETING Keith Berns from Green Cover Seed shares the benefits of cover crops in improving low and no-till farming practices through research, education and product development. Other presenters
include the Washington Soil Health Initiative Team and Natural Resource Conservation Service. Feb. 10, 9 am-3 pm. $20. Deer Park Fire Hall, 315 E. Crawford St. pocd.org (509-684-7579)
‘TIL DEATH DO WE PART A Valentine’s Day-themed murder mystery. Feb. 11, 6-9 pm. $29-$39. Crime Scene Entertainment, 2775 N. Howard St. crimesceneentertainment.com (208-369-3695)
Bring the whole family for hands-on experience with video recording and editing using a green screen and keyframing to incorporate special effects. Participants are encouraged to bring their own digital images and/or video to use during editing. Ages 12+. Registration required. Feb. 11, 12:30-2:30 pm. Free. Cheney Library, 610 First St. scld.org
GALENTINE’S DAY OUT! This boutique crawl features five local boutiques. Fill out a Valentine card provided by the host, and once completed, drop off the filled-in card at any of the participating boutiques and be entered to win $400 in gift cards to all of the businesses. Feb. 11, 12-4 pm. Free. Rebel Hart Co., 6630 E. Sprague Ave. fb.me/e/2Dla67aaN
SONS OF NORWAY CRAFT AND CULTURE FAIR This market features Norwegian foods, presentations, exhibits, demonstrations and local artisan vendors. Feb. 11, 9 am-3 pm. Free. Trinity Lutheran Church, 812 N. Fifth St. fb.me/ e/3jwzyHExK (208-262-8020)
This annual meeting invites the public to hear from representatives of Downtown Spokane talk about the accomplishments of 2022 as well as goals and objectives of 2023. Feb. 15, 8:30-10:30 am. Free. Central Library, 906 W. Main Ave. downtownspokane.net (509-456-0580)
AMADEUS The life, success and troubles of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, as told by Antonio Salieri, the contemporaneous composer who was deeply jealous of Mozart’s talent and claimed to have murdered him. Feb. 2, 7-10 pm. $7. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. kenworthy. org (208-882-4127)
FESTIVAL This 19th annual event takes place online and in person in 2023. The film lineup includes Spokane’s Voices of the Holocaust, Where Life Begins, Tiger Within and more. For full schedule and details, see website. Through Feb. 5. $7$54. Gonzaga University, 502 E. Boone
THE ELLA BAKER STORY FILM PREMIERE & DINNER A film about Ella Baker, a friend and advisor to Martin Luther King Jr. Screening is followed by a Q&A with professor Terry Buffington. See website for dinner menu. Feb. 3, 7 pm. $75. Gladish Community Center, 115 NW State St., Pullman. gladishcommunity.org
GREEN FLANNEL & REPO MAN A night of live punk music with Green Flannel and a showing of Repo Man, a punk rock musical featuring an alien invasion. Feb. 3, 7 pm. $10. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. kenworthy.org (208-882-4127)
FESTIVAL This annual film festival celebrates local and regional filmmakers, including the Best of the Northwest Shorts program and internationally produced features in a variety of genres. Feb. 3-9; times and locations vary. See website for schedule. spokanefilmfestival.org
MONDAY NIGHT MOVIES Showings of cult classics and B-movies. Check social media for details each week. Every other Mon at 5:30 pm. Free. Golden Handle Brewing Co., 154 S. Madison. goldenhandle-project-spc.square.site
THIS IS MY BLACK This documentary shows the nuances of Black adolescence and surviving institutional violence, explored through the musically inclined students at Philadelphia’s Pine Forge Academy. Pine Forge Music Director Jarrett Roseborough joins for a Q&A. Feb. 7, 7 pm. Free. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. kenworthy.org (208-882-4127)
PALOUSE CULT FILM REVIVAL: LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS This annual film festival features four films with interactive elements. Feb. 8, 7:30-9:30 pm. $5-$50. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. palousecultfilms.org (208-310-1200)
DOG DAY AFTERNOON A finely detailed snapshot of people in crisis with tensionsoaked drama shaded in black humor. Feb. 9, 7-9:30 pm. $7. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. kenworthy.org
VHS MANIA II: ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK & THE WARRIORS This double feature is screened from original VHS tapes of both films. Feb. 11, 7-11 pm. $10. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. kenworthy.org (208-882-4127)
SKINAMARINK Two children wake up in the middle of the night to find their father is missing and all the windows and doors in their home have vanished. Feb. 12, 7-9 pm. $7. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. kenworthy.org (208-882-4127)
BRING YOUR OWN VINYL NIGHT Bring your own vinyl to spin while sipping on craft cocktails and listening to music. Thursdays from 3-10 pm. The Boneyard - Side Hustle Syrups, 17905 E. Appleway Ave, Ste A. sidehustlesyrups.com
FIRESIDE DINNER & MUSIC SERIES Enjoy selections from Arbor Crest’s seasonal menu along with wine and beer from Square Wheel Brewing. Music lineup varies, see website for more. Thu-Sat from 6-8 pm. Arbor Crest Wine Cellars, 4705 N. Fruit Hill Rd. arborcrest.com
OLI Commellini Estate’s executive chef teaches how to create ravioli. Class culminates in a meal served family style. Feb. 2, March 8 and March 9, 6:30 pm. $85. Commellini Estate, 14715 N. Dartford Dr. commellini.com
CHOCOLATE DECADENCE Stroll through downtown Pullman, participate in free giveaways, collect Valentine cards and possibly win a golden ticket prize. Feb. 3, 5-8 pm. Free. Pullman. downtownpullman.info
SAGEMOOR WINE DINNER A five-course dinner features Sagemoor Winery’s very own verjus, the juice of under-ripened grapes, in every course. Feb. 3, 5-9 pm. $150. Gander & Ryegrass, 404 W. Main Ave. ganderandryegrass.com
WINE TASTING Taste February selections from Vino’s Wine of the Month Club. Includes cheese and crackers. Reservations not required. Feb. 3, 3-6:30 pm. $10. Vino! A Wine Shop, 222 S. Washington St. vinowine.com (509-838-1229)
This dinner features a sparkling wine, two wines from Amavi and two wines from Pepper Bridge. Feb. 4, 6-9 pm. $100. Fête - A Nectar Co, 120 N. Stevens St. nectarcateringandevents.com (509-951-2096)
WINE TASTING Taste a selection of wines from Italy’s Piedmont region. Includes cheese and crackers. Reservations not required. Feb. 4, 2-4:30 pm. $15. Vino! A Wine Shop, 222 S. Washington St. vinowine.com (509-838-1229)
DRAG BRUNCH The cast of Runway performs while enjoying a full breakfast menu and mimosas. Hosted by Savannah SoReal. Sundays from 10 am-2 pm. Globe Bar & Kitchen, 204 N. Division. globespokane.com (509-443-4014)
Northwest drag performers take the stage and perform pieces choreographed by Troy Nickerson. First and third Sun of every month, 11 am. Highball A Modern Speakeasy, 100 N. Hayford Rd. northernquest.com (877-871-6772)
BLIND BOOK & BREW Each blind book is wrapped and curated from a range of popular genres and best-of lists. Each wrapping is tagged with a genre and the first sentence of the book. Step outside of your comfort zone and let the mystery of the book be a part of this story. All books are served with choice of local brew. Feb. 7, 5 pm. $10. Heritage Bar & Kitchen, 122 S. Monroe St. heritagebarandkitchen.com
WINE WEDNESDAY All seven dinners in the series feature food from culinary regions south of the equator. Each meal comes with three wines paired by owner Josh Wade. Wednesdays from 6-8 pm . $27.50. Fête - A Nectar Co, 120 N. Stevens St. nectarcateringandevents.com
THE CHOCOLATE AFFAIR Wander through downtown businesses as they feature their in-house treats and become pop-up chocolate shops. Feb. 11, 4-7 pm. Downtown Coeur d’Alene, Sherman Ave. cdadowntown.com (208-415-0116)
CLASS Learn how to create classic cocktails with bartender Ryan Kurtz. Cocktails include the old fashioned, French 75 and the Gold Rush. Feb. 11, 4-6 pm. $75. Tavolata, 221 N. Wall St. ethanstowellrestaurants.com (509-606-5600)
WINEMAKERS SUPPER CLUB WITH MARYHILL WINERY Commellini Estate prepares a meal of Italian cuisine and pairs each course with wine from Maryhill. Feb. 11 and Feb. 14, 5:30-9:30 pm. $120. Commellini Estate, 14715 N. Dartford Dr. commellini.com/valentinessupperclub
BIG GAME PARTY Watch the Gonzaga game on a big screen while eating food from Victory Burger and enjoying beer specials from No-Li Brewhouse. Feb. 12, 2 pm. Prices vary. Victory Burger, 835 N. Post St. ethanstowellrestaurants.com (509-606-8900)
NER A four-course menu with or without wine. Contact office via phone for reservation and/or pre-payment. Feb. 14-15 at 5:30, 6 & 6:30 pm. $50-$65. Orlando’s Restaurant, 1810 N. Greene St., SCC Bldg. 1. scc.spokane.edu/For-Our-Students/ Around-Campus/Orlando-s
& DINNER A three-course dinner with a burlesque show. Menu includes braised short rib, lasagna, creme brûlée and more. Feb. 14, 7:30 pm. $75. Prohibition Gastropub, 1914 N. Monroe St. facebook. com/Prohibition.Gastropub.Spokane1
This annual conference is organized into a series of monthly webinars about heritage tree fruits. See website for full schedule. Feb. 15, March 15 and April 19, 10-11:30 am. Free. University of Idaho
Extension-Sandpoint Organic Ag Center, 10881 N. Boyer Rd. uidaho.edu/cals/soac
A French-inspired cooking class featuring roasted duck breast, a red wine pan sauce, risotto and a flourless chocolate tart for dessert. Each meal is paired with a glass of wine. Feb. 17, 5:30 pm. $95. Wanderlust Delicato, 421 W. Main Ave. wanderlustdelicato.com (509-822-7087)
HOUSE Play the drums at this hands-on open house and demonstration. Spokane Taiko is a nonprofit founded in 1997 to build community and create awareness through the traditional music, and especially rhythms, of Japan. Feb. 2, 5:306:30 pm. Free. Salem Lutheran Church, 1428 W. Broadway Ave. spokanetaiko. com (509-270-5308)
JARED HALL JAZZ QUARTET Live jazz music performed by Jared Hall. Cocktails available for purchase. Feb. 2, 7-9 pm. Free. Emma Rue’s, 15 S. Howard St. emmarues.com (509-703-7389)
WORDS Jazz Northwest members are joined by colleagues from the University of Idaho in a varied night of music in styles ranging from Charlie Parker bebop through Freddie Hubbard fusion and beyond. Feb. 3, 7:30-9 pm. Free. Bryan Hall Theatre (WSU), 605 Veterans Way. music.wsu.edu (509-332-9600)
6: MADE IN AMERICA Works by Sydney Guillaume, Samuel Barber, George Frederick McKay and William Grant Still. Feb. 4, 7:30 pm and Feb. 5, 3 pm. The Fox Theater, 1001 W. Sprague Ave. spokanesymphony.org (509-624-1200)
TUNE TIME: MALLETS WITH ROSIE Participants experiment with mallet instruments to discover what sounds these instruments make and how they make them. Get creative with musical games, then make some noise together in a finale of beats. Feb. 4, 12-1 pm. Free. Spark Central Studio, 1206 W. Summit Pkwy. spark-central.org/ (509-279-0299)
JAZZ NIC FESTIVAL CONCERT This concert features musicians participating in the JazzNIC festival workshops and classes. Feb. 7, 7:30 pm. Free. North Idaho College, 1000 W. Garden Ave. nic. edu (208-769-3300)
SPIRIT OF SPOKANE CHORUS REHEARSAL Sit in on the rehearsals of the Spirit of Spokane chorus. Tue from 6:309 pm through Nov. 28. Free. Opportunity Presbyterian Church, 202 N. Pines Rd. spiritofspokanechorus.org
BLUEY’S BIG PLAY The award-winning animated preschool series, Bluey, which airs on Disney Junior, Disney Channel and Disney+, takes to the stage and features puppetry and live actors. Feb. 8-9 at 6 pm. First Interstate Center for the Arts, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. firstinterstatecenter.org (509-279-7000)
VILLA BLUES N’ JAZZ CONCERT: LOVE IS ALL AROUND This evening of music features Heather Villa and is themed around love. Beverages and snacks available for purchase. Feb. 11, 7-9 pm. $30$50. Unity Spiritual Center Spokane, 2900 S. Bernard St. unityspokane.org
CONCERT A love-themed concert with local musician Brad Sondahl performing songs about the phases of love, longing, infatuation, love triangles and more, Feb. 13, 1-2 pm. Free. Coeur d’Alene Public Library, 702 E. Front Ave. cdalibrary.org
SOIREÉ 2 Musician-curated chamber music accompanied by refreshments, wine, coffee and dessert from Beacon Hill Catering. Feb. 15-16, 7:30 pm. Barrister Winery, 1213 W. Railroad Ave. spokanesymphony.org (509-465-3591)
OUR PLANET: LIVE IN CONCERT The Emmy Award-winning Netflix Original documentary series has been fused with new orchestrations by Steven Price with narration by Sir David Attenborough. Feb. 18, 7 pm. $30-$75. First Interstate Center for the Arts, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. firstinterstatecenter.org
SCREENING Watch the Zags face off against the Santa Clara Broncos on the big screen. Feb. 2, 8 pm. Free. Garland Theater, 924 W. Garland Ave. garlandtheater.com (509-327-1050)
MT. SPOKANE NIGHT SKI Ski in the dark on Mt. Spokane’s 16-lighted runs. Wed-Sat from 3-9 pm through March 11. $36. Mt. Spokane Ski & Snowboard Park, 29500 N. Mt. Spokane Park Dr. mtspokane.com (509-238-2220)
SPOKANE NORDIC SKI-A-THON All February, skiers self-report their kilometers skied and rack up donations. Earn
prizes for reaching certain milestones. Free. spokanenordic.org
FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS Ski during sunset and into the night with live music and food and drink specials. Fridays from 3-9 pm through Feb. 24. $36. Mt. Spokane Ski & Snowboard Park, 29500 N. Mt. Spokane Park Dr. mtspokane.com
BRONCOS Promotional events include Avista Poster Series Giveaway. Feb. 3, 7:05 pm. $12-$30. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon Ave. spokanechiefs.com
CHEWELAH WINTERFEST This fourth annual event takes place in downtown Chewelah and includes activities such as a skijor demo, a rail jam and a chili cookoff. TFeb. 4, 10 am-6 pm. Prices vary. Chewelah. chewelah.org
CONQUEST OF THE CAGE A mixed martial arts event features several live fights.
Feb. 4, 7 pm. $49-$129. Northern Quest Resort & Casino, 100 N. Hayford Rd. northernquest.com (509-242-7000)
LIGHT TOURS & DINNER Take a guided cross-country skiing or snowshoeing trip through the woods at Mt. Spokane and enjoy a scratch meal afterward. Fee includes skis, boots, poles and dinner. Feb. 4, 6-9 pm. $51. Selkirk Lodge, N. Mt. Spokane Park Dr. spokanerec.org
REBELS Promos include the Coca-Cola Bobblehead Giveaway. Feb. 4, 7:05 pm.
$12-$30. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon Ave. spokanechiefs.com (279-7000)
SNOWSHOE MOUNT SPOKANE Learn the basics of snowshoeing during a guided hike. Travel on snowshoe trails through the snow-covered trees and hills around Mount Spokane. Fee includes: snowshoes, poles, trail fees, instruction, guides and transportation. Jan. 21-March 18, Sat from 9 am-1 pm. $39. Mt. Spokane State Park, 26107 N. Mt. Spokane Park Dr. spokanerec.org (509-755-2489)
SNOWSHOE TOUR 49 DEGREES NORTH Tour the trails with a guide who gives tips leading to better control and more fun on your snowshoes. Fee includes: snowshoes, poles, trail pass, instruction, guides and lunch. Feb. 5, Feb. 25 and March 11, 10 am-2 pm. $45. spokanerec. org (509-755-2489)
TURES This program discusses the conservation challenges of vultures presented by Audubon member, avid birder and Washington Fish and Wildlife Commissioner Kim Thorburn. She’ll cover the taxonomy of new-world and old-world vultures. Hosted via Zoom. Feb. 8, 7-8 pm. Free. audubonspokane.org
PACIFIC 8 HOCKEY CONFERENCE Eight hockey teams complete to be the PAC8 conference championship. Full schedule TBA. Feb. 9-12. $10-$35. Eastern Washington University, 526 Fifth St., Cheney. ewuacha.com
LADIES DAY CLINIC The day begins with coffee and stretching followed by ski instruction, lunch and a social hour. Feb. 10 and March 10, 8:30 am-2:30 pm. $129. Mt. Spokane Ski & Snowboard Park, 29500 N. Mt. Spokane Park Dr. mtspokane.com
SPOKANE CHIEFS VS. EVERETT SILVERTIPS Promos include the Coeur d’Alene Casino Bingo Night. Feb. 10, 7:05 pm. $12-$30. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon Ave. spokanechiefs.com
WILD & SCENIC FILM FESTIVAL An environmental film fest that illustrates the challenges facing our planet and the
work communities are doing to protect the environment and the places we love. All proceeds go to the Idaho Sierra Club. Feb. 10, 7 pm. $15. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. kenworthy.org (208-882-4127)
THE 39 STEPS A mysterious organization called “The 39 Steps” is hot on a man’s trail in a nationwide manhunt. Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm through Feb. 12. $10-$39. Spokane Civic Theatre, 1020 N. Howard St. spokanecivictheatre.com
PHOTOGRAPH 51 A portrait of Rosalind Franklin, one of the great female scientists of the 20th century and her fervid drive to map the contours of the DNA molecule. Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm through Feb. 5. $10-$25. Spokane Civic Theatre, 1020 N. Howard St. spokanecivictheatre.com (509-325-2507)
SWEENEY TODD: THE DEMON BARBER OF FLEET STREET A Victorian-era barber returns to London after 15 years of exile to take revenge on the corrupt judge who ruined his life. Feb. 3-26; Thu-Sat at 7 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $25-$30. Stage Left Theater, 108 W. Third Ave. stagelefttheater.org
NT LIVE: MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING Katherine Parkinson (The IT Crowd) and John Heffernan (Dracula) lead the cast in Shakespeare’s romcom of sun, sea and mistaken identity. Feb. 5, 4-7 pm. $10. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. kenworthy.org (208-882-4127)
POOL (NO WATER) In this staged reading, a famous artist invites her old friends to her new home. For one night, the group is back together but celebrations come to an abrupt end when the host suffers a horrific accident. Feb. 9, 7:30 pm and Feb. 10, 7:30 pm. $8. Gonzaga Magnuson Theatre, 502 E. Boone. gonzaga.edu/theatreanddance
This First Friday event features art by Lon Hyatt and live music from Jason Garrett Evans. Feb. 3, 6:30-9 pm. Free. Golden Handle Brewing Co., 154 S. Madison St. goldenhandle.org (509-863-9167)
This exhibit explores the intersection of material, color, space and sound via an immersive installation. Mon-Thu from 9 am-4 pm, Fri from 9 am-1:30 pm through Feb. 10. Free. SFCC Fine Arts Gallery, 3410 W. Whistalks Way. spokanefalls.edu/gallery (509-533-3746)
FACING FIRE: ART, WILDFIRE, AND THE END OF NATURE IN THE NEW WEST The artists featured explore fire as an omen and elemental force, as metaphor and personal experience. Mon-Sat from 10 am-4 pm through May 13. Free. Jundt Art Museum, 200 E. Desmet Ave. gonzaga. edu/jundt (509-313-6843)
PLATEAU PICTORIAL BEADWORK: FRED L. MITCHELL COLLECTION During a lifetime collecting Plateau floral, geometric, and pictorial beadwork, Walla Walla resident Fred L. Mitchell has amassed the premier collection of this material. Feb. 1-May 14, Tue-Sun from 10 am-5 pm. $10-$15. The MAC, 2316 W. First Ave. northwestmuseum.org
RAFAEL SOLDI: MOTHER TONGUE This exhibition examines how queerness and masculinity intersect with immigration, memory and loss. Mon-Fri from 9 am-6 pm through March 3. Free. EWU Gallery of Art, 140 Art Building. rafaelsoldi.com (509-359-2494)
It’s been advertised as a panacea, and in recent years CBD has become almost ubiquitous, everywhere from head shops to grocery stores. But over the past couple of weeks CBD’s expansion into the mainstream hit a bit of a speedbump. The chemical compound was seriously questioned in recent days, in ways it hasn’t been before. Its expansion has been halted, aggressively, both domestically and abroad.
An announcement last week from the Food and Drug Administration took some wind out of the CBD industry’s sails. The FDA denied three petitions asking for permission to market the compound as a dietary supplement. After a review of the current regulatory framework surrounding dietary supplements, the agency found that the existing regulations are not appropriate for CBD products. As a result, the FDA will not allow CBD to be marketed as a dietary supplement or food additive at this time.
CBD has existed in a gray area since the passing of the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, which legalized hemp and, by extension, the production of CBD from hemp. In the years since, CBD has exploded in the personal care product market, appearing in everything from skin lotions to oral capsules. That explosion on grocery store shelves has happened despite the illegality of marketing it as a dietary supplement.
The FDA says it will work with Congress to develop a new regulatory framework for CBD products. The agency claims current regulatory standards cannot effectively manage potential risks associated with its consumption. Claims of the compound’s efficacy as a treatment for myriad medical conditions have outpaced the available empirical data.
As of Feb. 1, CBD is illegal in Hong Kong, the semi-autonomous Chinese city of 7.5 million people. Under new rules, the non-psychoactive compound will be classified as a dangerous drug in the major global financial center, along with other drugs like heroin and cocaine.
Hong Kong’s Dangerous Drugs Ordinance allows for punishment of up to seven years in prison for possession of CBD and up to life in prison for trafficking the substance. Residents of the city have known the ban was coming for months, but as of Wednesday the ban is in full effect with no grace period.
Bans on CBD in mainland China have been in effect since 2021. n
Be aware of the differences in the law between Idaho and Washington. It is illegal to possess, sell or transport cannabis in the State of Idaho. Possessing up to an ounce is a misdemeanor and can get you a year in jail and up to a $1,000 fine; more than three ounces is a felony that can carry a five-year sentence and fine of up to $10,000. Transporting marijuana across state lines, like from Washington into Idaho, is a felony under federal law.
WARNING: This product has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. Cannabis
WARNING: This product has intoxicating effects and may be habit forming. Cannabis can impair concentration, coordination, and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. There may be health risks associated with consumption of this product. For use only by adults 21 and older. Keep out of the reach of children.
BE AWARE: Marijuana is legal for adults 21 and older under Washington State law (e.g., RCW 69.50, RCW 69.51A, HB0001 Initiative 502 and Senate Bill 5052). State law does not preempt federal law; possessing, using, distributing and selling marijuana remains illegal under federal law. In Washington state, consuming marijuana in public, driving while under the influence of marijuana and transporting marijuana across state lines are all illegal. Marijuana has intoxicating effects; there may be health risks associated with its consumption, and it may be habit-forming. It can also impair concentration, coordination and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. Keep out of reach of children. For more information, consult the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board at www.liq.wa.gov.
ELECTRIC This exhibit features electric kiln-fired pottery by artists Chris Kelsey, Mark Moore and Gina Freuen. Opening reception: Fri, Feb. 3 from 5-8 pm. Feb. 8-28; Wed-Fri from 11 am-5 pm. Free. Trackside Studio, 115 S. Adams St. tracksidestudio.net
DREAMS, MEMORIES & REFLECTIONS The gallery features new work of members, artist consignors and the Spokane Jeweler’s Guild. Feb. 3-25, Wed-Sat from 11 am-5 pm. Free. New Moon Art Gallery, 1326 E. Sprague Ave. newmoonartgallery.com
FIRST FRIDAY Art galleries and businesses across downtown Spokane and beyond host receptions to showcase new displays of art. Feb, 3 from 5-8 pm. Details at firstfridayspokane.org
TYBRE NEWCOMER: FORM & FUNCTION This new body of work is a culmination of an artist in residency at the University of Montana and studio practice from the last six months. Feb. 3-28 by appointment. Free. Kolva-Sullivan Gallery, 115 S. Adams St. tybrenewcomer.com (509-458-5517)
REGIONAL ART FACULTY EXHIBITION This group exhibition features art of department faculty from Gonzaga, EWU, Whitworth, SFCC and NIC. Feb. 3-March 3; Fri from 4-7 pm, Sat from 10 am-3 pm. Free. Gonzaga University Urban Arts Center, 125 S. Stevens St. gonzaga.edu/gonzaga-universityurban-arts-center (509-313-6686)
NEEDLEWORK LANDSCAPES Judy Patterson’s “stitched paintings” are all handmade with needle, thread and fabric. Feb. 3-28, Tue-Sat from 10 am-6 pm. Free. William Grant Gallery & Framing, 1188 W. Summit Pkwy. williamgrantgf.com (509-484-3535)
RANDOM RULES This group exhibition features a multi-disciplinary collection of works from the current members of Saranac Art Projects including Josh Hobson, Mariah Boyle, Annie Cunningham, Kurt Madison and more. Feb. 3-25, Fri-Sat from 12-8 pm. Free. Saranac Art Projects, 25 W. Main Ave. sapgallery.com (509-350-3574)
CHAD YENNEY: CURSE OF THE NOSTALGIC AMNESIAC Through surrealistic compositions made from vintage American advertisements, Yenney uses collage to explore social and environmental issues. Opening reception: Fri, Feb. 3 from 5-8 pm. Feb. 4-25, ThuSat from 4-7 pm. Free. Terrain Gallery, 628 N. Monroe St. terrainspokane.com
UBUHLE WOMEN: BEADWORK & THE ART OF INDEPENDENCE This exhibition showcases a new form of bead art, the ndwango, developed by a community of women living and working together in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Feb. 3-March 30, Tue-Sun from 10 am-5 pm. $10-$15. The MAC, 2316 W. First Ave. northwestmuseum.org
IVA HASS: SAND & SPACE The artist explores childhood memories. Feb. 7-March 24; Mon-Fri from 10 am-4:30 pm, Sat from 10 am-2 pm through March 24. Free. Bryan Oliver Gallery, Whitworth, 300 W. Hawthorne Ave. whitworth.edu (509-777-3258)
BRUSH & BREWS: MUSHROOM OF LOVE This painting class highlights the use of vibrant and bold colors as students create a whimsical scene. Ticket includes first pour of beer and all materials. Feb. 9, 6:30-9 pm. $45. Golden Handle Brewing Co., 154 S. Madison St. brushandbrews.com (509-868-0264)
POETRY OUT LOUD Students from area high schools recite poetry in hopes of advancing to the state final. Poetry Out Loud is a national program for students to combine memorization and recitation with performance. Feb. 2, 6:45-8:30 pm. Free. Central Library, 906 W. Main Ave. spokanelibrary.org
POETRY RISING Celebrate Black History Month with poet Stephen Pitters and soul singer Robert Robinson. Bob and Erin Bartlett share a story of slavery and freedom with Noah Bartlett playing bass guitar. Feb. 2, 6-7 pm. Free. Hillyard Library, 4110 N. Cook St. spokanelibrary.org (444-5331)
3 MINUTE MIC Open mic readers may share up to three minutes’ worth of poetry. Feb. 3, 7-8 pm. Free. Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main Ave. auntiesbooks.com (509-838-0206)
SILENT WRITING PARTY WITH SHARMA SHIELDS A community event to inspire writers to get fresh words on the page. Bring the writing instrument of your choice and settle down for an hour-and-a-half of uninterrupted writing time. Writing Education Specialist, local novelist Sharma Shields, is in attendance to provide writing resources before and after the silent session. Feb. 4, 10:30 am-noon. Free. Liberty Park Library, 402 S. Pittsburgh St. spokanelibrary.org (509-444-5300)
AFRICA ON MY MIND Former Peace Corps volunteer Jeff Thompson shares his experiences volunteering in Africa. Feb. 5, 1-2 pm. Free. Shadle Library, 2111 W. Wellesley Ave. spokanelibrary. org (509-444-5300)
AND CLIMATE CHANGE Via Zoom, Speaker Dr. Emma Frances Bloomfield discusses how we can better tailor our communication strategies to engage in ethical and productive ways. Feb. 7, 12-6 pm. Free. gonzaga.edu/centerfor-climate-society-environment
DROP IN & WRITE Aspiring writers are invited to be a part of a supportive writers’ community. Bring works in progress to share, get inspired with creative prompts and spend some focused time writing. Tuesdays from 5:30-7 pm. Free. Spark Central, 1214 W. Summit Pkwy. spark-central.org
LEYNA KROW Leyna Krow, author of I’m Fine, But You Appear to Be Sinking, and upcoming book Sinkhole and Other Inexplicable Voids reads selections from her works and signs books. Feb. 7, noon. Free. North Idaho College, 1000 W. Garden Ave. nic.edu
EXTREMIST GROUPS The Foley Institute guest addresses anti-government extremist groups, such as the Oathkeepers, and the implications they hold for democracy. Feb. 8, 12-1 pm. Free. Foley Speakers Room, Bryan Hall, WSU Pullman. foley.wsu.edu
BROKEN MIC Spokane Poetry Slam’s weekly open mic reading series. Wednesdays at 6:30 pm; sign-ups at 6 pm. Free. Neato Burrito, 827 W. First Ave. bit.ly/2ZAbugD (509-847-1234)
POETRY AFTER DARK EWU MFA students lead discussions about craft elements, style and form in poetry. Second and Fourth Wednesdays from 7-8 pm. Free. Spark Central, 1214 W. Summit Pkwy. spark-central.org (509279-0299) n
1. [Hey! Over here!]
5. Cacio e ____ (pasta dish)
9. Capital city that rings in the New Year by dropping a huge potato
14. “Future Nostalgia” singer Dua
15. “Too bad, so sad!”
16. Urge forward
17. Face-to-face exam
18. Cube, such as onions
19. Some red carpet dresses 20. Scrolling Instagram, to some
INPERSON: 1227WestSummitParkway Spokane,WA 99201
42. San Francisco’s ____ Hill
44. Most faithful
45. Literary character given the task of painting “thirty yards of board fence nine feet high”
48. “Noted”
49. Marketplaces
51. Chap
55. Maternity surprise ... or, read a different way, this puzzle’s theme
60. Out of gas
61. “Live Without ____” (Van Halen concert video)
62. Split
63. Group that protects a QB
64. One thing after another?
65. ____ Poupon mustard
66. Builds anticipation for
67. Times Square sign for B’way fans
68. Highest point
1. “The ____ thickens!”
2. Modern search party?
3. Inbox clogger
4. Account
5. “The Taming of the Shrew” setting
6. Draw out
7. Super saver?
8. Direction opposite WNW
9. First family with the dogs Major and Commander
10. Skip past
11. NASDAQ debuts
12. Novak Djokovic, for one
13. “Anything ____?”
21. Revealing, in a way
22. “Think this looks good on me?”
24. Shade of purple
25. Italian name of six popes
26. Nikki Giovanni’s “____ of Friendship”
27. Quinceañeras, e.g.
29. ____ operandi
30. Shake hands (on)
31. “Almost!”
32. Didn’t discard 33. “As
34. View from a control tower
38. “End of the Road” group ____ II Men
40. Like a good apple
43. One reading Kerouac or Ginsberg, say 46. Living spaces
47. Least cooked 50. Fashion photographer Herb 51. “Then again,” in texts 52. She plays Frankie on “Grace and Frankie” 53. ____ coffee 54. “Molto ____!”
56. Lydia Ko’s sports org.
57. Surname at the O.K. Corral
58. Branch headquarters?
59. River with a mythical ferryman
61. _____-country
Celebrate Valentine’s Day in style with our Sweetheart Package available for your stay in the month of February. The package includes one night stay in a Mountain Lodge King Room, a bottle of wine or champagne, two keepsake logo glasses, and a box of Ferrero Rocher.
See cdacasino.com more information.
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17 TH | 7 PM | $30 & UP
This Elvis inspired event will showcase several of the leading Elvis tribute artists in the nation as they compete for prizes and top honors at Coeur d’Alene Casino’s first “I Heart Elvis” tribute artist contest! Event judges will include those that knew the real Elvis. Topping off the night will be a special performance by the award-winning Elvis tribute artist Rob Ely.
Must be age 18 or older to attend concerts. Purchase tickets at cdacasino.com, the Casino Box Office, or through the CDA Casino App. Call 1 800-523-2464 for more details.
4:30 PM – CLOSE | $58
Treat yourself to a 14 oz. New York strip steak, blackened and topped with blue cheese crumbles. Served with shrimp sautéed in a garlic white wine butter sauce, smash fried red potatoes, chef’s choice of vegetables and a house salad to start. Make your Valentine’s Day reservations at cdacasino.com.