We are so grateful for our clients and customers across Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. But feeling the love from our hometown of Spokane — that just hits different. Thank you for voting us “Best Bank” in the Inlander Best of the Inland Northwest Readers Poll for the 16th time.
ntil not too long ago, growing up in or around Spokane was not the badge of honor it is to many of us born-and-raised locals today. Why stay in a midsize city like this when you could live anywhere else, one might ask?
For me, at least, like many of my millennial peers, landing back in the Inland Northwest after college was fortunately timed around the start of a pretty significant period of growth and change for this corner of the Northwest. Sure, there are still plenty of challenges to address (not unique to our city), but there’s also so much to celebrate and support, too, as we showcase each year in the annual INLANDER BEST OF THE INLAND NORTHWEST READERS POLL results issue.
For 32 years and counting, this special issue lets us all pause and reflect on how our region continues to grow, evolve and change for the better. From the robust dining scene to charming neighborhood shopping districts; locally run businesses that help us conveniently live our lives here to the utter richness of arts and live entertainment, we have a lot to be thankful for — and proud of.
— CHEY SCOTT, Editor
PHONE: 509-325-0634
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I like the landscape diversity. There’s a lot of fun activities to do year-round and it’s all pretty close. I love the access to the lakes and rivers and different mountains in the area, too.
I think my favorite thing about Spokane is the fact that there’s all four seasons. I’m from California, so it’s always warm. It’s fun to see snow, and you can go swim in Lake Coeur d’Alene during the summer.
I like that Spokane is pretty central to a lot of activities. It’s not too far from a lot of lakes and mountains.
I love the music scene. The Chameleon is great, and Zola is good for live music, too. The [Big] Dipper is also fun.
There’s always new stuff to do. People are always trying new business concepts and are trying to be more innovative.
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Before you jump into the 2025 Best Of, enjoy a Spokane-style time warp, from 1994 to 2024
Whether you were a first-time voter this year or you’ve participated in every single ballot going back to 1994, thanks for voting in our Best of the Inland Northwest readers poll! You’ve all helped us build this into a local tradition that celebrates excellence across our vibrant local scene. Taken together, it also creates quite the historical panorama of this place we call home.
stars made their debuts. This year, watch for your picks on mimosas, mocktails and where to play pickleball.
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Back in ’94, things were a little different. For example, instead of endlessly scrolling through your streaming services, you’d drive to a video store and endlessly stroll through the aisles for something to bring home to watch. In 1994 and ’95, we asked for your Best Place to Rent a Video, along with Best Place to Buy CDs or Cassettes. Local legend HASTINGS won for both. We also asked for your Best Place to Meet Your Personals Date (the Personals being the pre-internet version of a dating app that lived in the classified section of the Inlander).
Things change, and our ballot has, too. In 2020, we added questions to find out your picks for vegan and gluten-free options, along with your favorite local YouTube star and podcast. We added food trucks and escape rooms in 2022, and in ’23 boba tea, charcuterie boards and local TikTok
In 1998, we asked about the Best Place to Shake Your Groove Thing (yes, we really phrased it that way), with the answer being the iconic DEMPSEY’S. We’ve had some fun with our questions, like in 2004 when THE WHITE ELEPHANT won for Best Place to Pick Up a Teletubbie and Some Ammo. (Hey, it was a toy shop/gun dealer — and Spokane loved it, as it was, along with Hastings, named one of the businesses you missed most when we asked last year.)
Others from the gone-but-not-forgotten vault include 1999’s best new restaurant, Liberty Lake’s MOXIE… Best Martini: CAVALLINO’S LOUNGE (1999)… Best Bar: THE BLUE SPARK (2001)… Best Kids Event: FIRST NIGHT SPOKANE (2008)… North Idaho’s Best Fine Dining: FLEUR DE SEL (2013)… and Best Bowling Center: HUGO’S ON THE SOUTH HILL (2013).
We have a thing for our most prominent natural features: potholes and marmots. In 2002, we knew everyone had their own fave, so we asked for your BEST POTHOLE. The winner was Third and Washington, where you can still lose a hubcap if the season’s right. When we asked what would be the best thing to complain about after they fix all the potholes (2005), the top answer was “How they fixed the potholes.” You guys are funny.
In 2002, when there was talk about creating Spokane State University, we asked you to pick the mascot. Duh, marmots. And when we green-lit an essay on an imaginary BEST MARMOT in 2019, you got to meet Klo’Stok, the Marmot King. “You don’t become king of the city of a million marmots,” Daniel Walters wrote, “without getting your paws bloody…” Apparently, not cuddly!
So many great locals took their turn enjoying your adulation. Way back in 1994, HAROLD BALAZS won his first of many best local artist awards. Best local who got famous (1994)? CRAIG T. NELSON, the Spokane native who became America’s Coach. Also getting famous was Spokane’s best author URSULA HEGI (1997), whose book Stones from the River was chosen for Oprah’s Book Club. Best TV Hair? Yes, we asked that in 1998, and KREM anchorman CHARLES ROWE took the honors for his Ron Burgundylevel ’do. Best local celebrity of 2008 was PATTY DUKE, who even performed at the Civic Theatre. DAN FITZGERALD, the coach who set the table for Zag success, was recognized as best community volunteer in 2010 for his endless support of any local effort that needed a nudge.
In 2011, Gonzaga’s COURTNEY VANDERSLOOT (now of the WNBA’s Chicago Sky) broke the glass ceiling and won first place as best athlete, besting the boys Robert Sacre and Steven Gray. CAMI BRADLEY, who took America’s Got Talent by storm in 2013, won as best singer-songwriter in 2015 as she started playing locally. And in our 2021 edition, which was published in July due to the pandemic, you gave a great big Inlander thank you to RICK CLARK AND THE QUARANTEAM for stepping up as best pandemic heroes.
It’s healthy to be able to laugh about yourself, and we’ve asked you to let loose from time to time. Back in 1998, when web addresses were just entering the lexicon, we asked for a URL that would best capture our vibe; they hold up: bigbeltbuckle.com, goingtothelake. com, icantdrive.com, helpme.com and, of course the winner, POTHOLES.COM
In 2013, Best Description of Spokane for People Who Have Never Been Here unleashed a torrent. Let’s break your answers into three categories:
FAMILIARITY BREEDS CONTEMPT: “Time Warp,” “Come For the Beauty, Beware the Reality,” “Not As Stabby As You Might Have Heard,” “Near Nature, Near Potholes” (of course there has to be a potholes answer…) and “Mullets, Marmots and Meth” (…and marmots, can’t leave them out).
LOUD AND PROUD: “Yes, We Put Tartar Sauce on our Fries,” “You Can Wear Pajamas Anywhere” and “You Might Hate It While You’re Here, But You’ll Miss It Like Crazy When You’re Gone.”
PAINFULLY SPOT ON: “Twin Peaks Meets The Wonder Years,” “Where Every Tom Waits Song Could Take Place” and “It Grows On You.”
The Best Neighborhood With Potential in 1998 was GARLAND; just go take a walk around and see what’s happened since. The Best Arts Venue to Save (2005) was the almost-demolished FOX THEATER; it reopened to the public as the new home of the Spokane Symphony in 2007. In both 2010 and ’11, you asked for TRADER JOE’S as the Best Business the Inland Northwest Needs; it opened the following year. Our voters help make things happen! Sometimes, despite all your wisdom, it’s a mixed bag. In 1997, when downtown’s future was uncertain, we asked for the Best Way to Save Downtown. The top three answers were “Keep Nordstrom” (check, the new mall opened in 1999); “Get People To Live There” (happening, but more slowly than we need); and “Free Parking” (still a hard “no”).
Downtown remains a work in progress, as is the winner of one of our questions from 1994. Yes, we have marmots and potholes, we’ve been over that. But the Best Thing the Inland Northwest Doesn’t Have Yet (and still true in 2024)? THE NORTH-SOUTH FREEWAY n
The Trump administration is filing order after order against the LGBTQ+ community; here’s how it’s impacting the Inland Northwest
If you were in downtown Spokane on Saturday, you likely noticed the crowd gathered at Riverfront Park’s red Radio Flyer wagon for Trans Spokane’s Gender Freedom March. At first there were dozens of people, but that quickly grew to a few hundred.
As passing cars periodically honked in support, many attendees held Pride flags and signs that said things like “Facism will not change my gender,” “Keep your mind out of my pants” and “YOU CAN’T ERASE US.”
For about an hour, folks took turns at the microphone to speak out against executive orders by President Donald Trump that many say are an attempt to harm or erase transgender people.
“I am so proud to be part of a community who will not shut up.”
“We are the opposite of liars, we tell the truth when it has cost us so very much.”
“We cannot be erased at the stroke of a sharpie.”
After sharing hope in the face of an onslaught of executive orders, the protesters, now nearly 1,000-strong, marched through the streets of downtown Spokane.
“It’s a multi-systemic attack,” says Louis Stay, executive director of Trans Spokane. “It’s very important to hold these marches, and it’s very important to show up at these marches because this is our chance to take action, to actually exercise what is in our rights as a good citizen, and to be there as a community instead of that single person that can be targeted.”
On Jan. 20, his first day back in office, Trump signed an executive order stating that there are only two sexes,
male and female, and that the term sex “refers to an individual’s immutable biological classification.” This prevents trans people from getting federal documents with their correct gender identity.
“The Secretaries of State and Homeland Security, and the Director of the Office of Personnel Management, shall implement changes to require that government-issued identification documents, including passports, visas, and Global Entry cards, accurately reflect the holder’s sex,” the order states.
A week later, Trump signed two more executive orders. One barred gender-affirming medical care for anyone under 19, threatening to withhold federal funds from any medical institution providing this care to minors. The other threatens to pull funding from K-12 schools that support trans students going by their preferred names and pronouns.
Trump has also signed executive orders to ban transgender people from serving in the military and to prevent trans girls and women from competing in sports with cisgender girls and women.
However, in most cases executive orders do not override federal laws, according to the American Civil Liberties Union. Many of these directives are being fought in the court system — which is also under attack from the Trump administration.
The anti-trans federal orders may seem extreme in a Democrat-led state like Washington, but to those in Republican-led states like Idaho, laws targeting the trans community have been commonplace for years.
“It’s been said that what happens in North Idaho is kind of a foreshadowing of what’s going to happen across the rest of the nation,” says Sarah Lynch, executive director of the North Idaho Pride Alliance. “What we’re seeing nationwide are things that have been happening in North Idaho for several years now.”
In 2023, Idaho legislators passed a law barring all gen-
der-affirming medical care for minors. In 2024, they passed another law allowing government officials and employees, including public school staff, to refuse to address transgender individuals by their preferred name and pronouns.
This year, the Idaho Legislature has continued its antiLGBTQ+ push in some serious ways, Lynch says.
The first was a memorial (a legal document) on marriage essentially asking the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn its decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, the 2015 case that federally legalized same-sex marriage. While it’s not a bill that could become law in the state, the memorial passed the Idaho House 46-24; the Senate has yet to vote on it.
Lynch says bills forcing Idaho universities to adopt antitrans bathroom and sports policies are also coming through.
“This is freedom of expression that they’re attacking and attempting to silence and render LGBT people invisible in our state,” Lynch says. “In a sense, it justifies our existence. It’s validating to know that there’s still work to do. On the other hand, it is overwhelming because we do have limited resources.”
That’s why in December, the North Idaho Pride Alliance rewrote its strategy. Lynch says the organization is now focused on visibility in the community and resilience, with the goal of opening a physical location within three years.
“Visibility is paramount, it’s much easier to hate somebody if you can’t see them and if you’ve never met them,” Lynch says. “Being visible and out in our community is critical, and then that visibility leads to connection.”
But do LGBTQ+ people in Idaho feel safe being visible? Lynch, who personally feels safe in North Idaho, says it varies: She’s seen folks moving away to find appropriate health care and a sense of community.
She says the alliance is also focusing its efforts on antidrag legislation, such as House Bill 230.
“The anti-drag bill essentially equates drag with a sexual exhibition, and that’s just not the case,” Lynch explains. “Drag is simply a performance art that’s on the
...continued on page 10
same spectrum as any other type of performance art. It isn’t just inherently sexual.”
While the anti-drag bill is disheartening, Lynch points to a recent ruling in Kootenai County District Court as hopeful.
In 2022, blogger Summer Bushnell accused drag queen Eric Posey of exposing himself during a performance at Pride in the Park in Coeur d’Alene. The video Bushnell published added a blurred circle around Posey’s crotch, falsely implying his genitalia was showing to the audience. Posey sued Bushnell for defamation.
In May 2024, a jury found that Posey had been defamed and ordered Bushnell to pay more than $1.1 million.
“This is a unanimous jury of Idahoans who stood up and said this is not OK to lie about people,” Lynch says.
Kassandra Forsman, a transgender woman, says the attacks on trans people will inevitably lead to attacks on other LGBTQ+ rights (like gay marriage).
Forsman, the vice president of Spokane Pride and a 20-year Marine Corps veteran, gets her medical care from Veterans Affairs. She says her ability to get hormone replacement therapy is in jeopardy, and her vocal therapy appointments were canceled without the chance to reschedule.
She’s also been impacted by Trump’s executive order recognizing only two sexes.
“I ordered my passport not long ago, and I had had my name and gender changed on my birth certificate to where you can’t tell it’s even an amended birth certificate,” Forsman says. “I just got a letter from the State Department saying that they need further evidence of my gender assigned at birth.”
Maeve Griffith, host of the weekly KYRS show Out and About and an Air Force veteran, has also noticed the lack of LGBTQ+ support within Veterans Affairs recently.
“When I go to the VA hospital, I notice that usually they have a lot of LGBT welcoming stuff in there,” Griffith says. “That’s gone now.”
Additionally, there’s a lack of clarity coming from the administration. Grant Ogren, executive director of SAN (formerly Spokane AIDS Network) believes that’s the point.
“We don’t know what’s real. We don’t know what’s fake,” Ogren says. “We don’t know what’s just been blown out of proportion, and I feel like that’s what this administration wants.”
The threat of losing government money isn’t novel for SAN, which lost its funding in 2016 and had to minimize operations for years. But Ogren says the organization’s state funding, which comes from the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program and was restored in January 2024, is secure.
“We have been reassured by the Department of Health that our funding is pretty secure,” Ogren explains. “I’m not gonna say 100% because nothing’s ever 100%, but we have been told that we should not be affected.”
However, Ogren says he’s worried about the foreign HIV treatment cuts in the U.S. Agency for International Development, or USAID, and potential cuts to nationwide HIV prevention efforts under the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Due to the Trump administration’s pause on foreign aid, Ogren says more people are going to contract HIV, and those already living with HIV will face the risk of developing into an AIDS diagnosis. In the coming months, eight countries could exhaust their supply of HIV treatments, according to the World Health Organization. These include antiretroviral medications to manage symptoms of HIV, similar to how a diabetic might rely on insulin.
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While it hasn’t happened yet, the Wall Street Journal reported last week that the Department of Health and Human Services may cut funding from the CDC’s domestic HIV prevention efforts.
“People living with HIV have nothing to do with the queer community, but this administration seems to think it does,” Ogren says. “They’re not looking at women who are getting it very fast from men that are either outside of their relationship or just not honest with their spouse. The hetero population living with HIV is increasing, and they’re ignoring that.”
Federal attempts to erode the rights of trans folks are harmful in many ways, but Griffith says it has also brought out more allies who may not have acted before.
“One thing that I really take heart in as a trans person is that we have a lot of allies right now. We were kind of the poster children for Trump’s election — he spent millions of dollars making trans people the villain — but now we’ve got veterans, we’ve got federal workers, we’ve got the postal service workers, we have people on Social Security and Medicaid and Medicare,” Griffith says. “We’re right there at the forefront, and I think that we have a lot of allies now that we probably never had before Trump.”
Plus, she says protections for trans people have been affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court. In 2020, the court ruled that discrimination against transgender people is a form of sex-based discrimination and as such is prohibited under the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Griffith says that decision should stand in the way of the anti-trans executive orders.
“It’s not beyond the pale that they would totally reverse the decision,” Griffith says, pointing to the Roe v. Wade reversal, “but I find some solace in that decision.”
Additionally, Griffith and Stay both feel that Spokane
has been mostly accepting of trans folks over the years.
“I would say Spokane is very, very safe, coming from a red state. However, I do think we have a ways to go,” says Trans Spokane’s Stay, who grew up in Utah. “Washington’s protections help a lot with safety here, too.”
For example, Washington requires its public schools to be inclusive of trans and gender-nonconforming students, discrimination based on gender expression or identity is prohibited, and in 2023 a shield law went into effect protecting those seeking gender-affirming medical care here from civil and criminal actions in their home state.
Still, Spokane Pride’s Forsman, who says she’s always felt safe in Spokane, thinks it’s hard to remain hopeful when there isn’t a tangible light at the end of the tunnel.
“The only light that I see right now appears to be an oncoming train,” Forsman says. n
In a world where true crime stories, podcasts, and shows captivate millions, understanding the mind of a murderer has become a topic of morbid fascination. Forensic psychologist Dr. Rachel Toles offers an illuminating journey into the minds of some of the most infamous killers in history.
Dr. Toles, a renowned clinical psychologist and criminal expert, has dedicated her career to exploring the motivations and behaviors of dangerous criminals after she witnessed a violent death at a young age. Her work examines the factors and breaking points that might lead someone to kill, using case studies of notorious murderers such as the Menendez brothers, Chris Watts, Aaron Hernandez, the Columbine killers, and more.
With extensive experience in both clinical and forensic evaluation settings, Dr. Toles has worked intimately with numerous female murderers and inmates suffering from acute mental illnesses. She has also served as an expert witness in high-profile court cases, utilizing her expertise to help bring justice and understanding to legal proceedings.
True crime stories glimpse into the minds of killers, revealing the intricate interplay of trauma, environment, and mental health that can lead to murder. This fascination is fueled by a mix of fear, curiosity, and the need to make sense of the unimaginable.
For true crime podcast lovers, here’s an opportunity to experience it live. Dr. Rachel Toles will be presenting “The Psychology of a Murderer” on April 3 at 7:30 PM at The Fox Theater. This event promises to be an unforgettable evening of insight, audience discussion, and reflection.
This event is for ages 13+ and will include subject matter and images that some patrons may find disturbing.
We don’t know much about the gut microbiome. But researchers are discovering more each day. New research shows links between better gut health, cholesterol, and heart disease risk.
“What we do know is that our intestines are home to trillions of good and bad bacteria,” says Spokane-based Kaiser Permanente family medicine physician Dr. David Ward. “The good helps us process food and feel good, and the bad can be harmful and lead to chronic inflammation.”
Signs of a gut microbiome imbalance — or poor gut health — might include bloating, constipation and gas. Some patients experience brain fog or struggle to lose weight. Serious bacterial invasion is hard to ignore. Signs include diarrhea, abdominal cramping, and vomiting. Unfriendly bacteria such as Clostridioides difficile, or “C. Diff,” inflames the colon and can result in hospitalization.
Digestive and bowel disturbances can have a variety of causes. That’s why it’s essential to talk to your doctor when you experience unusual digestive distress, and make sure to screen for colon cancer. Screening starts at age 45 unless you’re in a higher-risk group or have family members with a history of colon cancer. “If we catch colon cancer early, there’s an over 90% five-year survival rate,” Ward says.
Improving gut and colon health may hinge on a few lifestyle shifts. “I joke with patients that you wouldn’t take your car to the gas station and fill the tank with gravel just to get it to ‘full,’” he says. We should fuel our bodies similarly, he notes, avoiding the gravel of ultra-processed foods.
Foods good for your gut include fiber-rich fruits, vegetables and whole grains, which act as prebiotics. “Fiber feeds beneficial bacteria, which
builds a healthy gut microbiome,” Ward says. Fiber bulks up your stool and promotes regular bowel movements while reducing chances of some types of cancer and helping to manage blood sugar.
Probiotics seed your microbiome with good bacteria and occur naturally in yogurt and fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, pickles, miso and kombucha. Recent research suggests that regular yogurt consumption may reduce colon cancer risk, changing the gut microbiome to resist aggressive tumor growth.
On the other hand, there is an association between ultra-processed foods and colorectal cancer. Ultra-processed foods include packaged foods and frozen meals. Smoking and alcohol both disrupt gut function and irritate the lining.
Reconsider asking for antibiotics if you don’t have a bacterial infection that requires them. Antibiotics are one of the most significant short-term risks to a healthy gut biome, with one course decreasing gut microbiome diversity by at least 30%. “Antibiotics are indiscriminate killers and wipe out both good and bad bacteria,” Ward says. Accompany any necessary antibiotics with foods rich in “good bacteria,” such as probiotics and prebiotics.
Another boost to gut health involves the great outdoors. “Spend time gardening in the dirt, walking on grass and sand, or playing with pets. Don’t worry as much about washing your hands afterward,” Ward says. What’s the relationship? We’re not certain yet, but we’ll likely know soon. “We’ll learn a lot about the gut microbiome in the next 10 to 15 years,” says Ward. In the meantime, staying current with cancer screenings and making healthy lifestyle choices are great ways to keep your gut in check.
Spokane Valley will ask voters for sales tax to fund police. Plus, Airway Heights seeks two City Council members; and Trump orders the dismantling of the Department of Education.
The Spokane Valley City Council voted 6-1 to advance a public safety tax to fund more police officers in the city. The Spokane Valley public safety measure would appear on the August primary or November general election ballot and create a 0.1% sales tax if approved by voters. City staff estimate the sales tax would generate about $2.6 million annually. Members argued the tax is needed because Spokane County (which staffs the city’s police department) is finalizing deputies’ collective bargaining agreement, which could cost the city $4.7 million over the next three years. The Public Safety Committee and Spokane Valley Police Chief Dave Ellis also requested seven additional officers be hired. Seven officers would cost more than $1 million annually, plus $390,000 in one-time costs. Al Merkel was the only council member to vote against the tax measure, saying, “I don’t think it’s wise to ask for those taxes.” A public hearing is scheduled at Spokane Valley City Hall on April 1.
If you’re an Airway Heights resident who’s wanted to have more impact on local government, now’s your chance. The city is taking applications for two vacancies on Airway Heights City Council until April 8. Council members Kevin Richey and Veronica Messing are both moving out of the community, leaving Council Positions 2 and 3 vacant, according to City Manager Albert Tripp. The current council will hold interviews on April 21 and appoint candidates by May 5. Appointees will fill the spots until the end of the year. If they wish to retain the position, they must run for election this November. (ELIZA BILLINGHAM)
Last week, President Donald Trump issued an executive order to begin the closure of the U.S. Department of Education — an action that was recommended in Project 2025, a far-right guide for the new administration that Trump claimed to know nothing about during his election campaign. “Ultimately, the Department of Education’s main functions can, and should, be returned to the States,” the order states. Eliminating the Department of Education, however, requires an act of Congress to complete. Some Republican lawmakers have supported the idea for years, and are currently working to introduce a bill to codify Trump’s order. Democratic lawmakers have widely opposed the closure of the federal department. “There is no doubt that some of the federal education overreach pushed by presidents of both parties over the last 25 years must be scaled back and brought back to the states,” Washington Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal states. “However, that is a policy deliberation that should happen in Congress, and in partnership with the states themselves.” (COLTON RASANEN)
In the March 20 issue: The COVID Timeline inaccurately described the health district arguments for firing Dr. Bob Lutz, which did not include internal disciplinary action (there wasn’t any), but did reference human resources complaints from prior years.
In the story “Ghost Town to Boomtown,” Downtown Spokane Partnership President Emilie Cameron inaccurately referenced $1 billion (which is roughly the city’s overall annual sales tax revenue) when talking about sales tax generated from downtown. As the story accurately stated, about 20% of the city’s sales tax comes from activity downtown (about $243 million last year).
A layout error also resulted in the omission of our intern Hannah Higens’ name, which should have run with her “Shutdown Story” about her COVID experiences on page 19. We regret these errors.
On March 18, Idaho Gov. Brad Little signed Senate Bill 1101, which creates a standard for when Idaho coroners must investigate a death. The law will take effect on July 1.
The Joint Legislative Oversight Committee first heard the bill, which Idaho Senate Minority Leader Melissa Wintrow, D-Boise, and Rep. Douglas Pickett, R-Oakley, sponsored in their respective chambers.
The bill passed the Senate 25-10. The House passed the bill with 60 votes in favor, six against, and four members absent.
The legislation followed a 2024 report compiled by the Legislature’s Office of Performance Evaluations, which found that Idaho code provided little direction for coroners on many of their duties. The
report concluded that Idaho had an inconsistent death investigation system that varied by county.
Lawmakers requested the report due to inconsistencies in death reporting over the years, concerns about high-profile crimes and the impacts of population growth, and to get a better understanding of public health issues including suicide and substance abuse.
The report highlighted that only 3.9% of deaths in Idaho were autopsied from 20182022, nearly the lowest rate in the country. The nationwide average was 7.8% during the same time period.
Only 49% of child deaths from external or unknown causes were autopsied in Idaho, while the national average was 79%, making Idaho’s rate the lowest in the nation. Idaho also had the lowest autopsied homicides at 92%, while the national
average was 95%, again making Idaho the lowest in the nation.
The report also found that without state-level assistance, many coroners must rely on knowledge and assistance from other county coroners. Additionally, coroners must rely on autopsy labs in Ada and Canyon County in Idaho, as well as Spokane County.
Idaho code was also found to be ambiguous on who should certify deaths (the coroner or medical personnel), the responsibilities a coroner has over a death investigation, which types of deaths are autopsied, and what information a coroner can publicly release.
After receiving many recommendations on improving coroners’ roles in Idaho, the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee determined that it was appropriate to collaborate with the Idaho State Association of County Coroners to draft a bill addressing these concerns.
According to Wintrow, every member of the eight-person committee, which includes four Democrats and four Republicans, acknowledged that this problem needed to be addressed, with many meetings held over the summer to address the legislation.
“We met with the coroners association a couple of times over the summer and facilitated meetings to really help pose questions, support and guide their work as they drafted the bill,” Wintrow says.
The Idaho Constitution outlines that coroners are elected at the county level every four years, but it doesn’t detail their role beyond that. There is no requirement that coroners be involved in the medical field to qualify for election; the only requirements are that they be at least 21 years old and attend coroner’s school within a year of taking office.
A coroner is responsible for taking custody of the deceased and informing the next of kin, summoning a medical professional authorized to autopsy the deceased if appropriate, and determining the cause and manner of death.
Wintrow says that without specific qualifications or duties, there has been much confusion. However, with the new law, coroners will be required to undergo educational training approved by the coroners association and meet national standards for training.
“I think the biggest concern of the report was a lack of consistency throughout the state because there is no real place for oversight for the coroners,” Wintrow says. “That didn’t necessarily get addressed in this bill, but at the very least, we are starting now to see ‘here’s your duties for when to have a death investigation, and here’s the training so that there will be more consistency throughout the state.’”
In Kootenai County, Coroner Dr. Duke Johnson supports the concept of creating standards in Idaho to help bring consistency to the coroners’ offices across the state.
“I’m very much in support of the attempt to bring all of the coroners in the state up to a nationally defined standard and increasing the consistency,” Johnson says. “We are one of the few accredited coroner offices in the nation, and so we are very much in favor of helping all of the coroners in the state as much as we can to reach the highest standards.”
Johnson was one of the coroners who attended some of the early legislative discussions in Boise. He says the bill developed since his last meeting in January and will move the coroner’s role in the right direction.
Kootenai County Commissioner Bruce Mattare says the county is growing, and the commissioners have begun allocating funds for an autopsy lab so that the coroner’s office can conduct autopsies within the state instead of having to contract them through Spokane County.
Mattare says addressing the ability to handle future growth in Idaho and the county is essential, and the bill addresses a need for guidance and standards in many counties.
“The coroner plays an integral role in our criminal justice system,” Mattare says. “I believe this [new law] in Boise is good for communities.” n
For the Civic’s new main-stage production of Romeo and Juliet, director Josh Baig is going back to 16th-century Verona
Josh Baig was a student at Spokane Falls Community College when he first met Bill Marlowe, a longtime SFCC instructor who also headed the college’s drama department until his retirement in 2016.
Looking back, Baig recalls it as a pivotal time. Not only did Marlowe end up stoking his love of theater, he also cultivated in Baig a deeper appreciation of Shakespeare. Those two interests would shape Baig’s further education and career path along with his very intentional involvement in plays like Richard III, The Tempest and The Comedy of Errors
It’s somehow fitting, then, that the erstwhile student and teacher would be reunited for the Spokane Civic
Theatre’s production of Romeo and Juliet, which opens this weekend on the theater’s main stage. Baig is directing the evergreen Shakespearean tragedy; Marlowe is assistant directing.
“He’s my go-to,” Baig says of his former instructor. “Anytime I have a Shakespeare project, whether it’s me being in the production or directing it, I always seek advice from him.”
In this show, Baig has been relying on Marlowe’s advice for semantic interpretations and certain stage directions, like the significant entrance of Tybalt’s ghost. Yet he hasn’t exactly been shy about following his own instincts. When Marlowe weighed in with a different take on the
color scheme of the Capulet flags, Baig held firm to his own idea.
“There are some things we disagree on, but for the most part, whenever he gives notes, I don’t really second-guess it. You know, we’re all getting together for the beauty of theater. Whether it’s me, Bill, the costumer, the designer, the actors or the stagehands, everybody makes this thing happen. It’s a collaborative effort,” he says, in service of a “vision” that the director stewards.
The vision of this particular production isn’t meant to be radical. Whereas plenty of directors have transported Shakespeare’s plays to different settings in the service of novelty or timeliness, as Sam Gold did with his recent Gen Z-oriented Romeo + Juliet on Broadway, Baig is approaching this from a more traditional angle.
“There’s nothing wrong with concepts,” he says. “I think they can work. But I was kind of getting tired of seeing the modern concepts of the stuff that I grew up on. So I’m trying to keep it as period and authentic to the time as I can. I like the [Renaissance] costumes, the sword fighting, the dancing.”
At the same time, regardless of whether it’s set in 16th-century Verona or contemporary New York, the story of Romeo and Juliet centers on its titular star-crossed teenage lovers. Here they’re played by Abe McKinney and Heather Stephens.
Act one, scene five of Shakespeare’s play famously brings the two characters together in a fateful first encounter at a Capulet ball. But McKinney and Stephens are no strangers. They’ve been friends ever since they appeared together in a Christian Youth Theater production of Seussical the Musical several years ago.
“That makes it so much easier to be put in a role like this,” McKinney says. “With Heather, we just got to skip past the building of our friendship because we already had a friendship. And so we got to go straight to acting, which was so lovely.”
McKinney’s own take on Romeo is attentive to the character’s rapid transition from a youthful innocent to someone who suddenly finds himself at the heart of the blood feud between the Montagues and Capulets.
“When I first thought of Romeo, I thought of someone who’s cool, confident, romantic. And then, really diving into the character, he isn’t. Honestly, what stood out to me is how fast Romeo is forced to grow up, how he comes to terms with all these things that happen back to back,” McKinney says.
Likewise, Stephens is looking to capture Juliet’s evolution from lovestruck ingénue to a young woman who, like Romeo, ends up feeling the weight of the two families’ self-perpetuating conflict.
She says that Baig’s decision to stage a more period-appropriate version of the play helps in that regard.
“One of the lines that Lady Capulet says to Juliet is that she was already a mother by the time she was at the age that Juliet is now. You remember, oh, yes, she’s a child, but in this day and age it was common for them to be married and having children. So she still has to have that maturity, and being able to keep it in that timeframe just feels so special.”
Aside from the central couple’s rapid — and ultimately fatal — journey out of innocence, Stephens says that Romeo and Juliet strikes her as a timely cautionary tale about letting anger and resentment trump understanding and compassion.
It’s a sobering message that’s delivered by Abby Constable’s Princess Escalia (a recasting of Prince Escalus) as the warring houses are both forced to consider what their mutual hatred has wrought.
“That’s just a huge viewpoint of it,” Stephens says. “No matter how much hate there can be between people, we need love. Because love is what brings us together.” n Romeo and Juliet • March 28-April 13; Thu-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm • $15-$40 • Spokane Civic Theatre • 1020 N. Howard St. • spokanecivictheatre.com • 509-325-2507
Spokane is full of fellow LOTR fans, ready to help me escape to Middle-earth in ‘the time that is given to me’
As of March 25, I’ve celebrated J.R.R. Tolkien Reading Day for nearly two decades. I’ve always been a Tolkien nerd, and I use the pseudo-holiday to reflect on my fanaticism for the Tolkien world.
When The Fellowship of the Rings came out in theaters in 2001, I was amazed at how beautiful the world of Middle-earth was, and the movie captivated me. I imagine this is how children felt when they saw Star Wars first released in theaters in 1977.
But what made all the difference was when my tía (aunt) Liz returned home after completing her degree at UCLA and saw how much I loved reading. She gifted me her copy of The Lord of the Rings with Sir Ian McKellen as Gandalf on the cover. I spent that whole summer reading the book multiple times. That love for Tolkien’s literature continues to this day, but is much more extensive.
Since moving to Spokane two years ago, I’ve found a deeper connection to the community thanks to fellow LOTR fans.
For Tolkien Day, I like to splurge and buy a hardcover or lesser-known Tolkien tome, which has been relatively easy to find in an area that loves books. Places I’ve grown to love include Auntie’s Bookstore and Jupiter’s Eye Book Cafe in downtown Spokane, and The Well Read Moose in Coeur d’Alene.
Besides great hardcover books, I’ve also found a place to discuss why Tolkien should be in the classics section. If C.S. Lewis is, why can’t Tolkien be included? Highlights include discussions with knowledgeable staff about how great Tolkien’s work is.
Working in the news has stressful moments. Thankfully, the region is beautiful with so many nature walk locations that I feel like I’m Frodo and Sam navigating treacherous terrain to destroy the One Ring. (March 25, if you’ve been wondering, is the date the ring was cast into the fires of Mount Doom.)
Riverside State Park, Antoine Peak Conservation Area, and Q’emiln Park are perfect examples of iconic natural landscapes. They are also great places to decompress and quote scenes from the LOTR movies.
“A red sun rises, blood has been spilled this night.” — Legolas Greenleaf
Celebrate a huge sports weekend in Spokane with a free, family-friendly party!
Saturday March 29th / 12-5pm Riverfront Park at Butterfly Plaza
• Free hot cocoa for first 200 fans
• Vintage Prints screenprinting Spokane Champions t-shirts for first 300 fans
• DJ powered by Alaska Airlines
• Beer garden (21+)
• Free face painting and balloon art
• Cheering poster-making station
• Prize giveaways and more!
spokanesports.org @spokanesports
Coming up the weekend of April 10, the Garland Theater is showing the extended editions of the LOTR films, just another example of the local love for the classic films.
There’s a sincere love of Tolkien in this area, so I ask: Have you truly lived in Spokane if you haven’t checked out the Hobbit hole at the end of Second Avenue in the West Hills neighborhood?
Many people think about movies or books when they think of LOTR, but there are also Magic: The Gathering LOTR cards for the serious nerds. Beautiful works of art in their own right, the special set released in 2023 made international headlines when pop sensation Post Malone purchased a 1/1 serialized edition (the only one made) of the card “The One Ring” for $2 million.
Many local comic and card shops carry cards from the set, like Uncle’s Games, The Comic Book Shop, and EntertainMart in Coeur d’Alene. I feel like an art enthusiast, mesmerized by the artwork, and I’m happy to spend my money at these locations for booster packs and single copies.
Finally, a Dungeons & Dragons and Warhammer 40K-esque game called Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game lets players assemble, paint, and recreate battle scenes from the films and books.
Gamer’s Haven is a great place to buy products like the Rohirrim miniatures or Morannon Orcs. It’s also a great place to learn how to paint miniatures, and on Tuesdays the community comes together to battle or share advice.
Ultimately, there’s no shortage of ways to celebrate your love for Tolkien, especially here in the Inland Northwest. In these trying times, we need a space to escape and enjoy what makes our humanity special, and for many like me, that means diving into Middle-earth.
“I wish the Ring had never come to me,” Frodo said. “I wish none of this had happened.”
“So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide,”Gandalf replied. “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” n
For decades, visionary choreographer Alonzo King has provoked thought through ballet performances around the globe
Dance is often thought of as performance art meant to entertain audiences, but for Alonzo King, the co-founder and artistic director of Alonzo King LINES Ballet, it’s really a way to communicate complex thoughts. King believes that every single person has an immense power inside them that, when activated, can push against any adversity.
“[Humans] are not weak, whining mortals. They are immortal and have the ability to overcome any and everything if they step into the confidence inherent to them,” King says. “Adversity or challenge is to bring out the strength that’s inside of us. It’s not to beat us up or destroy us, but it’s to help us find tools and to discover powers in ourselves that we would not have known before.”
For the past 40 years, the San Francisco-based King has made efforts to spread this message as widely as he can. With just 12 dancers in his company, he’s able to nimbly schedule performances on some of the world’s largest stages, including Venice Biennale, the Théâtre National de Chaillot in Paris, and the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, as well as some of the smaller stages — such as Spokane’s Myrtle Woldson Performing Arts Center, where the LINES Ballet performs on March 29.
Choreographing thought-provoking performances may seem like a challenge, but for King the experience has become meditative. He always starts with an idea or concept, which blossoms into certain movements meant to convey it.
“Dance is a language, and it’s something we’re using to communicate ideas on stage to viewers,” he says. “That language wants to be succinct, and it wants to be clear, so I often think the result of my meditation is clarity.”
The LINES Ballet’s Spokane performance is a tribute to the late Alice Coltrane. The celebrated musician — a spiritual leader and wife of American jazz saxophonist John Coltrane — who died in 2007, was known for her unique approach to jazz as one of the genre’s only harpists.
In February 2024, Coltrane’s family, alongside a handful of organizations such as the Detroit Jazz Festival, the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles and the New York Historical Society, declared that
2024 and 2025 would be “The Year of Alice.” King, who has always adored Alice Coltrane’s music, jumped at the opportunity when Coltrane’s children asked him to choreograph a performance in her honor.
“Her family wanted to honor their mother, and they reached out to me and said, ‘Would you choreograph something?’ and I said, ‘Yeah, I would be so honored, it’s not even a question in my brain,’” King recalls. “I’ve loved her music since I was a child, and she had such a deep impact on me.”
The performance is backed by some of Coltrane’s most acclaimed work from her albums Journey in Satchidananda, A Monastic Trio and Ptah, the El Daoud
King says the performance also pulls from the imaginative storytelling of Maurice Ravel’s popular French suite Ma mère l’Oye (Mother Goose). The suite tells such classic fairy tales as Sleeping Beauty and Beauty and the Beast; however, instead of solely recreating those tales, he’s focusing on the rhetoric and allegorical meanings at the core of the century-old work.
“Take Swan Lake as an example, it’s not about a man falling in love with a swan. The metaphysical story is that this young man knows that he’s going to inherit and sit on his father’s throne, and yet he is reaching and grasping for a white bird, which is unilaterally across planet Earth, a symbol of spirit,” King explains. “It means that there is conformity that he can stay with, or he can reach with zeal to the unclear, to the nonmaterialistic world that he sees inside of himself. He’s faced with the choice of conformity or going after the dream, something that we all can relate to.”
The story of Sleeping Beauty, he says, represents our tendency to wander the world in a somnambulistic state and is really a call to wake up and critically think about the world around us.
“Meaning and metaphor exists in everything, we just have to be willing to wake up to understand it,” he says. n
Just like a rotund marmot sleepily peeking out of its rocky burrow near the riverbank is a sure sign that spring has finally returned to the Inland Northwest, so, too, is the Inlander’s annual Best Of Readers Poll results issue.
This year marks the 32nd annual Best Of, and more voters than ever turned out to support their favorite places to dine, shop, recreate, relax and more across nearly 200 unique categories.
To keep things fresh, we changed up some of those categories and created several totally new ones, like “Best Hop Water,” “Best Bird Watching Spot” and “Best Martial Arts Gym.” Find out who won those alongside perennial favorites like “Best Burgers,” “Best Coffee Roaster” and “Best Art Gallery.” As always, there were upsets as well as many names that held onto long first-place streaks, plus nods to numerous newly opened local businesses.
The Inlander team has spent the better part of the last month verifying votes, interviewing and photographing winners, writing and editing tons of copy, collaborating with an incredible local artist (read more about her below) to help us design the issue, and much more.
Now, all that’s left for you to do is find out who won, and for all of us to continue celebrating all things local that make our home such a wonderful place.
— CHEY SCOTT, Inlander Editor
Eliza Billingham, E.J. Iannelli, Bob Johnson, Victor Corral Martinez, Will Maupin, Anne McGregor, Ted S. McGregor Jr., Madison Pearson, Azaria Podplesky, Colton Rasanen, Lauren Roddis, Summer Sandstrom (SSa), Carrie Shriver (CSh), Dora Scott, Carrie Scozzaro (CSz), Seth Sommerfeld (SS), Samantha Wohlfeil
Chey Scott
Ali Blackwood
Erick Doxey, Young Kwak COPY CHIEF
Chris Frisella
Madison is a Spokane-based freelance graphic designer and illustrator with a passion for local iconography, maps, and nature. Over the past few years, she’s developed a deep appreciation for Spokane’s historic charm, natural beauty, and vibrant marmot community. As an avid traveler and nature enthusiast, Madison seeks to create work that captures unique perspectives through fun color palettes and intricate linework. Currently, she is focused on expanding her local art brand and exploring new opportunities to connect with and contribute to the community through her work. Follow her on Instagram: @madmerica_design
Local restaurateur and chef Michael Wiley never imagined himself in the trenches of a kitchen, but always dreamed of owning a restaurant. He got his wish in 2017 when he opened Wiley’s Downtown Bistro in Spokane, but was unexpectedly thrown into his role as chef.
“For me, my focus was always in front of house, and it was that way until I started my own restaurant, and then I became a chef by accident,” Wiley says.
His first foray in the food industry was washing dishes at the Spaghetti Factory in 1994. He then bused tables at the Spokane Club, where he worked for nine years and was eventually promoted to lead server, then to wine steward. It was also where he first had the opportunity to cook for a guest, running a tableside flambé cart.
“It was so much fun, and it was like you had to be really good at it because everyone’s watching you right there in the middle of the dining room,” he recalls.
Wiley’s mentor through it all was Will Barron Jr., the Spokane Club’s maitre d’ who’d worked there for over 40 years.
But when Wiley finally opened his own bistro, the chef he initially hired didn’t work out. He was going to search for another chef, but his staff convinced him that he should fill the role instead after his experience working alongside them in the kitchen. With that support, he wasn’t afraid to take them up on the idea.
When curating his menus, Wiley aims to include high-quality ingredients and fewer menu items to avoid overwhelming guests, and also to make sure there’s something for every palate.
Among the menu’s highlights are Wiley’s beef Wellington, which uses top sirloin for a richer flavor. A seasonal favorite is fresh halibut, while bestselling appetizers are the ahi tower with yellowfin sashimi and the “love bun,” a fresh boule loaf with cheesy garlic goodness.
Wiley carries his motto of “hearts wide open” beyond the kitchen and into the community. He’s worked with the nonprofit Big Table, cooking for their special events, as well as numerous other dinner fundraisers for wildfire relief and to support fellow food industry workers.
Wiley thinks like a restaurateur even while cooking, aiming for guest satisfaction and not necessarily focusing on a personal passion.
“When we think about cooking, we apply this sense of glamour to it, you know, because it’s something that’s meaningful for us. Like we get to eat this food, so it must be made of love,” he says. “It’s never been about what I love. It’s been about, ‘What does my guest love?’”
2nd PLACE: Chad White, Trail Feast
3rd PLACE: Tony Brown, Ruins
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Adam Hegsted, Eat Good Group
Since chicken sandwiches really rose up to become “a thing,” as we wrote in Best Of 2022, Logan Tavern has dominated our reader poll; for the fourth time the popular watering hole is taking home the top award for its crispy buttermilk chicken sandwich. While North Division Street is now absolutely inundated with chicken sandwich chains, Logan’s classic take with lettuce, pickles and fry sauce has clearly held onto its special place in readers’ hearts, erm, stomachs. (SW)
2nd PLACE: Cascadia Public House; 3rd PLACE: Hogwash Whiskey Den
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Izzy’s Comfort Kitchen, Coeur d’Alene
For 65 years the Red Dragon has served Spokane an extensive menu of Chinese cuisine. The downtown location (there’s also a North Spokane location) has been a bastion for Chinese dine-in and takeout for over 40 years, and has added Chan’s Noodle House recipes to the mix for even more variety. Those with dietary restrictions will be pleased to know that Red Dragon has entire sections devoted to gluten-free and vegan options. Red Dragon also has affordable lunch and dinner combos perfect for those who want soup with an entrée. Or, if you’re looking to feed a large crowd, go with the banquet or catering option; there’s also a banquet room available to reserve. (DS)
2nd PLACE: Mustard Seed; 3rd PLACE: China Dragon
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Chinatown, Coeur d’Alene
A Garland District classic and North Spokane staple, Mary Lou’s Milk Bottle has kept things oldfashioned and delicious since 1935. Maybe it’s the homemade ice cream, or maybe it’s the fact that milkshakes just seem to taste better when you’re sipping inside a building shaped like one of the main ingredients. Either way, Mary Lou’s makes a fabulous shake, no matter the flavor. The first flavor churned at Mary Lou’s was huckleberry — an Inland Northwest necessity — but the Milk Bottle also specializes in classic-for-a-reason strawberry, vanilla and more. The diner itself is a great spot to grab some burgers and fries with your shake, too. (LR)
2nd PLACE: Zip’s Drive-In
3rd PLACE: Roger’s Ice Cream & Burgers; Coeur d’Alene, Hayden and Post Falls
“They use authentic ingredients right from Wisconsin. Real cheese right from America’s Dairyland.” (Karen D.); “The burger, the bun, the beers, the dog-friendly space and staff.” (Carmela C.); “Their grind of the week is always delicious and creative.” (Debbie R.)
2nd PLACE: Durkin’s Liquor Bar; 3rd PLACE: Cascadia Public House
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST BURGERS Roger’s Ice Cream and Burgers
“Delish, local and fresh.” (Stacy P.); “You can get a shake with a delicious burger and fries… The huckleberry ice cream is amazing!” (Kristy J.)
When Sergio and Mayra De Leon first thought about opening a Hispanic grocery store and restaurant more than two decades ago, people tried to dissuade the couple, claiming that Spokane’s Hispanic community wasn’t big enough to support it.
“Everybody likes Hispanic products. Everybody eats Mexican food,” Sergio De Leon would reply.
Today, the couple run De Leon Foods, with locations on North Division and in Spokane Valley, and three locations of De Leon’s Taco & Bar across Spokane. In Coeur d’Alene, they also operate De Leon’s Tex Mex Grill and Terraza Waterfront by De Leon’s, the latter of which they recently took over.
“A lot of people would actually go all the way to the Tri Cities to pick up their products or ingredients for their recipes,” Sergio says of Spokane’s Hispanic food scene two decades ago. “So we took an idea from my parents from Portland, and we brought it to Spokane and created our first grocery store.”
Nearly 20 years later, the De Leons’ business decision has proven a fourfold success, winning the categories of Best Housemade Salsa, Best Burritos, Best Mexican Food and Best International Market in this year’s Inlander Readers Poll.
Just as the community has supported their ventures over the years, the De Leons aim to enrich Spokane’s cultural diversity with their Mexican culinary ventures.
Their De Leon Foods location in Spokane Valley, which opened in 2016, is now the main production site for their house tortillas, tamales, chips, burritos and salsas, to name just a few of their branded products. The tortillas are made with grain grown by local farmers, and are used by 37 school districts around the region in student lunches.
Other local restaurants and grocery stores also buy their products, an example of De Leon’s collaborative spirit with other businesses.
“A lot of other [Mexican] restaurants see each other as competition, but to us we don’t see them as competition, but we see them as potential customers where they can buy our product, our tortillas, our chips,” De Leon says.
Further testament of this are the 36 cafes across Spokane and North Idaho that buy burritos wholesale from De Leon Foods.
De Leon Foods also offers catering services for various events from weddings to private parties. Notably, they cater every other year for Fairchild Air Force Base’s SkyFest, feeding up to 3,000 people. For those seeking a caterer on a budget, order a set amount of food for pick up at one of De Leon’s grocery stores. Might as well stock up on a piñata or other goodies while you’re there!
“We want to thank our community for voting for us. We want to also thank our staff for being there for us,” De Leon says. “I mean, the reason we’re here is because mostly our staff in each location have worked so hard.”
2nd PLACE: Taco Vado
3rd PLACE: Atilano’s
2nd PLACE: Taco Vado
3rd PLACE: Cochinito Taqueria
2nd PLACE: Tecate Grill
3rd PLACE: Rancho Chico
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Nadine’s Mexican Kitchen, Rathdrum
2nd PLACE: Asian World
Food Market
3rd PLACE: Best Asian Market
The Scoop’s locations in Kendall Yards and on the South Hill are widely known for tasty ice cream, but they regularly draw those hankering for fresh, scratch-made bagels, too. The bagel business, Hidden Bagel, was added to local ice cream maker Jennifer Davis’ repertoire in 2021, operating as a morning venture that switches to ice cream after noon. There are bagels for every palate, from the classic plain to sweeter options like blueberry. The cream cheese “schmears” are made in-house, and the scallion cream cheese is a favorite. Or, for a hefty breakfast or lunch, order a bagel sandwich. There are six house sandwich options, or build your own with a large variety of toppings and sauces. Any bagel day is a good day! (DS)
2nd PLACE: Rocket Bakery; 3rd PLACE: Ultimate Bagel NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Back Pocket Bakery, Coeur d’Alene
Spokandy’s been a Spokane institution for over 100 years, so it’s safe to say they know what they’re doing. From fudge to bars to meticulously crafted assortment packs, Spokandy goes the extra mile to ensure its customers get that Pacific Northwest greatness they’ve provided all these years. And, you can still treat yourself to the delectable concoction that started it all: the Murphy. Crafted by Spokandy’s founder, Terrence J. Riley, the Murphy is chocolate-covered mallow heaven rolled in toasted coconut. Spokandy follows the Murphy’s original recipe to this day, exemplifying the beauty of tradition. (LR)
2nd PLACE: Bruttles Gourmet Candies; 3rd PLACE: Hallett’s NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Mrs. Honeypeeps Sweet Shop, CdA
We'd like to lift a cup to the other awesome coffee roasters in the region. You make great coffee and connections happen on a daily basis.
2nd PLACE:
Masselow’s Steakhouse 3rd PLACE: Clinkerdagger
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Beverly’s, Coeur d’Alene
2nd PLACE:
CEuropa Restaurant & Bakery 3rd PLACE: (tie)
Chaps, Mizuna
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Dockside, Coeur d’Alene
reative. Reliable. Locally rooted and finely tuned. The secret to fine dining is originality and consistency, and boy, does that describe Wild Sage. This is the 10th straight year that Chef Elijah Crume’s team has been one of the top three contenders in our fine dining category, and the second year in a row they’ve clinched it.
But it’s the first year that we get to talk about “the two Dannys” — that is, Danny Sisson and Danny Reese, the two bakers at Wild Sage who are whipping, mixing, baking and frosting up the winner for Inlander readers’ favorite dessert this year. They’re the ones stocking the fridge with over 200 slices of coconut cake every week, the miraculously gluten-free dessert that no one (regardless of gluten tolerance) can get enough of.
A coconut cake has been on Wild Sage’s menu for close to two decades, soon after the restaurant opened in 2006. It used to be a normal, glutinous cake served with a coconut sauce. But when the original owners wanted to make the dessert menu entirely glutenfree and Crume started helming the kitchen 15 years ago, the cake got some major facelifts.
They found a perfect blend of gluten-free flour to keep a great crumb, but ended up drizzling each slice with lilikoi, or passion fruit, sauce to add an acidic kick that makes you keep digging your fork in for more.
“The cake is a little sweet, [but] the lilikoi sauce cuts through that,” Crume says. “It’s almost like on its own, the lilikoi kind of stands out as too much. But with the cake, it pairs really well.”
The entire regular dessert menu is gluten-free, including a
Callebaut chocolate tart, a knockout creme brulee and even a vegan chocolate macaron ice cream.
I wouldn’t judge if you just wanted desserts for dinner. But if you’re looking for heartier entrees, look no further than Wild Sage’s signature Yukon taquitos, Meyer lemon chicken, Chinook salmon and clams, or its “Bucket List Burger” made with Australian wagyu beef.
The restaurant has always been in touch with local farms, and still maintains a special relationship with Casa Cano Farms on the edge of the Palouse. The farm supplies fresh watermelon radishes, perfectly ripe cherry tomatoes, tiny microgreens and other crispy, crunchy veggies at Crume’s request.
Despite the constantly rotating fresh sheet, Wild Sage mostly keeps an “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” mentality.
“We kind of keep the same vibe of just trying to buy local and work with local farms,” Crume says. “Just keep it more of a Northwest vibe with French techniques.”
It also turns out that Inlander Best Of awards may not be the biggest accolades Crume is up for this year. A proud alum of ProStart high school cooking competitions, Crume spent this year coaching local high school teams through their own hospitality competitions.
Last year, Crume helped North Central’s team win the state competition and earn a trip to the nation’s capital. This year, he’s coaching at Rogers High School, which just won state and is currently prepping for a trip to the other Washington. Way to go, Wild Sage and Pirates — you all make us proud!
Nothing beats a Nothing Bundt bundt cake. Nothing Bundt Cakes has a knack for delicious flavor, velvety cake and — most importantly — fantastic cream cheese frosting. The red velvet is divine and their take on a confetti cake is a fun addition to any party. Even classic flavors like vanilla and chocolate chocolate chip are great to indulge in. No matter the occasion and no matter the flavor, a Nothing Bundt Cakes cake always makes life a little sweeter. Also, is there anything more fun to say and delicious to eat than a Bundtini: a bundt cake cupcake? (LR)
2nd PLACE: Just American Desserts
Whether you want a good cacio e pepe or carbonara featuring fresh house-made pasta, or something heartier like Tuscan chicken or risotto, Tavolàta offers a wide variety of delicious Italian dishes for any mood. On a tighter budget? The restaurant is also known for having one of the best happy hour deals around, with $10 off on a selection of full-size pastas in the early evenings, making it a great spot to grab dinner before heading to the nearby AMC River Park Square for a movie. (SW)
2nd PLACE: Italia Trattoria; 3rd PLACE: Sorella
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Angelo’s Ristorante, Coeur d’Alene
For another year the Viking, conveniently located near ONE Spokane Stadium, Spokane Arena and the Podium, has garnered enough support to be named Spokane’s best beer bar and best pub food. With more than 20 unique brews to choose from and rotating daily specials culminating in an all-day happy hour on Sundays, it’s no wonder why readers prefer to drink beer at the Viking. The bar’s food menu matches up perfectly with its drinks, too. Appetizers include hefty portions of wings, nachos and tasty little pork belly bites, and its entrees include deliciously juicy burgers and hearty sandwiches that pair well with a pint. (CR)
2nd PLACE: Poole’s Public House
3rd PLACE: Cascadia Public House
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Capone’s; Coeur d’Alene, Hayden, Post Falls
2nd PLACE: Community Pint
3rd PLACE: Area 51 Taphouse at the Onion
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Crafted, Coeur d’Alene
Opening in 2020 in Liberty Lake, BocoPop boasts tons of specialty boba beverages. Each tea recipe takes over three months to perfect and touts global flavors. The most popular drink, according to founder and CEO Steven Kelly, is Tiger Milk Tea, which originated in Taiwan. The brown sugar syrup drizzle inside the cup gives the drink its name, characteristic of tiger stripes. While it wouldn’t be boba without the signature brown sugar tapioca pearls, you can also customize drinks to omit boba or adjust the sweetness. If you’re a boba enthusiast looking for bolder flavors, try the Shark Attack drink made with jasmine green tea lemonade and blue raspberry lychee. Kelly assures that the shark gummy swimming inside the drink is caught fresh from Liberty Lake. (DS)
It checks out that Inlander readers picked Umi again as Spokane’s favorite sushi spot — nearly every evening when departing the Inlander’s offices next door, we notice it’s almost always busy, busy, busy at the flagship Kendall Yards location! Showcasing the best flavors and culinary techniques of that beautiful island nation all the way across the Pacific Ocean, Umi serves sushi in all its forms: sashimi (sliced raw fish), nigiri (raw fish atop a ball of rice) and maki (rolls). The rolls at Umi are fresh, flavorful and beautifully presented, whether it’s a simple California roll or something on the wilder side, like the Spokane or Godzilla rolls. (CS)
2nd PLACE: Sushi.com
3rd PLACE: Izumi Sushi & Asian Bistro
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Syringa, Coeur d’Alene
Readers’ favorite tacos continue to be found at Cochinito, the beloved and creative fast-casual restaurant with locations in the heart of downtown Spokane and across the state line in Hayden. With options like lamb merguez — North African lamb sausage served with a hazelnut salsa and mint chutney — molé braised pork shoulder, birria, pork cheek carnitas and more, Cochinito has taco options to sate even the most adventurous foodies. (SW)
2nd PLACE: De Leon’s Taco & Bar; 3rd PLACE: Taco Vado
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Taco Works, Coeur d’Alene
Sure, you can pretty much always find a good vanilla or chocolate ice cream at The Scoop’s two locations on the South Hill and in Kendall Yards, but the real magic is in the variety of everchanging flavors. This month, for instance, the Kendall Yards shop was scooping Mexican Twinkleberry, combining strawberry ice cream with the Mexican snack cake Gansitos. The South Hill shop meanwhile had flavors like pistachio pineapple marshmallow and banoffee pie. The Scoop also rotates through a selection of dairy-free, gluten-free and vegan options, so pretty much anyone can enjoy a sweet, cold treat. (SW)
2nd PLACE: Mary Lou’s Milk Bottle
3rd PLACE: Pete & Belle’s NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Roger’s Ice Cream & Burgers; Coeur d’Alene, Hayden and Post Falls
Wait, you can still get a basic cheeseburger (ketchup, mustard, pickles, onion, American cheese) for less than $3, in this economy? Yes. Dick’s Hamburgers is still serving up cheeseburgers for $2.75 and plain hamburgers for $2.45. Want a twopatty quarter-pounder “Whammy” cheeseburger? That’ll run ya a penny short of $5. The classic drive-in (not drive-thru) burger counter has been serving up food since the 1950s, and also offers even heartier burger options, fish and chips, chicken strips, personal pizzas, and, of course, fries and other sides, all at prices that won’t hurt your wallet. (SW)
2nd PLACE: Frugals
3rd PLACE: Zip’s Drive-In
The motto “fine food prepared simply” rings true at Churchill’s Steakhouse, which has been a downtown Spokane staple since 2007. Everything is made from scratch and from the finest ingredients, in line with now-retired proprietor Bill Alles’ original mission to serve the best steak. Alles followed in the footsteps of his family, coming from a long line of meat tradesmen, and his family’s legacy is tasted in every bite. Churchill’s is also an inductee into the Steakhouse Hall of Fame. The beef served there is dry-aged USDA Prime from corn-fed Midwestern cattle. Each steak is served with garlic mashed potatoes, seasonal vegetables, fresh-baked bread and decadent butter. (DS)
2nd PLACE: Masselow’s Steakhouse; 3rd PLACE: Spencer’s for Steaks & Chops; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Beverly’s, Coeur d’Alene
“We’ve loved their meals at home deliveries since the pandemic. Their food at events is always outstanding and memorable.” (Alison H.); “Twentyplus years of experience, great food, great service.” (Ali O.); “The menu is updated every year with new and delicious recipes!” (Linda R.)
2nd PLACE: London’s Ultimate Catering; 3rd PLACE: Compassion Catering
“Savory and sweet. Customer service is fantastic. It’s the only store-bought pie I have had that is legitimately better than my homemade.” (Anna B.); “They add something addictive that makes you crave it day and night!” (Wes C.); “The pie crust is flaky, and the fillings are over the top. So delicious.” (Cathy H.)
2nd PLACE: Bean & Pie; 3rd PLACE: Conley’s Place
“Best and freshest selection of homemade breakfast items, including huckleberry cinnamon French toast!” (Theresa C.); “Best food. Consistent quality. Best staff.” (Tina M.); “Amazing food and great portion sizes. A staple of our city for decades!” (Cody B.); “Dining in an old railroad car is always fun!” (Howie S.)
2nd PLACE: Old European; 3rd PLACE: Cottage Cafe
“Order the Chomper Fries, then you’ll know.” (Jocelyn W.); “Exceptional cuisine, outstanding service and a warm, welcoming atmosphere. Highly recommended!” (Brad J.)
Local diners love slurping up some savory, broth-soaked noodles at Nudo, which has been serving its Japanese-style ramen in Spokane since 2014. With two locations, in downtown and on the North Side, both evoking a sleek Tokyo vibe with fun wall art and spots for communal seating, Nudo also boasts a huge sake selection to create an authentic Japanese culinary experience. The menu extends beyond steaming bowls of comforting noodles, too, to include a variety of traditional Asian dishes and fusion fare, from pad Thai to chow mein; rice bowls to sushi (the latter is only served at Nudo’s North store). (CS)
2nd PLACE: King of Ramen
3rd PLACE: Hogwash Whiskey Den
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Syringa, Coeur d’Alene
Sure, you can head to the grocery store to grab some cheese, meat and a couple bottles of wine for your next fancy night in or a larger, hosted gathering, but it’s nothing like the curated selection and attentive service at Wanderlust Delicato. Founded by Spokane native foodies Amber and John Park, Wanderlust imports a wide selection of artisan cheese, wine, cider and beer from makers around the world, including those based right here in the Inland Northwest. Unsure if your guests will like a particularly fragrant or sharp cheese? Ask for a sample, or get the perfectly sized slice cut-to-order, as all of Wanderlust’s cheese and charcuterie is sold. Wanderlust doesn’t only do takeout orders — stop in for wine flights, a small food menu, or sign up for a cooking class in its beautiful teaching kitchen. You can also leave all the decision-making up to Wanderlust’s experts and order a party platter or catering service to make your next occasion stressfree. (CS)
2nd PLACE: Boards by Brit
3rd PLACE: Maryhill Winery Tasting Room & Bistro
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Stylus Wine & Vinyl Bar, Coeur d’Alene
The old saying goes “nothing is certain except death, taxes… and Domini Sandwiches being voted Best Sandwiches in the Inlander.” But after earning the title every year for eons, the downtown lunchtime staple and Best Of Hall of Famer underwent an ownership change and moved to a new location, and a new champion rises to take
And while it may be a relative newcomer to the sandwich scene, Zozo’s Sandwich House has already proven it deserves the crown. Despite being in operation only since March 2023, the North Monroe eatery already feels like an essential staple of the Spokane food scene with an impressive array of handmade sandwiches that can fit almost any hunger mood.
“Our menu is a little different than what you find at most sandwich shops,” owner Jenn Hesseltine says. “You can come here and get a cold sandwich, you can get a French dip, you can get a smashburger, you can get a chicken cutlet, you can get soup, you can get salad. So that keeps bringing people back. We have over 50 different items, so you could come here 50 times and not
While a large menu may sometimes indicate that a restaurant is compensating quantity for lack of quality, that’s certainly not the case at Zozo’s. The staff arrive early each morning to start the daily prep in order to satisfy the demand of the always-busy lunch rush.
“When people say, ‘We make everything from scratch, blah, blah, blah….,’ we really do,” Hesseltine says. “All of our sauces are from scratch. Our chicken is hand breaded. Not all of our meats are, but our roast beef for the Monroe St. Dip, we roast it in house. Our pork for our pork sandwiches are roasted in house. We do get Boar’s Head meats that we slice every single day.
Our vegetables are [prepped] every single day. And that’s really what keeps people coming back. You can see that everything’s fresh, you can taste that things are scratch-made.”
While Zozo’s certainly has favored staples like the Monroe St. Dip for Hesseltine and the Zozo’s cheesesteak — the most popular item on the menu, typically selling 40-plus per day — even frequent diners return to see which weekly specials Hesseltine and company are cooking up. There are also less-heralded options like the oft-overlooked breakfast menu that features 12 sandwiches.
The people have certainly helped Zozo’s thrive, with the North Monroe Business District community building up word-of-mouth hype for the restaurant and its staff largely remaining unchanged since day one.
“One of the main compliments that we get as a restaurant is [about] the team that works here. How friendly everyone is. And it is true. The people that I hired two years ago when we opened, almost every single one of them are still here two years later,” Hesseltine says.
As Zozo’s looks to keep chugging along, Hesseltine is looking to get catering up and running and also coyly hints that she has another separate restaurant concept brewing. But for now, Zozo’s is soaking in the bliss of being voted Spokane’s Best Sandwiches.
“Last year, we got second place in our first year open, and we all cried. That was crazy,” Hesseltine says. “So to get first this year is just over the top for us.”
2nd PLACE: Shamus’s Sandwich Shop 3rd PLACE: The High Nooner NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Back Pocket Bakery, Coeur d’Alene
“Amazing staff, food and environment!” (Kelly D.); “Love the huckleberry mimosa!” (Onglee X.); “Great mimosa options and the view is unbeatable.” (Cristine M.); “Delicious and lots of flavors to choose from!” (Richard H.)
2nd PLACE: Bruncheonette; 3rd PLACE: House of Brunch NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Terraza Waterfront by De Leon’s, Coeur d’Alene
“Open all hours of the night with delicious specialties. Great for a morning with family or a treat with friends on the way home from nightlife.” (Rachel D.); “They’re the OG. Awesome local, family-owned business.” (Luke T.); “The pineapple jalapeño fritter is a revelation.” (Jamie M.)
2nd PLACE: Fluffy’s Donuts To Go; 3rd PLACE: Retro Donuts NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Gross Donuts, Post Falls
“Everything on the menu is worth five stars, the staff and the food are top notch,” (Robert S.); “Delicious naan bread, fabulous entrees.” (Jyl G.); “Ample servings of quality food, enough to take home.” (Jim M.)
2nd PLACE: Karma Indian Cuisine; 3rd PLACE: Taste of India
“The broth is so good that people come from Seattle to talk about how good it is.” (Tami W.); “A longtime local mainstay for pho and Vietnamese cuisine. Second to none!” (Ed B.)
2nd PLACE: Vien Dong; 3rd PLACE: Vina Asian Restaurant NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Pho Thanh & Cafe, Coeur d’Alene
Brick West Brewing Co. featuring Outlaw BBQ
“Family friendly, there are always events going on on weekends.” (Taras N.); “The patio never feels too crowded, and there’s a solid sense of community, especially when live music is playing.” (Jeana A.) “Great choices of food.” (Jill K.)
2nd PLACE: Osprey Restaurant & Bar; 3rd PLACE: No-Li Brewhouse NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Terraza Waterfront by De Leon’s, Coeur d’Alene
“Love their scallops and chowder. Reliably delicious with a special setting overlooking the Falls.” (Alison H.) “The freshest seafood in Coeur d’Alene and great service. Makes this spot a fantastic place to be for any occasion.” (Jason H.); “I love the Sunset Dinner salmon/shrimp special!” (Grace Z.) 2nd PLACE: Clinkerdagger; 3rd PLACE: Yummy Crab
Thailand’s nickname as the “land of smiles” rings true at Kuni’s Thai Cuisine in north Spokane. Owner Yukonthorn “Kuni” Pratanporntrakul Colliton was born in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and moved to the states to get an MBA at Gonzaga University. Though she had a successful career in the information technology field, food was always her passion. Unlike some more traditional Thai restaurants, the menu at Kuni’s also has Chinese, Indian and Mediterranean cuisine. Each dish aims for authenticity, with freshness and nutrition also taking priority. Immerse yourself in other cultures with each plate and leave with a smile on your face. (DS)
2nd PLACE: Thai Bamboo 3rd PLACE: Bangkok Thai
2nd PLACE: Noodle Express 3rd PLACE: Thai Bamboo NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Konala, Post Falls and Coeur d’Alene
With five locations across the Spokane area, it can be simultaneously hard to miss Rocket’s presence in our community and easy to miss its great coffee, baked goods and good vibes when it’s been too long since you’ve been by. The Rocket makes all its treats and food from scratch, including those famously fabulous pink cookies and its signature, in-house roasted coffee, Astro Roast. Spokanites Jeff and Julia Postlewait founded The Rocket back in 1992, and for over 25 years they’ve held onto Inlander readers’ votes for best bakery. Each location is open seven days a week, making it a great way to start or uplift any day. (LR)
2nd PLACE: miFLAVOUR; 3rd PLACE: The Grain Shed NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Pastry and More, Coeur d’Alene
The secret’s out! The Onion’s got some deep-fried deliciousness that’s pretty hard to beat. The eatery’s first location opened in 1978 with a large selection of burgers and has evolved its menu to also offer sandwiches, onion rings and other finger-licking appetizers, salads, pasta, pizza and more. If you’ve got room for dessert, choose from options like New York cheesecake to huckleberry pound cake — or, if you want to be “in the know,” order the deep-friend Oreos from the secret menu for an extra special treat. They’re dusted with powdered sugar, crispy on the outside, and warm and gooey on the inside. Served with whipped cream and chocolate for dipping, you won’t be able to stop at just one. (DS)
2nd PLACE: The Dirty Tiger, BocoPOP
3rd PLACE: Garlic Rolls, Allie’s Vegan Pizzeria and Cafe
As you walk through the doors of Outlaw Kitchen & Catering in Spokane Valley, you’re punched in the nose with delicious, smokey barbecue smells. You’re greeted by a smiling host who escorts you to a table. On the short walk there, outlaw country classics are playing religiously over the speakers, and the decor of a longhorn skull hanging on the wall transports you to a Texas- or Southern-style barbecue joint.
It takes a second to remember you’re still in Spokane, but that’s the magic behind Outlaw BBQ — it’s about the experience.
Ray Wilson is the mad genius behind Outlaw BBQ, but his rugged, tatted exterior equally exuberates humility. Wilson quickly credits his service staff and chefs for the restaurant’s success. The Southern hospitality, good vibes and 14-hour smoked barbecue are done the old-fashioned
North Spokane, and a location inside Brick West Brewing Co. in downtown Spokane.
way, with patience.
The motto on the back of Wilson’s shirt says, “We ain’t craft, we ain’t fancy, we’re outlaw.” It’s a testament to his approach to barbecue.
“We do barbecue our own way, and there’s no real rules of what we decided to do, and what we’re not gonna do,” Wilson says. “We don’t follow any specific set of barbecue standards; we just make it the best we can.”
At Outlaw, the St. Louis-style ribs are fantastic, and the brisket is always a guaranteed hit. However, the combo of barbecue and tacos has become popular with many in Spokane.
“We specialize in fusing a brisket with a corn elote to make a taco,” Wilson says. “We try to make things as fusion as possible with some of the ingredients from the Northwest with the Texas barbecue.”
Outlaw BBQ has restaurants in Spokane Valley and
As picked by this year’s Best Of voters, the Brick West location was a co-winner for best outdoor dining, thanks to its trifecta of award-winning beer, frequent live music in the warm seasons, and a hearty portion of Outlaw’s infamous pulled pork nachos or brisket sandwiches. That partnership dates back to Wilson’s long friendship with brewery co-owner Matt Goodwin.
Outlaw BBQ plans to continue delivering quality barbecue with its unmatched sauces, like the mop sauce or tangy yellow BBQ sauce. Most importantly, Wilson says he and his crew will keep on providing an unmatched barbecue experience.
“We appreciate people choosing to come here, giving us a chance, and spending their money here,” Wilson says. “We’re trying to give you the most bang for your buck, the experience of Outlaw BBQ, food, service, music, environment.”
2nd PLACE: Longhorn Barbecue
3rd PLACE: Porter’s Real Barbecue
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Drummin Up BBQ, Coeur d’Alene
“Rüt is one of the main reasons that being vegan in Spokane is possible. The food is delicious and not just ‘good for vegan food.’ I’ll put the jalapeño mushroom burger up against any burger Spokane has to offer.” (Corey F.); “Freshly prepared to order!” (Diane O.); “Good variety, great beet salad, love their ‘not-chicken’ sandwich and sweet potato fries. Yum!” (Joan R.); “The best cauliflower wings in the city!” (Hannah S.)
2nd PLACE: Mizuna; 3rd PLACE: Cascadia Public House
2nd PLACE: Cascadia Public House; 3rd PLACE: Boots Bakery
“All the flavors and real butter!” (Rosie E.); “Love the salted caramel cupcakes.” (Cathy H.); “Great gluten-free cupcakes!” (Denise A.); “Lots of fun flavors and always so pretty!” (Jessie M.)
2nd PLACE: Nothing Bundt Cakes
3rd PLACE: Celebrations Sweet Boutique
Indicana has taken Spokane’s food scene by storm, introducing Mexican-Indian fusion cuisine to the South Perry District in fall 2024. Chef and co-owner Noreen Hiskey previously served Indian food out of Feast World Kitchen through her former venture Inland Curry, but had always wanted to open a restaurant of her own. The idea for a fusion restaurant sparked when she made tender pork vindaloo paratha “tacos” for a regular customer at Feast, Chip Overstreet. The two are now business partners at Indicana, where Hiskey’s culinary creativity spans the entire menu. While the lunch menu is more casual, offering items like curry tacos, the dinner menu is elevated with entrées like mango enchiladas and tamarind glazed pork ribs. (DS)
2nd PLACE: Torra Tea; 3rd PLACE: Tamale Box NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Konala, Post Falls and Coeur d’Alene
Fries are a versatile food. They can be a great sidekick to burgers, sandwiches and even milkshakes, or they can stand alone as a snack on their own. When it comes to this fast-food side staple, everyone has a strong opinion on who serves the region’s best, and this year, Inlander readers agreed that Zip’s Drive-In is that spot. Zip’s thick, crinkle-cut fries have a crisp exterior, and their zig-zagged grooves hold sauces — such as Zip’s famous tartar or fry sauce — much better than regular fries. To pair with other classic American drive-thru staples like burgers, mozzarella sticks and shakes, plus sandwiches and other fried snacks, Zip’s fries are the perfect add-on to your order. (SSa)
2nd PLACE: Twigs Bistro & Martini Bar
3rd PLACE: The Onion
What originally began as a food truck in 2016 by Mirak Kazanjian eventually expanded to a brick-and-mortar restaurant in downtown Spokane in 2023. Skewers not only brings fresh and authentic Armenian-Lebanese food to Spokane, but it provides a place for community. Kazanjian grew up in an Armenian community in Los Angeles; his grandparents survived the Armenian Genocide, and his parents fled the civil war in Lebanon. After moving to Spokane, he noticed the city was lacking his favorite Middle Eastern foods, so he decided to make them himself and bring authentic shawarma and falafel to the area. Whether you visit Skewers to ease your nostalgia or to embark on a culinary adventure, there’s a seat at the table for you. (DS)
2nd PLACE: Angie’s Tacos; 3rd PLACE: Island Style Food & BBQ NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Oh Baby! Tex Mex BBQ, Coeur d’Alene
2nd PLACE: Baba; 3rd PLACE: Feast World Kitchen NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: White House Grill, Post Falls
Whether you prefer your pizza on the simpler side (like the Alice, with just red sauce and cheese) or something more creatively gourmet (such as the Fairview, with heavy cream, cheese, bacon, pears, gorgonzola and white balsamic), the Flying Goat has it. All on top of a perfectly crispy, Neapolitan-style crust, of course, which is made fresh in-house daily. A mainstay of Spokane’s Audubon-Downriver neighborhood — most of its menu items are named after nearby streets — the Goat has been bringing families and friends together over tasty pies and craft beer since 2010. It’s been one of the top spots for pizza in the eyes of Inlander readers for about that long, too. (CS)
2nd PLACE: Market Street Pizza; 3rd PLACE: Versalia NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Embers by the Lake, Hauser
For as long as the Inlander has been asking its readers to vote for the region’s best radio DJ, the KZZU/KXLY morning show Dave, Ken, and Molly has taken top honors — that’s 26 wins if you’re keeping track. Yet, even with that overwhelming support, its hosts, Dave Sposito, Ken Hopkins and Molly Allen, were all fired on a random Thursday in June 2024 without the chance to even say goodbye to their listeners.
Typically when a radio show is canceled it’s because ratings have been slipping, but Dave, Ken, and Molly was still doing well before its unceremonious end, Allen says. Her initial assumption was that the station just couldn’t afford a weekday morning show anymore, but a few weeks later another nationally syndicated morning show took its place.
However, fate can be a funny thing. While the show’s abrupt end was shocking and hurtful to its hosts and their listeners, it gave Ken Hopkins the chance to retire and presented new opportunities for Sposito and Allen.
“The good news was we didn’t have much time to settle in before the people at KHQ were asking us to come and talk to them,” Allen says. “It was like the deal of a lifetime, and just to feel wanted and to feel important and to feel like a company like this would put their efforts behind us gave us hope instantly.”
Those conversations with NonStop Local KHQ began last June, and by September of that year the Dave and Molly show began airing each weekday morning from 6 to 10 am. Now, Sposito and Allen’s morning podcast has been named the best in the region by Inlander readers less than a year after inception.
While the show is similar to its on-air predecessor, Sposito and Allen both say the podcast format has allowed them to further focus on community by inviting local artists and nonprofits to the table.
“We would have a nonprofit or someone, and they wanted to come in and talk about their event, and we weren’t allowed to do that because, well, they’re not paying any money,” Sposito recalls. “In the podcast form, not only can we have those people on, but we can talk to them in long form.”
The new format has also made it easier to find a wider audience in today’s streaming age. Interested listeners can find the show as its streaming online or by downloading the NonStop Local app. After 10 am, interested listeners can also find the podcast on popular streaming services such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts and iHeartRadio.
“We’re living in a podcast world, this is kind of the future of where the audience is going and, and we’re happy to be here now and hopefully we can keep building,” Sposito says with enthusiasm.
2nd PLACE: Grind 365
3rd PLACE: Spokane Soccer Show
“Local Spokane band just trying to have fun and get people out to enjoy some fun and great music!” (Shana S.); “The crowd is alive when this band plays. I’ve gone to countless shows and never been dissatisfied.” (Austin V.); “Lead singer is phenomenal, and they play a really good variety!” (Angela D.)
2nd PLACE: Tamarack Ridge Band; 3rd PLACE: Bruiser
“Found ExZac Change on Instagram and been listening ever since. Love the vibes.” (Chad S.); “From the lyrical bars to the infectious energy they give in their live performances, these guys never miss!” (Tif R.); “You can’t deny their talent!” (Rose S.)
2nd PLACE: Jang the Goon; 3rd PLACE: T.S The Solution
“This guy has been mixing since he was 11 and gets better and better! There isn’t anything he can’t mix.” (Cheyenne D.); “He can rock a turntable!” (Summer J.); “Has repped Spokane since the ’80s, won first Inland Northwest DJ battle, was on Sway in The Morning, DJ for Tairrie B (Eazy E’s artist), does iHeartRadio, Won 2024 West Coast Radio Mixer of the Year, reps local artists on the international stage!” (Shawn C.)
2nd PLACE: DJ Rosethrow; 3rd PLACE: DJ Donuts
For those seeking out the highest quality big screen experience in Spokane, the AMC at River Park Square is pretty obviously the best choice. Boasting premium IMAX and Dolby screens and the best sound, picture, and reclining seats in the region, it’s a haven for blockbuster lovers. But in recent years, AMC has also been using its array screens to spotlight more of the types of foreign and independent features that used to only be available at arthouse theaters. Couple that with their AMC A-List subscription (essentially a still-functioning MoviePass) that’s a must for any cinephile, and you’ve got a formula for folks to continue to take the mall’s escalator up to the top floors to discover new cinematic worlds. (SS)
2nd PLACE: The Garland Theater; 3rd PLACE: Magic Lantern Theatre NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Hayden Cinema
For the first time in Inlander Best Of history, we asked where the best place to play Dungeons & Dragons was, and readers resoundingly said Natural 20 Brewing Co. On top of hosting trivia nights and sporting event viewings, the nerdy taproom and brewery (with its very fitting name) runs one-shot D&D campaigns for newbies and experienced players alike. Since co-owners Jackie and Reece Carlson opened the space in Spokane Valley in 2019, they’ve expanded to a second location near downtown Spokane. Not unlike the taverns frequented in D&D campaigns, the space offers a large selection of beer, mead and wine alongside a sizable menu including the “Dwarven Craft” mac and beer cheese, a “Blazing Griffin” pasta, and “Wyverns and Waffles,” the brewery’s take on chicken and waffles. (CR)
2nd PLACE (tie): Bear Totem, Sage’s Portal; 3rd PLACE: Merlyn’s
The fact that a venue that’s only open during the Inland Northwest’s warm months continues to dominate this category really speaks to the greatness of BECU Live at Northern Quest. It’s an open-air oasis with great sound and views that consistently boasts the best, most diverse summer concert lineup around. What other venue in 2024 brought together country lovers (Kane Brown, Needtobreathe), classic rock aficionados (Bachman-Turner Overdrive, Steve Miller Band), ’90s rock kids (The Smashing Pumpkins, Third Eye Blind), and a cappella fans (Pentatonix)? None. And that’s why it continues to reign supreme. (SS) 2nd PLACE: Spokane Live at Spokane Tribe Resort & Casino; 3rd PLACE: The Chameleon NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Nashville North, Post Falls
To celebrate his Inlander Best of Hall of Fame award this year, Bob Gallagher, the founder of 4,000 Holes, is retiring.
When Gallagher first opened 4,000 Holes just behind Zip’s on West Shannon in 1989, I was one of his first regulars. I remember while going to SFCC, a classmate told me to check out this new record store. In the ’90s, it was the place to find new music coming out of the Seattle scene and other areas. It was also the place to find out what was going on in town, as he wasn’t just selling music; he also put out records from local bands.
Bob’s been thinking about retirement since at least 2019, but it just happened at the same time as his big Hall of Fame win. I’ve been creating posters for Bob’s Record Store Day promotions for more than a decade now, so I stopped by to check up on him.
“Our record community is an amazing group of music lovers,” he told me. “Music is so powerful and brings so much happiness to us all — love, kindness and respect for music and fellow listeners.”
A few years after starting up, he moved to North Monroe — then a couple blocks down the street to its current location. He tried to match the vibe of the local record stores he grew up with — the Record Rack at Shadle Center, Little Nell’s, Strawberry Jams.
“I’d been selling LPs for about 10 years through mail order, record conventions, Beatlefests,” he recalls. “I even put on conventions here in town. I needed more constant income, and I always wanted a record store.”
The name of the shop, of course, is from a song by his favorite band, the Beatles’ epic “A Day in the Life.”
Bob had a front-row seat as the record industry — vinyl especially — went through big changes.
“I always knew records would come back,” he told the Inlander in 2019, “but I didn’t know they’d come back this big.”
Don’t panic, the store’s not closing. Bob’s just passing the torch to a new owner, so drop in and say hi to Isaac Robbins. While you’re there, you might as well buy some records.
And even though Bob will no longer be selling them, you’ll still be able to see him around town doing what he loves — playing music (solo, in Blue Canoe and, with his wife, Bev, in Starlite Motel.)
“The guitar has always been my saving grace,” he adds. “My last thing is to thank everyone who has helped me live my music dream — the continuous support of me and 4,000 Holes for almost 40 years is overwhelming.”
(As told to TED S. McGREGOR JR.)
2nd PLACE: Bigfoot Records; 3rd PLACE: Entropy NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: The Long Ear, Coeur d’Alene
Clip out and proudly hang your free, commemorative Bob Gallagher poster!
Anthony Singleton’s path to comedy features a series of unfortunate, unfunny events.
It all started with a workplace accident that necessitated spinal fusion surgery. With a family and a home to care for, Singleton worried about making ends meet.
A friend came over while he was recovering and told Singleton to listen to Nipsey Hussle’s Crenshaw Singleton was reluctant at first — “What the f--k is a Nipsey?” he remembers thinking — but immediately connected with the album and Hussle’s story, which took him from a gang member without a GED to a renowned business- and community-minded performer.
“It taught me to understand the process,” Singleton says. “Nothing is given. You can struggle, you just have to maintain… I say it all the time to my crew. I’ve gone through every emotion that anybody can go through. Failure, I’ve cried. I just didn’t quit.”
With a new mindset, two weeks after his surgery, Singleton enrolled at Spokane Falls Community College, where he would eventually graduate before becoming a social worker.
Before graduation though, Singleton got COVID and spent eight days in the hospital dealing with the infection as well as blood clots in his legs and lungs. After being released, he had to take medication for six months to manage the clots.
But from those trials his desire to pursue comedy was born. He talked with some friends and realized he had nothing to lose. If he didn’t do well, no big deal. If one person said he had something, he’d keep going.
Singleton quickly became a regular at Spokane Comedy Club and T’s Lounge open mic nights, though he also quickly realized longer sets equaled more money, so he began an open mic at the since-closed Skipper’s Restaurant to lengthen his set and bring in more income.
He was making the rounds, often writing material about growing up in a military family and viewing the world through a Black lens, when he separated from his wife and was diagnosed as bipolar. But, as he learned from Hussle, Singleton didn’t quit. He continued to perform in town and self-funded tours around the state. He recently filmed his first special, Spokane Famous, which should be released this spring.
Singleton anticipates releasing a special every year for the next four years. He wants to release more merch and podcast episodes and, of course, continue to perform. Looking ahead a few more years, Singleton wants to see Spokane become nationally known for its comedy scene and for local comics to sell out local venues like touring pros do. He wants comedy workshops, improv classes and podcasting studios so kids have something productive to do with their free time.
Singleton is meticulous with his career plans, though each move he makes isn’t just for him; it’s to help uplift other comedians and the scene as a whole. Community-minded like Hussle, Singleton tells his crew they build their brand on handshakes and hugs.
“The reason why this ‘Spokane Famous’ thing and this interview and all of this stuff is so important is because it’s not about me,” he says. “It’s about positioning myself to help the rest of the people here that are so great. They’ve helped me in ways that I cannot even explain.”
2nd PLACE: Kelsey Cook
3rd PLACE: Dan Cummins
Kane Brown might be trying to get the Best Outdoor Concert honor named after him. After already winning the award in 2019 for his previous trip to Northern Quest, Brown was at it again last summer. Boasting a unique country charisma with a dash of hip-hop swagger and strikingly good looks, it’s easy to see why Inlander readers swoon over the country superstar. He rolled through a set loaded with hits like “Mile on It,” “Heaven,” and “Homesick” with a casual cool confidence that kept the crowd locked in all night. Brown ended the set with “I Love Country Music,” and it’s clear from your votes that you agree with that sentiment. (SS)
2nd PLACE: Five Finger Death Punch at BECU Live (8/29/24)
3rd PLACE: Sammy Hagar and Loverboy at BECU Live (8/13/24) NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Jason Mraz at Festival at Sandpoint (8/2/24)
After Spokane Arena shut down for renovations during the summer of 2024, the venue returned with a bang in the form of country superstar Jelly Roll’s visit to town. The tattooed country troubadour whipped fans into a frenzy with an array of fan favorite hits and a slew of new songs from his rightfully acclaimed new album Beautifully Broken. While fans might’ve been singing along with every word of the set-opening chart-topper like “I Am Not Okay,” for at least one night Jelly Roll made it all feel alright. (SS)
2nd PLACE: Def Leppard at Spokane Arena (9/6/24)
3rd PLACE: Trans-Siberian Orchestra at Spokane Arena (11/22/24)
“They are the best escape room I’ve played out of 150+ all over the world. Their space game is amazing.” (Alex W.); “Think Tank has imaginative tech, unique sets and great puzzles that come together to make really immersive escape rooms! I can’t wait to see what they have coming out next.” (Cody E.)
2nd PLACE: Unit 55 Horror Games; 3rd PLACE: Escape Entertainment
“D.B. Cooper Escape is challenging!” (Cheri H.); “They have amazing technology and the best customer service! Their rooms are incredibly immersive and are such a fun experience.” (Shayla O.)
“Red Room and MAC Movement host the best open mic because all are welcome without judgment and with open arms. They just want to give people with talent a safe space to come show off their talent!” (Joseph S.); “I’ve spent the past 40+ Monday nights with them and not only has my network circle grown, I’m mastering my craft.” (Tajher D.); “RIP Craig.” (Britaney B.)
2nd PLACE: The Q Lounge; 3rd PLACE: Spokane Comedy Club NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Black Lodge Brewing, Coeur d’Alene
“Unique concept. Great for all ages. Something fun and different to do in Spokane with friends, family and coworkers.” (Andre D.); “Everything about it is amazing and well thought out.” (Weston A.); “Lots of great games, good food.” (Don H.)
2nd PLACE: Jedi Alliance; 3rd PLACE: Gamers Arcade Bar NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Triple Play Family Fun Park, Hayden
Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Cats isn’t the sort of musical that anyone decides to stage on a whim. As of this writing, it’s the fifthlongest-running Broadway show of all time and the progenitor of the “megamusical” — a distinction that it earned thanks to the elaborate costumes, bold choreography, ambitious set design and earworms like “Memory” that turned it into a massive cultural phenomenon. Undaunted, the vast collective talents of the Spokane Civic Theatre rose to the challenge and created a clear audience favorite in doing so. Theater industry professionals were equally wowed. The same production also took home 2024 BroadwayWorld Seattle Awards for Best Musical and Best Costume Design. (EJI)
2nd PLACE: Macbeth, Shakespeare Coeur d’Alene; 3rd PLACE: The Buddy Holly Story, Spokane Valley Summer Theatre
You always feel like you’re getting the real deal when taking in the music of Matthew Joseph Hughes, the Atari Ferrari frontman who releases solo material as Automatic Shoes. The singer-songwriter unabashedly wears his heart and his influences on his sleeve, crafting eclectic tunes that often feel like they’d best be oxymoronically described as modern classic rock. His sweet voice and tender soul are on full display on his 2024 album Remember When We Were All Lovers, which at times calls to mind everything from Bob Dylan and Aimee Mann to Donovan and Taylor Swift, all distinctively being in his own voice. Anytime the slightly hermetic Hughes graces a local stage, it serves as a dose of warmth for the Spokane scene. (SS)
2nd PLACE: Allen Stone; 3rd PLACE: Blake Braley
With their funny jokes and lighthearted conversation, Jay Daniels and Kevin James are something like Spokane’s goofy uncles — the kind of people you’d naturally gravitate toward at any large gathering. Whether discussing the best running scenes in movies or raising money for a charity event, the duo have become a fixture of Spokane-Coeur d’Alene residents’ morning commute, for the past 30 years — and counting.
The charismatic pair are genuinely funny guys. Even off air, they joke and banter nonstop in their cozy studio inside KXLY’s broadcasting hub on West Boone. All around them, Daniels and James’ history together covers the studio walls, from framed memorabilia collected over the years to a poster of Gonzaga’s current basketball roster.
Both hosts attribute their 30-year success to consistency, adaptability and creating a family-like bond with their listeners, who tune in between 6 and 10 am Monday
through Friday.
“I think people can count on us for being there,” Daniels says. “They also know that they can have their kids listen to the radio during our show. There’s that trust factor that we’re going to be a family show.”
Daniels and James believe their loyal listenership goes deeper than humor — it’s also about sticking together during tough times. Many listeners have shared with the radio hosts that they tune in to decompress or prepare when life gets challenging.
“The biggest compliment we get from listeners is when they say, ‘Man, you guys have got me through some really hard times.’” James says.
On the flip side of the mic, that support gives the hosts purpose, too.
“I went through a divorce, Jay lost his dad, and it’s like they help us through those moments, too,” James adds.
Even with these deep community roots, Daniels and
James are sometimes surprised at the longevity of their radio program. Still, they hope to stay on air for as long as they can.
“We kind of married this town a long time ago when we started this show,” Daniels says. “It’s hard to be in one community for 30 years in radio — that doesn’t happen.”
James is grateful for all the support, noting that while another 30 years is unlikely, the radio duo will continue teaming up as long as the people find their program worth tuning into.
“Let’s take it 30 days at a time and then reassess each 30 days,” he says, jokingly. “Thank you, and free cookies for everyone.”
2nd PLACE: Electric Bender with AnT_EyE, KYRS
3rd PLACE: Jamie Patrick, 93.7 The Mountain NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Uncle Larry, KPND, Sandpoint
Based on the eponymous 1988 film by Tim Burton, the stage adaptation of Beetlejuice is about a demon who convinces a dead couple to haunt their former residence. His ulterior motive is to get one of the house’s living inhabitants to speak his name aloud three times, thereby lifting his curse of invisibility. While it departs from the original film, the Broadway musical retains iconic scenes (and tunes) like the dinner party possession around “Day-O (The Banana Boat Song).” It also doubles down on the zany energy and zingy one-liners. Those qualities were enough to edge out other strong nationally touring productions for the top spot in this category. So feel free to join the conga line if you were lucky enough to catch Beetlejuice when it came through Spokane with the Best of Broadway series. Just don’t tempt fate by saying the title of the musical three times in a row. (EJI) 2nd PLACE: Hadestown; 3rd PLACE: Come From Away
“An incredibly driven group of talented artists. They are pushing the needle when it comes to creating a unique and fun style!” (Tanner T.); “Outstanding songwriting, great energy.” (David W.); “Great sound, great lead singer, great vibes!” (Abbi M.)
2nd PLACE: Nothing Shameful 3rd PLACE: The Bed Heads
“Everybody knows my name! Great staff, great beers and they participate in local Garland events. Family friendly.” (Arron T.); “Fun and personable trivia host, questions strike balance between easy and hard so it’s competitive but never demoralizing.” (Mary Kate K.); “You have to get there an hour early at minimum. Everyone wants to be at GBW for trivia night!” (Matt S.)
2nd PLACE: The Elk Public House, Browne’s Addition
3rd PLACE: Radio Bar, Northwest Spokane NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: The Crown & Thistle Pub, Coeur d’Alene
2nd PLACE: Uprise Brewing Co. with Hans Liezen 3rd PLACE: nYne Bar & Bistro NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: The Crown & Thistle Pub, Coeur d’Alene
Sheldon Moore is a man of many hats. Literally. Not only can you nearly always catch him wearing one of his many signature hats while behind the bar at Zola, but he’s doing more than bartending on any given night.
Though he might appear in over his head while expertly making drinks for Zola customers, Moore is never too busy to cheer on the local musi-
cians gracing the stage. He often dons the band or artists’ merch from behind the bar and stops everything to clap and yell for the performances.
Between sets, he’s a makeshift DJ, blasting local tunes and deep cuts of his favorite groups alike. And, of course, he’s singing along to every word and shredding on air guitar.
Moore began working at Zola in 2018 after a friend told him about an opening on the bartending team. He’s been an energetic staple of the lively music hub and restaurant ever since.
“When you come to Zola you’re like family,” Moore says. “Like 95% of the time, someone will walk through the door, and I know their name, what they’re drinking, and I give ’em a handshake when they’re walking in and out.”
Other customers can often hear enthusiastic regulars shouting “Shelly!” when entering or exiting the bar — a sign that good drinks are flowing and vibes are sky-high.
After seven years at Zola, Moore says interacting with guests, whether regulars or first-timers, is the best part of his job. Whipping up new creations from scratch when someone doesn’t know what to drink is another highlight of any night.
“I have so much fun doing my job,” he says. “I have a blast back here and get to hang out with all of my friends every single night and jam to the best bands in town.”
As if on cue, local soul singer Allen Stone strolls by Zola’s front windows. Moore swings open the patio doors, gives him a bear hug, and both walk away beaming.
“And you never know who will stop by!” Moore says with a laugh. “You won’t find that anywhere else in town but Zola.”
Moore is so integral to Zola’s well-oiled nightlife machine that he even has his own signature drink on the menu: The Shelly Limeade. It’s a concoction of Luxardo cherry juice and limeade that Moore dreamed up when he stopped drinking a little over two years ago.
“I love a tart nonalcoholic drink,” he says. “I like having the ability to have a nonalcoholic drink on the menu that’s just as good as a boozy cocktail.”
The Shelly Limeade may be tart, but life is sweet for Moore, who’s welcoming a baby boy into the world with his girlfriend in just a few short months and couldn’t be more thrilled to be recognized for honing his bartending abilities in the past few years.
“It’s so nice to be recognized and seen by the community,” he says. “Life is so good right now.”
2nd PLACE: Sean Behary, Fast Eddie’s 3rd PLACE: Simon Moorby, Hogwash Whiskey Den NORTH IDAHO’S BEST Alejandro Silva, Sawmill Grille, Post Falls
“Delicious IPAs within a great setting!” (Sybil M.); “Just the right amount of hoppiness.” (Born & Raised, Shane G.); “Because it is so juicy. Yum, yum, juicy, yum!” (Big Juicy, Lola F.)
2nd PLACE: YaYa Brewing Co. (Fluffy Puffy Sunshine, Angel)
3rd PLACE: Uprise Brewing Co. (Bright Side, Bitcrusher)
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Post Falls Brewing Co. (Stoney MacGuyver, King Billy Hazy Pale Ale)
“Great drink and food specials!” (Chris N.); “Fun and friendly atmosphere, great bartenders.” (Ketia A.); “Half off all alcohol [during happy hour].” (Stephane L.); “Private golf simulators with great prices on food and drinks!” (Hayden B.); “Great staff and wonderful setup!” (Sandra A.)
2nd PLACE: Tavolata; 3rd PLACE: Zola
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Stylus Wine & Vinyl Bar, Coeur d’Alene
2nd PLACE: Golf District; 3rd PLACE: Golf Island
When Lucky You Lounge closed back in August 2023, Spokane lost one of its main live music hotspots. But six months later the Chameleon opened its doors in the same place, once again providing the region with another beloved music and nightlife venue. Co-owned by Rüt Bar & Kitchen’s chef Josh Lorenzen and his artist wife, Hazel Miller, the venue has thrived through the past year with local music, touring acts and exciting, themed dance parties. And if the weekly shows aren’t enough to wow attendees, the lush jungle-y decor, including murals painted by Miller, really complete the year-old Chameleon’s nightlife vibe. (CR)
2nd PLACE: TRVST; 3rd PLACE: Pure Northwest
When Nectar celebrated its ninth anniversary last September, guests had the opportunity to drink small-batch mimosas through “beyond-venti-length straws,” as bartender Keric Gray puts it, adding: “The 10th should be epic.” Even when not in celebration mode, Nectar provides guests plenty to enjoy, including flights devoted not only to wine and beer (as its full name would suggest), but also bellinis (in orange, paloma, mojito and traditional peach flavors). In addition to cheese and charcuterie boards, Nectar offers a half-dozen tinned fish (sardine) options that pair well with vinho verde, sauvignon blanc, sparkling wine or craft beer. Weekday happy hours, weekend special events and regularly scheduled live music encourage repeat visits. When the weather warms, Gray says guests walk right past the wine racks and beer coolers, nod (or ignore) the bartender, and grab one or more of the coveted 36 patio seats for stunning views of downtown, Browne’s Addition and Peaceful Valley. (BJ)
2nd PLACE: Pacific to Palouse Wine Bar
3rd PLACE: Stylus Wine & Vinyl Bar, Coeur d’Alene
The interior of Garden Party has been described as a lush oasis. No argument there, given the abundance of house plants and the vivid colors used for decorating. A creation of business partners (and best friends) Kadra Evans and Kelly Kramer, the cozy downtown Spokane bar has emerged as a popular destination not only for cocktails but also mocktails.
“There are lots of people out there not drinking, and we didn’t want [the nonalcoholic menu] to be just juices,” Evans says.
The creation of the mocktail menu — which includes names like Lotus Flower, Wild Pines, Pink Perk-up and Lavender French 75 — was a collaborative effort.
“We sat down and played with flavors,” she says. “We found that a lot of nonalcoholic spirits don’t taste what they’re supposed to taste like, so we just concentrated on creating drinks that people like, using a craft approach.”
That approach has proven to be a recipe for success. (BJ) 2nd PLACE: The Boneyard; 3rd PLACE: Radio Bar NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: The Bee’s Knees Whiskey Bar, Hayden
In 2023 and 2024 Best Of polls, Highball, located inside Northern Quest Resort & Casino, ranked in the top three best places to dance. The lounge took the second spot in that category this year, but, thanks to its dancing and drinking opportunities, readers voted Highball as the top spot for a girls night out. Since opening in 2022, Highball has drawn in guests with its menu of craft cocktails and Highball Happenings, aka nightly events featuring live music, DJs or comedians. There are also 43 crystal chandeliers (no, that’s not a typo) to add extra sparkle to your night out. Highball is located near the casino’s Pavilion entrance as well as Neon Pizza and East Pan Asian Cuisine, making it easy to grab dinner and drinks with friends. (AP)
2nd PLACE: Nyne Bar & Bistro
3rd PLACE: Pinot’s Palette NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Stylus Wine and Vinyl Bar, Coeur d’Alene
we decided to press on. Looking back, we probably wouldn’t have been successful with a brewery because we really don’t like beer that much. Jennifer is happy to take the victory lap.”
Make that 10 victory laps, as Inlander readers have now voted One Tree Hard Cider “Best Cidery” that many times, making this year’s win its entry into the Best Of Hall of Fame.
“When you’re in business, you’re bound to deal with some failures along the way,” Barnes notes. “But we’re always pushing for quality. We just get so busy in our day-to-day personal and business lives that we sometimes forget that people actually appreciate what we’re doing. It’s good to get the validation.”
Call it a happy accident. For Father’s Day in 2014, Grant Barnes asked for a home beer-making kit. Using various keywords, his wife, Jennifer, found what she thought was a beer kit on Amazon and ordered it. When Father’s Day arrived, Barnes opened the package that had been delivered and there it was: a cider-making kit. Oops.
“It was like, ‘OK, I guess we’ll make cider,’” Grant says.
Early attempts in the home garage yielded “terrible” results, so the couple headed over to a newly opened Winco in the Valley and picked up a few ciders to sample.
“Smith & Forge was one we really liked, but it’s not around anymore,” Barnes recalls. “We also liked JK’s Scrumpy. What we found is that we liked good cider, so
One Tree Hard Cider offers a handful of core cider flavors that are available throughout the year, as well as limited-edition flavors that change with the seasons.
“People have latched on to the seasonals and, combined, they represent our bestsellers,” Barnes says. “But the flavor that took us from being in a small warehouse to ‘My gosh, we really have something here’ was the lemon-basil. It’s still our best single seller.”
Other core ciders include huckleberry, boysenberry and mojito, while the seasonal roster includes the springtime lemon-berry and the summertime “Cider & Stripes,” a mash-up of tart cherry and sweet apple flavors.
One Tree recently closed its downtown cider house because, Barnes says, “the parking got to be impossible.” On March 6, it reopened at the production facility and warehouse that One Tree has occupied since 2020 near Gonzaga University.
“We have fewer seats, but we have the opportunity for outdoor seating,” Barnes notes. “Plus, we have our own parking lot, so we’re excited about the move.”
2nd PLACE: Trailbreaker Cider; 3rd PLACE: Inland Cider Mill; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: CDA Cider Co., Coeur d’Alene
“They have the perfect dance floor paired with seating for those needing a break, and just an all-around welcoming vibe. LOVE them!” (Alina M.); “Great stage and venue for karaoke!” (Jim M.); “Love the two hosts they have.” (Jeslyn A.)
2nd PLACE: Highball at Northern Quest
3rd PLACE: Zola
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Nashville North, Post Falls
2nd PLACE: Monterey Cafe; 3rd PLACE: The Star Bar
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Iron Horse Bar & Grill, Coeur d’Alene
“A legend! My favorite Irish Coffee. Great vibe, great food.” (Amy B.); “Truly feels like stepping into a pub in the motherland.” (Gabi K.); “St. Patrick’s Day Parade Day. Need I say more?” (Brad C.)
2nd PLACE: Shawn O’Donnell's American Grill & Irish Pub
3rd PLACE: The Crown & Thistle Pub
While the IPA dubbed Born and Raised helped put No-Li on the map in 2012 — making it “Spokane’s oldest active brewery,” according to co-founder John Bryant — Wrecking Ball Imperial Stout packs a powerful flavor punch for dark-beer fans.
“There are multiple layers of different specialty malts, and it opens up like a wine as those different flavors emerge,” Bryant says.
Some compare it to Guinness, but Bryant says that Irish stout is “fairly light in comparison.” Bryant credits brewmaster Ty Lindquist and No-Li’s cellar and packaging crews for embracing the techniques that keep Wrecking Ball fresh far longer than other canned beers. Wrecking Ball has nabbed countless awards over the years and recently got a nod from Forbes magazine, which named it one of the world’s best stouts.
No-Li’s ongoing success has enabled the brewery to support local charities. Community outreach is the purview of co-founder (and John’s wife) Cindy, who works with Teen & Kid Closet, Embrace Washington, Odyssey Youth Movement, Crosswalk and others. “That was among our cornerstones from the beginning,” Cindy Bryant says. “We would give back when we were able to.” (BJ)
2nd PLACE: Humble Abode Brewing, Peanut Butter Porter; 3rd PLACE: Bardic Brewing & Cider, Singularity Russian Imperial Stout
When Kris Jamison joined the staff five and a half years ago, Maryhill had just opened the kitchen at its Kendall Yards tasting room and was “seeing what it could do.” Today, it does plenty, churning out charcuterie and cheese boards, an array of flatbreads and an evolving menu of small plates to accompany its full complement of Maryhill wines. Jamison says the goal is to showcase the winery’s bottlings but also “make wine less intimidating. We want to talk to you about wine — if that’s what you want to do.”
Or, if one would prefer to simply sip and socialize in the shadow of a massive barrel mural in the 125-seat dining room or on the 70-seat patio, that’s fine, too.
“I hate to use the word ‘experience’ because it’s so overused,” adds Jamison, a 30-year veteran of the hospitality industry. “But it’s really what we work to provide here.” (BJ) 2nd PLACE: Arbor Crest Wine Cellars; 3rd PLACE: Barrister Winery NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Pend d’Oreille Winery Tasting Room, Sandpoint
keeping his craft syrups a bit more exclusive.
The bar has an outside patio with flowers in the spring, and the roomy interior feels industrial chic in a neighborhood brewery way. But niche homages to Fernet-Branca on the wall clue you in that this is a serious bartender’s spot.
Boneyard fills a gap in the Valley, where it’s hard to find a more thoughtful drink than a Jack and Coke. So far, Hueser says the bar is getting great support from the Greenacres neighborhood across the street, plus people driving in from neighborhoods as far as Liberty Lake.
Don’t let Hueser’s laid-back skater attitude fool you — these are indeed some cutting-edge cocktails coming from behind the pine. Tea Time, a cocktail dreamed up by one Boneyard bartender, features gin infused with Earl Grey from Elz Tea, a local tea market a few blocks away. It’s mixed with Italicus, a bergamot liqueur with such a bitter orange flavor that it’s hard to balance out, Hueser says, but his bartenders lifted it perfectly with a lemon-lavender simple syrup.
The dark horse in this year’s craft cocktail category was probably most surprising to one person: the owner of The Boneyard himself. Dillon Hueser opened the Spokane Valley joint in late 2022 as an outgrowth of Side Hustle Syrups, the line of craft simple syrups that he started as a side hustle when he was a distiller at Dry Fly Distilling.
“We intentionally operate word of mouth here,” he says. “That’s why it’s so profound to me.”
The warehouse on Appleway Avenue used to be where Hueser made his Side Hustle Syrups. The brand used to be outsourced to bars and grocery stores. Now, Hueser’s switched from wholesale to running his own bar in that very same space,
With a background in both brewing and distilling, Hueser is focused on process and technique even more than recipe. The Hello, Clarice cocktail is basically a whiskey sour that’s been clarified with milk, which results in a silky smooth mouthfeel and mellowed bite. (Hueser says Benjamin Franklin is famous for figuring out how to extract tannins from alcohol with milk, and Franklin’s milk punch recipe is lurking somewhere behind the bar.) A beautiful red wine float sits on top for a striking contrast and unexpected flavor combo.
As committed as he is to quality, Hueser is even more concerned about building community.
“I’m not here to make a dollar, I’m here to make a relationship,” he says. “I want our atmosphere to be very welcoming and educational.”
Part of Boneyard’s hospitality is making the spot 18+. It’s OK if you need to order a mocktail or a flatbread instead of an alcoholic drink, but it’s not the spot to be a rambunctious middle schooler or opinionated toddler. All the bartenders are also committed to table service, meaning they’ll come to you both to take your order and bring your drinks.
“We want people to feel like this is more akin to a public house or a coffee shop vibe,” Hueser says. “We’re here to take care of them.”
2nd PLACE: Hogwash Whiskey Den
3rd PLACE: Durkin’s Liquor Bar
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Terraza Waterfront Grill, Coeur d’Alene
“Community-first mindset!” (Mindy O.); “Great whiskey and a great story.” (Andy K.); “World-class distillery!” (Leigh H.); “Best huckleberry vodka ever.” (Connie S.)
2nd PLACE: Browne Family Spirits; 3rd PLACE: 2 Loons Distillery NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Up North Distillery, Post Falls
“Did someone say Northwest Breakfast? Sticky Rice Puerh? Blackberry Tea? So many to choose from. Love this place to the moon and back.” (Sherry J.); “I am obsessed with their tea variety, swag and love the BOGO 50% off deal on tea bags they have!” (Alina M.); “Their tea flights are fantastic.” (Meg F.)
2nd PLACE: Lunarium; 3rd PLACE: Torra Tea
“The food is from scratch. There are gluten-free options. The tea blends are like no other.” (Jocelyn W.)
Owned and operated by the Kalispel Tribe, Northern Quest has made quite a name for itself throughout the region and beyond. It’s been ranked among the top 10 casinos in the country and, with the addition of the six-story River Tower in 2023, has grown into the largest casino resort in the state. The gaming floor itself features over 1,650 slot machines and 37 table games along with poker tables, off-track betting and the Turf Club sportsbook. All those offerings are augmented by multiple restaurants and nightclubs plus a spa, golf course and entertainment venues that routinely host top-tier national acts. With so many amenities and a reputation for high-quality hospitality, is it really any wonder why Northern Quest is such a resounding hit with Best Of voters? (EJI)
2nd PLACE: Spokane Tribe Resort & Casino
3rd PLACE: Coeur d’Alene Casino
One thing the Inland Northwest does really well is roasting and brewing amazing coffee — some might say the best coffee in the United States. With 18 locations, Thomas Hammer continues to consistently deliver great roasted beans and excellent coffee around the region. Whether you’re looking for a single-source of Costa Rican beans for your espresso machine or just a casual breakfast blend with notes of fruit and chocolate, Thomas Hammer has you covered. For the coffee aficionado or business, their subscription plans make it extremely easy to always have fantastic coffee at home and never run out. Life for some, perhaps, has never bean better since the release of this affordable subscription plan, $77 for a 5-pound bag delivered and charged every four weeks. (VCM)
2nd PLACE: Indaba Coffee
3rd PLACE: Roast House Coffee
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: DOMA Coffee Roasting Co., Coeur d’Alene and Post Falls
You’ll be hard pressed to find a more appropriately named establishment in the Inland Northwest than EPIC. Whatever big game you want to watch, it will always look better on the 30-foot, high-definition TV that dominates this sports lover’s paradise. An extensive tap list and cocktail menu complement the upscale pub fare menu. Of course there are gameday classics like burgers and wings, but the Wednesday prime rib special is what sets the menu apart. And for the adventurous, the location inside the casino means you can get in on the action with betting at the Turf Club Sports Book. (WM) 2nd PLACE: Poole’s Public House; 3rd PLACE: 24 Taps Burgers & Brews NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Capone’s Pub & Grill; Coeur d’Alene, Post Falls and Hayden
For the past couple years, there’s been a surge of new nonalcoholic beverages entering the market: everything from alcohol-free beer and wine to mocktails and even sparkling water flavored with hops, simply called hop water.
Here in Spokane, Lumberbeard Brewing makes the readers’ favorite bubbly, hoppy, canned NA drink.
Since opening in January 2020, Lumberbeard has made a name for itself in the Inland Northwest’s craft beer world, brewing a variety of beer from IPAs and sours to barrel-aged stouts, lagers and more. So it makes sense they’d be good at making even a tasty 0% ABV beverage.
Around four years ago, Lumberbeard’s head brewer and president, Bret Gordon, says the brewery decided to create a nonalcoholic option after seeing such drinks at other breweries around the country.
“We wanted an NA option that we made in-house instead of buying nonalcoholic beer, so that was kind of the spur to do it,” Gordon says.
The brewing process for a nonalcoholic beer is much more involved than making hop water, plus, hop water isn’t as expensive to produce.
“We want to make the product as safe as possible because with beer you have alcohol so it kills anything that wants to grow, but with hop water you don’t have any alcohol, so you
want to make sure that your pH is low enough so that nothing’s growing,” he explains.
Lumberbeard produced a small test batch, which Gordon says was an immediate hit with customers.
“I think it’s nice for people who either are not drinking that day or they had two beers but they still wanted to drink with the other people, and they’re like, ‘Oh, well, I’ll just have a hop water and I can drink that here and be fine and drive home safely.’
“We sell a ton in grocery [stores], so I think people kind of do the same thing at home if they want something that tastes like beer or tastes like hops or has flavor that’s not just plain water,” he adds.
Hop water’s flavor profiles can range widely. Many feature a fruitier profile that pairs well with or tones down hops’ bitterness. Gordon says Lumberbeard’s hop water intentionally showcases hops’ flavor.
“I think it’s a bit more potent than everyone else’s. That’s usually the comment we get back, like, ‘Oh my goodness, that’s a crazy amount of flavor,’” he says. “We also tried to basically make it taste like hops. I think other hop water is even more fruity, and ours is more hopforward, so I think people who like beer really enjoy it.”
2nd PLACE: Humble Abode Brewing
3rd PLACE: Whistle Punk Brewing
“Surrounded by great books, greeting cards, kitchen stuff, coffee, Spokandy, cozy seating with delicious fresh sandwiches, pastries and terrific waitstaff. So much fun and interest and comfort in such a small space.” (Royce G.); “Duh!” (Jamie F.)
2nd PLACE: Revel 77; 3rd PLACE: First Avenue Coffee NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Vault Coffee, Coeur d’Alene
“Their blended London is absolutely the best. So is their caramel macchiato. They use the best processes and the best ingredients in just about anything they make.” (Miles B.); “They have my drink on file so they always make it just right. Friendly and fast service. Best part of my morning.” (Nicole M.); “I’ve been to drive-thru stands all over the PNW and they are the most consistent, the most original and have the best customer service!” (Arielle S.)
2nd PLACE: White Dog Coffee
3rd PLACE: Thomas Hammer
“Beautiful views, wonderful people, delicious wines!” (Vicki N.); “The atmosphere elevates the experience.” (Mindy O.); “An amazing tasting experience with their location and variety of music events.” (Jeana A.); “Such a perfect wedding venue — the tent and view are really something else!” (Jason H.); “The grounds of the Cliff House Estate are unparalleled.” (Robin F.)
2nd PLACE: Maryhill Winery; 3rd PLACE: Barrister Winery; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Coeur d’Alene Cellars
2nd PLACE: Beacon Hill Events; 3rd PLACE: The Historic Davenport Hotel; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Hagadone Event Center at the Coeur d’Alene Resort
“Crisp and refreshing. My first choice.” (Justin L.); “Yummy! Great atmosphere!” (Jodi A.); “Great for sipping.” (T.J. C.); “Who doesn’t love BW?” (Toria R.)
2nd PLACE: Whistle Punk Brewing (Czech Pilsner, Helles Lager); 3rd PLACE: Garland Brew Werks (Second Star Lager, Worn Hands Lager) NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Vantage Point Brewing, Coeur d’Alene (Mexican Lager, Helles Lager)
You’ll find Hogwash’s name peppered throughout this year’s Best Of issue, as the downtown subterranean hot spot placed in the top-three for best ramen, craft cocktails, chicken sandwich and bartender. Yet unsurprisingly, as the name suggests, it was whiskey where it took the top honor.
Located in the basement of the historic Washington Cracker Co. Building, stepping down into Hogwash feels like a trip back in time to a speakeasy while also finding a contemporary, cutting-edge gastronomical experience.
The food is more than worth mentioning (really, try the ramen), but the whiskey is what landed Hogwash in the winner’s circle.
Bar manager Simon Moorby and front-of-house manager Erin Fasbender have more than 20 years of experience each in the local libation industry. Moorby’s been at Hogwash since it opened in 2016, while Fasbender joined the team from another downtown landmark, Mootsy’s. They’re a good team, too. They’re married to each other. That continuity and connection up and down the staff list has allowed Hogwash to maintain its reputation as one of Spokane’s best bars and restaurants for nearly a decade now, despite an ownership change just four years into its existence.
The whiskey selection runs deep, with hundreds of varieties on offer. And Moorby, Fasbender and company are experts when it comes to the world of brown liquor. Fasbender in particular has put in the time to complete certification as whiskey master, and her depth of knowledge in an industry largely dominated by men is not lost on the
staff or regulars.
“I think it’s a credit to her that we consistently take top whiskey bar,” Moorby says.
There’s far more to Hogwash than just the whiskey, however.
An adventurous menu of house cocktails runs the gamut from gin to vodka and tequila to, of course, bourbon; the Mindkiller features a delicious turmeric-infused bourbon along with, true to its name, rum and cognac.
If you weren’t certain of the creativity on the menu, the presence of “acid-adjusted orange juice” should drive home the level of commitment to flavor.
And that’s just the booze. Hogwash’s kitchen, overseen by head chef Joseph O’Neal, has built quite the reputation as well.
You’ll always find simple offerings like the $4 pickled egg or popular $14 Hogwash Burger, but it’s worth keeping up with the kitchen on social media so you don’t miss out on seasonal items or themed menus.
There’s a lot more than just whiskey going on at Hogwash, but to drive the point home one more time... There’s also a lot of whiskey. Hundreds of whiskeys.
“We have shelf space for over 300 whiskeys, and there’s a storage room for even more,” Moorby says.
2nd PLACE: Purgatory Whiskey Bar & Craft Beer
3rd PLACE: Durkin’s Liquor Bar NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: The Bee’s Knees Whiskey Bar, Hayden
Hailing from one of the world’s beer capitals — Milwaukee, Wisconsin — Jill Morrison might be perceived as a suds supporter supreme. And she is. There are always three beers on tap at CDA Cider Co., the cidery and restaurant she opened in downtown Coeur d’Alene in 2018.
But Morrison is quick to point out that her family left “Brew City,” Milwaukee’s selfproclaimed moniker since the 1980s to promote tourism, when she was a child, adding that she has been a Coeur d’Alene resident for more than 30 years.
While beer is present at CDA Cider Co., it’s the 13 cider taps that draw people in and keep them coming back for more.
What first drew Morrison to cider?
“The same thing that attracts most people, I think,” she says. “A lot of people say it’s easier to drink. Beer can feel heavy, while ciders are less heavy. I think the glutenfree option is important to a lot of people, too. There also are far more flavor options.”
Those choices aren’t limited to CDA Cider Co.’s 13 taps, which in mid-March included pineapple, pear, peach, blueberry, huckleberry and watermelon flavors in addition to more traditional apple-only renditions. There also are varying levels of sweetness, and some guests even mix and match the available flavors.
“Some people want a dry cider but with just a little bit of sweetness, so they give us their ‘recipe,’ and we’ll make it for them out of the taps,” Morrison says. “One of the most creative blends I’ve seen is Locust vanilla — our bestselling cider — with peach. It becomes like a peach cobbler a la mode.”
CDA Cider Co., which made three of its own ciders when it first opened but now focuses solely on those made by others, even highlights some of their customer
concoctions. With 13 taps, the flavor combinations are seemingly endless.
“I’ve seen people mix as many as four flavors to create a cider that’s just right for them,” Morrison says.
With breweries and wine-tasting rooms plentiful in the Inland Northwest, it can be challenging for a business offering another adult-beverage option to stand out. How does Morrison and her team make cider less intimidating for beer and wine drinkers?
“We’ll ask them what kind of beer or what kind of wine they like,” she explains. “We’ll almost always have a cider on tap that matches their palate or at least comes pretty close. We’ll draw a sample for them, and it’s fun to see their faces light up.”
CDA Cider Co. also serves cider in flights and allows customers to choose the flavors. Guests also may assemble their own six-packs to take home from the selection of 130 or so cans in the venue’s bottle shop.
The similarities among beer, wine and cider do not extend to food pairing, however, at least not in Morrison’s opinion.
“I don’t think I’ve ever encountered someone who came in specifically looking to pair cider with something on our menu,” she says. “We serve pub fare — the maple bourbon wings are our bestseller — and because the dry ciders are mostly about their freshness, they go well with pretty much everything.”
In addition to wings, the pub fare includes flatbreads, soft pretzel bites, a chicken quesadilla, nachos and a house specialty called “Beez Kneez,” a gluten-free concoction of house-made honey cream cheese served with baked jalapeño chips (perfect with any of the traditional dry apple ciders on tap, just in case you’re a pairing person).
Many amenities that draw tourists to Sandpoint in droves are also beloved by its nearly 10,000 residents. It’s a recreation mecca for lake-goers and skiers, as well as a destination for visual and performing arts, shopping and dining. And although Sandpoint is accessible by major roadways, a rail line and an airstrip, it has retained its small-town charm.
“Our biggest success is we focus on the locals,” says Duffy Mahoney, who co-founded MICKDUFF’S BREWING COMPANY with brother Mickey nearly 20 years ago.
Yet the brewery, which this year won Sandpoint’s best brewery, is also a fave with out-of-towners, says Duffy, who notes that apps and media recognition has helped drive tourist traffic to MickDuff’s.
Google searches for “Sandpoint brewery and restaurant” alike will point you toward MickDuff’s — both of them. The historic Second Avenue building the Mahoneys’ renovated in 2020 houses a restaurant and a five-barrel pilot brewery, while the nearby Beer Hall on Cedar Street contains MickDuff’s 20-barrel system and tasting room.
Brewer Cooper Balke oversees both brewing operations, balancing creativity with consistency, so the awardwinning Tipsy Toehead Blonde Ale you love is as good now as when the brothers first created it in 2006.
This year’s winner for best tacos in Sandpoint, JOEL’S MEXICAN RESTAURANT has been around even
longer than MickDuff’s. Joel Auspiro Sr. started his namesake restaurant in 1997, after many years operating an extremely popular Mexican food truck featuring San Diego-style flavors.
“There’s a lot of people looking for a particular taste they knew from California,” explains Auspiro’s son, also named Joel Auspiro, who manages the humble spot at the corner of Church Street and Third Avenue.
Joel’s offers a range of chicken, beef, pork, seafood and vegetarian tacos, many of them gluten-free. Its fish and shredded carnitas pork tacos are the top sellers, the younger Auspiro says.
In addition to tacos, Joel’s serves an even larger range of burritos, including the crave-worthy breakfast combinations that can sustain a modest eater well into dinnertime.
Comfort food is how Joel describes the menu and his family’s approach to service.
“If people are having a bad day they’ll come get a taco,” Auspiro says, noting that being part of the community and making sure customers feel “heard, seen and valued” is a huge motivation for the entire staff.
Like Joel’s, the winner of Sandpoint’s best hardware store is also family-owned, and it too is service-oriented. A visit to SANDPOINT SUPER DRUG & ACE HARDWARE means getting your prescriptions filled at the pharmacy, visiting with a
nutritionist, or getting help finding something you need for any room in your home or anyone on your gift list.
Oh, and it’s a hardware store, too, with roughly half the floor space dedicated to plumbing, electrical, lawn and garden, paint, and all the other items people have come to rely on ACE Hardware to provide. And if your purchase involves a present for someone else, the friendly folks at Sandpoint Super Drug will gift wrap it for you, no charge.
Speaking of gifts, Inlander readers were equally enthusiastic about the gift selections at LA CHIC BOUTIQUE and OUT WEST TRADING COMPANY, both of which are equally adored for their clothing and accessories. If Out West sounds familiar, you may have visited sister locations in Whitefish, Montana, or Walla Walla, Washington, for a variety of wares befitting the Western lifestyle. La Chic, which was founded in 2013, features one-of-a-kind fun and funky locally sourced décor, books, artwork and more.
Finally, THE ST. BERNARD AT SCHWEITZER MOUNTAIN is this year’s winner for favorite aprés-ski hangout, but its amenities endure long after the snow melts. Located within easy walking distance of Schweitzer Village, enjoy enviable views year-round at the St. Bernard, whether that’s for drinks, dessert or a full meal in the bar and restaurant. When the sun goes down, up go the stage lights, with weekend trivia and live music (check the website for seasonal schedules). Looking to get a jump on next year’s ski season? The St. Bernard also has condos for rent, so all you have to do is wake up, suit up and get ready to shred.
1st PLACE: Joel’s Mexican Restaurant
2nd PLACE: Jalapenos
3rd PLACE: Matchwood Brewing Co.
1st PLACE: MickDuff’s Brewing Co.
2nd PLACE: Matchwood Brewing Co.
3rd PLACE: Laughing Dog Brewing
1st PLACE: Sandpoint Super Drug & Ace Hardware
2nd PLACE: South Fork Hardware
3rd PLACE: (tie) Co-op Country Store, Ponderay; Evergreen Homestead Supply, Clark Fork
1st PLACE: (tie) La Chic Boutique, Out West Trading Company
2nd PLACE: Azalea Handpicked Style
3rd PLACE: Sharon’s Hallmark
1st PLACE: The St. Bernard
2nd PLACE: MickDuff’s Brewing Co.
3rd PLACE: Pucci’s Pub
Along a busy stretch of Sprague Avenue in Spokane Valley, between South Pines and Bowdish roads, the Spokane Elite Dance Studio is almost unmissable. The building’s facade is painted an eye-popping lime green, and large front windows provide passersby a quick peek into the studio’s well-decorated lobby.
Inside the building, Studio Director Maggie Kazemba and 20 other instructors dedicate their time to teaching kids ballet, hiphop, lyrical, jazz and tap, ensuring that they become competent, well-rounded dancers. That care and dedication in youth dance education is likely why readers voted Spokane Elite Dance Studio as the region’s top dance studio in the Inlander’s 2025 Best Of contest.
“We pride ourselves in being a community that helps enhance the creativity and the confidence of kids through dance,”
Kazemba says. “Dance is our medium, but it’s really just about that community element and about making these kids the best humans that they can be.”
Although most of her time today is spent in the studio, Kazemba has dedicated herself to dance education in the Inland Northwest for close to two decades. She began teaching dance in high school and in 2008 began an eight-year tenure as the head coach of the Spokane Shock Dance Team.
Two years after opening Spokane Elite Dance Studio in 2010, Kazemba moved the studio to its current Spokane Valley location. Soon after that move, her 80-student studio quickly doubled in size. Now the space has close to 600 young dancers on its class rosters.
“These kids are not just numbers to me, I know the names of almost every single dance family here,” she says. “I take pride in that, and think it is so important to me to know
Not only does Kazemba know these families, she knows how to keep them engaged and excited about their kids’ dance education. Each spring, Spokane Elite hosts an annual recital at the First Interstate Center for the Arts, where she aims to tell a story through her students. This year, students are defying gravity in a show inspired by Wicked and The Wizard of Oz on May 24.
“We want the kids to have the opportunity to be part of something that feels like a big production to them, and I go all out into making sure that it feels like a real performance,” she says. “For the families it’s more than just their kid up on stage, it’s the entire production of it. So they feel invested from the beginning to end.”
2nd PLACE: Spokane Ballet Studio
3rd PLACE: Sanctuary Dance Company, Pullman
“Helping families in times of need expecting nothing in return. I was one of the families they helped when I had my son and he had to stay in the NICU. Some of the kindest, generous, and most thoughtful people I’ve ever met in my life.” (Dakota W.); “Helping people in their greatest time of need.” (Rob E.)
2nd PLACE: Spokane Helpers Network; 3rd PLACE: Union Gospel Mission
“Year-round art galleries and many local annual events.” (Meg V.); “Dedication to support of local artists.” (Linda W.); “Great artists and their small business incubator program.” (Lisa G.); “So good!” (Ursula H.)
2nd PLACE: Spokane Arts; 3rd PLACE: Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Emerge, Coeur d’Alene
“Love his detail and excitement for players and for the teams that he covers. Great personality, plus he’s a Zag!” (Carol E.); “Love the Friday night football segments!” (Emma F.); “Always energetic!” (Joan K.)
2nd PLACE: Sydney Berger, KXLY; 3rd PLACE: Jack Wallace, KXLY
From its inception in the ’90s, when there were only a few hundred attendees, Spokane Pride has come a long way, Executive Director Matthew Danielson says. Back then, “people marched with paper bags [on their faces] because they didn’t want to lose their jobs,” he says. Fast forward to 2022, when the parade and festivities filled Riverfront Park’s Pavilion with an estimated 35,000 attendees. In 2024, around 50,000 attended. Danielson is optimistic about the popularity of the annual June event, which raises visibility and provides support to the LGBTQ+ community. He thinks — hopes — that around 80% of the population believe that “we should love people no matter who they are,” he says. “At the end of the day, I think that’s what ‘pride’ is about.” (CSz)
2nd PLACE: Spokane Fall Folk Festival
3rd PLACE: Unity in the Community NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Emerge Block Party, CdA
When the weather warms, out come the tables, booths and banners announcing that art and craft festival season has arrived for those willing to brave the region’s sometimes unpredictable late spring/early summer weather. Hosted by the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture on its idyllic Browne’s Addition campus, ArtFest at the MAC marks the beginning of summer with a bright, colorful bang! ArtFest is a three-day festival featuring more than 70 local and regional artists handpicked for their excellence and innovation. This year is the festival’s 40th anniversary, yet another reason to ready your overcoat (or umbrella or sunglasses) and embrace the arts. (CSz)
2nd PLACE: Terrain
3rd PLACE: Art on the Green, Coeur d’Alene
Two years ago, I opened Auralite Art Collective with a vision—to create more than just a tattoo studio, but a safe and welcoming space built on community, healing, and artistry that inspires growth. Today, at 23 years old, I’m beyond honored to be voted Best Tattoo Artist in Spokane and to have my shop recognized as the 2nd Best Tattoo Shop. This achievement wouldn’t be possible without the incredible support of my clients, fellow artists, and the Spokane tattoo community.
My journey here was anything but easy. I built everything from rock bottom—emancipated at 16, homeless, couch-surfing, struggling with a negative bank account for years while working multiple jobs putting myself through college, all while battling my own mental health. It wasn’t until I found tattooing that everything changed.
Tattooing is more than ink on skin; it’s an intense emotional exchange. The long hours, creative pressure, competitive industry, and deep connections working with trauma, as tattoos are a form of therapy for a lot of people, all can take a toll on an artist’s mental health.
I have recently partnered with FailSafe for Life, an organization dedicated to supporting those struggling with mental health challenges. A portion of my work will go toward this cause, and I encourage everyone to check them out and support in any way they can.
Thank you to all of the talented artists who work at my shop: Josephine Pakootas, Seth Joling, Kaitlyn Renae, Willow Loredo, Ali Haines, Maddie Thrams, Jordan Fliegel, Shiloh Souza, Jade Ostendorf, and our piercer Aliyah Sequoia. Outside of my shop artists like Alex Delgado of Black Horseman, Avery Willmann of Undead Ink & Top Left tattoo supply, Shawn Wolfe of Lone Wolf Tattoo, and Jeremy Corns of Anchored Art -among many others- continue to push the boundaries of this craft and inspire artists like me every day; I’m honored to be recognized among them.
May 2nd & 3rd - Flash Tattoos & Piercings
May 3rd 6-9:00 PM - Afterparty
DJ • Photobooth • Vern Cooks • Permanent
Jewelry • Bardic Brewing and Cider
$1,000+ Raffle benefiting FailSafe for Life
As Second Harvest President Drew Meuer puts it, “hunger doesn’t take a day off,” so the organization works hard to provide resources to those needing food assistance throughout the year.
Second Harvest kicks things into overdrive for Thanksgiving though, partnering with Tom’s Turkey Drive to ensure area families have a full holiday dinner. Last year, the event’s 25th, about 8,500 meal kits, which contain a turkey, canned vegetables, stuffing, potatoes, gravy, rolls and milk, were distributed.
To put that in perspective, Meuer notes that the Spokane Arena holds between 10,000 and 12,000 people during concerts, depending on the layout of the stage. For yet another perspective, Tom’s Turkey Drive, which was founded by former KREM weather forecaster Tom Sherry, began with a few hundred turkeys handed out in a parking lot.
Now, there are about 20 distribution sites around Spokane and Coeur d’Alene with hundreds of volunteers working to make sure each site operates like a well-oiled machine.
Meuer enjoys seeing familiar faces each year, as many volunteers have made helping with Tom’s Turkey Drive an annual tradition. Other volunteers share that they once needed the event’s assistance themselves but are now in a position to give back.
“They talk about the difference that it made for them, whether that was somebody who just lost their job, or a single mom who wants to put a meal together for her kids,” Meuer says. “Seeing that full-circle celebration of generosity, you really see the ripple effects that Tom’s had throughout the community.”
Meuer, who’s been at Second Harvest in some capacity since 2009, says preparations for each year’s drive begin almost as soon as the last turkey dinner has been distributed from the previous event.
The turkey order for the 2025 drive, for example, was placed in winter 2024. Food industry partners like Rosauers and Franz Bakery help with the turkeys, canned vegetables, rolls and stuffing, with Rosauers also hosting volunteers who are fundraising for the event. Dairy Farmers of Washington provides fresh milk, while agricultural partners in the Columbia Basin provide the potatoes.
“We’ve got customer generosity, we’ve got generous donor partners, both on the food and the funds side, that come together to make this meal happen for so many people,” Meuer says.
Meuer says the fact that Tom’s Turkey Drive is entering its 26th year is a testament to the generosity of greater Spokane community members, who share the desire to make someone’s holiday season a little brighter.
“The longer I’m in it, the more I get to have a front-row seat to that generosity,” he says. “When I take a breath and step back and see the smiles on the faces of the volunteers and the gratitude of donors for being able to make this difference in the lives of people, it really is just heartwarming to be able to experience that with folks.”
The MAC, as the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture is known, is more than its beautiful Browne’s Addition building and grounds. It’s a trusted repository of knowledge and of art and artifacts representing the region’s Indigenous roots to its present-day place as a dynamic metropolitan area. It’s a jam-packed calendar of arts-centric events, from kids camps to educational programs. And it’s more than a single gallery — it’s three floors of galleries, all expertly presented to create an unforgettable experience for its more than 90,000 visitors annually, including 10,000 school-age children. For nearly 120 years, the MAC has done more than help keep the arts in our region alive; it’s helped them thrive. (CSz)
2nd PLACE: Terrain Gallery; 3rd PLACE (tie): Big City Art Gallery, Marmot Art Space; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: The Art Spirit Gallery, Coeur d’Alene
You can plan a pretty picnic but can’t predict the weather. That’s why the smart thing to do is to watch KREM’s Chief Meteorologist Jeremy LaGoo on weeknights starting at 4 pm, or as late as 11 pm, to know what the weather’s going to be like for said picnic. LaGoo has been telling Inland Northwest residents about the weather at KREM since October 2018. Viewers can also trust that LaGoo — who enjoys outdoor activities including rock climbing, trail running, snow sports and more — will give them the same weather information he uses himself. With over nine years of experience as a meteorologist, LaGoo deservedly has the trust and confidence of many. (VCM)
2nd PLACE: Kris Crocker, KXLY
3rd PLACE: Leslie Lowe, KHQ NonStop Local
“Whitney cares about people and their stories. She delivers the news with poise, intellect and gets at the heart of things. I can’t think of a better anchorperson!” (Linda J.); “She’s like the older sister to brothers Mark and Jeremy.” (Cathy M.); “Good investigative reporting, warm and personable, trustworthy — someone you’d like to know as a neighbor.” (Alison H.)
2nd PLACE: Mark Hanrahan, KREM
3rd PLACE: Tim Pham, KREM
“Excellent writing and storytelling and just what heck of a GREAT guy — a Spokane treasure!” (Royce G.); “His books transport me. Such a mix of humor and pathos.” (Mollie W.); “I loved The Cold Millions!” (Linda S.); “Hometown hero — makes Spokane proud.” (Kris P.)
2nd PLACE: Tom J. Bross
3rd PLACE: Sharma Shields
“I truly am obsessed with this bookstore. I love that they’ve been around for so long, have the fondest memories growing up going to this store, and I still frequent it regularly!” (Alina M.); “Love supporting local!” (Sherry B.); “Clerks are very knowledgeable; their book choices are on target.” (Janet L.)
2nd PLACE: Page 42 Bookstore
3rd PLACE: Wishing Tree Books
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: The Well-Read Moose, Coeur d’Alene
Back in late 2020, something at The General Store changed. The family-owned local retailer, known for carrying everything from home goods, hardware and clothing to auto and gardening supplies, started a dedicated toy department.
“Prior to four years ago, we really only bought toys to sell seasonally. We’d get in and out of it for the Christmas season, and we didn’t bring in a lot of major brands at that time,” co-owner Tom Barany says.
Then came the closure of The White Elephant. Barany and his family members recognized that the loss of the 74-year-old landmark just a few blocks to the south meant that there would be a “big void” in the local community — not simply in terms of stock but also when it came to trust and quality of service.
“That was a major icon for toys for decades and decades and decades. It occurred to me that this was probably an opportunity for us to provide the community with something that they were going to be missing here soon.”
As a result, the second level of The General Store, once home to clothing and clearance items, began evolving into a space filled with the latest toy lines from household names like Mattel, Hasbro, Pokémon and Lego.
Barany also started traveling to national toy trade shows to lock in deals with vendors and get a fix on the trends that industry experts were predicting. He’s now a regular at the annual ToyFest in Las Vegas and also just attended New York City’s longrunning North American International Toy Fair for the first time.
“If you’re a child at heart, you have a blast going to those things,” he says, laughing. “They are not boring, that’s for sure. There are tons and tons of exciting new items that you would have no idea are out there yet.”
Today, a little over four years after its inception, The General Store’s toy department has taken on a name of its own — Toyland — and expanded to fill the 6,000-square-foot upstairs space. The shelves have a mix of toys for all ages, including classics like Tonka trucks, Barbie dolls and Lego sets as well as higher-tech options like drones and RC cars.
According to Barany, each stage of Toyland’s growth has been driven by customer feedback, which might be why the department has generated such a loyal following in such a relatively short period of time.
“Each year awareness has been growing in the community,” he says. “I’d say this year is really the year where we feel like we finally got it dialed in as far as what customers are coming in expecting and looking for.”
And though he’s naturally pleased with that rapid and encouraging progress, he knows that a lot of legwork goes into keeping the shelves stocked with items that will delight and entertain kids. In other words, it takes hard work to keep playtime fun.
2nd PLACE: Whiz Kids
3rd PLACE: Boo Radley’s NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Figpickels Toy Emporium, Coeur d’Alene
Audrey’s Boutique
“The best shopping experience around. Amazing staff, amazing stuff, rockstar service.” (Shannon C.); “Unique service for cancer survivors. Wonderful selection of women’s clothing led by Victoria, the owner.” (Brian S.); “She’s got our backs (and our fronts)!” (Jacqueline P.);
2nd PLACE: Reverie Boutique; 3rd PLACE: Jema Lane Boutique NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Marmalade, Coeur d’Alene
Boulevard Mercantile
“Beautiful space with an amazing selection of quality vintage clothing and home decor. Very friendly and helpful staff.” (Peggy M.); “They create a showroom, which makes shopping for these old artifacts and furniture really immersive and fun.” (Sierra F.); “Always amazing finds!” (Laurie B.)
2nd PLACE: Teleport Vintage + Co
3rd PLACE: (tie) The Rusty Mug, Tossed & Found NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Looking Glass, Coeur d’Alene
2nd PLACE: Tossed and Found; 3rd PLACE: Petunia and Loomis NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Midtown Home & Vintage Market, Coeur d’Alene
Whether you’re looking for a premiere jewelry brand or want something designed especially for your loved one, you’ll find exquisite pieces at Spokane’s Jewelry Design Center. This family-owned business traces its roots back to Expo ’74 when founder Doug Toone turned a fair booth into this golden enterprise. During the fair, he repaired jewelry, sold pieces that he’d made and created new pieces while crowds watched. Toone’s success at the fair led him to open JDC in 1977. Whether you’re there to design a custom piece or are curious about the jewelry creation process, customers can watch the jewelers hard at work through large viewing windows. If the piece that you imagined isn’t quite what you wanted they’ll even remake it. (CSh)
2nd PLACE: Tracy Jewelers; 3rd PLACE: Pounder’s Jewelry NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: (tie) Cheryl Burchell Goldsmiths, Coeur d’Alene; Clark’s Diamond Jewelers, Coeur d’Alene
When you buy a recreational vehicle, you’re embracing a lifestyle of freedom to travel across the country and meet and encounter Americans from all walks of life. According to the RV Industry Association Spring Travel Intentions Survey, 28 million Americans are expected to hit the road in their RV this spring. R’nR is building on that demand with locations in Liberty Lake, North Spokane and Lewiston, Idaho. There’s a reason why this family-owned business founded in 1989 continues to be the region’s favorite dealer for RV enthusiasts. The dealership offers financing options for all types of new and used campers, RVs, trailers, and motorhomes. What makes R’nR stand out is its ability to offer onsite collision repairs, part replacement and maintenance services. (VCM) 2nd PLACE: Bretz RV and Marine; 3rd PLACE: Airway Heights RV
For 79 years, Yoke’s Fresh Market has been a one-stop shop for all grocery needs for many in the Inland Northwest, placing a strong focus on providing customers with high quality, locally sourced products. With an emphasis on supporting the community it serves, Yoke’s also gives back to various organizations and programs such as Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital and Second Harvest. The next time you’re in need of some delectable scratch-made baked goods, high-quality meat, scrumptious cheese, bulk items, or fresh and vibrant fruits and veggies, stop by your nearest Yoke’s and grab some of the freshest products the region has to offer. (SSa)
2nd PLACE: Rosauers
3rd PLACE: My Fresh Basket
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Pilgrim’s Market, Coeur d’Alene
Spokane has a plethora of secondhand and thrift stores, but when you spend your dollars at Global Neighborhood Thrift not only do you get some sick new threads, you also help change the lives of refugees in the community. Founded in 2007 by Brent and Amy Hendricks, Global Neighborhood has been helping refugees navigate life for nearly two decades now. With over 30 countries represented among its staff so far, Global Neighborhood provides English classes, job training, and income via full- and part-time employment for refugees in various programs. Adorable, Instagram-famous store cat, Smudge, who wanders the racks and finds comfy nap spots among the textiles, is a joyful bonus to all of the good Global does in our community. (MP)
2nd PLACE: Union Gospel Mission Thrift Stores
3rd PLACE: Goodwill
The Wendle family started Wendle Motors in 1943. Eight decades later, founder Chud Wendle Sr.’s granddaughter Kristin Goff is still the president of the family-run business. That might be part of the reason people feel so at home at this Ford and Nissan dealership. Or it could be that the Wendle logo is recognizable from shirts, banners, banquets or brochures of nearly 80 local programs and nonprofits that the business has donated to over the years. Whether you’re after the latest model or an affordable used ride, these experts in North Spokane promise to help you find what you need while prioritizing your experience — which is much appreciated by Inlander readers across the region. (EB)
2nd PLACE: Parker Automotive; 3rd PLACE: Gee Automotive
Officially, Kootenai County Farmers Market is from 9 am to 1:30 pm, but for vendors like Killarney Farm’s Ellen Scriven, those few hours belie years of experience, months of work and nearly half a week of preparation and breakdown for each Saturday market.
Scriven, who helped co-found the market and currently serves on its board, describes her schedule. Thursday: harvest less-perishable crops like tomatoes, peppers, carrots and potatoes. Friday: harvest, pack and cool greens before it gets too hot, then return to the fields to pick beans, peas, cucumbers, squash and onions, followed by herbs, flowers and more greens. As the light wanes, indoor work begins: washing eggs, making flower bouquets, final packing.
On market day, Scriven and partner Paul Smith arise at 4:30 am, tend to the animals, water plants, and trek an hour and 15 minutes from their Rose Lake, Idaho, farm to the market where they’ll scramble to get everything set up in time for the 9 am opening bell.
Exhausting! But worth it, she says.
“The heartfelt gratitude and appreciation expressed by our customers keep me coming back year after year,” Scriven says.
The benefits of farmers markets might seem like a foregone conclusion now, but 40 years ago it was a tough row to hoe for startups like the
Kootenai County Farmers Market. Since 1986, the market that now occupies the sun-dappled corner of Highway 95 and Prairie Avenue in Hayden has grown from around two dozen vendors to more than 110.
“In addition to just about any fruit, vegetable, nut, herb or flower that can be found growing in the Inland Northwest,” says Scriven, “we have growers of mushrooms, dairy products, assorted meats and microgreens” and more.
And although the market bears the county’s name, she says, decreased farmland in North Idaho has paved the way for vendors in all directions, like Tonnemaker Hill Farm from Royal City, Washington, or the McKerracher Family Farm from Bonner County.
The market is more than plants, produce and protein, however. It’s also arts and crafts, personal care items, pet products — all local, all bona fide — as well as food-oriented programs for kids, rotating live entertainment and the ability to pay with SNAP benefits.
Just as important, says Scriven, is the market’s role as a “destination for families and a gathering place for friends.” She sees people bonding over food and all the market offers.
“It seems that when it comes to the pursuit of a basic of human need, differences in ideology and political persuasion can be set aside.”
It seems ironic that John Allen’s favorite type of wine, amarone, is one that remains largely under the radar, at least in America. Allen, the owner of Vino! in downtown Spokane since 1995, says his fascination with the expressive Italian wine, made from grapes that are left to dry and raisin before being pressed and fermented, stems from his introduction to the Italian wine more commonly made from those grapes, Valpolicella, early in his “wine-curious” days. He carries just three renditions of amarone at Vino!
For the less adventurous, he also carries anywhere between 700 and 1,000 different bottlings at any given time from all of the world’s top wine regions and a few barely known at all (including a pinot noir from Tasmania, which Allen describes as “one of the prettiest I’ve ever tasted”).
In the shop’s front room, there are selections from Washington, Oregon, California, Europe and South America, as well as a “ready to go” selection of wines that need no further aging and are priced under $20.
“It used to be under $15, but everything has gone up,” Allen laments.
The selection is constantly evolving as new vintages
come in and new wineries are introduced.
Farther back in the shop, a tasting room beckons. There, where wine-education classes once were held regularly; the programming has evolved to flights with various themes.
“Chateau Ste. Michelle has done a great job of educating people in the Northwest about the high quality of Washington wine — how Washington shares climatic characteristics with some of the world’s greatest wine regions,” Allen says. “So, now, it’s more about expanding knowledge and creating food-and-wine experiences, although we will host classes — just not as often.”
The tasting room also exhibits works by local artists on a rotating basis.
Venturing farther still into the bowels of Vino!, one encounters the heart of the operation: the space devoted to Allen’s “wine of the month club.” There, about 90% of the 1,000 bins for club members are currently occupied.
Allen says he is proud of the club because, each month, it exposes members to wines they’d otherwise never taste — such as the aforementioned Tasmanian pinot noir. Members may opt for wines under $15 (Award
Series), under $20 (Classic Series), under $30 (Collector Series) or under $50 (Prestige Red). Further, each wine is “guaranteed,” meaning that if a member doesn’t like it, they can bring it back and exchange it for another bottle selected by the staff; no questions asked.
“When you get down to it, we are in the endorsement business,” Allen says. “Everything we sell, we curate and endorse as a good representation of its type. People are seldom disappointed.”
Like many businesses, Vino! was not an overnight success. There were other smaller locations before it settled into the space it has now occupied for nearly a quarter-century.
“I love what I do,” Allen says. “We’re a small but mighty team of four and a half people (four full-timers and one part-timer), and we really enjoy helping people get excited about wine.”
2nd PLACE: The Tipsy Vine; 3rd PLACE: (tie) Nectar Wine & Beer, Wanderlust Delicato; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Base Camp Wine & Co., CdA
“Love being a regular here and coming in hearing hellos and how ya doings from every budtender and staff member. One of my happy places.” (Austin K.); “Everything about this store is great — great owner, great budtenders, great products.” (Jesse H.); “Best CBD!” (Justin P.); “The Valley has the best layout, North consistently has what I want, and downtown has amazing budtenders. Great energy inside all!” (Shannon C.)
2nd PLACE: Spokane Green Leaf; 3rd PLACE: Lucky Leaf Co.
2nd PLACE: Apex Cannabis; 3rd PLACE: The Green Nugget
2nd PLACE: Bath by Bex; 3rd PLACE: Apex Cannabis
“Kind, funny budtenders.” (Zach R.); “Best prices, knowledgeable tenders, staff always in a great mood. Haven’t done me wrong yet when I tell them to surprise me.” (Corey M.);
2nd PLACE: Niwauno Pantoja, Cinder
3rd PLACE: Jessica Gibson, Spokane Green Leaf
One glimpse of the Historic Davenport Hotel shows why it’s consistently voted the best of Spokane. Inside and out, the landmark features stunning architecture and sumptuous details. Its doors first opened in 1914, since then hosting numerous guests including Amelia Earhart, Babe Ruth, Cher, and Jerry Seinfeld. While the hotel eventually fell into decline and was closed in 1985, it fortunately wasn’t demolished, and in 2000 it was bought and revived by former owners Walt and Karen Worthy. They carefully restored many original elements like the lobby skylight and elegant, embellished woodwork throughout. A stay here is a luxurious experience where you can enjoy a meal or a drink, treat yourself to a relaxing trip to the spa, or just immerse yourself in the hotel’s rich history and decor. (CSh)
2nd PLACE: Northern Quest Resort & Casino
3rd PLACE: Davenport Grand Hotel NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: The Coeur d’Alene Resort
Not only is Boo Radley’s a must-see place for all out-of-towners, it’s a staple that’s been a part of Spokanites’ lives for decades. Since 1993, Boo Radley’s has been doling out the most unique and quirky gifts you can conjure in your mind. A Martha Stewart prayer candle? They’ve got it. A rubber horse mask? Don’t you worry. Mini finger puppets in the shape of duck feet? Don’t be silly, of course! Boo Radley’s lasting power as a beloved Spokane institution is, of course, partly due to its gift offerings for the goofball in your life, but it’s also because of the store’s commitment to being unabashedly itself. If your face doesn’t hurt from smiling after a trip to Boo’s, then you’ve done it all wrong. (MP)
2nd PLACE: Atticus
3rd PLACE: Mulberry Market
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Mix It Up, Coeur d’Alene
Whether you need florals for your big day or you’re wanting to make a little moment all the more special, Anthesis Co. has you covered. Specializing in fullservice event planning and custom floral arrangements, this sister-owned florist studio offers a wide range of services. Lina Ulyanchuk and Viktoriya Kukharskaya bring artful and creative designs to the forefront of each arrangement, telling stories and personalizing moments in the process. Their detail-oriented bouquets can be purchased online, and Anthesis offers local delivery in the Spokane-Coeur d’Alene area. Their event services extend even farther, to Washington, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. (LR)
2nd PLACE: Appleway Florist & Greenhouse; 3rd PLACE: Rose & Blossom; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Pearl and Tin Weddings & Flower Shop, Coeur d’Alene
Events like the Kendall Yards Night Market bring a small-town feel to Spokane, despite being held in the city’s urban heart. The seasonal market operates on Wednesdays from 5 to 8:30 pm, starting in mid-May and running through September. In the vibrant Kendall Yards District, shoppers can connect with local farmers selling crisp vegetables or backyard honey, artisans offering handcrafted items like jewelry or soap, and sample food from local restaurants and food trucks, while also enjoying local musicians playing. It’s a great place to get to know your community, from the small business vendors to your next-door neighbors. (CSh)
2nd PLACE: Perry Street Thursday Market; 3rd PLACE: Liberty Lake Farmers Market; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Kootenai County Farmers Market, Hayden
Inlander readers’ top pick CAL Cars has been operating in the Inland Northwest for more than two decades. The family-owned dealership, with locations in Airway Heights and Coeur d’Alene, provides its customers with exceptional service with a focus on transparency in the car-buying process for its customers. Plus, with annual donations to organizations such as Meals on Wheels, the Spokane County Junior Livestock Association and Communities in Schools Spokane, it’s clear that CAL Cars isn’t just dedicated to its customers, but to the entire community it serves. (CR)
2nd PLACE: Jennifer’s Auto Sales & Service
3rd PLACE: UGM Motors
“Knowledgeable staff who love our furry family members. High-quality food and treats… Love this store!” (Jill N.); “Whenever I have a question, they’re able to help me and provide several options.” (Deb B.); “They have never been out of what we need!” (Cosette C.)
2nd PLACE: The Urban Canine; 3rd PLACE: Northwest Seed and Pet; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: GoodDog Pet Supplies Plus, Coeur d’Alene
“Great shop and great customer service.” (Denise M.); “I just love this shop! So much cute stuff, and the owner Danielle is SO kind and helpful. She’s always switching up the items in her store to provide holiday decor as well as staple items.” (Kendra G.); “Local Spokane gal came home to curate the cutest home goods for her hometown!” (Megan K.)
2nd PLACE: Jupiter’s Eye Book Cafe
3rd PLACE: Cracked Film Lab
“The most lovely experience-based shop in Spokane! Stylists care about brides of all shapes and sizes feeling beautiful. Love them!” (Karli K.); “Makes everyone feel special. Love their consignment items as well! LOVE LOVE LOVE the bride w/gals appointment — such a special time!” (Vicki C.); “They make finding your dream dress a one-of-a-kind experience!” (Sydney K.)
2nd PLACE: Marcella’s Bridal; 3rd PLACE: Believe Bride NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Say Yes Bridal Boutique, Coeur d’Alene
“Let’s be real — the deli has me in a chokehold. Plus the tea selection? Chef’s kiss.” (Mindy O.); “Great omelet bar!” (Claudia M.); “It’s always at the top of my list and a regular spot to stop.” (Robert S.); “The staff and drinks are always the best!” (Pam Z.)
2nd PLACE: Pilgrim’s Market
3rd PLACE: Main Market Co-op
“They’re clean burning, with great scents, and to be able to have the vessels refilled is the best!” (Karen H.); “Beautiful but simple and fragrant.” (Deb H.); “Creative containers, varied styles and scents, easy to find the perfect one for yourself or as a gift.” (Peggy M.)
2nd PLACE: Bungalow Candle Studio
3rd PLACE: Valley Candles
“As soon as you walk into the shop, you immediately feel welcomed — not to mention it smells wonderful! I’ve attended several candle-making parties there, and Natalie, the owner, is so knowledgeable and kind!” (Ashley L.)
uality over quantity is the name of the game at Blue Roots Cannabis Co., but considering this is their fourth-straight honor as best cannabis brand, the trophy case is starting to have the best of both worlds.
The Airway Heights-based cannabis producer focuses on small batch, hand-watered and hand-trimmed cannabis, just as they have since opening in 2013, during the very early days of the legal cannabis industry. The depth of experience begins at the very top, with owner Allan Homes.
“He is 89 years old, and he is in here every day checking on the status of things and making sure that everything’s running smoothly,” says Linda Pierce, controller at Blue Roots.
Blue Roots is best known for its top-shelf cannabis, with a broad offering of loose flower and pre-rolled joints. The company prides itself on maintaining a wide offering
of strains, specifically emphasizing established genetics that allow both grower and consumer to have faith in the product from one plant to the next.
“We’ve been in business for over 10 years. We do try to produce a variety of strains, but we have our heritage brand that is made up of traditional and older genetics, so things like Grape Ape, UDub Purple,” Pierce says.
“The fact that we’re producing old time strains that other people don’t, that keeps us in the forefront. Plus just our commitment to consistency and quality.”
While the flower continues to be the main driver of business for Blue Roots, the company is growing and adapting as well.
In January 2024, Blue Roots merged with Fugu Farms, a producer of high-quality rosin products.
“That is something that has been very beneficial in keeping us current with the industry, current with our customers,” Pierce says.
The merger has allowed Blue Roots to expand into the red-hot vape market without sacrificing the quality that consumers know with the Blue Roots name. Fugu Farms founder Seth Shamberg now acts as Blue Roots’ COO, maintaining a level of continuity between the two brands.
It’s that ability to stay on top of trends without abandoning the small-batch mindset that has allowed Blue Roots to establish itself as a premier cannabis brand in the Inland Northwest.
“It’s the attention to quality, attention to detail that really, I believe, keeps us set apart and the fact that we’re constantly developing new products, new ways to market our products and keeping up with the industry trends,” Pierce says.
2nd PLACE: Root Down
3rd PLACE: (tie) Bodhi Brands, Fifty Fold Industries
At Lotus Martial Arts Academy, Gabe Harrington is known as “ajarn,” a word that means mentor or professor in Thai. The title isn’t bestowed lightly. More than just a respectful form of address, it signifies that its bearer has paid his dues.
And Harrington certainly has. With decades of training in Lotus self-defense, an approach that combines muay Thai, kenpo-karate, judo and aikido into one hybrid art, he’s worked his way up to a fifth-degree black belt. He’s fought on the competitive kickboxing circuit and also earned his instructor certification for stick- and knife-based combat. For many years, he also taught classes alongside his father, Roy Harrington, who established Lotus Martial Arts in 1979.
But one of his most difficult — and most rewarding — fights was to revitalize the academy after his father retired in late 2023.
“It’s just been kind of an interesting journey. Obviously, in the back of my mind, I always kind of knew that at some interval in life, I probably would step into this path that I’ve been on now. But it happened at a time when I probably was least expecting it,“ Harrington says.
With the departure of its founder, the fate of Lotus was suddenly in question. Attendance had fallen to just four students. The programs with community partners were dormant. Classes that had been put on hold during COVID still hadn’t been resumed.
“It was the passing of a torch, but it was also just breathing life back into an art, into a program that has been in the community for so many years. I took it very personally to jump in with both feet and say, ‘OK, I’m going to grab the reins and breathe some life back into our academy.’”
Harrington quickly set about reintroducing the academy’s Thai boxing and muay Thai programs. He revived the classes for younger children. He rekindled relationships with families of former Lotus students. He revamped the website and started sharing videos and posts about the academy on social media.
“The old-school ways of doing things are no longer as effective as they once were. It was a step-by-step, brick-by-brick process, just one month after the other getting us back to where we needed to get to,” he says.
As this Best Of win would suggest, Harrington’s efforts have paid off. In a little over a year, the student count has grown to around 60. There are several new instructors, new self-defense courses for women, and he’s seeing increased interest in the academy’s namesake, Lotus martial arts.
There’s still plenty of work to do before Harrington can realize his goal of creating “a holistic center for all things body, mind and spirit.” But by committing himself to rejuvenating one of the Northwest’s longest-running open martial arts academies, and the only one specializing in the Lotus system, he believes it’s an important way of honoring his father’s legacy.
“I take a lot of pride in what I’ve been able to do over the last year, but I also don’t take all the credit. What we’ve done is certainly an overall reflection of the lifetime commitment that my Dad made to the school and to the [Lotus] art.”
2nd PLACE: Sikjitsu MMA
3rd PLACE: Warhorse Karate • Jiu Jitsu
“Solnix [formerly Shred Sports] really makes you feel like a friend more than a customer. They also have a wide variety of high-quality products at a reasonable price.” (Sam S.); “I’ve been a frequent customer for years, and I’ve never had a bad experience. Great shop to support!” (Jeff R.); “The best selection of performance ski and snowboarding equipment in all of Eastern Washington.” (Jonathan D.)
2nd PLACE: Spokane Alpine Haus; 3rd PLACE: Sports Creel
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Sportsman & Ski Haus, Coeur d’Alene
“Well-thought-out design and court layouts. The staff has been very helpful and cheerful. We LOVE playing here!” (Wanda J.); “Great facility, sound dampening unlike many facilities that have noise.” (Philip F.); “They are SO fun! If you haven’t discovered these guys, you gotta!” (Gabriella L.);
2nd PLACE: The Press Pickleball Club; 3rd PLACE: HUB Sports Center NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: PEAK Health & Wellness Center, Hayden, Post Falls
Standing on the first tee at Kalispel Golf and Country Club, you know you’re in for a good round. Not only is the course stunning, with perfect greens and long, verdant stretches of fairway, but it provides a tough mental challenge for even the low handicap golfers among us. The iconic stretch from hole 7 to 13, where every other hole is a par 3, is unique among courses in the area and brings a fun challenge to beginner and scratch golfers alike. Throughout its 100-plus-year history, the course has been played by many notable golf greats such as Lee Trevino, Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus and eight-time major champion Tom Watson, who currently holds the course record of an 11-under-par 61. Though you probably can’t beat that, the course is our readers’ favorite for a reason. (MP)
2nd PLACE: Indian Canyon Golf Course; 3rd PLACE: Downriver Golf Course; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Circling Raven Golf Club, Worley BEST SKATEPARK
Hillyard Skateboard Park is the area’s best for its 12,000-square-foot concrete course, entirely designed and built by Grindline Skateparks Inc., but that misses the point of what a skatepark means to a skater. The bowls and steep drop-ins build character and confidence and teach new and old alike how to skate or, better, how to fall. Being one of the first skateboard parks in Spokane (built in 2003), many will never forget Hillyard as the spot where they learned how to do a kickflip or a 50-50 grind over the railings. It’s the best because it’s forever ingrained in the minds of those who first shredded there. Some of those folks maybe even created skate videos using a camcorder, trying to mimic their professional idols featured in Thrasher Magazine. (VCM)
2nd PLACE: Joe Albi/Dwight Merkel Skatepark
3rd PLACE: Riverfront Park Skate & Wheels Park
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Coeur d’Alene Skatepark
Swans love Turnbull. Bluebirds love Turnbull. Eastern kingbirds, cedar waxwings and even hooded mergansers love Turnbull. Birders love Turnbull because birds love Turnbull, and it’s easy to see why. The 23,000-acre wildlife refuge on the edge of Cheney provides a safe haven for birds to mate, feed, nest and migrate across pine forests, wetlands, meadows and riparian habitats. Grab your binoculars, your camera or your friend, and in just a 40-minute drive from Spokane, you’ll get the chance to see some pretty cool avians in their beautifully preserved and welcoming home. You may also get to see magnificent wildflowers or a young bull moose, but what are those compared to a northern harrier, an evening grosbeak or a horned grebe? (EB)
2nd PLACE: Saltese Flats Wetland
3rd PLACE: Bowl and Pitcher, Riverside State Park
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Higgens Point, Lake Coeur d’Alene
While Gonzaga fans might’ve initially known Ryan Nembhard simply as the brother of his NBA-playing Zag brother, Andrew, the younger sibling certainly carved out his own distinct legacy with his sterling play this season. Nembhard has put together one of the best point guard seasons in NCAA history, not only leading the country in assists (325) by a wide margin, but he set the Gonzaga and West Coast Conference single-season assist record, and ranks Top 10 all-time in dimes dished over one campaign. His vision and passing have kept the Zags afloat all year, while hitting some big shots himself when needed. For a program that’s seen its fair share of elite point guards, it’s tough to argue that Nembhard doesn’t belong among the top tier of Zags floor generals. (SS)
2nd PLACE: Ben Gregg, Gonzaga Men’s Basketball
3rd PLACE (tie): Yvonne Ejim, Gonzaga Women’s Basketball, and Brady Hiestand, UFC
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Farragut State Park is a beautiful 4,000-acre park with so much to explore — an undeniable treasure of North Idaho. Farragut is also home to Kootenai County’s favorite disc golf complex, with five disc golf courses traversing the beautiful nature trails within the park.
No, it’s not a traditional golf course with dimpled balls, but a park for flying the saucer commonly known as a frisbee. At Farragut, enthusiasts have made the park a sanctuary for the fun sport.
Mykayla Nations is a park ranger at Farragut State Park and says each course has unique features depending on a player’s skill and the game’s techniques. Regardless of how good you are at disc golf, she says the views are nice and playing one of the 18-hole courses is a fun way to get in some much-needed outdoor activity.
“Little Black Bear, which is super familyfriendly, great to warm up on, and good for first-timers,” Nations says. “Then there’s Cut-
throat, which is pretty much just professionals only; it’s not played nearly as much since it’s more niche, but it is an advanced course.”
Regardless of your skill, Nations says A.W.O.L. is the favorite for everyone because there are longer throws and moderate difficulty within the tree canopy.
Farragut’s disc golf courses are well maintained, a point of pride for Nations, who oversees much of the park’s grooming. There are many maintenance concerns to ensure safety and fun for guests exploring Farragut’s disc golf courses.
Ground squirrels are a big concern because they often dig underneath tee pads, requiring staff to refill holes with gravel and rocks to mitigate dangers.
Farragut State Park also boasts a picnic area for well-deserved food breaks and well-kept bathrooms when nature calls. Either a state park season pass or a day pass is required for parking, but the entrance to enjoy the park features is free.
“The entire staff is skilled, friendly, professional and knows how to take care of the customer. Bike Hub is my exclusive shop.” (Adam B.); “They are detailed about custom fitting your choice of bike.” (Kathy E.); “As someone who worked in several bike shops during my school years, I have pretty high standards, and the Bike Hub is an excellent one. Great mechanics and a very honest service department.” (Luther M.); “They do a lot of work on local trails and help staff and organize events!” (Riley T.)
2nd PLACE: North Division Bicycle
3rd PLACE: Wheel Sport Bicycles
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Vertical Earth, Coeur d’Alene
“Whitewater [formerly Downriver] has multiple layouts and allows for varying skill levels.” (Cody S.); “Back 9 is very technical after remodel.” (Taras N.); “New, clean, fun.” (Andre A.); “Maintained beautifully even through difficult weather/seasons.” (Rachael A.)
2nd PLACE: Camp Sekani Jamboree
3rd PLACE: High Bridge Disc Golf Course
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Farragut Disc Golf Complex, Athol
Hitting the slopes and shredding fresh powder with 90 runs and seven lifts is why 49° North has become a favorite among snow sports enthusiasts around the Inland Northwest. The options for Alpine and Nordic skiing, snowshoeing, and enjoying a day or weekend of fun leave plenty of opportunities for new experiences. Whether it’s a day with family going down beginner’s trails like Gold Shoot or hitting the black diamond with your experienced friends, 49° North delivers excitement at every experience level. The streamlined process at the Experience Center, which is your one-stop shop for rental equipment, lessons and repairs, makes it easy to get what you need and start bombing downhill in the snow. (VCM)
2nd PLACE: Mt. Spokane Ski & Snowboard Park
3rd PLACE: Schweitzer
A mountain for locals, by locals, Mt. Spokane’s slopes are the closest to the city. It’s not just convenience that sets this peak apart. Catering to snowboarders with the largest terrain park in the region — and a dedicated lift that serves the terrain park and only the terrain park — Mt. Spokane leans all the way into its snowboarding side. With 52 runs across over 1,700 acres, the mountain provides more than enough options to keep boarders entertained throughout the day. Even into the night, too, as the expansive offering of lighted runs allow for shredding well after the sun has gone down. (WM)
2nd PLACE: 49° North Mountain Resort; 3rd PLACE: Schweitzer
No matter how you like to enjoy the great outdoors, so abundant in this corner of the Pacific Northwest, it’s nearly guaranteed you’ll find what you need to make those excursions more comfortable and enjoyable at Spokane’s outpost of REI. From hiking and camping goods to cycling and snow sports supplies, REI stocks gear from top brands at competitive prices (on top of its great membership benefits). Plus, rentals and a used gear trade-in program cater to recreationalists on a budget, tight on space, or testing the waters before making a large investment. The staff are always friendly and super helpful, whether you’re trying to find blister-free hiking boots or other personalized product recommendations. The folks who work at REI, after all, love the outdoors as much as their customers do. (CS)
2nd PLACE: The General Store; 3rd PLACE: Solnix
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Black Sheep Sporting Goods, Coeur d’Alene
Maggie Smith • Li-Young Lee
Danez Smith • Debra Magpie Earling
Jonathan Johnson • Tennison S. Black
Ayokunle Falomo • Tiffany Midge
Nadia Alexis • Diana Xin • Tara Campbell
Mayor Lisa Brown and many others!
On May 1, 1977, just over 1,000 runners unknowingly participated in the birth of Spokane’s greatest tradition.
Nearing its 50th year, Bloomsday is an annual milestone in nearly every Spokanite’s life. The race marks the start of spring after another treacherous winter — a sign of better things to come. Completing the race, receiving your finisher T-shirt, and donning it proudly the next day at work or school is a rite of passage.
In July 2020, the Bloomsday team announced all participants would be signed up for an all-virtual edition of the road race in September of that year.
“Our biggest challenge was trying to keep the spirit of Bloomsday alive during a virtual race,” Kiter says. “We were able to pull it off, and that just goes to show the community that we have and the resilience of our participants.”
But those 1,000 runners in 1977 had no idea what Bloomsday would come to represent. They were just in it for the thrill of the race.
“Bloomsday is an event where everybody is able to participate,” says Michael Kiter, Bloomsday’s board president. “Whether you’re an elite athlete, a walker, pushing a stroller or you’re wearing a chicken suit, Bloomsday is for you.”
Participation dipped in 2020 and 2021, but Kiter says last year’s race numbers were on par with those of 2017 and 2018 and continue to climb. Bloomsday is still offering its virtual option, but Kiter says it probably won’t stick around forever.
He and his team are, of course, focused on this year’s race, but are excitedly anticipating next year’s huge 50th anniversary celebration. Kiter can’t disclose exactly what they have in store for Bloomies, but he urges them to wait and find out.
At its peak, Bloomsday recorded 61,298 participants in 1996 coming from near and far to run the race’s stunning urban course. Though about 65% of runners hail from the Spokane area, over 4% of participants come from other countries.
Like other large-scale events, the COVID-19 pandemic presented plenty of challenges for the Bloomsday team. The worldwide lockdown began just two months before Bloomsday 2020 was set to happen, forcing a
“It’s a Spokane tradition,” Kiter says. “We obviously want to make it bigger and better every year. The hardest year is gonna be our 51st because: How do you go bigger than your 50th?”
What do medieval rulers, Metallica guitar solos, 2025 executive orders, Twilight and linear optimization all have in common?
They’ve all been featured as categories for Tuesday night trivia at RICO’S PUBLIC HOUSE, this year’s winner for best trivia night on the Palouse.
Rico’s has been hosting trivia for 18 years — owner Tawny Szumlas can easily keep track because it started just two weeks after she gave birth to her oldest son. A church group ran trivia at first, then some grad students, and now it’s organized by a handful of hilarious, encyclopedic women.
The rounds start at 7 pm, but it’s the kind of game night where you’ve gotta show up at least 30 minutes early to secure a spot — there are usually 45 to 50 people competing every week. Good thing it lines up with $2-off fish tacos and $5 margaritas, both of which are Tuesday specials. Now’s your chance to figure out just how well tequila helps you guess answers to “video game plots explained poorly.”
Proceeds from the night support various local charities, and winners get gift cards to downtown Pullman businesses.
“Everything about our trivia is local,” Szumlas says. “The whole idea is that we’re really proud to be a part of this community.”
Two Pullman restaurants were in the running for best restaurant on the Palouse, but the grand title was snatched by THE HARVESTER in Spangle, a staple off Interstate 195 just south of Spokane that’s both well-
known and well-loved for its hearty breakfasts — it’s got plenty of Best Of wins to prove it.
But Pullman can boast having not just the first, not just the first and second, but the first, second and third place winners for this year’s best coffee shops on the Palouse. KNEAD CAFE & PATISSERIE opened last August and snared the top trophy in its first year of operation, thanks to specialty coffee from Kamiak Coffee Company in Moscow, Idaho, and artisan baked goods by Regina Konigsberg, founder of Regina’s Baked Goods. Konigsberg is a professionally trained pastry chef who moved to Moscow from New York in 2015. Her towering Danishes are stuffed with seasonal flavors like cookie butter cream cheese and strawberry jam, lemon curd, or almond cream and cherry compote. Knead Cafe also always stocks its case with her hypnotizing croissants and cinnamon rolls, which pair perfectly with Kamiak’s handcrafted, small-batch roasts.
Grant Schoenlein and Kyle O’Malley founded Kamiak Coffee Company in 2018. They focused on roasting coffee beans on demand and selling them straight to consumers, but always had a coffee shop in the back of their mind. They wanted only the best baked goods for their selective coffees, so when they connected with Konigsberg, it was a match made in heaven. Now, the cafe north of Washington State University’s main campus is the perfect spot for plenty of meet-cutes.
If the only thing missing for your cute coffee date is a cute coffee outfit, look no further than MICHELLE’S CLOSET, voted best boutique on the Palouse. The trendy consignment store opened a new location in Feb-
ruary on the WSU campus, in addition to its location downtown.
The upscale boutique has formal gowns, spring fling dresses, concert crop tops and anything else a flirty, thriving 20-something might need on a budget.
“We’re 100% in love with preloved,” says Michelle Kelly, who first opened Michelle’s Closet with her husband, Michael, in 2019.
Kelly is a major in the Army and originally moved to Pullman to teach at WSU’s ROTC program, though she’s switched to full-time boutique owner now. Recent construction in the college town has been tougher on downtown businesses than COVID was, Kelly says, but her boutique has been a huge part of bringing people back. In January, Michelle’s Closet hosted the first ever “Pullman Bachelor,” where downtown businesses sponsored WSU football player Joe Taylor’s four progressive dates around Pullman. On Valentine’s Day, he showed up to Rico’s Public House on Valentine’s Day with his chosen bachelorette.
“I had someone drive up from Lewiston to visit my shop because of the Bachelor,” Kelly says.
Should Joe’s or anyone else’s date end up being the one, the Palouse has plenty of picturesque wedding venues when it comes time to tie the knot. The PALOUSE KNOT BARN stole the hearts of this year’s voters, and it’s easy to see why. The 1919 barn, with its giant arched roof and iconic little silo is one of the most photographed barns in the region — and that’s saying something for the “Tuscany of America.”
1st PLACE: The Harvester, Spangle
2nd PLACE: The Black Cypress, Pullman
3rd PLACE: South Fork Public House, Pullman
1st PLACE: Rico’s Public House, Pullman
2nd PLACE: The Cellar, Colfax
1st PLACE: Knead Cafe & Patisserie, Pullman
2nd PLACE: Zoe Coffee & Kitchen, Pullman
3rd PLACE: Roost Coffee, Pullman
1st PLACE: Michelle’s Closet, Pullman
2nd PLACE: Hurd Mercantile, Rockford
3rd PLACE: Home: Lifestyle, Gifts, Decor; Spangle
1st PLACE: Palouse Knot Barn, Colfax
2nd PLACE: Red Barn Farms, Colton
3rd PLACE: Palouse Ridge Events, Spangle
Color is back. And, standing in the Chaise & Home display kitchen that’s home to her Garland District studio, designer Wendy Nolan couldn’t be happier.
“I think that color being reintroduced back into our homes is amazing,” she says.
While much of HGTV features “neutral or textural” based design — because she says that’s “a lot easier to pull off than combining color and pattern and texture” — Nolan is more than ready to assist clients with a fresh perspective to add some pizzazz to their interiors.
“I like color a lot, so I like to try and incorporate it. A lot of my clients will tell you that I’ll introduce my first
presentation with, ‘I’m gonna push you, but that’s my job, and you can tell me when to stop.’”
Every surface in the home can — and possibly should — be a candidate for a colorful reinvention. As an example, at her shop, Nolan features a display kitchen with cabinets painted in a dreamy blue-green called “Atlantic.”
“This feels neutral enough that it plays well with other color palettes,” she says. “You could introduce some oranges or yellows, and it wouldn’t feel like it doesn’t match. I love those kinds of colors that we can really mesh well in interiors. But I love that it’s not white, too.”
Nearby is a custom sofa with an alluring lush green and cream floral print on the cushions and a solid green fabric featured on the back.
“It’s not something people normally do, but we’ve had great feedback on it… If you need a beige sofa, you could go to Costco or box stores, so we tried to show what you can do. I love the idea of floating furniture in a space, and so when you can treat the back side differently, you’re looking at something really beautiful instead of just the back of a neutral sofa.”
Another area of interest is something that’s making a comeback: “People are really starting to delve into wallpaper,” Nolan says.
At the shop, she shows how effective combining large scale print wallpaper in updated color palettes with dramatic darktoned trim, instead of the traditional white baseboards and doors, can be.
And for those with lingering trauma related to the Paper Tiger wallpaper removal tools, Nolan says times have changed.
“We all remember peeling off old wallpaper, but now they do such a good job of priming that it releases a lot easier.”
In her quest to brighten up the world, Nolan understands it can be intimidating to move away from a beige lifestyle.
“I do think that people are afraid — it’s a commitment — and so they’re afraid of making the wrong choices. And that’s why I have a job.”
“Crew was so fast, and they did a great job on our difficult 105-year-old home.” (Molly B.); “They are wizards dealing with insurance claim projects!” (Tori G.); “This company does things right! From first inspection with the estimator to the final clean up, our experience was amazing.” (John M.)
2nd PLACE: Timber Roofing
3rd PLACE: J&A Roofing
“They are local, dependable and experts in everything from heating to cooling to electrical. I’ve used them for years!” (Jenn L.); “Very professional and great guys.” (Julie T.); “Their fixed-right-or-it’s-free guarantee ensures quality. Love that it is local and family owned.” (Cody L.);
2nd PLACE: Sturm Heating & Air Conditioning
3rd PLACE: Bill’s Heating & A/C
“Always have what I need in a pinch. A true neighborhood hardware store.” (Mark J.); “They are helpful and never condescending to me as a woman trying to get what I need.” (Rachael A.); “They have everything! Great staff.” (Fran P.)
2nd PLACE: The General Store; 3rd PLACE: Miller’s Hardware; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Seright’s Hardware, Coeur d’Alene, Post Falls and Rathdrum
“Hands-on design and installation — small enough that you can still meet with the owner, and his crews treat every project as a special investment to the client’s life. Crews are respectful and diligent from start to finish.” (Melissa B.); “Stellar staff!” (Dawn Y.); “High-quality work — never been more happy.” (Keagan B.)
2nd PLACE: Blend Outdoor Design
3rd PLACE: Clearwater Summit Group
Climb aboard and full steam ahead to whipping together delicious meals and treats after a shopping trip to the Kitchen Engine. Whether you’re in need of new gadgets (like a magic mushroom funnel that helps avoid spills while pouring liquid), cutlery (like the two-piece starter knife set with a Damascus steel blade), cookware (like an enamel cast iron Dutch oven), appliances (air fryers, espresso machines and more), or you’re in need of reusable spice bags — the Kitchen Engine has you covered. Foodies can also buy spices, rubs, tea and coffee to take their culinary creativity to the next level. If all this shopping makes you thirsty, grab a drink at the on-site cafe that also features local products. If you’re looking to improve your cooking skills, sign up for one of their many delectable classes held multiple times each week. (CSh)
2nd PLACE: Chaise & Home; 3rd PLACE: Shaped Kitchen (formerly Kitchen Kraft); NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: The Culinary Stone, Coeur d’Alene
For at least the last 15 years, Walker’s Furniture has placed in the top three of the best furniture stores category. For the family-owned shop’s sweet 16, they’re back in the top spot. When they opened in 1980, Walker’s specialized in solid oak furniture at their single store in Spokane. In the years since, the store’s inventory has grown to include upholstered furniture, accents like wall decor and lighting, and wood furniture in a variety of colors and finishes fit for any room in the house. That single store has grown into a regional chain with stores in Eastern Washington, North Idaho and Northern Oregon, all touting the business’s motto that quality furniture can cost less. (AP)
2nd PLACE: The Tin Roof; 3rd PLACE: Dania
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Runge Furniture, Coeur d’Alene
“There’s so many demands on our time and our attention that people do want to have a sense of calm when they’re home,” says Heather Hanley, the owner of The Tin Roof, sitting in the store’s showroom where she supervises a staff of six designers. That Hanley’s drawn to serene design is apparent in the array of furniture and unique accessories, including pillows, throws and lamps, all around her. “I’m a big fan of not having things just to have them, but actually having intention with what you purchase and where you put it, and not necessarily following trends,” she adds. Getting a room’s basics settled before adding accessories is generally the best plan, but Hanley notes, “There’s certain rules that we can follow in design, but ultimately the best rule is to do what makes your heart happy.” (AM)
2nd PLACE: The Bohemian; 3rd PLACE: Pleasantries NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Homestead Decor, Rathdrum
Brenda McKinley came to the world of real estate from a somewhat unlikely previous career as a kindergarten teacher. “Real estate is absolutely parallel to teaching because you are helping people navigate,” she says. “I slow everything down and explain everything like when I was teaching.” Describing the current market as “challenging,” McKinley says the COVID migration — and homebuyers paying in cash — is over, and now homeowners with low interest rates are sitting tight, meaning the majority of people changing homes are those who going through what she calls “life decisions,” such as job transfers. She’s hopeful this spring will bring a bigger market surge than the past two years, especially if interest rates come down. No matter the market though, McKinley says, “I absolutely love what I do, and I am honored and blessed to help so many families get where they want to go.” (AM)
2nd PLACE: Samara Behler, eXp Realty
3rd PLACE: Alyssa Curnutt, REAL
Spokanites love locally built businesses, which likely explains why Washington Trust Bank has consistently been voted Spokane’s best bank by Inlander readers. (That popularity could also be due to the fact that the bank’s headquarters are in two of the tallest and most identifiable buildings on downtown Spokane’s skyline — its original HQ built in 1974 at 717 W. Sprague Ave., and the old Wells Fargo building Washington Trust purchased in 2019 at 601 W. First Ave.) First opened in 1902, the bank operated solely in Spokane for more than 80 years before it began opening branches in Idaho, Oregon and the rest of Washington. (CR)
2nd PLACE: Banner Bank; 3rd Place: Wheatland Bank
Mechanics often find themselves as the bearers of bad news, therefore it’s hard to feel joy while standing in an auto repair shop. But Mechanics Pride has flipped that script according to Inlander readers. In 1989, Mechanics Pride opened up on the corner of Third and Monroe in downtown Spokane after owner Mike Federico spent most of his adolescence working on cars with his father in Cleveland, Ohio. Now, 36 years later, Mechanics Pride has three locations and is still building on the foundation of quality service that Federico began three decades ago. So, what’s in a name? Well, as it turns out, quite a bit if Inlander readers can tell that these mechanics take the utmost pride in their work. (MP)
2nd PLACE: Pete’s Independent Honda Repair
3rd PLACE: Golden Rule Brake
A home is the biggest purchase most of us will ever make, and finding a trustworthy lender to facilitate the process is key. Inlander readers chose Evergreen Home loans as their fav. The company offers a hometown presence, combined with digital technology to speed up the process, all with the goal of helping your offer be the one sellers choose. After that, Evergreen pledges to help buyers “close faster and with fewer conditions.” (AM)
2nd PLACE: Chimney Rock Mortgage 3rd PLACE: HHL Group
For the fourth year in a row, Inlander readers have chosen Pella Windows and Doors as their favorite window purveyor. Replacement Sales Manager Ryan Corker says the feelings are mutual. “We take a lot of pride and care in our community and really care about our customers that we work with. We are a local company… We live in the community.” Maintaining a home’s climate in the Goldilocks zone of not-too-hot and not-too-cold is a goal for the company. “We always try to improve how we can save energy, save people money and help people feel more comfortable in their home,” he says. And sometimes windows are also doors — Pella makes those huge sliding glass doors for opening up a room to the outdoors and pass-through windows that are on trend for kitchens. Corker says while black-framed windows are still popular, he’s seeing a return of more traditional light-hued options. (AM)
2nd PLACE: Renewal by Andersen 3rd PLACE: McVay Brothers Siding and Windows
unless you’re ready for top-tier tanning, luxury wellness, and a whole new level of confidence
Thank you for making us the Best Tanning Salon —again! But that’s just the beginning. From best-inclass spray tans to rejuvenating spa treatments and cutting-edge wellness, everything you need to look and feel incredible is right here.
Try it for yourself ENJOY A WEEK OF WELLNESS ON US
Gold Seal Plumbing stands ready to deploy more than two dozen plumbers for whatever plumbing needs arise, 24/7, in the Inland Northwest. Aside from a clogged toilet that must be fixed ASAP if not sooner, there’s a huge list of plumbing-related problems Gold Seal is ready to tackle. Its team can detect and fix leaks, install water heaters and other plumbing fixtures, test for radon, and prep a home for aging in place. Gold Seal installs new residential and commercial plumbing and inspects and repairs gas lines. Outdoors, sewer inspection and repair can be accomplished without digging a huge trench in the yard. Gold Seal Plumbing takes pride in its well-trained workforce, stating on their website that they have “the largest company training budget for trade skills in Washington state.” (AM) 2nd PLACE: Bulldog Rooter; 3rd PLACE: Plumb Zebra
Let’s be Frank. It might be their endearing ad campaigns. It might be their dedication to the heroes that are our public school teachers. It might be their support of some of the region’s favorite events and concerts. Whatever it is, one thing’s clear — readers love STCU almost as much as STCU loves them. What famously started as a shoebox filled with cash deposits in a cubby at Lewis and Clark High School in 1934 is now a beloved nonprofit credit union that still waives its membership fees for educators. You certainly don’t have to be a teacher to join — just ask many of the 287,000 STCU members — but do bear in mind you’ll receive plenty of great financial education at any of STCU’s 39 locations across the Northwest. (EB)
2nd PLACE: Numerica; 3rd PLACE: Canopy
Rockwood Retirement Communities have been around long enough that it’s almost eligible for retirement. More than 60 years have passed since the founding of Rockwood South Hill’s campus. The bustling community now includes a mix of homes and apartments offering independent living as well as a spectrum of care levels. Residents enjoy group fitness classes, multiple restaurants, lectures and speakers — all of which create a vibrant lifestyle, peacefully nestled in a 90-acre urban forest. Rockwood’s Appleway Court in Spokane Valley opened in 2011, offering affordable, independent senior living. Rockwood at Whitworth is the newest addition, offering apartment homes and varied care levels on a North Spokane campus. (AM)
2nd PLACE: Riverview Retirement Community
3rd PLACE: Touchmark on South Hill
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Guardian Angel Homes, Post Falls
What’s the secret to a successful remodel? Attention to all the details up front, long before construction starts, including having completed plans and an accurate budget for the entire project. “That way when you are comparing contractors, you are actually getting apples to apples. This also prevents last-second decision-making,” says Raena Strohmaier of Strohmaier Construction, the company that she and her husband, Kyle, founded in 2011 and now employs nine. Kitchens and main floors are the most common targets for the firm’s remodeling clients. The company also builds new homes. “We have a few custom homes coming up this year and are looking forward to knocking them out of the park and sharing them with the community,” she says. (AM)
2nd PLACE: Big Dog Custom Carpentry
3rd PLACE: Levi’s Custom Carpentry
“It’s like walking into a botanical garden — a winter respite! Special requests — if they can get it, they will.” (Pam G.); “Very knowledgeable about all plants and trees for the PNW!” (Kim S.); “Their plants are phenomenal, and they have hundreds of gift ideas. I don’t just go there for gardening needs.” (Tina B.)
2nd PLACE: The Plant Farm
3rd PLACE: Judy’s Enchanted Garden NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: (tie) New Leaf Nursery, Hayden; Vanhoff’s Garden Center, Coeur d’Alene
“They had the laminate I was interested in. Gave me a quote that was a great price. Did a great job with installation and cleaned up at the end of the day.” (Donna O.); “Funny commercials!” (Donna D.); “Quality, price and knowledge of salespeople.” (Mary T.)
2nd PLACE: Great Floors
3rd PLACE: Caruso’s Floors
Thanks for giving us a winning streak, Spokane
hatever your furniture needs are, Runge Furniture is poised to provide. In fact, the family-owned business has been supplying home furnishings, far and wide, since 1946.
“We deliver to everywhere in North Idaho and Spokane, the whole Inland Empire. We’re going to Priest Lake this week, we’re going to Troy, Montana. We go down to Moscow and all the way up to Nine Mile,” third-generation owner Jeff Runge says.
The store may look a little different these days as, since last fall, a portion of the midtown building is now occupied by Trader Joe’s, something Runge says is helping to bring more foot traffic into the freshly remodeled space.
The store carries industry name brands, including Ashley, Stanton, Flexsteel, La-Z-Boy and Rowe. In particular, Runge says he’s excited about the abundance of new upholstery fabrics becoming available.
“We’re getting into some different textures and different colors — everything’s not just beige and gray,” he says.
And there are ample comfort chair options, including the Ekornes line, which might be more familiar and traditional in appearance, and Himolla, a German brand with sleek headrests and footrests that can be tucked away for a clean look when not in use.
Sofas, loveseats and sectionals are experiencing a bit of a transformation as “reclining motion” options — both manual and power — are becoming very popular.
“It really has become an important category,” Runge says. “You can get them with an adjustable headrest, adjustable lumbar, and they’re available in fabrics and leather.”
Runge Furniture also sells several lines of dining furniture and bedroom sets, as well as mattresses and the Speed Queen line of laundry appliances.
Runge takes pleasure in making sure there is something for everybody’s price point.
“We try our best to be able to help everyone that can come in,” he says, noting that includes supplying furniture for spaces as small as RVs, as large as the estate-sized homes on nearby Lake Coeur d’Alene and every type of dwelling in between.
The showroom offers plenty of options for customers to explore in every category of furnishings, and for those who like instant gratification, if it’s on the floor, you can buy it.
“You can take it right now, or we’ll deliver immediately,” Runge says, noting that traditional wisdom in the furniture industry advises against that. “They say, if you sell it off the floor, you’re going to be missing X amount of sales. But I never liked that. If someone paid for it, it’s theirs.”
For those who don’t find exactly what they’re looking for in the showroom, Runge says there are nearly endless ways to configure furniture that is custom-ordered, with most options being crafted domestically and taking about eight weeks to deliver.
Since 1996 when Carol and Dana Byrnes started Diamonds in the Ruff, the business has helped scores of dogs and their owners embark on a journey to transform their lives together.
This adventure often starts in a large, open room filled with training books and art featuring dogs, including a funny sign with the phrase “properly trained, man can be dog’s best friend,” as well as dog figurines, many that were gifts from grateful dog owners.
“We’re an animal loving family,” says coowner Carol Byrnes, whose son, Travis, is also involved in the business. “We have a number of really talented staff besides us, but we’re kind of the mainstay.”
Byrnes attributes some of their business’s success to the relationships they’ve developed with students — human and canine — over the years.
“We’re not just giving them information and sending them home, we are available to answer questions,” she says. “It’s not just ‘come, sit, stand, down.’ We’re building positive relationships with the people, their families, their dogs and helping them get along.”
Owners can bring their puppies to obedience classes as soon as the pups have received their first vaccinations. Diamonds in the Ruff offers beginner classes where pooches learn basic manners, plus intermediate classes teaching clicker training. Advanced classes include fun courses like agility training or doggie parkour. Adults and children are welcome to attend with their dog.
In 2012 Carol Byrnes also started working as a program manager with the Airway Heights Correction Center’s Pawsitive Dog prison training program.
“The very first day that we walked in with the dogs, we had guys burst into tears, [and who] said ‘I haven’t touched a dog in X number of years,’” Byrnes says. “It’s an amazing program, and probably one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done.”
For the program, dogs at SpokAnimal’s shelter that are in need of some extra attention and training in order to become adoptable are paired with an inmate who’s responsible for the dog for the next 10 to 12 weeks, around the clock.
“We like to say it takes a village to raise a dog,” Byrnes says. “There’s a lot of community that happens with the program.”
The inmates learn a variety of life skills, and the value of teamwork as they work alongside fellow handlers and program mentors. After the dogs “graduate” and are adopted, they can continue training classes with their new owner at Diamonds in the Ruff for a reduced price.
“This is not just a job, it’s a calling,” Byrnes says. “We help the animals, we help the people. We help the families enjoy each other really. We go home covered in dog hair and tired, but it’s the best.”
What! Thank you so much!
We’re thrilled to have won Best Farmers Market and truly appreciate all the votes!
Last year was a blast, and we loved expanding the Night Market and partnering with Spokane Arts to showcase local emerging artists. Adding the Rock the Nest Concert Series to the same evening brought an extra level of energy to the event.
We couldn’t have done it without the support of our amazing sponsors: Washington Trust (our long-term Kendall Yards Night Market Sponsor), Xfinity (our Rock the Nest Sponsor), and Greenstone (our parent company and unwavering supporter).
A special thanks to the Rockwood Property Management team for their countless hours of work and to our incredible Night Market Staff. Your dedication makes this free community event possible all summer long!
“If you want to live your best life, Precision Pilates is the answer! I love every minute of being part of the community.” (Vanessa M.); “The instructors take time to get to know you and your body regardless of age, fitness level or body type. I can’t imagine going anywhere else.” (Kimberly A.); “Their deep knowledge, personalized approach and ability to challenge and support students make each session transformative.” (Heather B.)
2nd PLACE: Club Pilates; 3rd PLACE: The Pilates Ritual
“The girls are so friendly. Everything is always clean. Lots of options!” (Angela G.); “I love how they incorporate tanning with the spa experience. Always clean, inviting and the employees are great.” (Susan B.); “State-of-the-art equipment.” (Elizabeth S.)
2nd PLACE: Sunny Buns Tanning Salon & Spa; 3rd PLACE: InSPArations
“Friendly, inviting, leave feeling happy, works with charities in Spokane, touch of class!” (Maralee B.); “This is a really sweet studio with good teachers, a focus on kindness. I’m in my 60s and feel right at home and LOVE the gentle touches of yin and sound bowls.” (Maryellen C.); “The studio has built a community of great yoga and positivism.” (Beth M.)
2nd PLACE: Shala Living Yoga; 3rd PLACE: BeYoutiful Hot Yoga
Portraiture, floral work, macabre/dark art, realism, neo-traditional, dotwork, fine-line — the long list of styles the artists at Fortunata Tattoo Studio can handle makes it no surprise that this is the studio’s third year taking home the top prize. Located on Pacific Avenue and named for co-owner Courtney Pasino’s grandmother, Fortunata Tattoo Studio opened in September 2021. Since then, the team has worked to create a welcoming environment for both tattoo newbies and shop regulars. In January, the studio launched First Friday Flash Events during which they partner with a new local business each month and offer tattoos themed to that month’s collaborating business for $80-$150. (AP) 2nd PLACE: Auralite Art Collective; 3rd PLACE: Anchored Art Tattoo; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Big Pink Ink Tattoos, Post Falls
Locally and women-owned is the name of the game at SALT Beauty Studio, a newer spot on Northwest Boulevard specializing in full-body wax treatments, facials and lash enhancements. Morgan Spears opened the studio last year after starting her career at Spokane’s Mode Wax Salon. The extensive services coupled with this positive professional running the ship makes SALT a great place to turn for your next esthetic needs. (LR)
2nd PLACE: Sweet Peach Beauty Bar
3rd PLACE: Studio North Salon & Spa
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: European Wax Center, Hayden
When pain strikes or you have a dental emergency, there’s no question you need to find a good dentist, quick. The team at Northview was chosen by Inlander readers for showing their commitment to providing positive dental experiences every time a patient visits, emergency or not. This includes everything from understanding why patients need a treatment, to what’s happening at the next appointment, to showing that they care about their patients and their oral health. Northview also helps ensure everyone has access to quality dental care, so once a year for the past 11 years, the clinic has offered free services to locals without any dental insurance coverage, providing everything from fillings to extractions during these events. (CSh)
2nd PLACE: Children’s Choice Pediatric Dentistry
3rd PLACE: Susan Mahan Kohls, DDS
NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Post Falls Family Dental
Verona’s Montague and Capulet families have been feuding for ages and whenever they meet, violence breaks out. But when Romeo glimpses Juliet across a crowded dance floor, something different happens. Can star-crossed love survive in a world of rivalry and rage?
With a plot featuring a masqued ball, sleeping potions and allout brawling in the street, wrapped in a text full of soaring poetry, it’s no wonder Romeo & Juliet has inspired countless adaptations, from ballets to movies to musicals, such as West Side Story.
Written by William Shakespeare Directed by Joshua Baig
ASL Interpreted Performances: April 3 at 7:30PM and April 6 at 2:00PM
MAY 16 - JUNE 15
Jenna, a waitress and expert pie maker, is stuck in a small town and a loveless marriage. Faced with an unexpected pregnancy, Jenna fears she may have to abandon the dream of opening her own pie shop…until a baking contest in a nearby county and the town’s handsome new doctor offer her a tempting recipe for happiness. Supported by her quirky crew of fellow waitresses and loyal customers, Jenna summons the secret ingredient she’s been missing all along — courage.
and Lyrics
• 4,000 Holes
• AMC River Park Square
• Anthony’s
• Arbor Crest Winery
• Art on the Green
• Atticus
• Auntie’s Bookstore
• Azteca
• Boo Radley’s
• Churchill’s Steakhouse
• Clinkerdagger
• Dave, Ken and Molly
• David’s Pizza
• Dennis Patchin
• Dick’s Hamburgers
• Domini Sandwiches
• Dry Fly Distilling
• Dutch Bros.
• The Elk
• Frank’s Diner
• Gordy’s Sichuan
• Thomas Hammer
• Hastings
• Historic Davenport Hotel
• Huckleberry’s
• Jaazz Salon
• Jewelry Design Center
• Liberty Park Florist
• Luigi’s
• MAC ArtFest
• Manito Park
• Mizuna
• Mt. Spokane
• Mustard Seed
• No-Li Brewhouse
• Nordstrom
• Northern Quest Resort & Casino
• Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture
• Nyne
• One Tree Hard Cider
• Pawn 1
• Pig Out in the Park
• Riverfront Park
• Rocket Bakery
• Satellite Diner
• Schweitzer
• Tom Sherry
• Spa Paradiso
• Spokane Arena
• Spokane Civic Theatre
• Starbucks
• Sweet Frostings
• Swinging Doors
• Thai Bamboo
• The Tin Roof
• Tomato Street
• Twigs
• Stephanie Vigil
• Value Village
• The Viking
• Washington Trust Bank
• Wendle Motors
• Wheel Sport
• Wisconsinburger
• YMCA Camp Reed
• YMCA of the Inland NW
Recovering from an injury or accident can be hard, which is why you need a physical therapist who will guide you through the ups and downs. At Physical Therapy Associates, patients find more than just basic PT. The clinic offers massage therapy, fitness classes and even aquatic therapy in a pool where you can walk, run, swim or exercise. PT Associates provides services to athletes in the community, pro and recreational alike. It also offers programs like golf performance training, running analysis, and bike fitting, which helps ensure your bike won’t cause you to overuse an area of your body, leading to a possible injury. The clinic is also the sole provider of physical therapy to the Spokane Zephyr women’s soccer team and the Spokane Velocity men’s soccer team. (CSh)
2nd PLACE: Summit Rehabilitation Associates; 3rd PLACE: U District PT; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: BioPerformance Institute/North Idaho Physical Therapy, Post Falls
Since 2019, La Rive has had this category on lock, and after looking at the services offered at the spa, located inside Northern Quest Resort and Casino, it’s easy to see why. La Rive, which means “riverbank,” offers a wide variety of massages, facials, microneedling, dermaplaning, manicures, pedicures, face and body waxing, eyelash extensions and fills, and eyebrow and eyelash tints. On top of the various spa treatments, guests can also enjoy a Himalayan salt room, a dry cedar sauna, an indoor pool and hot tub, plus an outdoor relaxation patio. Through its services, the spa honors the culture of the Kalispel Tribe and takes inspiration for its treatments from the natural and native materials of Pend Oreille River and the landscape surrounding the casino. (AP)
2nd PLACE: The Davenport Spa and Salon; 3rd PLACE: Slick Rock Tanning and Spa NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: The Highlands Day Spa, Coeur d’Alene and Post Falls
“Constantly a great cut with a fun atmosphere.” (Henry E.); “Best place for a men’s haircut in town PERIOD. They offer a wide array of services and are very respectful and friendly towards their customers.” (Ryan M.); “Great vibe, amazing barbers.” (Colleen B.)
2nd PLACE: Brickyard Barbershop; 3rd PLACE: Bombu Barber NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Maverick’s, Coeur d’Alene
“Sarah answers a million questions all with a smile. Everyone I encountered at the Liberty Lake location made me feel welcome, valued and appreciated.” (Erin H.); “Their knowledge and expertise are unmatched and have provided me results I’ve never been able to achieve elsewhere.” (Sadie J.); “I always know I’m in amazing hands when I come in.” (Mercedes J.)
2nd PLACE: Crafted Beauty; 3rd PLACE: SkinWell + Co.; NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Renew Aesthetics and Hydration Bar, Coeur d’Alene
“Training staff are kind, encouraging and fun. They make working out enjoyable.” (Sherri U.); “Müv fitness offers a lot — a pool, classes, trainers, equipment and great supportive people.” (Jennifer H.); “Best club around, coolest staff, clean and safe facilities.” (Felicity K.)
2nd PLACE: Airway Heights Recreation Center; 3rd PLACE: YMCA NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Peak Health & Wellness Center, Coeur d’Alene, Post Falls and Hayden
“They have cried with me, given me courage during scary events, laughed with me and shared with me the most important thing — loving my pet.” (Katie R.); “My pets love going there, and I know they’ll get great care.” (TerryLynn T.); “Always get lots of one-on-one time with the vet.” (Emma W.)
2nd PLACE: Garland Animal Clinic
3rd PLACE: Indian Trail Animal Hospital NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Prairie Animal Hospital, Coeur d’Alene
“Hailey has incredible talent and is so compassionate with her clients. Her line work is so clean, she’s super detail-oriented and makes her clients comfort a top priority!” (Amanda H.); “So talented, kind, professional, inclusive, savvy, abundant mindset, creative!” (Rachel P.); “Hailey truly takes her time to make sure every little thing is perfect for you. (Michelle W.)
2nd PLACE: Alex Delgado, Black Horsemen Tattoo
3rd PLACE: Avery Willmann, Undeadink NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: Robert J. Burks, Big Pink Ink Tattoos, Post Falls
They’ve done it again! For the fourth year in a row, readers have voted the Studio the best hair salon in the Inland Northwest. Located on Howard Street in downtown Spokane, the Studio is a full-service salon with team members who offer everything from haircuts and colors to manicures and waxing. You can also stop by the Studio for lash extensions, brow laminations and bridal hair. It’s truly a one-stop shop. “We focus so much on building a friendship with our clients instead of a business relationship,” Kaylee Sanchez, co-owner of the Studio, told the Inlander after the studio’s 2023 win. “It’s not a business transaction.” (AP)
2nd PLACE: Oasis; 3rd PLACE: Luxe. Salon & Medspa NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: (tie) Glo Beauty Bar, Salon 208, both in Coeur d’Alene
Method Juice Cafe makes preaching the organic gospel easy. A great juice can do that for you. Method has been doling out a variety of organic eats since 2012. For sip stans, they offer juice and vitality shots, smoothies and coffee. On the fork-and-spoon side of things, they’ve got lots of salads, acai bowls, rice bowls and snacky items to choose from. Their Blue Majik acai bowl is a fun staple with its bright hue and tasty toppings. With a location downtown and one up on North Division, Method makes healthy eats easy to love and easy to find. (LR)
2nd PLACE: Huckleberry’s; 3rd PLACE: Wellness Tree NORTH IDAHO’S BEST: The Wellness Bar; Coeur d’Alene, Hayden and Post Falls
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For the first 70 days of Major League Baseball’s recent free agent signing period, if you’d bought a Mariners hat for $20, you would’ve spent more money on Seattle’s baseball team than its owners shelled out in guaranteed major league contracts.
In the end, the Mariners signed a grand total of one (1!) free agent from outside the organization this year to a big league deal — inking a one-year, $3.5 million contract with 37-year-old replacement-level infielder Donovan Solano.
That’s it
Despite having baseball’s best pitching staff and young stars like Julio Rodriguez and Cal Raleigh on incredibly team-friendly contracts, the Mariners head into MLB’s opening day on March 27 as a franchise that refuses to make even modest investments toward making the team a serious contender.
Fans might bemoan the Los Angeles Dodgers seemingly outspending the rest of Major League Baseball in attempts to build a superteam, but they are fully operating within the rules of Major League Baseball’s open market. All their fellow owners are also billionaires who normally love espousing the virtues of free market capitalism, but in this case the vast majority of them have decided not to invest in their teams because they’d rather live like leeches off the welfare system that is MLB’s revenue sharing model. It’s meant to help small market teams compete, but has instead bred uncompetitive complacency because it doesn’t force teams like the Mariners to actually try to spend to improve their team.
ing ownership group, it’s under $138 million heading into the 2025 season.
For comparison, with an estimated $308 million team salary, the Dodgers’ 2025 luxury tax bill — the money they have to pay into the collective pot for spending too much money on salary — will be around $137.8 million. The Dodgers are paying as much in MLB rules taxes as the Mariners are paying on their team. Pathetic.
Even the players are offended by the Mariners’ approach. After being part of the team in 2024, veteran infielder Justin Turner — who won a World Series with the Dodgers in 2020 — wanted to resign from the Mariners. But Turner ended up signing with the Cubs, in part because the Mariners were acting like an unserious poverty franchise with no intent for winning games.
If given a real choice, not many rational adults would become Mariners fans at this point, so beware of indoctrinating that disappointment.
“The fact that they missed the playoffs by one game, and didn’t go out and add an impact bat or two when you have the best pitching staff in baseball just seems absurd to me,” Turner told USA Today. “Honestly, as much as I wanted to be back there, if I was the only piece they brought back in, I would be saying the same thing: ‘What the hell are we doing? Are you trying?’
“I told them several times this offseason, you have a unicorn of a pitching staff,” Turner continued to USA Today. “This might be the best five starting pitchers in the history of the game… There’s never going to be a better time in the history of that franchise to have added a couple of bats to make a run than this year, and they missed it.”
brings joy to so many baseball fans in the Northwest, it’s time for folks to make Stanton and Co. miserable too. If money is all they care about, stop giving them any. I’m at the point where it’s time to boycott the Mariners.
This isn’t a call for folks to abandon their fandom, just don’t spend any more time and money than ownership does on the team. Hold off on buying that new hat or jersey. Take the money you might spend on a trip to T-Mobile Park and use it for other summer adventures and activities. Spend the hours you might normally spend poring over trade deadline moves and fretting over division standings and instead dive into other national pastime rabbit holes by watching documentary series like Ken Burns’ Baseball and Jon Bois and Alex Rubenstein’s The History of the Seattle Mariners or reading or great books on the sport like The Glory of Their Times, Moneyball and The Only Rule Is It Has to Work. Going from a day-in-day-out baseball fan to one who only occasionally dips in for games really underscores how casual caring frees up so much time in the summer.
In 2016, the last year the team was owned by Nintendo, the Mariners’ team salary was over $142 million. Almost a decade later under John Stanton’s penny-pinch-
Stanton and Co. have firmly told fans through his team’s actions that this organization is only concerned with lazily making a profit on revenue sharing and ticket sales. Until that changes, there’s no reason to support this franchise. If greed is going to ruin the product that
Obviously if you happen to have a baseball-obsessed kid, things might be more difficult. I’m not saying throw your body in front of them to prevent them from watching Julio Rodriguez and Co., because it’s not the players’ fault that the team doesn’t spend and the M’s will likely be fringe Wild Card contenders based on their pitching alone. But also be mindful of preventing a child from decades of misery under miserly ownership. If given a real choice, not many rational adults would become Mariners fans at this point, so beware of indoctrinating that disappointment. With the money saved from not taking the fam to see the M’s in person, one could hit up multiple minor league games or save up for new gloves and bats for any aspiring sluggers.
When someone tells you who they are, believe them. The Mariners have declared time and time again that they are cheap. They’re billionaire welfare leeches with no passion for the game. Don’t reward them for that. n
What’s believed to have originated as a grilling technique in 17th-century Japan has today become synonymous with that sweet, umamipacked sauce that coats and marinades chicken.
Teriyaki became a hit in the U.S. as Japanese immigrants came to Hawaii in the 1960s, adapting the recipe by adding local ingredients like pineapple juice and brown sugar. Teriyaki was further propelled in Seattle’s dining scene by Japanese chefs Junki Yoshida and Toshi Kasahara, who respectively founded Yoshida Foods International and opened Toshi’s Teriyaki, Seattle’s first teriyaki restaurant.
While teriyaki isn’t hard to find around the Inland Northwest — it’s on menus at nearly any Asian fusion spot — this sweet-meets-savory dish seems to be experiencing a bit of a resurgence, with two new restaurants joining the ranks of local faves. Here’s where to get some.
1520 N. Government Way, Coeur d’Alene Instagram: @maddchickencda
Walking into Madd Chicken in Coeur d’Alene, the first thing you may notice is a definition for “madd” posted on the wall, meaning “very,” “extremely” or to have “a large amount of.” An example sentence reads: “these teriyaki fries are madd addictive.”
Madd Chicken’s chicken teriyaki fries ($18) are certainly a satisfying heap of crispy crinkle-cut fries fried in tallow, topped with house sauce, sliced teriyaki chicken
thigh meat, spring onions, sesame seeds and cheese and an optional spicy kick.
Co-owners Tim Bastedo, Scott Luna and Tom Gasper opened the new teriyaki spot in mid-January of this year. Head chef Bastedo attended Pasadena Culinary School of the Arts but had put his restaurant dreams on hold to focus on family.
Now that he’s finally achieved that goal, the restaurant is also thriving, going through around 150 pounds of chicken thighs daily.
Beyond chicken, Madd Chicken offers steak, shrimp and pork teriyaki bowls ($18-$20) and teriyaki entrées ($16-$23) served over white rice and with side salad. Vegetarians can substitute meat with steamed vegetables.
The restaurant’s burgers have piqued customer interest, reminiscent of the In-N-Out burgers Bastedo grew up eating in California. Options include beef or chicken ($9; $14/combo) and deluxe versions ($12; $17/combo) with avocado, grilled pineapple and teriyaki sauce.
Madd Chicken’s house-made, gluten-free teriyaki sauce uses soy sauce sourced from Hawaii and is thickened naturally by simmering, rather than with cornstarch.
“Every morning we make our own teriyaki sauce, we make 5 gallons,” Bastedo says. “When we first started, I thought I’d make 1 gallon every Monday, and now I have to make it every day.”
All menu items use high-quality, fresh ingredients without seed oils or gluten. Bastedo himself has a strict personal diet due to health issues he’s had since he was 16.
“I was blessed with a stomach that I have to eat this type of food,” Bastedo says. “There’s many people that are having a lot of stomach issues and problems because the food that we eat is really not good for us.”
“I think that food is a little bit more than just energy for the body. Food, it goes deeper, it’s like happiness for the soul. Good food does that to people,” he adds.
Future Madd Chicken locations are slated for Post Falls and Liberty Lake.
1412 W. Second Ave., teriyakispice.com
What started in 2015 as a family-run teriyaki spot in Woodland, Washington, has since expanded to five locations across Washington and Oregon, including a spot in Airway Heights. Teriyaki Spice opened its downtown Spokane location in February in the former Uncle Rusty’s Diner space, serving an Asian fusion menu with scratch-made sauces.
Teriyaki Spice’s menu covers all the essentials, from the classic chicken teriyaki ($12.97) served over white rice with a side salad to more diverse offerings like potstickers, egg rolls, french fries and California rolls.
In a nod to teriyaki’s seafood origins, there’s also salmon teriyaki ($14.97), plus beef ($14), shrimp ($14.87), pork ($13.49) and tofu ($11.97).
For noodle lovers, the yakisoba dishes ($12.97-$15) feature thick noodles topped with steamed vegetables and a choice of protein.
601 E. Francis Ave. kaysteriyakiplus.com
A longtime Spokane teriyaki staple, Kay’s Teriyaki Plus has been serving char-broiled teriyaki and other Asian dishes in generous portions since 1996 on East Francis Avenue.
The chicken teriyaki ($17) includes egg soup and white or fried rice, while the spicy version ($19) adds some heat. Other protein options include beef ($20), shrimp ($19) or a protein combination ($21).
For those craving more variety, Kay’s offers Chinese and teriyaki combo plates ($22) featuring dishes like Mongolian beef and almond chicken. Other menu highlights include the Korean bulgogi ($21), tender slices of marinated beef stir fried with onions, carrots and sesame seeds, and crispy gyoza ($5).
2931 N. Division St. islandstylefood.net
When Nicholas DeCaro opened a food truck back in 2020, his island-style dishes were met with overwhelming success.
“Our first few weeks [open] we had two and half hour waits in line, lines around the block,” DeCaro says.
By November 2023, he decided to open a permanent spot on North Division.
Growing up in the food industry (his parents owned the former DeCaro’s Italian restaurant), DeCaro didn’t imagine opening a restaurant of his own.
While his father’s Italian origins prompted that concept, DeCaro decided to honor his mother’s Pacific Islander and Asian roots with Island Style.
Teriyaki is integral to Pacific Island cuisine and is a main player on Island Style Food’s menu. The chicken teriyaki ($17.89) is made fresh daily, flame-broiled and served over traditional white sticky rice. For sides, there’s cucumber and macaroni salads.
“We have a very big glutenfree and celiac following because we don’t have [just] one or two items, most of our menu is gluten-free,” says DeCaro, adding that customers can substitute meat with tofu for vegan and vegetarian options.
“I think that teriyaki is a good entryway into people trying our food, and then it leads to trying other things,” he says. n
delivers basic, underwhelming
Hollywood loves making fun of itself. Going back at least as far as 1928 silent film Show
People, the movie (and later TV) business has used self-deprecation as a way to highlight its own shortcomings, often in order to anticipate and defuse genuine criticism. That’s not to say that showbiz satires can’t be incisive or unsparing, but the bar is set pretty high for a comedy to find some genuinely clever observations about the much-parodied movie business.
The new Apple TV+ series The Studio almost never clears that bar, although it delivers a handful of amusing moments over the course of its 10-episode first season. Created by frequent collaborators Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg along with Peter Huyck, Alex Gregory and Frida Perez, The Studio takes on the familiar subject matter of narcissistic celebrities, cynical executives and bloated corporate blockbusters without offering anything particularly new to the subgenre.
There’s a glimmer of something promising at the beginning of the first episode, which starts in customary fashion with the apparent climactic shootout of a crime thriller, only to pull back to reveal that it’s all taking place on a movie set. Matt Remick (Rogen), an executive at fictional Continental Studios, is there for a set visit, but no one pays attention to him, and the director doesn’t even know his name. Matt is a genuine cinephile, attempting to chat up star Paul Dano about
his underseen directorial debut Wildlife, but everyone just sees him as a corporate interloper.
The idea of a devoted film fan becoming the head of a major studio and using his clout to fight back against Hollywood mediocrity is intriguing, but The Studio quickly abandons that approach.
Before the first episode ends, Matt has already sold out. Not long after that embarrassing set visit, he learns that his longtime boss Patty Leigh (Catherine O’Hara) has been ousted, and he’s offered the position of studio president. It’s a dream come true for Matt, who envisions spearheading the kind of movies he grew up watching, but instead his first major project is a featurefilm adaptation of Kool-Aid.
Watching Matt immediately abandon his principles is neither funny nor insightful, and he comes off as more of a bumbling idiot than either a cinema aficionado or a savvy businessman. It’s hard to believe that Matt has been working at Continental for more than two decades, when he more often seems like a random fan who won a contest to run a studio. He’s clueless both personally and professionally, making him something like the Michael Scott of studio executives, and The Studio is full of belabored cringe comedy.
The ruthless CEO who gives Matt his job is named Griffin Mill, after Tim Robbins’ character in Robert Altman’s brilliant 1992 Hollywood takedown The Player,
but The Studio has almost nothing in common with Altman’s classic film, and Mill (Bryan Cranston) bears no resemblance to Robbins’ conflicted executive. Altman likewise packed his film with celebrity cameos, but there was a darkness that’s completely absent in the lighthearted, lightweight The Studio.
Although he makes occasional missteps, Matt has a generally positive working relationship with his team, including his best friend Sal Saperstein (Ike Barinholtz) and his former assistant Quinn Hackett (Chase Sui Wonders), who’s been promoted to creative executive. Even Patty rejoins the team as an independent producer, offering Matt guidance drawn from her many years of experience.
Rogen and Goldberg direct every episode, in a style that utilizes elaborate long takes and a jittery, percussive score, both emulating another behind-the-scenes saga, Alejandro González Iñárritu’s Oscar-winning Birdman. As pretentious and annoying as that movie may be, it deals with some serious themes about the nature of art, whereas the main theme of The Studio seems to be that Rogen knows a lot of famous people. Rogen and Goldberg’s take on their industry is as basic as Matt’s cinephilia, which doesn’t extend to anything more obscure than Goodfellas
The characters barely have personal lives, and Rogen and Goldberg sideline any potential emotional arcs in favor of a flood of celebrity cameos that quickly become meaningless. Almost none of the famous faces who show up on The Studio offer any tweaks on their established personas, existing primarily as placeholders to indicate that Continental’s films are high-profile and expensive.
Matt quietly scoffs when someone from outside the industry suggests that he must have been a devoted viewer of Entourage, but in its own way The Studio is just as superficial as that bro-tastic hit. At least Entourage offered characters that viewers could bond with — The Studio is just one long, not particularly funny smirk at the very business it’s propping up. n
Steve Coogan bonds with a penguin in the cloying, misguided drama The Penguin Lessons
In the movies, bonding with a cute, helpless animal is a surefire cure for cynicism, and that’s exactly what happens to world-weary English teacher Tom Michell (Steve Coogan) after he rescues a penguin from an oil slick on a beach in Uruguay in The Penguin Lessons. By the time he takes a job at an exclusive boarding school in Argentina, Tom has clearly already lost his way, but that chance encounter with a fussy sea bird will change his outlook forever.
As a story about a curmudgeon regaining his passion for living by befriending a wild animal, The Penguin Lessons is treacly but inoffensive, with a blandly likable lead performance from Coogan. As a historical drama set in 1976 Buenos Aires, though, it’s a clumsy misfire, offering simplistic observations about a turbulent period in Argentina’s history, all from the perspective of a privileged white Englishman.
a week to let things calm down, Tom is mainly excited to have time off to travel to Uruguay so he can relax on the beach and meet women.
Instead, he meets the penguin he eventually dubs Juan Salvador. Via a series of mildly amusing mishaps, he finds himself stuck taking the animal back to Buenos Aires with him. Nearly half the movie has gone by before Tom brings Juan Salvador to class, where the penguin charms his unruly students and serves as the catalyst for a halfhearted Dead Poets Society riff.
The Penguin Lessons
Rated PG-13
Directed by Peter Cattaneo Starring Steve Coogan
Tom arrives at St. George’s College just as Argentina is on the cusp of a military coup, but he’s not particularly concerned with the threats to human rights or the crackdown on dissidents. When the coup succeeds and the school shuts down for
Tom isn’t much of an inspirational teacher, and his students barely get any lines, let alone distinctive personalities or character arcs. The school’s stuffy headmaster, Buckle (Jonathan Pryce), poses a minimal threat to Tom’s career or to the continued presence of Juan Salvador at St. George’s, and there’s no big academic assessment for the film to build toward.
The urgency in the screenplay by Jeff Pope comes instead from the increasing threat of the military dictatorship, particularly to young school housekeeper Sofia (Alfonsina Carrocio), who has vague anti-
After a father (Paul Rudd) and his daughter (Jenna Ortega) hit and kill a unicorn with their car, the dad’s boss decides to exploit the corpse for medical research. But when the unicorn’s parents come seeking revenge, things take a horror comedy turn. Rated R
After being seriously injured in a car crash that killed her husband, a mother (Danielle Deadwyler) must take care of her two kids in their rural farmhouse. But things turn towards psychological horror when a mysterious woman in a black shroud suddenly appears seated on their lawn and begins spouting ominous warnings. Rated PG-13
An ex-Royal Marine who has settled into a life as a Chicago construction worker (Jason Statham) is forced to go vigilante and use his training to hunt down human traffickers who kidnap his boss’ teenage daughter. Rated R
authoritarian leanings. The movie’s politics are frustratingly indistinct for a story so steeped in specific real-life events, and the tonal shift between cute animal antics and state-sponsored torture is jarring and ineffective. Instead of connecting Tom’s personal story with the larger sociopolitical context, it just cheapens both aspects.
The Penguin Lessons is based on a memoir by the actual Tom Michell, who was in his early 20s at the time, but Pope and director Peter Cattaneo (The Full Monty) age the character by several decades, adding on a tragic backstory that he delivers in expository speeches to Juan Salvador. The filmmakers manage to make a sentimental story even more maudlin by fictionalizing it, without reaching any genuine emotion.
A gregarious Finnish physics teacher (Björn Gustafsson) and Buckle both also pour out their frustrations to Juan Salvador, but no one in The Penguin Lessons comes off like a real person. They’re just vehicles for predictable conflicts and simplistic resolutions, which makes the intrusion of serious historical events especially off-putting.
Coogan delivers a few sarcastic remarks and gives a few soulful looks into the middle distance, but his performance is similar to his subdued, generically respectable work in fellow middlebrow true-story dramas Philomena and The Lost King The Penguin Lessons isn’t even the first movie released in the past year to be based on a true story about a middle-aged man in South America making a connection with a penguin he saves from an oil spill (that was My Penguin Friend). The Argentinean location could set The Penguin Lessons apart, but every aspect of the narrative is ground up into the same feel-good slop. In the end, there’s nothing left to digest. n
It’s never felt more vital to celebrate International Trans Day of Visibility (March 31) than it does right now. As trans people are being politically scapegoated, it’s important to continually point out that they are just trying to live their lives in peace and not have their stories silenced and erased. One great way to spread trans joy is through music, so we put together this collection featuring some of our favorite tunes created by trans and nonbinary artists to help further showcase the humanity of a community that’s being dehumanized these days.
Hyperpop powerhouse duo 100 Gecs are not for everyone, but those that get them quickly become diehards. 100 Gecs have embraced the future of music and made it weird. All you need to know about their broad appeal is the fact they’ve toured with Nine Inch Nails, Brockhampton, and My Chemical Romance. Their catchy chaotic nature throughout their catalogue explores topics as diverse as the politics of gender and video games. “Dumbest Girl Alive” embraces the weird and chaotic as a perfect example of their music. (ALYSON MCMANUS)
Trans folks aren’t anything new, they’ve always existed. Case in point the famed mid-20th century jazz bandleader and pianist Billy Tipton, the secretly transgender man who called Spokane home and brought beautiful music to our city as a resident for the final three decades of his life. His take on this George Gershwin standard still holds up. (SETH SOMMERFELD)
Against Me! frontwoman Laura Jane Grace was one of the first established modern musicians to come out as trans in 2012, and her band released what has become an iconic trans coming out album with 2014’s Transgender Dysphoria Blues. The title track expresses the frustrations of being trans in a cisgender world. The dissonant guitars and pounding drums mirror the dysphoric feelings in the lyrics by LJG. For many trans punks (and non-punks), having themselves reflected in lyrics and music really helped them not feel so alone. (AM)
There’s no sour aftertaste to Cavetown’s sweet bedroom pop melodies about depression. On this track, Robin Skinner personifies his melancholia as a “citrus friend” that rears its ornery head time and time again, spoiling the fun. If we can’t weed out mental illnesses, well then I guess we just have to accept living with our bitter friends.
Monáe has always been an album musician, one whose music demands to be listened to beyond the singles. This anthem of liberation found on 2023’s The Age of Pleasure emphasizes that. As one of the more famous nonbinary sex symbols out there, diving into the tracks from this album where they embrace their sexuality and gender is affirming for us less outwardly glamorous folks. (AM)
It’s too bad Ethel Cain had to be lyrically cannibalized at the narrative end of her album Preacher’s Daughter, but at least we got the hauntingly hopeful grunge song “Strangers” out of it. (COLTON RASANEN)
“Step into whatever you want to and let your spirit bloom.” The chorus to this gorgeously hopeful track from the wildly underrated Seattle indie rock band fronted by Al Menne is equal parts delicate and powerful. The song gracefully conveys the message that it’s never too late to become the person you truly want to be. (SS)
While deep, throaty voices are known to be attractive, LP’s wavering gender-neutral falsetto is a surprising panty dropper. Opening with nonchalant whistling, it’s easy to imagine them swaggering into a bar to tell their cheating lover to “go f— yourself with other people.” (DS)
Mya Byrne is a queer-trans country artist whose 2023 album Rhinestone Tomboy was released on the acclaimed Northwest record label Kill Rock Stars. “Where the Lavender Grows” embraces that Americana tradition of classic country and is a pining love song for a partner. We talk a lot about how representation matters and having trans people in country music is important. (AM)
Since there have been plenty of words spilled in the Inlander about Rosie Tucker’s stellar LP UTOPIA NOW! (it was the best album of 2024 — go listen to it), instead we’ll spotlight an older gem from the brilliant nonbinary indie rock singer-songwriter. “Hindsight” is an absolutely crushing gutpunch of a folk song where Tucker wrestles with the brutal feelings that come after someone from your past whose advances you rejected kills themself. (SS)
Already an established star, Sam Smith came out as nonbinary in 2019 after previously identifying as
genderqueer. They’ve since released two albums that began to really reflect their sense of self. “Unholy” is a hyperpop standout, embracing the tradition of trans and nonbinary folk in that genre. Featuring trans singer Kim Petras, the song is sexually charged and the beat is relentless and catchy. It is also important in historical context, as it was the first song by an out trans person to win a major Grammy and top the Billboard Hot 100. (AM)
There’s likely no bigger influence on the hyperpop genre than SOPHIE. The trans musician and music producer is well-known for songs like “Faceshopping” and “Ponyboy,” but after her death in 2021 the emotional opener on Oil of Every Pearl’s UnInsides hits much harder than the rest. “It’s Okay To Cry” heavily features the artist’s silky singing voice, rather than the industrial and electronic sounds that become common throughout the album. (CR)
Trans composer Wendy Carlos was one of electronic music’s true pioneers. Her most enduring work probably comes from working as Stanley Kubrick’s composer for A Clockwork Orange and The Shining, and this brooding synth composition that opened the horror classic still absolutely sends shivers up our musical spines. (SS)
Worriers’ lead singer Lauren Denitzio tackles gender identity in this punk rocker produced by Laura Jane Grace. Lyrically, it’s as simple as Lauren clarifying how their pronouns are they/them/ theirs. If only people realized it’s really just as simple as the song lays out… (AM) n
Find even more songs from this list, with YouTube links, at inlander.com/music.
GARLAND DRINKERY, Speak Easy: Open Mic Night
J NEATO BURRITO, Hit Like a Girl, Madska, Flyborne, When She Dream
J QQ SUSHI & KITCHEN, Just Plain Darin
RED ROOM LOUNGE, Thurrsdays EDM Night
REPUBLIC BREWING CO., Jason Eady, Dani Bacon
ZOLA, X24 25, Mason Van Stone
Friday, 3/28
J J THE BIG DIPPER, Mismiths, Evelyn’s Casket THE CHAMELEON, Alec Shaw, Junaco
J THE COEUR D’ALENE RESORT, Soundscape Music Festival
J J GARLAND THEATER, Spring Reverb Bash
J KNITTING FACTORY, Hell’s Belles, Itchy Kitty, Snacks at Midnight NIGHT OWL, Four On The Floor Fridays
RED ROOM LOUNGE, Sonic Daydream
ZOLA, Max Daniels Soulful Brothers, Sydney Dale
Saturday, 3/29
J THE BIG DIPPER, Sonic Druid, Abscond, Iabsorbyourstatic, Casketcvlt THE CHAMELEON, Club xcx
J THE COEUR D’ALENE RESORT, Soundscape Music Festival
J THE DISTRICT BAR, Kolton Moore & The Clever Few
J GARLAND THEATER, Spring Reverb Bash
J MIKEY’S GYROS, Diminished Republic, The Mini Swines
TRVST, Night Shift
ZOLA, Blake Braley
Sunday, 3/30
THE CHAMELEON, Charlie Farley, Michael Howard
J THE DISTRICT BAR, Big Richard, Caleb Caudle HOGFISH, Open Mic
J JAGUAR ROOM AT CHAMELEON, Sunfish, Black Pontiac, Jesus Christ Taxi Driver, Stubborn Will
Monday, 3/31
RED ROOM LOUNGE, Red Room Open Mic
ZOLA, Nate Stratte
Tuesday, 4/1
SWING LOUNGE, Swing Lounge Live Music Tuesdays
ZOLA, The Zola All Star Jam, Joel Porter
Sometimes taking the bit too far can be a good thing. When some guys from Los Angeles were trying to come up with the worst mashup band names, someone threw out The Smiths and The Misfits to make Mismiths. While erudite jangle rock and horror punk might not seem like a natural fit, nobody could honestly deny that Morrissey’s lyricism can get a bit goth. While initially a joke band playing stylistic mashup covers adorned in Misfits-eque skull makeup with members adopting aliases like “Gorrissey,” Mismith have since morphed into a unique band that also writes original tunes drawing inspiration from their namesakes (see: 2024’s Every Night Is Like Halloween). Watch these bigmouths rock among us when Mismiths West Coast tour stops at The Big Dipper. — SETH SOMMERFELD
Mismiths, Evelyn’s Casket • Fri, March 28 at 7:30 pm
• $15 • All ages • The Big Dipper • 171 S. Washington St. • thebigdipperspokane.com
When Big Richard last swung through Spokane in 2023, the all-female bluegrass group had only released a lone live album. That finally changed this January with the release of the Colorado quartet’s debut studio album, Girl Dinner. The LP showcases the spectrum of the band’s sound: the soaring vocal harmonies of the albumopening “So Long My Friend,” the tender emotionality of “Darlin Honey,” the hootenanny hellcat swagger of “Deal Me In” and more. In the male-dominated world of string bands, the combination of mandolinist Bonnie Sims, cellist and Spokane native Joy Adams, stand-up bassist Hazel Royer and fiddler Eve Panning consistently feels like a breath of fresh air. In a world filled with huge dickheads, be a Big Richard. — SETH SOMMERFELD
Big Richard, Caleb Caudle • Sun, March 30 at 9 pm • $20 • 21+
Wednesday, 4/2
J THE BIG DIPPER, When She Dreams, For Closure, Bitter Row, Index J CENTRAL LIBRARY, Open Mic Night: Come Be Heard! THE DRAFT ZONE, The Draft Zone Open Mic
J MIKEY’S GYROS, The Phantom A.D., Jangled Nerves, Dazer RED ROOM LOUNGE, Red Room Jam
J TIMBERS ROADHOUSE, Cary Beare Presents TRVST, The TRVST Open Decks ZOLA, Akifumi Kato, Candace Zari
Just Announced...
J HAMILTON STUDIO, Clayton Ryan, April 20.
J HAMILTON STUDIO, Jahari Stampley Trio, April 26. THE DISTRICT BAR, Never Come Down, May 3.
J J KNITTING FACTORY, Silversun Pickups, May 4.
J MIKEY’S GYROS, Full Color Dream, May 9.
J J MIKEY’S GYROS & MORE, Punk Palouse Fest, May 23 & 24. THE DISTRICT BAR, Terrapin Flyer, May 30.
J SPOKANE TRIBE CASINO, Aaron Lewis, June 20.
J J KNITTING FACTORY, IDKHOW, Phantom Planet, June 24.
J KNITTING FACTORY, Amigo the Devil, July 1.
J KNITTING FACTORY, Houndmouth, July 20.
J SPOKANE TRIBE CASINO, Andy Grammer, Aug. 2.
J KNITTING FACTORY, Five for Fighting, Vertical Horizon, Aug. 24.
J NORTHERN QUEST CASINO, Old Dominion, Sept. 27.
J THE FOX THEATER, The Rat Pack, Oct. 11.
J NORTHERN QUEST CASINO, Celtic Thunder, Oct. 23.
BOLO’S BAR & GRILL, ManeyAxe, April 3, 7-10 pm.
J BOTTLE BAY BREWING CO., Justin Priest, April 3, 7-9 pm. THE CHAMELEON, Kyle Smith, April 3, 7 pm.
J THE BIG DIPPER, Psychic Death, OBEDIENT, Zap Pack, April 3, 7:30 pm.
J NORTHERN QUEST CASINO, Sara Evans, April 3, 7:30 pm.
J NEATO BURRITO, The Phantom A.D., Polykronos, Isaac & His Orchestra, April 3, 8 pm.
ARBOR CREST WINE CELLARS, Isaac Walton, April 4, 6-8 pm.
J THE BIG DIPPER, Ox, Malinois, Pinebox, Penis Envy, Slump, April 4, 6:30 pm.
JAGUAR ROOM AT CHAMELEON, Spice House Dance Party, April 4, 8 pm.
RIVERSIDE PLACE, SoDown & Jaenga, April 4, 8 pm.
ZOLA, Starcourt, April 4, 9 pm.
ZOLA, Matt Mitchell, April 5, 5:30 pm.
ARBOR CREST WINE CELLARS, Kori Ailene, April 5, 6-8 pm.
J HUCKLEBERRY’S MARKET, The Front Porch Rockers, April 5, 6-8 pm.
J BOTTLE BAY BREWING CO., Indy Heyer, April 5, 7-9 pm.
THE CHAMELEON, Vika and The Velvets, The Jaws of Brooklyn, Wasabi Samba, April 5, 8 pm.
THE DISTRICT BAR, Deep Down Low, April 5, 8 pm.
J J JAGUAR ROOM AT CHAMELEON, Pancho Album Release Show with The Press, When She Dreams, April 5, 9 pm.
J MIKEY’S GYROS, Minot, Ideomotor, Earthworks, April 5, 9 pm.
J HAMILTON STUDIO, Hot Club of Spokane: The Rockabilly Space Force, April 6, 6 pm.
J J THE BIG DIPPER, ACTORS, Soft Vein, April 6, 7:30 pm.
J THE BIG DIPPER, Rottenness, Propagate, The Rot Lich, April 7, 7:30 pm.
J THE BIG DIPPER, Full Color Dream, Hermano Kuya, Killmer, When She Dreams, April 8, 7:30 pm.
219 LOUNGE • 219 N. First Ave., Sandpoint • 208-263-5673
ARBOR CREST WINE CELLARS • 4705 N. Fruit Hill Rd., Spokane Valley • 509-927-9463
BABY BAR • 827 W. First Ave. • 509-847-1234
BARRISTER WINERY • 1213 W. Railroad Ave. • 509-465-3591
BEE’S KNEES WHISKY BAR • 1324 W. Lancaster Rd.., Hayden • 208-758-0558
BERSERK • 125 S. Stevens St. • 509-315-5101
THE BIG DIPPER • 171 S. Washington St. • 509-863-8098
BIGFOOT PUB • 9115 N. Division St. • 509-467-9638
BING CROSBY THEATER • 901 W. Sprague Ave. • 509-227-7638
BLACK DIAMOND • 9614 E. Sprague Ave. • 509891-8357
BOLO’S BAR & GRILL • 116 S. Best Rd., Spokane Valley • 509-891-8995
BOOMERS CLASSIC ROCK BAR • 18219 E. Appleway Ave., Spokane Valley • 509-368-9847
BUCER’S COFFEEHOUSE PUB • 201 S. Main St., Moscow • 208-596-0887
THE BULL HEAD • 10211 S. Electric St., Four Lakes • 509-838-9717
CHAN’S RED DRAGON • 1406 W. Third Ave. • 509-838-6688
THE CHAMELEON • 1801 W. Sunset Blvd.
CHECKERBOARD • 1716 E. Sprague Ave. • 509-443-4767
COEUR D’ALENE CASINO • 37914 S. Nukwalqw St., Worley • 800-523-2464
COEUR D’ALENE CELLARS • 3890 N. Schreiber Way, Coeur d’Alene • 208-664-2336
CRUISERS BAR & GRILL • 6105 W Seltice Way, Post Falls • 208-446-7154
CURLEY’S HAUSER JUNCTION • 26433 W. Hwy. 53, Post Falls • 208-773-5816
THE DISTRICT BAR • 916 W. 1st Ave. • 509-244-3279
EICHARDT’S PUB • 212 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208-263-4005
FIRST INTERSTATE CENTER FOR THE ARTS • 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. • 509-279-7000
FOX THEATER • 1001 W. Sprague Ave. • 509-624-1200
IRON HORSE • 407 E. Sherman, Coeur d’Alene • 208-667-7314
IRON HORSE BAR & GRILL • 11105 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley • 509-926-8411
JOHN’S ALLEY • 114 E. Sixth St., Moscow • 208-883-7662
KNITTING FACTORY • 911 W. Sprague Ave. • 509-244-3279
MARYHILL WINERY • 1303 W. Summit Pkwy. • 509-443-3832
MILLIE’S • 28441 Hwy 57, Priest Lake • 208-443-0510
MOOSE LOUNGE • 401 E. Sherman Ave., Coeur d’Alene • 208-664-7901
NASHVILLE NORTH • 6361 W. Seltice Way, Post Falls • 208-457-9128
NORTHERN QUEST RESORT & CASINO • 100 N. Hayford Rd., Airway Heights • 877-871-6772
NYNE BAR & BISTRO • 232 W. Sprague Ave. • 509-474-1621
PEND D’OREILLE WINERY • 301 Cedar St., Sandpoint • 208-265-8545
POST FALLS BREWING CO. • 112 N. Spokane St., Post Falls • 208-773-7301
RAZZLE’S BAR & GRILL • 10325 N. Government Way, Hayden • 208-635-5874
RED ROOM LOUNGE • 521 W. Sprague Ave. • 509-838-7613
THE RIDLER PIANO BAR • 718 W. Riverside Ave. • 509-822-7938
SEASONS OF COEUR D’ALENE • 1004 S. Perry St. • 208-664-8008
SPOKANE ARENA • 720 W. Mallon Ave. • 509-279-7000
SPOKANE TRIBE RESORT & CASINO • 14300 US-2, Airway Heights • 877-786-9467
SOUTH PERRY LANTERN • 12303 E. Trent Ave., Spokane Valley • 509-473-9098
STORMIN’ NORMAN’S SHIPFACED SALOON • 12303 E. Trent Ave., Spokane Valley • 509-862-4852
TRANCHE • 705 Berney Dr., Wall Walla • 509-526-3500
ZOLA • 22 W. Main Ave. • 509-624-2416
If there’s one thing the world needs more of, it’s an emphasis on women’s sports. Caitlin Clark, former University of Iowa women’s basketball star and 2024 WNBA Rookie of the Year Award winner, took over the women’s hoops world the past couple of years and the residual hype makes for an exciting upcoming weekend in Spokane. In partnership with Washington Trust Bank, Spokane Sports is hosting the ultimate block party for sports fans. The Fanfest Block Party celebrates the ongoing Women’s NCAA Basketball tournament in Spokane with a live DJ, face painting, food trucks, giveaways, interactive experiences and some exciting surprises. As part of the Spokane Champions Women in Sports initiative, the event is meant to highlight the impact of women’s sports in our community, so get out there and cheer on the incredible female athletes who make the sports world incredible.
Fan Fest Block Party • Sat, March 29 from noon-5 pm • Free • Riverfront Park Butterfly Plaza • 507 N. Howard St. • spokanesports.org
In today’s political climate, it’s more important than ever to reaffirm everyone’s human rights. An easy way to do that this weekend is by attending the Trans Day of Visibility Art Show at the Spokane Central Library. Hosted by Trans Spokane and sponsored by Odyssey Youth Movement, the event showcases the creative endeavors of the trans and gender-expansive community. So far it’s been announced that the show will include work from pop artist Charlotte Samantha Lawrence, the plant-based drag creature Venus Flytrap, and digital artist Teathy. The art show is free to attend and is open to all ages.
Trans Day of Visibility Art Show • Sat, March 29 from 1-4 pm • Free • Spokane Central Library • 906 W. Main Ave. • Instagram: @Trans_Spokane
In terms of pop cultural dream teams that seem like a fantasy, the combination of Jim Henson and David Bowie has to be up there. The two legends came together to create the 1986 puppet-heavy fantasy feature film Labyrinth, which has become a cult classic after fizzling at the box office. Bowie not only played the film’s flamboyant goblin king antagonist Jareth — who kidnaps the baby brother of Sarah, forcing her to journey through the titular mystical maze — he also wrote five songs for the film, helping to sonically worldbuild the fantasy realm alongside Trevor Jones’ score. Labyrinth gets the grand treatment when a live band scores a screening of the family-friendly adventure.
Jim Henson’s Labyrinth in Concert • Mon, March 31 at 7 pm • $46-$122 • Rated PG • Fox Theater • 1001 W. Sprague Ave. • foxtheaterspokane.org
Submit events online at Inlander.com/getlisted or email relevant details to getlisted@inlander.com. We need the details one week prior to our publication date.
While Gonzaga’s NCAA Tournament run came to a quick end this year, there’s plenty of March Madness left for local hoops fans to enjoy considering the Women’s NCAA Tournament descends on Spokane this week. Expect elite play as eight of the game’s best teams — UCLA, USC, UConn, LSU, NC State, Oklahoma, Kansas State and Ole Miss, — will vie for two spots in the Final Four. It’s a slate loaded with star talent, as three of the best players in the country — UConn guard Paige Bueckers, UCLA center Lauren Betts and LSU forward Aneesah Morrow — will all be in action as they look to cut down the nets and keep their championship dreams alive.
Women’s NCAA Basketball Tournament • March 28-31 • $28-$69 per session • Spokane Arena • 720 W. Mallon Ave. • spokanearena.com
Overlooking the majestic views of Lake Coeur d’Alene, the Soundscape Festival is the perfect way to experience the euphoric sounds of blues, country and rock music and true Pacific Northwest nature. Hosted at the Coeur d’Alene Resort, Soundscape is bringing a host of local artists spanning several genres. During the two-day event, artists such as Side Step, Devon Wade, the Sara Brown Band and Ron Greene perform at various locations around the resort. Catch some incredible blues music while taking a lake cruise or soak in the picturesque views from a terrace overlooking the lake. For those who consider themselves outdoor enthusiasts and concert fanatics, this event is the perfect blend of both.
Soundscape Festival • Fri, March 28 and Sat, March 29; times vary • $44-$77 • Coeur d’Alene Resort • 115 S. Second St. • cdaresort.com/ soundscape-festival
ST. PATRICK’S DAY ANGEL Not a leprechaun, but a St. Patrick’s Day angel seen walking the bike path by the falls on Saturday the 15th. I have more compliments to give, oblige me. Inlander will facilitate.
WELL DONE, NC HIGH BANDS! Well done North Central Bands! Last night’s Spring Concert was excellent! Tim Blaydon is doing a fantastic job of motivating the coolest Band Kids to excel at making wonderful and compelling music. Thank you for all your hard work. You’re making the world a more beautiful place!
HIGH DRIVE WATER BOTTLE To whoever found my water bottle on 3/19 in the parking area on High Drive and put it up a guardrail post: Thank You! You are a good soul.
RE: JESSE E. A poet’s heart does speak the part of lovely lines above the din.
Thanks so much for your decades of support for affordable creativity, gifting, and fun. Hours of choosing fabric from a large stock for sewing a variety of goods, chats with helpful staff about yarn colors, picking out seasonal knickknacks, appreciating advice offered by other friendly customers, sorting through paper
options to make cards and tags, a handy place to pick up an INLANDER, and on and on. You’ll be sorely missed, Joann’s. Thanks again to you and your staff!
MY BROTHER’S KEEPER I am not my brother’s keeper and here’s why. As human beings we are not hardwired to give unconditional love. Case in point, your child gives you moments of joy in return for the love and care you give to them. Your dog or pet gives you love and happiness in return for food and shelter. In the case of our homeless and drug addicted we give them free food, medical care, shelter and other services. In return they give us nothing. The human condition reacts to this with either sympathy or anger. If you are sympathetic, you give and give with no return. That’s okay but you are not helping them in the long run. If you are angry you reach out to your leaders who, at the present time, have no answers to the problem. I, personally, am angry because I cannot give unconditional love to those who do not return anything to society. Stop the insanity and give CONDITIONAL love to these folks. Expect more of them and help them to be responsible for themselves.
WHEN.... ...I burgle your home, steal your car, harm your family, or any one of those, I am wanted for those crimes, whether I am the known suspect or not. I know I committed the crimes and there are consequences. Someone knowingly harboring me, as a fugitive, is complicit. Stop the bleeding heart rantings regarding illegal immigrants who are wanted by the law. “Families are shattered...” because someone is unlawfully roaming amongst the citizenry. If you don’t want your family “shattered” follow the law. People are necessarily incarcerated (not often enough) to protect innocent people. Stop interfering with law enforcement officials who are doing their jobs. You really wanna be caught up in that web? Spend your energy helping those who are doing the “things” of life, lawfully, and to no detriment of any. When you’re the victim, you will feel differently. You. Will. Ask those who are. It’s a common conundrum. Stay compassionate; help protect your lawabiding neighbors. Stop being dramatic. Don’t contribute to the chaos. Here’s to hoping YOU and yours are safe from criminals.
DOWNTOWN! There’s talk of towering residential units coming to our downtown....9,000 or so people I think is what they project could be? THINK ABOUT IT! With those people come their dogs urinating all over everything.... stores, planters, poop on the sidewalk. Don’t believe me? Go visit a city where
they have a large population of people living downtown. UNLESS this is thought through beforehand and addressed it’s gonna be gross!
RE: LICENSE FRAUD Please quit with your bellyaching. Literally nobody is sitting around thinking it’s someone else’s responsibility to pay for tabs. You might go around town seeing expired ones (like mine), but there’s a story, a struggle and something behind it. You don’t know anyone’s reason. Our car was stolen, ransacked, destroyed and then found after tabs expired and insurance won’t pay a dime. I’m not going to update tabs before I update my car for our family. Tabs ain’t cheap. Thx.
IT MUST BE ON PURPOSE Jeers to Senate Democrats for wanting to “modify” the “arbitrary” 1% property tax increase. Now they can raise property taxes to whatever they want. I guess they have to find a way to balance the $13 billion Democrat state deficit. Maybe DOGE can look into this.
ANOTHER TANTRUM At a meeting in 2023, a woman gushed Gavin Cooley understands the challenges of living outside: he spent a few years hiking the Pacific Coast Trail. Cooley lacked the good sense and decency to reject that absurd claim. A formerly unhoused woman argued unhoused community members should be at the policy table from Day One. What, Gavin asked the woman, could unhoused people contribute? Who was the woman? She is the Executive Director of a successful nonprofit serving unhoused people with addictions. He finally stated unhoused persons could be invited to offer “a heartfelt invocation” before he & his colleagues began work. Was I surprised to learn that Cooley’s
SOUND OFF 1. Visit Inlander.com/isawyou by 3 pm Monday. 2. Pick a category (I Saw You, You Saw Me, Cheers or Jeers). 3. Provide basic info: your name and email (so we know you’re real). 4. To connect via I Saw You, provide a non-identifying email to be included with your submission — like “petals327@yahoo.com,” not “j.smith@comcast.net.”
guided tours never include the kindness of a handwarmer or hot coffee poured from a thermos? Of course not. After all, nobody did a damn thing for poor Gavin when he was living rough in Goretex on the Pacific Coast Trail. He’s having a tantrum. It started at a meeting when he relegated people he doesn’t respect to “heartfelt invocations” and then getting out of his
way. Now? He tantrums at 5 am, and at 6am he’s served a donated meal.
WHEN ASKED… in her “Ghost Town to Boomtown” interview when asked about “negative activities,” Downtown Spokane President Emilie Cameron replied, “I can’t tell you off the top of my head if homeless counts increased or decreased, but I think it definitely became more noticeable.” First, houselessness is a failure of social safety systems, not a “negative activity” in itself. Second, pay close attention to readily available community data, and put proactive solutions to help with this issue at the top of mind!
AMERICANS ARE BECOMING CRUEL I’ll start by saying that I voted for Trump. I, for one, am entirely fed up with his BS already. First of all, regardless of whether a person is here illegally, they likely weren’t at some point and we, as Americans, invited them here, and then turned around and took everything that they owned and tossed them back into their countries in mass numbers. I think that we need to stand behind the president that we vote into office and stop invalidating the things they have done, regardless. THEY WERE INVITED AND WE SHOULD BE BETTER HOSTS TO SAY THE LEAST!
RE: SUPPORT OUR VETERANS I don’t know where you get your information but… OK. Let’s consider the years following mid-war Afghanistan. At that time there were many vets returning and the VA was not ready to help. Over the years since they have increased their personnel to accommodate that and services were greatly provided to accommodate that. Here we are in 2025, the war is over and the needs for those personnel are diminished yet still required/ wanted? The government needs to cater
to what helps at the time… just like the need for aluminum sheeting for airplanes in WW2. When the amount of a resource is no longer required, you cut down to save money. It’s common sense. Now for your stance on the VA not taking care of their veterans, you are completely wrong. If you are a disgruntled veteran you need to take that up with the VA or get your congressman involved. Don’t get on here and bash something that does great things for veterans. Grrrr
WHY DO YOU STAY? Those who have never gone thru this are the ones who ask this question. When it’s good, it’s very good. When it’s bad, it’s very bad. You don’t want to leave when it’s good, too beat down to leave when it’s bad. Why do you leave? When it’s bad it’s very bad. Why do you come back? When it’s good it’s very good. Why do you stay away at last? Walking down the street with one suitcase and two kids sounds really good. This is just a snippet of domestic violence. What’s your snippet?
POTHOLES They are back! OK so it’s that time of year and the melt happened sooner, and what should appear//but hundreds of potholes our tires always fear.//They seem to grow bigger and wider and bold even though the road workers cram materials into the holes.// We play dodgems each day, figuring out where we can drive, looking like a drunkard to the drivers behind,//Our cars silently sigh from the crevices so deep and uneven, ruining their tires and struts for no apparent reason.//We can’t fill in the roads until the weather is warmer, says the road department’s constant unending answer.//Oh well all we can do is sit back and wait and wonder,//which roads will be filled that the City will ponder.//We may have more people moving to Spokane,// but the potholes will outnumber them ten thousand to one! n
posting at any time at its sole discretion and assumes no responsibility for the content.
Spokane County Master Gardener
NERDGASM A burlesque fundraiser show featuring drag, live music dancers and more. Proceeds benefit Spectrum Center Spokane’s gender affirming products program. March 28-29 at 7 pm. $35. The Guardian, 1403 N. Washington St. spectrumcenterspokane.org
CELEBRATE CIVC: STARS OF THE NIGHT An evening of fundraising for Spokane Civic Theatre featuring special performances from season 77, live and silent auctions, a reveal of the Civic’s 78th season and more. March 29, 6 pm. $100-$260. The Boxcar Room, 116 W. Pacific Ave. spokanecivictheatre.com
ROMEO & JULIET FUNDRAISER Partnering for Progress and Spokane Civic Theatre host a performance of Romeo & Juliet featuring raffle items, appetizers, a photo booth and more. Proceeds benefit programs in Kenya. April 2, 6-9:30 pm. $20-$38. Spokane Civic Theatre, 1020 N. Howard St. partneringforprogress.org (509-720-8408)
AMERICAN MISFITS TOUR Michael Loftus, a prolific comedy writer, and Dave Landau, host of Normal World, come together for a night of comedy. March 27-29 at 7 pm, March 28-19 at 9:45 pm. $22-$30. Spokane Comedy Club, 315 W. Sprague. spokanecomedyclub.com (509-318-9998)
BLUE DOORS & DRAGONS Watch as fearless improvisers embark on a quest shaped entirely by audience suggestions, daring dice rolls and pure imagination in this Dungeons & Dragons-inspired improv show. March 28, 7:30 pm. $9. Blue Door Theatre, 319 S. Cedar St. bluedoortheatre.org (509-747-7045)
SAFARI A fully improvised comedy show fueled by audience suggestions. March 28, 9:30 pm. $9. Blue Door Theatre, 319 S. Cedar St. bluedoortheatre. org (509-747-7045)
CANADIAN STEAM Starring Canadian improvisers and male dancers, this show delivers hilarious takes on all things Canuck, from syrup-slinging to moose-riding and everything in between. March 29, 7:30 pm. $50-$57. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. bingcrosbytheater.com
DARCI LYNNE Lynne appeared on America’s Got Talent performing ventriloquy using her puppets Petunia, Oscar, Edna and more. March 30, 6 pm. $35. Spokane Comedy Club, 315 W. Sprague. spokanecomedyclub.com
THAT ONE MAILMAN Sean Fogelson started on TikTok and has progressed to sharing hilarious stories about his life with audiences. April 1, 7 pm. $25-$35. Spokane Comedy Club, 315 W. Sprague. spokanecomedyclub.com
SHOW From flying to Mars to sword fighting with grandma, Ferris High School students put on an improv comedy show. April 1, 7-8:15 pm. $7. Ferris High School, 3020 E. 37th Ave. ferristheatrearts.com/thesperados
LACE LARRABEE Larrabee was a season 17 semifinalist on America’s Got Talent. April 3, 7 pm. $27-$37. Spokane Comedy Club, 315 W. Sprague. spokanecomedyclub.com (509-318-9998)
NORTHWEST IMPROV FEST 2025 A three-day festival of improv shows, workshops and community building
with headliner Musical Monday. April 3-5, daily. See website for full schedule. $37-$75. Bing Crosby Theater, 901 W. Sprague Ave. nwimprovfest.com
SUSAN RICE A Portland-based comedian who has opened for comics like Jerry Seinfeld, Rich Shydner, Paula Poundstone, and recently Maria Bamford and Arsenio Hall. April 4-6; Fri-Sat at 7 & 9:45 pm, Sun at 7 pm. $25-$35. Spokane Comedy Club, 315 W. Sprague. spokanecomedyclub.com
BITCH ‘N’ STITCH Grab your crochet, knitting, embroidery, weaving, cross stitch, felting, looming, macrame, friendship bracelets and craft casually in the company of others. Every second and last Thursday at 6:30 pm. Free. Lunarium, 1925 N. Monroe St. facebook. com/Lunarium.Spokane
THE EVOLUTION OF THE JAPANESE SWORD This exhibition showcases Japanese swords as more than a mere weapon of war. The iconic samurai sword of Japan and its accompanying fittings were elevated to works of high art that were treasured and collected for their beauty. Tue-Sun from 10 am-5 pm through May 4. $9-$15. Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture, 2316 W. First. northwestmuseum.org
A panel discussion and an open Q&A session covering a range of topics, from how political polarization affects public health policy to public health-centered approaches to justice and how to identify barriers in translating scientific research into public health policy. March 27, 4 pm. Free. Gonzaga University Jepson Center, 502 E. Boone. gonzaga.edu
REOPENING Heartbreaker Tattoo celebrates the opening of its new location across from North Central High School with three days of buy-on-get-one tattoos. March 28-30, daily from noon-10 pm. Free. Heartbreaker Tattoo, 601 W Maxwell Ave. heartbreakerspokane. com (509-990-7234)
HOMESCHOOL DAY Homeschool students of all ages are invited to participate in drop-in art activities, special Campbell House activity stations and access to all the open galleries. March 28, 12-4 pm. $6. Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture, 2316 W. First Ave. northwestmuseum.org (509-456-3931)
THE SPOKANE ROCK ROLLERS 64TH ANNUAL GEM & MINERAL SHOW This annual show features over 40 dealers of rocks, crystals, minerals, fossils, gems, jewelry and more. The event also features activities for kids, demonstrations, silent auctions and more. March 28-30; Fri-Sat from 10 am-6 pm, Sun from 10 am-4 pm. $10-$12. Spokane County Fair & Expo Center, 404 N. Havana St. rockrollersclub.org
33 ARTISTS MARKET A curated art market featuring over 30 local vendors such as Megan Perkins, Drye Goods, Ttrash Glass, Color Halo and more selling handmade goods. March 29, 11 amnoon. Free. Woman’s Club of Spokane, 1428 W. Ninth. 33artistsmarket.com
The grand opening of Dream Studio, a photo studio and event space available for rent by the hour or the day, plus monthly residencies. March 29, 1-4 pm. Free. Dream Studio, 811 W. Second Ave. instagram.com/dreamstudionw
EWU RACIAL RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS PROJECT WORKSHOP If your home has a clause restricting all “nonCaucasians” from living in it, this workshop will give you the tools you need to file a Racial Covenant Amendment Form. March 29, 2:30-3:30 pm. Free. Indian Trail Library, 4909 W. Barnes Rd. spokanelibrary.org (509-444-5300)
INLAND NORTHWEST BOOK ARTS SOCIETY MEET-UP The group meets monthly to practice and teach different aspects of book arts. March 29, 10-11:30 am. Free. The Hive, 2904 E. Sprague Ave. spokanelibrary.org
Join astrologer Jessica Martin for an overview of the planetary transits for the month and what they mean. April 1, 6-7 pm. Free. South Hill Library, 3324 S. Perry St. spokanelibrary.org
LIBRARY NINJA WARRIOR COMPETITION Participate in a variety of library activities and compete for the title of Dewey Decimator. Grades K-5. April 2, 3:30-4:30 pm. Free. Cheney Library, 610 First St. scld.org (509-893-8280)
MUNITY EVENT A weekly event that helps people feel seen, heard and connected within our community. It provides open dialogue on topics that unite us, rather than divide us. April 3, 10:30 am-noon. Free. Central Library, 906 W. Main Ave. spokanelibrary.org
FASHION WEEK SPOKANE This event features local slow fashion shops and boutiques, live music from Madrona Hallow, aerial performances from Coil Studio and local artists. April 3, 5:30-9 pm. $30. Washington Cracker Co. Building, 304 W. Pacific. instagram.com/ fashionweekspokane
GIVING JOY DAY Celebrate Eastern Washington University’s 143rd birthday with 1,882 minutes of celebrations including cheerleaders, an appearance from Swoop, cupcakes and a performance from the EWU music department singers. April 3, 12-2 pm. Free. Eastern Washington University, 526 Fifth St. ewu.edu/give/giving-joy-day
SPOKANE ZERO WASTE MEND-IT CAFE Community members can bring clothing and textiles in need of repair. They’ll be paired up with a mender who will fix the item(s) at no charge. April 3, 2-5 pm. Free. The Hive, 2904 E. Sprague Ave. spokanezerowaste.org
ARTS AND CRAFTS FAIR An arts and crafts fair featuring a silent auction, quilts, home goods, children’s items, devotionals, artisan gifts and more. April 5, 4-5:45 pm and April 6, 7:30 am1:30 pm. Free. Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes, 1115 W. Riverside Ave. spokanecathedral.com (509-358-4290)
THE PRICE IS RIGHT LIVE Play classic games just like on television’s longestrunning game show for prizes that may include appliances, vacations and possibly a new car. April 5, 4:30 & 7:30 pm. $29-$49. Northern Quest Resort & Casino, 100 N. Hayford Road. northernquest.com (509-242-7000)
MOSCOW FILM SOCIETY YI YI: Yi Yi follows a middle-class family in Taipei over the course of one year, beginning with a wedding and ending with a funeral. March 27, 6:30-9:30 pm. $8. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. kenworthy. org (208-882-4127)
BURLESQUE A small-town girl ventures to Los Angeles and finds her place in a neo-burlesque club run by a former dancer. March 28, 7-9 pm.
$8. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. kenworthy.org (208-882-4127)
SHERLOCK JR. A showing of Buster Keaton’s silent film Sherlock Jr. with a live soundtrack played by CelloBop. March 28, 7-9 pm. $15-30. Wallenstien Theater, 6989 College Pkwy NE. cba-arts.org (509-793-0792)
MOSCOW LEBOWSKI FEST An allday event featuring bowling, trivia, a costume contest and more culminating in a screening of The Big Lebowski. March 29, 4-9:30 pm. $20$40. The Kenworthy, 508 S. Main St. palousecultfilms.org
Join Commellini Estate’s chef for an interactive culinary journey celebrating filled pasta. This hands-on masterclass teaches how to craft a variety of filled pasta shapes and styles. March 28, 6:30-8:30 pm. $85. Commellini Estate, 14715 N. Dartford Dr. commelliniestate.com
WINE TASTING Sample a selection of global wines while enjoying small appetizers. March 28, 12-6 pm. $10. The Kitchen Engine, 621 W. Mallon Ave. thekitchenengine.com
SOURDOUGH WORKSHOP A twoday sourdough workshop where you will dive into the basics and bake sourdough crackers, baguettes and brownies. March 30, 4-6 pm and March 31, 5:45-8 pm. $150. The Kitchen Engine, 621 W. Mallon Ave. thekitchenengine.com
YOUR PATH FOR SETTING UP A TEMPORARY FOOD ESTABLISHMENT Learn the steps needed for starting a temporary food establishment to test culinary ideas without the capital needed to open a brick and mortar location. March 31, 5-7 pm. Free. The Hive, 2904 E. Sprague Ave. spokanelibrary.org
EAT LIKE AN ASTRONAUT Explore how and what astronauts eat with a taste test. April 1, 4-5 pm. Free. Indian Trail Library, 4909 W. Barnes Rd. spokanelibrary.org (509-444-5300)
CHILI RELLEÑOS CLASS Chef, Vira teaches a step-by-step class in how prepare this classic Mexican favorite. April 3, 12-1:30 pm. $65. The Kitchen Engine, 621 W. Mallon Ave. thekitchenengine.com (509-328-3335)
WINEFEST Enjoy sips throughout various locations as they become pop-up tasting rooms each showcasing various regional wines. April 5, 2-6 pm. Downtown Coeur d’Alene, Sherman Ave. cdadowntown.com
SOUNDSCAPE FESTIVAL 2025 A two-day music festival featuring bands performing blues, country and rock music. See website for full event schedule. March 28, 5:30-10 pm and March 29, 3:30-10 pm. $42$77. The Coeur d’Alene Resort, 115 S. Second. cdaresort.com
CROOKED KILT A multi-instrumental traditional and eclectic music
performance featuring Celtic tunes. March 29, 6-8 pm. $12-$15. Create Arts Center, 900 Fourth St., Newport. createarts.org (509-447-9277)
BACHATHON The organ music of Johann Sebastian Bach performed in three locations by a traveling team of four organists: Marietta Hardy, Mark Haberman, Jonathan Truong, and Henry Bauer. March 30, 1 pm. Free. Whitworth Community Presbyterian Church, 312 W. Hawthorne Rd. spokaneago.org/bachathon
JIM HENSON’S LABYRINTH IN CONCERT A screening of the 1986 film Labyrinth starring David Bowie while a live band performs the songs from the film’s score. March 31, 7 pm. $46-$122. The Fox Theater, 1001 W. Sprague Ave. foxthe-
aterspokane.org (509-624-1200)
SIDE BY SIDE The Spokane Symphony performs several works from its current season and the EWU Orchestra joins them on stage to premiere performances of selected student compositions, in addition to pieces from films like Howl’s Moving Castle. April 3, 7:30 pm. $5-$10. Eastern Washington University, 526 Fifth St. ewu.edu/music
OPEN PLAY PICKLEBALL Play pickleball at the HUB. Every week Mon-Thu from 10 am-noon or 1-3 pm. $5.50-$7. HUB
Sports Center, 19619 E. Cataldo Ave. hubsportscenter.org (509-927-0602)
2025 NCAA DIVISION 1 WOMEN’S BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP Watch eight teams battle it out with two teams heading to the Women’s Final Four. March 2831; times vary. $28-$69. Spokane Arena, 720 W. Mallon Ave. spokanearena.com
SCHWEITZER COMMUNITY DAY A discounted day of skiing with $20 lift tickets. All proceeds benefit Community Cancer Services. March 28. $20. Schweitzer, 10,000 Schweitzer Mountain Rd. schweitzer.com (208-263-9555)
FAN FEST BLOCK PARTY Celebrate women’s sports with food vendors, activities, giveaways, a DJ and special
surprises. Located at Riverfront Park’s Butterfly Plaza. March 29, 12-5 pm. Free. Riverfront Park, 507 N. Howard St. championwomensports.com (509-625-6600)
COMPACT GARDEN, BOUNTIFUL HARVEST: TIPS FOR SMALL GARDENS Garden4You teaches how to manage space for max yield. April 2, 5:30-7 pm. Free. Shadle Library, 2111 W. Wellesley. spokanelibrary.org
DISNEY’S NEWSIES JR. When titans of publishing raise distribution prices at the newsies’ expense, Jack Kelly rallies
(Spokane, Washington and client sites throughout United States).
Job Duties: Design layout drawings of new processing lines and redesign and modify existing production lines.
Engineer and design large automation projects including - in-feed lines grading camera systems with internal and external quality. Including packing, sizing, product storage, bin tippers, toppers, palletizing and hood stretching.
Design and engineer processing equipment for flower bulbs such as graders, root peelers, bulb separators and sizers.
Responsible for detailed drawings, layouts and overseeing that projects are installed on time and completely functioning with SAT - Site Acceptance Test.
Remote work is permitted.
Travel and work at client sites throughout the United States. The frequency of travel will be 6-7 times per year to client sites throughout the United States.
Annual Salary Range: $71,386 to $80,000. Partial reimbursement for Healthcare Insurance Premiums.
Minimum Requirements (Degree, Work Experience,
Other): Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering or engineering management or foreign equivalent; Minimum of 3 years experience in agricultural industries involving bulbs crops of onions, potatoes, flower bulbs and seeds. Proficient in 3d and 2d Cad Systems with drawings. Effective communications skills.
Mail Resumes and Cover Letter to CPI Consulting and Marketing LLC, 6815 S. Wilcox Lane, Spokane WA 99206, Alicia@cpiconsulting.us.
young workers from across the city to strike against the unfair conditions and fight for what’s right. March 27-28 at 7 pm. $15. Spokane Community College, 1810 N. Greene St. cataldo.org
DISNEY’S MOANA, JR. Guided by the ocean’s call and her grandmother’s wisdom, Moana, the spirited daughter of Motunui’s chief, sets sail on a daring quest to restore the stolen Heart of Te Fiti and save her island from impending darkness. March 28-30, Fri-Sat at 7 pm, Sat-Sun at 2 pm, Sat also at 10 am.. $10. Chewelah Center for the Arts, 405 N. Third St. chewelahcenterforthearts.com
ROMEO & JULIET Verona’s Montague and Capulet families have been feuding for ages and whenever they meet, vio-
lence breaks out. March 28-April 13; ThuSat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm. $15-$40. Spokane Civic Theatre, 1020 N. Howard St. spokanecivictheatre.com
ALONZO KING LINES BALLET A show paying tribute to Alice Coltrane and the imaginative storytelling of Maurice Ravel in Ma mère l’Oye through King’s choreography. March 29, 7:30 pm. $10. Myrtle Woldson Performing Arts Center, 211 E. Desmet Ave. gonzaga.edu/mwpac
CHIPPENDALE A night of dancing by the world-famous Chippendales featuring high-energy performances, music and more. March 30, 8 pm. $58-$118. Spokane Tribe Resort & Casino, 14300 W. SR Highway 2. spokanetribecasino.com
MARCH ON TO THE MOON A group show featuring printmaker Jill McFarlane and fiber artist Jenni Barry. Wed-Sat from 11 am-5 pm through March 29. Free. New Moon Art Gallery, 1326 E. Sprague Ave. manicmoonandmore.com
MASTER OF FINE ARTS THESIS EXHIBITION A collection of work from WSU Master of Fine Arts candidates Cameron Kester, Anna Le, Abigail Nnaji and Sara St. Clair. Tue-Sat from 10 am-4 pm through June 28. Free. Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art WSU, 1535 NE Wilson Rd. museum.wsu.edu
tion includes a DJ, snacks and the three artists sharing their work. March 29, 4-7 pm. Free. Terrain Gallery, 628 N. Monroe. terrainspokane.com
A showcase of local transgender and gender expansive artists. Refreshments provided. March 29, 1-4 pm. Free. Central Library, 906 W. Main Ave. instagram. com/Trans_Spokane (509-444-5336)
KAY WEST: BUTTONS & BAUBLES Kay West showcases acrylic paintings, collage, baubles and fiber involving buttons. March 30-April 27, daily from 11 am-7 pm. Free. Pottery Place Plus, 203 N. Washington St. potteryplaceplus.com
DROP IN & DRAW Explore different artis-
tic mediums, develop skills and ideas and cultivate imagination. Supplies and projects provided. Wednesdays from 5:30-7 pm. Free. Spark Central, 1214 W. Summit. spark-central.org
OPEN ART NIGHT Bring your own materials and grab a chair for creative time with a side of chatting. Every first and third Wednesday of the month from 6-9 pm. Free. Lunarium, 1925 N. Monroe St. facebook.com/Lunarium.Spokane
OPEN STUDIO See what current artists in residence are up to, and tour the building. Every Wednesday from 4-7 pm. The Hive, 2904 E. Sprague Ave. spokanelibrary.org (509-444-5300)
...continued on next page
*Session types and hours are subject to change on holidays and during other special event celebrations. Please see the Bingo venue for more details.
FRI Regular Session
– Bingo Chicks Night. Receive a wine glass with your buy-in
(minimum $50 buy-in to qualify). $5 glass of wine vouchers available.
SAT Matinee Session
Regular Session
$25). All regular games pay $1,000.
Bingo upstairs all weekend!
FRI Regular Session –
Bingo Chicks Night
$5 Buy-in
(minimum electronic buy-in
$25). All regular games pay
$1,000. Receive a servicing tray with your buy-in
(minimum $50 buy-in to qualify). $5 glass of wine vouchers available.
SAT Matinee Session
FRI Regular Session –
Bingo Chicks Night. Receive a set of DOF glasses with your buy-in
(minimum $50 buy-in to qualify). $5 glass of wine vouchers available
SAT Matinee Session
FRI Regular Session –Bingo Chicks Night. Receive a serving board with your buy-in
(minimum $50 buy-in to qualify). $5 glass of wine vouchers available.
SAT Matinee Session
SUN Regular Session – $5 Buy-in
(minimum electronic buy-in
MON Monday Night Bingo
Regular Session
– $5 Buy-in
(minimum electronic buy-in
$25). All regular games pay $1,000.
SUN Regular Session
– $5 Buy-in
(minimum electronic buy-in $25). All regular games pay $1,000.
MON Monday Night Bingo
Regular Session –“I’m a BINGO Chick” T-Shirt Giveaway
Included in buy-in. While supplies last during Regular Session only.
SUN Regular Session –Easter Basket Bingo
$5 Buy-in
(minimum electronic buy-in
$25). All regular games pay $1,000. 10 drawings for Easter Baskets!
MON Monday Night Bingo
Regular Session
SUN Regular Session
– $5 Buy-in
(minimum electronic buy-in $25). All regular games pay $1,000.
MON Monday Night Bingo
FIRST FRIDAY Art galleries and businesses across downtown Spokane and beyond host monthly receptions to showcase new displays of art. First Fridays of each month from 5-8 pm. Free. Spokane. firstfridayspokane.org
AND GENIE MAPLES Maria La Fleur is an emerging, self-taught artist living in the Inland Northwest who works mostly with acrylics. Genie Maples’ work encompasses massive elaborate oil paintings, intricate stitching, intimate drawings and experimental assemblage pieces. April 4, 3-7 pm. Free. Avenue West Gallery, 907 W. Boone Ave. avenuewestgallery.com (509-838-4999)
comics while mingling with fellow artists, drinking tea and eating treats. Every month on the first Saturday from 3-5 pm. Free. Lunarium, 1925 N. Monroe St. lunariumspokane.com
Bring your gently used arts and crafts supplies to the library and exchange them for something that other community members have brought. Supplies must be gently used and still viable for crafting. April 5, 10 am-1 pm. Free. North Spokane Library, 44 E. Hawthorne Rd. scld.org
FAIR Enjoy printmaking demonstrations, purchase prints for sale, browse print displays from a variety of local print artists and meet the Artists-In-Residence at The Hive. April 5, 2-5 pm. Free. The Hive, 2904 E. Sprague Ave. spokanelibrary.org (509-444-5300)
MATT KRACHT: A DUMB BIRDS FIELD GUIDE TO THE WORST BIRDS EVER Professional birding amateur and national bestselling author Matt Kracht’s new book is a warning anda field guide to help you identify and stay away from the absolute worst birds ever to plague planet Earth. March 27, 7-8:30 pm. Free. Auntie’s Bookstore, 402 W. Main Ave. auntiesbooks.com
DROP IN & WRITE Aspiring writers are invited to be a part of a supportive writers’ community. Bring works in progress to share, get inspired with creative prompts and spend some focused time writing. Hosted by local writers Jenny Davis and Hannah Engel. Thursdays from 5:30-7 pm. Free. Spark Central, 1214 W. Summit Pkwy. spark-central.org
Discuss Murder at the Spring Ball by Benedict Brown at the March meeting. March 27, 12-1 pm. Free. auntiesbooks.com
POETRY AFTER DARK EWU MFA students lead discussions about craft elements, style and form in poetry. Every Tuesday from 5:307 pm. Free. Spark Central, 1214 W. Summit Pkwy. spark-central.org
STORY AND CRAFT A read-aloud of a popular children’s book will
be followed by an optional craft related to the story. Ages 3-7. Every Saturday from 11 am-noon. Cost of admission. Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture, 2316 W. First. northwestmuseum.org
QUEER BOOK CLUB Join bookseller Beth this month to talk about the book Family Meal by Bryan Washington. Last Mon. of every month, 6-7 pm. Free. Wishing Tree Books, 1410 E. 11th Ave. wishingtreebookstore.com
HELGA MELMED: HOLOCAUSTAUSCHWITZ SURVIVOR Helga Melmed shares her story and the desperate conditions she endured during the reign of the Nazi regime and her fight to stay alive in the most infamous death camp. April 1, 7 pm. $30 to $250. Spokane Convention Center, 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. spokanecenter.com (509-990-7878)
TEEN WRITE CLUB Teen writers are invited to get feedback on their work and explore all things prose and poetry. Every Tuesday from 5:30-7 pm. Free. Spark Central, 1214 W. Summit Pkwy. sparkcentral.org (509-279-0299)
BROKEN MIC A weekly open mic reading series. Wednesdays at 6:30 pm; sign-ups at 6 pm. Free. Neato Burrito, 827 W. First Ave. bit.ly/2ZAbugD (509-847-1234)
Stretch your writing skills with fun prompts, character creation, world building and more. Every Wednesday from 3:30-4:30 pm. Ages 8-12. Free. Moscow Public Library, 110 S. Jefferson St. latahlibrary.org (208-882-3925)
GROUP A weekly meet-up for creative writers in any and all mediums to have a semi-structured time to work on and get feedback on their projects. Face masks are required and will be provided to those who don’t already have one. 2-4 pm. Free!. Great Harvest Bread Co., 2530 E. 29th Ave. greatharvestspokane.com
PRESCHOOL STORYTIME PLAY & LEARN Share books, songs and fun. After storytime, spend some time in open play with learning activities. Every Wed from 10-11 am. Free. South Hill Library, 3324 S. Perry St. spokanelibrary.org
HARMONY WRITERS GROUP A writing group focused on memoir and craft. Every other week on Thursday from 5:15-7 pm. Free. Liberty Park Library, 402 S. Pittsburgh St. spokanelibrary.org
Kat Smith-Blum discusses her newest novel set at the Hanford Nuclear Site. April 3, 1:30-3 pm. Free. South Hill Library, 3324 S. Perry St. spokanelibrary.org
ARTISTS’ TALKS AND RECEPTION Artist talks from this year’s MFA candidates are Cameron Kester, Anna Le, Abigail Nnaji, and Sara St. Clair. Each speaks briefly to introduce the body of work they are presenting in the exhibition. April 4, 3-6 pm. Free.
Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art WSU, 1535 NE Wilson Rd. museum.wsu.edu (509-335-1910) n
Idaho, once again, takes a stand against cannabis
Over the past decade, almost every state in the nation has moved in the same direction, either legalizing cannabis or moving closer to legalizing it. Idaho, on the other hand, has bucked that trend.
Earlier this month, the state approved a bill that would effectively ban the legalization of cannabis in Idaho by popular vote. It would put the issue of legalization in the hands of state lawmakers that have said, repeatedly, they will not do it.
The Idaho Legislature passed House Joint Resolution 4, which if approved by voters this fall, would amend the state constitution and take away voters’ rights when it comes to cannabis.
“Effective immediately upon adoption by the voters of Idaho, only the legislature of the state of Idaho shall have power and authority to legalize the
growing, producing, manufacturing, transporting, selling, delivering, dispensing, administering, prescribing, distributing, possessing, or using of marijuana,” the proposed amendment to the state constitution says.
The Legislature is asking the people to give all power to the government.
Remember, the language says, “only the legislature of the state of Idaho shall have the power.”
There is currently an active push to legalize medical marijuana in Idaho — not only is recreational cannabis illegal in Idaho, it is one of the few states where medical marijuana is not legal either.
With House Joint Resolution 4, the state government is doubling down on that backwards ideology.
Every state or territory that touches Idaho, even the LDS stronghold of Utah, is more progressive when it comes to cannabis. Washington, Oregon, Nevada and Montana say it is outright legal for adults — Canada, too. Wyoming and Utah allow the medical use of cannabis. Idaho, though? Nope. Neither.
And now the Legislature is asking people to agree that they can’t even vote for it.
Only the Legislature shall have the power. On the one hand, the people of Idaho vote their legislators into office. On the other, don’t they deserve better? Shouldn’t they get to choose?
Well, when it comes to cannabis, we may not be able to find out. They won’t be able to tell us at the ballot box, where Washington and many other states have legalized cannabis, unless they vote against House Joint Resolution 4. They have one chance to do it, when this constitutional amendment goes on the general election ballot. n
Be aware of the differences in the law between Idaho and Washington. It is illegal to possess, sell or transport cannabis in the State of Idaho. Possessing up to an ounce is a misdemeanor and can get you a year in jail and up to a $1,000 fine; more than three ounces is a felony that can carry a five-year sentence and fine of up to $10,000. Transporting marijuana across state lines, like from Washington into Idaho, is a felony under federal law.
BE AWARE: Marijuana is legal for adults 21 and older under Washington State law (e.g., RCW 69.50, RCW 69.51A, HB0001 Initiative
and Senate Bill 5052). State law does not preempt federal law; possessing, using, distributing and selling marijuana remains illegal under federal law. In Washington state, consuming marijuana in public, driving while under the influence of marijuana and transporting marijuana across state lines are all illegal. Marijuana has intoxicating effects; there may be health risks associated with its consumption, and it may be habit-forming. It can also impair concentration, coordination and judgment. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of this drug. Keep out of reach of children. For more information, consult the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board at www.liq.wa.gov.
Discover the perfect getaway at Two Rivers Resort, where relaxation meets adventure on the water. Secure a boat slip for moorage, rent a luxurious houseboat, or cruise the lake on a pontoon—perfect for fishing or lounging in the sun. Stay in a cozy cabin or bring your RV and enjoy full-hookup sites with stunning views. Need supplies? Our has everything from snacks to fishing tackle. Whether you're here to unwind or reel in the big one, Two Rivers Resort has it all!