Diary of Events

Richard Salter KC
Hilary Term Call Night
Thursday 20 March
Trinity Term Call Night
Thursday 24 July
Deferred Trinity Term Call Night
Thursday 9 October
Michaelmas Term Call Night
Thursday 27 November
Date Lecturer
17 February Professor Sandy Steel, University of Oxford
3 March Professor Penney Lewis, Law Commission and KCL
8 October
The Rt Hon Sir Robert Buckland KBE KC, former Conservative MP and Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice from 2019 to 2021. Master of the Bench
12 November The Rt Hon The Baroness Carr of Walton-onthe-Hill DBE, Lady Chief Justice of England and Wales. Master of the Bench
The Outreach Team runs events for a range of audiences and utilises practising barristers and judges as volunteers. If you would like to know more about our activities, or want to receive volunteering requests, please email outreach@innertemple.org.uk
Information on each term’s events will be emailed to students and on innertemple.org.uk/qualifyingsessions
Qualifying Sessions are for Bar Course students only. To make a booking through our website, students will need to first login to the Members Area.
Dress Code
Unless otherwise stated the dress code for In-person Qualifying Sessions is business attire, no gowns.
All pupils must complete an advocacy training course before commencing their second six of pupillage. Information on the courses delivered by the Inner Temple is available on innertemple.org.uk/pupils-advocacy-course.
The Inner Temple runs its New Practitioners Programme twice a year for those practitioners in their first three full years of practice. Information on the programme is available on innertemple.org.uk/new-practitioners.
For member practitioners with more than three years in practice, the Inner Temple provides a programme of optional CPD activities and events throughout the year. For more information, contact EstablishedBarristers@innertemple.org.uk or visit innertemple.org.uk/events.
Full details of all events will be emailed to members on term notices, innertemple.org.uk/events and in Innerview.
Bookings for all non-qualifying session events will close seven working days prior to the event.
Call to the Bar: Call Nights (Business attire, gowns)
Drinks are available for Benchers from 5.15pm.
The Call Ceremony in the Temple Church starts at 6pm and is followed by a champagne reception. The evening usually ends by 8.30pm.
The Hilary Term Call Night takes place in The Inner Temple Treasury Building.
Contact Education & Training Department at call@innertemple.org.uk on 020 7797 8212.
Grand Day
(The dress and format for Grand Day will be advertised nearer the time)
Private Guest Nights (Black tie)
A champagne reception followed by dinner for Benchers, Members of Hall, Students, and their guests.
There are two Private Guest Nights. Benchers may bring one guest. Members of Hall and Students may bring more than one guest subject to capacity.
Benchers’ Nights (Black tie)
A champagne reception and dinner to which Benchers may bring their spouse, partner, or other guest. There are two Benchers’ Nights each year.
Amity Dinner at The Inner Temple (Black tie)
A champagne reception followed by dinner for Benchers with a limited number of places for Members of the Hall and Students.
Dinner following Bench Table (Business attire)
A dinner open to all Governing Benchers attending bench table. Bar Guest Night (Black tie)
A champagne and canapé reception followed by dinner and entertainment for Benchers, Members of Hall, and their guests.
Masters of the Bench: Emails listing the term’s events are sent out at least six weeks before the start of term and Benchers should either reply to the Member Events Team on members@innertemple.org.uk or book via innertemple.org.uk/events.
Members of Hall and Students: innertemple.org.uk/events or contact the Member Events Team on 020 7797 8264.
Sunday Lunch (Smart)
1. Mothering Sunday Lunch
2. Remembrance Sunday Lunch
Open to all members and their guests.
Contact the Member Events Team on 020 7797 8264, members@innertemple.org.uk or innertemple.org.uk/events.
3. Middle Temple Sunday Lunch
On Sundays when Middle Temple is holding a Lunch, Inner Temple members may book to attend.
4. 15 June (Father’s Day)
Contact Rachel Pydiah at Middle Temple on 020 7427 4820 or r.pydiah@middletemple.org.uk.
Opening Times
For opening times and all Church information go to www.templechurch.com.
Holy Communion (said) is celebrated at 1.15pm and ends at approximately 1.45pm.
Holy Communion (said) is celebrated at 8.30am.
Choral Mattins or Choral Communion begin at 11.15am on Sundays except on Remembrance Day when assembly is by 10.50am.
Weekday services of Choral Evensong are held every Wednesday in term time at 6pm, unless otherwise stated for special occasions.
2025 Easter Services:
13 April Choral Mattins (Palm Sunday)
17 April
18 April
Communion for Maundy Thursday
Mattins for Good Friday
19 April Choral Communion for Holy Saturday
20 April Choral Communion for Easter Sunday
The Easter Vigil service is held at 8pm.
Midnight Choral Communion on Christmas Eve is held at 11.15pm.
The services of the Book of Common Prayer (1662) are used.
1. The Treasurer alone may invite guests to Grand Day.
2. Benchers may introduce to dine on a Private Guest Night, a guest who has attained the age of 18, who is not their spouse or partner, who is not a member of The Inner Temple practising as a Barrister in England or Wales (this rule may be waived with the prior agreement of the Treasurer), and who is not a Student of any of the Inns of Court.
3. Guests will be seated near to their host.
4. A Master of the Bench may introduce their spouse or partner as a guest to dine on Benchers’ Night. There is no limit to the number of Benchers’ Nights which a Master of the Bench may apply to attend; where, however, a Benchers’ Night is over-subscribed, priority will be given to Masters of the Bench who have not attended an earlier Benchers’ Night in the same calendar year.
The Master of the Bench who is to take the chair
5. At dining events, if the Treasurer and Reader are both absent, the Senior Bencher present shall take the chair, even if they are no longer a Governing Bencher.
6. When there is to be the Loyal Toast, the procedure shall be as follows: Master Treasurer: “Master (the Junior Master of the Bench present), the King”. All those present rise. The junior Master of the Bench present: “Master Treasurer, the King”. All those present: “The King”.
Advocacy Training Committee
Archives Committee
Bar Liaison Committee
Bencher Nomination Committee
Bench Table
Circuits Committee
Communications, Information
Technology and Artificial Intelligence committee
Education & Training Committee
Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Committee
Estates Committee
Executive Committee
Finance Sub-Committee
International Committee
Investment Sub-Committee
Library Committee
Pegasus Scholarships Trust
Pension Scheme Trustees
Qualifying Sessions Committee
Student Engagement & Support Committee
Scholarships & Outreach Committee
Temple Church Trust
Treasurer Nomination Committee
Education Programme Manager (Pupils & New Practitioners)
Director of the Treasury Office
Membership Registrar
Technology & Communications Officer
Director of Education
Head of the Sub-Treasurer’s Office
Director of Properties & Surveyor
Head of the Sub-Treasurer’s Office
Pegasus Trust Co-ordinator
Education Programme Manager (Pre-Pupillage)
Education Engagement Co-ordinator
Senior Manager (Scholarships & Outreach)
Under-Treasurer of Middle Temple
020 7797 8175
020 7797 8177
020 7797 8181
020 7797 8250 enquiries@innertemple.org.uk
020 7797 8181
020 7797 8182 nruiz@innertemple.org.uk
020 7797 8264 members@innertemple.org.uk
Head of the Sub-Treasurer’s Office
PA to the Sub-Treasurer
Treasury Office
Director of the Treasury Office
Assistant to Director of the Treasury Office
Member Events & Administration
020 7797 8206
020 7797 8229 pclark@innertemple.org.uk
020 7797 8185 jwhittaker@innertemple.org.uk
020 7797 8186 eprayer@innertemple.org.uk
020 7797 8203 rsnowdon@innertemple.org.uk
020 7797 8217 library@innertemple.org.uk
Membership Registrar
Technology & Communications Officer
Assistant Collector
Director of Properties and Surveyor
Library Enquiries
020 7797 8217
020 7797 8214 gfleming@innertemple.org.uk
020 7797 8208 education@innertemple.org.uk
020 7797 8240 outreach@innertemple.org.uk
Librarian & Keeper of Manuscripts
Director of Education
General and Volunteering Enquiries
020 7797 8211
020 7797 8210
020 7438 2310
020 7797 8209
020 7438 2311
020 7797 8257
020 7438 2311 qs@innertemple.org.uk
Pegasus Scholarship Trust
Professional Training: Pupils and New Practitioners
Professional Training: Established Barristers
Call to the Bar
Qualifying Sessions
020 7797 8243
020 7797 8251
020 7797 8230
020 7797 8230
020 7797 8255
020 7353 8559 master@templechurch.com
020 7353 8559
020 7427 5650
020 7353 3470 verger@templechurch.com
Head Gardener
Catering Department
Overnight Accommodation
Duty Porter
Master of the Temple
Temple Church Office
Temple Church Music Office
Treasury Office
Education & Training Department
Catering Department
Treasury Building
Inner Temple
London EC4Y 7HL
Treasury Building
Inner Temple
London EC4Y 7HL
Treasury Building
Inner Temple
London EC4Y 7HL
Treasury Building
Inner Temple
London EC4Y 7HL
Surveyor’s Department Third Floor
6 King’s Bench Walk
Inner Temple
London EC4Y 7DR
Collector’s Department Third Floor
6 King’s Bench Walk
Inner Temple
Temple Church Office
1 Inner Temple Lane
Inner Temple
London EC4Y 7AF