he London Legal Walk returns in the usual format of a 10k route through central London on Monday 18 October.
A huge thank you to everyone who took on the 2020 London Legal Walk virtually! We look forward to being able to return to seeing you all in person in the autumn in celebration of the legal community supporting access to justice. We are optimistic for a fun finish and celebration of your achievements with our street party as in previous years. However, we will ensure the current guidelines at the time will be adhered to.
Finish The walk concludes with a street party on Carey Street with street food vendors, fire jugglers and musicians. We are working hard behind the scenes to develop a safe and socially distanced street party and look forward to welcoming you all at the finish line with a drink in the Knights Templar or Law Society bars.
What is it all for? We believe in access to justice. Thanks to your participation in events such as the London Legal Walk we are able to support over 100 organisations in London and the South East each year, helping them provide more free and pro bono legal advice.
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Trinity Term 23