5 minute read
The Myth of Size in Sexual Intercourse
from TIL Magazine
by TIL Magazine
Ayomipo Akorede
email: korede4ril@gmail.com
The society generally has a way of i d e a l i z i n g t h e t a n g i b i l i t y o r intangibility of everyday issues. Worse off, these idealizations are often mythical and world apart with realities. Maybe that explains why little Johnny runs after every elephant mosquito he sees around the house because he’s heard (that) they cause elephantiasis or why a guy would shy away from loving a ‘minimally’ endowed woman (in both or either region) just because he would not be proud enough to show her off to everyone around him.
English, an off line dictionary, defines myth, in relation to this discourse, as a commonly-held but false belief, a common misconception; a fictitious or imaginary person or thing; a popular conception about a real person or event which exaggerates or idealizes reality. The concept of myth can be ‘traced back
th to 4 century BC Greece, when the world of tradition, linked in one way or another to the orality, definitively gave way to t h e ra t i o n a l i s t i c - o r i e n te d writing culture, so that hardened in inevitably indurated texts, the mythoi appear to the new reading audience as only odd and incomprehensible stories’ (Journal of Studies in Social Sciences, page 39, Volume 6, Number 1, 2014) . Today, myth is such that it magnifies the ‘projection of our internal desires and conf licts into the outer world’ (The Concept of Myth by D. H Monro, Page 115, 1950). During my undergraduate days, on a fateful day, I was involved in a hot discussion that was chief ly driven by two plus size ladies who insisted vehemently that the size of the penis mattered a lot in sexual intercourse. While one couldn’t really say why she held on to that assertion, the other was able to cite a personal experience she had with an ex who was rich but couldn’t dig her deep down. First of all, who chooses to be born the way they are born, the way they look, where they are born and to the parents they are given? Who chooses to have a broken marriage, be poor, childless or die in their prime? Who chooses to fail, be disappointed or even live in Nigeria? Loool!!! If we all had the privilege of choices over the a f o r e m e n t i o n e d , w o u l d n ’ t w e m a k e b e t t e r c h o i c e s ?
This belief (of ‘minimally’ endowed guys not capable of satisfying their women) is widespread. Some women even believe it could make conception impossible for them. Hmmmmm...are you wondering like I am? Now, if sex was all about size, why then do these endowed men suffer weak erection and quick ejaculation? If sex was all about size, why do
majority of the ladies out there cheat on their partners that are well endowed? Why do they complain of insatiability as in not reaching orgasm after all the deep thrusting? More so, if impregnating a woman (permit me) was hinged on size, then why are some women whose husbands are heavily endowed not getting pregnant?
According to Daniel J. DeNoon in his article titled Is My Penis Too Small?, and otherwell-researched, reliable publications, we can confidently deduce that the only time a man can be ‘ accused’ of having a small penis is when it is micro. A micropenis is the resultant of a health condition that makes the penis look unusually small and invariably makes sex impossible. It’s so worse that it’s not longer than 3 inches at erection and the only remedy for such is surgery. So, a man whose SPL (Stretched Penis Length) is around 5 or 5.24 inches has a big enough size. While something that is a little below falls on the average, only 0.6% (of men) have their SPL hit 6.8 inches and more according to Palmer’ s statistics (2012). At this juncture, it is important to state that the true size of a penis, according to scientists, is known only when it is stretched (not erect) hence, SPL.
The bodycomposition and chemistryof women is awesomely unique such that specific parts of their bodies (that give sexual excitement), as stated by Anna in her Here ’ s What Happens to the Female Brain During Sex article are connected to different brain regions activated to give orgasm during sex including the cortex which becomes hyper-sensitive to touches. So, we can deduce that sex extends far beyond size to include a lot of foreplay: kissing, caressing and all that. We can also deduce that the utmost goal of sex isn’t leaving a woman hanging or fatigued without reaching orgasm (sexual satisfaction). Further research has also shown that a higher percentage of women derive orgasm from soft touches on the clitoris while only a small percentage have vaginal orgasm which is achieved through the penetration of the penis or both.
However, for women that fancy vaginal orgasm or both, their preferences may differ from person to person which in a way, reiterates that a man who possesses an SPL of 6,7,8 or 9 inches with the mentality that it’s all about his size may end up failing woefully while a man whose his is around 5 inches ora little lesser with so much focus on stamina and skills may be one hundred times betterafterall. You feel me?
It is pertinent to know that the mind is a powerful tool and everything we all do starts from the mind-- it begins there, it ends there! The inadequacies, so to say, of a man that is genuinely loved can be sincerely aided to perform even at the greatest altitudes. Therefore, it is explicitly mythical maybe wrong for anyone to think that men whose SPL are around 5 or 5.24 or a little lessercannot be better lovers in bed.