Interneuron - Issue 2.3

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INTERNEURON The Psychopathic Brain Understanding Paranoia Mind, Brain and Music


To Fall In Love With Someone, Maybe Do This! Interneuron . Volume 2, Issue 3 . February 2015

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 2 3 6 7 8 10

Letter from the Editors

12 13 15 17 18 20 ARTWORK

Scrawling In the Night

The Psychopathic Brain

Faculty Profile: An Afternoon With Dr. Melissa Holmes

Understanding Paranoia

OPINION Profile: Alina Guna

Mind, Brain and Music

ARTWORK Erasing Fear Memories

ARTWORK Lost In Music

Fear and Forgetting


To Fall In Love With Someone, Maybe Do This!

Oxytocin and Neurobiology of Storytelling

Get Involved!

Contributors Letter from the Editors

Authors Ann Sheng Danitsa Vasiteva Alexandra Mogadam

Dear Readers,

Sawayra Owais Alina Guna

Welcome back from Reading Week! We hope you were able to spend the week finding warmth and refuge from Toronto’s bitter cold, whether by dipping your toes in an ocean or cozying up at a coffee shop. We are glad to present Issue 2.3, featuring emotion. During our most recent call for submissions, the Editorial Team was ecstatic to receive so many messages from eager authors! Our submissions editors were happy to work with you to present some (hopefully!) interesting topics. Before you delve into this quarter’s magazine, we would like to briefly revisit the Interneuron’s mission. As a student-led publication, we aim to provide a platform for students to build scientific communication skills - a key asset for those of you who aspire to research, graduate school, and professional programs. Even further, we hope that having access to a compilation of your peers’ writing will inspire you to strengthen your passion for neuroscience even if you’re in another program! As you read, please keep in mind that articles represent the author’s personal interest, research, and opinions. Next, we have a few exciting announcements! First, Interneuron has been officially certified by the Co-Curricular Record (CCR). What does this mean for you? During the next school year, Editorial Team members will have the opportunity to gain recognition for their dedication to Interneuron; contributing authors and artists can also receive recognition if they fulfill submission and meeting attendance requirements. We would also like to invite all readers to our next General Meeting on March 13th. Meetings are informal, drop-in, and a great way to connect with the team, contributors, and other readers. In each meeting, we spend some time casually brainstorming ideas for the upcoming issue, so we’d love to see you there! Lastly, we plan to host a year-end event in recognition and appreciation of all of the contributors and readers who have helped grow Interneuron in our first year as a UTSU-recognized publication. In honor of how far we have come, don’t miss a special opinion piece on graduate studies from Alina Guna, one of Interneuron’s founders, featured in this issue! As always, please feel welcome to send us any questions, ideas, or feedback. Enjoy the issue!


Sarah & Susmita


Stefan Jevtic Alex Ghali Nancy Diaz

Cover Art Louise Escuban

Artwork Louise Escuban Ann Sheng Sarah Crawley

Layout Yasmine Abdelaal Aileen Zhou Oshien Lekhwani Louise Escuban

Executive Team Omar Bitar Theo Bruun Steven Meas Yasmine Abdelaal Alex Jacob Toni Dayno Sarah Peters Susmita Sarkar

The Psychopathic Brain Nancy Diaz According






characterized by deceitfulness, aggression, and lack of remorse and empathy [3]. Does this sound familiar? As you may have guessed, this description seems to fit the typical CEO profile. The trendy term Corporate Psychopath [4] seems to be appropriate because in addition to engaging in antisocial behavior, CEOs are often callous and unemotional, impulsive, and highly narcissistic [5]. A recent study suggests that antisocial behavior is related to deficits in emotional processing [6]. The most prominent and striking emotional deficit in psychopathy is the lack of empathy and remorse. Indeed, it sometimes seems that upon arrest, criminals only regret being caught and punished for their actions—not for committing the crime itself. This largely reflects discrepancies in their emotional regulation processes particularly associated with a lack of empathy. Studies demonstrate We see them in crime shows and horror movies—cold-

that the amygdala is often active when experiencing a variety

blooded serial killers that attack their victims without feeling

of emotions such as rage, fear, and pleasure; its role within

guilt, empathy, or remorse: psychopaths. Yet this “classic”

the perception and expression of empathy has also been well

psychopath seldom appears in its most infamous form in real

documented [7]. Empathy is a strong emotion and a strong

life; more common are encounters with individuals suffering

motivator that is triggered when the observation of the

from Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD). According to a

emotional states of others creates a shared state in

study in southern Wisconsin using a sample of nearly 2,000

ourselves. The experience of empathy—for example, when

participants, 8% of adult males met criteria for ASPD [1]. This

we see others suffering or in pain—has been linked to mirror

prevalence is even higher among male prisoners, as

neurons which some scientists believe activate brain regions

demonstrated in a large study in England and Wales with

based on observation of an emotion in others [8]. This ability

ASPD rates exceeding 63% [2]. Most of the individuals with

to experience a similar emotion merely by observing others is

ASPD can be found in youth detention centers and prison;

arguably one of the many characteristics that make us

however, we may often see them in high corporate positions.



Interneuron . Volume 2, Issue 3 . February 2015

So how does the antisocial brain differ from ours? Although

differences in the brain are enough to justify behaviors.

the answer to this question is certainly complex, current


research indicates that individuals with ASPD demonstrate


significant reductions in gray and white matter in the

Journal of Family Practice, 45(2), 151+. Retrieved from

prefrontal cortex and limbic system [6][9]. Both of these2. structures are associated with higher cognitive processes

Barry, K. L., Copeland, L. A., Fleming, M. F., & Manwell, L. B. (1997).

Conduct disorder and antisocial personality in adult primary care patients. Singleton N, Meltzer H, Gatward R. Psychiatric morbidity among young offenders in England and Wales. London: Office for National Statistics; 2000 3. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders : DSM-5. (2013). In

and emotional processing: two functions that seem to be

American Psychiatric Association., American Psychiatric Association.

implicated in ASPD and psychopathy. A recent fMRI study

(Eds.), (5th ed. ed.). Arlington, Va.: American Psychiatric Association.

revealed that psychopaths tend to perform poorly in facial


Boddy, C., Ladyshewsky, R., & Galvin, P. (2010). The influence of

corporate psychopaths on corporate social responsibility and organizational

expression recognition and are less likely to correctly and

commitment to employees. Journal of Business Ethics, 97(1), 1-19.

rapidly identify happy and fearful faces; this was associated


with dysfunctional neural networks between the amygdala and visual and prefrontal cortices [10]. Other studies have suggested that the orbitofrontal cortex and ventromedial prefrontal cortex are implicated in the neuropathology of


Henning, J. B., Wygant, D. B., & Barnes, P. W. (2014). Mapping the

darkness and finding the light: DSM-5 and assessment of the “Corporate psychopath”. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 7(1), 144-148. doi:10.1111/iops.12123 6.

Aoki, Y., Inokuchi, R., Nakao, T., & Yamasue, H. (2014). Neural bases

of antisocial behavior: A voxel-based meta-analysis. Social Cognitive and

ASPD, particularly regarding emotion regulation [7]. While

Affective Neuroscience, 9(8), 1223-1231. doi:10.1093/scan/nst104

these prefrontal and limbic areas have been associated with


Murray, E. A. (2007). The amygdala, reward and emotion. Trends in

Cognitive Sciences, 11(11), 489-497. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2007.08.013

ASPD, it is likely that other brain regions are also involved.


The evidence across the research reminds us that despite


their superficial simplicity, emotions play an imperative role in

Bernhardt, B. C., & Singer, T. (2012). The neural basis of empathy. Review






neuro-062111-150536 9.

Sundram, F., Deeley, Q., Sarkar, S., Daly, E., Latham, R., Craig, M.,

guiding our thoughts and behaviors. While many of us often

Murphy, D. G. M. (2012). White matter microstructural abnormalities in the

deem criminal behavior to be entirely under the perpetrator’s

frontal lobe of adults with antisocial personality disorder. Cortex, 48(2),

control, we must ask ourselves whether the structural

216-229. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2011.06.005

Understanding Paranoia Denitsa Vasileva Nowadays, paranoia is considered to be excessive and

known as Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD)(2).

unsupported thinking that others intend to harm us. However,

PPD usually begins to manifest in early adulthood and is

for years, the very definition of the term presented a source of

defined by a long-term pattern of suspiciousness and

controversy among psychiatrists. For years, mental health

mistrust, disproportionate to the circumstances (2). While it is

professionals failed to agree whether paranoia was a disorder

normal for an individual to have some paranoid or skeptical

itself or merely a symptom of another illness such as

thoughts about a person or situation, those suffering from

schizophrenia or even Alzheimer’s disease (1). Today, a

PPD take this distrust to an extreme as it pervades every

patient suffering from severe long-term paranoia and no other

aspect of their daily life (1). These individuals display an

symptoms is classified as having a personality disorder

elevated sense of self-importance, frequently exhibiting self-


self-referential thinking – the belief that everybody is talking

significant others (3). Even then, paranoid schizophrenia

about them- as well as the conviction that others can read

must be ruled out before a final diagnosis of PPD is made (3).

their thoughts (3). This paranoia renders personal and social

While much promising research on the topic is currently

relationships virtually impossible, causing the patients to

underway, the exact cause of PPD remains unknown.

become isolated.

However, researchers believe that there are a number of

Due to the nature of the disorder and the resemblance of

contributing factors including brain chemistry, social

its symptoms to other illnesses such as paranoid

environment and genetics (5). In some patients, hyperactivity

schizophrenia, diagnosing PPD is a difficult process. As with

of the amygdala- the part of the brain that governs fear- has

many other personality disorders, there is no definitive test

been observed (5). [SM1] It is likely that this leads to the

(1). Rather, diagnosis is based upon a psychological test and

elevated state of fear experienced by PPD sufferers (5) but

the patient’s medical history. The consensus among experts

more research is needed before a definitive conclusion can

is that patients must display any four of the following

be reached.

symptoms in order to be diagnosed with PPD: chronic

While there is no universally accepted treatment for PPD,

suspicion of others, constant questioning of loyalty, inability to

mental health professionals consider cognitive-behavioral

confide in others, continuous interpretation of benign

therapy to be the best approach (1). However, the distrustful

comments as personal attacks, hypervigilance and distrust of


nature of the disorder makes it difficult to establish rapport

before the effects of marijuana on the brain can be fully

between patient and therapist and this bond is crucial for


successful treatment (1). It is best for the therapist to focus on

As our understanding of the brain evolves, so too does

the patient’s day-to-day difficulties and avoid delving into the

our paradigm of health. No longer is the absence of physical

past (3). This lack of suitable treatment means that while the

injury or illness enough to label someone “healthy”.

symptoms may lessen in intensity, frequency, and duration

Nowadays, mental health also plays an important role in

with age, the disorder will afflict the patient throughout his

assessing a person’s well being, which is why research on

lifetime (2).

cognitive disorders such as PPD is gaining traction. The next

Fortunately, Instances of PPD are relatively rare as it only

few decades are likely to provide more valuable insight into

occurs in about 0.50% of the population [SM2] (2). In addition

these often-overlooked illnesses as well as into the effects of

to the possibility of paranoia as a symptom of another illness,

controversial substances like marijuana. In recent years, the

one of the most common causes of a paranoid state of mind

issue of marijuana legalization has been pushed to forefront

is as a side effect of mind-altering substances such as

of national politics, making good scientific research on the


topic more significant than ever.






legalization has long polarized the mental health community, one of the main concerns being, very little is actually known


about the effects of the world’s most popular illicit drug.

(1) A.D.A.M Inc. (2012, November 10). Paranoid

A large-scale experiment recently conducted by

Personality Disorder. Retrieved from PubMed Health: researchers at Oxford University explored the causal `````` (2) Bienenfeld, D. (2013, Jan 7). Personality Disorders. relationship between exposure to THC, the potent ingredient Retrieved from Medscape Reference: http:// of marijuana, and short-term paranoia in 121 participants

between the ages of 21 and 50, all with previous history of

(3) Blais MA, Smallwood P, Groves JE, Rivas-Vazquez

marijuana use (4). Two-thirds were injected with THC while

RA. Personality and personality disorders. In: Stern TA,

the rest were given a placebo (4). The participants then

Rosenbaum JF, Fava M, Biederman J, Rauch SL, eds. Massachusetts General Hospital Comprehensive Clinical

underwent a series of tests including real life social situations

Psychiatry. 1st ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Mosby

and virtual simulations (4). Overall, one in five participants

Elsevier;2008:chap 39

experienced short-term paranoia as a result of THC (4). More

(4) Freeman, D. et al.,(2014, July 16). “Cannabis really

significantly, the results of the study suggest that increase in

can trigger paranoia” Scizophrenia Bulletin. Retrieved from

negative thoughts caused by THC can lead to paranoia (4). While the exact effect of marijuana on brain chemistry is

The Guardian:

not yet clear, research suggests that cannabinoid receptors,

(5) Roussos, P., Giakomaki, S. G., Georgakopoulos,

which bind to compounds in cannabis, are abundantly

A., Robakis, N. K., & Bitsios, P. (2011). "The CACNA1C

present in the amygdala (6). It is likely that smoking marijuana

and ANK3 risk alleles impact on affective personality traits

may cause this part of the brain to become overly activated

and startle reactivity but not cognition or gating in healthy males" Bipolar Disorders 13:250-259.

and lead to an increase in anxiety and paranoia (6). By

(6) Teniel S. et al. (2014). “Multiple Mechanistically

changing our perception of the world, anxiety makes us more

Distinct Modes of Endocannabinoid Mobilization at Central

focused on a potential threat, potentially fueling paranoia (4).

Amygdala Glutamatergic Synapses” Neuron 81(5): 1111 –

However, as always, more empirical evidence is needed



Mind, Brain and Music Alex Ghali Music is an everyday part of our lives, yet it remains

responsible for storing auditory information.

an enigma to most. No, it doesn’t end at music theory and the

In my opinion, this study and others like it should

seemingly never-ending set of rules that it constitutes; the

appeal to three crowds: the die-hard legions of empirically

latest set of questions on music to tickle our brains concerns

minded neuroscience folks, the musicians and music

the brain itself: the mysterious, three-and-a-half pound lump

connoisseurs madly enamoured with the art, and those

of meat between our ears. Studying music’s emotional effects

chasing the age-old question of what makes us human. For

serves as a gateway to understanding not only how music

the neuro crowd it’s quite obvious how the data relates to the

makes its marks on cognition, but also what lies beneath

cerebral areas in question. Those who love music can take

emotion and every other function that makes us human.

pride that its effects are finally being studied, and that it

Let’s start with this: think of one of your favourite

presents an opportunity to be taken more seriously instead of

pieces of music, whatever it may be. Now think of how often

being written off as a young and pointless ambition (I say this

you find yourself listening to it. You just can’t seem to get

as a musician).

enough of it, can you? That’s because music, like everything else, involves the release of dopamine.

The case with the third crowd really drives this type of research close to home: the desire to understand what it is

Salimpoor et. al (2010) put this notion to the test by

that makes us human. Revealing the inner workings of the

measuring participants’ physiological and cognitive reactions

human mind–and by extension, being – has proven to be one

to pieces of music from an array of different genres (rock, jazz,

of the most daunting challenges we as a species face today;



with so wide a playing field, it seems impossible to even begin

questionnaires on how they felt while listening to each

looking. But there’s no reason to give up: with the growth of

excerpt, and their responses were also measured via

research bridging the gap between the arts and sciences, the

neuroimaging techniques: in this experiment, functional

path is set for more to follow.







Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and Positron Electron Topography (PET) were used to measure blood flow in


different regions of the brain and neurochemical activity,

Salimpoor, V., Benovoy, M., Larcher, K., Dagher, A., &


Zatorre, J. (2011). Anatomically distinct dopamine release

Salimpoor and her colleagues found that that nucleus accumbens (NAcc), the brain’s pleasure center, was

during anticipation and experience of peak emotion to music. Nature Neuroscience, 14(2), 257-262.

activated during the experience of pleasurable music. This was highlighted by an increased flow of dopamine to that region, but it doesn’t end there. The autonomic nervous system (ANS) was also activated, hence the reports of chills, rushes, and sweating that the participants noted during the course of the experiment. Finally, another area of the brain, the auditory cortical stores, was shown to be interacting with the NAcc; the auditory stores, as you can guess, are


"Music is one of the universal mediums of expression for human emotion, and represents an active area of research in cognitive psychology and neuroscience. Although we are still in the dark about much of the brain circuits and mechanism behind musical understanding and expertise, research is beginning to shed light on these topics. This is represented by the radiating colors into the grey areas. Nevertheless, we will always continue to appreciate music and the wonderful neurological effects it has on us."

Interneuron . Volume 2, Issue 3 . February 2015

Lost in Music Ann Sheng


To Fall in Love With Someone, Maybe Do This! Alexandra Mogadam

In the cold month of January earlier this year, The

studies that try to parse out the effects of variables such as

New York Times published a warm opinion editorial in which

“similarity” or “expected liking” on engendering closeness

the author of the piece, Mandy Len Catron, recounts her

between two individuals.

experiences recreating a well-known relationship psychology

effectiveness of the experimental method to test concepts in

experiment. The editorial piece is as a cute love story of sorts,

relationship psychology, and review the effects of the various

mixed in with well-chosen snippets of science. The inspiration

variables on measures of closeness; interestingly, they

for Len Catron’s experience and story is Arthur Aron et al.’s

conclude that the 36-step method itself has the most

(1997) closeness-inducing study from nearly twenty years

significant effect in creating closeness. This is quite

ago. In simple and short terms, the study reveals that a sense

surprising, especially considering prior research supporting

of closeness or intimacy can arise between two strangers as

“similarity” and “expected liking” to be key in cultivating

a result of asking each other 36 simple yet specific questions.

intimacy and closeness in relationships (Aron et al., 1997).

Len Catron walks us through her attempt at using Aron et al.’s

This result of course begs the question: is this procedure the

(1997) procedure on a first date, revealing at the end what

magical solution to making anyone fall in love with you and

happens to her and her partner after question number 36.

vice versa?

The authors discuss the

Aron was the principal psychologist spearheading

Len Catron’s article would suggest that it is; after all,

the experiment back in the late 90’s. In contrast to what Len

the name of her article is “To fall in love with anyone, do this”.

Catron implies in her piece, the experiment was not designed

Whether you find this an exciting prospect or a terrifying one,

to evaluate a method by which people could fall in love; rather

it is perhaps not surprising that it isn’t quite that simple:

it was intended as a tool to test the creation of temporary

On the other hand, it seems unlikely that the

closeness in a controlled and scientific manner (Aron,

procedure produces loyalty, dependence, commitment, or

Melinat, Aron, Vallone & Bator, 1997). Relationship

other relationship aspects that might take longer to

psychology has often been limited to correlational studies, in

develop” (Aron et al., 1997).

which various aspects of personality or behavior are

The working definition of ‘closeness’ that Aron et al.

correlated to relationship types and/or outcome (Aron, et al.,

(1997) presents at the outset of their paper frames the

1997). In light of this tendency in the field, studies such as

phenomenon as “an interconnectedness of self and other”, or

Aron et al.’s (1997) are interesting, as they set out to explore

more simply as intimacy (Aron et al., 1997; Aron, Aron &

various aspects of relationships within a controlled and

Smollan, 1992; Aron, Aron, Tudor & Nelson, 1991). The

scientific setting. The 1997 paper consists of a series of

authors admit that this is a narrow understanding of the


Interneuron . Volume 2, Issue 3 . February 2015

concept, which only accounts for “feeling close”, ignoring the

its defense, it is not entirely blind to method’s limitations, and

behavioral components of “behaving close”, which would

does present an interesting take on choosing to act with

take more time to cultivate (Aron et al. 1992; Aron et al., 1997).

deliberateness when becoming close to someone. Len

In an earlier paper Aron et al. (1992) found both dimensions

Catron suggests that the experiment could inspire one to view

to be equally significant in defining closeness.

closeness or love as a process that one deliberately takes

In other words, the Aron et al.’s procedure

part in, rather than something that simply befalls you.

successfully creates a temporary sense of closeness, which

Therefore, the next time you meet up with that special

manages to transcend characteristics such as attachment

someone you have an eye on, maybe do describe to them the

style or similarity. However the task does not necessarily

last time you went to the zoo (question 13/36) – it might just

engender behavioral closeness, or diminish the importance

make you closer after all.

of attachment style and other psychological concepts in creating long-term intimacy (Aron et al., 1997). Nonetheless,


these arguments do not take away from the importance and

(1) Aron, A., Aron, E. N., Tudor, M., & Nelson, G. (1991). Close relationships as including other in the self. Journal of personality and social psychology, 60(2), 241.

significance of the researchers’ findings. After all, they did not seek to cultivate long-term love, only a temporary sense of closeness, which they accomplish successfully. One has to be aware of this, and understand how this limits the

(2) Aron, A., Aron, E. N., & Smollan, D. (1992). Inclusion of Other in the Self Scale and the structure of interpersonal closeness. Journal of personality and social psychology, 63 (4), 596.

applicability of this procedure; it's not the magical 36-step to love.

The editorial has a somewhat banal ending (surprise, surprise Len Catron and her partner fall in love). However, in

3) Aron, A., Melinat, E., Aron, E. N., Vallone, R. D., & Bator, R. J. (1997). The experimental generation of interpersonal closeness: A procedure and some preliminary findings. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 23(4), 363-377.


Oxytocin and the Neurobiology of Storytelling Ann Sheng Night is falling. Hurrying back to the eatery where her

control subjects, those who viewed the emotional video

parents have stopped to take platefuls of unattended food,

experienced an increase in oxytocin levels by an average of

Chihiro is aghast when she finds two bloated pigs in mom and

47%, alongside increased feelings of empathy. Empathetic

dad's outfits, still gorging on the delicacies. She screams–and

individuals were more likely to donate part of their

flees as unearthly apparitions begin to materialize into

experimental earnings to charities supporting patients like the

mythical spirits of all shapes and sizes around her.

child in the video, although no direct relationship was found

She is trapped, alone in a nightmarish, fantastical

between oxytocin levels and likelihood of donation.


However, oxytocin was not the only molecule keeping It is easy to relate to the young protagonist in Spirited

me enthralled in Hayao Miyazaki's brilliant visual narrative. By

Away. As a child, who hasn't harboured the fear of getting

facilitating dopamine and serotonin release, oxytocin

lost? This emotional resonance, says Paul Zak, the Director of the Centre for Neuroeconomics Studies at Claremont Graduate University, is "an amazing neural feat.� It allows us to directly experience what the characters are feeling, even though consciously, we know these personalities are nothing more than flickering lights on a screen or squiggling lines on paper. How does the brain do this? According to Zak, the hormone oxytocin is implicated. Oxytocin has been found in non-human mammals to play a key role in pair bonding, breastfeeding, labour, sex, and the ability to form social attachments. In humans, oxytocin appears to exert an influence on whether we trust a stranger, and is released

activates reward circuits in the brain involved in pleasures

when we are engaged in an emotionally-charged story, such

such as food, sex and drugs. Undeniably, as Jonathan

as that of Spirited Away.

Gottschall noted in the preface of his book The Storytelling

In an experiment to quantify the neurobiological effect of storytelling, Zak's team showed volunteers one of two short

Animal: How Stories Make Us Human, "[w]e are, as a species, addicted to story."

videos: a father's narrative of his struggles facing his 2-year-

Not only do books and movies captivate our attention,

old son with terminal brain cancer, or an emotionally-neutral

but we are also constantly surrounded by narratives in the

clip of the same father and son at the zoo. Compared to






Interneuron . Volume 2, Issue 3 . February 2015



daydreams, songs and video games. At night, our brains

has gained from this unforgettable adventure. With advances

conjure up fantastical scenarios while our bodies are

in cognitive neuroscience, we are just beginning to appreciate

immobilized. Storytelling seems too pervasive in our lives to

the mastery of storytelling from a whole new perspective.

be an evolutionary coincidence, which begs the question:


Why? Throughout much of human history, storytelling has

(1) Barraza, J. A., & Zak, P. J. (2009). Empathy toward

been contextualized as a social event during which people

strangers triggers oxytocin release and subsequent

gathered to listen to tales of ancient heroes or distant lands.

generosity. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences,

In this way, narrative may serve to connect people together by

1167(1), 182-189.

affecting them with the same emotions and forging a common identity through shared ideas. Indeed, fMRI studies have

(2) Gottschall, J. (2012). Hell is Story-Friendly. In The

shown that when speakers and listeners communicate, they

Storytelling Animal: How Stories Make Us Human (p. 67).

display similar neural activity. Others suggest that stories

Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

offer good escape, as self-reflection and the demands of daily

Insel, T. R., & Young, L. J. (2001). The neurobiology of

life can be stressful. Gottschall, however, notes that fiction is

attachment. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2(2), 129-136.

rarely pure pleasure fulfillment but instead full of crises and conflicts which range from natural disasters to interpersonal

(3) Kosfeld, M., Heinrichs, M., Zak, P. J., Fischbacher, U., &

drama. Since most of the time we cannot directly learn from

Fehr, E. (2005). Oxytocin increases trust in humans. Nature,

experience, Gottschall tells how storytelling may "[a]llow our

435(7042), 673-676.

brains to practice reacting to the kinds of challenges that are, and always were, most crucial to our success as a species.�

(4) Marshall, J. (2011). Gripped: why stories are so

Whatever the evolutionary advantages, storytelling is a

compelling. New Scientist,209(2799), 45-47.

powerful medium to motivate, move, and sometimes misguide people. With the knowledge of how good narrative

(5) Stephens, G. J., Silbert, L. J., & Hasson, U. (2010).

can influence our brains, however, we can avoid falling victim

Speaker–listener neural coupling underlies successful

to orchestrated marketing campaigns and inflammatory

communication. Proceedings of the National Academy of

conspiracy theories.

Sciences, 107(32), 14425-14430.








resoundingly positive. As Chihiro completes her "hero's journey" to save her parents and find a way home, her hard work and courage are rewarded with help from a white dragon, an eight-legged apothecary, a gregarious co-worker and a kind witch. We, like Chihiro, appreciate the growth she

(6) Zak, P. (2013, December 17). How Stories Change the Brain.






http:// how_stories_change_brain

Interneuron . Volume 2, Issue 3 . February 2015


Scrawling in the Night Ann Sheng "No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness." Aristotle's famous quote of the "tortured genius" has been echoed in the scientific communities by findings that creative people are more likely to be afflicted with mood disorders such as bipolar disorder. This drawing is a depiction of such an artist in the state of creative mania, frantically scribbling down the loose associations and unsuppressed ideas that surface into his consciousness.

Faculty Profile: An Afternoon with Dr. Melissa Holmes Sawayra Owais Hard work, persistence and a little bit of luck led Dr. Melissa Holmes, a behavioural neuroscientist at the University of Toronto Mississauga, to a professorship and research lab at a world renowned institute. However, Dr. Holmes admits that as an undergraduate student at Simon Fraser University (SFU), she was confused about which career path to pursue. Indeed, her first year and a half at SFU

As a behavioral neuroscientist with a focus on neuroendocrinology and neural plasticity, Dr. Holmes' current research focuses on the unique eusocial mammal, the naked-mole rat.

were spent toward attaining a Bachelor of Business Administration. Dr. Holmes comments, “You have a sense of what your abilities are and I knew I wasn’t succeeding according to my abilities.” Contrast that remark with her effusive description of her first year psychology class that she chose only to complete as an elective. “I loved the professor

Endemic to east Africa, naked-mole rats live in strict social hierarchies: 2 members of the colony are sociallydominant breeders while the rest of the members are their

as he was incredibly engaging,” Dr. Holmes enthusiastically

subordinates fulfilling roles such as colony maintenance and/

describes. Serendipity had it that she chose biopsychology in

or pup rearing. When thinking about hormones that foster

second year to gain admission into upper year psychology

cooperation or love, oxytocin comes to mind. Indeed,

courses and the rest, Dr. Holmes remarks, was history.

oxytocin, often called the cuddle hormone, is secreted by the

Hands-on lab work during her undergraduate degree

posterior pituitary gland to modify caring behaviour. Skyler

partnered with the excitement of working toward a common

Mooney, a graduate student in the Holmes lab, demonstrated

lab goal indicated to Dr. Holmes that she should pursue

that subordinates have more oxytocinergic neurons than

graduate school. After completing her undergraduate degree

breeders. “This finding is great because it suggests that

in Psychology from SFU, Dr. Holmes did a Masters in

oxytocin is important for pro-social behaviour in this species.”

Biopsychology from the University of British Columbia.

However, Dr. Holmes explains that this hormone-behaviour

Afterwards, she obtained her PhD in Neuroscience from

relationship is not that simple. “We don’t know if oxytocin is

Michigan State University and completed a postdoctoral

directly promoting affiliation and attachment because they

fellowship at University of Massachusetts to further her academic training.


are pro-social or if it’s acting as a buffer for stress. Currently,

provide for them...I think it’s a great opportunity to pursue.”

that is what we’re trying to figure out,” clarifies Dr. Holmes.

Indeed, a quick search of University of Toronto’s career

The dual function of oxytocin as both a love and stress

centre revealed ample help with resume writing, interviews

hormone may muddle the direct relationship with a certain


behaviour but Dr. Holmes gushes that the pursuit of

recommends paying attention to the world around you. “Look

knowledge is her motivation.

at people in your community and ask them what they do, if






Surrounded by an academic and stimulating

they like their job and how they got to be where they are”. In

environment, it is natural for a university student to lean

fact, Dr. Holmes and her colleagues anticipate networking

toward academia as a career. However, after getting mixed

with university alumni so they can relay what kind of career

reviews of the anticipated labour market of graduate

paths are available for their present undergraduate and

students, one’s hopes may be dimmed. After reading the

graduate students.

headline of a 2013 Globe and Mail article titled, “Who will hire

Dr. Holmes closed by re-emphasizing that students

all the PhDs? Not Canada’s universities” Dr. Holmes

pursuing graduate studies should not be despondent. “I

acquiesces to the article’s claims. She explains that Canada

think there is tremendous value in getting an education.

is producing a lot of graduate students and it is not

But, there are no handouts so just work really hard and be

immediately clear where they are all going to go. However,

really good,” motivates Dr. Holmes.

she stresses that there are many opportunities for PhD students outside of academia. “Maybe they go into industry,

We would like to sincerely thank Dr. Holmes for taking time to lend us her insights!

policy or government. You can do a lot of great things with a PhD that isn’t sitting in an office like this and running a research lab,” Dr. Holmes remarks, gesturing to her book-


filled enclosure.

(1) Mooney, S. J., & Holmes, M. M. (2013; 2012). Social

Some undergraduate science students may only

condition and oxytocin neuron number in the hypothalamus

know two options that exist to them after convocation:

of naked mole-rats (heterocephalus glaber). Neuroscience,

professional or graduate school. When asked how students

230, 56-61. doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2012.11.014

can be exposed to other career opportunities, Dr. Holmes had a plethora of answers. First, she encourages students to visit their career counselling or academic skill centres. “I think

(2) Naked Mole Rats. (n.d.). Retrieved February 11, 2015, from mammals/naked-mole-rat/

students should capitalize on the resources that universities


Interneuron . Volume 2, Issue 3 . February 2015

OPINION Profile: Alina Guna I started graduate school last October. It has been

interesting. For starters, I spent my entire undergraduate

degree mildly obsessed with neuroscience and all it entailed: from classes to research to student organizations. My PhD is in cell biology, in a primarily biochemistry heavy lab (the only course I have taken in biochemistry being the long gone BCH211). I also happen to be in a different country, at the second oldest English speaking University in the world. Is this enough of a hook? I was hoping it would be. Basically, I want to tell you a bit about why I ended up where I am. And in doing so, I want to try to convince you that stepping outside of your comfort zone is one of the best things you can do. Last year at around this time, I was getting ready to

Alina's lab at Cambridge

interview for PhD programs. I was a fourth year student

challenging but rewarding period of time, and you will learn a

specializing in Neuroscience at UofT. Whenever one of my

lot about a lot of things. I never thought too much about the

classmates asked me where I was going next year and I

future (what I would do after my PhD). This perhaps reckless

responded with ‘probably grad school’ I sometimes got a

mindset is also a very liberating one – maybe you should try

sympathetic look and a ‘oh, yea it’s good to have a back-up

it out.

for med school but don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll get a few

I ended up going to the University of Cambridge, to

interviews!’. Suffice to say I was very confused. Graduate

study at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (to get a

school was never a substitute or side road for me. Research

taste for the rich history of this place, here’s a tiny list of people

had always been the coolest way you could possibly spend

did ground breaking work at the LMB: Fred Sanger, Watson

your time, and I was excited. I also had interviews to Harvard,

and Crick, Sydney Brenner and Aaron Klug). Apart from a few

Stanford, Columbia, MIT, and Cambridge, so you can

logistical and research oriented reasons, I must admit that a

imagine that I took these comments pretty well. To this day I

large portion of my decision-making was based on how I felt

maintain that more people need to consider graduate school

when I came here – I just felt good. There was also something

as a thing in and of itself. It will be a very intellectually

thrilling (dare I say YOLO-esque) about switching into


it to happen that’s a different story!) c) Other people are a wealth of information. And if you’re likeable and not completely annoying they will share this information






KNOWLEDGE! d) A few don’ts: don’t be afraid to be wrong, don’t compare yourself to anyone but the you of yesterday, don’t conflate authority with someone




knowledge, and don’t talk so much (a simple cost/benefit analysis will usually show you that St. John's College, Cambridge

listening is usually a much better investment) e) Every once in a while, remove yourself from your There was also something thrilling (dare I say YOLO-esque) daily environment. While away do some thinking. Just sit about switching into something you theoretically know little somewhere looking at something you think is pleasing and about, for the purposes of doing a PhD (a 3-year PhD might think. See what you come up with. I add). f) Stop worrying so much. Transform that energy into This being said, the first few months were objectively movement and doing and living and listening to some good not the easiest. Confronting your own incompetence on a jams at the end of the day. Trust. daily basis is at times very frustrating. The key is not to get I’ve been told the first few months of grad school are demoralized under any circumstance. I think it is possible to rough, and that it will get better. If that’s true I can hardly wait. turn this frustration into something very positive. This is one It’s been sweet. I predict there will be very few times in my life of the things I learned during the first few months of my PhD. where I can sit down at the end of the day and literally list the I learned a few other things: things I have learned (be it about research or life in general). a) Despite how you may feel, being the least informed I would never have been here if I didn’t take a few chances and and knowledgeable person in a room means you’re the most though this is very anecdotal advice – I suggest you give it a privileged person in the room. Embrace the opportunity. shot. b) Whenever you’re tempted to think about silly things like ‘I’m not good enough’ or ‘nothing works and I’m going to fail’ remind yourself that these are all practically useless thoughts. If you want something to happen, work for it. It will happen eventually (if you’re not willing to wait 10-20 years for


Interneuron . Volume 2, Issue 3 . February 2015

Erasing Fear Memories Sarah Crawley

Fear and Forgetting Stefan Jevtic Many of us would love to be able to alter certain fears

channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2), into neurons in the brain2.

or memories: a bad break-up, an embarrassing presentation,

ChR2 expression is generally linked to a gene involved in

or even a phobia of spiders. Despite all our hopes of having

early memory consolidation, such as c-Fos, which allows it to

the neuralyzer from Men in Black, our memories are here to

be integrated only into memory-related neurons. When

stay- or are they? The field of neuroscience has seen a wave

exposed to light, the channel undergoes a conformational



change, opening and allowing ions to enter the neuron,

manipulation techniques. Several studies in the past decade

subsequently causing neuron firing3. The light is usually

have looked into various roles that fear plays in the formation

delivered by an optic fiber inserted into the skull of the animal

of memory, and whether it is possible to modify these

subject. This robust technique has seen a quick rise to fame,

memories. Although there is much research yet to be done,

as it allows neuroscientists greater control over the

the current state of the field leaves us hopeful that the key to

manipulation of specific neurons in the brain, and has opened

understanding the complicated interplay of neurons in the

the door to astonishing discoveries.






brain is within our grasp.

One such finding came from MIT, with an experiment

The year 1885 marked a revolution in our conception

led by Xu Liu and Steve Ramirez; their results demonstrate an

of memory with the publication of Hermann Ebbinghaus’s

ability to stimulate the recall of fear memories in novel

Ăœber das Gedächtnis (On Memory)1. Despite conducting the

environments4. The researchers first inserted ChR2 into a

experiments only on himself, Ebbinghaus was able to

select population of neurons in the dentate gyrus (an area

demonstrate many fundamental cognitive principles that

within the hippocampus) of mice, under the control of a

remain valid to this day: the forgetting curve, the learning

tetracycline response element (TRE) promoter. This

curve, and the serial position effect, among others1. Ever

promoter allows researchers to use the chemical doxycycline

since, we have gone on to classify the location of memories

to control the expression of the ChR2 gene. When the mice

in the brain, as well as their interaction with certain primal

were administered doxycycline, ChR2 was not expressed;

emotions such as fear. Over the past decade, one of the

when doxycycline was removed, neurons involved in learning

techniques that has shown a similar transformative potential

were labelled with ChR2 and a visible marker called YFP

is the field of optogenetics.

(yellow fluorescent protein).

Briefly, optogenetics is the use of light to control the

Using this method, the researchers were able to

activation and deactivation of neurons in the brain. Realized

fear condition (FC) mice in one chamber (chamber A) and

in 2005 by Karl Deisseroth and Ed Boyden at Stanford, the

label the neurons encoding the fear memory with ChR2. As


ChR2 can be stimulated by light, the researchers were








Interneuron . Volume 2, Issue 3 . February 2015

able to selectively activate these labelled neurons.

optogenetics to activate LTP and its antagonist, long-term

When placed into a novel chamber (chamber B), these

depression (LTD), during fear conditioning6. First, the fear

neurons were stimulated by an optic fibre implanted into

condition memory was formed through optogenetic

the mice’s skull, causing them to freeze. As freezing is a

stimulation in mice. These mice were then exposed to an

reaction to fear, this demonstrated that the contextual fear

optogenetic LTD protocol, which resulted in loss of the fear

of chamber A was stimulated in chamber B, even though

memory (no conditioned response). When subsequently

the mice had no “reason” to fear the new chamber.

exposed to an optical LTP protocol, the mice again

The same researchers who led this experiment also

demonstrated a conditioned response, indicating

managed to create a false fear memory in mice, through a

reactivation of the memory. This study, in addition to

similar procedure5. When mice were exposed to a novel

providing evidence for the mechanism of LTP/LTD in the

context, C, the neurons were labelled with ChR2; when

brain, demonstrates an ability to selectively alter the recall

these mice were later fear conditioned in a different

of fear memories in the brain.

context, D, the previously labelled neurons were

With the ability to selectively activate specific

simultaneously activated with light. This activation led to

neurons in the brain, we are entering a Golden Age of

the creation of a hybrid memory, with fear encoded into the

neuroscience research. From false memory creation to

memory of context C, despite not having undergone fear

selective activation/reactivation, we are inching closer to

conditioning in this context. The result was increased

elucidating the formation of memories in the brain.

freezing in these mice when placed in context C, where

Although we won’t be sticking optic fibers into our own

they had not been fear conditioned. This result of being

skulls anytime soon, it may be that the scarring memory

able to create a false or altered memory leaves us with

from eighth grade gym class already has one foot out the

many questions, the answers to which have far-reaching


implications. For example, this study demonstrates not only that our memories are malleable and subject to change, but raises questions pertaining to the validity of witness testimonials. How can we be sure that witnesses

References: (1) Abbott, B. Herman Ebbinghaus. Retrieved from http:// (2) Boyden, E. (2011). A history of optogenetics: the development of tools for controlling brain circuits with light. F1000 Biol Reports,

of dangerous situations correctly remember crucial details


when they present a testimony in court?

(3) Guidera, J. (2014). Optogenetics: A New Frontier. Harvard

Similar experiments have managed to go one step further in isolating pathways for memory development, even to the point of inactivating and reactivating a memory.

Science Review. Retrieved from http:// (4) Liu, X. et al. (2012). Optogenetic stimulation of a hippocampal engram activates fear memory recall. Nature, 484, 381-5. (5) Nabavi, S. et al. (2014). Engineering a memory with LTD and

Working under the model that long-term potentiation (LTP)

LTP. Nature, 511, 348-352.

is the dominant mechanism for memory formation in the

Ramirez, S. et al. (2013). Creating a false memory in the

brain, Roberto Malinow and colleagues employed

hippocampus. Science, 341(6144), 387-391.


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