AROUND TOWN: Palmetto Animal League hosts auction to help homeless pets. PAGE A10
APRIL 12 - 18, 2018
Springtime in Beaufort
First Friday & DeepWater Music Festival made a lively weekend in the Lowcountry PHOTOS BY BOB SOFALY
The inaugural DeepWater Music Festival kicked off Sunday, April 8, at the old Port Royal Port Authority in Port Royal and, judging by the enthusiasm of the crowd, was a huge success. “This is just great” said Tayler Gampo from Chicago who is visiting family in Beaufort. “It’s still pretty cold back home. But this, this is great,” she said as she danced, wearing cutoff shorts and twirling a plastic hula hoop. Attendees talked with friends and enjoyed the live music. There was even a visit from medieval Spanish explorer Pedro Menendez, portrayed by Stephen Shinners.
Snack trucks were available to feed the crowds during the inaugural DeepWater Music Festival.
One of the big crowd pleasers was this super-charged 1933 Ford “Three Window Couple” on display during April’s installment of First Friday. Downtown merchants had Bay Street closed to traffic for the event with businesses staying open late, and many serving wine and snacks. The addition of about a dozen classic cars, hot rods and live music made for a very enjoyable evening.
Event organizers Mary and Eric Thibault of Thibault Gallery on Bay Street said April’s First Friday was a huge success.
93rd annual Old Sheldon Church service to be held Sunday, April 15 Since 1925, the Parish Church of St. Helena has hosted a service of Morning Prayer and a picnic on the grounds of the Old Sheldon Church ruins in Northern Beaufort County. The service is held the second Sunday after Easter. Now over a half century since the first service was held, the Old Sheldon Church tradition continues. The public is invited to join with parishioners of St. Helena’s at 11:30 a.m. on Sun-
day, April 15 for this annual event. Plan to bring a picnic lunch, folding chairs, and bug spray. This year, the guest preacher for the day will be the Rev. David T. Drake, rector/senior pastor at Church of the Resurrection in Lutherville, MD. Old Sheldon Church is located near Gardens Corner. For more information, visit
SC LITERARY HALL OF FAME South Carolina Academy of Authors induction comes to Beaufort. PAGE B1
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vited to the 5th annu n i e r ’ al Y ou
Saturday, April 28 | Port Royal on Paris Avenue | presented by Ameris Bank
Elizabeth Harding Newberry Kim Harding Newton
EDITORIAL/DESIGN Interim Editor Pamela Brownstein theislandnews@
Art Director Hope Falls Oswald ads.theislandnews@ 843-321-8029 Perhaps not as mysterious as the ‘Bermuda Triangle,’ Bermuda Bluff is a hidden jewel of a community located on St. Helena Island. Situated in a bucolic setting, the club house sports panoramic views of the surrounding Lowcountry marshes. Its aptly-named address of ‘Lands End’ adds to its appeal. Property owners here are committed to preserving this pristine sanctuary that reflects its own mysterious charm where you can get ‘lost’ in its allure. Photo by Ron Callari. To submit a Lowcountry Life photo, you must be the photographer or have permission to submit the photo to be published in The Island News. Please submit high resolution photos and include a description and/or names of the people in the picture and the name of the photographer. Email your photos to At the March 23 meeting of the Governor Paul Hamilton Chapter-Sons of the American Revolution held at the Hilton Garden Inn, Beaufort, SC, a flag streamer for the “237th Anniversary of the Battle of Cowpens” was presented. New member Brady Randolph "Randy" Atkins was inducted as a new chapter member. Two Eagle Scouts received their Chapter Scholarship awards. For 2016 - Thomas Clark Henderson, a Citadel Cadet and for 2017 - Jacob Denton, a Beaufort High School Senior. The meeting speaker was author Randell Jones, who presented “Saving Col. Williams – Battle of Kings Mountain.”
Beaufort Reporter Kat Walsh
SALES/BUSINESS Bella Napoli - Post 9 Vic Commander Dick Jennings presents Mario Moreno and staff of Bella Napoli Bistro with his Certificate of Appreciation for displaying the US flag.
Advertising Sales Betty Davis betty.islandnews@ 843-252-9076 Island Girls Night Out
Advertising Sales
Irene Goodnight 615-243-4684
Accounting April Ackerman 843-575-1816
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Web Design Ginger Wareham ginger@ 843-641-9478
Unless otherwise credited, all content of The Island News, including articles, photos, editorial content, letters, art and advertisements, is copyrighted by The Island News and Sisters' Publishing Inc., all rights reserved. The Island News encourage reader submissions via email to theislandnews@ All content submitted is considered approved for publication by the owner unless otherwise stated. The Island News are designed to inform and entertain readers; all efforts for accuracy are made. The Island News provided a community forum for news, events, straight talk opinions and advertisements. The Island News reserve the right to refuse to sell advertising space, or to publish information, for any business or activity the newspaper deems inappropriate for the publication.
Press releases & advertising – noon on Friday for the next week’s paper.
APRIL 12 - 18, 2018
Beaufort-Jasper Water & Sewer Authority unveils solar program Beaufort-Jasper Water & Sewer Authority (BJWSA) cut a ceremonial ribbon Wednesday, April 4 to mark the construction of solar arrays at two facilities. The arrays, part of a Power Purchase Agreement with South Carolina Electric & Gas (SCE&G), are housed at the Port Royal Island and St. Helena Island water reclamation facilities. The project involved many years of research, as Director of Technical Maintenance and SCADA Al Legare explored opportunities for a BJWSA solar venture. “It is very rewarding to see these projects come to fruition after many years of investigating solar opportunities,” he said. “These projects demonstrate our commitment to the environment and
our customers to run the Authority as efficiently as possible.” General Manager Ed Saxon added, “This cost effective project is a great example of BJWSA’s commitment to sustainability and will provide direct benefits to our rate payers for many decades.” The program is already producing electricity and will pay for itself in less than 10 years. Dashboards for each site are already live, showing real-time production. Guests at the event signed two solar panels that will hang in BJWSA facilities to commemorate the event. The Authority will donate a third panel to St. Helena Elementary School, as part of its public education outreach program. Learn more at
Helping Beaufort live well since 1944
rom our humble beginnings as a small hospital with limited services and just 25 beds, we’ve expanded and enhanced our facilities to become a regional provider of care, offering a wide range of medical specialties and services for residents and visitors.
invasive robotic surgery. Our orthopaedic, breast care, nursing, maternity and wellness programs have earned national recognition. We’re proud to be a part of Beaufort’s past, and we look forward to being a part of its future.
Through it all, our mission has remained the same: to deliver superior health care to our patients and improve the health of our community. Today Beaufort Memorial includes the nationally accredited Keyserling Cancer Center, the state-of-the-art Cochrane Heart, Breast Health and Joint Replacement centers, and minimally
cutting machines in the world. You’ll see, first hand, why the most respected landscape professionals trust Exmark 2-to-1 over the next best-selling brand.*
Three decadesTHE of field work, research, design, innovation and testing into crafting the most advanced USE WHAT PROS USE. Navigation lights cause of cutting machines in the world. You’ll see, first hand, why the most respected landscape professionals
decades of field work, research, design, innovation and testing into crafting the most advanced * trust see, Exmark 2-to-1 over thethe nextmost best-selling brand. USE WHAT THE PROS USE.professionals machines in the world. You’ll first hand, why respected landscape decades of field work,* research, design, innovation and testing into crafting the most advanced xmark 2-to-1 over the nextThree best-selling cutting machines inbrand. the world. You’ll see, first hand, why the most respected landscape professionals trust Exmark 2-to-1 over the next best-selling brand.*
fire; officials urge caution
WHAT THE PROS USE. USE WHAT THEUSE PROS USE. Price includes $300 Instant Rebate now through 5/30/18. Based QZE708GEM42200 • 42” fabricated deck • 708cc Exmark engine • Up to 7.0 mph
Price includes $500 Instant Rebate now through Price includes $500 Instant Rebate now through 6/30/18. Based RAE708GEM48300 • 48” UltraCut Series 6/30/18. Based LZE651GKA484A2 • 48” UltraCut Series 3 deck • 708cc Exmark engine • Up to 8.0 mph 4 deck • FX651V Kawasaki engine • Up to 8.0 mph
Three decades of field work, research, into crafting See your dealer for more details. the most advanced See your dealer fordesign, more details. innovation and testing
See your dealer for more details.
des of field work, research, QUEST design, innovation and testing into the mostwhy advanced cutting machines the world.STARTING You’llcrafting see, hand, the most 0% Monthly Interest for 42landscape Months* *Example: On a professionals purchase where the Amount Financed is $7,500, your Down Payment is $0 with 42 monthly payments of $179.77 each. Interest STARTING AT in RADIUS AT first LAZER Z E-SERIES STARTING AT∏respected is 0% [ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 0.37% (E)]. Note: The above financing programs are offered by Sheffield Financial, a Division of Branch Banking and Trust Company, Member * professionals∏ rate FDIC. Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Rate hines in the world. You’ll see, first hand, why the most respected landscape trust Exmark 2-to-1 over the next best-selling brand. – ® $MONTHS advertised is based on minimum bureau risk score of 700. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500; Maximum Amount Financed $50,000. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. An $ $ origination fee of $50** will be added to the amount financed in the above example. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a ® * participating Sheffield dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualificationsAT between 11/1/2017 and 5/31/2018. Offer subject to change without notice. [“E” means estimate.] **For commercial k 2-to-1 over the next best-selling brand. QUEST STARTING AT RADIUS STARTING AT LAZER Z® E-SERIES STARTING LIMITED TIME OFFER customers, the origination fee is $150. Commercial customers may be offered No Payment for 120 Days. ®
2,999 0% 42 $RADIUS
Price includes $300 Instant Rebate now through 5/30/18. Based QZE708GEM42200 • 42” fabricated deck • 708cc Exmark engine • Up to® 7.0 mph
See your dealer for more details.
0% 42 8,299 4,999 ®
STARTING AT See your dealer for more details.
See your dealer for more details.
∏ 0% Monthly Interest for 42 Months* *Example: On a purchase where the Amount Financed is $7,500, your Down Payment is $0 with 42 monthly payments of $179.77 each. Interest rate is 0% [ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 0.37% (E)]. Note: The above financing programs are offered by Sheffield Financial, a Division of Branch Banking and Trust Company, Member FDIC. Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Rate advertised is based on minimum bureau risk score of 700. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500; Maximum Amount Financed $50,000. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. An origination fee of $50** will be added to the amount financed in the above example. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating Sheffield dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2017 and 5/31/2018. Offer subject to change without notice. [“E” means estimate.] **For commercial customers, the origination fee is $150. Commercial customers may be offered No Payment for 120 Days.
Price includes $300 Instant Rebate now through LIMITED TIME OFFER 5/30/18. Based QZE708GEM42200 • 42” fabricated deck • 708cc Exmark engine • Up to 7.0 mph
Certain restrictions apply. See your dealer for details.
Price includes $500 Instant Rebate now through Price includes $500 Instant Rebate now through 6/30/18. Based RAE708GEM48300 • 48”apply. UltraCut Series 6/30/18. Based LZE651GKA484A2 • 48” UltraCut Series Certain restrictions See your dealer for details. 3 deck • 708cc Exmark engine • Up to 8.0 mph 4 deck • FX651V Kawasaki engine • Up to 8.0 mph
AT THE PROS WHAT THENAME PROS USE. DEALER 0%USE. –USE 42 MONTHS See your dealer for more details.
Price includes $500 Instant Rebate now through Price includes $500 Instant Rebate now through 6/30/18. Based RAE708GEM48300 • 48” UltraCut Series 6/30/18. Based LZE651GKA484A2 • 48” UltraCut Series 3 deck • 708cc Exmark engine • Up to 8.0 mph ®4 deck • FX651V Kawasaki engine • Up to 8.0 mph
See your dealer for more details.
See your dealer for more details.
des $300 Instant Rebate now through Price includes $500 Instant Rebate now through Price includes $500 Instant Rebate now through ∏ 0% Monthly Interest for 42 Months* *Example: On a purchase where the Amount Financed is $7,500, your Down Payment is $0 with 42 monthly payments of $179.77 each. Interest 1234 Address, sed QZE708GEM42200 • 42” fabricated 6/30/18. Based RAE708GEM48300 • 48” UltraCut Series 6/30/18. Based LZE651GKA484A2 • 48” programs UltraCut Series rate is 0% [ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 0.37% (E)]. Note: The above financing are offered by Sheffield Financial, a Division of Branch Banking and TrustCity Company, Member ∏ FDIC. Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Rate cc Exmark engine • Up to 7.0 mph 3 deck • 708cc Exmark engine • Up to 8.0 mph deck • FX651V engine • Up to 8.0 mph advertised is4based on minimum bureau riskKawasaki score of 700. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500; Maximum Amount Financed $50,000. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. An 000-000-0000 Three decades of field work, research, design, innovation and testing into crafting the most advanced design, innovation and testing into crafting the most advanced origination feeSee of $50** be added the amount financed in the above example. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a See your dealer for more details. yourwill dealer fortomore details. for more details. participating Sheffield See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2017 and 5/31/2018. Offer subject to change without notice. [“E” means estimate.] **For commercial City machines in the TIME world. OFFER You’ll see,1234 first Address, hand, why thedealer. most respected landscape LIMITED customers, the origination fee is $150. Commercial customers may be offered Noprofessionals Payment for 120 Days. Navigation lights at the Whale Branch e, first hand, why the mostcutting respected landscape professionals ∏ 0% Monthly Interest for 42 Months* *Example: On a purchase where000-000-0000 the Amount* Financed is $7,500, your Down Payment is $0 with 42 monthly payments of $179.77 each. Interest trust Exmark 2-to-1 over RATE theisnext best-selling brand. rate is 0% [ANNUAL PERCENTAGE 0.37% (E)]. Note: The above financing programs are offered by Sheffield Financial, a Division of Branch Banking and Trust Company, MemberCertain restrictions apply. See your dealer for details. ∏ * FDIC. Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Rate Bridge was the cause of a fire last week April lling brand.
Firefighters notified DOT and the USCG. Firefighters were again called to the scene – MONTHS advertised is based on minimum bureau risk score of 700. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500; Maximum Amount Financed $50,000. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. An origination fee of $50** will be added to the amount financed in the above example. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating Sheffield dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2017 and 5/31/2018. Offer subject to change without notice. [“E” means estimate.] **For commercial 6, and fire officials are urging caution to just before 4 a.m. Saturday, April 7 and arLIMITED TIME OFFER customers, the origination fee is $150. Commercial customers may be offered No Payment for 120 Days. *Trusted 2-to-1 over the next best-selling brand of zero-turn mowers. Based on U.S. Data study by Wiese Research Associates Inc. Market Share and Additional Equipment Study (February 2016) Certain restrictions apply. See your dealer for details. boaters in the area due to electrical concerns. rived to find the Dolphin Pier fully ablaze ® QUEST® STARTING AT RADIUS® STARTING AT LAZER E-SERIES AT fire- and wires still sparking. Firefighters again JustZ before 8 p.m.STARTING April 6, Burton fighters responded to a report of a fire on the extinguished the fire but were unable to ® ® STARTING AT RADIUS® STARTING AT LAZER Z1234 E-SERIES STARTING AT Address, City Whale Branch bridge. Firefighters arrived to secure the power to the navigation lights. 000-000-0000 find a Dolphin Pier to the side of the bridge USCG was notified again. Price includes $300 Instant Rebate now through Price includes $500 Instant Rebate now through Price includes $500 Instant Rebate now through ablaze navigation• 48” lights, Due to the uncertainty of the electrical 5/30/18. Based QZE708GEM42200 • 42” fabricated 6/30/18. Based RAE708GEM48300 • 48” UltraCut Series 6/30/18. Basedand LZE651GKA484A2 UltraCutwhich Series had 1234 Address, deck • 708cc Exmark engine • Up toCity 7.0 mph 3 deck • 708cc Exmark engine • Up to 8.0 mph 4 deck • FX651V Kawasaki • Up tocausing 8.0 mph the fire, hazards in the area involving the navigation made contact withengine the pier your dealer for more details. Rebate now through See your dealer for more details. See your dealerInstant for more details. 0 Instant Rebate now through Price includes $500 Rebate now through Price See includes $500 Instant 000-000-0000 ® ® still sparking. Firefighters extinguished the lights, Burton fire officials are urging caution STARTING RADIUS STARTING AT 2-to-1 over the AT next• best-selling brand of zero-turn mowers. Based on U.S. Data by *Example: Wiese Research Associates Inc. Market andyour Additional Equipment Study (February 2016) Z® E-SERIES STARTING AT Share E708GEM42200 • 42” fabricated 6/30/18.QUEST Based*Trusted RAE708GEM48300 48” UltraCut Series 6/30/18. Based LZE651GKA484A2 •On48” UltraCut Series ∏ 0% Monthly Interest forLAZER 42study Months* a purchase where the Amount Financed is $7,500, Down Payment is $0 with 42 monthly payments of $179.77 each. Interest rate is 0% [ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 0.37% (E)]. Note: The above financing programs are offered by Sheffield Financial, a Division of Branch Banking and Trust Company, Member ∏ fire and noted sparking had to all boaters in the area. ark engine • Up to 7.0 mph 3 deck • $ 708cc Exmark engine • Up to 8.0 mph $ 4 deck • Subject FX651V Kawasaki engine • Up 8.0 mph FDIC. to credit approval. Approval, and any rates andto terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers the are available. See your localwires dealer for details. Rateceased. $
% 42
*Trusted 2-to-1 over the next best-selling brand of zero-turn mowers. Based on U.S. Data study by Wiese Research Associates Inc. Market Share and Additional Equipment Study (February 2016)
0% – 42 2,999
MONTHSSee your dealer for more details.
advertised is based on minimum bureau risk score of 700. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500; Maximum Amount Financed $50,000. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. An origination fee of $50** will be added to the amount financed in the above example. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating Sheffield dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2017 and 5/31/2018. Offer subject to change without notice. [“E” means estimate.] **For commercial TIME OFFER ∏ 0% Monthly Interest for 42 Months*LIMITED *Example: On a purchase where the Amount Financed is $7,500,customers, your DownthePayment isfee $0 is with monthly payments $179.77 each. origination $150.42Commercial customersofmay be offered NoInterest Payment for 120 Days.
See your dealer for more details.
rate isPrice 0% [ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 0.37% (E)].through Note: The above financing programs are offered by Sheffield Financial, a Division of includes Branch Banking and Trust Company, includes $300 Instant Rebate now Price includes $500 Instant Rebate now through Price $500 Instant Rebate nowMember through ∏ Subject toBased credit approval. anystudy rates and provided, are based on credit worthiness. financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Rate Series usted 2-to-1 over the next best-selling brand ofFDIC. zero-turn mowers. BasedApproval, on U.S.and Data byterms Wiese Research Associates Inc. Market Share and Additional Equipment Study (February 2016) 5/30/18. QZE708GEM42200 • 42” fabricated 6/30/18. Based RAE708GEM48300 • 48”Other UltraCut Series 6/30/18. Based LZE651GKA484A2 • 48” UltraCut advertised is based on minimum bureau risk score of 700. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500; Maximum Amount Financed $50,000. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. An deckfee• 708cc engine • Up to 7.0financed mph in the above 3 deck • 708cc Exmark enginevoid • Upwhere to 8.0prohibited. mph Offer effective 4 deckon• eligible FX651V engine • Up tofrom 8.0amph origination of $50**Exmark will be added to the amount example. Financing promotions andKawasaki qualified units purchased See your dealer for more details. and 5/31/2018. Offer subject to change without See your notice. dealer for[“E” moremeans details.estimate.] **For commercial See yourSheffield dealer for more details. participating dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2017 ® OFFER TED TIME customers, the origination fee is $150.® Commercial customers may be offered No Payment 120 Days. ∏ 0% Monthly Interest forfor 42 Months* *Example: On a purchase where the Amount Financed is $7,500, your Down Payment is $0 with 42 monthly payments of $179.77 each. Interest
0% – 42
rate is 0% [ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 0.37% (E)]. Note: The above financing programs are offered by Sheffield Financial, a Division of Branch Banking and Trust Company, Member FDIC. Subject to credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Rate advertised is based on minimum bureau risk score of 700. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500; Maximum Amount Financed $50,000. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. An origination fee of $50** will be added to the amount financed in the above example. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating Sheffield dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2017 and 5/31/2018. Offer subject to change without notice. [“E” means estimate.] **For commercial customers, the origination fee is $150. Commercial customers may be offered No Payment for 120 Days.
Certain restrictions apply. See your dealer for details. Certain restrictions apply. See your dealer for details.
1234 Address, City Randel’s Lawnmowers, DEALER NAME000-000-0000 DEALER NAME Equipment, Sales, & Service
udes $500 Instant Rebate now through Price includes $500 Instant Rebate now through ased RAE708GEM48300 • 48” UltraCut Series 6/30/18. Based LZE651GKA484A2 • 48” UltraCut Series 708cc Exmark engine • Up to 8.0 mph 4 deck • FX651V Kawasaki engine • Up to 8.0 mph er for more details. See your dealer for more details. 1234 Address, City 1234 Address, City nterest for 42 Months* *Example: On a purchase where the Amount Financed is $7,500, your Down Payment is $0 with 42 monthly payments of $179.77000-000-0000 each. Interest UAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 0.37% (E)]. Note: The above financing programs are offered by Sheffield Financial, a Division of Branch Banking and Trust Company, Member credit approval. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Rate 000-000-0000
1499 Salem Road, Beaufort, SC 29902
Certain restrictions apply. See your dealer for details.
County Council Member Glover holds meeting
Beaufort County Council Member York Glover (District 3) will hold a public meeting at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, April 17. The meeting will be held at the St. Helena Branch Library, 6355 Jonathan Francis Sr. Road. Beaufort County Sheriff P.J. Tanner will be the guest speaker. Residents do not need to register in advance for the meeting. For more information, contact Glover at or 843-986-7395.
sed on minimum bureau risk score of 700. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500; Maximum Amount Financed $50,000. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. An 2-to-1 overon the nextand best-selling of zero-turn mowers. Based on U.S. Data study by Wiese Research Associates Inc. Market Share and Additional Equipment Study (February 2016) $50** will be added to the amount financed in the above example. Financing promotions void where*Trusted prohibited. Offer effective eligible qualified unitsbrand purchased from a field dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 11/1/2017 and 5/31/2018. Offer subject to change without notice. [“E” means estimate.] **For commercial igination fee is $150. Commercial customers may be offered No Payment for 120 Days.*Trusted 2-to-1 over the next best-selling brand of zero-turn mowers. Based on U.S. Data study by Wiese Research Associates Inc. Market Share and Additional Equipment Study (February 2016)
(Corner of Salem Road and Robert Smalls Pkwy)
Certain restrictions apply. See your dealer for details. | 843.379.7330
1 over the next best-selling brand of zero-turn mowers. Based on U.S. Data study by Wiese Research Associates Inc. Market Share and Additional Equipment Study (February 2016)
Marine Corps recruits to graduate
India Company, 3rd Recruit Training Battalion, is scheduled to graduate with 203 new Marines. November Company, 4th Recruit Training Battalion is scheduled to graduate with 123 new Marines. That is a total of 326 new Marines scheduled to graduate April 13, 2018.
EALER NAME 1234 Address, City 000-000-0000
ed on U.S. Data study by Wiese Research Associates Inc. Market Share and Additional Equipment Study (February 2016)
Thank you, volunteers! Favorite Non-Profit Organization Favorite Fundraiser Dancing with our Stars Favorite Charity Worker Christina Wilson CAPA’s Closet is located at 1340 Ribaut Road in Port Royal | Open Mon. through Fri. 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Sat. 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Butler Marine is the largest full service dealer in the Lowcountry and the largest Key West Dealer in the world! We also sell Stingray Boats, World Cat Catamarans, Everglades Boats, and Yamaha Outboards. We are also an authorized service center for Yamaha, Mercury, Suzuki, Evinrude, and Honda Outboards. You can view our entire inventory of new and used boats at 843-522-9461 70 Sea Island Parkway Beaufort, SC 29907 A4
APRIL 12 - 18, 2018
Th F Sa Su M Tu W
Th F Sa Su M Tu W
12 Low 12 High 12 Low 12 High 13 Low 13 High 13 Low 13 High 14 Low 14 High 14 Low 14 High 15 Low 15 High 15 Low 15 High 16 Low 16 High 16 Low 16 High 17 Low 17 High 17 Low 17 High 18 Low 18 High 18 Low
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for April 12-18 provided by
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Shanklin Elementary School gets JACOB Kits Burton firefighters installed 50 JACOB Kits in Shanklin Elementary School today, covering all classrooms to include the cafeteria and media center. Teachers received training on the kits and how to Stop The Bleed earlier in the week. All elementary school classrooms, media centers, and cafeterias in the Burton Fire District now have a JACOB Kit, which are small medical kits that include tourniquets to stop major bleeding, and all teachers have received training by Burton paramedics and EMTS on how to treat critically injured students. Burton fire officials are now looking to expand the program to the middle and high schools. The kits have been paid for through grants and local donations. Fire departments throughout Beaufort County are working to install JACOB Kits in their local classrooms as well, and are in need of the public’s help to fund the program.
Those wishing to donate a kit to a local classroom, or have questions on the JACOB Kit program, are encouraged to call their local fire department or email
For more information on the JACOB Kit program, people can also visit the JACOB Kit Facebook page at SCJACOBkit.
Beaufort Memorial congratulates
Beaufort Memorial is proud to call Lowcountry Medical Group a part of its team. Working together every day for patients’ well-being, our LCMG physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners and staff bring expertise and compassion to those in their care. And we’re proudest of all of that. OUR PROVIDERS
P-BC . • Erin Scott, AN Craig Floyd, M.D edicine – – Family M
Kimberly Thorpe, PA-C • John
M. Shannon Shoo
k, M.D. • Stuart Sm alheiser, M.D. – Cardiology –
Crisologo, M.D. • Richard Stewa rt, D.O. • Margaret Miler, PA-C – Gastroenterology –
Gynecology Eve Ashby, D.O. –
ck, M.D. • Nicholas Dardes, D.O. Jennifer Martin, NP-C • Robert Parrick, D.O. • Carl Derri cine Veronica Smalheiser, AGNP-C, ANP-BC – Internal Medi
APRIL 12 - 18, 2018
BUSINESS BRIEFS Edward Jones named among top workplaces
Q-Casper $950 Q-Leesa $840
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Edward Jones was named the No. 1 Best Workplace in Financial Services & Insurance by Great Place to Work and FORTUNE magazine. The ranking considered input from more than 76,000 employees in the Financial Services & Insurance sector. Great Place to Work, a research and consulting firm, evaluated more than 50 elements of team members' experience on the job. These include pride in the organization's community impact, belief that their work makes a difference, and feeling their work has special meaning. Rankings are based on employees' experiences. For more information, visit
County treasurer’s offices closed for training
Mama’s 1800 Boundary Street
Beaufort M-F 9:30 –Air 6:00 ThankYou Sat 9:30 – 5:00 1:00 – 5:00 Carolina Ad Sun 4/10/18 9:38 AMThe Page 1 • 843-524-8085
5.25 X 5.0941
County Treasurer’s Offices will be closed on Wednesday, April 25, 2018
in order to conduct a professional development day with staff. Apologies for any inconvenience to county residents. The offices will reopen under normal business hours on Thursday, April 26 at 8 a.m.
Callawassie named a top golf course in SC
Callawassie Island Club Golf Courses named to the top 50 courses in South Carolina by the South Carolina Golf Course Rating Panel. “As always, there are so many outstanding golf courses in South Carolina that we’re really splitting hairs,” Michael Whitaker, the association’s executive director, said in releasing the Top 50 rankings at the panel’s annual spring meeting Saturday, March 24th, at Orangeburg Country Club. Callawassie Island Club was named to the list for the first time this year. “It’s an honor to be named to the Top 50 Courses in South Carolina. We are proud of our golf courses
and our community, and are thrilled that so many experts felt the same way,” said Club General Manager, Jeff Spencer.
Athena Marble coming to Beaufort Town Center
Athena Corporation, doing business as “Athena Marble”, manufactures and installs custom residential and commercial kitchen and bath countertops, tubs and showers. They serve the South Carolina Lowcountry and the greater Savannah area of Georgia. They have a wide product offering plus design and installation expertise. Athena Marble will open in Beaufort Town Center by July 1 in the space once occupied by Higher Ground, near Bi-Lo. They will be open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. -5 p.m. In addition to cultured marble, granite, quartz, and corian countertops, they will also be including a line-up of Kohler sinks and faucets. For more information, visit
Thank you readers for voting us your favorite carwash!
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Catholic Schools are beacons of light for Jesus Christ. See how we shine at St. Peter’s Catholic School! 70 Lady’s Island Drive – Beaufort, SC 29907 | 843-522-2163 | | A6
APRIL 12 - 18, 2018
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BMH nurse navigator receives national accreditation
As Beaufort Memorial Hospital’s breast nurse navigator, Dana Wilson, RN, understands the fear and apprehension patients feel when undergoing breast cancer treatment. To ensure she is providing them with the best care possible, Wilson recently took the extra step to become a Certified Breast Care Nurse (CBCN®). The prestigious designation—the only nationally accredited breast care nursing certification available exclusively to registered nurses—encompasses the entire spectrum of the breast care nursing practice. The certification is awarded by the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation and is valid for four years. To receive the designation, applicants must have a minimum
of 1,000 hours of breast care nursing experience and pass a rigorous examination that tests their knowledge in the specialty of breast care nursing. Wilson earned a bachelor’s degree in nursing from McKendree UniDana Wilson, versity in Lebanon, Ill., RN and a master’s in education from Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville. A registered nurse with more than 20 years of experience, Wilson has a strong background in oncology case management and chemotherapy infusion. Prior to joining the hospital’s Breast Health Center team, she worked as a chemotherapy infusion nurse with the hospital’s Chemotherapy & Infusion Services, as well as the Beaufort Memorial Medical Oncology practice.
1800 Boundary Street ∙ 843.524.8085 ∙ Monday - Friday: 9:30-6:00 ∙ Saturday 9:30-5:00 ∙ Sunday 1:00-5:00
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The Lowcountry’s Finest Classical Music Series
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WINNERS OF THE ISLAND NEWS’ Favorite All Around Restaurant
Favorite Cleaning Service
Favorite HVAC Service
Favorite Mortgage Company
Old Bull Tavern
Sea Island Cleaning Services
Carolina Air
Gateway Mortgage
Favorite Antique Shop
Favorite Coffee Shop
Favorite High School
Favorite Movie Theater
Collectors Antique Mall
City Java & News
Beaufort High School
Highway 21 Drive In
Favorite Annual Community Event
Favorite Builder
Favorite Historic Tour Company
Live Oak Builders
Sea Island Carriage Company
Carolina Moving and Storage
Favorite Convenience Store
Favorite Hospital
Favorite Non-Profit Organization
Beaufort Memorial Hospital
Favorite Credit Union
Favorite Hotel
Favorite Nursery
Navy Federal Credit Union
City Loft Hotel
Buds and Blooms
Favorite Dance Studio
Favorite Ice Cream Shop
Favorite Oil Changing Company
Moe's Southwest Grill
Jayne Richardson Dance Studio
Yo-yo's Ice Cream
Zippy Lube
Favorite Fundraiser
Favorite Day Spa
Favorite Insurance Agency
Favorite Optical Service
Capa's Dancing with our Stars
Beaufort Day Spa
Capstone Insurance
Palmetto Eye Specialist
Favorite Dining Atmosphere
Favorite Day Care Center
Favorite Insurance Agent
Favorite Orthodontist
Hobbit Hill Preschool
Joel Iacopelli
Coastal Orthodontics
Favorite Dinner Spot
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Favorite Interior Designer
Favorite Pest Control Company
Old Bull Tavern
Publix Deli
Sheena Jenkins
Collins Pest Control
Favorite Lunch Spot
Favorite Dentist
Favorite International Restaurant
Favorite Pet Supply
Yes, Thai Indeed
Favorite Pharmacist
Favorite Investment Group
Emily Stansell
Wells Fargo Advisors
Favorite Pharmacy
Favorite Italian Restaurant
Water Festival Favorite Appliance Repair Company
Denny's Appliance Repair Favorite Budget Friendly Restaurant
Alvin Ord's Sandwich Shop
Durham Dental
Favorite Advertising Agency
Favorite DJ
Pickle Juice Productions
Jesse Gavigan
Favorite Appliance Store
Favorite Elementary School
St. Peters Catholic School
Favorite Art Gallery
Favorite Event Rental Company
Thibault Gallery
Amazing Event Rentals
Favorite Attorney
Favorite Kayak Outfitter
Alex Dorobantu
Higher Ground Outiftters
Favorite Auto Repair Shop
Favorite Dry Cleaner
Zippy Lube
Tucker Dry Cleaners
Beaufort Dog
Bella Napoli Italian Bistro
Favorite Photographer
Favorite Jewelry Store
Courtney Borgan Photography
Modern Jewelers
Favorite Physician
Favorite Karaoke Show
Dr. Craig Floyd
Steve Curless Ramblin Entertainment
Favorite Pizza Parlor
The Upper Crust Favorite Public Relations Firm
Favorite Auto Parts Store
Lowcountry Spotlight
Auto Zone
Favorite Tire Store
Favorite Automobile Salesperson
Barnard Tires
Ken Reed
Favorite Plumber
Favorite Automobile Dealership
Lohr Plumbing Inc.
Stokes Honda
Favorite Copy Shop
Favorite Bakery
Murr Printing
Beaufort Bread Company
Favorite Realtor
Favorite Bank
Lisa Weslake
CBC National Bank
Favorite Real Estate Company
Favorite Happy Hour Deals
Lowcountry Real Estate
Favorite Moving Company
Favorite Bar Atmosphere
Favorite Retirement/Assisted Living Center
Old Bull Tavern
Morningside of Beaufort
Favorite Bar
Favorite Seafood Restaurant
Old Bull Tavern
Favorite Barbeque
Favorite Shoe Store
Duke's BBQ
Grounded Running
Favorite Beaufort Destination
Favorite Sporting Goods Shop
Hunting Island
Higher Ground Outfitters
Favorite Bed & Breakfast
Favorite Sports Bar
Rhett House Inn
Brody’s Bar and Grill
Favorite Bike Rental Shop
Favorite Fabric Store
Favorite Kitchen Store
Favorite Stable
Pluff Mudd
Discount Fabric
Cook on Bay
Plantation Stables of Beaufort
Favorite Boat Dealership
Favorite Fast Food Restaurant
Favorite Landscaping Service
Favorite Sub Shop
Butler Marine
Vista Landscaping
Firehouse Subs
Favorite Book Store
Favorite Finance Company
Favorite Lighting Store
Favorite Tanning Salon
Beaufort Bookstore
Lendmark Financial
Beaufort Winlectric Co.
Carolina Tanning
Favorite Breakfast
Favorite Fishing Charter
Favorite Liquor Store
Blackstone's Cafe
Seas so Shallow
Bill's Liquors & Fine Wine
May River Tack & Equestrian
Favorite Buffet
Favorite Fitness Center
The Stillness Gym
Favorite Live Entertainment Spot
Favorite Tax Service
Golden Corral Favorite Burger
Favorite Flower Shop
Fat Patties
Carolina Floral
Favorite Candy Store
Favorite Fried Chicken
Chocolate Tree
Maryland Fried Chicken
Favorite Car Wash
Favorite Furniture Store
Custom Clean Car Wash
Favorite Carpet Cleaning Service
Favorite Gift Shop
Palmetto Carpet Cleaning
LuLu Burgess
Favorite Carpet/Flooring Store
Favorite Golf Course
Creative Interiors Carpet One
The Sanctuary on Cat Island
Favorite Caterer
Favorite Grocery Store
Debbi Covington
Favorite Chef
Favorite Pet Groomer
Beth Shaw at Breakwater
Beaufort Dog
Favorite Cell Phone Provider
Favorite Hair Salon
Bangs Salon
Favorite Charity Worker
Christina Wilson
Luther's Favorite Local Artist
Mary Thibault Favorite Local Band
Broke Locals Favorite Nail Salon
Best Nails Favorite New Business
Tales of the Lowcountry Favorite Manufactured Housing Center
Clayton Homes Favorite Marina
Downtown Marina Favorite Massage Therapist
Favorite Tack Store
Patel & Chester CPA Favorite Taxi Service
UBER Favorite Teacher
Miss Kissinger Favorite Toy Store
Monkey’s Uncle Favorite Vacation Rental Company
Seaside Getaways Favorite Veterinarian
Caroline Wreden Favorite Video Store
Lady's Island Video Warehouse Favorite Web Design Company
Pickle Juice Productions Favorite Wine Shop
Brittney Hiller
Bill's Liquors & Fine Wine
Favorite Hair Dresser
Favorite Medical Group
Favorite Women's Clothing Shop
Jennifer Fleming
Lowcountry Medical Group
Favorite Children's Clothing Store
Favorite Hardware Store
Favorite Men's Shop
Favorite Yoga Studio
Lily & Lou
Higher Ground Outfitters
Effervescence Yoga Spa
Favorite Chiropractor
Favorite Health Store
Favorite Middle School
Favorite Alarm Company
Dr. Erikka at New Spring Chiropractic
Herban Marketplace
Beaufort Middle School
Beaufort Alarm & Sound
APRIL 12 - 18, 2018
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e products are offered through Wachovia Insurance Agency (WIA) andcall are or underwritten complimentary consultation, please visit today. liated insurance companies. Wells Fargo Advisors and WIA are separate non-bank products are offered through Wachovia Insurance Agency (WIA) and are underwritten of Wells Fargo & Company. Insurance by unaffiliated insurance companies. Wells Fargo Advisors and WIA are separate non-bank
affiliates of Wells Fargo & Company. Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Advisors 211 Scotts Street Beaufort, SC 29902 Wells Fargo Advisors 843-524-1114 • 800-867-1113 Financial Advisors 211 Scotts Street Investment andSC Insurance Beaufort, 29902 Products: u NOT FDIC Insured u NO Bank Guarantee u MAY Lose Value Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC,• 800-867-1113 Member SIPC, is a registered broker-dealer and a separate non-bank affiliate of Wells 843-524-1114 Fargo & Company.
s Fargo Advisors cial Advisors cotts Street fort, SC 29902 ©2010 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved. 0310-4466 [74030-v2] A1284 524-1114 • 800-867-1113 Investment and Insurance Products: u NOT FDIC Insured u NO Bank Guarantee u MAY Lose Value Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Member SIPC, is a registered broker-dealer and a separate non-bank affiliate of Wells Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC Fargo & Company. bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. ©2018 Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC All rights reserved. ©2010 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved. 0310-4466 [74030-v2] A1284
tment and Insurance Products: u NOT FDIC Insured
u NO Bank Guarantee
u MAY Lose Value
go Advisors, LLC, Member SIPC, is a registered broker-dealer and a separate non-bank affiliate of Wells Company. Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved. 0310-4466 [74030-v2] A1284
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Are you turning 65, new to the area, lost group coverage? not sure if your plan is right for you? You may be able to change plans now. Call me, I am here to help.
Voted 2018 T.I.N. Favorite Insurance Agency
Thank you for voting 2015 Boundary St. #334 • Beaufort, SC 29902 me the T.I.N. Favorite (o) 843-524-6954 • (f) 843-524-6955 Insurance Agent of the 2015 Boundary St. #334 • Beaufort, SC 29902 (o) 843-524-6954 year for 4 years.• (f) 843-524-6955
2015 Boundary St. #334 • Beaufort, SC 29902 (o) 843-524-6954 • (f) 843-524-6955 APRIL 12 - 18, 2018
Palmetto Animal League hosts online auction Auction will be held April 20-23 to help rescue homeless pets
Save the date, because next week Palmetto Animal League goes live with its annual ‘Bid for PAL’ Online Auction to benefit homeless pets. PAL’s auction is a long-standing tradition - and the non-profit animal rescue’s largest fundraiser - saving the lives of hundreds of abandoned, abused and neglected pets each year. The auction, which takes place April 20-23 at www.PALauction. org, features hundreds of items up for bid, donated by many of the Lowcountry’s most popular businesses. In addition to the always popular items such as golf packages, restaurant certificates, spa treatments, fine wine, and home services, the 9th Annual Bid for PAL Online Auction is also offering exotic travel adventures, Chevrolet vehicles, Duffy boats, inground pools, and much more.
Palmetto Animal League resident Star has started browsing the hundreds of items featured in next week's "Bid for PAL" online auction.
“We have all sorts of fabulous items that everyone will enjoy,” says auction co-chair Mary Lynn Peacher. “You can browse and bid from
the comfort of your home, so put on your fuzzy slippers (or flip-flops) and help PAL save animals' lives!” The Bid for PAL online auction
starts Friday, April 20 at 8 a.m. and continues through Monday, April 23 at 10 p.m. Community members are encouraged to pre-register now and be among the first to browse the catalog filled with highly sought-after items from Hilton Head, Bluffton, Beaufort and beyond. The more folks spend, the more animals are saved, as all proceeds go directly to PAL’s no kill adoption center in Okatie, which runs solely on heart, hard work and community support. “From the litter of newborn puppies forced to begin life outside in the bitter cold to the blind kitten found stumbling around an auto shop terrified and alone - PAL represents hope,” explains the non-profit’s President Amy Campanini. “When you Bid for PAL, you are helping us rescue animals from dire situations.” PAL’s Adoption Center, located in
Okatie’s Riverwalk Business Park, is a cheery, welcoming facility that provides a home-like environment for more than 200 dogs and cats while they wait to be adopted. Located at the same facility, PAL’s Community Clinic offers wellness exams, vaccines, spay/neuter and other vital services at affordable prices. Supporters — both the businesses that donate items to the Bid for PAL Online Auction and those who bid on them — allow PAL to save the lives of pets that have no other hope. For many animals, PAL is their last chance at life. “These are lives worth saving,” said Campanini. “Everyone can shop to save homeless pets at www. when the Bid for PAL Online Auction goes live on April 20, and as we say at PAL, ‘let your heart do the bidding.’”
Local church hosts African Children’s Choir Beaufort’s Community Bible Church, 638 Parris Island Gateway, is hosting the African Children’s Choir in a free concert, Wednesday, April 18th at 6:30 p.m. The concert kicks off a five-day world missions conference at the church. The keynote, Dr. Erwin Lutzer will speak Friday, April 20th at 6:30 p.m. And Rabbi Hanoch Teller, a renowned Jewish story-teller will speak at a luncheon, that same day at 11:30 a.m. The African Children’s Choir melts the hearts of audiences all over the world with their charming smiles, beautiful voices and lively African songs and dances. The program features well-loved children's songs, traditional Spirituals and Gospel favorites. Music for Life (The parent organization for The African Children's Choir) works in seven African countries such as, Uganda, Kenya,
Rwanda, Sudan, Nigeria, Ghana and South Africa. MFL has educated over 52,000 children and impacted the lives of over 100,000 people through its relief and development programs during its history. MFL’s purpose is to help create new leadership for tomorrow's Africa, by focusing on education. Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer is Pastor Emeritus of The Moody Church where he served as the Senior Pastor for 36 years. A clear expositor of the Bible, he is the featured speaker on more than 1,000 radio stations around the world. Dr. Lutzer is also an award-winning author of numerous books including: Rescuing the Gospel, He Will Be the Preacher, One Minute After You Die, When a Nation Forgets God, and Hitler’s Cross. Lutzer also leads tours to Israel and the cities of the Protestant Reformation in Europe.
Internationally-acclaimed as one of the most original and inspiring motivational speakers of our time, storyteller-extraordinaire, Rabbi Hanoch Teller, has been dubbed a “globe-trotting modern-day maggid.” He has enthralled audiences on five continents, in over 24 countries, delivering a precious message imbued with joy and drama, laughter and pathos. His electrifying presentations on a vast range of topics are sometimes hilarious, always stirring, meaningful and pragmatic.
Almost 170 missionaries from 26 different countries will be represented at this missions conference. Many will have informational booths placed throughout the church. Others will be available for various presentations. Some of these sessions will be held Friday, the 20th between 8:30 and 11:30 a.m. and Saturday morning the 21st between 9:30 and 11:30. A complete listing of events is available at or by calling the church at (843) 525-0089.
Thank you to the readers of the Island News for making GATEWAY MORTGAGE GROUP your Favorite Mortgage Company for 2016, 2017, and 2018!
From everyone at the Beaufort Branch
24 Professional Village Circle Beaufort, SC 29907
843.321.8834 Gateway Mortgage Group is a registered service mark of Gateway Mortgage Group, LLC. NMLS 7233. Beaufort Branch: NMLS 1313993
Michelle Gibbons personal training, llc 820 A PARIS AVE, PORT ROYAL
APRIL 12 - 18, 2018
Adopt a crab for Rotary clubs’ annual charity race Rotary Club of the Lowcountry and Rotary Club of Beaufort, in conjunction with The Port Royal Old Village Association's 15th Annual Port Royal Soft Shell Crab Festival, are once again sponsoring the 2018 Charity Crab Race. Crab adoptions are $10 each. Saturday, April 21 at 3 p.m. (or as tide conditions demand), 5,000 crabs will be dropped into Battery Creek and participants can watch as the crabs race to the finish line at the end of the boardwalk in Port Royal. The fastest crabs will win big: 10 chances to win $5,000 in prizes and one chance to win the grand prize of $40,000. All money stays in the community to support local agencies. In the past, funds raised have gone toward scholarships at
Lifestyle Furniture
Quality Affordable Furniture
local high schools, Lowcountry Habitat for Humanity, HELP of Beaufort, Adaptive Golf Experience, Second Helpings, Spanish Moss Trail, YMCA of Beaufort, CAPA, CODA, Alzheimer’s Family Services, services for military families and Honor Flight to name just a few. Visit the website and fill out the form to adopt 1, 10, or even 100 crabs. The Old Village Association of Port Royal will host the 15th Annual Soft Shell Crab Festival on Saturday, April 21 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The fun community festival offers a day of food, live music, artisan craft vendors, local dancers, a kids’ fun zone and a car show on Paris Ave.
Beaufort History Museum presents ‘The Language of Libations’ Cheers! Beaufort History Museum invites supporters to toast The Language of Libations at the museum’s fourth annual tea fundraiser. The event is scheduled for Tuesday, May 8, 1- 4 p.m. at Dataw Island Club. “We are inviting everyone to attend the tea and experience a delicious and educational afternoon while helping us to reach our fundraising goals,” said BHM Board president Carol Lauvray. “Community support is especially important to us this year because we are currently renovating the museum and will be introducing Phase I of the new Exhibition Hall to the public this spring .” This year guests will learn about tea plantations, sweet tea vodka, “Demon Rum” and barrel–aged bourbon, and their place in South Carolina history. They will also sip a delightfully curated tea selection along with decadent delicacies, enjoy signature custom-crafted cocktails, complimentary tastings, a cash bar and a silent auction. The speakers will include historian Michael D. Coker, Berkely County Museum and Heritage Center Executive Director and historian who also leads the Charleston Tavern Tours; and William Hall of the Charleston Tea Company. Admission is $65 per person ($55 members) and a table of 10 is $500. Proceeds benefit the projects of Beaufort History Museum. Seating is limited. For reservations visit www. Beaufort History Museum, located in the historic Arsenal on Craven Street, is open Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Relax & Rejuvinate
1800 Boundary Street ∙ 843.524.8085 ∙ Monday - Friday: 9:30-6:00 ∙ Saturday 9:30-5:00 ∙ Sunday 1:00-5:00
Beaufort Memorial congratulates
A board-certified specialist in family medicine, Dr. Craig Floyd joined Beaufort Memorial Lowcountry Medical Group in 1998. He provides care for patients of all ages, from infants to seniors, and includes among his professional interests the full range of family medicine.
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Beaufort Memorial is proud to have Dr. Craig Floyd and Lowcountry Medical Group as part of its Physician Partners practices.
(843) 770-0404.
2 beau t i fu l co u r s es 1 beau t i fu l g am e
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You’re invited...
Cookbook Launch and Book Signing
Thanks for voting
Thursday, April 19
Sanctuary Golf Club
5:30 until 7:30 pm
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APRIL 12 - 18, 2018
COMMUNITY APRIL 12 -18, 2018
SC Literary Hall of Fame South Carolina Academy of Authors induction comes to Beaufort The South Carolina Academy of Authors will induct four new writers into the Palmetto State’s literary hall of fame in a weekend featuring an awards dinner, free public conversations, exhibitions, and tours in Beaufort, South Carolina, on April 27–29. The SCAA’s 32nd annual induction weekend will honor the literary contributions of James Beard Award-winning cookbook author Nathalie Dupree, New York Times best-selling novelist Mary Alice Monroe, Pushcart Prize-winning fiction writer Valerie Sayers, and dramatist and first director of the SC Academy of Fine Arts John Blake White (1781–1859). As Beaufort is also the adopted hometown of best-selling author and 1988 SCAA honoree Pat Conroy, the weekend’s events will include tours and exhibitions honoring Conroy’s lasting literary legacy. An awards dinner will be held beginning at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 28, at the Beaufort Holiday Inn & Suites Conference Center Carolina Ballroom, 2225 Boundary St. Tickets can be purchased online at by April 20; $55/individual or $90/ couple. During the awards ceremony, Nathalie Dupree will be introduced by 1994 honoree and novelist Josephine Humphreys, Mary Alice Monroe will be introduced by 2015 honoree and state poet laureate Marjory Wentworth, Valerie Sayers will be introduced by novelist Cassandra King Conroy on behalf of 1988 inductee Pat Conroy (who was Sayers’s Beaufort High School teacher), and playwright and SCAA board member Jon Tuttle will offer remarks on behalf of the late John Blake White. Preceding the awards dinner, the trio of living inductees will participate in a series of free public conversations about their writing lives to be held at the Technical College of the Lowcountry’s MacLean Hall, 921 Ribaut Rd, Bldg 12. On Friday, April 27, at 6 p.m., SCAA will screen the 2002 film "Due East," adapted from Valerie Sayers’ novels "Due East," and "How I Got Him Back" and staring Cybill Shepherd, Kate Capshaw, Clara Bryant, and Robert Forster. Following the screening, Lowcountry Weekly editor Margaret Evans will interview Sayers. On Saturday, April 28, at 2 p.m., journalist and publicist Angela May
an American Library Association United for Libraries Literary L a n d m a rk . NATHALIE DUP Van tours of REE Pat Conroy’s Beaufort are will interview Mary Alice Monalso available roe, and at 3 p.m. food writer and daily at 2 p.m., reserved through cookbook author Debbi Covington Beaufort Tours at 843-838-2746, will interview Nathalie Dupree. $30/individual. A book signing will follow each During the induction weekend, public conversation, and books by SCAA will also recognize the winthese honorees will also be availners of the organization’s annual able for sale at the awards dinner. fiction and poetry prizes. Robert The Pat Conroy Literary CenMaynor, of New Hope, South Caroter, 308 Charles St., will be open lina, won the 2018 Elizabeth Boatfrom noon to 4 p.m., Thursday wright Coker Fellowship in Fiction. through Sunday, offering free pubWinthrop University student Lucy lic tours of artifacts from Conroy’s Gardner won the 2018 Elizabeth writing and teaching life. EstabBoatwright Coker Student Prize in lished in 2016, the Conroy Center Fiction. Both fiction competitions is South Carolina’s first affiliate of were judged by Daniel Wallace, the American Writers Museum and best known for his novel Big Fish.
USC Aiken instructor Roy Seeger was awarded the 2018 Carrie McCray Nickens Fellowship in Poetry. Lauren Rose Clark, a graduate student at USC, won the 2018 Carrie McCray Nickens Student Prize in Poetry. The poetry prize winners were selected by Adam Vines, editor of the Birmingham Poetry Review. Since its formation in 1986, the South Carolina Academy of Authors has inducted 77 writers, living and deceased, from across the breadth of the genres and geographies represented in South Carolina’s literary life. The statewide educational mission of the nonprofit SCAA is performed by an all-volunteer board of governors and by past inductees. The SCAA sponsors annual fellowship awards in fiction and poetry, and benefits from close affiliations with the South Carolina Arts Commission, South Carolina Humanities, the South Carolina State Library, and many of our state’s colleges, universities, and arts-supporting organizations and individuals. For more information about the SCAA induction weekend and to reserve tickets for the April 28 awards dinner, visit
CONROY CENTER UNVEILS A LITTLE LOWCOUNTRY LENDING LIBRARY In "My Reading Life", Pat Conroy said, “the veneration of books carries its own rewards,” and for Pat that reward was most heartfelt and reassuring when in a library. The Conroy Center, in partnership with the Friends of the Beaufort County Library and a group of junior and senior National Honor Students from Wendy Lacombe’s Beaufort High School classes, have coordinated efforts to create a Little Lowcountry Lending Library, offering readers of all ages free access to the wealth of a library. The library will be unveiled Friday, April 20 at 4 p.m. at the Pat Conroy Literary Center. Melissa Murray, English and Arts Coordinator with the Beaufort County Schools developed the concept, and her father, Ed
From left is Marilyn Harcharik, Wendy Lacombe, Aliyah Gardner and Tess Lacombe.
Kulisek, built the library. The Friends of the Library Bookstore donated the library’s first inventory of books. Marilyn Harcharik, president of the Friends of the Library, Beaufort, helped two students, Aliyah Gardner and Tess Lacombe, choose 20 books to be placed in the library. Readers are asked to abide by the code "to take a book is to replace a book." The students decorated the library with the theme Lowcountry marsh life. The library will have a Pat Conroy quote woven into its artwork. Pat’s duel love affair with both the beauty of the Lowcountry and the comfort brought by books is best described in a quote from "My Losing Season": “I felt as comfortable entering the… library as whelk entering its shell.”
Parker’s gives $25,000 to Beaufort County Schools
SCHOOL BRIEFS SCAM: Beaufort-area businesses being solicited on behalf of schools
A Texas-based company calling itself Sports Media has been soliciting Beaufort-area businesses, supposedly on behalf of Battery Creek or Beaufort high schools. Neither high school has a business relationship with this company. Hilton Head Island High School previously had situations where a third-party vendor claimed a relationship with the school that did not exist. Any Beaufort County business with questions about third-party solicitations on behalf of a local school should contact that school to confirm the legitimacy of any transaction before spending any money.
School district finance staff earns national award
Finance staffers from the Beaufort County School District have earned a national award for excellence from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada. The Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting recognized the school district’s 2017 annual financial report. The announcement marked the 28th consecutive year that the district had earned the national recognition. GFOA said the award honors financial reports that demonstrate a constructive “spirit of full disclosure” and that clearly communicate a school district’s financial story and motivate citizens to read the annual report. It said the award represents “the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management.”
Beaufort County School District was recently presented with a $25,000 Fueling the Community check from Parker’s at the monthly school board meeting in Bluffton. From left: Superintendent Jeffrey Moss; Cynthia Houston, District Manager for Parker's; Greg Parker, President and CEO of Parker's; and Chairman of the Beaufort County School Board Earl Campbell.
A local convenience store company today donated $25,000 to Beaufort County schools as part of an ongoing promotion at its outlets. Parker’s, which operates 51 convenience stores in Georgia and South Carolina, said the proceeds came from its “Fueling the Community” program. That promotion gives one cent of every gallon of gas sold on the first Wednesday of each month to local schools. Some of the Parker’s donation goes to support the school district’s annual “Support Person of the Year” recognition program, which honors school nurses, social workers, bookkeepers, office managers, teacher assistants, school secretaries, and technology and data specialists. Other funds go to specific schools designated by Parker’s “Pump Pal Club” customers when they purchase their gasoline on the first Wednesday of
each month. "Giving back to the community is part of our DNA at Parker's," said President and CEO Greg Parker. "We think it's important to support education in every county where we operate Parker's stores. We're delighted to support the hard work of teachers right here Beaufort County through our Fueling the Community program." Parker’s launched its charitable initiative in 2011 and has donated money to public and private schools in every community where Parker’s does business. Superintendent Jeff Moss accepted the donation on behalf of the school district. “This partnership with Parker’s is a wonderful asset,” Moss said. “The company’s annual donation has become a highly visible investment in our schools and in our future.”
Top ROTC cadets honored at spring 2018 joint awards ceremony
More than 80 men and women from the Reserved Officer Training Corps (ROTC) in the South Carolina Corps of Cadets are being recognized for their academic and military leadership and excellence. The Citadel ROTC departments provide cadets with officer training during college to allow them to begin their military careers as officers after graduation. Through the departments, The Citadel is one of the nation's proven producers of top military leaders. This spring, more than 100 cadets are expected to commission to all branches of the military. This year's award recipients were honored on Thursday, March 29 in McAlister Field House. Local cadets who received awards include: • Sarah Kardohely (Navy) of Beaufort received the Society of the Daughters of the War of 1812 Award. • Adam Hannah (Marine Corps) of Beaufort, also received the Society of the Daughters of the War of 1812 Award. • Michael Brister (Marine Corps) of Beaufort, received the National Defense Transportation Association Award.
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APRIL 12 - 18, 2018
Beaufort High
Beaufort High outlasted May River 13-12 in a high school softball game on Thursday, April 5. Shaley Gooding delivered a walk-off home run to send Beaufort High to the victory. Essence Champion went 2-for-4 with a home run, two runs and three RBIs for the Eagles. Emily Cook finished 2-for-4 with two RBIs while Martin was 2-for-3 with two runs and two RBIs.
BHS girls win Beaufort Track Classic, boys finish second
Battery Creek
Battery Creek swept a high school baseball series from rival Whale Branch. On Tuesday, April 3, visiting Battery Creek pulled away to beat host Whale Branch 26-10. Offensive leaders for the Dolphins were Cody Lanning (3-for-3, 4 runs, 5 RBIs), Jacob Rye (3-for6, 4 runs, RBI), Jonathan Gordon (1-for-4, 3 RBIs), and Trent Thompson (2-for-5, 4 runs, 2 RBIs). Meanwhile, De’Arius Hazel (2-for4, 2 RBIs) and Jaren Cantorn (1-for-2, 2 runs, 2 RBIs) paced the Warriors at the plate. Two days later, host Battery Creek blanked Whale Branch 10-0 on April 5. Battery Creek pitcher Tyler Hofmann struck out nine and allowed only four hits and one walk in five innings. Cole Lanning led Battery Creek at the plate going 2-for-3 with three RBI’s, while Jonathan Gordon was 3-for-4 with an RBI and three runs, and Emanuel Burke drove in two of the Dolphins' 10 runs.
Beaufort High
Beaufort High beat Montgomery County, a team from Kentucky, 10-5 in the Hanahan Invitational Tournament on Wednesday, April 4, which includes high school baseball teams from multiple states. Beaufort High pitcher Sam Stewart pitched five innings, recorded four strikeouts and earned the win. Ethan Graham finished 3-for-4 with three RBIs; Jefferey Smyth finished 2-for-4 with a double, a triple and four RBIs; and Jacob Anderson had 2-for-3 with a double.
Cathryn Roberts, a junior from May River High School in Bluffton, was the last girl to pole vault over and clear 11 feet before the 42nd annual Beaufort Track Classic was postponed Saturday April 7 because of rain and lightning. Photo by Bob Sofaly.
he Beaufort High girls' track and field team finished first and the boys placed second at the Beaufort Track Classic on Saturday, April 7. Keyasha Brown led the way for the girls’ team, winning the 100 hurdles. Second-place finishers were the 4x100 relay team, Makayla Johnson (100 hurdles) and Reyonce Black (100). The BHS boys' track and field team finished second with 71.5 points. Finishing first individually were Reggie Jones Jr. in the 110 hurdles, Dexter Ratliff in the discus and Isaiah Parker in the shot put.
From far left: Head Coach Chris Carr holds up Isabella Greer, right, as she slides safely into third base during the top of the fourth inning while Whale Branch’s Alicia Davis fields the throw; Battery Creek pitcher Alexis Ortiz hurls a fast ball to a hapless Whale Branch batter during the top of the fifth inning. Ortiz struck out 13 of the 15 hitters and pitched her first “no hitter” game of the season. Photos by Bob Sofaly.
Eagles defeat May River 5-1
Beaufort High defeated familiar foe May River 5-1 in a boys' high school tennis match on Tuesday, April 3. With the win, Beaufort High improved to 10-4. Singles winners for Beaufort High were Mitchell Russell, Thomas Gnann, Jaco Niemand and Meritt Patterson. The doubles team of Chris Hoogenboom/Diego Lindano also prevailed.
Beaufort High
On Tuesday, April 3, Beaufort High girls’ soccer lost at Porter Gaud in Charleston, 2-2 after regular time, and 7-6 in the shootout.
Beaufort Academy
Beaufort Academy girls’ soccer team won against Charleston Collegiate, 4-1, on Monday, April 9. Ally Raschella scored 3 goals, Maeve Kalady scored 1 goal, and goalie Amelia Huebel recorded 4 saves.
When things are going right, they go perfect. And that’s exactly what happened Thursday, April 5, when the Battery Creek Lady Dolphins softball team traveled across town to face Whale Branch and came away with a 12-0 shut out and Battery Creek’s Alexis Ortiz’s first no hitter of the season. “It felt pretty good right from the start”, said Ortiz,17. “All my pitches were working and going where they were supposed to with good speed.” Battery Creek Softball Head Coach Chris Carr said, “She was good tonight. She got ahead of the batters with her best pitches.
That’s when she’s at her best.” Ortiz ranks as one of the top high school softball pitchers in the state. Of the 15 batters she faced during the five-inning game, she struck out 13 of them while the defense made short order of the two that connected. Offensively, Kelsey Hill drilled a three-run homer while Michaux Gee finished 2-for-3 with an RBI and two runs. It was Battery Creek’s second no hitter of the season. Michaux Gee pitched a perfect game against Ridgeland-Hardeville recently. The win improved the Lady Dolphins record to 14-3 and 9-0 in Region 8-AAA play.
Owen K. Hand
Office: (843) 524-6310 39 Professional Village Circle • Beaufort, SC 29907 Securities and investment advisory services offered through Royal Alliance Associates, Inc. (RAA), member FINRA/SIPC. RAA is separately owned and other entities and/or marketing names, products or services referenced here are independent of RAA. APRIL 12 - 18, 2018
The Beaufort Art Association’s 57th annual Spring Show & Sale was held last week at Tabby Place at 913 Port Republic Street in Beaufort. Internationally famous artist Xi Guo judged over 150 works of art by some of the finest artists in Beaufort. Here are the results of the winners. This year, Best In Show, in Honor of Renee Levin & Memory of Julian Levin went to Anzhelika Vardi for After the Storm. 1st Place – Polly Swenson Memorial Award: Nancy Walnes for Tomato Processing Plant 2nd Place – In Memory of Mary and Ray Langley: Jacqueline Jones for Remember 3rd Place – Robert Steinmetz for The Days Catch BAA Founders Award: Royal Fyfe for Can You Guess Palmetto Special Award: Ron Ledlow for Moonlight MEMORIAL AWARDS OF ACHIEVEMENT: Grant Bosserman Memorial Award: C. Hope Cunningham for Morenci Turquoise Valerie Jansen Memorial Award: Jennifer Bradley for Lowcountry Vanitas Leith Paul Trask Memorial Award: Joe Abell for Hatchling Trio Mathew Bogan Memorial Award: Barbara James for Dance of Glass Evelyn Rudowitz Neidich Memorial Award: Tricia Gardner for Marsh Spring Students submitted artwork from Battery Creek, Beaufort Academy, and Whale Branch High schools. Best In Show/Geneva Litchfield Memorial Award: Destiny O'Hanlon for Old Sheldon (Battery Creek) OTHER WINNERS WERE: First Place – Jasmine Myles for Words of a Sista' (Whale Branch) Second Place – Thomas Pike for Untititled (Battery Creek) Third Place – Trey Dean for Wolf Dreaming (Beaufort Academy) Chartered in 1957, the Beaufort Art Association is a tax-exempt membership organization with about 175 local artists who are members. To find out more, call 843-521-4444, or visit The gallery is at 913 Bay Street Downtown.
Clockwise from above: Best in Show — After the Storm by Anzhelika Vardi; 1st Place — Tomato Processing Plant by Nancy Walnes; Best in Show (High School) — Old Sheldon by Destiny O'Hanlon; BAA Founders — Can You Guess by Royal Fyfe
Local author writes a children's book ‘A Gift for Coco’ Dyneshia Watson had a dog named Coco, who recently passed away. As she watched how her son played with Coco the same way he plays with his new puppy, it inspired Watson to write “A Gift for Coco” (published by AuthorHouse). The book tells the story of Jessica, an 8-year-old girl who has a new dog she named Coco. She takes Coco everywhere she goes, to the park, outside and even to the store. One day Jessica took Coco outside to play in the snow, but Coco ran back inside the house because it is too cold outside. What will Jessica give to protect Coco from the cold weather? “Most children have pets and maybe this book will inspire them to try to keep their pets warm, when playing outside in the cold,” Watson says. “This story teaches children to not just think of themselves, but to have feelings for others, even animals.” Through the publication of “A Gift for Coco,” Watson encourages readers to use their imagination to create their world the way that they see it, and not how adults expect them to see it. The book is available online at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Dyneshia Watson was born and raised in New Jersey. She relocated to Beaufort nine years ago with her husband Sam and her son, Andre Frazier. Her expertise in child development comes from over 30 years of professional experience, working directly with children ages newborn through 18 years old. B4
APRIL 12 - 18, 2018
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Henny-Penny: The Sky is Falling! A recent newsfeed headline caught my attention. It read “The Sky is falling” “The Sky is Falling”. Naturally I was intrigued and opened the article to see when this disastrous event was to take place. The day in question was April 1st. Okay, another April Fool’s Day gag. But no, it was not a joke. The Tiangong-1 Chinese space station was expected to re-enter the earth’s atmosphere late on the night of March 31st or early April 1st. Evidently the Chinese scientists who were monitoring the space station, lost communication with it sometime in 2016 so they were not going to be able to bring it down in a controlled descent over water. I picture the Ground Controllers saying over and over, “Come in Tiangong 1. Come in Tiangong 1”. Then finally saying, “Please come in Tiangong 1!” But, it never responded. The experts all agreed that the object
Now what?
Lee Scott, a writer and recent retiree, shares her everyday observations about life after career. A former commercial banker responsible for helping her clients to reach their business objectives, Scott now translates those analytical skills to her writings. She recently moved to St. Helena Island with her husband and two cocker spaniels. She enjoys boating, traveling and reading.
was to land somewhere between 43 degrees north and 43 degrees south. That is a huge amount of land including most of the USA. However, when you think of it, 70% of the earth is water, so statistically speaking, it was probably going to land in water somewhere. Then I read that Tiangong 1 was the size of a school bus; a nine-ton school bus. Which to me is big and I would rather not have it land here in the Morgan River.
Fortunately, the debris crashed somewhere in the central South Pacific. It took longer than expected to get to Earth since it missed April Fools day on Sunday and landed on Monday the 2nd. According to the website, Tiangong 1 was not alone up there orbiting the earth. The number of objects is staggering when you look at all the micrometeoroids, rocket stages, broken satellites and other space junk.
Besides NASA and DoD, there are other groups around the world monitoring this orbital garbage dump including the European Space Agency. I’m not sure this oversight is very comforting when you consider the items up there that are coming down. In 1979, the America’s 77-ton Skylab crashed through the atmosphere and spread wreckage near Perth, Australia. The US was fined $400.00 for littering. But despite all this junk falling there is only one reported incident of someone being hit by space debris. In 1997, Lottie Williams was walking in Tulsa, Oklahoma when she was hit by an object. It was confirmed to be a piece of a Delta II Rocket. So, heed those “Sky is Falling” headlines despite the sensationalism, because you never know what is falling. It could be space junk, or, like Henny-Penny, it could just be an acorn.
Charleston boys go rogue on Jasper Port By Bill Rauch
Handling as many as 7 million containers a year, and by one estimate providing as many as a million jobs by 2040, The Jasper Ocean Terminal will when it is built-out be the largest container port on the east coast, surpassing both New York/New Jersey and Savannah that are currently first and second respectively. Moreover because both Savannah’s Talmadge Bridge and Charleston’s Ravenel Bridge are not tall enough for the world’s largest container ships today to pass under, the Jasper Terminal will be the only port in South Carolina and Georgia that can handle the big ships. (The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is spending $1.3B to raise the Bayonne Bridge.) And every year bigger ships are built. Without question The Jasper Ocean Terminal project is a transformative one, and with the stakes so high it is little wonder the squabbling over them is sometimes intense, especially during budget season. Recognizing that, every few years since then-Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue and then-South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford first came together in 2007 to call for regional peace over regional war, and to express their respective state’s support for The Jasper Ocean Terminal, to keep the project moving forward new governors have had to reaffirm their support. Now may be another one of those times. Or at least South Carolina State Repre-
sentative Weston Newton thinks it is. In a meeting with Governor Henry McMaster last week Rep. Newton urged the Governor to reach out to Georgia Governor Nathan Deal, seeking a meeting at which on behalf of their respective states the two governors would “renew their vows.” The last such peace-keeping effort was two years ago when then-South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley updated the project’s governing pact with Governor Deal, and then went to Jasper County to say the project needs to be “fast-tracked” and that “we need this done yesterday.” Dutifully the Legislature passed a resolution that says the South Carolina State Ports Authority Bill Rauch (SCPA) who with the Georgia Ports Authority are the project’s managers, should make every effort to move the job along “expeditiously.” Governor Haley’s proposed fast-track opening date for the new port was 2025. But since then parochial rivalries appear to have once again surfaced with the effect of their threatening to slow the project. Last month SCPA’s President and CEO James I. Newsome III told a meeting of legislators in Columbia that the Jasper Ocean Terminal wouldn’t be needed until 2035 or 2037. That’s when the Port of Charleston’s terminals are now predicted to have reached their capacities.
Since when does Jasper have to wait to open until Charleston is at capacity? That’s the parochial part, or some of it. As we have seen with the SCPA’s handling of both Port of Port Royal and the Jasper Port, the interests of the Port of Charleston seem always to supersede all else at the SCPA. Another recent indication of this surfaced when SCPA requested $5 million be put into the state’s FY’19 budget for “permitting” at the Jasper Port. The FY’19 budget is currently under consideration in Columbia and due out next month. But then when SCPA came up short on their grants to dredge the Charleston harbor the Authority withdrew the $5M request for Jasper and slid the money over to be added to the $300M for dredging Charleston Harbor that SCPA was already requesting from the state. The Jasper project is now three years into its estimated eight year permitting process and a year’s funding interruption there could set the opening back more than a year. “The permitting money will be there when it’s needed,” Rep. Newton told me last week. Governor McMaster agrees, his press secretary, Brian Symmes, told me last week. “The Governor wants to see this project — including its permitting — go forward as soon as possible. The money for permitting the project will be there any time it is needed,” he added. Luckily for the Jasper port’s proponents the governor appears to mean it. “Governor McMaster intends to do everything he can to
help fulfill then Governor Haley’s promise to have the Port operational by 2025. It was the right thing to do then, and it’s the right thing to do now,” his press secretary also told me last week. Someone better tell the boys at the SCPA whose reappointments require the governor’s signature. In yet another indication of their recent mischief-making, SCPA also told the legislators in Columbia last month that when SCPA shared with the Georgia Ports Authority’s leadership that SCPA intended to slow Jasper’s opening to 2035 or 2037, Georgia who said Savannah would be at capacity in 2028 indicated they would have to build a new terminal on Hutchison Island to accommodate the excess containers they expect they will handle between 2028 and 2037. Why not just get Jasper open before Georgia’s current facilities reach their capacity? Rep. Newton is spot on. What’s needed here is a little leadership (button-holing?) to keep The Jasper Ocean Terminal on its already lengthy timetable. What’s needed are clear orders from the top, and only the governors can provide it. Time will tell. I asked both governors’ press secretaries if the governors would be putting their heads together on this. Not surprisingly both ducked the question. Bill Rauch was the mayor of Beaufort from 1999-2008. Email Bill at TheRauchReport@
A message to VOTE NO on April 21 On Saturday, April 21, voters will decide the fate of the $76 million school referendum. Citizens Advocating Responsible Education (CARE) does not support this referendum. We have no confidence in the school district leadership or the school board’s ability to provide adequate financial oversight. We urge you to VOTE NO. The funds would be used to build one new school in Bluffton, make additions to two others in Bluffton, and build career and technical education buildings at three high schools. North of the Broad gets overlooked again in this referendum. Only $5 million would be spent north of the Broad on a new CATE (Career and Technical Education) building at Beaufort High School. Currently, there is a CATE building at Battery Creek High School. There has been no evidence presented by the school district to justify the need for three new CATE buildings. This is simply an effort to win votes. We now
spend millions at ACE, the other VOTech school, and the school board is considering expanding that relationship. About 200 Beaufort County students attend ACE. More than half of this referendum is set aside for a new school in Bluffton which, according to Superintendent Jeff Moss, would not be built for about five years. Mobile classrooms have been purchased to alleviate the overcrowding at two schools in Bluffton. All the other elementary schools in Bluffton are below capacity. Your taxes that pay for school debt will increase by 7% and will be reflected on your property tax bill as well as taxes on cars and boats. The $76 referendum does not include any funds to hire teachers for these schools, heat and cool these buildings, or maintain these buildings. Then, there’s the issue of trust. Superintendent Moss maintained that he was innocent for 10 months before he pled guilty to ethics violations. He was fined
and reprimanded by the State Ethics Commission. Yet the majority on the school board rewarded him with bonuses of more than $70,000 over the past two years. Moss has acknowledged that lack of trust was a key factor in the failed 2016 referendum. Neither the Superintendent nor the majority board members have done anything since then to restore public trust. In fact, the school board chairman recently told his colleagues that this is the “worst board” he has seen in more than 20 years. So, how can we trust them to provide the necessary oversight of a massive school building program? Now we have the FBI in town. The FBI has issued three subpoenas to district officials in connection with the construction of May River High School and River Ridge Academy, the very same schools that would be expanded with this referendum. This dysfunctional school board recently voted to spend up to $8,000 of
taxpayers’ money to hire a facilitator to improve interpersonal board relations-learning how to be civil, show respect, etc. What does this say about the board’s judgment? Our solution is to elect a new, responsible school board in November when seven seats are up for election. The first order of business needs to be an impartial third-party review of all facilities and student enrollment to figure out exactly what is needed. Since this is a special election, there will undoubtedly be a low voter turnout. Every vote will count. We urge you to send a strong message to Superintendent Moss and his rubber stamp board majority. VOTE NO. In-person absentee voting is available at the Board of Elections office located at 15 John Galt Road every weekday through April 20 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
In addition to annual and regular interim reports, there is no reporting on construction cost compared to estimate and budgets. I consider the current Council Chairman and Finance Committee Chair are also much to blame for these failures because of a total lack of establishing any policies. Beaufort County needs to bring in a new
county administrator with proven management skills. He also needs to have a great track record in successful leadership in business/industrial development. For the past 25 years our county has just fumbled around in this vital function. It is hoped that the November election will bring in leaders to make sure this mess is fixed. Jim Bequette
Richard Bisi Co-founder CARE
LETTER TO THE EDITOR Nine months have passed since the end of the last fiscal year, and still there is no audited report on the county website. This is totally ridiculous and only highlights irresponsible Beaufort County Council leaders and interim County Administrator. Most large corporations get their audited reports published within a month after the end of their B6
APRIL 12 - 18, 2018
fiscal year. There are also no interim reports for the current fiscal year, and it is three-fourths complete. First, I believe the interim County Manager had finance reporting to him before Kubic retired. So why should he be considered to become county administrator if he can't get things done timely?
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- Quality care you can trust. Serving - Indoor boarding facility with New Beaufort for over 20 years. Kitty Condos - Wellness plans starting at $19.95/month - Care Credit Accepted - Feline friendly lobby and exam rooms - Prescription Diets, Heartworm, Flea - Full service animal hospital with digital & Tick preventatives x-rays and ultrasound *On Lady’s Island behind Sonic
40 Professional Circle • Beaufort, 40 ProfessionalVillage Village Circle • Beaufort, SC SC
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0pm 3 : 7 28 @ , 7 2 , 0, 21 @ 3:00pm 2 l i Apr l 29 i r p A
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adults $30 | seniors/military $25 | students/children $15
Monday Night is Movie Night Molly’s Game 4/16/18 All the Money in the World 4/23/18 Back to Burgundy 4/20/18
Two robust Riojas represent best of Spain When it comes to Spanish reds, it’s hard to beat Riojas. Here is a chance to compare two wines, both from the Bodegas Riojanas winery. The Spanish wine region Rioja is named for its location on the River Ja — “Rio” being Spanish for “river.” Rioja wines come in red, white and rosé, but 85 percent are red. The region is divided into three subregions: Rioja Alta, Rioja Alavesa and Rioja Baja. Alta wines are from the western part of the region, with higher elevations and a more Old World style. Alavesa wines are similar but fuller bodied with more acidity. These vineyards are low density with large spacing between the vine rows. Baja wines come from a more Mediterranean (warmer) climate subregion and are deeply colored, more alcoholic, with lower acidity levels. Red Riojas are generally blends that are typically 60% Tempranillo (for flavors and aging potential), up to 20% Garnacha (for body and alcohol), with smaller amounts of Mazuelo (for flavor) and Graciano grapes (for aroma).
Additionally, Riojas come with various times of barrel and bottle aging — the longer the aging time, the higher the price. Tempranillo is a uniquely Spanish variety. The country is very proud of the indigeCelia Strong nous variety and its 2,000 year history of wine. These wines are as age worthy as those from Bordeaux and Burgundy, well-known French wine regions, but Riojas never got the recognition. Today, most Rioja wines are as good as their French counterparts, but way less expensive, which is excellent for consumers. Bodegas Riojanas makes our two wines, and the winery was established in 1890. Four decades later, at a time when bulk wines were more popular, they decided to concentrate on bottled wines, especially those aged in oak barrels, and it was an instrumental decision in the
history of Riojas. Today, Riojanas owns almost 500 acres of Tempranillo vineyards plus one of the largest vineyards of Mazuelo and Graciano, all with clay and limestone soils that is perfect for these three varieties. Fifth generation descendants of the company’s founders are still active in every step of production. Bodegas Riojanas Puerta Vieja Rioja Crianza Red Label is made from 80% Tempranillo, 15% Mazuelo and 5% Graciano. All the grapes are grown in company owned vineyards in Cenicero and Sonsierra in the Alta subregion. After harvest, the grapes are sorted, de-stalked and crushed, then controlled temperature fermentation and exceptionally long maceration times are used. The blend is aged 18 months in American oak barrels and 6 months in its bottles. The wine has intense cherry-red colors, aromas and flavors. It is very fruit forward with additional spicy notes and has a robust quality with pleasant, milder tannins and a long finish. This wine would pair with every day meals
such as burgers, meatloaf, stews, roast poultry, rice and pastas, and mild cheeses. For only $12.99. Bodegas Riojanas Puerta Vieja Crianza Silver Label is made from 100% Tempranillo grown in Cenicero and San Vicente de la Sonsierra estate vineyards. Harvesting these grapes and producing this wine is very similar to the Red Label with the same 18 months in American oak and six months in bottles. The silver label also has a cherry red color but it also has hints of licorice with spicy notes and toasty wood nuances. With just Tempranillo used to make this wine, the earthy side of this variety shows up. Still, the tannins are soft and velvety. If the Red Label is a New World style Rioja, this is an Old World style. Great for pairing with grilled seafood or sausages, olives and paella, this wine is only $13.99. Enjoy! Celia Strong works at Bill’s Liquor & Fine Wines on Lady’s Island.
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APRIL 12 - 18, 2018
WHAT TO DO Sportfishing, diving club to meet in April
The Beaufort Sportfishing and Diving Club’s April meeting will be held on Thursday, April 12, at the Beaufort Yacht and Sailing Club located on Lady’s Island off Meridian Road. The social begins at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting will begin at 7 p.m. Cobia season will be the topic, with local captain Michael Perry of Papa Bear Charters discussing techniques of hooking, landing, and releasing under-sized cobia. The new cobia regulations, locations, and dates of opportunity will be discussed by Capt. Frank Gibson; a member of the SCDNR Marine Advisory Commission and other law enforcement officers who will be in attendance. For more information, contact Captain Frank Gibson at 843-522-2122 or email
Carteret Street UMC hosts annual closet sale
Carteret Street United Methodist Church will hold its annual spring closet sale Friday, April 13 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday, April 14 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall, 408 Carteret Street, Beaufort. Gently used and nearly new fashions in all sizes, jewelry, handbags and shoes are available for women, children and men. Proceeds support the mission work of United Methodist Women. For more information, please contact Sally Fordham 843-812-3311.
Royal Pines to hold yard sale and plant sale
Royal Pines will hold its Community Yard and Garden Club Plant Sale on Saturday, April 14 from 8 a.m. to noon on Royal Pines Boulevard on Lady’s Island. The rain date is set for April 28.
Flea market coming to Lady’s Island Marina
The second annual Marine and Fishing Tackle Flea Market will be held on Saturday, April 14 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Lady’s Island Marina (on the lawn) located at 73 Sea Island Parkway, Lady’s Island, SC 29907. Bring your own table and set-up your marine, fishing tackle or marine parts you wish to sell or trade. No boats or trailers permitted. For questions or additional information, contact Captain Mark at 912- 6633503.
Indivisible Beaufort to host meeting
Local efforts in the area of affordable housing and a look at systemic racism that leads to housing inequalities will be the topic of the Saturday, April 14 meeting of Indivisible Beaufort. The public is invited to attend the meeting which will take place at the Beaufort Library on Scott Street, starting at 11 a.m. Deborah Johnson, facilitator of the Lowcountry Affordable Housing Coalition, and Carol Corbin, Justice Team Leader for Indivisible Beaufort, will be leading the discussion.
Women’s Connection has monthly luncheon
The Low Country Women’s Connection will hold its April luncheon at the Hampton Hall Clubhouse on Wednesday, April 18, at 11:30 a.m. The feature will be a Stein Mart fashion show. For tickets, call Carol at 843705-7604.
OneBlood to host two blood drives
OneBlood will host two blood drives on Friday, April 20: At the Beaufort Regional Chamber of Commerce Coffee With Colleagues from 8 a.m. to noon, and J&J’s Barber Shop, 1:30 to 5 p.m. OneBlood is located at 1001 Boundary Street, Suite A, Beaufort, SC 29902. Visit or call 1.888.936.6283.
Community Job Fair open to public
Love House Academy Summer Learning is holding a Community Job Fair on Saturday, April 21, from 8 a.m. to noon at Community Bowling Center, 1140 Ribaut Road, Beaufort. Be prepared to interview for hire: Bring resume, identification, and dress for an interview. For more information, calll 843-379-BOWL (2695) or visit
Local author to speak at Beaufort Library
A free presentation and Q&A session with local author and tech consultant Henrik de Gyor will be held Saturday, April 21, at 9:30 a.m. at Beaufort Branch Library, 311 Scott St. Beaufort. The focus will be “How Artificial Intelligence Can Help You Today.” For more information, call 843-255-6458.
Annual Soft Shell Crab Fest to be held
The Old Village Association of Port Royal will host the 15th Annual Soft Shell Crab Festival on Saturday, April 21 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The fun community festival offers a day of food and enjoyment, and a fantastic opportunity to savor one of the delicacies of the Lowcountry. Taking over Paris Avenue, live music will be performed by Souls Harbor and two other local bands and there will be food, artisan craft vendors, local dancers from Larew Dance Center, an expanded kids’ fun zone and a car show by the Beaufort Classic Car & Truck Club. The Rotary Club of Beaufort will host their annual Charity Crab Race along Battery Creek. For more information, visit
Group hosts spring fashion luncheon
On Thursday, April 19, from 11:30 a.m.2 p.m, Beaufort Christian Women's Connection will hold a a lunch at Sea Island Presbyterian Church, 81 Lady's Island Drive, Beaufort. Nuances of Port Royal will be doing a "Spring into Fashion" Show. Pam Reeves will be the guest speaker. The cost for the lunch and program is $15. For reservations, call Marti Myers at 843-321-0962 or email before April 13.
Plaza Stadium Theater
Become a homeowner through Habitat for Humanity
LowCountry Habitat is starting its Family Selection Process in May. Attendance at a Family Orientation Session is the first step in the Habitat Family Selection process. Interested applicants should attend one of the three scheduled Family Orientation Meetings: • Tuesday, May 1 at 6 p.m. at Brick Baptist Church Fellowship Hall • Thursday, May 3 at 6 p.m. at The Baptist Church of Beaufort Fellowship Hall • Saturday, May 5 at 10 a.m. at Lighthouse Christian Center For more information about LowCountry Habitat for Humanity, please call 843-5223500 or visit
Sons of American Vets hold events
• On Saturday, May 19 the "Sons of Am. Vets" will be selling Smoked Boston Butts. They are cooked to order and cost $35. They must be reserved in advance by May 12 by calling 843-812-6695. • On Saturday, May 26t the "Sons of Am. Vets” will hold a Comedy Night at the post, with several professional comedians. The cost for this event is $17.76 in advance, $20 at the door, which includes dinner. All proceeds from this event goes to the Chosen Foundation, which supports family members of fallen soldiers. Tickets can also be purchased at the post, or by calling 843-812-6695.
Learn Tsa Lung at local yoga spa
Experience the self-healing practice of Tsa Lung, an ancient Tibetan Bon tradition, at Effervescence Yoga Spa every Sunday from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Tsa Lung engages the mind, body, and spirit with purifying breathing and gentle yoga exercises. You will learn Inner Refuge Meditation, Nine Purification Breaths, and Sitting Yoga Exercises to revitalize your life force energy and connect to your deep self. No previous yoga or meditation experience is
Friday, April 13-Thursday, April 19 Blockers: Rated R Noon, 2:15, 4:30, 7, 9 Acrimony: Rated R Noon, 2:15, 4:30, 7, 9:15 Truth Or Date: Rated PG13 Noon, 2, 4, 7, 9 A Quiet Place: Rated PG13 Noon, 2, 4, 7, 9 Rampage: Rated PG13 Noon, 2:15, 4:30, 7, 9:15
Visit 41 Robert Smalls Pkwy. 843-986-5806
required. Effervescence Yoga Spa is located at 1613 Paris Ave. in Port Royal. For more information, visit
Help provide free medical care to locals in need
Please help support the Annual Giving Campaign of Good Neighbor Free Medical Clinic of Beaufort. The clinic provides compassionate medical care at no cost for eligible low-income, uninsured adults in Beaufort County. Clinic volunteers have raised $10,000 as a challenge, which will be used to match the first $10,000 in donations received by May 4. Contributions can be made by check (made out to GNFMCB) sent to the clinic at 30 Professional Village Circle, Beaufort, SC 29907 or by PAYPAL link on the clinic’s website at Additional information about the clinic is available on its website or its profile on The Giving Marketplace (https://thegivingmarketplace.
Volunteer at Fresh Start Healing Heart
Volunteers needed for Fresh Start Healing Heart, an anti-human trafficking organization that shelters and offers restorative services to survivors. Email or call (843)-644-1991 for additional information.
LowCountry Fly Fishing Expo features special guest
2018 LowCountry Fly Fishing Expo will be held April 21 at Oldfield in Okatie. It will be a day of presentations, seminars, demonstrations, and opportunities for one-on-one casting instruction that will feature some of the Lowcountry and Southeast's premier fly fishing instructors, guides, and professionals, as well as special guest Bob Clouser. For more information and tickets call 843-524-5250 or visit
Fripp Audubon Club welcomes John Lampkin
Fripp Audubon Club welcomes John Lampkin “Bugs in Your Bloomers” on Thursday, April 26, 2018 at 7 p.m. at Fripp Island Community Center. A meet and greet will start at 6 p.m. Why do warblers stay so high in the tree canopy? Are plants waging a war against butterflies? John Lampkin has been investigating such questions and will share insights he has documented in a unique educational and beautiful photographic presentation.
Conference to be held for Volunteers needed for middle and high schoolers Honor Flight Savannah Join the Lowcountry for a free middle school and high school youth conference on Wednesday, April 18 from 5-9 p.m. There will be a band, food, and guest speakers who will talk about youth domestic violence, human trafficking, sexual assault, healthy relationships and social media. Parents are welcome to attend. All attendees must RSVP online at mysite.
For more information, call 843-255-6487 or visit
Volunteers are requested for a dollar pull down event, when the signed dollar bills stapled to the walls and ceiling of Johnson Creek Tavern on St. Helena Island will be removed on Saturday, April 28. Money removed will be a donation to Honor Flight Savannah, to help pay for veterans from World War II, Korea, and Vietnam to visit the war memorials in Washington, D.C. in May. For more information, visit
Tour Fort Fremont on St. Helena Island
ORDER BY APRIL 13, DELIVERY ON APRIL 17 Chicken & Sausage Gumbo
Asian Asparagus,Spiced Ham and Egg Pasta Cheeseburger Casserole Ratatouille Egg Salad over fresh Greens & a Side Stuffed Flounder Potato & Leek Soup Mushroom & Olive Quiche Veggie Plate
Travel back in time to the 1890s and the Spanish American War during a guided walking tour of Fort Fremont on Saturday, April 28 at 10:30 a.m. Meet at the St. Helena Branch Library, 6355 Jonathan Francis Senior Road on St. Helena Island to view a short documentary and scale model of Fort Fremont as it stood in 1898 before visiting the fort. The free tour lasts approximately two hours and no reservations are necessary. APRIL 12 - 18, 2018
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THEME: ENGLISH ROYALTY ACROSS 1. Piggy's glasses ("Lord of the Flies") 6. Strike caller 9. Not a hit 13. Earth in Latin 14. Fa follower 15. Half of diameters 16. Architectural projection 17. Down Under bird 18. Mountaineer's tool 19. *Royal family since 1917 21. *2018 royal bride 23. Stumblebum 24. Ship wrecker 25. *A national color 28. Ditto 30. Poster heading 35. "It aint over till it's ____" 37. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 39. Hindu sage 40. Not all 41. World Series mistake 43. Not Sunni 44. Augmenting 46. Hatha or bikram, e.g. 47. Teller's partner 48. Take the first steps 50. Bar bill, pl.
52. *The British Royal Navy secures it 53. Strip of wood 55. Bebop, for short 57. *Cause of 1936 abdication 60. *#29 Down's co-ruler 64. Dam 65. Fuss, to Shakespeare 67. Dhaka, formerly 68. Black tie ____ 69. Biochemistry abbr. 70. Foe 71. Between bleu and jaune 72. Seasonal blues 73. ____ sociales or social networks DOWN 1. Put in the hold 2. ____meter or ____scope 3. Sportscaster Andrews 4. Words to live by 5. Pico de gallo and such 6. Drug addict 7. *Catherine of Aragon to Bloody Mary 8. Musketeer's hat accessory 9. Speed of object divided by speed of sound 10. Brainchild 11. a.k.a. Xi'an, ancient capital of China 12. *How many wives did
Henry VIII have? 15. Ships' masts and sails attendant 20. "Coming ____ ____" 22. Get it wrong 24. *Get engaged 25. *Symbols for Houses of Lancaster and York 26. Call forth 27. Call it quits 29. *#60 Across' co-ruler 31. Bit of smoke 32. "____ we all fall down" 33. German wine valley 34. *Present Prince of Wales' first wife 36. First woman Attorney General 38. Frat house party garb 42. Torah teacher 45. Esophagus 49. ____ chi 51. Fuse together 54. Former Russian leaders 56. Heathrow craft 57. We have 58. Affirm 59. Pre-easter period 60. Blue dyestuff 61. Latte choice 62. "The Road Runner" corporation 63. The Say Hey Kid 64. Leo in Russian 66. "23andMe" type of test
THURSDAY’S CHUCKLE Read with caution; not necessarily the opinions of the editorial staff.
APRIL 12 - 18, 2018
Island Girls Night Out
For all women who just want to get together. Door prizes, wine, and Hor d'oeuvres by The Kitchen
Thursday, April 19, 5:30 to 7
We will also be hosting a Trunk Show by Lucky Jewelers, from St. Thomas, offering fine and casual jewelry. Join us for this exclusive showing, April 18 and 19, starting at 11am. St. Thomas prices are coming to Frogmore! Don't forget to stop by Bella Luna for dinner afterwards! 843.838.3188
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APRIL 12 - 18, 2018