The Island News April 5, 2012

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social diary

‘beaufort beauties’ take to the stage at the shed and raise money for local charities, pages 10-11

The Island News covering northern beaufort county

Beaufort to buy Commerce Park Seeking a brighter future for Beaufort’s children and for military families, the Beaufort City Council on Tuesday, April 3, approved the purchase of the 167-acre Beaufort Commerce Park for $1.85 million. Last week, the owners of the Commerce Park parcels petitioned their land to be annexed into the city limits. At the same time, City Council approved on first

reading the purchase of the Commerce Park for $1.85 million, less than what the property had been appraised at last year. Also on March 27, the City Council approved initial reading of an ordinance to amend the Unified Development Ordinance to create an “industrial park” zoning district for the Commerce Park. The site will be used for heavy and light

industrial purposes. Both the annexation and rezoning require additional steps before they are finalized. “I feel a passionate sense it’s our time to take the lead (on local economic development). It’s a new day,” said Beaufort Mayor Billy Keyserling. PARK continued on page 2


april 5-11, 2012



Columnist Jack Sparacino is a fan of local stone crabs. see page 3


A Sharp legal mind: The life of Judge Mary Sharp. see page 16


Carson Bruce heads JSLB’s annual BBQ on the Marsh. see page 22 INDEX

Eighth graders at St. Peter Catholic School portrayed a live Stations of the Cross for the parish of St. Peter Catholic Church.

Celebrate with a weekend of events HUNTING ISLAND EGG HUNT: Hop over to Hunting Island State Park on Saturday, April 7 at 11 a.m. for an Easter Egg hunt. One hunt is for ages 6-12 and one for children 5 and under. There will also be a drawing contest. Go to and download the coloring sheet and bring it on the day of the hunt or color one on site. Prizes will be awarded for both hunts and both age categories for the coloring contest. The Easter Bunny will also make an appearance.

April 7 at 10 a.m. will be at Pick Pocket Plantation in Beaufort, off Burton Hill Road. Free egg hunt, games, jumpers, hot dog lunch, puppet shows and music. For more info, contact 843-525-0089.

COMMUNITY BIBLE: Beyond the Cross: Easter Musical, will be Good Friday, April 6 at 7 p.m. The Easter Message, Easter Sunday, April 8, is at 9:15 and 11 a.m. at Community Bible Church, 638 Parris Island Gateway, Beaufort, An Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday,

ST. HELENA: Good Friday, April 6, will have three service choices: 12 p.m. Good Friday Service; 12 p.m. Children’s Good Friday Service; and 7 p.m. Stations of the Cross. There will be two opportunities for baptism on April 7, Holy Saturday. Baptisms in the river will be at 11 a.m. and baptisms

in the church will be at 2 p. m. Easter Sunday, April 8, will begin with a Festival Eucharist of the Resurrection at 7 a.m. Another Festival Eucharist of the Resurrection and Flowering of the Cross will be held at 9 a.m. Two more services will follow at 11:15 a.m. and 6 p.m. The Parish Church of St. Helena is an Episcopal church located at 505 Church Street in Beaufort. Please call 843-522-1712 for more information. JUST FOR DOGS: Easter Egg Goodie Hunt will be Saturday, April 6, from 10-11 a.m. at Pigeon Point Park, featuring a “Golden Egg Pasture.” Each Golden Egg is only $5 with prizes valued at $15 and up. $5 for three eggs or $10 for 7. Teams (dog and human) will hunt for hidden treats and great team prizes. The proceeds will benefit Chain Free Beaufort.

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