8 minute read
Tuesday, Aug
from August 13 edition
Grocery store shuffle
Publix coming, BI-LO up in the air, Harris Teeter wants an extension
By Mindy Lucas
Grocery shoppers looking for another option along Boundary Street in Beaufort will finally get a Publix, though it could take more than a year before that’s a reality, project planners say.
Site work will begin this month in preparation for the 48,387-square-foot grocery store to be built in Beaufort Plaza, according to a news release issued by the city on Aug. 6.
The Plaza Stadium Movie Theater and its adjoining buildings were demolished in October to make way for the grocery store.
Construction is expected to begin in January and the store will open in the fall of 2021, Plaza owner Paul Trask said in the news release. In addition, Trask plans to refurbish the shopping center, including the addition of
From staff reports
With three homes damaged due to falling tree limbs in the last two weeks, three storm related calls this past weekend alone, and with hurricane season here along with potentially violent summer storms, Burton fire officials are advising residents to “scan their yard” for loose debris, along with trees and limbs that are endangering their homes.
Since April of this year, the Burton Fire District has responded to more than 10 emergency responses for electrical power lines or trees down, and three emergency responses for tree limbs damaging homes. To date, no injuries were reported in these incidents; however, two famnew asphalt, landscaping and lighting.
It’s a big step forward for the city’s Boundary Street Corridor Improvement Plan, city officials said.
The project will be a great investment for the shopping center and the city, City Manager Bill Prokop said at city council’s most recent meeting.
“…This is a big win for the City of Beaufort,” he said in the news release. “This will offer many of our residents a very convenient location to do their grocery shopping.”
The announcement of additional tenants to the shopping plaza is forthcoming, officials said, and a sign announcing the Publix went up on the corner of Boundary Street and Robert Smalls Parkway last week.
While the announcement of another grocery store may be welcomed news to those living along the north side of town, the fate of the BI-LO in Beaufort Town Center remains to be seen.
In June, Salisbury, N.C.- ilies were displaced, including a family of nine this past weekend.
Just past 7 a.m. on July 13, Burton EMTs assisted an elderly resident on Glaze Drive based grocery chain Food Lion announced it was acquiring 62 BI-LO and Harveys supermarket stores from BI-LO’s parent company Southeastern Grocers.
While the Port Royal BI-LO was listed on the company’s website of stores in Georgia and the Carolinas included in the purchase, the Beaufort BILO on Boundary Street was conspicuously missing from that list.
BI-LO employees at the Boundary Street store approached in June said they were told to apply for employment with Food Lion.
An email sent to Southeastern Grocers was not answered at press time Tuesday. However, after the announcement of the sale in June, a spokesperson for Southeastern Grocers said the company would be exploring options for such BI-LO stores as the Boundary Street location, but would remain “open and ready” to serve customers in the meantime.
In other grocery store news, Lady’s Island residents rewhen a tree limb fell causing damages to the home and a wheelchair ramp. The family had to be relocated as a result. The Burton Fire District helped coordinate assistance
Site work will begin this month in preparation for a Publix grocery store to be built in Beaufort Plaza. Photo by Mindy Lucas.
main curious to know if and when a Harris Teeter might open on the corner of Sea Island Parkway and Sams Point Road.
Vacated by Publix in 2014 when the grocery store moved across the road, the building has sat empty for years.
Developers, who have been planning for a Harris Teeter, submitted updated plans for a 56,000 square-foot grocery from a local church to repair the ramp.
Just after 6 a.m. on July 28, Burton firefighters responded to a tree limb that came through the roof of a home on
From staff reports
The Lowcountry Food Bank (LCFB), in partnership with the College of Charleston’s Riley Center for Livable Communities, announced a new online, interactive Lowcountry Food Finder Map.
The new map helps people in need find free food in the 10 coastal South Carolina counties served by the LCFB.
People trying to find nearby food pantries can go to https://bit.ly/lowcountry-food-resources and type in their location. A list of food resources with available times and days for sites closest to them will be provided.
Designed to work either
From staff reports
HELP of Beaufort, the largest volunteer organization in Beaufort County providing direct service, is in need of donations.
HELP offers clothing assistance, family assistance, mobile meals and financial assistance for those in need. According to the organization, more people that usual are coming in for
from page A1
“I was surprised,” Turso said. “… You sit there and a puzzle would come up in the toss-ups and you would go, ‘Oh, it’s this!’ And I’d forget, I’m supposed to buzz in.” store with parking in 2016.
In addition, in June the city’s zoning board granted special permission for planners to build a gas station on the site.
Project planners also asked the city’s Design Review Board for another year’s extension on submitted plans, City of Beaufort Community and Economic Development Director David Prichard said. Corner Loop causing heavy damage to the kitchen area. Power to the home had to be secured due to the damages.
Just after 3:30 p.m. on Aug. 9, Burton firefighters respondfrom a mobile device or computer, the website includes three types of food distribution sites: Lowcountry Food Bank partner agency sites, coastal South Carolina school district sites, and additional food resource sites.
Because of the growing demand for food assistance, along with volatility in food sourcing by food banks and pantries during the COVID-19 pandemic, the website will be regularly updated as new information becomes available.
The need for the Lowcountry Food Finder Map is greater than ever due to the number of people seeking food assistance for the first time. Comhelp and “the shelves are awaiting your generosity.”
Needs include fresh fruits and veggies, canned fruit and veggies, drinks (water, fruit juice, etc.) pasta sauce, soap and all toiletries, dog and cat food, diapers (Sizes 3, 4, 5) paper towels, mid-size laundry detergent and more.
Donations can be dropped off at 1810 Ribaut Road be
But Turso did well enough. Her big win was a “Before and After” puzzle, where she spun a $1,000 “mystery space.”
Turso guessed “h,” which there were two of for $2,000. When the “mystery space” was removed, the spot was worth $10,000. Turso correctly solved the puzzle – “You can’t hurry love handles.” Project planners had previously asked for an extension last November. The new extension will begin in November, he said.
While Harris Teeter confirmed in a recent email that it still holds the lease for the property, a spokesperson for the company said it did not have an opening date or any additional details to share at
Burton Fire officials advise ‘scan your yard’

this time.

ed to a tree that collapsed on a home on Alexandra Loop causing heavy damage to the home. A family of nine, three adults and six children, were displaced. Red Cross was called to assist the family.
Burton Fire District officials remind citizens that these weather-related incidents were not caused by tropical storm or hurricane force winds but routine summer storms. Officials advise residents to secure or remove loose yard debris and trees or branches that threaten your home. If such trees or limbs cannot be removed, then avoid those areas of the home in weather conditions, and consider that risk when deciding to evacuate during

Lowcountry Food Bank introduces interactive map
hurricane warnings. plexities of food distribution in the current environment and a lack of volunteers has caused almost 15 percent of food pantries in coastal South Carolina to close since mid-March.
Yet, according to Lowcountry Food Bank data, the demand for emergency or supplemental food has grown dramatically in the last few months.
The overall goal of the new food finder mapping tool is to help our neighbors in need find nutritious food and essential supplies for themselves and their families, especially during the coronavirus pandemic and resulting unemployment and economic
A work crew with Elite Solutions from Raleigh, N.C., continued to remove old playground equipment Wednesday afternoon, Aug. 5, at Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park. Construction superintendent Ala Ali said the old equipment will take only a few days to remove. The entire project including the installation of new equipment should be completed by in only a couple of weeks. Photo by Bob Sofaly
HELP of Beaufort needs your help
disruption. tween 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
HELP of Beaufort, founded in 1979, maintains a facility that is open five mornings a week with more than 80 volunteers giving their time and effort to carry out its programs. For more information, call 843- 524-1223, email helpbeaufort@gmail.com or visit helpof
A software engineer in New Jersey, Turso had been working as a real estate agent since moving to Beaufort in 2015 until health issues forced her to stop. Now, she hopes to use her winnings to travel.
Aside from her winnings, Turso enjoyed her experience on the show.
“It was lots of fun,” she said.