27 minute read
Monday, Aug
from August 13 edition
SCHSL pushes back football start date
SCISA on track for Aug. 28
While South Carolina’s private schools have begun football practice and still intend to play their first games later this month, the state’s public schools pushed back their start date again last week.
The S.C. High School League’s Executive Committee approved the league’s updated Return to Play proposal, which postpones the first
Beaufort’s McKenzie Daniel reached the Girls 18 Red singles final before falling to a familiar opponent at the Peanut Patch Junior Open in Florence over the weekend.
The larger age groups for the annual youth tennis event were practice dates for football and competitive cheer — the two fall sports deemed the highest-risk for spreading the novel coronavirus — until Sept. 8. The first football games could begin Sept. 25 — two weeks later than the previous proposal — and competitive cheer would hold its first competition Oct. 13.
Girls golf, swimming, and girls tennis are slated to begin practice Aug. 17 with their first contests allowed Aug. 31, while cross country and volsplit into two draws, selected at random and labeled as Red and White to limit the draw sizes.
Daniel was the No. 1 seed in the Girls 18 Red draw, and she backed it up by breezing into the final. After a first-round bye, Daniel won two straight matches in straight sets to earn leyball would begin practicing Aug. 24 and start competing Sept. 7.
Because of the condensed season, the plan also calls for a reduction in the number of teams qualifying for the postseason, cutting that number in half for football, volleyball, and tennis.
In addition to laying out guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and S.C. DHEC to prevent the spread of the virus, the document also urges the ima spot in the final alongside Hilton Head Island’s Emily Ruckno.
Ruckno made an impressive run through the bracket, as the unseeded Hilton Head High standout knocked off the top three seeds en route to the title. She outlasted No. 3 seed portance of student-athletes, coaches, and staff to follow recommended guidelines including social distancing and wearing face coverings, as well as limiting the sharing of equipment and sanitize it between uses when possible.
The 23-page document also offers a list of sport-specific “modifications and considerations” that might be necessary for a sport to take place, ranging from the suspension of pre-game and post-game handshakes to mandating Gigi Hinson in three sets, then notched a straight set victory over Kate Coppage to reach the semifinals. Ruckno survived another three-set marathon to take down McKenzie Davis of Florence in the semis, then beat top-seeded Daniel 6-2, 6-3 in the final. four balls be used for each tennis match, with two each marked “H” for home or “V” for visitor so players will not touch the same balls.
The proposal also leaves open the possibility of pushing the fall sports season to the spring.
“Winter and spring calendars may be modified to accommodate moving a fall sport into the athletic calendar in the event the sport is unable to hold their season in the fall due to COVID-19 con
Three of the four finishers in the division were representatives of the Lowcountry, as Bluffton’s Natalie Bassett lost to Daniel in the semifinals and placed fourth.
Another Hilton Head Islander claimed runner-up honors, as Sophia Tauscher reached ditions,” the proposal says.
Area private schools began fall sports practice Monday, with football teams limited to helmets only this week before progressing to helmets and shoulder pads next week and full pads Aug. 17. The S.C. Independent School Association is allowing cross country, swimming, tennis, golf, and volleyball to begin competition Aug. 17, with football games starting Aug. 28, following a separate set of
A work crew with Thomas Turner Construction Co. continues to work on the football field Wednesday afternoon, Aug. 5, at Beaufort High School’s Eagles Stadium. Bill Morris, assistant superintendent, said 6 inches of gravel will be put down as a base. Then a mixture of sand and rubber pellets will be put down just before the artificial sports turf. Morris said artificial turf usually runs 20 degrees warmer that the ambient temperature. The rubber pellets absorb the water and help cool it down. Morris said the turf is glued on. There is no stitching. The edges butt up together to form a seamless finish. The hash marks, yardage lines and school logo will be cut into the turf and glued in as well. Morris said they should be finished with the turf in late August. Photo by Bob Sofaly.

Red Team's shortstop Kevin Ortega fields the ball as the Royal Blues runner races toward third base during the third inning Tuesday evening, Aug. 4, at Burton Wells Park. The Royal Blues went on to win 3-2, improving their record to 4-2 while the Red Team dropped to 2-3 in the Parks And Leisure Services' Adult Baseball League. Photo by Bob Sofaly.
Beaufort’s Daniel reaches final at Florence tennis event
guidelines. the Girls 12 White singles final. Tauscher was the No. 4 seed and knocked off second-seeded Mahaley Swink 6-1, 6-0 in the semifinals before falling 7-6 (2), 6-0 to top-seeded Devin Gilroy. Tauscher dropped only one game in her first three matches leading up to the final.
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Passage of time the ultimate cure for anxiety
It is Saturday and we are, once again, watching a hurricane dance up the Atlantic coastline. This is a tango we’ve done before; but Isaias doesn’t create quite the same anxiety as storms in the past.
Isaias does make one wonder about an evacuation complicated by masks, antiseptic wipes and keeping one’s distance in a crowded gymnasium.
When I was younger I didn’t worry about much — I lived day to day assuming that most of my problems were temporary and would be successfully resolved.
I remember sitting in West African airports waiting for planes that had not arrived, and sometimes never arrived, and not being too concerned. Eventually, I surmised as I sat on my backpack reading a paperback copy of “Heart of Darkness,” a plane would come and deliver me from Abidjan or Dakar or Brazzaville.
If Air Afrique was indifferent to schedules, who was I to insist on a predictable,
published timetable?
But that would changed with the acquisition of a house, a mortgage and a child. Banks, utility companies and creditors insisted on a schedule and were not indifferent if one was late with a payment.
As I began to take on more years, more seniority, I also became more attuned to misfortune, tragedy and the seemingly random visitation of melanoma and congestive heart failure.
And so, grudgingly, I started to worry — sometimes waking at 4:30 in the morning absolutely sure I failed to file a document that needed to stamped by the Clerk of Court.
Knowing that sleep was impossible, I would get into my entirely unreliable Volvo 240 and drive though the darkened streets of our small town to my Carteret Street office. Then I would run in the door, up the steps and discover — in most cases — that I had filed the worrisome document, met the arbitrary deadline.
All of which brings me to Claire Weeks.
In her practice, Dr. Weeks regularly dealt with anxiety — fear at 4 in the morning — and developed a simple protocol. At the moment I’m reading a book about the Australian physician and how she “cracked the anxiety code”.
In her book, “Self Help For Your Nerves”, she explained that with anxiety there are actually two “fears,” the first of which is the survival response — the dumb alarm of fight or flight.
But Weeks said this first fear was followed by a second fear, which she identified as a feeling that could be described as “What if (add in catastrophic thought)?”
“Oh my goodness here it is! I can’t stand it. I might make a fool of myself in front of all these people! Let me out of here!”
“The first fear,” she said, “was normal in its intensity; we understand it and accept it because when the danger passes the fear will also pass.” But it’s the 2nd fear — or “fear of fear” — that then triggers a cycle of panic making the heart race and the stomach churn.
When Weeks published her book in 1962 the psychiatric community did not like it’s simplicity. She had the temerity to say that
One of the recent issues is requiring Convenience Center stickers for county residents. Many communities around the country have this program and it helps lessen the burden on our landfills because then the out of state visitors are not filling up our bins with their trash.
I understand the concept of using the stickers, but there is another side to it. I have lived in a county up north where we had our own stickers, and there were back roads lined with old refrigerators, mattresses, and other items.
If someone did not have anxiety “could be cured” by facing the fear, accepting it, and then letting oneself float past the fearful images. Most psychiatrists deplored any sort of self help; any airport bookstore bought-therapy; especially any therapy that bypassed hours of analysis on a leather couch.
But her book sold like hotcakes. And Claire Weeks became a bestselling author in Australia, in the UK and, of course, in the United States. And since the publication of the book in 1962, neurobiologists have given scientific heft to of her simple maxims of facing the fear, accepting a sticker, they would just drive somewhere and dump it. Every few months, the county trucks would have to drive around and pick up the trash. What difference then did the stickers make? The junk was still going into the same landfill.
With so many renters coming to our area with out of state license plates, and no stickers, I worry that they will find back roads to dump their trash. With our rivers, creeks, and tides, I worry about that trash making it to the water. You guessed it, I started to write.
But then there are times it and then floating past it.
I must admit that I’ve tried her “cure” and it has helped me. In the past I tried to talk myself through the anxiety saying, “This thing that I’m fearing is not going to happen, its not real …”
But fear itself is not rational; it doesn’t respond to a persuasive, rational lectures — its going to stick around regardless of your “self talk.” But the “floating past the fear” is the imagery that has helped me.
I’m a swimmer and take to the waters, both chlorinated and brackish, several times a week. So the notion of moving water is one that works for me.
But it’s the passage of time, of course, that’s the ultimate cure. We know that what has us terrified at four in the morning, will (with a couple of cups of coffee) be gone by eight.
Scott Graber is a lawyer, novelist, veteran columnist and longtime resident of Port Royal. He can be reached
Oh no, it’s Mrs. Scott, again
This is a phrase I hear office. “You are typing hard in my head all the and fast. Who are you writtime. “Oh no, it’s Mrs. ing to now?” Scott again.” “Everyone I can think of to
This would be from local, write.” state, and federal politicians. It had to do with closing They say this when they get the boat ramps. “What are another one of my e-mails. you thinking?” I am one of those people who writes to my elected LEE SCOTT Now what? I explained my concern because I live in an area officials. When something highlighting daily life observations where people rely on putting comes up that I find of their boats in the water and particular interest, I want to I envision my e-mails, feeding their families. I wrote provide my input. along with the emails of my to everyone: Shannon, York,
They know it is me beother concerned citizens, Billy, Tim, Jim, Henry, and cause when you send them falling into a designated file. Lindsey. I feel like I know an e-mail, you must register It either reads “concerned citthem. first. They have my name, izens” or “they’re back again.” Two weeks later, Henry address, phone number, and A few months back my reopened the boat ramps. I my e-mail address. husband heard me in my think other people wrote too.

at cscottgraber@gmail.com. when I say thank you. Thank you for doing your job. Thank you for making tough decisions.
It is times like that when I do not get the usual “I’m so glad to serve you” auto-response. Instead it says, “Thank you, Mrs. Scott.”
Evidently, they do read my e-mails.
Lee Scott, award winning humor writer takes her “Walter Mitty” like persona and spins tales around everyday life. She enjoys boating, reading, and meeting people. Scott lives in Beaufort with her husband, JD, along with their dog Brandy. You can reach her at Lasshood@aol.com.

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UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS Recruit Training Regiment, Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, South Carolina, 14 August 2020 Recruit Training Regiment • Commanding Officer, Colonel C. P. O’Connor 1st Recruit Training Battalion • Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel J. B. Pattay 4th Recruit Training Battalion • Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel R. E. Mestemacher Commander of Troops, First Sergeant L. K. Vansickle • Parade Adjutant, First Sergeant C. Gonzales Company “B”, 1st Recruit Training Battalion • Commanding Officer, Captain B. L. Lunsford Company “P”, 4th Recruit Training Battalion • Commanding Officer, Captain A. Z. Rivera Drill Masters • Staff Sergeant L. E. Lyme, Staff Sergeant J. A. Lopez
PLATOON 1048 Senior Drill Instructor
SSgt J. A. Failing Pvt Baker III, E. S. PFC Boone, N. M. Pvt Champlain Jr., J. C. PFC Conner, E. L.* Pvt Corianajera, E. G. PFC Dulle, G. H. Pvt Edwards, J. E. Pvt Eliason, Z. R. PFC Elisa Jr., C. E. Pvt Fahrner, T. C. PFC Gabriel, B. D.* PFC Gibson, J. S. PFC Gordiyenko, A. PFC Hallam, J. D. Pvt Herrera, C. D. PFC Hoang, S. N. Pvt Howard, E. P. PFC Jackson, E. L. Pvt Jarriel, N. R. PFC Jones, H. PFC Karlson, S. S. PFC Konan, S. PFC Mccamey, K. J. PFC Mcdoulett, F. C. Pvt Miller, C. A. PFC Miller, J. M. Pvt Moore, B. R. Pvt Morgan, M. G. PFC Mumy, H. J. PFC Oneal, H. C. Pvt Perezventura, J. C. Pvt Pratt, M. I. PFC Reid, A. S. PFC Robinson, N. A.* Pvt Saldivar, J. C. Pvt Sanabriasosa Jr., J. A. Pvt Sexton, G. M. Pvt Shedd, S. G. Pvt Stripling, C. A. PFC Voor, S. J. PFC Williamson, C. J.
PLATOON 1049 Senior Drill Instructor
Sgt A. D. Offredi Pvt Brumsey, M. A. PFC Burnett, C. L. PFC Carpio, J. L. PFC Cochran, J. C. Pvt Frederick, G. A. Pvt Gonzalezbrito, K. E. Pvt Gouge, J. K. PFC Greene, A. T.*
Greene, C. R. Hernandez, S. Hill Jr., C. A.* Hively, M. B. Holden, J. L. Jeanbaptiste, M. L. Knox, J. T. Lopez, G. A.* Lopez, R. G. Menego, T. A. Miller, S. I. Musall, J. S. Myers, J. R. Nguyen, R. Ozunacatalan, E. Parker, J. G. Patel, D. G. Ponder, V. A. Quinonezmartinez, K. Rosa, J. D. Smith, A. K. Smith, C. B. Snell, B. H. Szwajka, P. J. Turner, J. W. Ward, D. S. Winslett, W. M. Witt, D. J. Worley, B. T. Wyckoff, S. E.
PLATOON 1050 Senior Drill Instructor
SSgt J. L. Johnson PFC Bui, A. V. PFC Comstock, J. C.* PFC Coon, J. L.* Pvt Dejesus, J. M. PFC Eason, C. R. PFC Fabila, R. J. Pvt Fletcher, J. H. Pvt Gallant, T. L. PFC Gar, B. N. Pvt Gilfilian, B. J. Pvt Gustafson, N. G. Pvt Heid, W. J. Pvt Heuker, Z. J. Pvt Krawiec, N. T. Pvt Kremin, H. J. PFC Lance, M. A. PFC Macdonald, A. C. Pvt Mestre, S. M. Pvt Mollrosario, N. E. Pvt New, J. W. Pvt Paolucci, N. A. Pvt Pennington, D. C.
Peterson, D. A. Petrie, B. R. Quirosleon, K. S. Rafool, T. P. Redman, R. A. Rieben, C. C. Ruwe, J. N. Sharp, M. G. Shelhorse, L. A. Sipayboun, D. A. Solergutierrez, R. Toro, I. C. Torrescrespo, C. Wingard K. S.
PLATOON 1052 Senior Drill Instructor SSgt R. D.
Montgomery Pvt Bista, S. PFC Ceballos, D. A. PFC Gracie, J. F. PFC Gray, K. W. Pvt Grimes, N. D. Pvt Guoxsac, B. M. Pvt Harper, Z. T. Pvt Harris, C. A. Pvt Hartman, K. A. Pvt Hawkins, B. C. Pvt Hirth, C. A. Pvt Hutchinson Jr., J. A. PFC Kidd, C. M. PFC Lainezhernandez, C. A.* Pvt Metzker, D. R. PFC Murphy, S. I. PFC Needham, M. A. LCPL Nicholes, C. D. PFC Perry, J. M.* PFC Peterson, N. W. Pvt Pittsley, A. J. Pvt Pomo, J. N. Pvt Reinhard, C. J. Pvt Rodriguez, J. A. Pvt Shamblin, E. D. PFC Simoneaux, D. J. PFC Simono, R. P. PFC Sundberg, G. L. Pvt Sweeney, W. E. Pvt Taylor, A. D. PFC Thies, J. W. Pvt Venturapena, O. D. PFC White, C. A. Pvt Xerri, T. R. PLATOON 1053 Senior Drill Instructor
SSgt R. Santiago Jr. PFC Abraham, A. J. Pvt Acuff, G. C. Pvt Bruns Jr., C. S. PFC Choy, J. Pvt Craft, P. A. Pvt Crowley, J. T. Pvt Daugherty, J. P. Pvt Dzindzio, J. S. PFC Espinomarcos, C. PFC Flaherty S. T. Pvt Fortson, T. B. Pvt Fowler, T. D. Pvt Glenn, T. R. Pvt Gutierrezayala, E. K. Pvt Guzman, A. PFC Guzman, S. Pvt Hirt, A. C. Pvt Maldonado Jr., D. Pvt Mendoza, D. L. Pvt Miguez, K. Q. PFC Munozromero, E. PFC Murphy, M. T. Pvt Patade, S. P. PFC Pfeiffer III., R. M.* PFC Phanor II., A. J. PFC Porcel, S. G.* PFC Recor, A. M. Pvt Rodas, B. O. PFC Root, A. J. PFC Sao, S. P. Pvt Stpierre, M. A. Pvt Terrell, D. A. Pvt Vega, M. A. PFC Verret, E. H. Pvt Willetts, N. D. Pvt Wilson, S. A.
PLATOON 1054 Senior Drill Instructor
SSgt M. L. Jones Pvt Abram, S. M. PFC Akin, M. T. Pvt Alarcon, S. M. PFC Alberino, M. E. Pvt Allen, D. J. Pvt Anderson, C. D. Pvt Andrews, L. R. PFC Arenascanizal, A. Pvt Arlof, C. M. PFC Askew, A. D. PFC Atha, S. C.* Pvt Bailey, J. T. Pvt Barrales Jr., G.
Pvt PFC Pvt PFC PFC Pvt Pvt Pvt Pvt Pvt PFC Pvt Pvt Pvt PFC PFC PFC
Beng, P. C. Botello Jr., R. Boylan, T. W. Bradley, C. A. Brandon, R. B. Brower, S. K. Brown, D. G. Bryant, N. T. Burns, J. R. Byrd, D. T. Carter, D. T. Chen, D. Davison, M. D. Deadwilder III, J. L. Dietrich, J. D. Funai, B. W. Gonzalezmartinez, R. Lewisrosario, T. D. Mcguigan, T. J. Meitzler, S. P. Roblero, J.*
PLATOON 4028 Senior Drill Instructor
SSgt L. C. Montalvo Pvt Alvarado, A. J. PFC Baker, E. R. Pvt Bethke, S. J. Pvt Blakely, J. Pvt Casiano, E. M. PFC Contrerasparedes, A. V. PFC Erbstoesser, S. E. PFC Fishbaugher, S. C.* Pvt Gomez, R. J. Pvt Guthrie, H. M. Pvt Henke, C. C. Pvt Jeffers, A. A. PFC Lesterberrios, Y. D. Pvt Light, S. L. Pvt Mccann, K. J. Pvt Mccormick, B. N. PFC Mcintyre, M. M. PFC Mello, B. A. Pvt Morgan, G. A. Pvt Munrojones, S. M. Pvt Ochoa, B. Z. Pvt Ochoarodriguez, M. K. PFC Payne, D. M. PFC Pearce, S. J.* Pvt Rector, M. D. Pvt Rivas, A. I. Pvt Serenogallegos, J. PFC Serrato, L. E. Pvt Singletary, A. L.
Pvt PFC PFC PFC PFC PFC Son, L. T. Torres, M. J. Torres, M. J.* Weidemann, H. A. Yemane, Y. S. Zamudio, M. N.
PLATOON 4029 Senior Drill Instructor
SSgt A. N. Qiokata Pvt Abarca, S. C. Pvt Alejohuazano, M. PFC Blomquist, E. H. PFC Burnam, M. N.* Pvt Cade, J. M. Pvt Cardenas, A. Y. PFC Clow, J. L. Pvt Cotnerstevens, V. M. PFC Davis, N. C. Pvt Deeny, V. K. Pvt Elias, R. PFC Gavilanes, M. Pvt Gonzalezmartinez, J. G. Pvt Granados, M. PFC Hartfield, A. L. Pvt Herold, M. R. PFC Jordan, E. K. PFC Kenny, M. T. Pvt Knight, H. M. Pvt Leeds, N. E. PFC Macedo, M. A. PFC Martin, T. F. Pvt Moncayo, A. R. Pvt Navaantunez, S. Z. PFC Olvera, R. L. Pvt Partida, P. Pvt Rettig, N. K. Pvt Rivera, B. D. Pvt Rodriguez, S. R. Pvt Sanchez, L. E. Pvt Sanchez, S. PFC Santiagobarroso, C. Pvt Stanley, A. M. Pvt Tarver, O. P. PFC Villoldo, M. T. Pvt Warner, K. R. PFC Zenquis, B. N.
* Denotes meritorious promotion to current rank
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THURSDAY’S CARTOON Read with caution; not necessarily the opinions of the editorial staff.
THEME: LABOR DAY 45. Zoroastrian archives ACROSS 47. Simon & Garfunkel member 1. Delivery org. 48. Sheik's bevy 5. *U.N. workers' grp. 50. Goes with sushi 8. Pressure unit 52. *Part of labor force 11. Prune, previously 56. Jewish folklore creature 12. Congregation's echo 57. European sea eagle 13. Lusitania's destroyer 58. Millimeter of mercury 15. Samoan money 59. Impolite dinner sound 16. Enthusiastic review 60. "Dark" movie 17. Police informers 61. Armor chest plate 18. *More than 40 hours 62. Cupid's action 20. First Nation nation 63. Type of evidence 21. Not these 64. "By ____ of" or "by means 22. Paper or plastic? of" 23. Lads' girlfriends 26. Meal DOWN 29. Morsel 1. "____ ____ no good" 30. *Labor Day, always 2. Bohemian, e.g. 33. International Civil Aviation 3. Whimper Org. 4. "That ____!" and hurts 35. She turned to stone, Greek 5. Mosque officials mythology 6. Don McLean: "Drove my 37. Quaker grain chevy to the ____" 38. Same as gnarls 7. Comes before first 39. Toothy wheel Mississippi 40. Capital of Canada 8. Minute opening 42. Homer Simpson 9. "For Pete's ____!" exclamation 10. Belonging to it 43. Russia's plain 12. Not aria nor recitative 13. Open a beer bottle 14. *Union responsibility 19. *Labor Day is this puzzle's ____ 22. BeyoncÈ, a.k.a. Queen ____ 23. *Like Labor Day weekend 24. Ovine sign of the zodiac 25. Type of weasel 26. "Pro" follower 27. Oodles 28. Fortune-teller's card 31. Sol, or la, or ti 32. Digital audiotape, acr. 34. *Health and safety org. 36. *Strike____ 38. Courtroom silencer 40. Choose 41. One who bends out of shape 44. Groom one's feathers 46. Used an emoji, technically 48. Long-necked wader 49. Embryo sacs 50. One-pilot flight, pl. 51. Reunion attendee 53. Jellystone Park denizen 54. Joanie of "Happy Days" 55. At a previous time, archaic 56. Geological Society of America 57. *Unofficial ____ of summer