DECEMBER 14–20, 2023
Fripp Cromer Langford, Phil Cromer, and Stella Scott awaiting the results of the Special Election for Mayor of the City of Beaufort on Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2023 at Panini’s in downtown Beaufort. Amber Hewitt/The Island News
A new chapter
Cromer wins Special Election for Beaufort Mayor By Delayna Earley The Island News Beaufort has a new mayor, and his name is Phil Cromer. As of 8:45 p.m. Tuesday night, Dec. 12, the unofficial results for the Special Election for Mayor of the City of Beaufort show Cromer winning over opponent Mike Sutton with almost 66% of the vote with 15 of the 17 precincts reporting and all 14 absentee and early voting precincts reporting. Sutton received almost 34% of the
vote with 627 votes. “It feels terrific,” Cromer said while at his election after party at Panini’s in downtown Beaufort. “All those three months of campaigning, it seemed like a long time, but it really went by pretty fast and now it’s all over. It was all worth the effort.” Cromer said that he was grateful for all the support that he received while campaigning and finished with a message to those who voted for him, “I’m not going to let you down.”
He planned on spending a little more time at his after party before heading home to get some much-needed rest, but he would like to meet with City Manager Scott Marshall sometime this week to begin to discuss things for the next 11 months. Voter turnout was high for a special election with almost 20% of registered voters in the City of Beaufort showing up to the polls on Tuesday.
Wreaths Across America Beaufort closing in on goal 26,000 wreaths must be sponsored to have one for every headstone at Beaufort National Cemetery
An estimated 4,000 volunteers participated in the annual Wreaths Across America in 2022 at Beaufort National Cemetery. Last year, for the second year in a row, enough wreaths were sold to place one on every grave at the cemetery. File/Bob Sofaly/The Island News
By Mike McCombs The Island News The final count, until the final count, is 20,133. That’s the number of wreaths that have been sold for Saturday’s Wreaths Across America Day ceremony at Beaufort National Cemetery. It takes 26,000 wreaths to place one on every headstone at the cemetery for the holidays. The next time Wreaths Across America releases a count will be when the final count is released at Saturday’s ceremony.
“People can buy them all the way until right up to the ceremony,” said David Edwards, the Coordinator of Wreaths Across David America Beaufort. Edwards “What doesn’t get on the trucks will be counted for next year.” Edwards said organizers have been fortunate enough to cover every headstone for the past two years. “We have 26,000 interments
out there, and we covered all of them the past two years,” Edwards said. “We’re working our butts off to get them that way this year. All we can do is ask the people to do the best they can.” Wreaths cost $17 this year, up from $15 in years prior. “We understand that’s up,” Edwards said. “Food’s up. Gas is up. Everything is up. If you can, please sponsor the wreaths. We’re only asking people to do what they can. We’re asking for one at a time.
McDorman to retire as City of Beaufort police chief in January.
Uncorking the debate: South Carolina senators clash over alcohol delivery legislation.
Cherimie Crane Weatherford: Don’t forget to move the elf.
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J. Mark Daniel, who, along with his wife, moved to Beaufort from Atlanta in April, took this picture of the marsh boardwalk on Hunting Island on their second day of their new life in the Lowcountry. To submit a Lowcountry Life photo, you must be the photographer or have permission to submit the photo to be published in The Island News. Please submit high-resolution photos and include a description and/or names of the people in the picture and the name of the photographer. Email your photos to
Beaufort’s Woody Oakley, 79, joined the U.S. Air Force upon graduation from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill in 1966. After Officer Training School at Lackland AFB, Fla., he became a Weapons Control Officer (WCO), first serving in Blain, Wash., under the Air Defense Command. His next assignment was in Vietnam, first at Dong Ha and later in the Central Highlands at Pleiku. There,
Woody Oakley
as a WCO, he directed aircraft to targets or to intercept enemy aircraft, to control air-to-air refueling and to advise aircraft of
WOODY OAKLEY potential risk of collision. Following Vietnam he served as a WCO instructor at Tyndall AFB. His final active duty assignment was with Air Force recruiting in Denver, Colo., managing local recruiting offices throughout 12 states. He separated in 1971 as a Captain. Thereafter, he worked in a variety of commercial enterprises before becoming the first sales representative at Dataw Island. He’s held other
The Island News is better
Let me give you some hints
Rich Republicans have been trying for years to get U.S. taxpayers to pay for their privileged kids to go to private schools. Don't know if I've ever seen such a blatant attempt to screw middle income parents to benefit themselves. SC judges: Foxes guarding the hen house. Lawyer legislators and senators appointing circuit and appellate judges that they try cases with? Much conflict of interest, don't you think? Aid to Ukraine has dropped 90% due to Republicans. And they have blocked military promotions for months. The so-called strong on defense party. I used to vote for you guys. But you've gone crazy. Article honoring those that didn't survive Pearl Harbor. There are six survivors left that attended. Women went to factories to work and supply our troops. That's why they are our greatest generation. Just want to say I love The Island News and Beaufort Gazette. The Island News is better for letters to the Editor, weekly columnists, and it's free!
In his December 7 column, Jim Dickson decries his potential loss of freedom because some "radical left" college students promote ideas and beliefs that differ from his. Mr. Dickson, I have some questions for you in this regard: •
Who is responsible for eroding the reproductive rights of millions of Americans? (Hint – it's not the radical left.) Who promises to take decent, affordable health care away from millions of Americans? (Hint – it's not the radical left.) Who seeks to roll back the Marriage Equality Act and other laws that protect LGBTQ Americans? (Hint – it's not the radical left.)
Who gutted the Voting Rights Act? (Hint – it's not the radical left.)
Who has been found guilty, time and time again, of egregious gerrymandering to tilt elections in their
– Don Cass, Beaufort
management positions in Beaufort real estate, been past president of the Sea Island Rotary and Mossy Oaks Elementary PTO, as well as serving with a host of local organizations. He is an officer of our AMVETS Post. – Compiled by John Chubb, American Legion Post 207. For Veteran Of The Week nominations, contact
Who advocates for taking the vote away from Americans younger than age 25? (Answer – Vivek Ramaswamy, Republican presidential candidate.) Who advocated for restricting voting to people with children because "they're the only ones with skin in the game?" (Answer – Republican Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio.)
Who is behind the latest book banning fever? (Hint – it's not the radical left.)
Who promised to weaponize the DoJ and the military to target his political enemies if he's elected President in 2024? (You really shouldn't need a hint on this one.)
Mr. Dickson, while you may feel threatened by the beliefs of some "radical left" college students, most people realize that the real threat to our most basic freedoms comes from folks on the far right. They are the true enemies of freedom. – Peter Birschbach, Port Royal
1803: The Town of Beaufort is incorporated by the State of South Carolina. 1959: The Richard V. Woods Memorial Bridge, named for a South Carolina Highway Patrol officer killed in the line of duty, is opened, connecting downtown Beaufort with Lady’s Island. – Compiled by Mike McCombs
DECEMBER 14–20, 2023
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DEADLINE For press releases and advertising, please submit by noon on Friday for the following week’s paper.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters to the Editor should consist of fewer than 275 words and be emailed with a name and contact information to
December 17
Amanda Hanna
favor? (Hint – it's not the radical left.)
Cat of the Week: Tater Tot’s eyes are almost as big as her heart. Tater was one of the first kittens of 2023, and she found her way back to us. Tater Tot does well with other cats, dogs, and people of all ages. She would do well in any home and would love to spend her first holiday season in a home. Tater Tot is a year old, spayed, up to date on vaccines, and microchipped.
Advertising Sales Director
Dog of the Week: Mamma Mia is quite the super trooper. Mia arrived with her puppies a few months ago, all of her puppies have found their homes. She is learning to be herself with her puppies and she is one of the sweetest dogs out there. Mia is an introvert who would love a quiet home with a place to sunbathe during the day. Mia is 2 years old, spayed, up to date on vaccines, and microchipped.
If you are interested in adopting Tater Tot, Mamma Mia or any of our other pets, call our adoption center at 843-645-1725 or email us at info@ palmettoanimalleague. org to set up an appointment.
All content of The Island News, including articles, photos, editorial content, letters, art and advertisements, are copyrighted by The Island News and Island News Publishing, LLC, 2022, all rights reserved. The Island News encourages reader submissions via email to All content submitted is considered approved for publication by the owner unless otherwise stated. The Island News is designed to inform and entertain readers and all efforts for accuracy are made. Guest columns do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of The Island News, its publisher or editors. Content published from Care Magazine® is intended as a reference and options source only, not as a guide to self-treatment or substitute for profession medical advice. It is provided for educational purpose only. Readers assume full responsibility for how this information is used. The Island News reserves the right to refuse to sell advertising space, or to publish information, for any business or activity the newspaper deems inappropriate for the publication.
McDorman to retire as City of Beaufort police chief in January Deputy Chief Price will act as interim police chief
From staff reports Police Chief Dale A. McDorman will retire from the Beaufort Police Department on Jan. 26, 2024, according to a media release from the City of Beaufort. According to the release, McDorman announced his retirement to his department on Wednesday, Dec. 6. City Manager Scott Marshall said that, upon McDorman’s departure, he intends to appoint Deputy Chief Stephenie Price as the interim police chief while the city conducts a search for a new chief. He noted that the search will be multi-faceted and will include input from citizens and from City Council. “I think it’s important to include public feedback and to be as transparent as possible when consid-
ering a hire for a position like this,” he said. McDorman began with the Beaufort Police Department in 1995. He Dale A. established the McDorman department’s first K-9 program. He was promoted through the ranks, and became Lieutenant/Operations in 2005. In 2010, he was promoted to Deputy Chief by Chief Matthew Clancy. He was named Interim Chief in July 2020 following Clancy’s death. In November of 2020, McDorman was selected as Chief. During his tenure, Chf McDorman led the department in increased transparency efforts
as well as greater community engagement. The department now posts monthly reports related to police calls, crimes, and demographic information. McDorman began a Nixle alert system for the City of Beaufort. In addition, the department began various outreach efforts directed at children, families, businesses, and residents, such as Chill with a Cop, Movie Nights in the Park, Walk with a Cop, and Coffee with a Cop. He also worked to get additional school resource officers at each public school in the City of Beaufort, and to establish a mentoring program for at-risk students. Under his leadership, the Police Department has hosted numerous training and continuing education
classes for law enforcement officers from throughout Beaufort County. Notably, the Police Department was recently notified that it had earned a Certificate of Accreditation from South Carolina Law Enforcement Accreditation, Inc., the organization that audits law enforcement agencies in the state every three years to ensure that they are meeting national standards in both policies and practices. The accreditation commends the department for its “demonstrated dedication to excellence and professionalism.” “I’m so proud of our department and what we have accomplished, and this accreditation is due to all the hard work of the officers and staff,” McDorman said. “These
last 28 years went by quickly, and it was an honor getting to work alongside some of the most talented and dedicated officers you will ever find. I want to thank the citizens for the opportunity to serve them and ultimately lead their Police Department. “I’m proud that together we accomplished many great things and I know there will be many great accomplishments in the department’s future,” he said. “After serving the city for over 28 years, we lose a lot of experience when Chief McDorman retires,” said Acting Mayor Michael McFee. “But we are so very grateful for his long-tenured service and all that he has done to make our police department and our city better.”
No injuries in structure fire Monday in Port Royal
By Delayna Earley The Island News The City of Beaufort and Town of Port Royal Fire Department responded to a structure fire just after 6 a.m. on Monday, Dec. 11, in Port Royal off Prince William Drive. The first responders arrived at the scene in less than three minutes after receiving a call and reported flames and smoke through the roof of the one-story residential home, according to a press release from Ross Vezin, Public Information Officer with the City of Beaufort and
Town of Port Royal Fire Department. While most of the fire was coming from the garage area of the home, it made its way through the attic space of the home, but firefighters were able to stop the fire and preventing and further spread and damage. First responders had the fire under control within 20 minutes and no injuries were reported. There was no one home at the time of the fire but crews carried out a primary and secondary search of the residence, just in case. There have been no injuries report-
ed and the fire is currently under investigation. Fire crews were on scene for around three hours. The City of Beaufort and Town of Port Royal Fire Department, Parris Island Fire & Emergency Services, Beaufort County EMS, Port Royal Police Department and Dominion Energy all responded to the scene. Delayna Earley formerly worked as a photojournalist for The Island Packet/The Beaufort Gazette, as well as newspapers in Indiana and Virginia. She can be reached at
First responders battle a fire just after 6 a.m. on Monday, Dec. 11, 2023, off Prince William Drive in Port Royal. Photo courtesy of City of Beaufort/Town of Port Royal Fire Department
or more than two decades, Dr. Louis F. Plzak III and the team at Coastal Carolina Urology Group have been providing the highest quality of care to patients suffering from kidney stones, urinary incontinence, bladder cancer and other urological concerns. On December 4 the practice reopens as Beaufort Memorial Urology Specialists, where together with the same caring and efficient staff, its board-certified providers will continue to provide
superior expertise and care in the diagnosis and treatment of urinary system diseases and conditions in both men and women. Providing access to outstanding specialty care is critical to Beaufort Memorial’s mission to enhance the quality of life in the communities we serve. And we are proud to welcome these skilled, compassionate professionals to our growing team of specialty care providers in Beaufort, Jasper and Hampton counties.
Patients will recognize the same friendly faces of the medical and administrative staff they’ve come to rely on for excellent urological care.
DECEMBER 14–20, 2023
Putting the machines to the test
Vernon Kemp, Election Technology Systems Specialist at the Board of Voter Registration and Elections of Beaufort County, runs test ballots through one of the DS 200 tabulation machines during a public test of the machines Friday, Dec. 8 at the Beaufort County Board of Voter Registration and Elections Office on John Galt Road. Kemp said the configuration test reported no errors and the machines are ready to be taken to polling places. Bob Sofaly/The Island News
The monitor tells the story. After being tested with multiple ballots, the machine reads, “This voting device is ready for poll to be opened” Friday, Dec. 8 at the Beaufort County Board of Voter Registration and Elections Office on John Galt Road St. All the machines being used in the special election for Mayor of Beaufort are ready. Bob Sofaly/The Island News
Waller takes helm as Reconstruction Era National Historical Park superintendent
From staff reports The National Park Service (NPS) on Thuesday, Dec. 7 announced the selection of Laura Waller as the new superintendent of Reconstruction Era National Historical Park in South Carolina, effective January 14. “We are pleased to welcome Laura back to the southeast region and the Low Country,” NPS South Atlantic-Gulf Regional Director
Mark Foust said in a news release. “Her knowledge of American and South Carolina cultural heritage and experience forgLaura ing meaningful Waller partnerships will serve her well as superintendent for Reconstruction Era National Historical Park.”
“It's a wonderful honor to be selected as superintendent of Reconstruction Era National Historical Park,” Waller said. “I'm excited to work with park staff and partners to continue to tell the story of a time of such extraordinary transformation in the United States and preserve those places that tell that story in Beaufort and beyond.” Waller is currently the natural and cultural resources division
Golf carts on (Christmas) parade
A seemingly never-ending line of highly decorated golf carts and four-wheelers makes its way down Paris Avenue during the annual Port Royal Christmas Golf Cart Parade on Saturday night in Port Royal. Onlookers were also treated to a never-ending stream of assorted candies being tossed to them. Bob Sofaly/The Island News
Wreaths from page A1
If people can’t afford one more, I understand.” Wreaths can be purchased specifically for Beaufort National Cemetery by going to wreathsacrossamerica. org/GA0175P. Edwards said if the chat window comes up when people try to purchase wreaths, they should just ignore it. If there are any problems with purchases, people can contact him at 912-313-1506. In the past, the organization, through donations, has been able to match onefor-one the purchase for wreaths. As of yet, Edwards doesn’t know if that’s happening this year. “If you’re out there Saturday, they may be doing the match,” he said. “The organization isn’t telling us until the last minute.” Wreaths Across America is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded to con-
DECEMBER 14–20, 2023
tinue and expand the annual wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery started by Maine businessman Morrill Worcester in 1992. The organization’s mission – Remember, Honor, Teach – is carried out in part each year by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies in December at Arlington, as well as at thousands of veterans’ cemeteries and other locations in all 50 states and beyond. In 2022, the organization
placed more than 2.7 million sponsored veterans’ wreaths at more than 3,700 participating locations nationwide. Edwards said those numbers now are more than 3 million wreaths in more than 4,200 cemeteries. “When I was started, it was 1,500 locations,” Edwards said. “But these are not just vets in national cemeteries. These are any veterans anywhere in the U.S. Wreaths on every vet grave in the U.S. And it’s not
manager at Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. She began her NPS career as a student employee at Fort Pulaski National Monument in Savannah, Ga., while attending graduate school. She has since worked as a cultural resources specialist in the NPS National Capital Region, and returned to Fort Pulaski, where she served as the Integrated Resources Program manager be-
fore relocating to Michigan. A South Carolina native, Waller is excited to return to her Lowcountry roots. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in History from the University of South Carolina and Master’s degree in History from Georgia Southern University’s Armstrong campus in Savannah. Waller and her husband Ryan have a one-year-old son, Sam, and two dogs.
Chapter from page A1
Cromer will be sworn in Tuesday, Dec. 19 at 5 p.m., assuming the election results are verified during the Canvass Hearing and Certification of Results of the City of Beaufort Mayor Special Election on Friday, Dec. 15, 2023, at 10 a.m. The Special Election was held to fill the void left by former Mayor Stephen Murray who resigned in September of this year. Murray had one year left in his term, and the newly elected mayor will finish out his term. Cromer served on City Council for four years before he retired in Dec. 2022. He decided to come back and run for mayor so that he could try and smooth out some of the tense interactions be-
a Christmas wreath, it’s a remembrance wreath to honor the veterans.” All Wreaths Across America Day events are non-political/religious events and open to all people. This year’s ceremony will begin at noon, Saturday, Dec. 16, at Beaufort National Cemetery. Those who would like to volunteer should be there sooner. Those interested in witnessing the wreaths being escorted in by about 400 motorcycles should get to the Beaufort National Cemetery between 10:30 and 11 a.m. The trucks should arrive between 11:30 and 11:45 a.m. The Charleston Drum & Fife Corps will play as the wreaths are marched down for the Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, Coast Guard, Merchant Marines, and POW/MIAs. Organizers will ask the volunteers to go to their sections and will bring the wreaths to them. Wreaths will be placed first for the two Medal of Honor recipients
From left, Nan Sutton, Anne Gannt (holding baby Van Corns), Elizabeth Gannt and candidate for Mayor of the City of Beaufort Mike Sutton campaign Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2023 on the corner of Bay Street and Depot Road. Amber Hewitt/ The Island News tween the City of Beaufort Fee said Tuesday night. and preservation organiAttempts to reach zations like the Histor- Cromer’s opponent, Mike ic Beaufort Foundation Sutton, were unsuccessful. (HBF). Delayna Earley formerly worked Acting Mayor Mike Mcas a photojournalist for The Island Fee said that he looks forPacket/The Beaufort Gazette, as well ward to working with the as newspapers in Indiana and new mayor. “I’m looking for a very Virginia. She can be reached at positive transition,”
interred at Beaufort National Cemetery, and then family members present will place their wreaths before everyone else. Ribbons are to be placed in the 12 o’clock position. If there is a Star of David on the headstone, A Star of David will replace the ribbon on the wreath. The wreaths are typically placed and the event is ending around 1:30 p.m. “After two or three times, you get to know these people and you become a family with these people,” Edwards said. On Saturday, the Thomas Heyward, Jr. Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) will show Edwards that he is family when it awards him the DAR Medal of Honor at some point during the Wreaths Across America ceremony. “We are awarding this honor to David Edwards, Coordinator for ‘Wreaths Across America’ for Beaufort National Cemetery,”
said Gail Newton, Regent of the Thomas Heyward Jr. Chapter of the DAR. “Mr. Edwards has worked tirelessly for over 10 years to support this project that contributes so much to our community and richly deserves this award.” The award, the most prestigious honor awarded by the DAR, is given to an adult man or woman who is a United States citizen by birth and has shown extraordinary qualities of leadership, trustworthiness, service, and patriotism. The recipient must have made unusual and lasting contributions to our American Heritage by truly giving of himself or herself to his or her community, state, country, and fellow man. Since its creation in 1972, the honor has been bestowed on fewer than 2,000 individuals. Mike McCombs is the Editor of The Island News and can be reached at
Will sale of Robert Smalls House provide chance to settle lawsuit?
By Tony Kukulich The Post And Courier BEAUFORT — When the National Trust for Historic Preservation purchased Beaufort’s historic Robert Smalls House late last month, those familiar with the home's recent history may have hoped the sale signaled the end of lawsuit that’s been dragging on with no end in sight. The home has been the focal point of legal wrangling involving the prior owners — brothers Billy and Paul Keyserling — and the Historic Beaufort Foundation. While the suit is ongoing, there are indications that a resolution may be within reach. "The lawsuit is not resolved to our knowledge," said Billy Keyserling, former Beaufort mayor. "I believe the Trust has a better chance of bringing it to a positive conclusion than we do."
The path to preservation The Keyserlings purchased the home at 511 Prince Street in August 2021 for $1.67 million. About a month prior to closing the sale, they entered a memorandum of understanding with the National Trust for Historic Preservation in which the trust agreed to raise $2 million to acquire the home from the Keyserlings. The Keyserlings would, under the agreement, be reimbursed for their acquisition costs and any other direct expenses. The agreement anticipated it would take "as long as 12 months" to raise the $2 million nec-
Christopher Barr, a park ranger with the National Park Service, shows the Robert Smalls House in Beaufort. File/Post And Courier essary to complete the purchase. The agreement further specified that the trust would hold the property until it could be accepted by the National Park Service as part of the Beaufort-based Reconstruction Era National Historical Park. The Keyserlings would, for their part, work with the Park Service to provide access to the home for "public tours and interpretation activities." Granting broader public access to the Robert Smalls House became the central point of contention for the Historic Beaufort Foundation. The Foundation sued the Keyserlings in May 2022, asserting that they had violated the terms of a conservation and preservation easement attached to the home. Established in 2002 by
prior owners David and Marilyn Atwell and administered by the Historic Beaufort Foundation, the easement protects the exterior of the home and the grounds. It also ensures the home remains in use as private residence and requires the home be made available to the public a minimum of four times a year. The Foundation argued the easement strictly limited public access and was intended only to permit those with educational associations or historical societies the opportunity to study the building. In their response, the Keyserlings asserted that the Foundation's interpretation of the easement as strictly limiting public access was flawed and claimed that the easement specified only the minimum number of days
public access was allowed. "Limited tours do not interfere with the residential use of the property as required by the easement, and the tours are consistent with the public access provisions of the easement. Regrettably, the group’s lawsuit against the owners misses the mark," wrote Brent Legg, executive director of the African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund and senior vice president of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, in a June 2023 opinion piece published by The Post and Courier. Judge Clyburn Pope ruled in January that the easement "sought to preserve and protect the home by restricting its use to residential use only, with limited public access for the purposes enumerated in the easement." While there was
a ruling on this issue, the remainder of the lawsuit is still pending. More than a year beyond their original 12-month window, the Keyserlings sold Smalls' house to the trust for $1.67 million. "Both parties decided that the lawsuit is probably not going to change, so let's just proceed and let the lawyers work with Historic Beaufort Foundation to see how they want to go," Keyserling said. There is reason to believe that the sale of the Robert Smalls House could prompt a negotiated settlement of the lawsuit. In a press release announcing the sale, the trust said it would work cooperatively with the Historic Beaufort Foundation to resolve issues related to public access and continue the home's use as a private residence. Cynthia Jenkins, executive director of the Historic Beaufort Foundation, was similarly hopeful. "The trust has reached out to us and wants to negotiate," Jenkins said. "I think we can talk to them about a solution." Robert Smalls If there's one point all involved parties agree on, it's that the Robert Smalls House is deserving of preservation. Smalls was born into slavery and grew up in the Prince Street home, which was owned at the time by Henry McKee. In 1862, Smalls commandeered the CSS Planter and sailed out of Charleston Harbor, delivering the ship
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to Union forces and earning freedom for himself and the others who joined him. According to Legg, Smalls was paid a cash reward, received a Navy commission and garnered notoriety that launched a long, storied career as a businessman, a five-term Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives and a staunch defender of political and educational rights. Returning to Beaufort with his family after the war, Smalls bought the house where he had been enslaved. He lived there until his death in 1915, and the home remained in his family until the 1950s. "Preserving historic buildings like Robert Smalls’ home is not just about safeguarding our past but also is a commitment to sustaining the soul of our communities," wrote Legg in an email to The Post and Courier. "These structures are the tangible narratives of our shared history that should be leveraged to educate and inspire the public." This article is published through The Post And Courier News Collaborative, a partnership created to inform readers across the state.
HBF’s Winter Lecture Series will focus on Beaufort’s role in Revolution
From staff reports Three February talks hosted by Historic Beaufort Foundation (HBF) in partnership with the University of South Carolina Center for the Arts will bring renowned South Carolina historians to share lectures on Partisans, Patriots, and Founders in the Winter Lecture Series. Presenters include John McCardell, Lawrence Rowland and Stephen Wise. Admission to the three lectures is $30 for HBF members, $35 for non-members, and full-time students with valid student ID can participate for $20. Tickets for the event are expected to go fast and go on sale Monday, Dec. 18 at “The American Revolution helped solidify Beaufort and the Lowcountry’s position as an economic and political leader among the Colonies,” HBF Executive Director Cynthia Jenkins said. “We are delighted and fortunate to offer our third Winter Lecture Series featuring the three most renowned Beaufort County historians of our time.”
Free Narcan, training to be held at Beaufort County Library branches
The Beaufort County Alcohol and Drug Abuse Department, in partnership with the Beaufort County Library System and the Beaufort County First Responder Project, will be offering a free five-minute Narcan training Monday, Dec. 18 and Tuesday Dec. 19 from 2:30 until 6:30 p.m., at four County Library branches. The five-minute training will be available Monday, Dec. 18 at: • Bluffton Branch, 120 Palmetto Way • Hilton Head Branch, 11 Beach City Road The five-minute will be available Tuesday, Dec.19 at: • Beaufort Branch, 311 Scott Street • St. Helena Branch, 6355 Jonathan Francis Sr. Road
Lectures will cover: February 1: The coming of the Revolution and the first shots – Lawrence S. Rowland and Stephen R. Wise February 8: Wartime John state and the national gov- McCardell ernments and the fight for independence – John M. McCardell and Stephen R. Wise February 15: The war’s aftermath and a new beginning – Lawrence S. Rowland and John M. McCardell. All the presentations will be held at the USC Beaufort Performing Arts Center on Carteret Street in historic downtown Beaufort. Bios of the lecturers: • McCardell graduated from Washington and Lee University and earned his Ph.D. in history from Harvard University. For his dissertation, The Idea of a Southern Nation, he earned the 1977 Alan Nevins Prize by the Society of American Histo-
rians. McCardell served as vice-chancellor of Sewanee: The University of the South from 2010 until June 2020. • Rowland is the Distinguished Professor Lawrence Emeritus of History for Rowland the University of South Carolina, Beaufort, and previously held roles with USC as Professor of History and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Hamilton College in New York and both his Master’s degree and Doctorate from the University of South Carolina. He has authored numerous books and articles about South Carolina and the Sea Islands. • Wise is director of the museum for the Marine Corps Recruit Depot at Parris Island. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Wittenberg University, his Master’s degree from Bowling Green State University, and his PhD from the Uni-
The training helps people understand how to identify the signs of an overdose and how to help someone who may be overdosing. No appointment is required, and everyone who takes the five-minute training will receive free supplies of Narcan. Free "Deterra Bags" will be available too. These bags are the proper way to dispose of expired, unwanted medication. For more information visit
ing will be held in the Board of Voter Registration and Elections of Beaufort County main office, located at 15 John Galt Road, Beaufort, S.C. 29906.
County Board of Voter Registration and Elections holding Board Meeting
The Board of Voter Registration and Elections of Beaufort County’s Board will meet on Friday, Dec. 15, 2023 at 11 a.m. to hold its monthly Board Meeting. This is County Board of Voter Registration and Elections after the City of Beaufort Mayor Special Election canvass hearing and certification holding Canvass Hearing, of results. The meeting will be held in the Board of Certification of Results Voter Registration and Elections of BeauThe Board of Voter Registration and Elections of Beaufort County will hold a canvass fort County main office, located at 15 John hearing and certification of the results of Galt Road, Beaufort, S.C. 29906. the City of Beaufort Mayor Special Election at 10 a.m., Friday, Dec. 15, 2023. The meet– Compiled from staff reports
versity of South Carolina. He has written and edited several books and articles including Lifeline of the Confederacy: Blockade Running During the Civil War Stephen and Gate of Hell: The Wise Campaign for Charleston Harbor. Historic Beaufort Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit education foundation created to preserve, protect, and present sites and artifacts of historic, architectural, and cultural interest throughout Beaufort County, South Carolina. For more information on the entity's mission and history, please visit and follow them on social media, including Facebook and Instagram.
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Lighting the tree in Port Royal
Port Royal Town Council members all pushed the lever together to light up the Christmas Tree on Wednesday night, Dec. 6 in Port Royal. About a hundred people attended the annual event. Bob Sofaly/The Island News
Ryan Bates, 5, center, mugs for the camera with sister Addie after a brief chat with Santa Claus, who looked strangely like Port Royal Town Councilman Jerry Ashmore. The two girls, and about a hundred other people, lined up to meet Santa after the annual Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony on Wednesday at Live Oaks Park. Bob Sofaly/The Island News
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter of SAR honors namesake on Veterans Day
From staff reports On Veterans Day, Nov. 11, 2023, Beaufort's Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter, South Carolina Society, Sons of the American Revolution, honored namesake Paul Hamilton with a wreath-laying ceremony at his gravesite in honor of his militia service to the Colonies and fledgling United States. Although he was young during the Revolutionary War, Hamilton saw action under Generals de Kalb, Gates, Marion and Greene. He served in the South Car-
olina House of Representatives in 1787 and 1788 and was a member of the conventions to adopt the federal and state constitutions. From 1880 to 1904, he successfully performed duties of Comptroller General of South Carolina, followed by two years as Governor. He was the third Secretary of the Navy, having been appointed by President Madison, from 1809 to 1812. Hamilton died June 30, 1816, at Rhodes Plantation outside of the Beaufort District and was buried in the
Talbird family graveyard on Whale Branch Plantation in Beaufort District, now known as Clarendon Plantation in Grays Hill. Col. Harold Mills, chapter Military Awards Chairman, made arrangements with the Cox Communications family, owners of Clarendon Plantation, to schedule a day for the Chapter to honor Hamilton, selecting Veterans Day as the perfect time. It had been more than 15 years since the owners of the plantation had allowed Chapter members to view
Former Obama official kicks off CCAN Speaker Series
From staff reports ST. HELENA ISLAND – Former Obama Administration official Christina Cue kicked off the Community Coalition Action Network (CCAN) Speaker Series at the Community Collaboration Center (CCC) on St. Helena Island with information about the S.C. Electric Cooperative Empowerment Program, during the center’s grand opening November 30 at 808 Sea Island Parkway. The CCC is the headquarters of the CCAN of St. Helena Island. CCAN was co-founded earlier this year by former Penn Center Welcome Center Director Tade Oyeilumi, and retired St. Helena Island Postmaster Roy R. Brown. Several well-known local residents attended the inaugural event, including businessman Rudy Bishop, a member of the legendary Bishop truck farming family of St. Helena Island; S.C. Black Farmers Coalition President Daryl Orage; Gullah Geechee Cultural Consultant Tendaji Bailey; St. Helena Island community activist Inez Miller; St. Helena Island businessman Robert Sample; Freedom 326 Co-Founders Marlisha Robinson and Tiana Parker; and Pan-African Family Empowerment & Land Preservation Network Founder and CEO Theresa White. Cue, a 2007 University of South Carolina graduate, parlayed her Bachelor of Applied Science in Sports and Entertainment Management into a high profile internship at CNN. She later joined the Obama for America Campaign in 2008, and worked her way up to Regional Political Director for Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama and Virginia. After Obama's election, Cue worked at both the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the U.S. Department of Commerce, and she served on the Obama White House Staff as an Advance Associate and Scheduler for domestic, and foreign events, including some in Cambodia, Africa, and Belgium. She accompanied the Obamas on several trade missions to Africa and elsewhere. Cue was introduced by Gullah Geechee Chamber of Commerce Founder and CEO Marilyn Hemingway of Georgetown, who also heads the non-profit Gullah Geechee Seafood Trail organization. The two women work closely with the S.C. Electric Co-
DECEMBER 14–20, 2023
operative Empowerment Program, which partners with the Conservation Voters of S.C., and the Watershed Consulting Group, where Cue is the Senior Consultant and Strategist. During her presentation, Cue talked about the Palmetto State's electric cooperatives, like Palmetto Electric in southern Beaufort County, as well as the state-owned Santee Cooper power plant. Some 2 million S.C. residents in 46 counties receive power through electric co-ops connected by 75,000 miles of power lines, according to the Electric Cooperatives of S.C. website, which also features helpful info about electric vehicles. Electric bill savings through solar panel use, how electric co-ops serve and operate in their communities, the role of electric coop Trustee Boards, and how to get elected to participate in the leadership of electric cooperatives to increase diversity were among the topics discussed by Cue. The lack of diversity of electric co-op leadership is why the S.C. Electric Cooperative Empowerment Program was created. Dissatisfied with their high Dominion Energy electric bills, several people in the audience were interested in how the St. Helena Island Community could get hooked up with an electric co-op. Cue was accompanied by her father, retired educator Bishop William R. Cue, also of Aiken. Although CCAN is best known for supporting the development of a private golf community for Pine Island, the organization has a wide-ranging agenda centered around local nonprofits and residents working with multiple entities to uplift St. Helena Island residents, and breaking the cycle of generational poverty that hinders many from opportunities to achieve economic independence, according to its co-founders Oyeilumi and Brown. Upcoming offerings at the CCC include December Movie Nights from 6 to 8 p.m.; CCAN Teen Talk Tuesdays Town Halls from 5 to 7 p.m.; the Wednesday and Thursday nights Speaker Series from 6 to 8 p.m. and a Winter Wellness (Ugly Sweater) Block Party is planned for Dec. 16, from noon to 5 p.m. For more info, call CCAN/CCC at 843502-3002.
the grave. Twenty-one individuals attended the memorial service, including 11 Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter members and five members of the Beaufort Thomas Heyward, Jr. Daughters of the American Revolution Chapter. Following a detailed historical presentation on the life of Hamilton by Chapter Chaplain Tom Burnett, DAR member Anita Henson laid the wreath she made, which was to remain on display for the Cox family during the holiday season.
Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter, South Carolina Society, Sons of the American Revolution members, from left, Harold Mills, Carl Howk, Chaplain Tom Burnett, Ken Brownfield, Hastings Greene, Claude Dinkins, Paul Griffin, Bill Ten Eyck, Tom Wilson, Jody Henson and Past S.C. Society President Carroll Crowther. Photo courtesy of Dian Brownfield
Local landscaper Jay Weidner and members of the Lady’s Island Garden Club, which celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, recognized South Carolina Arbor Day on December 1 with the planting of a Bald Cypress tree at Beaufort High School. Weidner, who donated the tree, presented information on tree planting to members of the Beaufort High Biology 01 class and club members gathered for the event. Lolita Huckaby/The Island News
Volunteers and donations are needed at thrift store
From staff reports Volunteers and donations are needed for Veterans First Thrift Store. All funds raised go to support the Hope Village Inn affordable housing community for Veterans and families. The store is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The store is located at 612 D Robert Smalls Parkway (170) in Beaufort SC. Volunteers can stop by the store or call 843-263-4218 during business hours.
Home, curbside alcohol deliveries in SC on table again in 2024 By Jessica Holdman COLUMBIA — A bipartisan group of senators wants to let South Carolinians order alcohol delivered to their door with their groceries. But a vice-averse Republican is cutting them off. Legislation allowing home delivery of beer, wine and liquor — as well as curbside deliveries for outsidethe-store pick-up orders — advanced from the Senate Judiciary Committee to the floor in March. Nothing has happened with it since, due to a senator’s objections. Supporters say there’s a growing demand for the change as consumers become accustomed to the convenience of delivery and pickup services, especially after relying on them during the COVID pandemic. Eula Boylston said it’s about accessibility. Shopping at Green’s Beverages in downtown Columbia, Boylston said when she’s no longer able to drive herself to the store, she’d like the ability to have her favorite wines brought to her doorstep. “The older I get, the happier I get with accessibility,” she told the S.C. Daily Gazette as she rolled her cart across the parking lot Thursday. Sen. Scott Talley, the bill’s lead sponsor, said the legislation serves those like Boylston without removing regulatory guardrails.
Under the proposal, the state would license retailers to fill curbside pickup orders of beer, wine and liquor, as well as offer home delivery. Customers and delivery drivers would have to be at least 21. Stores could deliver only within the same or contiguous ZIP codes, a provision meant to protect small, locally owned businesses. Several senators regularly seek to squash any type of alcohol-related legislation, Talley said. But the Spartanburg Republican is optimistic the bill, co-sponsored by nine other Republicans and three Democrats, will pass next year. Senate rules allow a single senator to block legislation. In this case, that senator is Anderson County Republican Richard Cash. But there are others who would file an objection, should he remove his. Cash, R-Powdersville, did not return a call from the S.C. Daily Gazette. Talley said he believes there’s enough time to address concerns. But if objections aren’t voluntarily lifted, the other possibility would be placing it on special debate status through a super majority vote — if enough senators want to take that step. The proposal remains a top priority for South Carolina retailers. They started pushing for the option even before the global coronavirus pandemic made deliveries mainstream,
said Krista Hinson, executive director of the South Carolina Retail Association. Advocates include industry giants DoorDash, Shipt, Amazon and Total Wine & More. Several of these companies have operated alcohol delivery services in other states. Their representatives have testified to senators how they already avoid delivering to people under 21. More than 40 states allow some form of alcohol delivery, DoorDash lobbyist Chad Horrell told senators. “We have the ability to A proposed change to South Carolina liquor laws would allow retailers to deliver wine, beer and look at how it’s been done liquor to customers’ doorsteps along with their groceries. Jessica Holdman/S.C. Daily Gazette legally and appropriately,” change. But all efforts to do told the S.C. Daily Gazette, pel testimony from corporate Talley said. adding that he does not op- lobbyists that the practice so have failed so far. has been safe in other states. “We feel pretty good about pose the measure. A temporary order He wants an independent There was a one-year win- being able to keep the presdow in South Carolina when sure on,” she said. “It’s an Not ‘ready for prime time’ analysis of what has and has But all of that does little not worked elsewhere. people could pick up beer Issue that has tremendous “I just don’t think the bill to quell concerns for Sen. and wine curbside for orders public support.” Supporters include Mar- Dick Harpootlian, a Colum- is ready for prime time,” placed to restaurants, bars and stores. An executive or- go Habets, of Columbia, bia Democrat who has long Harpootlian said. A similar bill passed the der signed by Gov. Henry who called it an added con- fought against the college McMaster in 2020 amid his venience. She used grocery party scene in the capital House in 2021 with bipartimandated temporary closures delivery services during the city’s Five Points neighbor- san support but died in the Senate last year without ever to in-person dining suspend- pandemic and has lived in hood. “You don’t know who all is getting a floor vote. ed state law barring alcohol states that allow alcohol in If Talley’s bill doesn’t bein the house” receiving the sales to anyone in a vehicle. those orders. “It’d be nice for when I’m delivery, he said. “I think it’s come last in 2024, a new bill But that option went away will have to be introduced in once he lifted his pandemic cooking dinner and I’m like a bad idea.” To Harpootlian, whose 2025 for the process to start ‘Uh oh, I’m out of wine,” said emergency declaration. “It worked without inci- Kimberly Light, who recently district includes Five Points, anew. the proposal makes alcohol dent and without the con- moved to South Carolina. Jessica Holdman writes about Lorenzo Boston, of Colum- more accessible than if peocerns raised by some,” Tallthe economy, workforce and higher bia, said he actually prefers ple must take the extra step ey said. Hinson said her group had going to the store instead of of driving to the store to education. Before joining the S.C. Daily Gazette, she was a business reporter for hoped that would serve as paying extra fees for delivery. buy it. The Post and Courier. He also doesn’t take as gos“I guess I’m old school,” he a catalyst for a permanent
Statehouse menorah lighting reaffirms SC support of Israel amid ongoing conflict Annual event goes on as normal; state, local leaders backing Israel in war with Hamas
By Skyler Laird COLUMBIA — At the annual menorah lighting on the Statehouse steps, elected officials and Jewish leaders echoed one refrain: South Carolina stands with Israel. Even as major events celebrating the eight-day festival of lights were canceled or toned down elsewhere amid the conflict between Israel and Hamas that has so far claimed thousands of Israeli and Palestinian lives, the 18th annual Isadore E. Lourie Memorial Hanukkah Menorah Lighting in Columbia continued as normal. Named for the late state Sen. Isadore Laurie, who founded the Jewish Historical Society of South Carolina in 1994 after 30 years in the Legislature, the menorah lighting has been canceled only twice since it began in 2003. The last time was in 2020 because of COVID-19 concerns, and the other was the year before, because of weather. Aside from the speeches centered around the conflict, the only difference from previous years came from extra barriers around the crowd of several hundred. More than a dozen police officers stood stationed at the entrances and around the perimeter. No protesters showed up during the two hours of music, speeches and potato latkes.
A woman lights the menorah at the Isadore E. Lourie Memorial Hanukkah Menorah Lighting on Monday, Dec. 11, 2023, at the Statehouse in Columbia. Speakers and attendees said this was the most important year for the ceremony amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict. Skylar Laird/S.C. Daily Gazette Activists have gathered at the Statehouse at least weekly to protest the war, many opposing Israel’s retaliation for the Oct. 7 surprise attack by Hamas militants during a major Jewish holiday. Monday night’s event, two months after Gov. Henry McMaster signed a proclamation backing Israel, was more important than ever amid the ongoing conflict, speakers and attendees said. Rabbi Hesh Epstein, one of the leaders of Chabad South Carolina, said in his opening remarks that it
showed state leaders’ unwavering support for Israel. “Tonight is crucial, because tonight is about moral courage,” Epstein said. “Tonight, we gather as fellow Americans and South Carolinians to say, ‘Here we stand, firm, resolute, clear-eyed and determined.’” Hanukkah celebrates a victory for Jewish people, with the menorah representing a symbol both literal and metaphorical of a light in the dark. The origins of Hanukkah harken back to another
war. More than 2,000 years ago, a small group of Jews, known as the Maccabees, defeated Syrian-Greek forces to reclaim the desecrated Second Temple of Jerusalem. Whether speaking literally, in the way one day’s worth of oil burned for eight in the second century B.C.E., or figuratively, as a beacon of hope during the war, the menorah drives home a message, said Rep. Beth Bernstein, D-Columbia, currently the only Jewish legislator in the Statehouse. “In the same spirit, Israel has consistently embodied resilience in the face of adversity, overcoming challenges with unwavering determination and perseverance,” Bernstein said in her speech. On October 7, Hamas militants on a rampage killed more than 1,200 people and took more than 200 hostages, with atrocities including women at an outdoor music festival raped and tortured, according to the Israeli government and a human rights group in Israel. In the weeks since, Israeli military airstrikes and artillery fire have killed more than 17,700 Palestinians in Gaza, according to an agency of the Hamas-controlled government. “The enormity of recent history, notably October 7, has shaken the earth vividly, reminding the present of its past,” McMaster said
during his speech. In the last two months, watchdog groups have reported a significant rise in antisemitism. The Anti-Defamation League tracked a 337% increase in antisemitic incidents in the first month after the triggering attacks, compared to the same time period last year. Many of those have been a universities in other states, though South Carolina campuses have not reported any attacks. “I think what most of us have been disturbed about, in addition to the horror that’s going on with what happened on October 7, is what’s happening right here in this country, what’s happening right here on college campuses,” former Sen. Joel Laurie of Columbia, son of Isadore Laurie, said Monday. Shelley Kriegshaber, a longtime Columbia resident, said she’s been to the menorah lighting every year, and Monday night’s crowd was the biggest she’d seen despite the fact that people were concerned about the potential for an antisemitic attack. “This year was by far the most important year to be here,” Kriegshaber said. Skylar Laird covers the South Carolina Legislature and criminal justice issues. Originally from Missouri, she previously worked for The Post and Courier’s Columbia bureau.
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SC’s top law enforcement officer reappointed to another term
By Skylar Laird COLUMBIA — South Carolina’s top law enforcement officer has committed to another six-year term, the governor’s office announced Thursday Dec. 7. Mark Keel, the 66-year-old chief of the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED), will first retire for 30 days, allowing him to collect his retirement benefits. Assistant SLED Chief Richard Gregory will lead the agency for that time, which started Wednesday. A month-long break is required
by law for Keel to receive his pension benefits and be technically rehired as a return-towork retiree. When Keel reMark turns, his annuKeel al salary will be $267,036, a significant increase from his previous $195,700. Legislators approved the pay raise in October. “Retaining Chief Keel’s leadership and law enforcement expertise is a victory for our entire
state,” Gov. Henry McMaster said in a statement. “He is a true public servant, and I thank him for his willingness to continue serving the people of South Carolina.” Keel, a Barnwell native, started working at SLED more than four decades ago, in 1979, after graduating from Georgia Southern University. Over the years, he worked his way through the ranks, taking on a variety of positions, including as a helicopter pilot and hostage negotiator. Keel left the law enforcement division in 2008 to head up the Department of Public Safety and its
divisions, which include the Highway Patrol, at the request of thenGov. Mark Sanford. After three years in that position, then-Gov. Nikki Haley appointed Keel chief of SLED in 2011. McMaster re-appointed him in 2018. With 12 years overseeing the state agency under his belt, Keel is the seventh person to lead SLED since it was established in 1947. “Serving as the Chief of SLED has been the honor of my career,” Keel wrote in a letter to the governor informing him of his intention to resign. “Being the Chief of SLED
is an incredibly humbling experience. I have been blessed to be surrounded by dedicated public servants who every day strive to make South Carolina a safer place to live, work and raise a family.” Keel’s current six-year term officially expires in January. The Senate must confirm Keel’s reappointment for his next six-year term to start. Skylar Laird covers the South Carolina Legislature and criminal justice issues. Originally from Missouri, she previously worked for The Post and Courier’s Columbia bureau.
Inmate sentenced to 40 years for role in SC’s 2018 deadly prison riot
Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison, at the podium, speaks about a getout-the-vote push in South Carolina ahead of the first in the nation Democratic primary, joined by South Carolina Democratic Party Chair Christale Spain, in red, on Monday, Dec. 11, 2023, in Columbia. Abraham Kenmore/S.C. Daily Gazette
Democrats tout big push for Biden in SC’s 3-way primary President expected to beat 2 little-known candidates; Democrats want to keep focus on more diverse state
By Abraham Kenmore COLUMBIA — South Carolina Democrats announced Monday a major investment and the hiring of about 50 people ahead of the nation’s first primary recognized by the national party, while declining to give any specifics on how much they’re spending. They also said President Joe Biden will campaign in the Palmetto State at some point over the next two months. Democratic National Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison, himself a South Carolinian, joined state party Chairwoman Christale Spain to announce the investment ahead of the state’s Feb. 3 presidential primary. The contest features President Joe Biden facing two extreme-longshot candidates: U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota and author Marianne Williamson. A party spokeswoman would say only that the investment is “six figures.” Technically, New Hampshire will still hold its Democratic primary before South Carolina — on Jan. 23 — after state leaders defied national Democrats and leapfrogged the Palmetto State to be first on Democrats’ voting calendar. To show his disapproval, Biden refused to register for the New Hampshire primary set 11 days before South Carolina’s. National party leaders want to make sure the focus stays on South Carolina and a population they say better represents the Dem-
DECEMBER 14–20, 2023
ocratic Party’s diverse voters. Statewide, more than a quarter of the population is Black, compared to just 2% in New Hampshire and 4.4% in Iowa, which remains first on the presidential calendar for Republican voters. The calendar shift also was seen as Biden rewarding the state. It was South Carolina that catapulted Biden to a win in 2020 with a 30-point advantage here over second-place finisher Bernie Sanders, following a fourth-place finish in Iowa and fifth-place finish in New Hampshire. “For the first time ever, Black voters, rural voters and southern voters get to have their voices heard first in this process,” Spain said. “And with so much on the line in 2024, we’re going to use every tool at our disposal to make sure South Carolinians are fired up and ready to go.” Harrison, who became national chairman after losing his 2020 bid to unseat U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, said conversations in the nominee process will shift too. “Instead of talking about ethanol,” he said in a reference to Iowa, “we’re going to talk about Black infant mortality rates. Think about the power that now gives Black folks to help set the agenda for presidents for this election to future elections.” The new hires will include six regional directors, a campus organizer, and 12 event coordinators who will work through mid-February, as well as 30 workers hired specifically for the
week before the primary to encourage people to vote, according to party spokeswoman Alyssa Bradley. She declined to specify the wages for the week-long workers. A “first in the nation” bus tour will launch January 13, Spain said, adding “we expect to see the president here.” She stressed that the getout-the-vote effort will be statewide. “We’re going to fight to keep our first-in-the-nation status by making sure our voters know how to seize this opportunity,” she said. Spain and Harrison acknowledged that South Carolina is highly unlikely to go blue in November 2024 but said the effort would lay groundwork for future races, both in South Carolina and elsewhere. South Carolina “can be very, very helpful in terms of volunteers, recruiting volunteers, getting people organized to support efforts in the state but also in neighboring states as well, in places like Georgia and North Carolina, which may be more competitive this cycle,” Harrison said. “But the game plan Christale has is that as we roll around in 2028, not only does South Carolina host the first-in-the-nation primary but that it’s also competitive in the general election as well.” Abraham Kenmore is a reporter covering elections, health care and more. He joins the S.C. Daily Gazette from The Augusta Chronicle, where he reported on Georgia legislators, military and housing issues.
By Skylar Laird BISHOPVILLE — A Lee County jury found the first inmate to be tried for America’s deadliest prison riot in a quarter-century guilty of all charges. Michael Juan Smith, 31, was convicted and sentenced Friday, Dec. 8 to 40 years in prison for stabbing fellow inmate Cornelius McClary, who died with 101 stab wounds exacted by Smith and his fellow gang members. Concluding a week-long trial, jurors deliberated for less than an hour before finding Smith guilty of criminal conspiracy, assault and battery in a mob, and possession of a weapon. McClary, 33, was among seven inmates who died during the 2018 riot. Smith was at the maximum-security state prison in Lee County serving a 40year sentence for attempted murder after shooting into a crowd in Columbia’s Five Points district in 2013 and striking then-University of South Carolina freshman Martha Childress, leaving her paralyzed from the waist down. In 2020, the state Supreme Court overturned his conviction, granting him the right to a retrial. He has been in the Richland County jail since. A new trial in that case has yet to be scheduled. Even though the charges are unrelated, prosecutor Barney Giese told reporters he hopes Childress and her family are reassured that Smith will return to prison. “I hope that this verdict and this sentence give (Childress) and her family some peace of mind,” Giese said Friday. Throughout the trial, attorneys painted a grisly picture of inmates slashing inmates, leaving seven dead and more than 20 injured in one of worst prison riots in U.S. history. Lawyers for both sides agreed on a basic narrative, supported by video on security cameras throughout the facility. What happened? Violence erupted in one of the prison’s dorms around 7 p.m. on April 15, 2018, when Michael Milledge, a well-liked 44-year-old prisoner, was fatally stabbed in his unlocked cell. Gang members retaliated, killing Milledge’s killer and attacking members of his gang. The Bloods versus Crips gang violence spread to other dorms as inmates communicated the attacks and sought retribution using cellphones that are il-
Michael Juan Smith goes to sit ahead of closing arguments in his trial at the Lee County Courthouse on Friday, Dec. 8, 2023. Smith was convicted on charges for his involvement in the 2018 Lee County prison riot. Skylar Laird/S.C. Daily Gazette legal but common throughout prisons. After word reached Smith’s housing unit, a group of Crips locked themselves in a room, with Bloods gathering outside. The Bloods, including Smith, found McClary, a member of the Crips, on the other end of the dorm. Smith and several other men chased McClary down a set of stairs and stabbed him over and over again. Smith stabbed McClary around 10 times in the front and the back, prosecutors said. Smith claimed he acted in self defense. His attorney, Aimee Zmroczek, argued Smith was afraid for his life as the prison descended into chaos. By that point, Smith had seen photos of fellow gang members in other dorms stabbed to death, and he believed the Crips in his dorm were planning to do the same to him. Zmroczek pointed to flaws in the prison system that led to the riot, including chronic understaffing, a recent transfer of 250 inmates from another prison and an unchecked contraband market. Knowing no guards were coming to help, Smith turned on a man he thought was threatening him and his friends, Zmroczek said. “I will say this until I’m blue in the face: SCDC caused this,” Zmroczek said in her closing statement, referring to the South Carolina Department of Corrections. But Smith’s actions weren’t out of fear, prosecutor Barney Giese argued and the jury agreed. Instead, he stabbed McClary out of revenge for the Bloods killed in the other dorms. “He wants to retaliate,” Giese said in his closing statement, showing video of Smith stabbing McClary.
“He wants to finish it.” It is unclear what will happen with the remaining 47 inmates indicted for their role in the riot. Smith’s conviction could convince more inmates to plead guilty, joining 11 inmates to already do so. “I think this sends a message that the people in Lee County and the Department of Corrections aren’t going to put up with this kind of activity,” Giese told reporters after the trial. The prison has undergone major reforms in the years since the riot, Corrections Director Bryan Stirling said Friday. Inmates are now reclassified based on good behavior, meaning an inmate can earn a spot in the medium-security parts of the prison, reserving maximum security only for people causing persistent problems, Stirling said. The Legislature also gave the department a historic $92 million in 2021 for upgrades, including fixing malfunctioning locks. Department officials are continuing to ask for money to fund improvement, such as updating an antiquated door-locking system, Stirling said. On top of that, Corrections officials are requesting $34 million to widely implement a program to shut off contraband cellphones in the hopes of preventing widespread violence like in the Lee County riot from happening again. The program is already in place at the Lee County prison, and officials have confiscated nearly 900 phones since July, Stirling said. Skylar Laird covers the South Carolina Legislature and criminal justice issues. Originally from Missouri, she previously worked for The Post and Courier’s Columbia bureau.
After lighting the menorah at the beginning of sunset Thursday, Dec. 7, Rabbi Mendel Hertz, right, discusses “light over darkness” to begins the eight days of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah at Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park. Each lamp of the menorah commemorates the Jewish victory over the Syrian armies in 164 BC. Following the war, there was only a tiny bit of oil for lamps for re-dedication of the Second Temple of Jerusalem. Miraculously, the lamp burned for eight days. Bob Sofaly/The Island News
Rabbi Mendel Hertz of Chabad Greater Hilton Head lights the menorah at sunset Thursday, Dec. 7, to begin the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah at Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park. Each lamp of the menorah commemorates the Jewish victory over the Syrian armies in 164 BC. Following the war, there was only a tiny bit of oil for lamps for re-dedication of the Second Temple of Jerusalem. Miraculously, the lamp burned for eight days. Bob Sofaly/ The Island News
Rebellion hides behind the mask of pretending
ast week we talked about how common it is for many Christians to talk about how they love, worship, and serve God, but could some of this be their imagination? Maybe a misunderstanding or could it be a deception? There are sobering Bible passages that talk about our works on earth and our heavenly rewards such as Matthew 7:21-23. “On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many deeds of power in your name?’ Then I will declare to them, I never knew you; go away from me, you evildoers.” What could this mean? We’ve heard it’s not how much we do, it’s about knowing His will and doing what He says. It’s not popular, but even good deeds
are not rewarded if we are doing them for the wrong reasons. It should be no surprise that religious service can become a routine where we just mindlessly go through the motions. Paying sincere homage to God has nothing to do with trudging through traditional rituals just because someone said we should do it. Even if everyone we know believes a certain way, we must know what God is speaking to us. We notice a passage in Matthew, Chapter 15,
Verses 7 through 9, where Jesus stands boldly against people who pretend to be something they are not. “You hypocrites, well did Isaiah prophesy of you, saying, This people draws near unto me with their mouth and honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. In vain they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” Have you ever been guilty of playing the game? Sin is not something that sneaks up behind us and captures us against our will. We know about sin and always have the choice to ignore it or entertain it. This is called “freewill” where we decide what is good and evil and this can be traced back to the Garden of Eden when Eve and Adam decided to disobey God. No one made them
eat the fruit the same as no one makes us daydream about sin and partake of it now. Romans 12:2 declares that our mind must be transformed and renewed so we will not be controlled by the desires of our carnal nature. Living holy is possible, but no one said resisting temptation is easy. We might sing about being a dedicated warrior for God, but is this something we spend a lot of time praying about? Sin is like one of those prickly burrs that cling to our clothes when we walk in high weeds. We can ignore them, but eventually, we have to sit down and intentionally pull them off because they will not let go on their own. Sadly, there are more people than we can imagine who do not want
to resist their sins. Some people are sneaky and can wear a mask even in the church and do not want to hear about how it’s wrong to live a double standard. These Jekyll and Hyde characters are filled with pride about their ability to disguise themselves as followers of Christ when they have a closet full of things they would be embarrassed about if they were exposed. Our sin hurts God. He sent His Son to die for our sins and yet some people love these sins more than they love Jesus. How can we love sin and love God at the same time? In Luke 6:46 Jesus says it like this, “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and refuse to do what I say?” This is not a fluffy statement in the least. Romans 6:16 reminds us, “Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves
servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness?” There are only two choices and our actions prove who we love. As painful as it might be, we recall the old saying, “Actions speak louder than words.” When Christians can be comfortable in their sins, they have crossed the line into an apathetic and dangerous attitude. The Holy Spirit will convict when someone drifts away, but we can ignore Him and fall deeper into a backslidden state. God is calling for all of His lukewarm sheep to come back into His fold today.
Billy Holland is a Christian minister, chaplain, and author. Read more about the Christian life and his books at
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HEALTH & WELLNESS Options & References for a Healthier Life
Managing medication for loved ones If you have an elderly parent who has been told they need to take a bunch of different medications every day due to their health conditions, it can be pretty overwhelming for them and you. You worry about things like them missing doses or drug interactions. How do you, or a caregiver make sure they stay safe and healthy? How should you handle your parent’s meds? Every person's medication needs are different. The risk for medication-related problems increases with each medication that is added. If your parent takes four or more medications, they have a higher risk for medication-related problems, especially falls. In addition, certain medications require special monitoring. Medications used to control pain, anxiety, mood, and sleep pose the largest risk for patients as they age. Medications for blood pressure and diabetes also can be problematic if they are not monitored closely and adjusted as health conditions change. The most common medication-related problems in older adults include taking too high or too low of a dose, taking unnecessary medications, not taking medication as directed or at all, taking an ineffective medication, or adverse drug reactions such as
“As a caregiver, it's important that you take time for self-care and recharging so that you can continue to give. Pay attention to how you feel emotionally and physically. If you need a break or would like assistance, ask family members or other loved ones for help. There are many caregiving resources in the community that can help your parent with needed services or additional support. The best measure of caregiver success is if you did your best with what you had available at that moment. Remember, you don't have to do it alone.”
— Catherine Lea, Registered Pharmacist, Medication Therapy Management, Mayo Clinic Health System
confusion, bleeding and oversedation. Some older people struggle with remembering to take their medications or organizing them effectively. Adult children like yourself, or a trusted caregiver, can help by taking steps to organize, monitor and update their medication lists. There are also many useful medication reminder apps available for download. These all can help prevent potential health complications, while providing peace of mind for both you and your parent.
Here are some useful tips:
• Gather information about the medications your parent uses. Get
your parent's up-to-date medication lists from their healthcare team. Make sure that this list matches the prescription containers in their home. Then, with your parent, talk through each medication so both of you fully understand what it is taken for, how often, and at what dose. • Contact the pharmacy about available medication management services. Many pharmacies offer individual dose, or compliance packaging, options. This is a low-cost way to help patients better manage daily medications and it offers a way for family members to dou-
ble-check on doses that may have been missed. If your pharmacy doesn't offer this service, use a medication organizer (a plastic compartment box) that stores scheduled doses of medications and makes it easier to keep on top of which medication to take and when. When an organizer box is used with a medication reminder app, this system is very effective. • Contact the pharmacy about medication synchronization. Medication synchronization allows prescriptions to be refilled every 30 or 90 days, instead of refill cycles scattered through-
out the month. This may help simplify and organize medications. • Request access to your parent's medical records. If something goes wrong and your parent needs extra help, having digital access to their medical records can help you get in touch with their primary care clinician or pharmacist to assist. • Schedule a visit with a pharmacist. A comprehensive medication review can be scheduled through your parent’s primary care clinician's office. You can ask for a referral during a visit or call the scheduling line and ask for a referral. During the visit, a clinical pharmacist will re-
view your parent's medication lists to ensure all the medications are prescribed correctly. • Talk with a pharmacist before adding vitamins and supplements. Even though these products can be purchased over the counter without a prescription, there are still important interaction concerns with some medications. Talk with a healthcare professional or pharmacist before adding vitamins, herbal remedies, or supplements to your parent’s medication regimen. Source: Adapted from an article by Abby Ashbacher; /discussion/ mayo-clinic-q-and-a-managingmedication-for-loved-ones/
Light therapy may help improve symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease
Light therapy might improve sleep and psycho-behavioral symptoms for people with Alzheimer’s disease, according to a study just published in the journal PLOS ONE. Controlled-study research findings were gathered from 15 high-quality studies published between 2005 and 2022. They were performed in seven countries and included a total of 598 participants. Meta-analysis results indicated that light therapy in people with Alzheimer’s and dementia can be beneficial in several ways: • Improved sleep efficiency – the ratio between the time a person is actually asleep, and the total time dedicated to sleep (i.e how long a person is in bed). • Increased inter-daily stability – a measure of the strength of circadian rhythms, or how consistent daily activity patterns are. • Reduced inter-daily variability – a measure of disruption of circadian rhythms, or how frequently someone transitions between rest and activity during the day. In people with Alzheimer’s, the researchers said light therapy also reduced depressive
• Researchers are reporting that light therapy might help improve sleep and psycho-behavioral symptoms in people with Alzheimer’s disease.
• They say that current pharmacological treatment can include side effects and increase the risk of falls while light therapy usually does not have side effects. • Experts said light therapy is a promising potential treatment for Alzheimer’s and dementia. symptoms and agitation as well as lowering caregiver burden. “Up to 90 percent of persons living with Alzheimer’s disease will experience behavioral or psychological symptoms of dementia, including agitation, physical aggression, and depressive behavior,” said Dr. Liron Sinvani, the director
of geriatric hospitalist services at Northwell Health in New York who was not involved in the research. Sinvani continued, “In addition, sleeping difficulties can start in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease and continue throughout the disease course. These behavioral and psychological symptoms, as well as sleep disturbances, can impact not only the health of the person but also cause significant caregiver burden and stress.”
Current treatments vs. light therapy for Alzheimer’s disease
“We know that behavioral and psychological symptoms are currently commonly treated with antipsychotic or sedating medications, which have been shown to increase the risk of falls, pneumonia, and even death,” Sinvani said. “Non-pharmacological strategies such as musicare considered firstline therapies.” While the researchers found that light therapy had many benefits, they did note that bright light in some environments could increase depressive and anxiety symptoms as some people could perceive it as invasive and unnatural. Overall, the scientists stated
that light therapy significantly improves sleep and psychobehavioral symptoms in people with Alzheimer’s and that it is a promising treatment for this disease. The researchers indicated the following limitations of the study: • Types and degrees of dementia were inconsistent in the different studies. • A few articles did not clearly describe their randomization, showing possible bias.
The future of light therapy:
Nonetheless, experts say light
therapy is something that should be looked at closely as a helpful potential treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. Light therapy may lead to significant improvement in sleep and behavioral symptoms of dementia. In addition, light therapy was found to have very few side effects. Source: adapted from an article by Eileen Bailey —Fact checked by Jill Seladi-Schulman, Ph.D.; https://www.
I have read that beta-carotene increases your risk of lung cancer. Is that true?
Very high doses of beta-carotene from supplements do raise the risk of lung cancer in some people, but beta-carotene from foods like carrots does not. So, eat as many carrots—and other vegetables and fruits—as you want. They are very healthy, packed with nutrients, and might help reduce your risk of some chronic diseases. Source:
The content offered in this Care magazine® supplement are here to educate consumers on health care, wellness, lifestyle, and medical issues that may affect their daily lives. Nothing in the content, products or services should be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The articles, references and options contained herein do not constitute the practice of any medical, nursing, or other professional health care advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always talk to your health care provider for diagnosis and treatment, including your specific medical needs. None of the products or services offered through this publication represents or warrants that any particular service or product is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. We advise readers to always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions regarding personal health or medical conditions. —Care magazine® editor,
DECEMBER 14–20, 2023
HEALTH & WELLNESS Options & References for a Healthier Life
Is type 2 diabetes reversible?
What is ‘remission’? Type 2 diabetes is Remission is the preferred term reversible under for diabetes reversal. This is becertain conditions, cause a person’s type 2 diabetes can always return. When somedepending on a one is in remission, their A1C person’s lifestyle. has reduced to a level of less Medications alone than 6.5%. A1C reflects a person’s average do not reverse it. blood sugar level for the most reIf a person does cent 2–3 months. Doctors use the not make healthy A1C test to diagnose and monitor the progress of the condition. lifestyle changes, Aside from the lower A1C, a pertype 2 diabetes will son in remission no longer needs progress, and they will to take any diabetes medication. While the study cites evidence eventually need more that a low-calorie diet can help medications to reverse type 2 diabetes, it contends a superior strategy exists. manage it. However, if someone engages in healthy lifestyle practices, such as eating a low-calorie diet and getting regular exercise, their diabetes may subside and go into remission. People should also note that a prediabetes diagnosis does not necessarily mean that developing type 2 diabetes is inevitable. According to the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), people can also reverse prediabetes by making lifestyle changes. Type 2 diabetes is very common. The International Diabetes Federation reports that 463 million adults had the condition in 2019, resulting in 4.2 million deaths the same year. That said, people with type 2 diabetes can do many things to control and manage the condition. A 2020 study notes that lifestyle practices may prevent type 2 diabetes but also have the potential to reverse it. This is also known as remission. In fact, evidence supporting the value of such practices is so substantial that the study’s authors refer to them as “lifestyle medicine.”
According to the authors, the link between type 2 diabetes and obesity does not involve excess body weight alone. Rather, excess belly fat specifically plays a prominent role. The study authors indicate a combination of diet and exercise reduces belly fat. These lifestyle practices may also reverse prediabetes. In this condition, a person has slightly elevated blood sugar and is at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. It is also of note that a healthy diet and exercise lowers blood glucose levels and improves the sensitivity of insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar. They add that such healthier practices should include getting enough sleep, abstaining from smoking, and monitoring alcohol intake.
Diet and health tips:
The CDC provides diet and selfcare health tips for people with diabetes. Diet recommendations include: • choosing nutritious foods, which involves fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low fat or nonfat dairy products • eating high fiber foods, such
as whole grain breads and cereals • selecting foods low in saturated fat, trans fat, calories, sugar, and salt • drinking water rather than regular soda or juice • filling a plate for meals as follows: » one-half with non-starchy vegetables » one-quarter with carbs (fruit, starchy vegetables, or whole grains) » one-quarter with lean protein, such as beans or chicken without skin Self-care is also important to live well with diabetes. Tips include: • taking medications as prescribed • visiting a doctor at least twice per year • monitoring and recording blood sugar if a doctor advises this • checking blood pressure if a doctor recommends this
• checking their feet daily for blisters, redness, swelling, and cuts • maintaining healthy teeth and gums with regular brushing and flossing • abstaining from smoking • engaging in ways to reduce stress, such as deep breathing • seeking support from family, friends, or a mental health counselor
Prevention tips:
The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases offers people the following type 2 diabetes prevention tips: • Lose weight if overweight: Losing 5–7% of weight can delay or prevent a person from developing type 2 diabetes. • Exercise regularly: This means a minimum of 30 minutes on 5 days per week. • Eat nutritious foods most of the time: Following the dietary advice in the ‘Diet and
health tips’ section above also helps prevent type 2 diabetes. In summary, a person’s type 2 diabetes can go into remission if they seek and maintain a healthy weight, as well as engage in regular exercise. Following a nutritious diet may help a person with weight control. In a single meal, this involves filling half the plate with non-starchy vegetables, a quarter with carbs, and a quarter with a lean protein, such as beans or chicken without the skin. It is also beneficial for someone with type 2 diabetes to abstain from smoking and monitor their blood pressure. Stress management and seeking support from others are also important for people to live well with diabetes. Source: Excerpted from an article by Mary West —Medically reviewed by Kelly Wood, MD; articles/type-2-diabetes-reversible?
Tips for a Stress-Free Holiday Season Define Boundaries: Clearly communicate what questions are off-limits, which physical contact is unacceptable, and what topics you won't address. Regain the control you lacked in childhood and make choices that promote healing. Watch for the Exiles: In moments of stress, our younger, reactive selves (the "exiles") may take over. Christine suggests calling on your Integrated Self—the calm, clear, connected, and coherent part of you—to support and guide these in-
ner children. Be Mindful: Pay attention to your nervous system's signals and take breaks when needed. Identify the best strategies for you, such as guided meditations, deep breathing, or sensory awakening, to shift your stress state. Listen to Internal Signals: Learn to recognize early stress responses and various emotions. Instead of being overwhelmed by emotions, approach them with curiosity and self-compassion, catching them before
they intensify. Calming Practices: Activate your body's innate calming processes through connection, sensory experiences, and self-soothing techniques. Whether it's playing with kids, enjoying pleasant smells, or practicing mindful movement, these activities can help you find peace amid the holiday chaos. — By Dr. Christine Gibson, a family physician, trauma therapist, and author;
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DECEMBER 14–20, 2023
Sports suits have lost the thread
love sports. Always have. I had a custom wrestling singlet before I was old enough to remember it, and I can’t remember a time when my life didn’t revolve around sports. Literally. I’ve made sports my life, pursuing a career in sports journalism before pivoting to college athletics communications and then into entrepreneurship, where I’ve built a hyper-local sports platform and volunteered my time to numerous grassroots local sports organizations. I believe in the values instilled in youth sports and have seen first-hand how playing on teams and competing at a high level helps kids develop into outstanding young people and eventually valuable members of society. Playing sports offers a path to upward mobility for kids from marginalized communities and less privileged backgrounds, who can leverage the opportunity to dedicate their lives to the game they love for four or five more years while earning an education that will provide comfort and stability for the next 40 to 50 years. But I’ve just about had it with the business of sports at the highest levels. Whether it’s the Los Angeles Dodgers or New York Yankees shelling out hundreds of millions of dollars in free agent contracts that will get passed along to fans, franchises leaving town after being denied taxpayer-funded stadia that act as a license to print money, or the most petty thing to irritate me in a minute — the NBA’s vanity courts. Forbes reported that the courts cost “between $75,000 and $150,000” each — a wide range, so let’s split the difference … shoot, I’ll even take the low end and say $100K to keep the numbers nice and round for all of our benefit. The league has 30 teams, so that’s $3,000,000. Average in-state tuition to a public institution this school year — according to U.S. News and World Report — is $10,662 per year or $42,648 for four years. But who finishes in four years these days, right? So we’ll again generously round up to $50,000. So that’s $3,000,000 for madefor-TV basketball courts that could have sent 60 kids to state colleges for free. Every year, talented athletes all over the country — and particular-
Whale Branch’s Bradford Thompson, left, tries to block the shot of Beaufort’s Samari Bonds during the second half Friday night at Whale Branch. Bonds scored 30 points on the night, helping the Eagles narrowly outscore the Warriors, 61-58. Bob Sofaly/The Island News
Eagles eke out wins vs. Warriors The first installment between the boys basketball teams from Beaufort High and Whale Branch went down to the wire, and the rematch followed suit. The result was the same, too, as
Samari Bonds put the Eagles on his back and carried Beaufort to a 61-58 win Friday in Seabrook to complete a season sweep of the Warriors. Bonds poured in 30 points — on 30 shots — and added seven
rebounds, five assists, and eight steals to lead the Eagles to another nail-biting win after his defensive efforts at the end of the first meeting helped Beaufort escape with a
Creek streak hits 3 with 2OT win vs. WB
Battery Creek High School’s Alizjah Mathis, left, goes up for two points against Whale Branch Early College High School’s Kevin Jenkins during the first half of their basketball game Friday, Dec. 12 at Whale Branch. Bob Sofaly/The Island News C.J. Brown has many more goals in mind for his budding Battery Creek basketball program this season, but the first one was accomplished Saturday and another was checked off Tuesday. After surpassing last season’s win total with their fourth victory of the young campaign Saturday at Bluffton — a day after avenging an early loss to Ridgeland-Hardeeville — the Dolphins outlasted rival Whale Branch in double overtime for a 45-44 victory, their first against the Warriors since 2020 and only their second since 2017. Alizjah Mathis led the way for the resurgent Dolphins (5-2) with 21 points on a night when scoring was at a premium. Laron Wright buried a 3-pointer to give Whale Branch a 39-37
lead with 1:37 left in regulation, but Mathis tied it with a layup in traffic, and neither defense relented in the final minute, forcing overtime. Kevin Jenkins scored a pair of buckets in the paint to put the Warriors up four in the extra period, but Jayvorie Cole’s putback made it a one-possession game and Gabe Leegette drained a floater in the lane as time expired to bring on a second extra period. Kelvin Willis scored the only bucket of the second overtime, and the Dolphins held the Warriors without a field goal in the period to earn the win.
Palmetto Scholars 84-47 behind five double-digit scorers and finishing a season sweep of Memorial Day with a 54-44 win in Savannah on Saturday. QJ Young poured in 20 points along with seven assists and five steals, and Amarion Wilson (16 points, 17 rebounds) and Xavier Butler (15 points, 11 rebounds) each posted double-doubles against the Phoenix. The Bucs are 8-1 and ranked 10th in Class 1A by the S.C. Basketball Coaches Association.
JPII picks up two more wins
It’s not even mid-December yet, and John Paul II has doubled last Bridges Prep’s boys ran their season’s win total after taking two win streak to five games with a pair SEE HOOPS PAGE B2 of road wins last week, pounding
Bucs keep rolling
Sand Sharks men top century mark again
By Brackin Lambert BLUFFTON — USCB men's basketball continued its dominant run inside the Cove on Saturday evening, as the Sand Sharks defeated visiting Regent 104-83. Marcus Overstreet led the way with 20 points and seven rebounds, while Kobe Shewry had a tremendous outing off the bench with 19 points, four boards and two assists. Qurahn Anderson added 16 points and seven rebounds while Kevaughn Price dropped 14 points, collected five caroms, and handed out five assists.
"Proud of the way we came out playing to our standard," USCB coach Ron Fudala said. "We lost our edge there in the second half but performed well enough to secure another victory. I'm excited to get back out there and work towards next week against New College of Florida." USCB started the game using its high-powered offense to jump out to an early double-digit advantage. Larry Bulluck converted a four-point play and the Sand Sharks picked up plenty of second chance opportunities, outrebounding the
Royals 17-9 and 7-1 on offensive boards. Anderson and Overstreet sent shockwaves through the Cove with two monstrous jams, and the lead was extended to 30 after Tasso Sfanos drained a triple from the top of the key. Regent slightly cut into the Sand Sharks lead with a 10-0 run, but Kyle Polce ended the drought with a finger roll through traffic and Sfanos drained another 3 to head into half up 29. The second half opened with Regent scoring back-toback possessions, but Shewry scored twice in a matter of 16 seconds. After Ander-
son threw down a one-handed dunk and Bulluck connected from beyond the arc, the lead was back up to 30. The Royals trimmed the lead down to 20 during a 14-4 run, but USCB remained in control. A slam fest followed with dunks from Anderson, Bulluck and Overstreet, and the Sand Sharks hit the century mark for the fourth time this season with Overstreet's layup. Beaufort concludes its non-conference schedule Saturday as it welcomes New College of Florida to the Cove. Tipoff is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. in Bluffton.
USC Beaufort’s Marcus Overstreet makes it look easy as he dunks the ball during the first half against the Regent University Royals during their NCAA Division II basketball game Saturday at the USCB Recreation Center in Bluffton. The USCB Sand Sharks took quick control of the game and never looked back, beating the Royals, 104-82. Bob Sofaly/The Island News
Dolphins earn split with Warriors Battery Creek’s girls snapped a threegame losing streak with a hard-fought 36-31 win at Whale Branch on Tuesday to avenge a 29-22 loss to the Warriors at home last week. The Dolphins also suffered a tough 3532 loss at Ridgeland-Hardeeville on Friday, but they got guard Amari Daise back from injury for the rematch with the Warriors, and she helped Battery Creek rally in the fourth quarter. Whale Branch led 30-25 early in the final period, but the Dolphins rattled off a 7-0 run to take the lead and held the Warriors without a field goal for the final five minutes.
With just seconds left during the fourth period, Beaufort High School’s Carson Crosby grabs the rebound and tries to make another shot while Whale Branch’s Kailey Pusha-Weeks tires to block her Friday night, Dec. 9 at Whale Branch. Bob Sofaly/The Island News
from page B1 55-54 victory. AJ Newton added 13 points and seven rebounds for the Eagles, while Guerin Willis pulled down nine rebounds, including six at the offensive end, and Amani Cleckley dished out eight assists. Beaufort had to overcome four Warriors who scored in double-digits, as Bradford Thompson led the way with 15 points and 14 boards in a monster effort, while Greggory Gilbert also had a double-double with 13 points and 10 rebounds, Kevin Jenkins
just before the 4:00 mark when Leiya Watson banked in a shot, but they also held the Warriors scoreless over the final 3:15 to hold on after Zaria Coaxum’s jumper drew Whale Branch within two. The game was close throughout, but Savannah Lanham came up with several big offensive rebounds late to help the Eagles earn extra possessions, and Watson, Carson Crosby, and Claire McDaniel all hit big shots in the fourth quarter for Beaufort. The Eagles struggled Beaufort girls a day later at May River, falling 44-11 with Johanna hang on The Eagles scored their Laney scoring five points to final points of the night lead Beaufort.
added 12 points and eight boards, and Laron Wright finished with 11 points and six assists. The battle must have taken something out of the Eagles’ legs, because they couldn’t find their offense in a 34-30 loss at May River on Saturday and again struggled in a 54-38 loss at Bluffton on Tuesday despite 18 points from Cleckley. The Warriors also stumbled Tuesday, falling 45-44 in double overtime against Battery Creek.
3 champs give JPII 2nd at Northwood
By Justin Jarrett John Paul II snagged three individual titles en route to a runner-up finish in the 10-team Northwood Invitational on Saturday with 11 Golden Warriors placing in the top four in their weight classes. Chase Lafountain (88 pounds), Daniel Snyder (132), and Renzo Cedeno (190) all claimed gold for JPII, while Hayes Keefer (126) and Brandyn Horton (175) reached the finals, and Jase Reynolds (106), Alex Mercer (165), and Chris Orta (190) placed third. JPII’s Brian Orta (144), Jack Hannagan (150), and Gavin Byrne (190) placed fourth. Beaufort High finished fourth in the team standings with Antonio McKnight winning the 138-pound title to lead a contingent of seven medalists. Calvin Garcia (150), Chase Richardson (190), Brandon Bolles (144), and Jaden Priester (285) were runners-up, while Joseph Griffin (132) defeated teammate Ian Newell for third.
DECEMBER 14–20, 2023
Dolphins down Beach, Stall
Battery Creek continued its busy start to the season last week by splitting a pair of duals at May River on Wednesday before trouncing Stall on the road Thursday. The Dolphins made quick work of Beach in an 82-6 win before losing 60-17 to the host Sharks in Bluffton, but they bounced right back with a 59-18 road win over the Warriors a night later. John Coker, Emmanuel DonJuan, Andrew Legree, Christian Fess, Cooper Livingston, Gunnar DeGroat, Robbie Ingram, and Leroy Tyus all scored pins against Stall, as the senior class went undefeated for the Dolphins. Degroat has won 38 consecutive matches spanning a full calendar year and is 14-0 with 13 pins this season. Justin Jarrett is the sports editor of The Island News and the founder of He was the sports editor of the Island Packet and the Beaufort Gazette for 6½ years. He has a passion for sports and community journalism and a questionable sense of humor.
Tough loss ends JPII streak
Whale Branch Early College’s Krystleen Rogers, left, tries the move the ball against Battery Creek High School’s Dania Suastegni during the first half of their basketball game Friday, Dec. 12, at Whale Branch. The Lady Dolphins outscored the Lady Warriors, 3931, during the final minutes of the game. Bob Sofaly/The Island News
from page B1 ly in more isolated areas like the Lowco — are left without realistic options to continue their athletic and academic careers due to the rising cost of college. Many of the opportunities for marginal prospects come from pricey private schools that offer significant scholarship and grant funding but still carry a pricetag that is tough to swallow. It’s a common misunderstanding that college athletes get a “full ride” — which is typically reserved only for those playing football or basketball at NCAA Division I programs, and only those programs that are fully-funded, which is not all of them, and in some sports, not any of them. Division I FBS football
from page B1 of three last week. The Golden Warriors held on for a 63-57 road win at Andrew Jackson Academy and bounced
After running its win streak to five games with a 58-32 rout of Andrew Jackson Academy on the road Wednesday, John Paul II met its match in a tough 4542 loss to SCHSL 1A power St. Joseph’s Catholic on Friday. Brady Mahoney continued her stellar season with 15 points and 13 rebounds against AJA, while Cayce Graves added 11 points and five steals and Lily Termini had nine points and 10 boards. Gracie Henderson poured in 16 points to keep JPII in it with the Knights throughout the night, and Mahoney had 10 points and eight rebounds, but the Golden Warriors couldn’t get over the hump in the fourth quarter.
teams get 85 scholarships, and D1 basketball programs get 13, which means virtually the entire roster is on a full ride. Baseball (11.7), soccer (9.9), tennis (4.5), volleyball (4.5) and wrestling (9.9) coaches are severely strained by scholarship limits that don’t even approach the number of players required to field a competitive team — let alone an elite one — especially at smaller or less-notable schools with limited resources to supplement their recruiting budgets. But even many football and basketball programs don’t have the budgets to fulfill their scholarship limits, particularly at small-conference schools that aren’t raking in the bucks from big TV contracts, and the divide between the haves and have-nots is only growing with the emergence of NIL deals that give even
more leverage to the blue bloods. How about spreading those 60 scholarships among underfunded HBCU basketball programs — men and women — that are struggling to survive? That might be more useful and beneficial to society and the future of the game than garish courts, and I’m willing to bet it would generate a more valuable social media buzz. And with the HBCU tie-in, you’ll even draw the ire of people who didn’t even bother to tune in to shake their fists about the courts. Rage sells these days, after all.
back from a tough 4036 loss to St. Joseph’s Catholic with a strong showing at home Saturday in a 66-54 win over Bethesda Academy. James Keefer poured in 17 second-half points to complement a game-high 18 from freshman guard
Daniel Godsun to power the Golden Warriors to a big-time comeback win after trailing the Blazers 30-17 midway through the second quarter. Christian Tilton had 16 points to lead JPII in a 40-36 loss to St. Joseph’s on Friday.
Justin Jarrett is the sports editor of The Island News and the founder of He was the sports editor of the Island Packet and the Beaufort Gazette for 6½ years. He has a passion for sports and community journalism and a questionable sense of humor.
Finegan in holiday spirit Finegan, the USC Beaufort Sand Sharks mascot, crosses inflatable candy canes with Bo Ponce, 8, and her friends, USCB students Lacey Mueller and Journey Peters, during halftime of the USCB Lady Sand Sharks basketball game with Regent University on Saturday at the USCB Recreation Center in Bluffton. Bob Sofaly/The Island News
USCB women back in win column
By Brackin Lambert BLUFFTON — Janiyah Heyward notched a career-high 31 points while picking up her first collegiate double-double with 13 boards, and Brielle Bartelt found her shot, scoring 23 as the Sand Sharks started the final portion of their non-conference home schedule in grand style, knocking off visiting Regent, 85-70, Saturday afternoon at the Cove.
"Very proud of the way we played today," USCB coach Sharon Versyp said. "A little sluggish there in the first quarter, but we were able to find the groove in the second with a 12-0 run and put together a solid victory over a good Royal team." The Sand Sharks had contributions throughout, as Mahkayla Premo scored 11 while dishing out four assists and Shaniya Rose handed out a team-high seven assists.
Heyward was a perfect 3-for-3 from the field to open the game as the Sand Sharks jumped out to a 9-5 lead. But the Royals tied it on a rare four-point play and took the lead thanks to a flurry of baskets from Jabarria Brown. Regent held a lead as large as nine midway through, but Beaufort used a 12-3 run through the final three-plus minutes to take a four-point lead into the break. Heyward scored eight of her team-high 21 points during
the run and both Premo and Madison Self added baskets. USCB extended its lead to double-figures after a 14-8 run to open the quarter and Bartelt's triple from the corner made it a 13-point game. The Sand Sharks outscored the Royals 29-17 in the third led by Bartelt's 11. Beaufort wraps up the non-conference schedule next Saturday against New College of Florida. Tip is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. at the Cove.
USC Beaufort’s Taniyah Bowman, front, leaves behind a shoe and a couple of downed Regent University players during the first half of their NCAA Division II basketball game Saturday, Dec. 9, at the USC Beaufort Recreation Center in Bluffton. Also pictured is USCB’s Brielle Bartlet. Bob Sofaly/The Island News
Catholic? Come Home! Maybe you have been away from the Catholic Church for a little while, or for a long time. Maybe you have felt a tug at your heart, the Lord inviting you to come back. This is a wonderful time of the year to say yes to this loving invitation from God. No matter how long you have been away, you are part of our Catholic family and we have missed you! We are your brothers and sisters in Christ, and we want to help welcome you home! Despite the human brokenness of his followers, Jesus is still working through his Church today. He wants to forgive you, nourish you, and strengthen you in your journey with him. Like the loving Father in the story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15), Jesus is waiting for you and can’t wait to joyfully welcome you home!
Sacrament of Reconciliation Come experience the Lord’s mercy! Special opportunities will be offered for the Sacrament of Reconciliation in our main church. Even if it has been decades, the priest will help you and rejoice with you as you experience the Lord’s forgiveness and mercy. Every Saturday in December ............................ 11am – 1pm Monday, Dec 18, Advent Penance Service .... 6pm – 7:30pm (multiple priests available to hear confessions) Saturday, December 23 .................................... 11am – 1pm
Christmas Masses Christmas Eve ........................................... 4:00pm, 6:00pm Christmas Day ....... 12am (Midnight), 11am, 1pm (Español)
70 Lady’s Island Drive, Beaufort, SC 29907 843-522-9555 • •
DECEMBER 14–20, 2023
Beaufort High School hosts Incubate Debate tournament
From staff reports On Saturday, Dec. 9, 2023, students from nearly all public middle and high schools in Beaufort County competed at the Incubate Debate’s second regional competition of the 20232024 school year. At the competition, students debated the merits of a federal carbon tax, a potential TikTok ban, and whether or not NATO should accept Ukraine as a member. Local citizens like Richard Moniuszko of World Affairs Council evaluated students not only in their ability to give a speech, but also in their civility and aptitude for respectful disagreement. University of Austin Director of Admissions Stephen Asoli addressed students in the awards ceremony, praising them for their willingness to dare
ATTENDING JUDGES Stephen Asoli – Director of Admissions, The University of Austin Ingrid Boatwright – Beaufort County Board of Education, District 11 Carlton Dallas – Beaufort County Board of Education, District 8 Margaret Evans – Editor, Lowcountry Weekly Richard Geier – Col., U.S. Army (ret.); Beaufort County Board of Education, District 4
Beaufort County students break between sessions at Incubate Debate’s second regional competition on Saturday, Dec. 9, 2023 at Beaufort High School. Submitted photo to think and pursue truth during the tournament. May River High School’s Johanna Pierre secured the Championship in the final round in Saturday’s competition. Pierre argued against ad-
mitting Ukraine into NATO. Incubate Debate’s next tournament is on Saturday, Jan. 27 at May River High School, where students will be debating the benefits of the International Monetary
Fund, daylight savings time, and whether it was necessary for the U.S. to drop the atomic bombs on Japan. This will be the third and final tournament of the school year hosted in Beaufort County.
It will serve as the qualifier, determining which students will represent South Carolina at the prestigious fourth annual Incubate Debate Championship in April in Jacksonville, Fla.
Ruth James – Coordinator of Community Initiatives & After School Initiatives, Beaufort County School District Richard Moniuszko – World Affairs Council, Hilton Head Dr. John Newman – MD Executive Director, Volunteers in Medicine Chanda Powell – Interpretive Park Ranger, Reconstruction Era National Historical Park
Report: More than $150M intended for SC college scholarships unspent
By Jessica Holdman COLUMBIA — South Carolina’s higher education agency allowed $152 million in unspent lottery profits intended for college scholarships to pile up over six years, according to an audit by the state’s inspector general. “It was a missed opportunity,” Inspector General Brian Lamkin told a legislative panel Monday as he presented his findings from a review of the state Commission on Higher Education. The unspent money was slated mostly for the state’s three merit-based scholarships — HOPE, LIFE and Palmetto Fellows — awarded to eligible South Carolina students who go to college within the state. Awards range from $2,800 for students’ freshman year only to $10,000 yearly for students pursuing math and science degrees. Criteria include at least a 3.0 grade point average for HOPE and LIFE scholarships and 3.5 GPA for Palmetto Fellows. All of these extra dollars, Lamkin said, could have been sent back to state coffers to pay for other needs. Possibilities for legislators, he said, include re-designating the money for new K-12 school buses, a student loan forgiveness program for health care workers, and a scholarship program to assist the nearly 500,000 South Car-
S.C. Commission on Higher Education Executive Director Rusty Monhollon, center, and agency board chairman former Sen. Wes Hayes listened Monday, Dec. 11, 2023 as the state Inspector General told lawmakers the state higher education agency allowed $152 million in unspent lottery-funded scholarship money to pile up. Jessica Holdman/SC Daily Gazette olinians who have some college credit but no completed degree. “Frankly, your report to us upsets me and I think it probably upsets a lot of people,” said Rep. Tim McGinnis, chairman of the House Oversight subcommittee hearing Lamkin’s testimony. “House leadership believes education and workforce development is one of our strongest priorities right now and I couldn’t agree more,” said the Myrtle Beach Republican. “And I believe this agency has a very important role in shaping the future of college education.”
He said the excess could have been used to expand eligibility for lottery-backed scholarships. Voters approved the lottery in 2000 as a way to fund college scholarships and make a degree affordable for South Carolina students, who can put it toward costs at the private or public college of their choice. Leaders of the agency that oversees their dispersal bristled at the suggestion the unspent money represented wasted opportunities or that any student lost out on scholarship money. “No eligible student was denied
funding,” said Rusty Monhollon, the agency’s director since July 2019. “Nor were the funds used for any other purpose. Every student that was eligible for a lottery scholarship received the lottery scholarship.” The problem, he said, was in predicting how much was needed to fully cover the state’s three largest scholarship programs for eligible students. The commission’s algorithm was faulty. It has since adjusted its prediction methods, Monhollon said. “We will fix this,” he said. For many years, Monhollon said, the number of applicants eligible for the aid steadily increased. A decade ago, lottery profits fell short of funding eligible scholarships, requiring legislators to fill the gap with state tax collections. In 2018, legislators even considered raising eligibility requirements to avoid an expected multi-million-dollar funding crisis amid climbing payouts. Growth hasn’t kept up with predictions since. Scholarship awards peaked in 2021 at $302 million, the Inspector General’s report said. Instead of continuing to rise, scholarship totals have reverted to their tallies of several years ago. But the commission kept asking for money as if nothing had changed.
In reality, the number of scholarships awarded has dropped along with the percentage of in-state students receiving them. The state’s flagship university, the University of South Carolina, has awarded 80 more scholarships this year compared to two years ago, according to numbers provided by the university. But enrollment at the college has increased at a higher rate than that of lottery scholarship recipients. Former Sen. Wes Hayes, chairman of the Commission on Higher Education’s governing board, said he understands that legislators could have re-designated the money and that the agency should have done a better job predicting need. But he also said chief budget writers in the House and Senate likely were aware of the excess funds. “That’s no surprise,” said Hayes, R-Rock Hill, former longtime chairman of the Senate budget-writing committee’s K-12 panel. He indicated they may have wanted a cushion to guard against another shortfall. He also said he doesn’t know why the demand for scholarship money has dropped. Jessica Holdman writes about the economy, workforce and higher education. Before joining the S.C. Daily Gazette, she was a business reporter for The Post and Courier.
SC high court will directly take challenge to K-12 vouchers
By Seanna Adcox COLUMBIA — The state Supreme Court will directly settle a challenge to South Carolina’s taxpayer-funded scholarships for K-12 private tuition. An order Tuesday signed by four justices sets a hearing date of March 6. “We grant the request,” they wrote in deciding to take the lawsuit directly, rather than let it wind its way through the lower courts first. “In light of the urgent nature of this matter, the parties shall abide” by the schedule laid out in the order. The first filings in the case are due Jan. 1. Under the law signed by Gov. Henry McMaster in May, $6,000 will be awarded to the parents of up to 5,000 students for the school year starting in August 2024. To be eligible for the first
DECEMBER 14–20, 2023
year of private school aid, students must be attending a public school in South Carolina now and qualify for Medicaid. An expected lawsuit was filed by the South Carolina Education Association, state conference of the NAACP and half a dozen parents in late October. They argue the taxpayer-funded payments violate the state constitution’s ban against public funds directly benefiting a private school. It took the states’ high court more than seven weeks to respond to their request. Republicans who pushed the law through have said they’re confident they crafted it to get around the constitution’s direct benefit prohibition. Senate Majority Leader Shane Massey, a co-sponsor, said he’s glad justices are taking the case. “It’s an important issue,
but it’s also an issue we need a resolution on fairly quickly,” said the Edgefield Republican who led the subcommittee that advanced the legislation. The timing, however, means the program will launch before justices even hear the case, much less settle the matter. By law, the application period must open to parents no later than Jan. 30, and vouchers are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis to eligible students. The date of the hearing falls one week before the application period closes. It also happens to be the week before the House passes its initial spending proposal for the fiscal year starting July 1. The state Department of Education has requested $30 million in 2024-25 to pay for the 5,000 scholarships that could be designated before justices hear
the arguments. The agency has been in the process of reviewing bids from companies that want to set up and run the online portal system to be used by parents, participating schools and businesses. On Monday, the agency picked ClassWallet of Hollywood, Florida, as the winner. The $4.2 million contract is set to start Dec. 23 and continue through June 30, 2027, according to an “intent to award” document posted in the state’s procurement website. The agency did not immediately respond to questions about the contract. Justices’ schedule for filings and the hearing itself is a quicker turnaround than normal for a Supreme Court case, Massey said. Still, he said, the timing creates uncertainty, not only for those overseeing the program but more impor-
tantly the children and families trying to plan for next school year. “We’re going to have people applying for scholarships, and there will be some uncertainty as to whether the recipients will be able to use them,” Massey said, adding he hopes that doesn’t tamp down participation in the program’s opening year. If the law stands, both the number of eligible students and the income cap will rise in future years. For next school year, eligibility ends once the income of a family of four tops $60,000. In 2025-26, 10,000 students can participate, and their household income can be up to 300% of the federal poverty level, or $90,000 for a family of four. Once fully phased in the following year, up to 15,000 students in a household earning 400% of the poverty level can participate. That’s
currently $120,000 for a family of four but the cap will be higher in 2026-27 and beyond, since federal poverty guidelines are adjusted annually. If 15,000 students participate, that’s $90 million worth of vouchers. Statewide, about 790,000 students attend K-12 public schools. On average, the state spends $8,100 per pupil this school year, though spending varies by district. The state spends the most in rural Allendale County, at $12,800 per student, and the least in Charleston County, at $6,200 per student, according to the state Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office. Seanna Adcox is a South Carolina native with three decades of reporting experience. She joined States Newsroom in September 2023 after covering the S.C. Legislature and state politics for 18 years. Her previous employers include The Post and Courier and The Associated Press.
VOICES Editor’s Note: The opinions of our columnists in the Voices section are not necessarily the opinions of The Island News.
Lawmaker-shaming bill shines bright light on SC teacher shortage
s symbolic gestures go, this one’s a doozy. Frustrated by record-breaking teacher shortages in South Carolina, Rep. Jermaine Johnson, D-Hopkins said he’s going to file a bill that will require state lawmakers to substitute teach or volunteer at K-12 schools five times a year. He wants his fellow legislators to understand the enormous challenges plaguing South Carolina educators. This is merely symbolic — call it a protest bill — because it’s not likely to gain majority support, nor is it enforceable. But Johnson’s shot across the Legislature’s bow may bring needed attention to the growing teacher shortage, which hit an all-time record of 1,613 vacancies statewide, up from 1,474 last year, according to a survey that goes back to 2001. Of that number, 1,400 are teaching vacancies, with another 200 representing jobs unfilled for librarians, counselors, psychologists and speech therapists, according to reporting by SC Daily Gazette’s Skylar Laird. If we assume that each of the 1,400 classrooms have 20 students, that adds up to 28,000 young people in our state who began the school year with no highly qualified teacher in the classroom. Look at that number again: 28,000 students. Of course, that’s just an estimate. Fewer students could be affected — or far more. Some school districts
especially Mrs. Hughes in the fourth grade. She couldn’t abide misspellings. For that, I’m eternally grateful. (Lordy, she was tough.) Why would we want anything less for South Carolina’s young people today? Substitute teachers, PAUL HYDE of course, may be highly conscientious. But many South Carolina districts simply cancel or combine require substitutes to have classes to deal with teacher only a high school diploma. shortages. The rest get by Substitutes likely don’t have with substitute teachers. time to get to know stuThe teacher shortage is dents and may lack content most acute, of course, in the expertise. state’s high-poverty rural Certified teachers, one counties. the other hand, create Any way you look at it, educational plans that build this amounts to an appalling on one another, and they act of educational neglect. closely track individual student progress over time. A top priority They’re highly trained in Fixing this problem classroom management and should be a top priority their chosen field of study. for Gov. Henry McMaster, “Without a qualified the Legislature and state teacher, certified to teach Education Superintendent in the appropriate area, Ellen Weaver — especially there’s obviously an impact for Weaver, the state’s chief on students,” said Jennifer advocate for public schools. Garrett, CERRA’s coordinaRight now, we’re going tor of research and program in the wrong direction. evaluation. “It’s important The 1,613 figure represents to have a steady, qualified, a jaw-dropping 9 percent in- consistent person in that crease from the year before, classroom every day.” according to the annual supply-and-demand report Pay and working from the state Center for conditions Educator Recruitment, ReWe know what will help tention, and Advancement reduce the teacher short(CERRA). age. At the top of the list is If you’re like me, you were paying educators competprivileged to go through itive wages. Currently, the your entire public educastate minimum for first-year tional experience with a teachers is $42,500. Mchighly qualified teacher Master and Weaver support always in the classroom — an increase to $50,000 by not a series of substitutes. I 2026. remember my teachers well, That’s a good idea, but it
A South Carolina public school bus. Mary Ann Chastain/Special to the S.C. Daily Gazette may not be enough. We’re in a competitive battle with other states that face their own teacher shortages. In 2022, South Carolina had the eighth-lowest average annual teacher salary ($53,393) in the nation, $13,000 less than the national average of $66,397, according to USA Facts using data from the National Center for Education Statistics. If South Carolina can afford $1 billion in tax cuts, it can certainly afford more competitive teacher salaries. But pay is only one part of the equation. We know this because CERRA interviews teachers who are leaving. Educators are frustrated by their workload, which can sometimes increase “without a whole lot of
explanation,” Garrett said. Teachers are tired of having to take work home. They’d love “a better work/life balance,” Garrett said. As Weaver has said, “Our teachers are exhausted.” Teachers often don’t feel supported by administrators when it comes to student behavior and encounters with parents, Garrett said. At the same time, teachers are concerned about a lack of autonomy in the classroom: “being able to do the work they were hired to do,” Garrett said. Johnson’s bill, requiring legislators to substitute teach or volunteer in the schools, seems aimed at helping lawmakers understand these teacher concerns. The teacher shortage crisis — particularly acute in the areas of math, science,
foreign language and special education — is a nationwide problem, of course, but many other states are doing a much better job than South Carolina in recruiting and retaining teachers. Johnson’s protest bill doesn’t stand much chance of being approved. But as a pointed exercise in lawmaker-shaming, it’s certainly worthwhile. Paul Hyde is a longtime journalist and teacher in the Upstate. He worked 18 years for the Greenville News as a columnist, editorial writer, education reporter and arts writer. He holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from Clemson and Harvard universities. He has written for the Houston Chronicle, Dallas Morning News and USA Today, among other publications. He currently is a regular contributor to the Greenville Journal, Atlanta Journal-Constitution and Classical Voice North America.
His gift touched the entire family
his Christmas season is rife with Grinches and Scrooges, not of Hollywood’s making, but direct from evil empires. So let’s share a moment and forget the negative possibilities. I began to write this on a very special day, Dec. 9, 2023. I started that Saturday with a row in my single shell. The Beaufort River glimmered golden in the early morning. On the way home from a weekly visit to the Port Royal Farmer’s Market, I called my youngest brother, Walter, to wish him happy birthday. I’m lucky to come from a large family. Each sibling is special, but Walter was the sixth and final pip on the Thwaite dice, so he completed us as a family. As I spread mulch later that morning, thoughts wandered. I was a gangly, freckled, railroad-tracked 13 year old, and for some reason, I was allowed to go to Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta to await the birth of this child. Daddy and his only brother, Uncle Walter, and I paced the floor of the waiting room until a nurse appeared with Walter Gainey Thwaite II fresh from the delivery room. You want to talk about a special moment? My 51-year-old banker father grinned and puffed up like
the king of the jungle after the arrival of his “little dividend,” as he referred to his sixth child. Uncle Walter, who was the father of four girls, placed a hand on his namesake, while I stared, awe struck at this new little red-headed fellow. While we “oohed” and “aahed,” I hope mother, 45 years old at the time, told herself, “Well done.” How special that Christmas was. Charlie came home from Vanderbilt for the long break, and met his new little brother, 21 years his junior. I can only imagine the teasing he and Zach, a senior in high school, suffered from their friends over the fact that our parents still had sex. My 7-year-old sister, Lila, and I didn’t mind changing those tiny cotton diapers, while 8-year-old Jimmy tolerated the newcomer, but he didn’t want anything to do with diapers.
As January rolled along, I anticipated my 14th birthday at the beginning of February. On January 31, I was called to the principal’s office over the PA. My skin flashed hot. I was told I was needed at home, and that Zach was on his way to get me. Neither of us had a clue what was going on. All we knew was that Daddy was due back from a quail shoot that evening. Cars lined our street. Mother met us at the back door. “Your father had a massive heart attack.” Her tears said the rest. As I remember those difficult days, I realize that what held us together was that little blue-eyed redhead who had taken up residence in mother’s bedroom. My friend, Martha Livezey McCutcheon, who lives in Augusta, told me that she’ll never forget coming to see me that day with several of our friends. What she remembers is seeing Momma in a rocker nursing Walter. I have a million of those memory snapshots. Walter was the last great thing that my father ever did, a gift, and until now, I haven’t thought about how Walter helped the rest of us get through that painful time. The sad part is that even though love was heaped on him, Walter grew up without the benefit of a
Walter was the last great thing that my father ever did, a gift, and until now, I haven’t thought about how Walter helped the rest of us get through that painful time. The sad part is that even though love was heaped on him, Walter grew up without the benefit of a father.” father. He told me once that he didn’t know Daddy’s voice. Of course, he doesn’t remember, but I assure you he heard that voice for six precious weeks as he was held, and loved, and talked to, and promised things that Daddy would never be able to deliver. Brother Charlie assured Walter that his voice was like Daddy’s, and I agree. The amazing thing is that Walter is the very image of Daddy in a pre-World War II Kappa Sigma composite photograph from Georgia Tech. My brother knows he’s loved, but I wonder if he has any idea what an important part he has played in all our lives. I’m reminded of Jimmy Stewart in It’s a
Wonderful Life. Stewart succumbs to his worries, and he must be put straight by his guardian angel Clarence Odbody. I guess I’m playing the Clarence character here. I want Walter to know what a gift he has been all of these years; if you have read this far, I hope you realize what a gift you are to someone. If you can’t be that kind to yourself, find someone and become that kind of friend to them today. M.Z. Thwaite lives in Beaufort. She wears her maiden name hat when she writes, but she also answers to Martha Weeks. Her novels are sold locally and on Amazon. She can be reached at and found at
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DECEMBER 14–20, 2023
VOICES Editor’s Note: The opinions of our columnists in the Voices section are not necessarily the opinions of The Island News.
Don’t forget to move the elf
t's the season for Christmas music on repeat, gift-giving mayhem, exhaustion, burnt reindeer cookies, and the infamous missing elf on a shelf. Parents are living the life of a ping pong ball more than usual and fighting the urge to scream in the name of Holly Jolly. Christmas creates memories, some better than others, but memories nonetheless. This year has been exceptionally memorable thus far, leaving me with tales to tell. After waking from a semi-sound slumber, the paralyzing, profanity-provoking realization that I hadn't moved Bubbles the elf prompted my sprint of desperation through a dimly lit home, trying to find the elf in question when I stepped ever so loudly into the dog's water bowl. Still blinded by parental panic, my now wet foot is sliding as if heading down a snow-covered hill in a landslide of December disappointment. Grabbing whatever stable entity my still sleeping hands could attain, I ever so elegantly miscalculated my reach and held on to the slippery grip of thin air. The more I tried not to create such a clatter, the more things my flailing
representatives from each of the extra-curricular programs in the high school: the Art Club, Student Senate, the football team, the band. You get the idea. We must have had at least 25 extra-curricular groups who wanted to participate. CAROL LUCAS Prior to this, I had contacted a facility where ing our cause, boys!” young children were I admit I didn’t do further housed, most with their research to discover what mothers. In speaking with Gannon’s cause, “the teddy the director of the home, I toss”, is because I was found she was receptive to immediately taken back our project, but asked that in time to my high school anonymity be maintained. teaching days and my coorThe first year, just teddy dination of our community bears were given to the service learning program. children. It was a relativeI could write a book about ly low-key project, but by that time with the program, the second year, it became but I will focus, instead, on competitive. And this was what was one of the best due strictly to input from and most-loved projects our the high school kids. Sevstudents engaged in, The eral got together and came Teddy Bear Holiday. to me with questions like, Ironically, this idea came “Why just a teddy bear? from Spring Valley High Why not clothing as well?” School, located near CoOr, “Why not give them lumbia. Through a nationsome other toy in addition wide program sponsoring to the teddy bear?” And so experiential education/com- the program began to take munity service learning, I on a life of its own. became acquainted with By the third year of The Spring Valley’s coordinator, Teddy Bear Holiday, we had a dynamic woman who later added a school-wide asbecame a close friend and sembly to present the bears remains so to this day. (and additional gifts) to a Our program came to representative of the home. life when I called together The bears were no longer
side of a sometimes impossible season. I stood in her world momentarily and saw the catastrophe as a confirmation instead of doubt. Once I had a chance to caffeinate and debrief her sweet, soundly sleeping father, I realized that no matter how messy the holidays get, the magic will wrap it in a warm blanket. The innocence of blind faith, hopeful heart, and willingness to let magic in is what Christmas is all about. Seeing the dehydrated plant as a possible beach, the half-empty dog bowl as a perfectly filled elf pool, and a parent exhausted from running a race against time as a side effect of happy play. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year. All we have to do is see through the eyes of a child, allow a little magic to break the mundane, and, for festive sake, don't forget to move the elf. Cherimie Crane Weatherford is the owner/founder of SugarBelle, a long-time real estate broker and a lover of the obscurities of Southern culture. To contact her with praise and adoration, email To complain, call your local representative.
just plain old teddy bears. Indeed, a “competition of bears” had emerged front and center. The football players bought a large bear with a helmet on its head. The French Club’s bear sported a beret. The Latin Club bear was dressed in a toga. The school choir managed to adjust the arms of their bear to hold sheet music. The creativity and enthusiasm on the part of those kids was both astounding and beyond gratifying. It was living proof of what young people can and will do when called upon. On a personal level, I must include a couple of side stories. The day before the assembly, all of the bears were brought to my classroom. Given that the English classes I taught usually had at least 25 students, there were, of course, that number of desks. Those bringing the bears in deemed it entirely appropriate to put one bear at each desk. I stayed till the last bear was delivered and I could lock the door. However, I forgot that the custodian would come in to clean the room. Let me interject here and say that as long as I taught, I always cultivated a good relation-
ship with the custodians as well as the secretaries. These are two positions that keep schools running with precision, and were they to leave, education would be in deep trouble. So when Joe, the custodian, came to my room that afternoon, he stopped momentarily at the sight of all the bears occupying the seats, looked at me, and then said with a straight face, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were teaching night class as well.” I laughed til I cried. Joe was a short, Italian man with a heavy accent who was always in a good mood. His banter was the icing on the cake of a very rewarding day. And so the day of the school-wide assembly arrived. My late husband, who was my biggest cheerleader, had purchased a sweat shirt with a teddy bear on the front. He had the art teacher paint “Mama Bear” on the back, and he gave it to me that morning to wear to the assembly. First round of tears. As I watched a representative of each group bring his or her bear and wrapped gifts to the stage and present them, I was overcome by what I was seeing – the
real meaning of Christmas. Two students narrated the assembly program, and at the end of the program, previously unknown to me, called me to the stage to speak. I had held back tears throughout the program, although I was very close several times. I hesitated and almost declined, but then realized I needed to convey my gratitude to the entire school population, faculty too, because I knew so many had contributed to make this successful. I got to the microphone and began to speak, and as might be expected, the tears arrived. I did manage to express how deeply I felt about this project and the wonderful kids that made it happen. I will conclude by saying that a principal came to me as I left the stage to laughingly tell me that my persona as a hard-nosed (I am cleaning up his verbiage) teacher was shattered, never to be regained again. I could live with that. Carol Lucas is a retired high school teacher and a Lady’s Island resident. She is the author of the recently published “A Breath Away: One Woman’s Journey Through Widowhood.”
A 1950s New Mexico Christmas story
love the Christmas season, I always have, and unless something bad happens, like finding that Santa Claus is not real, I always will. I was lucky enough to have spent my childhood in a small town among a close and loving family and friends in the late 1940s and 1950s. The war was behind us, and the future looked bright and unlimited. If you moved the location of the movie “A Christmas Story” from Indiana to New Mexico, I would be one of the characters in the movie, even down to the famous “You’ll shoot your eye out” Red Ryder BB gun, but more about that later. Christmas at our house was always a big deal. It officially started when we all piled into my dad’s 1947 Pontiac and headed to the Christmas tree lot to find just the right Christmas tree. Mr. Bevell who operated a fruit and vegetable stand, went up into the
extremities took down with me, like Santa's sack down a freshly cleaned chimney. Once my backside found the abrupt finish line of a cold, unforgiving hardwood floor, my wet foot hooked itself around one of my many dehydrated plants, adding dead plant debris to the fruitcake of failure lying on my floor. With no time to recover before hearing the sleepy footsteps upstairs, the relentless determination to save Christmas made my non-buoyant behind bounce like a brand new basketball. Racing against time, gravity, and the destruction of my child's hopes and dreams, I hopped on my only dry foot toward the current center of my universe, our elf on a shelf, as she sat there mocking my attempt at proper holiday
ankle, or my brain hammering away in search of any plausible explanation for the current state of affairs, she speaks. “Mommy, Mommy!” Accepting my failure, I put my head in my hands. How can I manage multiple businesses, all things real estate, and easily navigate the car line, yet I need backup to complete the simple task of moving an elf? My greatest gift turns on every light to maximize my failure and places me on the stage of an applause-worthy Christmas tragedy. I can't look. Head still in my hands, her little voice proclaims the unthinkable. "Mommy, are you ok? Bubbles made a huge mess. Did you fall?" She continued to explain to me exactly what she saw. She insisted Bubbles was quite the swimmer as the lifeless doll lie soaked in a half-empty water bowl. She continued to explain that Bubbles was trying to create a beach using the dirt of a not-so-recently deceased plant. Standing safely in the hands of magic, I turned to see the mess from her point of view. How magical it is to be a child and only see the joy and wonder — rising each day to see the positive
ast week I wrote about the search for good news and how difficult it was to find these days. I then set forth a list of troubling, and in some cases, downright terrifying situations that were permeating the news then. These continue to have a stranglehold on our coverage, but the fact that it is December, a time of supposed peace and goodwill, I was determined not to be “Debbie Downer” this week. I would find something positive, come hell, high water, or another mass shooting. So I sat at my computer, cogitating … and coming up short … until I turned to my old faithful, and not always productive, Facebook. Yes, I could write an entire column about that source, seamy underbelly and all. But in this case, it was a posting by the daughter of a close friend who has a son at Gannon University in Pennsylvania. It showed a mound of teddy bears, and the post read: “A sea of teddy bears came flowing from the crowd at tonight’s game against Behrend, our first teddy toss game. The largest of the bears was tossed from Behrend’s bench. Thanks for support-
parenting. I grabbed Bubbles and tossed the judgmental doll into the darkness as if channeling my inner Peyton Manning, hoping to avoid the great unraveling by getting sacked by the eyes of a disappointed child. With every sound of sleepy footsteps descending the stairs, my heart exceeded natural activity. Her childhood races through my mind as I struggle to find Bubbles in the dark, wet, dehydrated dirt maze. It is over. Is this how Christmas dies? I will go down in history as the worst mother of all time. I have killed Christmas and, most likely, Bubbles, along with what was previously an excellent ankle. Then it happened. She flipped on the light, illuminating my shortcomings. My eyes still adjusting to the light, I can see Bubbles' lifeless body in my dog's water bowl, surrounded by the driest of dry dirt and debris of what was an already dead plant. Bracing for the impact of broken trust, shattered dreams, and the sudden reality that her mom is full of lies, tears filled my squinting eyes. Wrapped in her favorite Christmas blanket, she hopped off the final step. Not particularly sure if the pounding was my heart, my
DECEMBER 14–20, 2023
stay-at-home housewife who had her hands full raising kids, so money was not plentiful. When we arrived home with the tree, the box of Christmas decorations came out and the annual battle about who got to put what on the tree began. My dad was always in charge of plugging in the JIM DICKSON colored lights to see which bulbs were burned out, because if one mountains of New Mexico and was out, the whole string was out. cut a truck load of fresh fir trees Once he got the strings of lights to sell. Artificial trees then were all working, my brother, who was made of shiny aluminum that tall, started at the top and placed looked more like TV antennas them around the tree. than trees. My sister, who was careful and I still remember the smell of the patient, placed the glass balls and fresh cut fir trees. My dad’s budget other homemade decorations on for a tree was no more than $5, the tree. She also carefully hung and if he could get a good one for each separate piece of tinsel, as $3, he went home a happy guy. opposed to me who, if I had the The average wage in 1950 was chance, would grab handfuls and about $300 a month, so saving throw them at the tree. Needless $2 was important. My dad had a to say, much to my chagrin, my pretty good job with the railroad, job was to stay out of the way and so he may have made a little more cause as little trouble as possible. Other than Christmas morning, than that, but my mother was a
the best day of all was when the annual Christmas package from my grandmother arrived via parcel post. It was always a cornucopia of wonderful stuff. There was something for everyone – knitted caps and socks, homemade candy, cookies, oranges, games, puzzles, small toys like Pick-up Sticks, Lincoln Logs, Crayolas and tops. There was an annual Christmas book that had stories, songs, pages to color, and always had an illustrated story of the first Christmas. Best of all was when she included stories that she wrote herself about growing up in the wilds of West Texas in the 1870s and 1880s. Her father was an itinerant Presbyterian minister who traveled in a wagon with his family around West Texas holding services in small towns and ranches. It was a land of untamed Indians, outlaws and tough cattle ranchers, so she had some great stories to tell. I wish I knew what happened to them.
Susan and I had some lean times starting out when Christmas was pretty meager, but with hard work and lots of luck, successive Christmases got better. But rich or poor, I have always had the love of my family and friends so Christmas has always been a special time. Much to my joy, the Red Ryder BB gun that I wanted when I was a kid, and never got, showed up under my tree about 20 years ago. Whoever said “Santa never forgets” was sure right, although I suspect Susan may have helped him a little. Born, raised and educated in the Southwest, Jim Dickson served in the U.S. Navy Reserve in Vietnam before a 35-year business career. Retired to St. Helena Island, Dickson and his wife are fiscally conservative, socially moderate and active in Republican politics, though they may not always agree with Republicans. Having lived around the country and traveled around the world, Dickson believes that the United States truly is the land of opportunity.
VOICES Editor’s Note: The opinions of our columnists in the Voices section are not necessarily the opinions of The Island News.
Our town’s vitality might not be the norm
t is Saturday, early and overcast. This morning I have my Eight O’clock Original coffee and a view of the early morning walkers (and their dogs) on London Avenue. Today there is no newspaper and so one is relegated to “The People’s Pharmacy.” This morning we’re getting a tutorial on sudden cardiac arrest from Joe and Terry. I’m a 78-year-old man, and any discussion of sudden cardiac arrest makes me nervous. Last night, I tried to attend Beaufort’s Night on the Town. Once this was a modest nighttime gathering on Bay Street and the opportunity to greet people who were friends, but slightly removed from one’s immediate social circle. In those days the Bay Street merchants would stay open — some providing a complimentary bourbon beverage in Solo plastic party cups — leading to a standing-in-the-street conversation where everyone agreed that Beaufort was still a town with a unique, caring population who believed Norman Rockwell’s visual metaphors about small-town virtue. But as I passed by the old Courthouse on Bay Street, it became apparent that there was nothing small about this
have to debate the merits of Night on the Town with my wife, and so I diverted to Don and Donna Altman’s house for their annual gathering which features several variations on chicken chili. By the time that I got to Altman house, I was in a SCOTT GRABER foul frame of mind, thinking seriously about the prosNight on the Town. There pect of leaving for Ridgewere Escalades, Tundras and land (population 3,749) Tacomas parked bumper-to- or Eutawville (population bumper along the Bluff; and 315). Sure, I would miss the there were more cars along fat-columned, Bluff-hugging every other street — in every houses, but convenient parkavailable space — extending must still be available ing North of St Helena’s in downtown Estill. And Church and beyond the yes, I would miss the Water, Charles Street Post Office. Shrimp and Gullah festivals Although I haven’t been that bring world-class wato a professional football ter-skiing; custom-made jewgame in years, it reminded elry and competitive croquet me of the in-route, pregame to the Henry C. Chambers calculation measuring the Waterfront Park. parking difficulty against But then, of course, there the entertainment value of is hog-shooting available in the game itself. Varnville; catfish noodling in I am not without knowlYemassee; and no columns edge of downtown geogof backed-up cars (on raphy, and so I scouted Carteret Street) waiting for law firms, churches and the Woods Memorial Bridge construction sites that to open after giving way to might yield space for my three Catalina (30-foot long) Honda Fit. But eventually sailboats on their way to realized I would have to West Palm Beach. park somewhere near Depot And so I greeted my host, Road, behind the National got my chili and surveyed Cemetery or maybe in the the chili eaters at Don and new parking lot just across Donna’s house. I realized these were older, mostly rethe Beaufort River. tired friends who were once I was alone and did not
energetic and instrumental in changing Beaufort when Beaufort was a non-entity, located somewhere South of Charleston. Some of those present had re-imagined the schools; or upgraded the water and sewer system, or revitalized the library, or helped establish the Pat Conroy Center. Some had founded the farmer’s market or worked at the Good Neighbor Medical Clinic. Almost everyone holding a chili bowl in one hand and a Chardonnay in the other had done something concrete to make this rural, formerly unknown
town better, and were (partly) responsible for the newly-arrived mob moving — plastic cups in hand — down Bay Street. Our town’s vitality is not necessarily the case in other parts of the South. We read several weeks ago (in this very same newspaper) that the South still lags behind the rest of the nation in per capita income; and leads in infant mortality and obesity. There are millions of underemployed men and women who are in the thrall of methamphetamines and Fentanyl; or live with constant, incipient anger and
the notion that their life has no meaning. And so our real task is providing jobs, housing and a meaningful life for those in Allendale, Edgefield and Early Branch while, at the same time, hanging onto Beaufort’s human-sized scale, its eclectic neighborhoods, its downtown parking and the belief that we are unique, different from Bluffton, Myrtle Beach and Mt. Pleasant. Scott Graber is a lawyer, novelist, veteran columnist and longtime resident of Port Royal. He can be reached at
Advice to a group of young leaders
he following are excerpts from notes I made for a speech to a group of young people in my hometown recently. I share them not because they say anything so profound as much as they represent how I feel about qualities leaders should have:
I believe that leadership in anything is leadership for everything, no matter what you decide to apply your talents to doing. Learning how to lead with compassion is a talent any elected person should acquire and develop. When you are elected to a position, you are responsible for and accountable to everyone who is part of your constituency. Not just the people who look like you, not just the people who have the same interest as you, not just the people who voted for you. You are responsible for and accountable to everyone. If you are not accepting that challenge, then you are really missing the full potential of what
you can do to make a difference for others. Nearly 40 years ago, when I decided to run for Student Body President, I didn’t run to become the first Black student body president at Gaffney High School. In fact, I didn’t even know that was a thing. Our guidance counselor, Miss Bobbie Woods, came to me after the results were announced, and told me that I was the first Black Student Body President. But I didn’t run to represent the Black students. I didn’t run to represent the football players. I didn’t run to represent the English nerds.
I ran because my previous experience showed me that student leadership could make a difference in the student experience. I knew from being in student council at the junior high level that student input could make a difference in how teachers and administrators approach events. But to be heard, you have to be present. My first task as newly elected Student Body President was to go to the principal and ask that we be allowed to have a senior talent show. I approached the principal’s office with no small amount of hesitation, but I had been given a mission by my constituents. When I told him why I was there, he replied, “They told you to come ask, didn’t they?” I answered yes, and he told me, “My answer is no.” He proceeded to explain how the talent show was just an excuse to miss class time and would be exploited by some to find places to make out under the bleachers and others to sneak into the parking lot
to smoke whatever they could find in their glove compartments. I was dejected, but he left me with this: “I respect your coming in. You knew I was going to say no, didn’t you?” I nodded and said, “Yes, sir.” He said, “That took guts.” That made me feel better, but it also let me know the desired outcome is not the only measure of success. Sometimes a successful effort can bring its own rewards. That lesson made a difference. And those kinds of lessons can make a difference in your lives, too. If you go back and look at the names of people who served in student leaderships positions at Gaffney High in the past, whether at the class level or student body positions, you will find people who went on to become doctors, lawyers, judges, banking executives, an honor graduate at the United States Military Academy at West Point and more. We brag about football (and rightfully so) here, but Gaffney High has a legacy of accomplish-
ment in other areas it hasn’t even started to tell about itself. And now? You are a part of that legacy. My being the first Black Student Bbody President isn’t about Terry Manning. It’s about the class of 1985. I didn’t do it, I only had one vote. They did it. We did it together, the Class of ’85. That’s not just my small piece of Gaffney’s legacy, that’s OUR piece of Gaffney’s legacy. And I can’t wait to see what YOU do, both here and later to make sure your name is remembered. Remember: You don’t have to be the first to be the best.” I wish I’d read everything I wrote. I got a little hurried and went off script a couple times. But I do believe in leadership that is inclusive, not exclusive. We work better united, not divided. Terry E. Manning is a Clemson graduate and worked for 20 years as a journalist. He can be reached
DECEMBER 14–20, 2023
Recruit Training Regiment, Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, South Carolina, 15 December 2023 Recruit Training Regiment • Commanding Officer, Colonel C. B. McArthur 3rd Recruit Training Battalion • Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel G. F. Curley Commander of Troops, Captain T. D. Deckard • Parade Adjutant, Captain W. D. Schloo Company “M”, 3rd Recruit Training Battalion • Commanding Officer, Captain T. D. Deckard Drill Masters • Staff Sergeant E. B. Owrey, Staff Sergeant O. Scott PLATOON 3096
Senior Drill Instructor SSgt A. J. Booker
Senior Drill Instructor GySgt B. D. Johnson
Senior Drill Instructor GySgt L. A. Rolon
Senior Drill Instructor Sgt D. B. Jackson
Senior Drill Instructor SSgt A. Scruggs
Senior Drill Instructor SSgt V. A. Ybarra
Abistado, Aljen C.
Babin, Mikhail C.
Atkinson, Romello
Alonsogarcia, Yadiel
Alexandre, M. C.
Agosto Jr, A.
Ashley, Niyon C.
Beveridge, Michael S.
Barr, Oscar N.
Anglin, John S.
Aparicio, F. H.
Bastajian Jr, R. S.
Avilaavila, Jimmy I.
Boulware, Khariamir J.
Bermudezramos, Adriel
Baudoin, Caleb J.
Araoz, R. G.
Baxter, Z. C.
Barnard, Kiran J.
Brock, Hunter J.
Bonillasuarez Sr, David M.
Burke, Quindon A.
Beckowski, M. E.
Brown, C. S.
Brown, Joseph S.
Buske, Hayden H.
Brown Jr, Christopher M.
Cabrerapalma, Willian J.
Bitting, T. D
Brown, C. M.
Carter, Clinton M.
Brown, Joshua C.
Black, M. T.
Cotto, J. O.
Coppa, Edward D.
Brown, Noah M.
Carrascocaamano, Steven A.
Bustillolopez, Christopher
Cabret, Thomas A
Casillasayala, Kevin E.
Bonola, G.
Dailey Iv, C. J.
Buonaccorso, Ronald M.
Canal, Alexander D.
Chan, Tan T.
Bravo, A. J.
Demps, L. C.
Butler, Blake E.
Cardonapalomino, Samuel
Chavezlopez, Carlos A.
Brindle, B. C
Deptula, A. J.
Callahan, Joseph M.
Carabajal, Diego I.
Cox, Landon M.
Calcote, C. C.
Diallo, M.
Daniels, Jaden D.
Charles, K.
Durham, C. J.
Edmonds, Nicholas R.
Cobb, C. M.
Emerson, E. M.
Eldridge, Hunter G.
Dawson, J. W.
Gillis, B. W.
Felicianoaponte, Miguel A.
Diamond, J. J.
Giraldogiraldo, A.
Figuereohernandez, Edison
Dieuristil, L.
Gorman, G.
Duffus Jr, R. I.
Graves, S. J.
Ettinger, R. E.
Haley, T. J.
Fain, J. D.
Hicks, C. E.
Fairweather, C. J.
Ibanez, M. B.
Crooks, Turell J.
Cushman, Brant F.
Daniels, Sean D.
Daugherty, Josiah S.
Catalano, Joseph F.
Day, Adam M.
Charleus, Marc C.
Ceja, Victor H.
Deatherage Iii, John C.
Chochotte, Carlens R.
Charleron, Devid
Donaldson, John S.
Cruz, Diego Y.
Choat, Caleb A.
Fellenstein, Nicholas P.
Cuevasrivera, Gabriel R.
Clark, Robert J.
Fuentes, Brent J.
Diaz, Christian D.
Davis, Davieion
Fundazuri, Nathaniel
Dieguez, Carlos J.
Decicco, Ralph J.
Friasnoboa, Robert J.
Garciaperez, Sebastian
Dunn, Kai T.
Demaria, Andrew J.
Fuentesherrera, Brian I.
Garciatorres, Bryant
Estrada, Leonardo
Fernwalt, Brennon M.
Gaitan, Camilo
Lopez-Gerardo, Erick
Forsythe, Asher A.
Fitt, Devyn W.
George, Dylan J.*
Gonzalez, Miguel A.
Freda, Kevin
Florez Jr, Orlando D.
Hardin, Donald C.
Fernandezsegura, C.J.
Ji, J.
Goss, Tyler S.
Fuentes Jr., Wilber O.
Gantt, Aalyiss A.
Gonzalezrubio, H. S.
Johnson, A. J.
Grudzinski, Benjamin C.
Garcia, Armanee G.
Herrera, A, R..
Kneen, M. B.
Hernandezisidor, Kevin G.
Gamboadavila, Sebastian A.
Hernandezhernandez, Alexandro
Garcia, Lorenzo D.
Holligan, Gabriel A.
Hershey, J. B.
Laino, A. A.
Gibson, Nash W.
Gasparjuan, Adan
Jean, Pierre W.
Howard, Jayden L.
Hershey, R. S.
Legree, R. Z.
Gildea Ii, George T.
Heald, Arthur M.
Jeanbatiste, Andelson
Jackson, Dujuan G.
Hill, S. A.
Li, Z. Y.
Gonzalezcruz, Kevin
Hubbard, Devin T.
Keel, Aaron M.
Jacobs, Gabriel D.
Gotch, Natezere S.
Jalloh, A.
Lopezbravo, M.
Jacoruiz, Walter A.
Kogler, Braden J.
Johnson, Jibri M.
Henry, Keyshawn A.
Kubis, Sebastian W.
Jarachimbay, J. W.
Mahan, L. C.
Kreider, Ian R.
Jones, Nicholas A.
Lewis, Jack A.
Jauregui Jr, T. N.
Mangum Jr, R. R..
Lavalley, Zachary J.
Joyner, Damion C.
Hernandezdeleon, Jose A.
Lewis, Phillip A.
Kennedy, A. K.
Martinezfausto, K.
King Jr, Ryan H.
Mandel, Eliezer P.
Mansilladelaguila, Renato A.
Lugo, Lee A.
Keysa Jr, T. A.
Millien, Y. P.
Kunze, Collin B.
Martinez, Anonio
Morales, Wellington D.
Lopera, F. J..
Morales Jr, M. A.
Luethy, John**
Matutegallardo, Jorge A.
Louis, K. T
Moralesaguilar, J. A.
Martinez, Mark A.
Moralescarrasquero, Issangel A.
Melomurillo, Brian J.
Mattson, C. M.
Nammour, J. C.
Martinez, Tristan S.
Oconnor, Gavin Z.
Mcdivitt, T. A.
Piro, M. A.
May, Harrison J.
Mcqueen, N. A.
Ponce, M. M.
Nguyen, Darian A.
Mcintyre, Phillip J.
Paniagua, Jonah T.
Pazcek, Austin
Melo, A. C.
Reed, M. D.
Oconnor Iv, John H.
Michel, Zachary D.
Perdomo, Walter A.
Nunez, S.
Reyes Jr, G. P.
Parker, Charles B.**
Morant, Andre J.
Poarchpasley, Kouper H.
Orellanacedillos, Y. G.
Rodriguez, L. A.
Patino Jr, Jose A.
Nunez, Keith D.
Oliveira, Kieky S.
Pomavilla, Adrian
Reinig, C. M.
Romano, D. M.
Peel, Tristen E.
Ospina, Kai
Prokesch, William J.
Robles, K. L.
Russo, V. W.
Peters, Aidan J.
Palmer, Jason T.
Pulidogudino, Angel O.
Rodriguez, D. A.
Ryan, M. E.
Pham, Quyet X.
Petit-Phar, Gabriel
Quinones, Liam J.
Pierce, Steven W.
Ropaintobias, S.
Santiagopena, D. J.
Putz Jr., Dieter T.
Raley, Nathan A.
Robinson, Marcel S.
Schaal, J. T.
Settles, J. J.
Ramirezchavez, Jose A.
Rivasbuezo, Juan J.
Rodriguez, Erick Y.
Skrypak, J. D.
Sanchez, J.
Roca, Ivan D.
Rohland, Paul R.
Santoscolon, Sebastian M.
Rojas, Christophe M.
Smith, J. P.
Santana, S.
Rothenbecker, Michael J.
Sanchezvaldez, Moises A.
Sawyer, Kristopher M.
Rojasestela, Alan
Toomermccray, Z. G.
Settle, J. J.
Sanchezbello, Josue
Satterfield, William
Silva, Angel G.
Rondenberry, Jake
Torres, J. C.
Sharp, J. T.
Schiffer, Damauri A.
Sites, Aaron J.
Salas, Abraham J.
Ubben, P. A.
Silvis, R. D.
Sheffield, Griffin P.
Sotochinea, Yasiel A.
Smoak, Brandon L.
Upleger, J. M.
Smith, R. J.
Thomas Jr, Jonathan A.
Thomas, Victor N.
Strickland, Ivan R.
Thomas, Zevon A.
Viera, J.
Sohngen Jr, J. K.
Summer Iii, James H.
Tyson, Tegan N.
Yaguecowfer, I. J.
Thern, L. G.
Thomas Jr., Ervin L.
Vidalmaldonado, Yariel A.
Valiant, David M.
Vieradiaz, Christopher J.
Zelaya, C. A.
Walburn, C. D.
Williams, Treshon J.
Valtin, Mekhi J.
Wiggins, Justin E.
Zhan, J. S.
Ward, A. H.
Wilson, Colton W.
Pvt Pvt
Warner, Joey L.
Winters, Jack A.
Washington, S. D.
Washington, Sincere
Zorrilla, Jayden
Williams, David C.
Pvt Pvt Pvt
DECEMBER 14–20, 2023
Hodgdon, Dylan C. Hutson, Jakob A. Izquierdo, Emiliano D. Kelly, Daniel J. Martinez, Benny M. Mcclary, Javant J.
Slusser, Daanen M. Smiley, Mason J. Vacagamarra, Kristyan A. Valeracalimano, Jesus M. Ventura Jr., Miguel A. Ward Iii, Barrington J. West, Hozay N. Wright, Kaleb A.
PFC Pvt Pvt
Moralesvasquez, Frenedid
Oneill, Thomas C.
Pardo, Dylan
Penataveras, Anderson M.
Phifer, Dylan A.
Provenzano, Tyeson J.
Rivera, Victor L.
Riveraberrios, Kelvin M.
Riveravega, Emmett Y.
Rivers Ii, Deangelo H.
Rodriguezhernandez, Wesley J.
*Denotes Meritorious Promotions
Explosive Ordinance Disposal
U.S. Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Habtamu Sharew, a Beaufort, S.C. native, explosive ordnance disposal technician with Marine Corps Detachment, EOD Technology Division, Indian Head Naval Surface Warfare Center, captures imagery of explosive aftermath November 28 during a Standoff Munitions Disrupt test at Marine Corps Air-Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, Calif. Infantry Weapons Marine Corps Systems Command personnel conducted weapons testing at MCAGCC in order to collect test data using the Special Application Scoped Rifle, Semi-automatic Sniper System, and MK22 against several high explosive filled ordnance items. Lance Cpl. Richard PerezGarcia/USMC
VA Survivor Benefits, Death Certificates, VSOs
he death of a veteran is stressful for a surviving family. It is especially stressful for a surviving spouse. Making such a significant emotional event more stressful is the complexities of filing for VA Survivor Benefits.
DIC for Spouses, Dependents ad Parents, https://, a surviving spouse is required to show that one of these is true: • The service member LARRY DANDRIDGE died while on active duty, active duty for Survivor Benefits training, or inactive-dumust be listed on the Death There are many VA ty training; or Certificate. “survivor benefits and • The veteran died from For service-connected services” that the surviving a service-connected spouse and dependents may veterans, is it important to: illness or injury; or • Identify which physibe eligible for, including • The veteran did not die cian will sign the Death Dependency Indemnity from a service-connectCertificate; and Compensation (DIC), ed illness or injury but • Ensure that any healthcare, education, was eligible to receive service-connected distraining, employment, home VA compensation for abilities related to the loan programs, financial a service-connected disdeath are appropriately counseling, life insurance, ability rated as totally written on the Death burial benefits, memorial disabling for a certain Certificate. items, survivor's pension, time. • If you are unsure grief counseling, and more. If the veteran’s eligibility whether you or your Learn more about spouses, was due to a rating of totally veteran has a serdependents, survivors and disabling, the veteran must vice-connected disabil- have had this rating: family caregivers VA beneity, you can obtain this fits at • For at least 10 years information by: family-member-benefits/. before their death; or • Requesting a “Letter of Download the VA Survivor • Since the veteran’s Eligibility for Service Benefits Guide at https:// release from active duty Connection” through and for at least 5 years the VA at https://www. survivor-benefits-qsq.pdf. immediately before can detertheir death; or load-va-letters/; or mine if they are eligible • For at least 1 year be• By calling the Veterans for survivor benefits by fore their death if they Benefits Administravisiting were a former prisoner tion (VBA) directly at family-member-benefits/ of war who died after 1-800-827-1000. or 30, 1999 If you believe your loved vivors or by contacting the Learn more at Evidence one’s terminal illness is Veterans Benefits AdminTo Support VA DIC Claims related to their military istration (VBA) at 800at service and would like to be resources/evidence-to-sup827-1000 or by contacting reevaluated, you should con- port-va-pension-dic-or-aca Veteran Service Officer tact your VSO. This process crued-benefits-claims/. (VSO). can sometimes be expedited A surviving spouse will for hospice patients. Cause of Death need the following docTo qualify for some death uments or give the VA Dependency Indemnity benefits, the cause of death permission to gather these Compensation (DIC) must be determined to be documents to support the example service-connected. The spouse’s DIC Claim: In some survivor DIC service-connected disabil• Any service treatment claims, the survivor must ity, either by itself or in and personnel records prove the veteran’s sercombination with another held by the veteran’s vice-connected condicondition, needs to be the National Guard or main or underlying cause of tion caused the death or Reserve unit; and materially and significantly death. To claim any type of • Any of the veteran’s relcontributed to the death. compensation, the serevant private medical According to About VA vice-connection disability treatment records; and
• Any of the veteran’s treatment records held at a federal facility, like a VA medical center, that support the claim; and • Any evidence from a layperson (someone who’s not a trained professional) of long-lasting symptoms of the disability.
and a list of each of their veteran’s VA Disability Awards. For example, a veteran can be mentally ill, with a history of hurting himself, with diagnosed PTSD, major anxiety disorder, and major depressive disorder, and then commit suicide. If the veteran has a VA service-connected disability for the mental illness Veteran’s Death Certificate conditions (PTSD, anxiety, Survivors will need their depression), the death veteran’s Death Certificate. certificate will hopefully It will make claims much include the mental illnesses easier if the death certificate as the root causes or as the shows: materially and significant• The veteran had at least ly contributing causes of one service-connected death. disability that caused Learn more about deter— or is linked to — their mining if a veteran's death death; or is service-connected by • The veteran died from reading 38 Code of Federal an illness or injury not Regulation (CFR) 3.312. The connected to their serCFR explains, If the death vice while they were re- certificate shows a serceiving compensation vice-connected condition as for a service-connected the principal cause of death disability rated at 100% or the service-connected disabling. condition contributed “substantially and materialDoctors ly” and that it “combined to Physicians need to know cause death” or that it “aidthe veteran is service-coned or lent assistance to the nected disabled. The best production of death” then way to ensure that the DIC should be granted. veteran’s death certificate will have a service-connect- Your VSO will help ed cause of death on it is for A VSO will help the survithe veteran and their spouse vor with things like: to ensure that: • Notifying the VA and • The veteran files a the Defense Finance claim for their serand Accounting Center vice-connected disof a veteran’s death. abling conditions; and • Filing for the month of • The veteran provides death pay from both the their doctors with the VA and DFAS. veteran’s military, veter• If the veteran was an, and civilian medical retired military, filing records; and for the Survivor Benefit • The surviving spouse, Plan --- if elected by the upon the veteran’s retiree. death, provides the • Applying for VA burial attending physician and mortuary, memoriand the coroner with al, and financial burial their deceased veteran’s benefits. military, veteran, and ci• Applying for VA vilian medical records, Survivor's Pension (in-
come-based) or applying for DIC for spouses and parents, and • Other VA benefits. • This VSO service will normally be provided by a County or State Area Veterans Services Office. Some ways to find VSOs include: • Find SC County VSOs at county-veterans-affairs-offices. • Find Georgia VSOs at https://veterans. veterans-field-serviceoffice-near-you. • Find VA-accredited representatives nationwide at ogc/apps/accreditation/index.asp, and you can search for VSOs at VA Regional Offices at https://www.benefits.
The bottom line Read the above-referenced VA webpages and the article in The Military Wallet, by Jessica Gette, dated January 5, 2023, titled What to Do When a Military Veteran or Retiree Dies, found at Ask your VSO, your preferred Funeral Director, and your VA Social Worker for help in end-oflife planning. Larry Dandridge is a Vietnam War wounded warrior, disabled veteran, ex-Enlisted Infantryman, ex-Warrant Officer Pilot, and retired Lt. Colonel. He is a past Veterans Service Officer, a Patient Adviser at the RHJ VA Hospital, the Fisher House Charleston Good Will Ambassador, and the VP for Veteran Affairs for the local Army Association Chapter. Larry is the author of the award-winning book Blades of Thunder and a contributing freelance writer with The Island News. Contact him at LDandridge@ or 843-276-7164.
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THURSDAY’S CARTOON Read with caution; not necessarily the opinions of the editorial staff.
THEME: YEAR-IN-REVIEW ACROSS 1. *Herald, Idalia or Ophelia 6. Do this in the bud 9. Parts of play 13. Cocoon dwellers 14. Paleozoic or mesozoic, e.g. 15. Alexandre Duma's "The Black ____" 16. Concerning, archaic 17. Talking Heads' "And She ____" 18. Give a speech 19. *2023 World Series winners 21. *Imploded submersible's destination 23. *Kali Uchis' "I Wish ____ Roses" 24. Don't step on it twice! 25. *Ryan Gosling's #48 Across role 28. Winter window picture 30. Imprisons 35. Aphrodite's son 37. Hindu serpent deity 39. Toughness 40. Angler's hope 41. Stephen Curry, e.g. 43. Opposed to 44. Tastes like lemon 46. Seven-year desire 47. Turf alternative 48. *Highest-grossing 2023
movie to-date 50. Chris Hemsworth's repeating role 52. Auction batch 53. Cheese on Peloponnese 55. Kombucha, e.g. 57. *Retired media magnate 61. *King Charles III's Royal House 65. On the radio (2 words) 66. *Ryder Cup 2023 runner-up 68. 1000 kilograms 69. "Beat it!" 70. Lake, in France 71. Manila hemp 72. Foot digits 73. Freudian topic 74. Runner DOWN 1. Joust verbally 2. Cat food flavor 3. Word before sesame 4. Gangly 5. Type of shower 6. *Company from which #57 Across retired, ____ Corp 7. Nest egg, acr. 8. Trattoria staple 9. Sign of a saint 10. Kin group 11. South American monkey 12. Design detail, for short
TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE 95-2 Pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. §§ 27-32-300, et. seq., NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the intent of the undersigned Trustee, KING CUNNINGHAM, LLC, to sell the below described Properties at Public Auction to the highest bidders for cash on 12/21/2023 beginning at 9:30 A.M. The Public Auction shall occur at the Office of Bolchoz Law Firm, 6 Buckingham Plantation Rd, Ste B, Bluffton, SC 29910. Property Descriptions: A fee simple undivided interest (SEE EXHIBIT "A") in the Project as tenant(s) in common with the holders of other undivided interests in and to the timeshare property known as MBV VACATION SUITES, as established in that certain Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Vacation Ownership Instrument for MBV Vacation Suites, recorded at Book 3406, Pages 1312-1365, et seq., of the records of the R.O.D. Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, as amended or supplemented (the “Declaration”), having Interval Control Number (SEE EXHIBIT "A"). The names and notice address of the obligor(s), record owner(s) of the timeshare estate (if different from the obligor(s), and junior interest or lienholder(s) (if applicable) (hereinafter referred to as “Obligors”) are identified in Exhibit “A”. The sale of the Properties is to satisfy the defaults in payment by the Obligors of the obligations secured by those certain Mortgages to HHI Development, LLC as recorded in the records of Beaufort County, South Carolina and detailed in Exhibit “A”. The amounts secured by the MORTGAGES, including accrued interest and late charges now owing along with a per diem amount to account for further accrual of interest and late charges are detailed in Exhibit “A”, together with any and all additional principal, interest, costs coming due and payable hereafter. The successful bidders shall be required to pay, in cash or certified funds, at the time of the bid, unless the successful bidder is the Creditor, which shall reserve a credit against its bid for the Total Owing as set forth in Exhibit “A”. The successful bidders shall also be required to pay for Deed Preparation, Documentary Stamps, or transfer fee, and Recording Costs. This sale is subject to all taxes, liens, easements, encumbrances, assessments, and/or senior mortgage liens of record and the undersigned Trustee gives no opinion thereto. An Obligor has the right to cure the default, and a Junior Lienholder has the right to redeem its interest up to the date of that the Trustee issues the Certificate of Sale pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. § 27-32-345. KING CUNNINGHAM, LLC, Trustee and Attorney for HHI Development, LLC, by Jeffrey W. King, SC Bar # 15840; or W. Joseph Cunningham, SC Bar # 72655, P.O. Box 4896, North Myrtle Beach, SC 29597, (843)-249-0777. EXHIBIT “A” – NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Owner(s), Address, TS Interest, TS Interval Control No., MTG BK/PG, Default Amount, Trustee’s Fee, Interest, Total Amount Due, Per Diem- VERONICA BLACK KODZAI 8127 IVY HOLLOW DR, CHARLOTTE, NC 28227-2438, 0.0073861610410129%, U1305-W5E, 4180/2459, $13,734.46, $350, $390.88, $14,125.34, $5.81; JEROME GETER&ANGELA J. GETER 119 MISTY FOREST WAY, PIEDMONT, SC 29673-9829, 0.0073861610410129%, U2607-W27O, 4230/52, $35,886.91, $350, $390.88, $36,277.79, $15.96.
PUBLIC NOTICE INVITATION FOR BIDS ALLISON ROAD PEDESTRIAN CONNECTOR PROJECT IFB NO. 2024–107/LPA FILE # P027276 The scope of work consists of construction of an 8’ sidewalk along the north side of Allison Road, resurfacing of the existing roadway, installing a new drainage system along a portion of the project, site lighting, and landscaping as shown on the Construction Drawings. Allison Road will be milled and overlayed at the beginning and ending of the project where existing curb and gutter exists and overlayed throughout the rest of the project and driveway connections to private property. Furthermore, an underground boring system for electrical and telecommunication lines will be constructed along the entire length of the project and new service connections from Allison Road to private properties (Commercial and Residential) will be established throughout. The specific technique used to underground utilities will be made based on regulatory acceptability, cost efficiency and timeliness. The Contractor will be responsible for coordination with SCDOT, the City of Beaufort and the utility companies (Drainage, Water, Sewer, Gas, Electricity, Communications) for removal of all overhead lines and poles and underground utility relocation planning and construction. Some or all the funding for the project is being provided by a SCDOT Local Public Agency (LPA) TAP Grant, therefore all LPA requirements will apply to the contract. The IFB and additional documents may be accessed on the City’s website under Quick Links – Bid Opportunities – or by contacting the Procurement Administrator at 843–525–7079. Sealed Proposals must be submitted to: City of Beaufort Finance Department 1911 Boundary St. Beaufort, SC 29902 A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held at 10:30 AM ET on January 5, 2024. All potential bidders are encouraged to attend. The meeting will be held in-person on the second floor in the Finance conference room or via Teams. Submittal Deadline: 10:00 A.M. on January 26, 2024. Bid Opening: A Public Bid Opening will be held in person or by Teams video conference at 10:01 A.M. ET on January 26, 2024. The in-person meeting will be held on the second floor in the Finance conference room.
15. Sacred objects on a pole 20. Bitterly regretting 22. Dwight D. Eisenhower 24. Boat race 25. Meat on a stick 26. "Fear of Flying" author Jong 27. Post-it user 29. *Site of tragic wildfires 31. Objectivity preventer 32. Declare invalid 33. Like 1950s style, today 34. *"The Eras Tour" star 36. Balkan native 38. St. Louis attraction 42. Hindu garment 45. Combining two forms 49. What kneecap and leech have in common 51. Airbnb offering 54. Northernmost land, to the ancients 56. a.k.a. adobar or carne de vinha d'alhos 57. Lion's share 58. Beyond natural, in U.K. 59. Steak preference 60. Days, in Havana 61. *Showtime's "____: The Aftermath" 62. Certain social media message 63. A third of thrice 64. Infantry's last rows 67. *____-AFTRA
DECEMBER 14–20, 2023
820 Bay Street Beaufort, SC 29902
843.521.4200 $985,000
4BDRM | 3.5B | 3434sqft | Community Dock Colleen Baisley 843.252.1066
5BDRM | 5B | 3066sqft Julia O’Hara 1.201.456.8620
.62acre Homesite | Deep Water Dock Permit in Hand Trea Tucker 843.812.4852
3BDRM | 2B | 1664sqft Bryan Gates 843.812.6494
2BDRM | 2B | 918sqft Julia O’Hara 1.201.456.8620
3BDRM | 2B | 1504sqft | Golf View Dale Glaeser 843.252.9614
2BDRM | 2.5B | 1745sqft | Inground Pool Amy McNeal 843.521.7932
MLS 174906 | 1700sqft | 3/4 Mile from I95 Wayne Webb 843.812.5203
2BDRM | 2.5B | 1364sqft Lloyd Williams 1.843.754.4735
.65acre Homesite | Private Deepwater Dock Edward Dukes 843.812.5000
2BDRM | 2.5B | 1679sqft | Water View Trea Tucker 843.812.4852
12acre Private Island | Deepwater Dock Edward Dukes 843.812.5000
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.46acre Homesite | Marsh/Water View Bryan Gates 843.812.6494
5BDRM | 5.5+B | Inground Pool Deep Water Dock | OLREA Sarah-Jane Lyles 1.828.777.0917
3BDRM | 2.5B | 2272sqft Community Dock Colleen Baisley 843.252.1066
Commercial Property | 1.26 Acres Wayne Webb 843.812.5203
2BDRM | 2.5B | 1152sqft Amy McNeal 843.521.7932
.60acre Homesite | Deep Water Lloyd Williams 1.843.754.4735
3BDRM | 3B | 3095sqf Trudy Arthur 843.812.0967 Nancy Butler 843.384.5445
ST. HELENA | MLS 179571
17.01 Acres | Marshfront | Incredible Views Scott Sanders 843.263.1284
3BDRM | 2B | 1645sqft Trudy Arthur 843.812.0967 Nancy Butler 843.384.5445
3BDRM | 2B | 1342sqft Bryan Gates 843.812.6494
.66acre Homesite | Cul-de-sac | Marsh/Water View Donna Duncan 843.597.3464
If you are thinking about selling, now is the time to consider your options! Call us today to learn what your home could sell for in today’s market.
DECEMBER 14–20, 2023 Public Notice Abandoned/Derelict mobile home. The following mobile home declared to be abandoned and derelict under code 6-1-150SC is in custody of Nina Martinez-Bennett at 126 County Shed Road, Beaufort, SC 29906, 843 525-1447: 1971 Taylor Model Green/ White Serial #1209. The owner and/or lienholder may reclaim this mobile home within thirty (30) days of this notice by paying the custodian all charges incurred after such abandonment. Failure of the owner and/or lienholder to exercise their right to reclaim the mobile home within the time frame provided, all rights and interests in the property are surrendered. NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): TIMOTHY M. TERRY, JR. & RACHAEL TERRY 28423 POST OAK RUN MAGNOLIA, TX 77355 Contract Number: 10248903; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9129, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9129G-38; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time-Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2191; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): WILLIAM FREAS & RITA S. FREAS 8 KENTBURY WAY BETHESDA, MARYLAND 20814 Contract Number: 1151482; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9132, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9129G-18; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time-Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2189; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have
the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): BRIAN E. FAKAN & MICHELE A. FAKAN 2590 WEYMOUTH HINCKLEY, OH 44233 Contract Number: 1526361; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9133, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9133S-46; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2193; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): BRIAN E. FAKAN & MICHELE A. FAKAN 2590 WEYMOUTH HINCKLEY, OH 44233 Contract Number: 1526361; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9133, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9122S-47; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2203; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the
sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): SHELBY ROBERTSON & KEVIN SMITH 24 prosperity lane Palm coast, FL 32164 Contract Number: 9105830; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9134, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9134G-38; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2201; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): RICHARD J. KALINOWSKI & CAROL D. KALINOWSKI 5300 RIVERSIDE DR., APT. 255 UPPER ARLINGTON, OH 43220 Contract Number: 2823222; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9135, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9135G-13; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2213; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past
due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ROBERT P. LAYMAN & NANCY LAYMAN 590 ISAAC PRUGH WAY KETTERING, OH 45429 Contract Number: 3534189; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9219, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9219G-20; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2229; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): THE CORONEOS FAMILY TRUST DATED FEBRUARY 17, 1998, WITH PAUL P. CORONEOS AS TRUSTEE AND WITH HARRIET CORONEOS AS CO-TRUSTEE 5406 SAWGRASS CT GARLAND, TX 75044-5034 Contract Number: 6743377; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9231, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9231P-34; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2239; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the
sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): CARL R. HANSEN & MARYLOU BATSON 611 MANTUA BLVD SEWELL, NJ 08080 Contract Number: 6896893; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9239, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9239G-35; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2249; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 1,316.75. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): WALTER B. CREWS & IRIS T. CREWS 136 HAMPTON WAY MACON. GA 31220 Contract Number: 4236812; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9241, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9241S-11; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2257; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past
due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JOHN E. KELSCH, TRUSTEE OR SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE, OF THE JOHN E. KELSCH REVOCABLE TRUST DATED JANUARY 11, 2005 832 WALKER STONE DR CARY, NC 27513-8379 Contract Number: 11541951; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9245, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9245G-39; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2259; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ROBIN M. LICATA, DAVID W. ROSSER & LINDA M. ROSSER 11700 FILLMORE DR FREDERICKSBURG ,VA 22407 Contract Number: 11528859; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9251, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9251G-17; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 149/99; 156/2291; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial forec H w w m m m m m m m m
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LEGAL NOTICES or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): STEPHEN E. SCOTT & NANCY L. SCOTT 2221 COGSWELL COURT MIAMISBURG, OH 45342 Contract Number: 1932944; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9328, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9328G-41; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2289; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ROBERT J. HAERTEL, LOUISE M. HAERTEL, KATHRYN C. HAERTEL, ROBYN L. HAERTEL, CAROLYN A. HAERTEL, KRISTYN J. HAERTEL, SCOTT W. HEARTEL & GWYN M. HAERTEL 199 SAGAMORE RD MILLBURN, NJ 07041 Contract Number: 8499534; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9346, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9346G-37; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2313; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past
DECEMBER 14–20, 2023
due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): VIRGINIA M. ZION, AS TRUSTEE OF THE VIRGINIA M. ZION TRUST DATED AUGUST 4, 1994 1100 PEMBRIDGE DR APT 267 LAKE FOREST, IL 60045-4220 Contract Number: 1928201; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9411, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9411G-37; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2315; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ROBERT V. BAKER & SHEILA L. BAKER 350 MONON BLVD APT 401 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032-2379 Contract Number: 1946861; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9411, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9411G-40; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2317; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to
Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): HOWARD G. MCNISH & CHERYL L. MCNISH, TRUSTEES OF THE HOWARD G. MCNISH AND CHERYL L. MCNISH REVOCABLE TRUST DATED JUNE 11, 2009 2767 WHITESPIRE COURT FINDLAY, OH 45840 Contract Number: 8631267; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9411, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9411S-52; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2321; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ANTONIO V. BAUTE 2313 WHITING BAY COURTS KENNESAW, GA 30152-6726 Contract Number: 4500698; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9425, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9425P-34; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2325; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300
North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): PAUL A. MAINZER 23730 MEADOW DR NE AURORA, OREGON 97002 Contract Number: 9456645; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9512, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9512G-36; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2347; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ARNOLD D. HILL & VIRGINIA A. HILL 8103 BAY TERRACE HARVEY CEDARS, NJ 08008 Contract Number: 8397146; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9522, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9522G-18; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2357; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): PAUL P. TORRES 8035 NW MASTERN AVE
PARKVILLE, MISSOURI 64152-4003 Contract Number: 2858879; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9525, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9525P-34; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2361; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): DONALD MORACZ & MOLLY MORACZ 32429 LEGACY POINT PARKWAY AVON LAKE, OH 44012 Contract Number: 2850034; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9537, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9537P-27; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2371; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ASHOK D. AJGAONKAR & GITA R. AJGAONKAR 1840 TINKERS COVE RD. CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22911-7413 Contract Number: 3092653; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9546, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on
Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9546S-09; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 32/2232; 156/2387; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ASHOK D. AJGAONKAR & GITA R. AJGAONKAR 1840 TINKERS COVE RD. CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22911-7413 Contract Number: 3092653; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9546, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9546S-10; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2403; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk los m H w w m m m m m m m m
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LEGAL NOTICES Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9639B-03; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 151/22 ;157/729; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ROBERT L. JOHNSON & ANN JOHNSON, AS TRUSTEES OF THE JOHNSON FAMILY TRUST OF FEBRUARY 22, 2005 325 NEVIS TRAIL MT PLEASANT, SC 29464 Contract Number: 7136138; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9646, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9646S-05; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2415; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): DAVID F. KELLY, LORINE M. GETZ & KENNETH L. GETZ 1717 HOMEWOOD BLVD APT#342 DELRAY BEACH, FL 33445-6804 Contract Number: 3604820; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9647, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain
plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9647B-50; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2417; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JAMES J. CAPUTO 1268 STADLER RIDGE ROAD WINSTON SALEM, NC 27106 Contract Number: 3000077; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9652, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9652G-19; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2419; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): DELTA HUMAN RESOURCES, INC., A NEW JERSEY CORPORATION 125 WILLOW RIDGE NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 Contract Number: 2971561; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9659, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina,
in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9659S-44; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2423; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,081.13. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): GRACENIA WILLIAMS & DEBORAH E. NICHOLS 2025 UNION STREET PORT HURON, MICHIGAN 48060 Contract Number: 4033295; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9258, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9258S-48; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2273; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,126.25. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Michael A. Masselli and Barbara C. Masselli 3 Hunter Point Drive SCARBOROUGH MAINE 04074 Contract Number: 6584948; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8635, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat
being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8635-S-6; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2023; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,152.00. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Rita G Christopher 15 PRIMROSE LEDGE ESSEX CT 06426 Contract Number: 11532795; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8821, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8821S-47; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2043; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,152.00. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): HAROLD R. HEISER AND MARGARET R. HEISER 742 MONTANA RD NW ATLANTA GA 30327 Contract Number: 716752; the following described property:
An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8912, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8912S-46; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2051; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,152.00. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): HAROLD R. HEISER AND MARGARET R. HEISER 742 MONTANA RD NW ATLANTA GA 30327 Contract Number: 716752; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8912, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8912S-47; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2055; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,152.00. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is
a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): BARBARA B GAMBRELL, unmarried 445 ZELKOVA ROAD WILLIAMSBURG VA 23185 Contract Number: 10687062; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8916, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8916S-46; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2057; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,152.00. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): BRYAN H. BISSON AND MIRIAM BISSON LA PETITE MARETTELA RUE D M GU N G H N m w H
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DECEMBER 14–20, 2023
LEGAL NOTICES nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Julie A. Jenkins and John A. Jenkins, III 290 KINGSTOWN WAY UNIT 299 DUXBURY MA 02332-4638 Contract Number: 7999380; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8937, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8937G-41; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2079; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,152.00. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ELLEN FAUVER AND RONALD SALUPO AS CO-TRUSTEES OF THE ARTICLE III MARITAL TRUST OF THE JAMES S FAUVER REVOCABLE TRUST U/A DTD 07/23/2004 FBO ELLEN FAUVER 1262 10th Street North Naples FL 34102 Contract Number: 8557276. the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8938, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8938S-12; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration
DECEMBER 14–20, 2023
dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2085; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,152.00. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ANNE.S. ROSE AS TRUSTEE OF THE ANNE S. ROSE LIVING TRUST, DATED JULY 23, 1996 126 N. HOLCOMB CLARKSTON MI 48346 Contract Number: 2652025; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8952, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8952S-06; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2089; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,152.00. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): VAN R. POINDEXTER AND BONNIE M. POINDEXTER 1225 STADLER RIDGE RD WINSTON-SALEM NC 27106-5048 Contract Number: 1110533; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8917, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39;
on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8917S-05; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 156/2059; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,152.00. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): NABIL A. JACOB 5095 VENTURA DR DELRAY BEACH, FL 33484-8381 Contract Number: 29579 the following described property: An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No .3917, Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying, situate and being in Sea Pines Plantation, on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated February 20, 1990, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, and by reference to that certain plat entitled As-Built Survey of Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., said plat being dated February 27, 1990 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 38 at Page 51. And also, all rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of the Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime. And also, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to the Owner Use Period 36, as contained in that certain Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions for Floating Time (hereinafter referred to as Supplemental Declaration), which is attached as Exhibit H to the above-reference Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 155/2387; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,675.19. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): RICHARD R. CROW & MARY J. CROW 2488 WOODFIELD CIR LEXINGTON, KY 40515-1200 Contract Number: 3205099 the following described property: An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No .3932, Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying, situate and being in Sea Pines Plantation, on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Marriott Ownership
Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated February 20, 1990, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, and by reference to that certain plat entitled As-Built Survey of Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., said plat being dated February 27, 1990 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 38 at Page 51. And also, all rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of the Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime. And also, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to the Owner Use Period 47, as contained in that certain Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions for Floating Time (hereinafter referred to as Supplemental Declaration), which is attached as Exhibit H to the above-reference Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 155/2398; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,675.19. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ROBERT B. DAVIS & JO ANN GERBER DAVIS 307 MANOR RD HARLEYSVILLE, PA 19438 Contract Number: 17858 the following described property: An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No .3942, Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying, situate and being in Sea Pines Plantation, on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated February 20, 1990, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, and by reference to that certain plat entitled As-Built Survey of Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., said plat being dated February 27, 1990 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 38 at Page 51. And also, all rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of the Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime. And also, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to the Owner Use Period 12, as contained in that certain Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions for Floating Time (hereinafter referred to as Supplemental Declaration), which is attached as Exhibit H to the above-reference Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 155/2403; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,675.19. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JOAN C. GENS & GREGORY C. SIMPSON 2509 SKYBLUE CT WHITE BEAR LAKE, MN 55110 Contract Number: 1931571 the following described property: An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No .3952, Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying, situate and being in Sea Pines Plantation, on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated February 20, 1990, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, and by reference to that certain plat entitled As-Built Survey of Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., said
plat being dated February 27, 1990 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 38 at Page 51. And also, all rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of the Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime. And also, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to the Owner Use Period 44, as contained in that certain Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions for Floating Time (hereinafter referred to as Supplemental Declaration), which is attached as Exhibit H to the above-reference Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 155/2413; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: 2675.19. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Gail Sidlek 1538 Centre St Apt 505 Detroit, Michigan 48226 Contract Number: 10846 the following described property: An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 3913, Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying, situate and being in Sea Pines Plantation, on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated February 20, 1990, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, and by reference to that certain plat entitled As-Built Survey of Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., said plat being dated February 27, 1990 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 38 at Page 51. And also, all rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of the Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime. And also, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to the Owner Use Period 11, as contained in that certain Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions for Floating Time (hereinafter referred to as Supplemental Declaration), which is attached as Exhibit H to the above-reference Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 155/2383; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,640.76; You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ASHLEY M RICHARDSON 684 PERRY RIDGE RD CARDONDALE, COLORADO 81623 Contract Number: 10290066 the following described property: An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 3923, Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying, situate and being in Sea Pines Plantation, on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated February 20, 1990, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, and by reference to that certain plat entitled As-Built Survey of Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., said plat being dated February 27, 1990 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 38 at Page 51. And also, all rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of the Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime. And also, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to the Owner Use Period 31, as contained in that
certain Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions for Floating Time (hereinafter referred to as Supplemental Declaration), which is attached as Exhibit H to the above-reference Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 155/2391; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,640.76; You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Richard R. Crow and Mary J. Crow 2488 WOODFIELD CIR LEXINGTON, KY 40515-1200 Contract Number: 3205099 the following described property: An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 3923, Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying, situate and being in Sea Pines Plantation, on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated February 20, 1990, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, and by reference to that certain plat entitled As-Built Survey of Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., said plat being dated February 27, 1990 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 38 at Page 51. And also, all rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of the Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime. And also, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to the Owner Use Period 46, as contained in that certain Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions for Floating Time (hereinafter referred to as Supplemental Declaration), which is attached as Exhibit H to the above-reference Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 155/2392; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,640.76; You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You m w
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LEGAL NOTICES MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Bart Foreman and Phyllis Foreman 4770 UNDERWOOD LN N UNIT D MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55442-2373 Contract Number: 25110 the following described property: An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 3947, Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying, situate and being in Sea Pines Plantation, on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated February 20, 1990, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, and by reference to that certain plat entitled As-Built Survey of Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., said plat being dated February 27, 1990 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 38 at Page 51. And also, all rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of the Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime. And also, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to the Owner Use Period 37, as contained in that certain Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions for Floating Time (hereinafter referred to as Supplemental Declaration), which is attached as Exhibit H to the above-reference Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 155/2410; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,678.79; You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): EDWARD CASSAVELL and LOIS CASSAVELL 22190 RED LAUREL LN ESTERO, FL 33928-2975 Contract Number: 17619 the following described property: An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 3951, Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying, situate and being in Sea Pines Plantation, on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated February 20, 1990, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, and by reference to that certain plat entitled As-Built Survey of Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., said plat being dated February 27, 1990 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 38 at Page 51. And also, all rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of the Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime. And also, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to the Owner Use Period 13, as contained in that certain Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions for Floating Time (hereinafter referred to as Supplemental Declaration), which is attached as Exhibit H to the above-reference Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 155/2412; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,641.22; You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing
your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405
your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405
NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): John L. Battle and Mary A. Battle 1704 POPE CT WILMINGTON, NC 28405-4127 Contract Number: 23778 the following described property: An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 3953, Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying, situate and being in Sea Pines Plantation, on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated February 20, 1990, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, and by reference to that certain plat entitled As-Built Survey of Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., said plat being dated February 27, 1990 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 38 at Page 51. And also, all rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of the Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime. And also, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to the Owner Use Period 18, as contained in that certain Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions for Floating Time (hereinafter referred to as Supplemental Declaration), which is attached as Exhibit H to the above-reference Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 155/2417; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2,640.76; You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405
NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): STUART H. NECTOW & PATRICIA P. NECTOW 60 Killdeer Island Rd Webster, MA 01570 Contract Number: 117386 the following described property: An undivided 1.99 (One and Ninety-Nine Hundreths %) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 121, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 3, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above-described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 34, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 121, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 156/2447 Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,062.68. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405
NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): DOUGLAS R. WAAGE & RENEE MARTIN WAAGE 1478 GROVE MEADOW CT GERMAN TOWN, TN 38138 Contract Number: 5541049 the following described property: An undivided 1.99 (One and Ninety-Nine Hundreths %) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 107, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above-described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 19, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 107, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 156/2431 Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,062.68. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing
NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ZIMMERMAN FAMILY VACATIONS, LLC 123 W 1ST STREET, SUITE 675 CASPER, WY 82601 Contract Number: 9730213 the following described property: An undivided 1.99 (One and Ninety-Nine Hundreths %) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 209, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above-described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 4, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 209, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 116/1070 Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,062.68. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina
by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): RUTH L. HAMM, AS TRUSTEE OF THE RUTH L. HAMM TRUST UNDER DECLARATION OF TRUST DATED 7/6/95 4 SERENO LANE HOT SPRINGS VILLAGE, AR 71909 Contract Number: 1822379 the following described property: An undivided 1.99 (One and Ninety-Nine Hundreths %) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 214, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 2, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above-described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 2, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 214, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 156/2465 Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,062.68. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): WENDY LYNNE RUOCCO, LYNNE COX MOSER & TERRI LYNNE MOSER 156 E SELWOOD LANE COLUMBIA, SC 29212 Contract Number: 9213441 the following described property: An undivided 1.99 (One and Ninety-Nine Hundreths %) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 307, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above-described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending
to Owner Use Period 11, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 307, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 156/2475 Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,062.68. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): RICHARD CARL SNIVELY, TRUSTEE OF RICHARD CARL SNIVELY LIVING TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 3, 2020 730 BELLEMEADE PL ALPHARETTA, GA 30004 Contract Number: 9397701 the following described property: An undivided 1.99 (One and Ninety-Nine Hundreths %) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 311, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 1, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above-described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 20, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 311, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 156/2481 Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,062.68. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): RICHARD CARL SNIVELY, TRUSTEE OF RICHARD CARL SNIVELY LIVING TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 3, 2020 730 BELLEMEADE PL ALPHARETTA, GA 30004 Contract Number: 9397701 the following described property: An undivided 1.99 (One and Ninety-Nine Hundreths %) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 311, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 1, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book
400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above-described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 21, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 311, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 156/2479 Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,062.68. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): KIRK J. ANDERSON & MEG FENSHOLT 801 W 23RD AVE SPOKANE, WA 99203-1915 Contract Number: 3558664 the following described property: An undivided 1.99 (One and Ninety-Nine Hundreths %) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 311, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 1, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above-described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 33, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 311, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 156/2483 Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,062.68. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclos m m
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DECEMBER 14–20, 2023
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LEGAL NOTICES Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above-described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 44, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 316, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 156/2487 Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,062.68. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): HOWARD G. MCNISH & CHERYL L. MCNISH, TRUSTEES OF THE HOWARD G. MCNISH AND CHERYL L. MCNISH REVOCABLE TRUST DATED JUNE 11, 2009 2767 WHITESPIRE COURT FINDLAY, OH 45840 Contract Number: 8631267 the following described property: An undivided 1.99 (One and Ninety-Nine Hundreths %) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 323, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 3, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above-described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 8, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 323, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 156/2493 Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,062.68. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): MICHAEL D. WALTON & DIANE M. WALTON 5710 FOUNTAIN GROVE CIRAPT 251
DECEMBER 14–20, 2023
FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28304-2661 Contract Number: 9522281 the following described property: An undivided 1.99 (One and Ninety-Nine Hundreths %) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 420, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 3, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above-described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 21, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 420, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 156/2515 Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,062.68. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): MATTHEW WALSH & MEGAN WALSH 409 DARTMOUTH LN WEST GROVE, PA 19390 Contract Number: 7935326 the following described property: An undivided 1.99 (One and Ninety-Nine Hundreths %) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 123, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 3, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above-described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 1, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 123, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 156/2449 Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,062.68. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to
Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): LYNN M. SMITH and THE GARY L. PIKE TRUST AGREEMENT DATED 2/23/00 4698 STATE ROUTE 136 GREENSBURG, PA 15601 Contract Number: 9476908 the following described property: An undivided 1.99 (One and Ninety-Nine Hundreths %) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 214, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 2, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above-described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 42, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 214, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 156/2463 Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,062.68. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JOHN BALDUCCI 115 LINDBERGH ST MASSAPEQUA PARK, NY 11762 Contract Number: 16460 the following described property: An undivided 0.02 (TWO%) percent interest in that certain condominium unit, lying, situate and being in Sea Pines Plantation on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Unit No. 3121, Heritage Club Horizontal Property Regime, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, said Master Deed being dated September 26, 1988, and recorded in the Beaufort County Records, on September 26, 1988 in Deed Book 511 at Page 933, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "AsBuilt Plat of Heritage Club", a section of Harbour Town, Sea Pines Plantation said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. # 11059 said plat being dated the 16th day of September, 1988, and recorded in the Beaufort County Records, in Plat Book 35 at Page 257 on September 26, 1988. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described condominium Unit as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Heritage Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 29, as contained in that certain Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions for Floating Time for said foregoing Unit(s) in Heritage Club Horizontal Property Regime, said Supplemental Declaration being attached as Exhibit "H" to the aforementioned Master Deed Lien Book and Page 156/2132; Total Amount Presently Delinquent $2,975.22. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Heritage Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest,
late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): TED M. MORTER & BARBARA E. MORTER 2936 PARKSIDE DR JENISON, MI 49428-9144 (Obligors) Contract Number: 586541 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 16 in UNIT NO 3631, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase VIII, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase VIII, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/4; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): MANUEL P. SALINAS 2336 CAMINO ESCONDIDO FULLERTON, CA 92833-1542 (Obligors) Contract Number: 2405452 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 51 in UNIT NO 3523, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase II, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase II, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 156/2551; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): DON E. HESKETT & DOROTHY M. HESKETT 12279 RIVERSIDE DR WHITE PIGEON, MI 49099 (Obligors) Contract Number: 5208 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 2 in UNIT NO 3525, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase II, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the
Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase II, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 156/2554; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): DON E. HESKETT & DOROTHY M. HESKETT 12279 RIVERSIDE DR WHITE PIGEON, MI 49099 (Obligors) Contract Number: 5208 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 3 in UNIT NO 3525, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase II, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase II, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 156/2563 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): PAUL F. MCCUE & GRACE M. MCCUE 91 STERLING AVE DALLAS, PA 18612 (Obligors) Contract Number: 10841 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 35 in UNIT NO 3525, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase II, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase II, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 156/2557 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to
proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): DAVID W. DUNCAN & ELAINE ROSEANNE DUNCAN 20 SUSAN DR BARNEGAT, NJ 08005-7010 (Obligors) Contract Number: 3234 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 18 in UNIT NO 3545, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase IV, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase IV, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 156/2572 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): WILLIAM E. WOOSTER & CYNTHIA R. WOOSTER 3864 STILL MEADOW LN LEXINGTON, KY 40509-2950 (Obligors) Contract Number: 5420 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 9 in UNIT NO 3611, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase VI, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase VI, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 156/2581 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure H w w m m m m m m m m
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LEGAL NOTICES Name and Address of Owner(s): FRED A. PASKAS & JOAN E. PASKAS 1024 W MOUNTAIN VIEW DRIVE MESA, AZ 85201 (Obligors) Contract Number: 766292 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 27 in UNIT NO 3621, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase VII, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase VII, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 156/2590 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): RONALD J. COBB & CYNTHIA D. COBB 110 BREMEN LANE MCMURRAY, PA 15317 (Obligors) Contract Number: 9894553 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 45 in UNIT NO 3635, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase VIII, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase VIII, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/13 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JACQUES RICHARD & JANINE RICHARD LOT 117 LOTISSEMENT TE MARUATABP 13451 PUNAAUIA TAHITI, 98717 (Obligors) Contract Number: 1201433 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 14 in UNIT NO 3644, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase IX, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase IX, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/25 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC.
recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): PAUL P. CORONEOS & HARRIET CORONEOS, TRUSTEES OF THE CORONEOS FAMILY TRUST DATED FEBRUARY 17, 1998 5406 SAWGRASS CT GARLAND, TX 75044-5034 (Obligors) Contract Number: 6743377 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 36 in UNIT NO 3653, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase X, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase X, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/34 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): CHRISTOPHER A. CARDAMONE & SUSAN P. CARDAMONE 9601 VILLAS DR FOLEY, AL 36535-9245 (Obligors) Contract Number: 10084 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 19 in UNIT NO 3711, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XI, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XI, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/37 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $1,882.08. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your
timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): SAMUEL DAWES & DARLENE M. BEST-DAWES 412 MARION ST CREIGHTON, PA 15030-1040 (Obligors) Contract Number: 7513451 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 47 in UNIT NO 3711, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XI, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XI, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/46 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ROBERT C. BLAZER & HELLA C. BLAZER 21 FOUR SEASONS DR NORTH CALDWELL, NJ 07006 (Obligors) Contract Number: 403119 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 20 in UNIT NO 3716, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XI, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XI, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/52 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,219.52. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): CLYDE R. BALLARD & JANIECE P. BALLARD 1511 BURLWOOD DR GREENSBORO, NC 27410-3801 (Obligors) Contract Number: 6308 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the
unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 44 in UNIT NO 3722, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XIII, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XIII, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/61 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): A.L. MCDANIEL & JANET ADAMS MCDANIEL 308 Larry Dr Kannapolis, NC 28083 (Obligors) Contract Number: 5627 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 27 in UNIT NO 3737, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XIII, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XIII, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/73 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): BILL BARTHOLOMEW 29 JACKSON DRIVE STONY POINT, NY 10980 (Obligors) Contract Number: 9752278 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 52 in UNIT NO 3737, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XIII, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XIII, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/79 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar
days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JOSEPH F. LOPEZ & LUCILLE J. LOPEZ 25 WADSWORTH LN WALLINGFORD, CT 06492-2876 (Obligors) Contract Number: 6220 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 3 in UNIT NO 3756, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XV, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XV, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/94 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,219.52. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JOSEPH F. LOPEZ & LUCILLE J. LOPEZ 25 WADSWORTH LN WALLINGFORD, CT 06492-2876 (Obligors) Contract Number: 6220 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 14 in UNIT NO 3756, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XV, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XV, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/97 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,198.32. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest,
late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): THOMAS M. TROJA & JAMES P. MITCHELL 107 1ST ST S APT 401 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902-5088 (Obligors) Contract Number: 7180 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 14 in UNIT NO 3811, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XVI, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XVI, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/103 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): GRAHAM A. BEST 2111 RESERVE DR NE ATLANTA, GA 30319 (Obligors) Contract Number: 598795 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 13 in UNIT NO 3823, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XVII, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XVII, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/115 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien m m m m m
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DECEMBER 14–20, 2023
LEGAL NOTICES the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XVII, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/133 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JOANNE H. GIESSLER 41 Roeliff Meadows Drive Copake, NY 12516 (Obligors) Contract Number: 8954917 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 26 in UNIT NO 3834, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XVIII, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XVIII, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/121 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ELENITA M. SALERO 8937 INVERRARY DR SE WARREN, OH 44484-2552 (Obligors) Contract Number: 1696518 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 12 in UNIT NO 3847, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XIX, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XIX, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/136 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,195.08. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to
DECEMBER 14–20, 2023
proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): AUDREY P. PACKER 7 BROOKS BEND DR NEW HOPE, PA 18938 (Obligors) Contract Number: 2458506 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 18 in UNIT NO 3847, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XIX, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XIX, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/151 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): RICHARD F. SCHWEIG 1000 W WASHINGTON BLVD UNIT 448 CHICAGO, IL 60607-2137 (Obligors) Contract Number: 3985072 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 37 in UNIT NO 3851, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XX, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XX, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/139 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL
Name and Address of Owner(s): EDWARD A. SCHWEIG 77 HICKORY FOREST DR HILTON HEAD ISLAND, SC 29926 (Obligors) Contract Number: 214090 the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 38 in UNIT NO 3852, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XX, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XX, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 157/142 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,189.86. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JACQUELINE ANN LARSON AND JOYCE C. STRATFORD 765 PIROS DRIVE COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80922(Obligors) Contract Number: 8187934 the following described property: An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 6103 Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, lying and being in Shelter Cove Harbour on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed and Amendment to Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime said documents being dated Dec. 5, 1990, and Dec. 06, 1990 and recorded in the Beaufort County Records, on Dec 06, 1990 and Dec. 10, 1990 in Deed Book 566 at Page 590 and in Deed Book 566 at Page 876 respectively, as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepare d by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 said plat being dated Dec. 03, 1990 and recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Plat Book 40 at Page 24. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendment to Master Deed and By-Laws of Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest, and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 16, as contained in that certain applicable Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "Supplemental Declaration"), which is attached as an Exhibit to the above-referenced Master Deed (for Units in Phase 1) or Amendment to Master Deed (for Units in Phase 2). Lien Book and Page 155/2420; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,046.38. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on Dec 06, 1990 and Dec. 10, 1990 in Deed Book 566 at Page 590 and in Deed Book 566 at Page 876 respectively, as amended from time to time, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): RYAN WIGHTMAN 107 CEDAR GROVE RD BRANCHBURG, NJ 08876-3654(Obligors) Contract Number: 10227099 the following described property: An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 6131 Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, lying and being in Shelter Cove Harbour on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed and Amendment to Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime said documents being
dated Dec. 5, 1990, and Dec. 06, 1990 and recorded in the Beaufort County Records, on Dec 06, 1990 and Dec. 10, 1990 in Deed Book 566 at Page 590 and in Deed Book 566 at Page 876 respectively, as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepare d by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 said plat being dated Dec. 03, 1990 and recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Plat Book 40 at Page 24. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendment to Master Deed and By-Laws of Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest, and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 13, as contained in that certain applicable Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "Supplemental Declaration"), which is attached as an Exhibit to the above-referenced Master Deed (for Units in Phase 1) or Amendment to Master Deed (for Units in Phase 2). Lien Book and Page 155/2422; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,046.38. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on Dec 06, 1990 and Dec. 10, 1990 in Deed Book 566 at Page 590 and in Deed Book 566 at Page 876 respectively, as amended from time to time, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): RICHARD J. FREEMAN 303-1476 WEST 10TH AVENUE VANCOUVER, British Columbia V6H1J9(Obligors) Contract Number: 8382756 the following described property: An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 6133 Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, lying and being in Shelter Cove Harbour on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed and Amendment to Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime said documents being dated Dec. 5, 1990, and Dec. 06, 1990 and recorded in the Beaufort County Records, on Dec 06, 1990 and Dec. 10, 1990 in Deed Book 566 at Page 590 and in Deed Book 566 at Page 876 respectively, as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepare d by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 said plat being dated Dec. 03, 1990 and recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Plat Book 40 at Page 24. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendment to Master Deed and By-Laws of Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest, and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 36, as contained in that certain applicable Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "Supplemental Declaration"), which is attached as an Exhibit to the above-referenced Master Deed (for Units in Phase 1) or Amendment to Master Deed (for Units in Phase 2). Lien Book and Page 155/2424; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,046.38. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on Dec 06, 1990 and Dec. 10, 1990 in Deed Book 566 at Page 590 and in Deed Book 566 at Page 876 respectively, as amended from time to time, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Ryan C. Howard 591 MARTIN DR XENIA, OH 45385(Obligors) Contract Number: 2429684 the following described property: An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 6201 Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, lying and being in Shelter Cove Harbour on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed and Amendment to Master Deed of
Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime said documents being dated Dec. 5, 1990, and Dec. 06, 1990 and recorded in the Beaufort County Records, on Dec 06, 1990 and Dec. 10, 1990 in Deed Book 566 at Page 590 and in Deed Book 566 at Page 876 respectively, as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepare d by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 said plat being dated Dec. 03, 1990 and recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Plat Book 40 at Page 24. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendment to Master Deed and By-Laws of Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest, and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 47, as contained in that certain applicable Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "Supplemental Declaration"), which is attached as an Exhibit to the above-referenced Master Deed (for Units in Phase 1) or Amendment to Master Deed (for Units in Phase 2). Lien Book and Page 155/2425; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,046.38. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on Dec 06, 1990 and Dec. 10, 1990 in Deed Book 566 at Page 590 and in Deed Book 566 at Page 876 respectively, as amended from time to time, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): THOMAS M. ROUEN AND JANET C. ROUEN 762 REGENCY RESERVE CIR 2001 NAPLES, FL 34119(Obligors) Contract Number: 1429882 the following described property: An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 6202 Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, lying and being in Shelter Cove Harbour on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed and Amendment to Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime said documents being dated Dec. 5, 1990, and Dec. 06, 1990 and recorded in the Beaufort County Records, on Dec 06, 1990 and Dec. 10, 1990 in Deed Book 566 at Page 590 and in Deed Book 566 at Page 876 respectively, as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepare d by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 said plat being dated Dec. 03, 1990 and recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Plat Book 40 at Page 24. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendment to Master Deed and By-Laws of Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest, and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 13, as contained in that certain applicable Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "Supplemental Declaration"), which is attached as an Exhibit to the above-referenced Master Deed (for Units in Phase 1) or Amendment to Master Deed (for Units in Phase 2). Lien Book and Page 155/2426; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,046.38. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on Dec 06, 1990 and Dec. 10, 1990 in Deed Book 566 at Page 590 and in Deed Book 566 at Page 876 respectively, as amended from time to time, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Pedro Rivera Jr. and Diana H Rivera 710 S DEXTER DR LANSING, MI 48910-4642(Obligors) Contract Number: 32139 the following described property: An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 6231 Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, lying and being in Shelter Cove Harbour on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more
particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed and Amendment to Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime said documents being dated Dec. 5, 1990, and Dec. 06, 1990 and recorded in the Beaufort County Records, on Dec 06, 1990 and Dec. 10, 1990 in Deed Book 566 at Page 590 and in Deed Book 566 at Page 876 respectively, as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepare d by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 said plat being dated Dec. 03, 1990 and recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Plat Book 40 at Page 24. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendment to Master Deed and By-Laws of Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest, and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 9, as contained in that certain applicable Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "Supplemental Declaration"), which is attached as an Exhibit to the above-referenced Master Deed (for Units in Phase 1) or Amendment to Master Deed (for Units in Phase 2). Lien Book and Page 156/2145; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,046.38. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on Dec 06, 1990 and Dec. 10, 1990 in Deed Book 566 at Page 590 and in Deed Book 566 at Page 876 respectively, as amended from time to time, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): WAYNE FRANKLIN WOOTEN II, a married man 1574 LANDS END RD ROCK HILL, SC 29732(Obligors) Contract Number: 10213661 the following described property: An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 6302 Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, lying and being in Shelter Cove Harbour on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed and Amendment to Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime said documents being dated Dec. 5, 1990, and Dec. 06, 1990 and recorded in the Beaufort County Records, on Dec 06, 1990 and Dec. 10, 1990 in Deed Book 566 at Page 590 and in Deed Book 566 at Page 876 respectively, as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepare d by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 said plat being dated Dec. 03, 1990 and recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Plat Book 40 at Page 24. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendment to Master Deed and By-Laws of Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest, and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 15, as contained in that certain applicable Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "Supplemental Declaration"), which is attached as an Exhibit to the above-referenced Master Deed (for Units in Phase 1) or Amendment to Master Deed (for Units in Phase 2). Lien Book and Page 156/2151; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,046.38. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on Dec 06, 1990 and Dec. 10, 1990 in Deed Book 566 at Page 590 and in Deed Book 566 at Page 876 respectively, as amended from time to time, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or tak w m w w m H w w m m m m m m m m
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LEGAL NOTICES Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, lying and being in Shelter Cove Harbour on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed and Amendment to Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime said documents being dated Dec. 5, 1990, and Dec. 06, 1990 and recorded in the Beaufort County Records, on Dec 06, 1990 and Dec. 10, 1990 in Deed Book 566 at Page 590 and in Deed Book 566 at Page 876 respectively, as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepare d by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 said plat being dated Dec. 03, 1990 and recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Plat Book 40 at Page 24. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendment to Master Deed and By-Laws of Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest, and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 51, as contained in that certain applicable Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "Supplemental Declaration"), which is attached as an Exhibit to the above-referenced Master Deed (for Units in Phase 1) or Amendment to Master Deed (for Units in Phase 2). Lien Book and Page 156/2157; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,046.38. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Sunset Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on Dec 06, 1990 and Dec. 10, 1990 in Deed Book 566 at Page 590 and in Deed Book 566 at Page 876 respectively, as amended from time to time, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405
An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5141 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5141-P26 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157/177 ; ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,466.94. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405
An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5153 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5153-S48 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157/183 ; ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,466.94. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405
An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5314 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5314-S08 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157/195 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,466.94. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405
An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5355 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5355G-35 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157/235 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,466.94. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405
An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5334 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5334S-7 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157/213 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,466.94. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405
NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): GREGORY C. SIMPSON AND JOAN C. GENS 2509 SKYBLUE CT WHITE BEAR LAKE, MN 55110 (Obligors) Contract Number: 1797657 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5135 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5135-S44 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157/171 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,161.58. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405
NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ALETA D. HAITH 8610 FLUTTERING LEAF TRAIL UNIT 302 ODENTON, MD 21113 (Obligors) Contract Number: 7103112 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5142 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5142B-03 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157/179 ; ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,161.58. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405
NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ROBERT P. LAYMAN AND NANCY LAYMAN 590 ISAAC PRUGH WAY KETTERING, OH 45429 (Obligors) Contract Number: 3534189 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5153 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5153-S51 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157/185 ; ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,466.94. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405
NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): BRYAN H. BISSON AND MIRIAM BISSON LA PETITE MARETTELA RUE DES MARETTES GUERNSEY, GY4 6JH (Obligors) Contract Number: 1078339 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5314 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5314-P24 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157/197 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,466.94. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405
NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): BLOUNT SOLWAY LP PO BOX 18125 KNOXVILLE, TN 37928 (Obligors) Contract Number: 6179409 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5331 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5331-S12 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157/209 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,466.94. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405
NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): CLINTON E. PALMER AND KATHY M. PALMER 9002 BELVOIR WOODS PKWY APT 309 FORT BELVOIR, VA 22060-2709 (Obligors) Contract Number: 6355528 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5338 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5338-S11 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157/219 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,161.58. You are currently in d M D W H m M O OWN H O N D D m m m m w w w
NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): RYAN L. CROCKETT AND AMANDA C. CROCKETT 51 PERCHERON LANE HILTON HEAD ISLAND, SC 29926 (Obligors) Contract Number: 7135460 the following described property:
NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ROBERT P. LAYMAN AND NANCY LAYMAN 590 ISAAC PRUGH WAY KETTERING, OH 45429 (Obligors) Contract Number: 3534189 the following described property:
NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): MEREDITH A. SCOTT 511 HOLLY AVE CAPE MAY POINT, NJ 08212 (Obligors) Contract Number: 6066855 the following described property:
NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): BRYAN H. BISSON AND MIRIAM BISSON LA PETITE MARETTELA RUE DES MARETTES GUERNSEY, GY4 6JH (Obligors) Contract Number: 1078339 the following described property:
NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): BLOUNT SOLWAY LP PO BOX 18125 KNOXVILLE, TN 37928 (Obligors) Contract Number: 6179409 the following described property:
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DECEMBER 14–20, 2023
LEGAL NOTICES An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5348 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5348-P23 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157/227 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,161.58. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405
An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5147 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5417G20 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157/239 ; ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,042.44. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405
An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5426 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5426B-02 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157-251 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,161.58. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405
An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5446 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5446-P27 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157-271 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,161.58. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405
NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): RALPH C. HEMECKER AND TOZIA B. HEMECKER 459 PASSAIC AVE APT 506 WEST CALDWELL, NJ 07006-7428 (Obligors) Contract Number: 5831031 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5349 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5349-S44 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157/231 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,466.94. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405
NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Donna J. Jackson 5140 MEETING PLACE WOODBRIDGE, VA 22193 (Obligors) Contract Number: 5783582 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5424 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5424B-03 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157/245 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,466.94. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405
NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): LAWRENCE N. CLARK, JR AND PATRICIA M. CLARK 3013 RABBITS TAIL DR LEANDER, TX 78641-1435 (Obligors) Contract Number: 7374026 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5437 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5437B-49 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157-261 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,161.58. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405
NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JOAN D. WILSON 3615 FREDERICA RDROOM 304 ST SIMMONS IS, GA 31522-5555 (Obligors) Contract Number: 4844485 the following described property:
NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Roderick Jones 5950 MAYFIELD ROAD MAYFIELD HEIGHTS, OH 44124 (Obligors) Contract Number: 11582306 the following described property:
NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): MICHAEL E. FOLEY AND LEANNE H. FOLEY 854 DEER RUN ROAD CENTERVILLE, OH 45459 (Obligors) Contract Number: 21043 the following described property:
NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): MARCIA E. MACARTHUR AS TRUSTEE OF THE MARCIA E. MACARTHUR REVOCABLE TRUST DATED MARCH 18, 2008 1661 PINE ST APT 545 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94109-0419 (Obligors) Contract Number: 8105372 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5456 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5456-P32 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157-279 ; ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,161.58. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405
DECEMBER 14–20, 2023
1661 PINE ST APT 545 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94109-0419 (Obligors) Contract Number: 8105372 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5456 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5456-P33 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157-327 ; ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,162.38. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405
1225 LONG CREEK DRIVE SOUTH OLD, NY 11971 (Obligors) Contract Number: 5151586 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5623 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5623G-17 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157-313 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2161.58. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405
NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JAMES S. BECKSTEIN AND JANET E. BECKSTEIN 8529 N 200 WEST MARKLE, IN 46770 (Obligors) Contract Number: 5654250 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5522 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5522-S47 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157-283 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,161.58. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405
NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): WILLIAM FREAS AND RITA S. FREAS 8 KENTBURY WAY BETHESDA, MD 20814 (Obligors) Contract Number: 1151482 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5624 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5624G-14 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 i D m m m m m D
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LEGAL NOTICES PO BOX 18125 KNOXVILLE, TN 37928 (Obligors) Contract Number: 128969 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5316 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5316-P32 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 157/205 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,161.58. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): John A. Rauguth and Mary Ann Rauguth 1462 E COMSTOCK DR GILBERT, AZ 85296 (Obligors) Contract Number: 6026086 the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5422 respectively, Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5422-S46 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 144/1387 ; 157/241; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2,185.49. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Surf Watch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v.
LAWRENCE W ELLIOTT SR 5829 MILL CREST WAY STONECREST GA 30038-4151(“Owner”) Contract number 100297874 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: LAWRENCE W ELLIOTT SR An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9523, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9523-P-30 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as provided for by the Mortgage for Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc. duly recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Mortgage Book/Page 3717 / 273, as amended. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $15,120.45. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. JAMES K. ROGERS & CAROLYN A. ROGERS 4117 TAMWORTH ROAD FORT WORTH TX 76116 (“Owner”) Contract number 1878428 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: JAMES K. ROGERS & CAROLYN A. ROGERS An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9118, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9118-G-16 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2175, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. BERNARD WHITE JR. & ELIZABETH L. WHITE 10910 EXETER COURT LARGO MARYLAND 20774 (“Owner”) Contract number 2995975 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: BERNARD WHITE JR. & ELIZABETH L. WHITE An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9122, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9122-P-34 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of
Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2177, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,763.92. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. DUANE C. TISDALE & THELMA TISDALE 3664 COREY RD TOLEDO OH 43615-1115 (“Owner”) Contract number 1824349 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: DUANE C. TISDALE & THELMA TISDALE An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9126, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9126-P-27 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2179, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. TIMOTHY M. TERRY, JR. & RACHAEL TERRY 28423 POST OAK RUN MAGNOLIA TX 77355 (“Owner”) Contract number 10248903 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: TIMOTHY M. TERRY, JR. & RACHAEL TERRY An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9129, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9129-G-38 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2191, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. WILLIAM FREAS & RITA S. FREAS 8 KENTBURY WAY BETHESDA MARYLAND 20814 (“Owner”) Contract number 1151482 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: WILLIAM FREAS & RITA S. FREAS An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9132, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999,
and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9129-G-18 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2189, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. BRIAN E. FAKAN & MICHELE A. FAKAN 2590 WEYMOUTH HINCKLEY OH 44233 (“Owner”) Contract number 1526361 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: BRIAN E. FAKAN & MICHELE A. FAKAN An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9133, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9133-S-46 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2193, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. BRIAN E. FAKAN & MICHELE A. FAKAN 2590 WEYMOUTH HINCKLEY OH 44233 (“Owner”) Contract number 1526361 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: BRIAN E. FAKAN & MICHELE A. FAKAN An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9133, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9122-S-47 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2203, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale.
NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. SHELBY ROBERTSON & KEVIN SMITH 24 prosperity lane Unit b Palm coast FL 32164 (“Owner”) Contract number 9105830 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: SHELBY ROBERTSON & KEVIN SMITH An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9134, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9134-G-38 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2201, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. RICHARD J. KALINOWSKI & CAROL D. KALINOWSKI 5300 RIVERSIDE DR., APT. 255 UPPER ARLINGTON OH 43220 (“Owner”) Contract number 2823222 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: RICHARD J. KALINOWSKI & CAROL D. KALINOWSKI An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9135, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9135-G-13 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2213, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. MARY A. DEVITT 176 UNION ST MONTGOMERY NY 12549-1315 (“Owner”) Contract number 1845826 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: MARY A. DEVITT An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9136, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9136-G-40 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March
11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2199, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,799.27. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. DAVID T. HARDING & ERMA M. HARDING 9819 EDWARDS PLACE CHARLOTTE NC 28227 (“Owner”) Contract number 1705711 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: DAVID T. HARDING & ERMA M. HARDING An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9138, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9138-G-39 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2209, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. GAYLE T. KNAPP, SURVIVING JOINT TENANT C/O SHAFER LAW FIRM 890 MARKET STREET MEADVILLE PA 16335 (“Owner”) Contract number 1666410 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: GAYLE T. KNAPP, SURVIVING JOINT TENANT An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9147, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9147-P-22 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2215, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a nonw w m w
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LEGAL NOTICES An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9214, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9214-P-30 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2221, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. ROBERT P. LAYMAN & NANCY LAYMAN 590 ISAAC PRUGH WAY KETTERING OH 45429 (“Owner”) Contract number 3534189 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: ROBERT P. LAYMAN & NANCY LAYMAN An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9219, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9219-G-20 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2229, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. THE CORONEOS FAMILY TRUST DATED FEBRUARY 17, 1998, WITH PAUL P. CORONEOS AS TRUSTEE AND WITH HARRIET CORONEOS AS CO-TRUSTEE 5406 SAWGRASS CT GARLAND TX 75044-5034 (“Owner”) Contract number 6743377 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: THE CORONEOS FAMILY TRUST DATED FEBRUARY 17, 1998, WITH PAUL P. CORONEOS AS TRUSTEE AND WITH HARRIET CORONEOS AS CO-TRUSTEE An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9231, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9231-P-34 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2239, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master
DECEMBER 14–20, 2023
Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. CHARLES F. SAWYER, CHAR F. SAWYER & CHARLES B. SAWYER 1120 BORDEAUX CIRCLE KNOXVILLE TN 37919 (“Owner”) Contract number 10199942 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: CHARLES F. SAWYER, CHAR F. SAWYER & CHARLES B. SAWYER An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9231, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9231-S-46 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2275, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. FRANK J. YANOVIAK & EUNICE L. YANOVIAK 702 S EASY ST SEBASTIAN FL 32958 (“Owner”) Contract number 1611204 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: FRANK J. YANOVIAK & EUNICE L. YANOVIAK An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9238, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9238-B-02 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2247, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. CARL R. HANSEN & MARYLOU BATSON 611 MANTUA BLVD SEWELL NJ 08080 (“Owner”) Contract number 6896893 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: CARL R. HANSEN & MARYLOU BATSON An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9239, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for
Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9239-G-35 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2249, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,011.75. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. WALTER B. CREWS & IRIS T. CREWS 136 HAMPTON WAY MACON GA 31220 (“Owner”) Contract number 4236812 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: WALTER B. CREWS & IRIS T. CREWS An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9241, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9241-S-11 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2257, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. JOHN E. KELSCH, TRUSTEE OR SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE, OF THE JOHN E. KELSCH REVOCABLE TRUST DATED JANUARY 11, 2005 832 WALKER STONE DR CARY NC 27513-8379 (“Owner”) Contract number 11541951 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: JOHN E. KELSCH, TRUSTEE OR SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE, OF THE JOHN E. KELSCH REVOCABLE TRUST DATED JANUARY 11, 2005 An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9245, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9245-G-39 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2259, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. CAROL A. BACH 3879 MISSION HILLS DR. EAST JACK-
SONVILLE FL 32225 (“Owner”) Contract number 1379648 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: CAROL A. BACH An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9247, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9247-B-04 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2263, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. ROBIN M. LICATA, DAVID W. ROSSER & LINDA M. ROSSER 11700 FILLMORE DR FREDERICKSBURG VA 22407 (“Owner”) Contract number 11528859 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: ROBIN M. LICATA, DAVID W. ROSSER & LINDA M. ROSSER An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9251, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9251-G-17 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 149/99, 156/2291 of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. JEFFREY J. CZUBA & MARIA PPOLERA 3 10TH AVE MONROE NJ 08831 (“Owner”) Contract number 1454757 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: JEFFREY J. CZUBA & MARIA PPOLERA An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9257, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9257-G-13 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien
Book/Page: 156/2269, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. JEFFREY J. CZUBA & MARIA PPOLERA 3 10TH AVE MONROE NJ 08831 (“Owner”) Contract number 1454757 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: JEFFREY J. CZUBA & MARIA PPOLERA An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9257, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9257-G-14 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2307, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. GRACENIA WILLIAMS & DEBORAH E. NICHOLS 2025 UNION STREET PORT HURON MICHIGAN 48060 (“Owner”) Contract number 4033295 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: GRACENIA WILLIAMS & DEBORAH E. NICHOLS An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9258, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9258-S-48 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2273, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. KRISTY M. MORGAN & THOMAS A. MORGAN 1441 E LOS ARBOLES DR TEMPE ARIZONA 85284 (“Owner”) Contract number 9510660 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: KRISTY M. MORGAN & THOMAS A. MORGAN An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9315, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999,
and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9315-S-45 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2277, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. SEAN K. WILLIAMS & RHONDA E. WILLIAMS 3639 COUNTRY SIDE LANE AVON OH 44011 (“Owner”) Contract number 5007085 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: SEAN K. WILLIAMS & RHONDA E. WILLIAMS An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9318, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9318-P-25 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2281, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. WILLIAM J. HUTCHINSON & CHARLOTTE E. HUTCHINSON 195 WESTGATE AVENUE WADSWORTH OH 442811164 (“Owner”) Contract number 1969727 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: WILLIAM J. HUTCHINSON & CHARLOTTE E. HUTCHINSON An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9326, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9326-G-21 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2285, of the Public Record Ow
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LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. STEPHEN E. SCOTT & NANCY L. SCOTT 2221 COGSWELL COURT MIAMISBURG OH 45342 (“Owner”) Contract number 1932944 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: STEPHEN E. SCOTT & NANCY L. SCOTT An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9328, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9328-G-41 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2289, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. JAMES EVOY & SHIRLEE EVOY 168 S LAWNDALE AVE ELMHURST IL 60126-3524 (“Owner”) Contract number 8274190 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: JAMES EVOY & SHIRLEE EVOY An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9335, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9335-B03 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2293, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. CHARLIE R. DEAN, JR. 6760 TRAILING OAKS DRIVE FRISCO TX 75034 (“Owner”) Contract number 668861 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: CHARLIE R. DEAN, JR. An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9342, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9342-G-38 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated
March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2295, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. ROBERT J. HAERTEL, LOUISE M. HAERTEL, KATHRYN C. HAERTEL, ROBYN L. HAERTEL, CAROLYN A. HAERTEL, KRISTYN J. HAERTEL, SCOTT W. HEARTEL & GWYN M. HAERTEL 199 SAGAMORE RD MILLBURN NJ 07041 (“Owner”) Contract number 8499534 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: ROBERT J. HAERTEL, LOUISE M. HAERTEL, KATHRYN C. HAERTEL, ROBYN L. HAERTEL, CAROLYN A. HAERTEL, KRISTYN J. HAERTEL, SCOTT W. HEARTEL & GWYN M. HAERTEL An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9346, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9346-G-37 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2313, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. VIRGINIA M. ZION, AS TRUSTEE OF THE VIRGINIA M. ZION TRUST DATED AUGUST 4, 1994 1100 PEMBRIDGE DR APT 267 LAKE FOREST IL 60045-4220 (“Owner”) Contract number 1928201 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: VIRGINIA M. ZION, AS TRUSTEE OF THE VIRGINIA M. ZION TRUST DATED AUGUST 4, 1994 An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9411, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9411-G-37 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2315, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. ROBERT V. BAKER & SHEILA L. BAKER 350 MONON BLVD APT 401 CARMEL INDIANA 46032-2379 (“Owner”) Contract number 1946861 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC
29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: ROBERT V. BAKER & SHEILA L. BAKER An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9411, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9411-G-40 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2317, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. HOWARD G. MCNISH & CHERYL L. MCNISH, TRUSTEES OF THE HOWARD G. MCNISH AND CHERYL L. MCNISH REVOCABLE TRUST DATED JUNE 11, 2009 2767 WHITESPIRE COURT FINDLAY OH 45840 (“Owner”) Contract number 8631267 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: HOWARD G. MCNISH & CHERYL L. MCNISH, TRUSTEES OF THE HOWARD G. MCNISH AND CHERYL L. MCNISH REVOCABLE TRUST DATED JUNE 11, 2009 An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9411, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9411-S-52 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2321, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. NAN J. BAYERSDORFER & JOHN D. BAYERSDORFER 4209 TRILLIUM LN UNIT B GREENSBORO NC 274102863 (“Owner”) Contract number 1805577 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: NAN J. BAYERSDORFER & JOHN D. BAYERSDORFER An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9422, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9422-G35 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2335, of the Public Records of
Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. NAN J. BAYERSDORFER & JOHN D. BAYERSDORFER 4209 TRILLIUM LN UNIT B GREENSBORO NC 274102863 (“Owner”) Contract number 1805577 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: NAN J. BAYERSDORFER & JOHN D. BAYERSDORFER An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9422, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9422-G36 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2329, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. ANTONIO V. BAUTE 2313 WHITING BAY COURTS KENNESAW GA 30152-6726 (“Owner”) Contract number 4500698 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: ANTONIO V. BAUTE An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9425, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9425P-34 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2325, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. LORRAINE MCLAREN & EBY A. TORRALVA 6 SURREY LANE LONG VALLEY NJ 07853 (“Owner”) Contract number 2119059 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: LORRAINE MCLAREN & EBY A. TORRALVA An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9438, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by
reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9438-G38 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2339, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. MARY A. DEVITT 176 UNION ST MONTGOMERY NY 12549-1315 (“Owner”) Contract number 1845826 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: MARY A. DEVITT An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9446, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9446S-12 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2349, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. PAUL A. MAINZER 23730 MEADOW DR NE AURORA OREGON 97002 (“Owner”) Contract number 9456645 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: PAUL A. MAINZER An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9512, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9512-G36 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2347, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associ-
ated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. DONALD W. BLACKBURN & JEANNE C. BLACKBURN 206 SEQUOYA ROAD LOUISVILLE KY 40207-1659 (“Owner”) Contract number 2871383 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: DONALD W. BLACKBURN & JEANNE C. BLACKBURN An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9522, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9522-S-10 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2355, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. ARNOLD D. HILL & VIRGINIA A. HILL 8103 BAY TERRACE HARVEY CEDARS NJ 08008 (“Owner”) Contract number 8397146 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: ARNOLD D. HILL & VIRGINIA A. HILL An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9522, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9522-G-18 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2357, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. PAUL P. TORRES 8035 NW MASTERN AVE PARKVILLE MISSOURI 64152-4003 (“Owner”) Contract number 2858879 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: PAUL P. TORRES An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9525, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining M D w H m ND O m N m
DECEMBER 14–20, 2023
LEGAL NOTICES in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2361, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. RICHARD E. WILSON, SHARON I. GALLAGHER & SEAN G. WILSON 8379 BEECH LN WARRENTON VA 20186 (“Owner”) Contract number 1071511 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: RICHARD E. WILSON, SHARON I. GALLAGHER & SEAN G. WILSON An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9528, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9528-G-15 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2363, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. BRENT S. SHADOAN & MARY M. SHADOAN 7812 WINDY HILL COURT DUBLIN OH 43016 (“Owner”) Contract number 3268075 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: BRENT S. SHADOAN & MARY M. SHADOAN An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9534, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9534-G40 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2369, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. DONALD MORACZ & MOLLY MORACZ 32429 LEGACY POINT PARKWAY AVON LAKE OH 44012 (“Owner”) Contract number 2850034 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beau-
DECEMBER 14–20, 2023
fort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: DONALD MORACZ & MOLLY MORACZ An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9537, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9537P-27 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2371, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. ASHOK D. AJGAONKAR & GITA R. AJGAONKAR 1840 TINKERS COVE RD. CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22911-7413 (“Owner”) Contract number 3092653 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: ASHOK D. AJGAONKAR & GITA R. AJGAONKAR An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9546, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9546S-09 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 32/2232, 156/2387 of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. ASHOK D. AJGAONKAR & GITA R. AJGAONKAR 1840 TINKERS COVE RD. CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22911-7413 (“Owner”) Contract number 3092653 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: ASHOK D. AJGAONKAR & GITA R. AJGAONKAR An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9546, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9546S-10 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2403, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County,
South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. RONALD L. BEBERNES & JUDITH L. BEBERNES 225 Morning Mist Lane WOODSTOCK GA 30188 (“Owner”) Contract number 4831075 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: RONALD L. BEBERNES & JUDITH L. BEBERNES An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9552, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9552S-46 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2391, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. RICHARD C. SCHNEIDER & MARCIA E. SCHNEIDER 761 WEST DESERT HILLS DRIVE GREEN VALLEY ARIZONA 85622 (“Owner”) Contract number 3048738 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: RICHARD C. SCHNEIDER & MARCIA E. SCHNEIDER An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9557, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9557S-46 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2397, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. HOWARD R. BROWN, AS TRUSTEE OF THE HOWARD R. BROWN TRUST AGREEMENT DATED SEPTEMBER 10, 2010 320 Lyncroft Road New Rochelle NY 10804 (“Owner”) Contract number 9785941 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: HOWARD R. BROWN, AS TRUSTEE OF THE HOWARD R. BROWN TRUST AGREEMENT DATED SEPTEMBER 10, 2010 An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9619, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of
Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9619P-25 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2409, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. ROBERT D. MAUK & MARY S. MAUK 4934 SPRING ROAD HUNTINGTON WV 25705 (“Owner”) Contract number 3096682 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: ROBERT D. MAUK & MARY S. MAUK An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9635, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9635-G18 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2427, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. ROBERT D. MAUK & MARY S. MAUK 4934 SPRING ROAD HUNTINGTON WV 25705 (“Owner”) Contract number 3096682 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: ROBERT D. MAUK & MARY S. MAUK An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9636, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9636S-05 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2413, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale.
NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. RONALD J. SUCHECKI & MELINDA SUCHECKI 1237 AUTUMN OAK CIRCLE CHINA SPRING TX 76633-2864 (“Owner”) Contract number 1645966 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: RONALD J. SUCHECKI & MELINDA SUCHECKI An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9639, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9639-B03 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 151/22, 157/729 of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. ROBERT L. JOHNSON & ANN JOHNSON, AS TRUSTEES OF THE JOHNSON FAMILY TRUST OF FEBRUARY 22, 2005 325 NEVIS TRAIL MT PLEASANT SC 29464 (“Owner”) Contract number 7136138 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: ROBERT L. JOHNSON & ANN JOHNSON, AS TRUSTEES OF THE JOHNSON FAMILY TRUST OF FEBRUARY 22, 2005 An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9646, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9646S-05 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2415, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. DAVID F. KELLY, LORINE M. GETZ & KENNETH L. GETZ 1717 HOMEWOOD BLVD APT#342 DELRAY BEACH FL 33445-6804 (“Owner”) Contract number 3604820 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: DAVID F. KELLY, LORINE M. GETZ & KENNETH L. GETZ An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9647, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described
property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9647-B50 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2417, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. JAMES J. CAPUTO 1268 STADLER RIDGE ROAD WINSTON SALEM NC 27106 (“Owner”) Contract number 3000077 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: JAMES J. CAPUTO An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9652, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9652-G19 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2419, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,821.25. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Barony Beach Club Owners' Association, Inc. v. DELTA HUMAN RESOURCES, INC., A NEW JERSEY CORPORATION 125 WILLOW RIDGE NEW HOLLAND PA 17557 (“Owner”) Contract number 2971561 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: DELTA HUMAN RESOURCES, INC., A NEW JERSEY CORPORATION An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9659, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9659S-44 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 156/2423, of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,776.13. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Grande Ocean Resort Owners’ Association, Inc. v. LOUIS GARGOUR and CHANTAL CROWE-GARGOUR (“Owner”) Contract number 10521810. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L.,
LEGAL NOTICES 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: LOUIS GARGOUR and CHANTAL CROWE-GARGOUR An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8631, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8631S-52; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,847.00. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Grande Ocean Resort Owners’ Association, Inc. v. MICHAEL A. MASSELLI and BARBARA C. MASSELLI (“Owner”) Contract number 6584948. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: MICHAEL A. MASSELLI and BARBARA C. MASSELLI An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8635, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8635-S6; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,847.00. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Grande Ocean Resort Owners’ Association, Inc. v. HARRY PORTER and REBECCA S. FRANKLIN PORTER (“Owner”) Contract number 1138332. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: HARRY PORTER and REBECCA S. FRANKLIN PORTER An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8651, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8651S-46; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time.
The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,657.35. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Grande Ocean Resort Owners’ Association, Inc. v. ROBERT W. TRUPP and ROBIN J. TRUPP (“Owner”) Contract number 1259723. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: ROBERT W. TRUPP and ROBIN J. TRUPP An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8652, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8652G-20; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,847.00. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Grande Ocean Resort Owners’ Association, Inc. v. WILLIAM E. BRYANT, JR. and LINDA S. BRYANT (“Owner”) Contract number 186371. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: WILLIAM E. BRYANT, JR. and LINDA S. BRYANT An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8721, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8721P-31; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,847.00. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Grande Ocean Resort Owners’ Association, Inc. v. AUBREY ERIC RANKIN and LUANNE RANKIN (“Owner”) Contract number 8582648. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: AUBREY ERIC RANKIN and LUANNE RANKIN An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8755, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time.
AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8755B-03; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,847.00. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Grande Ocean Resort Owners’ Association, Inc. v. JAMES HARTSFIELD and STEPHANIE HARTSFIELD (“Owner”) Contract number 10922184. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: JAMES HARTSFIELD and STEPHANIE HARTSFIELD An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8821, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8821S-06; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,847.00. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Grande Ocean Resort Owners’ Association, Inc. v. RITA G CHRISTOPHER and (“Owner”) Contract number 11532795. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: RITA G CHRISTOPHER and An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8821, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8821S-47; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,847.00. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Grande Ocean Resort Owners’ Association, Inc. v. DAVID A LAUBE and (“Owner”) Contract number 9127859. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: DAVID A LAUBE and An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8841, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said
Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8841S-48; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,847.00. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Grande Ocean Resort Owners’ Association, Inc. v. HAROLD R. HEISER and MARGARET HEISER (“Owner”) Contract number 716752. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: HAROLD R. HEISER and MARGARET HEISER An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8912, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8912S-46; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,847.00. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Grande Ocean Resort Owners’ Association, Inc. v. HAROLD R. HEISER and MARGARET HEISER (“Owner”) Contract number 716752. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: HAROLD R. HEISER and MARGARET HEISER An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8912, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8912S-47; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,847.00. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Grande Ocean Resort Owners’ Association, Inc. v. BARBARA B. GAMBRELL and (“Owner”) Contract number 10687062. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beau-
fort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: BARBARA B. GAMBRELL and An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8916, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8916S-46; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,847.00. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Grande Ocean Resort Owners’ Association, Inc. v. VAN R. POINDEXTER and BONNIE M. POINDEXTER (“Owner”) Contract number 1110533. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: VAN R. POINDEXTER and BONNIE M. POINDEXTER An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8917, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8917S-05; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,847.00. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Grande Ocean Resort Owners’ Association, Inc. v. KENNETH R. CERNI and MAUREEN P. CERNI (“Owner”) Contract number 1460022. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: KENNETH R. CERNI and MAUREEN P. CERNI An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8917, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8917G-42; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $1,576.63. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this
amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Grande Ocean Resort Owners’ Association, Inc. v. WILDA M. DE FUR AS TRUSTEE OF THE DE FUR REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST DATED OCTOBER 17, 2001 and (“Owner”) Contract number 3496824. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: WILDA M. DE FUR AS TRUSTEE OF THE DE FUR REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST DATED OCTOBER 17, 2001 and An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8934, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8934B-03; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,847.00. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Grande Ocean Resort Owners’ Association, Inc. v. BRYAN H. BISSON and MIRIAM BISSON (“Owner”) Contract number 1078339. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: BRYAN H. BISSON and MIRIAM BISSON An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8936, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8936G-39; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,847.00. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Grande Ocean Resort Owners’ Association, Inc. v. JULIE A JENKINS and JOHN A JENKINS III (“Owner”) Contract number 7999380. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: JULIE A JENKINS and JOHN A JENKINS III An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8937, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described M D H m M O M D m m m M D O D D M D D m D D m m m m m G O H m G H M
m ND O mm
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DECEMBER 14–20, 2023
LEGAL NOTICES property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8937G-41; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,847.00. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Grande Ocean Resort Owners’ Association, Inc. v. BERNARD R. LAFORTUNE and DOROTHY A. LAFORTUNE (“Owner”) Contract number 1613552. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: BERNARD R. LAFORTUNE and DOROTHY A. LAFORTUNE An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8938, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8938B-03; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,847.00. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Grande Ocean Resort Owners’ Association, Inc. v. THOMAS M. BIRDWELL, JR and JUDITH G. BIRDWELL (“Owner”) Contract number 1566789. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: THOMAS M. BIRDWELL, JR and JUDITH G. BIRDWELL An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8945, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8945G-23; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,847.00. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Grande Ocean Resort Owners’ Association, Inc. v. ANNE.S. ROSE AS TRUSTEE OF THE ANNE S. ROSE LIVING TRUST, DATED JULY 23, 1996 and (“Owner”) Contract number 2652025. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: ANNE.S. ROSE AS TRUSTEE OF THE ANNE S. ROSE LIVING TRUST, DATED JULY 23, 1996 and An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8952, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort
Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8952S-06; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,847.00. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Grande Ocean Resort Owners’ Association, Inc. v. CONOVER COPORATION and (“Owner”) Contract number 5606. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: CONOVER COPORATION and An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8959, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “As Built Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8959G-20; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $2,847.00. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Harbour Club Owners' Association, Inc., v. GAIL SIDLEK 1538 Centre St Apt 505 Detroit MICHIGAN 48226 1538 Centre St Apt 505 Detroit MICHIGAN 48226 (“Owner”) Contract number 10846. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: GAIL SIDLEK, And Junior Lienholders and An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 3913, Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying, situate and being in Sea Pines Plantation, on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated February 20, 1990, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, and by reference to that certain plat entitled As-Built Survey of Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., said plat being dated February 27, 1990 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 38 at Page 51. And also, all rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of the Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime. And also, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to the Owner Use Period 11, as contained in that certain Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions for Floating Time (hereinafter referred to as Supplemental Declaration), which is attached as Exhibit H to the above-reference Master Deed. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 155/2383 of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a
non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $ 3335.76. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Harbour Club Owners' Association, Inc., v. ASHLEY M RICHARDSON 684 PERRY RIDGE RD CARDONDALE COLORADO 81623 684 PERRY RIDGE RD CARDONDALE COLORADO 81623 (“Owner”) Contract number 10290066. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: ASHLEY M RICHARDSON, And Junior Lienholders and An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 3923, Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying, situate and being in Sea Pines Plantation, on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated February 20, 1990, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, and by reference to that certain plat entitled As-Built Survey of Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., said plat being dated February 27, 1990 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 38 at Page 51. And also, all rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of the Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime. And also, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to the Owner Use Period 31, as contained in that certain Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions for Floating Time (hereinafter referred to as Supplemental Declaration), which is attached as Exhibit H to the above-reference Master Deed. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 155/2391 of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $ 3335.76. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Harbour Club Owners' Association, Inc., v. RICHARD R.CROW 2488 WOODFIELD CIR LEXINGTON KY 40515-1200 MARY J. CROW 2488 WOODFIELD CIR LEXINGTON KY 40515-1200 (“Owner”) Contract number 3205099. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: RICHARD R.CROW, MARY J. CROW And Junior Lienholders and An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 3923, Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying, situate and being in Sea Pines Plantation, on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated February 20, 1990, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, and by reference to that certain plat entitled As-Built Survey of Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., said plat being dated February 27, 1990 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 38 at Page 51. And also, all rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of the Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime. And also, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to the Owner Use Period 46, as contained in that certain Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions for Floating Time (hereinafter referred to as Supplemental Declaration), which is attached as Exhibit H to the above-reference Master Deed. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 155/2392 of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $ 3335.76. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Harbour Club Owners' Association, Inc., v. DOUGLAS A. MOORE 218 Ridgelea Dr. Williamstown KY 41097 PENNY D. MOORE 218 Ridgelea Dr. Williamstown KY 41097 (“Owner”) Contract number 8063625. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: DOUGLAS A. MOORE, PENNY D. MOORE And Junior Lienholders and An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No.
3931, Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying, situate and being in Sea Pines Plantation, on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated February 20, 1990, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, and by reference to that certain plat entitled As-Built Survey of Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., said plat being dated February 27, 1990 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 38 at Page 51. And also, all rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of the Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime. And also, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to the Owner Use Period 19, as contained in that certain Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions for Floating Time (hereinafter referred to as Supplemental Declaration), which is attached as Exhibit H to the above-reference Master Deed. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 155/2395 of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $ 3335.76. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Harbour Club Owners' Association, Inc., v. BARBARA J. LEE 2424 CARRIAGE HILL DR BELLEFONTAINE OH 43311-9430 2424 CARRIAGE HILL DR BELLEFONTAINE OH 433119430 (“Owner”) Contract number 1338728. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: BARBARA J. LEE, And Junior Lienholders and An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 3937, Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying, situate and being in Sea Pines Plantation, on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated February 20, 1990, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, and by reference to that certain plat entitled As-Built Survey of Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., said plat being dated February 27, 1990 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 38 at Page 51. And also, all rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of the Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime. And also, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to the Owner Use Period 6, as contained in that certain Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions for Floating Time (hereinafter referred to as Supplemental Declaration), which is attached as Exhibit H to the above-reference Master Deed. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 155/2399 of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $ 3335.76. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Harbour Club Owners' Association, Inc., v. DONALD N. LEE 2424 CARRIAGE HILL DR BELLEFONTAINE OH 43311-9430 2424 CARRIAGE HILL DR BELLEFONTAINE OH 433119430 (“Owner”) Contract number 17815. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: DONALD N. LEE, And Junior Lienholders and An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 3939, Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying, situate and being in Sea Pines Plantation, on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated February 20, 1990, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, and by reference to that certain plat entitled As-Built Survey of Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., said plat being dated February 27, 1990 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 38 at Page 51. And also, all rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of the Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime. And also, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to the Owner Use Period 19, as contained in that certain Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions for Floating Time (hereinafter referred to as Supplemental Declaration), which is attached as Exhibit H to the above-reference Master Deed. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 155/2402 of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina.
Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $ 3335.76. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Harbour Club Owners' Association, Inc., v. BART FOREMAN 4770 UNDERWOOD LN N UNIT D MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA 55442-2373 PHYLLIS FOREMAN 4770 UNDERWOOD LN N UNIT D MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA 55442-2373 (“Owner”) Contract number 25110. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: BART FOREMAN, PHYLLIS FOREMAN And Junior Lienholders and An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 3947, Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying, situate and being in Sea Pines Plantation, on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated February 20, 1990, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, and by reference to that certain plat entitled As-Built Survey of Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., said plat being dated February 27, 1990 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 38 at Page 51. And also, all rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of the Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime. And also, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to the Owner Use Period 37, as contained in that certain Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions for Floating Time (hereinafter referred to as Supplemental Declaration), which is attached as Exhibit H to the above-reference Master Deed. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 155/2410 of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $ 3373.79. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Harbour Club Owners' Association, Inc., v. EDWARD CASSAVELL 22190 RED LAUREL LN ESTERO FL 33928-2975 LOIS CASSAVELL 22190 RED LAUREL LN ESTERO FL 33928-2975 (“Owner”) Contract number 17619. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: EDWARD CASSAVELL, LOIS CASSAVELL And Junior Lienholders and An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 3951, Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying, situate and being in Sea Pines Plantation, on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated February 20, 1990, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, and by reference to that certain plat entitled As-Built Survey of Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., said plat being dated February 27, 1990 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 38 at Page 51. And also, all rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of the Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime. And also, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to the Owner Use Period 13, as contained in that certain Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions for Floating Time (hereinafter referred to as Supplemental Declaration), which is attached as Exhibit H to the above-reference Master Deed. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 155/2412 of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $ 3336.22. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Harbour Club Owners' Association, Inc., v. JOHN L BATTLE 1704 POPE CT WILMINGTON NC 28405-4127 MARY A BATTLE 1704 POPE CT WILMINGTON NC 28405-4127 (“Owner”) Contract number 23778. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston,
SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside the Beaufort County Government Center, 100 Ribaut Street, Beaufort, SC 29902 beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: JOHN L BATTLE, MARY A BATTLE And Junior Lienholders and An undivided 1/51 fractional interest in Unit No. 3953, Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying, situate and being in Sea Pines Plantation, on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc., establishing the said Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated February 20, 1990, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, and by reference to that certain plat entitled As-Built Survey of Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants of Hilton Head Island, Inc., said plat being dated February 27, 1990 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 38 at Page 51. And also, all rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of the Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime. And also, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to the Owner Use Period 18, as contained in that certain Supplemental Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations and Conditions for Floating Time (hereinafter referred to as Supplemental Declaration), which is attached as Exhibit H to the above-reference Master Deed. The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as evidenced by the Claim(s) of Lien duly recorded in the following Official Records Lien Book/Page: 155/2417 of the Public Records of Beaufort County, South Carolina. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 8, 1990 in Deed Book 547 at Page 1082, as supplemented or amended (the “Master Deed”) as provided for in Article XX(B) of the Master Deed,the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $ 3335.76. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Monarch at Sea Pines Owners' Association, Inc. v. LACEY D TYLER and Kiley Tyler 537 ARBOR LANE OSWEGO IL 60543 (“Owner”) Contract number : 0100364455 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside of the Beaufort County Government Center Entrance, 100 Ribaut Rd, Beaufort, SC 29902, beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: LACEY D TYLER and Kiley Tyler Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 33 in UNIT NO 3744, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XIV, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XIV, recorded in the Beaufort County Records, and all applicable amendments thereto. The The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as provided for by the Mortgage for Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc. duly recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Horry County, South Carolina, in Mortgage Book/Page 4137 / 358, as amended. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XIV, recorded in the Beaufort County Records, and all applicable amendments thereto (the “Master Deed”). As provided for in the Master Deed, as amended, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $10,206.76. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Monarch at Sea Pines Owners' Association, Inc. v. PATRICIA L WHITELEY and CURTIS A WHITELEY 4135 SAN MARCO DRIVE GLEN ALLEN VA 23060 (“Owner”) Contract number : 0100154059 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that according to the Notice of Sale recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Beaufort County, South Carolina, Daniel C. Zickefoose, as Trustee/Attorney and Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L., 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300, North Charleston, SC 29405 (“Creditor/Lienholder”), will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, outside of the Beaufort County Government Center Entrance, 100 Ribaut Rd, Beaufort, SC 29902, beginning at 10:00 a.m. on January 3rd , 2024, the following described Property: AS TO: PATRICIA L WHITELEY and CURTIS A WHITELEY Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 46 in UNIT NO 3642, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase IX, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase IX, recorded in the Beaufort County Records, and all applicable amendments thereto. The The sale of the Property is to satisfy the past due obligations of the Owner(s) as provided for by the Mortgage for Marriott Ownership Resorts, Inc. duly recorded in the Register of Deeds Office for Horry County, South Carolina, in Mortgage Book/Page 2949 / 2554, as amended. Owner is currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase IX, recorded in the Beaufort County Records, and all applicable amendments thereto (the “Master Deed”). As provided for in the Master Deed, as amended, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. The total amount due as of the date of the Foreclosure Sale is $7,149.71. If additional costs and/or fees associated with the foreclosure and sale are incurred, such additional costs and/or fees shall be added to this amount on the date of the Foreclosure Sale.
DECEMBER 14–20, 2023