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DECEMBER 23–29, 2021
Mace pays visit to ‘Monkey Island’ US Rep. invites media to Morgan Island in effort to end experimentation
Republican Congresswoman Nancy Mace, center left, discusses animal cruelty issues that have recently come to light regarding primates on Morgan Island (seen in background) with reporters Thursday afternoon. Mace alleges that Morgan Island, often referred to as Monkey Island, is a primary source of primates for animal experimentation. Photo by Bob Sofaly.
By Mike McCombs U.S. Rep. Nancy Mace, who represents the 1st Congressional District of South Carolina, said she had long known about “Monkey Island,” as Beaufort County’s Morgan Island is often called. But like most Beaufort County residents she said had talked to, Mace said she was under the impression the rhesus macaques that live there were “retired” and no longer used for medical testing.
That is until last month, when an organization called the White Coat Waste Project contacted Mace and informed her monkeys from Morgan Island were, in fact, being used for medical testing on the taxpayers’ bill. The information Mace received led to her trip to Beaufort last Thursday, Dec. 16, when she met with members of the media and traveled by boat to Morgan Island to call attention to her efforts to end taxpayer-funded experimentation on monkeys from Morgan Island. “I want it to stop,” Mace said. If the experimentation isn’t stopped immediately, Mace is hope-
ful for steps toward ending the testing and spare the taxpayers the cost. “I can not look at the pictures of what they’re doing to these monkeys,” Mace said. “It’s gruesome. It’s disgusting. And I want to educate the folks in the Lowcountry about what’s happening, what’s happening here, what’s happening in their own back yard.” Justin Goodman, Vice President of Advocacy and Public Policy for White Coat Waste, a watchdog group fighting to stop taxpayer-funded animal experiments, said the organization, about a month ago, was review-
Public should demand more scrutiny of school district
eaufort County School District teacher Amanda Patel filed a class-action, Breach of Contract lawsuit against her employer, the Beaufort County School District, on December 8, 2021. The complaint can be found on the Beaufort County Public Index. Essentially, the complaint asserts that the BCSD has shortchanged teachers the hourly rate promised them per their contract and district regulations for dual modality (teaching both in-person and virtual simultaneously). The Complaint also alleges that the Board of Education violated its adopted Salary and Stipend Schedule by awarding certified staff a one-time $1,000 bonus to teachers in lieu of the hourly rate due them per the Schedule. The $1,000 one-time bonus was proposed and voted on by the board in response to Gov. McMaster’s “Dual Modality Law.” The “Dual Modality Law” provides in part: In the event that a school district determines it necessary for a teacher to deliver dual modality instruction, the school district must provide additional compensation to the teacher. This is not an inconsequential lawsuit. On the contrary, any teacher compensation dispute in the midst of a widespread teacher shortage is anything but. So why hasn’t this been reported in local news outlets? I’ll get to that in a minute. Taking on Goliath, aka the BCSD, is an extraordinary risk for an established, well-regarded teacher like Ms. Patel. After all, retaliation is not unheard of in our district’s annals for those who’ve ventured down this perilous path. But what underscores Ms. Patel’s extraordinary bravery is that she not only filed the suit on behalf of her-
Aria Rintz, 6, carries a wreath half as big as she is during the Wreaths Across America event Saturday. Children large and small and veterans of all ages laid wreaths on each headstone, spoke the veteran’s name and maintained a brief moment of silence for each person interred at the Beaufort National Cemetery. Photo by Bob Sofaly.
‘Everybody gets a wreath’ For 1st time, every headstone at Beaufort National Cemetery has Christmas wreath
By Erin Bowman The announcer’s voice rang out over Beaufort National Cemetery Saturday morning over the rumble of four tractor trailers and 230 escort motorcycles.
“And there they are, the Wreaths Across America trucks! This started out with seven wreaths at the beginning and now look at these trucks!” For the first time since the pro-
gram began in Beaufort in 2007, every one of the 26,000 interments at the cemetery is graced with a wreath. “Everybody gets a wreath. They are all veterans, these
are my brothers and sisters,” Wreaths Across America coordinator David Edwards said. More than 1,000 people –
Maritime Center renamed to honor Sharon, Dick Stewart
By Margaret Evans On Monday, Dec. 21, a large group of family, friends, supporters, and staff of the Port Royal Sound Foundation gathered on Lemon Island to celebrate the renaming of its Maritime Center in honor of founding members Sharon and Dick Stewart. The Stewarts were introduced by the Foundation’s Executive Director Jody Hayward and Board President Dean Moss, then each made remarks. Sharon Stewart spoke passionately about her lifelong love of the water.
Special Pull Out Section Holiday Gift Guide
Dick Stewart followed, saying, “A mentor once told me, when possible, I should speak after the senior manager. I’m pleased to follow the CEO and president of our family, my best friend, and the love of my life. Thank you, Sharon.” He then spoke about the early days of the Foundation, saying its birth had coincided with the birth of his first grandchild, Alex (10), who was in attendance. The Maritime Center, he said, was “born” just a couple of months after his second grandchild, Drew (7), also
in attendance. He thanked his grandchildren for their inspiration, saying that without them, he and his wife would not be receiving this honor. “Their birth caused us to reflect on the world we want for future generations,” he said. “The Maritime Center is located in the center of Port Royal Sound,” Stewart continued. “It sits on the shores of the clean Chechessee River. We hoped this Center would be
Sharon and Dick Stewart with their daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren at the renaming event at the Port Royal Sound Foundation. SEE CENTER PAGE A3 Photo by Jeff Evans.
Polaris Tech seeks to expand to K-12 school for 202324 school year.
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Jeff & Margaret Evans
FOUNDING PUBLISHERS Elizabeth Harding Newberry Kim Harding
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The Braves, the 2021 Beaufort County Adult Baseball League Fall Champions, are from left, front row: Rob Lemieux, Tyler Wester, Zack McClam and Steve Vega. Back row from left are: Jim Adams, Wes Anderson, Justin Litchfield, Jamie Langford and Jeremy Smith. They are holding the No. 11 jersey of friend and former teammate Chase Goude, who died in a house fire in March. Photo by Bob Sofaly. To submit a Lowcountry Life photo, you must be the photographer or have permission to submit the photo to be published in The Island News. Please submit high-resolution photos and include a description and/or names of the people in the picture and the name of the photographer. Email your photos to
Beaufort’s David Zeoli, 63, joined the U.S. Marine Corps in 1976 in Philadelphia. After Boot camp and personnel administration training, he was assigned to Parris Island servicing records, pay and orders. His next assignment was to Iwakuni, Japan for a tour before returning to PI. Heading west he next served at Kaneohe, Hawaii, from which he deployed on USS Belleau Wood (LHA-3). Returning again to PI he served in adminis-
Frederick Graham Trask October 6, 1945 – December 15, 2021 Fred G. Trask shuffled off this mortal coil on December 15, 2021, at his home in Beaufort, S.C. He was 76 years old. He was born in Wilmington, N.C., to Flora Graham Trask and John Maurice Trask, Sr. and brought home to an idyllic childhood on Bay Street overlooking the Beaufort River. He spent his youth divided between the freedom of small town living and the joy of summers at Wrightsville Beach, N.C., with his extended family of aunts and uncles and rambunctious cousins. He enjoyed Little League baseball, being an acolyte at St. Helena’s Episcopal Church, and riding his bike on the sandy back-
Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office, 12 years as a volunteer with the S.C. State Guard rising to Lt. Col. and Battalion Commander, and seven years with the Civil Air Patrol, including Squadron Commander. Today he works at Technical College of the Lowcountry.
tration, then two years as a Drill Instructor. Next he was assigned for four years training Marine re-
roads of the old town. He left the comforts of home to attend Episcopal High School in Alexandria, Va., where he played quarterback on the cake football team and had many adventures circumventing the constraints of an all-boy prep school. He moved on to Beaufort High School where he established himself as a bon vivant and a ladies’ man. Upon graduation in 1963, Fred worked for a year alongside his father on the family farm at Kane Island, learning the secrets of successful farming and developing a physique like Arnold Schwarzenegger. His newly acquired brawn snagged him a wife, Jean Lindesay Wessell of Wilmington, N.C., and the newlyweds repaired to Chapel Hill, N.C., where Fred graduated from the University of North Carolina with a degree in English. After graduation the couple resided for a year on North Street in Beaufort. During this time Fred taught English and Sex Education at Beaufort High School and having made his contribution to the burgeoning minds of Beaufort youth, left early to make a pilgrimage to the tomb shrine of Avatar Meher Baba in Ahmednagar, India. A job offer in North Myrtle Beach drew Fred to Windy Hill, S.C., where he built a home with his own two hands. Sadly the marriage
didn’t last, but the stoutly built bungalow remains perched on a sandy hill to this day. During his stay in Myrtle Beach, Fred worked as a newspaper reporter, house painter, and carpenter, and began to dabble in real estate, a pursuit that would last a lifetime. After marriage in 1975 to Mary Louise Garrison of Myrtle Beach and the birth of their daughter Mary in 1977, Fred moved his little family to his hometown of Beaufort. He established his own real estate firm and began his lifelong career of sales and development. In 1989 a daughter, Julia, was added to the family. In the midst of all this he managed to write a family history to honor his father. “The Carolina Trasks: An Informal History” sits proudly on the shelves of many public libraries and private homes. To honor his mother he compiled a collection of recipes and family anecdotes in a cookbook entitled “Flora’s Favorites.” The author of many poems, stories, and letters to the editor, his only regret was that his hilarious satire of Beaufort life, “6.9 on the Richter Scale,” was never performed publicly. He never retired, and even in the last weeks of his life he was still wheeling and dealing. He was known for his sharp wit and dogged determination. He was a talented athlete, a gifted writer,
a feisty friend, a worthy opponent, a charming companion, an ardent husband, a loving father, a generous grandfather, and a longtime devotee of Avatar Meher Baba. He was predeceased by his parents Flora and John M. Trask, Sr. and his first wife, Lindesay Wessell Reiter. He is survived by his wife Louise Garrison Trask, of Beaufort, his children Mary Trask (DJ Henry) of Beaufort, Julia Trask of Front Royal, Va., and Denise Buckwalter (David Orr) of Lancaster, Pa.; his grandchildren James and Arthur Henry of Beaufort, Rowan McKenzie of Front Royal, Va., and Noah Kuhn of Lancaster, Pa.; his brothers John M. Trask, Jr. (Caroline) of Beaufort, and George G. Trask (Connie) of Beaufort, and Charles H. Trask (Molly) of Southport, N.C., and many nieces and nephews. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to Friends of Caroline Hospice at, Shriner’s Hospitals for Children , or the Meher Spiritual Center The family wishes to acknowledge the skilled and loving care given by Dr. Lucius Laffitte, Wendy, Sally, Michelle, Nancy and Dr. Coleman at Lowcountry Dialysis Clinic, and the kind and merciful ministrations of the nurses and staff of Friends of Carolina Hospice.
PAL PETS OF THE WEEK Cat of the Week: Billy wins for the chunkiest cheeks of 2021. Billy has a calm temperament and would do well in a quiet household. He found his way to us all the way from Atlanta, he is ready for his family. He is a year and a half old, neutered, up to date on vaccines, and microchipped.
– Compiled by John Chubb, American Legion Post 9. For nominations, contact
Dog of the Week: Harley is one of the longest residents at our adoption center. She is ready for a family who loves to exercise. She would adore a home where she is the only pet so she can soak up all of the attention. She is 4 years old, spayed, up to date on vaccines, and microchipped.
If you are interested in adopting Billy, Harley, or any of our other pets, call our adoption center at 843-645-1725 or email us at info@ palmettoanimalleague. org to set up an appointment.
A reminder: Palmetto Animal League is waiving adoption fees for kittens, cats, and dogs until January 1 for its Season of Second Chances. A2
DECEMBER 23–29, 2021
Betty Davis
serves in New Jersey then back to PI as a rifle range instructor and later Staff Non-commissioned Officer in Charge of the range. He then made an unaccompanied tour in Okinawa before returning to MCAS Beaufort to retire in 1997 as a Master Sergeant. In all, he and his wife, Barbara, married 45 years, have lived in 18 houses in the 20 years with the Corps, while raising six children. After retirement David served 25 years with the
David Zeoli
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To be thrilled, or not to be thrilled?
BEAUFORT Washington Post travel writer did a lovely little piece on the city earlier this month, encouraging readers to “bypass crowded Charleston for tranquil Beaufort.” “Lovely” piece is a relative term since some folks were thrilled and some, not so thrilled. You could get an indication of some of the responses by reading comments posted on the city of Beaufort’s Facebook page where the article was reposted. Those concerned about the economic viability of the area fall into the “thrilled” sector, welcoming the publicly paidfor efforts of the Lowcountry tourism and development agencies and their successes in bringing in folks with dollar bills, or credit cards to local restaurants, shops and real estate offices.
from page A1 a physical beacon for people who love the waters and the lands of the Port Royal Sound area. We hoped those people would express that love by making the Center a place of learning and teaching for all ages. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you! You have exceeded our grandest hopes.” After the ribbon cutting ceremony, Hayward spoke with The Island News. “There were a lot of people involved in creating the center, and in putting together the mission of the Foundation,”
Those concerned with what changes are taking place in the area, particularly to the environment and the amount of traffic being generated, fall into the “not so thrilled” group. Is it possible to be somewhere in the middle? Progress on new Publix finally tangible BEAUFORT – A recent story on an online news service seemed vaguely familiar: “After years of rumors and false starts, multiple groundbreakings and Hayward said. “But the visionary – the person who could see decades into the future – was always Dick. And he was always driven and supported by Sharon. I told him a long time ago, just keep me on the right path. I’m going to be doing things and checking lists, but you’re the one who has to keep me on the right track.” “Dick has an amazing ability to see past the hard stuff of the day and really be the dreamer for tomorrow,” Hayward continued. “That’s what has driven our success and helped bring more people into the fold, and into the understanding of why this mission is so important.” To learn more about the
lots of infrastructure and road construction, dirt is finally moving at the Publix construction.” This particular news story came from Statesboro, Ga., where the public seems genuinely interested in the arrival of a new grocery store, not unlike the Beaufort community which has been eagerly awaiting the much-rumored Publix store in the former Plaza Shopping Center. Since the town’s last movie theater closed in January 2019 after 44 years of entertainment, customers west of the Beaufort River have been waiting for “their” Publix, becoming increasingly weary of crossing the Woods Bridge to shop at the Lady’s Island Publix. And now, like the news from Statesboro, Beaufort’s Publix is under construction, walls going up with an
anticipated completion date in the fall. In addition, news of a Chipolte Mexican Grill and Five Guys hamburger place also in Beaufort Plaza recently was announced, adding to the number of fast-food options emerging around the Boundary Street-Robert Smalls Parkway area.
A waiting game for Lady’s Island Harris Teeter, Dunkin’ Donuts LADY’S ISLAND – Island residents have been on hold, waiting all year to see some activity on a Harris Teeter site, and now it appears that’s going to be the case for a local Dunkin’ Donuts shop. While grocery store representatives, who have had their permits from the city in hand for months, have been mum on their plans to start construction at the U.S. 802Sams Point Road intersec-
tion, local developer Graham Trask has been trying to move forward with his plans to build a “coffee shop” at 131 Sea Island Parkway. The county Zoning Board of Appeals, for a second time, last week tabled his request for approval because of traffic concerns. The project is located directly across from Bill’s Liquor store and the Grayco shopping center, also where the four lanes of traffic coming from the islands, narrows down to two lanes. The zoning board listened to about an hour of concerns from residents and representatives of the Sea Island Corrider Coalition and the Coastal Conservation League who contended the proposed business with its drive-through service, did not follow the Lady’s Island Village Plan. The plan stresses “walkability” in the
area, rather than additional drive-through businesses. ZBOA member Jane Frederick also pointed out the proposal calls for removal of at least four major oak trees over the size of 25-inches in diameter. The board agreed to table the project until the developers’ traffic consultants could present a traffic impact plan and the county’s traffic consultants could look over it. As one citizen pointed out, the only traffic impact plan that needed to be done was going across town to the Dunkin’ Donuts on Boundary Street during the early morning work hours. Lolita Huckaby Watson is a community volunteer and former reporter/editorial assistant/columnist with The Beaufort Gazette, The Savannah Morning News, Bluffton Today, Beaufort Today and The Robesonian (Lumberton, N.C.). She can be reached at
Sharon and Dick Stewart’s grandchildren help cut the ribbon renaming the Port Royal Sound Foundation’s Maritime Center in their honor. Photos by Jeff Evans. Port Royal Sound Foundation and the Sharon and Dick Stewart Maritime Center, visit
Margaret Evans is the editor of Lowcountry Weekly and the co-publisher of The Island News. She can be reached at
Sharon and Dick Stewart receive a painting by Mary Segars during the ceremony renaming the Port Royal Sound Foundation’s Maritime Center in their honor.
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Plans for development at intersection of Ribaut, Allison roads survives MPC
From staff reports Preliminary plans for 39 homes plus 52,000 square feet of retail/office space and a Beaufort Memorial Hospital-sponsored day care center made it past the Municipal Planning Commission on Monday night despite the concerns of neighbors about the additional development.
Sam Levin of Whitehall Point Holdings received approval to advance with his plans for the 12-acre tract at the corner of Ribaut and Alison Roads which, for years, was the home for 62 mobile homes. He received rezoning from the city to accommodate his plans but now is ready to proceed with development plans.
Levin told the MPC members he had initially planned to build apartment complexes which would be rented at “work force” prices, to accommodate employees at neighboring Beaufort Memorial Hospital and Technical College of the Lowcountry. But in response to complaints from the residential
neighbors, he had lowered the density to 39 homes plus the two two-story retail/commercial buildings, which would be offered at higher prices. The proposed 4,800-foot day care center will be a joint project with the hospital, which needs day care facilities for its employees, Levin said. Several residents of Pine and
Oakhaven streets expressed concerns about the proposal which shows Oakhaven, which now dead-ends off of Battery Creek Road, as a new connector road to Ribaut. They also expressed concern about increased traffic in general. The commissioners, in their motion to approve the proposed sketch, asked the
developer not to include Oakhaven as a connector road although the city’s Development Code encourages connectivity of new streets through subdivisions. Concerns about drainage were also voiced but Levin stressed the area’s new drainage system was designed to support his plans.
BMH changing COVID-19 services From staff reports Beaufort Memorial Hospital (BMH) has announced that it is closing its Port Royal vaccine clinic and drivethrough community testing site. The last day of service at the clinic was Dec. 16 and the last day of free community testing is Thursday, Dec. 23. “We are proud to have offered access to free COVID-19 vaccines and tests as soon as both were widely available to the public,” BMH President and CEO Russell Baxley, MHA. Said in a release. “However, due to continued decline in demand and an increase in availability from other area providers it is time for us to move clinic staffers back to their primary roles and focus on serving the community in other ways.” The Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention(CDC) offers a vaccine finder tool at with the ability to filter by vaccine type/brand. The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control offers a vaccine locator map at and a map of COVID-19 testing sites at covid-19-testing-locations to make finding a location easy. Tens of thousands of COVID-19 tests have been administered by BMH since teams of hospital staff began testing in emergency tents, school gyms and parking lots nearly two years ago. Beaufort Memorial was a primary vaccinator in the early days of the rollout, vaccinating more than 25,000 people in the first four months of the effort. In addition to establishing
a dedicated vaccine clinic, hospital staff and volunteers worked with local schools, law enforcement and first responders to host drive-thru vaccine clinics in Lady’s Island, Beaufort and Okatie, vaccinating up to 1,200 patients per event and then doing it all again to provide second doses 21 days later. Nearly one year later, Beaufort Memorial has administered nearly 60,000 vaccines to more than 37,000 people ages 5 to 100. “Our team continues to play a significant role in the fight against COVID-19 and we’re grateful for their commitment. We also appreciate the dozens of hospital and community volunteers who helped us accomplish what would otherwise have been a near-insurmountable task,” Baxley said.
Farm Bureau gets Women's Award Beaufort County Farm Bureau Women's Committee Co-Chair Laura Hansen (right) received a special achievement award on behalf of Beaufort County from S.C. Farm Bureau State Women's Leadership Committee Chair Megan Floyd (left) during the organization's 78th Annual Meeting held recently in Myrtle Beach. Ann Ackerman also serves as Co-Chair of the committee. Beaufort County was recognized for having one of the top Farm Bureau women's programs in the state during 2021. Over the course of the year, women’s programs statewide reported nearly 4,900 volun-
Monkey from page A1
ing U.S. government reports about laboratories and how many animals they have and what pain levels they’re exposed to. These reports are mandated by the Federal government of all labs and breeding facilities. “… We happened on a report for Morgan Island and 3,500 monkeys that were being held and not used for research,” Goodman said. “When we started to look into what those monkeys were being used for, there were Justin published paGoodman pers where they were doing things like injecting monkeys with ebola, MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome), tuberculosis, … and they were citing Morgan Island as the source of the monkeys.” Goodman said the group then submitted a Freedom of Information Act request and learned that 500 to 600 monkeys a year were taken from the island and sent to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), specifically Dr. Anthony Fauci’s division, and used in experiments that involved inducing excruciating pain and distress and not treating it.
DECEMBER 23–29, 2021
Lucas Lynch meets with some of the team at the Keysering Cancer Center: (L to R) Karin Lynch, Lucas’ Mom and a medical assistant with Beaufort Memorial Oncology Specialists; Amanda Martin, practice manager at Oncology Specialists; Lucas; Nikki Olson-Hanks, practice operations administrator; Mark Hennigan, oncology/infusion director; and LaQuantaye Harris, donor liaison for the Beaufort Memorial Foundation. Submitted photo.
A thoughtful gift
teer hours carrying out agricultural literacy activities. South Carolina Farm Bureau is a grassroots, non-profit organization that celebrates and supports family farmers, locally grown food and our rural lands through legisla“We brought the information to her because it was in her district and she immediately sprung into action, writing a letter to Dr. Anthony Fauci and planning this trip,” Goodman said. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, a division of the NIH, confirmed in a statement to The Island News that “researchers work with approximately 400 to 600 rhesus macaques from Morgan Island annually for research that helps develop life-saving prevention tools and treatments for diseases affecting public health.” Mace disputes the NIAID’s reasons behind any testing on the monkeys, saying “the FDA says these tests aren’t necessary,” and that testing on animals, in this case monkeys, is simply not necessary to advance a drug or a treatment. According to the NIAID, the 4,500-acre Morgan Island is home to a breeding colony of approximately 3,500 free-ranging, Indian-origin rhesus macaques that has been a source for federal government laboratories since 1979. Initially, 1,400 rhesus macaques were brought here after a herpes outbreak at their breeding colony in Puerto Rico. A former assistant professor at Bowman Gray School of Medicine who had conducted basic research using non-human primate models, David Taub was chosen by
tive advocacy, education and community outreach. The organization, founded in 1944, serves nearly 90,000 member families in 47 chapters. For more information, please visit Photo courtesy of S.C. Farm Bureau.
From staff reports Eleven year-old Lucas Lynch, a member of the Cub Scout pack 272 of the Low Country, stopped by the Beaufort Memorial Keyserling Cancer Center on Dec. 14 with a gift of blankets for the hospital's infusion center patients. Collecting blankets since Thanksgiving, Lucas was able to donate 35 new blankets for patients to use
during their treatments and take home, too. W h e n L y n c h dropped off Lucas his hefty Lynch donation, Oncology/ Infusion Director Mark Hennigan asked him, “What made you decide to donate
Signs posted all along the shoreline of Morgan Island advise visitors to stay away and the leave the primates alone. Photo by Bob Sofaly. Litton Bionetics to help secure the Morgan Island bid for the colony and run the facility. He would later run for and win election as Mayor of the City of Beaufort. Now Taub is a regular columnist for The Island News. He wrote two columns in February of 2019 in which he detailed the history of monkeys in Beaufort County. A quote in the second of the two columns was used by both Mace and Goodman and quoted in numerous media reports as an example of the public being misled about the fate of the monkeys on Morgan Island. “It was then, and remains today, a breeding colony. Exclusively,” Taub wrote. “No research is done using the monkeys. Yet even today ridiculous rumors abound of
Dr. Moreau-style ‘secret research’ out in the boonies on Monkey Island. It is all nonsense. Balderdash. Untrue.” But Taub’s statement is in response to the claims research was being conducted on the island, not that the monkeys weren’t being used for research. In the same piece, he points out that “each year several hundred 2-year old animals were shipped to the FDA in Bethesda, Md., in support of the polio vaccine certification program.” (Taub’s columns from 2019 can be found at https://bit. ly/3edFvMO and https://bit. ly/3yPBR5i.) Morgan Island is currently owned by the S.C. Department of Natural Resources and leased to Charles River Laboratories, Inc., as part of a contract with the NIAID. The
NIAID owns the actual monkeys. The island costs taxpayers roughly $3.5 million a year, what the NIAID pays Charles River, according to Goodman. Charles River in turn pays SCDNR $1.5 million a year to lease the island. According to the NIAID, “the maintenance of the colony is conducted in accordance with all federal laws, regulations and policies, and the animals are provided food, water, and veterinary and other care both on and off the island. No research is conducted on the island. All animal study proposals, including those for work with non-human primates, must be reviewed by an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) composed of veterinarians, community
to the infusion center?” Lynch replied, “I knew it was always cold in hospitals and my mom works for the hospital so I thought it would be a good idea.” Patients and staff at KCC appreciate Lucas' hard work – and the efforts of Cub Scout Pack 272 to inspire charitable giving by young scouts like him.
members, and scientists.” “I’ve done a lot of animal rights legislation and I care a lot about these issues,” Mace said. “… We’ll look at legislative options if Dr. Fauci doesn’t respond (to my letter).” Goodman said his organization will continue to seek more information on what’s being done to the monkeys that leave Morgan Island. Mace said there is a similar colony of monkeys in Florida that are not used for research or experiments. “I want to look at what they’re doing down there,” she said. “What does it cost? How are they managing it? And I want to turn this into the same kind of sanctuary or colony for the monkeys here. I do not want the monkeys used for scientific testing in any way, shape or form.” The freshman Republican believes animal rights is someplace Republicans and Democrats can find common ground, a rare occurrence. “Taking it issue by issue, in small parts, it’s easier to get movement. … Take the most egregious issues, start there, work together, Republicans and Democrats alike,” she said. “And then when we do things really large, we do things that can make a difference and do things in a bi-partisan way.” Mike McCombs is the editor of The Island News and can be reached at
Seabrook woman arrested for strong-arm robbery
The man himself, Santa Claus, flew into Beaufort on Saturday to meet with some of his biggest fans at the Beaufort Executive Airport. Submitted photos.
BDC offers camps for middle schoolers who want to code From staff reports This winter break, the Beaufort Digital Corridor (BDC) will offer an Intro to Coding Day Camp for middle schoolers wishing to learn pre-coding concepts. The day camp will consist of a 3.5 hour in-person course where students will be introduced to the basics of coding through STEM project-based learning that will allow students to create, learn and code. Students
will be instructed on block and text-based programming with Python as well as educational opportunities and careers in related tech fields. In addition to the day camp, students will take home their very own micro:bit pocket-size computer and access to an online project portal with 4 additional hours of STEM project-based learning modules. Students may also earn an
“Intro to Micro:bit Coding” certificate from the BDC. Beginner and intermediate students are welcome. The day camp will take place on December 28, 29 and 30 at the Beaufort Digital Corridor, a high-tech facility located in Downtown Beaufort at 500 Carteret Street. Parents may select one of the three dates offered for their child to attend. Registration is required in advance. Camp will be lead by
Beaufort Digital Corridor’s Cybersecurity Program Manager, Cory Cooper. Cooper is a S.C. certified educator with a Bachelor's in Industrial Technology and a Master's in Technology Education from Ball State University. Over the past 18 years, he's worked with several Fortune 500 companies as well as served as an administrator and taught high school engineering, IT and coding, and PLTW STEM
courses. His local claim to fame includes leading the Lady's Island Middle School Robotics Team to the state championship in the 20192020 school year. To register your child for the Into to Coding Day Camp, please visit our Eventbrite page at https:// For more information about the BDC please contact info@beaufortdigital. com.
SC AG files vaccine mandate appeal to Supreme Court
From staff reports South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson filed with the Supreme Court of the United States early Saturday morning asking it to block the Biden administration’s OSHA vaccine mandate. The filing comes after a panel of the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, in a split 2-1 decision, lifted a stay against the mandate Friday evening. Lifting that stay
Wreath from page A1
many local but some from as far away as Missouri and Louisiana, Edwards said – gathered to reflect and honor those buried in the cemetery. Within minutes of the formal ceremony ending, the cemetery was already lined with rows of red and green. Family members sought out the graves of loved ones and lingered to pray, cry, or reflect quietly. Some volunteers moved more efficiently to ensure no headstone was undecorated, while others crouched carefully over one wreath after another to straighten bows and fluff greenery. “There’s such a variety of ways people lay wreaths,” Pamela Truax said. “Some of them cry over wreaths, some of them pray, some of them talk, some of them are silent and reverent. Especially, when we’re all dealing with the grief of 2021, it’s a neat place to be.” Truax came with members of the Parris Island Spouses
would allow the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to require people who work at companies with 100 or more employees to get vaccinated. “The fight against the Biden mandate continues, even to filing for a stay in the early hours of this morning. The rule of law will prevail and the President’s grasp for power halted,” Attorney General Wilson said in a release.
Attorney General Wilson, 26 other states and a long list of companies and organizations filed the appeal just before 1 a.m. Saturday morning, just a few hours after the Sixth Circuit lifted a stay of the mandate that had been in place. There are three Biden administration vaccine mandates being challenged in court: • This OSHA mandate,
which is now in effect after the Sixth Circuit’s lifting of a stay. • The mandate for healthcare workers. The Fifth Circuit has blocked that mandate in states that have sued to stop the mandate from being enforced. That stay is still in place in the plaintiff states, including South Carolina. The Biden administration has asked
the Supreme Court to lift or stay that injunction. • The federal contractor mandate. A District Court has ordered a temporary injunction to block that mandate nationwide, which is still in effect. The Biden administration may appeal that to the Supreme Court as well. Otherwise, that case will be argued into the new year.
From staff reports Latoya Washington, 34, of Seabrook was arrested Wednesday, Dec. 15, and charged with strong-arm robbery, according to Beaufort City Police spokesperson Capt. George Erdel. At 1:30 p.m., Wednesday, Beaufort Police officers responded to the report of a strong-arm robbery that occurred at the Belk store at 332 Robert Smalls Parkway. The complainant, a Washington 37-year-old woman, reported that while attending to a Salvation Army donation kettle located outside of Bell, she was approached by the suspect Washington. Washington allegedly approached the volunteer and began to yell at her, which caused the complainant to retreat into the store. Washington was then observed by multiple witnesses smashing open the donation kettle on the ground and taking money from it. According to Beaufort Police, when the volunteer attempted to intervene and prevent the theft, Washington shoved her to the ground and fled with money taken from the kettle. An alert citizen driving by the incident followed Washington as she fled into the nearby Walmart, where she was subsequently located by patrol officers and arrested. Washington was charged with strong-arm robbery and transported to the Beaufort County Detention center without incident.
A HEAD START FOR 2022 Through January 14, Wreaths Across America will match every Remembrance Wreath sponsored through a fundraising group for 2022 Wreaths Across America. For additional information, visit waabeaufortsc or https://
Club. As they waited expectantly for the ceremony to begin, President Holly Vega marveled at the growing crowd. “This is something you can bring your children to, to have them experience and ask questions,” Vega said. Beaufort’s Wayne Koeper served four years in the Marine Corps including a tour in Vietnam in 1969. Fifty-two years later, he laid his first wreath for Wreaths Across America. “It’s to honor all the guys I lost, friends I knew,” he said. “I was lucky.” When handed that first wreath, Koeper considered the graves around him, laid the wreath on one, stood up
Cub Scout Aaron Metropolis, 9, of Pack 213, Den 6, brushes dirt off of one the headstones prior to laying a wreath Saturday during the Wreaths Across America event Saturday.
Depot Sgt. Maj. Alvin Mota, left, from Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, and retired Marine Corps Maj. John Stump lay the Marine Corps wreath near the flag during the opening ceremony of Wreaths Across America on Saturday at Beaufort National Cemetery. About 1,500 people attended the event. Photos by Bob Sofaly. and dusted off his hands silently. He summed the moment up in one word – “emotional” – before hustling off to find more wreaths. In a quiet passing of a torch, Elaine Johnson Jones laid one of the first two wreaths distributed Saturday in Beaufort on the grave of her uncle, Purple Heart and Medal of Honor recipient U.S. Marine Corps Private First Class Ralph Henry Johnson. Her mother, Helen Johnson Richards, watched as her daughter assumed the role Richards held for years until a hairline fracture made the walk difficult. “It made me realize why my mom always gets so emotional,” Jones said. “For one, your loved one is gone. I don’t care
how many facets of honoring is done, they’re still not here.” It was personal on another level for Jones as well, as a 20-year veteran of the Air Force. She said she was so impressed at 9 years old with
how smart her uncle looked in his uniform that she was inspired to follow in his footsteps. Cindy Clark drove down from Charleston for the wreath laying. Clark’s father,
Each of the more than 19,000 headstones was decorated with a fresh Christmas wreath during Saturday’s Wreaths Across America event. There were 3,100 ceremonies nationwide, delivering 2.3 million wreaths to veteran’s graves.
Walter Lee Davis Jr., served in the U.S. Air Force in Korea, died in 2014 and is buried in Beaufort National Cemetery. Every year, since she has participated in the wreath laying. This year, a Facebook fundraiser for her birthday raised enough to add 87 wreaths to the record-breaking total and a cause close to her heart. “He always said the best thing he ever did was serve his country, and I was the second best,” she said of her father. “I don’t mind being second to my country.” Erin Bowman is a former newspaper reporter living in Beaufort. After working at the Citizen’s Voice in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., she covered Beaufort for nearly four years at the Beaufort Gazette. DECEMBER 23–29, 2021
Murray elected to SC mayoral association From staff reports Mayor Stephen Murray was elected earlier this year to the board of the Association of South Carolina Mayors. He will serve three years. The organization provides opportunities for mayors to more fully engage in advocating for issues that affect cities and towns; to network, share ideas and best practices with other mayors; and to take part in educational activiStephen ties. Murray “I’m grateful to be a part of this board, and to have the opportunity to engage with my fellow mayors on issues that are important to South Carolina’s cities,” Murray said in a news release. “We can learn from each other.” The board is under the umbrella of the Municipal Association of South Carolina.
Penn Center held it’s annual production of The Nativity Scene on Sunday at the center’s Frisell Community House on St. Helena Island. Photo by Bob Sofaly.
Stormwater Management
Work has begun on Open Land Trust’s Factory Creek Property, also known as Brewer Memorial Park. Plans to create an education component to the property have been in the works between the Open Land Trust and Beaufort County for some time and have finally been initiated. Brewer Memorial Park will house a Stormwater Management Demonstration site that can demonstrate different practices that can be utilized to enhance water quality and reduce erosion. Completion is expected in early 2022. Photo courtesy of Open Land Trust.
City of Beaufort holiday schedule
City of Beaufort offices will be closed for Christmas and New Year’s Day holidays on Friday, Dec. 24, Monday, Dec. 27, and Friday, Dec. 31.
Beaufort County holiday schedule
In observance of the Christmas holiday, all Beaufort County government buildings will be closed Thursday, Dec. 23; Friday, Dec. 24; and Monday, Dec. 27. Offices will also be closed the following Friday, Dec. 31, for New Year's Day. Convenience Centers in Beaufort County will close at 1 p.m., Friday,
Orischak from page A1
self, but for all others in the district “similarly situated.” It’s rare to find an individual
Dec. 24, and will be closed Saturday, Dec. 25. They will resume normal operating hours Sunday, Dec. 26. Beaufort Executive Airport will have self-serve AvGas but no FBO services will be available. Emergency services and law enforcement personnel will remain available.
3 organizations awarded $22,000
At its meeting on Dec. 14, City Council approved allocating $22,068 from its hospitality tax revenues to the Beaufort Downtown Merchants Association, the Beaufort Area Hospitality Association (BAHA), and Friends of the Spanish Moss Trail.
willing to put their livelihood on the line for the greater good. Reporters regularly examine the Public Index for case developments. Some news outlets have even been alerted to this particular case.
Thomas joins Ameris Bank as Beaufort Market President
From staff reports Ameris Bank has announced the hiring of Andy Thomas as market president for Beaufort. In this role, Thomas will report to Regional President for the Carolinas and Executive Vice President Richard Sturm and will work closely with businesses and indiAndy viduals in Thomas the Beaufort area to help meet their loan, deposit and service needs. “We are thrilled to have Andy join our team,” Sturm said in a release. “We are confident his experience, knowledge of the local market and leadership will help
The Downtown Merchants Association and BAHA made a joint proposal to the City for $22,000 to fund collaborative efforts such as First Friday, Live After 5, Sip & Stroll – recurring and special events designed to bring people to the City’s downtown core, and to help in the marketing of downtown Beaufort as a family-friendly destination. These two organizations will receive $18,068. Friends of the Spanish Moss Trail requested $6,426.40 to fund navigational (wayfinding) signs in the downtown Marina area to direct visitors to the trail. This organization will receive $4,000. A City ordinance requires 1.1 percent of budgeted hospitality tax revenue to be allocated annually to
The lack of news coverage on this relevant lawsuit is alarming, and every BCSD teacher should be made aware that one of their colleagues is fighting for them. It gets even more perplexing.
Digital Newspaper
drive our purpose to bring financial peace of mind to customers and communities.” Prior to joining Ameris, Thomas served as the chief lending officer at Beacon Community Bank and has nearly three decades of banking experience. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Clemson University where he studied financial management. Thomas has served the Lowcountry as the chairman and commissioner of the Charleston County Parks and Recreation Commission, and as a board member for
non-profits that promote the downtown economy and tourism.
Interstate lane closures restricted for holidays
To help holiday traffic flow, the S.C. Department of Transportation (SCDOT) prohibits lane closures on interstate highways for non-emergency highway work during the Christmas and New Year’s holiday travel period. These restrictions will be in place from 6 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 23, through 10 p.m. Monday, Jan. 3. With continued progress due to SCDOT’s Strategic 10-Year Plan to rebuild South Carolina’s roads
Though the complaint was filed on December 8, the Board of Education was not informed of the suit at their only December full board meeting according to the posted agenda and discussion.
both the Maritime Association of South Carolina and Kids on Point, an organization that fosters life-readiness skills for children from under-resourced Charleston neighborhoods. “I'm very excited and honored to join the Ameris Bank team,” Thomas said. “Ameris Bank empowers bankers to make decisions and work directly with clients. This results in bankers being able to provide the personal touch of a community bank while having the loan capacity, technology and services of a large regional bank.”
and bridges, more work zones are in place all across South Carolina. SCDOT reminds motorists to remain alert and use caution. “Let ‘em Work. Let ‘em Live.” Motorists may keep up with travel conditions by using SCDOT’s 511 system, which provides real-time traffic information on all South Carolina interstate highways and some of the highways along the coast. Users can call 511 or access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and download the free app. For South Carolina traffic incident information around the clock on Twitter, follow SCDOT's @SCDOTMidlands @SCDOTPiedmont @SCDOTLowCountry and @SCDOTPeeDee. – Staff reports
The public needs to demand more from news reporters covering the Beaufort County School District. The school district oversees the largest budget of all our governmental bodies and municipalities, so let’s give it the
scrutiny it rightly deserves. JoAnn Orischak served as the District 11 Representative to the Beaufort County Board of Education from 2012-2020. She resides on Hilton Head Island and can be reached at JoAnnOrischak.
A customer favorite! Enjoy the classic newspaper format in a digital environment. Published every Thursday, the E-Edition is a digital replica of the print newspaper, with all of the same news and advertising content, on your computer, tablet or smartphone. A6
DECEMBER 23–29, 2021
Santa visits St. Helena Island
The Lady’s Island/St. Helena Fire Department and Penn Center teamed up to host a Santa Claus Christmas Drive Thru and all indications are that it was a success. More than 40 families and their children attended, and toys supplied by the Lady's Island/St. Helena Fire Department were given out. There were smiling faces under the glow of a full moon and a bit of magic in the air. Photos courtesy of Penn Center.
Sea turtle nest disturbance will result in fines and community service From staff reports Three individuals in the Lowcountry of South Carolina are facing fines and restitution in the form of community service work with the S.C Department of Natural Resources’ (SCDNR) sea turtle program after filming themselves digging up a loggerhead nest on Folly Beach this past summer. The incident occurred during the peak of South Carolina’s sea turtle nesting season during July. In early September, SCDNR officers in Charleston County were provided with a copy of a “Snapchat” video that appeared to show two young men digging up a sea turtle nest marked with the highly visible orange tape and signage used by members of SCDNR’s Marine Turtle Conservation program staff and volunteers. Marine biologists with SCDNR’s Marine Resources Division oversee a well-established network of volunteer groups up and down the coast whose members spend countless hours each summer during
nesting season walking the beach to identify and protect the vulnerable nests. The video sent to SCDNR Law Enforcement showed a nesting site marked with an orange SCDNR sign and two individuals digging up – and later attempting to replace – the eggs from the nest. One egg was smashed on the ground during the video, which was being filmed by a third individual. SCDNR Officer Freddie Earhart led the investigation into the source of the video. During the course of his investigation, Officer Earhart was able to identify and locate the three individuals involved. On Sept. 5, Officer Earhart and SCDNR Officer Courtney Angotti-Smith made contact with the three individuals, who were all under the age of 21 and were vacationing with family at the time of the incident. A meeting was set up with all three suspects and their parents, at which time the young men made voluntary statements confirming their involvement
and that they were aware such actions were against the law. The suspects admitted that some of the eggs were damaged and that they tried to rebury the eggs, which ultimately resulted in additional damage. SCDNR Marine Turtle Conservation program coordinator Michelle Pate, using data collected by the Folly Beach Turtle Watch team, was able to confirm that out of ninety eggs remaining in the nest, seventy-one did not hatch. While they could have been charged for each egg disturbed, based on the cooperation of the suspects, five summons for unlawful taking of loggerhead turtle eggs were issued to the three suspects (two each for the individuals who dug up the eggs and one for the individual who filmed them). These charges can carry jail or fines of up to $2,000, as well as restitution. In addition, SCDNR will recommend that all of the individuals charged be required to dedicate community service time to working with SCDNR’s
Marine Turtle Conservation program so they can learn first-hand about how much work goes into protecting sea turtles in South Carolina. SCDNR’s sea turtle program began in 1977 with beach management research and in-water tracking of post-nesting loggerheads. The program further developed in the early eighties with the formation of the nest protection and stranding volunteer networks along the coast of South Carolina. Today, the program provides training and support to more than 1,300 volunteers across the coast who protect nests and document sea turtles that wash ashore. “Educating residents and visitors about how they can provide a positive outcome for sea turtles on our beaches is a never-ending endeavor,” Pate said. “Volunteers involved with conservation work in South Carolina have contributed countless hours to this task. Our volunteers engage with the coastal community daily during the sea-
son to share their excitement about the natural world and our impact sharing the beach with wildlife that need these beaches to survive. Education provides a pathway to inform and foster stewardship, and combined with boots-on-theground work, ensures the continued protection and successful recovery of sea turtle populations.” Those decades of research and hard work supported by Turtle Network volunteers in South Carolina’s coastal communities have paid off. Recent years have seen turtle nest numbers rebounding, though much remains to be done. It was a successful nesting year for South Carolina’s sea turtle population, with 5,649 nests laid in 2021. Because nesting exacts a high energy toll on the large reptiles, female sea turtles do not come ashore to lay eggs every year. This pattern results in nesting fluctuations from year to year – 2019 broke all records with 8,795 nests, but 2018 saw just 2,767 nests. Overall, sea
turtle nest numbers across the Southeast have trended up over the past decade, making biologists across the region optimistic that these threatened reptiles are beginning to recover after several decades of conservation efforts. “I applaud the work of our officers in conducting this investigation in a thorough and prompt way,” SCDNR Law Enforcement Division Deputy Director Col. Chisolm Frampton said in a release. “Hopefully, giving these individuals a chance to make amends by working with the dedicated staff and volunteers who work with our turtle protection program as a part of the Community Service component of their punishment will make a lasting impression on them about the importance of this work and why all of us, as South Carolinians, need to support it.” Learn more about the SCDNR Marine Turtle Conservation program at https://www.
The Historic Port Royal Museum
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. or upon request, Thursdays through Sundays, The Historic Port Royal Museum, 1634 Paris Ave. The museum features the turn-of-the-century businesses and industries of Port Royal: Shrimping, crabbing, oystering, the railroad, the school and the mercantile. Great gifts featuring local artists are available. For more information. visit, email or call 843-524-4333.
Tour Historic Fort Fremont
10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Friday and Saturday, Fort Fremont History Center, Fort Fremont Preserve, 1124 Land’s End Road, St. Helena Island. Docent-led tours are at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. every Saturday. Travel back in time to the 1800s and the Spanish American War. Visitors to Fort Fremont can learn about the fort’s history by reading interpretive panels, taking a self-guided tour with a smart phone, visiting the history center exhibit hall, or attending a docent-led tour of the property. The Preserve is open to the public Monday through Sunday from dawn to dusk. For more information, visit www. or contact Passive Parks manager Stephanie Nagid at snagid@
Port Royal Farmers Market
9 a.m. to noon, Saturdays, year round, 1615 Ribaut Road, Port Royal. Rain or shine. For more information, visit http://www., visit @ portroyalfarmersmarket on Facebook or call 843-295-0058.
“Pull Yourself Up” Group Exercise Class for women
9:30 a.m., select Saturdays, Wardle Family YMCA, 1801 Richmond Ave., Port Royal. This multi-generational women’s group training is a 5-week program taught by Kelly Blackston. It is designed for females who wish to be stronger especially using back muscle shoulders and arms plus build camaraderie and make new friends. Free for ages 13-19; $10 per class for YMCA members; $20 per class for adult non-member. Questions should be directed to Denice Davis, YMCA Healthy Living Program Director at 843-521-1904 or
Christmas Eve on the Green
3:30 to 6:30 p.m., Friday, Dec. 24, Martin Luther King Jr. Park, 860 Sea Island Parkway, St. Helena Island. With Willie Turral and live music by Queen Gwen Yvette. Oyster roast, free meal, a raffle and last-minite Christmas shopping with our vendors. Interested vendors contact 843-575-3483.
Sea Island Rotary Club Community Service blood drive
9 a.m. to 3:45 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 4, Big Red Bloodmobile, Hilton Garden Inn, Beaufort. Future donation dates will be Tuesday, March 8; Tuesday, June 14; Tuesday, Aug. 23; and Tuesday, Nov. 15. OneBlood is testing all blood donations for the COVID-19 antibody. The antibody test is authorized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and will indicate if the your immune system has produced antibodies to the virus, regardless of whether you ever showed symptoms. You will be able to see their results approximately
two to five days after donating by logging into OneBlood’s donor portal at www.oneblood. org. If you test positive for the antibody, you will be eligible to become COVID-19 convalescent plasma donor. All donors will receive a OneBlood gift and a $10 eGift card. Plus, a wellness checkup including blood pressure, temperature, iron count, pulse and cholesterol screening. OneBlood takes extra precautions to ensure that the donation process is safe from the COVID-19 virus including extra cleanings, wearing masks, etc. All time slots are currently available. Contact District Governor-elect Bob Gross, at bob@ or call 843-321-0196 and indicate the time slot that best suits you.
Cost is $150 per boat. All funds raised support Bridges Prep athletic programs. Cash prizes for combined weight. Great opportunity to fish and help support the school. Those interested in sponsoring the event, contact Coach Gruel ( or Gaylets ( To register for the tournament, visit https://bit. ly/31JnBi9.
Friends of Port Royal Cypress Wetlands guided tours
9 a.m., Friday, Jan. 21; Saturday, Feb. 12; Friday, Feb. 25. The Friends of Port Royal Cypress Wetlands (501c3) offers free tours with Master Naturalist Jill Moore from Moore To Life. Tours begin at the amphitheater (Paris Avenue), and you will be guided through the rookery, viewing the many varieties of birds and wildlife and learning the benefits of this stormwater system & working organic laboratory. To sign up for a tour please email Kat Bray at For more information, visit, follow us on Facebook at FriendsofPRCypressWetlands, or on Instagram at friendsofprcypresswetlands.
Bridges Prep Inshore Slam Fishing Tournament
April 8, 9. Captains meeting, TBD. Weigh in at Butler Marine Dry Stack. Species include spottail bass, spotted sea trout and flounder.
1004 11th St. in Port Royal CHRISTMAS EVE
Family Service 4 PM Music & Carols 5:30 Candlelight Serv. 6 PM
Dec. 26 one service 10 AM
Livestreamed Sundays at 9 AM DECEMBER 23–29, 2021
HEALTH & WELLNESS Options & References for a Healthier Life
How to deal with food allergies during the holidays The holidays can be a stressful time, especially if you have food allergies. You may feel pressure to eat at parties or big family meals, where cross-contact may pose a risk to your safety. You may also feel left-out when everyone else enjoys a holiday treat that you have to turn down. But don’t despair! With proper planning and a positive outlook, you can still enjoy the holiday season.
severe food allergies should never eat without an epinephrine auto-injector (ie., epi-pen) on hand. Even if you feel comfortable with the food in front of you, accidents can happen. Don’t hesitate to ask your host about ingredients or to read an ingredient list. If you feel less than confident about the food served, politely decline or avoid it and focus on the good company instead. You may feel a little awkward, but your health and safety are worth it.
Plan ahead.
The holidays are a busy time of year for many people – but you always know when they are coming. Plan for holiday meals and parties by talking with hosts or holding your own seasonal events. Stock your pantry with easy-to-pack snacks and allergy-safe favorites and set realistic expectations for how much feasting you may be able to do. And remember, allergies won’t stop you from enjoying the wonderful sights, sounds, and friendships around you!
Offer to host.
Hosting a big family meal or holiday party is a lot of work—but for some people with food allergies, it is worth the effort. It gives you more control over the environment and the food served, allowing you to feel safe and enjoy yourself at the event.
To prepare allergy-safe food, always:
Read the ingredient list of every product used. It is important to check the ingredient list every time you purchase or use a product, since its contents and manufacturing processes can change without notice. Avoid anything that lists your allergy triggers (allergens) in the
Celebrate in other ways.
ingredient list or a “may contain”-style warning. Take steps to avoid cross-contact (also known as cross-contamination). Cross-contact can happen when small but dangerous amounts of allergen are moved from one place to another, contaminating otherwise allergy-safe foods. If you are preparing both allergenic and allergy-safe foods, you should prepare and serve the allergy-safe foods first, using a clean set of utensils. You should also wash your hands, countertops, and tabletop before and after cooking, serving, or eating any food. Share these rules with guests. If any of your guests offer to bring food or beverages, ask them to follow the
rules above to keep their contributions allergy-safe. You can also politely decline their offer.
Call ahead.
If someone else invites you to a meal or party at their home, call them well in advance to discuss your allergies. Remember to: Tell them about your allergies and how to keep you safe. Some people may not realize that even a small amount of allergen can trigger an allergic reaction. They may not be used to reading ingredient lists or taking steps to avoid cross-contact. Teach them what they need to know and do, in order to prepare safe food for you.
Provide suggestions. If you have a favorite brand of allergy-safe products or a list of recipe substitutions, share them with your host. This will make their job much easier. You may also feel more comfortable when you see a familiar food option served. Offer to bring allergy-safe food options. Your host may appreciate the help! Offer to bring something that compliments the rest of the meal, so you can share it with other guests after serving your own allergy-safe portion. This will allow you the pleasure of eating with others, while staying safe. These rules still apply if you are meeting family, friends, or coworkers at a restaurant or catered event. Call the restau-
Food is a big part of the holiday season and many festivities around the world. However, eating isn’t the only way to spend quality time with family and friends. If you would rather skip the risk and stress of holiday dining, invite your loved ones to celebrate the season in less food-focused ways. For example: Propose an outing. Suggest a trip to your local ice skating rink, sledding hill, or hiking trail or buy tickets to a seasonal concert, play, or movie. Pack your own allergy-safe snacks to enjoy. Get crafty. Tap into your artistic side and gather your friends and family for an afternoon of cutting, gluing, and sewing festive decorations or other seasonal crafts. Bust out the boards. Host a game night, inviting guests to bring their favorite board or card games, instead of food to share. Play seasonal music and stock up on holiday-themed prizes.
rant or caterers beforehand to talk about the event and your allergies.
Arrive prepared.
Even the best-laid plans can go awry. Sometimes, you call ahead only to find that your host has misunderstood or forgotten what you told them. To prepare for that possibility: Enjoy a light meal or hearty snack beforehand. This will help sustain you, even if you find there are few allergy-safe foods at the event. Pack a snack. Slip a couple of allergy-safe snack bars or a piece of fruit into your pocket or purse, in case you need something to nibble on. Bring your epinephrine auto-injector. People with
– excerpted from an article by the Healthline Editorial Team, http://www.
Everywhere That People Care The trusted Care magazine is now back in print as a regular contributor to The Island News, with Karen Mozzo as editor. Together we’ll deliver information, references, and options for a healthier life.
Music is an integral part of the human experience. Songs have been sung for centuries, and music plays an integral role in many cultural ceremonies, rites of passage and other traditions. Love songs may be enjoyed all year long and often stir up strong romantic feelings that enhance heartfelt emotions. Researchers have had an interest in music and its impact on human emotion and perceptions for many years. Music of all genres and styles can be therapeutic and boost mood while bringing listeners pleasure and comfort. Sad music may intensify grief. Music can
evoke strong feelings and may influence how individuals perceive other people and things. According to a study by researchers from the University of London, music affects how people see visual images. In an experiment, 30 subjects were presented with a series of happy or sad musical excerpts. After listening to the songs, the subjects were shown a photograph of a face. Some people were shown a happy face — the person was smiling — while others were exposed to a face with sad or neutral facial expressions. The participants were then asked to rate the emotional content of the
On-the-spot care for minor illnesses and injuries
face. Researchers found that happy music made happy faces seem that much more pleasant, while sad music exaggerated frowns. Similar effects were found with neutral faces. These findings illustrate how music can help improve physical and mental health when used in concert with other strategies. The American Music Therapy Association reports that music therapy programs can be used to manage stress, enhance memory and alleviate pain. Go check it out and let music into your life! For additional information, please visit https://
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’ S DA Y 5
Open evenings and weekends, too! MONDAY-FRIDAY 8 A.M. to 8 P.M.
SATURDAY 8 A.M. to 5 P.M.
SUNDAY 1 P.M. to 5 P.M.
1680 RIBAUT ROAD, PORT ROYAL • 843-524-3344 A8
DECEMBER 23–29, 2021
HEALTH & WELLNESS Options & References for a Healthier Life
Holiday, or anytime stress?
Managing your emotions can save your heart
We often think of the heart and brain as being completely separate from each other. After all, your heart and brain are located in different regions of your body, and cardiology and neurology are separate disciplines. Yet these organs are intimately connected, and when your emotions adversely affect your brain, your heart is affected as well. There are two kinds of stress that impact your brain. Helpful stress (also known as eustress) can assist you with getting things done by helping you focus your attention. Unhelpful stress (distress), on the other hand, can be so severe that it can lead to fatigue and heart disease. If you have coronary artery disease (CAD), your heart may be deprived of oxygen. This deprivation, called myocardial ischemia, can occur in as many as 30% to 50% of all patients with CAD. It can be further exacerbated by
emotional stress. In fact, if you have any type of heart disease, any strong emotion such as anger may also cause severe and fatal irregular heart rhythms. Expressions like “died from fright” and “worried to death” are not just hyperbole—they are physiologic possibilities. Furthermore, when patients with newly diagnosed heart disease become depressed, that depression increases the risk that a harmful heart-related event will occur within that year. The negative impact of emotions when you have no heart disease. Stress can have a big effect on your heart
if you don’t have heart disease. Even in people with no prior heart disease, major depression doubles the risk of dying from heart-related causes. Tend to your emotions for your heart’s sake. It is important to control your worry and stress, not just because you will worry less and feel better, but because less worry means less stress for your heart. This applies to the entire range of stressors, from a small episode of acute panic to a larger context such as living through a natural disaster. A new emotion-based approach to heart health, called cardiac psychology, is receiving increasing interest.
You really can change your brain and get a healthier heart in the process. Here are some ways to get started: • Seek professional help. Don’t ignore stress, anxiety, depression, excessive worry, or bouts of anger that overwhelm your life. Seek professional help. If you meet criteria for a diagnosis, treatment can help reduce symptoms, thereby protecting your brain and your heart. • Available treatments in cardiac psychology. Aside from more traditional psychiatric treatment and exercise, psycho-educational programs, educational training, stress management, biofeedback, counseling sessions, and relaxation techniques should all be considered before or after a heart-related event. Newer treatments such as acceptance and commitment therapy
and expressive writing can also be helpful. • Exercise. Physical exercise can help you have a healthier heart and brain—in the right doses. For example, many studies have demonstrated that aerobic exercise can help you be more mentally nimble by helping you think faster and more flexibly. Even frail older adults have improved their thinking and overall psychological well-being from exercising for one hour, three times a week. And people in rehabilitation after being diagnosed with heart failure report clearer thinking when their fitness levels improve. Various types of aerobic exercise, including jogging, swimming, cycling, walking, gardening, and dancing, have all been proven to reduce anxiety and depression
and to improve self-esteem. This is thought to be due to an increase in blood circulation in the brain, and the fact that exercise can improve the brain’s ability to react to stress.
A starting point for better brain — and heart-health
If you struggle with stress, anger, anxiety, worry, depression, or problems with self-esteem, talk to your primary care physician—or a cardiologist, if you have one. A consultation with a psychiatrist may be very helpful. Together, you can explore which of these potential therapies might best protect your psychological state, your brain, and your heart. Srini Pillay, MD, Contributor; managing-emotions-can-save-heart-
Four ways to support someone who’s grieving
The loss of a friend or loved one is never easy. Grieving is experienced differently by all; therefore, it is often difficult to know how to support and comfort a person during this time. People are often surprised that grief affects them in so many ways, whether it is physically, emotionally, psychologically, or spiritually. Keep in mind there are ways to show you care and help the person through a difficult time. 1. Spend time together — It’s okay to have some alone time, but it is important to balance that time with friends who understand. Get-togethers or routine errands, such as trips to the supermarket or going out for a
bite to eat with someone supportive, can be helpful. Encourage exercising or taking walks outdoors to promote well-being with physical activity, fresh air, and sunshine. 2. Present new ways to work through loss — People are always looking for ways to help someone who is grieving. Carefully chosen tracks of guided meditations and comforting music, and contemplative reading of passages or poems which offer helpful quotations and suggestions, may help dealing with grief. 3. Communicate — Many people dealing with grief find that when
others talk about their feelings, it’s easier for them to open up as well. Be it through support groups or just one-on-one time with a friend or relative, oftentimes sharing your grief and telling your story helps facilitate the healing process. There are also several Internet sites that offer online chat rooms for anonymous conversations if face-to-face meetings aren’t what a person desires. 4. Practice patience — There is no set timetable for dealing with grief. People learn to live with their loss rather than “getting over it” in a specific timeframe. For some people, it takes longer
than others. Simply knowing there is a friend or an organization who understands can not only help someone feel less alone, but it also can do wonders for helping a person embrace life again. For more information on dealing with grief, visit these websites: • • • h t t p s : // w w w . cd c . g ov /me n talhealth/ stress-coping/ grief-loss
careTALK© Embrace the sentiment of this season... Learn to relax and enjoy!
• VOLUNTEER your time at an organization you support. • TAKE a 15-MINUTE BREAK. Fifteen minutes of “alone time” may be just what you need to refresh yourself. Try taking a brisk walk around the block. Exercise is a great stress reliever, and a daily dose of winter sunlight can dramatically improve your mood. Meditation is
another quick way to enjoy healthy downtime. • PRIORITIZE YOUR TIME. Understand that you can’t do everything, so choose the things that you can accomplish and enjoy. • ASK FOR HELP. Getting your family and friends involved in the holiday preparations may alleviate the stress of doing it all on your own. Try to plan some time with friends. If you feel
isolated, seek out the support of your community, religious or social services. • SET REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS. Sometimes, expectations for family get-togethers are too high. Accept your family members and friends as they are and set aside grievances for a more appropriate time. • CELEBRATE THE MEMORIES OF LOVED ONES NO LONGER HERE. Con-
fronting memories can be a normal part of the holiday experience and should be openly discussed and celebrated. • PUT IT ALL IN PERSPECTIVE. Think about what
the holiday really means to you and your family—time together, religious observance, reflection on your life and future goals—let these aspects of the holidays keep things in per-
spective. • IF YOU FEEL DEPRESSED, call your spiritual leader, a community health service, or a trusted friend. Remember—help is available, but you must ask.
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DECEMBER 23–29, 2021
Beaufort Film Society names 2022 Pat Conroy Lifetime Achievement Award
From staff reports The Beaufort Film Society announced Wednesday, Dec. 15, that it will present the Pat Conroy Lifetime Achievement Award to both John Bailey, immediate Past President of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts & Sciences (AMPAS), and his wife Carol Littleton, past member of the AMPAS Board of Governors, at the 2022 Beaufort International Film Festival (BIFF). They will be the first co-honorees of the award. Cinematographer John Bailey has a vast body of work that includes films such as The Big Chill, American Gigolo, As Good As It Gets, Silverado, The Accidental Tourist, Country Strong, In
The Line of Fire and Groundhog Day. He has served on the Board of Governors of the American Society of Cinematographers (ASC) and on the Library of Congress’s National Film Preservation Board. Bailey was previously honored with a special artistic achievement award from the Cannes Film Festival in 1985 for the Japanese film Mishima, the Lifetime Achievement Award by the ASC in 2016, and was made an Officier des Ordre des Arts et Lettres by the French government at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival. In 2019, he received both the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Gianni di Venanzo Fes-
tival in Teramo, Italy and the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Camerimage International Film Festival in Torun, Poland. Carol Littleton is an Oscar-nominated editor with a similarly impressive resume of 38 films including The Big Chill, E.T., Silverado, Beloved, Grand Canyon, Benny & Joon, Body Heat, Wyatt Earp, The Accidental Tourist and The Manchurian Candidate. She won an Emmy for Tuesdays with Morrie and she received a Career Achievement Award in 2016 from American Cinema Editors (ACE). Her Oscar nomination was for E.T. The Extra Terrestrial. Littleton served as an Academy Governor of
the Film Editors branch for 12 years and is currently on its executive committee. The Pat Conroy Lifetime Achievement Award will be presented during the awards segment of the 16th Annual Beaufort International Film Festival, which takes place February 22-27, 2022 in Beaufort. The awards ceremony is on February 27. “We’re extremely honored to have as our Pat Conroy Lifetime Achievement honorees the husband and wife team of John Bailey and Carol Littleton,” Beaufort Film Society President Ron Tucker said in a release. “Together, they have been instrumental in shaping American cinema for the past two generations.
When you look at the list of famous directors they’ve worked with, including Stephen Spielberg, Lawrence Kasdan, Robert Redford, Jonathan Demme, Sam Raimi, Callie Khouri and more, you realize just how great their impact on movies has been.” It’s appropriate that John Bailey and Carol Littleton will receive the Pat Conroy Lifetime Achievement honor in Beaufort because it is the site of where the duo worked on The Big Chill when it was filmed nearly 40 years ago in 1982. Bailey and Littlejohn have been married since 1972. Anyone interested in meeting these two Hollywood icons in person can at-
tend a special event at BIFF on February 25, 2022 entitled “An Afternoon with Hollywood Royalty: John Bailey and Carol Littleton.” The Pat Conroy Lifetime Achievement Award is sponsored by Leslie and Landon Thorne. For more information about the 16th Annual Beaufort International Film Festival, visit beaufortfilmfestival. com. The festival is produced by the Beaufort Film Society. The Beaufort Film Society is a nonprofit, 501 (c) 3, member-supported organization, dedicated to providing the highest levels of entertainment and education to the public from all areas of the film industry.
TCL honors 11 associate degree nursing graduates
From staff reports The Technical College of the Lowcountry recognized 11 associate degree nursing (ADN) graduates during its Dec. 10 pinning ceremony at the Beaufort Mather Campus. During the ceremony, graduates received their pins and lamps, a nod to Florence Nightingale who carried a lamp to light her path as she cared for the sick and dying soldiers during the Crimean War.
TCL’s two-year ADN program prepares graduates to practice as registered nurses. Students experience on-campus learning using high-tech simulation equipment and receive intense additional hands-on practice at clinical sites located throughout Beaufort, Jasper, Hampton and Colleton counties. The graduates are Stacy Bajorek, Krystal Deitsch, Isabella Fallon, Sharonda Jenkins, Rashida Johnson, Kerri
Jones, Kimberly Lunceford, Katy Sandoval, Brittany Shuman, Kayla Sikes and Nikole Wright. The Technical College of the Lowcountry is the region’s primary provider of higher education and workforce training. The public, two-year community college serves approximately 5,000 students annually. Visit to learn more about TCL’s nursing program.
Polaris Tech seeks to expand to K-12 school for 2023-24 school year
From staff reports Polaris Tech Charter School leaders applied last week to become a full K-12 school with the 2023-24 school year – adding 250 students in lower elementary grades to the current school with grades 5-12. With that anticipated enrollment growth, the Polaris Tech Board of Directors on Dec. 14 approved preliminary work to begin designs for a second facility on the campus, which would about double the classroom space and bring a full gym to Polaris Tech. The 25,700 square-foot, two-story, 12-classroom and competition gym addition
won’t start until the S.C. Public Charter School District agrees to amend the school’s original charter. Polaris Tech submitted the necessary documentation Wednesday, Dec. 15. “As a board, we have believed it is important for Polaris Tech to expand into the
kindergarten through fourth grade levels as soon as possible, because families have told us since we opened in 2018 that they wanted a full-family, full education option with the Polaris Tech approach,” Polaris Tech Board Chair Gen. Lloyd “Fig” Newton, USAF,
BOE approves employee bonus for classified, professional, and administrative staff
The Beaufort County Board of Education on Dec. 14 unanimously approved the authorization of Superintendent Frank Rodriguez to pay a one-time bonus of $1,000 to all eligible classified, professional, and administrative employees. Chief Human Resource Officer Alice Walton acknowledges the significance of all employee contributions, from bus drivers to school principals. “It has taken the efforts of everyone to keep learning moving forward during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Walton said in a release. Full-time classified, professional,
and administrative employees (who have been employed for a minimum of 45 days this academic year) will receive the $1,000 bonus, to be distributed on January 28, 2022. The one-time bonus for full-time classified, professional, and administrative employees totals $1,140,455 to be paid from savings in the District’s current year General Fund operating budget.
Beaufort’s Johnson inducted into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
Meredith Johnson of Beaufort was recently initiated into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation's oldest and most selective all-discipline collegiate honor society. Johnson was initiated at Clem-
ret., said in a release. “We have been talking to the finance people, talking to developers and construction teams, and the time is right for us to launch this expansion once we get approval from the State Charter School District to go K-12,” Newton said. Polaris Tech is a state-approved charter school serving 5th grade through high school students. It is a free school
son University. Johnson is among approximately 25,000 students, faculty, professional staff and alumni to be initiated into Phi Kappa Phi each year. Membership is by invitation only and requires nomination and approval by a chapter. Only the top 10 percent of seniors and 7.5 percent of juniors are eligible for membership.
Students initiated into the Society must be sophomores, juniors, seniors, or graduate/professional students in the top 35 percent of their class, demonstrate leadership experience in at least one of the five pillars, and embrace the ODK ideals. Fewer than five percent of students on a campus are invited to join each year.
Beaufort’s Baker initiated into Omicron Delta Kappa
BCSD sponsoring USDA food program
Mary Baker, a native of Beaufort, was recently initiated into the Georgia Southern University Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa, the National Leadership Honor Society. The Society welcomed more than 1,100 new initiates from 41 universities during November 2021.
The Beaufort County School District is sponsoring the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). The CACFP is a federal program that provides reimbursements for nutritious meals and snacks to eligible children and adults who are en-
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rolled for care at participating child care centers, day care homes, and adult day care centers. CACFP also provides reimbursements for meals served to children and youth participating in after school care programs, children residing in emergency shelters, and adults older than 60 or living with a disability and enrolled in day care facilities. Sponsored sites in Beaufort County include Beaufort/Jasper YMCA, Boys and Girls Club of Bluffton, Boys and Girls Club of Hilton Head Island, Boys and Girls Club of Sheldon, Bluffton High School, Broad River Elementary, Coosa Elementary, Hilton Head Island Middle School, Hilton Head Island School of the Creative Arts, Robert Smalls Academy, Shanklin Elementary, and Whale Branch Middle School. – Staff reports
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(no tuition) that focuses on preparing young people for successful work and college. The Polaris Tech academic emphasis is on six career areas, starting with: Aerospace, Health Sciences and Business Management. The school is located on Grays Highway across from the Ridgeland-Claude Dean Airport. Students from Jasper, Colleton, Hampton and
Beaufort counties attend the school. Student applications are open online now for young people who will be in grades 5-12 next school year – and when the school begins offering kindergarten through fourth grade, families of currently-enrolled students will get admissions preference. Student applications are accepted now through March 31, 2022 for the school year beginning August 2022. Go to to apply. For specific questions, email or call 843-645-0605.
70 Lady’s Island Drive Beaufort, SC 29907
FRIDAY, DEC. 24 SATURDAY, DEC. 25 Midnight (12:00 am) 4:00 pm 11:00 am 6:00 pm 8:00 pm (Spanish)
Solemnity of the Holy Family SUNDAY, DEC. 26 9:00 am 1:00 pm (Spanish) 4:00 pm (Holy Cross Mission) 11:00 am
VOICES Editor’s Note: The opinions of our columnists in the Voices section are not necessarily the opinions of The Island News.
A Christmas gift for the ages
y father had been on my mind. He passed the year before after a two-decade struggle with cancer, and his birthday was coming back around. He would have been 76. So it was a shock when I got the call that my uncle Rayford, my father’s older brother, had died suddenly. It might not make sense to some, but I was glad my father wasn’t there to deal with that news. He would have been crushed. My Dad idolized his big brother. He tried to follow him into the U.S. Army, and might have made it if the folks at processing hadn’t caught him during the eye exam. After he read the chart with one hand over his left eye, he was told to cover his right eye and read with his left. Instead of doing that he switched hands and started reading again with his left eye covered. Someone spoke up, and my father’s effort to enlist was over. You have to be pretty
t is Friday, Dec. 17, 2021 and it’s early, still dark, and I’ve got my coffee and a few minutes to contemplate the past. I don’t often do this — the clang and bang of my life prevent much pondering — but this morning I’ve got Frederick Buechner. “But there is a deeper need yet, I think, and that is the need — not all the time, surely, but from time to time — to enter that still room within us all where the past lives on as part of the present, where the dead are alive again, where we are most alive ourselves to the long journeys of our lives with all their twistings and turnings and to where our journeys have brought us. The name of that room is Remember …” I was born in a bait, tackle and cold beer store just south of Valdosta, Ga. There was no doctor, nurse or nurse practitioner in attendance; and but for a Gullah
determined to try to enlist knowing you’re blind in one eye, but that was my Dad. He wanted to serve like his big brother. Sometime after Rayford’s funeral, his oldest daughter, Brenda, contacted me and said she had some things of his she wanted me to see. She and her mother, Lee, had found a scrapbook Rayford had accumulated of old photos, military IDs, awards, certificates, and documents from his travels while in the service. Brenda said she wanted me to “do something” with it that they would be able to share with the rest of the family. The scrapbook was huge and packed with well-worn items, some of them more
than 50 years old. Without Rayford’s guidance, I felt like I had been given a puzzle that didn't have a picture on either side to show me what it was supposed to look like. I started to give it all back to Brenda, but when we met again she ended up giving me even more stuff. Somewhere in this timeline, I got sick with COVID, and my own mortality hit me smack dab in the face. If I died, I thought, God help the next family member who might try to assemble all those items. I started scanning the photos and awards Rayford had received. The key that unlocked the puzzle for me was a two-page autobiography of his time in the service. I started trying to match what was in his bio with what was in the documents, especially his final discharge papers. I went to newspapers. com and started looking for old clips, from the military press releases that are sent to hometown papers to submissions like on Veter-
Somewhere in this timeline, I got sick with COVID, and my own mortality hit me smack dab in the face. If I died, I thought, God help the next family member who might try to assemble all those items.” ans Day or mentions in the church news when he and his family visited home. I built a chronological timeline of his duty postings and ranks. I reached out to Tuskegee University, where he had been an instructor in the late 70s to see if they had any items, but the cupboards were bare. Brenda said one of Rayford’s responsibilities while he was there was to clean out some of the old files they had accumulated. All I got from them was a scan of a photo page from the
school’s 1977 yearbook, but it was welcome. I asked my brother, a West Point graduate, to help proofread a book I’d assembled to make sure the military information looked right. We gave it to Brenda and her mother. Brenda added some photo pages to the book — I’d built it with the wrong number of pages, duh! — and had it printed and given out to our aunts and uncles and select others during Christmas 2020. My cousin Carlton showed the book to an officer with the Veterans
There’s always an unrealized dream SCOTT GRABER
woman named Mollie, I would not have survived the experience. My father, actual identity unknown, was said to have been a seller of a frequently applied, largely useless chest ointment then used against influenza, tuberculosis and what was sometimes called “indigestion” in many parts of rural Georgia. My mother, as well as her seven siblings, lost her youth, figure and her future in the onion, tomato and turnip fields that were then the only employment for people born into that miserable, humid, gravid geography.
OK, alright, that’s not entirely accurate. This is, however, the narrative that would have been written on the flyleaf had I been published by Doubleday or Random House. It is the narrative that would be repeated to a bemused audience when speaking at book signings. My story actually began in Florence, S.C., during World War II when my mother, the spirited daughter of a sober, solid railroad conductor, gave birth to me attended by a licensed doctor who reshaped my disfigured head and face after a long, difficult birth. While I was born into a war that was consuming thousands of lives each day, my early life was enriched by a grandmother, Minnie, who made sure I was held, loved and nurtured. My father, a soldier, really entered my life when I was seven. Prior to that he had been engaged in the Pacific
and Korean Wars. I was the beneficiary of his innate intelligence and his desperation to climb into the middle class. While my father was sometimes distant, he was relentlessly curious — curious about everything. And though I didn’t know it then, I would become a devisee of his congenital curiosity. I was born into a southern landscape complete with big-bellied sheriffs, bloviating senators and a long-suffering Black community. William Faulkner, Pat Conroy, Willie Morris, Eudora Welty knew and painted this tableau — a tableau that has informed, infuriated and fascinated readers for more than 150 years. While I did encounter a few of these characters, for the most part I grew into manhood dealing with teachers, preachers and high school principals trying to do their jobs as honestly as possible.
The colorful mendacity that came out of William Faulkner and Walker Percy was not something I saw very often but, well, there were enough exceptions to keep that genre alive and thriving. In 1969 I married a beautiful, sophisticated young woman well above my station. She brought color and creativity into my monochromatic life. Susan also gave us a son who seems to be the amalgamation of her creativity and my curiosity. Susan and I settled into Beaufort in 1971 and soon acquired a cohort of friends who were relentlessly idealistic, spending most of their recreational time in meetings — County Council, School Board, Coastal Council, Comprehensive Health, Planning Commission. These meetings focused on the failure of public education, lack of basic health care, destruction of wet-
Affairs Office back home. They agreed Rayford’s career was worth being recognized. Two weeks ago, some of our family members were able to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Palmetto Patriots Home in Gaffney. And included there in that beautiful facility representing the state and the nation’s ongoing commitment to its veterans’ care was the First Sergeant Rayford K. Manning Meeting Room. Interestingly enough, it is located beside the facility’s barber shop. After he failed to enlist, my father was a professional barber for a while and he cut hair for years after that. In my mind, that room might as well have my Dad's name on it. He can be right there with his big brother again and for all time. Terry E. Manning lives and works in Savannah, Ga. He is a Clemson graduate and worked for 20 years as a journalist. He can be reached at
lands and host of proposals designed build a pathway out of the endemic poverty then prevalent in Beaufort County. Those hours of sitting and service did not solve all the problems in Beaufort County. But it was a serious effort by well-meaning people that did provide solutions for some. Regrets? When I was growing up I wanted to be a lounge singer. I envisioned myself in a faded tuxedo playing “Misty” to a small, disinterested group of solitary drinkers. I wish I had practiced more and continued my piano lessons. And yes, I could have flossed more. There’s always an unrealized dream to haunt us in our old age. Scott Graber is a lawyer, novelist, veteran columnist and longtime resident of Port Royal. He can be reached at
New York’s “Little Island” a Bridge over Troubled Water
n Thanksgiving I had a rare (in these days of division and orchestrated chaos), enlightening and hopeful, feel-good experience. Before joining family and friends for the warm gathering and “healthy meal,” Paola and I visited “The Little Island” that rests on pedestals over the Hudson River on New York City’s west side. The Little Island is but 2.5 acres but creates a mini world of its own. It was created in large part by the private sector to replace the decrepit Pier 55, which had no practical use and was an eyesore.
The Little Island is gorgeously landscaped, with views up and down and across the River. There are steps and ramps that lead to viewing stations, an outdoor amphitheater and rocks on which one can perch to watch the views, but also the people, a favorite pastime of mine in New York City.
While the island is unique and physically beautiful, what struck me the most was the diversity of people out and about in this special place, celebrating a beautiful day of thanks. I heard more languages spoken than I could identify. I saw costumes from around the world. Young people, old people and sort of older people like me who want to stay young. People from diverse ethnic groups domestically and from abroad sharing the grace of God and the gift of a private citizen who built the island for us to share. We found on the Little
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Island an assemblage of gentle people sharing a special place in a courteous way with smiles and joy soaking up the sun and fresh air. Most were wearing masks because of the close proximity of the crowd that meandered the site. No one sneered or criticized them. When we left the little piece of paradise, represented by the place and its visitors, I told Paola I was not going to watch the “news” because it would ruin such an uplifting experience. It has been weeks since we were there and the warmth of human feelings remain strong in my head and heart.
The other day, for some reason, I thought of the Simon and Garfunkel song “Bridge Over Troubled Water.” Give yourself a gift and learn more about the Little Island at https://littleisland. org/. And then think about the lyrics of Bridge over Troubled Water. And finally, think about what you can do to make this is a better world for all. How we can expand the Little Island as a Bridge Over Troubled Water throughout the world, restoring peace, freedom, equality, opportunity and common decency as we share this
miraculous planet with so many others. That’s what on my mind and hopefully something to think about as we enjoy the holiday season. Let’s seek to be kinder, more gentle and civil toward one another. We were brought into this world to create a civil society and to be good shepherds of our natural resources. We can and must do better in 2022. Have a safe and healthy holiday season while mindfully caring for the many others with whom we share this glorious planet. Billy Keyserling is the former Mayor of the City of Beaufort.
See Into The Future . . . . . . read
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Above: The change of command ceremony represents the official passing of authority from the outgoing commander, to the incoming commander. Left: U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Col. Jarrod A. DeVore, outgoing commanding officer, Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 312 (VMFA-312), Marine Aircraft Group 31 (MAG-31) relinquishes command Dec. 3 to Lt. Col. Clayton D. Gard III, commanding officer, VMFA-312, MAG-31, during the VMFA-312 Change of Command ceremony at Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort. Photos by Cpl. Aidan Parker, USMC.
Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center Emergency Department Team recognized
he Coastal S.C. Chapter of the Association of the U.S. Army (AUSA) awarded its Outstanding Service Award to the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center (RHJVAMC) Emergency Department Team on Thursday, Dec. 16. U.S. Army Lt. Colonel Ret. Larry Dandridge, who is the AUSA Chapter’s VP for Veteran and Retiree Affairs, presented the award at a ceremony in the Emergency Department (ED). The award consists of an engraved plaque and framed letter of appreciation and commendation. The inscription on the ED’s Award Plaque reads: “Coastal S.C. Chapter of the Association of the U.S. Army (AUSA) recognizes the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center Emergency Department (ED) Team for providing outstanding customer service and quality of care to Veterans and their families in 2021 (and before). Constantly improving, always kind, ever compassionate, empathetic, contagiously enthusiastic, expert preventers of infection, and focused on patients and their families best describes the Emergency Department Team. It is no wonder the ED gets so many glowing reviews and survey results from their customers. Each of the leaders and employees in the ED are true champions of
EDITOR’S NOTE Larry Dandridge is not an employee of The Island News and his opinions are his alone. Although every precaution has been taken in the preparation of these articles, the publisher and author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed by the author or The Island News for damages resulting from the use of information contained herein.
excellent service! “For four years straight, the RHJVAHCS Emergency Department (ED) Team has ranked in the top quarter of all Emergency Departments for providing excellent service and patient experience. During many of the past 48 months, the ED has been recognized as being in the top 10 percent of VA Medical Center EDs for quality of care and customer satisfaction. “What is unique about the RHJVA Medical Center’s ED Team is they have made improvements in every domain of patient and family care experience over the past four years. This accomplishment has required excellent leadership and employee support across all disciplines. The ED Team has clearly demonstrated an unparalleled level of teamwork between nurses, physicians, other clinicians, and administrative staff. They have worked tirelessly for the past two years, under the most stressful conditions of a deadly pandemic, and through it all the ED Team
These columns are not meant to replace carefully reading the Federal Veterans’ benefits information at and other locations or the State of S.C. Veterans benefit information at Anyone seeking advice on veterans’ benefits are advised to seek the advice and assistance of a Veterans Service (Assistance) Officer or another certified Veterans Advisor.
From left to right, Mike Rokusik, VA Emergency Department (ED) Health Administration Chief (white shirt); Joye Onorato, VA ED Nurse Manager (holding framed letter); Larry Dandridge, AUSA Coastal S.C. Chapter Vice President for Veteran Affairs (coat and tie), and Doctor Wade Manaker, ED Physician pose after the Coastal S.C. Chapter of the Association of the U.S. Army (AUSA) awarded its Outstanding Service Award to the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center (RHJVAMC) Emergency Department Team on Thursday, December 2021. Photo courtesy of the RHJVAMC Public Affairs Office. has prevented infections and provided the highest level of emergency services, not just in the VA but also among the medical industry. Emergency Department Chief, Dr. Lancer Scott; Assistant Department Chief, Dr. Wade Manaker; Nurse Manager Joye Onorato; Health Administrator Supervisor Mike Rokusek; and the entire ED team were commended for their outstanding services, kindness, compassion, empathy, contagious enthusiasm, and dedication
to continuous improvement. “The Coastal S.C. AUSA Chapter presents an award to a special team or individual who works at the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center each quarter. Previous winners of this coveted award include: Hannah P. McCoy, Patient Advocate Supervisor; June Robins, Program Analyst; Meredith Miller, Social Worker; the Ward 4B South Team; Davina Dietrich, the ward 4B South Nurse Supervisor; ICU Nurse Lydia Bautista; and Mr. Fred
Lesinski, Chief of Customer Experience. “We veterans in the Lowcountry of S.C. and the coastal region of Northeast, Ga., are fortunate to have a fivestar-rated VA Medical Center and its Community Based Outpatient Centers (COBCs) serving us and our families, caregivers, and survivors. The Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center and Health Care System has been rated in the top 10 percent of all public and private hospitals in the USA for quality of care, patient satisfaction, infection prevention, and many other performance measures for over ten years.” Seek immediate care During a medical emergency, a veteran should immediately seek care at the nearest hospital, whether it is a VA facility or not. Veterans do not need to check with the
VA before calling an ambulance or going to a community hospital emergency room. However, for VA to coordinate and potentially pay for emergency care, the VA must be notified within 72 hours of the veteran’s hospital visit, at 844-724-7842. For more information, visit https:// emergency_care.asp. Larry Dandridge is a retired Lt. Col. In the U.S. Army. He is a Vietnam War era wounded warrior, a combat and 100 percent disabled veteran, a former Infantryman, former Warrant Officer and pilot. Dandridge is also a past Veterans Service Officer, and a current volunteer Patient Adviser, CEO Advisory Council Member, and Patient and Family Advisory Committee Member at the RHJ VA Medical Center, as well as a published author and freelance writer. He can be reached at
Parris Island Marine Corps Graduates To Receive a Copy of with a List of Graduates, visit A12
DECEMBER 23–29, 2021
Come let us adore him – Christ the Lord T he holiday season is called the most wonderful time of the year, but between buying gifts, hosting parties, trying not to break your healthy habits (or the bank), and attending family gatherings, it can also be the most stressful time of the year. Once again, we are trying to figure out what to give people who already have everything they need. Come to think of it, I’m trying to understand how we went from the wise men bringing gifts to Christ as an act of worship to the ritual of giving gifts to each other? I don’t remember Mary and Joseph exchanging presents with the shepherds, or Bethlehem being decorated with tinsel and ribbons. Yes, there is widespread affection for the magical stories and traditions that we
are accustomed to, but we also understand that much of our holiday festivities have little to do with Christ. Not to mention that children are taught that Santa has the same abilities as God. Nonetheless, for those who would rather focus on a more spiritual meaning, we are reminded of the angel’s message to Mary in Luke 1:35, “The holy child that you will give birth to will be called the Son of God.” This has been a sad Christmas especially for those who live in our state.
On Dec. 10, we were on stage ready to perform our annual Christmas production with our local theater, when suddenly people’s phones started lighting up. A plane had crashed just a few miles away as the pilot and his passenger were a part of our community that were dearly loved. Early the next morning, a powerful tornado stayed on the ground for more than 100 miles and devastated the Western part of our state. As of this writing, 77 people have lost their lives, and many lost everything they had. Let us keep these families in our prayers and may we remember to appreciate every moment we have. We are reminded that in all things God is absolutely good and from the words of a popular Christmas song, we humbly bow and proclaim,
“O come let us adore Him – Christ the Lord.” If there was ever a reason to celebrate, it would be to tell the world that Jesus Christ is the Savior who came to deliver us from sin and a doomed eternity. He is the Master of the universe, the Creator of all things, and is forever the way, the truth, and the life. It would have been much easier for the Almighty to send us a Hallmark card expressing how much He cares about us, but instead, He wanted to demonstrate and prove His love by sending His Son to be our Redeemer. He is now patiently waiting for people to decide if they will live for Him or themselves. It’s no secret the temptation to become entangled in commercialism can distract us from the true reason for
the season, and I suppose this qualifies people like me as being a Grinch. However, in my defense, if you’ve read, “The gift of the Magi” we see there is a significant difference between wisdom and being impulsive, and that love is the real meaning of life – not materialism. Anyway, there is genuine peace and comfort in knowing that Christ is filled with endless mercy and compassion for everyone. Because of His humble entrance into this realm to save those who believe, we can sing His praises, “Joy to the world, the Lord has come.” So what does Christ want for Christmas? Among the flying reindeer, the abominable snowman, and magical elves, may we humbly realize that all God has ever wanted is our heart. Galatians 4:19 is not usually considered
a Christmas text, but the Apostle Paul makes a very interesting statement, “My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you.” Is this not an appropriate time to declare our need for Jesus to be born into our lives? A holy truth that never becomes old or outdated and is as life-changing today as it was the moment Jesus appeared. The greatest Christmas miracle would be for Christ to be born in all of us. Do you have room for Him in your life? May we consider the familiar lines of, O Little Town of Bethlehem, “O holy Child of Bethlehem, descend on us we pray, cast out our sins and enter in, be born in us today.” Learn more about the Christian life at
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SCHSL realignment proposal would bring changes to Beaufort Co. The S.C. High School League distributed its proposed realignment plan for the 2022-23 and 2023-24 school years to member schools Friday, and a couple of changes will come to the Lowco sports scene if the plan is approved. Most notably, the proposal would
move Beaufort High from Region 7-4A to Region 8-3A, where the Eagles would rekindle their rivalry with crosstown foe Battery Creek. That would be the only change to Region 7-4A, though, as Bluffton, Colleton County, Hilton Head High, James Island, Lucy Beckham, and May River would remain the region.
The reconfigured Region 8-3A would look significantly different from the region the Dolphins have played in the past two years, as Hanahan, North Charleston, and Philip Simmons would remain, but Bishop England and Oceanside Collegiate — both powerhouses in the current region — would drop to Class 2A.
The other shift affecting the Lowco comes in Class 1A, where Bridges Prep and Royal Live Oaks would move from Region 6-1A to Region 7-1A, joining natural rival Whale Branch. Ridgeland-Hardeeville would remain in Region 6-2A, joined by Barnwell, Edisto, Wade Hampton,
and Woodland. The next step in the process comes with the organizational meetings for each classification from Jan. 18-20, with any appeals to the SCHSL Executive Committee to be heard from Jan. 24-26. The process is scheduled to be completed and the final realignment released on Feb. 22.
Battery Creek Dolphins vs. Whale Branch Warriors
Battery Creek’s Kiara Wilson blocks a shot from Whale Branch’s Jalaila Jenkins to help preserve the Dolphins’ 36-32 overtime win at Whale Branch on Saturday. Photo by Justin Jarrett /
Wilson sisters spark Creek to OT win over Warriors Kiara Wilson drained a go-ahead free throw and Genesis Wilson sealed it with a 3-pointer in overtime to propel Battery Creek girls basketball to a 36-32 road victory over rival Whale Branch on Saturday in Seabrook. Kiara Wilson posted a team-high 13 points to go along with four assists, three boards and two steals, and Ashante Shaw notched 11 points and was one rebound away from a double-double for the Dolphins, who rallied from a nine-point second-half deficit to force overtime. Neither team found success on offense early, as the score was 6-2 after one quarter. Shaw scored the lone basket for Creek in the first period after Sophia Felix found her down low for the bucket. Both offenses continued to struggle until the final minute of the half, as the Warriors found the basket by driving to the hole and picking up a foul to extend the lead. Felix cut into the lead by draining a triple from the wing and then finding Shaw again in the paint to send the Dolphins to the locker room down by five. The third quarter played out much like the first two as the offenses for both squads struggled from the field. All of Creek’s points during the frame were made from the charity stripe. But everything changed when Whale Branch star Kynew Barnwell
Battery Creek’s Noah Northway drives to his left during the Dolphins’ 52-48 loss at Whale Branch on Saturday. Northway scored 15 points, following up a 16-point showing a night earlier at Beaufort High. Photos by Justin Jarrett /
Still unbeaten
Warriors survive scare from Dolphins to stay perfect
With his Whale Branch boys basketball team’s undefeated record on the line, Jashaun Gillison wasn’t about to let a nasty cramp keep him off the court. Gillison scored six of his 12 points in the fourth quarter, including a huge 3-pointer and a trio of free throws down the stretch, and Antoine Singleton put up 19 points to help the Warriors hold off a scrappy Battery Creek team for a 52-48 home win Saturday. Will White put together another strong outing for the Dolphins after his 28-point breakout Friday at Beaufort, putting up 16 points in the encore, while Noah Northway maintained his consistent play with 15 points. Quatrell Livingston added seven points along with eight boards while also dishing out three assists for Battery Creek.
The Dolphins jumped out to an early lead as White collected five of Creek’s 11 points in the first quarter, and Donyae Brown put the Dolphins back up at the buzzer with a sweet move inside. Whale Branch started the second quarter on a 16-0 run to take a commanding lead, but after an intentional foul sent Northway to the line, the reliable guard put Creek on the board for the first time and the Dolphins put together a run to cut the Warriors’ lead from 14 to two before halftime as Northway put up nine points in the quarter. After Creek tied the game at 25 in the opening seconds of the second half, the Warriors went on a 10-0 run to reclaim the momentum. The Dolphins kept chipping away, making it a fivepoint game. Whale Branch tried
to push the lead out further, but White found his groove from beyond the arc and helped cut the lead to three with five minutes to play. Te’Shaun Heyward drove to the bucket and scored to make it a one-point game, and Northway picked up an offensive board and put Creek up for the first time at 48-47. Queshawn Fields (9 points) hit one of two free throws to tie it before Quintillion Fields (8 points) drove the lane for the go-ahead bucket. Then, Gillison took charge. The Whale Branch junior had gone to the bench with a cramp just after knocking down a huge 3-pointer from the left wing, but he was back in for the final seconds and swiped the inbounds pass, then hit both ends of a 1-and-1 to seal it.
Whale Branch senior Quintillion Fields lays in the go-ahead basket in the Warriors’ 52-48 home win over Battery Creek on Saturday. Fields finished with eight points to help Whale Branch improve to 6-0.
Bradley Smith’s pin lifts Dolphins to region win over Hawks With his Battery Creek wrestling team trailing by one point heading into the final match of the night, senior captain Bradley Smith strode to the center of the mat with the outcome in the balance. He returned less than a minute later, victorious. Smith came out aggressive early and pinned his opponent at 145 pounds in just 34 seconds to seal a key 42-37 victory over region rival Hanahan on Thursday. Creek opened the match with backto-back losses but Nate Gallego (160)
got the Dolphins on the board with a pin. Battery Creek secured two more wins before going on a run in which Reily Doray (113), Sam DeGroat (120) and Elmer Linares (126) each picked up victories by fall. With a loss at the 132, that set the table for Smith's quick pin to secure the win. "I'm extremely proud of this program," Dolphins coach Alex Rutherford. "I told the kids it would be a tight match and that it would come down to Bradley. He showed what it means to be a captain and a senior." A day earlier, the Dolphins were
dominant in pair of wins, beating Bluffton 78-6 and John Paul II 75-6. The Bobcats started on a high note with Bradley Denmark’s pin in the 285-pound weight class for a 6-0 lead before Battery Creek won the next 13 bounds, including eight pins and five forfeits. Riley Doray, Sam Degroat, Bradley Smith, Sebastian Sanchez, Nate Gallego, Hunter Smith, Daniel Sunkins, and Leroy Tyus all won by pin for Battery Creek, and John Coker, Elmer Linares, Aiden Northway, Keegan Doray, and Dre’shaun Brown won by forfeit.
The home team kept it rolling with a 75-6 win over the Golden Warriors, benefiting from eight forfeits. Coker, Ryan Israel, Hunter Smith, and Brown won by pin, Aiden Northway earned an 8-4 decision over Oliver Witkowski at 132, and Sunkins, Tyus, Anthony Phelan, Riley Doray, Degroat, Linares, Bradley Smith, and Gallego picked up wins by forfeit. Jack Brock won by pin at 152 for the Golden Warriors’ lone victory. The Bobcats opened the night with a 33-24 win over John Paul II despite winning only one contested match, as they racked up 30
points on forfeits. Anthony Garcia, Bradley Denmark, Danny Solorzano, Oscar Dircio Flores, and Kevin Lagos Juarez all won by forfeit for Bluffton, and Gabe Fulton clinched the victory with a 12-8 decision over Noah Snyder at 170. Daniel Snyder and Kohl Woodham picked up pins against the Bobcats, while Brock and Chris Orta earned decisions, and Witkowkski won by forfeit. Battery Creek will break for the holidays before returning to the mat on Dec. 29, participating in the Shark Invitational at May River High School.
BRAVES WIN! BRAVES WIN! Athletics shortstop Dylan Tilleston reaches out to tag Rob Lemieux of the Braves during the fourth inning of their championship baseball game Wedensday, Dec. 15, at Burton Wells Park. The Braves won 2-0 to claim the Beaufort County Men’s Adult Baseball Fall Championship. This was the league’s sixth season, and the first championship won by a team other than the Royals. Photo by Bob Sofaly.
Beaufort High opens 7-4A schedule with win over Bluffton
Beaufort High’s ferocious frontcourt duo of Zyrin Odom and James Dennison posted double-doubles on Tuesday to power the Eagles to a 6749 home win over Bluffton to open Region 7-4A play. Coming off a run to the Class 4A football state championship, most of Beaufort’s key players were late to the party this season, and they’re still working their way into basketball shape. But the bigs were in complete control Tuesday, as Odom racked up 26 points and 12 rebounds, James Dennison added 24 points and 10 boards, and Michael Dennison contributed eight points for the Eagles. The Bobcats got off to a red-hot start and led 17-15 after one quarter, but the Eagles locked in and surged to a 33-22 halftime advantage. They pushed the margin to 15 entering the final period and coasted to the finish. Jaylin Linder scored 21 points, and DJ Aiken added seven to lead the Bobcats.
Beaufort High 70, Battery Creek 55
“The Firm” of Dennison, Dennison and Odom brought its closing arguments in Beaufort High’s crosstown rivalry with Battery Creek on Friday, combining for 50 points, 37 rebounds, and 14 steals as the Eagles completed a season sweep of the Dolphins with a 70-55 home win on Kirkland Court. James Dennison continued his torrid start with 22 points, 14 rebounds, and five steals, while Michael Dennison racked up 19 points, eight boards, and four steals, and Zyrin Odom collected nine points, 15 rebounds, four assists, and five steals to lead a Beaufort team that had 12 different players reach the scoring column. Will White posted a double-double for Creek with 28 points and 10 boards, and Noah Northway contributed 17 points. After an opening basket from White, the Eagles went on a 14-2 run over the next six-plus minutes. Creek’s offense struggled to put together runs and the Eagles took a
from page A1 fouled out in the waning minutes of the game after being limited to seven points, leaving the Warriors without a natural ball-handler. Kiana Smashum (11 points) and Lay-
DECEMBER 23–29, 2021
21-6 lead after the first quarter. The Dolphins fared better in the second quarter putting up 12 points, but the Eagles matched that point total and went into the break up 15. Beaufort caught fire during the opening minutes of the second half, scoring 17 points in just over five minutes. Northway scored six points during a 14-point quarter for the Dolphins, but Creek found itself down by 24 going to the final period. White and Northway found their groove in the fourth, but Beaufort easily held on.
Whale Branch 54, Palmetto Scholars 33
Whale Branch remained undefeated with a 54-33 home win over Region 7-1A opponent Palmetto Scholars on Friday. AJ Singleton and Jashaun Gillison led the Warriors’ balanced output with 16 points each, while Quaeshawn Fields added 11, and Keith Chisholm and Quintillion Fields scored six each. Dezmon Mathis scored 14 points to lead the Phoenix.
day, falling 63-42 to Calhoun Falls Charter in the Class 1A Showcase in Hemingway. It was a matchup of unbeaten teams, as each squad came in with a 6-0 mark, but only the Blue Flashes left with perfection intact. AJ Singleton scored 17 points and Jashaun Gillison added 16 for the Warriors, who won’t get to rest any time soon. They play the next two days, meaning they will have played five games in six days at the conclusion of the tournament.
Pinewood Prep 62, Beaufort High 59
Beaufort High had a big lead early and had its chances late, but too many costly turnovers came back to haunt the Eagles in a 62-59 loss to Pinewood Prep on the first day of the Pro Skills Basketball Showcase in Goose Creek. The Eagles opened up a 19-4 lead after scoring the first bucket of the second quarter, but the Panthers rattled off a 16-4 run to pull even at 26, draining four 3-pointers during the stretch. Each team hit nine triples in the contest. Beaufort scored the final six points of the half to take a 32-26 lead into the break and extended it to nine early in the third, but Pinewood clawed back within 46-42 heading to the fourth. The Panthers surged ahead by four with a 7-0 run before Beaufort scored four straight to tie it at 54, but Pinewood rattled off five straight points and the Eagles couldn’t dig out. Beaufort’s frontcourt trio had another terrific outing, as Zyrin Odom collected 25 points and 11 rebounds, James Dennison had 23 points and seven boards, and Michael Dennison added eight points and 10 rebounds.
sophomores — to help Bluffton overcome 12-point nights from Beaufort’s Quinn Wilson and Riley Brozek. The Eagles came out strong, holding Heyward scoreless in the first half and taking a 16-15 advantage into halftime, but the Bobcats’ star point guard got on track with a 3-pointer in the third quarter as Bluffton stayed within one going to the fourth, and she put up eight points in the final frame to spark the comeback victory. Heyward finished with 11 points and 10 rebounds to go with seven steals and four assists, while her classmates also put up big lines. Washington had 10 points, seven boards, and three steals, Mosley added eight points and five rebounds, and Katie Rodney had five points, seven boards, five assists, and three steals. Wilson scored 12 points for the Eagles, and Brozek hit four 3-pointers — one in each quarter.
Battery Creek 38, Beaufort High 25
Whale Branch gave a sluggish effort in the Warriors’ fourth game in six days Mon-
An upstart Beaufort High squad gave them all they wanted Tuesday night, but Bluffton’s sensational sophomore class came through to help the Bobcats secure a 40-35 road win and remain undefeated. Sophomores Tacoya Heyward, Madi Washington, and Jaalina Mosley combined for 31 of the Bobcats’ 40 points — 38 of which came from
Sophia Felix knocked down three clutch triples and Battery Creek went 4-for-5 from the free-throw line in the fourth quarter to put the game out of reach as the Dolphins defeated archrival Beaufort High 38-25 Friday night on Kirkland Court. Battery Creek’s offense started off with a bang as Felix knocked down two triples early, and the Wilson sisters both connected with 12-footers to put Creek up 11-6 after one quarter. The two teams remained scoreless through the first two-plus minutes of the second quarter before Kiara Wilson found Ashante Shaw with a sweet pass under the basket for two. The Dolphins’ defense continued to keep Beaufort at bay, causing a number of missed shots. Creek shot 26 percent from the field in the first half while holding Beaufort to just 19 percent and opening an 1810 lead at halftime. Creek opened the second half on a 5-0 run as Felix sank a three from the wing and then laid one off the glass to force Beaufort to burn a timeout less than two minutes into the half. The Dolphins attacked the offensive boards in the third quarter scoring, four points off of offensive rebounds.
la Love (10 points) stepped up to keep the Warriors close, but Creek took advantage by stepping up its defense and attacking on offense. Battery Creek forced its way into the bonus early in the fourth stanza and trimmed the lead to three with four minutes to play. WB pushed the lead to five but Fe-
lix drained a 10-footer to cut it back to three with 2:09 to play and Kiara Wilson knocked down both ends from the free throw line to make it 27-25. Carolina Alvarez stripped the ball away from the Warriors and dished it to Shaw, who found the basket to make it 28-27 with only 25 seconds left. Felix stole an inbound
pass and was fouled, converting one of two from the line to tie it up. Creek had its chance as Kiara Wilson drove to the hole, but a no-call and a missed basket sent the game to overtime. Overtime opened with Kiara Wilson taking it right to the basket for Creek’s first lead of the night, and she then
Beaufort High 59, Wando 39
Once again led by a dominant effort from “The Firm,” Beaufort High pulled away late for a 59-39 home win over Wando on Saturday. The Eagles’ imposing frontcourt of Dennison, Dennison and Odom combined for 47 of the Eagles’ 59 points to go along with 32 rebounds to power Beaufort to its fourth straight. James Dennison continued his torrid start to the season with 19 points on 7-of-14 shooting along with 15 boards, while his brother Michael Dennison added 16 points and nine rebounds, and Zyrin Odom collected 12 points, eight boards, and five assists. The Warriors led by four at halftime and still held a twopoint margin entering the fourth quarter before Beaufort outscored Wando 26-4 in the final period.
Calhoun Falls Charter 63, Whale Branch 42
Bluffton 40, Beaufort High 35
Beaufort trimmed Creek’s 10-point lead to seven with just under four minutes to play, but the Dolphins pushed the pace in the final four minutes, attacking the Eagles in the paint and drawing fouls. BC shot 80 percent from the charity stripe in the fourth to secure the victory. Felix and Kiara Wilson each scored 11 points to lead the Dolphins, while Shaw added eight, including five in the fourth quarter. Quinn Wilson scored 14 points to lead the Eagles.
Wando 56, Beaufort High 39
The Eagles struggled to get going on offense in the first half and couldn’t dig out Saturday at home against Wando. The Warriors raced to a 19-7 lead after one quarter and locked down on defense to hold Beaufort to two points in the second period, taking a 28-9 halftime lead. Beaufort played Wando even in the third quarter and outscored the Warriors in the fourth, but the deficit was too large to overcome.
Holy Trinity 49, Faith Christian 18
Holy Trinity cruised to its third straight win Friday at home, blasting visiting Faith Christian 49-18. The Mighty Lions got off to a slow start at the offensive end, but they buckled down on defense to open up a 17-12 halftime lead, then shut out the Knights in the third quarter to balloon the margin to 17. Holy Trinity outscored Faith Christian 20-6 in the fourth to close it out. Eliza Gaillard had a huge night with 18 points on 9-of18 shooting along with 13 rebounds and three blocks. Lilly Cooler added 14 points and seven rebounds, and Selah McGrew contributed five points and 10 boards for the Mighty Lions. Holy Trinity (9-1) hosts Charleston Collegiate on Jan. 4.
Branch, while the Warriors picked up a win over the Cougars in a match that came down to a tiebreaker. The Eagles rolled past the Cougars (66-6) and Warriors (60-18) as Antonion McKnight, Jack Miller, Ryan Brozek, Peter Adam Burvenich, and Colton Phares all pinned both of their opponents. Andrew Legree and Tayriq Legree also picked up one win by pin for Beaufort. Whale Branch’s Darrell Cummings won by pin against Beaufort and by forfeit against North Charleston, and Jayden Marzett claimed two forfeit wins to go 2-0. King Kight also picked up a forfeit against the Eagles. The Warriors claimed a 31-30 win over the Cougars in a match that finished tied at 30. Whale Branch earned the tiebreaker point by virtue of having fewer forfeited weight classes. Delante Hills and Zaire Polite earned pins against North Charleston, while Freddie Lawton, Cummings, and Marzett won by forfeit. Beaufort (3-2) will be back in action Dec. 29-30 at the May River Shark Invitational. Whale Branch’s next action is a double dual with John Paul II at Bridges Prep on Jan. 6.
JPII sweeps Colleton Prep, Bridges Prep
Beaufort High wrestling swept a double dual at home Wednesday, beating North Charleston and Whale
John Paul II wrestling racked up 16 pins in 17 contested matches while sweeping a pair of duals from Colleton Prep and Bridges Prep at home Saturday. The Golden Warriors piled up eight pins in a 66-12 win over Bridges, amassing a 66-0 lead before the Buccaneers won the final two weights by forfeit. JPII was just as dominant against the War Hawks, again notching eight pins and dropping just one weight class as Colleton Prep’s Carter Simms earned a pin at 145 pounds. Daniel Snyder, Archer Dewig, William Rooney, Jack Brock, and Kohl Woodham each recorded two pins for JPII, while Oliver Witkowski, Ephrain Jimenez, and Noah Snyder each had a pin and a forfeit, and Peter Torinese won both of his matches by forfeit. Chris Orta and Jase Reynolds also recorded pins for JPII.
went 1-for-2 from the line after being fouled. Genesis Wilson came up with a key steal and broke an ice cold shooting streak by knocking down a three from the wing to put Creek up 36-32 with only 43 seconds remaining. Whale Branch turned the ball over in the final seconds and Battery Creek stormed the court in
celebration as the clock read zero. Battery Creek (4-7) has won three straight going into a three-week break and returns to the court Jan. 7 with a region road trip to Academic Magnet. Whale Branch (4-4) faces Broome in the Trojan Classic in Rock Hill on Dec. 29.
Eagles sweep double dual; Warriors split
LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): A.B.M.C., LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 113 BEACH AVE NORFOLK VA 23504 Contract Number: 2208805; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9123, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9123-G-19; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 1,910.10. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Marlene Naffah AV. CARRERA 15 # 127B-33 APTO 506 BOGOTA 00000 Columbia Roberto Naffah AV. CARRERA 15 # 127B-33 APTO 506 BOGOTA 00000 Columbia Contract Number: 1318896; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9346, respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9346-S-12; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 1,885.65. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the
sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Helen M. Turchan as Trustee of the Helen M. Turchan Trust dated February 6, 1998 21800 MORLEY APT 419 21800 MORLEY APT 419 DEARBORN 48124 Contract Number: 1875595; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9114 respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9114-B-04; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/693 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2404.71. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): William S. Kukuk and Ellen C. Kukuk 2682 RIVERCHASE DR 2682 RIVERCHASE DR MIDDLETOWN 45042-2566 Contract Number: 1736491; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9114 respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9114-S-05; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/695 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2404.71. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must
state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): William S. Kukuk and Ellen C. Kukuk 2682 RIVERCHASE DR 2682 RIVERCHASE DR MIDDLETOWN 45042-2566 Contract Number: 1736491; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9114 respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9114-S-06; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/697 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2404.71. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Serena Nicole Alfieri 44 LOU AVE 44 LOU AVE KINGS PARK 11754 Contract Number: 9128322; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9114 respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9114-B-50; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/699 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2404.71. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare
estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Sarah E. Oglesby 5549 FORT CAROLINE UNIT 108 5549 FORT CAROLINE UNIT 108 JACKSONVILLE 32277-1994 Contract Number: 9385881; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9118 respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9118-B-49; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/705 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2404.71. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Ruth A. Weisenauer 735 CAMPTOWN RD 735 CAMPTOWN RD BREVARD 28712-3057 Contract Number: 2193555; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9158 respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9158-S-09; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/773 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2404.71. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony
Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Teodoro Kapusta and Zulema Wainer De Kapusta ARCOS 2145 PISO 1B ARCOS 2145 PISO 1B BUENOS AIRES 1428 Contract Number: 2856430; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9225 respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9225-G-35; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/795 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2404.71. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JoAnna C. Chen 8437 CULLINGFORD LANE 8437 CULLINGFORD LANE CHARLOTTE 28216 Contract Number: 5318023; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9323 respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges
extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9323-B-49; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/855 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $1787.12. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Jordan Stallings and Christian Stallings 566 WYRE COURT 566 WYRE COURT LELAND 28451 Contract Number: 10964128; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9414 respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9414-S-12; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/889 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2404.71. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): William W. Seekins and Gail T. Seekins 8815 SOUTH ST. SE 8815 SOUTH ST. SE WARREN 44484 Contract Number: 515676; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9415 respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal
DECEMBER 23–29, 2021
LEGAL NOTICES Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9415-G-42; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/893 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2404.71. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): William W. Seekins and Gail T. Seekins 8815 SOUTH ST. SE 8815 SOUTH ST. SE WARREN 44484 Contract Number: 515676; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9415 respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9415-G-43; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/897 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2404.71. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Lorraine McLaren and Eby A. Torralva 6 SURREY LANE 6 SURREY LANE LONG VALLEY 07853 Contract Number: 2119059; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional inter-
DECEMBER 23–29, 2021
est in Unit No. 9438 respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9438-G-38; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/909 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2404.71. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Matthew Joseph Britt, Trustee of the Clarence and Caroline Britt Revocable Trust 3201 VIA ESPERANZA 3201 VIA ESPERANZA EDMOND 73013-8931 Contract Number: 3205300; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9456 respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9456-G-19; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/929 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2404.71. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in
this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Lorraine McLaren and Eby A. Torralva 6 SURREY LANE 6 SURREY LANE LONG VALLEY 07853 Contract Number: 2119059; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9554 respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9554-P-26; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/963 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2404.71. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Sheri A. Ryder 37844 BAYWOOD DRIVE 37844 BAYWOOD DRIVE FARMINGTON HILLS 48335 Contract Number: 7125287; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 9629 respectively, Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated March 8, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526; as amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "As-Built Survey of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime" said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059, said plat being dated March 3, 1999, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 69 at Page 65, as may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all rights, title, interest and privileges extending to Time-Sharing Interest Number(s) 9629-G-39; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated March 8, 1999, recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at Page 526, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/977 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $2404.71. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Barony Beach Club Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on March 11, 1999 in Deed Book 1146 at page 526, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred
by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Nancy J Rose 3705 MINER RD FINKSBURG MD 21018 Contract Number: 10591325; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8012, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8012-G-38; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/36 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 1,655.04. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): LAURA L. PRIMIANO 11135 WEDDINGTON ST N. HOLLYWOOD CA 91601 Contract Number: 10733678; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8013, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8013-S-07; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from
time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/40 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Frank and Helen Turchan 21800 MORLEY AVE APT 419 DEARBORN MI 48124-2340 Contract Number: 27251; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8027, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8027-B-03; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/35 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ROBERT D. HODGE AND ANN F. HODGE 5956 WHISPERING LAKES DR KATY TX 77493 Contract Number: 199052; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8031, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown
and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8031-S-05; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/38 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): NORM CORYELL, C/O TIMESHARE CLOSING SERVICES 21 Pettit's Bridge Rd. Jamison PA 18929 Contract Number: 6590698; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8036, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8036-S-05; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/45 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed
LEGAL NOTICES through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Edward and Margaret Fagan 335 6TH ST AVALON NJ 08202 Contract Number: 126973; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8038, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8038-B-50; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/44 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JAMES ANTUNANO 205 W BLOOMINGDALE AVE BRANDON FL 33511 Contract Number: 2453260; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8043, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal
Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8043-B-49; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/46 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JAMES DALTON SAUNDERS 16210 SHALER BLVD SHAKER HIEIGHTS OH 44120 Contract Number: 10986478; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8134, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8134-S-09; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/65 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405
NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): HARRIET STEGEMERTEN BARBARA JOHNSTON, POA 26118 ALPINE RD. MONROE OR 97456 Contract Number: 2952049; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8134, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8134-S-48; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/70 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JOSE LUIS NAVARRO 11218 GRAHAMWOOD PLACE CHARLOTTE NC 28277 Contract Number: 7049459; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8154, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8154-G-38; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/71 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appro-
priate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): FREDERICK STATON AND MARI-LYNN H. STATON 196 MAPLE ST BROOKLYN NY 11225-5008 Contract Number: 212686; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8223, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8223-S-45; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/81 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): FREDERICK STATON AND MARI-LYNN H. STATON 196 MAPLE ST BROOKLYN NY 11225-5008 Contract Number: 212686; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8223, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort
Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8223-S-46; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/75 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Robert and Ann Hodge 5956 WHISPERING LAKES DR KATY TX 77493 Contract Number: 199052; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8225, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8225-S-05; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/86 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact
raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Lauren and Jeremy Griffey 1212 SPRUELL DR NOLENSVILLE TN 37135-2989 Contract Number: 10967279; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8225, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8225-P-30; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/76 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ANDREA ANAHID BATES 976 HICKORY NUT MOUNTAIN RD LAKEMOUNT GA 30552 Contract Number: 7297847; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8313, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8313-G-17; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/90 ; Total Amount Pres-
DECEMBER 23–29, 2021
LEGAL NOTICES ently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ROBERT D. HODGE AND ANN F. HODGE 5956 WHISPERING LAKES DR KATY TX 77493 Contract Number: 199052; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8322, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8322-S-51; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/98 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): MICHAEL A. COLLINS AND CECILIA A. RISER-COLLINS 111 BEASLEY ROAD GARDEN CITY GA 31408 Contract Number: 9584107; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8331, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office
DECEMBER 23–29, 2021
of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8331-S-48; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/105 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ISABEL GRAHAM BAKER 229 PEACHTREE HILLS AVE NE ATLANTA GA 30305-4411 Contract Number: 403484; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8422, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) ; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/107 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest
to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): NORMAN SEPULVEDA 5109 QUADRANGLE CT WESLEY CHAPEL FL 33544-5597 Contract Number: 4682294; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8432, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8432-G-37; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/108 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): ADOLFO M MAFFI, GRACIELA CASAL AND FRANCISCO MAFFI CASAL PREDRIEL 1404 LOCALIDAD MARTINEZ, BUENOS AIRES 1440 Contract Number: 4994096; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8442, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat
Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8442-G-17; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/115 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): GREGORY M. NOLFI AND VICKI A. NOLFI 7586 HUDSON PARK DR HUDSON OH 44236 Contract Number: 1518981; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8456, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8456-B-50; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/122 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare
estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): DANIEL F. APPLETON JR. AND MARY T. APPLETON PO BOX 1168 MATTAPOISETT MA 02739-1079 Contract Number: 1914055; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8523, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8532-B-02; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/127 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): FERNANDO GARCIA and LUISA BARONA CALLE 124 NO 7C-44 OF 301 BOGOTA Contract Number: 969565; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8553, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8553-P-33; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time.
Lien Book and Page 148/140 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): FERNANDO GARCIA and LUISA BARONA CALLE 124 NO 7C-44 OF 301 BOGOTA Contract Number: 969565; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8553, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8553-P-34; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/139 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): VIRGINIA LUJAN DE PETRINI AND JOSE JUAN PETRINI RODRIGUEZ DEL BUSTO 2414 CORDOBA 5009 Contract Number: 1193979; the following described property:
LEGAL NOTICES An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8615, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8615-S-52; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/161 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): OMAR A FERREIRA REY CALLE 87 #10-31 PISO 3 BOGOTA 0000 Contract Number: 778011; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8631, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8631-P-24; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/179 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare
estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): EDWARD J. FAGAN AND M. H. FAGAN 335 6TH ST AVALON NJ 08202 Contract Number: 126973; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8722, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8722-B-02; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/158 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): INGRID WEISE SHOPPING DEL SOL ASUNCION 1151 Contract Number: 1595552; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8725, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and
by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8725-G-41; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/163 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JESSE E. FRANCIS SR. AND JUDITH M. FRANCIS 705 TESSIN WAY LOUISVILLE KY 40223 Contract Number: 1847648; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8734, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8734-S-08; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/162 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is in-
sufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JACK D. ABNER AND PHYLLIS J. ABNER 1467 MEADOW VIEW LN LEBANON OH 45036-9142 Contract Number: 633882; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8812, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8812-G-40; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/171 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): THOMAS M. BROWN AND JOYCE C. BROWN 151 STERLING MANOR DRIVE WILLIAMSBURG VA 23185 Contract Number: 2281491; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8821, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8821-S-09; in each of the respective aforede-
scribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/176 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): RONALD P. SCHROCK AND SARA M. SCHROCK 31263 RIVERWOOD RD MILLSBORO DE 199667298 Contract Number: 1386378; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8927, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8927-G-22; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/192 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L.
4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): WILLIAM J MOL 7065 OVERLOOK TRL ATLANTA MI 49709-8909 Contract Number: 8664760; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8927, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8927-B-50; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/193 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): CECILE BIGATIN & NATHAN HEYMAN 202 19TH AVE S JACKSONVILLE BEACH FL 32250 Contract Number: 1600754; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-first (1/51) fractional interest in Unit No. 8954, respectively, Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated May 25, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446; as amended by the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to Master Deed recorded in said Office, on July 2, 1993 in Deed Book 635 at Page 39; on August 26, 1993 in Deed Book 647 at Page 651; on May 23, 1994 in Deed Book 706 at Page 639; on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1007, and on January 21, 1997 in Deed Book 916 at Page 603, respectively, as may be further amended from time to time, and by reference to that certain plat entitled “AsBuilt Survey of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime” said plat prepared by Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S. #11059 of Surveying Consultants, said plat being dated May 27, 1993, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 46 at Page 102, said plat bearing last revision date January 7, 1997 and recorded in said Office in Plat Book 59 at Page 58, ae may be further revised from time to time. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Timesharing Interest Numbers(s) 8954-P-25; in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration dated May 25, 1993, recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 3, 1993, in Deed Book 626 at Page 2533, and amended by that certain Supplement to Time Sharing Declaration, dated December 12, 1995 and recorded in said Office on December 14, 1995 in Deed Book 822 at Page 1035, as may be further revised from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/213 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $ 2,476.55. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Grande Ocean Resort Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of
DECEMBER 23–29, 2021
LEGAL NOTICES Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 3, 1993 in Deed Book 626 at Page 2446, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): George L. Vince 20 HICKORY LN WOODBRIDGE CONNECTICUT 06525-1448 Judith W. Vince 20 HICKORY LN WOODBRIDGE CONNECTICUT 06525-1448 Ronald L. Vince 20 HICKORY LN WOODBRIDGE CONNECTICUT 06525-1448 Maryanne Vince 20 HICKORY LN WOODBRIDGE CONNECTICUT 06525-1448 Contract Number: 27405; the following described property: An undivided One and ninety-nine hundreths (1.99%) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 106, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 20, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 106, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 147/2495; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $1759.29. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing
to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Nathaniel S. Washington 7235 DOSTIE DR E JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA 32209 Ira B. Washington 7235 DOSTIE DR E JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA 32209 Contract Number: 27475; the following described property: An undivided One and ninety-nine hundreths (1.99%) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 207, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 48, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 207, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 147/2527; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $1759.29. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Sarah E. Oglesby 5549 FORT CAROLINE UNIT 108 JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA 32277-1994 Contract Number: 9385881; the following described property: An undivided One and ninety-nine hundreths (1.99%) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 309, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 26, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights,
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DECEMBER 23–29, 2021
Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 309, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 147/2553; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $1759.29. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Sarah E. Oglesby 5549 FORT CAROLINE UNIT 108 JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA 32277-1994 Contract Number: 9385881; the following described property: An undivided One and ninety-nine hundreths (1.99%) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 410, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 51, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 410, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 147/2589; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $1759.29. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare
estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Cynthia G. Sandberg, Trustee of the Cynthia G. Sandberg Revocable Living Trust dated December 22, 2004 11120 RAVENNA WAY INDIANAPOLIS INDIANA 46236-9610 Contract Number: 25886; the following described property: An undivided One and ninety-nine hundreths (1.99%) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 414, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 2, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 38, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 414, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 147/2597; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $1759.29. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Janet E. Landino 543 HONEYSUCKLE LANE CHAGRIN FALLS OHIO 44023-6743 Michael A. Scordo 543 HONEYSUCKLE LANE CHAGRIN FALLS OHIO 44023-6743 Contract Number: 24983; the following described property: An undivided One and ninety-nine hundreths (1.99%) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 512, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 1, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 15, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 512, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 148/15; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $1759.29. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appro-
priate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Jeffrey Welhouse 18 CHEROKEE CIR APT 202 MADISON WISCONSIN 53704 Philip Bickert 6 Highway West Oxford MS 38665 Edward Bickert 1665 Sparkleberry Rd Clarksville TN 37042 Contract Number: 3375447; the following described property: An undivided One and ninety-nine hundreths (1.99%) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 115, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 2, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 7, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 115, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 147/2509; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $1759.29. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Li Picarello 22 SCOTTS MATTHEW RD STEWARTVILLE NEW JERSEY 08886 Contract Number: 7902229; the following described property: An undivided One and ninety-nine hundreths (1.99%) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 309, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page
168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 17, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 309, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 147/2551; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $1780.75. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Scott G. Saffer 35564 COROLLA PL REHOBOTH BEACH DELAWARE 19971-4864 Contract Number: 26310; the following described property: An undivided One and ninety-nine hundreths (1.99%) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 420, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 3, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 47, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 420, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 148/7; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $1759.29. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s):
LEGAL NOTICES Jean Griggs 4157 CHADDS CROSSING MARIETTA GEORGIA 30062 Contract Number: 26168; the following described property: An undivided One and ninety-nine hundreths (1.99%) percent interest in all that certain piece, parcel or apartment and improvements, situate, lying and being in Shelter Cove on Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being known as Apartment 523, Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 3, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed of Harbour Pointe Company, a South Carolina General Partnership, establishing said Horizontal Property Regime pursuant to the South Carolina Horizontal Property Act, said Master Deed being dated the 21st day of February, 1983, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, and Plat Book 31 at Page 59, as amended by First Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 390 at Page 1222, and Plat Book 32 at Page 25, and as amended by Second Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 400 at Page 219; and as further amended by Third Amendment to Master Deed dated April 29, 1988 and recorded in Deed Book 501 at Page 1701 and Plat Book 35 at Page 168, and by Fourth Amendment to Master Deed recorded in Deed Book 536 at Page 2738 and all amendments thereto. AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, and common areas appertaining to the above described Apartment as set forth in the Master Deed, Amendments to Master Deed and By-Laws of Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Phase 4 and all amendments thereto. ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Owner Use Period 16, contained in that certain Declaration of Multiple Ownership Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. of Apartment 523, said Declaration being attached as an exhibit to the aforementioned Third Amendment to the Master Deed. Lien Book and Page 148/31; Total Amount Presently Delinquent, not including attorney’s fees: $1759.29. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Harbour Pointe Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on February 21, 1983 in Deed Book 364 at Page 869, the lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Robert C. Bingham 5227 SIESTA COVE DR SARASOTA FL 34242 (Obligors) Contract Number: ; the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK in UNIT NO 3523, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase II, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase II, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 148/1217 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2497.31. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address:
Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): LESTER GAITHER AND JEANNE L. GAITHER 1304 BUOY CT SUFFOLK VA 23435-2849 (Obligors) Contract Number: ; the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK in UNIT NO 3625, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase VII, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase VII, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 148/1241 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2497.31. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Teofila G. Malanum 16510 MESETA HELOTEES TX 78023 (Obligors) Contract Number: ; the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK in UNIT NO 3625, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XIX, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XIX, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 148/1249 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2497.31. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): GUY AND JENNIFER HUBBARD 2287 AIRPORT RD BELGRADE MT 59714-8551 (Obligors) Contract Number: ; the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other
owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK in UNIT NO 3642, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase IX, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase IX, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 148/1275 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2497.31. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Leslie J Chadwick aka Leslee J. Chadwick and Wayne Chadwick 6060 ANCHORIDGE QUAY CUMMING GA 30041 (Obligors) Contract Number: ; the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK in UNIT NO 3717, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XI, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XI, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 148/1283 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2497.31. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): John E. Clements and Kristine S. Clements 1610 W 100 N #29 ST GEORGE UT 84770 (Obligors) Contract Number: ; the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 46 in UNIT NO 3722, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XII, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed
Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XII, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 148/1273 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $1470.03. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Barry L. Simms and Joyce T. Simms 5708 BIG SANDY DR RALEIGH NC 27616 (Obligors) Contract Number: ; the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 18 in UNIT NO 3732, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XIII, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XIII, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 148/1319 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2497.31. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Charles Ramsay and Leslie Ramsay 125 WILMINGTON AVENUE BOSTON MA 02124 (Obligors) Contract Number: ; the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 5 in UNIT NO 3741, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XIV, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XIV, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page none found ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2497.31. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial
foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Charles Ramsay and Leslie Ramsay 125 WILMINGTON AVENUE BOSTON MA 02124 (Obligors) Contract Number: ; the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 6 in UNIT NO 3741, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XIV, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XIV, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page none found ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2497.31. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): GARY M. COLEMAN 1525 BISON RIDGE DR COLORADO SPRINGS CO 80919 (Obligors) Contract Number: ; the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 51 in UNIT NO 3744, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XIV, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XIV, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 148/1301 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2497.31. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed.
You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JORGE LUIS PIRES MOREIRA RUA VILELA FILHO 19 APTO 1200 MINAS GERAIS 36015-280 (Obligors) Contract Number: ; the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 51 in UNIT NO 3747, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XIV, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XIV, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page none found ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2497.31. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): OLGA A. MOREIRA 13012 Gearing Ct Winter Garden FL 34787 (Obligors) Contract Number: ; the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 8 in UNIT NO 3754, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XV, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XV, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 148/1311 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2497.31. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being
DECEMBER 23–29, 2021
LEGAL NOTICES foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): KATHERINE R. WILSON PO BOX 725 ORIENTAL NC 28571-0725 (Obligors) Contract Number: ; the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 12 in UNIT NO 3813, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XVI, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XVI, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 148/1323 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2497.31. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Quentrel Williams 5007 PEACHTREE AVE WILMINGTON NC 28403 (Obligors) Contract Number: ; the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 3 in UNIT NO 3822, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XVII, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XVII, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 148/1335 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2497.31. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing
DECEMBER 23–29, 2021
to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JOYCE BRADSHAW 1874 CAPRI DR CHARLESTON SC 29407-7606 (Obligors) Contract Number: ; the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 19 in UNIT NO 3826, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XVII, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XVII, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 148/1343 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2497.31. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): GREGORY V. HAZELETT PO BOX 3260 PIKEVILLE KY 41502-3260 (Obligors) Contract Number: ; the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 1 in UNIT NO 3827, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XVII, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XVII, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 148/1345 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2497.31. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): SHERYL L. LEOPOLD 15617 LAKE RIDGE ROAD CHARLOTTE NC 28278-8431 (Obligors) Contract Number: ; the following described property:
Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 15 in UNIT NO 3832, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XVIII, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XVIII, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 148/1349 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2497.31. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Aleshea Nicole Triplett 1063 SEABOARD AVENUE NE APT 2 ATLANTA GA 30307 (Obligors) Contract Number: ; the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 50 in UNIT NO 3835, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XVIII, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XVIII, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 148/1351 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2497.31. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Teofila Malanum 16510 MESETA HELOTEES TX 78023 (Obligors) Contract Number: ; the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 6 in UNIT NO 3841, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XIX, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded
in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XIX, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 148/1355 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2497.31. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Matthew Joseph Britt, trustee of the Clarence and Caroline Britt Revocable Trust 3201 VIA ESPERANZA EDMOND OK 73013-8931 (Obligors) Contract Number: ; the following described property: Together with a remainder over in fee simple absolute as tenants in common with the other owners of all the unit weeks in the hereafter described Condominium Unit in that percentage interest determined and established by the aforesaid Declaration of Interval Ownership, Rights, Restrictions, Affirmative Obligations, Conditions, Etc. for the following described real estate located in the County of Beaufort, State of South Carolina as follows: UNIT WEEK 47 in UNIT NO 3855, in Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime XXV, Phase XXV, according to the Master Deed of American Resort Properties, Inc., dated May 18, 1982, as recorded in the Beaufort County Records in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended by Annexation Declaration of Phase XXV, recorded in the Beaufort County, Records in Deed Book 361 at Page 1, and all applicable amendments thereto. Lien Book and Page 148/1371 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $4244.7. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing Monarch at Sea Pines, Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina in Deed Book 347 at Page 346, et seq. and as amended, and lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): KATHERINE R. WILSON PO BOX 725 ORIENTAL NC 28571-0725 Contract Number: 1630102; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5446 respectively, SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime.
AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5446-S-11 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 149/83 ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $1931.13. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): DAVID HOFFMAN 304 Patriot Way Charlottesville VA 22903 Contract Number: 4422023; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5115 respectively, SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5115-B-49 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 149/63 Not Served Served ; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $1931.13. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): Kristina J. Pfosi 37844 BAYWOOD DRIVE FARMINGTON HILLS MICHIGAN 48335 (Obligors) Contract Number: 7125287; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5151 respectively, SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County,
South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5151-G-39 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/530; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2142.23. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): HENRY GORDON HAMBY III, TRUSTEE OF THE HENRY GORDON HAMBY, JR. LIVING TRUST DATED AUGUST 29, 2006 10726 SHINGLE OAK CT BURKE VIRGINIA 22015 (Obligors) Contract Number: 7116916; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5315 respectively, SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5315-P-34 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/553; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2142.23. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in
LEGAL NOTICES this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): CAROL WEAVER HICKS 239 BEACH CITY ROAD HILTON HEAD SOUTH CAROLINA 29926 (Obligors) Contract Number: 8609747; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5338 respectively, SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5338-B-03 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/569; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $1882.09. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JAMES E. SCHILLING 925 LYONS RIDGE DRIVE CARY ILLINOIS 60013 CYNTHIA R. SCHILLING 925 LYONS RIDGE DRIVE CARY ILLINOIS 60013 (Obligors) Contract Number: 7897275; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5341 respectively, SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5341-P-25 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/575; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2142.23. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection
and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): SCOTT J. BURDICK 13 WESTERLY DRIVE FREDONIA NEW YORK 14063 CHRISTINE BURDICK 13 WESTERLY DRIVE FREDONIA NEW YORK 14063 (Obligors) Contract Number: 6461987; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5344 respectively, SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5344-G-13 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/577; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2142.23. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JOANNE WOMMACK MCDANIEL 5010 HAWKS RIDGE DR COLUMBUS GEORGIA 31904-2041 (Obligors) Contract Number: 5747102; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5451 respectively, SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5451-G-15 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/607; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2142.23. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further
amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): DONALD ESTON ROGERS 2295 Towne Lake Parkway #116-216 Woodstock GEORGIA 30189 ANITA L. ROGERS 2295 Towne Lake Parkway #116216 Woodstock GEORGIA 30189 (Obligors) Contract Number: 5998434; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5453 respectively, SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5453-S-06 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/609; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $1882.09. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): HERBERT TADASHI TAKASHIMA 5423 NORWOOD ST FAIRWAY KANSAS 66205 (Obligors) Contract Number: 3745226; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5457 respectively, SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat").
AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5457-G-18 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/615; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $1882.09. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JOANNE WOMMACK MCDANIEL 5010 HAWKS RIDGE DR COLUMBUS GEORGIA 31904-2041 (Obligors) Contract Number: 5747102; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5458 respectively, SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5458-G-39 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/619; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2142.23. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): JOANNE WOMMACK MCDANIEL 5010 HAWKS RIDGE DR COLUMBUS GEORGIA 31904-2041 (Obligors) Contract Number: 5747102; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5458 respectively, SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and
being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5458-G-40 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/625; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $2142.23. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): HERBERT TADASHI TAKASHIMA 5423 NORWOOD ST FAIRWAY KANSAS 66205 (Obligors) Contract Number: 3745226; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5644 respectively, SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5644-G-15 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/659; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $1882.09. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance
with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405 NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO SELL Name and Address of Owner(s): KELLEY A. GLEASON 13560 TUCKER DR MICHIGAN 48820-9666 USA (Obligors) Contract Number: 5943431; the following described property: An undivided one fifty-second (1/52) fractional interest in Unit No. 5328 respectively, SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime, lying situate and being in Hilton Head Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, and being more particularly shown and described by reference to the Master Deed, establishing the said Horizontal Property Regime, being dated June 17, 2004, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time, the most recent amendment being the Third Amendment to the Master Deed dated July, 14, 2005, and recorded July 25, 2005, in Deed Book 2193 at Page 1839, and by reference to that certain plat entitled "Plat of Phase 1, 2 & 3 SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime", said plat prepared by Surveying Consultants, Inc., Terry G. Hatchell, S.C.R.L.S.#11059 , said plat being dated July 15, 2005, and recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 108 at Page 5, as may be further revised from time to time ("Plat"). AND ALSO, all of the rights, privileges, easements, and common areas appertaining to the above-described property as set forth in the Master Deed and By-Laws of SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime. AND ALSO, all right, title, interest and privileges extending to Time Sharing Interest Numbers(s) 5328-G-19 in each of the respective aforedescribed Units, as contained in that certain Time Sharing Declaration, dated June 17, 2004, recorded in the Land Records for Beaufort County, South Carolina, on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0082, as amended from time to time. Lien Book and Page 148/565; Total Amount Presently Delinquent: $1882.09. You are currently in default under certain provisions of the Master Deed Establishing SurfWatch Horizontal Property Regime, Beaufort County, South Carolina by MARRIOTT OWNERSHIP RESORTS INC. recorded in the Registrar of Deeds, Beaufort County, South Carolina on June 22, 2004 in Deed Book 01976 at Page 0001, as further amended from time to time,, lienholder has chosen to proceed with a non-judicial foreclosure procedure in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 32 of Title 27 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you fail to cure the default or take other appropriate action with regard to this matter within thirty calendar days after the date of this notice, you will risk losing your interest in this timeshare estate through a nonjudicial foreclosure procedure. However, under the nonjudicial procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment or personal liability for the lien being foreclosed even if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the nonjudicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. You may object to the sale of your timeshare estate through the nonjudicial foreclosure procedure and require foreclosure of your timeshare interest to proceed through the judicial process. An objection must be made in writing and received by the trustee before the end of the thirty-day time period. You must state the reason for your objection and include your address on the written objection. In a judicial foreclosure proceeding that results from your objection, you may be subject to a deficiency judgment and personal liability for the lien being foreclosed if the sale of your timeshare estate resulting from the judicial foreclosure is insufficient to satisfy the amount of the lien being foreclosed. Furthermore, you also may be subject to a personal money judgment for the costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the lien holder in the judicial foreclosure proceeding if the court finds that there is a complete absence of a justifiable issue of either law or fact raised by your objections or defenses. You have the right to cure your default at any time before the sale of your timeshare estate by payment of all past due loan payments or assessments, accrued interest, late fees, taxes, and all fees and costs incurred by the lien holder and trustee, including attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with the default. Any response or inquiry should be made in writing to Daniel C. Zickefoose, who is serving as trustee in this matter, at the following address: Eck, Collins & Richardson, P.L. 4000 Faber Place Drive, Suite 300 North Charleston, SC 29405
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Contact Us 843-522-0418 Professional Service Reasonable Rates DECEMBER 23–29, 2021
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DECEMBER 23–29, 2021
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THURSDAY’S CARTOON Read with caution; not necessarily the opinions of the editorial staff.
FOR LEASE Prime Location in Downtown Beaufort Newly remodeled commercial office space. 1,101 sq ft, with dedicated off-street parking. Front and Rear entry. This space is fabulous with a lobby/reception area, six offices/treatment rooms, a kitchenette, bathroom, back patio, and was most recently used as a chiropractic wellness center. Willing to lease to a group of persons seeking individual offices or treatment rooms. Perfect space for therapists, small business owners, and remote workers. For more information, contact Tami with B4B Properties @ 828-337-6813. HELP WANTED – DRIVERS ADVERTISE YOUR DRIVER JOBS in 99 S.C. newspapers for only $375. Your 25-word classified ad will reach more than 2.1 million readers. Call Randall Savely at the S.C. Newspaper Network, 1-888-727-7377. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE NEED NEW FLOORING? Call Empire Today to schedule a FREE in-home estimate on Carpeting & Flooring. Call Today! 844-254-3873 Two great new offers from AT&T Wireless! Ask how to get the new iPhone 11 or Next Generation Samsung Galaxy S10e ON US with AT&T’s Buy one, Give One offer. While supplies last! CALL 1-855-928-2915 GENERAC Standby Generators provide backup power during utility power outages, so
THEME: MOVIE QUOTES ACROSS 1. THESE 5. General Services Administration 8. Ex-Miami Heat player Dwyane 12. Pomegranate seed 13. Actor Chris O'____ 14. Pacific Crest Trail walker 15. Country dance formation 16. Wished undone 17. Popeye's sweetie 18. *"Sudden Impact": "Go ahead, ____ ____ ____" 20. Arm part 21. Gold unit 22. Parabola, e.g. 23. San Joaquin Valley city 26. Hangs out with 30. Unit of electrical resistance 31. *"Star Wars": "Stay in ____ formation" 34. Mr. Jinx's (of "Meet the Parents") cry 35. Clay and silt deposit 37. Camel debris 38. Japanese sword fighting 39. Was aware of 40. Come into sight 42. *"Independence Day": "I belong in the ____" 43. *"The Dark Knight": "Why so
____?" 45. Common allergen 47. Cup alternative 48. Bird-made fertilizer 50. Sketch 52. *"On the Waterfront": "I coulda been a ____" 56. El Dorado-related 57. Tabernacle Choir's home state 58. Contributed 59. Star Wars attacker 60. Unidentified aircraft 61. Prep for publication 62. Ladder step 63. Tropical American cuckoo 64. Part to play DOWN 1. Precedes storm? 2. Soprano's song, e.g. 3. *"Mean Girls": "On Wednesdays, we wear ____" 4. Makes smooth, as in hair 5. Dutch cheese 6. *"Darkest Hour": "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and ____" 7. ____ Walker, American Girl doll 8. *"Field of Dreams": "If you build it, he ____ _____" 9. Related 10. Deity, in Sanskrit
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11. "... ____ he drove out of sight" 13. Fungus damage (2 words) 14. Meryl Streep's "The ____" 19. Supernatural life force, pl. 22. Query 23. *"Who Framed Roger Rabbit": "That's all, ____!" 24. CÙtes du ____, wine region 25. Mideast V.I.P. 26. Soreness 27. Kidney-related 28. *"Princess Bride": "You killed my father. Prepare ____ ____" 29. Bound by oath 32. "Lights out" tune 33. Nile reptile 36. *"Finding Nemo": "Just keep ____" 38. Danish money 40. Two before Oct 41. Lack of enthusiasm 44. 1/16th of a pound 46. Not two years but three, e.g. 48. Coped (2 words) 49. Freshwater eel, in Japan 50. Comics character Little ____ 51. Fe 52. Caribbean island country 53. Carpenter's joint 54. Like a fairytale stepmother? 55. Network of nerves 56. Acronym, abbr.
DECEMBER 23–29, 2021
820 Bay Street
Beaufort, SC 29902
DATAW ISLAND | MLS 172422 3BDRM | 2.5B | 1796sqft Trudy Arthur 843.812.0967 Nancy Butler 843.384.5445
3BDRM | 3B | 3016sqft Deep Water | Private Dock Colleen Baisley 843.252.1066
1.59acre | Community Dock | Gated Community Lloyd Williams 1.843.754.4735
DISTANT ISLAND | MLS 172899 5BDRM | 4.5+B | 5377sqft Deep Water | Private Dock Edward Dukes 843.812.5000 The Kitchen has your last minute holiday gifts! Open Christmas Eve until 2pm. The Kitchen will be CLOSED December 25-January 3. We will reopen Tuesday, January 4th, for normal hours. Check The Kitchen website,,, for the Christmas menu!
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Historic Beaufort Foundation
Catholic? Come Home! Maybe you have been away from the Catholic Church for a little while, or for a long time. Maybe you have felt a tug at your heart, the Lord inviting you to come back. This is a wonderful time of the year to say yes to this loving invitation from God. No matter how long you have been away, you are part of our Catholic family and we have missed you! We are your brothers and sisters in Christ, and we want to help welcome you home! Despite the human brokenness of his followers, Jesus is still working through his Church today. He wants to forgive you, nourish you, and strengthen you in your journey with him. Like the loving Father in the story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15), Jesus is waiting for you and can’t wait to joyfully welcome you home!
Sacrament of Reconciliation Come experience the Lord’s mercy! Special opportunities will be offered for the Sacrament of Reconciliation in our main church. Even if it has been decades, the priest will help you and rejoice with you as you experience the Lord’s forgiveness and mercy. Thursday, December 23 ........................................ 5:00 – 7:00pm Friday, December 24 ...................................... 11:00am – 1:00pm
Christmas Masses Christmas Eve ...................... 4:00pm, 6:00pm, 8:00pm (Español) Christmas Day .............................. 12:00am (Midnight), 11:00am
70 Lady’s Island Drive, Beaufort, SC 29907 843-522-9555 • •