February 17

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BEAUFORT INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL 2011 which oscar nominees will present awards? also see a full schedule of events. page 16


2011 beaufort memorial valentine ball



FEBRUARY 17-24, 2011

Come on down to the




Cherimie Crane laments the state of this day and age. see page 4

Bands, Brews & BBQ An Event to benefit FRIENDS of Caroline HOSPICE

Mrs. Jared Kraszewski

Mrs. Anthony Burris

Bands Brews & BBQ, a South music and samplings of ‘Anything But Carolina Barbecue Association Pork’ from the participating cookers. sanctioned cook-off event, will take The Saturday, Feb. 26, event will run from 12-4 p.m. place on Friday, Feb. 25 and and will include a IF YOU GO sanctioned South Saturday, Feb. 26. When: Friday, Feb. 25, 6-9 p.m. and Saturday, Feb. 26, 12-4 p.m. Carolina Barbecue Hosted by Beaufort Where: Beaufort Town Center, Association cookTown Center Boundary Street. off in the categories and sponsored by Tickets: Cost for adults and children over 12: Friday night, $10; Saturday, Kinghorn Insurance of ribs and butts, as $15; children under 12 are FREE! well as live music Agency of Beaufort, Tickets may be purchased in advance Lowcountry Home and entertainment at the FRIENDS office or at the for the children. Oxygen, Butler gate the day of the event. Contact 843-525-6257 or visit www. C-J-D and Griffith, Visitors to the friendsofcarolinehospice.org. Sadler & Sharp, event will get to Did you know? Our own Wendy sample all-theyPA, all proceeds will Pollitzer, editor and Lunch Bunch columnist, will be a guest judge in the can-eat of the best benefit FRIENDS “Anything but Pork” event. barbecue in the of Caroline HOSPICE. area. Join us for This event will feature an “Anything wonderful food and to raise money for But Pork” Party on Friday, Feb. 25 a charity that has provided loving care from 6-9 p.m. and will feature live to Beaufort for more than 30 years.


Tidal Creek breaks ground for church on Lady’s Island. see page 14


Author Phil West loves basketball and science fiction. see page 17 INDEX

Arts News Health Schools Sports Social Diary Lunch Bunch Wine Pets Events Directory Classified

Still time to vote for your favs


Mrs. John Russell and Mrs. Norman Mariano See all the fashions and full coverage of the fundraising event on pages 10-12.

he Island News wants to know your favorite things about our community. It’s fun and easy! Just take a look at the categories on our website at www. yourislandnews.com and vote for at least 10 businesses or community leaders you consider to be your favorite. Once the votes are counted from the 127 categories, we’ll announce the winners in March. Show support and make your votes heard!

NewtoN LAw FIrm of Beaufort

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Criminal Defense Attorney • DUI • CDV

Travis A. Newton

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February 17 by The Island News - Issuu