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Veteran Of The Week Steve Switzer

Beaufort’s Steve Switzer, 69, joined the United States Marine Corps at 17 years old in Syracuse, N.Y., in 1970. After boot camp at Parris Island, he trained as a Heavy Equipment Operator at Camp Lejeune before being assigned to Quantico, Va., to work in construction.

Switzer next transferred to Okinawa, the first of four tours there. In between each tour saw him at MCAS Beaufort working with heavy equipment. While at

Letters To The Editor

Answers to Lucas’ questions

This is in response to the February 9-15, 2023 column, “Are We Still Doing This? Again and Again?” by Carol Lucas. The headline refers to mass murder/gun violence.

I will address a few of her comments and questions: “How many times?”

Answer: Many, many more times.

Are we “… proud to hold the dubious distinction that our country seems to relish…” (gun violence). Answer: Who cares?

“Something concrete must be done.”

Answer: Don’t hold your breath.

Lucas relates that she “… shot a gun a couple of times …”

Answer: Big deal.

Lucas hopes that you are never in a position to experience the pain of gun violence.

Answer: Don’t be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

– Terry Gibson, Beaufort re: School book ban mess

I write this after reading so many articles and others’ letters to the editor about the issue.

I recently, in my readings, came upon a quote (from) 1821 by German poet and playwright Heinrich Heine, “Dort, wo man Bucher verbrennt, verbrent mann auch am Ende Menmschen.”

I think a solid translations reads, “Where they burn books, they will, in the end, also burn people.”

We have our Junior League version of these folks right here in Beaufort. People who think that their “Religious Freedom” is the freedom for them to impose their wants/ fears/hates, i.e. their lifestyles, onto all others. A small minority that wants to rule over all others.

And then they call themselves good Americans, good Christians. They are the exact opposite. And should be recognized as such.

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