4 minute read
February 23
Okinawa he deployed to Thailand where he worked with the Thai Marines. His final assignment was back at MCAS Beaufort, his fourth tour there. He retired in 1991 after 21 years of service as a Master Sergeant. He then served our community for 17 years as a police office, first with the City of Beaufort City and then with the Town of Port
And this handful of people should not be able to force so much trouble and worries and time and expense on all others.
I see that to date only one book reviewed (now two) has had a change in category advised. And, be clear, any parent can opt out of these books for their children. But these “watchdogs of decency” should have no say over how all others are raised. How many hours have been spent on this falseflag chase already?
At minimum these people should be sanctioned, same way Trump was fined about a million dollars for filing a frivolous law suit. These people should have to pay for all the time of all the people that has been spent reading these books, talking over them. This is in the class of a nuisance lawsuit and should be treated as same … filers of these (should be) financially penalized.
What’s that old H.L. Mencken quote about a Puritan? “A person that is afraid that someone somewhere is having a good time.”
– George Stanton, Beaufort
Leave St. Helena alone
I recently read an informative article written by Mr. Mike McCombs of your newspaper. The subject was the potential future development of an area of Saint Helena Island by an outside investor.
The reason my wife and I rent a property and support the numerous services and events in your area each year is the beauty, serenity, and very natural environment that has been sustained by the Gullah culture for so long. I believe any more gated communities, golf courses, franchises or other such ventures will destroy what is the essence of your community. My wife and I would no longer visit. The estimated $15,000 we spend each year in your area would disappear.
1868: James Edwin McTeer, future Beaufort County Sheriff, is born.
1915: Robert Smalls dies. At the time of his death, he was suffering from malaria and diabetes.
Pal Pets Of The Week
Cat of the Week: Rowan is tall, dark, and handsome. This big guy was found at a feral colony and was certainly someone’s pet. He is incredibly sweet, loves people of all ages, and belly rubs. He is 3 years old, neutered, up to date on vaccines, and microchipped.
Today, Switzer is the Worshipful Master of the Port Royal Masonic Lodge 242 and an active Shriner, taking children to the Shriners Hospital in Greenville.
– Compiled by John Chubb, American Legion Post 9. For Veteran Of The Week nominations, contact jechubb1@gmail.com
I ask the governmental entities who will ultimately accept or reject further commercial development to consider my request to reject any effort at further development. This is not progress. As a retired commercial/industrial appraiser I can speak with some knowledge. Thank you.
– William A. Rolland, Jr., Shavertown, Pa.
Give SC citizens a voice
The First Amendment includes the phrase “… and the right to petition the government for redress of grievances …”
I have sent a query, again, to my S.C. Senator asking why our legislature has refused, as in many (often southern) states, to encode in state law neither a “recall petition” nor a “citizen-initiated referendum” petition? What scares our state governance folk?
There are some doing or proposing wacky stuff in no way representative of a majority of citizens’ wishes. I’d like some options when a given elected official does not appear to serve the needs and wishes of their constituency, or will not put an issue on the ballot despite public wishes? Just asking.
– Tim Dodds, Lady’s
Keep up the good work
We pick up the Sunday New York Times just about every week, and choose a section or two to read through as the week goes on. But we have a subscription (it’s a good cause) to The Island News, and I have to say my wife and I are spending almost as much time reading and relishing the editorials in your paper.
We appreciate the chances you take on a weekly basis, and love your band of gypsies who boldly give us their best.
Keep up the great words and work.
– Glen Becker, Lady’s Island
Videographer Delayna Earley delayna. theislandnews@ gmail.com
Advertising Sales Director Amanda Hanna 843-343-8483 amanda@ lcweekly.com
Accounting April Ackerman april@ aandbbookkeeping. com Billing questions only.
Dog of the Week: Jolene is the quiet type who likes to take time to warm up to new people. She has spent most of her life at home and is yearning to get back to that life. She prefers a quiet and calm environment to spend her time napping or just relaxing. Jolene is 2 years old, spayed, up to date on vaccines, and microchipped.
If you are interested in adopting Rowan, Jolene, or any of our other pets, call our adoption center at 843-645-1725 or email us at info@ palmettoanimalleague. org to set up an appointment.
CONTACT US PO Box 550 Beaufort, SC 29901 TheIslandNews@gmail.com www.YourIslandNews.com facebook.com/TheIslandNews
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