January 14 edition

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JANUARY 14-20, 2016


to get veterans service dogs to prevent suicide “Did you know,” asks paws4people. Their Miami Phillips, “that initiative, paws4vets. since 1999 over 130,000 org works on behalf veterans have taken of those afflicted their own lives? That by post-traumatic is just a terrible fact and stress, traumatic brain we have to do something injuries, and wounds about it.” received while in the The Center for Disease service that can benefit Control reports that the by having a service dog veterans’ suicides are by their side. at a rate of 22 per day All three family (2012). Post-Traumatic members work from Stress, Traumatic Brain YUME all year doing Injuries, Military Sexual what they can to help. Trauma and wounds all Last year their efforts in Three-year-old black take a huge toll on our Labrador/Australian Shepard Washington, DC were service dog named Goose military service men and instrumental in raising women. over $342,000 as part That’s why Phillips, his wife Shelly, of the federal government employees’ their son Ryan, and a three-year-old pledges to the Combined Federal black Labrador/Australian Shepard Campaign. Much of this money goes service dog named Goose, crew YUME to finding and training dogs to become to promote awareness about, and service dogs and then matching them raise money to help veterans, active with veterans in need. “We have all read duty military personnel, and military about the incredible success that service dependents who live with crippling, life- dogs can have on an individual suffering changing issues. from all kinds of life-threatening The Phillips’ focus on paws4vets issues. A service dog seems to bring a (http://paws4vets.org), an organization change in focus to many who face panic, that is part of the nonprofit foundation disorientation, fear, and pain on a daily


Meet John Leadem NOC project manager dedicated to improving young lives

see page 4


Brock Strickland, aged 31 and former Army medic who served in Iraq is pictured with his dog, Tannen. Brock suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as well as suffering from a traumatic brain injury that keeps him in constant pain. Tannen is working with him to wake him from recurring nightmares and to feel safe in public again.

Sun City Lions Club presents gift to TCL nursing scholarships

see page 8

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At least it’s not in Beaufort. This is like a warm-up to Super Bowl Sunday. So put February 6th on your calendar and mark it with lots of little stars and exclamation points because you don’t want to miss this one. The Chilly Bear 5K & 10K Races and Chili Cook-off is the perfect way to get families together for a little (or a lot) of exercise and then enjoy lunch in the beautiful waterfront setting at the Coosaw Point on Lady’s Island. The sneakers hit the pavement for The Chilly Bear 5K and 10K runs at 10:30 a.m. and the Chili Cook-off starts at 11:30 a.m. with the judging at noon. Don’t run? That’s fine. You can walk the course or just sit and enjoy the view while you wait for the hordes to return. And then it’s Chili Time! I have

Co-chairs Vivi Verity-Nellen and Shannon Roberts

been told on good authority there will be adult beverages available and children’s hot dogs etc. for those who find chili not to their liking! New this year, the local amateur cooks who submit a chili entry will be judged by the professionals from the restaurant division of the cook-off. This wonderful fundraising event is presented by, and supports, the Parents Association of Beaufort Academy. It also raises money for Operation Backpack, a school program from the United Way that helps prepare under-privileged children for

the school year by providing necessary materials. You can also bring a donation for Operation Backpack and drop it off at the race site for just a little extra “helping hand” which is always needed. Founder and current cochairman Shannon Roberts, with Vivi Verity-Nellen, are heading up this event and for these two, both runners themselves, a crowd of more than 600 is expected. Shannon explains, “We should have between 400-500 runners now that both races are certified by the USATF and Palmetto Running Company is providing

the electronic timing for the races.” Vivi added, “Besides being a wonderful location for a run, this is a great warm-up race for the many other certified competitions scheduled this spring. Plus there will be about 300 who come just for the chili!” That would be me. Plus, the Bull Grapes are performing live during lunch and if the endorsement by these two ladies is anything to go by, they are “Phenomenal!” So gather the gang, bring the neighborhood, rally the family and enjoy a typical Saturday in Beaufort – with a little sweat, great food, and a big cheer for the Tiny Bean (the youngest finisher of the race) and the Old Bean (oldest runner to finish the race). For more information, go to www. chillybeanrun.com.

New fire station, new 75-foot ladder truck come online

see page 4


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