see&be seen
judges ned tupper and mary sharp say ‘i do’, page 10
The Island News covering northern beaufort county
run nin g int o 201 3
januarY 3-9, 2013
Columnist Takiya Smith returns with advice about how to look and feel great. see page 5
Beaufort Film Society’s dynamic duo: Ron Tucker and Rebecca Berry. see page 14 ABOVE: Participants in the fifth annual Pelican Plunge show varying degrees of discomfort as they splash their way into the surf at Hunting Island State Park on Tuesday, January 1. RIGHT: Jeff Atkins, left, holds the bull horn while event official Bruce Doneff leads the faithful in a kazoo rendition of “America The Beautiful” to officially kick off the annual Pelican Plunge, sponsored by Friends of Hunting Island. About 1,500 “spectators and the insane” converged onto Hunting Island for the New Year’s Day event, according to Doneff. He said the Friends of Hunting Island hope to raise about $5,000 this year for the Discover Carolina program. Photos by Bob Sofaly. See more pictures on page 16.
South Carolina holds first free hunting days The S.C. Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is proud to announce the first free hunting days Jan. 4-5. If you ever wanted to experience the thrill of hunting, the relaxation of spending time in the woods or the joy of a new adventure with family and friends, this is the time to get out there and see all South Carolina’s natural resources have to offer. Free hunting days allow all South Carolina residents to hunt without a state hunting license or other required permits. It is important to note that Free Hunting Days are offered by the state of South Carolina and do not waive any federal requirements to hunt migratory waterfowl. The Jan. 4-5 free hunt days do not extend deer or any other season. The youth deer hunt on Jan. 5 allows youth ages 17 and under to hunt deer as long as they are accompanied by a licensed adult 21 years or older. Free hunting days are available only to SC residents and apply to all lands in which hunting is allowed. Please note that all existing seasons, bag limits and methods of take still apply so check the 2012-2013 Rules and Regulations for more information at
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