The Island News June 14, 2012

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Contact Silvia 843.838.8261 or 2 18-hole Championship Golf Lalinde Courses •at Har-Tru Tennis Courts • State of the Art Fitness Center & ! # ! ' " "% # ' $ $ ! $ "$ $ ## $ " ' !!" %$ !!" !! # ' % !%# • Indoor & Outdoor Pools • Full Marina•Clubhouse Dining•Special Events


The Island News covering northern beaufort county


this one’s for you,


for father’s day, we feature dedicated dads, and, of course, our local gift guide. pages 14-16


raise your banner up for

flag day On Thursday, June 14, our American Flag will be 235 years old. In honor of this event, the Beaufort Council and Assembly of the Knights of Columbus will sponsor a birthday celebration at Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park in Beaufort. The festivities will begin at 6:30 p.m. The celebration will consist of the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, the singing of the National Anthem and a patriotic musical program presentation by members of the St. Peter Catholic Church Choir. All are invited to join State Sen. Tom Davis, Rep. Shannon Erikson, Beaufort Mayor Billy Keyserling, the Knights, the Boys and Girl Scouts and all your friends and neighbors for this patriotic celebration. Come early, bring the family, lawn chairs, picnic baskets and blankets. Be prepared to be uplifted. Be prepared to feel proud — proud to be an American. For those who are unable to attend, remember to pause at 7 p.m. and recite The Pledge of Allegiance.

honor flags support ldw3

Winning Writer Six-year-old Nathan Tran of Beaufort took first place in the PBS KIDS Go! writing contest. Nathan, pictured above, won as an independent entry for his original story called “Ice Escape.� His story is now in the second round of national judging. Nathan’s mom, Emily, said he will be a first grader this fall at Coosa Elementary.

june 14-20, 2012

This year, for $100 you can be a Lt. Dan Band Concert Honor Flag sponsor. The beautiful American-made 12x18 flag will be posted on the concert fence, along with an attached pennant with your name, your company’s name or the name of a particular individual you’d like to see honored at this important event. When the concert is over, take the flag home with you as a memorable keepsake. Can you imagine the visual effect of having the entire concert ringed by Honor Flags? What a great way to do something meaningful to support the troops. Lt. Dan Weekend 3 will be held in September. Chose one of three ways to support: 1. Mail a check: Flag Sponsor, PO Box 1171, Beaufort, SC 29901. 2. Sponsor online by visiting the LDW3 store at www. 3. Email and we will send you an invoice. Don’t forget to include who you want to honor with the flag pennant!

Enterprise makes safe transit, from sea to shining sea see page 4


A royal send off for Caroline Hospice’s Beverley Porter. see page 8


Lulu Burgess makes Oprah magazine’s exclusive “O� list. see page 17 INDEX

News 2-3 Arts 6 Health 7 Social 8-10 Voices 11 School 12-13 Profile 14-15 Sports 18-19 Lunch Bunch 24 Wine 25 Dining 26 Pets 28 Events 29 Directory 30 Classified 31

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