that’s a wrap!
the sixth annual international beaufort film festival was a success, drawing in record crowds, page 23
The Island News covering northern beaufort county
weekend scenes from
march 1-7, 2012
Beverly Porter is a true friend to our community. see page 9
ABOVE: The Bands, Brews & BBQ event served up barbecue at its annual fundraiser in Port Royal. See page 14. BELOW: ARTworks holds “Re-Nude” exhibit and fundraiser. See story, page 10.
Let’s have some wine for breakfast. see page 15
Irish recording artist Harry O’Donoghue entertains the crowd with traditional Irish folk music last Saturday during the fifth annual Beaufort Irish Festival. Photo by Bob Sofaly. See more about the Irish Fest, pages 12-13.
Lunch Bunch goes to Habersham for Piace Pizza. see page 24 INDEX
T.I.N. Favorites contest continues In case you didn’t already know, The Island News wants to find out what you like best about Beaufort by voting for at least 10 businesses or community leaders you consider to be your favorite. It’s fun and easy! Simply go our website at, look at the categories, then choose your favs. Once the votes are counted from the 127 categories, we’ll announce the winners later in March. You have only until midnight on Sunday, March 11, to cast your votes for T.I.N. Favorites. Show support and make your votes heard!
wo Beaufort students take home wins during a recent South Carolina chess tournament. Beaufort Academy third grader Kevin Rogers won the K-3 state title while BA kindergartner Whit Suber won Kindergarten State Champion. This is the third straight year a BA chess team player has won this title. Beaufort Academy Chess Coach Darrin Rogers said, “The team is playing phenomenal chess.” The chess team will be tested in May when they attend the K-6 national chess tournament in Tennessee. Pictured at right is Whit Suber; far right is Kevin Rogers.
News 2-4 Health 7 Arts 10-11 Social 12-14 School 16-18 Sports 21 Lifestyle 22-23 Food 24 Wine 25 Pets 28 Events 29 Directory 30 Classified 31
The Island News
What ‘No Child Left Behind’ ought to be By Chris Damgen
In trying desperately to make sense of Dan Durbin’s shocking resignation, one quote in particular leapt out to me. In talking with the Beaufort Gazette last week, Durbin said the following: “I’m not sure that the role of principal hasn’t passed me by… To me, it’s about nurturing, about building up students to be the best they can be. But the new job of principals is about numbers, statistics and test results. I’m not saying that’s wrong. I’m just saying that isn’t me.” More than anything, this quote emphasizes what is quite wrong with public education these days. I was fortunate to have graduated from a public high school in 2002, just before the new standards and dictates of the federal No Child Left Behind program took into place. They had a new definition of a “good” school. Mine was different. I would’ve characterized a good school as one where students performed increasingly well in the classroom (as well as on stage and on the field and courts), parents were involved and informed of school happenings, teachers were engaging and wanted to remain at the school, and where the principal was one who knew nearly every student and cared deeply about their success; in school and in life after school. Based on my definition, as of last week, Beaufort High School was one of those good schools. The bureaucrats will tell you that BHS has not met adequate yearly progress in the past five years and that the “absolute rating” (whatever that means) has been “average”. So, one can come to the simpleton conclusion that Dan Durbin is considered only “average” according to “No Child Left Behind.”
We as a society need to ask ourselves: Is it better to follow the rules and have kids not graduate? But if anyone knows him or has Chris Damgen followed his career, Dan Durbin is the living embodiment of the phrase “no child left behind.” What the bureaucrats cannot tell you is that Durbin had turned a school on the verge of becoming a fight venue for militant teenagers into a learning community where the emphasis of “family” became a core rallying cry. They cannot monitor the number of tireless hours Durbin spent walking the halls, visiting classrooms, cheering on the teams, taking in the performances, and personally mentoring students. And they certainly cannot share with the public what sort of positive influence Durbin had on dozens of teachers, hundreds of students, and thousands of alumni. Many people associated with BHS will tell you that the trajectory of the school was upwards. It is without question that a major reason for this was Durbin, who dutifully and faithfully served the school for nine years as principal, an eternity by Beaufort County School District standards. Ah, but what about those grade changes, you ask? This is where it becomes so difficult and heartbreaking. Yes, Durbin’s actions were wrong. He broke the rules. He even admitted as such. He did not set a good example for students by flaunting a policy. He absolutely needed to resign for his actions. He took responsibility and prepared to do so at the end of the year.
But as one cannot judge a book by its cover, one cannot judge Durbin for these actions alone. No reasonable person can honestly state that Durbin’s intentions were sinister. We as a society need to ask ourselves: Is it better to follow the rules and have the kids not graduate? To let them become disillusioned with authority and become cynical to lifelong learning? If changing or adding a grade enabled several students who had already demonstrated an ability to pass a subject in latter courses meant that they would be able to graduate, then perhaps it was worth taking the fall. Isn’t that the essence of not leaving a child behind? If only the powers that be at the Beaufort County School District demonstrated the same level of commitment and attention to a child’s education and future success, perhaps we wouldn’t have this predicament. By forcing Durbin’s resignation in the middle of the school year, the district demonstrated it cares only about appearances and not about the interests of its students. They had no consideration about the emotional upheaval this has caused for BHS students, faculty, staff, and parents. They have no decency in allowing for a respected educator (who openly admitted to erring) to complete the school year and resign with a measure of dignity. No, the district chose the “No Child Left Behind” approach. And in doing so, they left behind children and what little respect they had left in our community.
It’s an election year By Lady’s Island Business Professional Association
At the end of each decade a national census is conducted and the results of that census serve as a guide for redistricting or redrawing of electoral boundaries. After the 2010 Census, there was great deal of “redrawing” of new electoral boundaries. Some of this redistricting had a significant impact on Lady’s Island with its population of 13,000 residents and 8,092 registered voters. Specifically at county level Councilman Paul Sommerville’s district took in a bit more of the City of Beaufort and St. Helena Councilman Bill McBride’s district expanded to take in part of Lady’s Island. To view the new county electoral districts visit the LIBPA web site ( where they are available.
The following are some of the county, state and federal changes which Lady’s Island residents can anticipate in 2012 as a result of redistricting : • A new U.S. Representative (Representative Joe Wilson replaced by Representative Jim Clyburn) • A new state senator (Senator Tom Davis will be replaced by Senator Chip Campsen of Charleston) • An additional member of County Council representing a portion of Lady’s Island (Councilman Sommerville will continue to represent the northern portion of Lady’s Island and Councilman William McBride of St. Helena will represent the Eustis community, south of Sea Island Parkway to include Cat Island and a portion of property on the east side of Sams Point Road down to the vicinity of Beaufort Academy.)
the island news | march 1-7, 2012 |
• An additional member of the School Board representing a portion of Lady’s Island (School Board member Bill Evans will continue to represent part of Lady’s Island while Mr. Michael Rivers will represent St. Helena and a portion of Lady’s Island) There could be a significant change in the composition of the membership of the school board since ten of the eleven present school board members must run for office in 2012 as a result of the redistricting. Although the picture of who represents Lady’s Island is a bit confusing and increasingly complex as a result of the redistricting changes; the need for Lady’s Island Business and Professional Association or a similar organization to serve as a voice for the community is more important than ever.
Sisters’ Publishing, LLC Elizabeth Harding Kim Harding
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Friday noon for the next week’s paper.
Bill would improve access to public records By Trisha O’Connor
A bill that would allow South Carolinians to get copies of public documents faster and less expensively is heading to the full House of Representatives for consideration. It represents significant progress for open government and would be the first step in improving the state’s Freedom of Information Act since 2003. The bill, H.3235, prohibits public agencies from charging more than the fair market rate for making copies of public documents, prohibits any charge for staff time spent gathering or reproducing the documents, prohibits any charge for records stored electronically and requires that the documents are handed over to the requesting citizen in no more than 30 days. Compare this to the $5 per page charge one municipality once charged for copies of police records, the thousands of dollars county governments have attempted to charge for researching records related to possibly felonious expenditures of tax dollars, and the months it can take to finally get documents requested under the FOI law. One school board is asking more then $500,000 for a citizen to see board emails. An amendment to the bill would remove the current FOI exemption for legislative papers. The Freedom of Information Committee for the S.C. Press Association and the SCPA membership support removing this legislative exemption, but hope it can be modified to preserve confidentiality of correspondence between a citizen and his or her elected representative. This modification would remove objections to the bill. South Carolina citizens pay for the work of public agencies through their tax dollars; they shouldn’t have to pay ridiculous copying rates and wait for unspecified amounts of time when they need access to public records. Rep. Bill Taylor of Aiken, who introduced the bill, said his goal is to make it easier for citizens to get records and keep agencies from “giving citizens the stiff arm. “My goal is to…maybe give the advantage to the real citizens who pay for all this.” Amen, we say. It’s long overdue If you are a citizen who has ever been denied timely access to a public document or been overcharged, now is the time to speak up. Contact your representative and ask for his or her support for this bill. Trisha O’Connor is chair of the Freedom of Information Committee of the S.C. Press Association and Media Executive in Residence at Coastal Carolina University. She is a retired executive editor of The Sun News in Myrtle Beach.
BOBSOFALY@GMAIL.COM (843) 694-7351 More than 30 years experience covering Beaufort
LOWCOUNTRY BROIL How do you feel about the situation at Beaufort High School? Did you get a boot on your car parking downtown or is the traffic light on your street ridiculously slow? Or would you like to thank a stranger for a random act of kindness? Here’s your chance to sound off about what you love and hate. Send your comments to and you could see them in our new column called Lowcountry Broil. Don’t worry: They’re all anonymous. (Any specific negative references to people or businesses will not be published.)
Want to attract informed, savvy customers? Call 843.321.9729 to advertise in The Island News!
the island news | march 1-7, 2012 |
Beaufort, Port Royal hold ‘Burn Week’ “Burn Week” in Beaufort and Port Royal is March 4-10, meaning residents with the appropriate permits can burn their accumulated winter yard debris if they do it with safety in mind. Each year, firefighters in South Carolina battle more than 3,000 wildfires that burn 20,000 acres. In Beaufort and Port Royal last year, local firefighters answered 19 calls for brush fires, hundreds of illegal burns and reports of smoke problems — and the 19 brush fires required 708 firefighter hours to extinguish. Both locally and statewide, 98 percent of those wildfires were caused by careless people not paying attention, tossing lit cigarettes into dry tinder or otherwise making poor decisions. What’s that all add up to? In Beaufort and Port Royal, there are four “burn weeks” established each year. The March 4-10 period is the first for 2012. Permits are required for these weeks of outdoor burning and typically need a visit from the fire department to approve the location and safety measures in place. “Environmental conditions on the day of burning are very important factors to ensure fires can be controlled,”
department well prepared to cover fires despite loss of fire truck in tragic event In light of last Friday’s theft of a Beaufort-Port Royal fire truck and subsequent death of a pedestrian and numerous wrecks, media have inquired about damage to the fire truck and the Fire Department’s ability to respond to fires without that vehicle. 1. The damaged fire truck’s replacement value is $663,000. 2. In the Beaufort Fire Department’s conversations with the manufacturer, the damaged fire truck may be declared a total loss. The Beaufort-Port Royal Fire Department will continue to work with the insurance company on this matter. The Fire Department will consider replacing this damaged vehicle as part of the overall fleet reorganization plan. 3. “Despite the loss of that fire engine, the Beaufort-Port Royal Fire Department has enough fire trucks and support vehicles to continue to provide exceptional fire protection services to all our areas. Our recent Joint ISO rating review included an analysis of our equipment. We are confident we are fully capable of responding to all emergencies despite the loss of one fire truck,” said Beaufort Fire Chief Sammy Negron. “Our firefighters are highly trained. Our equipment is kept in top condition. Friday’s tragedy remains under investigation and we’ll be commenting further when appropriate,” Negron said. Beaufort Fire Chief Sammy Negron said. “In Beaufort and Port Royal, we have many homes and businesses that are located beside each other, and a fire can quickly spread. That’s one reason we are so careful about the burning and the special permits.”
Included on the burn permit application are specific instructions on checking each burning day to ensure burning is allowed. The State Forestry Commission provides a daily “Fire Weather” forecast for each region in the state.
The SC Department of Revenue typically contacts taxpayers via standard mail and then a phone call for follow up when requested. Occasionally communication will be made by email if an employee is responding to a taxpayer’s inquiry. Taxpayers should be cautious during this tax season of persons contacting them to offer tax advice or help with filing their taxes. Individuals with concerns can contact the SC Department of
Revenue directly at (803) 898-5000 or visit
These forecasts are really “fire spread risk assessments” based on information such as humidity, wind speed and ground moisture levels. The risk assessment is published daily from “low” to “extreme.” Beaufort and Port Royal officials use this information, along with additional local conditions, to determine if burning is authorized each day. All of this is done to provide citizens the safest environment possible to burn yard debris. Outside of the Beaufort and Port Royal limits, all unincorporated areas of Beaufort County fall under the September 2011 county burn ordinance. It can be viewed at www. Self-governed homeowners associations, private communities, and gated communities may have covenants or other community rules that further restrict burning. Confused? Call your local fire department if you have any questions concerning burning yard debris. If you have a question or would like to discuss other fire prevention opportunities for your home or business, contact the Beaufort-Port Royal Fire Department at 843-525-7055 or city-fire@
news briefS County channel airs Coastal Kingdom
Tune in to the latest episode of the Emmy-nominated television program, Coastal Kingdom, Wednesday, February 29 at 8 p.m. or Saturday, March 3 at 11 a.m. on The County Channel. “Lowcountry Predators” includes footage of golden silk spiders, king snakes, softshell turtles, mantis shrimp, stone crabs and many other predators. Coastal Kingdom is a collaborative effort between The County Channel and the LowCountry Institute on Spring Island. The show is filmed entirely in the Lowcountry and showcases local habitats and the amazing creatures that live in them. Because it is based on S.C. science standards, the series is especially appropriate for students. For more information, visit www. The County Channel is a service of Beaufort County government. It is streamed on the home page of the County website, and broadcast on Charter Cable channel 20, Comcast Cable channel 2, Hargray Cable channel 9 and 252.
SC Dept. of Revenue warns against tax scams
During the individual income tax filing season, there is often an increase in tax-related scams. The SC Department of Revenue is reminding taxpayers to be aware of fraudulent phone calls, text messages, emails or other forms of communication that may ask for personal identifying information such as birth date, social security numbers, address, mother’s maiden name, driver’s license number or other private information.
the island news | march 1-7, 2012 |
Three blazes keep firefighters busy
At about 1:30 on Feb. 22, the Lady’s Island St. Helena Fire District was dispatched to the report of a house fire in the Storyteller Road neighborhood of St. Helena. Not long after units arrived there, additional units were dispatched to another house on fire in the area of
Ephraim Road also on St. Helena. As if that wasn’t enough, yet another house fire was then reported in the Brickyard Road neighborhood of Lady’s Island. All told, all on duty firefighters for the Lady’s Island St. Helena Fire District were called to action, and even more came in off duty from home to help out. The silver lining to this story is that no injuries were reported and no one was displaced from any of the emergency calls.
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real estate
In this market, the time for waiting is over Cherimie has conintuously been one of the top producing Realtors throughout the difficult shift. Revitalizing projects and communities when all the odds were against new construction. Her articles and advice have been featured in the national REALTOR magazine. She offers a no nonsense approach to reaching goals, regardless of how difficult those goals may be.
By Cherimie Crane Weatherford In preschool it was accepted to question the world’s, the class, even the teacher’s purpose as it related to the simple task of meeting our specific needs. The mats would magically appear when slumber loomed, the Kool-Aid and cookies were kept in eternal snack supply, and in the unlucky event that a knee, elbow, or a shin met an untimely introduction to our personally designed sidewalk, each and every individual within a mile radius rushed to our assistance with a safety kit created for our exclusive use. It was a time when the world literally revolved around our needs, our wants, and our taste buds. If you are over the age of 6, that time has passed. Unfortunately there are many in the real estate realm who are still waiting for snack time, nap mats, and a personally designed first aide kit. There are some homeowners who continue to wait for assistance that simply may never come. Some prospective purchasers are constantly in search of a program suited specifically to their wants and needs before even thinking of investing in home ownership. Both are well behaved in a very long line, quietly waiting for direction. I was never skilled at waiting in line. Taking directions wasn’t one of my strengths. The approach is as simple as our storybook rhymes. It is no different as an adult to choose our direction. We still may find ourselves at the mercy of the powers
that be, but we still have free will, we still have ability, and if we look hard enough we still have several others who will join in our protest should we not agree with established rules. The market has thrown more than unexpected curves, it certainly has handed us more than lemons, and bitter may be fully justified; however, it is not productive. The choice is simple; sellers can wait for legislation that will ease their circumstance, hold on to property with purposeful intention, and continue to curse the all encompassing, all evil housing market. Buyers can stake their claim to a comfortable position on their self made fence, continue to stare at the crystal ball of rates, and wait for the mansion of their dreams to be offered at an astonishing fifty percent off. Both populations can stand in line and quietly wait for their cookies and Kool-Aid; No matter how long it takes, no matter how many others leave the line, and without questioning the process. Or they can choose to create a new line, a new circumstance, and maybe even a new cookie. For Sellers: It takes a village to sell a home. What is the appearance of your Cherimie Crane Weatherford
Village? Is the neighbor’s unkempt yard holding your property back? Mow their grass, offer a community clean up project; find a way. Is your property worth less, far less than what you paid? Get on the phone. Yes it is annoying, yes hold music is atrocious, yes it will take you several hours, maybe even a few days. Don’t wait for your options, find them. Research more than Facebook. What is the projection for your area? How long will it take for your property to retain some semblance of value? Do you know your mortgage terms? Really know your mortgage terms? The miraculous program created to assist those who are in over their heads has already been claimed by your bank. There isn’t a miraculous program waiting for you. You need to educate yourself, learn your options, and annoy the ever living daylights out of your bank until someone gives you an answer that you can understand and defeat. For Buyers: Are you carrying the torch of an unkempt credit score? It happens. It isn’t the end of the world. There are many ways to improve your score, griping is nowhere on the list. Do you have a plan? Do you understand what creates,
maintains and damages that coveted number? Google does. Are you waiting for that never before seen rate? It is here and it is leaving town. You can’t live without gold covered granite countertops so you remain in line until the mansion you crave and can’t maintain arrives at your inbox. What is it that makes a home? What are your needs, not the needs of the Real Wives of Whatever County? Do you really need five bedrooms when you only have one child? Look at the big picture. Find a home that meets your needs and has potential to meet your wants. Stop watching HGTV, homes aren’t made in 30 minutes. Adjust your expectations to your wallet, adjust your spending to your needs, and for heavens sake, turn off the TV. Maybe it is harsh. Feel free to send hate mail, I won’t read it. I am too busy trying to find ways to improve my personal real estate reality. It is up to me and I don’t sit still well. It is no longer the world’s responsibility to meet your needs. Action is far greater than reaction, a plan is better than procrastination, and life goes on regardless of whether you have six bedrooms or four. Stop waiting for an the fix-it-fairy, Beaufort. Get out and do what needs to be done. I will see you in the trenches. If you need direction, I can help but I can’t leave the line for you. There are answers and I will help you find them.
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the island news | march 1-7, 2012 |
Stroller Strides starts in new location At the first signs of spring, many new moms will emerge from their winter hibernations ready to resume outdoor workouts and reverse recent indulgences in cold-weather comfort foods. But a foray into post-baby fitness following a seasonal hiatus does require some major mom motivation. Stroller Strides Beaufort is offering classes five days a week to help moms “spring” back into good health — and stick with it. Stroller Strides can help make the challenge of fitness more enjoyable. “Stroller Strides offers a great combination of getting fit after the baby while enjoying the support of other moms experiencing the newness, joys and challenges of motherhood,” said Aaron Schranz, owner of Stroller Strides of Beaufort. Stroller Strides is a unique fitness program for new moms incorporating both the baby and stroller. In 60 minutes, you will get a total body workout improving your cardiovascular endurance, your strength and your flexibility. Along with walking and jogging, Stroller Strides uses the environment as a gym by doing intervals of body toning
using exercise tubing and the stroller. “Having a group of parents who are going through the same amazing and exhausting experience of living with a baby is so important,” said Schranz. “If you have a great support system, everything else, including fitness, is so much easier.” On Thursday, March 1 at 9:30 a.m., Stroller Strides Beaufort will begin offering classes at Naval Heritage Park in Port Royal. To celebrate the newest location a free sport bottle will be given to the first 10 moms to arrive. Following the FREE 60 minute workout, there will be a playgroup, refreshments, and lots of raffle prizes. Stroller Strides will continue to hold classes in Pigeon Point Park every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9:30 a.m. and in Naval Heritage Park every Tuesday and Thursday at the same time. “It’s always exciting when we open a new location. It provides an opportunity to offer the program to even more moms in Beaufort,” said Schranz. For more information on Stroller Strides Beaufort, please contact Aaron Schranz at 843-3791039.
A Beautiful Smile…
Lecture: New findings in anti-aging debate You may not be able to stop aging, but you can certainly slow the process. That’s the good news Beaufort Memorial Internist Philip Cusumano, MD, will share on Wednesday, March 7, when he presents “New Findings in the Anti-Aging Debate” at Magnolia Hall in Sun City. The free lecture is open to the public and will be held from 5 to 6 p.m. Light hors d’oeuvres and refreshments will be served at 4:30 p.m. Registration is required. Based on the best-selling book, “YOU — Staying Young,” by Drs. Michael Roizen and Mehmet Oz, Dr. Cusumano’s lecture will explore major causes of aging, nature’s best anti-aging ‘medicines,’ gene expression and how to control it, and practical changes anyone can adopt to make major gains in health, wellness and longevity. “There is a widespread belief that our genes have the final say in our ability to become and stay healthy, but it’s simply not true,” says Dr. Cusumano, a board-certified internist formerly with the Cleveland Clinic, who recently joined Beaufort Memorial Lady’s Island Internal Medicine. “Three-quarters of our health issues are caused by our own behaviors and lifestyle choices — not our genes.” The lecture is part of a new “Life,
Lived Better” community series hosted by Beaufort Memorial LifeFit Wellness Services. Series lectures focus on overall wellness, prevention, Philip and health Cusumano improvements for the best quality of life, and will be held throughout the year. Future seminars include “Back in Action: Solving Hip and Knee Pain,” scheduled for Apr. 4 and featuring two of the area’s top orthopedic surgeons, Drs. Edward Blocker and Kevin Jones. They will discuss common causes of joint pain, how early diagnosis can solve pain issues, effective non-surgical treatments for joint pain, and the latest innovative, minimally invasive surgical procedures. The events are free, but registration is required. To register for “New Findings in the Anti-Aging Debate” or “Back in Action: Solving Hip and Knee Pain,” call the Beaufort Memorial Hospital registration line at (843) 522-5585, or toll-free at (888) 522-5585. For information about Beaufort Memorial LifeFit Wellness Services, visit
new hires at wells fargo advisors Ashley Dando and Bill Hannan have joined Wells Fargo Advisors. Ashley Dando joined the office in Beaufort, South Carolina, and Bill Hannan has joined the office in Savannah, Georgia. Prior to joining Wells Fargo Advisors, Dando and Hannan were financial advisors with Merrill Lynch for 15 years. Ashley Dando holds a CFM designation. She resides in Beaufort with her husband and their four children. Bill Hannan holds a CFP® designation. He lives on Wilmington Island in Savannah with his wife and their three children.
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The Gashouse Gang rides again By Jack Sparacino
I just finished reading John Heidenry’s recent book on the 1934 St. Louis Cardinals baseball team, “The Gashouse Gang.” It got me thinking again about how our world has, in important ways, spun a long way since then. Of course the 2011 Cardinals won last year’s World Series over the powerful Texas Rangers. That was the Cardinals’ 11th championship, dating back to 1926. Their third and most famous, boisterous title came during the teeth of the Great Depression, in 1934 against the Detroit Tigers. That 1934 Cardinal team was a talented, grimy, frenetic piece of work for the ages, one that may hold some interesting lessons for today’s challenging world. Their nickname was the Gashouse Gang, a colorful reference to dirty, foul smelling plants (often located near railroad yards and poor neighborhoods) that made “town gas” from coal for cooking and lighting. This nickname was fitting. It sprang from the team’s often grubby appearance (their uniforms were often filthy) and gritty, scrappy style of play, heavily infused with vibrant confidence and swagger. Almost 80 years later, many of the players’ are still well known, including brothers Dizzy and Paul Dean, Leo “The Lip” Durocher, Joe “Ducky” Medwick, Pepper Martin, and player/manager Frank “The Fordham Flash” Frisch. Many of the players were from the South or Southwest with hardscrabble
Jack Sparacino has a Ph.D. in psychology from The University of Chicago. He has published over 20 articles in psychological and medical journals. He is retired from United Technologies Corporation and now lives with his wife, Jane and their two dogs on St. Helena Island. His hobbies include fishing, clamming, crabbing, shrimping and writing.
working class backgrounds. They came prepared to play hard, win hard, and have a great time in the process. But not to necessarily make a ton of money. Star pitcher Jay Hanna (“Dizzy”) Dean made $19,500 in 1935 when he won 28 games at age 25 after winning a stunning 30 games in 1934; in 1934, his brother Paul made $5,000 to go with 19 wins and 26 saves. Dizzy Dean was the ringleader of the Gashouse Gang, an irresistibly colorful fellow his entire life. Americans loved these magnetically energetic players who ground their way to victory no matter who or what the opposition. Like the incomparable racehorse Seabiscuit, born just months earlier, they knew how to persevere and dig deep for every victory, including an astonishing 20 wins in their last 25 games of the regular season to yank the pennant away from the vaunted New York Giants. In many ways, the Gashouse Gang epitomized some of the best of the indomitable American spirit during those miserable economic times. So I was just wondering, what if those players were able to jump into my time machine, or perhaps the train version, and vault into the present? And what if we could
are you avoiding
a money
cast them in a reality show, let’s say on a sports network or the History Channel — how would that play out? Well, it might be pretty chaotic getting started, and I might need to somehow get a phone call through to Rod Serling or someone else to consult from “The Twilight Zone,” but we might have a lot of fun filming the series. Imagine this. The setting would include actual major league baseball games. The Gang would play each of the 30 major league teams twice as part of the regular MLB schedule. We’ll have to figure out how much to pay Dizzy and his team, as their 1934 salaries are in the neighborhood of a thousand times less than what players make today. Sure seems like a good idea to pay them fairly. In the spirit of sportsmanship, teamwork and fun, here are a few of the themes that could be emphasized through the action on the field, travel between games, the broadcasts, and endorsements. Work hard, play hard, and love what you do. The General Manager of the Gashouse Gang, Branch Rickey, once said,“Work is the zest of life; there is joy in its pursuit.” Isn’t it great to see people who absolutely love what they do for a living. Our boys of summer would demonstrate in all they said and did
just how much fun it can be to work your tail off for deliriously happy customers. Back to train travel. Players mostly traveled by train in 1934. Wouldn’t it be a relief to see our gang forgoing cramped, delayed airplanes and dreary airports? With only 60 games to play all season, they’d have plenty of time to ride the rails. I’m thinking that at least several shows could be filmed live from inside the train: card games, meals, joking around, the works. Walk the talk the walk. As Dizzy Dean famously said, “It ain’t bragging if you can back it up.” We’ll have to make sure our director captures words and deeds to make sure they’re consistent, and if not, why. If the Gang is going to call their shots, we’ll hold them to their word and get their reactions afterward. Most great accomplishments are the work of teams. Baseball teams from the 1930’s spent a lot of quality time together, on and off the field. Our show would help make clear how far pure teamwork goes toward building a championship season. Fancy men’s grooming aids might take a hike. Well, we’ll let the Gang decide whether they want to use or endorse anything called “bodywash,” 4 bladed razors, hair gel, exotic scents and the like. It might be fun, though, to see good old fashioned dirt followed by plain soap and water make a comeback. I’m thinking we might be treated to something like Gillette meets “Survivor.”
voted “best dentist” in the island news every year
conversation? Once again this year, Americans have seen many changes impact our country — changes that may have had a direct impact on your personal financial well-being. We have endured record-high unemployment, decreasing property values, a battle over health care legislation, and an overall feeling of uncertainty about the country’s economy and the deficit. We have a habit of avoiding money conversations, something that’s particularly true between family members. Often we avoid having money conversations with our spouses for multiple reasons. We recently received an email from a friend highlighting this very issue. He admitted that he avoids money conversations with his wife because he doesn’t feel like he has a plan. He doesn’t feel like there’s a plan in place to save for his kids’ edu-
Owen K Hand CFP®
cations or his eventual retirement. While he and his wife do have a plan if either should pass away unexpectedly, there’s no plan in place for these other upcoming events. So, like many of us, my friend is avoiding the money conversation even though it’s like the proverbial elephant in the room. While we all know this is important to at least discuss our thoughts and plans for important things like education, retirement, and financial security as a family, we underestimate how not having a plan in place causes stress, anxiety, and worry. It’s a catch-22, because we aren’t sure of the answers, and yet everyone has to start these conversations somewhere otherwise nothing will happen, which isn’t good for anybody. We invite you to a conversation about your financial wellbeing. Give us a call today.
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the island news | march 1-7, 2012 |
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An in-depth look at the people, businesses and organizations that shape our community
BEVERLY PORTER a true friend to our community By Lanier Laney Although measuring only 4 feet 11 inches tall in her stocking feet, Beverley Porter is a giant on the Beaufort charity scene. As Executive Director of Friends of Caroline Hospice for the past 18 years, she took the organization from a leaky basement in a Beaufort house where she was the only full time nurse with four volunteers to today’s staff of 17 and over 650 volunteers with a totally paid for new headquarters on 13th St. in Port Royal. Friends now cares for more that 425 people a year and remains the only Beaufort County hospice that accepts no money from its patients, or their families. Beverley has kept alive the vision of the founder, Veronica Tovey who started “Friends” more than 30 years ago to care for those suffering from life-threatening illness because her friend Caroline Quann was diagnosed with terminal cancer at age 27. Said Caroline at the time, “I was determined to stay at home for my final days. My friends here in Beaufort made this possible as they rallied around me with medical care and abiding love. I needed to make my death a journey — not a lonely event.” And thus the organization which as a result has helped so many, many people over the years was born with her death, adding Caroline’s name to its title. Friends of Caroline Hospice provides on-call support and respite to patients 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Volunteers provide direct patient and family support and offer bereavement support for their children. Board member Tom Oliver had this to say about Beverley: “When my wife died after
six months of hospice care, Beverly came herself to my house at 3 a.m. in the morning and was a great comfort to me and my two daughters. Her total commitment to our welfare is one of the reasons I decided to get involved with the organization.” He’s also on the search committee to find a replacement for Beverley who is retiring. Through “Friends” she met Frank Biermann who she calls “the love of my life” and plans to travel with him extensively in the coming years. She has two sons from a previous marriage, Dylan age 32, a navy pilot, and Tristan age 29 who is taking a double masters in international business. She first discovered Beaufort on a sailboat coming down the Intercoastal waterway, and when her husband retired from the military, they decided to relocate here. Says Beverley, “Beaufort had everything for which we were looking: people, young and old who are fascinating, interesting, and involved in their community as well as an absolutely beautiful river and a
wonderfully welcoming climate.” Beverley was born in Wolverhampton, England, and worked all over the world in different aspects of nursing for 30 years in places like Sicily, Switzerland and Bermuda. She became a U.S. citizen in 2007 “one of the happiest accomplishments of my life,” says Beverly. And about her time as head of “Friends” she says, “what an incredible rewarding journey it has been! Because of my work as a hospice nurse, I have had the opportunity to visit homes in the community of families of all races — white, African American, Hispanic and Asians — as well as those from all economic backgrounds.” And she says she will miss “the joy of working with people that have been family to me — I have seen co-workers children grow up, grand babies born.” Under Beverley’s leadership, she developed outreach groups such as the Bereavement Support for Children Program (which currently is in every public and private school
in Northern Beaufort County,) Support for Parents Grieving the Loss of a Baby, and Cancer Support Group with Keyserling Cancer Center. She also holds caregiver sessions to provide information and assistance to the patient’s primary caregivers. Among her other achievements are The Volunteer Hospice Network, a nationwide group has been initiated with her coordination and a thrift store. The Red Door raises money for hospice services. Along with the very successful Band, Brews & BBQ event. Beverley has continued to help our community by being on the board of many Beaufort health care organizations over the years and recognized by The Beaufort Gazette’s as its “2001 Health Professional of the Year.” In 2008 she was awarded the Palmetto Award presented by The Carolinas Center for Hospice and End of Life Care for Outstanding Hospice vision and Leadership throughout North and South Carolina. Currently a search committee headed by Worth Liipfert, who is President of the Board, is looking for a replacement to fill Beverley’s mighty shoes. Says Worth, “For the last 18 years, Beverley has been Friends of Caroline Hospice, and the number of lives she has touched cannot be measured. She is truly a gift to the citizens of Beaufort. While she can never be replaced,’ we are confident that through the search process, the right person will emerge to carry on the precious legacy she will leave in our hands this summer.” It’s an ongoing legacy that will not be forgotten by the people of Beaufort. Thanks, Beverly!
PICK POCKET PLANTATION FARMERS MARKET Come for Freshest Farm Produce, Southern Food Specialties Saturdays 9am-4pm • Tuesdays 1pm-5pm Find Pick Pocket Plantation: Rte. 170 (Robert Smalls Pkwy.) across from Regions Bank. Enter at back of parking lot of Advance Auto. See unpaved farm road. Take road and turn left to park on lawn.
For more information: go to
the island news | march 1-7, 2012 |
arts&entertainment THE INDIE FILM CORNER By Dennis Tavernetti
Re-Nude exhibit bares all By Tess Malijenovsky
Men and women of all ages came in great numbers to ARTworks last Friday, Feb. 24 for the “Re-Nude” Art Fundraiser and Exhibition, not only for the sake of art but for the sake of women and their reproductive rights. Along with live music by Generation Gap, food and beverages, it was a soiree to help raise money for Planned Parenthood — the nation’s leading sexual reproductive health care provider and advocate that doesn’t receive any money from South Carolina’s government. The “Re-Nude” theme encouraged artists to re-interpret the present day vista of the human body. The response was outstanding. Acrylic and oil paintings, bas-relief decoupage sculptural collage, watercolor, pencil, pastel, monoprint, ceramic, lithographs, cyanotypes, mixed media,
Japanese kozo photo, aquatint and photography — it was a monsoon of artistic media that expressed a diverse range of emotions and perspectives on the female form. From the medically evacuated soldier back from Afghanistan who hopes his photography “brings beauty into the lives of others” as he struggles to find beauty in his own, to the witty “Fools” series that painted modern society’s struggle with conflicting medical information and advice. From a 17-year-old artist who wanted to show “the art of the body” without retribution for her young age, to the new realism painter who chose not to re-invent the nude. The range of art was indicative to the many emotions and interpretations sparked by the theme. According to Lisa Rentz, the volunteered Transmedia Publicity
Leader, Friends of Planned Parenthood of the Lowcountry “is a group of committee members that publicly supports Planned Parenthood to help raise money.” “Re-Nude” was the second art event put on by the volunteer group in an effort to raise money for healthcare services, education and public policy on women’s reproductive rights. Artists donated half of their proceeds (in some cases all of it) for the cause. The group formed at the 2004 March for Women’s Lives in Washington, D.C. where member Caren Ross recalls seeing Bonnie Smith (one of the original organizers of the group) waving a South Carolina flag over the crowd. Bonnie Smith urges young women to learn about their rights and to vote for political representation for women’s reproductive rights.
work by carol henry at charles street gallery From March 9 through April 1, the Charles Street Gallery offers a show of new work by Carol Henry, an international printmaker whose vibrant colors on paper reflect a beauty-saturated world. Henry lives in Beaufort a few months of the year, also maintaining a home and studio in Ireland, where she is a member of Cork Printmakers, a jury-selected association for artists working in Ireland. Meet the artist and enjoy the reception on Friday, March 9 from 5:30 to 9 p.m. at 914 Charles Street in Beaufort. The Charles Street Gallery is an established source for Lowcountry and international art, presented within a carefully renovated house surrounded by a lush garden in the middle of Beaufort’s historic district. For more information, contact 843-521-9054 or visit
Laura’s Carolina Florist 843-838-6789 10
the island news | march 1-7, 2012 |
“Take Shelter” from The Indie Series presented by Emerging Pictures in HD at USCB Center for the Arts on Friday, March 2, at 7 p.m. Synopsis: Curtis and Samantha are very much in love and though money is tight, their family is a happy one. Then Curtis begins having terrifying dreams about an encroaching, apocalyptic storm. He chooses to keep the dreams to himself, channeling his anxiety into the obsessive building of a storm shelter in their backyard. But the resulting strain on his marriage, finances and tension within the community doesn’t compare to Curtis’ private fear of what his dreams may truly signify, should they become a reality or not be reality. Ratings & Reviews: The two leading film web sites praise this film with IMDB rating it a 7.7 and Rotten Tomatoes critics rating of 92 and audience of 83. Very good marks indeed. RT calls it “a powerhouse performance and purposefully subtle filmmaking which creates a perfect blend of drama, terror, and dread.” The New York Times wrote: “Mr. Shannon’s taciturn, haunted performance manages to be both heartbreaking and terrifying. It is a perfect allegory for a panicky time.” Roger Ebert said, “This is masterful filmmaking.” Previewer’s Comment: This Indie film is an excellent example how a director can take a relatively unknown actor he has worked with once before, and understand how his ability to portray a very troubled person will effectively resonate on the screen. The very fact that the audience has no perceived notions attached to the actor works very effectively in giving them both a clean slate. Then too, there is the fact that an unknown actor’s pay isn’t so much, which helps the Indie film get made. More than one critic felt that the lead should have been nominated for an Oscar for his riveting performance and ability to pour himself in to the role to such an extent that the audience is thoroughly convinced that he is real, it is real. This film was first screened at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival. Rated: Rated R for some adult language, and the queasy feeling of dread of what is before us, yet unknown to be real or not. Tickets for adults are $8, seniors $7, students $6. Call USCB Center for the Arts box office at 843-521-4145 or purchase day of performance. Box office opens one hour prior to show time. Dennis Tavernetti is a resident of St. Helena Island who retired to the Lowcountry having a lifelong interest in the arts. He encouraged USCB‘s Center for the Arts to investigate the possibility of bringing Indie, World and Documentary HD films to Beaufort.
Red Piano Too: A celebration of women To commemorate Women’s History Month, the Red Piano Too Art Gallery has assembled works by various women artists who exhibit in the gallery. Women’s History Month was first celebrated in 1911 in Europe pays tribute to women and their role in society. The artists in the gallery show comes from varied and very interesting backgrounds. Henrimae Bell: After retiring, Mrs. Bell found a second career as an artist. Her work consists mainly of “Church Women” but she does beautiful florals. Saundra “Renee” Smith: St. Helena Island native, master’s prepared registered nurse, wife, mother, grandmother married a Marine officer and saw the world. After her husband’s retirement, they returned. Her Lowcountry scenery will light up any room or any heart. Helen Stewart: A memory painter, she vividly recaptures scenes from her youth. She can identify persons in her art and relate interesting stories about each person. Victoria Smalls: St. Helena Island native mother of three, Victoria attended South Carolina State University on a basketball scholarship and has had a career in education and in tourism and as the curator at the Red Piano Too Art Gallery. Her signature works are reflective of her bi-racial heritage
ARTIST PAINTS LOCAL BLACK LEADERS A leader is defined as a person in a position of authority who is the example that influences a group of people towards the achievement of a goal. Local portrait artist Brenda Singleton has made black leaders in Beaufort County the subject of her latest portrait project. This project, The Black Leaders of Beaufort County Portrait Project, features several influential African Americans in our community. Singleton was motivated to do this project by the presidential campaign and election of President Barack Obama as the first African American to hold the highest leadership position in this nation. The people of Beaufort County were invited to be a part of this project by nominating the person who they recognized as a black leader in Beaufort County. The Black Leaders of Beaufort County Portrait Project collection of paintings will be exhibited at the LyBensons Gallery & Studio. The project includes portraits of such influential people as community leader Emory Campbell; dedicated Dr. Rosalind Dawson; retired educator Etta Mann; President of the Ministerial Alliance Rev. Dr. Sam T. Spain, Sr.; and Rep. Kenneth Hodges. The opening reception will be Saturday, March 24, from 3-5 p.m. The reception is free and open to the public. LyBensons Gallery is located at 211 Charles St. downtown. The works will remain on display until May 12.
and her beliefs in cultural diversity and pluralism. Shirley Hunter: St. Simons Island resident is a prolific artist. Her paintings with subdued brightness at first glance appears to be pastels but they are oils with a very deft ability to convey light and lightness of spirit. Julia Neal: A fine art nature photographer whose journey into the art of photography began years ago growing up on a Maryland farm and continued as her career moved her to Atlanta. After years of spending time on Hunting Island and enjoying the quality of life in the Lowcountry, Julian relocated to St. Helena Island in 2011. Nature inspires Julia’s photographs. Her images are an expression of nature’s subtle communications and exhibit her passion for the natural environment. Diane Britton Dunham: A unique artist whose primary subject matter is the black female. She makes no apology about it and confesses, “it is the only thing I love to draw, and it’s what I do best.” Margaret Warfield: Margaret writes, “ I think of myself as an artistic communicator, wishing to transform and extend perception and stimulate views toward new insights and expressions. All of my paintings contain elements of hope and love.”
Alfreda Robinson Jamison: is a sweetgrass basket weaver born and raised in Mount Pleasant. She can count seven generations of sweetgrass basket weavers in her family and her grandmother has baskets in the Smithsonian. Della Wells: This Milwaukee native is a multimedia artist and has exhibited at the Red Piano Too Art Gallery for almost 20 years. Her art is mostly pastels and multimedia/dimensional collages. Cassandra Gillens: A Boston native with roots in Port Royal, her distinctive acrylics are collected nationally and internationally. She has works in the collections of Lowcountry iconic artist Jonathan Green who is also her role model and mentor. Gallery owner Mary Mack said, “When citing or listing specific women artist there is always the risk of overlooking or slighting other gallery artists — this list is not all inclusive — we have many more very talented and creative artists. A ‘Celebration of Women’ is a venue designed to delight the art lovers heart.” The exhibit will run March 3- May 18. The gallery will host an opening reception on Saturday, March 3 from 12-5 p.m. at 870 Sea Island Parkway, St. Helena Island. For more information on the event and art, call 843-838-2241.
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Interior Painting of One room from Classic Finish Don’t miss another deal! Sign up toDay! Contact Nikki Hardison for advertising. 843-321-8281 the island news | march 1-7, 2012 |
lowcountry social diary Showcasing the most happening events, people and gatherings Beaufort has to offer.
Irish Festival Gala Party
t is said there are two types of people in the world: Those who are Irish and those who want to be Irish. At Friday night’s Gala Opening for the 5th Beaufort Irish Festival, everything was green and Gaelic. The capacity crowd was treated to a wonderful evening at the Dolphin Room of the Best Western. Sumptuous Irish food was provided by Panini’s, washed down with Irish libations by Diageo Group. Ireland’s own Harry O’Donoghue entertained the crowd with songs and humor. The Weekend in Ireland theme continued into Saturday at the Quality Inn ballroom with Irish dancing, several Irish entertainers, then Pub Night at Luther’s with The Dady Brothers, and a final Jam Session at Luther’s on Sunday noon. Special mention goes to the hardworking 2012 committee members: Brenda Hill, chair; Sheila Saunders, Dot McKay, Meg Godley, Fred Leyda, Noel Tillman, Mike Falvey, Susan Kelly, Tom Kelly, Wade Bishop and the countless volunteers who have offered their time and talents to make this festival such a success!. All proceeds from the weekend benefit Habitat for Humanity. Helen Spalding and Diane Kenny took these great pictures for you.
Lanier Laney
last week update I was touched by the overwhelming response to the piece I wrote about the Harrisons, so many people appreciate what they’ve done at the Rhett House. But good news, the Harrisons told me they will be coming back in mid-March and will back and forth quite frequently until the inn is sold which means we can expect the same high standards of excellence there.
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the island news | march 1-7, 2012 |
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social diary
Ensure that your property stands out from all the rest, contact Will and Deena McCullough today!
Cpl. Alex Bulley, a volunteer from Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, gets into the spirit Saturday during the fifth annual Beaufort Irish Festival. Photos by Bob Sofaly.
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Delaney Hassell, 16, of Erie, Pennsylvania, entertains an enthusiastic crowed with a traditional Irish folk dance on Saturday during the fifth annual Beaufort Irish Festival.
John and Joe Dady of the Dady Brothers Irish band warm up with traditional Bodhran drum and Villean pipes before their performance Saturday during the Irish Festival. the island news | march 1-7, 2012 |
lowcountry social diary
Best of Bands, Brews & BBQ By Lanier Laney
Wow, great job to the Bands, Brews & BBQ Committee: Worth Liipfert, Evy Trask, Jim Wolbrink, Dr. Linda Hawes, Logan Crowther, Barbara Tedder, Martha Lynn Webb, Vicki Verity, Kit Bruce and Janie Lackman. Janie was one of the creators of the event three years ago which has become the major fundraising event for Friends of Caroline Hospice. Here are the other winners: 2012 Bands, Brews & BBQ Winners: • Port Royal Grand Champion: Smoke South, J.B. McCarty • Wing Throw Down Winner: Pimp My Pig, Trei Cade • People’s Choice (Saturday): Palm Key Catering & Events, Brentt Toole Butts Category: 1st Place: Smoke South, J.B. McCarty 2nd Place: Porkin N Squealin, Ross Carr 3rd Place: Fast Eddie’s Fine Swine, Justin Hembree Ribs Category: 1st Place: Pimp My Pig, Trei Cade 2nd Place: S’Lowcountry Q, Quentin Tedder 3rd Place: Phat Guys, Chris Canon 4th Place: Some-R Swine, Seth Watari 5th Place: Operation Smokey Chef, Chris Mixson
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the island news | march 1-7, 2012 |
happy winos
Wine for breakfast By Terry Sweeney
It’s Sunday morning and a delectable bottle of Dom Perignon rests in a sterling silver ice bucket on my breakfast table alongside a tall, elegant, glass pitcher filled with chilled fresh-squeezed orange juice. The homemade ricotta-filled blinzes, beautifully arranged on an oval white porcelain platter, have been artfully sprinkled with the blackest of Beluga caviar. “Surprise!” says Lanier ... Wait a minute, that’s not Lanier ... that’s Mariah Carey! Oh hell, this is a dream! I wake up furious to have been so taken in by my subconscious. I remember suddenly that a friend who works in a very fancy wine shop inside Newton Farms on Kiawah Island told me several months ago about Mariah Carey coming in and getting a case of Don Perignon (at $200 a bottle) and gallons of fresh orange juice to serve mimosas at a brunch for her “posse.” Apparently, it made quite an impression on my wishful thinking wine-logged brain. Still, it is nice to treat yourself on a Sunday morning to something a little bit special on your last day of freedom before you have to return to the grim grind of your work week. And what’s great is that with just a little imagination, we too can party like rock stars, but on a roadie’s budget. The first fabulous tip I will share with you is an amazing recipe website called
Terry Sweeney
The creators of wanted to give home cooks from all over the world a way to exchange ideas and to celebrate and share each other’s talents. They started small with a single project: creating the first “crowd-sourced cookbook” in 52 weeks. (That’s where the 52 in Food 52 came from.) Here are three, out-of-this-world, heavenly brunch dishes that I think will put the OMG back in you Sunday: Crabcake Eggs Benedict with Arvgolemono Sauce — No that sauce isn’t spelled wrong, but let’s face it, it’s a garbled mouthful; so let’s all just agree to call it “lemon sauce.” Basically, it has a lighter brighter lemonier taste than hollandaise. Since the most delicious fresh crab meat is available in abundance here, this really makes the dish worth the cholesterol! Now this I would definitely serve to guests with mimosas but instead of missing a mortgage payment to get a case of Don Perignon, might I suggest
one of my absolute favorites? Domaine Ste. Michelle Brut. A sparkling wine from Washington’s Columbia Valley that has a climate that is quite close to that of the champagne region in France. The price is around $12 dollars a bottle and it’s fantastic alone or of course mixed with you favorite orange juice like superstar Mariah Carey prefers it. With the money you’ve saved, you might be able to buy good seats at her next live concert. Spanish Tortilla with Spinach and Potatoes — This egg-traordinary savory Spanish omelette is a guaranteed crowdpleaser and yet so easy to prepare, well except when it’s time to flip it ... that may take a little practice. But don’t feel bad if you screw it up, your dog will love you for the ones you drop! Pair it with a sparkling Spanish Cava. My new favorite is Casteller Cava. With its fresh aroma of apples on the nose and its dry refreshing taste with just a hint of sweetness, it’s the perfect Spanish brunch wine for under $13 dollars. Just add some flamenco ...
music that is; although you may want to stomp around and wave castanets after eating this scrumptious baby! Okonomiyaki: Japanese Shrimp Pancakes — It’s cooked in canola oil like an everyday pancake but there’s nothing else everyday about these beauties. Exotic, mouth-watering and savory, they are unforgettable. Sesame oil, sprouts, cabbage, fresh local shrimp and soy sauce make this one of the most palate- pleasing breakfast dishes I have prepared. Great for a hangover, these are just what the Japanese doc ordered. And what to drink with this tangy salty Sunday morning masterpiece? A riesling from Germany called “Polka DÖt’.” Vat else? With its strong minerality, essences of peaches and flowers and a good cleansing acidity, this German wine is the perfect ally with this spicy Japanese dish. Hold on: the Germans and the Japanese?? The Axis of Evil back together again? Yes! But this time to do good! Cheers! P.S.: All the recipes for these brunch items can be found at
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843-379-3647 the island news | march 1-7, 2012 |
school news
A focus on students, teachers and educational events in northern Beaufort County
Region’s first Academic WorldQuest Competition By Tess Malijenovsky
Beaufort County high schools are used to competing on the filed, on the court and on the track; but, for the first time ever, this coming Saturday schools will compete on their knowledge of international issues, geography and history. The World Affairs Council of Hilton Head, in partnership with the Beaufort County School District, will present
the region’s first Academic WorldQuest Competition from 9 a.m. until noon Saturday, March 3, at Hilton Head Island High School. WACHH members, parents of participating students, educators and interested residents are invited to attend the free event. The competition will be set up so that a multiple-choice question pops up on a large screen for the teams and audience to see. Teams of four students will have
one minute to answer the question by using an electronic clicker. The categories focus on national security issues facing the United States: U.S. Education, Competing Globally, U.S. Energy Policy, U.S. Economic Competitiveness, the Middle East and China. Additional questions will involve current events around the world. “Technology is making our world more interconnected every day, and
what happens in one country can have dramatic effects in dozens of countries in a matter of hours,” said Mike Fritz, a retired Emory University professor and world traveler who serves as the project director for Beaufort County’s first WorldQuest competition. “It’s vital to our nation’s security and competitiveness that tomorrow’s leaders are knowledgeable about other countries and cultures.”
• Monday, March 5, Session III of Tidewatch, an after-school program at Riverview Charter School will begin. • Monday, March 5, is Spirit Night at Lady’s Island Middle School. Every first Monday of the month 10 percent of all sales at Jersey Mike’s Subs from 3 p.m. to close go to Lady’s Island Middle School’s Athletic Booster Club. • Monday, March 5, at Lady’s Island Elementary School is “Bring your Parent to School Day” from 9-11 a.m. Parents are invited to walk in their children’s shoes for the morning. • Monday, March 5, second trimester report cards go home from Riverview Charter School students. Also first day of Scholastic Book Fair. • March 5-9, Standardized testing for grades 1-8 at Beaufort Academy. • Tuesday, March 6, is Beaufort Academy’s Open House for parents interested in grades 1-4, 6 p.m.
ed until Friday, April 6. The necessary forms are available at the district office and on the district’s website. Parents of students in the Battery Creek Cluster who will transition to new schools for the 2012-13 school year will have an opportunity to visit their assigned schools at a series of six parent information meetings scheduled over the next month. · Joseph S. Shanklin Elementary School – Tuesday, March 6 (6 p.m.) · Whale Branch Elementary School – Thursday, March 8 (6 p.m.) · Whale Branch Middle School – Thursday, March 8 (7 p.m.) · Beaufort Elementary School – Tuesday, March 13 (6 p.m.) · Broad River Elementary School – Thursday, March 29 (6 p.m.)
LIES students will dress up as their favorite storybook character and classroom doors will be decorated with the classes’ favorite books. Even The Cat in the Hat will visit in the afternoon to top off the reading celebration.
SCHOOL briefs • Thursday, March 1, is Beaufort Middle School’s orientation for rising 7th and 8th grade students for the 2012-2013 school year. Parents are invited to learn about what’s ahead next year for BMS 7th and 8th grade students and the registration process for classes for next year. Counselors, administrators, and teachers will share important information during this first step in the registration/transition process. Located in the cafeteria, 6 p.m. For more information, call the school office at 322-5700. • Thursday, March 1, is the science fair judging at Beaufort Academy. • Thursday, March 1, is Chick-Fil-A night for Riverview Charter School. Join your Riverview friends for dinner and show your Stingray Spirit! Ten percent of all proceeds (dine-in or drive-thru) will be donated to Riverview. This fundraiser has raised $1,136.23 this year. • Friday, March 2, is Read Across America and Dr. Seuss’s birthday! • Friday, March 2, is the last day of the book fair at Beaufort Academy. Science Fair Awards assembly starts at 8 a.m. in the gym followed by project breakdown. • Friday, March 2, Riverview Charter School’s Uniform Free Friday (bring $5). • Friday, March 2, is the annual Science Fair for Beaufort Middle School will be held in the school’s gym. • Saturday, March 3, Riverview Charter School Job Fair. • Saturday, March 3, Lady’s Island Intermediate School is have a yard sale to help raise money for its fifth grade students’ end-of-year field trip to NASA and Sea World.
Port Royal Elementary Principal moves to Joseph S. Shanklin The Board of Education has unanimously approved the selection of veteran educator Jo Shirley as the new principal of Joseph S. Shanklin Elementary School. Shirley, principal of Port Royal Elementary School for the past two years, will take over at Joseph S. Shanklin next school year. She replaces Mark Mansell, who is moving to Robert Smalls Middle. Deadline Extensions for Student Transfer The deadline for parents to request student transfers to schools outside their zoned attendance areas has been extend-
“Trial of the Big Bad Wolf ” Performance Thursday, March 1, Riverview Charter School presents a play by the middle school creative arts and drama students, 6:30 p.m. in the Commons. “A court case of the Big Bad Wolf, who claims he is innocent! Come see the Three Little Pigs try to put him in jail because of all his huffing and puffing.” Dr. Seuss’s Birthday On Friday, March 2, students and staff in several local elementary schools will celebrate Dr. Seuss’s birthday. Mossy Oaks Elementary students and staff will be allowed to wear appropriate pajamas for some cozy reading. Lady’s Island Elementary School is serving up green eggs and ham for breakfast and guest readers from the community will visit classrooms.
BMS Science Fair March 2 Beaufort Middle School will be hosting its annual science fair. Categories for competition include: Botany, Microbiology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Environmental Sciences, Mathematics, Engineering, Computers, Physics, Astronomy, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Zoology, and Medicine Over 225 students will be defending their projects to Sea Island Regional Science Fair judges. ECM’s Got Talent On Saturday March 3, E.C. Montessori and Grade School will be hosting its first ever family “fun-raiser” talent show at the Shed in Port Royal starting at 3:30 p.m.. There will be a silent auction, children’s petting zoo, live music and more. Submit Poetry and Photography Beaufort Academy’s literary magazine, Seasons of the Pen, is making a comeback. Students should send poetry or black & white photos they would like to be published to Mrs. Dinkins by March 13. The Island News Favorites The Island News is having a contest to recognize the best professional, schools, and businesses in the area. Don’t forget to vote for your favorite school at http://
School District Kindergarten and Pre-Kindergarten Registration Kindergarten and Pre-Kindergarten registration for children planning to attend Beaufort County public schools during the 2012/2013 school year will be held the week of March 19-23, 2012. Child Find screenings for four year old children who are candidates for PreKindergarten will be held March 26-30, 2012. Children who will be four years old, on or before September 1, 2012, should register for Pre-Kindergarten; however, space is limited. These children must attend a Child Find screening during the week of March 26-30 and decisions on placement for Pre-K will be made at 16
each school after screening is complete. Parents should call the elementary school in their attendance area to schedule an appointment for screening. Children who will be five years old by September 1, 2012, should register for Kindergarten. Children who will be six years old by September 1, 2012, should register for first grade. All other children entering Beaufort County Schools for the first time in 2012/13 also should sign up during this registration period. Children must register at the school serving their neighborhood attendance area. Parents should bring their child’s
the island news | march 1-7, 2012 |
birth certificate, South Carolina Certificate of Immunization (shot record) and two proofs of residency. No child may be admitted to school without a birth certificate, shot record, and proof of residency. If you have questions about registering your child for school in Beaufort County, you should call either your neighborhood school, the district administration office at 322-2300, the Family Learning Center in Beaufort at 521-2399 or consult the Beaufort County School District website at BIRTH CERTIFICATES: For
children born in Beaufort County, birth certificates may be obtained from the Health Department/Vital Records office located in the Health Department at 601 Wilmington Street. For more information contact 525-7637. INMUNIZATIONS: Children enrolling in Beaufort County School District are required to bring the South Carolina Certificate of Immunization which can be obtained from a private physician or clinic, the Beaufort County Health Department, Beaufort County/ Jasper Comprehensive Health Services, Naval Hospital or the Volunteers of Medicine.
school news
A message from first woman commander at Parris Island By Tess Malijenovsky
“I want you to be standing where I’m standing,” said Gen. Lori Reynolds, the first woman commander at Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island. “Our nation needs people like you to be standing here.” Gen. Reynolds delivered a speech to 500 JRTOC cadets from Beaufort County School District last week at Battery Creek High School. She emphasized three rules of success: stay in school, guard your reputation and do the right thing. Reynolds’s parents were steelworkers who never graduated from high school and taught her that her “job” was to be a good student. Reynolds graduated from the Naval Academy in 1986 and served in a variety of posts around the world, including command of the Ninth Communication Battalion, I Marine Expeditionary Force in Fallujah, Iraq, Gen. Lori from February 2004 to March 2005. She also served in Reynolds Afghanistan from March 2010 to March 2011. She took command at Parris Island in June 2011. Although this wasn’t a recruitment speech, Reynolds highlighted the importance of commitment to the military. “When you put on the uniform, it’s no longer about you,” she said. “When you put on the uniform, you are representing the American people.”
Why Montessori matters By Elizabeth Wells
When I was tasked with writing an article about “Why Montessori Matters,” I was immediately overwhelmed. I have been a Montessori teacher and the mother of a Montessori child for almost a decade and I was a Montessori student as a child. Praising Montessori comes easily to me and when asked a more direct question on the subject, I will talk endlessly about the research, the science and from my own extensive experience. However, this does not ask a direct question, it is open-ended and is open to interpretation. It is a wonderfully ‘Montessori’ question. It allows me freedom to answer in a way that is meaningful to me. As I began formulating my answer, I could not get into my head but rather kept going back to my heart. Why does it matter? What could matter more! The education of our children is paramount; they are our greatest asset and our very real future. Whomever we trust with this task must do it well, thoughtfully, fully, and with an eye for the adult our children will become. It is a daunting task to be a teacher. Great teachers are everywhere. Praise and appreciate them wherever they are. I speak as a Montessori teacher and this is why Montessori matters to me. Because every child who walks into a Montessori classroom, including my own, is greeted by a teacher or guide who follows the following litany: “Montessori Litany To respect children — in return to be worthy of their respect. To praise much and blame little. To emphasize their successes and minimize their failures.” Montessori based her method of
education on the scientific knowledge that children are wired to learn. They crave knowledge and new experiences and when these are presented with respect and guidance students keep this knowledge and seek out more. Students not only learn in this environment; but more so, they love learning and this is a gift that can span a lifetime. The litany speaks to respect, honesty, independence and tolerance. Skills that we can all agree lead to a better future. If my child takes this model into her own life and approaches others as our teachers approach each student then we have truly educated her. Does Montessori have great academics? Absolutely! I would be happy to show you the research, the science and speak from my extensive experience on this subject. Nevertheless, why does Montessori matter? Because, through its teachers and its approach it guides children to become the amazing adults we know they are capable of becoming. When children are happy, they learn. When children are respected, they show respect. When children are shown tolerance, they become tolerant. When children are given independence, they become independent both inside and outside the classroom. This is why Montessori matters to me. Elizabeth Wells, Montessori Elementary II teacher at E. C. Montessori & Grade school, is credentialed in primary through age 12. Montessori Education Week is celebrated this week (Feb. 26 – March 3rd) by Montessori schools throughout the world.
CAREER Derrick Coaxum
Assistant Facilities Manager for Hilton Head
“I work to create beautiful places for you to play and enjoy the great outdoors. I started at Hilton Head Parks & Rec while attending TCL at night. My degree from TCL enabled me to rise through the ranks to where I am today. So now you get to enjoy the benefit of my creations because TCL works.”
Thursday, March 15 6-8pm at Beaufort Campus in Bldg. 14
It’s Working. Apply Free at
The Technical College of the Lowcountry is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all qualified applicants for admissions or employment without regard to race, gender, national origin, age, religion, marital status, veteran status, disability, or political affiliation or belief.
the island news | march 1-7, 2012 |
school news
happening now at tcl Business, industrial programs open house
Palmettos Finest finalist
Beaufort Middle has been nominated for award two years in a row By Tess Malijenovsky
Beaufort Middle School (BMS) gave a warm welcome last Monday to the Palmettos Finest Judging Team. At 7 a.m. right before the school day starts, the cheer team cheered on the visitors as well as students with signs dressed in school colors and a full suite performance from the band. For the second consecutive year BMS is a finalist for the Palmettos Finest Schools Award, a statewide award for “excellent instruction and outstanding leaders, augmented by strong family and community Waste Management Presents the 18th Annual involvement and a supportive business community. “ Each spring since 1978, SCASA BMS is greatly involved in the community. has recognized a few schools Its Parent Action Council (PAC) does not statewide. Initially presented only solicit anyone in the community without to two elementary schools and giving something back as part of their “Pay it one middle school, the award was Forward” mentality. The community helped expanded in 1996-97 to include a high school. The selection process PAC with their community courtyard. In includes a comprehensive review addition, every student is required to do of a school’s program, focusing on community service. National Junior Honors Friday, March 16th the key question: “What impact is Society and Student Council put on a this school making on the lives of Hampton Hall Club Golf Course community service event each year, such Texas Shamble Format 11 am shotgun start students and the community, and Toys for Tots and food drives. is it deserving of the Carolina First $10,000 hole-in-one prize! They will find out at the end of the month Palmetto’s Finest Award?” if they win the award. Register as a team of 4 or individually individuals will be paired with other golfers
The Technical College of the Lowcountry will hold a business and industrial technologies open house from 6 to 8 p.m., Thursday, March 15 in building 14 at the TCL Beaufort Campus, 921 Ribaut Road. Prospective students and any interested parents are encouraged to attend. TCL’s expert faculty will be on hand to answer questions about their programs. In addition, visitors will be able to tour TCL’s high-tech business and industrial labs. TCL’s business programs include administrative office technology; computer technology; criminal justice technology; general business and accounting; hospitality management; culinary arts and paralegal. The industrial technology programs feature building construction; civil engineering; computer assisted design (CAD); computer networking; cosmetology; general technology; green technology; HVAC and industrial electronics. Call 843-525-8241 for details, or visit to learn more.
Applications due for health sciences program
The Technical College of the Lowcountry is currently accepting applications for fall 2012 entry into its five health sciences programs: massage therapy, nursing, physical therapist assistant, radiologic technology and surgical technology. The deadline to apply is April 2, 2012. However, prospective students are encouraged to start the application process as soon as possible so that they have adequate time to complete the various steps. TCL health sciences students enjoy on-campus learning using the latest in high-tech simulation equipment. Students receive additional handson practice at clinical sites located throughout Beaufort, Jasper, Hampton and Colleton counties. For more information, call 843-5258267 or visit
Early Bird registration is $500 per foursome or $135 per player After February 17th, $520 per foursome or $140 per player
18 e
Special thanks to our title sponsor:
presented by Waste Management
e 18
the island news | march 1-7, 2012 |
Friday, March 16
Hampton Hall Club Golf Course Texas Shamble Format—11 a.m. shotgun start
All proceeds benefit the Child Abuse Prevention Association (CAPA).
a ll e n g
G ol f C
Price includes a round of golf at Hampton Hall, practice range and balls, tee gift, box lunch, course beverages and entry into the Players’ Award Party (immediately following golf) with 2 drink tickets provided. Rain check provisions apply.
CAP Annu
Pre-registration is required Call 843.524.4350 or visit
$10,000 hole-in-one prize! Register as a team of 4 or individually • Individuals will be paired with other golfers • $520 per foursome or $140 per player Pre-registration is required • Call 843.524.4350 or visit
Price includes a round of golf at Hampton Hall, practice range and balls, tee gift, box lunch, course beverages and entry into the Players’ Award Party (immediately following golf) with 2 drink tickets provided • Rain check provisions apply
All proceeds benefit the Child Abuse Prevention Association (CAPA)
March Mammo Madness at BMH!
Have you had your mammogram lately? At Beaufort Memorial, we make it: Convenient – Appointments in either Bluffton or Beaufort
Painless – Mammo Pads significantly reduce discomfort Easy – Call 522.5015 to schedule (walk-ins welcome, too)
Why have a mammogram at the Women’s Imaging Center?
A suspicious mammogram can make any woman anxious, but Jess Laboy was terrified. She ’d already endured the loss of two family members to breast cancer. Unnerved at the prospect of waiting days for ultrasound results, she chose Beaufort Memorial and got results the very same day. Jess was grateful for every second free of worrying and waiting, and for more time to celebrate with her family.
To schedule your mammogram at the Women’s Imaging Center, call (843) 522-5015. Same-day results | Onsite radiologists and surgeons | Breast care coordinators
- Jess Laboy Bluffton, SC
Spring 2012 starts here! GRACE & GLORY uptown
1029 Boundary St. • Beaufort, SC (next to Talbots)
843-521-4050 Mon - Sat: 10am - 5pm
A joint party was recently held to celebrate the 13th birthdays of Mills, Hope and Skyler. Congratulations!
We’re asking you to share your
Featured performers:
Dolores Hydock, Hawk Hurst, Natalie Daise, Ronstadt Generations, & John McCutcheon
Tickets and information available @
Sponsored by: Literacy Volunteers of the Lowcountry, Quality Inn Beaufort Town Center, Beaufort Inn, 303 Associates, Hilton Garden Inn, Beaufort Weddings and Events, Strings ‘n Things Music, Amata Thai Fusion, Outback Steakhouse,Hecklers Unique Sports Grille, Jimmy John’s Subs, Moe’s Southwestern Grill, Rosie O’Grady Irish Pub, Pizza Inn, 104.9 The Surf
the island news | march 1-7, 2012 |
here are so many wonderful occasions to celebrate in life such as baby birth announcements, birthdays, engagements, weddings and anniversaries. The Island News wants you to send us information about your celebrations so we can share the excitement with the community. You can send a photo and a write up to our email at theislandnews@ with a tagline that reads: Celebrations. Please keep the write up to less than 150 words. Be sure to send your information before noon on Monday so it will run in that week’s paper. We look forward to featuring your important celebrations!
goodwill karate tournament
Congrats BA Sailors The Beaufort Academy Sailing Team finished 2nd overall out of 10 schools at a regatta in Savannah in January.
Athlete of the week
On Feb. 25 at the 2012 State Chess Championship in Columbia, Beaufort Academy 1st grader Kendra Rogers won the Top state Female championship. The state tournament had 117 chess players in attendance.
Coaches and parents: Send us your nomination for Athlete of the Week to by 5 p.m. Monday. The week’s athlete will receive a free medium cheese pizza from and two weeks of free karate. Elisas Brassell, left, tries to stay out of reach of Breila McCleary during the Goodwill Karate Tournament on Saturday at Beaufort High school. The two 15-year-olds were from McCleary Martial Art in Powder Springs, Ga. McCleary won the match 6-3. Photos by Bob Sofaly.
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the island news | march 1-7, 2012 |
Spend Less, Taste More! Have You Met...
CAPA hosts annual golf challenge
843.379.5232 1422 Boundary Street, Beaufort SC
Five egg omeletts Gourmet Bennies Steak & Eggs Irish Potatoes and Eggs Greek Eggs and lamb Home Made Fried Chicken and eggs Fried Banana Foster French Toast
Area golfers of all skill levels are gearing up for the 18th Annual CAPA Golf Challenge, hosted by Waste Management, set for an 11 a.m. shotgun start on Friday, March 16 at Hampton Hall Club Golf Course. A Players’ Award Party for all sponsors and golfers will be held on-site immediately following play. Register as a team of four or individually for this Texas Shamble tournament. Teams register for $520 and individuals for $140. All players receive a round of golf at Hampton Hall, practice range and balls, tee gift, box lunch, course beverages and entry into the Players’ Awards Party (immediately
following play) with two drink tickets. All golfers have a chance to win $10,000 hole-in-one prize! Men and women of any golf skill level are invited to play. All proceeds benefit the Child Abuse Prevention Association (CAPA) of Beaufort County. To register, visit or call 843.524.4350. Deadline to register is Friday, March 2. It’s not too late to serve as a sponsor. Join Waste Management, the tournament’s title sponsor, and help make this year’s event a success. To find out more, call 843524-4350, email, or visit
capa thrift new location to open The Child Abuse Prevention Association (CAPA) will host a ribbon cutting and grand opening for the new location of CAPA’s Closet Thrift Shop on Tuesday, March 6 at 10 a.m. CAPA’s Closet’s new home is 1340 Ribaut Road, formerly Keith’s Place. Please call 843-524-0281 or 843524-4350 for more information or to schedule a furniture pickup. If you are interested in volunteering at CAPA’s Closet or willing to help with the move, please call Bobbi Aimar at 843-524-0281.
Books reveal more about Gullah culture By Tess Malijenovsky
Just because February is over, doesn’t mean you have to wait a year to keep learning and celebrating the African American history of the area. Try picking up one of these books by local authors Carl Linke and Wilbur Cross. “Haint Blue,” a novel by Carl Linke, has a character named Kip Drummond, an inexperienced businessman, who struggles with the choice between doing what’s right and doing what’s needed to survive. As you fall into the plot of
corporate greed versus Gullah tradition over a waterfront building’s fate, you’ll fall in love with Linke’s language as he weaves the sites and sounds of Beaufort
by name into the of color his novel. “Gullah Culture in America,” by Wilbur Cross, explores the moving journey of 20th and 21st century Gullahs reconnecting with their roots in West Africa. “Gullah Culture in America” reveals an extensive record of African American descendants of slaves in South Carolina and Georgia whose communities predate the American Revolution. Try picking up either of these novels at your local bookstore.
history with holly By Kim Madlinger Dempsey
Bloody Marys, Mimosa, Screwdriver or Champagne $3 all day after first
The place to be seen eating eggs on Sunday is BRICKS from 11-4! Great Football NFL Sunday Ticket and ESPN game plan 22
r o F alrEEaDY SVE-IN
Brand New! 13 Osprey Road, 2246 SF 4 Bedrooms/ 3.5 Baths • $262,810 The Verdier features 2246 SF with double front porches, a first floor master suite with deluxe bath, 3 additional secondary bedrooms and 2 full baths upstairs, as well as a powder room downstairs. This home features hardwood floors and crown moulding throughout the main living areas, a screen porch, a large kitchen island with granite tops, 2-car side-load garage, hardwood stairs at foyer, 42” maple cabinets with crown moulding in kitchen, granite countertops and black appliances. All bathrooms feature ceramic tile.
Call 843-812-2090 for a tour.
Brought to you by:
A division of Ballenger Realty
Directions: Sams Point Road to Brickyard. Left on Brickyard South. Brickyard South crosses Middle and becomes Springfield Rd. Turn left off of Springfield onto Marsh Hawk Drive (Marsh Hark Plantation). Somerset Point is down less than a mile on left.
the island news | march 1-7, 2012 |
During the late 1950s and early 1960s, we lived on Lafayette Street. It was a neighborhood filled with families that were close friends of ours. I have two distinctive memories of the years spent there as a child. A memory that was not so pleasant was the time spent cleaning up moss and branches after Hurricane Gracie blew through Beaufort. I remember getting many yellow jacket stings! However, my favorite memory of time spent growing up on Lafayette Street was getting to ride my bicycle to Ma Miller Mads grocery store and purchasing penny candy. Mrs. Miller had a big glass display case with boxes and jars filled with candy. It was always a treat to pedal down there and choose some. A quarter went really far in those days and you were able to arrive back home with a paper sack filled with candy!
Beaufort Then & Now This moment in Beaufort’s history is an excerpt from the book “Beaufort ... Then and Now,” an anthology of memories compiled by Holly Kearns Lambert. Copies of this book may be purchased at Beaufort Book Store. For information or to contribute your memory, contact Holly at or
BIFF 2012 shatters attendance records
he Beaufort Film Society announced that the recently concluded Beaufort International Film Festival (BIFF) topped all expectations with an attendance totaling nearly 7,000 — approximately a 36% increase over 2011. Attendees at the 2012 Festival enjoyed the best-ever opening reception atop all the Old Bay Marketplace; 26 Finalist films; a Screenwriters workshop featuring all Finalist Screenwriters seeing their screenplays performed by Shakespearian actors; two “Meet the Filmmaker” special sessions; numerous Q&A sessions with the many directors and producers in attendance; and an Awards Gala that really brought out the stars. “The move to our new venue at the USCB Center for the Arts really took our ‘little’ festival to the next level,” said Ron Tucker, BIFF Executive Director. “The feedback during the festival and the emails and cards still coming in is incredible. Tom Berenger, in his remarks at the Awards Ceremony, noted how he could not believe the growth in size and quality from last year to this year’s festival.” The list of winners at BIFF 2012 is as follows: • Jean Ribaut Award for Excellence in Acting Powers Boothe • Jean Ribaut Award for Excellence in Stunt Coordination Cal Johnson • Jean Ribaut Award for Excellence in Editing Craig McKay • Best Screenplay “The Wedding Photographer,” Teresa Bruce, Beaufort • Best Animated Film “Stitched and Sown,” Austin Taylor, WinstonSalem, N.C. • Best Student Film “The Road to Jacob,” Matt Allen,” Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah • Best Short Film “Quirk of Fate,” Marco J. Riedel, Cologne, Germany • Best Documentary “Awaken the Dragon,” Liz Oakley, Charleston • Best Feature Film “Happy New Year,” K. Lorrel Manning, New York, N.Y. • Audience Choice Award “Awaken the Dragon,” Liz Oakley, Charleston • Best Director Feliz Martiz, Southgate, Calif., “Santiago” • Best Actor Jesus Guevara, “Santiago” Tucker continued, “We had a very dedicated group of planners, volunteers, sponsors, filmmakers, and Hollywood talent who contributed so much to making this the premier film festival in the Southeast. If we are able to build on the support in this community and continue to get the word out about our festival and Beaufort’s many charms for film-making, then the sky is the limit for the Beaufort International Film Festival.” For more information about the Beaufort International Film Festival visit
Scenes from the film festival taken by Holly Lambert
MICROBREW OYSTER ROAST TO BENEFIT ST. PETER’S SCHOOL St. Peter’s 7th Annual Oyster Roast and International Microbrew Festival will be held on Sat., March 3 at The Live Oaks Park in Port Royal at 1 p.m. The Oyster Roast Committee organizes this annual fundraiser in support of their children’s school. Sponsorships are now being accepted at a variety of levels. For details call (843) 227-1280 or the school office at (843) 522-2163. Guests at this year’s event will enjoy an all-you-can-eat buffet of oysters and beer; local delicacies will also be for sale from specially invited area chefs. Once again children under 14 years of age will have their own FREE menu. Free, supervised Children’s Fun Court will include dedicated adult supervision; secure drop-off with Positive ID for parent and child; and a host of activities in the playground. Live music featuring “Steppin’ Stones” and entertainment will include a live DJ, facepainting, inflatable rides, games and activities for the kids. A live auction featuring vacation packages, chartered fishing trips, hunting rifles, original artwork, wine tasting parties, catered dinners, rounds of golf and more, a silent auction and more will be followed by a bonfire that will round out the evening. The event’s primary sponsor: Bill’s Liquors and Fine Wines will again offer a microbrew tasting booth with an international array of more than 50 microbrews, beer and wine. Tickets on sale at St. Peter’s School and at various locations throughout Beaufort County, including Bill’s Liquors and Fine Wines on Lady’s Island and in Bluffton. Cost is $25 per person. For more information, contact Douglas Massalon at (843) 227-1280 or visit our website at the island news | march 1-7, 2012 |
A spotlight on fabulous local restaurants, wine advice and a dining guide
Pleasing pieces of pie presented at By Pamela Brownstein
The upscale village square of Habersham is the perfect setting for a traditional pizza parlor with outdoor seating. “Piace” means enjoy in Italian, and that’s exactly what the Lunch Bunch did during the meal. We tried a classic Caprese salad starter made with tomatoes, fresh Mozzarella, basil and a balsamic drizzle. The pizzas were the main event. There are more than eight different specialty pizzas to choose from, but there is always the option to customize a pie with a huge selection of toppings, everything from bacon to artichoke hearts. The Lunch Bunch shared The Piace and Mr. Hawaii. The Piace has pepperoni, sausage, mushrooms, green peppers, onions and black olives. Served warm at our table, the pizza was impossible to resist. Mr. Hawaii comes with ham, pineapple and banana peppers on top. This was definitely Kim and Elizabeth’s favorite. April was back after losing almost 10 pounds at Weight Watchers. Still eating
The Piace Pizza.
Mr. Hawaii.
healthy, she ordered The Chopp Salad made with lettuce, turkey, cappicola ham, ham, tomatoes, cucumbers, bacon, boiled eggs and mozzarella. All the ingredients were mixed together and chopped into little pieces and tossed with a house vinaigrette. It was a really good salad, and there was plenty of it. In addition to pizza and salad, Piace Pizza features many specialty hoagies. We all sampled Sanna’s Turkey made with turkey breast, Muenster cheese,
sliced avocado, honey mustard dressing, lettuce and tomato. It was tasty but The Piace Original was fantastic. Served Sanna’s turkey hoagie. warm on an 8 inch hoagie rolls, the Piace Original has ham, cappicola ham, The extensive menu is sure to please all salami, pepperoni, provolone cheese and family members and you can dine in, is finished with lettuce, tomato, onions, pick up or have the food delivered. chopped sweet peppers and a house Piace Pizza is located at 5-B Market vinaigrette. The sweet peppers give Street in Habersham and is open unique flavor to this original sandwich. Monday through Thursday, 11:30 a.m. All of the items are made at the time of to 9 p.m. and Friday through Sunday, order and the dough is made fresh daily. 11:30 a.m. until ... Call 843-379-3287.
Serving Gourmet Southern Dinners at theBeaufort Inn
Saturdays 9 am to 3 pm March 24th & May 12th
Tuesday - Saturday from 5-9pm
The 3rd Thursday each month at 6 pm Please call for details and to reserve your spot.
815 Historic Bay St 524-5250 24
the island news | march 1-7, 2012 |
Please call 379-0555 for reservations today! visit us on facebook
wine & food
A trio of wines from Chateau de Campuget U
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southern part makes red, white and ction s Selerose wines. For any of us who have Bill’s Best Price Best VALID THRU OCTOBER 15, 2009 travelled there in the summer months, Best THANK YOU Servi For being our customer! & it iscea great place to be but, often, a bit All Liquor Stores Are NOT Created Equal. Come Experience The Difference! too hot for reds and we have learned Celia Strong works SCHUG FRANCISCAN SWANSON VINES at Bill’s LiquorCHANDON FOUR to love the roses from here. Red wines MAVERICK CARNEROS & Fine Wines on from the Costieres de Nimes make up 97 $ $2399 $1297 $13 $1997 Lady’s Island. 1797 about 59% of the area’s total production. ESTANCIA TOASTED The reds are made from several varieties HEAD Black & White blended together: Syrah and Mourvedre Scotch $897 $997 1.75lt together make up 20%; Grenache, the $16.99 workhorse grape of the southern Rhone 132 Sea Island Parkway . 522-3700 area, is a minimum of 25%; Carignan is a maximum of 40%; and Cinsault is also a maximum of 40%. These red wines are closer in style to Rhone AC wines than Languedoc wines and usually more elegant and generous. The white wines of the Costieres de Nimes account for about 4% of the were upgraded to AC status and re- area’s production. That means we’re named as Costieres de Nimes. In 1998, lucky to see any. These whites must be the area’s growers organized themselves blended from a minimum of two grape and lobbied to be attached to the Rhone varieties. Those that are allowed are AC committee for their oversight. They Bourboulenc, Clairette Blanc, Maccbeo, thought that this committee was better Rolle, Roussanne and Ugni Blanc. ( Just suited to judge their wines because of the FYI, for you wine geeks, Ugni Blanc is similarities we mentioned earlier. The called Trebbiano in Italy.) French national AC committee agreed Finally, if you’ve done the math already, and, in 2004, the wines of Costieres de the roses of the region are 37% of the Nimes were assigned to the Languedoc- total production. Some of the roses are Rousillon committee. leftover, or more precisely, unfinished The geography of this region is red wines. These wines use the same marked by low rocky hills. Closer to varieties as the reds. In addition to the the delta of the Rhone River, the soil red grapes, makers are allowed to us up is marked by round pebbles, sandy to 10% of white grapes as well. This alluvial deposits and red shale. The makes it possible for the roses to have depth of these deposits in the soil enough acidity to be really crisp and ranges from 3 to 15 meters and it is this fresh and refreshing. that accounts for the variations in the So, now, we can talk about this week’s wines of the appellation. The climate wines. They are from the Chateau de is Mediterranean, similar to the Rhone Campuget. This chateau that dates back valley, but much more exposed to the to 1640, is owned by the Dalle family. ocean breezes and all their humidity and The son, Frank-Lin is named for the cooling effects. family’s hero, Ben Franklin The soil More than other parts of France, this for the chateau’s wines is typical of the Q LI
Well, I hate to tell you this but I had a really hard time picking this week’s wine. In fact, I couldn’t even choose between red or white or rose. So guess what I did? I tried all three The perfect cop out, but, at the same time, a good answer for those of us who want to try some new wines from southern France. Our three wines for this week come to us from a smaller appellation that is located between the mouth of the Rhone River and the Languedoc. It is called Costieres de Nimes (coat-tea-air duh neem). Nimes is an ancient city. The wines from this region resemble those of the Cotes-du-Rhone appellation because they use many of the same grape varieties and the soils and climates have similarities as well. Wines from this area have been produced for over two millenia - that means they were drunk by the Greeks in pre-Roman times. The area was settled by veterans of Julius Caesar’s campaigns into Egypt. Apparently there are “bottles” of Costieres de Nimes wines which bear the Roman symbol (a crocodile chained to a palm tree) of the area on them. Also, according to a chart in the kitchen of the Palais des Papes (Palace of the Popes), many of the towns in the region were the main suppliers of wines for the Popes. As a region, the Costieres de Nimes is relatively new. Originally, the area was not an AC appellation but a step down in the VDQS level of wines. At that level, they were designated as Costieres du Gard. The AC wine laws of France were developed in the 1930’s after growers and wine makers found the market flooded with “copies” of their wines - Chateauneuf-du-Pape in particular. Chateauneuf-du-Pape was the first AC declared by the new federal law and all the others that we know today followed. In 1986, the wines of this area
The red, white and rose this week are all from the Chateau de Campuget, owned by the Dalle family and dates back to 1640.
region; many stones force the roots to find water deeper into the clay layers of the soil which adds flavors and character to their wines. The red we’re doing is Le Campuget Rouge. This wine is made with 92% Syrah and 8% Viognier. It is very common in the wines here and in the Rhone to mix a small portion of Viognier in with Syrah in order to balance out the wine and perk up the flavors. This red is not, strictly speaking, a chateau wine, but with its dark fruit flavors of blackberry and black plums, hints of black pepper and black olives (the Syrah) and a faint perfumy floral touch (the Viognier) it is a wonderful example of the wines from this area. And all for $7.99. Our white wine is this wine’s partner, Le Campuget Blanc. Night harvests are used for this one to maintain sugar and acidity levels in the 60% Grenache Blanc and 40% Viognier. This wine has wonderful exotic fruit flavors (Asian pear, star fruit, passion fruit, and on and on) and citrus flavors too. Also a $7.99 steal! This wine is a definite treasure for seafood, Asian flavors, and pork roasts. At last, now, we come to our rose. This wine is Chateau de Campuget, meaning it is an estate wine. It is 30% Grenache Noir and 70% Syrah. The color, which is a beautiful pale pink shade, comes from four to twelve hours of maceration on the grape skins. It is fermented in stainless steel tanks at a controlled temperature of 64*F and bottled immediately after it is racked and filtered. With no barrel contact (no wood!) it stays so clean and crisp and light. This wine is aromatic and full of red fruit flavors (cherry,raspberry, strawberry), it is just about perfect. At $10.99, you can try a couple of bottles this weekend. Then you’ll be ready to have it with your holiday ham. You and it will both shine! Enjoy!
the home chef ... on everyday meals Too busy to cook? Wait until you try this recipe. My husband and I tested this last week and can I tell you? It was awesome ...
about the chef
After retiring as an international flight attendant for 28 years, Harlene started her personal chef business — the home chef on Fripp Island. Contact her for recipe ideas or questions at
By Harlene Deane
Enjoy freedom from house cleaning.
penne with sausage, mushrooms, spinach Ingredients • 3 tablespoons olive oil • 3/4 pound fully cooked pork, chicken or turkey sausages, thickly sliced into rounds. • 3/4 pound fresh button mushrooms, thickly sliced* • 3/4 cup chopped shallots • 5 garlic cloves, minced • 1/2 teaspoon dried crushed red pepper* • 1 10-ounce package ready-to-use spinach leaves • 1 1/4 cups low-salt chicken broth • 3/4 pound penne pasta, freshly cooked • 2 cups (about 8 ounces) grated provolone or mozzarella cheese. Please, fresh! Directions Heat oil in a large pan over medium high heat. Add sausages, mushrooms, garlic and crushed red pepper. Saute until mushrooms begin to brown, about 10 minutes.
Add spinach and broth; toss until spinach wilts, about 2 minutes. Add pasta and cheese; toss until cheese melts and sauce coats pasta, about 3 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Serves: 4.
Come home to a job well done by Merry Maids.
Please, how easy is that? Add a nice green salad and some thick sliced whole grain Italian bread. But first, lightly brush bread slices with olive oil and grill (use a grill pan) until crisp. Rub a peeled garlic clove over both sides of slices and serve! **Chef ’s tip: I used Johnsonville Chicken Sausage. Cut red pepper in half if serving children. To make this even healthier, use whole wheat penne. As for the mushrooms, the original recipe calls for wild mushrooms (such as crimini or stemmed shiitake) but not sure they would be kid friendly, but, hey give them a shot. Bon Appetit!
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With our New Merry Maids Advanage Program the island news | march 1-7, 2012 |
dining guide
A listing of local restaurants in northern Beaufort County:Your resource for where to eat AMATA THAI FUSION: 2127 Boundary Street, Beaufort Town Center; 843-379-9197; L.D.
ATHENIAN GARDENS: 950 Ribaut Road, Beaufort; 379-9222; Greek; L.D. BACK PORCH GRILL: 950 Ribaut
RED ROOSTER CAFE: 1210 Ribaut Road, Beaufort; 379-2253; B.L. RYAN’S FAMOUS PIZZA & SUBS: 14 Savannah Highway, Shell Point Plaza, Beaufort; 379-3479; L.D.
SAKE HOUSE: 274 Robert Smalls
Road, Beaufort; 525-9824; L.D.
Parkway; Beaufort; 379-5888; Japanese; L.D.
BARBARA JEANS RESTAURANT & BAR: 47 Ferry Road, Lady’s Island; 524-
SAN JOSE: 5 Sams Point Road, Lady’s Island, 524-4001, and 2149 Boundary St., Beaufort, 524-5016; Mexican; L.D.
2400; Home-style Southern; B.L.D.
BELLA LUNA: 859 Sea Island Parkway,
St. Helena Island; 838-3188; Italian; B.L.D.
SALTUS RIVER GRILL: 802 Bay St., Beaufort; 379-3474; Seafood, upscale; L.D.
Corners, 1 Merchant Lane, Lady’s Island; 524-8779; Soups, salads, ice cream; B.L.D.
SAND DOLLAR TAVERN: 1634 Sea Island Parkway, St. Helena Island; 838-3151; L.D.
9 Market, Habersham Marketplace; Mexican; 644-1925; L.D.
SANDBAR & GRILL: 41B Robert Smalls Parkway, Beaufort; 524-3663; L.D.
BIG JOE’S BAR-B-Q: 760 Parris Island
SEA ISLAND PIZZA: 136 Sea Island Pkwy, Beaufort; 522-1212; L.D.
Gateway, Beaufort; 770-0711; L.D.
Scott St., Beaufort; 524-4330; B.L.
BLUE DOG CAFE: 736 Sea Island Parkway, St. Helena Island, inside The Lowcountry Store; 838-4646; L.
1760 Sea Island Parkway, St. Helena Island; 838-0821; D.
Q serves good food and is a great place to grab drinks or sit outside on their big covered patio that looks out onto Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park. Q on Bay is located at 822 Bay Street, Beaufort. Call 843-524-7771. Open Monday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., and Sunday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Take out is available and Q on Bay also does catering.
Healthy home-cooked meals delivered to your door weekly; D.
BREAKWATER RESTAURANT & BAR: 203 Carteret St., Beaufort; 379-0052;
HAROLD’S COUNTRY CLUB BAR & GRILL: Highway 17-A & Highway 21,
Upscale dining, tapas; D.
Boundary St., Beaufort; 379-5232; Salads, sandwiches, appetizers, sports bar; L.D.
Ribaut Road, Beaufort; 379-2122; L.
CAROLINA WINGS & RIB HOUSE: 1714 Ribaut Road, Port Royal;
Parkway, Beaufort; 521-1900; L.
Yemassee; 589-4360; Steaks, wings; L.D.
HECKLERS: 2121 Boundary St., Suite 100, Beaufort Town Center Beaufort; 3792090; L.D. HEMINGWAY’S BISTRO: 920 Bay
379-5959; Wings, ribs, sports bar; L.D.
St., Beaufort; 521-4480; bar & grill; L.D.
Waveland Ave., Cat Island; 524-4653; Steaks, seafood, pasta, burgers, more; L.D.
HOUSE OF TOKYO: 330 Robert Smalls Parkway, Beaufort; 521-9011; Japanese; L.D.
JADE GARDEN: 2317 Boundary St.,
11th St. W, Port Royal; 524-7433; Seafood; D.
EMILY’S TAPAS BAR: 906 Port Republic St., Beaufort; 522.1866; D.
FACTORY CREEK FISH COMPANY: 71 Sea Island Parkway, Lady’s Island; 379-3288; Seafood; L.D.
FOOLISH FROG: 846 Sea Island
Parkway, St. Helena Island; 838-9300; L.D.
2001 Boundary St., Beaufort; 379-9601; Buffet-style Southern cooking; B.L.D.
FUJI RESTAURANT: 97 Sea Island Parkway, Hamilton Village, Lady’s Island; 524-2662; Japanese steak house; L.D. FUMIKO SUSHI: 14 Savannah Highway,
Beaufort; 524-0918; L.D.
GILLIGANS: 2601 Boundary St.,
Beaufort; 838-9300; Seafood, steaks; L.D.
LUTHER’S RARE & WELL DONE: 910 Bay St., Beaufort; 521-1888; L.D.
Beaufort; 521-4445; L.D.
L.T.’s HOMECOOKED MEALS: Sea Island Parkway, Lady’s Island; 524-3122; L.
LADY’S ISLAND COUNTRY CLUB: 139 Francis Marion Circle, Lady’s
MARILYN’S LUNCH AT SOUTHERN SWEETS: 917 Bay St., Beaufort; 379-0798; Sandwiches, soups; L.
Beaufort; 470-0188; Ice cream and sandwich cafe; B.L.
Ribaut Road, Beaufort; 524-8766; L.D.
MEDICAL PARK DELI: 968 Ribaut Road, Beaufort; 379-0174; B.L.
burgers; 379-8555; L.D.
SUWAN THAI: 1638 Paris Ave., Port Royal; 379-8383; Thai cuisine; L.D.
SUZARA’S KITCHEN: Newcastle SWEETGRASS: 100 Marine Drive, Dataw Island; 838-2151; L.D.
TOOTING EGRET BISTRO: 706 Craven St., Beaufort; 521-4506; B.L.
UPPER CRUST: 97 Sea Island Parkway, Lady’s Island; 521-1999; L.D.
PALM & MOON BAGELS: 221 Scott PANINI’S CAFE: 926 Bay St., Beaufort;
WREN: 210 Carteret St., Beaufort; 5249463; Local seafood, steaks, pasta; L.D.
PIACE PIZZA: 5-B Market, Habersham,
YES! THAI INDEED: 1911 Boundary St., Beaufort; 986-1185; L.D.
St., Beaufort; 379-9300; B.L.
379-0300; Italian, wood-fired pizzas; L.D. Beaufort; 379-3287; L.D.
PIZZA INN: 2121 Boundary St., Beaufort Town Center, Beaufort; 379-8646; L.D. PLUMS: 904 1/2 Bay St., Beaufort; 525-
the island news | march 1-7, 2012 |
SUSHI SAKANA: 860 Parris Island Gateway, Port Royal; 379-5300; L.D.
WEEZIE’S CRAB SHACK: 1634 Sea Island Parkway, St. Helena Island; 838-2197; Seafood, burgers; L.D.
LA NOPALERA: 1220 Ribaut Road,
Beaufort; 470-1100; Mexican; L.D.
Lady’s Island; 522-0210; L.D.
Square, Beaufort; 379-2160; B, L.
1946; Sandwiches, seafood, live music;L.D.
LOS AMIGOS: 14 Savannah Highway;
STEAMER: 168 Sea Island Parkway;
Congress Street, Beaufort; 524-1961; B.L.
Island; 522-9700; L.D.
Beaufort; 521-4882; Mexican; L.D.
SHRIMP SHACK: 1929 Sea Island Parkway, St. Helena Island; 838-2962; L.
NIPPY’S: 310 West St., Beaufort; Seafood,
KOOKY MOOKY’S: 101 Scott St.,
St., Beaufort; 379-9061; B.L.
Market, Habersham; 379-1719; L.D.
JIMMY JOHN’S: 2015 Boundary St.,
2141 Sea Island Parkway, Harbor Island; 838-4166; L.D.
SHOOFLY KITCHEN: 1209 Boundary
809 Port Republic St., at The Beaufort Inn, Beaufort; 379-0555; L.D.
Port Royal; 522-1222; Steaks, salads; L.D.
Beaufort; 522-2029; Southern cooking; L.D.
Beaufort; 522-8883; Chinese and Japanese cuisine; L.D.
Beaufort Town Center; 379-3009; Sub sandwiches; L.D.
SGT. WHITE’S: 1908 Boundary St.;
1340 Ribaut Road, Port Royal; 379-0146; D
Q ON BAY: 822 Bay St., Beaufort; 524-7771; Barbecue, Southern cooking;L.D.
A GUIDE TO DINING • All area codes are 843 • B = Breakfast • L = Lunch • D = Dinner • To feature your restaurant in the SPOTLIGHT, email
games page
Stay busy and entertained with themed crossword puzzles and Sudoku
last week’s crossword & sudoku solutions
(843) 812-4656
THEME: THE FIFTIES ACROSS 1. Jasmine’s kin 6. Former Soviet Socialist Republics, acr. 9. Fancy marbles used as shooters 13. Are you _ ____ or a hawk? 14. One of Indiana Jones’ quests 15. Having three dimensions 16. Same as mesotron 17. ___ Patrol 18. *First network TV soap ____ debuted in 1950 19. *Overthrown Cuban 21. *Arthur Miller’s wife 23. Jones’ Wall Street partner 24. What Rumpelstiltskin did 25. School support organization 28. Reduced Instruction Set Computer 30. Boiling pot 35. Globes and eyeballs 37. *Site of Egyptian Crisis 39. Dominion 40. Italian currency, pl. 41. Ringworm 43. Lover’s strike 44. Prayer leaders in mosques 46. *One of Ike’s two 47. Pitched at Occupy Wall Street 48. Os 50. Be agitated 52. Sushi sauce 53. Offensively curious 55. Sin over tan 57. *Its launch started the Space Race 61. Thumbelina’s raft 65. Smallest number in a crowd 66. “___ we there yet?” 68. Late Saddam Hussein, e.g. 69. Helped 70. Sheep not yet sheared 71. “Swan Lake” skirts 72. Brooding 73. A.k.a. Tokyo 74. In vertical position
DOWN 1. Mary’s little pet 2. Light bulb over head? 3. ABC’s adventure, 2004-2010 4. Stay clear 5. Book burner, e.g. 6. Mine is yours 7. Irritate 8. Save money on rent, e.g. 9. South American Indian people 10. Cain’s victim 11. Lean like an athlete 12. PET or CAT 15. Little Jack Horner’s spot 20. Do this and shout 22. Black and white sea bird 24. *New York in “Guys and Dolls,” e.g. 25. *Jonas Salk fought it 26. Decorates Christmas tree 27. Biblical Abraham’s original name 29. *”The Man in the Gray Flannel ____” 31. Exam 32. Stories “from the Crypt” 33. Treeless plain 34. E on dashboard 36. 18-wheeler 38. Freezing temperature in Celsius 42. Friends in Italy 45. What cat did on the window sill? 49. Me in Paris 51. *Humbert Humbert’s interest 54. Edible ray 56. Maple tree treat 57. Dateless male 58. *This Yankee was MVP in 1950 59. Pakistan’s official language 60. To abound or swarm 61. Toy building block 62. Liver delicacy 63. Greenish blue 64. Floppy storage device 67. *Color of Scare the island news | march 1-7, 2012 |
Learn about canine behavior with Tracie Korol
What is dog food? The Yuck Factor, part one It would be nice if our dogs actually received the foods manufacturers lead us to believe are in each bag of chow. Plump whole chickens, choice cuts of beef, fresh grains, crunchy, fresh vegetables; all the wholesome nutrition your dog will ever need! This is what the U.S. pet food industry, at a profit of $18 billion per year, wants us to believe we are buying when we purchase their products. It is logical that the pet food industry is an extension of the human food and agriculture industries. Pet foods are a convenient way for slaughterhouse leftovers and offal (oogly bits), grains considered “unfit for human consumption” and similar wastes to be turned into cash. Dogs, as omnivores, do well on a primarily meat-based diet. The protein (meat) used in pet food comes from a variety of sources. When cattle, swine, chickens, lambs or other animals are slaughtered, lean muscle tissue is trimmed away for human consumption, along with the novelty organs that people like to eat, such as tongues and tripe. About 50% of every food animal does not get used in human foods, however. Whatever remains of the carcass — heads, feet, bones, blood, intestines, lungs, spleens, livers, ligaments, fat trimmings, unborn babies, and other parts not generally consumed by humans — is used in pet food, animal feed, fertilizer, industrial lubricants,
Facts, observations and musings about Our Best Friends
BowWOW! Is a production of Tracie Korol and wholeDog. Tracie is a holistic behavior coach, a canine massage therapist (CCMT), herbalist, and canine homeopath. Want more information? Have a question? Send a note to Tracie at or visit www.
soap, rubber and other products. These “other parts” are known as “by-products.” By-products are used in feed for poultry and livestock as well as in pet food. Better brands of pet food, the “superpremium,” “natural” and “organic” varieties, do not use by-products. On the label, you’ll see one or more named meats among the first few ingredients, such as “turkey” or “lamb.” These meats are still mainly leftover scraps; in the case of poultry, bones are allowed, so “chicken” consists mainly of backs and frames — the spine and ribs, minus the expensive breast meat. The small amount of meat left on the bones is the “chicken” in the pet food. Meat meals, poultry meals, byproduct meals and meat-and-bone meal are common ingredients in dry pet foods. The term “meal” means that these materials are not used fresh, but have been rendered. Rendering is “to process as for industrial use: to render livestock carcasses and to extract oil from fat, blubber, etc., by melting.” (Webster’s Dictionary) In other words,
raw materials are dumped into a large vat and boiled for several hours. Rendering separates fat, removes water, and kills bacteria, viruses, parasites, and other organisms. However, the high temperatures (270°F/130°C) also alters or destroys natural enzymes and proteins found in the raw ingredients. To complete the horror story, the amount of grain and vegetable products included in pet foods has grown over time, often, in some cases, completely replacing the meat proteins. Early on this practice led to severe nutritional deficiencies and many animals had to die before science caught up to this practice. Now, gluten meals, the highpowered protein extracts (and the iffy stuff from China) are used to boost meat protein percentages. Corn gluten
is most common because it’s really cheap. Wheat gluten is used to create the “shapes” we think dogs like to eat. It’s also used as the thickener in dog food “gravy.” Think glue. As you might expect, foods containing high levels of vegetable proteins are among the poorer quality foods. To make pet food nutritious, pet food manufacturers must “fortify” it with vitamins and minerals. Why? Because the ingredients they are using are not wholesome, their quality may be extremely variable, and the harsh manufacturing practices destroy many of the nutrients the food had to begin with. Proteins are especially vulnerable to heat, and become damaged, or “denatured,” when cooked. Because dry foods ingredients are cooked twice — first during rendering and again in the extruding process — problems are much more common than with canned or homemade foods. Altered proteins may contribute to food intolerances, food allergies and inflammatory bowel disease. Next in this series: additives, chemicals and preservatives. Yum.
pet-related EVENTS
PAL Thrift recruiting volunteers
Love animals, treasure hunting and bargain shopping? If you possess a love of any of these hurry over to Palmetto Animal League Thrift the thrift store that supports the animals waiting for homes at the PAL Adoption Center in Okatie. Palmetto Animal League Thrift is in the Sheridan Park business complex close to Sonic Drive In Restaurant and facing U.S. 278 in Bluffton. We are recruiting volunteers to manage inventory, cashier, merchandising and assisting customers. PAL Thrift is open six days a week from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. and is in need of volunteers for all shifts. Parttime residents welcome. Volunteers may complete an application and sign up for training any day at the store when we are open for business. For more information, call 843-837-6369(MEOW).
Broad Marsh Animal Hospital The Animal Hospital of Beaufort
24/7 EMERGENCY SERVICE & MEDICAL STAFFING Exquisite Home Boarding for Exceptional Dogs
Dr. C. Allen Henry Walk-Ins • Day Walkers • Grooming Pick Up and Take Home Services • Drop Offs
babies, tinies, elder, critical-care and post surgical recovery
the island news | march 1-7, 2012 |
843-524-2224 2511 Boundary St., Beaufort Only 20 min. from McGarvey’s Corner, the Sea Islands and Yemassee
what to do Grand opening for new Dockside restaurant
Come celebrate the Grand Opening of Dockside’s second location Thursday, March 1. Opening at 4:30 p.m. at 71 Sea Island Parkway next to Lady’s Island Marina.
Beaufort High theater presents ‘Hairspray’
Welcome to the 60’s! BHS Theater program will present “Hairspray” on March 1-3 and 8-10 at 7 p.m. at The Arts Center at Beaufort High School. Tickets are $10 for adults and $8 for students and those with active military ID. Group discounts are available for groups of 10 or more. Call 322-2152 for more information.
Local All Pro Dad Day Chapter to meet
Fathers and students will gather for breakfast, family fun, and a little encouragement at next month’s All Pro Dad’s Day on Friday, March 2, at 7 a.m. in the Coosa Elementary School Gym. This month’s meeting topic is “Being Detailed Oriented” where you’ll learn practical methods for being a better dad and enjoy some quality time with your kids. There is no charge for this event, but you must RSVP to as space is limited and a head count in needed for breakfast, complements of Chick-fil-A. For more information, please contact Mike Mashke, Team Captain at 843.525.5154.
Black Chamber to hold networking event
The Beaufort County Black Chamber of Commerce will have its First Friday Networking Event on March 2 at Whale Branch Elementary School located at 15 Stuart Point Road, from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. James J Davis Early Learning Center and Whale Branch Elementary Young Artist Showcase for 2012 will feature artwork from students in grades K-4. This showcase is presented in recognition of Youth Art Month. Housing counselors will be in attendance to discuss the South
Plaza Stadium Theater Fri. 3/2 - Thurs. 3/8 Project X “R” Showing DAILY 2:00-4:15-7:00-9:10 Ghost Rider “PG13” Showing DAILY 2:05-4:05-7:05-9:05 Safe House “R” Showing DAILY 2:00-4:15-7:00-9:10 Tyler Perry Good Deeds “PG13” Showing DAILY 2:00-4:30-7:00-9:10 Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax “PG” Showing DAILY 2:05-4:05-7:05-9:05 41 Robert Smalls Pkwy, Beaufort (843) 986-5806
Carolina Mortgage Help program that is designed to help homeowners who may be facing foreclosure. Drawings, prizes and refreshments. Details call 986-1102.
Daughters of American Revolution to meet
The Thomas Heyward, Jr. Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will hold their next Meeting on March 8 at Beaufort County Library, 311 Scott Street, Beaufort, in the first floor meeting room beginning at 2 p.m. The guest speaker will be Grace Cordial, Historical Resources Coordinator for the library. This will be proceeded by the business meeting and the afternoon will end with refreshments and the opportunity to meet with our speaker. For more information please call Regent Nancy Crowther at 521-0134.
St. Helena presents Charleston orchestra
As part of the continuing celebration of its Tricentennial year, the Parish Church of St. Helena will host a concert by the Charleston Symphony Orchestra on Saturday, March 10 beginning at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary at St. Helena’s. According to Pat Gould, Music director and organist for St. Helena’s, and the Standing Committee Chairperson for the Tricentennial’s overall special music program, the symphony will play an exciting program featuring music from those three centuries. “The orchestra will play works of Handel, Holst and Mozart, as well as Elizabethan Consort Music for brass and timpani,” Gould said. Because of generous donations from parishioners and the community, the church is pleased to offer the concert at only $10 per ticket for adults, and Free to students 18 and under. Reserved sponsorship seating is available but other seats are on a first come basis. Gould said she is overjoyed that the church is able to provide an orchestra of this caliber to the community, and to expose symphonic music to families who might not otherwise be able to hear an orchestra, and to that end, the church is
weekend cracks on criminals Disclaimer: Proceed with a sense of humor THE VALUE MENU: According to incident reports, an employee was charged on Saturday for embezzlement. The case is still under investigation. What we do know is that a white collar crime was committed at a blue collar job: Wendy’s. The suspect put a new spin on corporate greed, sticking it to the man by embezzling…money?... burgers? It’s too early to say. OUCH CHARLIE: On Saturday, a 10-year-old accidentally shot a 9-year-old with an airsoft gun near Mossy Oaks Elementary School. The report says that no injuries or criminal activity were involved in the playful airsoft gun shooting. Regardless, this incident was reported to Beaufort Police. Well, it must have really hurt! Give British Charlie a run on YouTube. Compiled by Tess Malijenovsky. Crime Report items are chosen from the files of the Beaufort Police Department. Please contact the police with any insider information on these cases. providing a nursery, also at no charge. Those wanting to take advantage of the nursery must make reservations. The Parish Church of St. Helena is located at 505 Church Street, Beaufort. For more information or to purchase tickets, contact the church office at 843522-1712 or visit For information on sponsorship packages, contact
7 p.m. will feature popular recording artist Mahoganee. The show will be open May 26 from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. Artists may obtain an application at the chamber office or via emailed request to More online at
Square dance club celebrates anniversary
Beaufort Dog is enrolling for an Advanced Training class. This class will focus on dealing with distractions while in “real world” situations like walking on a leash. This is a precursor for therapy dog training as well. Please call 812-5394 to pre-register.
The Square Dance Club in Beaufort, the Beaufort Squares, dances the first and third Saturdays of each month. On Saturday, March 3 the club will celebrate its 49th anniversary at the Pinewood Fire Station in the training room. For those people who may be interested in learning to Square dance, get in touch with Joann Bright at 525-1756.
Spend an evening with state elected officials
Spend an evening with State Senator Tom Davis, R-Beaufort, and special guest Congressman Tim Scott on Friday, March 16. For host and sponsorship opportunities, please contact Desiree Watson at Desiree@MaceGroupLLC. com or 803-348-5416.
Bay Street Outfitters holds fly fishing classes
One day fly casting classes will be held Saturdays 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. March 24 and May 12. Fly tying classes will be on the third Thursday each month at 6 p.m. Please call for details and to reserve your spot. Bay Street Outfitters is located at 815 Historic Bay St. For more information, call 524-5250 or visit www.baystreetoutfitters. com.
A call for artists for Artist Showcase 2012
The Beaufort County Black Chamber of Commerce announces the Artist Showcase 2012 scheduled for May 25-26 in historic downtown Beaufort. Artists must submit their application by April 1 to secure exhibit space which is limited to 20. The 10th annual event is open to local and visiting exhibitors presenting original and print work in a range of media to include paintings, folk art, basket weaving and mixed media. The Artist Showcase will be open at Sea Island Best Western, 1015 Bay Street, Beaufort, on May 25 from Noon until 8 p.m. A free reception from 5 until
Beaufort Dog to hold advanced training class
Low-cost vaccine, clinic will be held for pets
Palmetto Veterinary Hospital and Beaufort Dog will provide a low cost dog and cat vaccine and wellness clinic in Habersham on April 14, 2012 at Beaufort Dog at Habersham from 10 a.m. -2 p.m. It is in conjunction with the Pet and Kid’s fair. Appointments strongly recommended. Please call 812-5394 to reserve a spot.
Applications available for Zonta scholarships
The Zonta Club of Beaufort is once again giving one $1,000 Working Women’s Scholarship and one $1,000 Scholarship for graduating high school seniors. All applicants must reside in Beaufort County north of the Broad River. All applications must be received in the mail by the deadline of April 13. Please send to P.O. Box 2234, Beaufort, SC 29901. Email to request a specific application.
Beaufort Writers meet
Beaufort Writers meets every second and fourth Tuesday from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at the Lady’s Island Airport Conference Room.
SEND US YOUR EVENTS Have your organization’s upcoming event or meeting listed in The Island News. Send us the important facts: don’t forget to include what, where, when, who and any other details or contact information by Monday to see it run in the upcoiming issue. Please send all emails and inquiries to
the island news | march 1-7, 2012 |
service directory AIR CONDITIONING/HEATING KFI Mechanical, LLC
FURNITURE Never pay retail
399 Sam’s Point Rd Lady’s Island, SC 29907 Tel. 843-322-0018
Beaufort Air Conditioning and Heating, LLC
John C. Haynie President 843-524-0996
Over 100,000 satisfied customers
The Beaufort Day Spa 843.470.1777 304 Scott St. massage ~ facial ~ mani/pedi waxing ~ spa packages spa packages
The Collectors Antique Mall
Jane Tarrance Furniture, Glassware, Collectibles, Multi-dealer, 5,900 sq. ft full of antiques, art Free parking! 843-524-2769 102 C Sea Island Parkway, Lady’s Island Center Beaufort, South Carolina, 29907
Lime Lite Salon
Stylist Kelly McClune A True Balance of Substance & Style 843-379-5463 612 Carteret Street
Christopher J. Geier
Attorney at Law, LLC Criminal Defense & Civil Litigation Located on the corner of Carteret and North Street Office: 843-986-9449 Fax: 843-986-9450
For All Your Insurance Needs Andy Corriveau phone: (843) 524-1717
For All Your Insurance Needs Amy Bowman phone: (843) 524-7531
Steve Allen Always accepting quality consignments from one item to an entire estate. • 843-784-5006 * 843-784-2828 * 843-784-5007 Fax
Coosaw Landscapes, Inc.
Landscape, Maintenance and Design Services Chris Newnham 843-694-3634
Lawn Solutions
Merry Maids
Jim Colman 843-522-9578
Bob Cunningham 522-2777 829 Parris Is Gateway Beaufort, SC Design, Installation, Maintenance
Gene Brancho
Chandler Trask Construction
Marketing Consultant Full service marketing consulting for your smaller business. Social Media Marketing • Marketing Representation • Networking ...and more. Phone: 843-441-7485 email:
Chandler Trask 843.321.9625
Dawn H Freeman MSW LISW-CP
pawn shop
Complete American Pawn
Pawn Shop Lady’s Island (across from Dairy Queen), 120 Sea Island Pkway Open Mon-Sat: 10-6. Call 843-522-0592. We Buy Gold, Silver and Coins. We thank you for your business!
Palmetto Smiles
Jennifer Wallace, DMD 843-524-7645
driving lessons
First Step Driver Training, LLC
Tommy Collins, Instructor Teen/Adult/Fleet/ and 4 Point Reduction Classes 843.812.1389 Licensed/Bonded/Insured Over 27 years law enforcement experience 30
843-524-5455 We’re now providing a new level of patient comfort.
Beaufort Chiropractic
Dr. Kristie Wallace 703 Bladen St. 843-522-1115 Licensed Massage Therapy & Nutritional Exams Available.
Lohr Plumbing, Inc.
Brett Doran Serving the Lowcountry for over 20 years. Service, New Construction, and Remodeling. (843) 522-8600
property management
Palmetto Shores Property Managment
Lura Holman McIntosh Call 525-1677 or fax 524-1376 PROPERTY MANAGEMEN
Roofing Co. LURA HOLMANDA McINTOSH OFF. 8 Donnie Daughtry, Owner Broker-In-ChargeCall us for ALL of your roofing needs. FAX 8 E-Mail: New Construction, Residential and Commercial, Shingles, Metal, Hot Tar & Hydrostop.
Damn Yankees Auction House
Randy Royal, MD- OBGYN and Pelvic Surgery
auction/estate sales
Individual, Marriage and Family Therapy 43 Sea Island Parkway 843-441-0627
Closeouts • Bargains • Deals Over 21 years in Beaufort and Savannah $57,638 donated to Local Churches and USO. Check us out on Facebook and Craigslist.
the island news | march 1-7, 2012 |
Collins Pest Control
Tommy Collins 843-524-5544 Complete Termite and Pest Control Residential, Commercial, Free Estimates, Licensed and Insured PEt grooming
Furbulas Dog Grooming and Pet Sitting
Brittany Riedmayer 843-476-2989 • 843-522-3047 • Member of National Dog Groomers Association of America. • Change your dog from Fabulous to Furbulas with a personal touch.
All repairs and new additions. FREE ESTIMATES 524-1325
tree service
Southern Tree Svs. of Bft., Inc. Ronnie Reiselt, Jr. P.O. Box 2293 Beaufort, SC 29901 843-522-9553 Office 843-522-2925 Fax
Net Solutions Technology Center, LLC Technology solutions for business or home. 843-525-6469 Phone 843-521-0955 Fax 38 A-B Sams Point Road, Beaufort, SC 29907
Beaufort Mobile Website Design Paul Richardson 843-441-8213 http://beaufortmobilewebsitedesign. com
HAVE YOU BEEN TO WWW. YOURISLANDNEWS. COM RECENTLY? Go to our web site to see the entire paper online, to view past articles or to post your comments. We also have the latest news updates from around town.
classifieds ANNOUNCEMENTS TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 2012, IS THE LAST DAY to redeem winning tickets in the following South Carolina Education Lottery Instant Games: (442) Triple Money Bags; (453) Love to Win; (456) A Gift for You; (460) Lucky Money; (465) Wicked 1’s; (469) Hit $25. ATTENTION DIABETICS with Medicare. Get a FREE talking meter and diabetic testing supplies at NO COST, plus FREE home delivery! Best of all, this meter eliminates painful finger pricking! Call 877-327-7224. AUCTIONS FARM, ANTIQUE AND ADVERTISING AUCTION, March 8, 9 & 10. Liquidation of Harmon Farms 3152 Augusta Hwy., Gilbert, SC Over 2000 lots being sold in a three day auction event (Tractors, Advertising, Antiques, Christmas Store & More) Kit Young * SCAL3812 864-374-7772.
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