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From staff reports

The second season of the Netflix series, “Outer Banks,” is gearing up for filming in Charleston.


Producers are in need of young adults, ages 18 to 26,

From staff reports

"Art Speaks," an exhibit featuring art created by Beaufort County artists during the Covid-19 pandemic, opens Thursday, Sept. 3 at the USC Beaufort Center for the Arts.

In addition to paintings and photography, the eclectic exhibit also includes wood, textiles, silver and more. While some pieces are a direct response to the pandemic, many are escapes from it. "Art Speaks" is as diverse as the artists who have contributed to the juried exhibit.

All artists are 18 and older and living in Beaufort County.

From staff reports

The South Carolina High School Writing Contest was created in 2013 by Steven Lynn, dean of the South Carolina Honors College at the University of South Carolina; writer and editor Aïda Rogers; best-selling writer and Beaufort’s Pat Conroy (the competition’s original judge); and Jonathan Haupt, then-Director of the University of South Carolina Press and now executive director of the who look like high school students (or early college students,) for one of their scenes being filmed on Sept. 9 and 10.

Although the entire set/ crew will be informed and The exhibit is part of a special kick-off event at the Center called, “The Show Must Go On.”

The exhibit is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday until November 1. Masks and social distancing are required.

For more information, visit www.uscbcenterforthearts. com or call 843-521-3135.

Featured Artists

(in alphabetical order) Sandra Atkins, Nancy Bader, Lydia Beason, Louis Bruce, Laura Burcin, Frank Cerulli, Betty Cothran, Dusty Connor, Sandy Dimke, Michael nonprofit Pat Conroy Literary Center.

It is fitting then that Haupt was invited to return to the project to serve as the competition’s judge this year. In addition to Conroy, previous judges have included Walter Edgar, Nikky Finney, Pam Durban, Mary Alice Monroe, and Marjory Wentworth.

“It was my tremendous privilege to have helped Steve Lynn and Aida Rogers shepherd this important contest required to follow COVID protocols, some scenes will require people to be in close proximity to each other or the cast. Therefore, producers are highly encouraging people who have been socially isolatDixon, Diane Britton Dunham, Wyn Foland, Mary Ann Ford, Tina Fripp, Joan Furlong, Joanne Graham, Terri Howell, Claudette Humphrey, Anne Jennings, Chris Jones, Jacqueline Jones, Aki Kato, Elaine Lake, Renee Levin, Ellen Long, Andrew Lyons, Michael Murphy, Jack Nietert, Hetty Nijman, Omar Patterson, Elizabeth Pearson, Kris Peterson, Greg Rawls, Jim Rothnie, Marilee Santori, Sandy Shuster, Brenda Singleton, Marilyn Smith, Robert Steinmetz, Linda Silk Sviland, Linda Tully, Carolyn Wall, Walda Wildman, Tatiana Zalapskaia. through its early years, and I’m beyond honored to be invited back to judge the 2020 competition,” Haupt said in a release. “Opportunities like these can begin to give shape to the arc of a writing life for burgeoning storytellers. And this contest has always done such a masterful job of letting us know what’s on the minds and in the hearts of our young writers as they survey the present and look toward the future. It’s all the ing together during the pandemic, and they will be considered a priority throughout the season.

Those who are booked will get tested for COVID-19, for which producers will pay. more important now that we recognize and listen to their voices.”

The annual contest is open to all Palmetto State high school juniors and seniors.

The writing contest’s topic is “How should we improve the state of South Carolina?”

Submissions of up to 750 words are welcome by Sept. 25 in all creative genres, including fiction, drama, and poetry, as well as straightforward essays, diary/journal enAn additional $20 bump will be given for taking the test. Pay rate is $80 for eight hours and time-and-a-half for every hour that exceeds the eighth.

For more information, vistries, letters, or other literary forms.

After students submit their work, 15 to 20 finalists will be chosen. Those finalists will have their work reviewed by the 2020 writing contest judge.

Cash prizes of $1,000, $500, and $250 will be awarded to the first, second, and third place winners. The entries of finalists and winners will be showcased by the South Carolina Honors College on its it twcastandrecruit.com or follow the public facebook page TW Cast And Recruit (https://www.facebook.com/ TWCastandRecruit) for instructions on how to submit

Art Speaks comes to USCB Center For The Arts

Conroy Center Director Haupt to judge writing contest

and more information. website.

The contest is presented by the S.C. Honors College at USC, the Pat Conroy Literary Center, the South Carolina State Library, the University of South Carolina School of Library and Information Sciences, the South Carolina Academy of Authors and the South Carolina Writers Association.

To learn more and submit entries, visit www.schonors. com/hswritingcontest.


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