Friday, december 19, 2014
vol. 89, no. 51
& Party
a blank slate media special section
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paGe 27-46
paGe 2
paGe 6
December 19, 2014
Speed camera program voted out by county
kIdS ON Ice
Measure leaves $30 million revenue gap in the county budget: officials BY B i LL SAN ANtONiO Nassau County lawmakers unanimously voted to repeal the controversial school speed-zonecamera program on Monday, leaving a $30 million revenue gap in the county budget that officials have said could end 2014 with a $76.9 million deficit. The automated cameras, which issued more than 400,000 tickets between early September and mid November, will be taken offline immediately from most of Nassau’s 56 school districts, officials said. Outstanding fines will still need to be paid. Monday’s 19-0 vote came after nearly four hours of public comment, most in support of the repeal, according to published reports. County lawmakers also proposed legislation to make up for a projected $30 million in revenues lost a result of the appeal, which
is planned for discussion next month. Nassau County Executive Edward Mangano said last week the repealed cameras would likely result in spending cuts and not new taxes. Nassau County Legislature Presiding Officer Norma Gonsalves (R-East Meadow) supported Mangano’s position on no new taxes while speaking to reporters following the vote. “There will be no raise in taxes. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again,” she said. The school speed-zone-camera program was approved in June with a 19-0 vote from the Legislature but was quickly met with complaints from constituents about inconsistencies with speed limits and its hours of operation. Mangano, a Republican, granted amnesty for more than 40,000 tickets issued over the summer after fines were generated in error from five camera locations. The Continued on Page 57
Great Neck kids ice-skate at Camp Parkwood. Camp Parkwood registration is currently available and early deadline will end Dec. 31.
G.N. school board votes in favor of veterans exemption BY A dA m L i d g E t t The Great Neck school board voted Monday to provide a tax exemption for all veterans living in the school district. School District Superintendent Tom Dolan said the decision came after the board
evaluated the legislation and reviewed the potential impact on taxpayers. Dolan said school trustees gave their approval despite misgivings in how the state Legislature handled the legislation. “The legislation was flawed and inappropriately shifted re-
sponsibility from the state to local school districts,” he said. “The state could have done this on its own but instead they chose again to avoid responsibility for their actions.” When the board enacted the $213 million 2014-15 budContinued on Page 58
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