Serving Roslyn, Roslyn Heights and Old Westbury
Friday, december 26, 2014
vol. 2, no. 52
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NEW YEAR’S DINING GUIDE pAGeS 23-34 • dece mber ial secti on medi a spec a blan k slate
pAGe 2
pAGe 6
26, 2014
Freed American honored Schechter School welcomes L.I. native BY B R YA N A H R E N S When the Schechter School of Long Island heard on Wednesday about the release of Alan Gross, a Jewish businessman who has been detained in Cuba for the past five years, they said it was their first Chanukah gift of the year. The school held a celebration at its Jericho campus Thursday morning in celebration of Gross’ release from Cuba, after exchanging letters with him last PHOTO BY BILL SPITALNICK year while he was detained in Cuba. A bus and sport utility vehicle collided on Thursday along Glen Cove Road near Harbor Hill Road in East Hills, injuring five “I couldn’t imagine a miracle people. would happen like what happened yesterday,” said Schechter head of school Cindy Dolgan, who oversees the school’s Williston Park and Jericho campuses. Cantor Marcey Wagner, principal of the Schechter K-5 lower school in Jericho, read a letter to East Hills resident Bill Spitinvolving a sports utility vehicle traveling northbound, said Det. a gymnasium full of students reBY B I LL and a school bus carrying spe- Michael Lynch of the Old West- alnick, who took the eyewitceived Wednesday evening from SAN ANTONIO ness photographs, said he was cial needs children on Glen Cove bury Police Department. Gross’ lawyer, Richard Shore in The cause of the crash was walking his dog near Westwood Washington D.C. Five people - including two Road in East Hills that backed up “Your students should be teenagers - were hospitalized traffic in both directions, police unknown and an investigation is Circle and noticed traffic being directed from Glen Cove Road still ongoing, Lynch said. Continued on Page 42 Thursday following an accident said. Eyewitness photographs tak- through the Norgate developThe crash occurred at around 9 a.m. near Harbor en of the accident purportedly ment. Upon walking out to the Hill Road as the school bus show the bus sustained damage was traveling southbound to the front driver’s side, while road, Spitalick said, he saw to a nearby school collided the Suburban sustained damage someone from the bus being reContinued on Page 43 with a Chevrolet Suburban to the passenger’s side.
Five injured in East Hills bus crash
Motorist hospitalized overnight for lower body injuries, police say
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