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Elected Offi cials
State Election Commission
1122 Lady St., Suite 500 Columbia, SC 29201 Phone: (803) 734-9060 Fax: (803) 734-9366 elections@ elections.sc.gov
Sumter Voter Registration and Election Commission
Sumter County Courthouse 141 N. Main St. 1st fl oor, Room 114 Sumter, SC 29150 Phone: (803) 436-2310 Fax: (803) 436-2405
State Governor Henry McMaster (R)
South Carolina
State House 1100 Gervais St., 1st Floor Columbia, SC 29201 Phone: (803)734-2100 Fax: (803)734-5167
U.S. Senators
Tim Scott (R)
District 1
104 Hart Senate Offi ce Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: (202) 224-6121 1901 Main St., Suite 1425 Columbia, SC 29201 Phone: (803) 771-6112 www.scott.senate.gov/
Lindsey Graham (R)
District 3
290 Russell Senate Offi ce Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: (202) 224-5972 508 Hampton St., Suite 202 Columbia, SC 29201 Phone: (803) 933-0112 www.lgraham.senate.gov/ public/
U.S. Representatives Ralph Norman (R)
District 5
Cherokee, Chester, Fair eld, Kershaw Lancaster, Lee (part), Newberry, Sumter (part), Union and York counties 569 Cannon House Offi ce Building Washington, D.C. 20515 (202) 225-5501 454 S. Anderson Road, Suite 302 B Rock Hill, SC 29730 Phone: (803) 327-1114 https://norman.house.gov/
James E. Clyburn (D)
District 6
Allendale, Bamberg, Berkeley, Calhoun, Charleston, Clarendon, Colleton, Dorchester, Hampton, Jasper, Orangeburg, Richland and Williamsburg counties 200 Cannon House Offi ce Building Washington, D.C. 20515 (202) 225-3315 1225 Lady St., Suite 200 Columbia, SC 29201 Phone: (803) 799-1100 https://clyburn.house.gov/
State Senate Thomas McElveen III (D)
District 35
Sumter 508 Gressette Bldg. Columbia, SC 29201 Business: (803) 212-6132 Sumter Offi ce: (803) 775-1263 Columbia Offi ce: (803) 212-6132 Home: (803) 778-0597
Kevin Johnson (D)
District 36
Clarendon, Darlington, Florence, Sumter 606 Gressette Bldg. Columbia, SC 29201 Business: (803) 212-6024 Home: (803) 435-8117
State House
Will Wheeler (D)
District 50
Kershaw, Lee, Sumter 422B Blatt Bldg. Columbia, SC 29201 Bishopville Offi ce: (803) 484-5454 Columbia Offi ce: (803) 212-6958 Home: (803) 428-3161
David Weeks (D)
District 51
Sumter 308D Blatt Bldg. Columbia, SC 29201 Sumter Offi ce: (803) 775-5856 Columbia Offi ce: (803) 734-3102 Home: (803) 775-4228 Phone: (803)734-3102 Jdavid2453@yahoo.com
Kimberly Johnson (D)
District 64
Clarendon, Sumter 422D Blatt Bldg. Columbia, SC 29201 Business: (803) 212-6929 Home: (803) 938-3087
Murrell Smith (R)
District 67
Sumter 525B Blatt Bldg. Columbia, SC 29201 Sumter Offi ce: (803) 778-2471 Columbia Offi ce: (803)734-3144 Home: (803) 469-4416
Wendy C. Brawley (D)
District 70
Richland, Sumter 309D Blatt Bldg. Columbia, SC 29201 Business: (803) 212-6961 Home: (803) 776-9286
Sumter County Council
All council members may be reached at the following: 13 E. Canal St. Sumter, SC 29150 Phone: (803) 436-2107 Fax:(803) 436-2108
Carlton Washington (D)
District 1
13 E. Canal St. Sumter, SC 29150 Home: (803) 436-2102 cwashington@sumtercountysc.org
Artie Baker (R)
District 2
3680 Bakersfi eld Lane Dalzell, SC 29040 Phone: (803) 469-3638 council@sumtercountysc.org
Jimmy Byrd Jr. (R)
Vice Chairman District 3
P.O. Box 1913 Sumter, SC 29151 Phone: (803) 468-1719 Fax: (803)436-2108 jbyrd@sumtercountysc.org
Charles T. Edens (R)
District 4
3250 Home Place Road Sumter, SC 29150 Home: (80) 775-0044 Mobile: (803) 236-5759 charlestedens@gmail.com
Vivian Fleming-McGhaney (D)
District 5
9770 Lynches River Road Lynchburg, SC 29080 Phone: (803) 437-2797 Business: (803) 495-3247 vmcghaney@sumtercountysc.org
Jim T. McCain (D)
Chairman District 6
317 W. Bartlette Street Sumter, SC 29150 Home: (803) 773-2353 Cell: (803) 607-2777 jmccain@sumtercountysc.org
Gene Baten (D)
District 7
P.O. Box 3193 Sumter, SC 29151 Phone: (803) 773-0815 council@sumtercountysc.org
Sumter City Council
All council members may be reached at the following: 21 N. Main St. P.O. Box 1449 Sumter, SC 29151 Phone: (803) 436-2500 Fax: (803) 436-2615
David Merchant
26 Paisley Park Sumter, SC 29150 (803) 773-1086 dmerchant@sumtersc.gov
omas J. Lowery
Mayor Pro Tem Ward 1
829 Legare St. Sumter, SC 29150 Phone: (803) 773-9298 tlowery@sumtersc.gov
James Blassingame
Ward 2
PO Box 3488 Sumter, SC 29151 (803) 840-1029 jblassingame@sumtersc.gov
Calvin K. Hastie Sr.
Ward 3
810 S. Main St. Sumter, SC 29150 (803) 774-7776
chastie@sumtersc.gov Steven H. Corley
Ward 4
115 Radcliff Drive Sumter, SC 29150 Phone: (803) 305-1566 scorley@sumtersc.gov
Colin C. Davis
Ward 5
720 Oak Brook Blvd. Sumter, SC 29150 Phone: (803) 494-3337 cdavis@sumtersc.gov
Gi ord Shaw
Ward 6
28 Paisley Park Sumter, SC 29150 (803) 773-5918 gshaw@sumtersc.gov
*Sumter City Council is a nonpartisan governing body.
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