Our state ranks among most-dangerous places Poor roads, violence cited as legislators debating change 75 CENTS
BY JIM HILLEY jim@theitem.com
SERVING SOUTH CAROLINA SINCE OCTOBER 15, 1894 As the South Carolina Department of Transportation chief calls it quits and the General Assembly keeps everyone guessing whether it will pass legislation to fix the
2 SECTIONS, 18 PAGES | VOL. 120, NO. 193
state’s deteriorating roads, another national listing has the state’s residents saying “thank God for Mississippi.” Denting the pride of the Palmetto State this time is www.wallethub.com, which describes itself as “the social network for your wal-
let.” The website released a listing titled “2015’s Safest States to Live In.” Coming in at No. 50 overall is the Palmetto State (the list includes 50 states and the District of Columbia).
I think I can, I think I can ...
Better survival odds now More childhood cancer patients doing better with gentler treatment A4 LOCAL SPORTS
Sumter’s English, Parker and Lakewood’s Fields, Dengokl earn honors B1
Betty S. Atkinson Anthony Mitchell Satara D. Sharper Ulysses Francis Virginia D. Williams Eugene Sweat William Gregg Sr. Francis Wright Bernice L. Conner Gladys R. Jones Churchill B. Wortherly Jr. Erick R. White
Gymnastics instructor McKinley Puck helps Zoey Simon, 7, with a front flip during Miss Libby’s School of Dance’s annual Gymnastics Expo on Saturday at University of South Carolina Sumter. Five-hundred participants between the ages of 2 and 17 performed during the event. This year’s theme was “America.”
Local Republicans excited U.S. senator will represent state
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., greets supporters after announcing his bid for presidency Monday in Central.
Showers and thunderstorms today and tonight
BY KONSTANTIN VENGEROWSKY konstantin@theitem.com
HIGH 81, LOW 64
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Graham wants your vote for president CENTRAL (AP) — South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham opened his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination Monday with a grim accounting of radical Islam “running wild” in a world imperiled also by Iran’s nuclear ambitions. He dedicated himself to defeating U.S. adversaries — a
commitment that would place thousands of troops back in Iraq, essentially re-engaging in a war launched in 2003. “I’ve got one simple message,” he told supporters in the small town where he grew up. “I have more experience with our national security
Local Republicans are not yet ready to name the candidate they plan on supporting in the primaries but are excited to have a candidate from South Carolina. U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham is the first candidate representing South Carolina to run for president since 1948, when the late Sen. Strom Thurmond made his run. “I’ve known Sen. Graham personally for about 15 years,” said Moye Graham, Republican party chairman of the Sixth Congressional District, which includes a portion of Sumter County and 12 other counties. Graham, no relation to Lindsey
Donations will help ministry take care of community BY COLLYN TAYLOR intern@theitem.com Sumter United Ministries is not only a place to find help with bills or home repairs, but it’s also a place to go for shelter. That’s just what happened when someone with a major disability came into Sumter United Ministries’ Emer-
gency Shelter. This woman’s disability, according to Sumter United Ministries, forced her to visit the emergency room frequently to have lab work done. She continued to stay at the shelter, and the shelter director, the Rev. Wal-
ter Robertson III, said staying could be having a detrimental effect on her health because of stress. That’s when the community jumped in. She was able to stay with local churchgoers and friends. However, she was still in need of a place of her own. Robertson partnered with another
local agency to get the woman approved for assistance to give her a place to live. With the help of Sumter United Ministries, she was able to get a place to call home. Because she went to the ministry’s shelter, she connected with staff members and eventually ended up in a
Call: (803) 774-1226 | E-mail: pressrelease@theitem.com
Hone your poetry skills at workshop BY IVY MOORE ivy@theitem.com Local poets may have aspirations of publishing — or publishing more — or they might just want to improve their craft. Poet and Morris College English professor Len Lawson has already started a monthly open mic poetry session that’s proving successful, and he’s a published poet himself, so he wants to help others find success in their own work. To that purpose, he’s offering a summer poetry workshop at Patriot Hall each Thursday in June, beginning this week. “I believe there are many poets and writers in Sumter and surrounding counties who
write regularly but who are skeptical about sharing or even improving on their work,” Lawson said. “These workshops are an attempt to draw these poets out of hiding and to build a stronger arts community.” His intended audience includes “writers from LAWSON Sumter, Kershaw, Lee and Clarendon counties who want to embrace and improve their poetry craft. The sessions are designed for novice poets, who may write as a hobby, to experienced poets, who want advanced training in the craft for performance or publication purposes. Partici-
pants don’t need a college degree in the arts or any publications to attend,” Lawson said. “It would also be fun for a person who has never written poetry but who is interested in the craft.” Another helpful aspect of the workshop, he said, is that poets can get very constructive criticism of their work. “Many times poets and writers will ask family and friends for feedback, and they get only words of affirmation like, ‘I like it’ or ‘It’s nice,’” Lawson said. “In a workshop like this with other passionate writers, participants can receive critical and constructive feedback not only from the facilitator, but also from the participants to help them grow as writers.”
During the four days of the workshop, he said, “participants will learn basics such as using engaging metaphors in poetry and extending metaphors into what is called association. Also, they will learn how to engage audiences and readers on topics such as childhood memories and community/social issues. “In the final workshop, we will discuss the foundations of publishing for print or online,” he said. The 2015 Summer Poetry Workshop is scheduled for 3:30 to 5 p.m. each Thursday this month — June 4, 11, 18 and 25. The fee for the entire workshop series is $30; if paid separately, each workshop will be $15. With payment for the full
workshop, participants will receive a free copy of the workshop text and Lawson’s poetry collection, “The Very Least of Me: Poems and Stories.” Otherwise, the charge for the book is $10. Fees are payable at the workshop or through Lawson’s website www.lenlawson.co. The workshops are sponsored by Sumter County Cultural Commission and will be held at Patriot Hall, 135 Haynsworth St. For more information about the workshop or the open mic poetry series titled “How Sweet the Sound,” contact Lawson at (803) 983-3677 or email lenvillelaws@gmail.com. A Facebook event titled “2015 Summer Poetry Workshop” has also been created.
Not all kids will eat this weekend
School program aims to make sure students don’t go home hungry
Fire hydrant flow tests Wednesday, Thursday The City of Sumter will be performing fire hydrant flow tests on Boulevard Road, Radical Road, Omarest Drive, Flamingo Road, Ridgeway Street, Belk Street, Fleming Street and Wilkie Street from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday. Water customers in the surrounding area may experience temporary discolored water. Direct any questions or concerns to the City of Sumter Public Services Department at (803) 436-2558.
Proposal: $150M for roads, $70M for Volvo COLUMBIA — The House’s budget-writing committee wants to put $150 million of additional revenue toward fixing existing roads and $70 million toward meeting South Carolina’s promises to Volvo. The Ways and Means Committee unanimously advanced a supplementary budget bill Monday that spends additional revenue. It would leave the state borrowing $50 million to fund an interchange off Interstate 26 and a road to the future Volvo plant in Berkeley County, as Gov. Nikki Haley and Commerce officials promised. The committee’s Republican leaders say borrowing the full $123 million would exceed the state’s capacity for economic development bonds, requiring the state to make interest-only payments on the debt. On Friday, state economic advisers certified an additional $415 million in revenues above previous expectations. The Legislature has full discretion on $300 million of that.
usually identified by their teachers and recommended for the backpack program. Sometimes, students from different classrooms end up being siblings, so the proBY KONSTANTIN gram makes sure each famiVENGEROWSKY ly member gets treated konstantin@theitem.com equally. “We want the students to know that we do care,” For some children, breakJohnston said. “It makes fast and lunch at school them feel a part of somemay be the only meals they thing and learn the imporreceive. Some may go home tance of sharing and givfor the weekend and not ing.” have another meal until Aldersgate United Meththey come back to school odist Church and Willow Monday morning. Drive PTO fund the proThe backpack program at gram along with donations Willow Drive Elementary from individuals. Johnston School attempts to solve said Sumter YMCA assists that problem, Rachel Johnthe program with food doston told Sumter Palmetto nations. Rotary Club on Thursday. She said a similar proThirty-eight children gram has been ongoing at from the school benefit Crosswell Drive Elementary from the program, said School. Johnston, a reading interJohnston said that the ulventionist at the school. timate goal is to find a “A child cannot be educhurch to partner with each cated if his or her physical school in Sumter School needs are not met first,” she District. said. “People would be surEvery Friday, volunteers KEITH GEDAMKE / THE SUMTER ITEM prised to find out how many go to the school and hand hungry children we have,” the children who are select- Lynn Bolen and Teresa Kesterson, volunteers from Aldersgate United Methodist Church, load backpacks into a wagon to distribute to she said. “The children ed a backpack full of items can’t choose their circumsuch as canned pasta prodchildren at Willow Drive Elementary School on Friday. stances, but we can help ucts, soup, Vienna sausages, them.” a safe place and that when and the community. cereal, saltines, pudding For those interested in “I wanted volunteers to be they’re in trouble they can and peanut butter and jelly. getting involved in the backcome to us for help. I love in the schools so that stuThe cost is about $4 per pack program, contact Rawatching how it changes dents not only receive the week, per child. chel Johnston at (803) 773food, but know that they are our children.” Johnston said the pro5796 or rjohnston@eChalk. The children with the valued,” Johnston said. “It gram helps bridge the gap most critical food needs are sumterschools.net. teaches them that school is between schools, churches
CORRECTION If you see a statement in error, contact the City Desk at 774-1226 or pressrelease@theitem.com.
SUMMER MEAL OPPORTUNITIES Once summer vacation begins, some students will lose access to daily meals, but there are several local organizations that provide nutritious meals for children and their families. SUMTER SCHOOL DISTRICT SEAMLESS SUMMER FEEDING PROGRAM provides a meal and a snack for students ages 18 and younger during most of the summer. When: June 8 through July 31, closed July 3. Contact: Food Service Director Leon Williams at (803) 499-5950, extension 109, or Summer Feeding Coordinator Stacey Champagne at (803) 499-5950, extension 107.
EMMANUEL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH SOUP KITCHEN MINISTRY provides lunch for individuals and families throughout the year. When: Monday through Friday, noon to 1 p.m.; Saturday, 10 to 11 a.m. Contact: EUMC at eumc246@gmail.com.
SUMTER UNITED MINISTRIES provides families with a week’s worth of food once every six months. Contact: (803) 775-0757 or visit 36 Artillery Drive. SALVATION ARMY SUMTER CORPS provides each family in need with food assistance once every three months. Contact: (803) 775-9336 or visit 16 Kendrick St.
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Kingsbury kindergartners headed to 1st grade Barbara Spencer, kindergarten assistant at Kingsbury Elementary School, presents Katie Chisholm with her graduation certificate recently. Nine months ago, parents of Kingsbury kindergartners waved goodbye to their little ones and entrusted them to five dynamic teachers that make up the Kingsbury kindergarten team. They were divided into five classes: the Spunky Monkeys (led by Deborah Spigner), the Busy Bees (led by Jean Rogerson), the Kindergators (led by Annette McCaffrey), the Brainy Birds (led by Ashley Novak) and Safari Friends (led by Suzanne Rickard). On Friday, the boxes of tissues were ready for the culminating event, kindergarten graduation. Tearyeyed parents packed the school’s multipurpose room and watched their children sing, dance and accept their certificates signifying they had completed kindergarten. In all, 125 kindergartners received certificates and cheered as they were promoted to first grade.
Sumter County Sheriff’s Office needs your help in identifying these people suspected of stealing more than $23,000 in lawn equipment from a local business during the weekend.
Mowers, tools reported stolen
More than $23,000 in lawn equipment allegedly stolen FROM STAFF REPORTS Sumter County Sheriff’s Office is asking for help in identifying two men thought to be responsible for the theft of more than $23,000 in lawn care equipment from Palmetto Lawn Care, 336 Vesper Court. Two men were seen on surveillance cameras entering the Sumter business at approximately 1:30 a.m. Saturday. During the burglary, the suspects took a flatbed trailer loaded with two riding lawn mowers and various yard tools. The suspects were last seen leaving the business at about 2:15 a.m. Both suspects are described as black males, between 5 feet 8 inches and 5 feet 10 inches tall, and both weighing 200 pounds. One of the suspects — last seen wearing a skull cap, dark shirt and dark pants — also has a trimmed mustache and beard, as well as tattoos covering his right forearm. The other suspect last seen wearing a dark shirt and dark pants has a bald head with a trimmed beard. The victims in the burglary are offering a reward for information leading to the suspects’ arrest and conviction. Persons with information regarding the incident are asked to call Sumter County Sheriff’s Office at (803) 4362000 or Crime Stoppers at (803) 436-2718.
Safari Friends, from left, Aubrey Richburg, Layla Seale, Ethan Rivera-Robles, Indolicia Robinson and Aleeya Rowland perform during the kindergarten graduation. Above right, Spunky Monkey Ethan Cox opens the program with the Pledge of Allegiance.
PEOPLE IN UNIFORM Air Force Airman 1st Class Shawn E. Stickle, Airman 1st Class Samuel Smalley, Airman 1st Class Kendall A. Caldwell, Airman Courtney D. Owens and Airman Joseph A. Mazure have graduated from basic military training at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, San Antonio, Texas. The airmen completed an intensive, eight-week program that included training in military discipline and studies, Air Force core values, physical fitness and basic warfare principles and skills. Airmen who complete basic training earn four credits toward an associate in applied science degree through the Community College of the Air Force. Stickle is a 2010 graduate of Sumter High School, and he received a bachelor’s degree in 2014 from Clemson University. Stickle is the son of George and Wendy Stickle of Sumter.
Smalley is a 2010 graduate of Crestwood High School and received an associate degree in 2014 from Central Carolina Technical College. A 2014 graduate of Crestwood High School, Caldwell is the daughter of Ralph M. and Kimberly A. Carroll, granddaughter of Robert J. and Margie Robinson and niece of Sandra Holtz and Robert J. Robinson, all of Sumter. Owens, a 2013 graduate of Crestwood, is the daughter of Leslie S. Sr. and Candace M. Owens of Rembert. Mazure, a 2014 graduate of Marine City High School, Marine City, Michigan, is the brother of Tammy Stewart of Sumter. Brittany Gibbs has enlisted in South Carolina Army National Guard as a human resources specialist. Pvt. Gibbs, a junior at Sumter High School, is the daughter of David Gibbs and Melinda White. Army Pvt. Rayona I. Wright, Pvt. Nondi L. McLeod and Pvt. Dyshala Johnson have graduated from basic combat
training at Fort Jackson, Columbia. During the nine weeks of training, the soldiers studied the Army mission, history, tradition and core values and physical fitness and received instruction and practice in basic combat skills, military weapons, chemical warfare and bayonet training, drill and ceremony, marching, rifle marksmanship, armed and unarmed combat, map reading, field tactics, military courtesy, military justice system, basic first aid, foot marches and field training exercises. Wright, a 2014 graduate of Sumter High School, is the daughter of Ragan Wright of Rembert, stepdaughter of Corneilous Burns of Sumter and granddaughter of Harry Lee Spann of Sumter. McLeod is the daughter of Linda M. Wells of Sumter. Johnson, a 2010 graduate of Sumter High School, is the daughter of David Johnson and Yolanda Walker and granddaughter of Barbara Walker, all of Sumter.
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Actor Matt Dillon puts rare celebrity spotlight on Rohingya Muslims
Landon Kimich, 2, sleeps as he receives a chemotherapy treatment for neuroblastoma at Houston’s M.D. Anderson Cancer Center on May 22. Research shows that as cancer treatments for children have become more gentle, more kids are surviving without long-term complications.
Cancer treatments gentler, yet kids’ survival improved Study: Smaller radiation doses means fewer complications BY MARILYNN MARCHIONE AP Chief Medical Writer CHICAGO — The move to make cancer treatments gentler for children has paid a double dividend: More kids are surviving than ever before, and without the long-term complications that doomed many of their peers a generation ago, new research shows. Radiation and chemotherapy have saved countless children from leukemia and other types of cancer, but some of these treatments can damage the heart or other organs, problems that prove fatal years later. In the 1990s, a push began to try to prevent these “late effects” by giving smaller, more targeted doses of radiation, avoiding certain drugs and changing the way chemo is given. But doctors worried: Would gentler treatments hurt
a child’s survival odds? The new study, which tracked more than 34,000 childhood cancer survivors through several decades, gives a happy answer: No. Survival continued to improve, even with scaled-back treatments. And fewer kids died from second cancers or heart or lung problems 15 years after their initial treatment ended. “The field needs good news” and this study gives it, said Dr. Greg Armstrong of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. He leads the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study, funded by the National Cancer Institute. “We have actually reduced treatment, reduced therapy,” and yet improved survival, he said. Results were discussed Sunday at an American Society of Clinical Oncology con-
ference in Chicago. Treating childhood cancer is “one of the miracles of modern medicine,” Armstrong said. “Fifty years ago less than 30 percent of kids would survive childhood cancer, but now we know that over 80 percent will.” That high success rate allowed doctors in the 1990s to scale back certain treatments for certain types of patients to try to spare them late effects. The study compared survival odds before and after that change. Researchers found that the death rate 15 years after treatment ended kept declining, from about 12 percent for those treated from 1970-74 to 6 percent for those treated from 1990-94. Deaths from late effects of cancer treatment, such as heart problems, also declined during that period, from 3.5 percent to 2.1 percent.
SITTWE, Myanmar (AP) — American actor Matt Dillon put a rare star-powered spotlight on Myanmar’s long-persecuted Rohingya Muslims, visiting a hot, squalid camp for tens of thousands displaced by violence and a port that has been one of the main launching pads for their exodus by sea. It was “heartbreaking,” he said after meeting a young man with a raw, open leg wound from a road accident and no means to treat it. Mothers carrying babies with clear signs of malnutrition stood listlessly outside row after row of identical bamboo huts, toddlers playing nearby in the chalky white dust. “No one should have to live like this. People are really suffering,” said Dillon, one of the first celebrities to get a look at what life is like for Rohingya in the western state of Rakh-
ine. “They are being strangled slowly; they have no hope for the future and nowhere to go.” Though Rohingya have been victims of state-sponsored discrimination for decades, conditions started deteriorating three years ago after the predominantly Buddhist country of 50 million began its bumpy transition from a half-century of dictatorship to democracy. Taking advantage of newfound freedoms of expression, radical monks started fanning deep-seated societal hatred for the religious minority. Hundreds have been killed by machete-wielding mobs, and a quarter million others now live under apartheid-like conditions in camps or have fled by boat — hundreds of dehydrated, hungry Rohingya washing onto Southeast Asian shores in recent weeks.
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Rescue personnel search for victims Aug. 30, 2005, as they traverse the New Orleans 8th Ward in the flooded city of New Orleans after the onslaught of Hurricane Katrina. Cities such as Tampa, Houston, Jacksonville and Daytona Beach historically get hit with major hurricanes every 20 to 40 years, according to meteorologists. But those same places have now gone at least 70 years, sometimes more than a century, without getting smacked by those monster storms, according to data analyses by an MIT hurricane professor and The Associated Press.
Flip side of years of no hurricanes: Luck runs out FEMA administrator worried people aren’t prepared for storms BY SETH BORENSTEIN AP Science Writer OCEAN CITY, Maryland — For millions of Americans living in the hurricane zones on the Gulf and East coasts, recent decades have been quiet — maybe too quiet. Cities such as Tampa, Houston, Jacksonville and Daytona Beach historically get hit with major hurricanes every 20 to 40 years, according to meteorologists. But those same places have now gone at least 70 years — sometimes more than a century — without getting smacked by those monster storms, according to data analyses by an MIT hurricane professor and The Associated Press. These are places where people may think they know what to expect from a major hurricane —with more than 110 mph winds, such as Katrina or Andrew — but they really don’t. They are cities where
building construction has boomed but haven’t been tested by nature at its strongest. In the Tampa region, an Andrew-sized storm could cause more than $200 billion in damage, according to a local government study in 2010. Few of Tampa’s current residents witnessed the last major hurricane that hit there in October 1921. Movies were silent, booze was illegal, and Warren Harding was president. For northeast Florida and southern Georgia, the last major hurricane was sometime in the 19th century. “We’ve been kind of lucky,” said MIT meteorology professor Kerry Emanuel, who along with the AP crunched numbers on how often hurricanes
have hit metro regions and compared them to when the last time they were hit. “It’s ripe for disaster. ... Everyone’s forgotten what it’s like.” “It’s just the laws of statistics,” said Emanuel. “Luck will run out. It’s just a question of when.” This hurricane season, which began Monday, doesn’t look to be as busy as past ones. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration forecasts a 70 percent chance of fewer than normal hurricanes, mostly because of an El Niño weather oscillation. But even a quiet season can have one devastating storm hit. That’s what happened when Andrew smashed parts of Miami in 1992; it was the sec-
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ond-costliest hurricane on record in a below-average year for overall hurricane activity. Craig Fugate, administrator of Federal Emergency Management Agency, is preparing for the worst and worrying that other people aren’t. Inexperienced people “generally underestimate how bad it will be and made decisions about staying when they should be evacuating,” Fugate said. “You have to accept the fact that every time a major storm threatens, it’s a new experience for 99 percent of the people involved.” And then there are the people who went through smaller storms and think that wasn’t too bad and misjudge the bigger storm. In that type of situ-
ation, that thinking can “get you killed,” Fugate said. “People don’t always understand the threat.” Hurricane evacuation researcher Jay Baker, a retired Florida State University professor, said his studies and surveys show that people will still evacuate properly even if they don’t have recent storm experience. But it’s not just people; it’s the officials who have to make the tough decisions and tell people what to do. Only one hurricane-prone state, Louisiana, has a governor who was in office when a major hurricane hit. FEMA top management is different than in 2005, when the last major storms hit.
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Rape kits bring answers and endings for 2 victims BY SHARON COHEN AP National Writer CLEVELAND — For rape victims, the good news and the horrible news may be identical: “We may be able to identify your rapist.” On the one hand, results from an old rape kit can bring relief. On the other, the news can upend a life carefully rebuilt, bringing back excruciating pain that had eased over the years. “I thought these women had so much time to process it,” says Nicole DiSanto, a special investigator with Cuyahoga County Sexual Assault Task Force, which is hunting down the attackers of hundreds of women whose rape kits were long abandoned. “But when you sit down with someone and you bring this up, you can see it on their faces. It’s right there, it’s right in the moment.” ••• Allyssa Allison had always thought her landlord was the man who raped her, but she came to accept that she would never know for sure. The masked intruder had entered by way of a broken latch on her bathroom window — the one she’d asked her landlord to fix. He was waiting in her apartment when she came home from her waitressing job on Oct. 8, 1993; he held a gun to her head and threatened to return and blow her head off. She’d told police her suspicions, but the landlord’s wife backed his alibi. Allison had to move on, and she did. Nearly 20 years passed, and then DiSanto came to her door. She had a new lead. But Allison didn’t give her a chance to explain. DiSanto recalls that she closed the door in her face — but not before the investigator managed to slip her business card in a crack. Allison called DiSanto that afternoon, and that’s when she learned that some new tests from her old rape kit had found a DNA link to a possible suspect. His identity wasn’t known, but the same DNA had also been tied to attacks on three other women, including one in which Freddie
‘He didn’t just take my body. He took my integrity, my peace, everything a woman can have that makes her her. ... He treated me like trash, and from that point on, I treated myself like trash.’ LISA BRIDGET “Lucky” Brown Jr. had been a suspect. Allison’s landlord. But Brown had died in 2005. It was 2013. Now what? DiSanto decided to ask Brown’s son, then in his 20s, for a DNA swab. A familial match could determine if his father was the rapist. “It was a gut-wrenching thing to do — telling this young man his father may be a rapist,” she says. He knew nothing of his father’s past as a possible sexual predator, and DiSanto says when she told him, he cried. She’d noticed that in the house the son shared with his grandmother, there was just one photo on the refrigerator: his dad. The son agreed to have his DNA taken. The results left no doubt. “I tried to explain to him the sins of the father — those aren’t his,” DiSanto said. “It was a very emotional conversation. He was the nicest young man.” For Allison, a mother of three, it was bittersweet news. She feels cheated of the opportunity to confront Brown in court — the rape, she said, “kind of messed me up mentally,” and she still goes to counseling. But the results were comforting, too. “It felt good to really take a deep breath and not be afraid,” she says. “For the past 20 years, no matter what I’ve been doing ... (I’d think) ‘Is this guy still out there?’ It was peace of mind knowing he had passed away. ... It felt good not to be on guard anymore.”
••• Lisa Bridget also knew her rapist. She had a relationship with a guy she knew as “Drew” in 1994; he was violent, and she tried to break it off. When he banged on her door at 2:30 one morning, she let him in, and, she says, he raped her. There was an investigation, but it faded. According to a police report, investigators wanted to show Bridget a suspect’s photo but were unable to contact her despite numerous attempts. Bridget says she’d been a happy 21-year-old mother ready to start a career as a hairdresser, but the attack changed all that. “The rape destroyed me,” she says. “I just thought I was a bad person. I turned to drugs, crime. I started going to jail. He didn’t just take my body. He took my integrity, my peace, everything a woman can have that makes her her. ... He treated me like trash, and from that point on, I treated myself like trash.” When DiSanto approached her with the results of her rape kit, Bridget wasn’t sure she wanted to pursue charges. She asked: Was this a singular mistake in his life? No, the investigator replied, Andrew Gedson had a long criminal record, including violence against women. Bridget, now 42, later met with prosecutor Mary Weston to discuss possible penalties. She didn’t want to face Gedson or the scrutiny of a trial. She asked Weston to accept Gedson’s offer to plead guilty to sexual battery. Weston ultimately agreed. He was sentenced to two years in prison on April 22 and will be required to register as a sex offender. At sentencing, he denied the rape and tried to withdraw his plea. Bridget refused to look at Gedson, though she said she forgave him. In a raw, impassioned victim impact statement she’d written months earlier, she described herself as “emotionally scarred.” Bridget says she regrets her case was resurrected. “It feels like somebody has opened an old wound and started pouring salt in,” she says.
Allyssa Allison stands outside her former apartment in Cleveland on May 14 where she was raped in 1993. Allison had always thought her landlord was the masked intruder who raped her. A DNA test on his son confirmed it was her landlord.
Lisa Bridget talks about her 1994 rape in Cleveland on April 1. Bridget said she’d been a happy 21-year-old mother ready to start a career as a hairdresser, but the attack changed all that.
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Sumter County First Steps to School Readiness Partnership Seeks Nominations for Board of Directors The Sumter County First Steps to School Readiness Partnership, a nonprofit established in 1999 to address school readiness in Sumter County, is seeking nominations for individuals committed to the healthy development and well-being of children birth to five years old to serve on its board of directors.
Don’t forget to let your dad know how much he is loved and appreciated on Father’s Day!
The Partnership is seeking nominations for individuals from the following categories who either reside or work in Sumter County: i Pre-kindergarten through primary educator; ii Family education, training, and support provider;
Dad, Thanks for all you do! Love, Samantha Double (20 words) - $15.00
To the best dad in the world! I love you! Love, Ethan Single (10 words) - $10.00
Deadline: Friday, June 15th Publish: Sunday, June 21st Submitted By_______________________ Phone _______________ Address _______________________________________________ City_____________________ State________ Zip_______________ Message______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Please enclose a self addressed stamped envelope for your picture to be returned or picture will be thrown away.
Stop by our office Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm 20 N. Magnolia Street • Sumter,SC 29150 or call Mary at 803-774-1284
iii Childcare and early childhood development/ education provider; iv Healthcare provider; v Local government; vi Nonprofit organization that provides services to families and children; vii Faith community; viii Business community; ix Philanthropic/Community Activist; and x Parent of preschool children. For more information and/or request a nomination form, contact Sumter County First Steps at 803.464.1224 or sumterfirststeps@yahoo.com You may also go to the SCFS Office located at 220 Hasel Street, Sumter, SC 29150. Nominations will be accepted until June 8, 2015. Nominations can also be made at the Annual Meeting, which is scheduled for Tuesday, June 9, 2015 ~ 6:00pm at Sumter School District Annex (located behind Patriot Hall) 220 Hasel Street, Sumter, SC 29150. The process of voting for the nominees will take place at the Annual Meeting on June 9th.
RANKING FROM PAGE A1 Mississippi was 51st. Jumping out of the listing like a deer in the headlights on a rural highway is a dismal 48th ranking for the number of fatalities per 100 million miles traveled on the state’s roadways. There are other rankings in the listing to get revved up about; for instance, South Carolina also ranked 48th in number of thefts per 100,000 residents. According to the website, the rankings of the 50 states and the District of Columbia were based on “20 key metrics to analyze each state according to different safety standards, taking into account the rates of crime and traffic accidents, for instance, as well as data related to employer insurance coverage, climate disasters and more.� South Carolina ranked 47th in the number of assaults and 45th in the number of murders and non-negligent
REACTIONS FROM PAGE A1 Graham, also is the party chairman for Clarendon County. “It’s great to have a presidental candidate representing our state,� he said. He said although he cannot officially endorse any candidates at this time, he has worked on Graham’s cam-
manslaughters as well as the pedestrian and bicyclist fatality rate, leaving it unclear if it is safer on or off the streets. The General Assembly has passed major legislation addressing domestic violence this session but has yet to settle on a way to fix the gap between current highway funding and the amount the South Carolina Department of Transportation has calculated it needs. SCDOT reported the state needs an additional $1.4 billion a year through 2040 for “expansion, preservation and modernization� of the state’s transportation system. “The general public can’t get their hands around that, and neither can the Legislature,� said Bill Ross, president of South Carolina Alliance to Fix Our Roads. Ross said he is concerned the General Assembly will resort to a stop-gap measure. “I think the Legislature now has an
opportunity to say ‘We addressed highway funding with surplus money or increased revenues and used it to toward the roads,� Ross said. Such a fix would amount to $200 million to $300 million, he said. Ross said his group is not opposed to that but called it a “Band-Aid� approach. On Monday, according to The Associated Press, the House’s Ways and Means Committee advanced a supplementary budget bill that would put $150 million more toward fixing roads. The state would have to borrow $50 million for an interchange off Interstate 26 and the future road to the recently announced new Volvo plant in Berkeley County. To make the road ahead even more difficult to navigate, SCDOT director Janet Oakley resigned Monday without providing a reason in her letter of resignation. She did say she would stay until a successor is chosen, according
saying it’s too early to tell who will win the primary as there are still candidates who haven’t announced their plans to run. Brandon Newton, Republican party chairman of the Fifth Congressional District, which includes Sumter County, a portion of Lee County and eight others, said he will not be able to endorse a candidate until the Iowa caucuses. “I think that any of the can-
paigns in the past, including for Congress and Senate. “Some of his strongest aspects is he is good in uniting people and working across party lines,� Moye Graham said. “He also has a military background of 33 years. I don’t think any of the other candidates can say they have that. It is still very early, but I think he has a chance to win.� Local Republican leaders are
to an Associated Press report. Ross said his group is still hopeful the General Assembly will act, but he said adding an income tax cut and SCDOT reorganization into the debate created an unnecessary obstacle. “With the governor coming out and making it a three-prong approach, with DOT reform and an income tax cut attached, it made it much, much more difficult,� he said. The governor’s office had not responded to a request for comment by press time. Ross said he has not talked to a legislator who doesn’t admit that fixing the state’s roads is probably the No. 1 issue he or she is approached about. “I think it will be very difficult for them to go home and not do something addressing highway funding,� he said. To see the full www.wallethub.com review of the safest and unsafe states, go to http://wallethub.com/edu/safeststates-to-live-in/4566/.
didates has a chance in this race,� he said. “With the amount of candidates we have running, I think that this is one of the most wide-open races right now, with no heavy favorites.� Jason Reddick, first vice chairman of the Sumter County Republican party, said Graham’s announcement to run did not come as a surprise. “It was well expected,� he
said. “The field of candidates we have right now is one of the best ones we have had in awhile.� Reddick said it is no surprise to anyone that Graham probably has the most experience when it comes to foreign diplomacy and relations. “With so many candidates, what matters is that we unite as a party after the primaries,� he said.
GRAHAM FROM PAGE A1 than any other candidate in this race. That includes you, Hillary.� In that fashion, he took on Democratic candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton — the former secretary of state — as well as non-interventionists in his own party and rivals with little to no foreign policy experience. Graham, 59, becomes the first candidate in either party to hail from one of the first four states that cast presidential primary ballots. Iowa and New Hampshire lead the process, followed by South Carolina and Nevada. Having won his third term in November, Graham is a prominent Senate voice in seeking a more muscular foreign policy and one who casts
CARING FROM PAGE A1 place she could get the rest and help necessary to combat her disability. These are the kinds of people Sumter United Ministries and The Sumter Item are pairing up to help. The ministry is always in need of money from the community to help with costs so it can reach out and do work in the community. From May 11 to May 14, the Crisis Relief Ministry, which helps people pay bills and afford medication, assisted 23 families for a total cost of $3,436.28, according to the ministry. During the same period, it assisted 17 families with food with a total cost of $700. At the shelter, there was an average of 13 men and three women per night. Last year, Summer of Caring raised $5,542 and this year hopes to match that total. The money goes to help three main aspects of the ministry’s work: bill assistance, home repair and emergency shelter. As of Monday, $300 has been raised to benefit Sumter United Ministries. Donations as of Monday included: From an anonymous donor, $200; and from Dr. Edna Davis in memory of Dr. and Mrs. T.B. Davis, $100. The second donation will help the ministry’s home and wheelchair repair program. Total combined anonymous: $200 Total this week: $300 Total this year: $300 Total last year: $5,542 Total since 2014: $5,842 Financial donations for Summer of Caring can be mailed to: The Sumter Item P.O. Box 1677 Sumter, SC 29151 Contributions can be
Supporters hold signs for Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., before he announced his bid for the presidential election on Monday in Central. the threats facing the United States in particularly dark terms. “Simply put, radical Islam is running wild,� he said. “They have more safe havens, more money, more weapons and
more capability to strike our homeland than any time since 9/11. They are large, they are rich, and they’re entrenched.� He said as president, he’d “make them small, poor and on the run.�
dropped off at The Sumter Item’s office at 20 N. Magnolia St. If donations are to be made in someone’s name, identify who the person is and correctly spell his or her name. If you want the
donation to be made specifically to one of the three programs, please indicate which one and it will be applied directly to it. If no indication is made, it will go to United Ministries and will be divided between all three.
At Boykin Air Conditioning Services, our formula for success is giving you the peace of mind that comes with reliable home comfort solutions. Our experienced team has been serving Sumter County since 1992, earning FXVWRPHU FRQ´GHQFH ZLWK straight answers, excellent work and quality Trane products. At Boykin, reliability isn’t just talk. It’s part of HYHU\WKLQJ ZH GR IURP ´UVW FDOO WR ´QLVKHG SURMHFW.
The Sumter Item is asking its readers to join in its efforts to help United Ministries of Sumter County. Please choose to donate to one of the following: CRISIS RELIEF, which assists people who have received eviction and utility disconnect notices, and helps provide food, furniture and appliances for domestic violence victims. HOMELESS SHELTER (Samaritan House), which gives a safe place to sleep for up to 20 men and eight women. HOME REPAIR AND WHEELCHAIR MINISTRY (SAM), which makes homes safe, dry, secure and accessible by repairing roofs, floors, etc. Name: Address: Phone:
THIS DONATION IS BEING MADE: In Memory of: In Honor of: Anonymously
MY DONATION Amount Enclosed: ____________________
Please Mail To: The Sumter Item/Summer of Caring PO Box 1677 • Sumter, SC 29150
License #M4217
Drop Off At: The Sumter Item 20 N. Magnolia St. • Sumter, SC 29150
N.G. Osteen 1843-1936 The Watchman and Southron
H.G. Osteen 1870-1955 Founder, The Item
H.D. Osteen 1904-1987 The Item
Margaret W. Osteen 1908-1996 The Item Hubert D. Osteen Jr. Chairman & Editor-in-Chief Graham Osteen Co-President Kyle Osteen Co-President Jack Osteen Editor and Publisher Larry Miller CEO Rick Carpenter Managing Editor
20 N. Magnolia St., Sumter, South Carolina 29150 • Founded October 15, 1894
Whatever happened to cursive? S
aturdays at my parents’ former restaurant, the Cottage Cafe, were an impromptu salon for the discussion of various ills and issues within our society. (This is what happens when I’m left alone to work the sandwich table.) As regular customers came and went, so did the topics of conversation, ranging from the national to local, and mundane to bizarre. A while back, one of our regular Saturday denizens brought to my attention a disturbing detail: cursive was no longer being Cliff taught in Auburn’s city McCollum schools. We both quickly declared this policy change to be an error and continued to ruminate on the potential impact such a decision would have. While the need for good penmanship and proper handwriting has waned here in the digital era, children should still be instructed in the basic practices of writing, of which cursive is a seldom-used, but necessary, tool. Sadly, hardly anyone takes the time to write cursive-laden letters to family and friends these days, when emails and texts are quicker and less likely to leave evidence for future generations. (Do you honestly believe your great-great-grandmother would want you reading her old love letters? Would you want your progeny to read yours?) What I remember of my cursive education dates back to third grade and Deborah Lindsey. I was never proficient at making the letter “z” look convincingly like anything other that a spasmic squiggle, and my r’s are somewhat lacking, but I learned the skill and can now confidently scrawl my script on the backs of checks, legal documents and anything else for which my signature is required. What of these kids now? Will they have to sign documents with the ubiquitous “X,” proving that if it was good enough for our illiterate
‘Parents, do the right thing and make sure little Fred or Wilma knows how to at least write their own precious name in cursive.’ great-grandfathers, it’s good enough for us? Print-form letters, even in different handwritings, still bear a striking similarity. Cursive letters tend to be indicative of only the writer’s hand. No matter how many times we tried to forge our parents’ signatures on less-than-stellar report cards, they never seemed right (The McCollum Research Institute has done numerous studies in that field; just don’t tell Homer or Liz). Will we soon be forced to transition to a world where just a plain-form name will be enough? I shudder to think so. Parents, do the right thing and make sure little Fred or Wilma knows how to at least write their own precious name in cursive. Show them how to dot the i’s, cross the t’s, and, if you’re feeling daring, the ending signature swoop practiced by signing experts like John Hancock. If the schools won’t take up the task, then you, the parents, must for the sake of country and common sense. Unless we want to go back to the 1800s (and I fear some of you might), let’s try and nip this in the bud before it explodes into a full-blown, script epidemic. Cliff McCollum is an 80-yearold soul trapped in a 20-something body. He is an ordained minister and former community college professor who enjoys British literature and field herpetology. He spends his spare time trying to show Vegans and vegetarians the error of their ways. As managing editor of the Gulf Coast Newspapers in Baldwin County, Alabama — now part of Osteen Publishing Co. — he can be reached at cmccollum@gulfcoastnewspapers.com.
Failure and the future in S.C.
ber is hot right now in South Carolina and worldwide. Many will ask, “What the heck is Uber, and why should I care?” The answer to the first question is that Uber is sort of an online taxi company without the taxis — most anyone with a smartphone and decent car can be an Uber taxi and make money. The big reason that you should care is that the case of Uber is just the latest and most high-profile example of how we as a state are doing practically nothing to develop the needed ideas and policies for a whole range of issues that will radically affect nearly every part of your life and the life and future of the state. Let me say that again: a whole range of digital innovations that will radically Phil affect nearly every part of Noble your life and the life and future of our state. Am I overstating things just a wee bit? I don’t think so. Think about this from Tom Goodwin, an executive at Havas Media: “Uber, the world’s largest taxi company, owns no vehicles. Facebook, the world’s most popular media owner, creates no content. Alibaba, the most valuable retailer, has no inventory. And Airbnb, the world’s largest accommodation provider, owns no real estate. Something interesting is happening.” Interesting, indeed, and this takes us back to Uber in South Carolina. Right now Gov. Haley and the legislature are fighting with local governments over who should regulate Uber in our state. Both can make a persuasive case on the particular merits of Uber and our state and local laws — but all of that is really beside the point. The really important point is that we as a state don’t have a technology policy worthy of the name — not just for Uber, but for education, state government operations, access to broadband, taxing online ventures, promoting tech startups and a whole host of other issues. Add into this all the new issues that will be jumping up practically every day as the speed of technology innovation increases, and it’s clear that South Carolina is trying to deal with 21st century issues with institutions and politicians stuck in a 19th century mind set. So is this really a big deal or is it just some airy fairy thinking and more techno-babble. Here are just three diverse examples for your consideration: Hacking and State Data — For those who may have forgotten, in 2012 the state of South Carolina was the victim of the largest hacking and theft of government data in the history of the planet — yes the history of the planet. To this day, we still don’t know the extent
of the damage but we do know it affected millions of people in our state who had their personal data and credit card numbers spread around the Internet, and the state spent tens of millions of dollars to fix it. All of this to say nothing of the money, time and frustration caused to millions of citizens. Few knowledgeable folks who have delved into the problem think it really is fixed. State Government Technical Incompetence — In 1988, the federal government passed a very reasonable law that required all states to install a computerized system to ensure that parents paid their child support as required by the courts. This was part of a crackdown on “deadbeat dads.” The feds told the states they had nearly ten years to get it installed and up and running. To this day, South Carolina has still not gotten it done. In fact we have paid a total of over $123 million in fines to Washington simply because of our state government’s incompetence — and the latest estimate is that it will still be another two or three years until they get it right. Tech Startup and Dorm Rooms — The stories of tech companies getting started in dorm rooms by a few really smart kids and quickly growing to multi-billion dollar companies are legion — think Microsoft and Facebook just to name two. Well we have our own version of this story in South Carolina called Yik Yak — started by three students at Furman, USC and College of Charleston. Yik Yak is an anonymous social media app (ask any college kid to explain it to you) that was released in November 2013, and six months later, it was ranked as the 9th most downloaded social media app in the United States. Recently they secured over $60 million from Sequoia Capital, a big time Silicon Valley venture capital firm, and this gave Yik Yak a valuation over $350 million, less than one year after launch. A win for South Carolina, right? Well, yes — to a point. You see, our higher education system is so totally out of sync with this type of new tech start up culture that a group of us was recently contacted on behalf of one of the founders, who wanted to stay in college and graduate but didn’t have time to fulfill some rinky dink requirement that he take PE or some such. All of these issues — and countless others — all go back to a lack of understanding and lack of leadership by the folks that are supposed to be providing the ideas, vision and governance to lead our state into the brave new world of a global digital future. It’s just not happening, and every day we as a state are suffering. Phil Noble is president of the South Carolina New Democrats, an independent reform group started by former Gov. Richard Riley. Contact him at phil@scnewdemocrats.org.
LETTER TO THE EDITOR ALICE DRIVE MIDDLE SCHOOL BRINGS STEM VISION TO FRUITION I am so proud of what Alice Drive Middle School has accomplished since Mrs. Jeannie Pressley became our outstanding principal and leader three years ago. She came with a vision but took time building relationships and assessing what changes were needed to benefit our students. She allowed our staff the freedom to have a voice in these changes that we knew needed to occur. She not only listened to us, but heard what we said and valued us as professionals. She trusted us and allowed the freedom to try new things without fear of failure. Her dream of
becoming a STEM school enthusiastically spread and became our dream too. On May 22, this dream became reality. ADMS became a nationally accredited STEM school, one of a few in our nation. Normally it takes years to build a STEM school but due to Mrs. Pressley’s phenomenal leadership, and my inspiring colleagues, it transformed into a reality in two short years for every child at ADMS. Our stakeholders are vital and their continual support of ADMS deserves thanks. Science/STEM/Fine Arts District Coordinator Mrs. Lori Smith continues to offer knowledge and support.
Assistant Superintendent Dr. Leach, parents and engineers from local businesses are a value to our STEM board. Their insight and feedback is vital to Alice Drive Middle School’s vision. Grants and partnerships with Clemson 4H, S2TEM Centers of SC, Becton Dickinson, USC Sumter, The Department of Defense and Caterpillar continue to greatly impact our school. Most importantly, our teachers truly deserve recognition. Their willingness to transform and do what is best for our students has been a true joy to witness. Their love of our profession, students and our school has allowed them to move beyond tradi-
tional teaching to ensure all our students are college and career ready. They work diligently educating themselves on STEM competencies and best practices. They transformed our school into something incredible and should be recognized and commended. Students are engaged like never before at ADMS. Our great teachers brought the STEM vision to fruition. I am proud to say that I work with such wonderful people every single day at ADMS. STEPHANIE BARRINEAU Curriculum Coach Alice Drive Middle School Sumter
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TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 2015 10 PM
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America’s Got Talent: Audition 2 The judges return for a second night of I Can Do That: Jabbawockeez, Chris- WIS News 10 at (:35) The Tonight Show Starring auditions as a host of new performers from across the country demonstrate tian & Scooby, The Quiddlers 11:00pm News Jimmy Fallon Comedic skits and cetheir unique abilities. (N) (HD) Jabbawockeez. (N) (HD) and weather. lebrity interviews. (HD) NCIS: Kill the Messenger Navy NCIS: New Orleans: It Happened (:01) 48 Hours Award-winning broad- News 19 @ 11pm (:35) The Mentalist: Nothing Gold Lieutenant killed over secret info. Last Night A new widow is held for cast journalists present in-depth in- The news of the Can Stay A lethal group of armored (HD) ransom. (HD) vestigative reports. day. car thieves. (HD) Fresh Off the black-ish: Switch Extreme Weight Loss Morbidly obese yet courageous individuals set out ABC Columbia (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live Celebrities Boat: The Shun- Hitting Letter to safely lose half of their body weight over the course of one calendar year. News at 11 (HD) and human-interest subjects. (HD) ning (HD) from IRS. (HD) (HD) BBC World News Charlie Rose (N) Making It Grow (N) The Roosevelts: An Intimate History: The Rising Road (1933-1939) While FDR enacts his New Emery Blagdon Tavis Smiley 11 14 (HD) International Deal, Eleanor takes on a non-traditional role, and later, Franklin considers a third term and how Wire and foil art. (HD) news. (HD) to deal with Hitler. (HD) The Big Bang The Big Bang Are You Smarter Than a 5th Hell’s Kitchen: 4 Chefs Compete WACH FOX News at 10 Local news TMZ (N) Mike & Molly: Modern Family: 6 6 Theory Favorite Theory Penny’s Grader?: Raul/Robin Pt.1 (N) (HD) First ever vegetarian challenge. (N) report and weather forecast. After the Lovin’ Regrets Only (HD) movie. (HD) lie. (HD) (HD) (HD) How I Met Your Anger Manage- The Flash: Fastest Man Alive A uni- iZombie: Dead Rat, Live Rat, Brown Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Un- Hot in Cleveland: 4 22 Mother (HD) ment The prison versity event is attacked. (HD) Rat, White Rat Covering up accidental Zoonotic Corrupt cop’s murder. (HD) daunted Mettle Young architect is What Now, My group. (HD) death. (N) (HD) murdered. (HD) Love? (HD) WIS News 10 at Entertainment Tonight (N) (HD) news update. News 19 @ 7pm Inside Edition 9 9 Evening news (N) (HD) update. Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! (N) 5 12 (N) (HD) (HD) 3 10 7:00pm Local
CABLE CHANNELS Married at First Sight: Love UnMarried at First Sight: Last Chance (:01) Married at First Sight: Last (:02) Married at First Sight: Married Love Sexologist. (HD) locked: Way of Life (N) (HD) for Romance (N) (HD) Chance for Romance (HD) Intimacy Sexologist. (HD) Unlocked (HD) Insidious (‘11, Horror) aaa Patrick Wilson. Young, comatose boy is 180 (5:30) Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The The Adjustment Bureau (‘11, Thriller) aaa Matt Damon. Shocked politician learns of Cradle of Life (‘03) aac (HD) shadowy organization coordinating everyone’s lives. (HD) threatened to be stolen by evil spirits. (HD) 100 River Monsters (HD) River Monsters (HD) (:01) Yellowstone: Battle for Life Changing seasons. (HD) (:03) River Monsters (HD) Yellowston (:54) Nellyville: Homecoming Nelly’s Nellyville: Birthday Ballers (N) Nellyville: Birthday Ballers Single Ladies: Consequences Aus- Wendy Williams 162 (6:49) Nellyville: Stink Walks the Walk NY Fashion Week. sister. tin’s decision. (HD) Show (N) The Real House wives of New York The Real House wives of New York The Real House wives of New York Se crets and Wives: Bosom Bud dies The Real House wives of New York Southern Charm: 181 City: Family Matters City: The Cavi- Art of War City Dorinda turns 50. (N) Tight-knit friends. (N) City: Birthday in the Berks Reunion 62 The Profit: Tonnie’s Minis Shark Tank (HD) Shark Tank (HD) The Profit: Standard Burger (N) Shark Tank New ideas. (HD) Shark (HD) 64 Erin Burnett OutFront (N) Anderson Cooper 360° (N) (HD) CNN Spc. Player & murderer. CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360° (HD) CNN Spc. (:24) Tosh.0 (HD) (:56) Tosh.0 (HD) Tosh.0 Bad musi- Tosh.0: U-S-A Tosh.0 (HD) Tosh.0 Viral wed- Inside Amy Daily Show (N) Nightly Show w/ (:01) @midnight 136 Inside Amy Schumer (HD) cians. (HD) Chant Fail (HD) ding. (HD) Schumer (N) (HD) Wilmore (N) (N) (HD) Austin & Ally Liv and Maddie I Didn’t Do It: Bi- Dog Blog: The Good Luck Char80 Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Res- Jessie: G.I. Jessie Jessie travels to a Undercover Mis- Girl Meets cue (‘10) aac Mae Whitman. military camp. (HD) sion report. (HD) (HD) cycle Thief Bone Identity lie (HD) 103 Deadliest Catch (HD) Deadliest Catch: On Deck (N) Deadliest Catch (N) (HD) Sons of Winter (N) (HD) Deadliest Catch (HD) Sons (HD) 35 Grantland Bask. (HD) NCAA Women’s CWS: from ASA Hall of Fame Stadium in Oklahoma City (HD) SportsCenter (HD) Sports (HD) 39 30 for 30: Brothers in Exile (HD) 30 for 30 (HD) Grantland Bask. (HD) Baseball Tonight (HD) Grantland Bask. (HD) Baseball (HD) Stitchers (HD) 131 Pretty Little Liars: Welcome to the Pretty Little Liars: Game On, Charles (:01) Stitchers: A Stitch in Time The Pretty Little Liars: Game On, Charles The 700 Club Dollhouse (HD) Angry tormenter. (N) (HD) dead’s memories. (N) (HD) Angry tormenter. (HD) 109 Chopped: Orzo it Seemed (HD) Chopped Popcorn balls. (HD) Chopped Pasta dough. (HD) Chopped: Hot Stuff (N) (HD) Chopped Snails. (HD) Chopped (HD) 74 On the Record with Greta (N) The O’Reilly Factor (N) (HD) The Kelly File News updates. Hannity Conservative news. (HD) The O’Reilly Factor (HD) The Kelly File 42 World Poker Tour no} (HD) PowerShares Tennis Series: Boston: from Agganis Arena no} Championship Bull Riding World Poker Tour no} (HD) Golden (HD) The Waltons: The Conflict, Part 2 The Middle: The The Middle (HD) The Middle (HD) The Middle (HD) Golden: A Piece Golden Girls: Golden Girls: Old 183 The Waltons: The Conflict, Part 1 Home in danger. Home in danger. Telling (HD) of Cake Empty Nest Friends 112 Flip Flop (HD) Flip Flop (HD) Flip Flop (HD) Flip Flop (HD) Flip Flop (N) Flip Flop (HD) Flip Flop (HD) Flip Flop (HD) Flipping (N) Flipping (N) Flip Flop (HD) 110 Counting (HD) Counting (HD) Lost in Transmission (HD) Lost in Transmission (HD) (:04) Lost in Transmission (HD) (:03) Lost in Transmission (HD) Lost in (HD) Criminal Minds: What Happens in Criminal Minds: Angels Team is put Criminal Minds: Demons Corruption The Listener: Buckle Up Toby pur- Listener Conspir160 Criminal Minds: Blood Relations Longstanding feud. (HD) Mecklinburg... (HD) in danger during case. (HD) in Texas. (HD) sues cop impersonators. acy. (:02) Marilyn: The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe (‘15, Drama) Kelli Gar- Marilyn: The Se145 While You Were Sleeping (‘95, Ro- Marilyn: The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe (‘15, Drama) Kelli Garner. mance) Sandra Bullock. (HD) Marilyn Monroe’s life and secrets. (HD) ner. Marilyn Monroe’s life and secrets. (HD) cret Life (HD) 76 Hardball with Chris (N) (HD) All in with Chris Hayes (HD) The Rachel Maddow Show (N) Lawrence O’Donnell (HD) All in with Chris Hayes (HD) Maddow (HD) 91 Henry Sponge Full House Full House Full House Full House Younger (HD) Prince Friends (HD) Friends (HD) Friends (HD) 154 (5:00) The Punisher (‘04) (HD) Constantine (‘05, Horror) aaa Keanu Reeves. A detective battles with Satan’s son. (HD) The Punisher (‘04, Action) aaa Thomas Jane. (HD) Troy: Street Magic (N) Wizard War Fish152 (6:00) Paul (‘11, Comedy) aaa Si- Ultraviolet (‘06, Science Fiction) a Milla Jovovich. War between humans Troy: Street Magic (N) mon Pegg. Alien friendship. and enhanced race. (HD) ing pole. The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Your Family or The Big Bang Conan (N) (HD) Your Family or 156 Seinfeld Muffin Seinfeld (HD) tops sold. (HD) Theory (HD) Theory (HD) Theory (HD) Theory (HD) Mine (N) (HD) Theory (HD) Mine (HD) The Enemy Below (‘57, Drama) aaa Robert (:45) Split Second (‘53, Thriller) Ste186 Miracle in the Rain (‘58, Romance) The Hunters (‘58, Drama) aac Robert Mitchum. Tough, veteran pilot Jane Wyman. Love in NYC. embarks on mission into enemy territory with cocky recruit. Mitchum. Enemies match wits in the Atlantic. phen McNally. A killer escapes. 157 The Little Couple (HD) The Little Couple: Big (N) (HD) The Little Couple (N) (HD) The Willis Family (N) (HD) The Little Couple (HD) Willis (HD) CSI: NY: Who’s There? Perfect family CSI: NY A lethal 158 Castle: Like Father, Like Daughter In- Castle: A Murder Is Forever A famous Castle: Disciple 12th precinct may be Castle: The Good, the Bad and the nocence Review. (HD) relationship therapist. (HD) a target. (HD) Baby Man dies in church. (HD) deceives the CSIs. (HD) game. (HD) 102 truTV Top: Silly Blunders Jokers Jokers truTV Top (N) truTV Top (N) How to Be (N) How to Be (:01) Top 20: Dumb Dudes 6 (:02) Jokers 161 Gilligan’s (HD) Gilligan’s (HD) Raymond (HD) Raymond (HD) Raymond (HD) Raymond (HD) Younger: Hot Mitzvah (N) (HD) Queens (HD) Queens (HD) Queens (HD) Chrisley Knows Chrisley Knows Chrisley Knows Chrisley Knows Chrisley Knows (:31) Chrisley (:01) Royal Pains: Re bound (N) (HD) (:03) Mod ern (:33) Mod ern Chrisley Knows 132 Best (HD) Best (HD) Best (HD) Best (HD) Best (N) Knows Best (N) Family (HD) Family (HD) Best (HD) Law & Order: Sweeps (HD) Law & Order: Volunteers (HD) Law & Order: Discord (HD) Law & Order: Profile (HD) Law & Order: Black Tie (HD) Law (HD) 172 Funniest Home Videos (HD) The Last Boy Scout (‘91, Action) aa Bruce Willis. Man finds corruption in pro football. Salem: Wages of Sin (HD) How I Met Rules (HD)
46 130 Married at First Sight: Intimacy
35 33
42 26 27
40 37 31
39 45
36 16 64
38 55
68 8
‘Secrets and Wives’ is a complete waste of time BY KEVIN MCDONOUGH So what’s in a name? By any measure, the new series “Secrets and Wives” (10 p.m., Bravo, TV-14) should be called “The Real Housewives of Long Island.” Perhaps Bravo has turned a page. Did a focus group tell its executives that “Housewives” had the wrong connotation? Did “Long Island” test badly? Whatever it’s called, “Secrets” is a series where the usual gaggle of pampered women of a certain age gather to gossip and compare the figures seen in the mirror and on their husband’s or ex-husband’s bank statements. Of the six friends, only one is still on her “starter husband.” One is a former backup singer for Jay and the Americans, a group popular 50-some years ago. There’s a plastic surgeon’s second or third wife and a woman formerly linked to a “media figure” in the gossip columns of New York’s voracious tabloids. In short, it’s the usual gang of women gathering for chardonnay breaks dressed in outfits meant for women several decades their junior. Help yourself. • Super good-looking secret government agents enter the minds and read the memories of the recently deceased in the new drama “Stitchers” (9 p.m., ABC Family, TV-14). This absurdly stylish new series continues a number of weird TV trends that might
seem disturbing if they weren’t so banal. Its romanticized portrait of the morbid would fit in rather well on the CW network, where more than every other show concerns vampires or other curiously undead young people. It closely resembles that network’s “iZombie,” but without that series’ gross details or dark sense of humor. Nobody has to eat the brains of the deceased on “Stitchers.” • Tour guide and host Bert Kreischer invites couples to drop everything for a spontaneous adventure on the series “Trip Flip” (8 p.m. and 8:30 p.m., Travel), now entering its fourth season. First up: A couple from Louisiana take in the “pleasures” of a Michigan winter, including dog sledding and ice fishing. A second helping returns the action to Louisiana, where Bert shows off local color well beyond the Mardi Gras parade route.
cer’s wife is in peril on “NCIS: New Orleans” (9 p.m., CBS, r, TV14) * A gay firefighter and a former college hoops star compete on “Extreme Weight Loss” (9 p.m., ABC, TV-PG) * A tipsy teen ends up toe-tagged on “iZombie” (9 p.m., CW, TV-14).
Andi Black, Gail Greenberg and Cori Goldfarb star in “Secrets & Wives” premiering at 10 p.m. today on Bravo.
“I Can Do That” (10 p.m., NBC, TV-14). • “Royal Pains” (10 p.m., USA, TV-14) enters its seventh season with Hank haunted by the sense that his life may be missing a key ingredient.
• Jeff Foxworthy hosts “Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?” (8 p.m., Fox, TV-PG). • Charles’ sick games prove unendurable on the sixth season premiere of “Pretty Little Liars” (8 p.m., ABC Family, TV14). • Four chefs compete on “Hell’s Kitchen” (9 p.m., Fox, TV14). • Famous acts branch out on
SERIES NOTES An apparent mugging may
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A steel-mill worker (Jennifer Beals) aspires to dance at a ballet conservatory in the 1983 blockbuster “Flashdance” (8 p.m., Sundance), produced by Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer and directed by music video creator Adrian Lyne.
“Your Great Day Begins With Us!”
be linked to politics on “NCIS” (8 p.m., CBS, r, TV-14) * Awkward feelings at the block party on “Fresh Off the Boat” (8 p.m., ABC, r, TV-PG) * Barry cools off during a hot pursuit on “The Flash” (8 p.m., CW, r, TV-PG) * Walking the walk on “black-ish” (8:30 p.m., ABC, r, TV-14) * An offi-
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is scheduled on “The Daily Show With Jon Stewart” (11 p.m., Comedy Central) * Kellan Lutz, Jeff Ross and Gary Gulman appear on “Conan” (11 p.m., TBS) * Jimmy Fallon welcomes Jude Law, Bryce Dallas Howard and Florence & the Machine on “The Tonight Show” (11:35 p.m., NBC) * Melissa McCarthy, Robert Duvall, Hanya Yanagihara and Jon Theodore visit “Late Night With Seth Meyers” (12:35 a.m., NBC) * Guy Pearce and Connie Britton appear on “The Late Late Show With James Corden” (12:35 a.m., CBS).
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AROUND TOWN cookout, Swan Lake-Iris The Sumter Community VIP Gardens, 822 W. Liberty will meet at 10 a.m. on St.; and 8-11 p.m. SaturWednesday, June 3, at the Sumter TransporCommunity VIP tofine meetdining affair at day, James Clyburn Saluda’s Restaurant, 751 tation Center, 129 Harvin Saluda Ave., Columbia St. This is an important (www.saludas.com). For meeting and we are callinformation, email 95mhing all neighborhood s20th@gmail.com. groups, crime watch groups and every conThe American Red Cross will cerned citizen to attend. offer New Volunteer OrientaCall (803) 491-4910 for intion / Disaster Services formation. Overview for new Red The Clarendon County Demo- Cross volunteers from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, cratic Party will meet at 7 June 13, at 1155 N. Guigp.m. on Thursday, June 4, nard Drive. Call (803) 775at Bassard’s Pond House, 2363 to register or find out 4162 Rev. JW Carter Road, more information. Summerton. The Rembert Area Communi- An Applebee’s flapjack fundty Coalition will celebrate its raiser breakfast to support Crestwood High School FFA 2015 Family and Friends Day will be held 8-10 a.m. on from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 20, at ApSaturday, June 6, at 6785 plebee’s Neighborhood Bradley St., Rembert (beGrill & Bar, 2497 Broad St. hind the Rembert car Call Jason Gore at (843) wash). The theme this 333-9712 or (803) 469-6200, year is “Communities extension 4514. Mr. Gore working together for a can also be reached via common goal.” There will email at Jason.gore@sumbe food, fun and games for everyone. If you would terschools.net or email Brittany Robinson at britlike to be a volunteer, sponsor, or vendor for this tanyrobinson9@gmail. com. event, contact Dr. Juanita Britton at (803) 432-2001. The Sumter Vitiligo Support Group will hold its first vitiliThe Campbell Soup friends go support group walk from lunch group will meet at 9 a.m. until noon on Satur11:30 a.m. on Saturday, day, June 20, at SalterJune 6, at Golden Corral. stown Community Park, The Sumter Chapter of the 800 Salterstown Road. AtNational Federation of the tendees are asked to Blind will meet at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, June 9, at Shi- bring two non-perishable loh-Randolph Manor. Mar- food items to donate. jorie Smith will speak. The Wear purple to show your support. Event will feature spotlight will shine on music, food and more. William Davis and the asThe Clarendon County sociates are Lee and Branch NAACP will hold its Laura Colclough-James. Transportation will be pro- monthly meeting at 4 p.m. on Sunday, June 21, at St. vided within the mileage Mark AME Church, Sumradius. Contact Debra merton. Canty, chapter president, at DebraCanC2@frontier. The 2015 Sumter County com or at (803) 775-5792. Community Development Add the group to your Corporation Housing and Job contacts for updated inFair will be held 11 a.m.-2 formation on the recorded p.m. on Saturday, June 27, message line at (206) 376- at South Sumter Resource 5992. Center, 337 Manning Ave. Manning High School Class The Post 10813 25th anniverof 1995 will hold its 20-year sary banquet will be held class reunion Friday-Satat 6 p.m. on Oct. 24 at Veturday, June 12-13 as folerans Hall, 610 Manning lows: 7-11 p.m. Friday, Ave. For further informaWhite Masquerade Party, tion, call (803) 773-5604, The Breedin Room, 312 (803) 968-5219 or (803) Pine St., Manning; noon-3 406-0748. p.m. Saturday, reunion
PUBLIC AGENDA SUMTER CITY COUNCIL Today, 5:30 p.m., Sumter Opera House, 21 N. Main St. BISHOPVILLE CITY COUNCIL Today, 6:30 p.m., Colclough Building TOWN OF LYNCHBURG PLANNING COMMISSION Wednesday, 4 p.m., town hall
Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2015
AccuWeather® five-day forecast for Sumter TODAY
Showers and thunderstorms
A shower and thunderstorm
Mostly cloudy, t-storms possible
Clouds and sun, a t-storm; humid
A shower and thunderstorm
A shower and thunderstorm
81° / 64°
80° / 64°
84° / 65°
86° / 66°
Chance of rain: 70%
Chance of rain: 65%
Chance of rain: 35%
Chance of rain: 60%
Chance of rain: 60%
Chance of rain: 60%
SSW 4-8 mph
SSW 3-6 mph
SSE 6-12 mph
ESE 4-8 mph
NE 3-6 mph
NW 3-6 mph
Gaffney 78/62 Spartanburg 79/63
Greenville 78/62
Columbia 82/66
Temperatures shown on map are today’s highs and tonight’s lows.
Sumter 81/64
Charleston 83/67
Today: A couple of heavy thunderstorms, mainly later. High 81 to 85. Wednesday: A couple of showers and thunderstorms possible. High 78 to 83.
Today Hi/Lo/W 81/65/t 69/50/s 84/66/s 72/51/s 88/67/s 75/60/pc 86/71/pc 62/53/r 85/70/t 65/56/r 102/73/s 68/54/pc 70/62/t
CLARENDON COUNTY COUNCIL Monday, June 8, 6 p.m., Administration Building, Council Chambers, 411 Sunset Drive, Manning
SUN AND MOON 7 a.m. yest. 357.64 75.03 74.93 97.79
24-hr chg none -0.03 none +0.14
RIVER STAGES River Black River Congaree River Lynches River Saluda River Up. Santee River Wateree River
trace trace 0.16" 18.38" 15.57" 17.78"
NATIONAL CITIES City Atlanta Chicago Dallas Detroit Houston Los Angeles New Orleans New York Orlando Philadelphia Phoenix San Francisco Wash., DC
Full pool 360 76.8 75.5 100
Lake Murray Marion Moultrie Wateree
91° 69° 85° 62° 101° in 1953 46° in 1984
Precipitation 24 hrs ending 4 p.m. yest. Month to date Normal month to date Year to date Last year to date Normal year to date
Wed. Hi/Lo/W 82/66/t 73/54/s 88/66/s 74/56/s 87/66/s 74/60/pc 88/72/t 68/57/c 87/71/t 69/59/r 100/71/s 65/55/pc 69/63/r
Myrtle Beach 83/70
Manning 84/67
Today: A shower and thunderstorm. Winds south-southeast 3-6 mph. Wednesday: A shower and thunderstorm. Winds east-southeast 3-6 mph.
Temperature High Low Normal high Normal low Record high Record low
Florence 82/66
Bishopville 82/67
Flood 7 a.m. 24-hr stage yest. chg 12 2.57 -0.13 19 3.33 -0.21 14 2.21 +0.05 14 2.60 -0.05 80 75.88 -0.21 24 5.63 -0.08
Sunrise 6:12 a.m. Moonrise 8:32 p.m.
Sunset Moonset
8:28 p.m. 6:21 a.m.
June 2
June 9
June 16
June 24
High 9:27 a.m. 10:02 p.m. 10:10 a.m. 10:44 p.m.
Today Wed.
Ht. 2.8 3.4 2.8 3.5
Low Ht. 4:18 a.m. 0.0 4:10 p.m. -0.1 5:01 a.m. -0.1 4:54 p.m. -0.2
REGIONAL CITIES City Asheville Athens Augusta Beaufort Cape Hatteras Charleston Charlotte Clemson Columbia Darlington Elizabeth City Elizabethtown Fayetteville
Today Hi/Lo/W 74/56/t 82/62/t 83/63/t 83/69/t 83/68/t 83/67/t 78/62/t 81/65/t 82/66/t 82/65/t 84/68/t 83/67/t 80/66/t
Wed. Hi/Lo/W 75/57/t 81/61/t 84/63/t 83/68/t 81/68/t 80/67/t 79/62/t 81/65/t 82/65/t 79/64/t 80/67/t 79/65/t 79/64/t
City Florence Gainesville Gastonia Goldsboro Goose Creek Greensboro Greenville Hickory Hilton Head Jacksonville, FL La Grange Macon Marietta
Today Hi/Lo/W 82/66/t 83/65/t 77/62/t 84/66/t 83/68/t 77/63/t 78/62/t 77/61/t 82/70/t 84/65/t 86/64/t 85/62/t 80/61/t
Wed. Hi/Lo/W 80/64/t 86/66/t 78/61/t 78/65/t 81/67/t 72/61/t 79/62/t 75/60/t 81/69/t 84/66/t 86/65/t 86/63/t 81/63/t
City Marion Mt. Pleasant Myrtle Beach Orangeburg Port Royal Raleigh Rock Hill Rockingham Savannah Spartanburg Summerville Wilmington Winston-Salem
Today Hi/Lo/W 78/60/t 84/69/t 83/70/t 81/66/t 83/70/t 80/64/t 76/61/t 82/64/t 83/67/t 79/63/t 83/68/t 84/67/t 77/63/t
Wed. Hi/Lo/W 76/60/t 81/68/t 80/69/t 81/65/t 83/70/t 75/63/t 78/61/t 80/63/t 83/67/t 79/62/t 81/68/t 79/67/t 72/61/t
Weather(W): s–sunny, pc–partly cloudy, c–cloudy, sh–showers, t–thunderstorms, r–rain, sf–snow flurries, sn–snow, i–ice
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ARIES (March 21-April 19): Your mind EUGENIA LAST will be on money, legal, health and contractual matters. Negotiations will turn in your favor if you are explicit about what you need to keep things moving forward. Don’t let anyone bully you and you will gain respect and satisfaction.
The last word in astrology
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Don’t overdo it. Someone may try to persuade you to do something that is likely to cost you emotionally or financially. Spend time learning and researching whatever you want to purchase or pursue. Protect your assets. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Present your plans and see what kind of response you get. Speak freely and initiate moving forward even if it means doing so alone. Your stress will diminish as your plans start to take shape. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Don’t let a change of plans stop you from moving forward. Problems with financial, legal or medical institutions and government agencies can be expected if you have unintentionally overlooked important documentation. Slow down and do things correctly. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Pay attention to details. Make sure to give a personal touch to whatever you are working on and you will capture the attention of someone who can contribute to your success. Don’t feel the need to go overboard; it’s quality, not quantity, that counts. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Keep a low profile and avoid getting into a debate with anyone at work or at home. Take pride in what you do and refuse to let anyone take credit for your hard work. Work alone, remain rational and avoid conflict.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): You will inspire and be inspired if you take part in a course, demonstration or conference that has meaning for you. A change with an important relationship will develop once you realize the motives behind your connection. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Time is money, so don’t waste it discussing things you have already decided to do. Don’t hold back; let others know where you stand and what your plans are. Once the groundwork is in place, you can make your presentation and promote your work. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Don’t let boredom get the best of you. Live the dream and make the changes that will make you happy. Partnerships look promising, but keeping a written record of who does what will help you avoid squabbles later on. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Expect the unexpected. Prepare to protect your possessions and your assets. Someone you trust will let you down. A change of heart will give you an out that should not be ignored. Take what’s yours and keep moving away from negativity. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Do your thing and don’t look back. You can present your plan and pick up support and potential partners as you go. A chance to make a vocational change is within your reach. Home improvements will pay off. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Counting on others will lead to arguments and disappointments. Follow your heart and your passions and you will achieve your goals. A new look will boost your confidence. Leave time to celebrate your successes and accomplishments with someone you love.
2-3-4-22-36 PowerUp: 2
20-27-38-49-66 Megaball: 2; Megaplier: 4
8-9-25-56-57 6-7-11-23-31 Powerball: 22; PowerPlay 2 Lucky Ball: 15
5-9-6 and 0-1-4
7-1-9-7 and 2-2-0-1
PICTURES FROM THE PUBLIC Jeanie Shaw comments on her photo submission, “One of the beautiful snowball plants in Bobbie Land’s yard taken a few weeks ago when it was blooming. Just beautiful!”
HAVE YOU TAKEN PICTURES OF INTERESTING, EXCITING, BEAUTIFUL OR HISTORICAL PLACES? Would you like to share those images with your fellow Sumter Item readers? E-mail your hi-resolution jpegs to sandrah@theitem. com, or mail to Sandra Holbert c/o The Sumter Item, P.O. Box 1677, Sumter, SC 29150. Include clearly printed or typed name of photographer and photo details. Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for return of your photo. Amateur photographers only please.
Serena ousts Stephens from French Open
Call: (803) 774-1241 | E-mail: sports@theitem.com
Perfect timing
P-15’s thump Goose Creek, stay perfect FROM STAFF REPORTS
Sumter senior Brandon Parker (4) was named The Sumter Item Area Boys Player of the Year. Parker, along with The Sumter Item Area Coach of the Year Jo Jo English, helped guide the Gamecocks to their first state title since 1985.
Parker’s improvement, English’s change in approach lead SHS to 4A title and help duo earn Sumter Item top postseason awards BY JUSTIN DRIGGERS Justin@theitem.com The Sumter High School boys basketball team was by no means perfect this past season, nor did head coach Jo Jo English expect it to be. What he did expect — and what he got for the better part of February on — was what he called “perfect effort.
“They were able to focus on the things they could control,” English said. “It was nothing I ENGLISH had to draw up on the board. It was about looking them in the eye and asking them how they wanted their season to end.” The Gamecocks’ season
ended with the program’s first state championship since 1985 as SHS pulled off one impressive victory after another in the postseason to end the year atop the 4A mountain. For his efforts in guiding the Gamecocks through their unprecedented run, English has been named The Sumter Item Area Boys Coach of the Year.
And while English provided leadership from the sideline, it was the leadership and all-around effort on the court of Brandon Parker that was critical to Sumter’s success as well. For that, Parker has been tabbed as The Sumter Item Area Boys Player of The Year. “It just became a beautiful
Frances Fields expected the Lakewood High School girls basketball team to compete for a 3A state championship when it began the 2014-15 season. Halfway through the scrimmages and early going of the season though, she saw something had to change in
KELLEYTOWN – ManningSantee Post 68 fell to 0-4 in American Legion baseball League III with a 13-1 loss to Hartsville on Monday at Jimmy White Park. The teams play today at 7:30 p.m. at the Manning High School field.
Legion teammate helps point CHS’ Benenhaley toward USC Salkehatchie
Lady Gators’ Dengokl, Fields earn top honors order to make that expectation a FIELDS reality. “We had a lot of work to put in,” Fields said. “We weren’t anywhere near where we needed to be. “So I changed practices. I made them as intense as the games were.”
Hartsville routs Manning 13-1
BY JUSTIN DRIGGERS justin@theitem.com
GOOSE CREEK — The Sumter P-15’s scored five runs in both the fifth and seventh innings to roll to a 15-1 American Legion baseball victory over Goose Creek Post 166 on Monday at the Goose Creek Middle School field. Sumter improved to 4-0 on the season and in League III. The Phoenix, which was placed in League III prior to the start of the season when Cheraw didn’t field a team, was playing its season opener. The P-15’s had a 5-0 lead through four innings, but broke it open in the fifth. Javon Martin drew a 1-out walk before Philip Watcher was hit by a pitch and Jacob Watcher walked to load the bases. Martin scored on a wild pitch before River Soles had a 2-run double to make it 8-0. Kemper Patton followed with a run-scoring triple. Patton came in when Reese Hankins reached on an error to make it 10-0. “We hit the ball pretty well tonight,” said P-15’s head coach Steve Campbell, whose team had 14 hits. “We squared some balls up really well tonight.” After Goose Creek scored a run in the bottom of the sixth to make it 10-1, Sumter scored five in the seventh. Patton, who was 3-for-4, hit a solo home run. Dawson Price had a 2-run double and Drew Talley had an RBI single. Right-hander Britton Beatson started on the mound for Sumter and tossed five shutout innings. Beatson allowed four hits and two walks while striking out five. “Britton pitched a really good game for us tonight,” Campbell said. Sumter will play host to Goose Creek today at Riley Park beginning at 7 p.m.
BY DENNIS BRUNSON dennis@theitem.com
Lakewood senior Sonora Dengokl (15) earned The Sumter Item Area Girls Player of the Year award. Along with Area Coach of the Year Frances Fields, the duo combined to help lead the Lady Gators SEE HONORS, PAGE B5 to the program’s first 3A state championship game appearance.
Cole Benenhaley is following the lead of one of his American Legion baseball teammates to further his playing career on the collegiate level. Benenhaley, a 4-year varsity player at Crestwood High School, has signed to play at the University of South Carolina Salkehatchie in Allendale, a junior college program. Benenhaley became interested in Salkehatchie thanks to Dalzell-Shaw Post 175 teammate Matt Holloman talking to him about the school. Holloman, who played at Thomas Sumter Acad-
emy, played for the Indians the past two seasons. “I went BENENHALEY to a couple of their games and I became really interested,” said Benenhaley, who pitched and played first base for the Knights along with spending some time catching. “I just liked everything about them. They looked like they had a good team.” Benenhaley, a righthander, led Crestwood in the majority of its pitching categories, according to head coach Mike Kremer.
Oakland at Detroit, 7:08 p.m. Minnesota at Boston, 7:10 p.m. Chicago White Sox at Texas, 8:05 p.m. Baltimore at Houston, 8:10 p.m. Cleveland at Kansas City, 8:10 p.m. Tampa Bay at L.A. Angels, 10:05 p.m.
10:30 a.m. -- College Golf: NCAA Men’s Championships Team Match Play Quarterfinals from Bradenton, Fla. (GOLF). 1 p.m. -- Professional Tennis: French Open Men’s and Women’s Quarterfinal Matches from Paris (ESPN2). 3 p.m. -- College Golf: NCAA Men’s Championships Team Match Play Semifinals from Bradenton, Fla. (GOLF). 5 p.m. – International Soccer: New York Cosmos vs. Cuba from Havana (ESPN2). 6:05 p.m. – Talk Show: Sports Talk (WPUB-FM 102.7, WDXY-FM 105.9, WDXY-AM 1240). 6:30 p.m. – American Legion Baseball: Goose Creek at Sumter (WWHM-FM 92.3, WWHM-FM 93.3, WWHM-AM 1290). 7 p.m. – Major League Baseball: Chicago Cubs at Miami or Toronto at Washington (MLB NETWORK). 8 p.m. - College Softball: Women’s College World Series Finals Game Two from Oklahoma City – Florida vs. Michigan (ESPN). 8 p.m. – International Boxing: World Series of Boxing Semifinal – Cuba vs. Mexico (UNIVISION). 9:30 p.m. – Major League Baseball: Atlanta at Arizona (SPORTSOUTH, WPUB-FM 102.7). 10 p.m. – Major League Baseball: New York Mets at San Diego or Pittsburgh at San Francisco (MLB NETWORK). Midnight – International Soccer: U-20 World Cup Group Play Match from Dunedin, New Zealand – Uruguay vs. Mexico (FOX SPORTS 1). Midnight – International Soccer: U-20 World Cup Group Play Match – Portugal vs. Qatar (FOX SPORTS 2). 3 a.m. – International Soccer: U-20 World Cup Group Play Match from Hamilton, New Zealand – Colombia vs. Senegal (FOX SPORTS 1). 3 a.m. – International Soccer: U-20 World Cup Group Play Match – Mali vs. Serbia (FOX SPORTS 2).
Sunday At TPC Four Seasons Resort Irving, Texas Purse: $7.1 million Thursday Yardage: 7,166; Par 70 Friday-Saturday-Sunday Yardage: 6,864; Par 69 Final Steven Bowditch (500), $1,278,000 62-68-65-64—259 -18 Charley Hoffman (208), $530,133 69-65-64-65—263 -14 Scott Pinckney (208), $530,133 69-64-64-66—263 -14 Jimmy Walker (208), $530,133 64-66-67-66—263 -14 Zach Johnson (110), $284,000 69-64-68-63—264 -13 Jon Curran (95), $246,725 67-63-67-68—265 -12 Brandt Snedeker (95), $246,725 71-66-64-64—265 -12 Jason Dufner (83), $213,000 71-65-64-66—266 -11 Dustin Johnson (83), $213,000 67-68-62-69—266 -11 Daniel Berger (64), $157,383 72-65-64-66—267 -10 Nick Watney (64), $157,383 67-65-70-65—267 -10 Tony Finau (64), $157,383 67-64-68-68—267 -10 Colt Knost (64), $157,383 68-65-66-68—267 -10 Ryan Palmer (64), $157,383 65-66-67-69—267 -10 Cameron Percy (64), $157,383 67-64-68-68—267 -10
Sunday At Stockton Seaview Hotel and Golf Club, Bay Course Galloway Township, N.J. Purse: $1.5 million Yardage: 6,177; Par 71 Final Anna Nordqvist, $225,000 67-69-69—205 -8 Christel Boeljon, $135,995 68-70-68—206 -7 Kelly W Shon, $87,486 70-68-70—208 -5 Morgan Pressel, $87,486 66-69-73—208 -5 Austin Ernst, $44,748 72-73-64—209 -4 Karrie Webb, $44,748 70-73-66—209 -4 Inbee Park, $44,748 71-70-68—209 -4 Mirim Lee, $44,748 70-70-69—209 -4 Gerina Piller, $44,748 68-70-71—209 -4 Mo Martin, $25,513 69-75-66—210 -3 Maria McBride, $25,513 70-73-67—210 -3 Hee Young Park, $25,513 68-74-68—210 -3 Shanshan Feng, $25,513 70-70-70—210 -3 Moriya Jutanugarn, $25,513 69-71-70—210 -3 Kim Kaufman, $25,513 69-70-71—210 -3
MLB STANDINGS By The Associated Press
AMERICAN LEAGUE EAST DIVISION W New York 26 Tampa Bay 26 Baltimore 23 Toronto 23 Boston 22 CENTRAL DIVISION W Minnesota 30 Kansas City 29 Detroit 28 Cleveland 24 Chicago 23 WEST DIVISION W Houston 31 Los Angeles 27 Texas 26 Seattle 24 Oakland 20
L 25 25 26 29 29
Pct .510 .510 .469 .442 .431
GB – – 2 3 1/2 4
L 19 19 24 26 26
Pct .612 .604 .538 .480 .469
GB – 1/2 3 1/2 6 1/2 7
L 20 24 25 26 33
Pct .608 .529 .510 .480 .377
GB – 4 5 6 1/2 12
Tampa Bay 9, Baltimore 5 Chicago White Sox 6, Houston 0 Minnesota 6, Toronto 5 Chicago Cubs 2, Kansas City 1, 11 innings Texas 4, Boston 3 Oakland 3, N.Y. Yankees 0 Cleveland 6, Seattle 3, 12 innings L.A. Angels 4, Detroit 2
NATIONAL LEAGUE EAST DIVISION W Washington 28 New York 28 Atlanta 25 Miami 20 Philadelphia 19 CENTRAL DIVISION W St. Louis 33 Chicago 26 Pittsburgh 26 Cincinnati 22 Milwaukee 17 WEST DIVISION W Los Angeles 29 San Francisco 30 San Diego 25 Arizona 23 Colorado 22
L 22 23 25 31 33
Pct .560 .549 .500 .392 .365
GB – 1/2 3 8 1/2 10
L 17 22 24 27 34
Pct GB .660 – .542 6 .520 7 .449 10 1/2 .333 16 1/2
L 20 22 27 26 26
Pct .592 .577 .481 .469 .458
GB – 1/2 5 1/2 6 6 1/2
N.Y. Mets 4, Miami 3 Cincinnati 8, Washington 2 Colorado 4, Philadelphia 1 Milwaukee 7, Arizona 6, 17 innings St. Louis 3, L.A. Dodgers 1 Chicago Cubs 2, Kansas City 1, 11 innings Atlanta 7, San Francisco 5 San Diego 7, Pittsburgh 1
Serena Williams returns the ball to Palmetto Pro Open alum Sloane Stephens during Williams’ 1-6, 7-5, 6-3 victory on Monday in the fourth round of the French Open at Roland Garros in Paris.
Toronto at Washington, 7:05 p.m. Chicago Cubs at Miami, 7:10 p.m. Milwaukee at St. Louis, 8:10 p.m. L.A. Dodgers at Colorado, 8:40 p.m. Atlanta at Arizona, 9:40 p.m. N.Y. Mets at San Diego, 10:10 p.m. Pittsburgh at San Francisco, 10:15 p.m.
L.A. Dodgers (Greinke 5-1) at Colorado (J.De La Rosa 1-2), 3:10 p.m., 1st game Cincinnati (Cueto 3-4) at Philadelphia (O’Sullivan 1-4), 7:05 p.m. Toronto (Estrada 1-3) at Washington (Scherzer 6-3), 7:05 p.m. Chicago Cubs (Hendricks 1-1) at Miami (Hand 0-1), 7:10 p.m. Milwaukee (Undecided) at St. Louis (Lynn 3-4), 8:15 p.m. L.A. Dodgers (Undecided) at Colorado (Undecided), 8:40 p.m., 2nd game Atlanta (S.Miller 5-2) at Arizona (Collmenter 3-5), 9:40 p.m. N.Y. Mets (Syndergaard 2-2) at San Diego (Kennedy 2-5), 10:10 p.m. Pittsburgh (Burnett 5-1) at San Francisco (Heston 5-3), 10:15 p.m.
Milwaukee at St. Louis, 1:45 p.m. Atlanta at Arizona, 3:40 p.m. Pittsburgh at San Francisco, 3:45 p.m. Cincinnati at Philadelphia, 7:05 p.m. Toronto at Washington, 7:05 p.m. Chicago Cubs at Miami, 7:10 p.m. L.A. Dodgers at Colorado, 8:10 p.m. N.Y. Mets at San Diego, 9:10 p.m.
(Best-of-7; x-if necessary) Golden State vs. Cleveland Thursday: Cleveland at Golden State, 9 p.m. Sunday: Cleveland at Golden State, 8 p.m. June 9: Golden State at Cleveland, 9 p.m. June 11: Golden State at Cleveland, 9 p.m. x-June 14: Cleveland at Golden State, 8 p.m. x-June 16: Golden State at Cleveland, 9 p.m. x-June 19: Cleveland at Golden State, 9 p.m.
(Best-of-7; x-if necessary) Tampa Bay vs. Chicago Wednesday: Chicago at Tampa Bay, 8 p.m. Saturday: Chicago at Tampa Bay, 7:15 p.m. June 8: Tampa Bay at Chicago, 8 p.m. June 10: Tampa Bay at Chicago, 8 p.m. x-June 13: Chicago at Tampa Bay, 8 p.m. x-June 15: Tampa Bay at Chicago, 8 p.m. x-June 17: Chicago at Tampa Bay, 8 p.m.
By The Associated Press
Monday At Stade Roland Garros Paris Purse: $30.86 million (Grand Slam) Surface: Clay-Outdoor Singles Men Fourth Round Roger Federer (2), Switzerland, def. Gael Monfils (13), France, 6-3, 4-6, 6-4, 6-1. David Ferrer (7), Spain, def. Marin Cilic (9), Croatia, 6-2, 6-2, 6-4. Andy Murray (3), Britain, def. Jeremy Chardy, France, 6-4, 3-6, 6-3, 6-2. Rafael Nadal (6), Spain, def. Jack Sock, United States, 6-3, 6-1, 5-7, 6-2. Novak Djokovic (1), Serbia, def. Richard Gasquet (20), France, 6-1, 6-2, 6-3. Women Fourth Round Garbine Muguruza (21), Spain, def. Flavia Pennetta (28), Italy, 6-3, 6-4. Lucie Safarova (13), Czech Republic, def. Maria Sharapova (2), Russia, 7-6 (3), 6-4. Sara Errani (17), Italy, def. Julia Goerges, Germany, 6-2, 6-2. Serena Williams (1), United States, def. Sloane Stephens, United States, 1-6, 7-5, 6-3. Alison Van Uytvanck, Belgium, def. Andreea Mitu, Romania, 6-1, 6-3. Timea Bacsinszky (23), Switzerland, def. Petra Kvitova (4), Czech Republic, 2-6, 6-0, 6-3.
Serena rallies; Sharapova out BY HOWARD FENDRICH The Associated Press PARIS — For the third match in a row at the French Open, Serena Williams was oddly out of sorts at the outset and dropped the opening set. And for the third match in a row, almost as though this was the plan all along, Williams righted herself to pull out a victory. In a riveting, 2-hour showdown between the last two American women in the draw, the No. 1-ranked and No. 1-seeded Williams was a game away from defeat Monday, then came back to beat Palmetto Pro Open alum Sloane Stephens 1-6, 7-5, 6-3. Williams reached the quarterfinals and avoided joining defending champion Maria Sharapova on the way out of Roland Garros. “It’s not how you start, I guess. It’s how you finish,’’
Toronto (Estrada 1-3) at Washington (Scherzer 6-3), 7:05 p.m. Oakland (Graveman 2-2) at Detroit (Simon 5-2), 7:08 p.m. Minnesota (P.Hughes 4-4) at Boston (Porcello 4-4), 7:10 p.m. Chicago White Sox (Samardzija 4-2) at Texas (Lewis 4-3), 8:05 p.m. Baltimore (M.Wright 2-0) at Houston (McHugh 5-2), 8:10 p.m. Cleveland (Carrasco 6-4) at Kansas City (Guthrie 4-3), 8:10 p.m. Tampa Bay (Archer 5-4) at L.A. Angels (C.Wilson 3-3), 10:05 p.m. N.Y. Yankees (Sabathia 2-7) at Seattle (Undecided), 10:10 p.m.
N.Y. Yankees at Seattle, 3:40 p.m. Toronto at Washington, 7:05 p.m.
Williams said. “That’s kind of how I’m looking at it.’’ Close as it was, thanks in large part to Williams’ 43 unforced errors, more than twice as many as Stephens’ 21, the eventual outcome seemed certain once Williams pulled even by taking the second set. That’s because she is 10-0 in three-setters this season. “There’s a reason,’’ said Stephens, defeated in the French Open’s fourth round for the fourth consecutive year, “why she’s the No. 1 player in the world.’’ Either Williams, in 2013, or Sharapova, in 2012 and 2014, has won the French Open the past three years. Only Williams has a chance to do it again on Saturday because the second-seeded Sharapova was outplayed throughout a 7-6 (3), 6-4 loss to 13th-seeded Lucie Safarova. “My opponent had a different gear than I did,’’
Sharapova said after her earliest exit at Roland Garros since 2010. Sharapova did not use the cold she’s been dealing with as an excuse, saying: “I don’t like to talk about it, and I don’t think it really makes a difference.’’ On a day full of tennis’ biggest names, the Big 4 of the men’s game — Roger Federer, Novak Djokovic, Rafael Nadal and Andy Murray — all won. The top-seeded Djokovic and nine-time French Open champion Nadal will play in the quarterfinals Wednesday, a rematch of last year’s final. Nadal eliminated the last U.S. man, Jack Sock, 6-3, 6-1, 5-7, 6-2, while Djokovic had no trouble in a 6-1, 6-2, 6-3 win over Richard Gasquet. Federer needed about an hour to finish his 6-3, 4-6, 6-4, 6-1 victory over Gael Monfils in a match suspended because of darkness after the second set Sunday.
Jets to hold fundraising game on Wednesday The Dalzell-Shaw Post 175 American Legion baseball team will host a fundraising game to help cover the medical costs of former Jets player Michal Hoge on Wednesday beginning at 7 p.m. at Thomas Sumter Academy’s General Field. The game will pit the current Dalzell squad against former Jets players. The cost is $5 per person and all the proceeds will go toward Hoge’s medical bills. Hoge was severely injured while diving into a pool recently.
LEAGUE III STANDINGS League W L Pct. Camden 3 0 1.000 Sumter 3 0 1.000 G. Creek 0 0 .000 Hartsville 0 0 .000 Dalzell 0 3 .000 Manning 0 3 .000
Overall GB W L — 3 0 — 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 3 3 0 3
Sumter at Goose Creek Manning-Santee at Hartsville
Goose Creek at Sumter, 7 p.m. Hartsville at Manning-Santee, 7 p.m.
Manning-Santee at Hartsville, 7 p.m. Dalzell-Shaw Michal Hoge Fundraiser, 7 p.m.
Sumter at Goose Creek, 7 p.m.
Sumter at Florence, 7:30 p.m.
Sumter American Legion Post 15 will honor law enforcement, fire and EMS personnel during Public Safety Appreciation Night during the P-15’s baseball game today at Riley Park beginning at 7 p.m. All active law enforcement, fire and EMS personnel will be admitted free of charge with proper identification. The P-15’s will be playing host to Goose Creek.
Sumter at South Florence No.2 Camden at Manning-Santee Lake City at Manning
Lake City at Sumter, 7 p.m. Manning-Santee at South Florence No. 2, 6:30 p.m. Manning at Camden, 7 p.m.
Bishopville at Manning-Santee, 8 p.m.
Sumter at Manning-Santee, 7 p.m. Manning at South Florence No. 2, 6:30 p.m.
UAB President Ray Watts is bringing the football program back six months after deciding to cut three sports because of cost. Watts told The Associated Press that he decided on Monday morning to reverse the earlier decision after meetings with UAB supporters continued through the weekend. He said donors have pledged to make up the estimated $17.2 million deficit over the next five years if football is restored. He cut the programs last December after UAB commissioned a report saying it would cost $49 million over five years to field a competitive program.
BOWDITCH SHOOTS 64, ROLLS TO BYRON NELSON VICTORY IRVING, Texas — Steven Bowditch rode his best birdie binge on the PGA Tour to a 5-under 64 and a 4-shot victory Sunday in the AT&T Byron Nelson Charley Hoffman (65), Jimmy Walker (66) and Scott Pinckney (66) tied for second at 14 under. From staff, wire reports
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Toronto at Washington, 7:05 p.m. Minnesota at Boston, ppd., rain Baltimore at Houston, 8:10 p.m. Tampa Bay at L.A. Angels, 10:05 p.m. N.Y. Yankees at Seattle, 10:10 p.m.
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By The Associated Press Double Elimination; x-if necessary At Dick Howser Stadium Tallahassee, Fla. Friday Coll. of Charleston 7, Auburn 6 Florida State 5, Mercer 4 Saturday Auburn 1, Mercer 0 Florida State 3, College of Charleston 2 Sunday College of Charleston 3, Auburn 2 Monday Florida State 8, College of Charleston 1, Florida State advances At Alfred A. McKethan Stadium Gainesville, Fla. Friday South Florida 5, FAU 3 Florida 19, Florida A&M 0 Saturday FAU 8, Florida A&M 1 Florida 8, South Florida 2 Sunday FAU 8, South Florida 4 Florida 2, FAU 1, Florida advances At A-Rod Park at Mark Light Field Coral Gables, Fla. Friday Columbia 6, East Carolina 3 Miami 6, FIU 2 Saturday FIU 2, East Carolina 0 Miami 8, Columbia 3 Sunday Columbia 4, FIU 3 Columbia 3, Miami 0 Monday Miami vs. Columbia (late) At Jim Patterson Stadium Louisville, Ky. Friday Michigan 10, Bradley 5 Louisville 7, Morehead State 2 Saturday Bradley 9, Morehead State 4 Louisville 4, Michigan 3 Sunday Michigan 4, Bradley 3 Louisville 13, Michigan 4, Louisville advances At Hawkins Field Nashville, Tenn. Friday Indiana 7, Radford 1 Vanderbilt 9, Lipscomb 1 Saturday Radford 5, Lipscomb 2 Vanderbilt 6, Indiana 4 Sunday Radford 5, Indiana 3 Vanderbilt vs. Radford, ppd., rain Monday Vanderbilt 21, Radford 0, Vanderbilt advances At Illinois Field Champaign, Ill. Friday Notre Dame 13, Wright State 7 Illinois 10, Ohio 3 Sunday Wright State 8, Ohio 3 Illinois 3, Notre Dame 0 Wright State 4, Notre Dame 0 Monday Illinois 8, Wright State 4, Illinois advances At Hammons Field Springfield, Mo. Friday Iowa 3, Oregon 1 Saturday Missouri State 14, Canisius 1 Oregon 12, Canisius 6 Missouri State 5, Iowa 3 Sunday Iowa 2, Oregon 1 Missouri State 3, Iowa 2, Missouri State advances At Alex Box Stadium Baton Rouge, La. Friday LSU 10, Lehigh 3 UNC Wilmington 10, Tulane 1 Saturday Tulane 15, Lehigh 3 LSU 2, UNC Wilmington 0 Sunday UNC Wilmington 8, Tulane 2 Monday LSU 2, UNC Wilmington 0, LSU advances At Allie P. Reynolds Stadium Stillwater, Okla. Friday Arkansas 8, Oral Roberts 6 Oklahoma State 5, St. John’s 4 Saturday St. John’s 10, Oral Roberts 4 Arkansas 7, Oklahoma State 5 Sunday St. John’s 2, Oklahoma State 1 Arkansas 4, St. John’s 3, Arkansas advances At Lupton Baseball Stadium Fort Worth, Texas Friday N.C. State 3, Stony Brook 0 TCU 10, Sacred Heart 0 Saturday Stony Brook 11, Sacred Heart 6 N.C. State 5, TCU 4 Sunday TCU 8, Stony Brook 3 TCU 8, N.C. State 2 Monday N.C. State vs. TCU (late) At Horner Ballpark Dallas Friday Oregon St. 5, Texas 4 VCU 7, Dallas Baptist 2 Sunday Dallas Baptist 8, Texas 1 VCU 5, Oregon State 1 Dallas Baptist 7, Oregon State 1 Monday Dallas Baptist 2, VCU 1 VCU 3, Dallas Baptist 1, VCU advances At Olsen Field College Station, Texas Friday California 9, Coastal Carolina 3 Texas A&M 5, Texas Southern 0 Saturday Coastal Carolina 4 California 2, Texas A&M 1 Sunday Texas A&M 8, Coastal Carolina 1 Texas A&M 4, California 3 Monday California vs. Texas A&M (late) At Cougar Field Houston Friday Louisiana-Lafayette 7, Rice 6 Houston 6, Houston Baptist 4 Sunday Rice 3, Houston Baptist 1 Louisiana-Lafayette 2, Houston 1 Rice 3, Houston 2 Monday Louisiana-Lafayette 5, Rice 2, ULL advances At Jackie Robinson Stadium Los Angeles Friday Maryland 3, Mississippi 1 UCLA 7, Cal State Bakersfield 2 Saturday Cal State Bakersfield 2, Mississippi 1 Maryland 4, UCLA 1 Sunday UCLA 9, Cal State Bakersfield 1 UCLA 4, Maryland 2 Monday Maryland vs. UCLA (late) At Goodwin Field Fullerton, Calif. Friday Arizona State 7, Clemson 4 Cal State Fullerton 9, Pepperdine 3 Saturday Pepperdine 10, Clemson 8 Cal State Fullerton 3, Arizona State 2 Sunday Pepperdine 7, Arizona State 4 Cal State Fullerton 10, Pepperdine 1, Cal State Fullerton advances At The Diamond Lake Elsinore, Calif. Friday Virginia 6, Southern Cal 1 San Diego State 4, UC Santa Barbara 3 Saturday Southern Cal 12, UC Santa Barbara 3 Virginia 3, San Diego State 1 Sunday Southern Cal 12, San Diego State 11 Virginia 14, Southern Cal 10, Virginia advances
FSU tops Cougars 8-1 to advance TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Quincy Nieporte homered and drove in four runs Monday to lead Florida State to a 8-1 victory over College of Charleston and into a berth in this weekend’s NCAA Super Regional at archrival Florida. Freshman Drew Carlton (5-5) fanned nine in 6 2-3 scoreless innings and allowed six hits to earn the win. After sliding into the postseason on a five-game losing streak, Florida State (44-19) has won its last seven games to capture the Atlantic Coast Conference and NCAA regional crowns. Nieporte’s eighth-inning home run Saturday gave the Seminoles a 3-2 win over College of Charleston, forcing the Cougars (45-15) into the losers’ bracket of the double-elimination regional tournament. Florida State jumped on Cougars starter Hayden McCutcheon (1-2) for its first three runs immediately following a 57-minute weather delay in the third inning. DJ Stewart, who scored twice, doubled home the game’s first run, scored on a sacrifice fly, and Nieporte contributed an RBI single. The Cougars scored their only run on a passed ball in the eighth. LSU 2 UNC WILMINGTON 0
BATON ROUGE, La. — Jared Poche allowed six hits and struck out eight in 8 2/3 innings and LSU shut out UNC Wilmington to advance to the Super Regionals. LSU (51-10) took the lead with two runs in the second inning off Justin Crump (12). Andrew Stevenson reached on a 2-out error and advanced on a balk. Chris Chinea drove him home with a double and scored on a single by Jake Fraley. VANDERBILT 21 RADFORD 0
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Zander Wiel, Rhett Wiseman and Bryan Reynolds homered to lead Vanderbilt’s 20hit attack and the Commodores won the Nashville Regional with a 21-0 rout of Radford.
College of Charleston shortstop Champ Roland waits to tag out Florida State’s Quincy Nieporte (29) at second base during the Seminoles’ 8-1 victory on Monday at the Tallahassee Regional of the NCAA college baseball tournament in Tallahassee, Fla. Vanderbilt (45-19) scored in each of the first five innings in winning its fifth regional in six years. LOUISIANA-LAFAYETTE 5 RICE 2
HOUSTON — Evan Powell’s two-run single lifted Louisiana-Lafayette to the Super Regionals with a 5-2 victory over Rice. Powell’s single to left-center field added to RBI singles in the fourth by Tyler Girouard and fifth by Kyle Clement to open up a 4-run lead. Louisiana-Lafayette (42-21) will face LSU in the Super Regionals in Baton Rouge.
double and Matt Thaiss had a 3-run single in Virginia’s 5-run 11th inning, leading the Cavaliers past Southern California 14-10 to advance to the Super Regionals.
DALLAS — Virginia Commonwealth’s Sean Thompson and Matt Lees held host Dallas Baptist to four hits in a 3-1 victory to take the Dallas regional championship. Lees earned his third save, pitching 3 1/3 innings after relieving Thompson (6-3).
FULLERTON, Calif. — Freshman Connor Seabold tied a career high with nine strikeouts and David OlmedoBarrera had three RBI, leading Cal State Fullerton to a 10-1 win over Pepperdine and into the Super Regionals.
FAU 1 GAINESVILLE, Fla. — JJ Schwarz hit an RBI single in the sixth inning to lift Florida over Florida Atlantic 2-1 in the Gainesville Regional.
CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Ryne Roper hit a 2-run double and top-seeded Illinois defeated Wright State 8-4 to advance to the Super Regionals. Roper’s double gave the Illini (50-8) a lead it never relinquished in a 4-run fifth inning. Will Krug and Ryan Nagle each drove in a run in the inning. It was the 25th come-from-behind win of the season for Illinois.
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. — Jordan Knutson pitched into the eighth inning, helping Missouri State hold off Iowa 3-2 to advance to the Super Regionals for the first time since 2003.
LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Corey Ray had three hits and three RBI, Nick Solak homered and Josh Rogers threw seven strong innings to lead Louisville to a 13-4 win over Michigan in the championship game of the Louisville Regional.
STILLWATER, Okla. — Joe Serrano drove in the goahead run in the ninth inning, and Arkansas held on to defeat St. John’s 4-3 and win the Stillwater Regional.
LAKE ELSINORE, Calif. — Kevin Doherty hit an RBI
From wire reports
Braves score 4 in 9th to stun Giants on Sunday BY RICK EYMER The Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO — Jace Peterson continued his torrid pace and once again came through with the game on the line. Peterson tripled with the bases loaded in Atlanta’s 4-run ninth inning to lead the
Braves to a 7-5 victory over San Francisco on Sunday. Freddie Freeman sparked the rally with his second homer in as many at bats against Giants closer Santiago Casilla (4-1), who blew his third save. “I put a good swing on it and it worked out for us,’’ said Peterson, who has five hits in his last two games.
“Freddie hit the home run to get it going. No one in this dugout ever feels like we’re out of a game.’’ Andrelton Simmons walked and Brandon Crawford mishandled Christian Bethancourt’s potential double-play grounder. Pinch hitter A.J. Pierzynski blooped a single into right to load the
bases for Peterson. “I was trying to get two before I caught the ball,’’ Crawford said. “It wasn’t hit (hard) and I came in to get it, maybe too hard.’’ Nick Masset (1-1) pitched 1 2/3 scoreless innings for the win. Jason Grilli got the final three outs for his 15th save in 16 chances.
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Johnson makes history with 10th Dover win BY DAN GELSTON The Associated Press DOVER, Del. — Jimmie Johnson took the congratulatory call from his boss, then flipped the phone for a selfie. The six-time series champ and crew chief Chad Knaus sandwiched the 60-pound trophy and smiled for a familiar photo. “You’ve only got 10 of ‘em,’’ a fan yelled at the victory lane celebration. Johnson said: “We’ll keep them coming!’’ Johnson had already mastered the Monster Mile like no other driver. His latest win earned him a slice of NASCAR history that etched his name in the same class as five Hall of Fame drivers. With his No. 48 Chevrolet on cold tires, Johnson got hot down the stretch Sunday to win at Dover International Speedway and become the fifth driver with 10 or more Sprint Cup victories at a single track. “It was cool to have a track that I enjoyed so much turn into a track I could win at,’’ Johnson said. “We’ve been able to keep that feeling going for a lot of years.’’ Unlike his other nine Dover wins when he led at least 175 laps in each race, Johnson led only 23 laps for this perfect 10. Johnson has 10 wins in 27 career starts on the concrete mile track. He needed five extra laps beyond the scheduled 400 because a late accident brought out the caution. He has four wins this season, 74 in his career and has won at least four times in a season 11 times. On deck, Johnson could
Jimmie Johnson poses with the trophy in Victory Lane after he won the FedEx 400 on Sunday at Dover International Speedway in Dover, Del., for his historic 10th victory at the Monster Mile. catch Dale Earnhardt for seventh on the career wins list with 76. “It’s right there in front of me, so I look at it and think, wow, this is incredible,’’ Johnson said. “Yes, it’s a priority for me and something I want to do. But I’m almost in shock that we’re there. Seventy-four race wins, 10 here, you can’t
dream that big.’’ Johnson drank a beer in victory lane and took a quick call from team owner Rick Hendrick. “I know what I’m capable of and felt just fine doing it,’’ Johnson said. “And, I’ve got a great rhythm. I’ve got great support at home.’’ No active driver owns a
track like Johnson does Dover. Johnson joined NASCAR Hall of Famers Richard Petty (Martinsville-15, North Wilkesboro-15, Richmond-13, Rockingham-11, Daytona-10), Darrell Waltrip (Bristol-12, Martinsville-11, North Wilkesboro-10), Earnhardt (Talladega-10) and David Pearson
(Darlington-10) as drivers to win 10 races at a single track. The Hendrick Motorsports driver swept Dover in 2002 and 2009 and also won races in 2005, 2010, 2012, 2013 and 2014. Kevin Harvick was second, followed by Kyle Larson, Kasey Kahne and Aric Almirola.
FEDEX 400 RESULTS By The Associated Press Sunday At Dover International Speedway Dover, Del. Lap length: 1 miles (Start position in parentheses) 1. (14) Jimmie Johnson, Chevrolet, 405 laps, 122.6 rating, 47 points, $305,826. 2. (6) Kevin Harvick, Chevrolet, 405, 128.7, 43, $256,330. 3. (3) Kyle Larson, Chevrolet, 405, 106.9, 41, $204,888. 4. (25) Kasey Kahne, Chevrolet, 405, 93.6, 40, $158,255. 5. (23) Aric Almirola, Ford, 405, 81.5, 39, $162,666. 6. (2) Martin Truex Jr., Chevrolet, 405, 130.3, 40, $148,815. 7. (11) Jamie McMurray, Chevrolet, 405, 91.7, 37, $143,061. 8. (18) Paul Menard, Chevrolet, 405, 95.6, 36, $118,345. 9. (20) Clint Bowyer, Toyota, 405, 96.5, 36, $141,753.
10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.
(22) Jeff Gordon, Chevrolet, 405, 87.4, 34, $149,881. (5) Joey Logano, Ford, 405, 95.3, 33, $148,893. (19) Brad Keselowski, Ford, 404, 81.2, 33, $148,701. (15) David Ragan, Toyota, 404, 74.2, 31, $129,999. (16) Dale Earnhardt Jr., Chevrolet, 403, 77.3, 31, $117,210. (33) Danica Patrick, Chevrolet, 403, 69.9, 29, $110,310. (26) Tony Stewart, Chevrolet, 403, 63.7, 28, $127,999. (7) Greg Biffle, Ford, 403, 72.6, 27, $131,018. (17) Ryan Newman, Chevrolet, 402, 76.4, 26, $130,835. (8) Carl Edwards, Toyota, 402, 81.2, 26, $98,035. (30) Alex Bowman, Chevrolet, 402, 54.9, 24, $116,043. (1) Denny Hamlin, Toyota, 402, 102.6, 24, $129,610. (28) Sam Hornish Jr., Ford, 400, 59.3, 22, $122,505. (43) Landon Cassill, Chevrolet, 400, 45.1, 0, $95,510. (29) AJ Allmendinger, Chevrolet, 400, 56.2, 20, $125,918. (32) David Gilliland, Ford, 399, 48.4, 19, $116,443. (37) Cole Whitt, Ford, 399, 41.2, 18, $105,293.
27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.
(21) Casey Mears, Chevrolet, 399, 54, 17, $110,632. (38) Brett Moffitt, Ford, 398, 37.9, 16, $93,535. (40) J.J. Yeley, Toyota, 397, 38, 0, $89,385. (35) Jeb Burton, Toyota, 396, 33.5, 14, $90,710. (13) Kurt Busch, Chevrolet, 396, 83.4, 13, $107,060. (36) Matt DiBenedetto, Toyota, 395, 32.9, 12, $88,885. (12) Austin Dillon, Chevrolet, 395, 69.7, 11, $125,671. (41) Brendan Gaughan, Chevrolet, 392, 28.8, 0, $88,535. (42) Mike Bliss, Ford, 391, 27.9, 0, $88,310. (10) Kyle Busch, Toyota, accident, 374, 94.6, 9, $133,201. (9) Ricky Stenhouse Jr., Ford, 373, 53, 7, $95,982. (27) Brian Scott, Chevrolet, accident, 372, 54.6, 0, $82,598. (4) Matt Kenseth, Toyota, suspension, 346, 93.4, 5, $115,471. (39) Josh Wise, Ford, electrical, 346, 36.1, 4, $74,535. (34) Michael Annett, Chevrolet, 317, 40.4, 3, $70,535. (24) Justin Allgaier, Chevrolet, 310, 42.5, 2, $74,535. (31) Trevor Bayne, Ford, 221, 39.3, 1, $107,610.
Experienced ’Hawks, young Lightning meet for Stanley Cup
Warriors quietly trying to finish stellar season
BY FRED GOODALL The Associated Press TAMPA, Fla. — The Tampa Bay Lightning are hoping to rejoin hockey royalty after a decade-plus absence. The Chicago Blackhawks are chasing their third NHL title in six seasons. While Steven Stamkos is downplaying the idea of youth versus experience for the Stanley Cup, the captain of the Lightning understands the challenge presented by the Blackhawks beginning with Game 1 on Wednesday night. “You can see they’ve played together for a while,’’ he said Monday. “That core bunch of guys, they know where they are on the ice all the time. They’ve proven they can win at this time of year. They’re champions for a reason. It’s going to be a big mountain for us to climb.’’ With Stamkos and the exciting young line of Tyler Johnson, Ondrej Palat and Nikita Kucherov leading the way, the Lightning led the league in scoring this season. But it is difficult to imagine them reaching the NHL final for the first time since 2004 without their strong veteran leadership. The question is do they have enough to beat Chicago for their second Stanley Cup championship. Stamkos thinks so. “They’re a great team ... and they do have experience. That never hurts,’’ he said.
BY ANTONIO GONZALEZ The Associated Press
dan was motivated to redeem himself in his second year back in basketball and the KERR Bulls were built for a championship run. Kerr, a reserve guard, noticed after just a few practices that season would be unlike any other. “You could feel it right away. That was a special
OAKLAND, Calif. — Steve Kerr remembers coming into training camp with the Chicago Bulls before the 1995-96 season and sensing something different about the team. After getting upset by Orlando in the Eastern Conference semifinals a few months earlier, Michael Jor-
team,’’ Kerr said. The Bulls won an NBA-record 72 games in the regular season and lost only three times in the playoffs on the way to a title. They’re considered one of the greatest teams ever. While it’s not nearly as noticeable now, Kerr’s current club is quietly reaching a level only the Jordan-led Bulls have ever touched. The Golden State Warriors
— with a roster that lacks NBA Finals experience — have a chance to finish with the third-most wins in league history if they can get past LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers in the finals starting Thursday night. The Warriors rolled to a franchise-record 67 victories during the regular season and have marched through the first three rounds of the playoffs with relative ease.
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Youth Athletics of Sumter is taking registration for its Pop Warner football and cheer programs. The programs are open to children ages 5-14. The registration fee is $100 for football and $120 for cheer and flexible plans are available. The last day to register is July 31. For more information, call (803) 464-8453, (803) 720-6242, (813) 786-9265 or (954) 258-6817 or email youthathleticsofsumteryas@yahoo.com. OFFICIATING CLASSES
Training classes for prospective high school football officials is currently being held at the Sumter County Recreation Department at 155 Haynsworth Street. Classes are being held every Monday beginning at 6:30 p.m. To learn more about the South Carolina Football Officials Association visit its website at www.schsl.org/scofa.htm. For more information on the classes, call Granderson James at (803) 968-2391 or email him at grandersj@aol. com or call Richard Geddings at (803) 468-8858.
Sumter Christian School will host three more basketball clinics over two months
at the school’s gymnasium. The other clinics are for grades 3-6 on June 22-26, grades 6-9 on July 6-10 and grades 9-12 on July 27-31. The clinics, which will run from 10 a.m. to noon each day, will be ran by SCS coaches Bobby Baker and Tom Cope at a cost of $45 per student. For more information, contact the school at (803) 7731902. TEAM PERSEVERANCE REGISTRATION
Team Perseverance Basketball is now registering boys and girls ages 8-18 for its offseason travel program. For more information, contact coach Junko Allen at (803) 795-5513, or by email at coachj_perseverance@yahoo. com.
The Coker College Skills & Drills Summer Baseball Camp will be held June 15-19 at Tom J. New Field in Hartsville. The five sessions will be held from 9:30 a.m. until noon. The camp will be devoted to pitching, hitting, bunting and base running. The camp is open to players ages 6-17 and the cost is $75 for the week. Participants will need to provide their own bats and gloves. All other equipment will be furnished by the camp. Each camp participant will receive a camp t-shirt. The camp will be conducted by Coker head coach Dave Schmotzer. Campers can register online
BENENHALEY FROM PAGE B1 Offensively, Benenhaley batted .264 for the season, but hit the ball especially well in Region VI-3A action, posting a .333 average. “He’s been on the varsity all four years, and he’s been a leader of the team,” Kremer
TIMING FROM PAGE B1 thing to watch as the season went on,” English said. “I put together the toughest scrimmages and non-region schedule that I could to help prepare us for the playoffs. “We started out kind of slow, maybe 8-6, but once all the kids bought in and we cleaned up the mistakes we were making, we started to click and they started to play for each other.” SHS went 20-6 in English’s second year at the helm, earning the Region VI title with an 8-2 mark. After a couple of home wins to start the playoffs, the Gamecocks hit the road to face an undefeated and highly-touted Irmo team. “We were down late and I told the kids that it’s all about getting scores and stops,” he said. “I asked if they wanted to go into the locker room crying or celebrating and they looked at me and said, ‘We got this.’ I knew then that we were at least going to play for a state championship with how they responded the last four minutes of that game. “I take that game as the biggest win of my coaching career.” English had always preached defense and fundamentals, but it was more of a change in attitude this season
said. “He’s done a really good of pitching the last couple of years. He’s been able to keep us in the games that he’s pitched in.” Salkehatchie is a member of the National Junior College Athletic Association’s
‘Sometime after the Christmas break, I stopped coaching them as a basketball team and started coaching them as kids.’ SHS BOYS BASKETBALL HEAD COACH JO JO ENGLISH Describing a change in philosophy that he believes helped rather than a change in Xs and Os. “Sometime after the Christmas break, I stopped coaching them as a basketball team and started coaching them as kids,” English said. “With that, you get a little better understanding of each individual player and how to approach them and what coaching techniques are more likely to get them to play to their full potential.” One of those players who certainly got the most out of his potential was Parker. His numbers were not eye-popping, but he did lead Sumter with 10.5 points per game. He
at www.cokercobras.com/information/camp/index, or register on the morning of June 15. For more information, call (843) 383-8105, or send an email to dschmotzer@coker. edu.
The Sumter chapter of the Christian Golfers’ Association is looking for volunteers for its Junior Golf Program. The camp runs for four weeks during June and July. For more information, call (803) 773-2171 or (803) 983-3457. HURRICANE TOUR EVENT
The Hurricane Junior Golf Tour will play host to the Columbia Jr. Shootout on June 13-14 at Cobblestone Park Golf Club in Blyethwood. The 36-hole tournament is open to both boys and girls ages 11-18. The entry fee is $189 for tour members and $234 for non-members. Registration is open through Wednesday. For more information, visit the tour website at www.hjgt. org., call (904) 379-2697 or send an email to info@hjgt.org. 9-HOLE CAPTAIN’S CHOICE
The Links at Lakewood golf course is hosting a 9-hole Captain’s Choice event every Thursday at 5:30 p.m. The cost is $25 per player and includes a steak dinner, a cart and prizes. To sign up, call the pro shop at (803) 481-5700 up to 5 p.m. the day of the event.
Region X along with USC Sumter. The Indians finished seventh in the region this past season with an 8-18 record. They were 16-38 overall. “I’m excited about the opportunity to play at the college level,” Benenhaley said.
also averaged nine rebounds and 1.5 assists. “It was definitely a growing experience,” Parker said of his senior season. “I learned a lot from my coaches and my teammates. “Coach (English) told me after my junior season that I was going to have to step up and be a leader on this team and that’s what I tried to do.” Communication was the area in which Parker said he improved the most. “I just tried to make sure I talked to everyone out there and made sure we were all on the same page, both offensively and defensively.” Despite leading the team in scoring, Parker’s major value to the Gamecocks likely came on the defensive end. From about the time region play began, Parker was who English tabbed as the person who would guard the other team’s best all-around player. “I told coach I wanted to go against the best and he put me out there,” he said. “I don’t like getting scored on probably more than I like scoring, so I wanted that challenge. I knew if I could do a good job defensively against the other team’s best player it would help us out a lot. “I just made sure to use my feet a lot more this year instead of my hands. That was a big difference.”
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HONORS FROM PAGE B1 The Lady Gators responded, going 22-5 and capturing the Region VI crown with a 9-1 record on the way to the program’s first lower state title and berth in the championship game. For her efforts, Fields has been named The Sumter Item Area Girls Coach of the Year. Lakewood, however, would not have gotten as far without a major contribution from its perennial all-star, either. Sonora Dengokl upped her game this year as well in helping guide LHS to Columbia, and for that, she has been named The Sumter Item Area Girls Player of the Year. “It was really a matter of the girls taking that same intensity and focus from practice into every game,” said Fields, who guided the Lady Gators to back-toback winning seasons after taking over two years ago. “Once they started doing that and really playing together, that’s when things started to fall into place.” What also fell into place was a much better road through the postseason. After capturing the region title, Lakewood was at home for the first three rounds, including a pivotal contest against Orangeburg-Wilkinson. LHS then only had to travel to Florence to face Crestwood for the right to go to state. The Lady Gators got the best of
their region and Sumter County rivals for the second time that season. “I just wanted to look them in the eye and tell them this is what all the hard work, this is what all the time in the weight room and on the practice court was about,” Fields said. Putting in a lot of hard work and time helped Dengokl reach even new heights this past season. She was selected to the North-South All-Star game and was named AllState. She also signed with North CarolinaAsheville to continue her playing career at the collegiate level On the court, Dengokl led the Lady Gators with 16.9 points per game. She also posted a stellar allaround game by averaging 5.9 rebounds, 2.6 assists and 2.4 steals per contest. “She kind of set the tone for the other girls in terms of what they could accomplish if they put in the time and the work,” Fields said. The numbers across the board were solid, but one of Dengokl’s biggest improvements came in the form of spreading the wealth, Fields said. “In previous years, there were times where I think she tried to do too much by herself,” she said. “This year she did a much better job of relying on her teammates and playing within the system.”
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Keeping Sumter Beautiful By Amanda McNulty, County Extension Agent Drip, Drip, Drip
mosquito larvae growth. When I went out to check on things Things are mighty dry in the yesterday, two robins were sitting on Wimbo-McNutty garden over in St. this homemade water feature Matthews; the same condition as a happily sipping away. The amount lot of gardens in South Carolina of water that is lost is small and I feel right now. If only Mother Nature worthwhile to help the many would distribute rainfall more equi- creatures who visit; the danged tably. armadillo and rabbit get thirsty, too. At the Sumter Iris Festival, Master The area adjacent to this veritable Gardener extraordinaire Carmen leaky bucket is now somewhat Jones offered some of her beautiful soupy. I planted the lovely white-top white-top sedge, a native plant that sedge near the front. Then I thrives in boggy spots. Although my gathered all the calla lilies from the vegetable-cutting garden is irrigated, various places they’ve ended up it isn’t a bog so I had to improvise to over the years and consolidated find a place for my new treasure. them behind. Presto! Now you Under one of the standing, really notice those gracefully erect permanent sprinklers I keep an calla leaves and the flowers make upside-down plastic garbage can top more of a show. which serves as a birdbath and In addition to birds, insects fortuitously is right under a appreciate and are attracted to a sprinkler attached to the sprinkler clean, fresh source of water. If you apparatus. There is a clay pot lying want dragonflies, bees, and other on its side in this inelegant but beneficial insects to call your garden effective watering hole so bees or home, why not make a quick, insects that fall in can crawl up on it, inexpensive place for them to rely dry off, and fly away. on for their water needs? They will In the Ma and Pa Kettle spirit that reward you by pollinating your pervades this part of my landscape, I vegetables and controlling some of decided to improvise and create a the less desirable pests who come to make-shift bog. I got one of the munch on your vegetables and many bricks that are strewn here flowers. and there and used it to elevate the lid so that it isn’t level. Then I filled Clemson University Cooperative Extension it with water and left the spigot Service offers its programs to people of all ages, regardless of race, color, sex, religion, national dripping very slightly. origin, disability, political beliefs, sexual orienBirds are highly attracted to the tation, marital or family status and is an equal sound of dripping water and opportunity employer. dripping water discourages XEROX SOLID INK PRINTER
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BETTY S. ATKINSON ST. CHARLES — Betty Shepard Atkinson, widow of Joseph Edward Atkinson Jr., passed away on Sunday, May 31, 2015, at Covenant Place in Sumter. Born on Aug. 20, 1934, in Darlington County, she was a daughter of the late ATKINSON William and Rosa Lee Amerson Shepard. Mrs. Atkinson farmed in the St. Charles community with her husband and sons for more than 60 years. She attended Elliott Baptist Church and Mt. Zion Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Atkinson was a loving mother and grandmother, and was a friend to many in her community through her acts of kindness and generosity. She is survived by a daughter, Ann A. Cooper (English) of Bishopville; three sons, C. Wade Atkinson (Julie), Joseph E. Atkinson III (Joyce) and David S. Atkinson (Heather), all of St. Charles. She was preceded in death by a son, Richard N. Atkinson. She was also preceded in death by four brothers, Francis Shepard, Carl Shepard, David Shepard, and Donald Shepard. She is also survived by 14 grandchildren, Richard N. Atkinson Jr., Teal A. Atkinson, Lauren E. Atkinson, Taylor D. Atkinson, Kacie A. Ingram, Amber A. Blair, Leanna M. Atkinson, Dabnee A. Wiggins, Haley E. Atkinson, Jordan T. Atkinson, Sarah S. Cooper, Sydney F. Weeks, Benjamin T. Weeks and Hunter W. Turner; six great-grandchildren, Hanna J. Blair, Harrison C. Wiggins, Jamie A. Ingram, Richard N. Atkinson III, Paxton T. Atkinson and Jon T. Wiggins; and two sisters-inlaw, Mary A. Barber of Columbia and Opal L. Shepard of Wilmington, North Carolina. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. today at Hancock-Elmore-Hill Funeral Home and other times at the home of her daughter, Ann A. Cooper, 110 S. Heyward St., Bishopville. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. on Wednesday in the Hancock-Elmore-Hill Funeral Home chapel with the Rev. Robert L. Griggs officiating. Burial will be in Wells Cemetery. Pallbearers will be her sons, grandsons, and son-in-law. Memorials may be made to Elliott Baptist Church, P.O. Box 117, Elliott, SC 29046 or to the Wells Cemetery Fund, c/o Carol A. Richardson, 2289 Dog Island Road, Bishopville, SC 29010. Hancock-Elmore-Hill Funeral Home of Bishopville is in charge of the arrangements.
ANTHONY MITCHELL Anthony “W” Mitchell, 56, died on Tuesday, May 26, 2015. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. on Wednesday at Hayes F. & LaNelle J. Samuels Sr. Memorial Chapel, 114 N. Church St., Manning, with the Rev. Rosa Mae Fulton, eulogist, MITCHELL the Rev. Matthew Singleton, presiding. Burial will follow in Mt. Sinai Holiness Church cemetery, Bloomville section of Manning. The family is receiving friends at 329 W. Huggins St., Manning. These services have been entrusted to Samuels Funeral Home LLC of Manning.
Manning, and Joshua Burgess Jr. of Jacksonville, Florida; uncles, Gregory (Robertha) Sharper, Robert (Elizabeth) Andrews, Jacob Burgess Jr., Robert Burgess and James Harvin, all of Sumter, James (Cynthia) Burgess of Virginia and Michael Burgess of Killeen, Texas; aunts, Mary (Eric) Adams of Killeen, Brenda Petty, Wanda (Charlie) Garris, Gwen (Wayne) Montgomery, Johnnie Mae Sharper, Wendy Sharper and Juanita (Thomas) Joynor, all of Sumter, and Sandra S. (Tommy) Pearson of Columbia; and a host of other relatives and friends. Public viewing will be held from 2 to 6 p.m. today at Job’s Mortuary. The body will be placed in the church at noon on Wednesday for viewing until the hour of service. Funeral service will be held at 1 p.m. on Wednesday at Westend Community Church, 101 S. Salem, Sumter. The family is receiving friends at 809 S. Main St., Sumter, SC 29150. Job’s Mortuary Inc., 312 S. Main St., is in charge of arrangements. Online memorials may be sent to the family at jobsmortuary@sc.rr.com or visit us on the web at www.jobsmortuary. net.
ULYSSES FRANCIS GABLE — Ulysses “Cee” Francis, 63, husband of Marolyn Williams Francis, died on Sunday, May 31, 2015, at his residence, 1347 Bosie Lewis Road, Gable. He was born on Oct. 29, 1951, in Gable, a son of Susan Virginia Nelson Francis and the late Robert Francis. The family is receiving friends at his residence. These services have been entrusted to Samuels Funeral Home LLC of Manning.
VIRGINIA D. WILLIAMS Virginia D. Richardson Williams, 77, wife of Shedrack Williams Sr., died on Friday, May 29, 2015, at Tuomey Regional Medical Center. Born on April 16, 1938, in Sumter County, she was a daughter of the late Sammy Lee and Lucille Cooper Richardson. The family is receiving friends and relatives at her residence, 709 Branch St., Sumter. Funeral arrangements are incomplete and will be announced by Williams Funeral Home Inc. of Sumter.
EUGENE SWEAT SUMMERTON — Eugene “Gene” Sweat, 77, died on Friday, May 29, 2015. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. on Wednesday at Mt. Zero Missionary Baptist Church, Paxville Highway, Manning, with the Rev. Dr. Lucious Dixon, pastor, and the Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Richburg officiating. Burial will follow in the churchyard cemetery. The family is receiving friends at the home of his sister and brother-in-law, Mattie
and Rufus Conyers, 600 Dupree St., Manning. These services have been entrusted to Samuels Funeral Home LLC of Manning.
WILLIAM GREGG SR. William Gregg Sr., 75, departed this life on Sunday, May 31, 2015, at Greenville Rehab Healthcare Center, Greenville. He was born on Aug. 6, 1939, in Sumter, a son of the late Holloman and Marie Lonon Gregg. The family will be receiving friends at the home of Darlene (Jeremy) China, 220 Cuttino Road, Sumter, SC 29150. Funeral plans are incomplete and will be announced later by Job’s Mortuary Inc. of Sumter.
FRANCIS WRIGHT Funeral services for Francis Wright, who died on May 26, 2015, will be held at 3 p.m. today at The Living Church in The Lord Jesus Christ in McBee. Internment will follow in the church cemetery. Services directed by the management and staff of New Life Funeral Services of Bishopville.
BERNICE L. CONNER Bernice Lynch Conner, 79, widow of C.R. “Bud” Conner, entered eternal rest on Saturday, May 30, 2015, at her home. Born on Dec. 30, 1935, in Florence County, she was a daughter of the late Lonnie and Sally Lynch. She was a member of the Church of God of Prophecy on Boulevard Road. She retired from Campbell Soup Co. She was an avid bowler and a dedicated baseball fan. She always attended the games and supported her “grands” as they played. Survivors include four daughters, Barbara Burrows (Wayne), Wanda Finley, Renee Hudson (William) and Peggy McTeer (Adam), all of Sumter; nine grandchildren, Michelle Vohs (Michael), Clint Burrows, Bridgett Thompson, Adrienne and Madison McTeer, Justin, Matthew and Joshua Conner, and Candice Hudson; and eight greatgrandchildren, Taylor Finley, Hunter Vohs, Cameron and Carson Daney, Abigail, Brooke and Rhett Burrows, and baby Brooklyn Conner. She was preceded in death by a son, Ronald Chris “Termite” Conner; three brothers; and three sisters. Funeral services will be held at 5 p.m. on Wednesday in the Elmore-Cannon-Stephens Funeral Home chapel with Bishop Eddie Fleming, doctor of ministry, and Dr. Eugene Mosier officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen Memorial Park cemetery. Pallbearers will be Randy Conner, Dale Hill, Michael Vohs, Freddie Finley, Phillip Bauler, Ken Miller and Sammy Evans. The family will receive friends from 5 to 7 p.m. today at Elmore-Cannon-Stephens Funeral Home and other times at the home. The family would like to ex-
press their sincere appreciation to the staff of Hospice Care of SC for all of their kindness, care, and compassion. Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society, 950 48th Ave. North, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577. Elmore-Cannon-Stephens Funeral Home and Crematorium of Sumter is in charge of the arrangements.
GLADYS R. JONES Gladys R. Jones, 73, wife of Herbert Jones, entered eternal rest on Sunday, May 31, 2015, at her home. The family is receiving relatives and friends from 4 to 8 p.m. daily at the home, 2780 Bonnell Drive, Sumter. Funeral plans will be announced by Community Funeral Home of Sumter.
CHURCHILL B. WORTHERLY JR. Pastor Churchill B. Wortherly Jr., 66, entered eternal rest on Thursday, May 28, 2015, at Good Samaritan Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland. He was born on Nov. 28, 1948, in Sumter, a son of the late Bishop Churchill Wortherly Sr. and Dorothy Johnson Wortherly. The family is receiving relatives and friends at the home of his sister and her husband, Catherine and Joseph Conyers, 2371 Home Branch Road, Manning. Funeral plans will be announced by Community Funeral Home of Sumter.
ERICK R. WHITE On Saturday, May 23, 2015, God decided to give our earthly angel, Erick Rodney White, 20, his heavenly wings to reside with him in heaven. Born on Jan. 27, 1995, in Paterson, New Jersey, he was a son of Eric White and Alecia Thomas. He received his education in the public schools of Paterson. In 2010, Erick relocated to Sumter and completed his high school education as a student at Sumter High School, graduating with the Class of 2014. During his time at Sumter High School, Erick played basketball for four years, where he was nominated the 2013-2014 Region 4A player of the year. He also received and participated in the 2013-2014 AAAA North-South All Star Team, Special Recognition Award for varsity basketball 2014, All Region Award VI AAAA Conference 20132014, Certificate of Recognition 2013-2014 AAAA All-State Team, Certificate of Appreciation Sumter Branch of the NAACP 2013 and, most recently on May 28, 2015, Certificate of Award for Freestyle Friday w/Kool Kamp at 103.9 FM, Columbia. After graduation, Erick was gainfully employed with the YMCA of Sumter as a youth counselor. Erick, affectionately known as “E-Stackz,” “Stackz” and “Diamond Stackz,” enjoyed playing basketball, rapping and inspiring others that dedication and hard work pays off. He also enjoyed teaching young children how to play basketball. Erick played for
several teams in Sumter and the surrounding areas. In addition to playing with Sumter High, he played with the Sumter Rockets, Northwestern, South Carolina Spurs, North South All Star Team and Team Savage. Erick was a young man who was extremely humble, respectful, funny, and full of life. He was very determined to accomplish the goals he set out for himself, always thinking of his mom, his daughter and his friends, whom he referred to as his “brothers.” Erick always included them in all of his endeavors he set before himself. Erick loved his family. He cherished the relationship with each of his siblings, as well as his grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. He patterned his life as family being first and everything else as secondary. He lovingly referred to his maternal grandparents as “mom and dad,” and his paternal grandmother as “ma.” Each of his family members played an important role in the man he became. All of his family’s influence manifested in the unconditional love for his daughter, Kylin Erica White, and her mother, Khyra D. Paige. His dedication to his growing family was felt by all. Precious memories of Erick will be forever cherished by his mother, Alecia Thomas (Henry Duncan) of the home; his father, Eric White of Sumter; five sisters, Racquel Thomas of Sumter, Erica White of Lynchburg, Virginia, Dawn Capers of Georgia, Amber Allen and Janae Miller, both of Paterson; one brother, Jaishir White of Sumter; maternal grandparents, Richard (Trudy) Thomas of Paterson; paternal grandmother, Rosa White of Charlotte, North Carolina; special cousins, Fuquan Edwin of Paterson and Sha’Quan White of Sumter; special friend, Khura Paige of Sumter; stepfather, Alterick McCrae of Paterson; stepmother, Amy White; a host of aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, basketball brothers and many friends. He was preceded in death by his great-grandmother, Ada Currie. Memorial services will be held at 2 p.m. on Wednesday in the Sumter High School Auditorium, 2580 McCrays Mills Road, Sumter, with Pastor Barrington Pierson presiding, Pastor Napoleon A. Bradford, eulogist, assisted by Pastor Roger Mullins, Elder Terry Dinkins and Pastor Ricky Simmons. The family is receiving relatives and friends at the home, 915 Miller Road, Apartment 6 D, Sumter. The procession will leave at 1:20 p.m. from the home. Online memorial messages may be sent to the family at williamsfuneralhome@sc.rr. com. Visit us on the web at www. williamsfuneralhomeinc.com. Services directed by the staff and management of Williams Funeral Home Inc., 821 N. Main St., Sumter.
QUEEN SIZE $299 Bedroom Sets
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SATARA D. SHARPER Satara Dayquan “Tara” Sharper was born on March 27, 1983, in Sumter, to Patricia Ann Sharper and Joshua Burgess. She departed this life on May 29, 2015, at Tuomey Regional Medical Center. She leaves to cherish precious memories: two children, Ni’Zavian Bratton and Kaveonntia Jones of Sumter; her parents, Patricia Ann Sharper and Joshua Burgess of Sumter; her grandmother, Mary Burgess of Sumter; her siblings, Antwan Sharper and Unique Sharper, both of Sumter, Brianna Burgess and James Burgess, both of Norfolk, Virginia, Byron Brock and Jamar Brock, both of
199 169 PILLOW
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FREEDOM FURNITURE 493 N. GUIGNARD • SUMTER, SC 499-2002 Odom Auction South Mill St. Hwy. 260
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Parents welcome boyfriends into the family DEAR ABBY — We have two lovely daughters in their 20s. The older one lives with her boyfriend. Dear Abby They are expecting a ABIGAIL baby soon. VAN BUREN Our younger daughter lives with us, and she’s planning on moving in with her boyfriend. We’re an old married couple, and we’re not sure how to treat our daughters’ boyfriends. However, “Gerald” is the father of our new grandchild, and we think of him as family. “Joel” is a great guy who is in love with our younger daughter and vice versa, so
we think of him as family, too. We stumbled through the holidays not knowing if we should get gifts for them. Joel is having a birthday soon. Should we get him a gift? We want to bring the boyfriends into our family and treat them like our children, but we don’t know if we’re overstepping our bounds. Can we start treating them like sons and wait for them to correct us? Stumbling in New England DEAR STUMBLING — I can’t think of a better way to draw your daughters’ significant others into your family than to open your hearts, let them know they are welcome and treat them that way. DEAR ABBY — My daughter is being married for the second time. Some of the guests were
invited to her first wedding. As her mother, I don’t feel right about expecting certain guests who have already given her one wedding gift to give her another at the second wedding. How would you suggest we convey to this “select group” that a gift is not expected from them? Mother of the bride, again DEAR MOTHER OF THE BRIDE — I agree that guests who gave your daughter gifts for her first wedding should not feel compelled to buy her anything more than a token gift for this one. This goes for ANY guest who attended the first wedding, not just “select” guests, whatever that means. Any discussion regarding gifts should be done verbally by you if you are hosting the wedding.
THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
HOW TO PLAY: Each row, column and set of 3-by-3 boxes must contain the numbers 1 through 9 without repetition.
ACROSS 1 Tostitos dip 6 #, in music 11 Swabbing need 14 Makes furrows in fields 15 Universal donor’s group 16 Sports drink suffix 17 Roof overhangs 18 Check the total of 19 Musician’s booking 20 Gallic gal pal 21 Paving goo 22 Adorable ones 24 Thor Heyerdahl’s raft 26 Lady of Lisbon 27 Beijing skyline haze 28 Home of the Raiders 32 Video game brother 35 High, in the French Alps 37 Swiss painter Paul 38 Green card in the credit world 39 Wild guesses 40 Brainchild 41 Breathe heavily 42 Hair clipper brand 43 Twist into knots 44 More vertical 46 Periodical with a URL 48 Oater actor
Jack 49 Chess pieces that move only diagonally 53 Venus, e.g. 56 Dress for success, with “up” 57 Gardner of mystery 58 Old nuclear agcy. 59 Repair, as faulty software 61 Morocco’s capital 62 Pixar collectible 63 Loon kin 64 Official command 65 Nonstandard producttracking no. 66 College paper 67 “Bone” prefix DOWN 1 Command to Fido 2 “Drive Happy” rental company 3 “Good __”: 1966 Young Rascals hit 4 *Round before the Elite Eight 5 Biblical mount 6 *Ball carrier’s maneuver depicted by the Heisman Trophy 7 Martha of “Some Came
Running” 8 Therapists’ org. 9 Revolutionary soldiers 10 Middle-of-nowhere town 11 Star-struck trio? 12 Drooly toon dog 13 Cribbage pieces 21 Bout decision 23 Pundits ... and what the first words in the answers to starred clues literally are 25 Texter’s “I think ...” 26 *Two over par 29 “M*A*S*H” star 30 At no time, in poems 31 Negotiation ender
32 Plans (out) 33 Amo, amas, __ 34 Philosopher Descartes 36 Contented sigh 39 Cool weather clothes 43 Fun time 45 Telethon promise 47 Russian fighter 50 Heavenly path 51 “Peyton __” 52 Spat 53 Lobbying orgs. 54 Scallion kin 55 First Amendment defender: Abbr. 56 Oom-pah maker 60 Wanna-__: pretenders 61 Popular Roaring Twenties auto
TUESDAY, JUNE 02, 2015
CLASSIFIED DEADLINES 11:30 a.m. the day before for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday edition. 9:30 a.m. Friday for Saturday’s edition 11:30 a.m. Friday for Sunday’s edition. We will be happy to change your ad if an error is made; however we are not responsible for errors after the first run day. We shall not be liable for any loss or expense that results from the printing or omission of an advertisement. We reserve the right to edit, refuse or cancel any ad at any time. Unfurnished Homes
Boats / Motors
0504 - Quick, Tim 0814 - Lewis, Mary Anthony 0859 - Derrico, Heather
6 Hawthorne 3BR 1BA, hd flrs, $550mo + $1000/dep. 803-468-1612 2Br, 2Ba, 1 car garage townhouse in Landmark Pt. 3461 Beacon Dr. Just 5 mins. from Shaw AFB and shopping. $900 mo. 1st month free & only $500 Sec. Dep. Extra room could be used as Br or office. Contact Nancy 301-848-0083 or Steve 301-399-5999
Mobile Home Rentals
Purchase must be made with cash only and paid for at the time of sale. All goods are sold as is and must be removed at the time of the sale. Sale is subject to adjournment.
Bid Notices 84- 18' Ranger Bass Boat, 235 hp Evinrude, new depth finder & 70lb Tr. mtr $3000. call 803-983-0192
TRANSPORTATION STATEBURG COURTYARD AKC Male Maltese Pups. $400 OBO. Health guaranteed in writing. Vaccines current. Starter kit to make babies transition smoother. Please call 803-499-1360
2 & 3 BRs 803-494-4015
4-Wheel Drive 2 BR MH. All appliances, Section 8 OK 803-469-6978
Resort Rentals Happy 60th Anniversary to Elijah & Elizabeth Nelson We are blessed to have both of you for these many years. May God continue to bless you both. Love, Brenda J. Nelson, Elijah Nelson, Jr., Deborah N. Bradley, Derrick L. Nelson, Rogie D. Nelson.
MERCHANDISE Garage, Yard & Estate Sales LARGE GARAGE SALE Every Weekend Tables $2 FLEA MARKET BY SHAW AFB
Open every weekend. 905-4242 or 494-5500 Estate Sale. 3095 Joyce St. Sat & Sun 8am-6pm Bdrm, L/R & D/R sets. Everything must go!
Autos For Sale
Commercial Rentals
2004 Toyota Rav4 in excellent shape. One owner locally owned. Garaged & carefully maintained. Sea mist green. 186K mi. First $4900 takes it. 436-5896 For appt. to see.
For Sale or Trade
Real Estate Wanted
2 Vaults, 2 markers, 2 spaces For sale at Evergreen Memorial Cemetery $10,000 Call 458-3117
We buy houses, mobile homes, land anywhere in SC. CASH FAST! No high payoffs. Call 803-468-6029.
G&H Stone Works. Got Stone? We do flagstone, fireplaces, walkways and patios. Call 803-983-3253
Martin's Used Appliance Washers, Dryers, Refrig., Stoves. Guarantee 464-5439 or 469-7311
Manufactured Housing
Home Improvements
Side by side white GE refrigerator w/ ice & water dispenser in door. 31"W x 66" H x 30" D. Good running cond. $175. Call 803-460-3701
TIRE OF RENTING? We help customers with past credit problems and low credit scores achieve their dreams of home ownership? We have 2,3, & 4 bedroom homes. Call 843-389-4215 AND also visit our Face Book Page (M&M Mobile Homes)
JAC Home Improvements 24 Hr Service. We beat everyone's prices, Free Estimates 850-316-7980 Southeast Builders LLC, Licensed & insured. Commercial/residential. Remodeling, Additions, decks, floors, painting, lot clearing, water, fire & smoke damage. 803-840-9554
Legal Service Attorney Timothy L. Griffith 803-607-9087, 360 W. Wesmark. Criminal, Family, Accident, Injury
Roofing All Types of Roofing & Repairs All work guaranteed. 30 yrs exp. SC lic. Virgil Bickley 803-316-4734.
Septic Tank Cleaning
EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted Full-Time Detailer with some light mechanical knowledge for busy car lot. Apply in person at 1282 N Lafayette Dr.
Help Wanted Part-Time
Mobile Home with Lots DW For Rent on 3 acres $700 Dep + $700 mo. Call 803-651-1519
Land & Lots for Sale Cleared acre Dalzell. Septic, water. $3500 DN. $250 MO. 0% APR 60 months 713-870-0216
P/T Receptionist/Office Clerk needed for automotive dealership. M-F, every other Sat. Apply at McLaughlin Ford 950 N. Main St., Sumter
1550 Stephen Tindal Dr. 1 acre vacant lot. $9,000. Owner financing. Call 404-895-3972.
Trucking Opportunities
34 Robinson St., 1/4 acre vacant lot. $2900. Owner financing. Call 404-895-3972.
Nesbitt Transportation is currently hiring CDL drivers. Must be 24 yrs old w/ 2 years experience. Home nights & weekends. Please call 843-621-2572 for more information.
Hunting tracts for sale. Black River Clarendon County. Deer, turkey & ducks. 100 acres & up. 803-428-7988 or otis29150@yahoo.com
Septic tank pumping & services. Call Ray Tobias & Company (803) 340-1155.
Rooms for Rent
Boats / Motors
Rooms for rent in spacious home. Call 803-404-4662 for details
78' 16ft Duracraft 140 HP Johnson Motor, 40 mph good shape $2500 Call 840-7860
Unfurnished Apartments Swan Lake Apts. Apply now. Remodeled buildings in back, 2BR 1BA apts. in quiet scenic neighborhood. No sect. 8. 803-775-4641. Senior Living Apartments for those 62+ (Rent based on income) Shiloh-Randolph Manor 125 W. Bartlette. 775-0575 Studio/1 Bedroom apartments available EHO
Unfurnished Homes For rent - Newly Renovated . 4 br, 1 ba, $650 mo. Call 646-315-3274 or 803-563-7202
2007 Hurricane Sundeck boat 23ft w/ 250 four stroke Yamaha motor. Perfect condition. incl. trailer asking $26,500. Call 803-491-4071
Arthur W. James, Sr. #2015ES4300304
Personal Representative Arthur W. James, Jr.
2625 Camden Highway Sumter, SC 29153 Estate:
Legal Notice
Rita J. Gainey #2015ES4300298
Personal Representative Andrew Gainey
20 Hospital Circle Sumter, SC 29150
Public Storage/ PS Orangeco, Inc. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will sell to satisfy the lien of owner at public sale by competitive bidding on June 11, 2015 personal and/or business property including but not limited to furniture, clothing, tools and other household / business items located at the properties listed. The sale will begin at 2:00 pm at 1277 Camden Hwy, Sumter, SC 29153.
Estate: Larry Richard Dannelly #2015ES4300295
1143 N.Guignard Dr, Sumter, SC 29150 132 - Gooden, Tanya 222 - Winkler, Princess 235 - Mack, Rebecca 243 - Starnes, Lateka 317 - Patrick, James 321 - Still, Judith 326 - Benjamin, Ashleigh 405 - Sanders, Troy 429 - Workman, Alicha 463 - Swinton, Dale 507 - Brunson, Donna 508 - James, Levarron 549 - Forthman, Gary 628 - McFadden, Ernestine 706 - Weems, Gabrielle 1277 Camden Hwy, Sumter, SC 29153 A048 - Smith, Tonya AA002 - Gipson, Monica B008 - Greene, Tyrone B073 - Singleton, Sharrise C035 - Smith, Thomas C051 - Holmes, Latimore C063 - Evans, Matthew E042 - Hopkins, Jonathan E055 - Parker, Antuan F056 - Williams, Patricia G010 - Mcfadden, Betty G012 - Donald, Unique G032 - Bratton, Ruth I019 - Hill, Marie J009 - Washington, Jerome J015 - Dixon, Kendrick 3785 Broad St, Sumter, SC 29154 0127 - Mcfadden, Katrina 0316 - Cruz, Allen 0324 - Stewart, Andrew 0347 - Toney, John 0402 - Pack, Jerrod- Dontrell 0410 - Carmack, Roossevelt 0422 - Hilton, Omar
NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF ESTATES Persons having claim against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the indicated Personal Representatives, appointed to administer these estates, and to file their claims on Form #371PC with the Probate Court of Sumter County Courthouse, N. Main Street, Sumter, SC, 29150, on or before the date that is eight months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, (unless previously barred by operation of Section 62-3-803), or such persons shall be forever barred as to heir claims. All claims are required to be presented in written statements, indicating the name and the address of the claimant, the basis of the claim, the amount claimed, the date when the claim will become due, the nature of any uncertainty as to the amount claimed and the date when due, and a description of any security as to the claim. Estate:
Marion Alston #2015ES4300296
Personal Representative Eliza Ann Alston
1022 Dibert Street Sumter, SC 29153 Estate:
Raymond M. Youmans #2015ES4300292
Personal Representative Tiffanie Zellers
25 Hibernia Court Estate:
Mack D. Perry, Jr. #2015ES4300307
Personal Representative Vivian Perry
54 Jerry Street Sumter, SC 29153 Estate:
Samuel Lee Benjamin, Jr. #2015ES4300311
Personal Representative Ellanora Benjamin
2770 Sparkleberry Landing Rd. Pinewood, SC 29125 Estate:
Gladys N. Bassett #2015ES4300288
Personal Representative James S. Bassett C/O Catherine H. Kennedy
Attorney at Law PO Box 1473 Columbia, SC 29202
Inez Jones #2015ES4300306
Personal Representative Dencil C. Jones
329 Hadley Hall Road West Columbia, SC 29172 Estate:
Ernest W. Baker, Jr. #2015ES4300310
Personal Representative Ernest W. Baker III
C/O Thomas E. Player, Jr. Attorney at Law PO Drawer 3690 Sumter, SC 29151 Estate:
Lorene H. Hallman #2015ES4300290
Personal Representative Kathy O Harris
280 Mallard Drive
Personal Representative Rosemary O Dannelly
C/O William E. Durant Jr. Attorney at Law 10 Law Range Sumter, SC 29150 Estate:
Clarence Eugene Huggins #2015ES4300317
Personal Representative Craig E. Huggins
C/O Thomas E. Player, Jr. Attorney at Law PO Drawer 3690 Sumter, SC 29151 Estate:
The personal goods stored therein by below named occupant(s);
Estate Notice Sumter County
Smithfield, NC 27577
Estate Notice Sumter County
Josephine Johnson #2015ES4300319
Personal Representative Delores Stuckey 819 Seegars Mill Road Camden, SC 29020
Anthony Wilson #2015ES4300300
Personal Representative Patrick O. Wilson
David Harris Beasley #2015ES4300305
Personal Representative Tony G. Beasley
1399 Crowndale Dr. Sumter, SC 29150 Estate:
James Jackson, Sr. #2015ES4300315
Personal Representative Vernell Singleton-Deas
41 Garden Drive Alexandria, VA 22304 Estate: William C. Anderson Jr. #2015ES4300318 Personal Representative Pauline O. Anderson 5 Golfair Court Sumter, SC 29150
Edward Burley Roberts, Jr. #2015ES4300284
Personal Representative Cynthia R. Chapman 1210 Highway 91 Elizabethton, TN 37643
Ruth McElveen #2015ES4300313
Estate: Winfred Lloyd Williams #2015ES4300309
2348 Rosewood Avenue Winston-Salem, NC 27103 Waterman J. Davis #2015ES4300289
Personal Representative Christy M. Davis
2340 Cains Mill Road Sumter, SC 29154
Sumter, SC 29150
4651 Neely Ann Court Alexandria, VA 22310
Personal Representative Norman Scott Morgan
Tree Service A Notch Above Tree Care Full quality service low rates, lic./ins., free est BBB accredited 983-9721
INVITATION TO BID The County of Sumter is soliciting separate sealed bids from qualified vendors for the following project: "One (1) 2015 Chevrolet 1500 Silverado 4WD Short-Crew Pickup". Bids will be received until 11:00 AM, Thursday, June 11, 2015 in the Purchasing Department on the 2nd Floor, Sumter County Administration Building, 13 East Canal Street, Sumter, South Carolina 29150. Bid documents may be obtained from: County of Sumter, Purchasing Department, 13 East Canal Street, Sumter, South Carolina 29150. Telephone inquiries should be made to (803) 436-2331. The County of Sumter reserves the right to reject any or all bids. The County of Sumter reserves the right to waive any or all technicalities.
Persons having claim against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the indicated Personal Representatives, appointed to administer these estates, and to file their claims on Form #371PC with the Probate Court of Sumter County Courthouse, N. Main Street, Sumter, SC, 29150, on or before the date that is eight months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, (unless previously barred by operation of Section 62-3-803), or such persons shall be forever barred as to heir claims. All claims are required to be presented in written statements, indicating the name and the address of the claimant, the basis of the claim, the amount claimed, the date when the claim will become due, the nature of any uncertainty as to the amount claimed and the date when due, and a description of any security as to the claim.
Complete Construction Company 17 yrs in business, licensed & bonded. Decks, screen porches, BA & kitchen remodels, room additions, garages, replace windows, vinyl siding, & painting. 803-225-2698
Professional Remodelers Home maintenance, ceramic tile, roofing, siding & windows doors, etc. Lic. & Ins. (Cell) 803-459-4773
2006 Duramax diesel, Allison trans, white GMC Sierra 2500 HD Crew cab 4x4, 138K mi. Minor front bumper damage. Runs/drives good. $12,500 OBRO. 803-406-7086 or 406-7085.
Ocean Lakes 2BR/2BA C/H/A Sleeps 8, near ocean. Call 803-773-2438
Warehouse space available. Some with office space 12,000 to 35,000 sq ft. Call 773-8022
Legal Notice
Levi W. Dawson #2015ES4300314
Personal Representative Carrie Dawson
5859 Catchall Road Dalzell, SC 29040
Personal Representative Debra K. Williams
2410 Drexel Drive Dalzell, SC 29040 Estate:
Lula F. Donovan #2015ES4300286
Personal Representative Gerard F. Donovan 950 Highway 261 South Wedgefield, SC 29169
Dannis Harold Greene #2015ES4300322
Personal Representative Donna T. Greene 1 Hilliard Drive Sumter, SC 29150
Need Cash?
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