Trade deal for POW’s return creates debate 75 CENTS
WASHINGTON (AP) — A Pentagon investigation concluded in 2010 that Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl walked away from his unit, and after an initial flurry of searching, the military decided not to exert extraordinary efforts to rescue him, according to BERGDAHL a former senior defense official who was involved in the matter. Instead, the U.S. government pursued negotiations to get him
back during the following five years of his captivity — a track that led to his release during the weekend. Bergdahl was being checked and treated Monday at a U.S. military hospital in Germany as questions mounted at home about the swap that resulted in his freedom in exchange for the release of five detainees who were sent to Qatar from the U.S. prison at Guantanamo, Cuba. Even in the first hours of Bergdahl’s handoff to U.S. special forc-
INSIDE Today’s al-Qaida is decentralized, but experts say it still poses a threat
A4 es in eastern Afghanistan, it was clear this would not be an uncomplicated yellow-ribbon celebration. Five terrorist suspects also walked
Athletes have eyes on the gold
5 years running (well, driving) Head to the Spring Fling Car & Bike Show this weekend C1 NATION
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Sumter’s Special Olympics athletes celebrate as their names are called during Saturday’s pep rally before the 2014 Special Olympics National Games from June 14 to 21. The athletes will travel to Princeton, New Jersey, to compete in the games.
Special Olympians to travel to USA Games, represent tri-county BY MATT WALSH (803) 774-1227
pecial Olympics athlete Stuart Ward is not afraid to say he is a great bowler. “I am the man, dog. I am excited about bowling in the Special Olympics, and that’s why I am such a good bowler, because I do it like this,” he said, practicing his stroke. “I do it with my right hand, and I knock a lot of pins down.” Stuart, a 34-year-old Sumter native, joined 168 other Special Olympic athletes, coaches and volunteers who were hailed this weekend at the USA Games Celebration Day at Shandon Baptist Church in Columbia. Those athletes and volunteers, including 16 from Sumter, will represent South Carolina at the 2014 Special Olympics National Games in Princeton, New Jersey, on June 1421. The Sumter athletes represent Lee, Sumter and Clarendon counties and were selected to go to the national competition after the statewide games in Greenville this year. This past weekend’s celebration served as a pep rally for those games. Each athlete’s name was called during the ceremony, and athletes stood and responded to applause in their own way. Stuart stood up with a stoic expression and pumped his bowling hand high into PHOTOS BY MATT WALSH / THE SUMTER ITEM the air as the flag football Special Olympics Coach Logan Raabe, right, talks to athlete Dinell Anthony during the team, also from Sumter,
USA Games Celebration Day on Saturday in Columbia. Dinell was last year’s Special SEE COMPETE, PAGE A9 Olympics Athlete of the Year and will travel to New Jersey for the national competition.
Local Summer of Caring kicks off with donations BY JADE REYNOLDS (803) 774-1250 The Summer of Caring may be off to a slow start, but that doesn’t mean that United Ministries of Sumter County is helping fewer people. For the first week of the new program, Sumterites donated $350 with $100 of it specified for home repair and wheelchair ministry. With Summer Restore starting June 8 and Summer Restore II starting June 23, that’s good news.
Modeled after The Sumter Item’s Fireside Fund — a partnership between the publication and The Salvation Army started in 1969 to raise money for heating needs — the “Summer of Caring” is a partnership between The Sumter Item and United Ministries of Sumter County. The office collects money for United Ministries to administer in three areas — Home Repair and Wheelchair Ministry, formerly known as SAM; the Homeless Shelter, formerly called Samaritan House; and Crisis
Relief Ministry. As the name implies, the repair ministry aims to repair homes so they are safe, dry,
secure and accessible. On average: • A total home restore costs $3,500; • Roof shingles cost $1,000 per house; • A wheelchair ramp costs $550; • Roofing felt per house costs $150; and • A portable toilet for the site costs $100. A 59-year-old volunteer with construction experience plans to participate in the summer restore program. “I’m always trying to help people,” he said. “I volun-
teered after I graduated college, and now I’ve come full circle. Somehow in life, I got away from it. I stopped doing what I loved most, helping and teaching people. There’s a lot of people in need. Wherever I can help out, that’s where I’ll be.” Currently unemployed after working 20 years with a local company, he has been helping with the food pantry at United Ministries the last few months, and he’s been staying at the organization’s
Call: (803) 774-1226 | E-mail:
Beauty queen calls golfers to the green BY JADE REYNOLDS (803) 774-1250
Alexandra Tiek is more than a seventh-grader with a winning smile. The heart of the 2014 Miss Junior Teen South Carolina United States is in service. So her platform, “Crowns for Camo,” aims to raise awareness of the needs of military members and their families. Her father, Chief Master Sgt. Jason Tiek with the United States Air Force, helped her come up with the name. “I wanted to start an organization to help,” said the Alice Drive Middle School cheerleader. “I’m just always so happy to be a military kid. I get to meet incredible people who are out there protecting our country and risking their
WHAT: Crowns for Camo Golf Tournament WHEN: Shotgun start at noon Friday WHERE: Carolina Lakes Golf Course at Shaw Air Force Base COST: Tickets are $50 a player, $200 per team — fee includes golf cart rental. Mulligan packages and sponsorships are available. PRIZES: Closest to pin and longest drive; raffle auction BENEFITS: All proceeds go to Wounded Warrior Project FOR MORE INFORMATION: Call (813) 777-4274 or (813) 777-4871 or email
own lives out there. It makes me want to give back to them and serve them for the time
they spent protecting our country.” On Friday, Alexandra is hosting a golf tournament with a shotgun start at noon at Carolina Lakes Golf Course at Shaw Air Force Base. Proceeds from the event will go to the Wounded Warriors Project. “It’s nice because she’s taking the initiative,” said her mother, Senior Master Sgt. Lenora Tiek, who is also in the Air Force. “She’s a very caring individual. She knows it takes more than just one person; it needs to be a group of people raising awareness for multiple organizations.” While she won her latest title in January, Alexandra’s first pageant was in October 2012 while the Tiek family was still in Florida. “I like having fun and meet-
ing other girls,” said the viola player, whose favorite subject is science. “I try to win, but it’s more important to meet nice, new people and learn about what I can do and put toward other pageants.” Her mom and dad enjoy it, too. “For me with her, it builds self-esteem,” Lenora Tiek said. “She learns to speak in front of people and builds interview skills she’ll need for college and getting a job. Children have almost lost the art of communication with social media and electronics these days. I love that she has met girls all over the country and gets to travel. It opens up other doors for her. We enjoy taking her around as she needs to. It’s fun for her, and it’s fun for us to meet new people, too.”
And they’ll keep doing it as long as she wants. “The day she doesn’t want to do this anymore is fine by Jason and me,” Tiek said. “It’s totally her call. If she came off stage boo-hooing and crying all the time, I wouldn’t be able to handle it.” Alexandra’s next big competition is the national pageant in Washington, D.C., in July. Eventually she hopes to do one of the three major pageant circuits — Miss USA, Miss America or Miss Galaxy — Alexandra said. Tickets for the golf tournament are $50 per person or $200 per team. Sponsorships are also still available. For more information, to register or to donate, call (813) 777-4274 or (813) 777-4871 or email
Expect hydrant tests Wednesday, Thursday The City of Sumter will perform fire hydrant flow tests from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday on McCrays Mill Road, Ravenwood Drive, Millcroft Drive, Katwallace Circle, Rockdale Boulevard, Lauderdale Lane, Mitchum Street, Matthews Drive, Seay Court, Broad Street and Stamey Livestock Road. Water customers in the surrounding area may experience temporary discolored water. Direct any questions or concerns to the City of Sumter Public Services Department at (803) 436-2558. ILLUSTRATION PROVIDED
Join litter cleanup this Saturday
This illustration shows what the exterior of Central Carolina Technical College’s new Advanced Manufacturing Technology Training Center will look like. The facility will be located on Broad Street in the old Walmart building.
Sumter Stormwater Solutions will host a litter cleanup on Winston Road from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday. The group welcomes all individuals who would like to come out to help clean up the community. All volunteers will need to wear sturdy work clothes, and any individual under 17 will need a parent or guardian on site. Materials for the cleanup will be provided. Contact Jolie Brown for details at (803) 7735561 or
Contractors currently working with designers on CCTC building project
High court won’t review Certificate of Need ruling COLUMBIA — South Carolina’s highest court won’t revisit its ruling on a program regulating the building or expansion of medical facilities. The state Supreme Court has denied the Department of Health and Environmental Control’s request to rehear arguments about the Certificate of Need program. When Gov. Nikki Haley vetoed the nearly $2 million needed to run the program, she said the process should be sorted out in the free market.
BY RAYTEVIA EVANS (803) 774-1214
Previously, President Tim Hardee said the school is rapidly growing, and the new technology training center will provide Central Carolina with the resources to aid local industries and students interested in becoming local employees. Progress for Central Carolina Technical College’s AdAbout $3.5 million of the funding for the new vanced Manufacturing Technology Training Center is coming together. The institution and contractors, Rodgers Build- 103,000-square-foot facility was allocated by the state Legislature in early 2012. State Rep. Murrell Smith, R-Sumter, and ers, hosted a project information and vendor outreach session last week to inform participants and minority and local Rep. David Weeks, D-Sumter, pushed for funding for the location through the General Assembly. businesses about updates on renovations and design. Recently, the school launched a new blog where it will post Terry Horomanski, senior vice president for Rodgers weekly updates about the progress of the construction for Builders, said they wanted to take the time to let people the facility, according to Public Relations Director Becky know about the progress that is being made. “Right now, we’re working with designers and moving for- Rickenbaker. “You can visit the blog where we’ll post updates on a ward with the project,” Horomanski said. “So the meeting weekly basis or more frequently with information and new was informal, but we just wanted to tell people about where photos,” Rickenbaker said. “This will be the go-to place for we are.” updates on the new facility.” An initial $8.5 million renovation has already started on Rickenbaker said they’re projecting that construction will the building that will house the training facilities for Contibe completed in May 2015, but they’re unsure when the nental Tire the Americas. The facility, located on Broad space will be open for student use. An official groundbreakStreet in the old Walmart building, will also be the new home for Central Carolina’s mechatronics department. Once ing ceremony for the new space is scheduled for the morndesigns are in place, Horomanski said, they will continue the ing of June 19. For updates on the upcoming space, visit www.cctech. project and start construction and renovations on the space edu/blog. in hopes of completing it next summer.
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Homeschool students receive their diplomas
Students participating in Homeward Education Association’s graduation ceremony stand to receive their diplomas. More than 40 students participated in HEA’s 10th ceremony at Bethesda Church of God on Saturday. The Rev. Al Sims was the speaker for the occasion and emphasized the Bible verse Joshua 24:15, encouraging the students to continue to make good choices. “From this day on, you are going to face choices. Every choice you make is very important. You can make good choices and reap great benefits,” Sims said. “There will be people who will try to keep you from thinking outside the box, so I challenge you to think outside the box because it’ll allow you to expand your horizons.” For 2014, the organization had 198 seniors who completed high school after being home schooled.
Local golfers play in tournament to benefit LeNoir Store BY RAYTEVIA EVANS (803) 774-1214 With dark clouds overhead and the golf course going through restoration, a small group of golfers gathered at Links at Lakewood to play a round of golf for a good cause. The teams played in the Sumter High School Hands on History Tournament to benefit the LeNoir Store in Horatio. John Shipman, Sumter High history teacher, said they raised about $1,000 to benefit the historical business.
Joe Anderson plays golf at Links at Lakewood golf course during the Sumter High School Hands on History golf tournament Saturday. Proceeds from the tournament will benefit the LeNoir Store in Horatio. RAYTEVIA EVANS / THE SUMTER ITEM
Shipman has been the instructor for Hands on History for a few years now, and he often takes his students to Horatio to see the store for themselves and make purchases from the general store. The store, owned and operated by the LeNoir family since it opened, is in danger of closing. The LeNoir Store is a family owned business that has been around for almost 200 years. Shipman said the store is the oldest continuous business in South Carolina. After a visit to the store this semester, senior Matthew Gentry
was moved to do something to help the store and preserve a piece of local history. The post office portion of the business was the LeNoir Store’s main source of revenue, Shipman explained. However, the post office will cut back to three hours a day in October and is in danger of closing in the future. “I just felt like we should help out because it’s a part of history, and that store has been in his family for many years,” Gentry said about organizing the golf tournament. For a good cause and despite the inevitable rain, the
teams — mostly made up of teachers or staff members from schools in Sumter County — played 18 holes at the golf course, which Shipman said is currently being restored to its original condition. “A few teams called and canceled because they thought the course was closed or heard about the
construction, so we have a small turnout,” Shipman said Saturday. “But we’ve raised money through sponsorships.” Shipman, his Hands on History students and representatives from Sumter School District will present the money they raised for the LeNoir Store to the owners in Horatio today.
Today’s al-Qaida decentralized, but experts say it’s still a threat WASHINGTON (AP) — AlQaida has decentralized, yet it’s unclear whether the terrorist network is weaker and less likely to launch a Sept. 11style attack against the United States, as President Obama says, or remains potent despite the deaths of several leaders. Obama said in his foreign policy speech last week that the prime threat comes not from al-Qaida’s core leadership but from affiliates and extremists with their sights trained on targets in the Middle East and Africa, where they are based. This lessens the possibility of large-scale 9/11-type attacks against America, the president said. “But it heightens the danger of U.S. personnel overseas being attacked, as we saw in Benghazi,� he said, referring to the September 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic outpost in Libya that killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans. Experts argue that this restructured al-Qaida is perhaps even stronger than it has been in recent years and that the potential for attacks on U.S. soil endures. “We have never been on a path to strategically defeat alQaida. All we’ve been able to do is suppress some of its tactical abilities. But strategically, we have never had an effective way of taking it on. That’s why it continues to mutate, adapt and evolve to get stronger,� said David Sedney, former deputy assistant secretary of defense for Afghanistan, Pakistan and Central Asia. Decentralization does not mean weakness, he said. “I think Americans think alQaida is no longer a threat — that Osama bin Laden’s death means al-Qaida is not a big thing anymore,� Sedney said. He thinks al-Qaida is gaining strength in Pakistan, is
Saturday on the town
Yemeni boys look at a vehicle May 27 that was destroyed during a police raid on an al-Qaida militant hideout in the Arhab region, north of Sanaa, Yemen, which resulted in the death of five militants and six soldiers. stronger in Iraq than it was three or four years ago and is stronger in Syria than it was a year or two ago. “This is a fight about ideology. Al-Qaida is not this leader or that leader or this group or that group,� he said. The experts say al-Qaida today looks less like a wheel with spokes and more like a spider web stringing together like-minded groups. But they think there are several reasons that those who track alQaida warn against complacency. While bin Laden was killed and his leadership team heavily damaged by U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan, the drawdown of American forces in neighboring Afghanistan will dry up field intelligence and restrict the effectiveness of U.S. counterterrorism operations. There is a worry that a pullback could allow al-Qaida to regroup. Moreover, they worry about the thousands of foreign fighters flocking to the civil war in Syria, which has emboldened the al-Qaida breakaway group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant to expand its cross-border operations into neighboring countries such as Iraq.
U.S. officials also are concerned about Westerners who have joined the Syrian fight because they may be recruited to return home and conduct attacks. When the U.S. counterterrorism strategy was conceived, it was thought that if al-Qaida’s core leadership was dismantled or killed, then affiliated groups would simply become localized threats, said Katherine Zimmerman of the conservative American Enterprise Institute. At that time, there wasn’t a network of connections among all the groups, said Zimmerman, who specializes in the Yemen-based group, AlQaida in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP, and al-Qaida’s affiliate in Somalia, al-Shabab. “As the network has become more decentralized, it’s become much more reliant on these human relationships and the sharing of resources, advice and fighters, which means that you no longer need bin Laden sitting in Pakistan dispersing cash to various affiliates,� Zimmerman said. “They have developed their own sources. ... You can’t simply pound on part of the network and expect to see results.�
Downtown shoppers, above, stop in at the outdoor art exhibition set up for one day only in the new green space on North Main Street across from the Sumter Opera House on Saturday. More than a dozen local artists exhibited their works while a jazz band entertained. Fresh produce was a popular purchase at the farmers market in downtown Sumter, which is open from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. each Saturday.
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Allergy tablets an alternative to shots TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — For decades, seasonal allergy sufferers had two therapy options to ease the misery of hay fever. They could swallow pills or squirt nasal sprays every day for brief reprieves from the sneezing and itchy eyes. Or they could get allergy shots for years to gradually reduce their immune system’s over-reaction. Now patients can try another type of therapy to train their immune system. New once-a-day tablets dissolve quickly under the tongue and steadily raise tolerance to grass or ragweed pollen, much like the shots. “It’s been several decades since the last big breakthrough,” Cleveland Clinic allergy specialist Dr. Rachel Szekely said. The downside: The pills must be started a few months before the grass or ragweed pollen season. That means it’s too late for people with grass allergies, but the time is now for ragweed allergy sufferers. The Food and Drug Administration in April approved two tablets from Merck — Grastek for grass pollen and Ragwitek for ragweed — plus a grass pollen tablet called Oralair from Stallergenes. The tablets could become popular with people who dislike pills that can make them drowsy or don’t provide enough relief. They’ll likely appeal even more to patients with severe allergies who fear needles or can’t make frequent trips to the allergist, key reasons that only about 5 percent of U.S. patients who would benefit from allergy shots get them. Meanwhile, new treatments for other types of allergies, including
to peanuts and eggs, are in various stages of testing and could turn out to be big advances. Drugmaker Merck & Co. has a tablet for house dust mite allergies in final patient testing that could hit the market in two or three years, and it’s considering other therapies. France’s Stallergenes SA is testing a tablet for birch tree allergies and, with partner Shionogi & Co. Ltd. in Japan, tablets for allergies to dust mites and Japanese cedar pollen. Britain’s Circassia Ltd. has a cat allergy treatment in final testing and six others in earlier testing. A handful of companies also are looking at possible new ways to administer immunotherapy, including drops under the tongue, capsules and skin patches, said Fort Lauderdale, Florida, allergist Dr. Linda Cox, former president of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. The new tablets are not right for everyone, particularly patients with allergies to multiple substances, Szekely cautioned. That was the case with one of her patients, 10-year-old Samantha Marshall of Mentor, Ohio, who has been getting allergy shots since last fall. “She’s not loving them,” said her mother, Rachel, who recently asked Szekely about switching to the tablets. Szekely explained that shots are more effective because Rachel is also allergic to weeds and dust mites, and the shots she receives are a customized mix of extracts to all those substances. The tablets are also
pricey: Merck, based in Whitehouse Station, New Jersey, is charging about $8.25 per daily tablet and Stallergenes about $10. Insurers are expected to cover most of the cost, as they usually do with allergy shots. Those generally cost only $15 to $25 per visit without insurance, because they’re given by a nurse. Allergy tablets are less likely to trigger a dangerous allergic reaction than shots, which have been used for a century, Cox said. In Merck’s testing, about 5 percent of patients experienced tingling, itching or swelling in the mouth or tongue, said Dr. Sean Curtis, Merck’s head of respiratory and immunology research. Less than 1 percent had serious reactions, nearly all after the first dose.
Obama: Climate change plan S.C. DSS director resigns will shrink electricity prices BY SEANNA ADCOX The Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) — In a sweeping initiative to curb pollutants blamed for global warming, President Obama’s administration unveiled a plan Monday aimed at cutting carbon dioxide emissions from power plants by nearly a third by 2030. But it delays the deadline for some states to begin complying until long after Obama leaves office. The 645-page plan, expected to be finalized next year, is a centerpiece of Obama’s efforts to deal with climate change and seeks to give the United States more leverage to prod other countries to act when negotiations on a new international treaty resume next year. Under the plan, carbon emissions are to be reduced 30 percent from 2005 levels, in what would amount to one of the most significant U.S. actions on global warming. Obama, in a conference call hosted by the American Lung Association, said the plan would both shrink electricity prices and protect the health of vulnerable Americans. He scolded critics who he predicted would contend anew that the limits would crush jobs and damage the economy. “What we’ve seen every time is that these claims are debunked when you actually give workers and businesses the tools and the incentives they need to innovate,� Obama said. The proposal sets off a complex regulatory process, steeped in politics, in which the 50 states will each determine how to meet customized targets set by the Environmental Protection Agency, then submit those plans for approval.
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy discusses an Obama administration plan Monday to cut carbon dioxide emissions from power plants by 30 percent by 2030. “This is not just about disappearing polar bears or melting ice caps,� said EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy. “This is about protecting our health and our homes. This is about protecting local economies and jobs.� Some states will be allowed to emit more pollutants and others less, leading to an overall, nationwide reduction of 30 percent. Many states that rely heavily on coal will be spared from cutting a full 30 percent. West Virginia, for example, must reduce the pollution it puts out per amount of power by 19 percent compared to the rate in 2012.
COLUMBIA — The embattled director of South Carolina’s Department of Social Services resigned Monday, a day before senators planned to take up a no-confidence resolution on her leadership. Gov. Nikki Haley’s office accepted Lillian Koller’s resignation Monday morning, her office said. “It has become more and more apparent to me during the past few weeks that my being the state director is causing a distraction and making it more difficult for DSS to continue the measurable improvements made to the agency during my tenure that have improved the lives of the citizens we serve,� Koller wrote in her letter. The Senate is expected today to debate a bi-partisan measure saying the agency under Koller’s leadership has failed to protect the state’s abused and neglected children. Senators agreed unanimously last Thursday to place the resolution directly on the cal-
endar, bypassing the committee process and allowing a vote in the session’s official final week. Also this week, Koller was to testify a third time before a Senate panel investigating problems at the agency. Haley has repeatedly backed Koller, despite calls for her ousting. The Republican governor has dismissed such calls as election-year politics, as those making them included her Democratic challenger, Sen. Vincent Sheheen, and former primary opponent Tom Ervin, who said he entered the race because he was angry about DSS. But the calls have become increasingly bi-partisan, to include the Senate’s top Republican, Sen. John Courson. The Senate’s no-confidence measure is sponsored by four Republicans and three Democrats. On Thursday, Sen. Joel Lourie, D-Columbia, called Haley’s refusal to fire Koller an act of negligence. He sits on the bipartisan panel that began looking into the agency in January.
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(:01) The Night Shift: Second WIS News 10 at (:35) The Tonight Show Starring Chances TC goes over his boss’ head. 11:00pm News Jimmy Fallon Jonah Hill from “22 (N) (HD) and weather. Jump Street.” (N) (HD) (:01) Person of Interest: The Cross- News 19 @ 11pm (:35) Late Show with David Lettering The battle to take down HR esca- The news of the man Popular celebrities are interlates. (HD) day. viewed. (HD) Celebrity Wife Swap: David Justice; ABC Columbia (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live Celebrities Dweezil Zappa Rockers and jocks. (N) News at 11 (HD) and human-interest subjects. (HD) (HD) Making It Grow (N) D-Day 360 Using LiDAR technology, Hallowed Grounds Some of the 22 Objects and Memory Objects that Tavis Smiley BBC World News Charlie Rose (N) D-Day is recreated on a grand and overseas American cemeteries are were recovered from the ruins of 9/11 (HD) International (HD) smaller scale. (HD) explored. (HD) evoke memories. (HD) news. The Big Bang The Big Bang Riot: Tom Green and Andy Dick Tom I Wanna Marry “Harry”: Spotted by WACH FOX News at 10 Local news Two and a Half Two and a Half The Middle: Theory (HD) Theory Amy feels Green; Andy Dick. (N) (HD) the Paparazzi Paparazzi ruin report and weather forecast. Men Jake moves Men (HD) Christmas Getting left out. (HD) Kimberly’s date. (N) (HD) out. (HD) ready. (HD) Family Feud Family Feud Famous In 12: Are We Famous Yet? Supernatural: Devil May Care Sam Bones: The Fire in the Ice Booth is Bones: The Hero in the Hold Booth The Arsenio Hall Family has 12 weeks to get famous. learns Crowley has been stashed. the prime suspect when a hockey abducted by the Grave Digger. (HD) Show J.B. (N) (HD) (HD) player is found frozen. (HD) Smoove. (HD) WIS News 10 at Entertainment Tonight (N) (HD) 7:00pm Local news update. News 19 @ 7pm Inside Edition (N) Evening news up- (HD) date. Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! (N) (N) (HD) (HD)
America’s Got Talent: Audition Auditions continue as talented and not-so-talented individuals from around the country perform a wide variety of acts in front of the celebrity judges. (N) (HD) NCIS: Los Angeles: Unwritten Rule NCIS: Homesick The team investiNell joins the team out in the field. gate a mysterious illness infecting (HD) military children. (HD) Extreme Weight Loss: Kathie and Josh Single mother and her live-in, 21-year-old son go on weight-loss journey. (N) (HD)
CABLE CHANNELS Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars (N) Storage Wars (N) (:01) Shipping (:31) Shipping (:02) Shipping (:32) Shipping (:01) Storage (HD) (HD) (HD) (HD) (HD) (HD) Wars (N) (HD) Wars (N) (HD) Wars (HD) Wars (HD) Wars (HD) Lara Croft Tomb 300 (‘07, Action) aaac Gerard Butler. Three hundred Spartans fight to the death against Freakshow (N) Freakshow (N) Small Town Se- Freakshow (HD) Freakshow (HD) Raider (HD) the formidable Persian army. (HD) (HD) (HD) curity (N) (HD) River Monsters (HD) Mini Monsters Secret world of tiny, strange creatures. (HD) Monster Croc: Search (HD) Mini Monsters Small creatures. (HD) Tyler Perry’s I Can Do Bad All By Myself (‘09, Drama) ac Tyler Perry. A troubled woman raises niece and neph- Obsessed (‘09, Drama) aa Idris Elba. Temp worker develops fascination Wendy Williams ews, as a man urges her to make changes. for employer and tries to seduce him. Show (HD) The Real Housewives of Orange Atlanta: Kandi’s Wedding: Say Yes The Real Housewives of New York The People’s Couch (N) The Real Housewives of New York Wedding: Say County: Choke- Lahoma to Distress Friends’ doubts. City: Win, Place or Sonja (N) City: Win, Place or Sonja Yes to Distress The Profit: Mr. Green Tea Shark Tank (HD) Shark Tank De-greaser. (HD) Shark Tank (HD) Shark Tank De-greaser. (HD) Car Chaser Erin Burnett OutFront (N) Anderson Cooper 360° (N) (HD) CNN Special Report (N) CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360° (HD) CNN Spc. (:57) The Colbert (:28) Daily Show Inside Amy (:29) Tosh.0 Bold (:59) Tosh.0 Nice Tosh.0 Daniel’s Tosh.0 Public Inside Amy Daily Show (N) The Colbert Re- (:01) @midnight Report (HD) (HD) Schumer (HD) fashion. (HD) guy. (HD) father. (HD) restroom. (HD) Schumer (N) (HD) port (N) (HD) (N) (HD) Austin & Ally Jessie Acting Frenemies (‘12, Family) ac Bella Thorne. Friends fight (:40) Good Luck (:05) Austin & A.N.T. Farm (HD) Blog Internet pho- Jessie Girl scouts. Good Luck Char(HD) class. (HD) for senior editor job. Charlie (HD) Ally (HD) tos. (HD) lie (HD) Deadliest Catch (HD) Deadliest Catch: On Deck (N) Deadliest Catch (N) (HD) (:02) Siberian Cut (N) (HD) (:09) Deadliest Catch (HD) Siberian (HD) SportsCenter Inside (HD) 2014 NCAA Women’s CWS: from ASA Hall of Fame Stadium in Oklahoma City (HD) SportsCenter: from Bristol, Conn. (HD) SportsCenter WNBA Basketball: Los Angeles Sparks at Atlanta Dream (HD) Inside (HD) International Soccer: Bosnia-Herzegovina at Mexico z{| (HD) Olbermann (HD) Miss Congeniality (‘00, Comedy) Sandra Bullock. A tomboy FBI agent goes 17 Again (‘09, Comedy) aac Zac Efron. A former basketball star gets a The 700 Club Prince: Stripundercover as a contestant at a big beauty pageant. (HD) chance to do high school all over again. (HD) Tease for Two Chopped: Unsung Heroes (HD) Chopped Fava beans. (HD) Chopped: Take Heart (HD) Chopped Bloody Marys. (N) (HD) Chopped: Unsung Heroes (HD) Chopped (HD) On the Record with Greta (N) The O’Reilly Factor (N) (HD) The Kelly File News updates. Hannity Conservative news. (HD) The O’Reilly Factor (HD) The Kelly File World Poker Tour no} (HD) Bull Riding no} The Panel The Panel West Coast Customs World Poker Tour no} (HD) PowerShares The Waltons: Day of Infamy Curt The Waltons: The Yearning Elizabeth The Middle (HD) The Middle (HD) The Middle: The The Middle (HD) Golden: In a Bed Golden: The Truth Golden Girls: died. falls in love with minister. Map (HD) of Rose’s Will Out Nice and Easy Hunters (HD) Hunters (HD) Flop Flop Flop (N) Flop Hunters (N) Hunters (N) Flop Flop Flop Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Top Gear (N) (HD) Mountain Men: Winter’s Wrath Big decision; more. (HD) Pawn Stars Criminal Minds: Through the Criminal Minds: God Complex Sadis- Criminal Minds: The Good Earth Criminal Minds: The Apprenticeship The Listener: Cold Storage Killer The Listener: Looking Glass Murder link. (HD) tic surgeon. (HD) Missing men. (HD) Dead prostitutes. (HD) with national secrets. (N) Buckle Up (N) Celebrity Wife Swap Opposite True Tori: The Reunion: All Questions Little Women: LA: Little Women, Big True Tori: The Reunion: All Questions (:01) Little Women: LA: Little (:02) True Tori views of cleanliness. (HD) Answered (N) (HD) Drama (N) (HD) Answered (HD) Women, Big Drama (HD) (HD) Hardball with Chris (N) (HD) All in with Chris Hayes (HD) The Rachel Maddow Show (N) Lawrence O’Donnell (HD) All in with Chris Hayes (HD) Maddow (HD) Thunderman Haunted (HD) Full Hse Full Hse Full Hse Full Hse Full Hse Full Hse Friends (:36) Friends (:12) Friends Kick-Ass (HD) Ninja Assassin (‘09, Action) aac Rain. Ninja clan member is rogue for revenge. (HD) Godzilla (‘98, Science Fiction) aa Matthew Broderick. Giant iguana attacks Big Apple. (6:30) Trek: Next The Wil Wheaton Heroes of Cosplay: Stan Lee’s Heroes of Cosplay: Ottawa Pop The Wil Wheaton The Wil Wheaton Heroes of Cosplay: Ottawa Pop The Wil Wheaton Project Comikaze Comikaze. Expo (N) Project (N) Project Expo Project Seinfeld: The Red Family Guy Night- Family Guy New Family Guy Vision The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Conan (N) (HD) The Pete Holmes Dot (HD) club. neighbor. quest. Theory (HD) Theory (HD) Theory (HD) Theory (HD) Show (N) (6:15) Don’t Make Waves (‘67, 2001: A Space Odyssey (‘68, Science Fiction) aaac Keir Dullea. A trip to Jupiter is jeopar- (:45) Alien (‘79, Horror) aaaa Tom Skerritt. The crew of a commercial Comedy) aa Tony Curtis. dized by the spaceship’s murderous computer. space vessel is stalked by a deadly alien parasite. 19 Kids (HD) 19 Kids (HD) 19 Kids and Counting (HD) 19 Kids and Counting (N) (HD) Little (N) (HD) Little (HD) 19 Kids and Counting (HD) Little (HD) Castle: The Fifth Bullet Amnesiac is Rizzoli & Isles: Killer in High Heels (:01) Rizzoli & Isles: Dance with the Rizzoli & Isles: Somebody’s (:03) The Mentalist: Ball of Fire Pat- (:03) Cold Justice witness to murder. (HD) Date murdered. (HD) Devil Paddy’s trial. (HD) Watching Me Jane’s viral video. (HD) rick Jane is kidnapped. (HD) (HD) truTV Top Jedi uses the Force. truTV Top: Awkward Moments truTV Top: Funny Fails truTV Top Funniest (N) Dumbest Wedding brawlers. truTV Top Friends (HD) Friends (HD) Friends (HD) Friends (HD) Friends (HD) Friends (HD) Friends (HD) Friends (HD) Friends (HD) Friends (HD) Friends (HD) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Playing House (:31) Modern (:01) Modern (:31) Modern (:01) Playing PoPersona (HD) (HD) (HD) (HD) (HD) (N) Family (HD) Family (HD) Family (HD) lice dinner. Law & Order: Thrill (HD) Law & Order (HD) Law & Order (HD) Law & Order (HD) Law & Order (HD) Law (HD) Funniest Home Videos (HD) Funniest Home Videos (HD) Funniest Home Videos (HD) MLB Baseball: Chicago White Sox at Los Angeles Dodgers z{| (HD)
‘Cry Wolfe’ utilizes social media as investigative tool BY KEVIN MCDONOUGH “Cry Wolfe” (10 p.m., ID) debuts, a 21st-century reality TV take on the private eye. Private detectives used to dominate popular fiction. Time was, every other 25-cent paperback, movie or TV drama featured freelance gumshoes ferreting out the crooks, cheats and swindlers the cops couldn’t, or wouldn’t, find. Private detective TV shows proliferated before popular culture celebrated the police. Cops were sometimes seen as corrupt appendages to big city political machines, or incompetent time-servers. Or both. TV viewers saw detectives as suave operators like “Peter Gunn,” a knock-off of Humphrey Bogart’s Sam Spade and any number of movie private eyes. TV police were the butt of jokes in sitcoms like “Car 54, Where Are You?” Sheriff Andy (of “The Andy Griffith Show”) may have been a wise man, but Deputy Barney Fife was closer to TV’s portrayal of police. As late as the mid-1960s, the image of the confused, hand-wringing Irish cop was central to the Chief Clancy O’Hara character on “Batman,” a bumbler who burbled, “Saints, be praised!” while the Caped Crusader did his work for him. Respect for TV police (“Dragnet 1967,” “N.Y.P.D.,” “The Streets of San Francisco,” “Adam-12,” etc.) arrived as voters began to respond to “Law & Order” candidates and worry about urban crime and civil unrest. Movies, most notably Clint Eastwood’s “Dirty Harry” Callahan films, not only respected the police, but egged them on to vigilante tactics. “Shaft,” “The Rockford Files” and “Magnum, P.I.,” would come along, but fictional private eyes, and viewers, had to treat the police with a little more respect.
“Cry Wolfe,” which premieres at 10 p.m. today on Investigation Discovery, follows private detective Bryan Wolfe. Brian Wolfe of “Cry Wolfe” isn’t exactly Nero Wolfe. He’s deeply rooted in the reality genre. He may work the not-somean streets of Los Angeles, but he sports a New England accent as thick as any Wahlberg. As on any number of shows about ghost hunters, antique pickers or tattoo parlors, the “action” and “comedy” con-
sists of his chitchat with his female assistants, who sometimes pose as his wife to catch a suspect. With the help of his genial and patient assistant Janine McCarthy, Wolfe uses social media to find cheating spouses, dishonest employees, con artists and scammers, and to deliver the good (but mostly bad)
news to their clients. Remember how Jake Gittes used to have to steal information from the hall of public records in “Chinatown”? PIs have it so easy now. Using only Facebook, Janine can find photos of a woman accused of luring a client’s husband into a real estate honey trap. In another instance, a suspect leaves a second-by-second account of thinly veiled infidelity on her Twitter feed! How do you spell “stupid” in 140 characters or fewer? • A family submits to TV cameras in the hope of finding celebrity in 12 weeks on the new reality series “Famous in 12” (8 p.m., CW, TV-14). • Mark (Keegan-Michael Key) micromanages a charity dinner on “Playing House” (10 p.m., USA, TV-14).
TONIGHT’S OTHER HIGHLIGHTS • “Extreme Weight Loss” (8 p.m., ABC, TV-PG) welcomes hosts of “The View.” • Tom Green and Andy Dick appear on “Riot” (8 p.m., Fox,
TV-14). It only feels like 1997. • A hospitalized groom harbors a honeymoon secret on “The Night Shift” (10 p.m., NBC, TV-14).
LATE NIGHT Ricky Gervais is on “The Daily Show With Jon Stewart” (11 p.m., Comedy Central) * Jane Fonda, Ramon Rodriguez and Twin Shadow are on “Conan” (11 p.m., TBS) * Jeff Wild, Natasha Leggero and Josh Wolf are on “Chelsea Lately” (11 p.m., E!) * Morgan Freeman is on “The Colbert Report” (11:30 p.m., Comedy Central) * Jimmy Fallon welcomes Jonah Hill, Soundgarden and Rahm Emanuel on “The Tonight Show” (11:35 p.m., NBC) * Dennis Miller, Anna Chlumsky and Bastille visit “Late Night With Seth Meyers” (12:35 a.m., NBC) * Craig Ferguson hosts Amanda Peet and Kit Harington on “The Late Late Show” (12:35 a.m., CBS). Copyright 2014, United Feature Syndicate
N.G. Osteen 1843-1936 The Watchman and Southron
H.G. Osteen 1870-1955 Founder, The Item
THE SUMTER ITEM H.D. Osteen 1904-1987 The Item
Margaret W. Osteen 1908-1996 The Item Hubert D. Osteen Jr. Chairman & Editor-in-Chief Graham Osteen Co-President Kyle Osteen Co-President Jack Osteen Editor and Publisher Larry Miller CEO Braden Bunch Senior News Editor
20 N. Magnolia St., Sumter, South Carolina 29150 • Founded October 15, 1894
Showdown in Tar Heel country C
HARLOTTE — “Twenty-four times” is Thom Tillis’ answer, delivered with a faint flicker of a Cheshire Cat smile. The question was: How many times, that his campaign knows of, has Democratic Sen. Kay Hagan said on camera that under Obamacare, if you like your health insurance, you can keep it? Tillis will be sharing some of her video promises with voters as he seeks to become part of a Republican Senate majority in January 2015. Tillis will also suggest that Obamacare, which Hagan pluckily says she would vote for again, portends a dismal future of government-run health care akin to that offered in today’s alarming VA hospitals, including a troubled one in Durham. There are, however, limits to Hagan’s kamikaze loyalty: When Barack Obama visited North Carolina last January, she stayed in Washington. “If I thought there was a way to get (a Senate Republican majority) without North Carolina, I would not be running,” says Tillis, 53. Although he did not complete earning his college degree until he was 37, he had a fulfilling professional life as a partner in PricewaterhouseCoopers, and then with IBM, before being elected to the state Legislature in 2006, pledging to serve only four terms. In his third term he became only the second Republican speaker of the House since the turn of the 20th century. After the 2008 elections, Democrats controlled the state House of Representatives 68-52. Today Republicans control it 77-43 and they have upset The New York Times’ emotional equilibrium by measures such as cutting from 17 to 10 the number of days for early voting (which is 10 more days of George early voting than New York has), curWill tailing unemployment compensation (which had been the most generous in the Southeast), cutting taxes by about $2 billion over five years, expanding school choice, etc. The Times has lamented “the decline of North Carolina.” Some decline: The state has added more than 200,000 jobs in three years. Unemployment has fallen from 10.4 percent in January 2011, then eighth highest in the nation, to 6.2 percent, one of the largest improvements among the states in the last 13 quarters. The Tax Foundation says North Carolina’s business-tax climate may go from the nation’s seventh worst to the 17th best. In 2013, the Census Bureau estimated that North Carolina was just 48,000 residents behind Michigan, so by now this state probably has replaced Michigan as the ninth most populous state. Although Tillis has been an enthusiastic enactor and implementer of the conservatism that North Carolinians voted for, the Republican Senate primary elicited a river of lazy journalism about the “Republican civil war” pitting tea party and other conservatives against “establishment” moderates, such as Tillis. Actually, all Republicans are more or less conservative, just as all Democrats are more or less liberal. The Republicans’ supposed civil war is just a manifestation of what has been called “the narcissism of small differences,” the phenomenon of people with minor disagreements being more bitter about them than are people with large differences. As novelist Anthony Trollope wrote, “the apostle of Christianity and the infidel can meet without a chance of a quarrel; but it is never safe to bring together two men who differ about a saint or a surplice.” Hagan, who is in her first term, defeated Elizabeth Dole, whose one term followed Jesse Helms’ five terms. Helms, however, never received more than 55 percent of the vote and averaged 53 percent. North Carolina’s other Senate seat, currently held by Republican Richard Burr, in his second term, has had seven occupants — four Republicans and three Democrats — since Democrat Sam Ervin vacated it at the end of 1974. There are 2.8 million registered Democrats, 2 million Republicans and 1.7 million unaffiliated. In 2008, Obama defeated John McCain 49.7 percent to 49.4 percent. In 2012, North Carolina was Mitt Romney’s narrowest victory, 50.5 percent to 48.5 percent. Including spending by national groups, this will probably be the year’s second-most (behind Kentucky) expensive race, drawing upward of $100 million. Americans for Prosperity, supported by Charles and David Koch, has already run $8 million of ads against Hagan, who is toiling to arouse voters’ wrath against the brothers from Wichita, of whom many North Carolinians know nothing. Democrats intervened in the Republican primary, spending millions in attempts to drive Republican voters away from Tillis with ads on television and conservative talk radio questioning his conservative credentials. Now Hagan says his conservatism is extreme. Intellectual whiplash is an occupational hazard of crimson liberals in purple states. George Will’s email address is © 2014, Washington Post Writers Group
LETTER TO THE EDITOR Proposal interferes with democratic process City Councilwoman Ione Dwyer is probably getting some heat from some of her constituents about voting in favor of allowing a referendum on Sunday alcohol sales. It took courage for her to vote as she did. To be clear, Ms. Dwyer did not vote in favor of Sunday alcohol sales. She voted in favor of letting the people of Sumter decide whether they want Sunday alcohol sales. She cast a vote in favor of the democratic process that is the foundation of our great country’s existence. Please do not confuse the two. City council members are not elected to be the moral police of Sumter. When it is proper they should
let the people of Sumter decide issues that affect their own lives. It concerns me, however, that she would now, by way of a city ordinance, try to limit the time when Sunday sales could begin. Council previously voted down her amendment to limit the time when Sunday alcohol sales could begin as part of the referendum process. Most restaurants selling alcohol do not open until at least 11 a.m. on Sundays. Does waiting another hour or two on Sunday really make a difference? Some people go to church at 8 a.m. on Sunday morning. Other people attend mass or synagogue on Saturday. One o’clock Sunday alcohol sales is just arbitrary. The reality is that the people who are against Sunday alco-
hol sales are most likely against any alcohol sales on any day, so this is not a compromise. It is just interfering with the democratic process. Ms. Dwyer has made it clear she is not personally in favor of Sunday alcohol sales. I respect that. Her last vote on allowing the issue to be put to the people, however, makes it clear that she is in favor of the democratic process. She should honor her decision and not back track and undermine the process with her proposed ordinance. Let the people of Sumter chart their own course. Shame on your constituents if they do not understand your vote was in favor of democracy. JACK BARNES Sumter
School lunch: One size does not fit all
ASHINGTON — To hear tell, the mean ol’ GOP is waging war on Michelle Obama and, brace yourself, America’s children. Got it? The newest war on women/ children relates to the first lady’s well-intentioned but disastrous school nutrition program, otherwise known as the Dumpster Derby. First to good intentions: Kudos to Obama for recognizing and trying to address childhood obesity. If you think health care is expensive now, wait until these little human pillows reach adulthood and then, assuming their hearts hold out, advanced age. Assuming, too, that our bottom-line bureaucrats haven’t begun recycling high-maintenance humans by then. Might want to keep an eye on the Soylent Green market. No, I’m not suggesting death panels. I’m employing hyperbole in the service of a point, the necessary clarification of which highlights our mind-numbing politics and our nation’s diminishing sentience. The first lady’s “Let’s Move!” program and her focus on whole foods (as opposed to fast) and water instead of sodas have been welcome developments. Who better to bring needed attention to such issues? Obama is merely expanding her maternal focus to include all those public school kids whose mothers apparently have forgotten how to make a sandwich. Or whose fathers have forgotten to say, “Get those plugs out of your ears and make friends with the lawn mower” — or whatever its urban comparable. But, as is often the case with mammoth federal programs, one size does not fit all. Many school districts have inadequate funding to meet the new nutri-
tion standards and have had to borrow from educational programs, in some cases shutting them down. Moreover, the kids detest the food and are tossing their lunches, so to speak, into the dumpster. Some school districts report having to purchase or lease more dumpsters to accommodate the extra garbage, increasing their wastecollection costs as well. These are but a few of the stories I heard recently when I spoke to about 1,000 members Kathleen of the national School NutriParker tion Association. There isn’t a more dedicated, decent, heroic group of people in the association encyclopedia. Not only are they burdened with meeting unfunded federal mandates, but they have to hear the gripes of America’s hungry darlings. The association, which initially supported the new standards, has been lobbying for just the sort of bill Republicans have produced. This doesn’t mean that the first lady’s program is “gastrofascism,” as one writer put it, though I rather like the term. Nor is this a Republican war on the first lady or the children who refuse to eat food they don’t like. I am not blind to the brat factor here, but nutritious food needn’t be inedible. Also at play are cultural differences. Apparently, children in the Southwest don’t like whole-wheat tortillas and Southern kids prefer their chicken fried. I’m with the first lady all the way on making modifications to lunches swimming in grease and over-seasoned with sugar and salt. But perhaps there’s a middle ground that allows a little
local wiggle room. Surely school nutritionists are capable of coming up with healthier meals that also taste good. Alternatively — and this is where I wish this debate were heading — Mrs. Obama could suggest that parents prepare their children’s meals. What?! You’ve got to be kidding! We’re too busy! Since when were we too busy to scramble an egg or toast a slice of bread? Since the national narrative of women’s liberation concentrated on the kitchen as metaphor for home-bound drudgery and oppression, that’s when. On the upside, more men are learning to cook, if my home is an example. When it comes to home food preparation, the very poor need extra help, obviously, but quality nutrition, as most important things, begins at home. And for a majority of people, the cost is not prohibitive. Using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a piece of toast spread with peanut butter and topped with sliced banana — a filling breakfast loaded with protein, carbohydrates and potassium, among other nutrients — costs on average about 50 cents. We can’t all have a chef or send our children to private schools with meatier lunches, as the Obamas do. But we can feed our children for less trouble and money than some think. Maybe the first lady can modify her message along with our menus: Cook for your kids, and they’ll grow smart and strong. Not to get too carried away, but food, you know, is love. Kathleen Parker’s email address is kathleenparker@washpost. com. © 2014, Washington Post Writers Group
Special Olympics athlete Stuart Ward tries out his bowling jersey during the USA Games Celebration Day on Saturday in Columbia.
RELEASE FROM PAGE A1 free, stirring a debate about whether the exchange would heighten the risk of other Americans being snatched as bargaining chips and whether the released detainees — several senior Taliban figures among them — would find their way back to the fight. U.S. officials said Sunday that Bergdahl’s health and safety appeared in jeopardy, prompting rapid action. “Had we waited and lost him,” said national security adviser Susan Rice, “I don’t think anybody would have forgiven the United States government.” She said he had lost considerable weight
CARING FROM PAGE A1 Homeless Shelter, another area the Summer of Caring aims to raise money for, for about a month and a half. “It’s a good place, good staff and good food,” said the 59-year-old. “They keep it clean, (and) people come around bringing food every day. They take good care of you.” Mark Champagne, executive director of United Ministries, said the shelter is open from 6 p.m. to 7 a.m. Besides a meal and a place to sleep — 20 beds for men and eight for women — the shelter also provides guests with the opportunity to get a shower and wash clothes. For May, the cost to run the shelter was about $1,400 a week, or about $19 a night per guest, Champagne said. Last week, 75 beds were used, and 28 volunteers helped with meals. Last week, the nonprofit also interviewed 30 people for the crisis relief ministry and helped 15 with $2,048 in monetary assistance and $540 of in-kind value, Champagne said. Crisis relief aims to help with eviction and disconnect notices for utilities as well as provide food, furniture and appliances to survivors of domestic violence or families after a fire. Assistance requires a budget review interview, Champagne said. Individuals who need assistance can call (803) 775-0757 between 9 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday to set up an appointment. Financial donations may be mailed to: The Sumter Item Summer of Caring P.O. Box 1677 Sumter SC 29151 Contributions may also be dropped off at the office, 20 N. Magnolia St. If donating in someone’s name, identify the individual clearly and with the correct spelling of his or her name. Groups and acronyms should be spelled out. Donations received as of June 2 included: In appreciation of Mark Champagne by Jack and Susan D. Osteen, $250; and Jane F.K. Tisdale for Home Repair and Wheelchair Ministry, $100. Combined anonymous donations totaled: $0 Total this week: $350
erupted in a rhythmic applause. Cody Poston, a Sumter native and second-time national games bocce athlete, took a simple bow. After the athletes were honored and two celebratory cakes were devoured, parents were able to ask questions of the coordinators. Will TSA take my child’s wheelchair? How will we get to the games? What will the boarding process be like? What kind of identification do we need to bring to get on the plane? For many of the athletes, it will be their first time flying on an airplane. “I am just a teensy scared,” Stuart said about flying. His dad, Daly Ward, wishes he could be there because he knows his son’s eyes are going to bulge when the plane takes off, but he is comforted knowing that Stuart will be with all of the other Sumter athletes, he said. The athletes, special-needs students competing in the games, have been practicing together for two years, and their partners, normal education students, have been with them for the last year. The strong bond they’ve developed has turned them into a tight-knit group of jokesters who tend to laugh about everything. It was especially evident when Jarquiris Brown, one of the Sumter High School stu-
and faced an “acute” situation. Yet she also said he appeared to be “in good physical condition.” One official, who spoke on grounds of anonymity because the person wasn’t authorized to discuss the subject by name, said there were concerns about Bergdahl’s mental and emotional as well as physical health. On Monday, a U.S. military hospital in Germany reported Bergdahl in “stable condition and receiving treatment for conditions requiring hospitalization” after arriving from Afghanistan. Landstuhl Regional Medical Center said Bergdahl’s treatment “includes attention to dietary and nutrition needs after almost five years in captivity” but declined to release further de-
dents partnered with the athletes, referred to fellow partner and Sumter High student Coker Scott’s position on the state baseball championship team as the “pinch runner who likes to get picked off.” The flag football team representing Sumter and the state calls themselves the Assassins, and though they are in the most competitive class, they have never lost, Coach Logan Raabe said. “I was sitting at another table after the ceremony at lunch watching, and these guys interact perfectly with each other; it’s great,” Raabe said. “They joke around and pick on one another. It is awesome to have not only a great group of athletes, but a great group of people.” The laughing didn’t stop after the ceremony, when the athletes huddled around a table and revealed the jerseys they will wear while playing in the National Games. Dinell Anthony, last year’s Special Olympics Athlete of the Year, unfolded his jersey. It was blue with his last name and the number 21 painted on the back. “You got Marcus Lattimore’s number,” someone shouted at him. A huge grin rolled over his face as he held it across his chest. “They don’t care what they look like, they don’t care what people think of them; they are out there to do them and have fun,” Scott said. “They have one goal, to win gold.”
tails. It said there “is no pre-determined amount of time involved in the reintegration process” for the 28-yearold soldier. Two officials said Monday that the Taliban may have been concerned about his health, as well, since the U.S. had sent the message that it would respond harshly if any harm befell him in captivity. Republicans in the U.S. said the deal for Bergdahl’s release could set a troubling precedent. Arizona Sen. John McCain said of the Guantanamo detainees who were exchanged for him: “These are the hardest of the hard core.” And in Kabul on Monday, the Afghan Foreign Ministry called the swap
“against the norms of international law” if it came against the five imprisoned Taliban detainees’ will. The ministry said: “No state can transfer another country’s citizen to a third country and put restriction on their freedom.” Tireless campaigners for their son’s freedom, Bob and Jani Bergdahl thanked all who were behind the effort to retrieve him. “You were not left behind,” Bob Bergdahl told reporters, as if speaking to his son. “We are so proud of the way this was carried out.” He spoke in Boise, Idaho, wearing a long bushy beard he’d grown to honor his son, as residents in the sergeant’s hometown of Hailey prepared for a homecoming celebration.
AROUND TOWN The Clarendon County Democratic Party will meet on Thursday, June 5, at the Manning Restaurant, 476 N. Brooks St., Manning. The executive committee will meet at 6 p.m. Dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. with the meeting beginning at 7 p.m. The Transatlantic Brides and Parents Association (a British heritage society) will meet at 11 a.m. on Friday, June 6, at the Spectrum Senior Center, Pinewood Road. All British ex-pats are invited. Call Josie at (803) 775-8052. The Lincoln High School Class of 1964 class reunion will be held Friday-Sunday, June 6-8, as follows: Friday, registration / drop-in 5-7:30 p.m. at South Sumter Resource Center, 337 Manning Ave.; Saturday, 9-11 a.m. breakfast and 11 a.m.-1 p.m. activities at South Sumter Resource Center, and 6-10 p.m. banquet at Lincoln High School cafeteria, 26 Council St.; and Sunday, 10 a.m. worship service at St. Paul AME Church, 835 Plowden Mill Road, with luncheon to follow. For information, call Frances Woods at (803) 773-3804, Lillie Wilson at (803) 775-9088 or Bertha Willis at (803) 775-9660. A National Trails Day celebration, hosted by Palmetto Conservation Foundation, will be held on Saturday, June 7, at Poinsett State Park. The public is invited to attend this free event but you must register by June 4. To register, go to and scroll down to “Hiking, Biking, and Lunch at Poinsett State Park Event Schedule,” where you will see the events schedule and a link to complete your registration. If you have questions or find it inconvenient to register online, contact Mary Roe at (803) 771-0870 or mroe@palmettoconserva- “Gospel Fest by the Pond,” sponsored by the Mary McLeod Bethune Museum Development Association, will be held 11 a.m.-4 p.m. on Saturday, June 7, at 1940 Mary McLeod Bethune Road and S.C. 154, Mayesville. On the program: Higher Calling; Sumter Violinares; New Generation; the Singing Jubilees; the Chosen Generation; and the Sumter County Sheriff’s Office Gospel Choir. Event will also feature a silent auction of various items, raffles of quilts and various items and numerous vendors. Bring your lawn chair. Call (803) 453-5014. The Campbell Soup friends lunch group will meet at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 7, at Golden Corral. The Sumter Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind will meet at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, June 10, at Shiloh-Randolph Manor, 125 W. Bartlette St. Mary Ingram, ADA coordinator of Santee Wateree RTA, will speak. The spotlight will shine on Belle Mosley and the associate member is Cynthia Faulkner. Transportation provided within the coverage area. Contact Debra Canty, chapter president, at or (803) 775-5792. For more pertinent information or for chapter updates, call the 24/7 recorded message line at (206) 376-5992. The Lincoln High School Preservation Alumni Association will sponsor a dinner fundraiser from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, June 20, at the Lincoln High School gymnasium, 26 Council St. Cost is $7 per dinner and consists of turkey wing or baked chicken, seasoned rice, butterbeans, rolls and a drink. Dine in or take out. Call James L. Green at (803) 968-4173.
FYI The Westside Neighborhood Association meets at 5:30 p.m. on the third Monday of each month at the Birnie HOPE Center, 210 S. Purdy St. The Christian Golfers’ Association (CGA) meets at 8 a.m. each Tuesday for Bible study. The group meets at the CGA office in Dillon Park. Refreshments provided and
Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2014
AccuWeather® five-day forecast for Sumter TODAY
Mostly sunny; warm, more humid
Clear to partly cloudy
A t-storm around in the p.m.
A p.m. t-storm or two
Clouds and sun with a t-storm
An afternoon thunderstorm
92° / 65°
94° / 70°
90° / 69°
89° / 68°
Chance of rain: 0%
Chance of rain: 5%
Chance of rain: 40%
Chance of rain: 60%
Chance of rain: 55%
Chance of rain: 50%
Winds: SW 4-8 mph
Winds: SSW 4-8 mph
Winds: SW 7-14 mph
Winds: SW 8-16 mph
Winds: N 3-6 mph
Winds: E 4-8 mph
Gaffney 86/65 Spartanburg 87/65
Greenville 86/65
Columbia 87/65
Sumter 87/64
Aiken 86/62
Charleston 85/65
Today: More humid with sunshine and patchy clouds. High 80 to 84. Wednesday: Partly sunny and humid. High 84 to 88.
City Atlanta Chicago Dallas Detroit Houston Los Angeles New Orleans New York Orlando Philadelphia Phoenix San Francisco Wash., DC
Today Hi/Lo/W 83/68/t 82/57/s 92/76/pc 83/56/pc 89/72/pc 79/62/pc 87/73/t 84/66/t 86/68/pc 85/67/t 107/81/pc 65/51/pc 87/69/t
Full pool 360 76.8 75.5 100
Lake Murray Marion Moultrie Wateree
81° 55° 85° 62° 99° in 1951 47° in 1983
SUN AND MOON 7 a.m. yest. 358.12 74.54 75.33 97.53
24-hr chg +0.01 -0.02 -0.07 -0.09
Sunrise 6:11 a.m. Moonrise 11:24 a.m.
Precipitation 24 hrs ending 4 p.m. yest. Month to date Normal month to date Year to date Last year to date Normal year to date
River Black River Congaree River Lynches River Saluda River Up. Santee River Wateree River
0.00" 0.00" 0.32" 15.57" 18.77" 17.94"
Wed. Hi/Lo/W 88/68/t 64/52/r 96/77/s 69/53/r 92/74/pc 79/62/pc 88/74/t 82/64/pc 89/68/pc 84/64/pc 108/80/s 68/53/pc 88/70/s
Myrtle Beach 81/66
Manning 87/63
Today: More humid with a thunderstorm. Winds southwest 4-8 mph. Wednesday: A thunderstorm in spots. Winds southwest 4-8 mph.
Temperature High Low Normal high Normal low Record high Record low
Florence 86/64
Bishopville 87/64
Temperatures shown on map are today’s highs and tonight’s lows.
NATIONAL CITIES golf after Bible study. Call (803) 773-2171. UAW Eastern Carolina International Retirees Council meets at 10 a.m. on the second Wednesday of each month at the VFW in Little River. All UAW retirees are welcome to attend. Call Bob Artus at (803) 481-3622.
Sunset 8:29 p.m. Moonset 12:05 a.m.
June 5
June 12
June 19
June 27
Flood 7 a.m. 24-hr stage yest. chg 12 7.15 +0.26 19 3.92 -0.18 14 3.52 -0.04 14 3.73 -1.33 80 78.04 +0.15 24 6.56 -0.43
Today Wed.
High 1:13 a.m. 1:56 p.m. 1:56 a.m. 2:44 p.m.
Ht. 3.0 2.5 2.9 2.5
Low 8:20 a.m. 8:25 p.m. 9:01 a.m. 9:15 p.m.
Ht. 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.8
REGIONAL CITIES City Asheville Athens Augusta Beaufort Cape Hatteras Charleston Charlotte Clemson Columbia Darlington Elizabeth City Elizabethtown Fayetteville
Today Hi/Lo/W 81/59/t 85/64/t 87/62/pc 84/66/s 80/69/pc 85/65/s 86/64/t 86/66/t 87/65/pc 87/64/s 86/67/pc 86/65/s 88/66/pc
Wed. Hi/Lo/W 85/63/t 90/66/t 93/68/t 88/70/t 81/71/pc 88/67/t 89/65/t 89/71/t 93/67/t 93/66/t 87/68/t 91/67/t 93/67/t
Today City Hi/Lo/W Florence 86/64/s Gainesville 84/62/pc Gastonia 87/65/t Goldsboro 87/65/pc Goose Creek 85/65/s Greensboro 86/64/t Greenville 86/65/t Hickory 85/65/t Hilton Head 81/69/s Jacksonville, FL 83/62/s La Grange 84/63/t Macon 86/64/t Marietta 82/66/t
Wed. Hi/Lo/W 92/65/t 88/64/pc 89/65/t 91/66/t 89/67/t 88/66/t 89/66/t 88/66/t 84/74/pc 88/68/pc 89/66/t 91/66/t 88/68/t
Today City Hi/Lo/W Marion 85/64/t Mt. Pleasant 83/65/s Myrtle Beach 81/66/s Orangeburg 86/63/s Port Royal 83/66/s Raleigh 88/66/pc Rock Hill 86/64/t Rockingham 87/64/pc Savannah 85/64/s Spartanburg 87/65/t Summerville 81/67/s Wilmington 83/65/s Winston-Salem 85/66/t
Wed. Hi/Lo/W 87/67/t 87/69/pc 85/72/pc 91/66/t 86/70/pc 90/67/t 90/65/t 91/66/t 89/68/t 90/65/t 85/73/pc 88/70/t 88/65/t
Weather(W): s–sunny, pc–partly cloudy, c–cloudy, sh–showers, t–thunderstorms, r–rain, sf–snow flurries, sn–snow, i–ice
PUBLIC AGENDA SUMTER CITY COUNCIL Today, 5:30 p.m., Sumter Opera House, 21 N. Main St.
BISHOPVILLE CITY COUNCIL Today, 6:30 p.m., Colclough Building
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Turn EUGENIA LAST whatever you do into a social event. Mix and mingle with your peers and you will find out valuable information that will help you make wise choices. A lastminute change must not be allowed to disrupt your plans.
The last word in astrology
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Refrain from sharing personal information. It’s best to gather information and make assessments for the time being. Someone isn’t likely to honor a promise made. Take care of your responsibilities early in the day, leaving time to explore new opportunities. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Listen attentively, but be careful when it comes to sharing the information you’ve been given. A false sense of security is apparent and must not be allowed to cloud your vision when it comes to work, money and your financial status. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Change based on the way you feel intuitively will lead to a better position. Check out the job market or the possibility of starting your own small business. Find unique ways to use your talents and success will be yours. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You’ll be emotional, changeable and eager to plunge into new and exciting challenges and opportunities. Don’t stifle the way you feel at home or about domestic situations. Put whatever difficulties or challenges you face behind you and keep moving. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Live and learn. Gather information and experiment with new people, places and projects. Don’t feel the need to make a decision prematurely. It’s important to understand the process that will
lead you to different outcomes before you proceed. Romance is highlighted. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): You will capture attention, but not everyone listening will be an easy sell. Spend more time honing your skills and perfecting your presentation. Someone will point out mistakes if you leave any room for criticism. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Expand your interests and search for ways to make more money. Use your creative imagination and you’ll find an outlet. Broadening your horizons will help buy you financial freedom. Put love on a pedestal and spend time with someone special. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Make positive changes to the way you live and how you handle your money matters. Fixing up your residence or buying or selling real estate will work in your favor. Don’t just talk about your plans; turn them into a reality.
9-13-26-30-35 PowerUp: 2
15-27-31-34-48 Powerball: 1 Powerplay: 2
10-13-42-43-62 Megaball: 2 Megaplier: 4
5-8-3 and 5-5-0
9-5-4-8 and 0-1-5-3
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Don’t feel pressured to get everything done and out of the way. Slow down and do whatever needs to be done carefully so you don’t have to do it over. Don’t let the changes going on around you cause uncertainty. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Get back to basics. Remember your original plans and find a way to incorporate the old with the new. Emotions will fluctuate. Taking care of personal business will help clear the way to a better future. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Take control and good fortune will come your way. Believe in your talent and ability to get others to pitch in and help. Invest in yourself and your plans for the future, and you will find a way to reach your destination.
Maayan Shmid, of Israel, smiles as he participates in the Celebrate Israel Parade in New York on Sunday.
Pro Open alum Stephens ousted in Paris B4
Call: (803) 774-1241 | E-mail:
Thornton tosses 4-hitter to lead Cougars into NCAA super regional BY ANDREW MILLER Post and Courier GAINESVILLE, Fla. — As Tyler Thornton’s pitch count began to climb in the later innings Monday afternoon, College of Charleston head coach Monte Lee and pitching coach Matt Heath huddled in the Cougars’ dugout to talk strategy. Leading by two runs, the
Cougars had right-hander and former University of South Carolina Sumter standout Michael Hanzlik and left-hander Eric Bauer ready to go in the bullpen. As it turned out, Thornton didn’t need any help. Thornton threw a 4-hitter and the Cougars did just enough offensively to beat Long Beach State 4-2 and capture the Gainesville Regional
on Monday afternoon at McKethan Stadium. With the victory, the Cougars (44-17) advance to the super regionals for only the second time in school history. The Cougars, who faced Georgia Tech in 2006 in their only other super regional appearance, will travel to Lubbock, Texas, to play Texas Tech in a
College of Charleston starting pitcher Tyler Thornton delivers a pitch during the Cougars’ 4-2 victory over Long Beach State on Monday in SEE COUGARS, PAGE B3 the Gainesville Regional in Gainesville, Fla.
Palmetto meltdown
Post 68 falls to Hartsville in 13 innings BY EDDIE LITAKER Special To The Sumter Item
State stands second only to football as the most important among the two fan bases. Both coaches say they’ll do what they must to improve and get back to being CWS contenders each spring. “It was a good season, but good isn’t good enough around here. I understand that,” Holbrook said. “We’ve got to do better than good.” Both programs usually have. This is just the second time since the NCAA started best-of-three super regional series in 1999 that neither Clemson nor South Carolina are among the final 16 contending for the College World Series. “I go into every season thinking we’re going to get to Omaha, like everyone else does that follows our program,” Leggett said Saturday after his team was eliminated by fourth-seeded Xavier 6-4. The question if Leggett will get the chance to continue is a big one. Athletic director Dan Radakovich said he’d meet with Leggett this week to discuss the program’s future. Radakovich issued a statement Sunday saying that
MANNING — Another close game, but still another loss for Manning-Santee Post 68 in American Legion baseball League III play. Hartsville scored two unearned runs in the top of the 13th inning to beat Manning 5-3 on Monday at the Manning High field. Post 68 fell to 0-3 in league play and 0-5 overall. Hartsville improved to 2-1. Russell Thompson threw five shut- CUTTER out innings in relief for Manning. He was replaced by Ryan Knowlton in the 13th. Hartsville scored the runs on a pair of errors, one on a double play grounder by shortstop Steven Cox and the other a dropped ball by first baseman Mark Pipkin. Missed opportunities had Manning staring at the prospect of a third consecutive League III loss heading to the eighth inning. Trailing 3-1 with two outs and runners on first and second, Jamal Keels broke a string of bad luck with runners on by lacing a single to center, scoring J.T. Eppley and Thompson to tie the score. However, just as quickly as Keels had broken a 0-for-7 drought with runners on and a 0-for-3 druohgt with runners in scoring position, the same problem came back to bite Post 68 once again. After a William Ard single to left and a wild pitch that put runners on second and third with two out, Pipkin hit a sharp ball to second, but could not dive to first in time to allow the potential game-winning run to score. Thompson, pitching in relief of Manning-Santee starter Linc Powell, struck out the side in the top of the eighth and induced three infield groundouts to retire the first six batters he faced. Post 68 had one more chance to end the game in regulation but came up short once again. After
Clemson’s Jon McGibbon (12) leaves the field as Xavier players celebrate their 6-4 win on Saturday in Nashville, Tenn. Both the Tigers and South Carolina had early exits this postseason as neither made it past the regional round.
Clemson, USC deal with aftermath of early postseason exits BY PETE IACOBELLI The Associated Press COLUMBIA — The college baseball season is over for the Palmetto State’s powerhouse programs — and much earlier than many expected. Clemson (36-25) went 0-2 in the NCAA tournament for the first time since 1981. It was 1976 when South Carolina (44-18) last failed to advance from a regional it hosted, which is what happened this weekend when the Gamecocks dropped two games to surprising winner Maryland. “It’s definitely a tough one to swallow, just coming out and not performing our best on our home field in front of our home crowd,” South Carolina closer Joel Seddon said. The early meltdown hasn’t set well with some. Some fans have questioned whether second-year head coach Chad Holbrook was up to the job of leading a program that won national titles in 2010 and 2011 and is expected to be at the College World Series each year. Meanwhile, some Tigers fans are calling for the ouster of Hall-of-Famer Jack Leggett, who’s led the Tigers to
South Carolina starting pitcher Jack Wynkoop leaves Saturday’s 4-3 loss to Maryland during the second inning at Carolina Stadium in Columbia. six CWS trips, but none since 2010. That might not seem like a big gap, but college baseball in the Palmetto
Johnson continues Dover dominance with track record 9th victory BY DAN GELSTON The Associated Press DOVER, Del. — Jimmie Johnson handled the pothole at Dover the same way he disposed of a rough patch to start the season. He won. A week after shaking off a lengthy winless streak by his championship standards, Johnson raced his way to another routine romp at Dover International Speedway. He followed last week’s victory in
the Coca-Cola 600 with another sensational run at Dover, extending his track victory record to nine. Johnson was the class of the field in a race red-flagged for 22 minutes to repair a pothole in the concrete track. “Whatever they put in the pothole, it worked awfully well,’’ Johnson said. His No. 48 Chevrolet was even better. Johnson led 272 of 400 laps, and won consecutive races for
the 13th time. The six-time Cup champion swept Dover in 2002 and 2009 and won races in 2005, 2010, 2012 and 2013. Brad Keselowski was second, followed by Matt Kenseth, Clint Bowyer and JOHNSON Denny Hamlin. “For sure, when you come to Dover, it’s always the 48,’’ Kenseth said. “We’ve got to figure out how
to get ahead of him.’’ Good luck. Johnson’s checkered flag celebrations at Dover have seemingly become a rite of the NASCAR season. He became Dover’s career leader in laps led when he hit the 2,802 mark, and again stamped himself as contender for a series-tying seventh championship. “It’s amazing that we can stay on top of things here with the different generation car, different rules, different
tires,’’ Johnson said. “This place just fits my style and (crew chief) Chad Knaus’ style.’’ His lone regret, that owner Rick Hendrick was not at the track. Johnson is heating up right as the NASCAR heads into its summer schedule. Up next, Pocono, where Johnson won last season and has two other wins.
(Best-of-7; x-if necessary) N.Y. Rangers vs. Los Angeles Wednesday: NY Rangers at Los Angeles, 8 p.m. Saturday: NY Rangers at Los Angeles, 7 p.m. June 9: Los Angeles at NY Rangers, 8 p.m. June 11: Los Angeles at NY Rangers, 8 p.m. x-June 13: NY Rangers at Los Angeles, 8 p.m. x-June 16: Los Angeles at NY Rangers, 8 p.m. x-June 18: NY Rangers at Los Angeles, 8 p.m.
By The Associated Press
1 p.m. -- Professional Tennis: French Open Men’s and Women’s Quarterfinal Matches from Paris (ESPN2). 6:05 p.m. -- Talk Show: Sports Talk (WDXY-FM 105.9, WDXY-AM 1240). 7 p.m. -- WNBA Basketball: Los Angeles at Atlanta (ESPN2). 7 p.m. -- Major League Baseball: Oakland at New York Yankees or Boston at Cleveland (MLB NETWORK). 7 p.m. -- Major League Baseball: Seattle at Atlanta (SPORTSOUTH, WPUB-FM 102.7). 8 p.m. -- College Softball: College World Series Finals Game Two from Oklahoma City -- Florida vs. Alabama (ESPN). 9:30 p.m. -- International Soccer: Mexico vs. Bosnia-Herzegovina from Chicago (ESPN2). 10 p.m. -- Major League Baseball: Chicago White Sox at Los Angeles Dodgers (WGN).
MLB STANDINGS By The Associated Press AMERICAN LEAGUE EAST DIVISION Toronto New York Baltimore Boston Tampa Bay CENTRAL DIVISION Detroit Chicago Minnesota Cleveland Kansas City WEST DIVISION Oakland Los Angeles Texas Seattle Houston
W 34 29 28 27 23
L 24 26 27 29 34
Pct .586 .527 .509 .482 .404
GB – 3½ 4½ 6 10½
W 31 29 26 27 26
L 22 29 28 30 30
Pct .585 .500 .481 .474 .464
GB – 4½ 5½ 6 6½
W 35 30 29 28 24
L 22 26 28 28 34
Pct .614 .536 .509 .500 .414
GB – 4½ 6 6½ 11½
Cleveland 6, Colorado 4 Minnesota 7, N.Y. Yankees 2 Toronto 4, Kansas City 0 Boston 4, Tampa Bay 0 Texas 2, Washington 0 Baltimore 9, Houston 4 Chicago White Sox 4, San Diego 1 Oakland 6, L.A. Angels 3 Seattle 4, Detroit 0
Boston at Cleveland, 7:05 p.m. Seattle at N.Y. Yankees, 7:05 p.m. Tampa Bay at Miami, 7:10 p.m. Minnesota at Milwaukee, 7:20 p.m. Kansas City at St. Louis, 8:10 p.m. Chicago White Sox at L.A. Dodgers, 10:10 p.m.
Boston (Peavy 1-2) at Cleveland (House 0-1), 7:05 p.m. Oakland (Kazmir 6-2) at N.Y. Yankees (Kuroda 4-3), 7:05 p.m. Toronto (Hendriks 1-0) at Detroit (A.Sanchez 2-2), 7:08 p.m. Seattle (Undecided) at Atlanta (Floyd 0-2), 7:10 p.m. Tampa Bay (Archer 3-2) at Miami (H.Alvarez 2-3), 7:10 p.m. Kansas City (Shields 6-3) at St. Louis (J.Garcia 1-0), 7:15 p.m. Baltimore (B.Norris 3-5) at Texas (J.Saunders 0-1), 8:05 p.m. L.A. Angels (C.Wilson 6-4) at Houston (McHugh 3-3), 8:10 p.m. Minnesota (Deduno 1-3) at Milwaukee (Gallardo 3-3), 8:10 p.m. Chicago White Sox (Noesi 0-4) at L.A. Dodgers (Haren 5-3), 10:10 p.m.
Seattle at Atlanta, 12:10 p.m. Boston at Cleveland, 7:05 p.m. Oakland at N.Y. Yankees, 7:05 p.m. Toronto at Detroit, 7:08 p.m. Miami at Tampa Bay, 7:10 p.m. Baltimore at Texas, 8:05 p.m. L.A. Angels at Houston, 8:10 p.m. Milwaukee at Minnesota, 8:10 p.m. St. Louis at Kansas City, 8:10 p.m. Chicago White Sox at L.A. Dodgers, 10:10 p.m.
NATIONAL LEAGUE EAST DIVISION Atlanta Miami Washington New York Philadelphia CENTRAL DIVISION Milwaukee St. Louis Cincinnati Pittsburgh Chicago WEST DIVISION San Francisco Los Angeles Colorado San Diego Arizona
W 31 28 27 27 24
L 25 28 28 29 30
Pct .554 .500 .491 .482 .444
GB – 3 3½ 4 6
W 34 30 26 26 20
L 23 27 29 30 34
Pct .596 .526 .473 .464 .370
GB – 4 7 7½ 12½
W 37 30 28 26 23
L 20 28 28 31 36
Pct .649 .517 .500 .456 .390
GB – 7½ 8½ 11 15
Cleveland 6, Colorado 4 Atlanta 4, Miami 2 N.Y. Mets 4, Philadelphia 3, 11 innings Texas 2, Washington 0 Milwaukee 9, Chicago Cubs 0 Chicago White Sox 4, San Diego 1 San Francisco 8, St. Louis 0 Cincinnati 4, Arizona 3 Pittsburgh 5, L.A. Dodgers 3
N.Y. Mets at Philadelphia, 7:05 p.m. Tampa Bay at Miami, 7:10 p.m. Minnesota at Milwaukee, 7:20 p.m. Kansas City at St. Louis, 8:10 p.m. Chicago White Sox at L.A. Dodgers, 10:10 p.m. Pittsburgh at San Diego, 10:10 p.m.
Philadelphia (Buchanan 1-1) at Washington (Zimmermann 3-2), 7:05 p.m. San Francisco (Lincecum 4-3) at Cincinnati (Bailey 5-3), 7:10 p.m. Seattle (Undecided) at Atlanta (Floyd 0-2), 7:10 p.m. Tampa Bay (Archer 3-2) at Miami (H.Alvarez 2-3), 7:10 p.m. Kansas City (Shields 6-3) at St. Louis (J.Garcia 1-0), 7:15 p.m. N.Y. Mets (Z.Wheeler 2-5) at Chicago Cubs (Arrieta 1-1), 8:05 p.m. Minnesota (Deduno 1-3) at Milwaukee (Gallardo 3-3), 8:10 p.m. Arizona (C.Anderson 3-0) at Colorado (J.De La Rosa 6-3), 8:40 p.m. Chicago White Sox (Noesi 0-4) at L.A. Dodgers (Haren 5-3), 10:10 p.m. Pittsburgh (Cole 5-3) at San Diego (Undecided), 10:10 p.m.
Seattle at Atlanta, 12:10 p.m. Pittsburgh at San Diego, 6:40 p.m. Philadelphia at Washington, 7:05 p.m. Miami at Tampa Bay, 7:10 p.m. San Francisco at Cincinnati, 7:10 p.m. N.Y. Mets at Chicago Cubs, 8:05 p.m. Milwaukee at Minnesota, 8:10 p.m. St. Louis at Kansas City, 8:10 p.m. Arizona at Colorado, 8:40 p.m. Chicago White Sox at L.A. Dodgers, 10:10 p.m.
NBA PLAYOFFS By The Associated Press FINALS
(Best-of-7; x-if necessary) Miami vs. San Antonio Thursday: Miami at San Antonio, 9 p.m. Sunday: Miami at San Antonio, 8 p.m. June 10: San Antonio at Miami, 9 p.m. June 12: San Antonio at Miami, 9 p.m. x-June 15: Miami at San Antonio, 8 p.m. x-June 17: San Antonio at Miami, 9 p.m. x-June 20: Miami at San Antonio, 9 p.m.
Monday At Stade Roland Garros Paris Purse: $34.12 million (Grand Slam) Surface: Clay-Outdoor Singles Men Fourth Round David Ferrer (5), Spain, def. Kevin Anderson (19), South Africa, 6-3, 6-3, 6-7 (5), 6-1. Rafael Nadal (1), Spain, def. Dusan Lajovic, Serbia, 6-1, 6-2, 6-1. Gael Monfils (23), France, def. Guillermo Garcia-Lopez, Spain, 6-0, 6-2, 7-5. Andy Murray (7), Britain, def. Fernando Verdasco (24), Spain, 6-4, 7-5, 7-6 (3). Women Fourth Round Andrea Petkovic (28), Germany, def. Kiki Bertens, Netherlands, 1-6, 6-2, 7-5. Sara Errani (10), Italy, def. Jelena Jankovic (6), Serbia, 7-6 (5), 6-2. Simona Halep (4), Romania, def. Sloane Stephens (15), United States, 6-4, 6-3. Svetlana Kuznetsova (27), Russia, def. Lucie Safarova (23), Czech Republic, 6-3, 6-4.
GOLF The Associated Press
Masterson, Tribe snap Boston’s streak lowed three hits and one run. He struck out seven and walked one.
CLEVELAND — Justin Masterson found the strike zone after a rocky start and pitched seven scoreless innings as the Cleveland Indians ended Boston’s 7-game winning streak, beating the Red Sox 3-2 Monday night. Masterson (3-4) walked four in the first three innings, but settled in and won for the first time in five starts. He allowed just three singles and struck out a season-high 10.
PHILADELPHIA — Wilmer Flores hit a grand slam and drove in a career-high six runs, Bartolo Colon threw 7-plus sharp innings and the New York Mets beat Philadelphia 11-2 in a makeup from an April rainout. Colon (5-5) allowed two runs and six hits to win his third straight decision. The 41-year-old righty has a 1.61 ERA in his last three outings.
NEW YORK — Kyle Seager homered, tripled twice and doubled, leading Felix Hernandez and Seattle past the New York Yankees 10-2. Hernandez (8-1) won his fifth straight start to match a career high. The Mariners broke open a game of odd bounces with a 4-run seventh inning, and Seager hit a 3-run homer in the ninth. MARLINS 3 RAYS 1
MIAMI — Randy Wolf pitched six innings for his
Cleveland starter Justin Masterson delivers during the Indians’ 3-2 victory over Boston on Monday in Cleveland.
MILWAUKEE — Matt Garza took a shutout into the seventh inning and Mark Reynolds hit a 2-run homer, sending Milwaukee to a 6-2 victory over Minnesota. Garza (3-4) scattered six hits over 6 1/3 scoreless innings.
first victory since 2012, and Miami beat Tampa Bay 3-1, sending the Rays to their seventh consecutive loss. The 37-year-old Wolf, making a comeback from the second Tommy John surgery of his career, al-
From wire reports
Sunday At Muirfield Village Golf Club Dublin, Ohio Purse: $6.2 million Yardage: 7,392; Par: 72 (x-won on first playoff hole) Final x-Hideki Matsuyama (500), $1,116,000 70-67-69-69—275 -13 Kevin Na (300), $669,600 72-69-70-64—275 -13 Bubba Watson (190), $421,600 66-69-69-72—276 -12 Chris Kirk (123), $272,800 66-70-74-68—278 -10 Adam Scott (123), $272,800 69-70-68-71—278 -10 Ben Curtis (95), $215,450 69-71-69-70—279 -9 Steve Stricker (95), $215,450 71-70-70-68—279 -9 Luke Guthrie (75), $167,400 75-69-66-70—280 -8 Bill Haas (75), $167,400 73-67-72-68—280 -8 Thorbjorn Olesen (75), $167,400 71-67-74-68—280 -8 Charl Schwartzel (75), $167,400 72-69-67-72—280 -8 Brendon Todd (75), $167,400 71-68-69-72—280 -8 Scott Brown (59), $124,000 70-69-71-71—281 -7 Paul Casey (59), $124,000 66-66-76-73—281 -7 Jason Allred, $102,300 74-68-74-66—282 -6 Billy Horschel (55), $102,300 71-69-68-74—282 -6 Matt Kuchar (55), $102,300 74-69-69-70—282 -6 Rory McIlroy (55), $102,300 63-78-69-72—282 -6
Sunday At Stockton Seaview Hotel and Golf Club, Bay Course Galloway Township, N.J. Purse: $1.5 million Yardage: 6,177; Par: 71 Final Stacy Lewis, $225,000 67-63-67—197 -16 Christina Kim, $138,527 64-67-72—203 -10 Haeji Kang, $72,998 68-67-69—204 -9 Anna Nordqvist, $72,998 69-65-70—204 -9 Gerina Piller, $72,998 67-67-70—204 -9 Jennifer Johnson, $72,998 62-70-72—204 -9 Julieta Granada, $42,851 71-66-68—205 -8 Meena Lee, $31,399 70-70-66—206 -7 Azahara Munoz, $31,399 69-71-66—206 -7 Shanshan Feng, $31,399 74-65-67—206 -7 Karrie Webb, $31,399 69-70-67—206 -7 Inbee Park, $31,399 66-70-70—206 -7
Sunday At Wakonda Club Des Moinse, Iowa Purse: $1.75 million Yardage: 6,910; Par: 72 (x-won on second playoff hole) Final x-Tom Pernice Jr. (263), $262,500 68-67-69—204 -12 Doug Garwood (154), $154,000 68-65-71—204 -12 Michael Allen (96), $95,813 68-66-71—205 -11 Mark Calcavecchia (96), $95,813 66-69-70—205 -11 Bill Glasson (96), $95,813 72-69-64—205 -11 Jay Haas (96), $95,813 69-69-67—205 -11 Joe Durant (63), $63,000 69-67-70—206 -10 Bobby Clampett (53), $52,500 67-72-68—207 -9 Tom Lehman (53), $52,500 69-68-70—207 -9
Florida tops Alabama 5-0 in WCWS opener 11 but finished with a 71 and tied for fourth with Chris Kirk (68).
OKLAHOMA CITY — Hannah Rogers threw a four-hitter to help Florida defeat Alabama 5-0 in Game 1 of the best-of-three national championship series Monday night. Rogers had a perfect game through four innings and a one-hitter going into the bottom of the seventh in the matchup of Southeastern Conference rivals. Florida (54-12) now is just one win from its first national title after runner-up finishes in 2009 and 2011. Game 2 will be played Tuesday night.
GALLOWAY TOWNSHIP, N.J. — Stacy Lewis won the ShopRite LPGA Classic to take the top spot in the world ranking from Inbee Park, finishing with a 4-under 67 for a 6-stroke victory. Lewis finished at 16-under 197 on Seaview’s Bay Course and earned $225,000 for her second victory of the year and 10th overall. Christina Kim was second after a 72.
DUBLIN, Ohio — Hideki Matsuyama earned his first victory in America and validation as one of golf’s young stars Sunday with birdie on the 18th hole to force a playoff with Kevin Na and a 10foot par putt on the first extra to win the Memorial. Bubba Watson, who started the final round with a 1-shot lead, closed with a 72 and finished one shot out of the playoff. Adam Scott had a share of the lead after
DES MOINES, Iowa — Tom Pernice Jr. birdied the second hole of a playoff with Doug Garwood to win the Champions Tour’s Principal Charity Classic. Bill Glasson, Jay Haas, Mark Calcavecchia and Michael Allen finished a shot back. Glasson shot 64, Haas 67, Calcavecchia 70, and Allen 71. From wire reports
POST 68 FROM PAGE B1 Adam Lowder smacked a single to left and Collin Lee sacrificed Lowder into scoring position, Eppley drew a 4-pitch walk from Post 53 reliever Gage Jordan. With runners at second and first, Dillon Tiller came to the mound for Hartsville and struck out Jared Hair on six pitches. Powell had one last shot to end the game before extra innings, but grounded to Post 53 third baseman Chandler Melton, who recorded his seventh putout of the night. Hartsville took a 1-0 lead in the first as Marcus Spears singled to lead off the game, stole second and then took third and home on two passed balls. Post 53 made it 2-0 in the third as Austin Morris singled up the middle, advanced to second on a Spears bunt single, took
LEAGUE III STANDINGS Team Sumter Camden Cheraw Hartsville Dalzell Manning
W 2 2 1 1 1 0
League L Pct. 0 1.000 1 .667 1 .500 1 .500 2 .333 2 .000
GB -½ 1 1 1½ 2
W 4 4 1 1 1 0
Overall L 0 2 1 1 2 2
Pct. 1.000 .667 .500 .500 .333 .000
Duplin, N.C., 3, Manning-Santee 0 Wilmington, N.C., 6, Manning-Santee 5 (8 innings) Dalzell-Shaw at Cheraw Hartsville at Manning-Santee
Manning-Santee at Hartsville, 7 p.m.
Cheraw at Dalzell-Shaw, 7 p.m.
Dalzell-Shaw at Cheraw, 7 p.m. Sumter at Manning-Santee, 7:30 p.m.
Manning-Santee at Hartsville, 7 p.m.
third on a passed ball and scored on an Alex Miller grounder. Manning’s first run came in the bottom of the third with a Collin Lee 1-out single, an Eppley groundout, a Hair infield single and Powell reaching on an infield error. Hartsville added a run in
the sixth after a Casey Kelly walk, a passed ball, a Miller sacrifice bunt and another passed ball that came just before Powell struck out Denton Lee to end the inning. Powell struck out 12 and walked two while giving up four hits in his seven innings on the mound.
NCAA BASEBALL REGIONALS By The Associated Press Double Elimination; x-if necessary At Alfred A. McKethan Stadium Gainesville, Fla. May 30 Long Beach State 6, North Carolina 1 College of Charleston 3, Florida 2 May 31 North Carolina 5, Florida 2, Florida eliminated College of Charleston 6, Long Beach St. 3 Sunday Long Beach St. 5, North Carolina 4, 6 innings, susp., rain Monday Long Beach State 12, North Carolina 5, UNC eliminated College of Charleston 4, Long Beach St. 2, College of Charleston advances
College of Charleston players celebrate their 4-2 win over Long Beach State on Monday in the Gainesville Regional in Gainesville, Fla.
COUGARS FROM PAGE B1 best-of-3 series that will begin either Friday or Saturday. Texas Tech beat Miami 4-0 on Monday to win the Miami Regional. The winners of the eight super regionals advance to the College World Series in Omaha, Nebraska. Thornton, who was named the regional MVP, was masterful after giving up two runs in the first inning to Long Beach State. The hard-throwing right-hander threw eight shutout innings and at one point retired 14 of 17 batters during a stretch in the middle innings. “In the first inning, my fastball was elevating and they put the ball in play where our guys weren’t,” Thornton said. “After that, I worked the ball down and got routine fly balls and ground balls.” For most of the game, Long Beach hitters found themselves behind in the count and never completely figured out Thornton. The Cougars became just the fourth No. 4 seed to win a regional since the NCAA Tournament expanded to 64 teams. Lee said the Cougars never felt slighted being the fourth seed and ac-
PALMETTO FROM PAGE B1 while the team reached the NCAAs again — it was the 20th time in Leggett’s 21 seasons — “we can and will look to do more.” The team was ranked as high as 11th this year and was 20-9 in early April before going 16-16 down the stretch. The Nashville Regional brought hope of redemption, yet the Tigers were pounded by Oregon 18-1 on Friday before getting eliminated. Leggett, 60, is confident he can restore the Tigers’ edge. “I think the future is al-
tually embraced their underdog role. The Cougars started the tournament with a 6-3 win over No. 1 seed Florida on Friday and then beat the No. 2 seed Dirtbags twice in three days. Charleston grabbed a 1-0 lead in the first when Brandon Murray walked with one out and took second on a wild pitch. Carl Wise then singled to center and Murray beat the throw from Dirtbags outfielder Colby Brenner to score from second. Long Beach State answered in the first with two runs, one coming on Richard Prigatano’s RBI double to left. The Cougars tied the game in the third when Blake Butler doubled with one out, took third on a fielder’s choice and scored on a throwing error by Long Beach third baseman Michael Hill. The Cougars added two runs in the fourth after Ryan Welke and Ben Boykin walked to start the inning and advanced a base on a wild pitch. Welke scored on Morgan Phillips’ sacrifice fly to right field to give the Cougars a 3-2 advantage. Boykin would later score on a wild pitch from reliever Nick Rosetta to make it a 4-2 game. The Dirtbags threatened in the seventh and eighth innings, but could never get a runner past second base.
ways bright for this program,” Leggett said. “It’s been one of the top programs in the country for a long period of time. I haven’t lost any confidence in anything that we do.” Despite his brief tenure, confidence in Holbrook has taken some hits the past two seasons. He was coach Ray Tanner’s top assistant and as recruiting coordinator helped build the nucleus of South Carolina’s back-to-back title teams. Tanner was elevated to athletic director in 2012, a few weeks after the Gamecocks finished just short of a third straight crown in Omaha as run-
ners-up to Arizona. Holbrook’s first season ended with a super regional loss at North Carolina. The Gamecocks were ranked No. 1 earlier this year and spent much of the year in the top 10. But they lost two straight at the Southeastern Conference tournament before being beaten 10-1 by Maryland Sunday night to end the year. Holbrook said he and his staff will put in the work this offseason to get better. “That’s going to be the attitude here as long as I’m the coach,” he said. “South Carolina baseball is a special program.”
At A-Rod Park at Mark Light Field Coral Gables, Fla. Friday Texas Tech 3, Columbia 2 Miami 1, Bethune-Cookman 0 May 31 Bethune-Cookman 6, Columbia 5, Columbia eliminated Texas Tech 3, Miami 0 Sunday Miami 10, Bethune-Cookman 0, B-CC eliminated Texas Tech 1, Miami 0, 7 innings, susp., rain Monday Miami 2, Texas Tech 1, 10 innings Texas Tech 4, Miami 0, Texas Tech advances At Dick Howser Stadium Tallahassee, Fla. May 30 Kennesaw State 1, Alabama 0 Georgia Southern 7, Florida State 0 May 31 Alabama 6, Florida State 5, FSU eliminated Kennesaw State 13, Georgia Southern 5, 11 innings Sunday Alabama 6, Georgia Southern 0, GSU eliminated Alabama 4, Kennesaw State 1 Monday Kennesaw State 4, Alabama 2, KSU advances At Bart Kaufman Field Bloomington, Ind. May 30 Stanford 8, Indiana State 1 Indiana 10, Youngstown State 2 May 31 Youngstown State 5, Indiana State 2, ISU eliminated Indiana 4, Stanford 2 Sunday Stanford 12, Youngstown State 4, YSU eliminated Stanford 10, Indiana 7 Monday Indiana vs. Stanford (late) At Swayze Field Oxford, Miss. May 31 Washington 8, Georgia Tech 0 Mississippi 12, Jacksonville State 2 Sunday Georgia Tech 4, Jacksonville State 2,
JSU eliminated Mississippi 2, Washington 1 Washington 4, Georgia Tech 2, Georgia Tech eliminated Monday Mississippi 3, Washington 2, Mississippi advances At Alex Box Stadium Baton Rouge, La. May 30 LSU 8, Southeastern Louisiana 4 Houston 3, Bryant 2, 10 innings May 31 Southeastern Louisiana 2, Bryant 1, 10 innings, Bryant eliminated LSU 5, Houston 1 Sunday Houston 9, Southeastern Louisiana 5, SE Louisiana eliminated Houston 5, LSU 4, 11 innings Monday LSU vs. Houston (late) At M.L. ‘Tigue’ Moore Field Lafayette, La. May 30 Mississippi State 5, San Diego State 2 Jackson State 1, Louisiana-Lafayette 0 May 31 Louisiana-Lafayette 9, San Diego State 2, SDSU eliminated Mississippi State 3, Jackson State 1 Sunday Louisiana-Lafayette 11, Jackson State 1, JSU eliminated Louisiana-Lafayette 14, Mississippi State 3 Monday Louisiana-Lafayette 5, Mississippi St. 3, Louisiana-Lafayette advances At Reckling Park Houston May 30 Texas 8, Texas A&M 1 Rice 7, George Mason 2 May 31 Texas A&M 7, George Mason 3, GMU eliminated Texas 3, Rice 2, 11 innings Sunday Texas A&M 9, Rice 8, 10 innings, Rice eliminated Texas A&M 3, Texas 2 Monday Texas 4, Texas A&M 1, Texas advances At Goss Stadium at Coleman Field Corvallis, Ore. May 30 UC Irvine 10, UNLV 3 Oregon State 2, North Dakota State 1 May 31 UNLV 2, North Dakota State 1, NDSU eliminated UC Irvine 14, Oregon State 2 Sunday Oregon St. 6, UNLV 1, UNLV eliminated Oregon State 4, UC Irvine 0 Monday UC Irvine vs. Oregon State (late)
OTHER REGIONAL WINNERS Virginia Maryland Pepperdine TCU Oklahoma State Vanderbilt Louisville
Pro Open alum Stephens falls at French Open; Nadal advances BY HOWARD FENDRICH The Associated Press PARIS — Hardly a good day to be an American in Paris. The last of the 22 U.S. men and women who were in the French Open singles draws, 15th-seeded Sloane Stephens, lost 6-4, 6-3 Monday to No. 4 Simona Halep of Romania in the fourth round. That came a day after the last American man in singles, No. 10 John Isner, exited before the quarterfinals, too. There was more Monday, though. The No. 1-seeded men’s doubles team, defending champions Bob and Mike Bryan, lost in the quarterfinals, beaten 6-4, 6-2 by the 12th-seeded duo of Marcel Granollers and Marc Lopez of Spain. That left no Americans in men’s or women’s doubles, either. And the No. 1-seeded boy in the junior tournament, 16-year-old Francis Tiafoe of College Park, Maryland, lost in the second round to Jan Choinski of Germany 3-6, 6-2, 6-3. Stephens, a Palmetto Pro Open alum, has been to the second week at six consecutive Grand Slam tournaments, the longest active streak by a woman. But she has lost in
JOHNSON FROM PAGE B1 “We can get on a roll,’’ he said. “We’ve got some good tracks ahead of us.’’ Johnson had some wondering what was wrong after an 0 for 11 start to the season. Turned out, it was nothing racing at some of his favorite tracks couldn’t fix. But Johnson also revealed he had surgery to repair three hernias at the end of last season, which cost the No. 48 team testing time. “We felt like it was time to shut things down and let the team kind of recoup,’’ he said. Johnson never left any doubt his No. 48 Chevrolet was the car to beat, the only drama coming when the race was stopped 160 laps into the race after Ryan Newman’s car pulled up chunks of the track that kicked back and damaged Jamie McMurray’s car. The race was soon stopped and crews weren’t allowed to work on the cars. McMurray’s plea for an exception was denied. “It killed the front-end,’’ he said. “Our guys did a really good job recovering here putting all the stuff on and we salvaged what we could.’’ More pieces of the track flew up and cracked a window on the pedestrian crossover bridge. NASCAR officials and safety crews went to work on the potholes and applied a quickdrying concrete mix. Cup races were infamously delayed by potholes at Martinsville in 2004 and the 2010 Daytona 500. McMurray won at Daytona in 2010. “It started to come back up at the end, but I didn’t think it was a major issue,’’ Keselowski said. “It was definitely a major issue at first when it happened. I could feel it when I was driving over it, and you knew it was only going to get worse.’’ Kevin Harvick might have wished for a longer delay. Harvick’s lead at the red flag evaporated because of a flat tire not long after racing resumed and he fell two laps behind Johnson. Harvick worked his way back into a 17th-place finish. Kyle Busch led the first 81 laps before Johnson passed him. Busch’s bid for a tripleheader sweep at Dover would soon end when the No. 18 Toyota slammed into the outside wall. Bowyer moved into Busch’s line, which caused him to wreck 124 laps into the race. “It was one of those deals where I thought I was clear, obviously, and wasn’t and ruined his day and certainly didn’t help mine,’’ Bowyer said. Busch, who became the 15th driver to pass 10,000 career
Palmetto Pro Open alum Sloane Stephens returns the ball to Simona Halep during her 6-4, 6-3 loss in the fourth round of the French Open on Monday at Roland Garros in Paris. the fourth round of the French Open each of the past three years. Her match Monday was tied at 4-all in the first set when Halep took control by winning the next four games. “It’s always tough playing someone who is really consistent and has a lot of confidence and just plays a solid game,’’ said Stephens, who is based in Florida. “I didn’t execute my game as well as I thought I could,’’ Stephens said. “That’s a little bit disappointing, but obviously that happens.’’
Stephens was broken in six of the nine games she served and made 35 unforced errors, 10 more than first-time French Open quarterfinalist Halep. “I dominated the match, I think,’’ Halep said. “I didn’t serve very well, but I tried to return better — and I did.’’ Meanwhile for the first time in his career, Rafael Nadal will make a fifth straight appearance in the French Open quarterfinals. Nadal won a record 32nd straight match at Roland Garros on Monday, beating Dusan
FEDEX 400 RESULTS By The Associated Press Sunday At Dover International Speedway Dover, Del. Lap length: 1 miles (Start position in parentheses) 1. (4) Jimmie Johnson, Chevrolet, 400 laps, 148.3 rating, 48 points, $331,626. 2. (1) Brad Keselowski, Ford, 400, 111.8, 43, $245,113. 3. (21) Matt Kenseth, Toyota, 400, 114.5, 42, $218,416. 4. (10) Clint Bowyer, Toyota, 400, 100.7, 41, $177,396. 5. (7) Denny Hamlin, Toyota, 400, 103, 39, $136,880. 6. (16) Martin Truex Jr., Chevrolet, 400, 87.6, 38, $144,878. 7. (20) Tony Stewart, Chevrolet, 400, 93.5, 37, $154,828. 8. (3) Joey Logano, Ford, 400, 100, 36, $146,036. 9. (13) Dale Earnhardt Jr., Chevrolet, 400, 104.3, 35, $115,595. 10. (15) Paul Menard, Chevrolet, 400, 92.7, 34, $133,559. 11. (5) Kyle Larson, Chevrolet, 400, 85.5, 33, $132,530. 12. (25) Aric Almirola, Ford, 400, 87.8, 32, $140,496. 13. (19) Jamie McMurray, Chevrolet, 400, 76.7, 31, $135,999. 14. (29) Carl Edwards, Ford, 400, 75.7, 30, $117,510. 15. (6) Jeff Gordon, Chevrolet, 400, 109.5, 29, $145,446. 16. (27) Marcos Ambrose, Ford, 400, 68.6, 28, $126,630. 17. (8) Kevin Harvick, Chevrolet, 399, 105.5, 28, $137,418. 18. (24) Kurt Busch, Chevrolet, 399, 75.4, 26, $98,960. 19. (17) Kasey Kahne, Chevrolet, 399, 83.9, 25, $114,035. 20. (23) Austin Dillon, Chevrolet, 398, 74, 24, $144,021. 21. (11) A J Allmendinger, Chevrolet, 397, 65.5, 23, $115,268. 22. (18) Brett Moffitt, Toyota, 396, 53.2, 22, $104,460. 23. (28) Danica Patrick, Chevrolet, 396, 56.7, 21, $103,810. 24. (38) Reed Sorenson, Chevrolet, 396, 49.9, 20, $111,318. 25. (22) Casey Mears, Chevrolet, 395, 60.1, 19, $117,243. 26. (30) Justin Allgaier, Chevrolet, 395, 46, 18, $113,493. 27. (31) Cole Whitt, Toyota, 394, 49.1, 17, $93,185. 28. (33) Josh Wise, Chevrolet, 390, 45.7, 16, $92,635. 29. (32) David Gilliland, Ford, 388, 45.7, 15, $109,532. 30. (43) Blake Koch, Ford, 388, 30.8, 0, $90,835. 31. (14) Ryan Newman, Chevrolet, 387, 64.4, 13, $97,185. 32. (41) Ryan Truex, Toyota, 387, 34.4, 12, $89,010. 33. (42) Dave Blaney, Ford, 383, 30.4, 11, $88,860. 34. (36) Landon Cassill, Chevrolet, 382, 32, 0, $88,660. 35. (39) Michael Annett, Chevrolet, 378, 52.1, 9, $88,435. 36. (34) David Ragan, Ford, 350, 37.1, 8, $96,335. 37. (40) David Stremme, Chevrolet, overheating, 297, 37.7, 7, $88,151. 38. (12) Greg Biffle, Ford, 292, 62.5, 6, $127,110. 39. (37) J.J. Yeley, Chevrolet, engine, 232, 30, 0, $78,535. 40. (35) Alex Bowman, Toyota, accident, 208, 30.6, 4, $74,535. 41. (26) Ricky Stenhouse Jr., Ford, accident, 131, 47.1, 3, $106,360. 42. (2) Kyle Busch, Toyota, accident, 125, 93, 3, $120,176. 43. (9) Brian Vickers, Toyota, engine, 73, 50.1, 1, $95,110.
laps led, won the Truck Series race Friday and the Nationwide race Saturday. He has the only three-race sweep since NASCAR expanded to three national series in 1995, accomplishing the feat in 2010 at Bristol. Busch, who did not talk to the media, is 1 for 9 in Cup races after winning the first two in the same weekend.
Busch had some company in the garage. AJ Allmendinger turned into Greg Biffle and Ricky Stenhouse Jr. on Lap 135, which knocked out the Roush Fenway Racing teammates. Biffle, though, later returned to finish. “They were racing hard back there and he stuck it into a hole that maybe there wasn’t room for,’’ Biffle said.
Lajovic of Serbia 6-1, 6-2, 6-1 to improve on his own record by one. Nadal is an eight-time French Open champion with a 63-1 record on the red clay in Paris. His only loss came in the fourth round in 2009, when he was a four-time defending champion for the first time. Another upset never seemed possible this time, despite complaints of pain in his back that slowed his serves in the previous round. “I don’t want to talk too much about this thing today,’’
Nadal said of his injury. “I have important match to come. Today I won a match in good shape. We’ll see what’s going on in the future.’’ Playing on Court Philippe Chatrier, Nadal’s favorite court in the world, the topseeded Spaniard controlled the match from the start. He then won 17 straight points to open the second set, taking a 4-0 lead before finally sending a backhand wide to make it 15-15 in the fifth game. Later in that set, Lajovic held three break points at 0-40, but Nadal saved them all and held. It wasn’t until late in the third, with the match far out of reach, that Lajovic did manage a break — the only game he won in the final set. Nadal will next face fifthseeded David Ferrer, the man he beat in last year’s French Open final. Ferrer defeated 19th-seeded Kevin Anderson of South Africa 6-3, 6-3, 6-7 (5), 6-1. Also Monday, Andy Murray defeated Fernando Verdasco of Spain 6-4, 7-5, 7-6 (3) and will next face Gael Monfils in the quarterfinals. Monfils advanced by beating Guillermo Garcia-Lopez of Spain 6-0, 6-2, 7-5.
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Think twice before confronting drivers DEAR ABBY — I suffered a serious accident at work and have endured numerous surgeries, with another on Dear Abby the horizon. Because the ABIGAIL injuries are VAN BUREN in the cervical and lumbar areas, they are not visible. Last week, I parked my car in a handicapped spot in the supermarket parking lot. Having a proper tag on my license plate, I didn’t think twice about it. As I entered the store, a woman who had parked nearby started shouting at me, saying I shouldn’t
have parked where I did. I indicated she should read my plate, to which she then replied that I was “phony” for taking advantage of the system. I imagine she thought this because I was walking unaided that day. Abby, please inform your readers that not all injuries are visible and not to assume that someone is taking advantage because he or she doesn’t meet your expectations of how a disabled person “should” appear. Hurting in Northern California
lem that prevents a patient from walking long distances. Another would be multiple sclerosis. Readers, if you are concerned that someone is gaming the system, rather than confront the person, write down the license number of the car with the handicap plate and inform the Department of Motor Vehicles. If you are correct, the authorities will be interested in that information. And if you are not, you won’t have caused someone who already has problems additional distress.
DEAR HURTING — Gladly. This subject has appeared in my column before. You are correct that not all disabilities are visible. One that comes to mind would be a heart prob-
Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at www. or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.
THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
HOW TO PLAY: Each row, column and set of 3-by-3 boxes must contain the numbers 1 through 9 without repetition.
ACROSS 1 A Swiss Army knife has many of them 5 Halley’s __ 10 Crow calls 14 Peel in a cocktail 15 Stylish 16 Nueve preceder 17 “Please let me get my beauty rest” 20 Half of a 45 21 Title for a superior 22 Loosens, as restrictions 23 Place for a massage 25 Hymn finale 27 Kitchen amts. 30 “Too much noise” 36 Need to remit 37 Shopping aid 38 “My __ Amour”: Stevie Wonder hit 39 __ toast 41 Warning that often precedes 17-, 30-, 49- and 65-Across 43 Remove from the board 44 Bistro, e.g. 46 Ages and ages 48 Joe and Rose Kennedy’s youngest 49 “No one can
know” 51 Exceedingly 52 Burn a lot ... or slightly 53 Pink or purple 55 Wyoming neighbor 58 Altar agreement 61 Make a case 65 “Junior needs his nap time” 68 Fashion designer Marc 69 “Super!” 70 U.S. native 71 Like the ground after a campfire 72 Climbing rope material 73 Bard’s instrument DOWN 1 Israeli guns 2 Truck stop rig 3 Storefront sign abbr. 4 Emotional strain 5 Long-running TV crime drama 6 Possesses 7 O. Henry’s “The Gift of the __” 8 Lure into a crime 9 Ref’s decision 10 Lettucewashing aid 11 Poker “bullets” 12 Sledding shout
13 Soaks (up) 18 Run off at the mouth 19 Does a slow burn 24 Wanted poster initials 26 Audio jack label 27 Marisa of “The Wrestler” 28 Workout output 29 Trapper’s goods 31 “This can’t wait” hosp. areas 32 Bygone anesthetic 33 Speak with pomp 34 More sage 35 Down-andout 37 Where models stand by models 40 Plastic shov-
el, for one 42 Soil chopper 45 Supporting vote 47 Ultimate degree 50 “Holy moly!” 51 Spoken 54 Seven-member Mideast fed. 55 Overhead exclamation point, in comics 56 HMO staffers 57 Egyptian royal cross 59 Business agreement 60 “Beetle Bailey” bulldog 62 Like wild boar meat 63 Over, in Germany 64 Bront‘‘s Jane 66 Cape NNW of Cod 67 Dearie
LILLIAN BLANTON Mary Lillian Bridges Blanton, 83, of 1817 Dunbarton Drive, went home to be with the Lord on Saturday, May 31, 2014, at Providence Hospital. Born in Gaffney, she was the widow of Samuel David Blanton and the daughter of the late Dexter and Eva McGinnis Bridges. Mrs. Blanton was a homemaker and a member of Hickory Road Baptist Church in Sumter. Surviving are a brother, Dexter Howard Bridges of Forest City, North Carolina; a sister, Vivian (Robbie) Patricia Durham of Shalimar, Florida; and a nephew, John Gault and wife, Joan, of Sumter. Mrs. Blanton was preceded in death by three sisters, Lula Mae Bridges Gragg, Myrtle Bridges Jenkins and Anne Ruth Bridges Ogle Capps. A graveside service was held on Sunday at Draytonville Baptist Church Cemetery. Ashby Blakely officiated. The family received friends after the service at the cemetery. The family will be at their respective homes. An online guest register is available at Blakely Funeral Home & Crematory of Gaffney was in charge of arrangements.
DARRYL MOSES BISHOPVILLE — Darryl Moses died on Saturday, May 31, 2014, at Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center in Hartsville, after a brief illness. The family is receiving friends at 319 Woodard St. Funeral arrangements will be announced by Boatwright Funeral Home of Bishopville.
MARION LEE BROWN FORT WORTH, Texas — Marion Lee Brown, 53, died on Saturday, May 24, 2014, in Fort Worth. Born on May 2, 1961, he was a son of Annie Clemmie Epperly. He attended Thomas Sumter Academy and was an executive with Hill Phoenix. Funeral service will be held at 3 p.m. on Wednesday at Sumter Baptist Temple with the Rev. Daniel Jones officiating. Memorials may be made to Sumter Baptist Temple, 2295 Harper St., Sumter, SC 29153. Brunson Funeral Home & Cremation Services, 15 E. Hospital St., Manning, is in charge of the arrangements, (803) 433-2273.
late Hazel White Jr. Melvin united with Salem Missionary Baptist Church at an early age and worked with the usher board. Melvin departed this earthly life on Thursday, May 29, 2014, at Tuomey Regional Medical Center. Melvin leaves to cherish his memories: a son, Willie Griffin; a loving mother, Tisher Johnson White; two sisters, Genise T. Long and Clinnie Wilder; one uncle, James Johnson Jr.; three aunts, Hazeltine (Lorenzo) Smith, Catherine Fredrick and Rachel (Edward) Slater; two nieces, Kenise Long and Latisha Long; two nephews, Micheal Wilder Jr. and Willie Wilder; and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. on Wednesday at Salem Missionary Baptist Church, 320 W. Fulton St., Sumter, with the Rev. Lei Washington, pastor. Interment will follow in Hillside Memorial Park. A public viewing will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. today at the funeral home. The family is receiving friends at 335 South St., Sumter. Messages of care can be sent to www.whitesmortuary. net. Whites Mortuary LLC of Sumter is serving the White family, (803) 774-8200.
ANNIE L. JACKSON BISHOPVILLE — Funeral service for Annie Lucille Jackson, who died on May 29, 2014, will be held at 1 p.m. today at Bible Way Ministry in Timmonsville with Pastor C. Bembo and Pastor Pamela Rufus officiating. Interment will follow in the church cemetery. New Life Funeral Services of Bishopville is in charge of arrangements.
JAMES B. SMITH James Boson Smith, 90, of 133 Fishers Wood Road, Columbia, died on May 31, 2014, at the Dorn VA Medical Center, Columbia. Born on June 27, 1923, in Horry County, he was a son of the late William Ozier and Martha James Smith. The family is receiving relatives and friends at the home of Louise Canty Kinder, 2750 Burnt Gin Road, Wedgefield. Funeral plans will be announced by Community Funeral Home of Sumter.
GEORGE H. BYRD Jr. MELVIN JOE WHITE Melvin Joe White was born on Dec. 17, 1958, in Sumter, to Tisher Johnson White and the
George H. Byrd Jr., husband of Jacqueline F. Byrd, departed his earthly journey on Saturday, May 31, 2014, at
his residence. He was born on March 2, 1955, to George Sr. and Rebecca Byrd. The family is receiving friends at the home, 839 Webb St., Sumter. Funeral arrangements will be announced by Sumter Funeral Service Inc.
THE SUMTER ITEM 29153 or to the Brewington Cemetery Fund, c/o Patti McElveen, 895 Pleasant Grove Road, Lynchburg, SC 29080. Elmore-Cannon-Stephens Funeral Home and Crematorium of Sumter is in charge of the arrangements.
sent to www.sumterfunerals. com. Elmore Hill McCreight Funeral Home & Crematory, 221 Broad St., Sumter, is in charge of the arrangements, (803) 775-9386.
HESSIE ANN L. MARTIN JOHN J. BRUNSON John Jacob Brunson, 64, departed this life on April 17, 2014, at Palmetto Health Richland in Columbia. Funeral plans are incomplete and will be announced later by Job’s Mortuary Inc. of Sumter.
WILLIE R. BARTLETT Willie R. “Coot” Bartlett, 63, husband of Lynn Watford Bartlett, passed away on Sunday, June 1, 2014, at Palmetto Health Richland, after a brief illness. Born in Sumter, he was a son of the late Willie A. and Bertha Bartlett. He was a member of Concord Presbyterian Church and the Christian Men of Concord. He retired from Phibro-Tech. Willie loved to hunt and fish. He will be missed by many family and friends. Survivors include his wife of 37 years; one son, Chad Bartlett (Ashleigh) of Eastover; one daughter, Melissa Wright (Andrew) of Gable; six grandchildren, Trevin, Breanna and Claytin Wright, Dustin Bartlett, and Caden and Lindsey Bartlett; one brother, Thomas “Monk” Bartlett of Sumter; three sisters, Tonia Griffin (Flynn) of Columbia, and Mary Ann Jordan (Donnie) and Tammy Partin (Billy), both of Sumter; and a number of nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at 5 p.m. on Wednesday in the Elmore-Cannon-Stephens Funeral Home chapel with the Rev. Jim Braswell officiating. Burial will be in Concord Presbyterian Church cemetery. Pallbearers will be Henry Griffin, Ben Griffin, Alan Watford, Lee Moore, Bernie Moore and Wheeler McCallum. Honorary pallbearers will be the men of Concord Presbyterian Church, the men of Lewis Chapel United Methodist Church, and the Christian Men of Concord. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. today at Elmore-Cannon-Stephens Funeral Home and other times at the home, 1470 Plowden Mill Road. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Concord Presbyterian Church, 3550 E. Brewington Road, Sumter, SC
MANNING — Hessie Ann Lemon Martin, 97, widow of Peter Martin, died on Sunday, June 1, 2014, at Clarendon Memorial Hospital, Manning. She was born on May 16, 1917, in the Silver community of Manning, a daughter of the late Elliott and Almetter Banister Lemon. The family is receiving friends at 1519 Joseph Lemon & Dingle Road, Manning. These services have been entrusted to Samuels Funeral Home LLC of Manning.
ANNA J. SCHULER Anna J. McCormick Schuler, 91, widow of retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Paul Joseph Schuler, died on Saturday, May 31, 2014, at Covenant Place. Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, she was a daughter of the late Frank J. and Mary Mullan McCormick. Mrs. Schuler was a member of St. Anne Catholic Church and the Sumter Art Association. Surviving are three sisters, Marguerite Malone of California, Sister Helena McCormick R.S.M. and Cathy McCormick, both of Pittsburgh; a cousin, Patricia Orringer of Pittsburgh; and numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by siblings, Anna Mary McCormick, Grace Steck, Rose Cook, Theresa McCormick, Mary Kohl and Frank McCormick. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday at St. Anne Catholic Church with Father Thomas Burke, C.Ss.R officiating. Burial will be in Evergreen Memorial Park cemetery. The family would like to acknowledge their appreciation to the staff of Covenant Place for their kindness and patience in their care of Anna. A wake service will be held at 5 p.m. on Friday in the Elmore Hill McCreight Funeral Home Chapel followed by visitation until 7 p.m. Memorials may be made to the Employees Christmas Fund at Covenant Place, 2825 Carter Road, Sumter, SC 29150 or to St. Anne Catholic Church, One Faith One Family Fund, 216 E. Liberty St., Sumter, SC 29150. Online condolences may be
WILFRED J. TAYLOR Wilfred Joseph Taylor, 86, husband of Naomi B. Taylor, died on Monday, May 26, 2014, at Tuomey Regional Medical Center. Born in Palmetto, Louisiana, he was a son of the late Henry and Chlotilde LeDay Taylor. Wilfred was educated in the public schools of Palmetto County. At an early age, he enlisted in the United States Air Force and served for 22 years. After retiring from active duty, he continued working as a civilian federal employee at Shaw Air Force Base for more than 20 years. In 1968, Wilfred joined the parish of St. Jude Catholic Church of Sumter. He was a lifetime member of the Ballard-Palmer-Bates American Legion Post 202, where he served as the finance officer. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by three brothers, Lonnie Taylor, Henry Taylor Jr. and John Taylor; and three sisters, Netia Reed, Virginia Doucet and Teresa Taylor. Surviving are his wife, Naomi Taylor; three children, Barbara Jean Taylor of Columbia, retired Petty Officer 1st Class Michael Joseph (Christine) Taylor of Norfolk, Virginia, and Dale Jared Taylor of the home; four grandchildren, Jasmine, Michael and Sabra Taylor, and Carmone Davis; two brothers, Leslie (Janice) Taylor and Clarence Taylor; four sisters, Irene (Marion) Rideau, Blanche Frank, Lillie Broussard and Ruby (Albert) Mire; one sister-in-law, Esther Taylor; a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. on Wednesday at St. Jude Catholic Church, 611 W. Oakland Ave., Sumter, with Father Charles M. Donovan, C.Ss.R., celebrant. The public may view from 1 to 8 p.m. today at Palmer Memorial Chapel, 304 S. Main St., Sumter. Interment will follow in Evergreen Memorial Park. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. at Palmer Memorial Chapel and at other times at the Taylor residence, 4330 Granada Drive, Sumter.
Heat locking in on Finals, not what summer brings BY TIM REYNOLDS The Associated Press MIAMI — For the Miami Heat, it’s all about June. July can wait. Four years ago, when LeBron James uttered that nowinfamous phrase — “not two, not three, not four, not five ...’’ — about how many championships he hoped to win with the Heat, it was alJAMES most immediately turned into a punch line. It rings prophetic in some ways now, with the Heat back in the NBA Finals for a fourth consecutive season. How the Heat fare against in their NBA Finals rematch with the San Antonio Spurs might dictate what happens in July, when James, Chris Bosh and Dwyane Wade can become free agents if they choose. A looming offseason of decisions has been a taboo subject for the Heat “Big 3’’ this season, and Wade insisted Monday that Miami’s stars have not said a word to each other about what may or may not happen. “I’m not lying,’’ Wade said. Still, as long as Miami keeps
winning, it seems logical the “Big 3’’ will stay together. “I want to come back. That’s OK to say, I think,’’ Bosh said Monday after the Heat finished their first workout in preparation for the NBA Finals, which begin Thursday in San Antonio. “I can’t speak for anything else and I don’t want to take away from the subject at hand, but I like it here. It’s Miami. Enough said. People are dying to get here.’’ Regardless of the outcome of this Heat-Spurs series, there will be changes to the Heat, which is an annual rite for just about every team. James, Wade and Bosh can all opt out of their current deals. Shane Battier is retiring, Ray Allen may think about doing the same, while Mario Chalmers, James Jones and Rashard Lewis are notable free-agentsin-waiting. It’s not just the “Big 3’’ who aren’t thinking too far ahead, yet. Allen said no one in the room is looking past anything but this series — especially with the Spurs’ Tim Duncan saying San Antonio will get it done this year after falling short against the Heat last season. But as James noted, both teams have their own motivation.
Bulls’ Noah headlines NBA’s all-defensive team THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Chicago’s Joakim Noah and Indiana’s Paul George received the most votes on this year’s NBA all-defensive team, released Monday. Less than two months after a landslide victory in balloting for the league’s defensive player of the year, Noah was the only player to receive more than 100 first-team votes and earn more than 200 points for the team. Noah received 105 of 123 possible votes, while George had 65 votes. The rest of the first team consisted of Clippers guard Chris Paul, Oklahoma City forward Serge Ibaka and Golden State swingman
Andre Iguodala. Four-time league MVP LeBron James and defensive player of the year runner-up Roy Hibbert were both on the second team. Noah dominated on the defensive end this season, joining Andre Drummond of Detroit and Anthony Davis of New Orleans as the only players in the league to average at least 10.0 rebounds, 1.5 blocks and 1.2 steals. Noah finished sixth in the league in rebounding (11.3), 12th in blocks (1.51) and helped the Bulls hold opponents to 43.0 percent field goal shooting, the second-best mark in the league. He also had 1.24 steals per game.
TUESDAY, JUNE 03, 2014
Lost & Found
Found 2 dogs in middle of old Hwy 521 in Dalzell. Owner please call 983-7072 to identify.
AKC Rottweiler Puppies, 7 wks old. Tails docked, dewclaw removed, dewormed, 1st shots. $350 ea. Call 803-428-7279.
Pets Free to good home! 2 Black (M) kittens, 8 weeks, seek loving home. Call 803-773-5719
Home Improvements H.L. Boone, Contractor additions, painting, roofing, gutters, sheetrock, blown ceilings, decks. 773-9904
Lawn Service Four Seasons Lawn Care Serving Sumter for almost 20 yrs! Free est. 494-9169/468-4008
Roofing All Types of Roofing & Repairs All work guaranteed. 30 yrs exp. SC lic. Virgil Bickley 803-316-4734. C&B Roofing Superior work afford. prices. Free est., Sr. disc. Comm/Res 30 yr warr 290-6152
MERCHANDISE Furniture / Furnishings Furniture For Sale Sumter Cabinet Bedroom set, Couches, Bookcase, Table with 4 chairs, Desk//hutch, Kitchen cabinets & lamps. Call 775-9925
Garage, Yard & Estate Sales LARGE GARAGE SALE 1st & 3rd Weekend Tables $1 & Up FLEA MARKET BY SHAW AFB
Open every weekend. 905-4242
CLASSIFIED DEADLINES 11:30 a.m. the day before for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday edition. 9:30 a.m. Friday for Saturday’s edition 11:30 a.m. Friday for Sunday’s edition. We will be happy to change your ad if an error is made; however we are not responsible for errors after the first run day. We shall not be liable for any loss or expense that results from the printing or omission of an advertisement. We reserve the right to edit, refuse or cancel any ad at any time. For Sale or Trade
Martin's Used Appliance Washers, Dryers, Refrig., Stoves. Guarantee 464-5439 or 469-7311
Furnished Apartments
Mobile Home Rentals
Manufactured Housing
1bedroom Apt, liv. rm, kit, bath, fully furnished. $475 per month, incl. TV, garbage, water and sewer. Quiet Country Setting. No Smoking, drinking or drugs! 803-481-0015 Excellent for elderly person.
(Scenic Lake) 3BR 2BA 16x80. No pets Call 803-499-1500. From 9am- 5pm
Unfurnished Apartments
130 Hoyt St. Sumter County close to downtown. Call 864-349-1400.
Looking for your DREAM HOME? LOW CREDIT SCORE? Been turned down for bad credit? Come try us, we do our own financing. We have 3-4-5 bedroom homes. Layaway program available. For more information, call 843-389-4215.
EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted Full-Time
SOUTH FORGE APTS. 1 & 2 BR Water, stove & frig furnished. Linda at 803-494-8443
Warehouse Position Must be reliable, some knowledge of hardware. Wally's Hardware 1291 Broad St. Ext.
Senior Living Apartments for those 62+ (Rent based on income) Shiloh-Randolph Manor 125 W. Bartlette. 775-0575 Studio/1 Bedroom apartments available EHO
Herbicide Spray Tech for industrial weed control. Overnight travel req. Comm. pesticide applicators licensed useful. 803-428-6652 Skilled Serviceman needed. Experience in Home repairs required. To apply call 803-469-3222 or drop resumes off at 2735 Broad St. Sumter, SC 29150
Help Wanted Part-Time $$$ AVON $$$ FREE TRAINING! 803-422-5555
Ricky's Tree Service Tree removal, stump grinding, Lic & ins, free quote, 803-435-2223 or cell 803-460-8747. STATE TREE SERVICE Worker's Comp & General liability insurance. Top quality service, lowest prices. 803-494-5175 or 803-491-5154
For Sale or Trade Expert Tech, New & used heat pumps & A/C. Will install/repair, warranty; Compressor & labor $600. Call 803-968-9549 or 843-992-2364 Antique English Brass /Iron Bed $350 & Pie Safe $625 Call 803-491-4200
1000 sqft office space for lease. 2 offices, conference room and reception area. 730-C Broad St., $650/mo. Call (803) 494-6204
3Br home Burgess Ct. $495/mo & 2Br Apt Miller Rd. $395/mo. 774-8512 / 983-5691 Houses & Mobile Homes in Sumter & Manning. 2 Br & 3 Br. First month's rent and security deposit required. Please call 803-225-0389. 3BR/1.5BA Oakland Ave. 1,400 sq ft., lg. yard, Millwood Elem. $750 mo. + dep. 303-751-1460.
Oaklawn MHP: 2 BR M.H.'s, water/sewer/garbage pk-up incl'd. RV parking avail. Call 494-8350
Rooms for Rent ROOMS FOR RENT, $100- $125 /wkly. All utilities & cable included. 803-938-2709
STATEBURG COURTYARD 2 & 3 BRs 803-494-4015
The Perfect Housewarming Gift The Sumter Item is locally owned and run. We’re part of this community and we believe in Sumter.
Mobile Home with Lots
Office Rentals
Mobile Home Rentals
Resort Rentals
(2) 3 & 4BR/2BA (Dalzell). Easy Financing. 803-983-8084
Ocean Lakes 2BR/2BA C/H/A Sleeps 8, near ocean, Call 803-773-2438
Unfurnished Homes
Tree Service
Mobile Home Lot Rentals
REAL ESTATE Homes for Sale KAREN ZIMMERMAN ESTATE AUCTION Antique and traditional home furnishings and décor. Large auction! ONLINE ONLY, June 5-12 Details and bidding at Rafe Dixon, SCAL 4059, (803) 774-6967
Manufactured Housing 4BR 32x80 DW w//land for sale. Payments approx. $600/mo. Call 803-236-5953
5 Coulter Dr. Wedgefield, Fleetwood 3br 2ba, den w/ fireplace, all appliances, completely remodeled. like new, on 0.45 ac lot in cozy neighborhood. Drastically reduced to $49,900. Please call (803) 468-6029.
Mobile Home Lots 2540 Burt Gin Rd, Wedgefield .9 acres with storage bldg $150 mo. Agent Owned. Call 236-2425
Farms & Acreage For Sale By Owner, 10 Acres, 8 miles to Sumter. $55,000. Owner Financing 803-427-3888. 53.26 Acres (Clarendon Co) 4 ponds & Cabin with power, also established road. Ducks, turkeys, fish, deer. Call 803-481-2048 pin# 9129 2540 Burt Gin Rd, .9 acres in Manchester with horse barn.. $150 mo. Agent Owned. Call 236-2425
20 N. Magnolia St. | Sumter, SC 803.774.1200
Land & Lots for Sale Dalzell 16.57 acre paved. $2425 dn. $580 mo. 120 mos. $2500 Ac. 888-774-5720. Minutes Walmart/Shaw, 1 Ac, Water, Electric, Paved $6,000 cash. 888-774-5720
Public Notice #14-053-TV-C Date: June 3, 2014 NOTICE OF A DRAFT AIR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT
Mopeds / ATVs / Motorcycles 2003 FXD Dyna Super Glide Annv. Edit. 5K mIles Garage kept, windshield, saddlebags, shorty pull backs, fwd controls, Vance & Hines pipes, padded sissy $7000 Call 803 481-8740
Autos For Sale 2008 International 4300 Truck, 26,000 GVWR Maxxforce DT 466 air brakes, 26' Van Body, air ride suspension. No CDL required 175K mi. $38,000 Call 803 773-7012 for appt. 1999 Nissan Pick up. Auto, All power, bedliner, toolbox. Call 803-473-7644 2006 Chevy Avalanche LT Z71 PKG 4x4 Chrome Bumpers & Running Boards. All extras 109k miles. Call 803-934-6124 or 803-469-9232
Antiques / Classic Cars 1954 Cheverlot Belair 4dr, hard top, very good condition. 803-468-5215.
LEGAL NOTICES Legal Notice Public Storage /PS Orangeco, Inc. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will sell to satisfy the lien of owner at public sale by competitive bidding on June 12th, 2014 personal and/or business property including but not limited to furniture, clothing, tools and other household/business items located at the properties listed. The sale will begin at 1:00 pm at 1277 Camden Hwy, Sumter, SC 29153. The personal goods stored therein by below named occupant(s); 1143 N.Guignard Dr, Sumter, SC 29150 206 - Segars, William 209 - McLeod Jr, Donnie 241 - Shaw, Billy 326 - Benjamin, Ashleigh 404 - Gripper, Adrian 412 - McCray, Torrey 427 - Bracey, Tiffany 433 - Washington, Renee 443 - Kennedy, Josscara 469 - Dessman, Santana 543 - McRae, AnnaMarie 552 - Carter, Joeann 1277 Camden Hwy, Sumter, SC 29153 A014 - Webb, Antionio A027 - Thomas, John A036 - Medina, Laracha B008 - Greene, Tyrone B024A - Smith, Dawnlynn B035 - Kennedy, Ashanique B055 - White, Sherika C031 - Rhodes, Chelsie C044 - Rogers, Melinda C049 - Edwards, Amy C062 - Sigler, Frederick D014 - Reed, Jessica D022 - Sherard, Hesper E012 - Davis, Lakeyshia E015 - Gamble, Kay E029 - Crump, Natasia F016 - White, Ronald F024 - Mullins, Roger G026 - Sumpter, Lisette I020 - Buchannan, Lanikqua 3785 Broad St, Sumter, SC 29154 0105 - Dicks, John William 0114 - Ross, Arnteyus 0124 - Jones, Melvin Leroy 0129 - Dozier, Gloria 0242 - Canty, Annette 0338 - Rouse, Tanika Latonya 0339 - Tisdale, Cristy Renee 0340 - Benbow, Juanita 0436 - Dwyer Jr., Robert 0535A - Tumbleston, Jonathan Roy 0733 - Dennis, Latasha Denise 0738 - Walker, Kayla-Nicole 0743 - Rufus, Melissa Ann 0746 - Fullard, Joan
Estate Notice Sumter County
Estate Notice Sumter County
Estate Notice Sumter County
Persons having claim against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the indicated Personal Representatives, appointed to Information on permit decisions and administer these estates, and to file their hearing procedures is available by claims on Form #371PC with the Probate contacting DHEC at either address Court of Sumter County Courthouse, N. listed above. Copies of a draft permit Main Street, Sumter, SC, 29150, on or or other related documents may be before the date that is eight months after requested in writing at a $.25 per the date of the first publication of this page charge. Please bring this notice Notice to Creditors, (unless previously to the attention of persons you know barred by operation of Section 62-3-803), will be interested in this matter. or such persons shall be forever barred as to heir claims. All claims are required This public notice along with the to be presented in written statements, draft permit and Statement of Basis indicating the name and the address may be viewed through July 2, 2014 of the claimant, the basis of the claim, on DHEC's website at: the amount claimed, the date when the claim will become due, the nature of any uncertainty as to the amount claimed and Bid Notices the date when due, and a description of any security as to the claim.
Persons having claim against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the indicated Personal Representatives, appointed to administer these estates, and to file their claims on Form #371PC with the Probate Court of Sumter County Courthouse, N. Main Street, Sumter, SC, 29150, on or before the date that is eight months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, (unless previously barred by operation of Section 62-3-803), or such persons shall be forever barred as to heir claims. All claims are required to be presented in written statements, indicating the name and the address of the claimant, the basis of the claim, the amount claimed, the date when the claim will become due, the nature of any uncertainty as to the amount claimed and the date when due, and a description of any security as to the claim.
Persons having claim against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the indicated Personal Representatives, appointed to administer these estates, and to file their claims on Form #371PC with the Probate Court of Sumter County Courthouse, N. Main Street, Sumter, SC, 29150, on or before the date that is eight months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, (unless previously barred by operation of Section 62-3-803), or such persons shall be forever barred as to heir claims. All claims are required to be presented in written statements, indicating the name and the address of the claimant, the basis of the claim, the amount claimed, the date when the claim will become due, the nature of any uncertainty as to the amount claimed and the date when due, and a description of any security as to the claim.
Legal Notice
State of South Carolina (SC) Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) Bureau of Air Quality (BAQ) 2600 Bull Street Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 898-4123
SUMTER HEAT & POWER, LLC 2050 HIGHWAY 15 SOUTH SUMTER, SOUTH CAROLINA (SUMTER COUNTY / PEE DEE, SUMTER EQC OFFICE) AIR PERMIT NO. 2140-0149-CA Sumter Heat & Power, LLC (SHP) has applied to the SC DHEC for an air construction permit to install a biogas-fired engine to be located within the Pilgrim's Pride Processing Plant. A draft permit and Statement of Basis have been written by the BAQ outlining this proposed project and applicable regulations. This permit will enable the facility to construct and operate in compliance with state and federal air quality regulations. The draft permit has not yet been approved and is open to comment from the public, affected states and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). SHP is planning to partner with Pilgrim's Pride Processing Plant permit number TV-2140-0006. The Pilgrim's Pride facility processes poultry and also operates a biological wastewater treatment system (WWTS) in conjunction with a land application system. SHP will be located within the Pilgrim's Pride Processing Plant. The facility is requesting to install a 1.546 MW (2,151 HP) biogas-fired engine (biogas provided by Pilgrim's Pride). The SHP facility will provide all of its electricity, hot water, and steam directly to the Pilgrim's Pride Processing Plant. The hot water, steam, and electricity generated by SHP will enable Pilgrim's Pride to reduce the operating level of its existing boilers or possibly take the boilers offline. Emissions generated by this facility as a result of the proposed project will include Particulate Matter (PM), PM less than 10 Micrometers in Diameter, PM less than 2.5 Micrometers in Diameter, Volatile Organic Compound (VOC), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Green House Gas on a Carbon Dioxide equivalent basis (CO2e), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen Oxide (NOx), and Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs). If this permit is approved, federally-enforceable emission limits of less than 40 tons per year (TPY) of NOx and VOC and less than 100 TPY of CO will be established with the permit, thereby enabling the facility to remain below Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) major source thresholds. Additional, federally-enforceable emission limits of less than 10 TPY of any single HAP, and less than 25 TPY of any combination of HAPs, will also be established with this permit, thereby enabling the facility to remain below applicable Maximum Available Control Technology (MACT) Standards As SHP and Pilgrim's Pride are considered one source and Pilgrim's Pride has a current Title V operating permit, Sumter Heat & Power would not have an initial 12 months to submit a Title V application. If issued and upon start of operation, Pilgrim's Pride will have to request a minor modification to their Title V to incorporate Sumter Heat & Power's construction permit. The Department may, at that time, issue SHP a separate Title V operating permit. Interested persons may review the materials drafted and maintained by DHEC for this facility and submit written comments on the draft permit by the close of business, which is 5:00p.m., on July 2, 2014, to Karen Lee at the above DHEC address or by e-mail at All comments received by 5:00p.m., on July 2, 2014, will be considered when making a decision to approve, disapprove, or modify the draft permit. Where there is a significant amount of public interest, DHEC may hold a public hearing to receive additional comments. Public hearing requests should be made in writing to Karen Lee at the above DHEC address or by e-mail. If a public hearing is requested and scheduled, notice will be given in this newspaper thirty (30) days in advance. If you have questions concerning the draft permit, please contact Tawanna Reid at the phone number listed above. A final review request (appeal) may be filed after a permit decision has been made. Information regarding final review procedures is available from DHEC's legal office at the above address or by calling (803) 898-3350. Information relative to the draft permit will be made available for review through, July 2, 2014, at the DHEC Columbia Office listed
TUESDAY, JUNE 03, 2014
Legal Notice above and at the following location: SC DHEC, Pee Dee, Sumter EQC Office, 105 Magnolia Street, Sumter, SC 29151 at (803) 778-6548
SUMTER SCHOOL DISTRICT BID SOLICITATION PROJECT NAME: PAINTING PROJECTS AT VARIOUS SCHOOLS A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held at Sumter School District in the Maintenance Department, 1345 Wilson Hall Road, Sumter, SC 29150 on Thursday, June 5, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. Afterwards, we will have a mandatory walk-thru visiting various schools. Bid packets and specifications will be distributed to attendees at the pre-bid conference. Sealed bids will be opened on Thursday, June 12, 2014, at 10:00 a.m. For direct inquiries and/or questions, please contact Clyde Chan, 803-968-4106 or
Personal Representative Pearl D. Windham 3990 Leonard Brown Road Sumter, SC 29153 Estate:
Katherine Holloway #2014ES4300307 Personal Representative Lee O. Holloway 311 Lindley Avenue Sumter, SC 29150
Estate: Raymond Henry Dionne #2014ES4300298 Personal Representative
Howard E. Owens 1380 Broad Water Drive Sumter, SC 29150 Estate:
INVITATION TO BID The County of Sumter is soliciting separate sealed bids from qualified vendors to furnish One (1) 2014 3â &#x201E;4 Ton, 4 x 4 Super Cab Truck for Sumter County Fire Department, 13 E Canal Street, Sumter, South Carolina 29150. Specifications may be obtained from the County of Sumter, Office of the Purchasing Agent, 13 East Canal Street, Sumter, South Carolina 29150.The County of Sumter reserves the right to reject any or all bids. The County of Sumter reserves the right to waive any or all technicalities.
Estate Notice Sumter County
NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF ESTATES Persons having claim against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the indicated Personal Representatives, appointed to administer these estates, and to file their claims on Form #371PC with the Probate Court of Sumter County Courthouse, N. Main Street, Sumter, SC, 29150, on or before the date that is eight months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, (unless previously barred by operation of Section 62-3-803), or such persons shall be forever barred as to heir claims. All claims are required to be presented in written statements, indicating the name and the address of the claimant, the basis of the claim, the amount claimed, the date when the claim will become due, the nature of any uncertainty as to the amount claimed and the date when due, and a description of any security as to the claim. Estate:
Odell Rodgers #2014ES4300318
Personal Representative Jewell L. Smith C/O Marvin E. McMillan, Jr. Attorney At Law PO Box 3690 Sumter, SC 29151
Yardley O. Robinson #2014ES4300286
Personal Representative
Maxine Robinson 2630 Lorentz Drive Sumter, SC 29154 Estate:
Vernell Ragins #2014ES4300311
Personal Representative Darrell A. Ragins and Charlene Ragins Ruben L. Gray Attorney At Law PO Box 2636 Sumter, SC 29151
James P. Nesbitt, Jr. #2014ES4300308 Personal Representative Sharon O. Nesbitt 207 S. Wise Drive Sumter, SC 29150
James Daniel Clawson #2014ES4300295
Personal Representative Alicia K. Clawson 5419 Magnolia Park Circle Columbia, SC 29206
Cleo Thomas Dickey #2014ES4300312
Personal Representative Elaine Johnson 4940 Narrow Paved Road Lynchburg, SC 29080
Purchase must be made with cash only and paid for at the time of sale. All goods are sold as is and must be removed at the time of the sale. Sale is subject to adjournment.
Harvey Michael Windham #2014ES4300285
Mary B. Dura #2014ES4300317
Personal Representative James F. Dura C/O Kenneth Hamilton Attorney At Law PO Box 52359 Sumter, SC 29152
Allen Watson #2014ES4300299
Personal Representative
Phyllis Watson C/O Kenneth R. Young Jr. Attorney At Law 23 West Calhoun Street Sumter, SC 29150 Estate:
Jane Arden Carper #2014ES4300303 Personal Representative Kimberly J. Simmons C/O J. Cabot Seth PO Box 1268 Sumter, SC 29151
Donald Lee Roy #2014ES4300291
Personal Representative Joseph H. Roy 308 Woodward Blvd Summerville, SC 29483 Estate:
Charles H. Overton, Jr #2014ES4300309 Personal Representative O. Bartlette Buie C/O Wade S. Kolb, Jr. Attorney At Law 107 North Main Street Sumter, SC 29150
Douglas P. Bleecker #2014ES4300297
Personal Representative
Diane Hancock 459 Upper Pond Road Wagener, SC 29164 Estate:
Williard Lemmon #2014ES4300290
Personal Representative
Agnes Spencer 106 Orange Street Sumter, SC 29150 Estate:
Thelma D. Davis #2014ES4300296
Personal Representative
Shawn T. Davis 221 E. Moore Street Sumter, SC 29150 Estate:
Kenneth Charles Schimdt #2014ES4300314
Personal Representative Sabrina Ann Schimdt 448 Danbury Lane East Brunswick, NJ 08816
Hillard S. Dura #2014ES4300316
Personal Representative James F. Dura C/O Kenneth Hamilton Attorney At Law PO Box 52359 Sumter, SC 29152 Estate:
Lillie Mae T. Rogers #2014ES4300302 Personal Representative Dianne R. Pauley 4850 Cotton Acres Road Sumter, SC 29153
Margaret Lee Mills Lamer #2014ES4300319
Personal Representative Richard A. Lamer 125 Nash Street Sumter, SC 29150
I Found it in the
Auction Notice Notice is hearby given that the contents of the rental cube list herein will be offered for sale at the public auction per the S.C. Storage Act. The property list contained herein will be sold to satisfy liens imposed by American Storage on 6-10-14 at 1:00PM, or thereafter. The sale will occur on the premises at American Storage, located at 4194 Broad Street, Sumter, SC 29154 in the county of Sumter SC. #191 Earl Seymore Household items, #87 Laronda Dyer Household Items, #51 Thomas Brown Household Items, #33 Randall Smalls Household Items. American Storage reserves the right to reject all bids. All contents are sold "as is". Contents of the cube must be removed immediately or the storage cube containing the items must be rented by the purchaser. Sale is subject to cancellation at any time.
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