2 minute read


In praise of CARERS - by Helen O’Meara, the very proud Director of CI Home Care



“Two weeks ago the government [UK] described social care workers as “unskilled workers”. Now they are the front line in caring for the old and vulnerable in the face of coronavirus. Some of the lowest paid and most dedicated people will be getting up every day to ensure your parents and relatives are not alone. After coronavirus care workers will still remain amongst the l owest paid and “unskilled” but they will have kept their clients alive and safe.

I take my hat off to you.”

As the Director of a home care business it brought a tear to my eye. Exactly as the heart-warming stories the Carers bring back to the office touch me and bring goosebumps – and remind me why, as management, we wade through ever increasing layers of red tape and compliance to do this work.

The ab ove post was written re the UK where Carers are paid significantly less than in Jersey. However, the fact remains that, in Jersey, many Carers work for roughly the same as some domestic cleaners. Yet they have to pass fourteen mandatory trainings, battle traffic all day to work to tight schedules, deal with people who vary between grumpy to appreciative, get up early and stay up late to fit in clients’ pref erred call times therefore miss mealtimes with their own families, deal with all aspects of old age from incontinence to dementia – and smile through it all.

And now, like supermarket workers and healthcare workers and too many other essential roles to mention here they have to deal with the added worry of being out and about and therefore potentially carrying this virus back into their own homes.

B ut they are still out there. And this week (27th March) when we had to put a plea out for overtime, we had an amazing response. Coronavirus has not hit us as an illness but has affected Carer availability via schools closure therefore child care issues, the need to self-isolate as husbands are critical to the island’s infrastructure and a couple of colds and sore throats which are almost certainly not c or onavirus but we can’t take any risks. Therefore instead of a couple of days off it’s 7-days self-isolation.

You will note I always write Cares with a capital “C”. You will see the same on our website. It’s because I see it as a profession in exactly the same way as I would capitalise Nurse or Doctor.

At a time when we applaud those who are the more obvious frontline of healthcare, please spare a thou gh t for all those Carers of the elderly, the disabled and of other vulnerable people such as those with Autism, who work in care homes and at home care and other care agencies in the public, private and charitable sectors.

Especially in elderly care they are the ones keeping the elderly out of hospital and so hospital beds free for those who may need them more.

A capital C is the least they deserve.

Simply call Nicola or Emma on 01534 883 886 for further information or to arrange a no obligation informal chat.

 Live-in care specialists  Hourly home care enquiries welcomed  Overnight and respite care also available  Registered with the Jersey Care Commission  Flexible, consistent and friendly care

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