SUMMER 2021 |
Visit the Bat House at
Patrick Holford health/well-being | excercise | nature | eco-issues | motoring | gardening | home | art/craft | nutrition | general interest | interview
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Publisher Fish Media Ltd
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Email: Website: Director Jamie Fisher Editor Juanita Shield-Laignel Travel Writer Rebecca Underwood Photography Simon Finch Production
And at last, some summer sun –
Zoo…my recent visit revealed
Ian Curtis
just what we all need and long
some fascinating truths…enjoy
may it last…make the most of
on page 6 onwards – a long
every drop of sunshine to sustain
interview article but well worth
us through whatever is to come!
taking the time to read…
I can’t tell you how excited I am
So, I will leave you to explore the
to bring you this extraordinary
rest of this digital issue – the joy
summer issue. With guest
of digital as I discuss on page 14,
Rebecca Underwood
appearances from Patrick
is that you can click on many of
Holford, world renowned
the adverts and be taken
‘Institute for Optimum Nutrition’
straight to the advertiser’s
Caroline Spencer
Founder and Hedi Green of ‘Real
website – we have also included
Louise Carson
Housewives of Jersey’ fame –
a few audio files and videos – it’s
Sally Roberts
both advocating the hypotheses
all very exciting – I hope you find
that ‘there is a better way’ – this
value in it too.
Sales Manager Juanita Shield-Laignel Accounts and Administration
Mark Shields Lorraine Pannetier Alistair Shield-Laignel
Front Cover Photo: Paul Ellis VR
really sets the tone for this
Email -
Until the autumn…I wonder how the world will look by then;
Follow us on Instagram: the.jerseylife Like us on Facebook: The Jersey Life © All rights reserved. The Jersey Life is copyright and may not be reproduced in any form either in part or whole without written permission from the publishers. Whilst Fish Media takes every reasonable precaution, no responsibility can be accepted for any property, services or products offered in this publication and any loss arising there from. Whilst every care is taken with all materials submitted to The Jersey Life the publisher cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to such material. Fish Media reserves the right to reject of accept any advertisement, article or material supplied for publication or edit such material prior to publication. Opinions expressed are strictly those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views or policies of Fish Media. We accept no liability for any misprints or mistakes and no responsibility can be taken for the content of these pages.
Health, including nutrition and
interesting times beautiful
exercise, the environment and
humans – interesting times!
community are all high on our agenda. As such you will enjoy
In health & hope
the twists and turns of my Motivate Heath Blog…exercise and me are strange bedfellows at best, as you will see! The absolute star of the show is the Bat enclosure and it’s amazing inhabitants, at Jersey
Juanita Shield-Laignel
If you have an interesting story to share or would like your business reviewed, please feel free to contact us. SUMMER 2021 ISSUE | 3
contents 3 WELCOME and The Jersey Life contact information
INTERVIEW 6 MEET PANDORA & THE REST OF THE GANG The Editor meets Dominic Wormell & Eluned Price
16 MOTIVATE HEALTH BLOG By Juanita Shield-Laignel
20 WHAT IS HEALTH? By Juanita Shield-Laignel
24 SUMMER DAYS The Herb Whisperer
You Will Absolutely Love
44 SUMMER NEUTRALS By Sam Wylie-Harris
The Editor Takes A Trip To ‘The Field’
Through the eyes of a teacher – Thelma Heard
40 REUSE MEETS CREATIVITY by Caroline Spencer
4 |
The Ferrari Portofino M
1-1 personal training session and additional daily exercises sent via the App directly to your phone! Visit or call 07700 322 344 Email:
Meet Pandora and the Rest of the Gang.. Bats have had a lot of bad press recently – more so than usual! There have always been sections of society that find them unattractive, possibly even scary…but could the humble bat be the answer to our problems rather than the cause…Juanita Shield-Laignel visited Jersey Zoo to find out. I love animals and flora and fauna at large, so was
now I’m managing research for the zoo.”
really excited to be invited to meet Head of Mammals Dominic Wormell and Zoo Research
And as if to underline Eluned talking about free
Manager Eluned Price who is not only Dom’s co-
ranging monkeys, as we approached the bat house –
worker but also his equally dedicated to wildlife, wife.
Dom pointed out silvery marmosets feeding on un-
Eluned explained.
ripe cherries in the trees above. “They roam free, exactly the same as they would in the wild - they can
“I’ve been living in Jersey permanently since 1995,
go down the beach if they want to.” Dom laughed. A
Dom since 1989 and we met here in the zoo. I came
White Necked Crane from the neighbouring plot
over from the UK to do some research on our first
joined in!
woodland group of free ranging monkeys. Dom had been here about year as a Keeper. I then went to
After watching them frolic eating cherries in the
Brazil to study monkeys for a while and then came
trees and a lesson in the breading habits of
back and stayed…the rest as they say is history. So
marmosets, (did you know that marmosets and tamarinds have twins as a breeding strategy, no I didn’t either) we finally alighted the bat enclosure! Dom was really keen to explain the physical building and I was delighted to listen…I confessed to loving Grand Designs especially the cob houses and handbuilt wooden ones. “Being a charity, we never have huge budgets, so this is our recycled modified bat house. Originally built in 2011, it’s just tyres, each rammed with 3 wheelbarrows of earth and weighing around 80 kilos – so they are not going anywhere, stacked on top of each other, insulated with straw and then mud plaster containing all sorts - horsehair, keeper hair, orangutan hair to bind it all together, slapped on top and then painted with lime. Lime is used on cob because it breathes - with ordinary plaster the straw would just rot.” Dom continued “Lots of stuff was donated and as a
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Outside Cob bat enclosure
Inside Cob bat enclosure
community project, around 200 volunteers got
“And it was an enormous amount of fun – towards
involved. We took ideas from ‘Rome Wasn’t Built In A
the end of the build we had a big mud plastering
Day’ and as you mentioned ‘Grand Designs’
party, we had a BBQ afterwards for all involved and
including using the bottoms of old wine bottles
there was a real sense of creativity and
stacked up as windows.” We joked it must have been
achievement. Humans in general seem to have
fun draining the bottles first, but Eluned interjected
lost so many of these, old, often better ways.” That
that most of them had been donated. We went
made sense to me too.
inside and Dom pointed out how the different coloured bottles twinkle in the sunlight and a small
On to the main attraction - “The Livingstone fruit
glass covered panel showing the straw underneath. I
bats - the big, darker ones – are from the Comoros
got the feeling Dom is almost as proud of the
islands, small islands at the top the Mozambique
building as he is of the animals inside!
channel, and the smaller brownish bats are Rodrigues bats from Rodrigues Island which is
He explained “The reasons we built it like this is
about the same size as Jersey actually at 42 sq
because 1. We had very little money, 2. We wanted
miles, a tiny little island in the Indian ocean and
the community to be stake holders in this project -
very remote. In 1970 when Gerald Durrell started
they are not ‘our’ bats…nature is for everyone, and 3.
the breeding programme, there were only 70
and probably most importantly – if we had built a big
Rodrigues bats left in the wild. Gerald brought
crystal palace with oil heating – what sort of
some here and some to Mauritius in an effort to
statement does that make about sustainability? The
breed and repopulate the forest, but the forests
reason these species and so many others are
needed to be regenerated too and this has largely
endangered is because ‘we’ (the human collective)
happened in Rodrigues Island - the forest has been
are using their resources unsustainably! So we built
recovered in the uplands, water has come back
this with rubbish to make people think about
and so the people have benefited too, and most
recycling and bestowing the ‘things’ we have with an
importantly there is now a wild population of
intrinsic value.” That all made perfect sense to me.
about 20k. Because of this success we aren’t SUMMER 2021 ISSUE | 7
breeding Rodrigues bats at the moment – we don’t need to.” “The Livingstones are a different matter. There has been a lot of deforestation in the Comoros in the last 20 years, and consequently the rivers have dried up and the people are suffering. So we need to keep a ‘safeguard’ population here but also build the habitat back. With the crazy weather events we are seeing, a little island community of only 100 bats could be wiped out with one fire or an extreme cyclone. So we are still breeding Livingstones and have had a great year with 11 babies so far.” I felt very privileged to be invited into the enclosure. “This is the maternity area and hospital – here we have Pandora and her baby. They all have names and some of the keepers know them all. They do have
Eluned gave me a long pole with a small basket on
distinguishing marks, such as notched ears or a
the end containing banana – Iris and several others
particular pattern or coloration on their back, but
suddenly became very interested. I was fascinated to
they are also chipped and logged and assigned a
watch her grab the basket and pull it up so she could
house number. All the mammals begin with M – so
get her head right in and her tongue right to the
N’Pongo - our world-famous Gorilla was the first, so
bottom to get every single morsel.
she was M1. This female here is subdominant – she has a break on her leg so we’ve had to separate her
Listening back to the recording at this point is quite
off for a while – her name is Iris – would you like to
amusing because I can be heard talking to the bats
feed her?” Of course I accepted.
as if they are puppies or children saying thigs like ‘hello beautiful girl – gorgeous girl – oooo your loving that nana’ and so on – I wondered if Dom and Eluned thought I was a ‘nana’! But then another turned up just behind Eluned and grabbed her plait for attention…Eluned turned to look at her and I realised just how playful and interactive they are with those they trust. I exclaimed that their faces are very sweet, like upside down bears of lemurs and Dom carried on explaining “They are upside down puppies basically – well their babies are called pups! Fruit bats are amazing seed disperses covering huge areas, more than birds.” Eluned carried on “We are determined to help people understand that nearly everything you hear about bats is rubbish. We are planning some interactive studies with the public – trying to
Eluned having her plait pulled 8 |
establish exactly what it is that some people don’t
like about certain species – the bats are a good example. We are going to have a student asking those that don’t want to come in, why they don’t want to come into the enclosure, do they think it’s going to be dark and they don’t want to be in the dark or do they imagine it’s scary and that bats may fly into their hair – we can’t get to people to change their attitude unless we know exactly what is bothering them. We hope to be able to better understand and be able to persuade people that they are actually cute and fascinating and worth saving and a very vital part of our ecology.” A mother with a baby on her belly appeared next to my shoulder – they seemed quite inquisitive “This is so joyful!” exclaimed I, also commenting on how
Me feeding Pandora with Banana
beautiful their eyes are. It was really amazing to see
you can see here he has marks in his wings where
them so up close and personal.
they box with their thumbs, but on the whole, they are so clever and intelligent, the mothers will leave
Eluned explained “This baby is about 2 months old –
babies in a crèche area whilst they go off to feed –
it’s peak birthing season from April to July.”
some bats have been observed to help others give birth…it’s really quite extraordinary.” This all sounded
Dom interjected – “And this is Kidogo he broke his
amazing and sensitive and nothing like the myths
thumb so has been separated whilst he heals –– they
that we hear so I just had to ask…
have amazing feet and toes with tendons that lock out so when they are hanging, they don’t use much energy.” I asked Dom how long they live – “About 30
What about vampire bats?
years and some European micro bats can live up to
Dom was happy to answer, “These guys eat fruit and
35, over there in the medical enclosure is the only
veg, our local bats in Jersey eat insects, but yes in
wild caught female we have left now, called Gem –
Central and South America, of the 1,360 species of
she is nearly 30 now.”
bats there are 3 tiny vampire bat species that feed off cattle, but it’s not like a great big bite on the neck as
“We created this big doughnut” Dom gesticulated to
popular culture would have you believe - they make
demonstrate the circular nature of the enclosure, “40
a tiny little incision and have an anticoagulant in
metres long and 15 m across so one fly around gives
their saliva, they then feed on the blood flow, storing
them a good 100 metres to travel – they’ve been
some for their young which they regurgitate when
seen doing as many as 5 loops, that’s half a kilometre
they get back to the nest. They only feed on larger
– in the wild they go quite a way up into the
herbivorous mammals not on humans.”
mountains in a night.” Eluned came in at this point “There really is a lack of A couple of robust boys were having a bit of a tussle
understanding, knowledge and education around
nearby, so I asked if they ever fought. Dom shared as
bats – it’s frustrating, we work with them every day,
he gently extended the wingspan of the
know how beautiful they are, how individual they are
Livingstone’s bat in front of us, “They box with their
and how important they are ecologically and to see
thumbs, this is Echo – he is a non-dominant male –
those myths being perpetuated all the time – it’s SUMMER 2021 ISSUE | 9
nature, who feel more connected to it are generally happier and healthier – local schools are starting to incorporate more nature in their environments and teaching. It is the only way forward.” He continued “This pandemic has demonised bats even more – fingers have been wrongly pointed people need to realise that factory farms and crowded animal markets are breeding grounds for mutations of viruses where hundreds of animals are kept in un-natural ways so have depressed immune systems. We need to leave nature be and help to restore it because ultimately that will lesson pandemics – that is the answer, it’s not ‘let’s keep modifying vaccines, keep vaccinating everyone, it’s about re-building a natural environment.” really important that we don’t demonise bats in this way, it’s wrong and doing these studies, studying
I agreed and said, “It’s all a symbiotic eco system isn’t
people and how they interact, is a really important
it, and the more you strip elements out, the more
way to understand how they perceive different
dangerous other elements become, conversely, the
species and the way they feel about nature overall –
more natural, how it is supposed to be, that it is, then
the more at one with nature people feel the more
viruses et al become attenuated – makes perfect
likely they are to change their behaviour and do
sense to me.”
more to protect it.” Dom agreed “Exactly that - nature will not work to Dom agreed “Yes, the more connected you are to
have epidemics and plagues, it always runs in checks
nature at large the better and Durrell has taken this
and balances, that’s the way things have evolved - as
on as a vital concept – it’s relatively new in
soon as we have upset the balance it goes wrong -
conservation terms.”
we use no chemicals pesticides here in the bat enclosure and everything works in harmony, there
Eluned carried on “That’s why we have to make
are loads of insects amongst the plants and like the
people care. We can say – ‘oh this species of bats are
rainforests where there is little soil, most of the
endangered’ – and many will just shrug and say ‘oh
organic matter is wrapped in biome above, we have
that’s a shame’ but by bringing that emotional
no soil here just AstroTurf donated by Les
aspect into play – ‘these animals are vital to the well-
Quennevais hockey pitch!.”
being of the whole planet’ – then people feel protective.”
We got onto the subject of human diets, Dom said, “Like fruit bats we have no need to make our own
This is a subject close to my own heart so I was
vitamin C as we evolved to eat lots of fruits and
glad of the in, “Yes – we have become so
vegetables. This shows me that we are essentially
disconnected, disparate - the urban jungle has got
herbivores - if people ate more plants and less meat
a lot to answer for.”
and processed foods, more of the forests would be intact. Eluned and I are plant-based as we feel it is
Dom answered my plea “Being in nature is good for
doing what is best for ourselves and the
our wellbeing – people who are spending time in
environment – if you eat an intensively produced
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chicken – it’s not just a chicken you are eating – it’s also the ‘embodied land’ and energy in a chicken which is about 6 square meters of rainforest, because you have to grow the food to feed the chickens! It just doesn’t make sense.” Now that we had set the world to rights Dom invited me to enter the hospital enclosure to meet Pandora and her baby and oh my what an amazing experience. Dom gave me a banana for her and she headed my way – I was able to get really close to her and at one stage she even reached out to me so she could get said banana – her baby hanging from her tummy – she seemed completely unphased. It was an experience that will sustain me for a very long time to come. Eluned had to leave us for another appointment, so my final few questions were directed at Dom.
What’s the future for the bats?
Credit - Will Masefield
pollinators are to the survival of all – our bats locally
“Bats are really important. ‘Eco system engineers’ we
are insectivorous so feed them – restore declining
need to restore habitats, keep breeding - we need
habitats, if insects are in decline, bat numbers will go
bats if we’re to stop pandemics, stop climate change
down too. Look after roadside verges with the new
and stop biodiversity loss - bats really are a key
Branchage technique – in an island the size of Jersey
species to that, rather than being demonised as
that will give us 500 miles of linear nature – most of
something that is dangerous and causing this, they
all change your life a little bit - things we eat, the way
could be our saviour – bats are our way out of this, we
we live our lives, try and live more sustainably – make
need to look after them, they are our friends; flying
a difference.”
cuddly puppies. We also need more planting of forests - agroforestry techniques, plant trees, bring the bats back, bring the rivers back and thus help
What can we do on a larger scale?
the human community, all these things work hand
“Get involved with projects that need help - re-
in hand. When you think that 20% of all mammal
wilding, plant trees in Brazil - what a great thing to
species on earth are bats – it just shows you how
do, projects in the West Indies all these places that
important they are to the eco-structure of all other
need help… come on board, be part of the solution.
living things, so we must protect them, guard them
Become a member of Durrell – go on our website for
with our lives as they will help preserve ours.”
more info. Get involved – do this together, they are
What can we do locally to help? “Remember bats are our friends so leave areas for them in your garden – 2 meter square pollinator patches – more of us are aware of how important our
not ‘our’ animals, not ‘our’ projects, they are everybody’s; take ownership, connect people with wildlife and be stewards for the future….”
e ste a s fo the futu e SUMMER 2021 ISSUE | 11
Nature’s Nutrient Superhero
– Vitamin C By Patrick Holford
like the guinea pig and fruit-eating bat, cannot make vitamin C and need much more when fighting an infection. Following this book, between 1972 and 1975, five placebo controlled studies giving 2 or more grams of vitamin C were published. [1gram(g) = 1,000milligram(mg)]. Pooling the results together, Professor Harri Hemila from the University of Helsinki showed that ‘there was very strong
It’s with great pleasure that I provide this article for
evidence that colds were shorter or less severe in
Jersey Life magazine, some 25 years after I held a
the vitamin C groups’ thus confirming that
workshop in Jersey after founding the Institute of
Pauling was right.
Optimum Nutrition (ION). There was a great turn out that day and I’m delighted to hear that some
But the medical establishment (aka big pharma)
of that information is still in use today!
didn’t like this and soon two ‘reviews’ came out, by Chalmers and Dykes & Meier claiming no effect.
My focus now, and for the past year since the Covid
The word went out – vitamin C doesn’t work. The
virus hit, has been raising awareness of nature’s
main flaw was that, by including very low dose
nutrient superhero – Vitamin C – to empower the
studies, down to 25mg a day, and fudging the
immune system.
maths, they could eliminate a statistical effect.
Vitamin C is far more than simply a nutrient
Professor Harri Hemila then published the most
required in tiny amounts to prevent scurvy.
comprehensive review of all studies, including a
Numerous studies reveal that many health
clear exposé of the flaws that were used to falsely
problems respond to treatment quicker and
discredit vitamin C, to tell the whole truth, and
recovery is far speedier, when you are receiving
nothing but the truth about vitamin C and colds.
adequate levels of Vitamin C. There’s no doubt that
In 2020 I published my book Flufighters and
vitamin C is gold dust for your immune system. It
initiated the VitC4Covid campaign
boosts interferon, inhibits viruses multiplying and
[] to take up the mantle
boosts the production of immune cells, including
of raising the profile of Vitamin C worldwide – for
phagocytes which attack viruses, and white blood
boosting immunity in particular for covid
cells (leucocytes). It is also a neuramidase inhibitor.
symptoms, including its use in hospitalisations.
Vitamin C Research
Dr. Pierre Kory, the Medical Director of the Trauma
In 1970 twice Nobel prize winner Linus Pauling,
and Life Support Center and Chief of the Critical
who was my teacher and patron of the Institute for
Care Service at the University of Wisconsin says “If
Optimum Nutrition, wrote a book on vitamin C
you can administer vitamin C intravenously
and the common cold, arguing that us primates,
starting in the Emergency Room and every 6
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hours thereafter, the mortality rate of this disease
intake of 6 g/day has been shown to restore normal
and the need for mechanical ventilators will likely
vitamin C levels in leucocytes during colds. This
be greatly reduced,” The big question, he says, is
suggests that similar daily doses may be required
"Why aren’t many more US hospitals adopting this
to have a symptom reducing effect.
protocol? “The only reason I can give is that there is widespread bias amongst physicians against the
Studies giving 3 vs 6 or 4 vs 8 g/day have shown the
use of vitamin therapy,” He adds, “The persistence
higher the dose the greater the effect with a 20%
of this bias is inexplicable given that the evidence
decrease in cold duration with 6 to 8 g/day. This
is in plain sight.”
equates to 1.5 to 2 days shorter colds. However, 46% of those taking 8 g/day in the first day of a cold
The big problem is that vitamins are not
report being symptom free after 24 hours. Case
patentable, and relatively inexpensive, and
reports indicate greater effect with doses of 15+
therefore no trials will be funded by the
g/day, titrating the dose to ‘bowel tolerance’ levels.
pharmaceutical industry. There remains an unjustifiable media and medical bias against
You have to have a high dose from the immediate
vitamin C despite indisputable scientific evidence
impact of an infection or virus. During infection
to the contrary. We need the state to give funds for
most people can tolerate 1 g/hr without diarrhoea.
vitamin trials.
This was Dr Linus Pauling’s recommendation – to start with a loading dose of 2 or 3 g, then take 1g/hr
Fight Infection
until symptoms disappear. This is what I take.
That’s the politics so what are the facts? Vitamin C is one of the safest and most effective While a relatively small amount of vitamin C is
nutrients for the body and is fine for most adults to
sufficient for healthy people the effective use of
take. I take two of my ImmuneC
vitamin C depends on how much is required to
tablets which equates to
support the immune system.
1800gm of Vitamin C a day which I formulated with black
When a person is infected, the amount required
elderberry and zinc - which are
increases dramatically. This is illustrated by the
also important for immune
depletion of vitamin C levels in leucocytes, critical
health. I have been doing this
for immune response, during colds and flu. These
for 35 years and can only recall a
critical immune cells normally have more than 10-
few occasions where symptoms
fold higher vitamin C levels than other cells. An
lasted more than 48 hours.
Patrick Holford is a British nutritionist, author, and founder of the Institute for Optimum Nutrition in the UK, the Food for the Brain Foundation, and the VitaminC4COVID campaign. He is also the bestselling author of over 40 health books, including Flufighters. Email Web Phone 0370 334 1575 Address 14 St John's Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 9NP SUMMER 2021 ISSUE | 13
The Joys of an
Interactive Magazine
Did you notice our Healthy Eating Article on pages 38 and 39 of the spring Edition of The Jerseylife? And did you notice that if you clicked on the Lucas Farm Shop advert on the bottom right-hand corner – it took you directly to the Lucas Farm Shop website?
The Article was all about including more
Our Editor followed the link and ended up on
health-giving nutritional fruit and veg in our
the Lucas Farm Shop page displaying
diets; important at all times but imperative
various vegetable or fruit boxes or mixed
during a time of real health stress like a
boxes and most relevant to the article, a
pandemic! We discussed ways in which to
juicing box, and clicked to order. After
ensure high amounts of natural anti-oxidant
setting up an account and then following
nutrients, such as Vitamin C, A (in the form of
the quick and easy instructions she received
beta carotene) & E, show up in our daily menus,
an e-mail to say her juicing box would arrive
including soups, salads and smoothies.
the next morning.
Juicing with extra drop of ginger and lemon oil
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And sure enough, the next morning, on
impressed with not only the box itself, but with
returning home after a few early morning
the quick and easy service.
chores, there was the fresh box of fruit and veg picked especially as traditionally suitable for making juices and or smoothies, sitting on the doorstep. Loads of golden delicious (great base for many juices), carrots, beetroots, ginger, spinach, avocados, a couple of pineapples, bananas, celery and on it went. A huge box and a really good variety and mix of fresh veggies and fruit packed with vitamins. Our Editor was
Delicious Pineapple and Banana Smoothie
Juicing & Journalling in the garden
Lucas Juiceing Box
SUMMER 2021 ISSUE | 15
The Final
When Jamie Fisher, Health Coach from Motivate Health asked me if I would like to participate in his 3 month programme – I jumped at the chance! Not literally you understand as Lycra, sweating and me, have been estranged for the longest time - and I intended for that to continue; till death us do part! However, given I am now on the other side of 50, still more overweight than I should be despite a disgustingly healthy diet, I figured it is now or never. The last bastion of health, my final hurdle, the last frontier and all those other cliches involving mountains etc…basically it was time I pulled my finger out and cracked on with an exercise regime that I can carry through for the rest of my natural born life…exercise blog by The Editor
Well I’m into my 5th week and still alive! I was never sporty – much more ‘arty’ - at school and this pretty much has stayed with me into adulthood. Walking, gardening and swimming have always seemed enough to keep me healthy but as one gets older there are other considerations; osteoporosis, muscle wastage, balance and a whole host of other health related issues that can be slowed down, if not halted completely with a little more exercise in one’s life. And then of course there are the cognitive benefits attached to exercise; better mental health, increased circulation to the brain, less brain fog, more clarity etc. So it was one Thursday morning I met up with Jamie to go through my gruelling (well I expected it to be) schedule. As it turned out Jamie was 16 |
Duke & Lady Penelope doing their stretching exercises
often referred to as ‘girly’ (kneeling) push-ups. This was much more achievable and now 5 weeks on – I am up to 50 a day. Really quite early on I noticed my muscles were getting stronger – quite quickly. This is my main goal – to be stronger and fitter. During our initial consultation Jamie asked me what my aim was so he could tailor my programme specifically to my needs. Weight-loss may well turn out to be an added bonus, but it’s mainly strength of muscles and core that I want to improve and general fitness. Along with the exercise programme there is a nutritional and hydrating plan. I
adamant that as a veritable exercise newbie, slowly but surely was my way forward. On day 1 my task was to complete 10 push ups and 10 glute bridges. Seemed simple enough but laying out my yoga / exercise mat was the first hurdle – my Greyhounds thought is was for them! And then the first push up attempt resulted in me falling flat on my face. Took me a while to stop laughing and when I did, I noticed there was an option on the Motivate Health app to do what is
My view as I do my leg raises beautiful clear blue sky SUMMER 2021 ISSUE | 17
but am enjoying how good my body feels and people / friends are stopping me to say things like ‘you are looking great by the way – really healthy’. As weight loss hasn’t really occurred much yet I am sure the hydration is making a big difference in general. The nutrition plan is simple to follow and although I’ve eaten really nutritionally viable foods for many years, Jamie’s programme has highlighted my portion sizes were off whack, but his programme method is so simple to follow – there is no weighing or calorie counting just a very simple measuring technique…it’s really easy and there are recipes you can follow too. Being mostly plant based in our eating habits as a family – I was pleased to see there are plenty of recipes on the Motivate Health website that can be adapted to vegetarian and even vegan options (see page 48). was pretty good with drinking plenty of water
Week 10 and hanging on in there!
already, but Jamie has doubled my daily intake to 3 litres a day. I thought I would struggle with this
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So I started off really great but then hit a bump in
the road with half term during May – well with two sons expecting daily ice-creams – it would have been rude not to participate! But Jamie was great and told me to put that behind me and just carry on. “We all have times that are difficult to stay on track – but just keep going.” He told me when I owned my faux pas! Since then I’ve been pretty much OK. Now and
tiny, I’ve lost weight on my feet – who even knew
then I need to adjust things slightly – recently I
that was a thing, and I notice my clothes are
realised I’d put a couple of pounds back on – I am
looser! And my body shape is changing – I’ve
so body aware I can feel it straight away – Jamie
always been a good healthy British pear shape, a
asked me to check my portion sizes again as this
full size larger on my bottom half than my top –
is important. I realised I’d been eating too many
but things are definitely becoming more even! I
pulses / beans / lentils (as most of our meals are
still have a way to go but this is me for life now, I
vegan) and that I needed to pull back on these
am certain of it – I have built up a muscle memory
and include other proteins and different sources
that enjoys the feeling which means I actually
of protein. Jamie patiently re-iterated that this
want to exercise – I never thought that would ever
regime keeps metabolism working optimally and
happen to me…
the food intake works in conjunction with the exercise programme and both are designed to
I am really enjoying it. My body feels great, I am
complement one another.
sleeping well at night and more vibrant during the day and having someone I’m accountable to
Am now up to 60 or so of each exercise a day
makes it all the more doable. It’s so easy to start
(started on 10 as above) and as this physically
well and then get complacent but having
takes longer and of course we are all so busy…
someone in the background who I can contact if I
school runs, cooking, shopping, dog walks,
have any questions or just to chivvy me on, is a
working and a whole host of other daily chores -
definite plus and much more likely to keep me
I f ind breaking the exercises down in to smaller
going with this regime for longer.
tranches and doing them at intervals throughout the day makes it easier. My f irst lot
Thank you Jamie and Motivate Health.
is after school drop off when the house is quite and the last lot I do in the evening – my sons
There are different programmes for different
both join in with this section and f ind it hilarious
goals; Toning, weight gain, muscle building and
that mummy is donning herself in Lycra and
weight loss.
pounding the pavements (yes there is a small running section which I never imagined I would
Jamie also does one to one PT Sessions as well as
ever do let alone enjoy).
Group Classes.
So there you have it – 10 weeks into a 3 month
To sign up for Jamie’s Motivate Health
exercise and nutrition programme with the
programme e-mail:
option to continue for another 3 months beyond Facebook and
that. I surely will as I am fitter and stronger (my
Instagram: Motivate Health or go to his website
goal) and have lost some weight…my hands feel SUMMER 2021 ISSUE | 19
What is Health? It’s all so simple really
and then an honest
Having suffered pneumonia as a small child,
sharing of the one’s
growing up I was dogged with bronchitis, asthma and chest infections. As a teenager I chased a hedonistic life of parties, nightclubs, alcohol and dancing (not there is anything wrong with those things per se) but then I hit my early 20s and a close
True health – is so much more than the absence of disease.
friend gifted me a box of essential oils and a book
We are all so multi-dimensional, multi-faceted and
called The Art of Aromatherapy by Robert Tisserand.
capable of indomitable multi-tasking, there is a
My life changed…Juanita Shield-Laignel writes in her
danger of becoming too disparate in our everyday
capacity as a Natural Health
lives. On the other hand, accepting and moving
forward with all the things that bring us joy and not denying any part of ourselves…seeking - and
The discovery of
becoming our most authentic self…is what makes us
Aromatherapy opened up a
truly whole and therefore - naturally healthy.
whole new world for me, not only was I fascinated by the romance of the incredible
‘There is Truth in Nature!’
aromas but astonished by the
Owning every part of who we are, helps us to
numerous medicinal
move into a truly open, honest and loving
benefits of the oils
being who can then help others to do the
that we are all so
same…this in turn leads one to not
familiar with and yet
want to harm anyone else, animals or
have only come to
the planet. It is all very simple really…as
really understand in the last few
you grow to truly love yourself – your
body, mind and creative essence – that spark that makes you human – you
This discovery led me to study and qualify in, not
realise you are inexorably linked to Nature / God and
only Aromatherapy, but several other therapeutic
that everyone else is also linked to Nature / God
techniques. Coupled with this thirst for natural
whether they acknowledge that for themselves yet
health knowledge was a realisation that in order to
or not and therefore you have no desire to hurt
be a good healer…one must also seek to heal oneself.
them or any other sentient being – you become
“That which we seek is Authentic Self.”
gentler, more compassionate, more loving, more understanding, kinder…you seek to heal not harm. You want to protect all life, the life of others, the life
My personal healing quest began and before long it
of all animals and the very life of the planet itself.
became obvious that the adage of ‘Mind, Body,
This is TRUE health. A connectedness beyond all
Spirit’ only just scratches the surface of what is
else…this is wholeness, this is health.
meant to be ‘truly healthy’ and is in fact a life-long continuum of self-improvement and self-discovery 20 |
‘Heal yourself and heal the planet’
Healing Juanita seeks to promote Natural Health, Healing & Wholeness through a combination of healing techniques, holistic touch therapies, nutrition and supplementation, essential oils, self-care, meditation, mindfulness and creativity and teach the Natural Health, Healing & Wholeness techniques she has accumulated over the years. Juanita is Qualified in and offers: Aromatherapy
Nutrition; Nature’s Sunshine, Healthy Rascals, Nutri-Pets
Essential Oils; Young Living
Indian Head Massage
Natural Skin Care; Tropic
Raindrop Technique Juanita is also a Holy Fire Reiki Master Practitioner and Teacher, Artist, Author and Writing Angel And has also embarked upon a 4 year course in herbalism “WHAT WE DO NATURALLY AND EASILY, IS OFT THAT WHICH WE ARE CALLED TO DO.”
l H ea l t
at u ra
h, Heal i ng
o le & Wh
DOES THE MAGNA CARTA HAVE ANY RELEVANCE TODAY? Local ‘Real Housewives of Jersey’ celebrity, Hedi Green explores the extraordinary, if slightly controversial but recently popularised world of Common Law and the ‘Strawman’…
Common Law, Natural Law or God’s Law. In order to give the acts and statutes of Admiralty Law (the legal system's laws) the same power as laws of the land, joinder, or agreement upon the terms of the contract must first be agreed upon by both parties involved in the interaction. So for this to work it is purported that the strawman or legal fiction exists within the legal system but is a dead
fiction in a dead world, which can transact with other
Great Fire of London blazed away and somehow
dead fictions within the legal system or so the theory
Westminster and all of the parliamentary buildings
goes. To facilitate any transactions, the term
were saved, wherein the Cestui Que Vie Act was
corporation is used, rather than dead fiction or dead
passed. This act introduced the birth certificate, as in
entity. It is not a real human but instead a 'person'
the ‘berth’ certificate, which a ship's captain would
(persona - from early 20th century Latin meaning;
produce when harbouring in the dock, after having
mask or character played by an actor), which is a
passed through the berth canal…
corporate title for a legal fiction or corporation.
Although we have come to accept in society that our
Under this guise - only a corporation can exist or
birth certificate is proof of identity and proof of
trade/communicate within the legal system. Humans
registration, there are some who believe it is not but
cannot. Persons can. Therefore, a company can interact
rather that it is a contract that was signed by one of your
with a person (or strawman/legal fiction/corporation)…
parents (named on the birth certificate as 'informant'),
and on it goes.
when they registered you to the state. But, first, your ‘person’ needs to contract, or give joinder, From this, your legal fiction (also known as your
and that's where you, the human comes into play. It is
‘strawman’) was created, which has the same name as
mooted by supporters of the Strawman theory that we
you, but it is always represented in writing by the use of
are tricked into thinking that the strawman is our real
capital letters (which is how a dead entity is
identity. Every time we give someone our name and
represented, legally) or will have a corporate title, such
address, we are giving them joinder and acting as our
as Mr., Mrs., etc., before it.
legal fiction. So assuming for one moment that this theory has some merit, one might ask - are we
According to strawman philosophy, the legal system
inadvertently taking responsibility for it every time we
contains no laws - instead it is made up of Acts and
sign our name?
Statutes. These Acts and Statutes are laws of the sea, not laws of the land. This is why it is sometimes referred to as
When a police officer asks you for your name and
Admiralty Law. The law of the land is known as
address, are they asking for ‘joinder’? If you give it, are
22 |
you accepting the contract and giving joinder,
coerced and free populous to conduct their affairs.
representing your legal fiction or Strawman in the corporate world, or system? These are just some of the
We’d all like to think we have what’s known as
huge questions posed by such an idea.
inalienable rights, right? A few examples are; freedom of speech, freedom to freely move around within the
The legal system is filled with words that have different
country or to leave the country, freedom to worship or
meanings to their everyday ones called, 'Legalese' and
not to worship God in the manner one chooses. Under
the meaning for these words are taken from Black's
Common law, astonishingly, free men and woman also
Book of the Law, or so the story goes. For example,
have the right to abolish a said government if it
proponents of the strawman community hypothesise,
becomes a destructive treasonous regime!!!! How
that when a police officer asks you, "Do you
extraordinary is that? And this finally is where Article 61
understand?", they are not asking you if you
of the Magna Carta comes in, seemingly intended
comprehend, but rather, "Do you stand under my
originally as a security clause and basically enables the
authority?" A 'summons' is an invitation only and the
common man and women to rise in lawful dissent
word 'must' can mean 'may'. Person, parent and child
against tyranny…
are all legal terms for man, woman, boy and girl, according to popular belief. The subject can get very
meaty and any investigator needs a head for twists and
This is a big subject and one that should really be taught
turns in the convoluted plot.
in our schools and universities. What do you think? Have fun finding out more!
Conversely, Common law is thought to be much simpler and easier to understand and is used in everyday life, for
As a former local political candidate, and a
the ‘common man and woman’ to live and work
Natural Health Care Professional, Hedi Green
together. It is deemed by an ever-burgeoning
seeks to understand the past and present in
community to be the best way forward for an un-
order to help shape a better future.
SUMMER 2021 ISSUE | 23
I hope by the time you read this the summer sunshine has decided to return, and we have long, hot sunny days again. I have to say that all the rain has saved me a lot of watering time, and my new herbs are growing abundantly, but they need the sun’s rays as much as we do……I miss the smell of the herbs in the evenings after a day of heat, it is one of my favourite things. Now is the season to enjoy them fresh and at
My first herb for summer has to be mint, and
their fullest strength, and of course, to begin
there’s so many to choose from, experiment,
harvesting them to dry for the winter
and find your favourites. I frequently use it in
months. We really can’t eat too many of
salads of all kinds, and as well as making mint
them, as different herbs make salads sing,
tea, we can use the leaves in cool drinks too.
and every dish comes alive with the
My favourites for tea are either Moroccan mint
freshness of them – picked just before eating
or peppermint, and for cool drinks try
they contain all their goodness.
spearmint or apple mint, they are delicious
Pot of Basil 24 |
Herb Posies
with all kinds of fruit and flower cordials. Quite
cooking, its flavour lighter and fresher than
by chance, I have discovered that my
our common garden thyme. Both of these
strawberry plants are evidently thriving with
herbs can be dried to make teas or added to a
mint growing next to them.
pot pourri mix.
Mint is cooling to our body systems, as we
Pot pourri and herb sachets for cupboards and
would imagine, and another herb related to
drawers are part of the fun of growing herbs,
the mint family that I wouldn’t be without in
and brings me to lavender. And rosemary. To
the summer, is lemon balm. It grows like mint,
me, a garden isn’t a garden without these two
so is best contained in a pot, it even looks like
plants, but if you don’t have a garden then visit
a mint. Its musky, lemon scent is wonderful in
the Jersey Lavender Farm and immerse
drinks both hot and cold – it has a soothing,
yourself in the soothing scents, and treat
calming effect on nervous tension and
yourself to locally grown lavender products. We
headaches. Try freezing some leaves in ice
are so lucky to have this on our doorstep.
cubes to put in drinks if the heat is getting you. Another herb that is irresistibly pretty in
Look out for wild fennel that grows wild
ice cubes are delicate blue borage flowers.
abundantly here in Jersey, plant camomile and creeping thyme to walk on in bare feet,
Staying with the scent of lemon for a
grow pots of summery basil to eat with your
moment, I urge you to grow lemon verbena –
tomatoes, find jasmine, honeysuckle and
the smell of the leaves rubbed on your fingers
roses to soak up their heady scents, find ways
never fails to bring a smile – it takes many
and places to enjoy the sense of abundance
people straight back to childhood and the
the herbs and flowers bring us at this time of
sweet smell of lemon sherbet. It is a joyful,
the year. Make fresh herb posies for gifts,
uplifting herb, and it also makes a delicious
crystalize flowers to decorate cakes, scatter
lemon syrup for a drizzle cake or fruit salads.
nasturtiums on salads, savour every moment
Lemon thyme is another essential for summer
of summertime.
Summer Roses
Bowl of Sage and Thyme
Lavender SUMMER 2021 ISSUE | 25
Shifting Perspectives beings we are blessed with an innate ability to feel a wide spectrum of emotions and have the physical and linguistic ability to express those - for better or
By Lorraine Pannetier, Intuitive Copywriter for Lightworkers and Brands with Soul
In every moment we all have a choice. As human
We’re currently
worse. So, in an era where there’s so much fear and
living in an era of
division within the community, today I want to
huge shifts and
invite you to step into your truth, stay grounded
while that may
and anchor more love into the planet.
seem scary, it’s also
presenting us with so many beautiful
This is your opportunity to grow as an
opportunities to transform our lives for the
individual and play a part in shifting human
Remember that your physical presence
It’s time for us all to share our own truth and see
itself is powerful.
the truth in others beyond the layers and layers of cultural conditioning. In letting go of our own
You have the ability to shift the energy in a
fears, doubts and made up stories in our heads,
positive way in any conversation, relationship or
we create space for the magical process of
platform simply by showing up in your truth.
If you’re not sure exactly what I mean, then think
If you desire to change your financial, romantic or
of any occasion when you’ve felt gratitude for
physical situation, you’ll never succeed all the
someone’s kind gesture and when you thanked
while you grip tightly onto those old stories:
them, their face lit up and you sensed their joy
‘People like me never get rich. Who’s going to
and happiness in that moment. Perhaps you
love me? I can’t lose weight!’
both had a better day after that short exchange. In my own process of personal growth and It works the other way too…
transformation over the last 10 years, I’ve found many ways to support myself and to make
If you’re happily working in the office and you
change actually happen:
receive a phone call from an angry customer or one of your colleagues comes in and starts
Get clear on your values and live your life in
ranting about their ‘bad’ day, then you feel your
alignment with them. I’ve been passionate
focus, creativity and positivity drain away in an
about healthy diet and lifestyle for over 30
years and my food and cooking choices reflect that. Living in alignment with my choice to not
Energy shifts can happen in seconds, and being
eat animal products looks like taking my own
aware of this is the first step in creating a life
dishes to friends’ houses instead of eating
that looks more like the one you desire.
meat or dairy just to be polite or because it’s
26 |
‘easier’. Living in alignment with my choice to
many years I struggled financially, but always
make a difference in the world looks like
inherently knew that learning was my
running my own business rather than working
pathway to a better future. What initially
for a company who may not share my values.
started out as professional qualifications and an OU degree, slowly paved the way for
Decide what you want and own it! If you’d
personal and spiritual growth in so many
love to buy your own home, travel the world or
areas. I devoured every piece of information I
get expensive cosmetic dental or laser eye
could, savouring my new knowledge and the
surgery, then staying clear on those goals
ancient wisdom it ignited within me. Every
means you’re less likely to blow extra cash on
new thing I learned and every amazing soul I
unnecessary items each week - whether that’s
met has been intricately woven together into
takeaway food, new clothes or the dreaded
the ‘me’ who’s writing for you today.
late-night Amazon shopping binge! Write
down your goals in a journal and also in places
Whatever you want to achieve, whatever dreams
where you’ll see them multiple times a day: on
you hold dear in your heart, this is your
the fridge, by your bed, on your phone or
permission slip to get out there and make them
laptop screensaver or as your passwords.
Find others who share your goals. One of the
You don’t need to wait any longer.
hardest things for humans is to step outside of the ‘norm’ because we’re hardwired to need to
Remember that most people never think beyond
stay safe, be accepted and be part of a tribe. In
the notion of what is normal in their society;
caveman times, being alone meant almost
never even contemplating that working outside
certain death, whereas being part of a
of the ‘9-5’ model is even possible. And many of
community meant safety, warmth, food and
those that do begin to think outside of the box
shelter. So, if you’re the only one in your family,
are pulled back into it as fear after fear rears its
class or community who lives a particular
ugly head. ‘What if I fail? What if I can’t afford to
lifestyle or has dreams that no-one
feed my family? What if I don’t get any clients?
understands, then find your ‘tribe’ in the
What if I move abroad and I’m lonely? What if I
online space or other areas of the world. I’m so
tell them I love them but they reject me?’
grateful to have found an amazing, supportive network of passionate, soul-driven business
Those fears feel absolutely real in your mind, but
owners who share my values and allow me to
99% of them are made up stories to keep us safe
step up and be the brightest, happiest version
and comfortable. Why step outside and risk
of me. Find your people and love them hard!
being chased by a sabre toothed tiger when we can stay in and watch Netflix in our pyjamas?
Get support. I couldn’t have got where I am today without the brilliant coaches and
The world needs you to show up as the brightest,
awesome humans I’ve met, primarily in the
happiest, most loving and joy-filled version of you
online space. (Did I mention how lucky we are
right now. In fact, it’s all it’s ever needed! So
to live in this digital era?!) I honestly couldn’t
whatever your heart is calling you to do, however
count the thousands of hours I’ve spent
big or small, please make a promise to yourself
learning through books, free challenges, paid
today that you’ll follow the path of love, not fear,
membership groups, mastermind coaching
and that however arduous the journey, you’ll
programmes, courses and 1-1 sessions. For so
never give up. SUMMER 2021 ISSUE | 27
The ultimate team building event I am delighted to be interviewing Mark Anthony Baker who organises what he refers to as ‘one of the most powerful teambuilding events available anywhere in the world today’. What is of particular interest to our readers is that it’s available right here in the Channel Islands, so let’s dive straight in… I am delighted to be interviewing Mark
allows people to share a profound experience
Anthony Baker who organises what he refers
together, which bonds people at a deep
to as ‘one of the most powerful teambuilding
subconscious level in ways they would rarely, if
events available anywhere in the world today’.
ever, experience otherwise. When this
What is of particular interest to our readers is
happens, we bond at such a deep level the
that it’s available right here in the Channel
effects are long lasting. Enabling those
Islands, so let’s dive straight in…
extraordinarily deep connections that are otherwise not often experienced and difficult
Firewalking as a team building event Mark,
to create.
really! Isn’t that a bit extreme? Sounds fascinating, how does this happen? As an initial response that’s quite understandable, but the impact it has on
When you walk across hot embers at a
teams and the dramatic changes it creates
temperature of over 500 degrees you are
make it one of the most powerful team
challenging one of your earliest and most
building events in the world today.
deeply held beliefs which is “Don’t touch the fire or you will get burned”. However, when
So, what are the key benefits derived from
you walk across hot coals and emerge
this kind of event?
unscathed you subconsciously begin to ask yourself “If I can walk across fire without being
The benefits are many, but one of the most
burned what else can I do?”
powerful reasons it’s so effective is because it The answer to that question is a great deal more than what we currently think and believe we can achieve. We all have limiting beliefs that prevent us from releasing the potential that lies within each and everyone of us. Firewalking acts as a catalyst that allows us to transcend these limiting beliefs as it essentially, physically demonstrates to us that we can do something that we previously didn’t believe was possible. 28 |
After all, if we can successfully walk on fire, then
a massive expansion or even a contraction.
there really isn’t much that we can be faced with in a corporate or personal setting that can be
There are too many benefits to list them all here
viewed as even slightly daunting by comparison.
but some of the key ones include;
As the firewalkers are all nervous about what is
• Deep bonding causes the creation of strong
ahead, adrenalin is released. This creates the
teams as people become more invested in
desire to support each other which brings out
the good of the group as opposed to being a
the best in us as people. The impact it has on the
group of individuals operating from a point of
group escalates dramatically when they
successfully complete the walk together. There
• It allows us to release more potential
really isn’t much you could do within a safe
• Dramatically increases confidence
environment that would allow a company to
• Alters our perception and creates a significant
bond at such a deep level. It often creates a
increase in self-belief both as individuals and
euphoric reaction in people which makes it
as a company. Given that our level of belief
highly memorable.
dictates the amount of potential that we can release, it increases the collective level of
This all sounds really fascinating Mark and
belief enabling the company to successfully
makes perfect sense, but what long-term
attempt greater things with higher levels of
benefits can individuals and companies
belief and expectation. It’s not hard to accept
expect to derive from doing this and can you
that just one individual’s low level of belief and
give me an example of what a company could
expectation can have a far-reaching negative
use this type of event for.
impact on colleagues. So, its easy to see how an entire group benefiting from increased
The reasons a company can use this event for
levels of belief and expectation can essentially
are many - from bonding teams to using it as a
move mountains metaphorically speaking.
powerful way for kicking off a new project or
• It also aides staff retention as its difficult to
helping them confront a big challenge that they
leave a company where you have bonded so
will be collectively facing. It could be a takeover,
deeply with your colleagues. SUMMER 2021 ISSUE | 29
What else can a company expect from the
metaphors for creating change include;
experience? Arrow breaking, walking on glass and board We also incorporate many tools that create
lasting change in individuals and companies alike at both a physical and psychological
That’s really interesting Mark, it’s been a
level. The entire event is constructed around
pleasure and a real eye opener to learn how
a seminar which is both practical and
we can access such high quality and life
motivational that provides everything a
changing events right here in the Channel
company needs to move onto the next level
Islands. Thank you. How can individuals
of success.
and companies contact you please?
Some of the other exercises we incorporate into our events which are powerful
Testimonials We have bought in outside help on several occasions to help us try and build a cohesive and connected team without any luck whatsoever. When you came to us, we were extremely skeptical as you were aware. However. You proved to be one of those rare companies that under promises and over delivers to the extreme. The bond you created with our teams can still be felt and experienced today. It was simply amazing. Thank you.
Craig Forester. Ford.
I have attended Tony Robbins and Richard Bandler's events as well as many of the world's top thought leaders. I can honestly say your content is up there with the world's best!
Tony Pallot. TPT training
For further details please email Mark Baker talks about becoming resilient to life challenges:
MARK ANTHONY BAKER Unleash the power of expectation in your life and business with Mark Anthony. One of the UK's leading business speakers and coaches helping companies and individuals thrive in times of unprecedented change. TO FIND OUT HOW WE CAN SUPPORT YOU OR YOUR BUSINESS SIMPLY CONTACT US TO ARRANGE A FREE 30-MINUTE CONSULTATION
E. W. 30 |
The number of people over 65 without adult children is set to rise from over 1.2 million at the present time to 2 million by 2030. This compares to 850,000 living with dementia now, which is not set to rise to 2 million until 2051. And yet which do we hear most about in discussions about
agencies, who can help with overview information about the
our ageing population?
Long Terms Care (LTC) financial support scheme and which
The above is a UK statistic. In Jersey we need to add the impact of those ageing without on-island children. This matters on an individual and a state level because, contrary to popular belief, most care for older people is provided by family members – and not by the state or private agencies. There is an “unseen army” of people caring on some level for parents or parents-in-law. This ranges from popping in regularly and providing social contact to handson day to day physical and emotional care. It also includes curating care support. I will never forget how confused I felt when the first of my parents suddenly needed significant support (not in Jersey). The frustration of being passed from pillar to post, needing to learn a bewildering
other bodies may need to become involved in your support, and how to access them. But you need to know that these avenues exist. “Paying for care is only half the issue, the real problem lies in lack of advocacy, someone to research, arrange and manage care and to deal with the administration issues that arise.” highlights the website Ageing | Ageing Well Without Children (AWWOC) | Dorset If you are an off-island son or daughter it’s worth a glance as it highlights some of the issues ageing parents face – some of which are as easily solved from Australia as St Aubins because so much can be achieved over the ‘phone or on the internet.
array of new acronyms, not knowing what to ask for in terms
And if you know an older person ageing without children, or
of physical aids. Who knows anything about incontinence
without on-island children, please consider offering (and re-
pads, hoists or that “slidey sheets” even exist before needing
offering!) help. Skills you take for granted in terms of internet
to support a parent who suddenly lost the use of their legs
research or making a few ‘phone calls may be complete
and couldn’t get in and out of bed, or make themselves
lifesavers for them!
comfortable, without help? Then there’s the financial side. There’s a widely held view that people without children have more money than those with kids as they saved the money that others spent on raising a family. However, this is not always the case. And money alone does not solve the challenges of ageing. After the shock of Dad’s sudden deterioration and hospitalisation my normally capable mother was simply not able to make the myriad of ‘phonecalls and arrangements required – mentally and because she was too busy looking after Dad! My brother and I arranged everything. We are fortunate in Jersey to have an excellent Social Worker service – which you can contact direct or via referral - and a number of well-regulated and informed private care
y Live-in care specialists y Hourly home care
enquiries welcomed y Overnight and respite
care also available Simply call Nicola or Emma on 01534 883 886 for further information or to arrange a no obligation informal chat. Complete Individual Home Care Ltd., Suite 3 Longueville Business Centre, Longueville Road, St Saviour JE2 7SA
y Registered with the
Jersey Care Commission y Flexible, consistent and
friendly care
Parentage in Jersey and proposed reforms If the question is posed, who are a child’s parents, at first blush the answer might seem simple, her mother and father of course. However, is it actually that simple? Under Jersey law currently, a child can only have
not much difference between legal parents and
two legal parents, one female mother and one
those with parental responsibility. A birth
male father. A woman who gives birth to a baby
mother always has parental responsibility for a
is the mother and, under customary law, her
child, as does a father married to the mother at
husband, whether or not biologically connected
the time of birth. An unmarried father may
to the child, is the father (although this
obtain parental responsibility by being named
presumption can be rebutted). Legal parent
on the birth certificate, by court order or by
status is derived from registration of the birth
agreement. Other people can obtain parental
and can include a father who is not married to
responsibility by having a residence order made
the mother. Legal parenthood can also be
in their favour. A residence order (which
obtained through adoption.
determines with whom a child lives) can be held jointly. So, for example, a child born within
Legal parenthood is important as it is the basis
marriage has both legal parents who also have
of the child’s citizenship and inheritance.
parental responsibility. If they can’t care for her and a residence order is made in favour of her
However, legal parenthood is not the full picture.
grandparents, the child would end up with four
All tied up with legal parenthood is who looks
people with parental responsibility, but still only
after a child or who she lives with. In the old days
two legal parents.
this was called custody but since 2005 there has been a concept of parental responsibility (and
One of the biggest difficulties with the current
residence and contact orders). Parental
law is that it does not reflect the equal nature of
responsibility gives a parent all the “rights,
marriage and parenthood which now
duties, powers, responsibilities and authority” in
encompasses same sex relationships. At present,
respect of a child that a legitimate father had
where two women have a child together via
before the Children (Jersey) Law 2002 came into
assisted reproduction, only the woman
force in 2005. The big difference is that parental
who gives birth
responsibility can be held by more than one
can be a legal
person and it is not necessary to be a legal
parent (even
parent to hold parental responsibility.
if the other woman’s
As the rights and responsibilities of someone
eggs have
with parental responsibility are as potentially far-
reaching as they are, in day to day life there is
used to
32 |
create the baby). A couple (a male couple,
status and parental responsibility and as far as
female couple or an opposite sex couple) who
possible to enable same sex parents to
have a child through surrogacy cannot both
automatically have parental responsibility.
have parental responsibility either. The surrogate has parental responsibility together with the
It is also proposed to enable intended parents to
biological father (if registered as the father). In
children born through surrogacy to become
such cases parental responsibility cannot be
legal parents and for stepparents to be able to
obtained by agreement or a parental
acquire parental responsibility by agreement.
responsibility order by the non-birth parent. The only ways for both parents to obtain parental
There are also plans for all children whose
responsibility are either by way of a residence
parents (same sex or opposite sex) are married
order or adoption. These options are more
or in a civil partnership to be legitimate and to
complex and costly.
be able to be registered as parents.
The intention is for there to be changes in the
These long overdue reforms to family law in
law relating to parentage. This did not happen
Jersey are greatly welcomed by family lawyers.
when same sex marriage was brought in,
The changes in the law will confirm equality for
despite the States being made aware of the
same sex parents and uphold the human rights
unfairness of the situation.
of parents and children which have been sadly lacking. It seems that these reforms have been
The plan is to change the law to enable same sex
delayed by COVID but it is good to see the
parents to be registered as a child’s legal
importance now being placed on this significant
parents, for opposite sex parents in civil
area of law. Next step, divorce reform!
partnerships to be able to obtain legal parent
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ƆƆƆǂêļŞéöūūīöŝŰöŤijöǂêļIJ SUMMER 2021 ISSUE | 33
Grow Jersey Recently, whilst flicking through Facebook, I alighted upon an invitation from Grow Jersey to attend a presentation on ‘Cultivating well-being through nature’ – very much fitting in with my own ethos, this immediately caught my eye. I attended said talk given by Damien Newman visiting the island from Thrive UK…The Editor The event at the town hall was excellent. In his
caveat of a gradual take back over a number
hour-long talk, Damien really got across the
of years.”
importance of nature and the therapeutic value of community growing. This really gave
“So myself, Sheena, Dave over there from
me an appetite to learn more so I booked time
Men’s Space, and also Andy Le Seelleur from
to visit Sheena Brockie, one of Grow Jersey’s
Thrive Jersey, and a few others started this up.
founders, at the St Helier site.
We currently have 100 fruit and nut trees, the start of the orchard planted by volunteers, and
On arrival I was concerned to hear Sheena
you can see we also have pollinator patches
had to isolate after being a direct contact
and cover crops such as mustard, clover and
for someone who had picked up Sars-Cov-2
lots of pineapple weed (wild chamomile) all
- such is the way of the strange world we
good for the soil. The pollinator plants include
live in at the moment…I was instead greeted
poppies, verbena, cornflowers, salvias and so
by Kevin and his recently adopted beagle
on - it is intended that between every fruit
pup, Jasper.
tree there will be fruit bushes and herbs.”
Kevin explained, “I’m on the committee and
It all looked beautiful and calming. I was
have been involved from the start. It’s only a
interested to l know more. “Eventually we will
few months old and if you’d have seen it in
be teaching people how to grow crops but
February – totally flat and empty…you
beyond that, how to use them for cooking,
wouldn’t recognise it compared to today.”
pickling and so on – the plan is to have an
Kevin pointed out the rows of pollinator crops
outdoor classroom, fully accessible raised
and fruit trees now emerging from the once
beds, butterfly surveys, bat and even worm
bare soil.
surveys with schools, a pond project, beehives, a sensory garden and so on.” This all sounded
I asked about the concept of the project and
how it came about. “A few of us were looking for a space for a different project when we
Kevin continued “When you are up here with
found this field. We intended to raise funds to
the sounds of the birds in this green space, it’s
buy it, but St Helier Parish were also interested
so healing. It’s also intended to be a non-
because of its location next to Surville
judgemental space where people can come
cemetery. So we can use the field with the
and be who they are and reconnect with
34 |
Almond Tree
nature – we have a vision of working with schools, education teams and volunteers…I personally do some work with the Recovery College, so other organisations like that will be invited to come along, it’s a privilege to be part of such an amazing project.”
DANCE AND DRAMA ART & CRAFTS POTTERY RACQUET SPORTS BASKETBALL CRICKET 5-A-SIDE FOOTBALL Weekly camps, venue: Grainville School Dates: 19th and 26th July, 2nd, 9th and 16th August £175 for the week
At that point we were joined by one of the two Dave’s on site – and it turned out we knew each other – it was lovely to see him again. Dave joined in, “Several groups are coming at this about social and therapeutic horticulture, we want to grow native species, medlars, quince, almonds, pears and apples, the idea is to create a third space. Many of us have a workplace and a home space but not all have access to a growing space, so this will create that green, third space
For more information, application forms and availability please contact Jim Westwater Tel. 721640 or 07797 723496 Email: or click:
project from slightly different angles – it’s all
that we all need. A familiar place where you can
SUMMER 2021 ISSUE | 35
the health of the planet. This was a potato field farmed with chemicals, so it’s really interesting to see what comes back with permaculture techniques. We are at a tipping point; the earth is not going to continue unless we rethink – so in this project we hope to provide a wonderful example of what can be done in terms of sustainable growing. We intend to have a muddy play area and pond dipping and not just for the kids!”
“Nature is so good for the soul,” said Rose Anne Dave, Kevin and Jasper
hang out in a community area with a kitchen.” Dave then took the beautiful but very vocal Jasper for a walk so I could hear Kevin better! “We have Barn owl, bat and kestrel boxes, we are surrounded by orchards, valleys and meadows, and our neighbours have been really supportive. Over there is Rose Anne - part of the education team.” Kevin suggested I take a walk around the field and go and introduce myself to Rose Anne. I did just that… Rose Anne shared, “I’ve been involved since the end of January. Sheena is leading as she has so much experience and knowledge and I’ve been collating information for education. I’m on the Branchage committee and the Pollinator Project and my background is in zoology, I was also a speech therapist for adults and am a yoga instructor, so am interested in health and wellbeing, especially mental health and of course 36 |
“We are currently getting ready to work with school children next term and have plans to apply for a kitchen area to make things with the produce in a ‘seed to fork’ campaign.” Talking of school I needed to go and pick up my son, but, on my way, out I met the other Dave, he shared “Sadly so much of life revolves around commerciality and how it looks on a spreadsheet, a lot of good will effort and time goes into projects like this but the world at large don’t seem to see the value – being here with the bees and butterflies diverts you from daily stress.” “My background is in engineering; I now work with Men’s Space and was looking for a space for a men’s shed and am a volunteer peer support with Mind Jersey – it’s all very people centred up here and it’s amazing to see people change.” Sadly I had to leave but had thoroughly enjoyed my time wandering around the field, chatting to impassioned people, taking photos and learning about the project….and meeting Jasper of course! And I somehow just know I will be back…
Visit or call 07700 322 344 to place your order today! Email:
motivatehealth1 SUMMER 2021 ISSUE | 37
2nd Hand Clothes
a Sustainable Choice… Many people are turning to second-hand clothing as a result. So, what’s all the fuss about? The term ‘fast fashion’ describes the production of cheap Louise sporting a very fashionable 2nd Hand Desigual Coat
clothing which is designed to have a short life span and be discarded as styles move on very quickly, but who doesn’t love a bargain in a high street store right? It’s interesting to discover that according to Business Insider the fashion industry is responsible for 10% of global carbon emissions which we all know are contributing to climate change problems which will change our very shoreline if we don’t take action. Also, 1.5 trillion litres of water are used by this industry annually and the output
As an avid crafter and consequential watcher
of their manufacturing processes often cause
of the likes of The Great British Sewing Bee, I
serious pollution to land or water sources.
have been both fascinated and galled by the throw away (pardon the totally intentional
So, what can we as individuals do about these
pun) comments of presenter Patrick Grant. In
issues? There are a couple of strategies that
the most recent series, during ‘reduce, reuse,
people are turning to. One is designing a small
recycle’ week, Patrick nonchalantly announced
capsule wardrobe of good quality items that
that a ‘shocking million tonnes’ of clothing are
are timeless in design and will have a long life
thrown away EVERY YEAR in the UK alone!
span. There are many online shops that sell
Last year Patrick said there is enough clothing
items made from recycled fabric items or
currently in circulation, world-wide to clothe
clothes made from the off-cuts from other
the next half- dozen or so, generations. If that
fashion manufacturers.
is indeed the case – that is astonishing and it’s time to stop producing any more throw away
Another option is to choose to stop buying
fashion and that’s just for starters!!! Mindful of
clothing until all the items you have are
this ridiculous situation – I asked Louise Carson
completely worn out. The problem is then
of Journey to Zero waste to put together an
what to do when your tops are holy, all your
article on the subject. Here is the very well
jeans have been converted into shorts and
thought out result…
your work clothes just are no longer fit to be seen in. You can only mend things so many
We are all hearing about climate change and
times, particularly if like me your sewing skills
living more sustainable lives regularly now.
leave a little to be desired.
38 |
This is where second-hand clothing can
to add more colour and style to my wardrobe
become a solution. For many people
with high quality items like the pictured
shopping in charity shops has been essential
Desigual labelled coat bought preloved for a
due to budget constraints says Sam Burt
snip! I can still shop from home on eBay or
from Company of Dogs charity shop, so
sites like Oxfam online or Vinted but there’s a
charity shops are essential. Sam’s experience
certain satisfaction in finding an item I love in
is that mostly women shop in the store in
a local charity shop that gives me a great
Victoria Street, so great quality women’s
dose of that retail therapy high!
clothing are coveted finds. Finally, what choices does the Eco conscious For others, including me, second-hand
consumer have to ensure the best disposal of
clothing is necessary because it diverts items
clothing once they have decided to part with
from landfill or from the incinerator locally. If
them? Emily Smith from the local Salvation
I buy preloved items then I haven’t
Army explained that they have 60 textile bins
contributed to the environmental problem by
around the island (pictured). The contents of
buying new fast fashion. I also get to re-
most of these bins are shipped to UK and
purchase vintage items I wish I never got rid
sorted into those suitable for resale and
of like a recent find of some Levi 501’s for £4!
those that can be repurposed. Emily shared that they are able to divert 99% of the textile
For some, there remains a stigma attached to
waste placed in their green bins from landfill
charity shop bought clothing feeling that
or the incinerator by repurposing them into
people will assume they can’t afford new.
items such as home insulation or cleaning
Others don’t like the idea of pre-worn clothing
products. The profits from these items are
touching their skin and they only wear
then payed back to our local branch for their
second-hand clothing if they know where it
work in the local community. According to
came from. It seems though that this is
Emily the Salvation Army believe in keeping
starting to change according to
prices low because they feel everyone should whose survey found 45%
be able to afford quality items, I certainly
of people are happy to buy second-hand
enjoy a visit!
items, they state this market is “set to double in the next 5 years”” as younger, eco conscious
So, whether you are shopping for budget or
people join older, thrifty generations in
environmental reasons, or both, there are a
choosing the second-hand market.
great number of charity shops in the island to visit. If you haven’t been before you are
Initially, I found second-hand shopping less
certainly missing out and should definitely
convenient. They can’t have an item in all
go and check them out! You can even make
sizes and colours waiting for me to pick it up,
a day of it and get lunch in the café at Acorn
but with a little effort I have been managing
or the Salvation Army café! SUMMER 2021 ISSUE | 39
Where reuse meets By Caroline Spencer, Acorn’s Fundraising Manager Fans of reusing, repurposing, shabby chic and making something new from old are being invited to take part in an upcycling charity challenge over the summer. Art in the Frame Foundation, managing charity of The Harbour Gallery Jersey, have joined forces with Acorn Reuse to provide an exciting, imaginative and environmentally friendly challenge. Islanders are being invited to buy an item from Acorn Reuse in Trinity which they can then upcycle or repurpose. They have three months to create something new from their item, which can be anything from furniture to fashion.
Adrian Higham and Tara Franklin will be visiting Jersey later this year to judge the entries in the upcycling challenge
The challenge will culminate in a silent auction in October and will be judged by Adrian
seeing what amazing and creative ideas people
Higham and his wife Tara Franklin of Hoof
come up with.
Brocante UK and Tara Franklin Antiques. Adi is best known as being one of the antique experts
‘Adrian Higham and Tara Franklin will be here
on the popular BBC1 TV series The Bidding
for four days and we are delighted to have such
a wonderfully interesting couple to work with us and to be able to show them how much great
During their stay in Jersey, they will visit Acorn
work goes on in our island.’
Reuse and Tara, an expert in French vintage fabrics, will give an evening talk.
Adults will be asked to pay a £5 entry fee to cover costs, but school entries (11-18 inclusive)
Harbour Gallery managing director Pat Robson
will be free. There will be awards for the most
said: ‘Acorn has an enormous variety of goods
inventive and wonderful piece in each age
for sale from furniture, clothes, household
category, kindly provided by the Co-op. The
goods and toys. Almost anything can be given a
challenge also has the support of Decorare at
second lease of life and I am looking forward to
Miladi Parade, Longueville, who are giving 10%
40 |
discount on any paint bought for this event and
Accountants and Cavendish Fiduciary (Jersey)
will advise on the best paint to use.
Ltd, will be opened by the Harbour Gallery’s Patron Lady Dalton and her husband the
In October the challenge will culminate in an
Lieutenant-Governor Sir Stephen Dalton.
exhibition of the items and a silent auction at The Harbour Gallery in St Aubin. 50% of the sales
Entry forms are available from the Harbour
will go back to the upcycler and 50% will go
Gallery Jersey and Acorn Reuse.
back to Acorn, which helps people who have a disability or long-term health condition with work and training opportunities. Acorn Fundraising & Relationships manager Caroline Spencer said: ‘This is where reuse meets creativity. The great thing with this challenge is it’s so inclusive. Everyone can take part. I hope it inspires people who may never have tried upcycling before, as well as people who love it as a hobby. ‘We hope to have some entries from individuals who enjoy our upcycling projects at Acorn.’ The silent auction on 12 October, sponsored by Abaris Chartered
Acorn fundraiser Caroline Spencer and Harbour Gallery director Pat Robson at Acorn Reuse
SUMMER 2021 ISSUE | 41
7 important tips for designing a kitchen you’ll absolutely love By Liz Connor, PA Want to start the summer with a fresh, updated,
feel of a kitchen. Aim to shed light on the parts of the
modern kitchen? Liz Connor hears spend-smart tips
kitchen you will use regularly, such as the cooker and
from the experts.
worktops, but play with shadows in the rest of the
Full-scale kitchen renovations can be expensive,
space to create an atmospheric and zen place to relax.”
which is why it’s important to make sensible, practical choices during the planning stage, that you won’t
3. Opt for matt cupboards if you have small children
regret in the long-run.
Lynskey continues: “Nobody wants jammy hands all
While it’s tempting to opt for style over substance,
over their kitchen cabinets. Choose a matt finish as
the kitchen is arguably the most important room in
opposed to gloss, as they are easier to clean and
the house, and for many families, it’s a space that
disguise visible marks better.
needs to function as an office for homeworkers, an entertaining hub and a stand-up breakfast spot. Consider these tips when planning your revamp for
“Matt also has a timeless appeal, so your kitchen will remain fashionable for years to come.”
a space that’s both beautiful and functional… 4. Go for practical materials 1. Suss out your storage needs early on
Laura Davie, marketing manager for Cosentino UK
“If you’re partial to a crockery collection or two and
( says: “Consider a kitchen surface that’s
have a pantry bursting with exotic ingredients, storage
suited to your lifestyle and the way in which you use
is going to be particularly important,” says Stephen
the kitchen.
Lynskey, head designer at Hammonds Kitchens
“For instance, keen cooks will benefit from a heat
( “What many people don’t
and scratch resistant surface, such as a composite
realise is that storage options are decided right at the
surface. It’s ideal for those wanting to recreate a
beginning of a kitchen plan, when the blueprint is
specific look, such a marble or wood, without wanting
being mapped out.
to worry about the hassle of maintenance.
“Think about whether you need more drawers or
“As for splashbacks, composite surfaces offer the
cupboards, whether a display unit is specifically
opportunity to use a large, single slab splashback,
important and how big your pantry needs to be at this
making a real design centrepiece, while being easier
stage, to avoid disappointment later down the line.”
to clean with no awkward tile grouting.”
2. Lighting is really important
5. L-shared islands are great if you like socialising in
“Lighting is so important when creating a cosy
your kitchen
atmosphere in a kitchen. I recommend focusing on
“If you’re the type of household that loves having
three different kinds when creating your perfect setup:
gatherings in your home, thinking about elements
top lighting, task lighting and ambient lighting,”
such as seating in the kitchen, is essential,” says
advises Lynskey. “All three need to come together
perfectly to create the mood you find most relaxing. “Thinking about where to have shadows and where to cast light can have a surprisingly large effect on the 42 |
“Kitchen islands are a great opportunity to create a sociable space, but rather than having seating down just one side, why not opt for two sides so that your
guests can face one another when socialising? For this, I recommend an ‘L’ shape, rather than the
about and give the kitchen a luxurious feel.” He adds: “Lighting also needs to be a key
standard square.”
consideration, as it must be bright, easy to find and operate. For this, opt for a one-switch policy that
6. Get an expert involved
controls all lighting, to avoid confusion. “
Bella Glenn, design expert at Benchmarx Kitchens And Joinery ( says: “I would always recommend getting an expert planner involved in your kitchen design early on, to ensure you maximise the features that are important to you. “There’s a wealth of knowledge available at kitchen retailers, who are best placed to discuss ways to achieve a bespoke look. Many manufacturers will have options available that can replicate a look at a range of price points, so if you have a style in mind, then it’s certainly worth talking this through.” 7. Accessibility matters “Accessibility is of utmost importance when designing a kitchen for older clients, or those with elderly relatives,” stresses Lynskey. “Doorknobs may prove troublesome for arthritic hands, so larger handles that can be easily grasped are a better option. Soft closing doors and drawers make for one less thing to worry
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mtstonemasons SUMMER 2021 ISSUE | 43
Styling summer neutrals: how to put some punch into a pale palette By Sam Wylie-Harris, PA
Interiors experts share their thoughts on texture, natural materials and putting a little luxe into neutral schemes. By Sam Wylie-Harris.
Even if you’re not new to neutrals and love
summer months, as we enjoy longer days and
everything clean and serene, chances are
want to instil a sense of relaxation into our
you’re at your most creative come high
homes, reminding us of holiday travels,” says
summer – and looking for ways to buff up
Tara Thallon, co-founder of Bound Concept, a
your beige and freshen those fawn floors.
new online modern design store offering a curated range of ‘objects of desire’ from
“Light neutrals are always popular during 44 |
emerging designers.
Copenhagen Cobra Vases: Tall Bubble White Vase, 135; Cobra Double, 145; Cobra Uno, 95 (others from a selection), Bound Concept
Rebel 3 Seater Sofa in Taupe Velvet, 1,099 (other items part of room set), SNUG If you’re not sure where to start, Jenna Choate,
“To avoid neutrals looking too flat, mix in
co-founder of Interior Fox, says working with
tactile pieces to bring rich texture and visual
cream, grey and taupe shades will allow you to
interest. Think hand-made, imperfect
create a base that’s easy to build upon,
ceramics with rough surfaces and
depending on the season or mood.
accessories with strong, interesting silhouettes that will draw attention,”
“Add in bursts of vibrant colour during the
suggests Thallon.
summer months, or sumptuous and earthy colours during the winter,” suggests Choate.
To further your sense of calm, consider introducing natural materials alongside neutrals. “Jutes, rattans, light woods – all
Hana Pink Recycled Cotton Throw, 29.50, Oliver Bonas
hint towards nature and have calming,
“Find a colour that you feel drawn to the most. If
natural tones to complement neutral
you’re stuck for inspiration, have a look in your
surroundings,” adds Thallon.
wardrobe to see what colours you naturally gravitate towards,” Choate adds.
SUMMER 2021 ISSUE | 45
somewhere warm, like the coast.”
Ocean Shores, Shell Wall Art Shadow Box Cream Natural, 94.99, Oak Furnitureland To build on those soft furnishings, a fresh lick of paint is one of the easiest ways to bring a new lease of life into a room. “To create contrast, add in wooden cladding vertically,” suggests Choate. “This look is a contemporary take on the panelling trend. Complete with a curation of art that reflects your style, and finish with a mix of clashing cushions on the sofa.”
Mirage Cushion in Cacti, 70, Kagu Interiors Flooring can be given some new neutrals “We find green and blue are a winning
treatment too, especially if you’re looking for a
combination, they reflect the colours you’d
significant revamp.
find outside and work perfectly with a neutral base. Whatever colour you choose, introduce
Jemma Dayman, carpet and rugs buyer for
it through soft furnishings, such as cushions,
Carpetright, says choosing a light and bright
throws, and rugs.
neutral shade for your floors, whether soft beige carpets or marble effect vinyl, ensures your
“For a look that feels effortless, steer away
room feels spacious and airy – making it the
from using the exact colour and instead opt
perfect choice for smaller spaces.
for a tonal look.”
Rattan Wall Mirror Natural, 25 (other items from a selection), Dunelm
Somerton Twist Carpet in Sand Heather, 31.99 per square metre; Safi Fringed Pyramid Natural Rug, from 59.99 (other items part of room set), Carpetright
As well as adding texture, creating interest through natural materials, such as decorative
“Pairing neutral tones with natural materials
seashells or beach themed decos, channels
like rattan and raw woods, adds depth to your
holiday vibes.
scheme whilst helping bring the outside in, for an additional summery feel,” says Dayman.
As Choate points out: “These materials are perfect for summer as they give a relaxed,
“If you’re looking to tone down bolder themes,
lived-in feeling that transports you
pairing throws and lighting with neutral
46 |
flooring will ensure the room feels considered, rather than overpowering.”
Portobello Scalloped Bowls – Set of 2, 25, The White Company
Natural Braided Rattan Lampshades – Low, Belly or Bottle, 90 each, Kagu Interiors
“When decorating with neutrals, texture is
“Sophisticated and contemporary, soft
“I like natural elements and lots of texture:
summery neutral tones are the perfect base for
weathered wood, slubby linens or marbled
an understated decor,” Dayman continues.
slate, all of which connect us back to nature
“Enhancing natural light and brightening
and contrast well with crisp china and
darker rooms, these versatile yet
glassware, adding interest.”
key,” says Chrissie Rucker, founder of the The White Company.
complementary shades will emanate warmth and unify existing colour schemes, creating a
And for the finishing touch, what could be
harmonious and relaxing atmosphere.”
lovelier than the scent of freshly washed tumble-dried fluffy white towels, or sun-dried
Tactile to the touch, texture is a word that
cotton sheets? Check out Yankee Candle’s
comes up a lot in the world of neutral interiors.
collection of Pre-Fragranced Reed Starter Kits,
And if you’re starting out on your jute journey
from £16.49, to sit alongside their Candlelit
or pale palette, to echo your love of pared-back
Cabin Reed Diffuser, £19.99, in Fluffy Towels
simplicity, in the same vein as ‘more is more’,
and Clean Cotton.
you can never have too much texture.
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If you’re always throwing away bagged salad,
try growing your own lettuce mix By Hannah Stephenson, PA
Charity Garden Organic offers tips to help you grow salad leaves of your own. We bin so much bagged salad every year, it’s surely time to think again. Figures f rom government waste advisory body WRAP suggest we chuck out 40% of the f resh lettuce and leafy greens we buy every year, making salads among the most wasted foods. Shoppers don’t always buy bagged salads with a specif ic meal in mind, meaning parts of, or even whole bags are often thrown away untouched, according to separate Tesco research. Yet it’s so easy to grow your own, insists charity
Bestselling bagged salads include lettuce, rocket,
Garden Organic (, which
spinach and pea shoots, but you can mix and
promotes organic horticulture.
match to suit your particular tastes.
Growing your own mixed organic salad requires
Follow Rosenfeld’s top tips for growing your own
minimal space, with most varieties suitable for
stress-free salads…
growing on a window ledge, says the charity’s growing expert Dr Anton Rosenfeld.
Do your prep Prepare your veg patch (or a tray on a window sill)
It’s also quick, with shoots revealing themselves
by weeding, raking and levelling the soil to a fine
in days, ready to be harvested in less than a
tilth and gently firming it down. Lightly water the
area so you’re just moistening the soil. You don’t want to compact it.
“Britons buy a huge amount of bagged salad each week, and so much ends up straight in the bin,” says Rosenfeld. “However, it couldn’t be
Grow your favourite leaves
simpler to grow your own – you don’t even need
Pea shoots
a garden. With a bit of planning and a sunny
These are ideal for beginners, easy to grow and
windowsill, you can keep yourselves in a variety
delicious. Simply buy a bag of dried marrowfat
of salad leaves all year round.”
peas from the supermarket and soak a handful
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overnight. Then sow them 1-2cm deep, a few
Lettuce can be sown directly into the ground
centimetres apart. You’ll see results in days and
from when the risk of frost has passed, right
within two weeks you can snip the shoots to
through until the autumn. Some varieties are
harvest. If you keep the soil moist, you can get up
prone to bolting, or running to seed in the hot
to three harvests from each shoot.
dry summer months, so just check the details on the packet before you sow.
Rocket With its peppery flavour, rocket livens up any
And in winter?
salad. Sow from March until late August or early
Don’t worry about the colder months as you can
September (depending on where you live). Sow
simply switch to growing your leaves on a
seed 0.5cm deep in pots or rows, then thin to
windowsill. Mixed lettuce leaves, for instance, will
15cm apart. You can start to enjoy them when the
grow all year round indoors.
plants are 10-15cm tall and regular cutting is advised to encourage new growth of young, fresh
When to harvest
When young leaves are big enough to eat, use scissors to harvest just the amount you need for
your salad or garnish. Start with the outer leaves,
This is not only delicious but is also a great source
making a clean cut. The stems will grow new
of essential vitamins. It can be sown in the spring
leaves, hence the name ‘cut-and-come-again’.
to late summer. Sow 1cm deep in pots or rows and when the seedlings are big enough to
As the plants mature you might notice the leaves
handle, thin them to 15-30cm apart. You can cut
taste bitter or attempt to flower, especially in hot
individual leaves as needed or you can cut
dry weather. If so, it’s time to remove them.
seedlings and mature plants to 2.5cm above the surface as the plants regrow.
Lettuce This is the key ingredient of all mixed salads and there is an abundance of different varieties to choose from including the pretty Lollo Rosso, with its frilly deep copper red leaves, or the ‘cutand-come-again’ mixed leaf varieties. You can either buy your favourite or purchase a packet of
A good, consistent watering habit is key. Ideally little and often. Slugs could be an issue if you’re growing outdoors. Avoid non-organic slug pellets as these are poisonous to hedgehogs, birds and other wildlife that might visit your garden.
mixed seeds.
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How to Transform Your Gut for Optimal Health - and Why! By Charles Robottom
We have been trying to avoid Covid-19 since last year and it is now time to learn to live with it. The big question is How? Internal body inflammation is one of the major factors in the immune response to any
• Gut transformation to heal and populate with ‘friendly bacteria’
virus which affects our health. Therefore,
• Supporting the friendly bacteria in the
reducing the severity and impact of the
bowel with a good quality probiotic
cytokine release when our immune system
• Stop regularly eating the foods that
attacks viruses, could affect us being
promote bad bacteria and fungi (eg:
hospitalized or even getting long covid.
Candida) • Making a habit of eating a broad range of
The Health of the Gastrointestinal system is
different coloured vegetables that will feed
one area that we can control in times where
the friendly bacteria
everything seems so out of control. This also can help reduce body inflammation…
• Reducing or avoiding foods that contain Gluten or a lot of sugar such as sweets, biscuits and alcohol. Total abstinence is not
Evidence indicates that the gut microbiota
realistic for many, but not eating and
plays a vital role in our health, including
drinking these carbs for more than 2 days
immunity. The so called ‘forgotten organ’, the
in a row will dramatically affect the balance
microbiome, comprises of trillions of
of your Gut Biome.
microbes, including bacteria, fungi and viruses that are unique to each of us. Personal
In an ideal world, the above regime would
experience of the benefits by following the
last more than 100 days as this will create a
Nutri Advanced Gut Transformation
new habit. Diff icult I know but it is food for
Programme for 6 weeks last summer, helped
to heal my small intestine lining, reduce leaky gut and increase my ‘friendly’ bacteria. The
Evidence is also pointing to taking Vitamin
change in my intestinal health and biome had
D3 as this reduces inflammation but also
the effect of reducing inflammation within my
stabilizes the mast cells therefore reducing
whole body which led to me feeling fantastic,
the cytokine release.
shedding a stone and most importantly the benefits are still very much in evidence.
To reduce the effect of, or getting the disease, evidence is telling us to eat well,
This anti-inflammatory focus is vital, especially
exercise, get good sleep and simply, take
at the moment. This can be achieved by:
more care of our health.
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MAIN MEAL Serves 2
CHICKEN DOPIAZA What you need: 2 chicken breasts 1 red onion 2 Tsp of coconut oil ½ a red pepper ½ a green pepper 3 Tsp curry powder 1 Tsp garlic 1 Tsp ginger 1 tin 400g chopped tomatoes 100 ml chicken stock 25% less salt
What you do: Heat 1 Tsp oil in a pan/wok, add the ginger and then the chicken. Cook for approx 5 mins then remove the chicken from the pan. Add 1 Tsp of oil and cook the peppers and onions until they are soft. Return the chicken to the pan. Add curry powder. Mix well and add chopped tomatoes and stock. Simmer until the sauce has reduced and the chicken is cooked. Garnish with coriander. Serve with either bulgar wheat or veg.
SUMMER 2021 ISSUE | 51
Struggling to run in the heat? This is what experts advise about training outdoors in summer By Liz Connor, PA
When the temperatures spike, it’s important to be strategic with your workouts, says Liz Connor.
Beautiful sunny days can seem a rare treat, so it’s natural to want throw on your trainers and make the most of the weather with a lunchtime run in the park. But running in the heat can be a lot more tricky than you think, and if you’re not careful, you can easily max out too early and finish your first kilometre wanting to lie down in a hot, sweaty, exhausted mess. Yep, summer training isn’t easy – but you don’t have to give up on your outdoor runs just because of the sunshine. It’s a case of being prepared, sensible and adapting as necessary. We asked some experts for
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Sponsored by
their advice on safely managing the heat with
around sunrise and sunset during summer
summer running…
Why is running in heat so hard?
“A simple tip is to run in the morning or late afternoon, to avoid the hottest part of the
“Running in the heat causes a rapid increase
day,” says Randall Cooper, sports
in your core body temperature, which the
physiotherapist and CEO of Premax
body counteracts by redirecting the blood
from our muscles to the skin to support the cooling process,” says NURVV Sport Scientist,
Getting your run done first thing in the
Anna Kosciuk (
morning also leaves lunchtime free to focus on some all important recovery, like
Because of this, less blood is available to
stretching and myofascial release.
transport oxygen to the working muscles, and when your skin’s receiving the blood flow that
2. Go slow
would normally go to muscles, Koscuik says keeping pace becomes way more difficult:
Cooper advises running a course that is
“The lack of oxygen quickly induces
mainly in the shade (woodland paths are
premature fatigue and results in a decline in
good for this) and slowing your pace to adjust
muscle function, which can affect overall
to the heat and humidity. It’s an obvious
point, but the hottest day of the year is no time to aim for a PB.
In this way, running in the heat is quite similar to altitude training.
Although your pace may feel torturously slow, your heart rate will still reach between the
That overheated, heavy feeling is never
optimum 50-85% because of the extra
pleasant, and dehydration can also play a role
challenge of the hot weather.
in its intensity. When you haven’t drunk enough fluids, your
3. Make sure you’re drinking water often
body sweats less to stop you losing fluid more rapidly than you are replacing it, which means
“When you’re sweating more, you lose
you have a harder time controlling your body
valuable fluids and electrolytes, which
compromises the efficiency of the cooling process of the body,” says Kosciuk.
How should you adapt your running technique in the summer?
Wearing a hydration vest, like the Salomon Advance Skin 5 (currently £89.90 down from
1. Time it right
£110, allows you to sip on a 1.5-litre bladder of water as you go, so you don’t have to
Even on baking days, it’s significantly cooler
wait until the finish line to properly rehydrate. SUMMER 2021 ISSUE | 53
4. Consider your gear
two to three hours after the session has ended,” says Cooper.
When it comes to summer running, Cooper says “light, technical fabrics that wick sweat
7. Sleep it off
and allow the skin to breathe” are best. Running in the heat will be more stressful on Microfiber polyesters and cotton blends with
your body, and getting seven to nine hours of
mesh areas and vents will help to keep you
sleep is vital to allow the body to repair and
cool, and a hat and UV sunglasses are
recover. “If it’s possible, sleep in a cool room
essential for keeping your face and eyes
between 17-20°C. However, I’d recommended
protected from the rays. Wearing a broad
not running an air-conditioner, as the dry air
spectrum of SPF50 on hot days is a no-brainer
will cause further dehydration overnight,” says
for runners too.
5. Get a good pair of running socks
A final word…
“Specialist running socks will keep your feet
Despite the disadvantages of summer
dry to prevent blisters, as high temperatures
running, learning to adapt to the challenge of
increase the moisture in the shoes and often
hot weather can actually make you a more
lead to painful wounds,” notes Kosciuk. We
efficient runner. “For runners who successfully
like Balega Blister Resist Running Socks
adapt and acclimatise to hot conditions, it can
(various styles available from Amazon and
actually improve athletic performance,” says for keeping feet cool, comfy
Cooper. “This is because the body learns to
and dry.
sweat more, which improves thermoregulation, both in hot and cold
Shoe choice is equally important. “Get your
trainers fitted to the shape of your feet and the function of your foot and lower leg,”
“Training in the heat can also lead to positive
stresses Kosciuk. “There’s no better way to
changes in blood plasma volume, reduce
avoid injuries than to ensure appropriate
overall core temperature, reduce blood lactate
support and structure around your feet.”
levels and improve aerobic performance.”
6. Plan ahead for the end of the session
That said, it can also be dangerous to run outside in the heat as it increases your risk of
Have extra water on hand, some small wet
heat stroke and other potentially serious heat-
towels to place on the back of your neck or
related illnesses.
wrists, and know where you can get out of the heat and the sun into a cooler environment,
For this reason, Cooper says adapting to
says Cooper.
running in the heat should be done incrementally, over many sessions. “Not
Replenishing the body with cold fluids is also
everyone responds to training in the heat in
a vital part of your post-run recovery. “A good
the same manner, so it definitely needs to be
rule is to ensure your urine is clear [not yellow]
approached with caution,” he advises.
54 |
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8 simple ways to cool your house down during a heatwave By Luke Rix-Standing, PA
When the weather heats up, you want your house to be a haven of coolness. Here’s how to achieve that. We’re already one heatwave down, and there’s
the coolest coverings you’ll find. And if things
probably more to come, but summer can
get really, unbearably hot, try popping sheets
prove tricky when we’re away from air-
in a plastic bag and stashing them in the
conditioned offices, and escaping abroad for a
freezer for a bit, before putting them back on
week by the pool still isn’t guaranteed.
the bed for super cool sleep.
Here’s how to keep your house cool during the
3. Close the curtains
summer swelter… Closed curtains and blinds are often 1. Get a fan
associated with stuffiness, but by exposing all your windows at the start of a scorching day,
Fewer than one per cent of UK homes come
you can basically trap yourself in an enormous
equipped with air conditioning (and most of
greenhouse. Black-out blinds are especially
the time we all know why), so if you want cold
effective at blocking incoming rays if you’re
air blowing your way, a plug-in fan is likely the
willing to opt for something a little more
easiest way to go. They only provide
heavy duty.
temporary respite, but on a really hot day temporary respite is more than enough.
4. Seal any gaps
For added freezy feelings, place a bowl of ice
You’re looking to physically block as much
or iced water in front of your fan, which will
heat as possible from entering your home,
help cool the air the fan blows in your
and some surprisingly blunt methods might
help you do so. Towels or draught excluders can do the trick around doors and windows,
2. Sleep with cotton sheets
while DIY enthusiasts can close up any cracks in the masonry with off-the-shelf sealant.
Put away the duvets, quilts and bedtime blankets, cotton should be your sheet material
Keep your windows closed during the day,
of choice during long hot summer nights.
and only open them to let in cooler air
Even more breathable than satin and silk,
overnight. If you must engage in daytime
light-coloured cotton bedsheets are probably
window-opening, make sure you open
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windows on either side of the house, and keep doors open to create a through-draught. 5. Invest in house plants House plants can help permeate a stuffy room with moisture, and window sill staples like rubber plants, snake plants, and peace lilies can help create a more breathable microclimate. Some indoor-friendly flora even sucks up pollutants and particulates – aloe plants spring to mind – potentially helping you deal with the heat a little more easily. 6. Turn off your tech Appliances give off a surprising quantity of heat, particularly while charging. Power down computers and televisions rather than leaving them on standby, and try to leave plenty of space behind fridges and freezers for ventilation. If your laptop is actually on your lap, you’ll be able to feel the heat very directly, and if you can, it might be wise to periodically switch it off during your day. 7. Engage in cooling activities It’s not exactly rocket science, but cold drinks
can cool you down; damp cloths can cool you down; and cold showers can cool you down a lot. Ice your wrists, pop your feet in a bucket of cold water, eat a lot of ice lollies – you have options. 8. Turn off the lights The marginal heat loss benefits do not outweigh stubbing your toe, so still flick the light switch if going for a bathroom break after hours, but light bulbs do emit heat as well as light, and a naturally lit home tends to be a cooler home.
Call Tony Mobile 07797 743005 Tel/Fax: 872066 7 Le Clos Paumelle, Bagatelle Road, St. Saviour, JE2 7TW email: SUMMER 2021 ISSUE | 57
Looking back...
‘Through the Eyes of a Teacher’ Given the turbulent nature of education during the last 18 months, The Jerseylife thought it would be thought-provoking to follow the life of someone whose education had suffered the constraints of post WWII and Occupation and yet progressed to become one of Jersey’s most dedicated teachers with a career spanning 39 years. Last time Thelma Heard spoke about her very earliest memories. In this issue, Thelma talks of the next stage in her life… suffered the Occupation were unrestrained,
And so to school
boisterous and some were even bullies. I had a second-hand red coat sent to us by relatives in the
By Thelma Heard
USA, (a few second-hand clothes came to us this way and were welcomed what with rationing and
After our return from the UK, after the War, I
lack of money) which I would hang in the
became a pupil at St Luke’s School. In those days
cloakroom at the foot of a flight of steps. As I was
pupils started school at 6 and left at 15. The interior
going to fetch it one day, I saw one of the boys
of the building was nothing like it is now - there
tearing it apart at the seams. I suppose he was
were draughty classrooms with high
jjealous as I had something
ceilings and a large
nice to wear. n
stove in each room. If you sat by it you
The boys had a playground T
overheated, but if you
sseparate from the girls. It
were further away you
w was one of their ‘games’ to
got very cold.
pull girls over to their area. p The bullies would also T
Every morning milk was
w waylay us as we turned
delivered in metal milk
tthe corner towards the
churns and poured into
sschool gate. I found the
battered old metal mugs.
b best way was never to llook scared as they
I have never been able to drink milk like that since
l Luke’s Schoo
as I can still taste that slimy, slightly warm liquid.
ttended to concentrate on those wh who did. I remember one day, a teacher was absent, so my class joined another and I ended up sitting next to a girl called Mary. We
It was a rough place - so many children having
58 |
paid little attention to the lesson which was the
usual ‘chalk and talk’, (I don’t remember any books -
a nurse down a, to me, long, dim, stone flagged
my sister remembers some rather grubby
passage. My mother had gone and I was led into
specimens - only a blackboard and
the children’s ward and I was put into
we had slates and a piece of chalk)
b bed. No one told me what had
and instead, my new-found friend
h happened or why I was there. That
and I had a fascinating discussion
n night I yelled most of the time. I felt
on ghosts. The poor harassed
s abandoned and did not so
teacher caught us and I was
u understand what was going on. I
called out to the front of the
c still recall it and the faces of the can
class. She told me to put out my
s staff who stood at the foot of my bed
hand for the cane. She wanted
n knowing what to do about me. In not
to hit me on my left hand and I
t the morning at breakfast, we were
refused because I had not long
t told we had a treat – eggs! I said, ‘Yes
recovered from a fractured left
p please’ but the nurse curtly told me
arm, but said she could hit my
“ “Not you…you have to have an
right hand. Corporal
o operation today”. The after-effects of
punishment had little effect on me.
1948 - 8 year old Thelma with little brot her Martin at Snow Hill
t this accident meant I had to start w writing with my right hand; previously I h been left- handed. To this day I had
The nit nurse used to visit
h have never had decent
frequently as there were many
h handwriting and experience
cases after the war. We had to line up
c confusion on occasions as to
to have our hair tugged apart while she
w which hand to use especially
searched for the invaders. At home we
w when faced with doing
had to sit while our mother raked
s something new. My left arm
through our hair with a special comb.
h stayed weak throughout has
Any discoveries meant a head dousing in
m life. my
an evil smelling liquid. I 1950, when I was In My fractured left arm happened when my
a approaching 10, my sister
sister and I were playing a game we called
a and I changed schools.
‘caravans’ where we placed 2 old chairs
H How my parents scraped
together. My chair was too near the edge
t together the money I
of the grass which was about two feet on my extended left arm. I was taken into
r old Thelma 1950 - 10 yea s Josephine with sibbling
the kitchen where my grandfather held my
and Martin
above the yard and I slipped off and landed
d don’t know. It was not a q question of we needed a b better education as then i was deemed girls did it n need that much, not
arm still then went to hospital and had a plaster put on. The following night I was in
h my mother had had enough of the bullying rather
pain all night so my mother took me back to the
and the nit nurse.
hospital in the morning. My arm had been incorrectly set and had to be redone. I was taken by
We were enrolled in a small all girls’ school of 165
SUMMER 2021 ISSUE | 59
pupils. This school no longer exists. We didn’t learn
all by heart. Once I got into even more trouble as
science (not for girls then) but most other subjects
the girl who had gone up before me to recite her
including elocution and sewing. It was a very strict
dates, couldn’t remember them so I started
place with rigid uniform rules. My grandmother, a
whispering them to her as I was tired of waiting for
seamstress, made my winter coat from a grey
her to finish.
blanket dyed green. The other girls used to snigger at it. At other times they just stood around in
Lessons were proving too easy for me so I was put
groups to laugh at me. We were forbidden to go
up into the top class when I was with girls of 15 and
out any evening in the school week without the
16. I was still just 13. As you can imagine this did not
head mistress’ permission. We were also in deep
endear me to them at all. That is until they realised
trouble if we were seen talking to a boy or eating in
they could copy my work and get better marks.
the street. Later I was nearly expelled because I joined
W We had little in the way of educational
the St John Ambulance
rresources. There was one book for each
ssubject: History, Geography, French and A Arithmetic. There were also copies of
There was a group which
tthe current exam book of, to me, an
met in a building at the end
iinsufferable Shakespeare play,
of our road. The head
C Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales and
mistress then decided to have
w whatever other book was set for a
a St John Ambulance group
p particular year’s O level exam. I quite
at the school. I attended
e enjoyed one book I studied for my
regularly and attained the
e exam. It was Tale of Two Cities by
Grand Prior award (it meant
C Charles Dickens. As I was with the
passing 12 exams such as first
o older pupils ahead of time, I studied tthose set for 2 successive years’
Aid, Home Nursing and History of the Order). It also involved carrying out duties such as helping out at an orphanage called Westaway Creche, an old
to embark on 1956 - About ould lead to the path that w ing College Teacher Train
e exams. To this day I dislike anything w written by Shakespeare though I c can quote at length from some of h his works. The rationale behind
people’s home and sometimes at
learning by b heart pages of Chaucer I cannot
public events. On one occasion I was on duty in
understand. Geometry was mostly doing patterns
Howard Davis Park for some event when a man
with ruler and/or a pair of compasses and these
collapsed with a heart attack so I was sent to the
were then coloured. How I longed for a decent set
nearest telephone box in Colomberie to call for extra
of colours. Arithmetic was endless sums. I
assistance as I was calling through a brass band
particularly struggled with long division. I worked
passed by right outside which made things difficult.
long hours when I had these for homework never seeming to get them right. My father used to get
There were so many rules at school it was inevitable
annoyed with me saying I was only prolonging my
I would break some. In fact I broke so many that I
work to stay up later!
was frequently in detention where we had handwriting practice – which I dreaded of course.
In the next issue Thelma shares how she was soon
At other times we had to learn columns of historical
to be on course to attend Teaching College and
dates but I was in detention so often I learnt them
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LE N B A W IL O A R V G A E W LM O O N H T A This book is a treasure trove of information for anyone interested in Jersey’s Occupation history. Above all, it tells a very personal and human story. Juanita Shield-Laignel has skillfully woven the strands of a life together and ensured that Michael’s own voice shines through. The road he took from the German internment camp to his banquet with the Queen was a long one, but it demonstrates the capacity of ordinary people to make a positive difference to the world. Michael Ginns MBE is now gone; but his work of reconciliation will endure. Paul Darroch - Author of Jersey; The Hidden Histories
The Author says: “Writing this book was an absolute joy. Michael was such a special man and was keen for me to share the details of his whole life – not just his internment to SoVthern GermanZ aged just 15 or receiving his MBE but – his early childhood memories, such as sitting in church on a Sunday and thinking he would rather be on a nearby farm watching the pigs…and other such seemingly small details that shaped this extraordinary man’s life. No matter who you are – we all have a story to tell and I am thrilled to be able to share Michael’s unique story with you. I know you will Enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed interviewing Michael, and writing it for posterity. Enjoy!” Juanita x
Ferrari has updated the Portofino GT, promising sharper handling and improved comfort. Darren Cassey gets behind the wheel. WHAT IS IT?
and adapted the styling to improve cooling
It’s funny how Italian words make everything
through the air intakes. But with this being a GT,
sound better to us Brits, especially when it comes
comfort has also been improved.
to cars. A classic example is the exotic-sounding Maserati Quattroporte, which translates as ‘four
There’s also a redesigned exhaust system that
doors’. Today we’re testing the Ferrari Portofino M,
allowed for the removal of the silencer and
with that final initial standing for ‘Modificata’, or
reduced the size and weight of the system, while
simply ‘Modified’ in English.
the rear diffuser is totally new and separate from the bumper.
The Portofino is a 2+2 hard top convertible from Ferrari’s GT family, first introduced in 2017. The M
treatment now means there’s an extensive raft of
A 3.9-litre turbocharged V8 engine, which is a
upgrades and improvements. Think of it like a mid-
direct descendant of the unit that won Engine of
life refresh – a really extensive one.
the Year four times in a row between 2016 and 2019. It makes 602bhp (an increase of about
20bhp) and 720Nm of torque, and is mated to a
Firstly, and perhaps unsurprisingly for a Ferrari,
totally new eight-speed automatic transmission.
there’s increased performance from the engine. The engineers then also worked on driving
To achieve this jump in power, Ferrari engineers
dynamics to make the most of the extra power,
worked on the engine’s internals, improving the
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filling of the combustion chamber, while some
focused on comfort, again with a decent amount
turbocharger trickery means it now spins faster
of success. There’s a little jiggle on the worst roads
than before. The result of these upgrades is a 0-
the Cotswolds threw at us, but with the
60mph time of about 3.2 seconds and a top speed
mannettino switch pointed to comfort, there’s a
in excess of 199mph.
subtlety to the ride that surprises given its ability in the corners.
WHAT’S IT LIKE TO DRIVE? Unsurprisingly for a car with over 600bhp, the
Perhaps the only complaint in this regard is that
Portofino M has utterly ballistic acceleration. Our
the driving position didn’t offer as much
test in damp, changeable conditions meant full
adjustability as you’d hope from a car built with
throttle applications were a test of nerves (and,
long-distance driving in mind, leaving us feeling a
perhaps, stupidity). As such, in lower gears it was
little cramped after a few hours behind the wheel.
hilariously terrifying going beyond 80% throttle, with the angry engine note filling the cabin and
the car lunging forward at a rapid pace.
The Portofino is a distant relative of the California that came before it, arguably one of the blandest-
Despite being a GT car, it’s still a Ferrari. The
looking Ferrari models in recent memory. However,
Italians don’t want to build a Bentley with a
while the original Portofino carried some of those
different badge, they want to build a comfortable
unappealing styling cues, the latest model has had
car that’s still sharp and direct in corners. It has
enough nip and tuck to make it a serious looker.
succeeded, because while it’s not as confidenceinspiring as the firm’s 488 supercar, it’s still
On the face of it, changes are subtle, but there’s a
ludicrously capable on an undulating country road.
sharper, more muscular appearance that’s come from the fact designers wanted to reflect the
However, Ferrari was keen to stress that it has also
improved performance from the engine. There are
FACTS AT A GLANCE Model as tested: Ferrari Portofino M Engine: 3.9-litre turbocharged V8 Power: 602bhp Torque: 720Nm Max speed: 199mph 0-60mph: 3.2 seconds MPG: TBC Emissions: TBC
SUMMER 2021 ISSUE | 63
bigger intakes up front and new vents at wheel
This being a luxury model, the option list is
arch height, while the new exhaust allows the rear
extensive and eye-wateringly expensive. A few
to be more streamlined.
examples include Magneride suspension (£3,168), carbon-fibre rear diffuser (£6,720), ‘historical’ paint
Ferrari has given the Portofino a fastback look with
job (£7,104) and 20-inch forged diamond wheel
the roof up, and it looks great from all angles
rims (£4,608).
except the rear, where the roof looks awkwardly proportioned. As all the best convertibles do, the
Inside, you can pay almost £2,000 for a neck-
Portofino is at its best with the roof down.
warming stream of air, there’s a carbon-fibre driving zone and steering wheel for £4,320 and
£2,400 for smartphone connection.
Interior changes are more subtle, and while the overall appearance isn’t quite as luxurious as some
If you’re paying less than £200,000 for your
rivals, there’s a minimalist, driver-focused feel that
Portofino M then you’ve shown quite a bit of
instantly screams sports car.
The dials are large and easy to read, while the
10.25-inch touchscreen is elegantly integrated into
With the Portofino M, Ferrari is trying to find a
the centre of the dashboard. The menu design is
sweet spot between out-and-out performance cars
simple, modern and easy to use, and though it’s a
and luxury-focused GT models. With such a target,
little slow to respond to inputs, overall it’s an
it would be easy to be compromised, excelling at
excellent system.
There are a few minor irritations. With minimal
However, that’s not the case. In general driving, the
adjustability, we found the top of the dials were
ride quality is impressively comfortable, so all but
always blocked by the wheel unless it was pushed
the roughest roads are smoothed out in true GT
unnaturally high, while a few ergonomic oversights
fashion. But the Modificata updates have given the
that frustrated would likely not be an issue for
Portofino a sharp edge that would give more
long-term owners.
focused machinery a run for its money.
The Ferrari Portofino M is a fantastic all-rounder,
With an on the road price of £175,360, the Ferrari
then, with two different characters that can be
Portofino M naturally has an extensive standard
called on at the flick of a mannettino switch.
equipment list. For your cash, you get full LED headlights and tail lights, 20-inch alloy wheels, a 10.25-inch touchscreen infotainment system, air conditioning, and plenty of performanceenhancing technology.
64 |
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Are we moving towards a cashless society in the near future? By Vicky Shaw, PA personal finance correspondent
One in three people think the UK will be cashless in the next five years, according to Paragon Bank. Vicky Shaw reports. Nearly three-quarters (71%) of us think the UK is moving towards a cashless society, according to a new survey. And one in three think this will happen in the next five years, the research from Paragon Bank found. Cash use nosedived last year during the pandemic –
choosing to carry a purse or wallet
with recent figures from trade association UK Finance
either never or only occasionally.
showing cash payments plunged by 35% last year,
Only 13% anticipated returning to
with 6.1 billion transactions recorded.
pre-pandemic spending behaviours.
While coins and banknotes were used for 17% of all
However, only one in four (26%)
payments in the UK last year, 27% of payments
people would see a move towards
were contactless.
a cashless society as positive, while one in three (34%) view it as
However, there are still reasons to believe cash will be
around for the foreseeable future. Many people were concerned about depending The UK Government has said it intends to legislate to
more on IT systems – although some thought
protect the future of cash, and there are various
having less cash around could potentially reduce
industry initiatives taking place to make sure people
incidents of violent crime, the research found.
will continue to have free access to coins and banknotes.
Plus, while contactless technology may be very convenient for many, it’s important to remember it
Paragon Bank’s survey of 2,000 people also found
may not be accessible for some people, who will
that two-thirds said they used cash less during
still reply on cash.
lockdown than before – and many thought the shift would be permanent.
Derek Sprawling, savings director at Paragon Bank, says: “The concerns people have voiced about the
One in five were using cash less frequently due to
impact of going cashless are very real factors that
technological advances making it easy to pay for
reflect that cash currently plays a vital role in
goods using smart devices, including phones and
communities. This has definitely also been
highlighted during the pandemic – any move away from cash will likely be very gradual, and must be
The demise of cash may also have a knock-on effect
carefully managed to ensure no groups are
for wallets, with a quarter (25%) of people now
negatively impacted.”
66 |
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Book Review Flufighters Flufighters explains why some people get really sick, even die from flu, while others don’t. Colds and flu, including COVID-19, are viral diseases that a healthy immune system should be able to fight off with natural immunity. But what is a healthy immune system and how can you promote your own immune power with diet and nutrients? Patrick Holford helps explain the weaknesses of viruses and how vitamin C can be used as a natural nutrient by anyone to help boost immunity so they can avoid pandemic flu as well as other future flu viruses.
• The truth about vitamin C and how to use it when you’re infected. • How black elderberry blocks viral replication. • Why vitamin D levels crash in winter to make us more susceptible. • Other critical immune support nutrients
“Vitamin C is an extraordinary all-rounder for supporting healthy immunity”, says Patrick Holford, founder of the Institute of
from selenium to zinc. • How intravenous vitamin C saves lives in those with respiratory distress.
Optimum Nutrition. “It boosts interferon, a protein released by cells which can inhibit a
You will also discover how to restore and
virus from replicating and boosts the
maintain a healthy immune system when
production of immune cells, such as
not infected, complete with recipes for
phagocytes – which attach viruses – and
foods and drinks, and what to eat, drink
white blood cells (leucocytes)”.
and supplement when you are under attack to shorten duration and severity of
This book explains:
colds and flu. You can find out more about the book at and it is
• How viruses work and where are their weaknesses • Why animals that make vitamin C rarely succumb to flu or colds.
available to purchase for £9.99 at It's also available from Amazon, as well as a Kindle E-book and Audible Audiobook.