Shifting Perspectives beings we are blessed with an innate ability to feel a wide spectrum of emotions and have the physical and linguistic ability to express those - for better or
By Lorraine Pannetier, Intuitive Copywriter for Lightworkers and Brands with Soul
In every moment we all have a choice. As human
We’re currently
worse. So, in an era where there’s so much fear and
living in an era of
division within the community, today I want to
huge shifts and
invite you to step into your truth, stay grounded
while that may
and anchor more love into the planet.
seem scary, it’s also
presenting us with so many beautiful
This is your opportunity to grow as an
opportunities to transform our lives for the
individual and play a part in shifting human
Remember that your physical presence
It’s time for us all to share our own truth and see
itself is powerful.
the truth in others beyond the layers and layers of cultural conditioning. In letting go of our own
You have the ability to shift the energy in a
fears, doubts and made up stories in our heads,
positive way in any conversation, relationship or
we create space for the magical process of
platform simply by showing up in your truth.
If you’re not sure exactly what I mean, then think
If you desire to change your financial, romantic or
of any occasion when you’ve felt gratitude for
physical situation, you’ll never succeed all the
someone’s kind gesture and when you thanked
while you grip tightly onto those old stories:
them, their face lit up and you sensed their joy
‘People like me never get rich. Who’s going to
and happiness in that moment. Perhaps you
love me? I can’t lose weight!’
both had a better day after that short exchange. In my own process of personal growth and It works the other way too…
transformation over the last 10 years, I’ve found many ways to support myself and to make
If you’re happily working in the office and you
change actually happen:
receive a phone call from an angry customer or one of your colleagues comes in and starts
Get clear on your values and live your life in
ranting about their ‘bad’ day, then you feel your
alignment with them. I’ve been passionate
focus, creativity and positivity drain away in an
about healthy diet and lifestyle for over 30
years and my food and cooking choices reflect that. Living in alignment with my choice to not
Energy shifts can happen in seconds, and being
eat animal products looks like taking my own
aware of this is the first step in creating a life
dishes to friends’ houses instead of eating
that looks more like the one you desire.
meat or dairy just to be polite or because it’s
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