What else can a company expect from the
metaphors for creating change include;
experience? Arrow breaking, walking on glass and board We also incorporate many tools that create
lasting change in individuals and companies alike at both a physical and psychological
That’s really interesting Mark, it’s been a
level. The entire event is constructed around
pleasure and a real eye opener to learn how
a seminar which is both practical and
we can access such high quality and life
motivational that provides everything a
changing events right here in the Channel
company needs to move onto the next level
Islands. Thank you. How can individuals
of success.
and companies contact you please?
Some of the other exercises we incorporate into our events which are powerful
Testimonials We have bought in outside help on several occasions to help us try and build a cohesive and connected team without any luck whatsoever. When you came to us, we were extremely skeptical as you were aware. However. You proved to be one of those rare companies that under promises and over delivers to the extreme. The bond you created with our teams can still be felt and experienced today. It was simply amazing. Thank you.
Craig Forester. Ford.
I have attended Tony Robbins and Richard Bandler's events as well as many of the world's top thought leaders. I can honestly say your content is up there with the world's best!
Tony Pallot. TPT training
For further details please email info@markbakerspeaks.co.uk Mark Baker talks about becoming resilient to life challenges: www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtr-kkCRObw
MARK ANTHONY BAKER Unleash the power of expectation in your life and business with Mark Anthony. One of the UK's leading business speakers and coaches helping companies and individuals thrive in times of unprecedented change. TO FIND OUT HOW WE CAN SUPPORT YOU OR YOUR BUSINESS SIMPLY CONTACT US TO ARRANGE A FREE 30-MINUTE CONSULTATION
E. info@markbakerspeaks.co.uk W. www.markbakerspeaks.co.uk 30 | www.thejerseylife.co.uk