The Jersey Life - Summer 2021

Page 38

2nd Hand Clothes

a Sustainable Choice… Many people are turning to second-hand clothing as a result. So, what’s all the fuss about? The term ‘fast fashion’ describes the production of cheap Louise sporting a very fashionable 2nd Hand Desigual Coat

clothing which is designed to have a short life span and be discarded as styles move on very quickly, but who doesn’t love a bargain in a high street store right? It’s interesting to discover that according to Business Insider the fashion industry is responsible for 10% of global carbon emissions which we all know are contributing to climate change problems which will change our very shoreline if we don’t take action. Also, 1.5 trillion litres of water are used by this industry annually and the output

As an avid crafter and consequential watcher

of their manufacturing processes often cause

of the likes of The Great British Sewing Bee, I

serious pollution to land or water sources.

have been both fascinated and galled by the throw away (pardon the totally intentional

So, what can we as individuals do about these

pun) comments of presenter Patrick Grant. In

issues? There are a couple of strategies that

the most recent series, during ‘reduce, reuse,

people are turning to. One is designing a small

recycle’ week, Patrick nonchalantly announced

capsule wardrobe of good quality items that

that a ‘shocking million tonnes’ of clothing are

are timeless in design and will have a long life

thrown away EVERY YEAR in the UK alone!

span. There are many online shops that sell

Last year Patrick said there is enough clothing

items made from recycled fabric items or

currently in circulation, world-wide to clothe

clothes made from the off-cuts from other

the next half- dozen or so, generations. If that

fashion manufacturers.

is indeed the case – that is astonishing and it’s time to stop producing any more throw away

Another option is to choose to stop buying

fashion and that’s just for starters!!! Mindful of

clothing until all the items you have are

this ridiculous situation – I asked Louise Carson

completely worn out. The problem is then

of Journey to Zero waste to put together an

what to do when your tops are holy, all your

article on the subject. Here is the very well

jeans have been converted into shorts and

thought out result…

your work clothes just are no longer fit to be seen in. You can only mend things so many

We are all hearing about climate change and

times, particularly if like me your sewing skills

living more sustainable lives regularly now.

leave a little to be desired.

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