Zinc may ‘help reduce length of respiratory infections’ - from chicken soup to vitamin C, what else really works? By Abi Jackson, PA
Being bunged up and run down is never fun, but can these classic cold remedies really help? Always curious about ways to help combat
individual general health and immune response,
infections like colds and flu? Zinc is the latest
and lifestyle factors like how much sleep we’re
mineral in the spotlight – a new study has found
getting and how much booze we’re drinking.
taking a daily zinc supplement ‘may cut how long respiratory infections last’.
But are there things that can give us a helping hand with fighting off a cold? In terms of
It’s important to note that the research, which
scientific research, the evidence tends to point
reviewed 28 existing studies, did not include
at ways to help relieve symptoms, rather than
data specific to Covid-19. But respiratory tract
‘cure’ the infection – which our body should be
infections (RTIs) can include common cold, flu,
able to fight off in time.
sinus, throat and lung infection symptoms – like coughs, stuffed and runny noses, headaches,
Here’s a look at some classic cold remedies and
high temperatures and associated pain.
how they may help…
Published in the journal BMJ Open, it found
Chicken soup
people who regularly took zinc had less RTIs overall, and their symptoms cleared up more
Even if you’ve never had a loved one prepare
quickly when they did.
chicken soup for you when you’ve been bunged up with a cold, you’ve probably seen it happen
Of course, when it comes to infections like colds
on TV – and there is logic to this tradition.
and flu, the best line of defence is to avoid
Chicken soup is packed with phytonutrients
spreading and catching them! Plus there are
(found in garlic, onions and other veg and great
always other factors to consider – such as our
for supporting immune function) and antiinflammatory properties. Studies have also suggested carnosine, a compound found in chicken, could help calm nasal congestion. But even if it’s just a placebo effect, a steaming bowl of TLC made with love is never going to hurt!
Vitamin C Popping some extra vitamin C when you’re run down with an infection is another classic, 40 | www.thejerseylife.co.uk