The Jet Stream Dec. 17, 2015

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Jet Stream The

Friday, December 18, 2015 Vol. 50, No. 50 Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, S.C.

Echo and Oscar Company Graduates See Page 11

“The noise you hear is the sound of freedom.” 2 3 3

MCAS Beaufort Air Traffic Control assists local pilot– Page 4

Bolden students bring history to life – Page 5

F-35 conducts first expeditionary test during Steel Knight 16 – Page 9

H&HS celebrates holidays, promotes camaraderie

Story and photos See Pg. 6

Photo by Lance Cpl. Samantha K. Torres

A child interacts with Santa Claus during a holiday party aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Dec. 12. Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron held the event for Marines, sailors, and their families to promote camaraderie and foster the holiday spirit within the unit. Games and activities were set up for families and children to participate in, along with a dessert contest, ugly sweater contest, and a raffle.

Officers’ Spouses’ Club hosts Hawks bid farewell to 46th Annual Senior Tea Bryant, welcome Brown Story and photos by: Lance Cpl. Jonah Lovy Staff Writer

Lieutenant Colonel Alvin Bryant relinquished command of Marine All-Weather Fighter Attack Squadron 533 to Lt. Col. Mathew A. Brown during a change-of-command ceremony aboard Marine Corps Air

Photo by Lance Cpl. Samantha K. Torres

The Beaufort Belles sing at the 46th Annual Senior Tea aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Dec. 13. The group performed an arrangement of Christmas music to the crowd. The Beaufort Belles, directed by Cindy Valieant, are a barbershop singing group comprised of about 18 members from the Beaufort area. see SENIOR, page 7

Station Beaufort Dec. 10. Brown is reporting to the squadron from the Department of Aviation at Headquarters, United States Marine Corps, where he served as the F/A-18 and adversary requirements officer. see

COC, page 8

Lt. Col. Mathew A. Brown, left, takes command of Marine All-weather Fighter Attack Squadron 533 from Lt. Col. Alvin Bryant during a change of command ceremony aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Dec. 10. Sgt. Maj. Johnny R. Vancil holds the guidon in preparation for the pasage of command. Vancil is the sergeant major of VMFA(AW)-533.


The Jet Stream

Games and Entertainment

Friday, December 18, 2015

MCAS Beaufort Movie Schedule

Saturday 2 p.m. PG (1:32)

Mess Hall Menu

Saturday 4:30 p.m. PG-13 (2:16)

Saturday 7:00 p.m. R (1:42)

MCRD Parris Island Movie Schedule

Monday - Friday Saturday, Sunday Breakfast: 6 - 7:30 a.m. and holidays Lunch: 11 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. Brunch: 8:30 - 11 a.m. Dinner: 4 - 6 p.m. Dinner: 4 - 6 p.m. Midrats Sunday - Thursday 11:30 p.m. - 1 a.m. Takeout window hours Breakfast - Mon. - Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 11 a.m. Lunch - Mon. - Fri. 12:45 p.m. - 4 p.m. Dinner - Mon. - Fri. 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.

Saturday Lunch Dinner Shrimp cocktail, fried Bayou jerk pork loin chicken, steak and rice Lunch Salmon with cucumber relish


Sunday 2 p.m. PG (1:32)

Sunday 4:30 p.m. PG-13 (2:28)

Sunday 7:10 p.m. PG-13 (2:12)

Baked Goods Word Search

Dinner Baked ziti with italian sausage

Monday - Friday Breakfast Hot farina, hot hominy grits and oven-fried bacon Monday Dinner Lunch Spicy shrimp with Baked smoked ham cheesy grits and sweet potatoes Tuesday Dinner Lunch Herbed roast pork Chicken and dumploin with pan gravy lings and rice Wednesday Dinner Lunch Manhattan clam Roast turkey and chowder green beans Thursday Dinner Lunch Apple glazed corn Arroz con pollo and beef and squash garlic bread Friday Dinner Lunch Chili macaroni and Herbed baked green beans chicken and carrots

Chapel Services Roman Catholic • 9:30 a.m. - Sunday Mass • Confession takes place before Mass • Confession Monday - Thursday at noon Protestant • 9:45 a.m. - Protestant Church School (Sunday School) • 11 a.m. - Protestant Sunday Worship Service (Children’s church is also available at this time) • 5 p.m. - Wednesday Protestant Bible Study • 5 p.m. - Saturday Worship Service at Laurel Bay Youth Center Buddhist • 11 a.m. - Saturday Worship Service in the Chapel Fellowship Hall Labyrinth Walk • 8 a.m - 4 p.m. - Monday in the Chapel Fellowship Hall Other Faith Groups • For Jewish, Mormon and Islamic support, contact the Chaplain’s Office at 228-7775

See something suspicious Say something.

Word Bank






Dec 4th solution

Call (843) 228-6710 / 911 - IMMEDIATELY


MCAS Beaufort Station Inspector Sexual Assault Response Coordinator Force Protection information and concerns PMO Dispatch Severe Weather and Force Protection

228-7789 228-6904 228-6924

Dec 4th solution

228-6710 1-800-343-0639

Sexual Assault The contact number for a Uniformed Victim Advocate is 592-0646. This number can get you in contact with a UVA 24 hours a day.

Fraud, Waste and Abuse

If you know of or suspect any fraud, waste or abuse aboard MCAS Beaufort, call 228-7777. If you know of or suspect any fraud, waste or abuse within MAG-31, call (252) 466-5038. The automated answering service on these lines is available 24 hours a day.

Answer to this week’s puzzles will be available in next week’s edition of The Jet Stream.

Command Information

The Jet Stream

workday on December 24, 2015, for reasons of national security, defense, or other public need,” said Obama. n The Tax Center is scheduled to open Jan. 19, 2016 and close on April 18, 2016. Hours of operation Monday-Friday 09:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Location 172 Santo Domingo St. Parris Island, SC 29905 The Tax Center will be setting up appointments via phone and will accept walk-ins schedule permitting. For any questions as to the services the center will be providing, and to schedule an appointment, please contact any of the following numbers. (843)228-1121 Sgt Alexander

(843)228-1125 Sgt Cieply (843)228-1113 Sgt Mattear (843)228-1119 Cpl Dalton (843)228-1126 Cpl Donahee (843)228-1118 Cpl Owen (843)228-1112 LCpl Austin For any questions prior to Jan. 19th call between 9:00 a.m.12:00 p.m Thursdays and Fridays. The Marines listed above can be contacted via email for questions as well. Tax Center Fax Machine (843) 228-1114. n The following items were found aboard Marine Corps Air station Beaufort. • Black Husky Tool Kit • IPAD • Motorola Phone • Huffy Bike • Travel Cooler • Fishing pole and reel • Gold wedding ring

• • •

December 19, 1972: Silver wedding ring key ring with assorted keys Camo wallet partially wrapped in duct tape

If anyone would like to claim an item please contact James Caswell from the Provost Marshal’s Office at (843) 228-6335. n Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are held at the Station Chapel aboard MCAS Beaufort every Monday at 6 p.m. and Thursday at 10 a.m. Meetings are open to all service members, veterans, and civilians within the Tri-Command. n The photocopying of U.S. Government identification cards is a violation of Title 18, U.S. Code Part 1, Chapter 33, Section 701 and punishable by fine and imprisonment.

Chaplain’s Corner

What’s with all these Christmas trees?

Story by Cmdr. William Holiman MCAS Beaufort Command Chaplain

From about Halloween on, American stores begin to play Christmas songs. Santa Claus shows up at the end of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV, and at the Tree lighting ceremony at Laurel Bay and at your favorite mall. By now most people have Christmas trees up and door decorations. We have lots of Christmas trees in the Chapel. So what is with all these trees? How did they become the prime symbol of Christmas, which is really about the birth of Jesus? If you look around on-line you will quickly find the St. Boniface Story. One version goes like this: “In the 7th century a British monk went to Germany to teach the Word of God. He did many good works there, and spent much time in Thuringia, an area which was to become the cradle of the Christmas Decoration Industry. “Legend has it that he used the triangular shape of the Fir Tree to describe the Holy Trinity of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The converted people began to revere the Fir tree as God’s

Tree, as they had previously revered the Oak. By the 12th century it was being hung, upside-down, from ceilings at Christmastime in Central Europe, as a symbol of Christianity.” At least that is how Countess Maria Hubert von Staufer puts it at the Christmas Archives. The story is told by many others though the details differ a little. About the time of the Renaissance trees began to appear in German lands. Every version of the story is slightly different with some versions making Martin Luther of Lutheran Reformation fame the first to bring the tree into the house, turned right side up, with candles and generally looking a lot like the modern Christmas Tree. Other versions say it was the Catholics who did this. We will probably never know who first thought this was a good idea. But we can all be glad that someone in Germany had the idea to bring in a tree, decorate it with lights and ornaments and tell us that it represents Christianity. Other ethnic groups did not have the idea so early on. The Italians had a focus on the scene in Bethlehem where Jesus was born. To this day their emphasis is on the characters in the scene. The

English and Americans did not adopt the Christmas tree till the mid 1800’s. The first Christmas trees introduced into America were in German settlements which had community trees as early as 1747. But it took quite a while before Americans as a whole took to the Christmas Tree. It was not until the communications really got going in the 19th century that the Christmas tree began to spread. “In 1846, the popular Royals, Queen Victoria and her German Prince, Albert, were shown in the Illustrated London News. They were standing with their children around a Christmas Tree. Victoria was very popular with her subjects, and what was done at Court immediately became fashionable - not only in Britain, but with fashion-conscious East Coast American Society. The English Christmas Tree had arrived!” Queen Victoria was popular in the US as well as in Britain and it was a reprint of her famous Christmas Tree picture in the US that really got the movement to have Christmas trees in most houses going. So now you know, what’s with all those Christmas trees!

Fightertown deployed: MWSS-273 Sweathogs have a detachment of Marines currently deployed to Spain in support of SpecialPurpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force Crisis Response-Africa.

VMFA-312 Checkerboards are currently deployed to the Western Pacific as part of the Unit Deployment Program.

MALS-31 Stingers have detachments currently deployed to the Western Pacific supporting VMFA-251, VMFA-312, and VMFA(AW)-224.


Did you know...

HAPPENINGS n President Obama has granted all federal employees a half-day off on Christmas Eve. Obama stated in his executive order that all executive branch departments and agencies of the Federal Goverment shall be closed and their employees excused from duty for the last half of the scheduled workday on Thursday, Dec. 24. The decision is in keeping with recent precedent on time off around the holiday.It should be noted that some federal employees may have to report to work according to the president. “The heads of executive branch departments and agencies may determine that certain offices and installations of their organizations, or parts thereof must remain open and that certain employees must remain on duty for the full scheduled

Friday, December 18, 2015

VMFA(AW)-224 Bengals are currently deployed to the Western Pacific as part of the Unit Deployment Program.

The Marine detachment of the USS TICONDEROGA provided shipboard security for three U.S. astronauts, Eugene Cernan, Ronald Evans, Harrison Schmitt, and their Apollo-17 space capsule. The astronauts had successfully completed a (then) record lunar stay of more than 75 hours.

Persistent El Nino conditions will provide a winter similar to last year for the United States. Beaufort County will be wetter and cooler than normal. Additionally, there will be a higher risk for severe weather, including tornadoes and possible floods. Be prepared for drastic changes in temperatures and precipitation. Monitor the latest forecasts and briefings from the National Weather Service in order to prepare your home and family for any extreme weather. Ensure you take extra precautions when travelling.

Jet Stream The

Contact us: 228-7225 Commanding Officer MCAS Beaufort Col. Peter D. Buck

Public Affairs Officer Capt. Clayton Groover

Public Affairs Chief Sgt. Dengrier M. Baez

Press Chief

Sgt. Dengrier M. Baez

Community Relations/Staff Writers Lance Cpl. Samantha K. Torres Lance Cpl. Jonah Lovy

Tri-Command Weather 7 Day Forecast

Editor’s note: We at The Jet Stream care about our reader’s opinion. In reaching our goal to put out the best possible product, we understand the importance of your feedback. Please add a comment to the “How can we improve The Jet Stream?” topic on our www. discussion board on how we can better your base newspaper. Published by the Savannah Morning News, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense, the United States Marine Corps, the United States Navy, or Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, S.C., under exclusive written contract with the United States Marine Corps. This commercial-enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. government, the Department of Defense, the U.S. Marine Corps or the U.S. Navy and do not imply endorsement thereof. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the DoD, the Marine Corps, the Navy, Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, S.C., or the Savannah Morning News of the products or services advertised. Everything in this newspaper shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. If a violation of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the contractor shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content (i.e., all content other than paid advertisements) is edited, prepared and provided by the public affairs office of the installation. All queries concerning news and editorial content should be directed to: Jet Stream, Marine Corps Public Affairs Office, P.O. Box 55001, MCAS Beaufort, S.C., 29904 or (843) 228-7225. All queries concerning business matters or display ads should be directed to the Savannah Morning News at (843) 815-0800.


The Jet Stream

In Other News

Friday, December 18, 2015

MCAS Beaufort Air Traffic Control assists local pilot Story and photo by: Lance Cpl. Jonah Lovy Staff Writer

Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort exclusively handles military air traffic. Every once in a while, however, it becomes necessary to help fellow aviators out of bad situations. Marines with Air Traffic Control aboard the air station had the opportunity to do just that Nov. 30. Samuel Tims, a local pilot, was taking his Cessna 182 aircraft out for a night flight when he ran into trouble. He began his night expecting to perform some night landings on the Beaufort County Airport. “I took off and as I cleared the departure end of the runway I caught the first hints of a thin layer of moisture,” said Tims. “Within a matter of seconds I was consumed inside of complete obscurity.” The layer of fog was so thick that he could not see what was in front of him. Tims continued his climb and the fog eventually cleared at around 600 feet. When he reached 1000 feet he began his decent in order to land back at the airport. “All was ok at this point and even though it was obscured, I could still make out the runway,” said Tims. As soon as he dipped back into the layer of fog he lost all visibility again. Unable to see the runway, Tims climbed to a safe altitude and began to assess his options. “At this point, I called up Beaufort Approach,” said Tims. “I told them what had hap-

pened, that I had limited fuel.” Flight control advised Tims to fly to the Lowcountry Regional Airport in Walterboro, S.C. However when he got there he saw that the runway there was also obscured. At this point he was running out of options. “The word urgency had become emergency but it was hard to say,” said Tims. The glide slope, a signal that allows pilots to track their approach for landing, had a very weak signal and Tims did not trust it enough to attempt a blind landing. He was directed to fly back to Beaufort County and attempt another landing. At this point air traffic control aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort received word about Tims’ predicament. Nick Wallace, an air traffic controller, contacted him over the radio. “I told him that I didn’t really want to declare an emergency but I also knew that I was running out of options,” said Tims. “At this point, I didn’t hesitate any longer and declared the emergency.” It became clear that the situation was life or death. Tims’ only option was to land on the air station. Lance Cpl. Matthew Pittman took control of communications at this point. “He instructed me not to reply to any of his instructions and began the rapid fire delivery of extremely clear and precise heading and glide slope information,” said Tims. While descending to land on the runway, Tims once again lost all visibility. With guidance from Pittman he was able to safely navigate through the fog and land.

Nick Wallace monitors air traffic from the Air Traffic Control tower aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Dec. 16. Controllers are essential to ensure the safety and efficiency of air station flight operations.

“I can tell you that this was the most demanding experience I’ve faced as a pilot,” said Tims. “Taking an approach down to approximately 60 feet with zero visibility with only the guidance of verbal instruction was not easy. Due to the extraordinary circumstances of the landing, safety personnel met him on the flight line to ensure the safety of everyone on the air station. Tims made it home safe and

sound and has nothing but gratitude for the Marines who saved his life. “Even though I was under a severe amount of stress, I can’t help but think about how these controllers were feeling at the same time,” said Tims “I never heard anything but perfection in their voices and it was incredibly reassuring to have their assistance. I’m alive and healthy today because of two absolutely incredible controllers.”

Stingers build camaraderie, improve physical fitness

Photo by Lance Cpl. Kayla L. Douglass

Marines execute Marine Corps Martial Arts Program maneuvers during a squadron field meet aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Dec. 11. The field meet was held to improve unit cohesion, build camaraderie, improve physical fitness, and build esprit de corps. The Marines are with Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 31, Marine Aircraft Group 31.

Photo by Lance Cpl. Kayla L. Douglass

Marines face off during a pugil stick bout at a squadron field meet aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Dec. 11. Pugil sticks are used to simulate rifle and bayonet techniques Photo by Lance Cpl. Kayla L. Douglass during close quarter battle training. The field meet was held to improve unit cohesion, Marines exercise with ropes during a squadron field meet aboard Marine Corps Air Station build camaraderie, improve physical fitness, and build esprit de corps. The Marines are with Beaufort Dec. 11. The field meet was composed of numerous physical challenges designed Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 31, Marine Aircraft Group 31. to improve fitness, camaraderie and unit cohesion. The Marines are with Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 31, Marine Aircraft Group 31.

Photo by Lance Cpl. Kayla L. Douglass

Photo by Lance Cpl. Kayla L. Douglass

Marines execute a fireman’s drag during a squadron field meet aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Dec. 11. The field meet was held to improve unit cohesion, build camaraderie, improve physical fitness, and build esprit de corps. The Marines are with Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 31, Marine Aircraft Group 31.

Marines pull two high mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicles during a squadron field meet aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Dec. 11. The field meet was composed of numerous physical challenges designed to improve camaraderie and unit cohesion. The Marines are with Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 31, Marine Aircraft Group 31.

In Other News

The Jet Stream

Friday, December 18, 2015


Bolden students bring history to life

Photo by Lance Cpl. Jonah Lovy

Photo by Lance Cpl. Jonah Lovy

A student explains her project to her classmates during a presentation at Bolden Elementary and Middle School aboard Laurel Bay Dec. 9. Bolden students impersonated historical figures as part of the Wax Museum project.

A student plays the violin during a presentation at Bolden Elementary and Middle School aboard Laurel Bay Dec. 9. Each student chose a historical figure to impersonate and performed a short presentation. This student posed as John Paul Jones, a well-known Naval officer and fighter in the Revolutionary War.

Photo by Lance Cpl. Jonah Lovy

Photo by Lance Cpl. Jonah Lovy

A student recites a speech during a presentation at Bolden Elementary and Middle School aboard Laurel Bay Dec. 9. The event was called the Wax Museum. Each student chose a historical figure to study and impersonate. This student chose Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th president of the United States.

A student explains her project to her classmates during a presentation at Bolden Elementary and Middle School aboard Laurel Bay Dec. 9. The event was called the Wax Museum. Each student chose a historical figure to study and impersonate. This student chose Coco Chanel, an international fashion designer.


The Jet Stream

More of the Story

Friday, December 18, 2015

Photo by Lance Cpl. Samantha K. Torres

Marines, sailors, and their families attended a holiday party at the gymnasium aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Dec. 12. Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron hosted the event for Marines, sailors, and their families to have fun during a busy time of year. The event included a holiday dinner, several contests, games, and a raffle.

H&HS continued from page 1

Service members and their families attended a holiday party at the gymnasium aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Dec. 12. The event was organized by Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron to promote camaraderie and foster the holiday spirit within the unit. Due to operational tempo, and units being spread

out throughout the air station, the Swamp Foxes rarely have an opportunity to come together in this type of celebration, especially with their families. “It’s nice to see all the families here enjoying themselves tonight,” said Lt. Col. Douglas Seich, commanding officer of H&HS. “It’s good to see everyone together.” The attendees catered to the young and old. Games and activities were set up for families and children to participate in, along with a dessert contest, ugly sweater contest, and a raffle. The children got a

chance to meet Santa Claus and ask for their Christmas wishes during the event. All was possible due to the tremendous effort of the volunteers to ensure the event was a pleasant and enjoyable event for all who were in attendance, said Staff Sgt. Michael Toops, watch commander with the provost marshal’s office. “We had a great turnout of hard working Marines and sailors that volunteered to set up the event,” said Toops. “Without them the event would have never been a success.”

The volunteers worked different snack stations, helped set up tables and chairs, and even dressed as elves to assist Santa. The unit will continue to hosts events that promote unit cohesion throughout the holiday season. The leadership of H&HS also reminded everyone that the holiday celebration is not unique just to the members of the unit. “Thanks to all the Marines who are here tonight and remember to keep the ones who aren’t here in your thoughts,” said Seich.

More of the Story

The Jet Stream

Friday, December 18, 2015


Officers’ Spouses’ Club hosts 46th Annual Senior Tea

The Beaufort Harbormasters perform during The 46th Annual Senior Tea aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Dec. 13. The group sang an arrangement of Christmas carols, and also performed a piece called ‘Mary Lou’ prepared for their upcoming event in March. The Beaufort Harbormasters were founded in 1999, and are a barbershop singing group.

Story and photos by: Lance Cpl. Samantha K. Torres Staff Writer

Senior citizens from the Lowcountry, Marines and other guests attended the 46th annual Senior Tea aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Dec. 13. The event was organized in 1968 by The Officers’ Spouses’ Club who wanted to host a holiday tea party for the local senior citizens. The event has evolved through-

Col. Peter Buck and wife Pamela Buck, left, greet a guest to the 46th Annual Senior Tea aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Dec. 13. Officers escorted the senior citizens to their seats to enjoy refreshments and entertainment. The event was made possible by the Officers’ Spouses’ Club, volunteers, and Marines with Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, Marine Aircraft Group 31, and Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort. Buck is the commanding officer of MCAS Beaufort.

out the years since its beginnings more than four decades ago to what it is today. “The first tea started out as a simple affair with homemade cookies and caroling,” said Col. Peter Buck, the commanding officer of MCAS Beaufort. “It has grown and changed over the years, but still serves the same purpose: to honor the seniors in our midst.” Marine officers with the air station escorted the guests to their sitting areas at the commencement of the event

and out to their vehicles once the ceremony concluded. During the event, gifts were presented to the longest married couple, the most festive attire, the guest with the most grandchildren and great grandchildren, and the most ‘senior’ senior. Anne Hirschmann, the woman who chaired the first senior tea, was present at the event and received a gift for her 46-year attendance. Students from Battery Creek High School, and members of The Beaufort Academy of Dance, Beaufort Belles, and the Beaufort Harbormasters provided the evening’s entertainment. “I would like to recognize the women behind today’s event, the Officers’ Spouses’ Club board president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, and parliamentarian ,” said Buck. The Officers’ Spouses’ Club is an organization that has helped to build camaraderie among the families who are

stationed aboard MCAS Beaufort with social events and philanthropic activities, such as providing college scholarships for military dependents, donating gift cards to Marines and sailors during the holidays, and hosting the Senior Citizens’ Tea. “Each year, whether or not this event occurs, depends upon the volunteers and generous donations that provide for the food, venue, and gifts,” said Beth Woodring, the OSC Vice-President. The holidays are a very busy time of year, and with the help from the Marines, volunteers, and the spouses of the OSC, hundreds of senior citizens had the opportunity to enjoy the festive event aboard the air station once again. MCAS Beaufort will continue to hold events to honor and foster the holiday spirit between the Marines and the local community throughout the holiday season.


The Jet Stream

More of the Story

Friday, December 18, 2015

Photo by Lance Cpl. Jonah Lovy

Photo by Lance Cpl. Jonah Lovy

Marines march on the colors during a change of command ceremony aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Dec. 10. Lt. Col. Alvin Bryant relinquished command of Marine All-Weather Fighter Attack Squadron 533 to Lt. Col. Mathew A. Brown. The Marines are with VMFA(AW)-533.

Lt. Col. Alvin Bryant speaks during a change of command ceremony aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Dec. 10. Bryant relinquished command of Marine All-Weather Fighter Attack Squadron 533 to Lt. Col. Mathew A. Brown.

COC continued from page 1

“I’m looking forward to the future of this squadron,” said Brown. “I’ll get to be a part of an outstanding group of Marines and lead them to do great things.” Brown has previously served as a ground safety officer and aircraft maintenance operations officer for VMFA(AW)-224. “Being a part of the squadrons on base gave me a lot of experience and worthy information to better myself,” said Brown. “It helped me learn more about taking care of

my Marines and sailors, to make sure they are well cared for. If they are physically and mentally strong they will work harder and put more into the end product.” Bryant has commanded VMFA(AW)-533 since June 2014. Prior to taking command of the squadron, Bryant has served in many capacities with VMFA(AW)-533 since 2002. His billets held include family readiness officer, operations officer and executive officer among others. He has deployed in support of Operation Southern Watch, Operation Iraqi Freedom and multiple unit deployments to the

Western Pacific. “I’ve learned and had a lot of fun while serving with 533,” said Bryant. “This squadron will always be my home and I can’t thank my Marines enough.” “He would routinely be the first to shake a Marine or sailor’s hand when they arrived back to Fightertown, or the last when they departed,” said Col. Robert Cooper, the commanding officer of Marine Aircraft Group 31. Friends and family were welcomed during the change of command ceremony by service members and previous commanders of the squadron.

“I am proud to join a long line of outstanding commanding officers,” said Brown. After the ceremony, service members and special guests of the air station were invited to attend a reception in the VMFA(AW)-533 hangar. “I wouldn’t be where I am today without the support of my friends and family,” said Bryant. “Leaving is a bitter sweet evolution because it can be difficult to leave great Marines and sailors along with the great experiences I’ve had during my time here, but it is part of growing as a leader and Marine.”

Around the Corps

The Jet Stream

Friday, December 18, 2015


F-35 conducts first expeditionary test during Steel Knight 16

Photo By: Sgt. Brian Marion

An F-35B Lightning II taxis down the runway after refueling at Red Beach at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, Calif., Dec. 10. This is the first time that the F-35 conducted close air support missions in support of exercise Steel Knight. The aircraft is with with Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 121. Story by Cpl. Alissa Schuning Marine Corps Air Station Miramar

MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. — Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 121 conducted the F-35B Lightning II’s first-ever expeditionary test in support of exercise Steel Knight 16, Dec. 10. Exercise Steel Knight is a combined arms live-fire exercise that implements a combination of air and ground assets to complete a wide range of military operations to prepare 1st Marine Division for deployment as the ground combat element of a Marine Air-Ground Task Force. VMFA-121’s role in the exercise was to conduct close air support drills and expeditionary missions in support of the MAGTF. During the exercise, the F-35 utilized the expeditionary airfield on Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms, California, and the

expeditionary landing pad at Red Beach on Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California. “We’ve done similar landings in [Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Arizona], but the one at Red Beach was the smallest vertical landing pad we have used to date,” said Maj. Colin Newbold, the flight operations officer with VMFA-121. Exercise Steel Knight allowed VMFA121 the opportunity to illustrate the abilities of the F-35 to operate organically in an austere environment while helping accomplish the mission of the MAGTF. “This is the first time that we get to truly test the capabilities of the aircraft in an expeditionary setting,” said Newbold. “This is going to be a real learning Photo By: Sgt. Brian Marion experience for everyone involved and An F-35B Lightning II conducts a vertical landing at Red Beach at Marine Corps Base Camp will prove helpful in the future when Pendleton, Calif., Dec. 10. This is the first time that the F-35 conducted close air support missions developing tactics.” in support of exercise Steel Knight. The aircraft is with Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 121.


The Jet Stream

Friday, December 18, 2015



The Jet Stream

Friday, December 18, 2015


Alpha Company Graduates Honor Graduates

Platoon 2096

Platoon 2101

Pfc. W.B. Louangrath, Spartanburg, SC Senior Drill Instructor: Staff Sgt. K. D. Johnson

Pfc. J. K. Gelling, Smithtown, NY Senior Drill Instructor: Sgt. S. M. Kern

Platoon 2097

Platoon 2102

Pfc. R.B. Hall, Cedar Park TX Senior Drill Instructor: Sgt. K. Clement

Pfc. A. O. Adetunji*, Atlanta, GA Senior Drill Instructor: Staff Sgt. Z. E. Moorman

Platoon 2098

Platoon 4042

Pfc. H. Bernal Jr., Plant City, FL Senior Drill Instructor: Staff Sgt. O. Mendoza

Pfc. M. Baker, Hillsboro, TX Senior Drill Instructor: Staff Sgt. L. D. Smith

Platoon 2100

Platoon 4039

Pfc. R. C. Oakley, Shelbyville, KY Senior Drill Instructor: Staff Sgt. D. D. Botton

Pfc. A. K. Kalamau, Kaneohe, HI Senior Drill Instructor: Sgt. M. R. Ortiz

Platoon 2096

Pvt. D.J. Abrams , Pfc. A.J. Alfred IV , Pfc. A. B. Allen , Pvt. M.C . Allen , Pfc. AP. Anderson , Pvt. S.K. Andrews , Pvt. J.T. Bailes , Pvt. .B. Bayasjuca , Pvt. S.M. Bullock , Pvt. J.E. Campos , Pfc. K.M. Carnaghi , Pfc. N.D. Christhilf , Pfc. L.M. Church , Pvt. A.S. Clark , Pvt. R.D. Clark , Pvt. C.P. Cornelius , Pfc. I. Cortez , Pvt. D.A. Cousins , Pfc. D.T. Dilligard , Pvt. A.L. Dills , Pvt. J.P. Domingo , Pfc. B.J. Eaton. , Pvt. J.F. Edwards , Pfc. J.H. Feltman , Pvt. R.D. Filardi III , Pvt. C.R. Freeman , Pvt. B.S. Garner , Pvt. C.J. Gauffreau , Pvt. B.J. Glasco Jr. , Pfc. L.P. Godwin , Pfc. R.M. Guy , Pvt. J.W. Holder , Pvt. S.M. Howard , Pvt. J.M. Izen , Pfc. D.D. Johnson , Pvt. T.T. Johnson , Pvt. D.L. Jones , Pfc. Z.B. Kanipe , Pfc. P.L. Kenyon , Pfc. K. Kristoffersen , Pfc. D.K. Lawson , Pvt. D.A. Lee , Pfc. W.P. Lindley , Pfc. J.K. Locklear* , Pfc. W.B. Louangrath* , Pvt. J.S. Lowell , Pfc. B.A. Mackey , Pvt. E.J. Madison , Pvt. J.C. Martin , Pfc. D.A. Mathis , Pfc. L.A. Mcclary , Pvt. D.N. Mccormick , Pfc. R .L. Mcdaniel* , Pvt. R.M. Murray , Pvt. M. T. New , Pvt. T.M. Oden , Pvt. J.W. Ogle , Pvt. J.M. Ott , Pvt. M.C. Patterson , Pvt. A.W. Pena , Pvt. M.D. Perrigan , Pfc. P.M. Polumbo , Pfc. M.A. Porter* , Pvt. Z.B. Ragsdale , Pvt. T.A. Rahn , Pvt. B.J. Rankins , Pvt. C.M. Reed , Pvt. J.R. Rivera , Pvt. J.F. Rubalcava , Pvt. J.A. Seggelink , Pvt. K.L. Sexton , Pfc. T.A. Singleton , Pvt. K.R. Stone , Pvt. D.V. Stouffer , Pfc. R.D. Thomas , Pvt. J.D. Thompson , Pvt. C.E. Tindal , Pfc. C.W. Turner , Pvt. G.H. Ulmer , Pvt. T.D. Vaughn , Pfc. T.J. Wardlow , Pvt. K.R. Wolf

Platoon 2097

Pfc. C. S. Addison , Pvt. D. L. Anderson , Pfc. N. C. Anderson , Pvt. N. J. Angilley , Pfc. C. W. Arsenault , Pfc. L. A. Aviles* , Pvt. Z. T. Ballard , Pvt. A. J. Barnes , Pvt. L. Blanks , Pvt. D. A. Boatwright , Pvt. D. S. Bogan , Pvt. S. I. Bottum , Pvt. N. A. Breton , Pvt. N. G. Bunnell , Pvt. T. M. Byers , Pvt. A. S. Campos , Pvt. A. C. Carpenter* , Pvt. S. C. Carter , Pvt. J. F. Cherney , Pvt. W. R. Childs , Pvt. B. L. Clark , Pvt. J. D. Collier , Pfc. J. T. Cooper , Pfc. S. T. Cornwell , Pvt. J. D. Dalton , Pvt. J. P. Deane , Pvt. J. J. Diluigi , Pvt. D. E. Douglas , Pvt. M. L. Ely , Pfc. A. Q. Facio , Pfc. E. E. Fagnelli , Pfc. J. J. Figueroa , Pvt. G. C. Franzen , Pfc. M. Gay , Pfc. K. C. Gilbert , Pfc. I. Gunn , Pfc. R. B. Hall , Pfc. K. D. Harrison , Pvt. J. A. Hartman* , Pvt. G. H. Hartsell , Pvt. R. A. Hicks , Pvt. B. H. Hudson V , Pfc. R. F. Huneycutt , Pvt. T. G. Jackson Ii , Pvt. D. A. Jones , Pvt. R. B. Jones , Pvt. J. T. Joyce , Pvt. C. J. Koltvedt , Pvt. J. A. Kraatz , Pvt. D. H. Lagor , Pfc. W. F. Liles , Pvt. J. K. Madison , Pvt. Q. J. Madison , Pvt. C. L. Mahan , Pvt. G. A. Mccaffrey , Pvt. S. V. Melendez , Pvt. N. F. Mora , Pvt. T. M. Morrow Jr , Pvt. L. C. Moyer , Pvt. M. T. Naphy , Pvt. A. S. Negi , Pvt. C. A. Nikitopoulos , Pvt. A. I. Olivares , Pvt. C. Pawluszkofontanilla , Pvt. J. Peraita , Pvt. A. J. Perez , Pvt. C. M. Perez , Pvt. A. D. Pickens , Pvt. J. R. Piete , Pvt. K. S. Plopper* , Pfc. M. Prusaczyk , Pvt. C. Radloff , Pvt. A. M. Riley , Pfc. G. E. Sandeno , Pvt. D. L. Snyder* , Pvt. C. N. Strange , Pvt. R. A. Stroheker , Pvt. E. S. Vasquez , Pvt. A. L. West , Pvt. B. T. West , Pfc. S. K. Williams , Pvt. C. M. Wilson. , Pvt. K. R Witten.

Platoon 2098

Pvt. A.A. Acevedo , Pfc. A. Aguirre , Pfc. B.M. Arevaloloja , Pfc. C.K. Batiste , Pvt. M.W. Battles , Pvt. H. Bernal Jr , Pfc. J.T. Brown , Pvt. D.F. Cardonarendon , Pvt. A.N. Carpenter , Pvt. S.H. Christophers , Pvt. A.N. Cipriani , Pfc. J.M. Cobb , Pfc. J.L. Colby , Pvt. A.K. Cotton , Pfc. D.R. Davis , Pvt. R.W. Delashaw , Pfc. J.D. Dobbs , Pvt. M.A. Dodd , Pvt. T.S. Drake , Pvt. A.C. Espina , Pvt. T.L. Foy , Pfc. T.M. Freyser , Pvt. S.F. Gonzalez , Pfc. J.A. Graham , Pfc. C.M. Graves , Pvt. B.A. Gutierrez , Pvt. I. Gutierrez , Pvt. E. Guzmanalmonte , Pvt. E.N. Hatcher , Pvt. R.M. Hessler , Pvt. A.J. Hill , Pvt. J.D. Jones , Pvt. E. Juanmartinez , Pvt. D.P. Kalinuk , Pfc. C. R. Kammerer , Pvt. J.R. Kania , Pvt. B.W. Kirkpatrick , Pvt. J.A. Kurzrock , Pvt. J.A. Lauricella , Pvt. T.W. Leppert , Pvt. H. Lorusso , Pvt. G.P. Lyons , Pvt. Q.D. Marable , Pvt. D.T. Marcrum , Pvt. D.J. Marshall , Pvt. T.J. Matthews , Pvt. C.A. Mcclain , Pvt. B.J. Mcginty , Pvt. D.B. Mcnaughton Jr , Pvt. J. M. Montemore , Pfc. T.N. Oates , Pvt. C.T. Orr , Pfc. S.T. Pacca , Pvt. C.F. Pantaleon , Pvt. J.W. Peeler , Pvt. B.R. Peppers , Pvt. S.C. Phillips , Pvt. J.W. Porter Jr , Pvt. E.A. Rodriguez , Pvt. M. Romano , Pvt. N.J. Ross , Pvt. J.E. Scott , Pvt. D.P. Seabolt , Pvt. C.J. Shelton , Pvt. D.M. Skube , Pvt. A.M. Smith , Pvt. T.M. Snyder , Pvt. X.W. Sparks , Pvt. C.M. Stack , Pvt. R. L. Stanley , Pvt. C.H. Stephens , Pvt. N.M. Stragazzi , Pfc. D. Terrazas Jr , Pvt. T.B. Trebatoski , Pvt. A.B. Tuntassmith , Pvt. T.M. Vanhof , Pfc. A.K. Washington , Pvt. C.S. Watkins , Pvt. E.J. Webb , Pfc. I.P. Wright , Pvt. K.L. Wright , Pfc. N.B. Young , Pvt. J.M. Zerby

Platoon 2100

Pvt. E. A. Addomensah, , Pfc. D.D. Alston* , Pfc. W. R. Anderson , Pvt. J. J. Beckmiller , Pvt. B. R. Black , Pfc. S. A. Bonsu , Pvt. R.P. Boudreau , Pvt. K. J. Bourgeois , Pfc. P. L. Brimage , Pvt. A. J. Brinney* , Pvt. T. C. Brown , Pvt. A. M. Burns , Pfc. H. G. Chambers , Pvt. B. L. Christian , Pfc. G. B. Collins , Pfc. L. A. Davila , Pvt. M. M. Davila , Pvt. M. S Drake , Pvt. N.J. Dunn , Pvt. S. I. Elliott , Pvt. J. Everett , Pvt. C. J. Featherman , Pvt. B. W. Fields , Pvt. J. B. Francois , Pvt. G. F. Gaspari , Pvt. A. J. Germann , Pfc. A. R. Geir , Pvt. K. W. Hamaltion , Pvt. K. A. Harthausen , Pfc. T. A. Heim , Pfc. L. E. Howard , Pvt. C.S. Hyland , Pvt. M. Jablonski , Pvt. J. D. Joe , Pvt. D. P. Kerce , Pfc. N. W. King , Pvt. B. J. Ladder , Pvt. J. L. Lapollo , Pvt. D. M. Lord , Pfc. D. W. Maloney , Pvt. L. R. Martin , Pfc. C. R. Matt* , Pfc. W. D. Mattingly , Pvt. S. P. Mayhall , Pfc. C. T. Mcewan , Pvt. J. W. Mclean , Pvt. J. P. Miller , Pvt. C. E. Muhanyi , Pfc. A. W. Murray , Pvt. H. Nguyen , Pvt. C. P. Nowell , Pfc. R. C. Oakley , Pvt. L. D. Owens , Pvt. D. A. Patell , Pvt. C. S. Pratt , Pfc. J. W. Purdy , Pvt. M. E. Pyszka , Pvt. B. A. Reyes , Pvt. B. L. Richard , Pvt. L. E. Rushforthmcmillion , Pfc. E. E. Sanchezrijo , Pfc. J. J. Shabazz , Pfc. W. M. Shively , Pfc. J. E. Sosner , Pvt. A. M. Tanielian , Pvt. S. Taylor , Pvt. M. J. Tettemer , Pfc. D. D. Thompson , Pvt. J. W. Torres , Pfc. M. E. Torres , Pfc. R. C. Tran , Pvt. R. Trinidadguerrero , Pvt. M. E. Turner , Pvt. K. A. Twitchell , Pvt. T. A. Urbina , Pvt. W. J. Vanore , Pfc. M. R. Wasilewsky , Pvt. B. M. Whitt , Pfc. S. M. Willeke* , Pfc. K. L. Williams , Pfc. S. M. Williams , Pvt. T. J. Young , Pvt. D. Zelayamina

Platoon 2101

Pvt. J. J. Adams III , Pfc. A. A. Adamus* , Pfc. S. T. Bartlettmalone , Pfc. I. S. Berkeley Ii , Pvt. D. J. Bielawski , Pvt. H. J. Bland , Pvt. J. Bonano , Pfc. M. L. Brown , Pvt. B. E. Buchanan , Pvt. M. E. Buckley Jr , Pvt. A. G. Carr , Pvt. C. D. Cleveland , Pvt. J. D. Clifford , Pvt. D. J. Collins , Pfc. A. N. Colon , Pvt. V. H. Cordero , Pvt. B. S. Custer , Pvt. A. K. Damon , Pfc. J. E. Dasher , Pvt. A. L. Delcastillo , Pvt. P. S. Edwards , Pvt. J. A. Evans , Pvt. E. J. Figueroapicon , Pvt. I. P. Fox , Pvt. J. B. Freeth , Pvt. C. A. French , Pfc. C. E. Gamary , Pfc. J. K. Gelling* , Pvt. F. R. Goodwin , Pvt. V. E. Gorman Jr , Pvt. D. K. Goundry , Pfc. W. K. Grzesik Jr. , Pvt. J. A. Guevara , Pvt. J. A. Haas , Pvt. D. J. Hausman , Pvt. D. D. Henry , Pvt. Z. C. Hill , Pvt. T. J. Himes , Pfc. Z. J. Hubalek* , Pfc. T. Huynh , Pvt. J. R. Jarvis , Pvt. J. G. Karl , Pvt. S. J. Kealey , Pvt. S. Krokodilos , Pvt. D. D. Leasure , Pvt. S. L. Lentz Jr , Pvt. C. A. Leonzuniga , Pvt. R. J. Litchner Ii , Pvt. J. Lugoborrero , Pfc. J. A. Lugoreyes , Pvt. J. C. Luque , Pvt. A. G. Maenner , Pvt. D. D. Martin , Pvt. A. M. Martinez , Pfc. I. M. Martinez , Pvt. J. M. Mauras , Pvt. M. A. Maxim Jr , Pvt. W. W. Mcguire , Pfc. A. J. Mejias , Pfc. V. Mendez Jr.* , Pfc. H. W. Morgan Jr. , Pvt. R. J. Nagle , Pfc. V. Q. Nguyen , Pfc. J. A. Perezramos , Pvt. D. M. Prendergast , Pvt. K. J. Preston , Pvt. L. M. Ragan Jr , Pvt. D. F. Rahe Ii , Pvt. B. P. Ramsaran , Pvt. D. H. Rios , Pfc. R. E. Riveraperez , Pvt. O. M. Rodriguez , Pfc. E. L. Romanmorales , Pvt. A. Romerochavez , Pfc. M. A. Rosenthal , Pfc. A. A. Rumph , Pvt. Z. J. Saxon , Pvt. J. H. Smith , Pvt. K. A. Smith , Pvt. L. R. Smith , Pvt. C. J. Solano , Pvt. D. M. Thompson , Pvt. T. H. Thornton , Pvt. L. D. Tocci , Pvt. A. Turner Jr , Pvt. A. J. Williams

Platoon 2102

Pvt. D. M. Abdalakbar , Pfc. A. O. Adetunji* , Pvt. S. B. Alma , Pfc. J. T. Anderson , Pvt. L. Anderson , Pvt. M. B. Andinoluciano , Pfc. S. R. Armstrong , Pvt. D. Bailey , Pfc. C. M. Beal , Pvt. B. A. Beebe , Pvt. J. R. Beebe , Pvt. J. A. Behnke , Pvt. J. C. Benoit , Pvt. W. I. Berduomorales , Pvt. S. N. Brown , Pfc. N. D. Bruce , Pfc. K. S. Bryant , Pvt. J. T. Burbidge , Pfc. D. D. Butler , Pvt. C. R. Carroll , Pvt. T. E. Catalina , Pvt. D. J. Channer , Pvt. E. Ciplakovic , Pvt. C. C. Compomiller , Pfc. M. J. Coulter , Pfc. H. H. Culver* , Pvt. A. W. Curlin , Pvt. A. J. Daniels , Pvt. L. A. Diazmartinez , Pfc. K. J. Edge , Pfc. D. O. Emmons , Pvt. D. A. Escotoortiz , Pfc. M. A. Feyjoo , Pfc. M. P. Fillman , Pvt. A. L. Fleishchhauer , Pvt. E. C. Frost , Pfc. B. K. Gaige , Pvt. J. Gallegosolguin , Pfc. J. A. Garro , Pvt. G. B. George , Pfc. C. J. Gillenwater , Pfc. J. L. Gonzalez , Pvt. C. L. Goss , Pvt. R. F. Graziano , Pvt. B. J. Hulse , Pvt. B. Jazdzewska , Pvt. N. B. Johnson , Pfc. T. M. Jones* , Pvt. D. J. Keenan , Pvt. A. J. Larson , Pfc. B. A. Lebrun , Pvt. B. T. Lett , Pfc. J. L. Levano , Pfc. K. Lora , Pvt. W. T. Lunsford , Pfc. W. D. Maccuish , Pvt. A. Marin , Pfc. A. B. Marsili , Pvt. M. K. Mcgrath , Pvt. P. B. Mcmurdy , Pfc. J. J. Mills , Pvt. M. E. Mills , Pfc. J. C. Montero* , Pvt. D. R. Pereztorres , Pfc. B. J. Ribble , Pvt. A. M. Rivera , Pvt. J. G. Rovner , Pvt. D. E. Russell , Pvt. T. P. Russell , Pvt. J. Salas , Pvt. J. J. Sanford , Pvt. R. E. Sawyer , Pfc. J. R. Scott , Pvt. R. K. Shaikat , Pvt. M. J. Toma , Pvt. A. C. Trimble , Pvt. K. W. Trombley , Pvt. B. J. Tvaroha , Pvt. D. T. Uribe , Pvt. B. L. Walker , Pfc. B. D. Williams* , Pfc. A. O. Wilson , Pvt. A. A. Worley

Platoon 4042

Pvt. Abuel, Jamila N. , Pvt. Alderman, Morgan M. , Pvt. Baker, Madalynn , Pvt. Barker, Nicole A. , Pfc. Barnhart, Anna M. , Pvt. Bell, Hannah A. , Pvt. Bennett, Gloria V. , Pfc. Birkinbine, Vanessa N. , Pvt. Brown, Christa K. , Pvt. Buchanan, Kayla R , Pvt. Cairns, Morgan E. , Pfc. Carbajal, Kattalin , Pvt. Carrigan, Amber E. , Pfc. Castillo, Diana , Pfc. Coleman, Ashley S. , Pvt. Cuevas, Aditi , Pvt. Diswood, Kimberly D. , Pvt. Engebretson, Angelina R. , Pfc. Freeman, Tiffany M. , Pfc. Gomes, Jessica D. , Pfc. Hall, Abagail R. , Pfc. Harter, Cadence C. , Pvt. Heverly, Haleigh H. , Pfc. Hicks, Kaitlyn S. , Pvt. Higginbotham, Ashlyn N. , Pvt. Jaynes, Kateri N. , Pvt. Jimenez, Priscilla , Pfc. Kensey, Briana R. , Pvt. Kissinger, Kayla M. , Pfc. Knepper, Marissa L. , Pfc. Kyek, Angelica M. , Pvt. Lazar, Josephina , Pfc. Marion, Rebecca G. , Pvt. Martinez, Kristian , Pvt. Martinezmezquita, Dhilexa G. , Pfc. Mccormickjohnson, Shyanne K. , Pvt. Miller, Caylee B. , Pfc. Negrete, Irene , Pfc. Newell, Emily A. , Pfc. Otwori, Noella B. , Pfc. Pauley, Julie A. , Pfc. Paulporter, Dashona N. , Pvt. Potter, Kayla A. , Pfc. Prewitt, Abagail L. , Pvt. Pugh, Roniqua A. , Pvt. Royer, Georgia S. , Pfc. Santander, Maria C. , Pvt. Short, Candis M. , Pvt. Silva, Cynthia J. , Pvt. Sosa, Sheyla I. , Pvt. Stoddard, Emma D. , Pvt. Tims, Detanna L. , Pvt. Tomlinson Jr, Jerel M. , Pvt. Villarreal, Nancy M. , Pvt. Wilson, Nicole M. , Pvt. Wooten, Haileigh H. , Pvt. Young, Amber D.

Platoon 4041

Pvt. Alloway, Kialyn L. , Pfc. Arnez, Catalina J. , Pvt. Baggott, Lauren E. , Pfc. Berg, Mallory J. , Pvt. Bocanegrasandoval, Willar N. , Pfc. Calvillo, Veronica M. , Pvt. Cavin, Courtney M. , Pvt. Chhon, Mary R. , Pvt. Cramer, Karen L. , Pfc. Cutting, Katera N. , Pfc. Delarosa, Monique A. , Pvt. Delmundo, Angelica J. , Pvt. Duncanson, Alvinae T. , Pvt. Elisalde, Jasmin , Pvt. Engstrom, Kimberlee C. , Pvt. Ertzberger, Tiffani A. , Pvt. Ferrell, Felicia A. , Pvt. Garcia, Mercedes B. , Pvt. Garciacortez, Marlen , Pvt. Garcilazo, Alexia S. , Pvt. Gardner, Yvonne M. , Pfc. Gibb, Amber L. , Pfc. Gutierrez, Melissa , Pfc. Hako, Morgan E. , Pvt. Hamilton, Madysen H. , Pfc. Harakas, Amanda K. , Pfc. Harris, Raquel J. , Pvt. Jacobmccord, Valerie J. , Pvt. Johnson, Briah J. , Pvt. Kalamau, Alexxus K. , Pfc. King, Patricia C. , Pfc. Kirk, Emily F. , Pvt. Lavigne, Katalin E. , Pfc. Lavine, Kira R. , Pfc. Llanas, Karen M. , Pvt. Lopezanaya, Michelle M. , Pvt. Mailloux, Katlyn M. , Pvt. Mainz, Hannah M. , Pfc. Mauri, Nicole C. , Pfc. Mcfarland, Brook M. , Pvt. Moncibais, Sarah K. , Pvt. Omitt, Katherine C. , Pvt. Pena, Jennifer , Pfc. Pinon, Elise A. , Pfc. Ptak, Megan R. , Pfc. Queen, Kaitlyn , Pfc. Quinn, Shannon F. , Pvt. Radzick, Jacqueline M. , Pvt. Ray, Paisley R. , Pfc. Registre, Cecile M. , Pvt. Rozon, Rebeca , Pfc. Samuelu, Christina S. , Pfc. Sanders, Amaris N. , Pfc. Torres, Mariah A. , Pvt. Vanderstraeten, Skye A. , Pfc. Vanzante, Hope K. , Pvt. Welch, Carol M. , Pfc. Williams, Delaney J. , Pvt. Abuel, Jamila N. , Pvt. Alderman, Morgan M. , Pfc. Baker, Madalynn , Pvt. Barker, Nicole A. , Pfc. Barnhart, Anna M. , Pvt. Bell, Hannah A. , Pvt. Bennett, Gloria V. , Pfc. Birkinbine, Vanessa N. , Pvt. Brown, Christa K. , Pfc. Buchanan, Kayla R. , Pvt. Cairns, Morgan E. , Pfc. Carbajal, Kattalin , Pvt. Carrigan, Amber E. , Pfc. Castillo, Diana , Pfc. Coleman, Ashley S. , Pvt. Cuevas, Aditi , Pvt. Diswood, Kimberly D. , Pvt. Engebretson, Angelina R. , Pfc. Freeman, Tiffany M. , Pfc. Gomes, Jessica D. , Pfc. Hall, Abagail R. , Pfc. Harter, Cadence C. , Pvt. Heverly, Haleigh H. , Pfc. Hicks, Kaitlyn S. , Pvt. Higginbotham, Ashlyn N. , Pfc. Huff, Robyn R. , Pvt. Jaynes, Kateri N. , Pvt. Jimenez, Priscilla , Pfc. Kensey, Briana R. , Pvt. Kissinger, Kayla M. , Pfc. Knepper, Marissa L. , Pfc. Kyek, Angelica M. , Pvt. Lazar, Josephina , Pfc. Marion, Rebecca G. , Pvt. Martinez, Kristian E. , Pvt. Martinezmezquita, Dhilexa G. , Pfc. Mccormickjohnson, Shyanne N. , Pvt. Miller, Caylee B. , Pvt. Miller, Kwanis M. , Pfc. Negrete, Irene , Pfc. Otwori, Noella B. , Pfc. Pauley, Julie A. , Pfc. Paulporter, Dashona N. , Pvt. Potter, Kayla A. , Pfc. Prewitt, Abagail L. , Pvt. Pugh, Roniqua A. , Pvt. Royer, Georgia S. , Pfc. Salazar, Priscilla M. , Pfc. Santander, Maria C. , Pvt. Short, Caitlin L. , Pvt. Short, Candis M. , Pvt. Silva, Cynthia J. , Pvt. Sosa, Sheyla I. , Pvt. Stoddard, Emma D. , Pvt. Tims, Detanna L. , Pvt. Tomlinson Jr, Jerel M. , Pvt. Villarreal, Nancy M. , Pvt. Wilson, Nicole M. , Pvt. Wooten, Haileigh H. , Pvt. Young, Amber D.

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The Jet Stream


Friday, December 18, 2015





Sunday, December 6 9:30 am 11:00 am Celebration of St. Nicholas Sunday, December 6th CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS 5:00 pm PAGEANT Monday, December 7th Vigil of the Immaculate 6:00 pm None Conception Tuesday, December 8th Feast Day of the 11:30 am None Immaculate Conception Thursday, December 24th 5:00 pm 6:30 pm CHRISTMAS EVE Friday, December 25th 10:00 am None CHRISTMAS DAY Thursday, December 31st 5:00 pm None NEW YEAR’S EVE ***** No New Year’s Day Services *****

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