The Jet Stream | December 14, 2018

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Jet Stream The

Friday, December 14, 2018 Vol. 53, No. 47 Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, S.C.

Kilo and November Company Graduates


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Hawks bid farewell to Millett, welcome Jindrich

Photo by Cpl. Terry Haynes III

Lt. Col. William Millett addresses the crowd during Marine All-Weather Fighter Attack Squadron 533’s change of command ceremony aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Dec. 7. Millett is the outgoing commanding officer of VMFA(AW)-533.

Photo by Cpl. Terry Haynes III

Sgt. Maj. Jefferey Bosley salutes as Lt. Col. William Millett relinquishes command of Marine All Weather Fighter Attack Squadron 533 to Lt. Col. Charles Jindrich aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Dec. 7.

Photo by Cpl. Terry Haynes III

A color guard marches into position during Marine All-Weather Fighter Attack Squadron 533’s change of command ceremony aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort Dec. 7. During the ceremony, Lt. Col. William Millett relinquished command of the squadron to Lt. Col. Charles Jindrich.


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Fightertown Marines participate in marksmanship competition Story and photos courtesy of: Capt. Warren Korges

Embodying the expression “Every Marine a Rifleman,” Marines from the Air Station took time out of their Veterans Day holiday and weekend liberty periods and away from their normal duties to compete in the FY19 Intramural Marksmanship Competition aboard Parris Island from 12-21 November 2018. The competition included numerous courses of fire ranging from the standard Combat Pistol Program course to bullseye rifle, bullseye pistol, and even combat action shooting. An annual memorial event known as the Malachowski Challenge was held in remembrance of SSgt James Malachowski. Finally, a team rifle match rounded out the competition. Across all of these formats, Air Station Marines represented themselves well, walking away with numerous awards. Notable accomplishments include: In the bullseye rifle competition, Staff Sgt. Steven Krugman of MACS-2 (Early Warning/Control det) took first place, and Staff Sgt. Adam Falmoe of PMO took second. The MCAS squad (comprised of Staff Sgt. Krugman, Staff Sgt. Falmoe, Sgt. Chapman, and Capt. Korges) also placed second overall in the team rifle match, narrowly losing to a team from Weapons and Field Training Battalion comprised of primary marksmanship instructors. This event required competitors to fire rack-grade M16s or M4s across a 50-shot course of fire that is similar to Table 1 but is fired at a significantly smaller target. In the bullseye pistol competition, Sgt.Ryan Chapman of MALS-31/ Supply took second, while Staff Sgt. see shoot page 7

Photos by Capt. Warren Korges

Marines sight in during the Intramural Marksmanship Competition aboard Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island Nov. 19. The competition included numerous courses of fire ranging from the standard Combat Pistol Program course to bullseye rifle, bullseye pistol, and even combat action shooting.

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