The Jewish News - January 2013

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Celebrating Jewish Life in Sarasota and Manatee Counties, Israel and the World FEDERATION NEWS

Serving our community for over 40 years! Published by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee

January 2013 - Teveth/Shevat 5773 INSIDE THIS ISSUE:

7A Community Focus 14A Jewish Interest 19A Israel & the Jewish World 21A Commentary 24A Focus on Youth 27A Life Cycle 1B Jewish Happenings 15B Recent Events

3A Hundreds gather Downtown to support Israel

12A Veterans Day celebration honors KobernickAnchin vets


Temple Sinai Youth Group welcomes all

Volume 43, Number 1

Federation anticipates surpassing $5 million! By Martin Haberer


he mission of our Jewish Federation, according to Dr. Josh Green, 2012 Development co-Chair, is to “Save Jewish lives and enhance Jewish life.” He continued, “I am so proud to be a member of this Jewish community. Generating $5 million from a community our size is no small feat.” In addition to the mission, Dr. Lewis Hanan, Josh’s Development co-Chair and mentor, added, “We also have a vision, and that is ‘a vibrant Jewish community.’ With over 100 programs taking place this past year alone, our Federation certainly is a vital contributor toward achieving that vision.” The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee has evolved over 55 years into a sophisticated notfor-profit operation with multiple revenue sources. The annual campaign, which once was its only source of revenue, now accounts for approximately $2.2 million. The Endowment accounts for over a

million dollars in cash, with the remainder of the revenue coming from targeted, donor-centered giving, event sponsorships, The Jewish News/Connections magazine revenue, and event and rental income. “While it requires money to initiate the grants and programs Federation has become noted for, we must never lose site of the “customer” – each and every member of our Jewish family, and that includes those of us here in Sarasota-Manatee, in Israel and all around the world,” says Marty Haberer, Federation Associate Executive Director, who oversees all of Federation’s Comprehensive Resource Development efforts. Federation President Nancy Swart adds, “When people think of Federation, I want them to think about film festivals, book festivals, collaborative relationships we have made with the local cultural arts

continued on page 2A

We Love Israel Street Fair and Shuk – Let your senses explore all that is Israel Staff Report


zoo, Masada climbing wall, face painting, photo oin The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manbooth and more atee on Sunday, January 27 to experience the Patti Wertheimer, event co-chair, said, “The goal sounds, tastes, feeling and spirit of Israel at the We Love Israel Street Fair and Shuk, a multi- of this event is to showcase all that is Israel – the peogenerational, multi-cultural celebration of all things ple, the foods, the culture, the craftsmanship and the Israel. The event, to be held at Robarts Arena (3000 accomplishments – and all the reasons WE LOVE Ringling Boulevard) from noon to 5:00 p.m., will ISRAEL! The committee has done an incredible job feature food, entertainment, children’s activities, an of bringing these aspects together in one location for the benefit of our entire Israeli marketplace and community.” informational booths, as The “shuk,” or Israeli well as opportunities to STReeT FAIR & SHuk marketplace, will feature benefit our local commuIsraeli art, packaged foods, jewelry, religious items, nity through the Mayor’s Feed the Hungry Campaign Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013 apparel and Dead Sea cosmetics. Additionally, inforand the Suncoast Communities Blood Bank. 12-5pm • Robarts Arena Highlights include: At the Sarasota Fairgrounds mational booths sponsored by Jewish National Fund, ÎÎ Performances by the Sarasota Jewish Chorale, American Technion Society, International Christian We will celebrate Israel’s 65th Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe, Let’s Rock Embassy Jerusalem, Mote Marine Laboratory, ORT birthday by showcasing her culture, Sarasota, Unit-E Dance Group, the Nazarene technology, artistry, flavors andAmerica, and Friends of United Hatzalah will showsounds. The Jewish Federation, Choir, and national recording artist Sharon Parks incase Israel’s technological, medical and scientific support with local organizations ÎÎ Delectable Israeli and Jewish foods: food andcontributions to our society. Many area synagogues, religious institutions, hopes to bring trucks Graffeaties and aFun Timeof Foods; glimpse the Israelkosher experiencemembership organizations and churches will join in food offerings by Tseza’s Delicious Creations; the fun by sponsoring Israeli-themed activities or here to our community! local food providers Morton’s Market, A Taste of selling Israeli merchandise. HIgHlIgHTS To Include: Europe, Brooklyn Knish, Fresh Start and • Israeli market/Shuk with others vendors who will continued on page 2A sale Judaic items ÎÎ Children’s activities such as Noah’s Ark petting • Food vendors with Israeli-Middle eastern


15B Photos of recent local events

A publication of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee Klingenstein Jewish Center, 580 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota, FL 34232 Annual voluntary subscription: $25


and Jewish foods • Children’s activities: climb Masada (Rock wall), face painting/balloon artist, Israeli dancing, writing letters to Israeli soldiers and more! Established 1979 • Entertainment featuring: Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe, nazarene choir, the Sarasota Jewish chorale, let’s Rock Sarasota, and more. • Local Temples and organizations such as JnF, united Friends of Hatzalaha, Technion and others.

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