The Jewish Weekly Issue 259 - December 1st

Page 18

Sunak: Israel is UK ally

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has stressed Israel’s standing to the UK in an exclusive letter to the Conservative Friends of Israel.

Sunak outlined his dedication to Israel as the “homeland of the Jewish people” and support for the UK’s Jewish community.

“Israel is an incredibly impor tant ally,” he said. “It is a friend ship that makes our citizens healthier through our joint col laboration on COVID vaccines, more prosperous thanks to record trade flows, and also safer as a re sult of close security and military cooperation.”

A “proud friend of Israel”, Sunak will fight for security of Israelis and continue UK efforts to “end bias” against Israel.

He also pledged to strength en bilateral relations by cham pioning a UK Israel Free Trade

the Abraham Accords, Sunak said it reflected a “brighter future” in the Middle East.

Historically, he added, it was one of the “greatest achieve ments” in Middle East diplomacy.

Sunak noted: “The UK will con tinue to do all it can to leverage our strong ties with other Gulf states to expand the number of signatories to the agreement and enhance the already blossoming opportunities opened up by these ground-breaking agreements.”

Commenting on home matters, Sunak vowed to tackle antisemitic hate. He also committed to mak ing the Holocaust Memorial and Learning Centre free to visit in perpetuity. “It is important the memorial is built in Victoria Tow

PARASHAT VAYEITZEI SHABBAT: BEGINS ENDS London 15:39 16:47 Manchester 15:38 16:50 Leeds 15:30 16:50 Liverpool 15:38 16:57 Bournemouth 15:46 17:01 Antwerp 16:19 17:34 Birmingham 15:38 16:56 Gateshead 15:24 16:46 Mischpacha Services we provide: Wedding receptions Kiddushes Engagements Bar / Bat mitzvahs Small events Mischpacha Receptions 07576784142 YACHYE Tributes paid following the loss of Torah giant, Dayan Chanoch Ehrentreu zt"l See pages 8-9 Prime Minister Rishi Sunak PHOTO: SHUTTERSTOCK

The latest UK census published reveals 271,327 people self-identifying as ‘Jews’ in England and Wales in 2021.

This compares to 265,073 in 2011, an in crease of 2.4%, and 259,927 in 2001 when ‘religion’ was first asked.

The Office for National Statistics report also highlights 67,984 people selecting ‘Jewish’ as an ‘ethnic group’ compared to 33,770 in 2011 and 12,235 in 2001.

The Board of Deputies has criticised the report having ‘Jewish’ and ‘ethnic group’ selections.

“Many Jewish citizens will not feel fully counted,” noted a spokesman.

JPR uses information to help Jewish com munity leaders and policymakers under stand demographic trends.

Key findings illustrate Jews comprising 0.46% of the UK population.

London has 53.6% (145,466). This ex cludes areas such as Hertfordshire (42,012) and the South East including Essex (18,682). With London there are 206,160 Jewish people.

Jewish populations declining since 2001 include Redbridge (-57%), Harrow (-44%) and Brent (-42%).

Census data shows that over the last

decade the strongest growth has been in the east of England (which includes Hert fordshire) at 21%. The second strongest growth is in the south west at 16% (7,387).

The Jewish population of Greater Man chester totalled 28,075 in 2021, an increase of 12% on 2011, the largest local authority for Jewish residents was in Barnet with 56,616 people.

Of the 30 biggest Jewish local authority neighbourhoods, the biggest growth since 2001 was in Salford, St Albans and Isling ton. While Barnet grew by 5%, Hertsmere, the second largest Jewish concentration, grew by 28%. And Charedi areas of Harin gey and Hackney also grew strongly.

Data for Scotland and Northern Ireland is not included. The Scottish census was de layed due to the pandemic and took place in March 2022.

Jo Grose has been appointed the United Synagogue’s next Chief Executive and takes up the role in February 2023.

Having served as the charity’s Director of Communities and Strategy, she succeeds Steven Wilson, who announced in the sum mer he would be stepping down in April.

“There is enormous potential within the US to connect British Jews to each other, to their communities, to their heritage and to Jewish values, as well as to develop leaders for the future,” she said. “I look forward to working closely with Rabbinic, lay and pro fessional colleagues to achieve all of this with the aim of strengthening Jewish life in the UK.”

Jo added, “Working with US Trustees, my priori ties include empowering young adults to build communities that meet their needs, attracting and retaining the best

Rabbinic couples and creating every pos sible opportunity for diverse and strong leadership teams.”

US President, Michael Goldstein, wel

Born in Manchester, Jo and her family are active mem bers of Borehamwood and Elstree US. She was instru mental in the develop ment of the community

Richard Taylor be comes Chief Finan cial Officer and David Collins takes on the role of Chief Op erating Officer incorporating Deputy Chief Executive to progress Jo’s ambitious plans.

Huw Davis, shul chairman, told the for mer Prime Minister that there had been a synagogue in the community for 75 years but this was the first time he could recall a local MP visiting.

The shul is the only Jewish communi ty in Boris’ Uxbridge and South Ruislip



his support of the Jewish community notably in combating antisemitism.

Johnson gave a government grant to the Holocaust Education Trust to take univer sity leaders to Israel.

Ruislip Synagogue welcomed local MP, Boris Johnson on Monday. Stanley Coten thanked Johnson for his support for the basic Jewish practices of Shechitah and circumcision. Also, for
WHAT’S INSIDE THIS WEEK 04 News 15 Opinion 16 Games 18 Community 26 Feature 28 Cookery 30 Judaism 36 Kids 38 Youth The Jewish Weekly London tel. 0203 906 8488 Manchester tel. 0161 804 1321 DISTRIBUTED IN: UNITED KINGDOM: LONDON, MANCHESTER, LEEDS, BOURNEMOUTH, GATESHEAD, BIRMINGHAM, LIVERPOOL BELGIUM: ANTWERP WHAT’S INSIDE THIS WEEK 24 Judaism 36 Family Fun 34 Cookery 39 Sport ONS reveals 271,000 Jews in latest UK census Boris visits Ruislip shul Jo new US CEO JEWISH SINGLES EVENT FOR SINGLE/DIVORCED MALES/FEMALES AGED 40-55 THURSDAY 8TH DECEMBER 2022. 7 - 9 PM Indian Cuisine with Chicken Curry, Vegetable Curries, Pilau Rice, Dessert and Wine Ages: 40-55 When: Thursday 8th December 2022 Time: 7.00 pm- 9.00 pm Where: Golders Green Cost: £25 Kosher Friendly and Relaxed Atmosphere Max: 20 people. Even ratio of males/ females Private event not affiliated with any organisation Sephardi/Ashkenazi Meet, Eat and Enjoy. Bookings subject to confirmation For further information and/or to book your place Tel/WhatsApp: 07450 753 409 E:
Jo Boris Johnson with Rabbi Stanley Coten PHOTO: HUW DAVIS

JNF UK Trustee delegation to Israel visit supported projects and meet with Israel’s leaders

Chairman of JNF UK Samuel Hayek led a delegation of Trustees on a four-day mission to Israel visiting new and exist ing projects in the Negev, culminating in a meeting which approved commitments to new projects for the coming year.

The mission began at the Kotel in Jerusa lem, following which the Trustees had the opportunity to meet with Prime Minister Yair Lapid

Lapid took time out of his busy schedule to thank JNF on behalf of Israel for their dedication and the ongoing contribution of British Jewry.

“I’m responsible for handling all the dangers to the State of Israel,” Lapid said. “Despite the threats against it, Israel has succeeded in building an innovative coun try and a society that embraces the weak. This happens with the help JNF UK and the Jewish community in Britain provides to weak communities in Israel.”

Samuel Hayek added “The footprints of JNF UK are in every town and city in Israel”.

The Trustees visited numerous JNF UK projects, including a day care centre for severely disabled children in Ashkelon, a soup kitchen in the old city of Be’er Sheva

and a village for high-risk children in Arad.

During the visit a number of inaugu ration ceremonies were held for projects completed by the charity, including the opening of a special employment centre for senior citizens and adults with disabilities in Yerucham, the opening of Yerucham’s

entrance and promenade in honour of the Israel’s seventh Prime Minister, Yitzhak Shamir. “We try to follow the path of Yitzhak Shamir, to speak less and do more”, said Samuel Hayek, and the opening of an extended and renovated Early Child hood Development Centre in Kiryat Gat,

allowing the centre to now provide over 6000 treatments per year.

The delegates then returned to Jerusa lem, where they met with President Isaac Herzog, who praised JNF UK for its con tribution to the welfare of the country’s citizens, as well as a source of inspiration to the world in environmental and social issues. “JNF UK is an incredible organisa tion”’ he noted. During the meeting, the President pointed out a unique and special table once owned by the late Benjamin Disraeli, (twice British Prime Minister), symbolising the connection of Israel with British Jewry.

Samuel Hayek related a famous sto ry about Rabbi Koppel Jacob Goldblum, who was returning by train to England from the Fifth Zionist Congress in Basel in 1901, when he noticed his fellow delegate’s dirty shoes. He offered to polish them for a fee of 2 shillings from each delegate which was the first fundraising exercise by JNF UK.

At the end of the visit, Samuel Hayek concluded “The Board of Trustees visit strengthens the bond between the - Israel and the Jewish community in the UK, and only goes to highlight the essential work the charity does for the weaker societies in Israel’s peripheries.”

Shoah victims honoured Bibi calls for extension to form coalition

Norwegian and Belgium Jews murdered during the Holocaust have been remem bered at commemoration events.

Over 700 people honoured Norwegian Jews deported to concentration camps during the Shoah at Oslo City Hall.

Records show there were 2,100 Jewish residents in Norway around 1940. Many escaped to Sweden after Nazi Germany’s invasion but 738 were murdered at Nazi concentration camps.

“It’s important to learn from history,” Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store said at a memorial ceremony”. “We must preserve our democratic society and work to pro mote human rights, diversity and inclusion every single day.”

Store added that his government is wor ried by extreme views.

“We’re taking this seriously,” he said. “It’s our responsibility and duty to fend off antisemitism and racism. In our time’s uneasy Europe, with war and a new wave of refugees, it becomes even more important to keep this work high on the agenda.”

In Belgium, 210 people deported from Mechelen concentration camp were re membered in a portrait ceremony at Ka zerne Dossin Memorial Museum.

Kazerne Dossin has an ongoing program to find 4,939 photos of people to honour their memory.

The ceremony commemorates 25,843

Holocaust victims deported from Mechel en to various camps. Many died at death camps.

Over the past decade 20,904 people have been identified with a photograph in the ‘Give them a face’ campaign. The picture is placed annually on a portrait wall.

Between July 1942 and September 1944, Kazerne Dossin was known as SS-Sammel lager Mecheln.

The Nazi deportation camp saw 25,274 Jews and 354 Romani people transported to Auschwitz-Birkenau and other death camps.

By Belgium’s liberation only 1,395 people had survived.

In related news, Lithuanian Prime Min ister Ingrida Simonyte has proposed a draft bill for an enhanced $38.4 million com pensation plan for private Jewish property seized by the Nazis and Soviets.

Lithuania approved a compensation package for Jewish communal property seized during the Holocaust in 2012.

“I believe this is an issue that Lithuania finally needs to resolve, I would like to sub mit this bill to parliament,” said Simonyte.

Jews whose property was seized and heirs can for compensation.

If approved by the government and par liament, funds will be distributed from 2024.

Before World War Two, Lithuania was home to 220,000 Jews. Around 95 percent perished during the Shoah.

Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Net anyahu will reportedly request President Isaac Herzog instigates an extension to form a new government in the Knesset.

Netanyahu has until December 11 to form a new coalition.

Talks with potential partners have pro gressed slower than anticipated. Herzog can sanction Netanyahu an extension of 14 days.

A delicate balance has to be achieved surrounding senior Ministry posts.

There were reports earlier this week that a deal had almost been agreed with Re ligious Zionist Party leader Bezalel Smo trich who told reporters: “I can say with full confidence, with the help of G-d a true right-wing government will be put together in the upcoming days.”

There are reports that Smotrich will be named Finance Minister in rotation with Shas leader Aryeh Deri, who is expected to be Deputy Prime Minister.

Netanyahu has found agreement with the Jewish Power leader Itamar Ben-Gvir who will be National Security Minister with additional public security responsibilities.

Jewish Home will receive the Heritage Ministry among other appointments.

Ben Gvir said: “We took an important step tonight to establish a full right-wing government. I am happy that the agree ment allows Jewish Power to realise our election promises, for the security and

strengthening of the Negev, the Galilee and the periphery.”

Likud’s lead negotiator Yariv Levin wel comed signing the agreement with Jewish Power as it would help establish a “stable right-wing government” headed by Netan yahu for “years to come”.

It has been reported that Likud will re ceive up to 18 ministries including Trans portation, Education, Economy, Regional Cooperation, Diaspora Affairs, Intelligence, Strategic Affairs and Tourism.

Netanyahu has been criticised for agree ing a deal with outspoken Noam leader Avi Moaz who has called for strict adherence to halachic laws.

Outgoing Prime Minister Yair Lapid de scribed the decision as “full-on crazy”.

The JNF UK delegation with President Herzog Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu PHOTO: SHUTTERSTOCK

There were 6 million Jewish victims of the Holocaust, murdered by shootings, starvation, slave labour and industrialised killings in death camps. Of these victims, 1.5 million were children, cruelly denied a future, and innocent of any crimes, apart from the perceived one of being born Jewish.

It is Yad Vashem UK’s aim to ensure that each named Jewish victim has a memorial candle lit in their honour on every HMD and Yom HaShoah.

Guardian of the Memory aims to ensure that the victims’ life stories are never forgotten, becoming part of our own treasured family histories.

Please visit:

to become a Guardian of the Memory of one victim and ensure they will NEVER be FORGOTTEN nor their EXISTENCE DENIED.

Guardian of the Memory Project Yizkor, Remember
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Glowing tributes to Dayan Ehrentreu zt”l

last week, sadly his condition became critical. Prayers were said around the world before news was announced of his death. Follow ing his funeral his body was flown to Jerusa lem for burial.

Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis described Dayan Ehrentreu as an exceptionally “learned and fearless leader”. He said: “His warmth touched countless hearts and his enduring legacy of commitment to Torah values and scholarship will enrich our communities for generations to come. He will forever be re membered as ‘The Dayan’, whose sincerity and sense of principle established him as a great leader of our generation.”

issues of Halacha was of unparalleled impor tance in our age in the UK, in Europe and far beyond. As Av Bet Din of the European Beth Din of the Conference of European Rabbis, his passing is a huge loss to us all.”

Rabbi Joseph Dweck of the S&P Sephardi Community, said that the Dayan was “one of the last Torah greats of a generation” and a “deeply caring and empathic human being”. Noting that the Dayan was “fearless”, Rabbi Dweck said his leadership was “legendary”, he added: “At times Dayan Ehrentreu held opinions and enacted decisions that were less than popular. But when he knew something was right, he stood for it steadfastly against all pressures and politics.”

Rabbi Daniel Epstein, Western Marble Arch Synagogue, noted: “He wasn’t just at Gate shead Yeshiva, he was Gateshead Yeshiva. He was our gold standard for everything. It’s devastating. He was just the ultimate Dayan. He was a real and very strong figure, kind and compassionate. We all felt very reassured that he was here.” Rabbi Epstein added that the Dayan was the “ultimate pastoral carer for us” and the “rabbi’s rabbi”.

Global Jewry is mourning the death of Dayan Chanoch Ehrentreu who passed away last Thursday.

Rabbinic and communal leaders offered heartfelt tributes to the late Dayan who served as Rosh Beth Din of the London Beth Din after his expertise led the Manchester Beth Din,

1979 to 1984. He founded the Sunderland Kollel.

Throughout his life, the Dayan, 90, enriched Jewish life across the UK, providing guidance and Halacha to all that turned to him. Among his many achievements, he was instrumental in the construction of the north west London eruv in 2003.

Dayan Ehrentreu was hospitalised earlier

Dayan Menachem Gelley of the London Beth Din, said: “Dayan Ehrentreu’s towering presence crowned Anglo Jewry and European Jewry for many decades. He was a giant in Halacha, in chessed and in wisdom, acces sible to young and old alike. His courageous leadership, wise counsel, warmth and empa thy won him the respect and admiration of all who came into contact with him.”

Chief Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, Con ference of European Rabbis president, com mented: “Dayan Ehrentreu was a true Torah giant. His contribution to deciding complex

Michael Goldstein, United Synagogue, said: “This marks the end of an era. Dayan Ehren treu had an international reputation of the highest order. With his unwavering commit ment to Halacha, he served our community and Beth Din with distinction. Under his lead ership, the London Beth Din became an insti tution respected across the Jewish world and by all sections of the community. His deep humility and personal touch will be remem bered by everyone he came into contact with. This is a sad day for the United Synagogue family and the entire Jewish world.”

The Dayan was Chana’s Rabbinic Patron, and a mainstay of our organisation as a whole, from our earliest beginnings nearly 30 years ago. The Dayan was a towering figure in the Jewish world, whose Halachic rulings were internationally sought and respected. Alongside this, he was also a giant in his understanding of reproductive medicine, with an expertise in combining the two fields that was second to none.

The Dayan’s passing leaves an aching chasm at the very core of our organisation. We will miss his clarity of vision, his warmth, his support and his encouraging guidance, more than words can ever express. We will always benefit from the direction he set for Chana over many years, and his influence will be ever present going forward.

Dayan Chanoch Ehrentreu zt”l and Chief Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt
It is with immense pain and sorrow that we at Chana mourn the passing of Dayan Ehrentreu ל׳׳צז
ךורב ורכז יהי

There are many Dayanim but only one Dayan

A week after the passing of Dayan Chanoch Ehrentreu ztl, we all still feel a tremendous and personal loss with huge sadness and pain.

The Dayan was a giant of a figure in UK and European Jewry for some 40 years and was a true symbol of Torah and Derech Eretz.

Born in Frankfurt in December 1932 to Rav Yisrael Ehrentreu, who was the son of the Munich Rav, Reb Chanoch arrived in Britain from Germany, immediately after Kristallnacht with his family.

He attended school in Letchworth Gar den City and after the war, studied at Gate shead and then Sunderland Yeshiva. Reb Chanoch married Rochel, a sister of Rav Moshe Sternbuch and soon after, set up Avreichim Kollel in Sunderland.

In 1979 he was appointed Rosh Beit Din of Manchester where he served for five years, before being asked by then Chief Rabbi Lord Jakobovits to head the London

Beit Din.

The Dayan was recognised for his huge Torah knowledge, insights and halachic wisdom and stood firm on his rulings and psak halacha.

He was unfazed by criticism from the secular Jewish newspapers and focused on a clear objective of training teachers, mohelim, shochtim, rabbis, dayanim and many lay leaders within the community.

The Dayan was instrumental in improv ing the standard of kashrut and making it more accessible to British Jewry. He gave the go ahead for the first major Eruv in Brit ain with the full backing of the Gedolim in Erez Yisrael. But he didn’t just tell people what must be done, he personally got his shoes muddy and checked every aspect of the eruv.

Once when the Dayan performed a bris milah, he stopped by the house the next day to see how the young mother was get ting on. She told the Dayan that she was scared to bath her son. The Dayan rolled up his sleeves and said with an warm smile, I

will teach you how to bath the baby.

When a Rebbetzin from NW London in the nineties was severely ill, the Dayan carried a mobile phone with him, ONLY to receive her telephone calls.

His huge generosity was apparent when he paid for the clothes and kiddushim of struggling families on their barmitzvahs.

The Dayan visited almost every united synagogue on various Shabbatot over the years and his influence over thousands of observant, traditional and secular Jews was legendary.

In 1988 The Dayan became Rov of his own Beit Medrash and shul in Hendon with a purpose of turning it into a place of Torah. In addition to his duties at the London Beit Din, he headed the European Beit Din and travelled every few weeks across Europe to give gittim and other documents.

The Dayan built up many Torah learn ing institutions including in Edgware, Borehamwood and Berlin. His vigour, in tellect, forward focus, attention to detail and meaning of time was well-known. The Dayan spent hours on preparing for a shiur, even though he had given the same lesson several times in the past.

His ability to encourage growth, articu late a point and motivate his audience was truly inspirational.

We are now orphaned without his pres ence and will always miss him, his words and his advice. I personally learnt so much from the Dayan and his infectious smile, words and deeds will always be with me.

His members and community were his children and their children were the ein iklech of the Dayan and his Rebbetzin. This is really a devastating blow to British Jewry and Klal Yisrael.

There are many dayanim – all wonderful people who serve the community. Howev er, there will only be one Dayan.

James J. Marlow is a broadcast journalist previously working for ITN, EuroNews, LBC Radio, Daily Express and GB News. He was a consultant at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem.

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Dayan Chanoch Ehrentreu zt”l
הָדּמֶח יִלכּ רַצוֹא דַבָא הטינרבק הדבאש הניפסל הל יוא תיב לכו לארשיבו הפוריאב ןידמ לע םיבשויה לכ םע דחי םיעיבמ ונא שפנ לש הכודכד דע בר רעצב ןונבלה יזראמו הרותה ירידאמ אשירפו אריקי אקידצ יאה לש וקוליס לע ונבאכ ישגר תא לארשי הרוסמהו הכלהה םתוח רמוש הפוריא ינברו יניידל םימותו םירואהו הארוהה דומע יאדוהיד אמיכח זועב םחלו סוחייה תרהט לע רמשמ לכמ רומשל לארשי םרכ תורדג רוציבל רוצכ דמעש הפוריאב היסריגמ הימופ קספ אלש העומשה יקיתעממ רוד רודמ הרוסמה הכלהכ ושעייש םירויגה לע יבר ןואגה ןרמ יורטנרא ןהכה ךונח ל"קוצז ל"צז יורטנרא לארשי יבר ןואגה ןב דוחיא לש ד"היב שארב ןהיכש .ןילרבד םינברל שרדמה תיב שארו הפוריא לש לודגה ןידה תיב ד"באג הרות תומוקמ דסיי .רטס'צנמ ד"בארכו 'לארשי תסנכ' ק"ק הילגנא לש יסקדותרואה תוליהקה ל"קוצז בישיילא ש"ירגה ןרמו ךאבריוא ז"שרגה ןרמ ;רודה יקסופ ןנברו ןנרמ לצא שדקב שמישו בציע רשא 'הפוריא ינבר תדיעו' לש רולדגמהו ןפצמה הביתנ םיזע םימבו ךרד םיב ונל ןתנש ןרמ היא םיגיהנמה ןילרבב םינברל שרדמה תיבב םימכח ידימלת רוד דימעהו הפוריאד ןידה תיב לש וכרד תא לודגה ןידה תיב תא המרב גיהנה ןורחאה וילוחב לפנש דע לארשי תוצופתבו הינמרג תוליהק תא םויכ הפוריא יבחרב תוליהקב תויתכלהה תויעבה לכל הנעמ תתל ידכ הנידמל הנידממ וילגר תתיכו םיקתרמ םירועיש רסמש תוילגרמ קיפמ הפ תינואגה ותונדמלב היל סינא אל זר לכש ןרמ היא קדצ לאוג תאיב דע ךלנו עסינ וכרד רואלו הינימ אניפתסמ הוהד ארבג לזא תודיעוה לכב הכלהב םילשוריו ןויצ ילבא ראש ךותב א"חלדבי החפשמה ינב תא וניקולא 'ה םחנ .ולוק ןתיי תונברהו הרותה םלועו הכבת רמב ןויצ ןכ לע ,בל ברקמ רעצב םיפתתשמה 'הפוריא ינבר תדיעו' ינברו תדמתמה הדעווה ירבח םשב לבל השמ ברה יללעג םחנמ ברה טדימשדלוג סחנפ ברה ינברה להנמה תדמתמה הדעוה ר"וי אישנ הָדּמֶח יִלכּ רַצוֹא דַבָא הטינרבק הדבאש הניפסל הל יוא תיב לכו לארשיבו הפוריאב ןידמ לע םיבשויה לכ םע דחי םיעיבמ ונא שפנ לש הכודכד דע בר רעצב ןונבלה יזראמו הרותה ירידאמ אשירפו אריקי אקידצ יאה לש וקוליס לע ונבאכ ישגר תא לארשי הרוסמהו הכלהה םתוח רמוש הפוריא ינברו יניידל םימותו םירואהו הארוהה דומע יאדוהיד אמיכח זועב םחלו סוחייה תרהט לע רמשמ לכמ רומשל לארשי םרכ תורדג רוציבל רוצכ דמעש הפוריאב היסריגמ הימופ קספ אלש העומשה יקיתעממ רוד רודמ הרוסמה הכלהכ ושעייש םירויגה לע יבר ןואגה ןרמ יורטנרא ןהכה ךונח ל"קוצז ל"צז יורטנרא לארשי יבר ןואגה ןב דוחיא לש ד"היב שארב ןהיכש .ןילרבד םינברל שרדמה תיב שארו הפוריא לש לודגה ןידה תיב ד"באג הרות תומוקמ דסיי .רטס'צנמ ד"בארכו 'לארשי תסנכ' ק"ק הילגנא לש יסקדותרואה תוליהקה ל"קוצז בישיילא ש"ירגה ןרמו ךאבריוא ז"שרגה ןרמ ;רודה יקסופ ןנברו ןנרמ לצא שדקב שמישו בציע רשא 'הפוריא ינבר תדיעו' לש רולדגמהו ןפצמה הביתנ םיזע םימבו ךרד םיב ונל ןתנש ןרמ היא םיגיהנמה ןילרבב םינברל שרדמה תיבב םימכח ידימלת רוד דימעהו הפוריאד ןידה תיב לש וכרד תא לודגה ןידה תיב תא המרב גיהנה ןורחאה וילוחב לפנש דע לארשי תוצופתבו הינמרג תוליהק תא םויכ הפוריא יבחרב תוליהקב תויתכלהה תויעבה לכל הנעמ תתל ידכ הנידמל הנידממ וילגר תתיכו םיקתרמ םירועיש רסמש תוילגרמ קיפמ הפ תינואגה ותונדמלב היל סינא אל זר לכש ןרמ היא קדצ לאוג תאיב דע ךלנו עסינ וכרד רואלו הינימ אניפתסמ הוהד ארבג לזא תודיעוה לכב הכלהב םילשוריו ןויצ ילבא ראש ךותב א"חלדבי החפשמה ינב תא וניקולא 'ה םחנ .ולוק ןתיי תונברהו הרותה םלועו הכבת רמב ןויצ ןכ לע ,בל ברקמ רעצב םיפתתשמה 'הפוריא ינבר תדיעו' ינברו תדמתמה הדעווה ירבח םשב לבל השמ ברה יללעג םחנמ ברה טדימשדלוג סחנפ ברה ינברה להנמה תדמתמה הדעוה ר"וי אישנ
וּנֵׁשאֹר תֶרֶטֲע הָלְפָנ - הטינרבק דבאש הניפסל הל יוֹא ונירומ לש םימורמ יזנגל ותוקלתסה לע שפנו בלב ונא םיבאוכ תומוצעתבו זועב ונתליהק תא גיהנה רשא ונישאר תרטע וניברו לודגכ ןטק דיחיו דיחי לכל ינחור באכ שמישו המכחה תוביתנב ונתוא ךירדה רשאו תצברהב תעדה תוניעמבו תורשיבו תוחקפב הדעה תא גיהנהו הכלהה תארוהו הרות וריזחה ותליהק ינבו הביחבו הבהאב םדא לכ תלבק ךות תעדה ותבהא דגנכ םתבהא ול הדועתלו הרותל םילעפ בר יח שיא הומב ךונח יבר ןואגה ונירומ " ןהכה לארשי 'ר ר ורטנרהע ל"צז י הֶרוֹי יִמ תֶא תֶאְו הָעֵׁד הָעוּמְש ןיִבָי יִמ 'ה ףרש רשא הפירשה תא וכבי לארשי תיב לכו הדמעש 'יחתש תינברה רבח תשא ותיב תוונל ןימוחנת תכרבב החפשמה ינב לכלו ,םינש תורשע ךשמב ושדק תדובעב ונימי לע ויחתש הראופמה הרמ םילבאתמה לארשי תיב שרדמה תיב תליהק

Iron Dome interception tests

The Israeli Navy, Ministry of Defence and Rafael Advanced Defence Systems com pleted interception tests of the C-Dome Naval Iron Dome System last month.

C-Dome is an advanced configuration of the Iron Dome system operated from the Missile Ship (INS) ‘Oz’ from Sa’ar 6 ‘Magen’ Class Corvette.

Tests simulated threats and included detection and interception of targets in various scenarios.

Defence Minister, Benny Gantz said: “The C-Dome system is a significant mile stone. Israel is continuing to strengthen its defence and attack capabilities and will continue to keep its defensive edge to pro tect assets, infrastructure and safety of the citizens of Israel.”

Moshe Patel, Head of IMDO added: “The system expertly identified threats and suc cessfully intercepted them by launching Iron Dome interceptors towards them from the sea.”

The Iron Dome interception system com pleted a series of tests in Israel and United States as part of interception tests by the Marine Corps and the United States Army last year.

“The Iron Dome has met our operation al objectives, including during Operation Breaking Dawn earlier this year,” noted Patel.

Rear Admiral Guy Goldfarb, Chief of Staff,

added: “The maritime arena has changed, leading to wider responsibilities and more extensive operational tasks.”

Dr. Ran Gozali, RAFAEL commented: “The C-Dome is the first operational naval defence solution of its kind and the test on the Saar 6 corvette of the Israeli Navy serves as a monumental achievement in the development of the system.”

The C-Dome System boosts Israeli Navy's defence capabilities including guarding strategic assets.

C-Dome is part of Israel’s missile and air defence options based on Iron Dome, David’s Sling, Arrow 2, and Arrow 3.

Israel and Japan free trade talk

Israel has opened talks with Japan on a free trade agreement.

Bilateral trade is valued at over $3.5 bil lion according to the Foreign Ministry.

Foreign and Economy ministries of both countries will meet, according to a statement.

Prime Minister Yair Lapid welcomed the news.

“A year ago, my Japanese counterpart and I began discussing ways of deepening our economic ties. Israel and Japan have taken the first step towards turning that vision into a reality,” he said.

Lapid added: “Looking forward to

working together to shape an econom ic partnership agreement between our nations.”

“This is a meaningful process that could lead to lower customs, cheaper sales of Japanese cars imported to Israel and an expansion of the Israeli goods exported to Japan,” said Israel's ambassador to Japan Gilad Cohen in a statement.

Israeli exports to Japan were valued at $1.241 billion in 2021, an 8% increase from 2020 the ministry noted. A 10% increase has taken place in imports from Japan to Israel. It was valued at $2.333 billion in 2021.

Kosher Marmite returns

A new run of kosher Marmite is in stores after a long campaign by the Jewish community.

Unilever and partners have worked with KLBD to produce a certified run for UK consumers.

It is expected that the Marmite in 600g tubs will be stocked in kosher shops in London and Manchester.

The product can be identified by KLBD KOSHER in ink-jetted code on top of the yellow lids.

Regular Marmite shares equipment with a non-kosher beef extract product. This

problem has been avoided with the 600g size.

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Iron Dome test
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Terror arrests made as Pope calls for peace

Israel Police and Shin Bet arrested a num ber of suspects behind last week’s Jerusa lem bomb attacks on Tuesday night.

The news came 48 hours after Pope Francis called for renewed peace talks be tween Israeli and Palestinian authorities.

Security forces have been on high alert since the blasts whilst conducting a manhunt.

Jerusalem Magistrates Court approved a police gag order on investigation details.

Addressing thousands at St. Peter’s Square for Sunday blessing, the pontiff said that without “reciprocal trust” there could be no solution for peace in the Holy Land.

Two Israelis died in last Wednesday’s double bomb blast, a Palestinian teenager died in clashes with Israeli security forces in Nablus the day before.

Shin Bet has set up a command post to analyse security footage across Jerusalem to establish the terrorists’ escape route. It has been reported the terror cell behind the attack monitored the area to maximise casualties. Both explosions were activated


The Pope described the Jerusalem blasts as “vile” and is concerned about a surge

Israel Latvia bilateral relations

Israel and Latvia celebrated 30 years of diplomatic relations in Jerusalem on Monday.

Prime Minister Yair Lapid and President Isaac Herzog met with President Egils Lev its for various meetings.

The leaders held discussions on bilat eral cooperation on trade, commerce, scientific research, hi-tech and academic collaboration.

The threat Iran poses to world peace and actions to counter the threat was also discussed.

Lapid noted the importance of relations between Israel and Latvia being reflected in UN votes, especially the General As sembly and an opinion from the Interna tional Court of Justice.

“We have built a warm partnership based on shared values and common in terests,” said Herzog.

Herzog welcomed Latvia signing into law the Compensation of Good Will to the Latvian Jewish community.

“This is a very important step in the res titution of Jewish communal property in Latvia,” he said. “We hope to make pro gress on the agreement recognising dual

Israeli-Latvian citizenship.”

Levits thanked Herzog for organising his first official visit in Israel.

“It is very important to have this state visit, but of course the ties between our nations are much historically deeper and longer,” he said.

Herzog hosted a state dinner to con clude the visit.

in violence in the region.

“Violence kills the future, interrupting the lives of the youngest and weakening the hopes for peace,” he said. “Let us pray for these young people who died and for their families, especially for their mothers.”

The Pope added: “I hope that Israeli and Palestinian authorities take the search for dialogue to heart in a greater way, building reciprocal trust, without which there will never be a solution for peace in the Holy Land.”

Hundreds of mourners attended the fu neral of Tadesa Tshuma at Har Hamenu chos Cemetery last Sunday.

Tshuma, 50, passed away at Shaare Zedek Hospital after being critically in jured in the terror attack last Friday.

A statement from Shaarei Tzedek said: “We share in the family’s deep sorrow and send our condolences. The family of the late Tadesa thanks Am Yisrael for its support and requests that its privacy be respected.”

The Rabbi of Tadesa’s shul told mourn ers: “Your smile and compassion con tributed to our kehilla, your loyalty to Shemiras Mitzvos. The pain and tzaar will accompany us into the future.”

Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion met Ta desa by chance the day before the terror attack.

“He participated in the dedication of a new community centre for Ethiopian olim,” Lion said. “You are an extraor dinary inspiration to the entire nation.

Twenty-one years ago, you were privileged to fulfil a dream that your ancestors car ried in their hearts for thousands of years, you were privileged to immigrate to the land of Israel.”

Aryeh Shchupak, 16, was killed in the first blast at Givat Shaul. He was buried at Har Hamenuchot cemetery last week.

Itamar Ben Gvir, former Jerusalem May or Nir Barkat and Har Nof Chief Rabbi David Yosef attended.

Emergency services were treating the wounded as a second blast went off at Ramot Junction 30 minutes later.

Twenty-five Israeli’s were injured in the attack, the first bombings in Jerusalem since 2016 according to Shin Bet.

Six Israelis and 14 Palestinians have died in clashes across Jerusalem and West Bank last month.

According to AFP, 26 Israelis and 125 Palestinians have been killed this year.

Authorities are establishing whether the terror cell entered Israel from the West Bank or are residents of East Jerusalem.

Outgoing Prime Minister Yair Lapid has vowed to catch the terrorists responsible.

He said: “They can run, they can hide, it won’t help them. The security forces will reach them. If they resist, they will be eliminated. If not, we will punish them to the fullest extent of the law.”

President Isaac Herzog noted: “This ter ror attack will not weaken us, it will not make us doubt our belief in our ways, or in our right to a peaceful and safe life in Israel, including in our eternal capital of Jerusalem.”

Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Ne tanyahu sent support to security forces operating on the ground.

Jewish Power’s Ben-Gvir, told reporters: “Terror needs to pay a very, very, very high price.”

Army Radio news anchor Hadas Shtaif was suspended from covering the attack after reportedly connecting it to coalition negotiations whilst broadcasting.

Suspended sentence for hate crime

Paul Newman has received an 18-month suspended sentence for religiously aggra vated threatening behaviour in north Lon don last summer.

Newman, 57, from Ealing, was sentenced to 20 weeks' imprisonment following the disturbing incident last July. He must attend rehabilitation activity including an alcohol programme.

Following the verdict, senior crown pros ecutor Samantha Thomas Rees said that Newman had been drinking heavily when he approached a Jewish man and shouted threatening abuse based on his appearance.

“There is no evidence that the victim did anything to precipitate this verbal attack,” she explained, adding that there was “no excuse” for his actions.

Thomas Reese observed: “A wholly inno cent man was verbally threatened based on his religious beliefs. The victim was rightly

extremely upset and frightened about what might happen.”

Newman apologised for his actions dur ing a police interview.

Regarding the sentence, Thomas Rees said: “Hate crimes like this will not be toler ated, we will always seek to prosecute where the evidence allows.”

Varinder Hayre, CPD, added: “It is completely unacceptable for the Jewish community to be subjected to this kind of antisemitic hatred. Hate crime will not be tolerated and will be prosecuted robustly.”

Hayre thanked the Metropolitan Police for ensuring justice for the victim and pro viding victim support.

Newman approached his victim, an or thodox Jew on 10 July. Threatening him, he said: “I’ll blow you up, I’ll blow you up, I’ll blow you up you f**** Jew” whilst making a gun gesture. He then spat at the victim.

After the victim flagged down a police car, Newman was arrested.

Pope Francis PHOTO: Prime Minister Yair Lapid with Latvian President Egils Levits
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Imagine there was a UK terrorist group in tent on killing black UK citizens. Imagine also that from time to time they were success ful. As part of this imaginary scenario take a further step and consider a situation where those responsible for these mur ders, when imprisoned, received a salary as a reward for their offence, and if killed by the security forces their family would receive what amounted to a pension. Without doubt this would be wholly condemned by all sides of the political spectrum. Add then the final piece of this scenario and imagine that the money to pay these salaries/pensions came from Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) which in turn received the cash from the European Union. Again, widespread condemnation.

This is precisely what is happening in Israel today. For many years now the Palestinian Authority has been rewarding killers of Jews in Israel with either a salary or pension depending on whether or not

the perpetrator was killed at the time by security forces. This pay-to-slay policy has long been the target of the Zionist Central Council - ZCC. Two and half years ago I wrote to the head of the Palestinian Mis sion in London asking for confirmation that this hideous policy be rescinded.

In that letter I said: ‘Our concern is the continued policy of the Palestinian Authority – PA - to reward individuals who kill or maim Jews in Israel. Although leaders of the PA have repeatedly stated that settlements are the main obstacle to peace, it is difficult to accept this in light of the continued policy of ‘pay to slay’. This policy makes it impossible to believe that there is a genuine desire on the part of the PA for there to be peace. Making heroes

out of those who kill and maim Jews tells the real story of the aims of the PA.’

It will come as no surprise that I re ceived no reply, not even an acknowl edgement, and why should I? As matters stand the PA leadership has no intention of seeking peace with Israel. For as long as the PA’s support for killing Jews goes unchecked by the West (which largely it does) and the money continues to flow into the leaders’ pockets, why stop? The answer is simple – no reason at all.

Sometimes in order to make progress with a complex puzzle it is necessary to break it down into manageable constit uent parts, or in this case, one part. The pay-to-slay policy is a readily identifiable abhorrent practice which can and should

be brought to an end. For as long as this remains in place, any claims by the PA that they are interested in peace remain just that, claims, and dishonest ones at that. There is no nuance to this policy, no assertion that there are two sides to each story and certainly nothing at all which can possibly be relied upon to say that you just need to understand the PA’s position.

The ZCC is committed to bringing as much light to bear as possible upon this policy with the intention of making it the key talking point whenever the issue of peace between Israel and the PA is raised. Stop paying people to kill us Jews should surely be the first step towards peace and that is the message we should be getting across to the wider world now. Follow the money, and you will find the real desires of the PA, not the lies they tell the outside world.

Robert Festenstein is a practising solicitor and has been the principal of his Salford based firm for over 20 years. He has fought BDS motions to the Court of Appeal and is President of the Zionist Central Council in Manchester which serves to protect and defend the democratic State of Israel.

The opinions on this page do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this
Follow the Money For many years now the Palestinian Authority has been rewarding killers of Jews in Israel with either a salary or pension depending on whether or not the perpetrator was killed at the time by security forces. RESPECTING YOUR WISHES, GUARDING YOUR TRADITIONS KKL, JNF UK’s legacy department, has been serving the Jewish community for over 70 years. Our highly qualified team combines first-rate executorship and trustee services with personalised pastoral care. We can support you in the way that close family would, keeping in regular contact with you and taking care of any Jewish needs (such as saying kaddish for you) in accordance with your wishes. For a no-obligation and confidential consultation, and to find out more about supporting JNF UK’s vital work in Israel, please get in touch. Call 020 8732 6101 or email KKL Executor and Trustee Company Ltd (a Company registered in England No. 453042) is a subsidiary of JNF Charitable Trust (Charity No. 225910) and a registered Trust Corporation (authorised capital £250,000).

Lead 7s

With his totally balanced shape, North opted to bid a direct 3NT rather than investigate the possibility of a 4:4 heart fit and tell the defence more about the North/South hands.

West led a fourth-highest s7, which declarer ran to his queen, taking East’s nine. South counted eight tricks and judged that the best hope for a ninth was in hearts. So, at trick two, he led the h4 to dummy’s king and the h3 back towards his hand. East’s low club discard was obviously very unwelcome news. Declarer played the hJack from his hand to mark time. West won with the queen and returned a heart to declarer’s now-bare ace.

Declarer paused to consider his options. West was marked with five hearts and might have led that suit if he had held only four spades. So, West likely began with 5:5 or 6:5 shape in the major suits. The best hope now was that he held the king-to-five or -six spades along with at most one diamond. So, declarer cashed the ace and king of clubs followed by the ace of diamonds, noting that West had followed to all three cards.

Declarer now crossed to dummy with a club to the queen and led dummy’s remaining heart, discarding a diamond from hand. West was able to take two heart tricks, but then had to lead a spade; declarer called for dummy’s jack and, when it held, that was the ninth trick.

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Marley’s march from Wembley aids Camp Simcha

Resource clients up 100%

Arsenal fanatic Marley Brown has raised vi tal funds for Camp Simcha by walking from Wembley Stadium to the Emirates Stadium.

In the build-up to his bar mitzvah last weekend Marley wanted to do something special.

While lots of boys his age might spend a Sunday afternoon playing FIFA or kicking a ball around in the garden, Marley expressed his love of the beautiful game in a more char itable way.

Earlier last month he joined his father Jamie, uncle Dan and cousin Milo, for the three-hour-plus trek from England’s official stadium to Arsenal’s home ground some 10 miles away in Highbury.

And there to wave the quartet off at the start was Camp Simcha’s mascot, Simi the Monkey.

A pupil at Devonshire House school in

Hampstead, Marley said the walk was “quite tiring” but “fun”.

Marley has so far raised in excess of £2,000 and sponsorship is still coming in. “I’m very, very happy with the outcome,” he said.

This is not the first time that Marley has supported Camp Simcha. He has previously participated in a charity bake sale, donated a percentage from goods he sold online and even did a voiceover for a video about the charity’s annual toy drive.

His inspiration came from his father Jamie, 47, founder of a graphic design company that works closely with Camp Simcha.

Marley said: “I’ve always liked what they do and heard about their work from my dad so I have been supporting them from a young age. I wanted to something more for them for my bar mitzvah. I love football and I love Arsenal, so the idea came from that.”

JWA launches 16 days of Activism

Jewish Women’s Aid launched its 16 Days of Activism for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence and Women (IDEVAW) with a lunch hosted by Dame Gail Ronson, DBE, at the Tony Page Island Grill.

Over 60 guests attended the lunch and heard about the work of Jewish Women’s Aid, supporting women and children who have experienced domestic abuse and educating across community settings to help prevent abuse in the future.

Dame Gail Ronson said, “I was delighted to host this lunch for Jewish Women’s Aid. As women it’s incredibly important that we understand the vital work they do, and we must stand together with them to support Jewish women experiencing domestic abuse.”

Also, as part of the IDEVAW, 16 days of action, Jewish Women’s Aid is hosting its an nual Shabbat at synagogues throughout the UK this coming weekend (2-3 December) to raise awareness and understanding in our community about domestic abuse and sexual violence.

As part of IDEVAW, Naomi Dickson and JWA’s treasurer, Jo Rosenthal, were honoured to be invited to attend a Reception on 29th November at Buckingham Palace hosted by Her Majesty, the Queen Consort, highlighting the work of organisations in this sector, who are working to end abuse.

The BBC noted that ‘Queen Camilla has campaigned to raise awareness about domes tic violence and for the first time her Queen’s companions will be with her at the Violence Against Women Girls reception at Bucking ham Palace, rather than ladies-in-waiting.’

Naomi Dickson said, “It was a magnificent honour to be invited to meet the Queen Con sort at Buckingham Palace to discuss the work Jewish Women’s Aid and other organisations have been doing to support women and girls throughout the UK.”


Jewish employment organisation Resource has seen a 100% increase in new clients for November 2022 compared to this time last year.

The cost of living crisis means clients can not afford to delay looking for work. They are seeking as much expert support as they can in job searches.

The forecast of recession in 2023 means clients are worried about job prospects. Resource expects the job market buoyancy seen since the pandemic has eased and will reverse sharply.

Meantime, flexible working was the topic at JW3 ‘YOUR JOB, YOUR WAY’ workshop last week.

The event was run by Resource in partner ship with JW3.

Employment expert Katy Fridman over viewed how attitudes to flexible working have changed in recent times.

Working parents looking to return to work and those evaluating a flexible role attended.

Fridman, founder of Flexible Working Peo ple, noted that ‘Paranoid employers worried over productivity of working from home.

“Flexibility must be for everyone, it’s not just a women’s issue,” she said.

The workshop showed people how to be

successful in negotiating a work pattern that suits them.

Resource Advisors Eric Salamon & Oliver Sanders ran sessions on CVs, networking and interview technique.

Employment Barrister Jonathan New man explained legal rights around flexible working.

Victoria Sterman, Resource’s CEO, said: “Employees are increasingly requiring flex ibility in their work, but they regularly tell us how hard it is to approach the issue with employers.”

Fridman added: “People should be able to have a career they love on terms that work for them. The 9-5 day is fast becoming a thing of the past with businesses having now seen the huge benefits of moving to a more agile workplace culture.”

An expert panel of Sterman, Fridman, Newman, Salamon and Sanders answered questions on the topic.

4.3 million UK employees have employ ment contracts allowing flexible working hours, 93% of recruiters evaluate social me dia profiles before making a decision on a job while 56% of employers admit online profiles influence hiring decisions.

For an interview with Victoria or one of Resource’s clients email Jennifer.hoffman@

Dan, Milo, Simi the mascot, Marley and Jamie Katy Fridman and Victoria Sterman
Jewish Cassel Fox Primary School recently held a day of wearing odd socks to support antibullying week at UK schools. Teachers and pupils all came to school with odd Socks.
PHOTO: LAWRENCE PURCELL ‘Odd Socks Day’ for Anti-bullying Week at Broughton Jewish Cassel Fox Primary School JWA CEO, Naomi Dickson with Dame Gail Ronson at the JWA Ladies Lunch

Holocaust payments deadline Jewish Care wins accolade

Jewish Care has won the Community Re sourcefulness in Response to Covid-19 ac colade at this year’s London Faith & Belief Forum Community Awards

Timea Kasza and Sally Caplan of Redbridge Jewish Community Centre accepted the award on behalf of Jewish Care at Westmin ster Abbey.

Judges selected projects they believed to be exceptional.

Richard Shone, Jewish Care’s Director of Community Services, Volunteering and So cial Work, said: “The award recognises our local services which support older people with staff and volunteers who understand Jewish faith and culture.”

Shone noted the charity combats social isolation with activities at centres for peo ple living with dementia. Jewish Care has befriending services and Supportive Com munities groups. Hot, kosher meals are at centres and delivered through a Meals on Wheels service.

At its peak, Meals on Wheels more than tri pled to deliver kosher meals to older people across London and the South East during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The service is still delivering more than double its original numbers.

Jewish Care has transformed in-person services to virtual and online activities. It of fers a hybrid programme of activities.

The Forum stated: “The awards celebrate the creative, generous and vital work of London’s faith and belief communities by bringing together local heroes and shining a light on their inspirational work.”

Jewish Care Direct: or or 020 8922 2222

The Claims Conference has announced a deadline for applications to the Supple mental Hardship Fund.

AJR is reaching out to Holocaust survi vors eligible for additional payments.

The fund is a compensation payment that

some survivors and refugees could receive.

Kurt Marx, 97, one of many AJR has as sisted, was born in Cologne and came to the UK on a Kindertransport in January 1939. His parents were murdered in the Maly Trostenec forests.

A long standing AJR member, he com mented: “I was pleased to receive two pay ments of €1200. With the increasing cost of living and energy crisis I am grateful to the AJR.”

Rosemary Peters, AJR, said, “If you (ref ugees or survivors) received a payment from the 2019/20 Kindertransport Fund or Hardship Fund but have not received a Supplemental Hardship Fund form from the Claims Conference, contact us as soon as possible as you may be eligible for the supplemental payments.”

Any Holocaust refugees and survivors who have never applied for compensation should contact AJR

New Hardship Fund applicants are eli gible for two supplemental payments if a compensation application form is received by the Claims Conference by December 31st.

Details: Rosemary Peters or Melanie Jawett 0208 3853070 or

Shabbat Solutions from ShabbatSmart and FedTech

Looking for something to take the pinch out of washing dishes on Friday night dishwashing? Struggling to work out how to pump wastewater on Shabbat from a newly excavated basement? Need to boost the incoming water pressure on Shabbat? ShabbatSmart – a London based business are now offering specially designed, Shab bat compliant solutions.

“ShabbatSmart Hot water controller” provides warm water for use for dishwash ing, washing a baby or a choleh. The “Shab batSmart Foul Water Pump Controller”

Big impaCt for Chai

automates the process to allow a sewage pump to run in a Shabbat compliant man ner. The “ShabbatSmart Booster Pump Controller” automates the process to allow the property to benefit of 3 bar water pres sure in a Shabbat compliant manner.

The devices have been inspected and

approved by the Federation Rov and Av Beis Din HaRav S F Zimmerman Shlita along with his Dayonim. The devices have been awarded the Federation’s Mehadrin level hechsher – Kehillas/FedTech.

Rabbi Shuki Diskind elaborates on the principles behind the “ShabbatSmart Hot water controller”: “Allowing hot water to be used and produced on Shabbat requires us to keep water below the halachic bounda ry level of yad soledes bo, to remove any concerns relating to bishul on Shabbat. We also need to make sure that when taking

hot water from the system we do not cause the boiler to activate. Nowadays, we can achieve so much with a tiny controller that can be fitted to your existing boiler and tank system.”

With their eyes laser-focused on the technical challenges affecting Shemiras Shabbat, we can expect to hear of further Kosher liMehadrin developments from Shabbat Smart in the years ahead.

For further information, visit or email

Chai Cancer Care’s ‘Big Impact Community Week end’ matched-funding campaign raised £3m.

Activities kicked off with an annual ‘Mad Hair Day’ last Friday with thousands of children at 18 schools and nurseries across the UK adorning different hair styles to raise awareness of the programme.

Chai gives headteachers, teachers and SENCOs advice on a child’s needs and classmates.

150 synagogues and communities took part in a ‘Chai Shabbat’ while kosher bakeries, butchers and grocery stores promoted Chai with over 12,000 stickers on food items.

Chai Kids Family Fun Day’ on Sunday included numerous activities. Dudley, a ‘Pet Therapy’ dog, made a guest appearance, highlighting one of Chai’s complementary therapies.

Funds raised will support existing services and rollout of the NHS BRCA testing of the Jewish com munity in 2023.

Chai has annual running costs of £3.5m which is rising. With no statutory funding the charity is dependent on donor generosity.

Kurt Marx The Chai team celebrating their fundraising efforts King David Primary School Year 5 take part in ’Mad Hair Day’ for Chai ‘The Big Impact’ in Brent Cross Shopping Centre Timea Kasza and Sally Caplan PHOTO: LAWRENCE PURCELL

Community special needs Shabbat

An annual event is set to bring togeth er shuls across Greater Manchester on Shabbat.

The Special Spirits Shabbat event will help young people with special needs and their families in the community.

The campaign aims to raise £250,000 for future services and activities.

“We have a volunteer speaking in each of the Shuls spreading the message of the wonderful work going on at Special Spirits,” said trustee Dov Black.

“Games specially designed will be deliv ered throughout the community and many

of the Shuls will be hosting a Kiddush in honour of our children with special needs.”

He added: “Shuls will be participating from Chassidishe Shtiebles to United Syna gogues. Too much attention is often placed on what can divide a community. Special Spirits has no interest in what makes us different. We look at what unites us.”

Special Spirits was set up in 2006 with one winter programme. Today, with the help of 120 volunteers, it caters for 55 chil dren with a wide range of special needs.

The charity provides activities including exercise sessions, baking clubs and games

during challenging after school hours.

Children are transported to the Special Spirits Centre for daily activities and meals.

Black said: “The value of what Special Spirits provides is incalculable. Siblings of children with special needs come home from school and can have crucial family time which otherwise just wouldn’t exist.”

He added: “I have personally seen the

impact of our organisation on our volun teers. It transforms teenagers lives to be so closely involved with children with special needs.”

Black continued: “The work done by Spe cial Spirits is so important. This Shabbos will be such an uplifting affirmation of this and help us with the vital work we do now and in the future.”

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Looking forward to the special needs Shabbat These smiles speak volumes From Left to right: Chayale Einhorn, CEO of Special spirits, Rayna and Stephen Maskill who donated the minibus and Trustee Dov Black
Don'tlettheword"legacy"putyouoffleavingagifttocharityinyourwill.Itmaysounda littl e fancy-shmanc y butever y donation , larg e o r small , wil l hel p you r favourite charity improve the future ofour community for all our children. Findoutmore: T:02033756248 E: Legacy,shmegacy Leavealittlesomethingtocharity Registeredcharitynumber1144193 Yo u d o n ' t n e e d t o l e a d a la-di-da life to leave a legacy We'reofferingafreeWillserviceduring JewishLegacyAwarenessMonth-November2022


Looking for answers? Send your question to


Dear Rabbi

I know charity is an important Jewish principle. What I find difficult is being told how much to give. That sounds more like socialism. Surely, as long as I give and I am relatively generous that’s all that matters.


Dear Ruben

The story is told of a wealthy eighteenth century man who once received a letter from his Rebbe, Rabbi Abraham Yeho shua Hershel of Apt, requesting him to give 200 roubles to save a fellow from financial ruin. The wealthy man regularly contrib uted to his Rebbe’s charitable activities, but this particular letter arrived at a financially in convenient time and contained a request for an exceptionally large sum which was somewhat beyond his immediate comfort zone. So after some careful consideration he decided this time to give it a miss. He won’t say, “No,” he will simply not to respond to this particular request.

Shortly thereafter, the man’s fortunes began to fall. One business venture failed badly, and then another; before long he was losing a lot. He thought it all through and traced his steps back to that day when his Rebbe made that request from him. So he secured an audience: “Rebbe,” he cried, when he had gained admittance: “I know why this has happened to me. But was my sin so terrible to deserve so severe a punishment? And is it right to punish without

warning? If you would have told me how important it was to give those 200 roubles, I would have carried out your instructions to the letter!” “But you haven’t been punished in any way,” replied the Rebbe. “What do you mean? All my wealth has been taken from me!” “Nothing that was yours was taken from you,” said the Rebbe. “You see, when my soul came down to earth, a certain amount of material resources were allotted to me for use in my work. However, my days and nights are taken up with prayer, study and teaching, and counselling those who come to me for guidance; leaving no time for the task of managing all that money. So these resources were placed in the trust of a number of ‘bank ers’ - people who would recog nise their duty to support my work. When you failed to carry out your role, my account with you was transferred to another banker.”

Does that story scare you? It does me. It speaks volumes about how much to appreciate what you have and how you have to appreciate the context by which you’ve come into it and what you’re really supposed to do with it.

Here’s a newsflash: Jews don’t believe in charity. Charity by its very definition is from the Latin, caritas – which means “from the heart.” In other words it’s something you do because your heart motivates you to do so – it’s a generous thing to do, as your very question implies. We believe in tzedakah, which means “righteousness” and “justice.” There is a deliberate imbalance in our world and

G-d is looking to you and me to make it right.

To that end Jewish law requires every individual to give tzedakah, even one who is him or herself sustained by the tzedakah of others. If the pur pose of tzedakah was merely to rectify the unequal distribution of wealth between rich and poor, this law would make no sense. Tzedakah, however, is much more than that: it is the oppor tunity granted to every person to generate kindness in the world, as G-d intended, thus becoming a partner with G-d, as it were, in the creation process. To that end everyone shares in that opportu nity and responsibility.

Our Sages tell us that the mitzvah of tzedakah is equal to all other mitzvoth combined. It, more than any other, seems to evoke Divine compassion from above. Why? Because it express es mankind’s ability to be more G-dlike; to fill the void which G-d deliberately left in doing one’s bit to bring kindness into the world.

I know a couple who got di vorced on religious grounds. She worshipped money – he didn’t have any! The passion for money and satisfaction of economic wants are a real “need” for peo ple. And therefore Judaism deals with it in the same way it deals with all other desires of man. It needs to be curbed – it needs to have perspective – it needs to be channelled in the right direc tion. To be sure, it is a legitimate desire – provided it operates within a certain framework. In fact of all the mitzvot in the Torah this is the only one where G-d assures us of a very specific reward and at the same time

challenges us to put Him to the test. The Torah tells us a basic obligation is to tithe what we have. And in the prophets G-d says, “Please test Me” to see if I won’t repay you in abundance. He implores us to do so.

Be sure to do what you need to do and rest assured that G-d will take care of the rest. Remember always that tzedakah is not a burden but a fantastic opportu nity. So, give in abundance and be blessed in abundance.

Follow Rabbi Schochet at: Twitter: @RabbiYYS Facebook:

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Torah from Israel

Vayeitzei: Religion and Belongingness

Ya’akov barely escapes his homicidal brother, fleeing from his family, penni less and alone. Traveling at night to a faraway sanctuary, he is uncertain about his future and uncomfortable about his past. Though his mother supported him and promoted his interests, his father always favored his violent older brother. Even though Ya’akov secured his father’s blessings, he never received his father’s explicit endorsement. As Yaakov depart ed for the unknown, he was still unsure whether his father endorsed his behavior. Carrying all that pain, uncertainty, and feelings of abandonment, Ya’akov flees to a safe refuge, hiding from his angry and vengeful brother. His nighttime journey is probably the loneliest scene in the entire book of Bereishit.

Lost and bewildered, Ya’akov goes ver tical. dreaming of a heavenly ladder. Ob serving the angels hiking up and down, he realizes that he is no longer alone. Po sitioned atop the ladder, Hashem assures Ya’akov’s safe voyage and guarantees his ultimate return to Israel. Realizing that he now journeys under the watchful eye of Hashem, Ya’akov becomes more confi dent in his future prospects.

Before he dreams of the ladder Ya’akov discovered an additional anchor for his journey. The midrash narrates, that suddenly he realized that he walked where his grandfather Avraham once prayed. Halting his voyage, he too prays on this sacred ground, the very mountain of courage where Avraham was prepared to sacrifice it all. Between his heavenly dream and the memory of his grand father, Ya’akov no longer travels alone. Protected by Hashem and accompanied by the memories of his legacy, he is filled with belonging and with purpose. With refreshed determination he sprints to his uncle’s house, brimming with confidence and optimism. Empowered by his new sense of purpose he hoists a heavy stone covering a well of water, personally lifting a load which an entire team of herdsman couldn’t budge. A lonely and frightened traveler has now transformed into a confident and formidable provider. He has been empowered by his meeting with Hashem and by his unexpected encoun ter with his past. He feels as if he belongs.


Identity is partially composed of our personal traits, values, achievements, dreams, and aspirations. However, these components only form one part of our

identity. Additionally, we form our iden tity based upon the larger groups and institutions to which we belong. Human beings possess a primal need to belong to something larger than themselves. Social scientists refer to this as “belongingness”. Biologists trace this inner need to the evolutionary advantages of belonging to a tribe. In a harsh world of survival of the fittest, membership in larger groups assured safety, shelter, and food. Psy chologists trace our need to belong to an inner loneliness which produces an unrelenting desire to bond with ideas and people beyond our own small lives. Either way, human identity is forged not only through personal experience and personal values, but through “belonging” as well.

Belongingness also shapes religious identity. As individuals, we yearn for a personal and private relationship with our Creator in heaven. We search for Him in the heavens and in the solitude of our souls. However, we aren’t just individual creatures of Hashem, we also belong to a long and illustrious lineage of people who found Hashem and lived according to His will. Religious identity is carved from personal belief coupled with collective belonging. Since we received the eternal word of Hashem at Sinai, religious experi ence has been draped in human tradi tions transmitted across time. Practicing those traditions along with the actual word of Hashem, enables our collective national belonging and forges religious identity.

For this reason, “masorah” or the col lected traditions of Jewish ritual life are crucial to successful religious behavior and identity. The norms and conventions of “masorah” may not be legally institu tionalized in the same manner as halacha proper, yet they anchor us to our herit age, convey belongingness and enrich religious experience. Whenever we adapt Jewish practice to changing realities, we must take care to also preserve traditions and masorah. Altering a tradition may not violate halacha and may also serve a larger beneficial purpose. However rearranging traditions can also disrupt historical continuity and sever us from belongingness.

In addition to belonging through reli gious traditions we also belong through affiliation with our national historical project of representing Hashem in this world. Throughout the ages we have paid a heavy price for disseminating knowledge of Hashem to a resistant and often hostile world. Identifying with that

historical project also generates historical belongingness, which in turn, deepens religious identity.


Modern man feels less “belonged” than ever before. The modern world stresses personal identity but devalues collective experience. Political democracy, and personal and economic freedom have all strengthened personal identity at the cost of the identity of belonging. The ideas and groupings to which human beings once belonged have begun to fray. Religious belief has diminished, national narratives have been shattered, and value systems have become muddled. In the past, peo ple had a clearer sense of belonging and possessed a well-defined notion of which culture, religion or nation they were associated with. These associations have weakened and in the absence of more meaningful belonging, people latch on to superficial groups of belonging such as sports teams or political parties. Without authentic belonging human experience is becoming brittle and identity is becom ing less sturdy.

The modern challenges of belonging are severely damaging religious identity. It is difficult to craft successful religious experience solely through personal identity, without belonging to Jewish past and to the overall world of Judaism. In a world of unbelonging, attempts to build religion solely based upon personal experience are faltering. In previous eras multiple generations lived in the same city, providing a geographical anchor for belonging. In today’s mobile world, we

are constantly migrating to new commu nities, rarely spending our entire lives in one location. We rarely attend the same schools as our parents, and we rarely pray in the same synagogues. There is less in our lives for our children to latch on to. Recently I was asked which subject is most neglected in Jewish education across North America. As a Rabbi I was expected to select an area of Torah study which is overlooked and deserves more attention. Instead, I encouraged greater investment in the study of Jewish history. The current crisis of religious identity is, in part, a product of unbelonging. Study ing additional Torah texts will not always create more belonging. Knowing our past and sensing our role in our future just might.

Rabbi Soloveitchik penned a famous religious essay entitled “The Lonely man of Faith” which captures private odyssey of religious experience. Have we become too lonely and is this damaging our faith? Can we be more successful if we don’t build religious identity alone?

The writer is a rabbi at Yeshivat Har Etzion/Gush, a hesder yeshiva. He has smicha and a BA in computer science from Yeshiva University, as well as a mas ter’s degree in English literature from the City University of New York. The writer is a rabbi at Yeshivat Har Etzion/Gush, a hesder yeshiva. He has smicha and a BA in computer science from Yeshiva University, as well as a master’s degree in English literature from the City University of New York.

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Weekly Dvar Torah


The Jewish home

Not like Avraham who called (the Beis HaMikdash) “mountain”, and not like Yitzchok who called it “field” but rather like Ya’akov who called it “house…” (Pesa chim 88a)

The Beis HaMikdash serves as a moun tain (har), a place to ascend to. A place that inspires one to feel that he is in the shadow of the Shechinah, the Divine Presence. That is the function of the Beis HaMikdash emphasized by Avraham: “Har Hashem yera’eh – the mountain upon which G-d will be seen” and from which the Jewish people will be observed by G-d. This refers to the first Beis HaMik dash, on which the Shechinah devolved, and which made a profound impression on those who stood in its shadow.

Yitzchok emphasized the second function of the Beis HaMikdash by calling it “field (sadeh)”, a place for growth and development, an environment conducive to bringing out all man’s various emotions and expressing them in Hashem’s service.

This was the essence of the second Beis HaMikdash, which lacked the full meas ure of Shechinah, but which still served as a place for prayer and the bringing of sacrifices.

It was left to Ya’akov, however, to perceive the all-encompassing nature of the Beis HaMikdash as the House of G-d. After awakening from his dream, he exclaimed, “Surely G-d is in this place and I did not know it… How awesome is this place. This is none other than G-d’s House, and this is the Gateway to Heaven” (Bereishis 28:16–17). Although he knew of the distinction of this site as a mountain and a field, its significance as a house overshadowed either of those designa tions. That designation applies to the third Beis HaMikdash, which will be eternal and influence the entire world.

Ya’akov perceived this aspect of the Beis HaMikdash as he was ready to descend into galus. In galus the concept of Beis Hashem would be embodied in the House of Prayer, House of Study, and the Jewish Home. These three would preserve the

Vayeitzei Sidra Summary

moves the boulder blocking the well and waters Rachel’s flock. He kisses Rachel and weeps.

3RD ALIYA (SHLISHI) – 29:18-30:13

Jewish people in galus and enable them to return to Eretz Yisrael and receive the ultimate Beis Hashem, the third Temple.

To appreciate the function of the Beis Hashem, we must understand what a house is. The four walls serve three functions. First, they create a private domain, separated from the public. The Jewish home must create an environment of values and morals, an inner sanctum of spirituality that serves as the foundation of Torah learning and observance. Sec ondly, the walls unite all the individuals in the home.

Shalom bayis, the perfect harmony, where each individual feels himself part of a unit. And finally, the walls of the house serve as buffers against foreign influences, hostile to Torah values.

We can see these same principles reflected in several mitzvos that apply to a house. Lighting Shabbat candles, symbolizing the sanctity of the house and enlightenment of Torah values and ethics. Bedikas chametz (checking for chametz prior to Pesach) teaches us that we must

check to see if foreign influences have succeeded in invading the house and remove them. The mezuzah and ma’akeh (guard rail) represent the protection the house offers from the physical and spiritual dangers of the outside world. Lastly, the mitzvah of Chanukah lights symbolizes the influence that the Jewish home can have on the outside world.

It is significant that the parasha that depicts Ya’akov’s first galus deals primar ily with our Mothers. The woman is the akeres habayis, and more specifically the essence of the bayis itself (Shabbos 115b).

To survive in galus and prepare for the Bayis HaGadol VeHakadosh – the Third Temple – we must strengthen our public houses, shuls, study houses, as well as our individual homes, to reflect the ultimate functions of that future house of G-d.

Rabbi Zev Leff is the rabbi of Moshav Matityahu, and a renowned author, lec turer and educator. He is a member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau (www.mizrachi. org/speakers).

(Bereishit 30:43)


On Yaakov’s journey to Charan, he falls asleep and dreams of a ladder resting on the ground and reaching up to heaven, with angels ascending and descending. G-d is at the top of the ladder, telling Yaak ov that he will inherit the Land and that he will have plentiful offspring. Yaakov wakes up, having realised the holiness of the place, which is where the Temple would later be built (Rashi). He builds an altar and takes a vow committing to serve G-d fully (Ramban).

2ND ALIYA (LEVI) – 29:1-17

Yaakov travels eastwards. He sees a well in a field, covered by a large stone. The local shepherds tell Yaakov that the daughter of his uncle Lavan is approaching. Yaakov

Yaakov wants to marry Rachel, the younger sister of Leah, and offers to work for Lavan for seven years as payment. Although Lavan agrees, when the time comes, he tricks Yaakov, swapping Rachel for Leah. Lavan defends his actions and agrees to let Yaakov marry Rachel a week later, if he works for another seven years. Leah, unlike Rachel, is blessed with chil dren: Reuven, Shimon, Levi and Yehuda. Rachel gives Yaakov her maidservant Bilhah to conceive ‘on her behalf’. Bilhah gives birth to Dan and Naftali. Leah then gives Yaakov her maidservant Zilpah, who gives birth to Gad and Asher.

4TH ALIYA (REVI’I) – 30:14-27

Reuven finds some dudaim (jasmine –Rashi) in the field and brings them to his mother Leah. Rachel asks for some of the jasmine. Leah agrees, but only in return for the right to sleep that night with Yaakov. Leah conceives and has a fifth son, Yissachar. This is followed by a sixth, Zevulun. She then has a daughter, Dinah.

Point to Consider: What is the connection between the birth of Yosef and Yaakov’s demand to leave? (see Rashi to 30:25)

5TH ALIYA (CHAMISHI) – 30:28-31:16

Lavan asks Yaakov to stay on and to specify his payment. Yaakov replies that he will keep the plain-looking animals currently in the flock, and any offspring born to them with unusual-patterned skin. Yaakov becomes very prosperous. Lavan’s sons accuse Yaakov of theft. G-d tells Yaakov to return to Cana’an immediately. Rachel and Leah agree to leave.

6TH ALIYA (SHISHI) – 31:17-42

Yaakov’s entire family leaves. Lavan finds this out three days later and chases after Yaakov, catching up with him at Mount Gilad. G-d appears to Lavan in a dream,

telling him not to harm Yaakov. Lavan crit icises Yaakov for fleeing and for stealing his idols. Yaakov denies the latter charge, unaware that Rachel was hiding them. Yaakov also defends his record in Lavan’s house, where he worked tirelessly, despite Lavan’s trickery.

7TH ALIYA (SHEVI’I) – 31:43-32:3

Lavan proposes a peace treaty, which Yaakov agrees to, symbolised by a stone monument built by Yaakov’s sons. Lavan and Yaakov part ways.


The haftarah, according to the general United Synagogue custom, is taken from the Book of Hoshea (ch. 12-14). The prophet Hoshea rebukes the tribe of Ephraim for their rebelliousness, warning them of the dire consequences. However, they will ultimately return to G-d, Who will welcome them back.

Rachel finally has a child, Yosef. Yaakov demands that Lavan let him return home after all his years of work.
“The man (Yaakov) became exceedingly prosperous and he attained large flocks, maidservants and servants, camels and donkeys”

What guides us in Exile?

Yaakov had a difficult life. First, he escaped his embittered brother, fleeing to a foreign land. Then he was cheated by his father-in-law. Despite all this, Yaakov was able to build a flourishing family.

The story, however, doesn’t end there. Our sages saw in this ancient account something far larger. Bubbling under the surface of this Biblical drama was all of Jewish history. Yaakov’s travails allude to the future diaspora of his descendants. The unsavoury characters that persecute Yaakov symbolise the empires that would oppress the Jewish People, and the survival tactics that Yaakov employs serve as the best examples for Jews in exile to adopt (Ramban).

What then were these tactics, what guid ed Yaakov? Scholars suggested that Yaakov was steeped in the “Torah of the exile”, ironclad teachings that he tenuously observed even in the most hostile of environments. This Torah was what then protected the Jewish People throughout history (Emet le’Yaakov).

However, there was also another force propelling Yaakov, more than a survival strategy. Yaakov was driven by a higher calling, a sense there is something greater out there and that he must commit himself to making the world a better place. As he

was fleeing home, Yaakov dreams of angels rising heavenward on a ladder and realises that he too, whilst rooted firmly on earth, can elevate himself. He resolves to build a house for G-d on that spot. Years later he returns not to escape the difficulties he was facing abroad, but because he has another vision of an angel telling him to finally make that house of G-d. As he journeys back, he was again greeted by angels.

Yaakov did not just adopt certain strate gies to survive. Instead, he was infused by ideals and spirituality, he dreamt visions and perceived angels all around him, no matter the difficulties he faced. That is what drove him and guided him.

What these angels were is a mystery. This may be one of the few places in Jewish scripture where the dreams are not accompanied by an explanation. For Maimonides, perhaps they are thoughts of transcendence. It is not entirely clear. What is clear, however, is that these dreams of rising above the mundane are what drove Yaakov, animating him.

Yaakov resided in a foreign country, worked hard, and faced many practical challenges. Yet despite this, Yaakov and so many Jews throughout history dreamt of a ladder pointing upwards and envisioned the rungs they as tarried humans could nevertheless take to the heavens, commit ting themselves to making their abodes a place for divinity. With every step they felt they were surrounded by assisting angels. That is the secret of our survival.


The three-step process for building eternity

The screen flipped on, and the film began. It was a documentary of an exceptional human being who had achieved his ultimate perfection. He faced enormous challenges in his youth, but they made him stronger and pushed him to live a life of idealism, centered around learning and spreading Torah wisdom. He built an idealistic community designed to help everyone achieve their unique mission in this world. He married a true tzaddeikes, raised a beautiful family, and devoted his entire life to connecting with Hashem and contributing to the lives of others. He wrote books, finished projects, built up organizations, and changed the world.

“Wow,” he thought to himself. “Who is this?”

“It’s you,” came a whisper from inside his head. “At least it’s who you can be. Now is your chance to build it yourself.”

Just then, there was a loud shriek. The doctor raised his head and smiled. “It’s a boy!”


Have you ever felt like everything worth while in life eventually fades? The energy of youth fades into old age, the excitement of beginnings fades into routine, and the inspiration of a new goal fades into habit. This pattern extends to almost all spheres of the human experience. When you begin a meal, the taste is fresh and delicious, but after only a few bites the taste begins to wear off and the food loses its mouth watering appeal. Did you ever hear a great song, immediately fall in love with it, and play it endlessly on repeat? After a few days, you probably couldn’t listen to it anymore. This once captivating song somehow lost its beauty and appeal, and you were forced to move on to the next song.

This numbing experience is not always negative. Whenever you hear a loud or disturbing sound, you may initially be annoyed or irritated. However, after a few moments, your senses become dulled and your mind muffles out the sound. The stimulus is still there, but the sensation has faded.

This phenomenon permeates all human experience, leading us to question why Hashem created the world this way. Why did Hashem create a world in which inspi ration, physical sensation, and emotional delight always fade? What is the deep spiritual idea behind this pattern?


Before answering our question, let us take a further look at this phenomenon and how it plays out in relation to the journey from yetzias Mitzrayim (Exodus) to Matan Torah (the receiving of the Torah).

The first day of Pesach was the pinnacle of the yetzias Mitzrayim experience. After

revealing Himself to the world through the ten makkos, Hashem Himself performed makkas bechoros (the plague of the firstborn), striking down the firstborns of Mitzrayim. At this time, the Jews under went the process of their formation as Hashem’s chosen nation, performing the mitzvos of Korban Pesach and bris milah. The baalei machshavah describe this night as the absolute peak of holiness and spirit uality for the Jewish People. It is therefore astonishing that immediately following this elevated experience, the Jews descend into the midbar (desert), and fall into total disarray. The midbar is a place of spiritual emptiness, and the next forty-nine days are defined by hardship, complaints, and spiritual challenge. Then, upon complet ing these forty-nine days, the Jews once again experience spiritual transcendence. The Jews are given the Torah at Har Sinai (Mount Sinai), cementing their marriage relationship with Hashem and committing themselves to a destiny of greatness.

There is an obvious question on this sequence of events: why didn’t the Jews go straight from Mitzrayim to Matan Torah, from one high to the next? Why did they first have to go through such a bitter low, losing everything they had gained on the first night of Pesach?


The deep meaning behind this process is elucidated by the Arizal, Ramchal, Vilna Gaon, and many other Jewish thinkers. They explain that every process contains three stages:

• The first stage is the high, the inspira tion, an experience of perfection and clarity.

• Next comes the second stage: a com plete fall, a loss of everything that was experienced during the first stage.

• Then there is the third stage, a return to the perfection of the first stage. However, this third stage is fundamen tally different from the first. It is the same perfection, the same clarity, but this time it’s a perfection and clarity that you have earned. The first time it was given to you; now you have worked to build it for yourself.


Imagine you are a young child, still unable to walk. One day, your father holds your hands and begins to walk with you.

Suddenly seeing the world from a higher vantage point, you immediately fall in love with your new ability to walk. Your father takes you around the kitchen, around the house, and you start to feel more and more comfortable in the walking position. You feel so close and grateful to your father for walking with you. Suddenly, just when you felt so safe and loved, your father does the inexplicable: he lets go! You immediately fall to ground, shocked. You feel hurt and abandoned. All you can think is: “Why would my father do this to me? I thought he loved me!” The next day, the same exact thing happens. Once again, just as you feel safest, your father lets go, and you fall straight to the ground. You can’t

understand why your father is putting you through this suffering! However, a few weeks later, something magical happens. Your father lets go, but this time, you don’t fall to the ground. This time, you remain on your feet. You begin to walk around — by yourself! You have officially learned to walk.

Only now do you realize the truth. Your father wasn’t trying to hurt you. On the contrary, he was teaching you how to walk. First, he needed to walk with you, showing you how to do it, but only by letting go and forcing you to stand on your own did you eventually learn how to walk. While he was holding your hand, it may have felt like you were walking, but you now realize that it was only an illusion. It was a gift; it wasn’t real. Only once you were forced to build it on your own do you really have the ability to walk. The first stage was the gift. The second stage was the fall. The third stage was the recreation of the first stage, except that this time, it’s real.


The first stage is a gift, a spiritual high. It’s there to help you experience the goal, the destination. It’s a taste of what you can and hopefully will ultimately accomplish, but it’s not real. It’s given as a gift and is there fore an illusion. It serves only as a guiding force; it cannot compare to the genuine accomplishment of building something yourself. It is therefore taken away to allow for the second and more important stage: building it yourself, undergoing the work required to attain this growth in actuality to work for the perfection that you were shown. A gift isn’t real; something cho sen and earned is. We’re in this world to choose, to assert our free will, and to create ourselves. Now that we have tasted the first stage, we know what we’re meant to choose, what we’re meant to build. The third stage is the recreation of the first stage. While it appears to be the same, it’s fundamentally different. It’s real, it’s earned, it’s yours. The first stage was a gift, an illusion; the third is the product born

of the effort and time you invested. (These three stages are the secret behind many spiritual concepts: Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov; chessed, din, and tiferes; male, female, and the child created from their bond of oneness.)


Returning to our original discussion, we can now understand why the Jewish People couldn’t go straight from yetzias Mitzrayim to Matan Torah. The first night of Pesach was a spiritual high, a revelation of their ultimate destination, but it was a gift, unearned. They therefore had to go through the challenges of the midbar in order to rebuild and earn that initial stage. Matan Torah was the third stage, the rec reation of the first stage, but earned, real. Only then was Klal Yisrael truly able to experience the depth and beauty of their connection and marriage with Hashem.


This is the process of life. Inspiration, followed by hardship and difficulty, often to the point that you can hardly remember that initial stage of excitement. The Ram bam compares this experience to a man lost in the darkness of night, in the midst of a thunderstorm (Moreh Nevuchim, introduction 7). Unable to see his hand in front of his face, he has no idea where to go. Suddenly, there’s a flash of lightning and he sees the path home, clear as day. A second later the lightning fades and he’s left with only the memory of clarity to guide him back home. The lightning repre sents flashes of inspiration in a challeng ing and confusing world. The darkened path represents the difficult journey we must take to recreate that initial stage of inspiration. We must hold on to those flashes of lightning, understand our goal and destination, and then recreate that light within the darkness. For, one day, you will once again experience the clarity of that light. Except this time, it will be real, earned, never again fading away.

Rabbi Shmuel Reichman is a bestselling author, international speaker, and the CEO of Self-Mastery Academy. He has lectured internationally on topics of Torah thought, Jewish medical ethics, psychology, and leadership. His bestselling book, The Journey to Your Ultimate Self, serves as an inspiring gateway into deeper Jewish thought. He is also a business, executive, and leadership coach, with a unique approach based on Torah values. After ob taining his BA from Yeshiva University, he received Semicha from Yeshiva University’s RIETS, a master’s degree in education from Azrieli Graduate School, and a master’s de gree in Jewish Thought from Bernard Revel Graduate School. He then spent a year studying at Harvard as an Ivy Plus Scholar. He currently lives in Chicago with his wife and son where he is pursuing a PhD at the University of Chicago. To enjoy more of Rabbi Reichman’s content, to contact him, or to learn more about his services, visit his website:


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But, if you think those driving Paper weight are resting on their laurels, think again – they are constantly striving to expand in scope, serve more people, solve more complex issues and continue fighting for social justice.

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Paperweight’s current remit goes way beyond offering guidance on finances and household administration, and will gladly join you in battling legal entangle ments, debt issues and any real-life crises that feel crushing and overwhelming.

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Take comfort knowing you have someone to turn to offering a firm footing and reassuring practical help – just a phone call away

Va yeitzei

Parshas Vayeitzei contains the story of our nation’s beginnings. Yaakov Avinu is running from his brother, but also on a mission to find a worthy partner in life. At the well, he meets Rochel, his first cousin and is excited to marry her. Arriving at Uncle Lavan’s house, he offers to work for seven years, in exchange for getting Rochel as a wife. Seven years pass, and the wedding night arrives. And here begins the big swindle. Arriving at the marriage in a veil, Rochel’s sister, Leah, is given to Yaakov as the wife! Now, Yaakov knew this was going to happen so he told Rochel secret codes to tell him when they wed, so when he heard the codes from the bride, he assumed it must be Rochel. But it wasn’t! Rochel had told Leah the codes in order to save her from being embarrassed. What awesomely loving behaviour of a sister!

Yaakov then complains, is given Rochel as a wife and works a further seven years. Rain, wind, hail, snow or intense sunshine, he is faithfully shepherding his father-in-law Uncle Lavan’s flock. Lavan offers to pay Yaakov, but then tries to cheat him out of his wages, a feat that Yaakov overpowers, by arranging that the types of sheep he was offered are indeed the ones that he gets.

Leah gives birth to six of the boys, as well as a girl, Dinah, her maidservants have two boys each, but sadly, Rochel is childless. Eventually she has two boys, but then, before reaching Eretz Yisroel, she dies, and is buried in Kever Rochel, to where we still flock today, as did the Jews when they were being taken out of Eretz Yisroel by Nevuchadnetzar. Rochel still has the power to daven for us all because she was so careful with protecting her sister!

Tangram Challenge!

Using all the shapes on the left can you make the horse and rider shape on the right?
1 DECEMBER 2022 FAMILY FUN 33 TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488 THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM (Answers at the bottom of page upside down) 2) A blackboard 1. You can see it everyday, But cannot touch it at will. What is it? Q: Why can you not trust Atoms? A: Because they make up everything! Q: What room do ghosts avoid? A: The living room. Q: Why was the doctor annoyed? A: Because he was out of patients. 2. I am white when I am dirty, and black when I am clean. What am I? 3) A hole 3. The more you take away, the more I become. What am I? 1. The sky! Q. What time does a tennis player get up? A. Ten-ish 1. Up for grabs 2. Cat among the pigeons 3. Forgone conclusion 4. Cut the mustard 5. Free for all 6. Ready for more

Word Wheel

Curly Kale Potato Cakes

is now in season and is one of the most talked about vegetables amongst celebrity chefs. It is a very versatile green leafy vegetable and a member of the cabbage family. Kale can be boiled, steamed, baked or stir fried, added to soups, risottos, bakes and stew or even included warm in salads.

in vitamins and calcium it is great to add to recipes for all the right reasons.

potato cakes are a delicious side dish or serve as a starter. I have added Parmesan cheese but if you want to keep them parev, omit and add 2 teaspoons dried paprika. Instead of frying – use the air fryer if you have one! Preparation Time: 30 minutes

The goal of a word wheel puzzle is to create as many words possible with the letters in the word wheel. Each word must contain at least three letters. You can only use each letter once and every word must have the letter in the centre of the wheel.
Last week’s words: Here are some words you may have found from last week - you may have found more! Use this
to write the words
bet bit dit let lit ted tee tel tet tie til tit beet belt bite bitt blet debt deet delt diet dite ebit edit leet lett lilt lite Tedi teed teel tele tell tide tied tile till tilt betel bidet blite debit elite
you have found.
tilde tiled title belted betide betted
bitted letted lilted little tilled tilted titled belittle billeted belittled n
s u c o c s o
Ingredients 1 kg
1 egg 50g
Coating 200g
eggs - beaten 4 tablespoons flour Salt and freshly ground black pepper 100ml Rapeseed oil – for frying Method 1. Boil
2. Drain and mash
Another delicious recipe for from Denise Phillips For more recipes and inspiration visit my website: Cooking
Cooking Time: 10 minutes Makes: Approx. 15
floury potatoes, peeled and diced
tablespoons vegetable oil
onion, peeled and chopped
Parmesan cheese, grated –optional
curly kale finely shredded
tablespoons flour
and freshly ground black pepper
brown bread – made into breadcrumbs
for 10 minutes or until tender.
well and season with lots of salt and freshly ground black pepper.
heat one tablespoon of the oil in a frying pan and fry the onion for 3-4 minutes until golden. 3. Stir into the mashed potato with the Parmesan. Allow to cool.
Cook the kale for 4 minutes in boiling water, drain well and squeeze out any excess liquid and stir into the potato mixture. 5. When just cold enough to handle, stir in the flour and mould into 15 rounds. 6. For the coating, dust the cakes into a plate of flour, followed by beaten egg and then breadcrumbs. 7. Shallow fry in 2 batches for 3-4 minutes on each side or until golden and heated through or use an air fryer! And if you use an air fryer, you will need to spray them lightly with oil 8. Transfer to a rack to remove any excess oil. 9. Preheat the oven to 200C / 400 F/ Gas mark 6. 10. Complete the cooking and for a wonderful crunchy texture, place the potato cakes on the rack and cook in the oven for a final 10 minutes.

LSJS Education Page

As well as creating a fun atmosphere, humour is an efficient tool for defusing tension in the classroom, but it can so easily get out of hand. Too often I have seen teachers poke fun at a pupil or humiliate them in order to maintain discipline and control. Sarcasm and witty put-downs will keep all eyes and ears on the teacher, but at the expense of the respect due to the children under their care. Furthermore, comedy in the Jewish classroom has the potential to cheapen the subject. Jokes at the expense of biblical characters or Jewish ideas can lead to students devaluing them. What then does Jewish tradition have to say about humour? There are conflict ing statements in the book of Ecclesias tes. At one point Solomon wrote, “I said of laughter: It is praiseworthy” (2:2), but later he contends, “Anger is better than laughter” (7:3). This apparent ambiguity

led some sages to argue for excluding the book from the Bible, lest it cause confusion.

The Talmud resolves this by explain ing that humour is contextual. As a motivator for engagement and improving behaviour, it is to be commended, but it should never be used to hurt others or demean Judaism. This approach was typified by the third-century scholar Rabbah bar Nachmani, known simply as Rabbah: “Before he began teaching the sages, he would say something funny, and the sages would be cheered; then he sat in trepidation to begin the class” (Shabbat 30b).

For more than two decades, Rabbah was the head of the academy in Pumbed ita, near the modern-day city of Fallujah in Iraq. This training ground for rabbis and scholars attracted students in their thousands, and Rabbah was ultimately responsible for them all. As such, he could be forgiven for presenting an austere figure, demanding of the utmost respect. And yet we see that he was not above being amusing in his classroom. I have no doubt that his humour promoted camaraderie and revealed the humanity of the man. Even so, once this informal and upbeat atmosphere had been creat ed, Rabbah then showed his respect for

their collective endeavour by the serious way in which he approached the subject.

This balance of humour and serious ness is not easy to achieve. Too much lev ity and the topic may lose its importance in the minds of the students. A wisecrack might also cause embarrassment. The classroom should be a place of respect ful engagement by all, as Maimonides taught: “Just as students are obliged to respect their teacher so also is the teacher obliged to respect their students” (Laws of Torah Study 5:12). Then again, without some disarming humour, a classroom becomes a dry and sterile place that does not promote learning.

This balance is the constant challenge of every teacher. Education is no laughing matter, nevertheless, there should be smiles all around.

Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum is the Dean of LSJS and the Rabbi Sacks Chair of Modern Jewish Thought, established by the Zandan family.

Teacher of

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For more information on how you can be featured as the Teacher of the Week please contact
the week Liat Oberlander Rimon Jewish Primary School Year 2 Class Teacher and Music Teacher for Reception–Year 3 Where did you train? LSJS What is the best part of your job? Getting to know young people and being inspired by how much joy they find in things.
should be smiles all
Immanuel College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, and applicants must be willing to undergo child protection screening appropriate to the post, including checks with past employers and the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).
Teacher of
Education is no laughing
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Rashford & Foden set up Senegal clash

Tel Aviv stun Saracens

Sixteen-goal Lions rout Scrabble in Cup

Marcus Rashford and Phil Foden fired Eng land into a World Cup last-16 showdown against Senegal on Sunday after a clinical 3-0 win against Wales in Doha on Tuesday night.

Reiss Mogilner scored six goals as Maccabi London Lions thumped Scrabble A in the second round of the Cyril Anekstein Cup.

Gareth Southgate switched his team around against the Welsh for the final Group B clash after a disappointing draw with the United States and got his reward with quick fire strikes after half time at the Ahmad bin Ali Stadium.

The Premier League side racked up a 16-0 win with Daniel Green and Michael Kenley both bagging a hat-trick. Ed Brafman, David Dinkin, and Adam Hassanali completed the rout in a mismatch of a tie.

Tel Aviv Heat defeated Saracens Tel Aviv Heat defeated Saracens 29-26 at Stonex Stadium last Sunday. The result was a historic triumph for the Israeli rugby union side.

Jordan Chait opened the scoring with a sixth-minute penalty then Heat stunned the hosts with a Sebastian Jobb try on 10 minutes. Chait missed the conversion.

Tom Howe almost put the hosts ahead before Niall Saunders intercepted for a length of the field score on 38 minutes and 15-7 half time lead following the conver sion by Chait.

Lions could have scored in the opening minute of the clash but soon opened the scoring and led 9-0 by half time.

England bossed the first half against Wales but lacked a cutting edge, Rashford missing the best opening from a Harry Kane pass, but Manchester United’s striker was on target with a superb 25-yard free kick on 50 minutes then won possession on the restart for skipper Kane to set up Foden for a tap in.

The Division One team, though outclassed, battled away to the end.

Lions boss was lost for words at full time such was the display from his team who gave every respect to the opposition.

Rashford completed the scoring with a solo effort against a poor Welsh outfit and almost grabbed a hat-trick in a stunning display that surely gives him a starting place against Senegal.

“I’m not really sure there’s anything to say, we are happy to make it through to the next round of the cup,” he commented.

Wales never looked like scoring against England and bow out of the tournament bottom of the group.

Hendon United Sports ran out 3-1 victors against League One outfit North London Raiders.

USA have impressed in every game and defeated Iran 1-0 at Al Thumama Stadi um to book a last-16 spot against the Netherlands.

The Premier side led early in the second half only for Raiders to equalise but struck two late goals to book a place in round three of the competition.

Cristian Pulisic scored the only goal of the match for the Americans but was in jured whilst scoring and replaced at half time. Pulisic faces a race to be fit to face the Dutch who topped Group A.

Hendon now turn their attentions to the league as they travel to Oakwood A for a crucial top of the table clash on Sunday (10am).

Netherlands enjoyed a comfortable 2-0 win over Qatar with goals from Cody Gakpo and Frenkie de Jong at Al Bayt Stadium, Al Khor.

Daniel Kristall’s team stunned the league leaders last month when they won 2-0, a victory would move them to within a point of Hendon with a match in hand.

Senegal reached the knock out phase for only the second time with a thrilling win over Ecuador at Khalifa International Stadium.

Elsewhere in the latest round of fixtures, 10-man North London Galaxy made it a three-way title race in the only Division One clash of the day after defeating Oakwood B.

The group stage ends tomorrow with the next phase of competition beginning Satur day. At the time of going to press a number of last 16 spots are up for grabs.

Jamie Murray saw red early on but Galaxy rallied with goals from Josh Cohen and Jacob Leigh to record an important 2-1 away win.

In Group D, Kylian Mbappe has led France to the next round. A draw for sur prise team Australia with Denmark will see them join the French who play Tunisia.

Galaxy head Redbridge Jewish Care A in the table by just one point after 10 matches, third place Fairlop FC are five points behind with two games in hand.

Lionel Messi’s Argentina took on Group C leaders Poland last night and have

Rafi Bloom scored for Oakwood.

“It was a fantastic performance in a

advanced as they matched Saudi Arabia’s result against Mexico.

Jone Manu almost extended the lead with an interception score only to be tackled by Jenson McInulty. But Sarries’ hit back with an Andy Christie try on the half hour. Tobias Elliott slotted the conversion to reduce the score to 8-7.

Tel Aviv extended the lead with a converted try by Jobb and 15-point lead. Kapeli Pifeleti struck back for Saracens only for Sailasa Tur aguluvu to cross for the visitors. Chait landed the kick for a 29-14 lead on the hour.

After Tel Aviv had a player sinbinned Sar acens crossed through Sam Bryan and then Declan Murphy a minute from time. But Tel Aviv held on to claim a landmark victory.

Ironman comes to Tiberius

must-win game,” commented Galaxy player-manager Luke Lewis.

“We sat back and allowed Oakwood the ball, given the one-man advantage and looked to hit them on the counter attack with pace.

Spain need a point against Japan today to top Group E while Germany have to over come Costa Rica to take second spot. The South Americans stunned Japan, who have probably blown their prospects, earlier this week but will have their work cut out to deny the Germans from progressing.

Belgium were favourites to win Group F but a shock defeat to Morocco has left their prospects in the balance. They must beat group leaders Croatia today. A draw will end their tournament, with Morocco, who play Canada, also qualifying.

“Both goals came down the right-hand side. Leigh crossed the first one into Cohen to finish, before slotting home himself. Up to first we go.”

The Division Two title race also took a twist with league leaders Herstwood Vale going down to a 2-1 defeat at Temple Fortune.

Brazil and Portugal are the only sides apart from France to win both opening group games and qualify for the last-16.

Faithfold B have played a game more than Vale but moved level with a 5-3 win at North London Raiders Masters.

The Iron Man podium

circumstances,” said delighted Fortune boss Simon Linden.

Ninety elite athletes took part in the Iron man Israel-Middle East Championship in Tiberias.

to the 2023 World Championship in Kona, Hawaii.

one will enjoy.”

Jacob Kalms struck twice for Fortune who scored through leading scorer James Milletwith his 17th goal of the season.

Brazil finish off against Cameroon in Group G tomorrow whilst a straight shoot out is set to take place between Switzerland and Serbia. The Swiss need a draw to wrap up second spot.

The result was all the more remarkable as Temple were down to 11 players with ‘keeper Ben Rebuck dislocating a shoulder in the warm up.

Ghana also need a draw when they take on Uruguay to ensure they join Group H leaders Portugal, who play South Korea, in the next round.

“This was a fantastic win given the

“We had a number of players out, Rebuck got injured, so I couldn’t have asked any more from the players. We wish Ben a speedy recovery.

Patrick Lange from Germany and Ruth Astle from the UK won the PRO categories. Israel’s senior triathlete Dan Alterman com pleted the Men’s course.

“It was a proper old school performance, we battled and defended for the 90 minutes and took our chances. Experience proved to be the winner. It’s a big win, one we will enjoy and we hope to build on it in 2019.”

2,500 competitors from 58 countries in cluding the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco, Ukraine, Germany, England, US and Israel participated.

This was the first full Ironman (3.8 km swim, 180 km bike ride and 42.2 km mara thon) event in Israel, 75 places were awarded

He added, “This win marks 50 years as a football club and will be one Nigel Kyte and everyone associated with the club from day

Vale boss Jacob Emanuel was quick to wish Rebuck well following his injury.

Over 800 Israelis were among 1,000 taking on the full distance..

An Ironman 70.3 km race (1.8 km swim, 90 km cycle and 21.1km run) also took place.

“First and most importantly, everyone at Vale would like to wish the Fortune ‘keeper a quick recovery, we hope to see him back on the football pitch as soon as possible,” he said.

Israel’s Ministry of Culture and Sport, Ti berias Municipality, Comtec Group, Jordan Valley Regional Council, Israel Triathlon As sociation and Philanthropist Sylvan Adams were behind the event.

As for the defeat, Emanuel commented, “It doesn’t matter how big a squad you have, you can never account for unavailability or injury. Only five of today’s team played in our recent win over FC Team, a lack of togetherness and poor individual

Adams said: “This is just one international sporting event that we are bringing to Israel, we hope to have many more in the future.”

“It was a proper old school performance, we battled and defended for the 90 minutes and took our chances. Experience proved to be the winner.”
in association with
PHOTO: SHUTTERSTOCK Marcus Rashford starred against Wales
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