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Weekly Dvar Torah

FROM ERETZ YISRAEL Avoiding Slavery Today


After many years of slavery in Egypt, the time has come. G-d can easily take the people out of Egypt. What is standing in the way of this revolution of leaving Egypt? It’s not just Pharaoh and the Egyptians who stand in the way; it’s the Jewish people, too.

At the beginning of the parasha, we read some highly emotional passages where G-d speaks to Moshe. Past, present, and future are described including Hashem’s promise to Avraham Avinu – to free the people and take them to the Land of Israel. As the Torah says:

לֶא וּעְמָש אלְֹו לֵאָרְשִי יֵנְּב לֶא ןֵּכ הֶשֹמ רֵּבַדְיַו .הָשָק הָדֹבֲעֵמוּ ַחוּר רֶצֹּקִמ הֶשֹמ “Moshe spoke thus to the children of Israel, but they did not listen to Moshe because of [their] shortness of breath/spirit and because of [their] hard labor.” (Shemot 6:9)

It is speaking about two separate matters. Not only physical slavery (hard labor), but spiritual servitude (shortness of breath/spirit). How do we prevent ourselves, ostensibly free, from this sort of spiritual slavery today?


In one of the famous ethical works, “The Path of the Just” (Mesilat Yesharim), by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato, we find this fundamental principle: “And here truly is one of the stratagems of the evil inclination and its deviousness – to burden people with so much work (and so many distractions, I might add) that they do not have any time to catch their breath, to look around and see where they are going.”

We know how much is happening on the Internet every minute. And much of it has to do with FOMO (fear of missing out). The Internet is primarily about distractions and you lose your breath and your spirit chasing after them, leaving you with a feeling of loss. In the midst of these distractions, we are challenged to find a place for Torah.


You want to avoid confusion and losing your way in this world? Torah is the one true device for doing so. In the words of the holy Or HaChaim, they did not listen to Moshe “perhaps because they did not hear words of Torah and therefore they were short of spirit since the Torah widens the heart and spirit of a person.”


Another piece of advice: Shabbat. The children of Israel conducted a war with Pharaoh over keeping Shabbat. He permitted it, then banned it, and was shocked to discover that on Shabbat they read scrolls of the book of Genesis, fondly clinging to the promises found there. Pharaoh understood that they used Shabbat for rest but also as a holy day for recharging their spirits. The Sefat Emet, Rav Yehuda Aryeh Leib Alter, says this explicitly. There is one day of the week in which we can desist from hard labor and expand our shortened spirits:

“They did not hear because of their shortness of spirit and because of their hard labor.” This means that during the week the body rules the spirit. But on Shabbat, the opposite occurs, because an extra soul descends from above and enters the Jew, who at least refrains from the 39 kinds of work forbidden on Shabbat. Therefore, Shabbat is the right time to hear the word of Hashem”.

Shortness of spirit and hard labor can prevent us, even today, from going from slavery to freedom. We focused on three interpretations of this verse which sound simple, but aren’t so simple nowadays: making a place in our lives for important things despite distractions, learning Torah, and keeping Shabbat.

Sivan Rahav-Meir is the World Mizrachi Scholar-in-Residence and an Israeli journalist and lecturer.

Va’era Sidra Summary

“There was hail, and fire flaming amid the hail – very heavy such as had never been in the land of Egypt” (Shemot 9:24)


G-d reassures Moshe that He will keep His promise to the forefathers to bring the nation into the Land of Cana’an (later Israel). G-d has heard the crying out of the enslaved Israelites; He instructs Moshe to tell them that He will redeem them from slavery. The Israelites, exhausted from their labour, do not accept Moshe’s reassurances.

2ND ALIYA (LEVI) – 6:14-6:28

The Torah details the genealogy of Moshe and Aharon. They are the sons of Amram and Yocheved, who were both descendants of Levi, the third son of Yaakov. Point to Consider: Why does the Torah break from the previous narrative to discuss this genealogy? (6:14)

3RD ALIYA (SHLISHI) – 6:29-7:7

Moshe re-expresses his reluctance to speak to Pharaoh, given his speech impediment. G-d restates that Aharon will be Moshe’s spokesman. G-d will harden Pharaoh’s heart and He will send plagues. This will make Egypt aware of G-d’s omnipotence.

4TH ALIYA (REVI’I) – 7:8-8:6

Upon G-d’s command, Aharon throws down his stick in front of Pharaoh; it turns into a snake. Pharaoh’s magicians duplicate this. However, Aharon’s stick swallows up their sticks. The 1st Plague: Moshe and Aharon confront Pharaoh while he is bathing in the Nile and warn him that if he does not let the Israelites leave, the waters of Egypt will turn to blood. Pharaoh ignores the warning; Aharon strikes the water with a stick and it turns into blood. Pharaoh’s magicians duplicate this. The plague lasts a week. (This pattern follows for most of the rest of the plagues – three weeks of warning and a week of plague – see Rashi’s commentary.) The 2nd Plague: Aharon strikes the waters of the Nile. A plague of frogs emerges, which covers Egypt. Pharaoh asks Moshe to pray for the frogs to die.

5TH ALIYA (CHAMISHI) – 8:7-8:18

The 3rd Plague: Aharon strikes the ground with his stick and lice spread all over Egypt. The Egyptian magicians fail to duplicate this, admitting it is the ‘finger of G-d’.

6TH ALIYA (SHISHI) – 8:19-9:17

The 4th Plague: A plague of wild beasts spreads over Egypt, apart from Goshen, where the Israelites live. Pharaoh agrees to let the Israelites leave for three days to bring offerings in the desert. Moshe prays for the plague to stop but Pharaoh reneges on his promise. The 5th Plague: The Egyptian livestock is killed, but the Israelites’ animals are untouched. The 6th Plague: Moshe throws a fistful of ash in the sky. This turns into dust covering all of Egypt, which then turns into boils on the Egyptians and their animals. G-d hardens Pharaoh’s heart.

7TH ALIYA (SHEVI’I) – 9:18-9:35

The 7th Plague: A fiery hail falls on all of Egypt, apart from Goshen. Pharaoh admits that he has sinned and that G-d is righteous. After Moshe has prayed for the hail to stop, Pharaoh refuses to let the Israelites go.


The prophet Yechezkel (Ezekiel) prophecies about the downfall of the future Egyptian empire, after Israel will have mistakenly relied upon them as an ally. Egypt will be invaded by the Babylonian leader Nebuchadnezzar.


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Imagine you wake up one morning with $86,400 in your bank account. You can’t invest or save this money, and whatever is left over at the end of the day disappears. What would you do with your $86,400? Would you leave a single penny unspent? Of course not!

Well, each and every day we are given 86,400 seconds. It’s deposited into our bank account called “life.” And every day, whatever we don’t spend is lost forever. Nobody would throw away money. So how can we possibly do that with our time? Time is infinitely more valuable than money! You can’t borrow time or trade for someone else’s. The time you’re given is exactly what you’ll have. Time management is your decision of how to spend your time, your 86,400 precious seconds.


In essence, this is another inspiring call for us to “achieve greatness,” something we have heard all too many times before. Across all disciplines of thought, we are told that we should strive for greatness, making it seem as if the goal of life is to become great. Yet, very few people actually articulate or explain why we should strive for greatness. How many times have we questioned this premise, asking ourselves “why” we should become great?

Psychologists have often claimed that the secret to happiness is largely found in achievement and personal fulfillment. However, this obsession with achieving happiness reveals the assumption of popular psychology — that the goal and purpose of life is to be happy.

Is this true? What is the Jewish perspective on the goal of life? Do we limit ourselves to our own individual happiness, or should we be striving for something even deeper and greater? Furthermore, some people might claim that they’re perfectly happy not striving for perfection. If greatness is merely a means to attaining happiness, then if we can achieve happiness without achieving greatness, there would be nothing wrong with that. This begs the question: is there a deeper purpose to achieving greatness and striving for perfection? What is the Jewish perspective on achieving our own potential, our own greatness?

In order to gain perspective on these questions, let us go back to the very root, to the creation of the world. Hashem created an imperfect world full of imperfect human beings, giving us the mission to achieve perfection. There are a number of questions we must ask on this: First of all, how can a perfect G-d create an imperfect world and imperfect beings? Does that not contradict the very nature of being perfect? Wouldn’t a perfect G-d create a perfect world? And if our mission and purpose in life is to reach our own perfection, why is the world so full of obstacles and challenges that often seem to prevent us from reaching that perfection?


Before we begin discussing the fundamental principles of this world and the nature of man’s existence, we must first establish the following two qualifications: First, whenever we speak of Hashem, we are referring to our relationship with Him and how He appears to us, not the infinite, objective, and unknowable truth of His reality. As the Rambam, Maharal, Ramchal, and other baalei machshavah explain, we can never know Hashem Himself; we can only know how He relates to and appears to us.

If this seems abstract and elusive, think about this: You can never truly know your friend or loved one. You can’t see their thoughts, their mind, their consciousness, or even their emotions. All you can ever see is how they express themselves through their physical body — their actions, words, facial expressions, and body language. Through this, we can come to know someone more and more. Similarly, we can never know Hashem Himself; He’s infinite and completely beyond our comprehension. However, we can know Hashem by understanding the way He reveals Himself to us — through His creations, through the physical world, and through His Torah — which is a revelation of His will and thought. Thus, when we speak about why Hashem created the world, we are only discussing it based on our understanding of Hashem.

The second prerequisite is to understand that Hashem did not need to create the world. The Rambam and Ramchal explain that Hashem chose to create the world. Unlike Aristotle, who claimed that G-d was forced to create the world (that, by definition, G-d [the prime mover] must have created the world, and therefore, the world must have always existed) we believe that Hashem chose to create the world of His own free will - without any external stimulus or reason.


The Maharal, Ramchal, and other key Jewish thinkers explain a fundamental reason for why Hashem created the world. Hashem is absolute and ultimate goodness. However, there are two aspects of goodness. Hashem is good, but He also has the ability to do good unto others. Before Hashem created the world, there was only Hashem Himself. Therefore, Hashem was internally good, but He was not actively expressing this goodness by giving or doing good unto others. Hashem chose to express His capacity for doing good unto others by creating man, upon whom Hashem would bestow the ultimate goodness.


If Hashem’s goal in creating the world was to bestow the ultimate goodness unto man, we must then ask, what is the ultimate goodness that Hashem can give? If Hashem Himself is the ultimate goodness, then the ultimate goodness Hashem can give is the ability to enjoy Hashem Himself, to enjoy G-dliness, to enjoy the ultimate connection with Hashem. This is the experience of being all-knowing, all-kind, all-loving, all-powerful, of having complete self-control (inasmuch as is possible for one who is “other” than Hashem Himself). These are truly G-dly experiences, experiences of Olam Haba.


To add an additional layer to this explanation, when Hashem created man, He did so to create a marriage relationship with him. Marriage is when two people connect in such a deep way that they fuse existentially into one. As we have previously explained, this is why Adam and Chavah were originally created as one being; it was to show them, and us, that the goal of marriage is to become one, to recreate the original oneness that they once shared. This is also why the relationship between Klal Yisrael and Hashem is referred to as a marriage. At Har Sinai, the Jewish People married Hashem — with the mountain serving as the chuppah (marriage canopy). Shir Hashirim is a sefer (book) that Chazal interpret as a description of the love-relationship between Hashem and the Jewish People. This is the original connection that Hashem intended to forge with man when He created him. Hashem therefore created us in this world to earn our share in Olam Haba, the place where each of us can enjoy this existential connection and oneness with Hashem. However, there is an obvious problem with this.


If Hashem’s goal was to give us the ultimate goodness, defined as connection with Him, and Olam Haba is the place of this ultimate connection, then what is the purpose of this world? Why did Hashem create us in this world where we have to earn our share in the World to Come? If Hashem really wanted to give us the ultimate good, then why not give it to us to begin with for free? Why do we have to go through the difficult process of earning it in this world? In our next article, we will attempt to answer this question and continue exploring this extraordinarily important topic.

Rabbi Shmuel Reichman is a bestselling author, international speaker, and the CEO of Self-Mastery Academy. He has lectured internationally on topics of Torah thought, Jewish medical ethics, psychology, and leadership. His bestselling book, The Journey to Your Ultimate Self, serves as an inspiring gateway into deeper Jewish thought. He is also a business, executive, and leadership coach, with a unique approach based on Torah values. After obtaining his BA from Yeshiva University, he received Semicha from Yeshiva University’s RIETS, a master’s degree in education from Azrieli Graduate School, and a master’s degree in Jewish Thought from Bernard Revel Graduate School. He then spent a year studying at Harvard as an Ivy Plus Scholar. He currently lives in Chicago with his wife and son where he is pursuing a PhD at the University of Chicago. To enjoy more of Rabbi Reichman’s content, to contact him, or to learn more about his services, visit his website: ShmuelReichman.com

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