10 minute read
Singular Challenge is truly a lifeline
Jewish Care has reopened the Singular Challenge confidential support group for people who have been separated for less than two years, after a marriage or longterm relationship.
The group welcomes people of all ages and is there to support people through the challenging period following separation. Meeting weekly in North West London, it offers a warm and friendly environment with the opportunity to meet other people going through a similar situation and provides practical help and advice, together with mutual support and friendship, so that members can start to put their lives together again.
There are regular guest speakers who focus on a range of different topics relating to separation and divorce offering help and life skills to navigate through this difficult period with positivity. Topics include dealing with stress, taking fear out of finance, legal matters, security and safety, health and wellbeing.
Frances Harris, who set up Singular Challenge when she was in this situation some 25 years ago, says, “With the impact of Covid and ongoing financial and emotional pressures, there has never been a more important time for Singular Challenge to be available to help people cope with the added stress of a disintegrating marriage or cohabiting relationship.
“Since Singular Challenge opened its doors in 1997 to people of all ages, it went from strength to strength, ultimately blossoming into three separate groups and winning a national award for innovation. Members gave each other support and friendship and wrote to tell me that Singular Challenge had been a lifeline to them, given them hope and that they wouldn’t have been able to move forward without it. The support and the new-found friendships, helped members deal with the life issues facing them, enabling them to
Frances Harris founder of Jewish Care’s Singular Challenge support group
rebuild their lives and move forward with positivity and hope.
“We look forward to welcoming new members to the group now that it has reopened and ask people to get in touch to register your interest.” For more information about Singular Challenge, please call the Jewish Care Direct helpline on 020 8922 2222 or email singularchallenge@jcare.org
Young GIFT’s official launch

Young GIFT committee
GIFT was overwhelmed with over 200 attendees at its very first Young GIFT fundraising social event at the White City Soho House this past Wednesday night. With many new faces present, young professionals attended from different elements of the community. A raffle draw included lush prizes such as theatre tickets, Arsenal football tickets and a Missoma necklace.
One attendee noted “Last night was absolutely brilliant! I’ve attended lots of events run by different organizations, I’m super critical, this one was something special!”
The Young GIFT committee, chaired by trainee-solicitor Eli Clinton-Davis, was formed almost a year ago. During this time, Young GIFT has introduced YP events, including food packing sessions, cooking at The Giving Kitchen, assembling Chanukah packs for GIFT families as well as making homeless packs. Young GIFT will be coordinating monthly events for YPs as well as regular weekend volunteering.
The organisation has appointed Ileana Ereira as its YP coordinator. Ileana has been involved in various charities and committees including CAA And SJW’s Cooked Meal Project during Covid-19.
Ileana says: “I am thrilled to take on my new role as GIFT’s Young Professionals’ Coordinator – educating and inspiring young professionals to give back to the community. I look forward to all of the new initiatives we will implement in 2023, that kicked off with our extremely successful fundraising social event at White City Soho House.”
Young GIFT’s aim is to attract young professionals between 22 and 32 years of age, encouraging them to connect and engage with others whilst experiencing a multitude of volunteering opportunities and programmes. Opportunities include food support packing & delivering, befriending the elderly, tutoring and volunteering at The Giving Kitchen.
Rabbi Sandor Milun, GIFT’s Managing Director says: “This was a wonderful first event that was so brilliantly organised by our Young GIFT committee. Looking forward to many more!”
To get involved, please contact GIFT at volunteer@jgift.org.
NJA condemns Antisemitic National Education Union Magazine Article
The National Jewish Assembly condemns the National Education Union for its spreading of misinformation and blatant untruths about Israel.
In the latest edition of Educate, the NEU’s bi-monthly magazine, an article by a participant of a recent NEU official trip to Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, peddles a bizarre anti-Israel conspiracy theory that Israelis train wild boars to scare and attack Palestinian children. Author of the problematic article, Mohammed Aziz, alleges that during the trip, he was told that boars are released to “scare children”.
Palestinian Authority President, Mahmoud Abbas, popularised the libel in a 2014 statement that “every night, [Israelis] release wild pigs against us.”
Not only does Aziz’s article in the latest edition of the NEU’s bi-monthly publication once again propagate this libel, but so too is his entire article replete with factually incorrect references and statements, such as referring to Ramallah, the residential seat of the Palestinian Authority and a city of approximately 40,000 people, as a “camp”.
The NJA demands that the NEU immediately remove the article from the on-line version of Educate and issues an apology for allowing this piece of blatant hate speech and propaganda to be printed without any fact-checking or consideration of its consequences on the perceptions of Israel and Israelis.
‘Unravelling the Mystery of Autism’. An evening with Avremi Rosenberg, Dr Giovanni Giaroli and Dr Federico Campos, Motzei Shabbos in the Beis Yosef hall, Yesoiday Hatorah School, Prestwich.

North West pupils reading the Torah
A packed Yesoiday Hatorah school hall for the Manchester Pirchim Mini Siyum with over 400 Boys attending, top prize winner was 13 year old Benzion Roth, with 1000 Mishnayos learned.

Benzion Roth Manchester Pirchim Mini Siyum top prize winner
North West London Jewish Day school received an overall rating of ‘Outstanding’ in their most recent Kodesh Studies inspection. The result, following an inspection last month, was an upgrade on the Willesden primary school’s previous rating of ‘Good’.
The Effectiveness of leadership and management, Quality of teaching, learning and assessment, Personal development, behaviour and attitude, and Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development were all judged to be Outstanding.
Inspectors especially noted the integration of secular and religious studies, which they said contributed to the success of the school’s Kodesh studies delivery, “enable(ing) the pupils to cover more ground in their Kodesh studies and to embed their Kodesh learning”. This was achieved, they noted, by regular meetings between “Kodesh and Chol class teachers... to discuss issues relevant to the class, the curriculum, and individual pupils”.
Referencing the school’s upgraded rating, the report noted that “there have been a number of high-quality additions to the Kodesh teaching team. Other improvements include three teachers for Chumash (Bible) classes in KS2 and an enhanced Ivrit provision”, as well as the excellent leadership which provides “extensive guidance for teachers (and) attainment targets for pupils at crucial stages of their development”.
Elsewhere in the report, parents’ “overwhelming support” for the Kodesh programme came in for praise, with new parents to the school noting in particular the positive impact of teaching compared to their child’s previous Jewish school and other parents praising the school for providing a strong and enduring foundation in Jewish learning and practice.
Inspectors also praised the close co-operation between the Kodesh and secular staff teams for successfully making provisions for pupils with SEND during their Kodesh lessons. The report notes: “There is a conscious school-wide effort to involve SEND pupils in as wide a range of activities as possible. Teachers integrate them into lessons at every opportunity and deal capably with their individual needs.”
As well as acknowledging the academic success of pupils, which includes a high fluency of Hebrew reading and engagement with the topics taught, the report noted pupils’ “relaxed and friendly inter-personal approach. They thrive on the happy atmosphere that pervades the school, and are proud of their school and of their religion.” Rabbi David Wilk, Head of Kodesh said: “I am so pleased that the children’s hard work and achievements have been recognised and that we were able to showcase the fantastic work done by the children. Their love of Kodesh and dedication shone through, and I am exceptionally proud of them.”

The gathering of Sunderland Yeshiva alumni at Shaarei Mordechai Shul hall, Sedgley, Prestwich. The event started with a tasty buffet breakfast, then heading to main Shul’s Beis Hamedrash for studying.
Hasmonean Primary School rated as ‘good’ in latest Pikuach report
Hasmonean Primary School is delighted to have been judged as Good overall in its recent Pikuach report, with the school leadership noted as being Outstanding. The school was praised for its “warm and caring environment” which delivers “a holistic Jewish education... provided by a team of enthusiastic Kodesh teachers under the leadership of an outstanding Head of Kodesh.”
The leadership and management of the school were rated by Pikuach as Outstanding “because the SLT, including governors, have an acute knowledge and understanding of both the school’s strengths and areas requiring improvement.” Together with the school Principal, Rabbi Mordechai Ginsbury, the report highlights how “they articulate and communicate a strong commitment to high standards of work and to pupils’ Jewish spiritual development.”
The quality of Jewish education, which was rated as Good, was based on “a well-constructed and sequenced curriculum that provides Jewish knowledge and skills for future learning and communal involvement.” The “effective use of ICT” was also noted as contributing to pupils making “good progress in their Jewish education.” The Chumash lessons were particularly highlighted as a strength as “pupils participate in discussions about moral values that they can learn from Torah events and personalities.” Pupils were also praised for their “fluency, accuracy and confidence” in their Hebrew reading and their “detailed Jewish general knowledge and skills across the Jewish curriculum.”
In terms of the Jewish personal and spiritual development, which was rated as Good, Pikuach noted that pupils are “offered appropriate levels of challenge, insight and understanding of tefillah, tzedakah and religious activities” and that “the curriculum builds on pupils’ prior learning, progressively taking into account pupils’ intellectual, emotional and spiritual growth.” The report highlighted how “all pupils participate fully, and feel included, in the prayer life of the school” which “contributes enormously to the spiritual and moral development of the pupils.”
Answering the survey, responses from the parents were “overwhelmingly positive in all areas”, noting that “the Senior Leadership Team are very good” and that “It’s a very warm school and staff are so caring.” Hebrew reading and knowledge of the Parsha were also highlighted as strengths by parents.
Commenting on the report, Dan Sacker, Chair of Governors, remarked: “I am delighted that the report highlights both the significant progress that has been made since our last Pikuach inspection in January 2015 as well as the impressive steps that have been taken since the appointments of Rabbi Silkoff as Head of Kodesh in 2019 and Mrs Gross as Head Teacher in January 2022. I am confident that this outstanding leadership in both Kodesh and Chol will drive Hasmonean Primary School to continued success in the future.”
Rabbi Mark Silkoff, Head of Kodesh, commented that: “I am delighted that the significant work that has been done since the last Pikuach report, especially around curriculum development and the moral focus of our teaching, has been recognised by inspectors. I would like to praise and thank my staff for all their efforts to date and in the future as we continue to strive for all areas of Kodesh - and the school - to be outstanding.”