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RCUS conference launches initiatives

RCUS Conference

The Rabbinic Council of the United Synagogue held its annual conference at Hendon United Synagogue.

Over 100 Rabbis and Rebbetzens attended a day of learning, training and discussion. Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis called on spiritual leaders to find new ways to engage members and stay true to religious tradition.

Conference launched two initiatives.

The Centre for Rabbinic Excellence provides professional development opportunities for rabbinic couples. Rabbi Nicky Liss is the centre’s first Director.

The Rebbetzens’ Representatives of the US (RRUS) were announced in the presence of Rebbetzen Ruchie Ehrentreu and Lady Elaine Sacks.

Rebbetzen Jacqueline Feldman was elected RRUS chair.

She said, “Being a Rebbetzen is a lot more complex than just being the wife of the Rabbi. RRUS has been formed to be there for our Rebbetzens, recognising the unique position and challenges Rebbetzens have.”

RRUS will allow rebbetzens voices to be heard and positively enhance the US.

Rabbi Pinchas Hackenbroch, RCUS chair, said: “Our communities continue to face challenges post-pandemic, coming together in person gave everyone much chizuk, strength, to be able to take our important work forward.”

Rabbi Liss, Director of the Centre added, “This is an extremely exciting time for our rabbinate.”

Dayan Gelley, Rosh Beth Din of London Beth Din gave a shiur to delegates, Rabbi Dr Daniel Aldrich led an interactive session from Japan.

Break out groups allowed rabbinic leaders to discuss a range of topics.

A dinner paid tribute to Rabbi Baruch and Rebbetzen Nechama Davis who make aliya after 25 years at Chigwell.

Guests were inspired by Kyiv-based Rabbi Raphael Rutman of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine who outlined rescue efforts for Ukrainian Jews.

The conference was organised by Rabbi Nick Kett.

Manchester Community in conjunction with All Daf Siyum Yevamos

Guests speaker was Rabbi Moshe Elefant – Daf Yomi Maggid Shiur and COO of OU Kosher. Rabbi Moshe Schwed , Director, All Daf and Rabbi Moshe Hauer, EVP, Orthodox Union. The event was held at at Ohr Yerushalyim Shul and included divrei Berocha from HaRav Yaakov Wreshner.

Magen Avot has announced the appointment of Rabbi Yoni and Rebbetzen Dina Golker as the community’s new rabbinic couple.

The Golkers hail from northwest London and are currently at St John’s Wood Synagogue after posts at Ezra. They succeed Rabbi Joel and Sarah Kenigsberg who are returning to Israel and take up the posts around Succot.

Magen Avot in Hendon was established in 2015 and joined the US in 2017.

Rabbi Golker expressed delight at the appointment. “We can’t wait to get to know our new Kehilla,” he said.

Simon Bentley, Chair of Magen Avot, commented: “This is a milestone event for Magen Avot. We very much look forward to welcoming them and working together in the further expansion and development of our community.”

Rabbi Golker studied at Yeshivas Beis Yisroel in Jerusalem and in the UK, receiving semicha from Rabbi Zalman Nechemia Goldberg with Edgware Kollel.

A graduate of Westminster University in Real Estate and Finance before a Jewish Education masters at University of London,

The Golker family

he was Head of sixth form Jewish education at JFS. In September, Rabbi Golker starts as Deputy Head Teacher and Director of Jewish Life and Learning at Immanuel College.

Rebbetzen Dina studied at Michlalah seminary in Jerusalem, graduated in Psychological therapy and is a qualified Psychology teacher.

A clinical manager at Noa Girls, she soon completes the Chief Rabbi’s Ma’ayan Programme.

GIFTFEST’s success

GIFT founder, Michelle Barnett MBE with volunteers

GIFT celebrated its second sold-out GIVEFEST last Sunday - a celebration of fun and interactive giving interspersed with inflatables, waffles, slushes, story telling and music.

Over 600 people came together for a day of family fun, to give back to the community at a series of inspiring ‘giving stations and workshops’. Among the most popular giving opportunities was soup-making with volunteers from GIFT’s Giving Kitchen initiative, with all the nutritious meals going to families supported by GIFT. Attendees also came together at the stall run by Give. Help. Share., packing healthy snacks for disadvantaged school children.

As well as opportunities to volunteer and give, those at the festival enjoyed inflatables, popcorn, live music, and competitions with some amazing prizes.

Sandor Milun, GIFT’s Managing Director, said: ‘GIVEFEST was a resounding success, with hundreds of amazing volunteers getting involved. The feedback we have received has been universally positive and, on behalf of the GIFT team, I would like to thank the incredible volunteers who ran the stalls, braided hair, painted faces and welcomed everyone with the warmest, most giving smiles. We hope to welcome even more people to 2023’s GIVEFEST!’

Natalie Fegin from Hampstead Garden Suburb said, “My kids absolutely loved Givefest- my daughter, who is 8 years old said “Mummy, is this only on once a year?!”

Daniel Mirwis said “What a fantastic day out!! Thanks very much - we were overwhelmed at the amount that GIFT does and it was fabulous education for the kids to join in with so many giving activities. Keep up the super work and may you see blessings in all that you do.”

GIFT was delighted to partner with local businesses to create a festival that was full of colour, delicious food and opportunities to have fun. Suppliers on the day included DJ Danny Maccabi, Ohbrownbear, Uncle Doovy, Kosher Deli, Waffle Me Up, PiO Gusto and Balloon Bar.

GIFT’s vision is a community engaged, supported and empowered by the gift of giving. GIFT does this by inspiring and enabling lifelong giving. For more information, please visit www.jgift.org.

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