The Jewish Weekly Issue 244 21st July

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Sunak or Truss to be the next Prime Minister 21 JULY 2022/22 TAMMUZ 5782

@TheJewishWeekly 244


PARASHAT PINCHAS SHABBAT: BEGINS ENDS London 20:49 22:01 Manchester 21:06 22:27 Leeds 21:02 22:32 Liverpool 21:05 22:34 Bournemouth 20:48 22:10 Antwerp 21:25 22:48 Birmingham 20:56 22:22 Gateshead 21:08 22:42

democracy everywhere. Cut taxes and deregulate wherever you can to make this the greatest place to live and invest. I love the Treasury, but remember, if

Rishi Sunak or Liz Truss will succeed Prime Minister Boris Johnson on September 5th. Both candidates face a ballot of 160,000 Conservative party members following yesterday’s final vote by Tory MPs that saw Penny Mourdant eliminated. MPs break for the summer recess today but the political debate has begun for the next PM. Sunak’s team said, “This is a really strong result with a clear mandate from MPs”. Truss thanked Tory MPs for their support. “I’m ready to hit the ground from day one,” she said. Johnson at a largely respectful PMQs yesterday was in robust form as he declared his tenure as “mission largely accomplished, for now”. Johnson told the remaining candidates, “Stay close to the Americans, stick up for the Ukrainians, stick up for freedom and Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak


sent us here.” Johnson added, “The last few years have been the greatest privilege of my life and it’s true that I helped to get the biggest Tory majority for 40 years and a huge realignment in UK politics. “We’ve transformed our democracy and restored our national independence. I’ve helped to get this country through the pandemic and helped save another country from barbarism. And frankly that’s enough to be going on with. Mission largely accomplished, for now.” Johnson thanked the Speaker, House of Commons staff, friends, colleagues and even Starmer. He concluded, “I want to thank everybody here and... Hasta la vista, baby” before exiting to a standing ovation from Tory backbenchers. The narrative, however, has already shifted on to who will come out on top as the new Tory leader. Sunak or Truss will address PMQs after an official announcement of the victor in just over six weeks.

The LSJS 2022 Graduation 50 students graduated from LSJS teacher training and degree programmes. Over 30 students were able to attend in person and were awarded their certificates from S&P Sephardi Senior Rabbi Dweck and the Deputy President of LSJS.

See page 17

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21 JULY 2022

CAA brands Forde Report “useless” BY ADAM MOSES

Campaign Against Antisemitism has branded the Forde Report into antisemitism in the Labour Party as “useless”. The much-delayed 137-page report, published this week, investigated allegations of bullying, racism and sexism under Jeremy Corbyn's leadership. The document described Labour's disciplinary process as "not fit for purpose" and "prone to factional interference". Constant infighting resulted in both Labour factions treating antisemitism as a “factional weapon”. The report does welcome Labour disciplinary process reforms under Keir Starmer as "steps in the right direction" but “further work” is needed as the party is still vulnerable to “factional abuse”. Condemning “toxic factionalism” of Labour under Corbyn, a culture of antisemitism developed and undermined procedures to address complaints. The report tellingly observes antisemitism in the Corbyn era was not overstated, contrary to his claims. “There is now no excuse for him not to be expelled from the Labour Party, a move for which we have been calling for years now,” noted CAA. Joe Glasman, CAA Head of Political and Government Investigations said, “Taking even-handedness to an absurd extreme,

the Forde Report tries to criticise and defend both ‘sides’ in Labour’s antisemitism scandal equally. One ‘side’ was filled with antisemites and their enablers. The report failed to grasp this elemental truth, rendering it useless.” Glasman cites the report’s suggestion that Jewish Voice for Labour should not have been excluded from delivering antisemitism education to the Party. “The report raises more questions than it answers,” he noted. “It welcomes recent reforms to the disciplinary process, but warns that it remains vulnerable to factional abuse. It states that 55 cases were still unallocated as at March 2022, but does not say which ones. We can only assume that they include our complaints against sitting MPs, drafted by counsel, which the Party has yet to acknowledge, much less investigate.” Glasman added, “The report offers neither explanations nor remedies. Until we see our complaints addressed, we are unable to have confidence in the Party’s leaders and processes, let alone its culture.” Board of Deputies President Marie van der Zyl noted how Labour treats antisemitism under Starmer but called for “more to be done”. She commented, “The Jewish community is still deeply affected by the way in which antisemitism was allowed to flourish,

CFI Are Hiring: Head of Research

all but unchecked, within the Labour Party during Corbyn's leadership. "The Forde report explicitly regrets that 'some still deny the existence and the seriousness of the problem' of antisemitism within Labour. Given this, we are troubled by the authors' later expression that they are 'disappointed' that 'Jewish Voice for Labour', an extreme fringe far-left organisation that has obsessively denied antisemitism within the Labour Party, has not been granted a role in educating Labour members on antisemitism. This is clearly a backward step and the authors of the report need to clarify their position on this matter." There are many issues to be resolved. CAA have registered complaints against 14 sitting MPs yet to be acknowledged by the party. The report gives no indication when this will be settled. CAA have also lodged a complaint against Corbyn, holding him responsible

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CFI is seeking a highly organised, motivated and committed individual with strong experience in producing research and editing publications, as well as a keen interest in politics and current affairs, to take on a role as Head of Research.

for conduct that is prejudicial or grossly detrimental to the Labour Party as leader during the period of the EHRC’s findings. “Given the serious detriment that this conduct has caused, we are seeking Corbyn’s immediate resuspension from the Party and, if the complaint is upheld, we will be requesting his expulsion,” a spokesman noted. Responding to findings, a Labour spokesperson said, "The Forde report details a party that was out of control. Keir Starmer is now in control and has made real progress in ridding the party of the destructive factionalism and unacceptable culture that did so much damage previously and contributed to our (general election) defeat in 2019." Starmer commissioned the Forde report, led by Martin Forde QC, following a leaked internal report into Labour’s handling of antisemitism complaints in 2020. The report was scheduled to be delivered in July 2020.

The position will suit someone with 3-4 years experience in a think tank, public affairs or campaign group. CFI works to promote its twin aims of supporting Israel and promoting Conservatism in the UK.


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WHAT’S INSIDE THIS WEEK 02 News 04 15 Opinion 13 16 Games 14 18 Community 15 26 Feature

20 Cookery 28 30 Judaism 22 36 Family 30 Kids Fun 38 Youth



21 JULY 2022

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21 JULY 2022

Hundreds attend police officer’s funeral BY ADAM MOSES

Hundreds of mourners attended the funeral of Police Sergeant, Major Barak Meshulam, at Kfar Saba military cemetery on Sunday. Meshulam, 29, was on duty at Kfar Saba-Ra'anana junction when he was run over by a 17-year-old Palestinian earlier in the morning. According to reports, police responded to a vehicle being stolen from the Gush Dan area. After the incident, the suspect fled the scene by foot. Security forces later arrested a teenager from Ramallah in connection with the incident. At the funeral, Barak’s wife, Ariella, described him as an “amazing father” to their two children and would be strong for them, Channel 13 reported. Zuki, Barak’s mother, promised to help raise her grandchildren. “They won’t want for anything,” she said. “We are strong and we are together.” Meshulam served the Border Police from 2011-14 and continued as an officer at his home town station. Israel Police Chief Kobi Shabtai and Minister of Internal Security Omar Bar-Lev attended the funeral. Bar Lev said the assailant would “pay a heavy price” for a criminal act in his eulogy. “We have no choice but to treat such a

criminal as a murderer, the punishunresponsive, the vehicle in the ment should be accordingly,” exhit-and-run was discovered nearby. plained Bar Lev. “There is no doubt Prime Minister Yair Lapid sent that when a police officer is in dancondolences on behalf of the Govger of death, when a vehicle rushes ernment to the family. “Our police officers risk their lives toward him and threatens to injure him, or in any other life-threatenon a daily basis in order to protect ing situation, the police officer may all of our lives,” he said. neutralise the potential killer.” “Barak lost his life standing between a criminal and civilians,” said Bar Lev recalled how Meshulam joined the police force soon after Bar Lev. “This serves as another exhis Border Police service. ample of the very central place that “Barak knew that any operation Israel Police officers take in the fight to which he would be sent involved against terror and crime. a risk to his life, but he did not shy “A police officer has the right to away from it,” he noted. “He always open fire towards anyone who ensought contact, always acted to dangers the lives of officers while place himself as a buffer between trying to break through a police the citizens and the perpetrators of checkpoint,” he added. “That’s how crime and terrorism. With courage, it’s been and that’s how it will be.” determination and human heroAsked if it was a terrorist incident, ism, Barak was simply there, for all a police spokesperson said, “All asof us.” pects are being investigated, but at Shouts aimed at Bar Lev and the moment it is being investigated as a criminal aspect on suspicion Shabtai of “shame” and “you’re sitting with terrorism supporters” of murder.” (in the Knesset) can be heard by Barak is survived by his wife, chilsome mourners in video footage of dren, parents and two brothers. Tragically, other Israeli officers the funeral. Police confirmed an officer had have been struck by vehicles in rePHOTO: TWITTER cent months. been killed during an operational Police Sergeant, Major Barak Meshulam z"l activity near the Raanana junction. chase, Meshalem was struck by an asVolunteer police officer Amichai They acted following reports of a sto- sailant who allegedly fled the scene. Ac- Carmely, 46, was fatally struck in Rishon len car from the Tel Aviv area. During the cording to police, Mdeshulam, was found Lezion last month.

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Around 1,200 children are to receive free school meals over the summer holidays. PaJeS has received funding from The Maurice Wohl Charitable Foundation to assist with the cost of food for registered youngsters. The meal vouchers will cover 41 primary and secondary schools across the religious spectrum. The issue of food poverty affecting children is more apparent with the impact of the cost of living crisis. Families are under financial pressures. Rabbi David Meyer, PaJeS Chief Executive, is well aware that pupils attending Jewish schools are not immune to food poverty. He said, “School holidays are traditionally

a time of fun and relaxation for families. However, for those facing financial difficulties it can be a particularly taxing time. This is especially true at this time with the impacts of COVID-19 and such a troublesome economic climate.” Rabbi Meyer thanked the Foundation for partnering with PaJeS to support families. Parents benefit from the initiative over the pandemic. “We know that this will help, in some small way, with the extra food expense over the school holidays,” said a Pajes spokesman. “We understand that life is currently challenging for many families and we hope these vouchers will help ease the pressure.”

Fifth grandchild for Bibi Opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu has celebrated the birth of a fifth grandchild in whilst in London this week. Israel’s longest serving Prime Minister heard the good news on Tuesday. Netanyahu’s daughter Noa, 42, from his first marriage to Miriam Weizmann, is a ba’ales teshuvah. She and husband, businessman Daniel Roth, are members of the Breslover community and live in Mea Shearim. “Mazal Tov to Noa my daughter and her husband Danny on their birth of a son,”


Netanyahu wrote on Twitter. “You should be zocheh to raise him to Torah, mitzvos, happiness and health.” Netanyahu in a packed schedule has held a series of meetings with members of Boris Johnson’s government including with Home Secretary Priti Patel and Chancellor Nadhim Zahawi. UK Ambassador Tzipi Hotovely attended the meetings. Netanyahu is currently preparing his Likud Party for forthcoming elections scheduled for November 1st.


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21 JULY 2022

Starmer criticised over Holocaust memorial in campaign video BY DAVID SAFFER

Labour leader Keir Starmer has been criticised for using the Berlin Holocaust Memorial in a campaign video. Starmer and Shadow Foreign Secretary David Lammy are seen walking through the historical memorial in the short video that makes no reference to the Holocaust. Starmer though tweeted that Labour is committed to learn from the “world’s darkest days”. “We must always remember the millions of Jewish people who were murdered and persecuted because of who they were,” he wrote. “Labour remains committed to learning from the world’s darkest days. We stand with our allies in pursuing an equal and just future for all.” Starmer rejected accusations he used the memorial for political purposes. He noted, “Going to a memorial like that is very important for senior politicians. We have a duty not just to look back and remember and learn, of course we’ve got that duty.” Starmer added, “We have the duty now to make sure that we never get into a situation where that could possibly happen again. I think it’s very, very important that I went to that memorial. I’m very glad I did and I found it very, very moving.” His actions have been seen as disrespectful in some quarters. Campaign Against

Keir Starmer at the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin

Antisemitism blasted the Labour leader. Joe Glasman, CAA Head of Political and Government Investigations said, “It is a matter of decency and long-established convention in Germany that you never stoop to using the Berlin Holocaust Memorial as some kind of a prop. To incorporate the Memorial as the backdrop for a political clip that does not even mention


the Holocaust is an insult. This is especially so for a political party that itself still has serious problems with antisemitism in its ranks.” He added, “Exploiting a visit to the Holocaust Memorial like this for campaigning purposes is not just tasteless, it is manipulative and repulsive. Our most recent polling found that 81% of British Jews feel

that antisemitism is still inadequately addressed under Starmer. Many feel that attempts to tackle racism against Jews in the Labour Party has been more of a public relations effort than anything of substance. This offensively crass PR video will do little to dispel that impression.” Berlin’s Tikvah Institute backed CAA, tweeting, “Why do use the #Holocaust #Memorial (Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe) as a background for your election campaign video without even mentioning the #Shoa with any single word?” A Labour spokesperson said visiting a memorial to murdered Jews of Europe was a “very moving experience” for Starmer. This is why it was included in a record of Starmer’s visit to Berlin. Starmer as Labour leader had shown an “absolute determination” to rid the Labour Party and wider society the “scourge of antisemitism”, they noted. Starmer during a two-day trip met senior politicians including Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Social Democrat Party and business leaders talking about economic growth and wider issues including climate change and Ukraine war. The Memorial to the Murdered Jews Of Europe inaugurated in 2005 by architect Peter Eisenman and Buro Happold is covered with 2,711 concrete slabs in a grid on a sloping field.

Nelson begins jail sentence after CAA appeal BY ADAM MOSES

Antisemite Nicholas Nelson will serve an 18-month jail sentence following a ruling by The Court of Appeal. Campaign Against Antisemitism had written to the Attorney General’s Office for Nelson’s original suspended sentence at Southwark Crown Court (in March) to be reviewed. CAA had described it as “absurdly lenient”. Nelson, 33, pleaded guilty to racially aggravated harassment in January at Peterborough Crown Court after sending abusive antisemitic e-mails and messages to Oscar-nominated Jewish writer Lee Kern and hateful messages to communications strategist Joanne Bell. Nelson also harassed a staff member at the Board of Deputies with antisemitic calls in 2020. He was charged under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and with sending an electronic communication with intent to cause distress or anxiety under the Malicious Communications Act 1988. CAA welcomed news that the Court of Appeal had imposed the custodial sentence

Nelson “should have received” in the first place. A CAA spokesperson said, “Nelson undertook a sustained online campaign of grotesque antisemitic harassment behind a cowardly mask of anonymity.” They added, “This new sentence must send a message to lower court judges who still labour under the misconception that online abuse is secondary to other forms of harassment, and the case should warn other would-be online trolls that their anonymity can and will be lifted. We will do whatever it takes, however long it takes, to ensure that victims and the Jewish community have justice.” Lord Justice Stuart-Smith, in handing down the judgement, stated that the “chilling effect” on the lives and livelihood of Kern and Bell were “clear to see”. Noting that the harassment suffered by Kern was “some of the worst kind imaginable”, they included Holocaust related slurs. Kern lost family members the Shoah. The Lord Justice agreed with CAA that Nelson had shown “complete disregard” for his suspended sentences imposed. The Court of Appeal has ordered sentences to be served concurrently.

In a statement, Kern said, “Despite being found guilty of such crimes for the third time, Nelson was spared jail. However, during today’s review by the Court of Appeal, that lenient decision has been overturned. Mr Nelson’s harassment, which included calls for another Holocaust and perverted sexual fantasies involving Adolf Hitler, started anonymously.” Following help from CAA and Lewis, “an appropriate conclusion” was reached, added Kern. Bell was “delighted” justice had been done as Nelson subjected people to “antisemitic, hateful and misogynistic abuse” over a sustained period without the judicial system taking it seriously. “I hope this sends a message to antisemites and racists everywhere that anonymous abuse of any kind, whether digital or in person, will not be tolerated and, now, finally, meaningfully prosecuted,” she said. The Court of Appeal calculated charges should have led to a custodial sentence of 29 months. This was reduced on the “totality” principle and Nelson’s recent conduct to 18 months. CAA and solicitor Mark Lewis had


established a legal precedent to bring criminal charges against Nelson. But what should have resulted in an appropriate sentence for a repeat offender never materialised. CAA said Nelson had been “all but let off” for racist abuse that added to the ordeal of the victims but are “grateful” for the latest ruling. Stephen Silverman, CAA Director of Investigations and Enforcement, described the original sentence as “deeply disappointing” as the Judge had spared a man who “deserves no leniency”. Abusive communications came from accounts Nelson had worked hard to make anonymous. The legal initiative by CAA and counsel identified Nelson for criminal proceedings to commence. This is not the first time Nelson had been sentenced on these charges. He received a suspended sentence in 2020 for sending anti-Semitic abuse to Dame Margaret Hodge and former MPs Lord John Mann and Dame Louise Ellman. Nelson had reportedly called Hodge a 'racist Zionist'. In 2018, Nelson avoided jail following abuse towards then MPs Luciana Berger and Ruth Smeeth.

21 JULY 2022

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21 JULY 2022

Stamford Hill incidents Search ongoing for Moishe Police are investigating a man reportedly spitting in the face of a Jewish woman in Stamford Hill and allegedly yelling: “******* Jews, no one will help you”. The woman was walking with her five children under 12 years of age when the incident occurred. The reported incident is believed to have occurred on Shabbat evening and was reported this week by Stamford Hill Shomrim, the Jewish volunteer neighbourhood watch patrol. Contact police with details on 101 or Shomrim on 0300 999 0123 (Reference: CAD 8353 18/07/22). In other incidents, an elderly Jewish man and his family were reportedly abused on a 253 London bus from Euston to Leabridge on Sunday evening. The disabled man was accompanied by his wife, son, grandchildren and carer when a woman reportedly shouted, “You think you

own the bus, dirty Jews! I will punch you!” The family were shocked by the incident reported by Stamford Hill Shomrim. Contact police with details on 101 or Shomrim on 0300 999 0123 (Reference: CAD 3692 14/07/22). It has also been reported that gang members abused two Jewish children in Springfield Park on 7th July. The gang is believed to be associated with the Webb Estate and accused of harrassing Jewish residents for a number of years. Two boys, 11 and 17, were walking to a nearby park with bikes when gang members reportedly approached them and said, “Let’s get their bikes. Punch him in the face”. The boys escaped but claimed incidents occur daily. The incident was reported by Stamford Hill Shomrim. Contact police with details on 101 or Shomrim on 0300 999 0123 (Reference: CAD 3692 14/07/22).

The agonising wait goes on for the family of missing teenager Moishe Kleinerman who has not been seen since April. Police are struggling to discover what happened to the 17-year-old despite large scale searches by Israel’s Dog Unit in the heart-wrenching case. Moishe’s parents travelled to Jerusalem for a meeting with Chief Rabbanim HaRav Yosef Yitzchak and HaRav Dovid Lau on Monday. “You should know that all of Am Yisrael is behind you, religious, secular – everyone is united around Moishe,” HaRav Yosef said. HaRav Lau encouraged the Kleinermans to keep praying and gave them a bracha. Yeshivas Orchos Yehuda Talmidim in Elad visited Meron the day before in honour of completing a mesechta, dedicating their siyum to Moishe. They held a special tefillah at Kever Rashbi. A Jewish man in his 30s reportedly

attended a hearing to extend his detention at Jerusalem’s Magistrate Court last month. No further details were allowed due to a gag order requested by the police. Police are fearful for Moishe though not from terror activity. It is believed he did not cross Israel’s border. The last time witnesses saw Moishe was on Mount Meron. Police have stated Moishe’s disappearance was reported on April 2nd. To complicate matters there have been unsubstantiated reports that Moishe was seen at Kerestir, Hungary. Am Yisrael Chai Fund pledged NIS 50k for “concrete’ information to find Moishe. Ami Magazine also pledged $10k along with two private $27.5k donations to aid the search. A special investigative team has been formed at the Crime Investigation Unit. The public is asked to continue davening for Avraham Moshe ben Gittel.

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Marine Corps test Iron Dome prototype The US Marine Corps’ Intercept Capability prototype has come through a live-fire test at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. The MRIC prototype successfully hit cruise missile targets from different directions and trajectories. MRIC utilises the USMC Gator radar and CAC2S battle management system with the Iron Dome Tamir Interceptor and launcher. The Tamir interceptor is developed by Rafael and can intercept cruise missiles in manned aerial systems, rockets, artillery and mortar threats. The air defence system is tailored to existing USMC requirements. MoD Head of IMDO, Moshe Patel, said, “This test has proven the Tamir Interceptor and ground components can be integrated in any defence architecture. It will intercept aerial threats in

complex scenarios. We look forward to further partnerships with the US Armed Forces.” “This demonstration proves we do now have a relevant capability,” noted Don Kelley, program manager at PEO Land Systems. Brigadier General (Res.) Pinhas Yungman, General Manager RAFAEL Air & Missile Defence Division, noted, "The Iron Dome has proven its effectiveness in combat scenarios. American troops operated the system against threats and intercepted targets from different ranges.” He added, “RAFAEL as a world leader is developing the most advanced defence systems." Israel Missile Defence Organisation leads the development of the IDF’s multi-tiered missile and air defence based on Iron Dome, David’s Sling, Arrow 2 and Arrow 3.

Bar Mitzvah Tutor available in Manchester Former Ofsted Pikuach and special needs inspector available to tutor boys of all abilities for their bar mitzvah parsha. Willing to come to their homes. DBS Certified Marvyn Moore 07889 900 602

Iron Dome Tamir interceptor



21 JULY 2022

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CPS drops case against West Ham fans Crown Prosecution Service has dropped charges against two West Ham fans charged with racially aggravated harassment of an orthodox man on a Ryanair flight last year. Lee Carey, 55, and Jak Bruce, 31, were arrested in connection with a disturbing incident on a flight to Eindhoven in November 2021. Hammers supporters were videoed chanting an antisemitic song apparently at a Chasidic passenger. There were witnesses on board including Ryanair cabin crew. Footage went viral. Fans were travelling to a match versus KRC Genk. In May, the defendants attempted to get the case dismissed, arguing the court lacked jurisdiction under the Civil Aviation Act. Judge Walker, sitting at Chelmsford Crown Court, rejected an application last month. However, the case has collapsed as CPS have “insufficient evidence” to establish

the alleged offences took place in British airspace to be within remit of its courts. A Campaign Against Antisemitism spokesperson said, “It is beyond belief that sufficient evidence cannot be amassed to establish jurisdiction and that potential culprits are free to go without sanction. We are exploring legal options to ensure that justice is done.” A CPS spokesperson said, “The CPS takes racism, homophobia and anti-Semitism in sport extremely seriously because of the devastating impact it has on victims and wider society. Where there is sufficient evidence and it is in the public interest, we will prosecute these cases.” West Ham FC confirmed last year it had banned two supporters for life. It is not known if they are the defendants in this case. This is the third time CPS has dropped or reduced charges against suspects in antisemitic hate crime incidents in recent months.

Security operations centre operational

Minister of Transport and Road Safety Merav Michaeli MK



Minister of Transport Merav Michaeli has inaugurated Israel’s first transport security operations centre at Ben Gurion Airport. The SOC has been operational this year. It produces a consolidated situation analysis to deal with threats to the transport sector in real time. When Michaeli took up the post she called for a plan for cyberattacks. She said, "The State of Israel is under ongoing threats from various organisations and countries, including attempts to attack essential transport infrastructure for the daily lives of Israelis. The aim of this transport SOC is to deal with these threats, to ensure there are no breaks in service and manage emergencies. The centre is operational and protecting our transport and the Israeli people". Registered charity number 1195729

Brighton, actually. There is nothing new about Jewish life in Brighton. But the development of 45 apartments and houses in a complex that includes a Shul, kosher restaurant and co-working facilities, will revitalise the Jewish community in the area. With financial incentives to young couples who will play their part in regenerating our community, joining the UK’s fastest growing Jewish community could, actually, be for you. To find out more email or visit

Lapid & Gantz warn Lebanon He added, "Israel is interested in Lebanon being a stable and prosPrime Minister Yair Lapid and Deperous neighbour that is neither a platform for Hezbollah terrorism fence Minister Benny Gantz delivered a stark message to Lebanon nor an Iranian tool. (But) Hezbolduring a tour of the IDF Northern lah endangers Lebanon, its citizens and their wellbeing. We have no Command this week. interest in escalation however HezThe assessment took place a day after the IDF shot down a drone bollah's aggression is unacceptable that crossed the border from Leband is liable to lead the region into anon. Both leaders spoke during an an unnecessary escalation when operational assessment with senior there is a genuine opportunity commanders. for Lebanon to develop its energy Lapid said Israel could counter resources.” any threats and Hezbollah are Lapid continued, “Israel is taking threatening the prosperity of Leb- Prime Minister Yair Lapid and Defence Minister Benny PHOTO: NIV MOSSMAN (GPO) action against Iran's proxies. Iran anon. Lapid called on Lebanon not Gantz Tour of IDF Northern Command is the largest exporter of terrorism to become a base for Iran-backed in the world. We will act on our own terror. confrontation but whoever tries to attack and in tandem with countries in the region “Israel is prepared to act against any our sovereignty or Israeli citizens will be to prevent Iran from undermining regional stability." threat,” warned Lapid. “We do not seek making a serious mistake." BY LILLY JOSEPH


Gantz said Israel was ready to aid neighbours' prosperity and protect its citizens. “We are prepared in all areas, land, sea, air and cyber,” he stressed. “We see the crisis in Lebanon, which is hurting its citizens. Lebanon and its leaders know if they choose the path of confrontation, they will be hurt. If they choose a path of stability, they will be helping the Lebanese people." National Security Council Director Dr. Eyal Hulata, IDF Deputy Chief-of-Staff Maj.-Gen. Herzl Halevy, IDF Northern Command Commander Maj.-Gen. Amir Baram and senior officers participated in the operational overview. The IDF reported no injuries from the latest UAV drone collected for further investigation. "The drone was monitored by air control units and the IDF will continue to act to prevent any violation of Israel's sovereignty," the IDF said in a statement. The IDF shot down a Hezbollah drone targeted at an Israeli offshore gas field last month.


Iran topped the agenda in talks during US President Joe Biden’s state visit to Israel last week. Preventing a ‘nuclear Iran’ was a “vital security interest” for Israel, the US and rest of the world affirmed the US leader. Prime Minister Yair Lapid warned that the Iranian nuclear threat, terrorism worldwide and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was a reminder that “force” could be used to protect freedom. “Nobody wants that, but neither can we shy away from it,” he said. “On the side of terror there are people who will not hesitate to exploit any weakness, people who do not play by the rules.” During a packed schedule, Lapid and Biden signed a new US-Israel strategic Joint Declaration, which now hangs on the wall of the cabinet room. “It joins the rest of the historic declarations hanging here in this room,” Lapid said at the start of the Security Cabinet meeting on Sunday. The document consolidates US’ commitment to Israel’s security and qualitative military edge to deter its enemies. The US is also committed to not allowing Iran “acquire a nuclear weapon” and will use “all elements of its national power to ensure that outcome.” Signing the Declaration, President Isaac Herzog said, emphasised Biden’s “ironclad, unshakeable commitment” to Israel's security and wellbeing. Herzog welcomed Biden’s opposition to Iran’s nuclear weapons capability. The Middle East visit by America’s leader had a global audience and Lapid took the opportunity to tell the watching world that Iran feared its citizens “quality of life” that included a creative economy, freedom of religion and speech. “Our way of life is what threatens them,” he observed. “It’s what makes the Iranian regime develop its nuclear program, Hezbollah aim its missiles at us and terrorist organisations worldwide send suicide bombers. “They (Iran) want to destroy the only Jewish state in the world but we will never let that happen.” Lapid warned, “Words will not stop them. Diplomacy will not stop them. The only thing that will stop Iran is knowing that if they continue to develop their nuclear program the free world will use force. The only way to stop them is to put a credible military threat on the table.” Lapid agreed with Biden who has stated previously that ‘big countries don’t bluff'. “The Iranian regime must know that if they continue to deceive the world, they will pay a heavy price,” he said. Lapid told Biden that Israel was part of an alliance of Middle East countries that believed in peace and welcomed his Saudi Arabia visit. Israel’s leader had a ‘message of peace’ for Biden to deliver. “Israel wants peace and believes in peace,” Lapid said. “(But) we will never yield an inch of our security. We are obligated to be cautious at every step. But to any nation that wants peace and normalisation we say Shalom, welcome.'” Lapid had a further message for Biden to take to the leaders of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, and Iraq. “Our hand is

Iran tops agen cements US-Is TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488

Prime Minister Yair Lapid and US President Joe Biden hold bilateral working meeting

Lapid told Biden that Israel was part of an alliance of Middle East countries that believed in peace and welcomed his Saudi Arabia visit.

President Isaac Herzog meeting with President Biden


21 JULY 2022



nda as Biden srael alliance 21 JULY 2022

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Yair Lapid hanging the Jerusalem Declaration


Joe Biden with Yair Lapid and Isaac Herzog at the Maccabiah Games


outstretched for peace,” he said. “We are ready to share our technology and experience, ready for our people to meet and learn about one another, ready for our scientists to collaborate and our businesses to cooperate.” As for the Israel-US alliance, Lapid observed, “Our relationship runs deep. It crosses party lines. It connects our governments and peoples. This friendship is one of the cornerstones of Israel’s national security.” News that Saudi Arabia airspace would be


PM Yair Lapid and President Joe Biden at the I2U2 virtual summit


President Biden signs the book of remembrance at Yad Vashem


open to Israeli airlines was a historic statement of future intent. The Abraham Accords and Negev Summit has bolstered Israel’s standing in the region. The first official step to normalise relations with Saudi is now in place. “This decision will allow Israeli airlines to fly on a direct route to Asia and Australia,” enthused Lapid. “The savings will directly reach the pockets of Israeli citizens and

lower the price of airline tickets.” Lapid thanked the Saudi leadership. “This is only the first step,” he noted. “We will continue working with necessary caution, for the sake of Israel’s economy, security and the good of our citizens.” Biden’s time in Israel “moved our entire country”, noted Lapid. “The visit has had additional achievements but it will be years before they can be discussed.”


During proceedings, Lapid and Biden held the first virtual meeting of the I2U2 with UAE President His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Discussions included economic cooperation in infrastructure, medicine, food security challenges and energy. A $2 billion food corridor between India and the UAE was established using Israeli technology. A $300 million 300-megawatt wind and solar energy storage project in India using Israeli, Emirati and American technologies was also set up. The leaders’ summit was established last year at the initiative of the four countries' foreign ministers. Lapid said, “The world is watching this meeting. Something special is happening here. The diplomatic and economic results that will emerge from this meeting will highlight our commitment to a new kind of cooperation. In this partnership, each country and each partner bring their own strengths so that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” Away from diplomacy and tough political decisions, Biden joined Lapid and President Isaac Herzog at the opening ceremony of the 21st Maccabiah Games at Teddy Stadium in Jerusalem. “This is a day of celebration for the State of Israel and Jewish people,” Herzog said. “It’s a special moment of togetherness, a moment that embodies Zionism and excellence, faith and hope, solidarity and coming closer together.” Herzog, Lapid and Alternate PM Naftali Bennett greeted Biden at Ben Gurion Airport for the historic state visit. Herzog said Biden’s visit came at a “pivotal hour of a challenged world order”. He observed, “A strong and vibrant US-Israel partnership has seldom been more critical to our countries, to the Middle East, to global stability and sustainability, peace and prosperity, democracy and decency.” Defence Minister Benny Gantz demonstrated to Biden an insight into Israel's anti-air missile capabilities including the Iron Beam laser which targets rockets, UAVs and mortar shells. Gantz spoke about Iran’s nuclear programme and called for improved security relations. Lapid and Herzog joined Biden's visit to Yad Vashem in the first part of the president’s schedule. After the ceremony, Biden signed Yad Vashem's visitor's book. He wrote, "We must never, ever forget because hate is never defeated, it only hides. We must teach every emerging generation that it can happen again unless we remember. That is what I teach my children and grandchildren, never forget.” At an official welcoming ceremony in Jerusalem, Herzog told Biden, “You have been a lifelong friend of the State of Israel and Jewish people, your tireless advocacy of the enduring US-Israel partnership, in word and in deed, has truly withstood the test of time.” Lapid and Biden, who received the Presidential medal, held a bilateral working meeting with delegations covering regional issues. Biden went on to visit Bethlehem where he met Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas before departing for Saudi Arabia.


21 JULY 2022

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How to Scale a Business (Even during the recession)


Every entrepreneur’s dream is to increase revenue continuously. That’s why they are in business, right? However, as the recession is looming above the global economy, the small and medium-sized businesses are hoping to survive, not alone flourish. What if we told you that it is possible not only to survive during the recession but also to scale your business? There are proven techniques a company of any size can follow and achieve revenue growth.


There is a big difference between business growth and scaling. The growth is linear- the higher revenue will be achieved when more resources are spent. Scaling, on the contrary, means reaching higher revenue without extra investment in the production inputs or stocks. In other words, scaling refers to greater output without extra effort. For example, sending one email to your client or sending bulk emails to clients does not require any extra effort, only the tools that help you do that.


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The most obvious thing to do to prepare for the turbulent times is to eliminate mistakes and errors associated with manual tasks of processing paperwork, preparing schedules, or working with numbers. There are tools to prepare all your invoices or contracts, suggest collection strategies for your overdue invoices, or even prepare schedules for the mobile workforce, thanks to field services management software.


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21 JULY 2022


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The opinions on this page do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper


The Green Line is and is not a lot of things. Officially the Green Line refers to the line of demarcation that separated Israeli, Jordanian, Syrian and Egyptian forces at the conclusion of Israel’s 1948 War of Independence. It was delineated in the 1949 armistice agreements that formally ended the war and served as Israel’s de facto international border until the 1967 Six-Day War. Its name derives from the fact that the diplomats drawing up the agreement reportedly used green ink to mark the line on the map. For some, like the BBC, it is described as the 1967 Border. Well, it might have been a de facto border (ie in reality the border between Israel and Jordan) but it was not and is not one in law. It was and remains an armistice line. Nothing more than that. So when calls are made for Israel to retreat to the 1967 Border they actually mean go back to the 1949 armistice line which of course excluded the Old City. The land beyond the Green Line is also mired in controversy. For some it is referred to as Judea and Samaria, ie the

provinces between the Green Line and the Jordanian border, and others it is known as the West Bank. The latter comes from the description used to describe that land west of the Jordan river. Enter then the reunification of Jerusalem in 1967. Until then it had been separated by the armistice line. The Old City comprising the Jewish Quarter and the Kotel (the western retaining wall of the Second Temple) was not accessible to Jews. When the Old City was liberated from the Jordanians it was a time of massive celebration. Eventually, in July 1980, the Knesset passed the Jerusalem Law as part of the country’s Basic Law, which declared the unified Jerusalem as being the capital of Israel and that part which had been separated before 1967 was formally adopted as Israeli land. Of course, the UN and other organisations have declared this is unlawful though on what grounds is unclear other than just screaming it is all not fair. In reality though the whole of Jerusalem has been part of Israel for 55 years and legally for 42 years.

Bear in mind though that the Old City is still on the wrong side of the Green Line. Hold that thought. Why the detail you might ask? Its simple. It is because the Jewish News reported that a UJIA Birthright tour was obliged to provide accommodation for the participants at Almog Kibbutz, a little known (until now) Kibbutz in the desert near the Dead Sea, well over the Green Line. This was too much for two people, one of them being a participant and the other being a tour leader. They left the tour on a matter of principle when they found out about the accommodation details. The problem with all of this is what principle? A Birthright tour by its very nature is going to involve taking Jewish youth to Israel, sometimes for the first time and introducing them to the county. Of course, no such tour could possible be complete without a visit to the Kotel. But its over the Green Line. And there is the problem with the principle. How is it okay to venture beyond the Green Line to visit the Kotel but not to

So when calls are made for Israel to retreat to the 1967 Border they actually mean go back to the 1949 armistice line which of course excluded the Old City.




Almog Kibbutz to sleep? Hence the title of this piece – the dotted Green Line. It is very unlikely that these two would refuse to go to the Kotel on a matter of principle that it is over the Green Line. Both of them would have known from the outset that this was on the tour agenda. No possibility of being shocked and surprised. The Almog Kibbutz on the other hand was ideal. It was a last minute change of plan and so perfect for the show of principle. Only it wasn’t. Either the Green Line is in fact a redline, ie not to be crossed, or it isn’t. Picking and choosing is not a matter of principle, it is a matter of cynical opportunism. Finally, if I was part of the UJIA governing body, I would be asking for the money spent on the tour leader who left the tour to be returned on the basis they didn’t fulfil their obligation to look after the Birthright participants. Principles come with a price sometimes. Robert Festenstein is a practising solicitor and has been the principal of his Salford based firm for over 20 years. He has fought BDS motions to the Court of Appeal and is President of the Zionist Central Council in Manchester which serves to protect and defend the democratic State of Israel.


21 JULY 2022

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Bridge With Harold Schogger 0208 905 3877

Dealer: East Vuln: None s h d c

53 A 10 9 2 J843 AK5


s h d c

10 4 2 53 752 QJ982



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4c 4NT1 5d3 6s

2h Pass Pass Pass End

3s 4d 5c2 6d4

1 RKC Blackwood 2 3 or 1 Key card (must be 3) 3 Have you got the Queen of trump? 4 Yes I have plus Diamond King

Lead 5h East opened a standard weak two in hearts and South made a natural strong jump overcall in his main suit. (he might Double and then bid Spades) After a couple of control-showing bids, North used Roman Key Card Blackwood to discover that his partner had three key cards along with the king of diamonds and the queen of trumps. West led the five of hearts. Declarer could count eleven winners the problem was finding a safe twelfth. At first sight it seemed to be one of those deals where declarer thinks he would probably have to guess which squeeze to execute in the endgame. Then rather suddenly a new idea struck him and he called for the two of hearts at trick one. He could now set up a Heart trick with a ruffing finesse against East the original 2h opener. He also knew that West had started with 2 hearts otherwise East would have opened 3h in the first place. East took the trick with the king of hearts and exited with his singleton three of clubs. Declarer made no mistake at this point. He took the trick with dummy’s king of clubs and, as there was only one entry left to dummy, he called for the nine of hearts next. East played the jack and declarer ruffed it with his eight of trumps. After drawing trumps with the ace, king and queen, declarer claimed twelve tricks -6 trumps along with 2 Diamonds, 1 Heart and 1 established Heart.


21 JULY 2022

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GIFT’s on top after Kilimanjaro Trip In the early evening of 20 June, 26 people met at Heathrow Airport in readiness for their flight to Tanzania. All 26 had signed up for the challenge of a lifetime: climbing Mount Kilimanjaro to raise funds for GIFT. It was an eclectic group: a 64-year-old man with 23 grandchildren; a teenager with her mother; two newly-wed couples; first-jobbers; lawyers; students… All were excited and full of anticipation for the days ahead. Over five extraordinary days, the GIFT team supported each other all the way to the summit. Rabbi Sandor Milun, Managing Director of GIFT, noted, ‘It’s what this mountain does to you: it bonds you. Countless times, I heard participants say, “Are you ok?”, “Who needs a snack?”, “Drink some water”. The mountain enabled giving and kindness on a mass scale. It made us all better Celebrating after making it to the summit people.’ The group walked, talked, sung and enter- rain, seemingly endless paths and cold. Detained each other as they hiked, supporting spite the challenges, and the moments of each other through moments of darkness, self-doubt, the kindness and altruism kept

the team on the move. Shabbat came as a much-needed day of rest, as recalled by participant Sacha Johnstone, a magician and performer: ‘The Shabbat we spent above the clouds not only served as a rest day to acclimatise, but also provided us with one of the most memorable Jewish experiences many of us have ever had.’ It culminated in a moving, musical Havdalah ceremony under the stars, where the group was joined by the local guides. The final push for the summit started late at night; after seven gruelling hours of walking in -10C weather at high altitude, the whole group reached the peak, all within 20 minutes of each other, an unheard-of team effort. As one of the guides commented, ‘You guys are pretty resilient’. Newlyweds Chani and Moshe Simon commented: ‘Embarking on a challenge


like Kilimanjaro was terrifying in theory, but doing it with the GIFT group, in an environment of togetherness, absolutely transformed the experience and made it into one of extreme personal and joint growth, creating a feeling of unity and kinsmanship that will last forever. It was an incredible experience.’ For many, one of the trip highlights was a meeting with representatives of the Tanzanian Jewish community, to whom the GIFT team presented an anonymous gift of over £2,500 worth of Judaica. Through participants’ committed fundraising, over £100,000 was raised to support GIFT’s work, inspiring and enabling giving while helping those in the community in need. Debra Tammer – actor, writer and comedian – came on the trip with her 15-year-old daughter, and reflected on the experience when back in the UK: ‘Sharing a tiny tent together, we bickered and bonded, laughed and cried in equal measure. And then as life got back to ‘normal’, we both realised we’d been through quite the shift: understanding that life is about overcoming the physical lows to get to the spiritual highs and how this is best done with the people you love right be your side.’ To sign up for GIFT Kilimanjaro 2023, or to get involved with GIFT’s work, email


Jewish Care celebrating 100 young people

Participants celebrate graduation at Jewish Care’s MIKE youth leadership awards

“It’s given me so much,” said Rebecca Lloyd, winner of the prestigious The Saul Keene Award for Excellence in Youth Leadership at Jewish Care’s MIKE youth leadership programme awards. The awards evening recognised the dedication of almost 100 inspiring young leaders who are participants in the MIKE programme, which stands for Motivation, Inspiration, Knowledge and Education. Rebecca Lloyd was presented with the Award by the inspiring Nettie Keene, who has dedicated herself to volunteering at Jewish Care’s Redbridge Jewish Community Centre and recently celebrated 50 years of volunteering. Nettie gave the award in memory of her son, Saul, with her son Danny who spoke about his brother, a dedicated leader in the community who sadly passed away at the age of 41 in 2008. Gayle Klein, Vice Chair of Jewish Care, herself a former MIKE graduate and a friend of Saul, addressed the audience, saying, “Rebecca has been a passionate and dedicated leader for several years. Even during a difficult year, she has shown up with a big smile on her face and brought as much happiness and laughter to the sessions as possible.” Attending the evening with her proud mum, Debbie and grandma Rita, who has volunteered for 15 years at Jewish Care’s Redbridge Jewish Community Centre, Rebecca said, “I feel very lucky to receive The Saul Keene Award of Excellence and I want to thank Nettie and Danny, my family and everyone who is part of the MIKE youth leadership programme. “I’m grateful for every opportunity I have and I look forward to being part of this community every day. My confidence has grown so much over the years since I started my leadership journey. I was so introverted when I started the programme and now I’ve won this award.”

21 JULY 2022

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Jessica Villiers, Grants Officer at the Jack Petchey Foundation, presented the Jack Petchey Foundation Achievement Awards, supporting young people to have the opportunity to develop their potential and to be recognised for the positive things they achieve. Four outstanding young leaders were also presented with Outstanding Achievement by the Jack Petchey Foundation celebrating their accomplishments over the past year at the evening which was held at Woodford Forest United Synagogue. Jamie Shone, Jewish Care’s MIKE youth leadership coordinator, who has been through the MIKE programme as a participant, volunteer and leader, talked about the achievements of the award winners. He said, “Abi Saltman has been volunteering in the community for a number of years. She helps with multiple different charities and has helped start multiple initiatives to help the homeless within her school. She has shown true leadership skills and has made a huge impact on the young people we support.” The keynote speaker, Lisa Wimborne, CEO of Jewish Blind and Disabled is a former graduate of the programme and encouraged the current participants to make the most of the programme and all it offers; “This programme helped me develop skills that would set me up for my future. Skills that you can’t learn in a classroom. The programme has become a breeding ground for future leaders working in both professional and lay leadership roles. You are on the best leadership training programme I have ever come across. Throw yourselves into everything if offers and I hope one day you will be back here, on this stage talking about your journey, to the next generation”. For more information contact jamie. or 07795 952 076.

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Manchester mum’s gap year guide for kids with hidden disabilities A Manchester mother whose son has Ulcerative Colitis has created a comprehensive guide for young people with IBD, who want to take a gap year in Israel. Chava Erlanger, from Prestwich, runs therapeutic art sessions for the charity Camp Simcha which also supported her son, along with the Crohn’s and Colitis charity, Jewish Digest. The two charities have collaborated to produce the 14-page guide after Ms Erlanger had researched it for her 19-year-old son’s year in Israel. It contains everything travellers with IBD or other chronic conditions might need to know, from accessing help at the airport to how to get blood tests or infusions administered to organisations which can get emergency medication or care. “For someone with a chronic condition requiring medication and at risk of flareups at any time, there is a lot to consider when you travel,” explains Ms Erlanger. “As a parent of a child in this position, I want him to have every opportunity that his peers have, but the logistics can be stressful and worrying. “While most kids going to Israel on a gap year are just worrying about how many pairs of trainers to take, we were looking into how he could access medications from the UK when he needed to regularly renew prescriptions; how to get insurance and what to do if he has a flare–up. “A lot of people don’t know this but all UK airports have a sunflower lanyard system, which is a globally recognised scheme for non-visible disabilities. This is a discreet way to let staff know that you may need additional support.”

Chava and JDigest guide

Deborah Eckstein, co-founder of Jewish Digest, said: “Chava has drawn on her own experiences to compile this useful guide for students with IBD travelling to Israel.” Daniel Gillis, Camp Simcha Head of Services, added: “It was great to collaborate with Jewish Digest on this fantastic and comprehensive guide which Chava created. We hope it makes life that bit easier for students and anyone with hidden disabilities looking to travel to Israel.” To request a copy of the guide email or you can download it at https://www.jewishdigest. org

Sacks Morasha fundraising success Sacks Morasha Jewish Primary School raised over £328,000 in its ‘Match for Morasha’ campaign. The school exceeded its aim with 1,140 individual donations. Money raised will fund the final stage of a building project that will offer additional space to pupils and staff. Funds will be used as part of a £1.2m building project for extra classrooms, a breakout space, enhanced playground and new well-being and SEND facility to ensure pupils flourish. Families supported the fundraiser led by new Headteacher Rachel Barbanel who planned assemblies and lessons to drive the campaign in school. Pupils held fundraising activities including a fundraising poster, sweet sale and pocket money being donated. She said, “Our school community of staff, parents and governors have given an overwhelming amount of support to this campaign. We are so grateful. I am looking forward to providing our children with additional resources to assist in taking the school into the future.” Jeremy Newman, Chair of Trustees, added, “We are more than a school, it is part


Sacks Morasha pupils celebrate fundraising success

of a larger community. The success of our campaign reflects, so many in the community supported us. Under Mrs Barbanel and chair of governors, Zoe Silverman, I am confident we will repay this support and continue to be an outstanding school for our community.” Sacks Morasha in Finchley was founded in 2008 and is one of the most popular Jewish primary schools in north London. The school achieves high standards in secular and Jewish studies. It encourages engagement with Torah values, Ivrit, a love of Zionism and Israel. Donations: donations/

21 JULY 2022

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Ukrainian refugees attend Kingston Shul’s drop-in centre


Pupils raise £1,000 for Kisharon

The Drop In Centre in Kingston United Synagogue

Fifty Ukrainian refugees attended Kingston & Surbiton Synagogue’s third drop-in centre. Refugees attended from as far afield as Hounslow, Teddington and Twickenham. The drop-in centre had 10 volunteers and provided refugees the opportunity to connect and make friends whilst enjoying crafts, table tennis and football. Donated clothes were available. Guests were served refreshments, including ice cream and strawberries.

There were a number of older people in attendance who had escaped the war to come and live with their children who had previously settled in the local area. Jill Prager, from Kingston & Surbiton, said, “By providing a warm environment, the refugees were perhaps able to forget worries about husbands and elderly parents in Ukraine for a short time. They were also able to meet others and share some problems.”

Seed appoints youth directors Seed are delighted to announce the appointment of Netanel and Tzivya Kiselstein as Seed’s first youth directors. For several years, Seed has run hugely successful bar and bat mitzvah programmes, and the Kiselsteins will ensure that this success is followed up through a dedicated programme of engaging events aimed at teenagers. In addition, the Seed Shul has seen rapid growth in the last five years, with a membership of almost 100 families. This means that there is an increasing need for excellent provision for teens, including weekday activities and trips as well as Shabbos and Yom Tov programming. The Kiselsteins are a dynamic and creative couple and were previously youth directors at Hampstead Garden Suburb Synagogue. Netanel learned in Beis Yisroel and Mir Yeshivos. He holds a Masters degree in real estate and has extensive experience volunteering for Jewish organisations. Tzivya learned in Gateshead Sem and is a PE Teacher as well as Dance, Aerobic and Zumba instructor. She was also Managing Director at Heritage House in the Old City of Jerusalem. They will spearhead Seed’s new initiative for teens including a weekly hub that will provide a fun and warm Jewish environment. Rabbi Dov Birnbaum, Rabbi of the Seed Shul said “I am really looking forward to this new chapter for our community and for Seed. The Kiselsteins understand and

Morasha bake to raise money for Kisharon

Kisharon visited Sacks Morasha to speak to KS2 pupils about the charity. Community Inclusion Coordinator Rachel Ucko led the disability awareness talk and explained how Kisharon’s services enable people to feel valued in the community. Year three pupil Asher was inspired by the talk and invited classmates to raise money with a bake sale. Pupils each made something that raised £1,000 for Kisharon. Asher said, “Rachel told us about the different things Kisharon do. I am so happy people came to our bake sale and I look forward to raising more money for the charity in the future.”

Rachel commented, “It is so important to hold talks to teach children the importance that every individual is given the tools to grow and become the very best version of themselves. Disability awareness programmes in schools inspire children and teach them the world should be an equal place. People with disability should have the same opportunities”. Kisharon run programmes for primary and secondary schools, youth groups and University JSOC groups. Details: Rachel Ucko at Kisharon: Telephone 0203 2091160 or

LSJS 2022 graduation

Netanel and Tzivya Kiselstein

can relate to today’s teenagers and I am sure our teens will love them.” The Kiselsteins commented: “We are both incredibly excited to be joining the Seed team and to be working along such an accomplished and supportive team. We are so looking forward to meeting the wonderful Seed community and giving our all to the teens!”

A hundred and fifty guests gathered on Thursday evening to celebrate the 2022 LSJS Graduation which saw 50 students graduating from LSJS teacher training and degree programmes. Over 30 students were able to attend in person and were awarded their certificates from S&P Sephardi Senior Rabbi Dweck and the Deputy President of LSJS. International students and guests were able to join in the celebration via Zoom to hear from the LSJS team as well as Spencer Lewis, Executive Head Teacher of Yavneh College, deliver the keynote speech. Joanne Greenaway, LSJS Chief Executive said, “it was an extremely special opportunity to celebrate with an inspiring group of graduates who are working right across our community and its schools from Chassidim in Stamford Hill to those working in cross-communal schools, learning from each other and from our expert teaching team and hearing from them about the


impact their studies have had on their teaching journeys and future careers.” Dr Helena Miller, Director of Degrees and Teacher Training Programmes, Senior Research Fellow, said “our graduates should be proud for their achievements. They have each worked so hard for the benefit of Jewish education in the UK and beyond”. The graduates were delighted to come together and share the special occasion with their friends and family, as well as have the opportunity to thank their teachers. Simcha Kirschenbaum, who graduated from the BA (Hons) in Jewish Education said “Each of the fantastic lecturers, gave me the feeling that they truly wanted me to succeed and would do anything for it to happen. I am forever grateful to all of you for all you have taught me over the years.” For more information on teacher training or degrees at LSJS please visit or call 020 8203 6427.


Beetroot Hummus With Crisp Pitta Bread

Another delicious recipe from Denise Phillips For more recipes and inspiration visit my website:

21 JULY 2022

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Hummus of all flavours and toppings is very popular. This recipe of beetroot and chickpeas produces a wonderful vibrant mauve colour and it is also very nutritious. It is incredibly quick to make and for me one of those store cupboard recipes that I can produce for a Friday night dinner starter or when a healthy nosh is required whatever the time of the day! If you are not a fan of beetroot, try cooked carrots, peas or butternut squash. Preparation Time: 5 minutes Cooking Time: 5 minutes. Serves: 6

Ingredients 175g cooked beetroot – drained 400g tin chickpeas 1 garlic clove –peeled and roughly chopped 1 handful of fresh basil Juice of 1 lemon 5 tablespoons olive oil Salt and freshly ground black pepper – to taste To make the Biscuit Base 1) Roughly chop the beetroot and drain and rinse the chickpeas. 2) Place in the food processor with the garlic, lemon juice, olive oil and basil. 3) Whiz together until fairly smooth and season to taste. 4) Toast the pitta bread for 5 minutes or until just golden. Cut into wedges.

The chicken soup alternative in Summer BY DENISE PHILLIPS

There may be a few hot days on the way when the highly variable British weather makes it just TOO hot for chicken soup as a starter for Friday night dinner - despite its ‘sacred’ tradition. Cold soup is an option but for many this is not popular, so below are some more palatable options, some tasty suggestions, either new or a modern twist on an ‘old’ favourite to make it a little more exciting. However, do be careful not to overdo portion size - you don’t want your guests to fill up on these ‘starters’ and then be too full to enjoy their main course and dessert. Salads –To include -Israeli with pomegranates, beetroot – marinate with vinegar, mustard, honey and olive oil or, roast and stir in fresh dill and caramelised onions, feta cheese and or walnuts. broccoli salad with cranberries, cashew nuts, sunflower seeds, tomato salad with herbs, capers and olive oil Hummus – be creative with this very popular dip. Add different flavours and toppings - try roasted red peppers, butternut squash puree, caramelised onions, avocado, shiitake mushrooms, roasted spicy lamb strips, lemon and toasted pine nuts, pomegranates, za’atar and parsley Guacamole – add different toppings like chopped tomatoes, chilli, garlic, parsley and fresh coriander leaves


Baba ghanoush and tahini dips – also add garnishes to make them more attractive like fresh herbs and spices Smoked salmon platter using toppings of black pepper, fresh dill and lemon, olives and smoked paprika or try my new recipe vodka & Beetroot cured smoked salmon Vegetarian chopped liver Crudité platter My South African friends are great fans of herring –why not make a platter to include schmaltz, pickled and chopped herring with apples, mustard and dill dressing Bang bang chicken – cooked shredded spicy peanut chicken which can be enjoyed Tacos – filled with smoked salmon, roasted vegetables, black beans, avocado, roasted red peppers, aubergines, courgettes, sweet corn, green or red lentils, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, smoked tofu Frittata squares – cooked omelette with potatoes, red peppers, tomatoes, and herbs. I hope you will be adventurous and try some of my suggestions. Do let me know how you get on? Email me Any leftovers are great for Shabbat lunch too.


21 JULY 2022

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ASK THE RABBI Looking for answers? Send your question to THREE WEEKS OF MISERY? Dear Rabbi I used to be frum but now more chilled. I often look back with cynicism on some of the Jewish rituals. One example is the “three weeks” that Jewish people commemorate at this time of year. Don’t you think it’s a little overdone? I mean regardless of whether you believe a new Temple will be built one day, why are we spending three weeks denied some of the basic pleasures of life – e.g. music, parties, etc. Haven’t we moved on from then? It seems a little over the top – don’t you think? Hershel Dear Hershel So you think we’ve moved on from then? Let’s consider the main story, which I am sure you’re familiar with (before you became cynical) that led to the ultimate devastation of Jerusalem. For the benefit of readers, I will recap: It is the sorry tale of a wealthy man in Jerusalem who counted one Kamtza amongst his close friends yet loathed another called Bar Kamtza. Once when throwing a large feast his trusted servant made the mistake of inviting Bar Kamtza instead of Kamtza. Upon discovering his enemy at his party, the host asked Bar Kamtza to leave. What would you do if you were making a simcha and someone you really didn’t like crashed your party? Would you ask him or her to leave? Would you get someone else to do so? So as to spare himself any embarrassment, Bar Kamtza insisted he would pay for everything he ate and drank, and later upped it to even paying for the whole feast, “just don’t

embarrass me!” Alas, to no avail. This story is not just about two people that don’t get along and the lengths one will go to express animosity. Think of the embarrassment caused – the public shame and humiliation. Last week we read about Balaam’s talking donkey. The Talmud observes: “Whatever happened to the donkey?” And it answers that G-d killed the donkey, “lest people will see the donkey, point and say, this is the donkey that shamed Balaam” thus causing him even further embarrassment. Which is astounding when you think about it: Surely one element about the donkey is that it would inspire people to recall the miracle and maybe be a little more switched on to follow G-d’s will. And besides – Balaam was after all an evil man, why should we be concerned about his feelings against the greater good that could emerge from the donkey remaining alive? Yet, we see that in G-d’s world, whatever the gain, it would not justify the shame and humiliation that Balaam, however evil he might have been, would endure. The Talmud concludes that earlier story by recounting how Bar Kamtza took revenge by securing an appointment with the Roman Emperor, insisting that the Jews were rebelling. As proof he suggested sending an animal for them to sacrifice. A young calf was sent, which Bar Kamtza blemished on his return to Jerusalem, thereby rendering it unfit for the altar. Some say the calf was blemished with a cut lip, others suggest by its eye being wounded. The significance of this detail is because it reflects the essence of their sin. The cut lip is

akin to the sinister tale bearing and humiliating, which was commonplace. The cut eye hints at the insidious evil eye that people cast upon one another. Let’s fast forward two thousand years and consider: Have we moved on from then? Have we become better or are we still bitter? Do we today speak less loshon hora? Do we today no longer shame other people? Do we no longer judge one another? Are we still walking around with a cut lip or a cut eye or have the wounds healed? Spending three weeks reflecting on that, and looking to rectify that, is not such a bad thing in the scheme of things, regardless of how cynical one is. Don’t you think?

GETTING OFF MY HIGH HORSE Dear Rabbi I find some of your responses really condescending. I know you’re supposed to be the bastion of religion, but you act as if you know it all. I think it’s time you get off your high horse. Rick Dear Rick I’d get off my high horse but it’s a long way down. If you could just get a little lower… I’m sorry you find me condescending. You really have two options: Either stop reading (but you can’t help yourself, can you?) or get over it. And, I don’t “act” as if I know it all. I really do know it all.

A RECIPE FOR HAPPINESS Dear Rabbi What is Judaism’s recipe for a happy life? Jennifer

Dear Jennifer In a word, authenticity. The greatest challenge in life is discovering who you are. The second greatest challenge is being happy with what you find. You are not your job. You are not your Instagram account or how many friends you have on Facebook. You are not your car, or house. In fact you are not your children, nor your friends, nor people you try to impress. To be authentic means to find the key to happiness and success within one’s self not within society. You have to have

the courage to be free of other’s opinions. “What you think of me is none of my business.” Have an authentic moment each day when you can connect with yourself with everything switched off around you – everything but your soul. There is no one to impress or appease. Then ask yourself, “Does the life I am living resonate with my inner being? Do I have the courage to live more authentically?” When you do this you will be happier, healthier and ultimately attract the life that you were meant to live.

Follow Rabbi Schochet at: Twitter: @RabbiYYS Facebook:


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Torah from Israel

21 JULY 2022

Pinchas: What is in a Name? In Israel Much More Than You Would Think BY RABBI MOSHE TARAGIN

The names we select are always symbolic, drawing from past memory, present experience, and future hopes. At the dawn of history, Adam carefully screened the natural world, and, in the first creative act of Man, assigned a name to each species. Throughout Tanach, parents designated names based upon their own struggles and triumphs, or based upon their dreams for their newly born child. Sometimes a single name is insufficient. Multifaceted characters such as Moshe, Dovid and Shlomo amassed a broad range of nicknames. Moshe went by at least seven names, each one capturing a different trait or quality. As they transition into new phases of their lives heroic personalities are renamed. As Avram embraces his universal role, he is renamed Avraham. When Ya’akov begins to surpass Esav, he is renamed Yisrael. Names, in Tanach and in life, matter.


Over the past thousand years the pool of Jewish names was primarily drawn from major characters in Tanach or renowned Jewish scholars. As it is a creative undertaking, naming will always be dynamic, and fresh names were always added to the pool. Languages such as Ladino and Yiddish, which merged Hebrew with foreign languages, supplied new choices to our reservoir of names. Additionally classic names were often altered into nicknames. By and large however, in the past, the pool of names remained relatively limited. Additionally, Jewish names were recycled throughout the generations, as children were named after their ancestors. Sephardic custom advocated naming after living relatives, whereas Ashkenzaim named only after those who have passed. Either way, naming a child “after” an ancestor preserved the family legacy, while providing historical continuity to the younger generation. In a culture which so deeply emphasizes tradition, naming after ancestors was always an effective way of connecting with our past masorah.


Our historic return to Israel has shifted numerus aspects of Jewish culture, including how we name our children. Life in Israel has provided new “horizons” for our religious and cultural experience, vastly expanding the pool of Jewish names. In the modern state of Israel, we are discovering new reservoirs of names.

In the diaspora, natural landscapes didn’t carry profound symbolism. Though they may have been aesthetically appealing, they weren’t “homemade”, and we didn’t expect to remain there forever. In Israel, nature and landscapes serve as semi-religious backdrops. Even a quick glance at Shir Hashirim reveals how central landscapes of Israel are to our relationship with Hashem. This allegory of our love with Hashem plays out across Israeli mountains, valleys, rivers and gardens. Having returned to these historic landscapes we have begun drawing names from Nature, such as Aviv, Erez, Shachar, Re’em, Ma’ayan, Ayelet, Tamar, Rimon and Kineret -just to name a few. The full roster of Tanach names has supplied an additional reservoir of novel Jewish names. For thousands of years, the book of Tanach was relatively neglected. As Christians appropriated Tanach, and theologically distorted its meaning, we retreated from its study, focusing instead upon the oral tradition. Thankfully, with our return to our land, we have also returned to the book of land and of history. Please G-d, in two weeks, I will be participating in a Tanach study week in the Gush, which typically attracts over 5000 participants. As part of this rediscovery of Tanach, names are being taken from lesser-known personalities and objects in Tanach such as Ehud, Assaf, Yoav, Bat Galim, Noga and Yakira- again just to cite a small sampling. A third, newly discovered reservoir of names, stems from the massive historical process which has been launched. We are authoring the final chapters of history while we are surging to a final state of redemption. Many names – especially women’s names- distill these redemptive hopes and dreams, such as Tikva, Geulah, Emunah, Tzofia, and Techiya.


In addition to the new names based upon Israeli landscapes, Tanach figures, and redemptive dreams, our return to Israel has also emboldened us to include Hashem in our naming. Parshat Pinchas describes the names of the various households, each of which inserted the name of Hashem into their own “labels”. For example, the house of Chanoch, son of Reuven, was listed as “Ha’Chanochi”, by adding the letter “heh” beforehand, and the letter “yud” afterward. The prefix of “heh” and the suffix of “yud” form the name of Hashem (yud-heh). Inserting Hashem into a name, is a bold demonstration of religious confidence

and signals our intimate relationship with Hashem. This custom, more or less faded, and throughout history the name of Hashem rarely factored in human names. Now that we have returned to our homeland and have rebuilt our relationship with Hashem, these names are, once again popular. Names such as Adiel, Uriel, Aviad, Eliav, Avishai, Talya, Amalya, and Hodaya all reflect a renewed confidence in conjugating our names with Hashem’s name.


Every revolution challenges us to merge the new with the old. By definition, revolutions introduce new paradigms, implying that past conventions are outdated. These novel names feel fresh and contemporary, reflecting our renewed historical opportunity. However, living through this shift many are less likely to name their children after past relatives. For many, those ancestral names feel too starched and too formal, and they don’t convey the revitalization of our national spirit. Naming in the modern world of the state of Israel challenges us to adopt this new spirit, while still preserving our links to past generations. It is not always that easy. This dilemma is reflective of the general challenges of living through the historical shift in Israel. Religious identity outside


of Israel rests squarely upon preserving past traditions. Masorah shapes personal identity and communal policy. Life in Israel is more multi-variabled, as we navigate uncharted territory. We have never lived through a redemptive process, and it poses unforeseen questions. How can we respond to a historical revolution while still identifying with past traditions? Jewish history did not begin in 1948, but for many Israelis it sometimes appears that way. Transitioning through history isn’t easy, and this dilemma is “stressing” many who do move to Israel. Adults are generally more adept at fusing the new world to the old one, but children often view past traditions as outworn and obsolete. Naming “policies” reflect a more general “existential” challenge to live through historical rebirth while still rooting ourselves to the past. It sometimes feels like an obstacle course, but we are fortunate that we have been chosen to cross it. For our ancestors, the future was shadowy, so they looked squarely to the past. We are lucky to be standing between past and future. The writer is a rabbi at Yeshivat Har Etzion/Gush, a hesder yeshiva. He has smicha and a BA in computer science from Yeshiva University as well as a masters degree in English literature from the City University of New York.


21 JULY 2022

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Weekly Dvar Torah F R O M E R E TZ Y I S R A E L

Intellectual and emotional transmission of Torah BY RABBI SHALOM ROSNER

In this week’s parasha, there is a formulation that appears only once in the Torah. The Torah states: “Moshe spoke to the L-rd saying” (Bamidbar 27:15). Typically, a verse would state that G-d spoke with Moshe. In this instance, Moshe initiated the contact. The verse stresses that Moshe spoke to Hashem. After being informed that he will only see but not enter the Land of Israel, Moshe asks Hashem to appoint a successor. Once again, we witness Moshe’s greatness. Rather than considering his own needs and desires as he nears his departure from this world, he first and foremost expresses his concern about the future of Am Yisrael. Moshe specifically requests that Hashem select a leader for the nation so that they not wander like “sheep without a shepherd”. The language used is: katzon asher ayn lahem ro’eh which translates the same in English as katzon le’lo ro’eh. Why the addition of the term asher ayn lahem – “that they lack”?

The Lekach Tov explains that this choice of words is to underscore that a leader’s main concern needs to be with the interests of the people (lahem), not their personal interests. Hashem responds by informing Moshe that indeed Yehoshua will be his successor. In verse 18, Hashem instructs Moshe “you shall lay your hand upon him”. Yet, when Moshe appoints Yehoshua, it states: “He laid his hands upon him” (verse 23). The instruction was to do smicha, to lay with one hand, yet Moshe used two hands. It may seem trivial, yet, Rav Yosef Soloveitchik (Masoret HaRav) derives an important message from this distinction. The Rav explains in verse 20 that Hashem instructs Moshe to not only appoint Yehoshua but also “you shall bestow some of

your majesty (hod) upon him”. This “majesty” was figuratively imparted via Moshe’s second hand. There are two mesorot, traditions, that Moshe transferred to Yehoshua. One is the tradition of learning Torah. The second (hod) was experiential. For example, one can learn the laws of Shabbat yet not truly comprehend the unique and special aspect of Shabbat. To truly understand Shabbat, one has to experience it. Yehoshua was selected not only because of his intellectual pursuit of Torah but rather because he never left Moshe’s side, as is stated: “His attendant, Yehoshua Bin-Nun, a lad, would not depart from the tent” (Shemot 33:11). Yehoshua learned from the way

Yehoshua was selected not only because of his intellectual pursuit of Torah but rather because he never left Moshe’s side


Moshe spoke to others, prayed, and conducted himself on a daily basis. It is interesting to note that Yehoshua is often referred to as lad (na’ar) even though he was clearly in his fifties! He had the attitude of a na’ar, someone willing to learn and absorb from every act of his rebbe. Therefore, Yehoshua merited two mesorot, the mesorah of the mind and the mesorah of the heart – transmitted via Moshe’s two hands. Our task is to be able to transmit these two mesorot to our students and children. Torah is not just an intellectual pursuit, but one that has to pierce the heart and emotions of an individual. Like Moshe, we need to serve as a personal example and do all we can in order to convey the emotional as well as the intellectual beauty of the Torah. Rabbi Shalom Rosner is a Rebbe at Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh and Rabbi of the Nofei HaShemesh community. He is a member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau (www.

“God said to Moshe saying, ‘the daughters of Tzelofchad speak properly… You shall cause the inheritance of their father to pass over to them’” (Bemidbar 27:6-7)

Sidra Summary 2ND ALIYA (LEVI) – 26:5-51

The main descendants of each tribe are listed, as well as the overall number within each tribe, as counted in the census. When detailing the tribe of Reuven, the Torah recalls that Datan and Aviram were from this tribe and that the ground swallowed them in Korach’s rebellion. The overall census number is 601,730.

3RD ALIYA (SHLISHI) – 26:52-27:5 1ST ALIYA (KOHEN) – BEMIDBAR 25:10-26:4

G-d tells Moshe that Pinchas, Aharon’s grandson, is to become a Kohen in recognition of his righteous actions in stopping the public display of immorality described at the end of last week’s sidra. The names of the two offenders are given – Zimri from the tribe of Shimon and Kozbi, a Midianite princess. G-d commands Moshe to smite the Midianites as retribution for luring the Israelites into idol worship and immorality. Moshe and Elazar, the Kohen Gadol, are told to take a census of men above the age of 20. Point to Consider: Why was Pinchas not already considered a Kohen if he was a grandson of Aharon? (see Rashi to 25:13)

G-d tells Moshe to apportion the Land to those counted in the census. The tribes with more people will receive proportionally more land area. Although this distribution was calculated mathematically, it was carried out through Elazar drawing lots, guided by Divine inspiration (Rashi). The main Levite families, who were not included in the census, are listed. They number 23,000 males above the age of one month. No one who was included in the first census when the Israelites left Egypt is included in this census, as they had died in the desert, apart from Yehoshua (Joshua) and Calev. The five daughters of Tzelofchad, a descendant of Menashe, ask Moshe to be given their deceased father’s share in the Land, as they have no brothers to inherit him. Moshe consults G-d about their request.

4TH ALIYA (REVI’I) – 27:6-23

G-d declares that Tzelofchad’s daughters

are justified in their request and that, in the absence of sons, daughters are to inherit their father. Other hierarchical inheritance rights are stated. G-d tells Moshe to ascend Mount Avarim and look at the Land of Cana’an from afar, reminding him that he will not come into the Land because of his mistake of hitting the rock (see Bemidbar 20:9-12). Moshe asks G-d to appoint a new leader. G-d tells him to appoint Yehoshua, which Moshe does, in the presence of Elazar and the Sanhedrin (Rashi).

5TH ALIYA (CHAMISHI) – 28:1-15

G-d instructs Moshe to tell the Israelites to bring the twice-daily tamid (continual) offering, consisting of a male lamb, together with a flour offering mixed with oil and a wine libation. The additional Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh offerings are detailed.


6TH ALIYA (SHISHI) – 28:16-29:11

The special offerings for Pesach, Shavuot, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are also detailed.

7TH ALIYA (SHEVI’I) – 29:12-30:1

The Torah details the many extra offerings brought during Succot, including 70 bulls. Shemini Atzeret, the day after Succot, has its own set of offerings.


Taken from the start of the book of Yirmiyahu (Jeremiah), this haftarah is the first of the three ‘haftarot of tribulation’ read in the build-up to Tisha B’Av. The prophet is told by G-d that an invader will come ‘from the north’ to attack Jerusalem, as happened at the time of the destruction of the First Temple, because of the sinfulness of its inhabitants.

21 JULY 2022

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Hearing within the Darkness BY RABBI SHMUEL REICHMAN

When Yaakov Avinu is finally reunited with Yosef after twenty-two years of separation, in what can only be imagined as an intensely emotional scene, Yaakov embraces Yosef, sobbing on his neck (Bereishis 46:29). Rashi, quoting the Midrash, explains that as Yaakov embraced Yosef for the first time in twenty-two years, he was saying k’rias Shema. What is the meaning of this? Why not wait until after this joyful and emotional reunion with his long-lost son to pray? The answer often given is that Yaakov was overcome by intense emotion and wanted to channel this emotion toward Hashem through reciting k’rias Shema. However, there may be a deeper layer here as well. This practice of reciting Shema at seemingly puzzling moments occurs once again, later in the Torah. Before Yaakov’s death, he gathers his children to his bedside and attempts to tell them when and how Mashiach (the ultimate redemption) will eventually come (Bereishis 49:1). However, as the Gemara explains, at that very moment, Yaakov lost access to his nevuah (prophecy) and was unable to reveal this secret. When this happened, he was gripped by fear, worried that perhaps his inability to share his prophetic knowledge was due to a spiritual deficiency in one of his children; perhaps one of his children was not worthy of receiving this information. Immediately, in order to relieve this concern, the Shevatim (tribes) declared in unison, “Shema Yisrael, Hashem Elokeinu, Hashem Echad!” Only after this declaration did Yaakov understand that his inability to see the keitz ha’yamim (the days of Mashiach) was not due to a lack in his children but rather because Hashem did not want to reveal these secrets at this point in time. Yaakov then proclaimed out loud, “Baruch shem kevod malchuso le’olam va’ed.” (Pesachim 56a) What is the meaning of this exchange? How did the brothers assuage Yaakov’s concerns by reciting Shema? How did this prove that there was no lack in his children? In order to address these questions, let us delve into the spiritual concepts of seeing and hearing.


The spiritual concept of seeing is the idea of observing something as it is, i.e., in a completely static state, lacking any movement. When you see a picture, you grasp the entire image instantaneously. There’s no process of constructing or building the picture in your mind; everything is just there, at once, without any effort. The spiritual concept of hearing, in comparison, reflects a process; a movement through time; an evolutionary

progression; one of effort, concentration, and organization of parts. When you hear someone else speaking, you must collect all the pieces of sound together and then reconstruct them into a connected picture within your mind so that you can grasp their meaning. (When you read a sentence or witness a process, you are experiencing the spiritual concept of “hearing,” despite the fact that you are using your “eyes.”) Hearing is a process of creating oneness out of fragmented parts. When you listen to someone talk, one word by itself lacks meaning and is forgotten. If you hear another few words, it still means nothing and fades to memory. The words from the past exist in a pool of knowledge and memory in your mind. You wait until the end of the sentence to give shape and meaning to the pool of words that created that sentence. When you finally finish listening to the sentence, you must then reach back into your memory and look at the sentence as a whole; only then does it gain meaning and clarity. Speech exists only within time, where there’s a sequence of one word after another. If someone spoke all the words at once, you wouldn’t hear anything; it would just be noise. [At Matan Torah, Hashem originally spoke all ten dibros at once. This is because Hashem does not exist within time, so in that case, speech as well did not exist within time.] Thus, listening entails gathering disparate pieces into oneness. This is why the word Shema, which means “listen,” also means to “gather,” as we see when the pasuk says “Va’yeshama Shaul es ha’am” (Shmuel I 15:4). This can’t mean that Shaul “heard” the nation before war; it means that Shaul “gathered” the nation before war to prepare for battle.

Yaakov’s concern by reciting Shema? Shema represents the idea of creating oneness out of disparate parts, just like listening involves gathering all the different words and pieces into a collective whole. At first, Yaakov was concerned that there was a lack in his children as individuals, but this concern was alleviated once he was assured of their spiritual purity. However, even once it was clear to Yaakov that there was no lack in his children, he thought that perhaps they were only pure as individuals, but not as a unit, as a collective whole. In other words, maybe they were twelve independent and separate Shevatim, unable to unite and harmonize as a single, cohesive unit. The brothers therefore proclaimed, “Shema Yisrael.” We, the twelve Shevatim of Klal Yisrael, are united as a collective whole; “Hashem Elokeinu Hashem Echad.” Just like Hashem is absolute oneness, so too we are a single nation, a collective whole. With this, it became clear that Yaakov did not lose his nevuah due to a lack in his children as individuals or due to a lack in their unity, but rather that Hashem had chosen not to reveal these secrets at this point in time. The question is, why did Hashem not want the Shevatim to know the timing and details of Mashiach? Hashem did not want to eliminate our


We can now return to our original questions. Why did Yaakov recite Shema as he embraced Yosef, instead of fully experiencing this emotional reunion? The answer is that he did fully experience this emotional reunion precisely through his recitation of Shema! Shema represents the concept of process, of hearing in the darkness, of recognizing that one day all the pieces will come together. By saying Shema, Yaakov was expressing his recognition that all the years of darkness and pain that he experienced were ultimately leading toward this moment of revelation and clarity (Maharal, Gur Aryeh, Bereishis 46:29). This also explains why the brothers responded to Yaakov by proclaiming Shema. To eliminate Yaakov’s concerns, they declared in unison, “Shema Yisrael, Hashem Elokeinu, Hashem Echad.” Only after this declaration did Yaakov understand that his inability to see the keitz ha’yamim was not due to a lack in his children, but rather because Hashem did not want to reveal these secrets at this point in time. How did the Shevatim eliminate



free will; He wanted us to live in a world where we have to listen! To hear in the darkness, to build toward Mashiach, without knowing when, where, or how it will take place; to embark on a genuine journey of “Shema Yisrael.” Rabbi Shmuel Reichman is a bestselling author, international speaker, and the CEO of Self-Mastery Academy. He has lectured internationally on topics of Torah thought, Jewish medical ethics, psychology, and leadership. His bestselling book, The Journey to Your Ultimate Self, serves as an inspiring gateway into deeper Jewish thought. He is also a business, executive, and leadership coach and consultant, with a unique approach based on Torah values. After obtaining his BA from Yeshiva University, he received Semicha from Yeshiva University’s RIETS, a master’s degree in education from Azrieli Graduate School, and a master’s degree in Jewish Thought from Bernard Revel Graduate School. He then spent a year studying at Harvard as an Ivy Plus Scholar. He currently lives in Chicago with his wife and son where he is pursuing a PhD at the University of Chicago. To enjoy more of Rabbi Reichman’s content, to contact him, or to learn more about his services, visit his website:


21 JULY 2022

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Pinchas Pinchas Word Seach Previously on the Parsha, Zimri the prince of Shimon did an aveirah with a Midyanii princess Kozbi. Moshe and the leaders were too shocked and forgot the law. Pinchas grabbed a spear and killed them ending the plague Hashem was sending in response. The problem is Zimri is not just any random bad guy off the street; he is a Nassi, a Prince of Israel, and the leader of his tribe. Pinchas, on the other hand, is a descendant of Yitro on his mother’s side. Yitro was an idol worshipper before Moshe came along. How can the descendant of an idol worshipper kill a Nassi? The tribe of Shimon are ready to murder Pinchas!! In Hashem’s name, Moshe declares that Pinchas has single-handedly saved the Jews from a plague that would have wiped out all of Bnei Yisrael. Not only was Pinchas right about killing Zimri but he has earned extra points for quick thinking and taking personal risk. Thanks to Pinchas a great Chillul Hashem has been avoided. Pinchas also gets long life, so long he gets a new title you may have heard of, Eliyahu Hanavi, Elijah who never dies? A census of the people counts 601,730 men between the ages of twenty and sixty. Moses is instructed on how the Land is to be divided by lottery among the tribes and families of Israel. Serach bas Asher, Yaakov's granddaughter whom he blessed with long life is still around and in fact she makes it to the promised land! The five daughters of Tzelafchad turn up at Moshe’s tent-step with a conundrum. Their father

Tzelafchad was the one who chopped wood on Shabbos and was put to death. If the land is divided among the men, what about them? They want the portion of the land belonging to their father, who died without sons; G‑d accepts their claim and it becomes part of Torah’s laws of inheritance. Moshe knows he will die when Klal Yisrael enter the land and that’s not too far off. He is concerned that the Bnei Yisroel needs a leader to take his place - one who has courage and is wise. Hashem appoints Yehoshua, Moshe’s faithful student. Moshe puts his hand on his shoulders and passes on the spirit of G-d and teaches him some super, secret cool mystical kabbalah stuff. The Parshah concludes with a detailed list of the daily offerings, and the additional offerings brought on Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh (first of the month), and the festivals of Passover, Shavuot, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Shemini Atzeret). Every day, morning and afternoon, a special korban on behalf of the whole nation is offered. It’s called the Tamid. Shabbos and Rosh Chodesh have extra special Tamidim. Sadly we don’t have a Temple anymore, and we are now in the three weeks of mourning for it. But we have one thing instead – prayer. Hashem really, really wants to hear what you have to say, especially children. So go ahead, He understands every language, can hear the quietest whispers, is never busy and always gets what you mean.

Tangram Challenge! Using all the shapes on the right can you build the building shape on the right?



















































































































































21 JULY 2022


TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488

Football Fever

earlier in the year. One phrase jumped out at him: ‫ ִה ְׁש ַּת ֵ ּדל לִ ְהיֹות ִא ׁיש‬,‫אֹומר ְּוב ָמקֹום ֶׁש ֵאין ֲא ִׁנָשים‬ ֵ ‫הּוא ָהיָ ה‬


pm tomorrow! I can’t wait!” whispered Elazar to Chaim, just as the teacher dismissed the class. “What do you mean?” said Chaim as he packed up his bag. He wanted to get home to learn with his Abba before bedtime. “How can you not know about the football game?” Elazar said in surprise. David chimed in from the seat behind, “Are you not going to watch the football? England against Switzerland this Tuesday at 5pm.” “I’m watching with my father.” Yehuda chipped in as he passed by. They all finished packing their bags, everyone but Chaim discussing who they thought would win the game and how excited they were to watch it. Chaim felt a bit left out, he wasn’t really interested in football. Also 5pm Tuesday was the time he needed to be home in order to have supper and learn with his Abba, he didn’t have time for football. The next day in school it seemed like Chaim was the only one not talking about football.

“So,” said Elazar to him at lunch break, “Who are you watching the football with tonight? Isn’t it so exciting?” “I’m not,” replied Chaim. “I’m learning with my Abba tonight. We always learn on Tuesday nights.” Elazar started laughing, “Chaim’s so frum, Chaim’s so frum,” he chanted. The other boys in the playground started to join in with him, “Chaim’s so frum, Chaim’s so frum.” Chaim felt so embarrassed and ashamed he ran inside to his classroom, where he sat with his head in his hands. He wondered whether he was doing the right thing. Maybe

Word Wheel The goal of a word wheel puzzle is to create as many words possible with the letters in the word wheel. Each word must contain at least three letters. You can only use each letter once and every word must have the letter in the centre of the wheel.

m s t

Use this area to write the words you have found.

e l



he should just watch the football game, like all of his friends. Then he wouldn’t be laughed at. He would also be able to take part in all those football conversations and would not feel left out. He could ask Abba for one night off from their learning schedule, couldn’t he? A few minutes later, he had decided. He was going to tell his Abba he wanted to watch the football game instead of learning tonight. He raised his head, ready to get up from his seat, when his eyes fell on the Pirkei Avos wall he and his classmates had put up

He [Rabban Gamaliel] used to say: In a place where there are no humans, strive to be a human! Their teacher had given an explanation that this phrase means doing the right thing, even when everyone else was not. Chaim suddenly realised he was changing himself to fit in with his friends! This was not what he thought was the right thing for himself to do. Chaim stood up. He felt stronger and happier than ever. He knew exactly what he was going to do. The next day Chaim came into the classroom to the sounds of his friends catching up on the football. Yossi caught his eye and came over to him. “Chaim, thank you for standing up to everyone yesterday. It was amazing how you told them that you were sticking to your normal learning schedule instead of watching the football game. Because of you, I don’t feel embarrassed that I don’t know anything about the football game today. You were so brave.” Chaim smiled as he made his way over to his desk. It had been a hard choice to make, but it had definitely been worth it.

i i

Last week’s words: Here are some words you may have found from last week - you may have found more! ate eat eel lea let lie net sea see

set tea tee ten tie ante ease east eats

eels else isle lane late lean lens lent less

lets lies line neat nest nets sale sane sate

seal seas seat seen sees sent sets site tale

teal teas teen tees tens ties tile tine aisle

alien asset eaten isles lanes leans lease least lines


nests sales seals seats sense sites slate sleet stale

steal steel tales tease teens tense tiles aisles assent

easels enlist entail insets leases lenses lessen listen silent

slates tassel easiest enlists entails leanest listens lateness essential


21 JULY 2022

TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488

Q: What’s worse than finding a worm in your apple? A: Finding half a worm. Q: Did you hear about the new restaurant on the moon? A: The food was good, but there really wasn’t much atmosphere. Q: What kind of dinosaur loves to sleep? A: A stega-snore-us.

(Answers at the bottom of page upside down)

1. I build up castles. I tear down mountains. I make some men blind, I help others to see. What am I?

3. What gets wetter as it dries?

Q: What do you call a group of disorganised cats? A: A cat-tastrophe.

2. The cost of making only the maker knows, Valueless if bought, but sometimes traded. A poor man may give one as easily as a king. When one is broken pain and deceit are assured.What is it?

3) A towel

2) A promise 1. Sand

1. Good intentions 2. In complete control 3. Chat forums


4. Three piece suite 5. Cash on delivery 6. Don’t answer back

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Remember Jteen is confidential and anonymous and is available for anyone between the ages of 11-20. We can't see your number and we won't ask for your name. Rabbinical board led by: Rabbi S.F Zimmerman (Federation Beis Din) and Rabbi S Winegarten.

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