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Letters to the Editor

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Why I Cherish Being Jewish

Dear Sir

I hope that the attached poem might be published in this coming week’s edition of THE JEWISH WEEKLY.

Yours sincerely

JD Milaric

Getting one day off out of every seven – so once a week Shabbat and everything that it means and entails is unique

Our many festivals, with many days off, throughout the year That we are enjoined to enjoy and have fun with is very clear

Our own language, which is Biblical Hebrew, for women and men In which we can, and if able to we invariably do, pray to Hashem And in the modern-day, the modern language of Ivrit to converse in And Script – modern Hebrew which is used by some for writing

The wonderful, historical and present-day culture and sense of humour So quintessentially Jewish being imbued with them is a great honour Perhaps most importantly of all might be our, Ingrained belief that we’ll always have a future

Our well-honed, and known, penchant for consuming lots of food And to a lesser extent – drink which helps us to be in a good mood Especially what is often termed, “Jewish food.” Not to eat it – well that would surely be rude

Being part of such a small group of people – today, we apparently number Just 0.2% of the global population – in a World in which we continually prosper And in our lifetime, surely we are all so fortunate To have our midst, our Homeland – the Israeli State

Being Jewish, if you wish, feel free to disagree with me

Against 4♥, West led the queen of diamonds. Declarer played low from dummy, won in hand and, after drawing trumps ending in hand, he led a club to the jack. East took this with the king and shifted to the queen of spades. Declarer played low from hand and East continued with the jack of spades. Declarer covered with the king but then West took this with the ace and cashed the ten of spades to defeat the contract by one trick.

That was unlucky - both finesses lost. I was a 3:1 favourite to make,”ť declarer cried.

“Luck had nothing to do with the outcome,” said a somewhat-miffed partner “All you had to do was to let the queen of diamonds win the first trick. If West shifts to a club, rise with the ace, draw two rounds of trumps with the ace and king before cashing the ace of diamonds. Then, after crossing to dummy with a trump, you can throw your losing club on the king of diamonds before leading the queen of clubs. When East covers with the king you ruff and then return to dummy with a trump to cash the jack of clubs. Either way you make ten tricks: 6 trumps,2 diamonds and 2 clubs and your Spade king was always protected since Eat could not get in”.

Dummy continued, “If East played low on the queen of clubs, you throw a low spade from hand. Either the queen of clubs wins or West wins the trick with the king, but that would still leave your king of spades protected on 3 sides”.

You may after reading this have an, two or even three Opinion(s) – that would be normal After all for most Jewish people

You may now contemplate what you appreciate If you so do, about being a member of The Faith

As this week comes to an end and Shabbat approaches I wish a Shabbat shalom to all Jewish friends and families

When A Fish Looks Like A Duck

Dear Sir

I had great difficulty in making a fish in the Tangram Challenge last week, but I managed to make a lovely duck !!!

Yours sincerely

Brian Cohen

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