It’s all red, white and blue
Edgware playgroup celebrate the Jubilee
Celebrations took place at Toddlers playgroup in Edgware for the Queen’s platinum Jubilee. The children made pictures of the
31 MAY 2022
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Queen, flags and decorated their crowns with gem stones. The theme was red, white and blue. They even had scones and jam.
Football came home for Sacks Morasha
Laurence completes Norwood trek Laurence Smith has commeeting his needs, but enpleted an eight-day 175 mile suring his likes and wants are walk along Scotland’s West respected. Jeremy celebratHighland Way and Great ed his 30th birthday recently Glen Way. with a fabulous party thrown He has so far raised more by his Norwood family, with than half of his £5,000 fundnot one but two cakes. It’s the little things like that which raising target, and is continuing to receive donations. mean a huge amount to me The challenge saw him camp as a parent and give me faith outdoors, carrying his equipand trust in everything that ment weighing 13kg on the Norwood does.” way, and trek across the He added, “Carers receive Highlands to raise vital funds very little recognition for for Norwood. the incredible work they do, Laurence was inspired by but this is my way of shining the care his son Jeremy re- Laurence Smith’s Norwood trek a light on their dedication. ceives in Norwood’s Adult When I saw Cesar, Jeremy’s Residential Services. He walked from carer, I told him ‘I am doing this walk beMilgavnie just north of Glasgow, along cause of you, and as long as I’m able to the bank of Loch Lomond, via Glencoe do these kinds of challenges I’ll keep on and Fort William, along the Loch Ness doing them’.” into Inverness, walking 22 miles a day on Laurence wore a t-shirt during the challenge which artwork his son designed average without any rest days. Laurence says of his motivation for tak- using EyeGaze technology provided by ing on the challenge, “There’s basic care Norwood. taking need of someone’s medical and Norwood helps children and families in safeguarding needs. But my wife and I crisis to anyone of any age with learning always wanted more than that for our son disabilities or autism. The charity touches Jeremy and Norwood shared in our vision the lives of thousands of people every year for him. The care that Norwood offers is with support of the community including several levels above standard care. We Gifts in Wills enabling them to continue know that the people caring for him treat vital work. him as an individual and strive to support Donations: https://www.justgiving.com/ him to live his best possible life, not only fundraising/laurence-smith5
A new Kinyan Hamesechta was formed in Manchester, led by Reb Moishe Akiva Brandeis at Ohr Yerushalayim. It meets daily at 6.30am.
Sacks Morasha brings it home
Sacks Morasha A team were the winners of the Maccabi GB inter school football tournament on Wednesday afternoon. The tournament which took place at Trent Park included teams from Jewish primary schools across North West London and Hertfordshire. Sacks Morasha beat Alma
Primary school in the final to take home the trophy. Y6 teacher Mrs Slavin who came to support said “This was the first time the school has won the tournament and we are so proud of both the A and B teams. We are equally proud of their positive attitude and fair sportsmanship too.”
Greater Manchester Police brought in the Army Bomb Disposal team to make safe a cache of weapons found buried on Kersal Moor in the heart of the Jewish community in Salford. Several residents including some Jewish families had to be evacuated. All ended peacefully.
Bomb Squad on Heathlands Road Kersal Moor Salford late Friday afternoon
Reb Moishe Akiva Brandies speaking at the launch of Kinyan Hamasechta
Pajes hold Wellbeing event PaJeS held an online Wellbeing & Me session last month for over 550 parents. Dr Tara Porter, a clinical psychologist and writer, led the ‘Understanding girls: managing anxiety, navigating friendships and striving for perfection’ event. Porter evaluated girls experiences today compared to the past, mental health challenges and the environment they grow up in. Differences included technological changes related to social media, expectations regarding education and workplace, global connectedness and competition. Porter encouraged the audience to
think about how family, friends, school, community and wider society impact youngsters as each can affect anxiety. She offered suggestions to cope with anxiety rather than try fix or exacerbate a problem, spoke about the importance of empathic listening and to avoid giving advice to solve problems. Porter also answered questions on managing exam stress, peer pressure, being a ‘good enough’ parent and drawing the line between listening and advising. Feedback was positive and further events are planned.