The Jewish Weekly Issue 255 - November 3rd

Page 20

Bibi’s back!

Benjamin Netanyahu is heading towards a stunning victory in the Israeli elections.

Likud’s leader appears set to have a major ity in the 120 seat Knesset. With 87% of votes counted a pro Netanyahu bloc could hold as many as 65 seats at the time of going to press.

According to polls this morning Likud will win 32 seats ahead of Prime Minister Yair Lapid’s Yesh Atid Party on 24 and Religious Zionist Party with 14. Predictions have the National Unity Party on 12, Shas 11, United Torah Judaism 8, Yisrael Beitenu, Ra’am and Hadash-Ta’al 5, and Labour Party 4. Meretz, Balad and Jewish Home have not passed the electoral threshold. Should Meretz or Bland garner enough votes, it would hit Ne tanyahu’s prospects.

Remaining votes should be declared by tomorrow. The Central Elec

leaders to hear recommendations for a gov erning coalition with Netanyahu tasked to agree a cabinet. He has said Likud would hold finance and defence portfolios.

Despite facing ongoing corruption charges, which he has continually denied, the former Israel Prime Minister looks set to extend his 15-year record breaking run as PM. He was

Speaking in Jerusalem on Tuesday night, after Israel’s fifth elections in three years, Net anyahu called for supporters to have patience. He said: “We have received a huge vote of confidence and are on the verge of a very big victory.” However, he sounded caution, noting: “Until the last envelope is counted,

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Benjamin Netanyahu PHOTO: SHUTTERSTOCK
Israeli unofficial General Election results are in. James Marlow give a full analysis. See pages 8-9

Lebanon as he stated last week Lapid did not have a mandate to give away ‘sovereign assets’ to an enemy state.

Lebanese caretaker PM Najib Mikati has said the US guarantees the accord whoever is Israeli leader.

Lapid said it was the job of the govern ment to “heal Israeli society’s wounds and not worsen them”. He added, “We will con tinue to fight for an Israel that is Jewish and democratic.”

Far-right MK Itamar Ben-Gvir’s Re ligious Zionism Party backs building of settlements.

Ben Gvir claimed his party represented

secular, Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox.

Likud will join with the Religious Zionist Party and two ultra-Orthodox parties to form a coalition.

National Unity Party leader Benny Gantz has not ruled out sitting with Netanyahu and called for a political map bringing all parts of society together.

Gantz’ inclusion in a coalition would temper ultra-Orthodox influence.

Voter turnout appears to be 71 per cent, 4% more than the last election.

NJA chairman Gary Mond offered con gratulations. Mond called on Netanyahu to take steps in Israel’s “best interest without allowing entities outside Israel to influence him”.

A teenage girl from Stamford Hill is in a critical condition with ‘life-threatening in juries’ after a double decker bus crash on Monday evening in Stamford Hill.

A second girl, also 14, is believed to be improving after being injured in a horrify ing incident.

Police were called at 5pm on Monday after reports of a collision involving a bus and motorcyclist at the junction of Amhurst Park and Stamford Hill in north London.

Police sealed off the area and are investi gating circumstances of the incident.

Police said that the girls were injured when a route 76 bus struck a traffic light pole which fell on to the girls. Emergency services were called and transported the girls to hospital.

The United Kingdom will have two Prime Ministers at COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt which opens on Sunday.

Rishi Sunak will now attend after stating he was too busy preparing for the budget on November 17 to attend the event. He told PMQs he would deliver on Glasgow’s legacy of building a “secure, clean and sus tainable future”.

Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he would attend on Tuesday, President Isaac Herzog hosted Israel’s

delegation yesterday. He is expected to lead the mission of ministers, climate experts and academics. Herzog has established the Israeli Climate Forum.

He said: “I see an unparalleled oppor tunity in this delegation to make a firm statement about the magnitude of the chal lenge, to present our accomplishments and capabilities and of course to extend a hand to our neighbours and partners so that we may fight together for the future of Planet Earth and of our environment.”

The route is operated by Go Ahead London.

A London Ambulance spokesperson said: “We were called at 5:11pm today (31 October) to reports of an incident at Stamford Hill, N16. We sent a number of resources to the scene including an ambu lance crew, a medic in a fast response car and an incident response officer. We also dispatched London’s Air Ambulance by car. Two people were treated at the scene. We took one to a major trauma centre as a priority and one was taken to hospital by a

The Mayor of Hackney, Philip Glanville, tweeted: “Awful to hear about this accident tonight in Stamford Hill, first thoughts with those injured in the accident and all those from the community and emergency ser vices who went to help them.”

A spokesperson from Transport for Lon don said: “We are determined to continue working towards eliminating death and serious injury from London's transport network.”

Prayers are being said for Chana Leah bas Toiba and Toiba bas Necha Tzorta Leah, b’soch sha’ar cholei yisrael.

Hatzola ambulance crew.”
WHAT’S INSIDE THIS WEEK 04 News 15 Opinion 16 Games 18 Community 26 Feature 28 Cookery 30 Judaism 36 Kids 38 Youth The Jewish Weekly London tel. 0203 906 8488 Manchester tel. 0161 804 1321 DISTRIBUTED IN: UNITED KINGDOM: LONDON, MANCHESTER, LEEDS, BOURNEMOUTH, GATESHEAD, BIRMINGHAM, LIVERPOOL BELGIUM: ANTWERP WHAT’S INSIDE THIS WEEKThe Jewish Weekly London tel. 0203 906 8488 Manchester tel. 0161 804 1321 Learnmishnah4u I am available to learn Shisha Sidrei Mishnah or any Mesechta, Leilui Nishmas someone to be completed by the yarzheit. Completion of: One Mesechta £50 Shisha Sidrei Mishna £3150 Available for short notice shloshim etc for extra fee Please contact Shraggi Engelstein Tel: 07731371382 continued from page 1 Stamford Hill teen girl ‘critical’ after horrific bus crash Stamford Hill bus accident Sunak, Johnson and Herzog at COP27 For more information, please visit our website or call our office 020 8381 4901 | | #peaceofmind #jliving Enabling independent living. Life is for jLiving jLiving is the largest provider of sheltered housing to the Jewish community in the UK Letters 18 Games 20 Community 26 Judaism 30 Family Fun 32 Sport 34 Expert Advice 36 Cookery

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NJA launches ‘youth’ wingNUS President dismissed

The National Union of Students has dis missed its President Shaima Dallali fol lowing a disciplinary investigation.

The Union of Jewish Students has wel comed the decision but questioned why Dallali was elected.

The NUS’ decision follows an initial in dependent investigation by Rebecca Tuck KC.

Dallali, a former President of the Stu dents’ Union at City, University of Lon don, made national headlines when she became the first NUS President to be sus pended in the 100-year-old organisation’s history amidst accusations of antisemi tism and homophobia.

In a statement following NUS’ decision to dismiss their President, UJS respected the decision of the NUS to dismiss Dallali.

“Antisemitism in the student movement goes beyond the actions of any one indi vidual and this case is a symptom of a wid er problem,” UJS stated. “Jewish students across the country will be asking how an individual deemed unfit for office by NUS was elected in the first place. We await the findings of the substantive inquiry into NUS’ treatment of Jewish students.”

During her election, Dallali was criti cised for past antisemitic posts on social media including referencing a massacre of Jews in 628 CE. Dallali apologised for the tweet arguing she was now “a different


Dallali labelled the Jordanian cleric Dr Waseem Yousef a “dirty Zionist” in 2021 after he criticised Hamas for its actions in Gaza. Dallali argued “resistance with weapons is a right and we must accept this”.

Dallali also described the cleric Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi as “the moral compass for the Muslim community at large” in an article published in November 2018.

Al-Qaradawi was previously barred from entering the UK and holds pro-Holocaust views.

Discussing the Shoah, al Qaradawi said: “Throughout history, Allah has imposed upon the Jews people who would pun ish them for their corruption ... The last punishment was carried out by Hitler. By means of all the things he did to them –even though they exaggerated this issue – he managed to put them in their place. This was divine punishment for them.”

When asked by The Tab in 2022 if she endorsed the views of al Qaradawi, Dallali did not comment.

The NUS is involved in an independent investigation by Tuck into wider claims of antisemitism.

Issues include whether the NUS make Jewish students feel ‘welcome, included and safe in NUS spaces, activities, and in elected roles’.

Treatment of Jewish students by NUS is being looked at since 2005.

The National Jewish Assembly is launching a dedicated youth wing.

The first meeting will be of Jewish Agency representatives on November 7.

Young NJA will be chaired by Michael Rowe, 22, who has worked across Jewish organisations.

He is currently a board member of West Midlands Friends of Israel and Birming ham World Jewish Relief.

Young NJA offers a platform for Jewish adults (aged 16-30) to develop a robust net work of like-minded people, attend events with high-quality speakers and develop advocacy skills to combat antisemitism and anti-Israel bias.

Members will have the opportunity to en gage with youth wings from other countries through NJA’s affiliation with international partners.

Rowe said: “Young British Jews need properly representing. For far too long, they have been presumed to be a homogeneous, left-leaning group. We want to change this mischaracterisation. We will seek to reform the representation of young British Jews. I encourage young Jews to join and help us in this mission.”

NJA chairman Gary Mond added: “Cur rent British Jewish youth groups, includ ing those who say they are Zionist, do not provide a clear and unmistakable message of support for Israel. Instead, they focus

on opposing Jewish youth groups visiting Judea and Samaria, and objecting to our government’s consideration of relocating the British embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

It is necessary for young Jews to have an opportunity to join a group which unequiv ocally supports Israel, including moving the embassy to Israel’s capital, fights anti semitism and promotes Jewish life.”

Membership is £10 and £5 for those in education.

Young NJA applications: product/membership/

Michael Rowe

Herzog condemns “vicious” Pelosi attack

President Isaac Herzog has condemned a “vicious” attack on the husband of US Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

Paul Pelosi, 82, is recuperating following surgery after being attacked with a hammer by an assailant who broke into the couple’s San Francisco home last Friday. The sus pect, David DePape, 42, was searching for the Democratic leader shouting, “Where is Nancy, where is Nancy?”

DePape was arrested on suspicion of at tempted murder, elder abuse and burglary, police said. According to reports, DePape has social media accounts with antisemitic memes, posts denying the Holocaust and references to far-right conspiracy theories.

Herzog met the Pelosis during a two-day state visit to Washington last week to dis cuss global and regional issues with Presi dent Joe Biden.

Israel’s president said he was “shocked by the vicious attack”. Herzog added “Attacks on elected officials and their families are attacks on democracy itself.”

Biden described the attack as “despica ble” and had no place in America.

“There’s too much violence, political vi olence, too much hatred, too much vitriol,” he said at a Democratic rally in Pennsyl vania in the immediate aftermath. “What makes us think it’s not going to corrode

the political climate? Enough is enough is enough.”

“Attacks on elected officials and their families are attacks on democracy itself,”

Biden added.

Pelosi was in Washington at the time of the assault 11 days before mid-term elections.

“This was intentional. And it’s wrong,” said San Francisco Police Chief William Scott.

Herzog met Pelosi, Secretary of State An tony Blinken, other US officials and Jewish community leaders in Washington.

Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer have invited Herzog to address a joint meeting of Congress as part of Israel’s 75th independence celebrations. A date has to be set.

The threat of Iran and its proxies topped the Washington agenda. Biden pledged that Iran will not acquire a nuclear weapon. The US’ commitment to Israel’s security remains steadfast.

The two leaders noted the US-Israel alli ance and welcomed the maritime bounda ry dispute between Israel and Lebanon that was due to be signed. Biden described the deal as an “extraordinary breakthrough” that would bring a “more stable and pros perous region”.

Biden called for a two-state solution in the Middle East while highlighting US support for Israel’s integration with the Arab world through the Negev summit. He also hailed Israel’s diplomatic relations with Turkey and condemned anti-Semitism including anti-Israel bias on international stage.

Herzog thanked Biden for support in the maritime agreement. As for antisemitism, he noted: “It’s a major issue, which we see as a main challenge on various frontiers all over the world. Clearly, as the nation-state of the Jewish people we care for our broth ers and sisters all over the world.”

Herzog was interviewed on ‘The Situa tion Room’ with Wolf Blitzer on CNN.

On Iran’s involvement in the Ukraine war, Herzog told Blitzer: “The fact that Iran,

following its activities in killing its own cit izens, in working towards nuclear weapons endlessly, endangering the entire world and the region, and now killing innocent civilians in Ukraine, clearly that gives you a picture of what Iran is all about. That was the main point of my meeting with Presi dent Biden.”

Regarding aid to Ukraine, he said: “There are things that strategically and technical ly we cannot supply.” Herzog added: “We want to find solutions to end this conflict and definitely we support the territorial integrity of Ukraine.”

Herzog hailed Iranian citizens protesting for civil rights and liberties. As for Iran’s nuclear program, Herzog told Blitzer the Iranian regime would endanger the entire region and world.

He explained: “They have supplied hun dreds of drones in order to kill innocent civilians in Ukraine, what else does the world need in order to understand that Iran is an extremely dangerous country to world order and stability?” Herzog added: “As far as dealing with Iranian drones, we are definitely analysing the situation.”

At the start of his visit, Herzog revealed Israeli intelligence of Iranian UAVs used in the Ukraine war.

Speaking in conversation with former US Ambassador to Israel, Daniel Shapiro, at an Atlantic Council event marking two years since the Abraham Accords, Herzog said that Iran “flatly denied” supplying drones but showed slides that “unequiv ocally” proved their use against Ukrainian civilians.

Herzog spoke of his vision for a regional alliance to combat the climate crisis and he praised Israel’s integration in the Middle East.

He began the visit by discussing the maritime boundary deal with US mediator Amos Hochstein.

Presdients Herzog and Biden at the White House PHOTO: GPO


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Election 2022 News

Exclusively covering the election for The Jewish Weekly is JAMES MARLOW

James has been covering Israeli Elections since the eighties and has extensive knowledge of the many Parties, Candidates, Proportional Representation system and analysing coalition agreements. In addition James gives intriguing insights into Isra el’s fifth election in 3 years on Sky News, LBC Radio and many online events, including for the Zionist Federation, Ner Yisrael, Glasgow Friends of Israel and United Synagogue through Zoom.

The Marlow Report

With ninety percent of the vote counted for the 25th Knesset, it is looking increas ingly likely that the political heavy weight champion, Benyamin “Bibi” Netanyahu will re turn as Prime Min ister for the third time, after being ousted by the electorate in 1999 and again in March 2021.

No other Israeli Prime Minister has ever managed such an extraordinary achieve ment by returning for a third time.

To put this in context with the boxing world, Muhammad Ali, in September 1978 defeated Leon Spinks in New Orleans to win the world heavyweight boxing cham pionship title for the third time in his career.

Ali was the first boxer to lose the title twice but still returned to win it again. In fact, no other boxing champion has ever achieved this since 1978.

Netanyahu has campaigned for 12 na tional elections, 11 of them as leader of the Likud party. He has served in 12 of the 25 Knessets and won 6 elections if you count last Tuesday and the March 2020 fight,

to press and Labor only just made it them selves. The infighting and blame game now taking place in the left camp is damming and vicious and Labor will no doubt replace her.

In addition, the anti-Israel, pro-Hezbol lah, Arab Balad party also helped the rightbloc because they broke from Hadash and Ta’al believing they had solid support from Israeli Arabs. But they too failed to cross the minimum threshold.

Had both these parties made it across the line, that would mean 8 seats to the left bloc and 5 or 6 of those seats would have come off the right-bloc due to the proportional representation system.

Moreover Yair Lapid stupidly and em barrassingly was so focussed on reaching a record high amount of seats for his own Yesh Atid party, and coming close to Likud, he campaigned to draw voters away from Labor and Meretz.

Lapid knew he needed them in order to block the right wing parties from forming a government and remain “interim” Prime Minister, but he mismanaged his campaign. Lapid should have focused on gaining sup porters from the right wing and making sure all his of left bloc parties signed “surplus vote agreements” which mean that if a party

when he formed an alliance with Benny Gantz, (who broke from Yair Lapid). But that only lasted for less than a year before a fourth election was held in March 2021. Last Tuesday was a resounding victory for the opposition leader who was under tremendous pressure to deliver a clear re sult or prepare to be ousted by fellow Li kud Knesset members who were planning a coup.

The ironic thing about this victory is that the Labor party made a significant contri bution to Netanyahu’s win. Labor leader Merav Michaeli refused to join with Meretz because she said Labor voters would turn elsewhere.

Because of that decision, it looks like Meretz will not cross the threshold as we go

does not have enough votes to make up an extra seat, those votes can be transferred to another party if an agreement is made, rather than being thrown away.

Likud on the other hand reached out to eligible voters who never bother to vote any longer. People who have lost interest or who are too lazy to make their way to a polling station. One video from Netanyahu featured him visiting an apartment and lit erally waking up a young man to come out and vote. The video was not staged but set up by a family member.

The right-wing bloc focussed on the state of Israel “under attack” for being a Jewish state and that a result to end a political cri sis, that had seen 5 general elections in less than four years was no longer acceptable.

The ironic thing about this victory is that the Labor party made a significant contribution to Netanyahu’s win. Labor leader Merav
Michaeli refused to join with Meretz because she said Labor voters would turn elsewhere.



LIKUD Binyamin Netanyahu 30 32

YESH ATID Yair Lapid 17 24



Betzalel Smotrich

Benny Gantz

SHAS Aryeh Gafni





YISRAEL BEITENU Avigdor Liberman 7 5

RA’AM (Arab Party ) Mansour Abbas 4 5

HADASH & TA’AL (Arab Parties) Ayman Odeh Ahmed Tibi 6 5

LABOR Merav Michaeli 7 4

MERETZ Zahava Gaon 6 0


BALAD (Arab)


Ayelet Shaked


1 0

Binyamin Netanyahu will wait for the final results before sending his team to negoti ate with other parties. His first option will be a straight right-wing religious bloc with Religious Zionists, Shas and United Torah Judaism, totalling 65 seats.

However, Netanyahu would prefer to have as wider base government as possible and therefore will likely leave the door open for Benny Gantz and his National Unity party to join.

Gantz, Sa’ar and Eisenkot have already said they will sit on the opposition benches. But once the dust settles and the humilia tion of losing another general election fades away, Gantz may calculate that the Defence and Justice Ministries are better in his hands than with Smotrich and Ben Gvir.

The final results of the election were ex pected to be publicised by the Central Elec tions Committee at 5:00 PM on Thursday and these may change from the numbers already printed.

The final results will be given to President Isaac Herzog next Wednesday after all the ballots are double checked and the voting confirmed.

The President will commence consul tations with representatives of the elected parties next week and in two weeks will

appoint a candidate to form a gov ernment coalition.

That candidate, most likely Netan yahu, will have 28 days to do so but he will be permitted to request an extension of 14 days.

If after this time, a coalition cannot be reached, the President has the authority to give a different Knesset member a chance to form a govern ment coalition.

The Central Elections Commit tee continued counting ballots on Wednesday night including votes from members of the security forces, prisoners, people with disabilities, diplo mats serving abroad, and others. But al though the numbers may shift slightly, they are unlikely to make any significant change to the balance and the chances of Meretz passing the threshold remained very slim indeed.

Speaking at party headquarters Netanya hu called the Likud election performance “a huge expression of faith”.

“I’m not the king” he said as chants of Bibi King of Israel rang out, but called the Likud “by far the biggest party in Israel” and congratulated partners in the national camp on their electoral performance.

Netanyahu said “The vote shows that the Israeli people want security and a reduced cost of living. It wants strength and not weakness”. He vowed to restore the national pride “that’s been taken from us”.

He went on to say that “the people want a Jewish state, a state that honours its citi zens, but this is a Jewish state” he repeated and continued, “the people want a stable government, an experienced government and a Prime Minister who looks after our soldiers and our police.”

Netanyahu also promised to restore se curity, cut the cost of living and widen the circle of peace even further. He also made

reference to Israel as a rising power among the nations and to restore that.

The great party winner of this election was of course the Religious Zionists and in particular, its number 2, Itamar Ben Gvir, who is seen as the biggest star of the election. Ben Gvir has gone from leading a fringe party to becoming a popular leader in a party representing some 11% of Israeli voters.

In a speech following the exit polls, Ben Gvir attempted to calm his critics by claiming his faction will represent in the Knesset “even the sectors who voted for partys far removed from us.”

Betzalel Smotrich, the party’s leader wrote on Twitter that his faction has made history with this accomplishment. “The most sig nificant result of a national religious party since the establishment of the state. Now we wait patiently for the results so that we can securely establish a nationalist right-wing, Jewish and Zionist government.”

Shas also won a massive 11 seats and its leader Aryeh Deri, a veteran campaigner, said “Shas has secured a great achievement and will soon be back leading the coun try. We will work with all our might for the working class to strengthen Israel’s Jewish identity and to fight the cost of living crisis.”

(3 Parties)
& Itamar Ben-Gvir 6 14
(Previously Blue and White)
Goldenkopf & Moshe Gafni 7
6 +
(Previously with Hadash + Ta’al) Sami Abou Shahadeh 0
HOPE (Merged with National Unity) Gideon Sa’ar 6 TOTAL NUMBER OF KNESSET SEATS 120
by the Central Elections Committee and based on 90% of votes counted for the 25th Knesset.
Betzalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir PHOTO: SHUTTERSTOCK

Hanneli was Anne Frank’s childhood friend

The world-famous Anne Frank Founda tion has led tributes to Holocaust survivor Hannah Pick-Goslar following her death.

A childhood best friend of Anne Frank, Hannah, or Hanneli as Anne called her in her diary, had known the renowned diarist since kindergarten.

The organisation said in a statement that Hannah meant a lot to the Anne Frank House and could always call on her. They added: “Hannah shared her memories of their friendship and the Holocaust into old age. She believed everyone should know what happened to her and her friend Anne after the last diary entry. No matter how terrible the story.”

Hannah’s last visit to Anne Frank House was for an exhibition ‘So now I’m fifteen in October 2012’ featuring photographs of Hannah and Anne.

A short video was recorded in which Hannah talked about her friendship with Anne.

Hannah was born on 12 November 1928 in Berlin to Hans Gosler and Ruth-Judith (nee Klay).

Hans was Head of the Prussian Press Bu reau and advised the Minister of Interior of Brandenburg, Germany. Ruth-Judith was a teacher.

When the Nazis came to power the Gos ler’s moved to London then Amsterdam where they lived next door to the Frank

family at Merwedeplein. Hannah and Anne attended the 6th Montessori School and later the Jewish Lyceum. They became close friends and were often in each oth er’s homes.

Tragically, Hannah’s mother and brother died during childbirth.

The family moved to Zuider Amstellaan in 1937 where they lived until June 1943. The previous year, Anne Frank and her

family went into hiding.

Hannah, her father, grandparents and younger sister Gabi were deported to Wes terbork in 1944 and then to Bergen-Belsen in February 1945 where she met Anne.

Though having to do forced labour, she looked after her sister and tried to get Anne a food package and clothing. Both her fa ther and grandparents were murdered at Bergen-Belsen.

Four days before Bergen Belsen was liberated (April 15, 1945), Hannah, who had typhus, was evacuated with her sister on a ‘lost train’ journey. In June, she was liberated by the Soviets and handed to the Americans. Hannah and Gabi returned to Amsterdam. She made Aliah to Palestine in 1947 and lived in Kfar Hasidim. Hannah worked as a nurse at Bikkur Holim Hospital in Jerusalem. Hannah married Walter Pick, they had three children, 11 grandchildren, and 31 great-grandchildren.

She used to say: ‘This is my answer to Hitler.’

Hannah found speaking of her memories of Anne traumatic but knew of its historical importance ‘because I survived, and Anne didn’t’.

Hannah featured in a number of docu mentaries about her life:

Emmy Award winning Dutch documen tary Laatste Zeven Maanden van Anne Frank (The Last Seven Months of Anne Frank) by Willy Lindwer in 1988. Anne Frank Remembered by Jon Blair in 1995.

A Dutch film Mijn beste vriendin Anne Frank (My Best Friend Anne Frank) by Ben Sombogaart came out last year.

Memories of Anne Frank: Reflections of a Childhood Friend by Alison Leslie Gold is a book based on interviews with Hannah in 1997. Mi Ricordo Anna Frank (Memories of Anne Frank) is a 2010 Italian television film directed by Alberton Negrin based on the book.

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Israel and Lebanon sign maritime deal

Prime Minister Yair Lapid witnessed the gas production process at the Karish oil field facility in one of his last actions before the general election.

Gas production has started at the mari time border between Lebanese and Israeli waters ending a decades-old dispute. Lapid visited the control room, spoke with Israeli workers and went to the observation point overlooking the platform.

“This place here is the energy and eco nomic future of the State of Israel,” he said.

“Gas production from the Karish field will lower energy prices in Israel, turn Israel into a regional energy supplier and help Europe take on its energy crisis. From here flows the gas that promises a lower cost of living. This is a huge achievement for the State of Israel.”

Energean PLC owns the production rights from the Karish and Tanin fields. Natural gas from the Karish field has been providing electricity to customers in Israel since late October.

Israel and Lebanon are technically at war but the deal is a landmark agreement.

US President Joe Biden hailed both na tions signing the US-brokered deal last Thursday.

Israel has full rights to develop the Karish oil field in the arrangement. Lebanon has similar rights in the Qana-Sidon field where Israel gets a share of royalties through an

agreement with Total.

“This historic deal promotes the interests of both countries and the region,” said Biden. “It marks a new chapter of prosper ity and hope. Congratulations to all involved.”

Biden is optimistic the deal will benefit offshore energy explora tion, remove potential for conflict between Israel and Hezbollah, and aid Lebanon's economic crisis.

Lapid thanked US mediator Amos Hochstein for brokering the deal. The US is a guarantor should disputes need settling. “If one side violates the deal, both sides lose,” Hochstein told reporters.

Lapid spoke about the agreement at a specially arranged cabinet meeting.

“This is a tremendous achievement for the State of Israel and government of Isra el,” he said. “This agreement strengthens Israel’s security and our freedom of action against Hezbollah and the threats to our north. There is rare consensus in the secu rity establishment regarding the necessity of this agreement. Everyone has signed off on this agreement and its contribution to Israel’s security and our operational needs.”

Lapid added, “This is a diplomatic achievement. It is not every day that an

enemy country recognises the State of Israel, in a written agreement, in view of the international community. It is also not every day the United States and France stand behind us and provide security and economic guarantees for an agreement.”

Lapid noted that the deal would benefit Israel’s economy in health, welfare, educa tion and security.

The Knesset conducted a review of the agreement whilst challenges went to the Supreme Court.

Lapid welcomed the lawful process. He said: “The State of Israel won today. In se curity, economically, diplomatically and in energy.”

While Defence Minister Benny Gantz backed the initiative, Oppo sition leader Benjamin Netanyahu and Lapid have clashed.

Netanyahu claimed Lapid had given Hezbollah parts of Israel’s sovereign territory and natural gas belonging to Israeli citizens with out discussion in the Knesset nor a national referendum.

Likud’s leader indicated how things would change after the gen eral election.

“Lapid has no mandate to give parts of our sovereign territory and sovereign assets that belong to all of us to an enemy state,” he said. “On November 1 we will give Israel back strong leadership, expe rienced leadership, one that will protect all of our security.”

Lapid responded to Netanyahu: “For 10 years you failed at your attempts to obtain an agreement like this. At least now, don’t harm Israel’s security interests and help Hezbollah with irresponsible statements.”

Lapid hailed the deal which had been in doubt when the IDF intercepted three Hez bollah drones fired towards Karish last July.

Outgoing Lebanese President Michel Aoun told Reuters on Saturday that Hezbol lah’s action was a “deterrent” that helped Lebanon’s negotiations.

The maritime boundary is known as Line 23 covering 324 square miles.

Prime Minister Yair Lapid and US mediator Amos Hochstein PHOTO:
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3 NOVEMBER 2022 NEWS 13TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488 For more info W H A T ' S O N I N N O V E M B E R RAV AVIAD TABORY Hannah MBank ums & Bubs Every Monday 9.30am SCHOLAR IN RESIDENCE 4TH & 5TH NOVEMBER RAV GREG LUNCH & LEARN 2ND NOVEMBER Weekly Parsha Shiur Wednesdays 8pm - Email us for address A different speaker each week, open to RAV YOSSI HAMBLING ROSH CHODESH KISLEV 22ND NOVEMBER 8PM 12 35PM M Rav Greg BBank runch & Learn Every Monday 9.15am @ Noshers aim Cohen Contemporary Halacha for Women 8pm @ Stenecourt Rabbanit Lani Eshel Tahara Hamishpacha Refresher Course Every Tuesday @ 8pm Rav Elad Eshel Young Married Men's Chabura Every Motzei Shabbat @ 8.30pm BISHNAT2021 in loving memory of Brian Nathanson BOOK TICKETS & MORE INFO SUNDAY 27TH NOVEMBER 2022, 7:30PM Beth Hamidrash Hagadol Synagogue, Leeds | £10 MONDAY 28TH NOVEMBER 2022, 7:30PM Woodside Park Synagogue, London | £18 Bishnat2021 was founded in memory of Brian Nathanson in order to host concerts for the community, bringing people together to enjoy Jewish music which he so loved. World class Chazan Shulem Lemmer from New York will sing with the renowned Avromi Freilich of Hampstead Garden Suburb Synagogue and Alby Chait from Leeds. Separate seating is available Alby Chait Shulem Lemmer Avromi Freilich Celebrating the Joy of Jewish Music Charity number 1197647

Gantz welcomes Israel-Turkey relations

Defence Minister Benny Gantz held ‘pro ductive’ talks with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on a whistle stop visit to Ankara last Thursday.

Trade opportunities topped the agenda with Turkey one of Israel’s top five trading partners.

“The gates have opened and there is great potential for cooperation in trade, tourism and industry,” enthused Gantz, who is the third Israeli leader to visit Turkey in the past year. “Our future is promising, yet de pendent on our shared interest to maintain security and stability in the region.”

Outlining future collaborations, Gantz hailed Israel’s maritime agreement with Lebanon as an example how diplomatic solutions can be achieved that benefit “sta bility and economic prosperity”.

“This agreement is an asset to the security of Israel and the region,” he noted.

Defence Minister Hulusi Akar backed Gantz’ stance.

“Closer ties would help find solutions to some current topics we think differently about, including Palestine,” he said. “We believe that the development of our rela tions and cooperation with Israel will also contribute to regional peace and stability.”

The Defence Ministry confirmed Gantz has renewed “official security ties” between the countries. Diplomatic ties were re-estab lished over the summer.

Gantz praised Erdogan, Akar and Turkish security agencies for crucial, life-saving co operation after “alarming threats” against Israeli citizens and Jewish people in the country over the summer.

Disturbing reports emerged of a terror cell

On behalf of

minister at the time and called for a “new chapter” in relations with Turkey.

Lapid met Mevlut Cavusoglu in Jerusa lem, the first visit by a Turkish foreign min ister for 15 years.

Gantz had a message for terror organisa tions in the region. “A lot more can be done together in order to reduce the influence of those who destabilise our regions, by sup porting or conducting terrorism against innocent civilians,” he said.

Regarding the Palestinians he added: “I am confident that deeper defence ties be tween our countries may have a positive impact on developments in this arena.”

And noting the impact of the Abraham Accords, he added: “The Middle East and East-Med regions are changing. Alliances, some of which were unthinkable not long ago, are being built in the face of alarming threats such as the one posed by Iran.

“There is no doubt that Turkey, a NATO member and ally of our common friend the United States, plays an important role in ensuring global stability. Our ties are a positive addition, as we maintain strong partnerships with our friends in Greece, Cyprus, and the Gulf countries. In fact, we may form bridges and reduce conflicts for the benefit of all parties involved.

“Moving forward, we must adopt a steady, positive approach in our relations.”

President Issac Herzog met Erdogan last March, the first Israeli leader to visit Turkey since 2008.

US launches cost-ofliving crisis scheme

The United Synagogue is set to give cash grants to members struggling with the costof-living crisis for the first time with its bold ‘Donate your discount’ campaign.

A US grant will aid members unable to pay energy bills. To fund the scheme, the US is asking people to donate the government’s £400 discount applied to all energy bills if they don’t need it.

The US has provided food parcels and household items to families in need for over two years, and has long pro vided bursaries for its Tribe-led camps and Israel tour.

But there is a growing number of Jew ish families unable to make ends meet.

The US’s Chesed department aims to en sure those in need receive prompt support. The charity estimates the number of people in need of help runs in to the hundreds.

Chesed Head, Michelle Minsky, said: “We’ve never given money out directly but these are extraordinary times with more families in need than ever before.”

Rabbi Alex Chapper, Senior Rabbi of Borehamwood and Elstree United Syna gogue, said: “The cost of living has risen phenomenally which has meant that in our community and beyond more and more

people are struggling to make ends meet.

“In Borehamwood there are people un certain how they are going to afford the basics. Five hundred meals are delivered to our members every month by US Chesed and we are supporting more peo ple in our community than ever before.

“One of our members told us that with the cost of living crisis, they can’t afford to have proper meals every day and they’re up at night wor rying how they’re going to af ford their heating bill this winter. That’s why I welcome the ‘Donate your discount’ campaign and encourage everyone who is fortunate enough to be able to donate their £400 discount from the government to US Chesed who will ensure the money goes to a family in need.”

To apply for a grant or to donate: www. or call 020 8343 6260.

Applications must be received by Thurs day December 1st. Information is held in strictest confidence.

US Chesed supports all members. If a family is facing economic anxiety call 020 8343 5696.

14 NEWS 3 NOVEMBER 2022TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488 THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM EMERGENCY WINTER APPEAL GIFT has specifically been requested to collect the following items in brand new or good condition for communities across UKRAINE Items to be delivered to GIFT Hub 61-63 Watford Way, NW4 3AX 9am-5pm Monday through Thursday Drop off by Friday 11th November Go to to see how you can get involved today | 0208 457 4429 | | Registered charity 1153393 Batteries Powerbanks Thermoses Candles Flashlights Salt Heating Pad Electric Heaters Warm Clothing Jackets/Coats Gloves Hats Scarves Shawls Thermal Underwear Pairs of Socks Warm Blankets Sleeping Bags &
aiming to murder or kidnap Israeli tourists. Government officials advised cancellation of travel plans. Then Prime Minister Naftali Bennett thanked Erdogan for cooperating with Je rusalem “on all levels”. Yair Lapid was foreign DM Gantz Begins Visit to Turkey PHOTO: TURKISH MEDIA BUREAU

Racism is not a white preserve

Over the last few weeks two events occurred, the first of which was only slightly reported. The second has hit some of the headlines. Whilst the two are not obviously connected, there is a running theme which places them together.

The first event involved violent clashes in September this year between members of the Hindu and Muslim communities in Leicester. On the 21st September the online paper ‘The Hindu’ reported as follows: “Another person, described as community activist Majid Freeman by The Guardian, reportedly filmed disturbances on the city’s Belgrave Road…. “They were coming past our mosques, taunting the community and physically beating people up randomly,” he said. “That’s when the Muslim community came out and said: ‘We can’t trust the police, we’re going to defend our community ourselves,’” Freeman said.

The Hindu community in the UK, meanwhile, remains on edge. A former head of a Hindu organisation in the UK, Drishti

Mae, alleged that Hindu families were being harassed by some Muslims in the city. “They feel threatened, and attacked,” she alleged, saying the police were failing to protect property, people and places of worship. “We do have a right to protect ourselves,” she said.”

Although this was reported in The Guard ian I struggled to find any detailed report on the BBC website. I am sure that if one group had been white and the other brown or black, we would have had blanket coverage for days.

The second event involved the president of the National Union of Students - Shaima Dallali. Shortly after her election in May this year the Jewish Chronicle reported her election may have been invalid because she failed to commit to the International Hol ocaust Remembrance Association (IHRA) definition of antisemitism. NUS instigated an independent enquiry and this week Ms Dallali was dismissed from her post as president.

The JC online reported that in a statement after the announcement, the Union of Jew ish Students said: "UJS respects the decision of the National Union of Students to dismiss their President. Antisemitism in the student movement goes beyond the actions of any

one individual and this case is a symptom of a wider problem.

"Jewish students across the country will be asking how an individual deemed unfit for office by NUS was elected in the first place… "

What do the two events have in common? Sadly it is simple: colour. There is a widely held view that only white people are racist or hold antagonist views against other ethnic or religious groups. One view as to the origin of this is based on an interpretation of the impact of colonialism, where white Europeans are seen only as oppressors and the non-white population only as victims. This view has been supported by Western academics who have ignored violent and murderous inter-tribal conflicts as being awkward pieces of history. The legacy of this is that non-white people can only be victims of and not the cause of racism.

With this as a background it is hardly sur prising that the violence in Leicester should have been under-reported and crucially, as UJS have said, that Shaima Dallali was elected in the first place. It is well reported that when prospective Jewish students pick a university, part of the decision-making process is whether or not the university has a history of antagonism towards Jews. For

some years the University of Manchester was very much a go-to destination for Jewish students, until the hostility against them under the guise of criticism of Israel and Zionism pushed that university down the list of desirable educational destinations.

This antagonism across the country has been protected by the idea that firstly nonwhite people cannot be racist, and secondly in particular cannot be anti-Semitic. The Leicester event proves the first idea wrong and the NUS president’s sacking proves the second.

Being non-white should no longer be the ‘get out of racism free card’ that it currently is. For too long, despite the evidence to the contrary, Jews have been seen by some as being white and therefore not capable of being the victims of racism. Sadly this a view which is held by some leaders of the Jewish community, a view which is not only naïve but simply flies in the face of the available evidence.

If race relations stand any chance of improvement in the UK, there needs to be an honest acceptance that every person, irrespective of their colour or ethnic back ground is capable of discrimination.

Robert Festenstein is a practising solicitor and has been the principal of his Salford based firm for over 20 years. He has fought BDS motions to the Court of Appeal and is President of the Zionist Central Council in Manchester which serves to protect and defend the democratic State of Israel.

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Letters to the

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I refer to the articles: “It’s make your mind up time,” and, “A week – a long time in politics,” on the OPINION page of last week’s edition (THE JEWISH WEEKLY, 27 October). Below is my poetic take on such matters, “MEASURING POLITICAL TIME,” which I hope will chime with many JEWISH WEEKLY readers. Here’s wishing you a peaceful Shabbat and some political stability going forward.


Many of us are familiar with the idiom Made famous by the late, Harold Wilson, British Prime minister in the last century Remember him – then you’re as old as me!

The quip was, “A week is a long time in politics” Now it’s a week, day, hours or even minutes As jokes and humorous comments abound Politic satirists have really gone to town

We may not have an electoral system Like that in Israel, which all too often Results in regular, political mayhem They may provide us with entertainment, and while amusing Politicians’ behaviour today in both countries, is appalling

For me, the future erosion of our democracies Could be just one of the unwanted casualties

Baruch Hashem, we can all (in the UK, Israel) and worldwide Continue living under democratic regimes under which we thrive

Aside from politics, a week for the Jewish people

Is long enough, as Hashem has decreed, until We should rest from our day-to-day goings on And so right on cue I wish you Shabbat shalom


Dealer: South Vuln: All

Lead 10s

North judged it likely that the king of hearts was well-placed, and so bid what he thought his side could make. When West led the ten of spades, declarer paused to consider his options. It was soon clear that only the heart suit offered any chance of bringing the contract home. The best option in the suit was to play West for three or four hearts headed by the king.

So, after winning the first trick with the ace of spades, declarer led his heart. West played low and dummy’s queen of hearts won the trick. After throwing a spade on the ace of hearts declarer called for the three of hearts. After ruffing this with the ace of trumps, declarer cashed the queen of trumps and then led the jack of trumps to dummy’s king. Next, the six of hearts was ruffed with declarer’s ten of trumps, thereby now establishing the jack of hearts as a winner.

Declarer drew East’s remaining trump by leading his carefully preserved four of diamonds to dummy’s seven. He cashed the jack of hearts, throwing a second spade from hand, for his ninth trick. Then declarer gave up two clubs and claimed his contract by making his two remaining trumps separately, by ruffing a club in dummy and a spade in hand.

W N E S Double 2s 1h 5d 1s End 1d 2d2
N S W E Q 8 5 3 10 8 2 6 3 2 K J 2 s h d c K 10 9 6 K 7 5 4A Q 10 7 5 s h d c J 4 A Q J 6 3 K 8 7 5 9 3 s h d c A 7 2 9 A Q J 10 9 4 8 6 4 s h d c 1. 6+ diamonds, fewer than 3 hearts
publication is at the discretion of the editor. Send in your comments to
Editor SINGLES 40’S & 50’S FISH BUFFET EVENT IN GOLDERS GREEN ARE YOU SINGLE/DIVORCED? AGE GROUP 35-50? ENJOY A FISH BUFFET WITH WINE AND MEET LIKE-MINDED SINGLES IN A FRIENDLY AND RELAXED ATMOSPHERE. Where: Golders Green When: Tuesday 15th November 2022 Time: 7.00 pm- 9.00 pm Cost: £10 Kosher Food & Wine. Sephardi and Ashkenazi 30 people: Even ratio of male/female Kosher Food & Wine. Sephardi and Ashkenazi This is a private event (Not for Profit) and not affiliated with any organisation. Bookings subject to confirmation E: Mobile/WhatsApp: 07450 753 409

AJEX passing baton to next generation Crowdfunder will help cost of living crisis

find a second income or asking for a salary increase to cope with the crisis. Four in 10 feel mental health has been negatively impacted.

Work Avenue is holding an online crowd funder November 13 and 14 to raise £750,000 to help the Jewish communi ty through unprecedented economic challenges.

A new survey has laid bare the scale of anxiety as the cost of living crisis deepens. Work Avenue polled over 500 clients with 85% stating the crisis was putting house holds under financial pressure.

For those in work, two thirds feel a cur rent salary will not meet household bills, 40% are worried their family will suffer due to a need to severely cut back. The situation is more critical for people on benefits. Eight in 10 reported they may no longer be able to make ends meet.

The survey found that over 60% of people were considering changing jobs, looking to

Emma May, Work Avenue Director of Operations and Employment, said: “The Jewish community is suffering. As we’ve seen nationally, costs are rising every where, wages and benefits aren’t keeping pace. These worries are very real and very immediate.” She added: “The cost of living is spiralling, people in our community are now having to make impossible decisions about their mortgage repayments or rent, household bills and even essentials such as food and clothing.”

Regarding the crowdfunder, Emma said the need for services has never been greater.

She observed: “Our crowdfunder is es sential and timely. It will allow us to expand our services so that we can help more peo ple earn a living to support themselves and their families with dignity.”

Work Avenue supports over 2,000 clients in the UK each year and is helping people to increase their livelihood by upskilling.

Free workshops, courses and confiden tial one-to-one support is available. Work Avenue. Details: www.theworkave

AJEX wants to pass the ‘Baton of Remem brance’ to the next generation at the annual remembrance parade and ceremony at The Cenotaph on Sunday November 20th.

Bookings have opened to participate. The theme this year is connecting people across the community.

AJEX is encouraging younger family members of veterans to join the parade and wear relative’s medals with pride. The or ganisation is also reaching out to people that have not attended before to learn about their family’s participation and honour relatives.

A contingent of JFS cadets will take part for a second consecutive year with other Jewish schools and members of the Jewish community.

Falling on Mitzvah day, AJEX has invited the community to take part in the ‘Mitzvah of Remembrance’ by registering to partici pate or watching the marchers.

AJEX Chief Executive, Fiona Palmer, commented: “People may have a family member no longer with us or one that is

too elderly to march. We are encouraging the next generation to demonstrate the con nection from old to young. It is so important remembrance can be passed through the generations keeping the legacy of those that served alive.”

AJEX National Chair, Dan Fox, said: “The annual parade remains a unique event for our community and one of the most signif icant acts of remembrance observed during November.”

Primary and secondary schools can hold in-person Q & As with veterans. Primary schools and nurseries can take part in ‘Re member in Red day’.

AJEX is calling on synagogues to hold an AJEX Shabbat on November 19th.

The communal event honours thousands of Jewish servicemen and women who fought and served in the armed forces.

To participate in the Parade: book To book a veteran talk email


Join hundreds of British Olim making their Aliyah dream a reality. WORKING IN COOPERATION TO BUILD A STRONGER ISRAEL THROUGH ALIYAH Every one of us, together
AJEX Annual Parade and Ceremony 2021 PHOTO: DAVID LAKE Emma May leads a session for Work Avenue clients

Belmont and Edgware Cricket Club held its annual awards ceremony Old Camdenians on Sunday night.

Dan Humphrey won top order batter and seam bowler award in his first season on top of Player and Players’ Player accolades.

Young all-rounder Uriel Lev was recog nised for a wonderful year as he took his first five-wicket haul.

Bowler of the year was Josh Reynolds, Teenager Uriel Lev was recognised as Young Player of the Year and Best Newcomer.

Other awards included fielder of the year, taken by keeper Mark Spanjar. Most improved player went to Greg Mayer. Club man of the year, selected by chairman Mark Ableson, went to Jack Mendel.

Club Captain Elliott Mayer said: “It was great to see so many members reminiscing on the season and celebrating the many successes. The club is in a strong place with a strong core as well as new members and young talent coming through. Congratula tions to all of the award winners.”

Southend induct new rabbi

Southend and Westcliff Hebrew Congrega tion have inducted Rabbi Geoffrey Hyman and celebrated his 40 years in the Rabbinate.

Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, dayanim, rabbanim and Westcliff MP Anna Firth were among dignitaries.

In his address, Chief Rabbi Mirvis de scribed how the community had coped with the pandemic and complimented the shul on the wisdom of appointing Rabbi Hyman in challenging times.

“It is a marriage made in heaven,” he said. This is Rabbi Hyman`s eighth active com munity position.

Rabbi Hyman thanked the Chief Rabbi for his inspiring message and recounted how he tries to make a difference to the community. He recognised the communi ty’s “warmth and generosity of spirit”.

Chazzanim Shalom Rapoport and Zalmy Cohen led the service.

The Ladies Guild catered a reception.

Shul president Michael Nelkin told 300

Noach fun times

Beit Shvidler Primary School in Edgware enjoyed ‘Emily’s Adventures in Won derland’ workshop to celebrate Parshas Noach. Emily Ben-Ze’ev ran the session for youngsters.

Foundation children had a cross-curric ular session on light while rainbows had a bubbles programme. Participants made rainbow spinners and used a variety of

Club 13 fun

Whitefield Synagogue’s Club13 bar mitzvah programme began its new year of events with a football and pizza evening.

welcomed guests and together with Rabbi Hyman and thanked an ‘army of volun teers’ that made the day a success.

sweets to separate colours when learning about chromatography.

To link with the Sedra, children learnt about the 70 languages and Nations of the world.

Ben-Ze’ev showed children instruments from continents and they enjoyed a handson session dressing up in costumes from around the world.

Record numbers attended. The group enjoyed freshly made pizza at the rabbi’s house.

Howzat! Dan takes top cricket gong Scouts visit parliament

Boys of Kita Beis Talmud Torah Chinuch Neorim Manchester celebrated the beginning of Tehillim at Machzikei Hadass Shul on Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan.
The boys of Special Spirits together with boys of Manchester Mesivta enjoying their weekly Thursday night botta.
PHOTO: LAWRENCE PURCELL PHOTO: LAWRENCE PURCELL Boys and Teachers of Kita Beis Talmud Torah Chinuch Neorim Boys of Special Spirits with boys from Mesivta The 20th Finchley Scout group had an ex citing visit to Parliament on the day the new Prime Minster Rishi Sunak was announced. Beavers, Cubs and Scouts walked past 10 Downing Street and enjoyed a guided tour of Parliament. They were told about its history and went into to the Lords chamber. Youngsters also met an MP. Winners Jack Mendel, Uriel Lev, Josh Reynolds, Elliott Mayer, Dan Humphrey, Mark Spanjar and Greg Mayer The 20th Finchley Scout group on their Parliament visit Rabbi Geoffrey Hyman

World renowned maggid shiur Reb Eli Ste fansky made his first UK appearance this week, at two siyumim for Masechet Kesuvot.

On Tuesday evening, 500 people packed out the Meridian and over 250 attended Stene court shul in Manchester on Wednesday night. After giving his popular shiur, the

crowd enjoyed a beautiful siyum including 4 course dinner accompanied by singing and gifts to take home.

To the many who watch him daily online, it was amazing to finally meet him in person.

Noa Girls ‘huge thank you’ for £1.5m MDY Siyum

To sign up for the shiur, go to joindafyomi. com to get your free Gemoroh, mercazdafy to see all the daily links to videos or just YouTube his name and subscribe to change your life! Full coverage in next week’s edition.

Noa Girls has thanked the community after raising £1,504,813 in its online fundraising campaign.

A primary goal of the campaign was to sensitively build greater awareness of men tal health.

Thought-proving images depicted how girls’ struggle with mental health and gen erated healthy and positive conversations.

“We couldn’t have done this without the generosity and efforts of our matched funders, team leaders and each and every single person who donated to our cam paign,” said the charity.

Support from over 6,000 donors from the community and beyond has Noa girls feel ing profoundly seen, heard and cared for.

One girl said: “When they hit the first mil lion my heart was bursting and each time you hit a target it was the most amazing feeling. To see this incredible community support really made me feel supported. It was so beautiful to watch.”

The mental health crisis shows no signs

of abating.

Noa supports 250 girls and faces a daunt ing waiting list. Noa receives income from grants but gets limited statutory funding. They rely on the generosity of the commu nity to meet needs of the girls.

“The community really stepped up,” said Noa Girls. “These funds will undoubted ly make a big difference to every girl who walks through our door.”

One girl commented: “People who never talk about mental health were donating and talking about it all weekend. One of our supporters reflected that had this level of mental health awareness existed in our community in high school, they wouldn’t have gone through the struggles they are dealing with today.”

Team leaders acted as ambassadors, businesses used their platform to give a voice to the girls at Noa, noted the charity.

“Each of you sent the clear message that our girls and their recovery is a priority for the community,” they added.

Hovercraft king Nathan wins world championship

Nathan Ash is the 2022 Formula Colt Hov ercraft World Champion.

The Shenley teen competed in the merged Colt and Junior categories (11 to 16 year-olds) and was crowned at the World Hovercraft Championships in Flottsbro, Sweden.

Competitors raced over four rounds of racing in choppy weather conditions.

Nathan, who celebrated his barmitzvah at Shenley Synagogue earlier this year, placed third overall in the Juniors on the day but was the leading Colt after a success ful competition over the season. Nathan won nine races during a stellar campaign and was placed on the podium more than any other hovercraft racer.

Nathan’s craft is a Rotax powered Junior Raider which has 40 horse power propel ling him to over 50 mph on water.

Next year, when Nathan becomes a Junior, he will be able to increase the thrust of his hovercraft, giving him more


Nathan’s father, Howard, is a Principal Lecturer in Automotive and Motorsport Engineering. He accompanied Nathan on the Sweden trip as mechanic, data engi neer, head of logistics, chief sponsor and chief cook!

Competitors came from across Eu rope and America to race in the world championships.

The Noa team celebrating their fundraising success The MDY Siyum in Manchester The MDY Siyum in London Nathan Ash on the winner’s podium

KKL Korner

JNF UK Legacy Mission returns to Israel and builds memories

Putting the impact of Covid behind them, Carolyn Addleman, Director of the JNF UK Legacy Department and David Goodman Director of Community Relations JNF UK returned from Israel on Wednesday 2nd November having led an exciting and varied Legacy Mission programme. Whilst staying at the David Intercontinental Hotel in Tel Aviv on the border with Jaffa, mission participants visited a number of towns in the Negev to see the critical work of JNF UK. In Kiryat Malachi members of the mission took part in an inspiring ceremony at the House of Excellence where an auditorium and computer suite funded by a generous legacy of Michael Stanton was dedicated. Michael Stanton‘s sisters Philippa and Linda participated in the mission and said “Michael was very keen on developing the Negev and would have been very happy that so many young Israelis will benefit from his legacy.”

The following day an emotional cor nerstone ceremony of a gymnasium and multipurpose hall took place in the Dekalim Special Needs School in Be’er Sheva. Speakers included deputy mayor Dr Hefzi Zohar and senior members of the municipality. David Goodman, who chaired the event, read out notes from

the pupils which had been placed in a time capsule buried together with the cornerstone. With tears of joy in her eyes, headteacher Esther Guashnish said, “this was a dream come true.” She was so very grateful to JNF UK.

Amongst the mission participants was Neil Mills for whom this was a first-time visit to Israel. On entering Jerusalem where the mission stayed at the David Cit adel Hotel, together with everyone pres ent he recited the prayer of She’hechiyanu


JNF UK’s legacy department,

Veki’imanu. Neil was overwhelmed with emotion and said, “it was wonderful to have shared this incredibly emotional experience with others on the mission.”

Mission participants could not thank Carolyn enough for the organisation and care she and David showed. Carolyn Addleman said, “it was a privilege to lead a mission where the participants were so passionate to learn about Israel and the vital work of JNF UK.”

Bookings are already being made for next year’s mission during which Israel’s 75th birthday will be celebrated.

has been serving the Jewish community for over 70 years. Our highly qualified team combines first-rate executorship and trustee services with personalised pastoral care. We can support you in the way that close family would, keeping in regular contact with you and taking care of any Jewish needs (such as saying kaddish for you) in accordance with your wishes. For a no-obligation and confidential consultation, and to find out more about supporting JNF UK’s vital work in Israel, please get in touch. Call 020 8732 6101 or email KKL Executor and Trustee Company Ltd (a Company registered in England No. 453042) is a subsidiary of JNF Charitable Trust (Charity No. 225910) and a registered Trust Corporation (authorised capital £250,000).
“It was a privilege to lead a mission where the participants were so passionate to learn about Israel and the vital work of JNF UK.”
Carolyn Addleman, JNF UK’s Director of Legacies, presenting a certificate to Esther Guashnish, Headteacher of Dekalim School at the Cornerstone Ceremony at Dekalim School PHOTO: DANA BAR


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Dear Rabbi

I suffer from so many anger issues. It is eating into my life, both at home and at work. I don’t know how to cope with this anymore and thought that may be you can offer some advice. I know this is not the way a prac tising Jew should behave.


Dear Gideon

Practising or not, Jewish or not, having anger issues is not a good thing and not a way for anyone to behave. If it is impacting to such an extent then you need to determine the source of your anger and pursue professional help. Remember the words of the Talmud, “one who gets angry is tantamount to idol atry.” In practical terms that means that we tend to be angry against someone or something that hurts us. Inasmuch as we believe everything is bash ert, then being angry implies denying the Divine hand in your particular experience. Holding onto anger is like holding onto a hot coal. You’re the one who’s getting burnt. Deal with this as soon as possible, before you lose everything.


Dear Rabbi

What is the Jewish view on as sisted suicide?


Dear Sandy

Retired 81 year old nurse, Marie de Laet ended her life by lethal injection at a Belgium care home. She was one of 2,655

to die in 2019 in exactly the same way. “It’s her choice,” the argument goes, “and if she feels she has no quality of life ahead of her, then this is the most humane way for her to go.”

The problem with all these woke, liberal minded people and their twisted logic is that it always leads down a slip pery slope and lays bare their hypocrisy. In May earlier this year, another woman, Shanti De Corte also chose to end her life by being euthanized. The only difference was that Shanti was suffering from life crippling depression and she was twenty three years old. A lot of people, including those who applauded Marie’s action and reasoning, decried Shanti’s action and reasoning. “Depression,” they argued, “is not a reason to end a life.” “And she was only 23 with her whole life ahead of her!”

So who exactly gets to decide the appropriate age for assisted suicide and who gets to decide which illnesses justify it? What if she was twenty-three and had terminal cancer? What is she’s eighty-two and suffers from severe depression?

We’ve dealt with this question previously, albeit in a different context. The whole thing is a moral outrage and just another symptom of our laissez faire society where it’s my life and I get to choose – be it assisted suicide, abortion, and whatever else besides. Thus Judaism’s view is that assisted suicide is just another glorious term for legalised murder. It remains in herently wrong, as stipulated in the Ten Commandments, “thou shalt not kill.” Anyone helping someone terminate his or her

life makes them an accomplice to the crime.

Let me be clear: My heart goes out to those who suffer to the point where they feel driven to such despair. However, funda mental to Jewish belief is that life is our most sacred posses sion entrusted to us by G-d. As such, only He serves as Judge and Jury to determine when our souls must be returned. Legal though it may be in some places, it remains immoral, abhorrent and is an indictment on what we’ve become as a people.


Dear Rabbi

I am forty years old and though my stereotypical family keep pestering me about marriage I’m happy as I am in my single life and see no compelling reason to do so. Also, how to I stop them from coming over to me at ever family simcha and saying “please G-d by you”?


Dear Jimmy

A man approached his Rabbi and said he wanted to live forever. “Get married,” advised the Rabbi. “Really, and that will guarantee me eternity?” “Not really,” replied the Rabbi, “but the desire will disappear quickly.” There are no compel ling reasons to get married other than because G-d said so and our objective in life is to bring another generation into the world.

As to how to deal with those pesky elderly aunts, uncles and other relatives that keep on saying “please G-d by you,” just start doing the same thing

to them when you meet them at family funerals. They’ll stop quickly.


Dear Rabbi

I fell in love with a non-Jewish woman. We want to build a future together and have talked about her converting. I have spo ken to my rabbi – who is Reform – about this and he has been very supportive. We are worried however that an Orthodox rabbi would not marry us, which is very important to my parents.

Please could you advise me.


Dear Andrew

The best advice I can give you is – dump her.


Dear Rabbi

I used to enjoy your punchy and non-politically correct answers in your column. Lately you have been too nice. What’s happened?


Dear Alan Read some of the above. I im agine you might rethink that.

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Rabbi Ya’akov said: this world is like a vestibule before the world to come; prepare yourself in the vestibule, so that you may enter the banqueting-hall.

In this week’s Mishna, the Tanna raises the age-old question (according to some commentaries) of why do the righteous appear to suffer, whilst the wicked seem to have an easy time. The Tanna says we don’t fully understand this.

Not only do we not know the answer to this difficulty, we are not really sure whether the question is valid.

Sometimes what appears to be a benefit to someone is in fact a liability (think of very wealthy people whose wealth brought about their downfall) and some times what appears to be a struggle is in fact a blessing. The late Rav Aharon Leib Steinman zt”l who lived in extremely mod est conditions, building his own benches (without a back) to sit on, once comment ed that his apartment was “a palace”. It often depends on what one’s perspective is. Furthermore, we really do not have an absolutely clear picture of who is truly righteous or truly evil. Even people who live with a good name until the end of their lives,

may have fallen short (on their level) from what G-d expected of them.

It is also possible that the suffering of the righteous is to ensure they clean their slate before the reach the Olam Ha’Emet - the World of Truth where pleasure vs pain is real.

The Mishna continues - Greet people first - don’t always wait to be greeted. One of the sages of the Talmud would ensure to greet everyone, even not members of the creed. Finally, live among good people even if you are not on their level (yet). Be a “tail” to “lions” instead of being the most moral among foxes “not a head of foxes”.

Pirkei Avot Perek 4: Mishna 16Refuah sheleima for Mordechai Elazar Ben Etel םָלוֹעָה יֵנְפִבּ רוֹדְזוֹרְפִל הֶמוֹדּ הֶזַּה םָלוֹעָה ,רֵמוֹא בֹקֲעַי יִבַּר … סֵנָכִּתֶּשׁ יֵדְכּ ,רוֹדְזוֹרְפַּב ךְָמְצַע ןֵקְתַה .אָבַּה

The Road That Made All the Difference Weekly Dvar Torah

If we were to make a list of the most influential figures in human history, Avraham Avinu and Sarah Imeinu would appear at the top. It’s difficult to exagger ate the significance of the steps they take in Parashat Lech Lecha. They embark on a journey to the Land of Israel as the first olim chadashim (new immigrants) and in doing so pave the way for millions of Jews to do the same from then until today. We even celebrate it officially this week as “Aliyah Day”. In addition, they reject idolatry and initiate the monotheistic revolution, the belief in one G-d, and they establish the first Jewish home, a tent of loving-kindness and hospitality.

Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin writes that all the challenges Avraham overcame – all the tests he passed – have given us strength throughout the generations to overcome those same challenges and pass those same tests. So, too, regarding


G-d appears to Avraham (at this stage still called Avram), telling him to leave his homeland, Charan (Babylonia), and travel to a land “that G-d would show him”, where he would flourish and father a great nation. Avraham takes his wife Sarah (at this stage still called Sarai), his nephew Lot and his entire household. They arrive in Cana’an. Avraham travels throughout the Land. Famine strikes and they are forced to go down to Egypt in or der to survive. Afraid of being killed if the Egyptians discover that Sarah is his wife, Avraham asks her to say she is his sister.

2ND ALIYA (LEVI) – 12:14-13:4

Pharaoh’s officers take Sarah away to their master’s house. They give Avraham

Aliyah: “Every person’s sudden awak ening to get up and make Aliyah to the Holy Land has its source in the power of Avraham to meet the challenge of ‘Go forth from your land’.”

Ever since that first “Lech Lecha”, millions have continued to follow in the footsteps of Avraham. Among them were chassidim of the Ba’al Shem Tov, students of the Vilna Gaon, Jews of Yemen in Operation Magic Carpet, the pioneers before the founding of the State, the Jews of Iraq in Operation Ezra and Nehemiah, immigrants from East and West after the founding of the State, Jews from the former Soviet Union after the fall of the Iron Curtain, Jews from Ethiopia in

Operation Moses, Jews from the United States through Nefesh B’Nefesh, Jews from France, and many others.

This is an unprecedented phenomenon in world history: A people scattered in every direction, to the furthest corners of the earth, stays faithful to a single piece of land, and ultimately returns to it after two thousand years.

Keeping in mind the enormous steps that they took, it is strange to then realize that nowhere is it written exactly why these two people were chosen for this mission.

In his book “Dibur Matchil” (Speech Begins), Rabbi Avinadav Abucarat offers a fascinating explanation. Why was Avraham chosen? Why exactly him? Avraham heard

grandiose pronouncements about his future simply because he had the capacity to hear them. There is an inner voice that speaks to every man and woman, but most people refuse to listen and run away from their mission. Avraham heard the calling of Lech Lecha. He succeeded in quieting all other voices, all external distractions, all the seductive temptations and enslaving notions that surrounded him, meriting a clear and radiant vision. Instead of getting lost in a world full of confusion, Avraham understood the whole story and became the first Jew, the first oleh chadash, the first believer.

Rabbi Nachman of Breslav wrote: “Every person in the world has a ‘Lech Lecha’ that calls on him to go to himself. ‘Lech Lecha’ – go to yourself, into the source of your soul.

Sivan Rahav-Meir is the World Mizrachi Scholar-in-Residence and an Israeli jour nalist and lecturer.

copious gifts as ‘payment’. G-d strikes Pharaoh with a plague. Suspecting that Sarah may in fact be Avraham’s wife, Pharaoh confronts Avraham and then orders him and Sarah to leave. They travel back to Cana’an with Lot.

3RD ALIYA (SHLISHI) – 13:5-13:18

Arguments break out between the shepherds of Avraham and Lot. Avraham suggests that they part ways. Lot chooses to live in the immoral city of Sedom. G-d appears to Avraham and promises that his offspring, who will be countless, shall inherit the Land.

4TH ALIYA (REVI’I) – 14:1-14:20

A war breaks out among nine kings. The king of Sedom is defeated and Lot is taken captive. This prompts Avraham to mobilise his small force, which mirac ulously defeats the victorious kings and rescues Lot.

Point to Consider: Who came to tell Avraham that Lot had been taken captive? (see Rashi to 14:13)

5TH ALIYA (CHAMISHI) – 14:21-15:6

Avraham refuses the King of Sedom’s of fer to keep the spoils of the war. Avraham relays his pain to G-d at being childless.

G-d tells him that his offspring will be countless, like the stars.

6TH ALIYA (SHISHI) – 15:7-17:6

Wary of future sins, Avraham asks for a hint as to how his offspring will merit to inherit and to keep the Land (see the Ramban’s commentary). G-d instructs Avraham to cut up several animals, indicating that the future Temple offer ings will protect the nation. Birds of prey descend on the carcasses. Avraham falls into a deep sleep. G-d tells him that his offspring will be enslaved in a foreign land for 400 years. Sarah, still childless, tells Avraham to take her maidservant, Hagar, as a second wife. Hagar becomes pregnant and is disrespectful to Sarah,

who sends her away. An angel appears to Hagar in the desert, telling her to subju gate herself to Sarah. Hagar gives birth to Yishmael.

7TH ALIYA (SHEVI’I) – 17:7-17:27

G-d instructs Avraham in the mitzvah of brit milah. G-d says that Sarah will have a child, Yitzchak. Avraham circumcises both himself and Yishmael.


The Biblical prophet Yeshaya (Isaiah) reassures Israel that even when they are downtrodden, G-d does not tire of them and does not forget them; He remains in charge of Creation and we remain His chosen people.

Lech Lecha Sidra Summary
(Avraham) succeeded in quieting all other voices, all external distractions, all the seductive temptations and enslaving notions that surrounded him.
“G-d said to Avram… ‘Raise now your eyes and look out from where you are: north, south, east and west. For all the land that you see, to you I will give it, and to your descendants forever” (Bereishit 13:14-15)

Torah from Israel Lech Lecha: Was Avraham an Influencer?

Avraham was selected by G-d to transform a dark pagan world by educating them about a “one G-d”. For thousands of years, G-d’s presence was obscured from a lost world which had fallen into moral disar ray. Finally, one man discovered G-d and he was determined to inspire his fellow human beings to a life of religion and meaning.

Avraham’s first teaching opportunity arose in the aftermath of a bloody battle. For 25 years, the world was engulfed in a vicious conflict, incited by a large-scale rebellion against four oppressive tyrants. Avraham was slowly dragged onto the battlefield, in part to quell the violence, and in part, to rescue his nephew Lot who had been taken as prisoner of war. Avra ham liberated his nephew and rescued the entire kingdom of Sedom from these belligerent and repressive monarchs.

As was common practice in the ancient era, Avraham, a military hero, was offered lavish financial compensations as well as human reward in the form of the citizens of Sedom who would now be reassigned to him and become members of his clan.

Avraham lifts his hands to Heaven and foreswears any reward or any “people transfer”, refusing even to accept some thing as meager as a shoe-string. This disa vowal of reward is both noble-spirited and expected. Avraham aspires to establish a new moral standard and the best way to begin is to avoid any trace of greediness or desire for profit. Greed is a dark and powerful human instinct especially when we sense the opportunity for free profits. The thought of profiting upon the misfor tunes of others is repugnant and this move would sabotage Avraham’s lofty moral agenda. To memorialize Avraham’s moral courage, we wear string-laden tzizit as a constant reminder to live within ourselves and within our resources, rather that

chasing unbridled consumerist longing. Though his frugal rejection of war loot is admirable, Avraham’s refusal to naturalize the citizens of Sedom is surprising. The residents of the corrupt city of Sedom would soon be incinerated in a hail of sulphuric fire and heavenly flames. This is a perfect opportunity for Avraham to save the souls of condemned sinners and con vert them to Judaism. Avraham stumbles upon a giftwrapped opportunity to save people from a looming disaster, yet, he takes a pass. His decision is so odd and is so incongruous with his mission, that the Talmud itself critiques him. What could possibly have convinced Avraham to reject these potential converts?


After his heroic rescue mission, Avraham enjoys extraordinary popularity. He was heralded by kings and lauded by grateful soldiers whom he had protected on the battlefield. Most of all, the average com mon citizen was indebted to Avraham for saving their lives.

If Avraham parlays his influence to in culcate his new religious ideas, those ideas may not be authentically incorporated. How genuine would people’s acceptance of Avraham’s ideology be if they were coerced to consent because Avraham was so popular and because he enjoyed a position of such authority? Given his wild popularity they may sheepishly follow his lead, but it is unlikely that they would deeply internalize his new notions about religion and morality.

Moreover, is it even fair of Avraham to take advantage of his stature and his rising popularity to indoctrinate others? Using our moral authority or our popularity to aggressively influence others can be intrusive and manipulative. It is one thing to suggest ideas or even to passionately assert our beliefs. However, when our audience has no choice but to accept

our opinions, we must be exceedingly careful about how we offer our opinions and how strong we peddle our influence. It may work in the short term but rarely yields genuine education. Even when this approach is successful it raises several moral red flags. Avraham pauses before he exerts his popularity and influence upon the impressionable people of Sedom and perhaps, as the gemara implies, he made an incorrect decision. However, his moral quandary was vital for preserving his moral integrity.

These are very delicate questions about the manner in which we convince people of our ideas. When we are deeply com mitted to values, we share our opinions with others hoping to persuade them to our view. However, we must also check ourselves against manipulating or deceiv ing others. Do we spread our influence in a respectful and dignified manner which doesn’t insult the intelligence of our listeners? Do we abuse our positions of au thority to unduly influence other people, thereby robbing them of their autonomy and personal discretion? There are no easy answers to this dilemma, but these are important questions worth ponder ing-especially for educators and Rabbis.


Avraham’s dilemma also sheds light upon our current cultural moment. The inter net, and in particular, social media have empowered us to spread our influence to larger audiences than ever before. At best, the internet makes us better informed people, as it allows information to flow more freely and more efficiently. The in ternet is a portal which grants us access to wisdom, knowledge, and expertise which we don’t personally possess.

However social media doesn’t just better inform us it also powerfully influences us. Social media has manufactured a new public figure called an influencer, who aims to shape our opinions and behavior. Generally, “influencers” do not possess particular talent or unique expertise, but manage to get our attention as they continuously garner followers and “likes”. Social media empowers them to impact our purchase decisions, our thought, our opinions, and our social and political behavior.

We thoughtlessly submit ourselves to the influence of people who possess noth ing more than celebrity or notoriety. Often influencers pontificate about topics which they are completely ignorant of preaching about politics, culture or religion.

Additionally, by submitting ourselves to the influence of others we abdicate our freedom of decision, often falling prey

to group think and to herd mentality. Ironically the internet, which was meant to democratize information, and empower personal autonomy, often shrinks our freedom of thought and of opinion.


Sadly, our culture celebrates the phe nomenon of influencing others. We start to define ourselves and our worth based upon our capacity to influence others, rather than upon our principles, character or acheievements. As we thirst for more and more influence, we become more dependent upon public approval for our self-esteem. We act provocatively just to draw attention to ourselves and “feed the monster” and satiate our desire for public attention.

In a tragic irony, the “influencer” be comes the “influenced”. Influencing others becomes so addictive that our personal behavior is, itself, influenced by our over whelming desire to influence others. Are “influencers” the ultimate “influencees”?


Religious people look for inherent value and not “social value” or value based upon public opinion. We construct lifestyles of which should be internally self-sufficient and should not require external social validation.

The validity and integrity of a religious life should never be a product of how much that lifestyle influences other peo ple. Believing deeply in the nobility and meaning of a religious life, we certainly desire others to be similarly inspired, but our own evaluation and appreciation of religion must come from within and not from the impact our religious values have upon others. Too much influence peddling can distract us from the that inner validation which lies at the core of religious meaning. Influence can often degrade meaning. Influence comes and goes, meaning is built to last.

The writer is a rabbi at Yeshivat Har Etzi on/Gush, a hesder yeshiva. He has smicha and a BA in computer science from Yeshiva University, as well as a master’s degree in English literature from the City University of New York.


Aseres Hadibros: Oneness and Twoness

One night, four students stayed out late, completely dis regarding the test they had the next day. Before school the next the morning, they hatched a brilliant plan to avoid taking the test. They covered themselves with grease and dirt and went to the principal’s office. They told him all about how their car had gotten a flat tire the previous night on their way home from a wedding, and how they had to spend the whole night pushing it home.

The principal listened attentively to their tale of woe, and kindly offered them a retest on the following day. The students gratefully accepted the offer and spent the whole night studying in antici pation of the test.

When they arrived at the principal’s of fice the next morning, he separated them into four different rooms before handing them their test papers. The test had only two questions:

What is your name? (1 Point) Which tire popped? ........ (99 Points)


Truth is powerful, crucial, and one of the core values in Judaism. Without truth, we lack a higher purpose, a foundation to our existence. When Klal Yisrael hear the ultimate truth at Matan Torah — the Aseres Hadibros (Ten Commandments) —they embrace their lofty mission in this world.

We are commanded to treat every pasuk and word in the Torah with equal awe and respect, and yet there is a prevailing custom to stand in shul as the Aseres Hadibros are read, seemingly attributing unique significance to them. The Aseres Hadibros are carved above the Aron (Ark) in almost every shul, and we view them as the foundation of the Torah. What is it about these words that merit special treatment? In order to understand the centrality and importance of these Ten Commandments, we must delve into their deeper meaning.


One unique feature of the Luchos is that there were two sets given to us. The orig inal was created by Hashem and given to Moshe, whereas the second set was hewn by the hands of Moshe. However, the difference between these two sets is not simply practical; the two sets of Luchos are fundamentally different. As the Beis Halevi explains, the first Luchos were a transcendent, angelic, other-worldly form of Torah. The entirety of Torah She’bichsav and Torah She’baal Peh was contained within these tablets, and all of it was clear and accessible. After the

cheit ha’egel (sin of the golden calf), Klal Yisrael lost access to this Torah, and the second set of Luchos provided a rela tively limited and human form of Torah (Beis Halevi, derush 18). However, the transcendent reality introduced through the giving of the first set of Luchos re mains, and it is worth understanding the impact of this set.

Matan Torah vs. Creation of the World

Hashem created the physical world by expressing the infinite oneness of the spiritual world into a physical world of multiplicity. This world of multiplicity masks the underlying oneness of crea tion, and it takes great effort to discover and reveal this oneness. Avraham Avinu undertook a lonely spiritual journey toward recognizing and living this truth, but it wasn’t until Matan Torah that the entire world recognized it. When Hashem gave us the Torah, He reconnected the physical world of multiplicity back to its transcendent source of oneness. As such, all of Klal Yisrael received nevuah and experienced the infinite truth of reality.

This idea explains a strange pasuk regarding Matan Torah. The pasuk says that when Hashem gave us the Torah, “ro’im es ha’kolos,” we “saw the sounds” (Shemos 20:15). We don’t see sounds, we hear them. What, then, does this mean?

As we have previously discussed, the spiritual concept of seeing is the idea of observing something as it is in a completely static state. When you see a picture, you grasp the entire image instantaneously. There’s no process of constructing or building the picture in your mind; everything is just there, at once, with no effort. The spiritual concept of hearing, however, reflects movement and a progression of understanding. Hearing requires effort; it necessitates the reconstruction of bits of sound into words and meaning.

This world — Olam Hazeh — is a place of movement, a place of hearing. The transcendent spiritual realm, Olam Haba, is a place lacking movement. It is a place of static perfection, a place of seeing. Matan Torah was an Olam Haba experience that occurred in this world. We all became prophets, transcending the physical world of time and space, experiencing the infinite spiritual nature of reality. In such a dimension, there is no hearing or movement, only sight. Therefore, sounds weren’t heard, they were seen.


The nature of Matan Torah is indicated in the very words used to describe it. The original creation of the physical world is introduced with the word Bereishis, which begins with the letter beis. The Aseres Hadibros, and by extension Matan Torah, begin with the letter aleph. The Maharal explains that beis, the second letter of the aleph-beis, represents the

concept of multiplicity and twoness. Its numerical value is two, connected to the multiplicity of our physical world. Aleph, on the other hand, is the letter of oneness — transcendence and spirituality, reflect ing Hashem and the spiritual dimension. Aleph is the very first letter in the alephbeis and has the numerical value of one.

It is a silent letter, reflecting its spiritual, transcendent nature. It also reflects spiritual elevation, as expressed in many words that have the word “aleph” (aleph, lamed, peh) as their root (shoresh).

“Le’aleph” means to teach, elevate, or lift to a higher spiritual dimension; “aluph” refers to the highest-ranking military po sition; and “eleph” is the highest number in the Hebrew decimal system.

The Torah begins with the letter beis, because Parashas Bereishis begins by describing Hashem’s creation of the physical world, the process of Hashem’s oneness becoming expressed into multi plicity. This process is most appropriately encapsulated by the letter beis — the letter of twoness that stems from oneness.

While the creation of the physical world reflects the finite expression of oneness into multiplicity, Matan Torah was exactly the opposite. The experience of Torah being brought into this world was an ascension from twoness to oneness. This was an experience of Hashem Himself — an unparalleled experience of truth, oneness, and the transcendent spiritual dimension of reality. The Aseres Hadibros therefore begin with an aleph, the letter of oneness and transcendence. (The Aseres Hadibros begin with the words: “Anochi Hashem.”)


Building on the concepts we have just developed, we can now understand the uniqueness of the Aseres Hadibros in relation to the rest of the Torah. Many assume that the Aseres Hadibros are simply the ten most important mitzvos in the Torah, which is why they receive special attention. However, there is much deeper significance to these specific ten mitzvos. Rashi explains that the Aseres Hadibros include the rest of the mitzvos within them (Shemos 24:12). These Ten Commandments are the fundamental root mitzvos, and the other 603 mitzvos emanate from these ten root categories. [Rav Saadia Gaon describes at great length the breakdown of the mitzvos into their respective categories. It’s also fasci nating to note that there are 620 letters in the Aseres Hadibros, reflecting the idea that the 613 mitzvos and the sheva mitz vos B’nei Noach are all contained within these ten root categories.]

Rav Tzadok explains that just as the 613 mitzvos emanate from the Aseres Hadibros, all of the Aseres Hadibros, and by extension, all the mitzvos in the Torah, emanate from the first of the Aseres Hadibros, “Anochi Hashem.”

This first dibrah declares Hashem’s existence and establishes the necessity of our faithfulness to Hashem and his will. Whenever a person performs a mitzvah, they express their adherence to the first of the Aseres Hadibros by acknowledging Hashem’s existence and their commit ment to fulfilling His will.

Rav Tzadok continues by explaining that the second dibrah, the prohibition of avodah zarah (idolatry), is the root of all mitzvos lo saaseh (negative com mandments). When one denies the will of Hashem, transgressing a negative com mandment, he distances himself from Hashem, serving himself instead. This is an abstracted form of avodah zarah, as idolatry is the concept of betraying our loyalty and relationship with Hashem. On a deeper level, when one violates a lo saaseh, it is also a violation of the first dibrah, Anochi Hashem, as this root mitzvah contains within it all of avodas Hashem. When one fails to acknowledge Hashem, they squander the opportunity to fulfill the first dibrah of building a loving connection with our Creator.


However, there is a major problem. If the Luchos are an expression of the oneness of Torah and the root of our connection to Hashem in this world, then why are the dibros split into two separate groups, the right side and the left side? Why fragment the ultimate expression of oneness into two separate pieces? In our next article, we will delve deeper into this topic in order to build a paradigm through which we can answer this question on a pro foundly deep level.

Rabbi Shmuel Reichman is a bestselling author, international speaker, and the CEO of Self-Mastery Academy. He has lectured internationally on topics of Torah thought, Jewish medical ethics, psycholo gy, and leadership. His bestselling book, The Journey to Your Ultimate Self, serves as an inspiring gateway into deeper Jewish thought. He is also a business, executive, and leadership coach, with a unique approach based on Torah values. After obtaining his BA from Yeshiva University, he received Semicha from Yeshiva Univer sity’s RIETS, a master’s degree in educa tion from Azrieli Graduate School, and a master’s degree in Jewish Thought from Bernard Revel Graduate School. He then spent a year studying at Harvard as an Ivy Plus Scholar. He currently lives in Chicago with his wife and son where he is pursuing a PhD at the University of Chicago. To enjoy more of Rabbi Reichman’s content, to contact him, or to learn more about his services, visit his website: ShmuelReich


LSJS Education Page

Teacher of the Week Every Week

Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt”l famously wrote that teachers open our eyes to the world – they are the people who really shape our life. He was right. We entrust our children into the care of their schoolteachers, and we expect miracles. Not only do we expect teachers to give our children the skills of literacy and numeracy, science, humanities, languag es and the arts, but we want our teachers to instil in our children the knowledge of and a deep love for Judaism and Judaic studies. Oh yes, and we would also like their teachers to ensure they grow into polite, well-behaved mensches. So, not a lot really.

Each teacher is faced at the beginning of each school year with a full room of around thirty, mostly eager students, waiting. These students have huge expectations of the teacher standing in front of them. They are waiting to be ed ucated, and they want to be challenged,

excited and entertained. They want their teachers to be strict and also to be fun. Students want their teachers to be consistent and also surprising, they want their teachers to give them knowledge and also enable them to be independent learners. So, not a lot really.

LSJS trains the teachers for all our Jewish schools. We run a variety of programmes which lead to qualified teacher status (QTS). During these highly intensive programmes, trainees learn about classroom management, lesson planning, monitoring and assessment, pedagogy, child development, learn ing theories, curriculum, professional behaviour, teaching standards. They also

spend most of the training year teaching in schools, learning on the job, support ed by mentors who work with them on a daily basis. So, not a lot really.

But of course, we all know that it is indeed a lot. Our expectation of teachers is huge. And our teachers deliver. They do an awesome job. This is why LSJS is launching a “Teacher of the Week” feature every week in partnership with the Jewish Weekly. Every week, we will profile one teacher. We want to recog nise the teachers who are teaching your children. We know that this will not be a perfect system – there are many hundreds of great teachers, and we will only be able to acknowledge a small

Teachers are our children’s role models and have the enormous responsibility for shaping our lives.

percentage of those. But it will be a start. We will feature teachers in our Jewish primary and secondary schools, those who have been teaching for many years and those who are newer recruits. We want you to know about those people who are ensuring that your children do love learning and are growing into mensches. We want to open your eyes to the world of the teacher, in the same way that Jonathan Sacks zt”l said that teachers open our eyes to the world. Teachers are our children’s role models and have the enormous responsibility for shaping our lives. Let us acknowledge the contribution that they are making to the education of our children.

Dr. Helena Miller is Director of Degrees and Teacher Training Programmes; Senior Research Fellow, LSJS For more information about teacher training and degrees at LSJS please visit

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Le ch Le cha

Meet your grandfather. And my grandfather. It’s Abraham, father of all Jews and this is the start of his story. After the flood and the tower, no-one remembers Hashem anymore. At the age of three, Avram realizes that Hashem is the One true G-d, the Creator. Left in charge of his father’s idol shop, Avram smashes his father Terach’s, idols. For this mad destruction, King Nimrod sentences him to die in a blazing furnace in Ur Kasdim. But never fear, Hashem saves Avram from the fire!

Avram and his wife Sarai open their tent to everyone and host lots and lots of guests. When people come, they teach them about Hashem. After many years, Hashem tells Avram to move. Where? Just to wander and Hashem will tell him when to stop, and He will make him rich and famous and have many children. And Avram just goes!

However when he gets to Israel, which was called Canaan, there is a terrible famine. So Avram has to run down to Egypt – but Pharoah kidnaps Sarah to marry her! Not to worry, Hashem protects her by making all the people in the palace ill. Pharoah has to beg Avram to daven for him. Pharoh then showers them with lots of expensive gifts and kicks them out of Egypt. One of these gifts is Pharoah’s own daughter, Hagar. Pharoah says “Better a servant with Sarai than a Princess in Egypt.”

Next issue on the list. Avram is now very rich. So is his nephew. Avram always insists upon muzzling all his animals when they go through other people’s fields since eating their grass is stealing. Lot’s shepherds figure

that since Hashem has promised Avram the land of Canaan and Avram has no sons, Lot will eventually inherit the land. The grass will be their’s sooner or later anyway! So Avram separates from Lot. Lot goes to live in a wicked, mean place. And then he gets kidnapped in the middle of a war between 4 and 5 kings! Avram hears and rushes to rescue him. The only problem is – after defeating 5 kings just by himself with 318 men, has he used up all his credit and now the deal with Hashem is off? Hashem appears to him and they make an oath. Avram cuts up animal pieces and places them in two rows. Hashem sweeps smoke and clouds through them and puts Avram to sleep, promising him that his children will be strangers in a strange land for 400 years but Hashem will save them and give them Israel.

Sarai starts to think that maybe she isn’t going to be the mother of this child, so she gives Hagar to Avram as a wife. Hagar gets pregnant but runs away. Hashem sends an angel to Hagar with a message that her son who will be a wild man and the founder of a major nation. Hagar is commanded to call him Yishmael, return to Sarai and obey her. Hagar does go back to the tent of Avram and gives birth to Yishmael. He is the father of all the Arab nations.

When Avram is 99, Hashem changes his names to Avraham and Sarai to Sarah. New names, new mazal – luck, Hashem promises they will have a child together. Oh – and… Avraham must do bris milah at 99 years old and once again he obeys without question!!

Tangram Challenge!

Using all the shapes on the left can you make the tree shape on the right?

3 NOVEMBER 2022 FAMILY FUN 31TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488 THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM (Answers at the bottom of page upside down) 2)Water!  1. How can you make seven even? Q: What type of sandals do frogs wear? A: Open-toad! Q: Why did the can crusher quit his job? A: Because it was soda pressing. Q: What do you get when you cross a fish and an elephant? A: Swimming trunks. 2. What runs without legs? 3)Aswallow 3. What bird can be heard at mealtimes? 1.Remove theletters! Q: If you have 13 apples in one hand and 10 oranges in the other, what do you have? A: Big hands. 1.Longitude 2.Easyontheeyes 3.Trytounderstand 4.Alottoanswerfor 5.Leftovers 6.Absentee

Word Wheel

The goal of a word wheel puzzle is to create as many words possible with the letters in the word wheel.

Each word must contain at least three letters. You can only use each letter once and every word must have the letter in the centre of the wheel.

o t r w d d f n


Sixteen-goal Lions rout Scrabble in Cup

Gunners face Blues in showdownnoonday

a mismatch of

are favourites to defeat Liverpool on Sunday.

Lions could have scored in the opening minute of the clash but soon opened the scoring and led 9-0 by half time.

The Division One team, though outclassed, battled away to the end.

Lions boss was lost for words at full time such was the display from his team who gave every respect to the opposition.

Premier League leaders Arsenal travel to Chelsea for a 12-noon showdown on Sunday in the pick of this weekend’s fixtures.

“I’m not really sure there’s anything to say, we are happy to make it through to the next round of the cup,” he commented.

Hendon United Sports ran out 3-1 victors against League One outfit North London Raiders.

The Premier side led early in the second half only for Raiders to equalise but struck two late goals to book a place in round three of the competition.

The Gunners thumped bottom of the table Nottingham Forest 5-0 at Emirates Stadium last time out but will face a sterner test at Stamford Bridge especially with the Blues looking to bounce back from a heavy 4-1 defeat at Brighton.

Hendon now turn their attentions to the league as they travel to Oakwood A for a crucial top of the table clash on Sunday (10am). Daniel Kristall’s team stunned the league leaders last month when they won 2-0, a victory would move them to within a point of Hendon with a match in hand.

must-win game,” commented Galaxy player-manager Luke Lewis.

“We sat back and allowed Oakwood the ball, given the one-man advantage and looked to hit them on the counter attack with pace.

Antonio Conte’s team got back to winning ways at Bournemouth with a come-frombehind 3-2 victory and will be in euphoric mood after a last-minute winner-take-all Champions League 2-1 triumph at Mar seille on Tuesday night to complete a full house of English teams in the last 16 of the competition.

later this month. United travel to Aston Villa who are desperate for points.

Jurgen Klopp’s side are seven points ahead of Forest and eight adrift of the Champions League places following a shock last minute 2-1 home defeat to Leeds United, second bottom at kick off.

this weekend. A win, by any means, will be welcome.

Everton host Leicester City; Leeds, fresh from a first Anfield win in 21 years, will want to back it up against Bournemouth. For the Cherries, the Spurs loss was galling especial ly after a VAR controversy against West Ham the preceding game.

Elsewhere in the latest round of fixtures, 10-man North London Galaxy made it a three-way title race in the only Division One clash of the day after defeating Oakwood B.

Manchester City are two points back from Mikel Arteta’s pacemakers. They should rack up a home win against Fulham who have surprised pundits and sit in a lofty seventh spot.

Jamie Murray saw red early on but Galaxy rallied with goals from Josh Cohen and Jacob Leigh to record an important 2-1 away win.

“Both goals came down the right-hand side. Leigh crossed the first one into Cohen to finish, before slotting home himself. Up to first we go.”

The Division Two title race also took a twist with league leaders Herstwood Vale going down to a 2-1 defeat at Temple Fortune.

Faithfold B have played a game more than Vale but moved level with a 5-3 win at North London Raiders Masters.

The Londoners will be under no pressure at the Etihad so will attempt to get a shock result.

Galaxy head Redbridge Jewish Care A in the table by just one point after 10 matches, third place Fairlop FC are five points behind with two games in hand.

Rafi Bloom scored for Oakwood.

“It was a fantastic performance in a

Jacob Kalms struck twice for Fortune who scored through leading scorer James Milletwith his 17th goal of the season.

Tottenham Hotspur, a win behind City,

The result was all the more remarkable as Temple were down to 11 players with ‘keeper Ben Rebuck dislocating a shoulder in the warm up.

“This was a fantastic win given the

Manchester City, Liverpool and Chelsea had already qualified for the knock out stages.

“It was a proper old school performance, we battled and defended for the 90 minutes and took our chances. Experience proved to be the winner.”

It is a worrying time at Anfield. A top four place was the minimum expected pre-sea son. They are going well in Europe but league form is becoming an issue week after week.

circumstances,” said delighted Fortune boss Simon Linden.

“We had a number of players out, Rebuck got injured, so I couldn’t have asked any more from the players. We wish Ben a speedy recovery.

one will enjoy.”

Vale boss Jacob Emanuel was quick to wish Rebuck well following his injury.

Erik ten Haag’s fast improving Manchester United, meantime, are closing in on the top four which is impressive given their start to the campaign.

“First and most importantly, everyone at Vale would like to wish the Fortune ‘keeper a quick recovery, we hope to see him back on the football pitch as soon as possible,” he said.

Eddie Howe’s Newcastle United continue to impress. They eased to a 4-0 win over Villa and occupy fourth spot. The Geordies visit Southampton and will fancy their chances of returning north with the spoils.

Forest and Wolves prop up the table. Both are at home, versus Brentford and Brighton respectively. Defeat could see a gap open at the foot of the table. The Hammers host Crystal Palace in a mid-table battle.

“It was a proper old school performance, we battled and defended for the 90 minutes and took our chances. Experience proved to be the winner. It’s a big win, one we will enjoy and we hope to build on it in 2019.”

He added, “This win marks 50 years as a football club and will be one Nigel Kyte and everyone associated with the club from day

As for the defeat, Emanuel commented, “It doesn’t matter how big a squad you have, you can never account for unavailability or injury. Only five of today’s team played in our recent win over FC Team, a lack of

The Reds defeated West Ham with Marcus Rashford’s 100th goal for the club last Sun day. Rashford is now in contention for an England spot in the first World Cup game


Saints are one of three sides just out of the bottom three. And the relegation fight gets tighter by the week. Entertainment will not be top of the agenda in a number of matches

With only a round of fixtures to go before the World Cup break managers will not want their teams to be in the relegation spots or adrift of the Champions League places.

The Premier race has a long way to run but six weeks is a long time to ponder a concern ing predicament.

Last week’s words: Here are some words you may have found from last week - you may have found more! Use this area to write the words you have found. ash hap has hat hip his hit hop hos hot hail halo halt haps hasp hast hats hilt hips hiss hist hits hops host lash oath path pith posh sash ship shop shot this apish hails halos halts hasps hilts hoist hosts laths loath oaths paths phial ships shoal shops shots slash slosh sloth stash hoists pathos polish potash shoals splash saltish sophist hospital hospitals
SAFFER Reiss Mogilner scored six goals as Maccabi London
Lions thumped Scrabble
the second round
the Cyril
Anekstein Cup.
League side racked up a 16-0 win with Daniel Green and Michael Kenley both bagging a hat-trick. Ed Brafman, David Dinkin, and Adam Hassanali completed the rout in
a tie.
poor individual
DAVID SAFFER16-goal Maccabi London Lions
Marcus Rashford’s scored his 100th goal to defeat West Ham PHOTO: SHUTTERSTOCK


We have a financial dilemma. My spouse and I are retired. We don’t want our children to have to pay 40% inheritance tax but we also might need care in the future and don’t want to have to be dependent on our children. We own a second property which is rent ed out and have various savings and investments. Is there a way to mitigate inheritance tax and keep control and access to our money for now ?

Mr and Mrs Cohen

Dear Mr and Mrs Cohen

Your dilemma is a common one! A competent adviser will be able to direct you through all the important issues you should consider and decisions you need to make to reduce your estate’s inheritance tax liability. Gifting to your children is an option for mitigating inheritance tax. However, this option presents two problems. Firstly, it takes 7 years for the gift to fully exit your estate for tax purposes. You might not have that long before you pass away! Secondly once you gift, you lose access and control of that money/asset. Therefore, it’s not a viable option as you would have to be dependent on your children’s generosity to meet your potential care needs.

An attractive alternative option you ought to consider is investing in assets that qualify for Business Relief. The benefits of this option are that it only takes ownership of two years for those assets to be deemed exempt from inheritance tax and you can retain access and control of your money indefinitely. No gifting is required. If you hold these investments at death and they have been held more than two years, these investments will be exempt from inheritance tax. You can also use these investments to pay for your prospective care costs. Investments that qualify for Business Relief come in various forms and with different advantages and disadvantages as well as risks to each invest ment. Seek advice for an appropriate investment.



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in association with richdale

Another delicious recipe for from Denise Phillips



my website:

Nachos, Black Beans & Avocado Salad



1) For the pickled onion salsa mix the vinegar, sugar and pinch salt in a bowl, whisking until the sugar and salt have dissolved. Add the onion, mix well and set aside.

2) For the beans, heat the oil in a frying pan. Add the onion and cook for 3 minutes until soft. Stir in the beans, paprika, honey and cook for another few minutes. Set aside.

3) For the guacamole, halve two of the avocados and remove the stones. Spoon out the flesh and mash. Stir in half of the lime juice and zest, chilli, coriander, chopped tomato and garlic. Set aside.

4) Halve the remaining avocado, scoop out the flesh and chop into chunks, drizzle with the remaining lime juice.

5) Preheat the oven to 200C/ 400 F/ Gas mark 6.

6) Using a large ovenware dish layer the tortilla chips, beans, vegan ‘cheese’ and most of the chilli slices. Bake for 15 minutes.

7) Drain most of the pickling liquid from the onions, add the tomatoes, radishes and toss together. Remove the nachos from the oven and scatter over the salsa. Spoon over the guacamole, avocado chunks and garnish with sprigs of coriander.

This is a tasty Tex Mex salad perfect for lunch or dinner; a great sharing plate! Perfect to accompany a BBQ or just enjoy as an informal dining experience. Preparation Time: 25 minutes Cooking Time: 25 minutes Serves: 6 Ingredients 2 x 200g bags Tortilla chips100g grated Vegan ‘Cheddar cheese’ or omit if you are using this with bolognaise sauce 1-2 red chillies – deseeded and thinly sliced Pickled Onion Salsa 2 tablespoons white wine or cider vinegar 1 tablespoon golden caster sugar 1 red onion – halved and finely sliced Pinch of salt 2 salad tomatoes – seeds removed, roughly chopped 3 radishes – thinly sliced Black Bean 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1 red onion – finely chopped 400g tin black beans – drained and rinsed 2 teaspoons smoked paprika 2 teaspoons clear honey / maple syrup Guacamole 3 ripe avocados Zest and juice 1 lime ½ small chilli – finely chopped 3 tablespoons fresh coriander – roughly chopped 1 salad tomato – finely chopped 1 small garlic clove – finely chopped

You shouldn’t think it’s ‘them and us’ Paperweight Perspective

There is an oft-used phrase that you never know what goes on behind closed doors. I can vouch for that. I choose to sit at the front of the Paperweight office, by the door. It gives me a literal window onto the Jewish world. When clients come in for appointments, they look like you or me. From my vantage point however, I have discovered that a smiling face can mask a myriad of problems. Stresses and strains that no person should ever have to go through alone. And of course, the faces are not always smiling. They’re nervous. Anxious. Tearful. Afraid. Every chair in our reception has a box of tissues next to the notebooks and pens. Because once behind the closed, private door with a caseworker, the man or woman you’d think has the world at their feet breaks down.

And here’s the thing. These men and

women aren’t just ‘clients. There but for the grace of G-d, they are you and me.

The economic and political implications of lockdown, furlough and the war in Ukraine mean that unless you are part of that unique one percent for whom your most pressing financial concern is wheth er to build an underground gym in your fourth home, you too could be walking through our doors.

The Jewish community as a whole is facing serious and life-changing financial decisions. We are all asking ourselves the same questions. Can we afford to put the

heating on this month? Can we afford not to, if we have a family member suffering from ill-health. How do we make our weekly shop last longer? Who knew that some friends were now relying on a food bank? Where else can we cut costs and spending? If you say you haven’t reviewed your phone, energy and power tariffs in the past few months, I wouldn’t believe you. Have you discussed whether you re ally need Netflix? Where you can purchase your food more cheaply? Have you bought blankets in bulk? Exchanged notes on the best places to buy draft excluders. Have

baths become a luxury and showers the norm?

My point is that it isn’t a ‘them and us’ situation. Today’s client at Paperweight could be someone you know. And next week it could be you. We are all in the same boat. And for some of those people

I meet coming through the Paperweight doors, it’s sink or swim. So, my window on the world here in Hendon, as I sit by that front door, is akin to a window on our en tire community. We are all in this together. I began this piece by saying that we never know what goes on behind closed doors. It’s true. But the difference at Paperweight is that our doors are always open.


and people-empowering.

Your situation may involve any of these tasks, and more. Whatever your administrative, legal or financial problems, our 200 caseworkers, based in London, Manchester and Gateshead, have the expertise to help. And it’s all free of charge. To access our services or to make a donation to support our work, call 0330 174 4300 or

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The Paperweight Trust Registered Charity 1146302 Registered Company 07705745 Design:
visit PWT_080 Jewish Weekly_265x158mm_v1.indd 1 28/02/2022 10:14
The Jewish community as a whole is facing serious and life-changing financial decisions. We are all asking ourselves the same questions. Can we afford to put the heating on this month? How do we make our weekly shop last longer?
38 LEGACY 3 NOVEMBER 2022TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488 THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM LEGACY eNABLeD Registered Charity No. 259480 Leave the legacy of independence to people like Hayley. PLease remember us in your wiLL Visit or call 020 8371 6611 KKL Executor and Trustee Company Ltd (a Company registered in England No. 453042) is a subsidiary of JNF Charitable Trust (Charity No. 225910) and a registered Trust Corporation (authorised capital £250,000). A LIGHT IN DARK PLACES KKL, JNF UK’s legacy department, has been serving the Jewish community for over 70 years. Our highly qualified team combines first-rate executorship and trustee services with personalised pastoral care. To find out more, call 020 8732 6101 or email HELP US CONTINUE TO BE THERE FOR OUR COMMUNITY WITH A GIFT IN YOUR WILL. Call our Legacy Team on 020 8922 2840 for more information or email Charity Reg No. 802559 Legacy advert JW 69x62.5mm.indd 1 04/10/2022 13:02 Promoting gifts in wills to our charity partners Grow your brand in the largest circulated Jewish newspaper in the UK! Up to 14,000 FREE copies per week around London, Manchester and Antwerp! 50,000 readership. Call: 020 3906 8488 Email: Visit: Space filling fast in the following big edition – Book Today! Thursday 15 December Grand Chanukah Supplement AJEX ANNUAL REMEMBRANCE CEREMONY AND PARADE SUNDAY 20TH NOVEMBER 2022 Gather at Horse Guards Parade 1pm. Final Form up 1.45pm. AJEX Charitable Foundation Registered Charity No: 1082148 T 020 8202 2323 E RonShelleyMBEwithJFSCadet The AJEX Annual Remembrance Parade & Ceremony will take place at The Cenotaph on Sunday 20th November 2022. Our theme for Remembrance this year is ‘CONNECTION’ and we invite people of all ages across the community, to participate and help in connecting the generations. This is a moving opportunity to honour and remember the thousands of Jewish Servicemen and Women who fought and served for our freedom. We will, at this especially poignant time, honour and remember the late HM Queen Elizabeth II and all she did as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. Book your ticket to participate now at No ticket is required to spectate so please save the date. WE WILL REMEMBER.
Our trained counsellors are just a text away 0786 005 8823 registered Company NUmber: 12336514 Registered Charity Number: Remember Jteen is confidential and anonymous and is available for anyone between the ages of 11-20. We can't see your number and we won't ask for your name. Rabbinical board led by: Rabbi S.F Zimmerman (Federation Beis Din) and Rabbi S Winegarten.

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