The Jewish Weekly Issue 247

Page 16

BY DAVID SAFFER World leaders have paid tribute to Mikhail Gorbachev, the last Soviet Union leader, who passed away on Tuesday.Gorbachev, 91, took power in 1985 and led reforms that saw the dissolution of the USSR and end to the Cold War in 1991. A leading statesman of his time, he had been treated for a ‘serious and prolonged’ illness at Central Clinical Hospital in Moscow. Of ficial news agency Tass reported that Gorbachev will be buried at Moscow’s Novodevichy cemetery next to his wife, Raira, who died in 1999. It has not been announced if he will receive a state funeral. Opinions on Gorbachev’s po litical achievements in Russia have been mixed for decades but globally he is hailed for his historic efforts that earned him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1990. In Israel and the Diaspora, Gor bachev is revered. He re-estab lished diplomatic relations with Is rael after the USSR ended relations following the 1967 Six-Day War.

01 SEPTEMBER 2022/05 ELUL 5782 @TheJewishWeekly 247 020 8203 2111 1 Sentinel Square, Brent Street NW4 2EL 1 Sentinel Square, Brent Street NW4 2EL CONTACT ROUNDTREE REAL ESTATE TODAY LETTINGSSALES PROPERTY MANAGEMENTINVESTMENTS FREE THE LARGEST CIRCULATED JEWISH NEWSPAPER IN THE UK! Global tributes paid toMikhail Gorbachev PARASHAT SHOFETIM SHABBAT: LondonManchester King David High School Manchester GCSE Students who, as you can see, are really pleased with their results. PHOTO: LAWRENCE PURCELL Mikhail Gorbachev PHOTO: WIKIMEDIAContinued on page 2

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Gorbachev resigned in December 1991 after the Soviet Union split into 15 separate nations.“Isee myself as a man who started the reforms that were necessary for the country and for Europe and the world,” Gorbachev told The AP in a 1992 interview after he left office. “I am often asked, would I have started it all again if I had to repeat it? Yes, indeed. And with more persistence and determination.”AsectionofRussian society including po litical allies never forgave him. He polled less than 1% in a president run in 1996. A year later he began raising money for his char itable foundation, which addressed global priorities in the post-Cold War period. Aside from the Nobel Peace Prize, Gor bachev was awarded honorary doctorates around the world. He also won a Grammy in 2004 with former US President Bill Clin ton and Italian actress Sophia Loren for a recording of Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf. The United Nations named him a Champion of the Earth in 2006. Gorbachev is survived by a daughter, Iri na, and two granddaughters.


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European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen added, “Gorbachev was a trusted and respected leader. He played a crucial role to end the Cold War and bring down the Iron Curtain. It opened the way for a free Europe. This legacy is one we will notFormerforget.”

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Rabbi Meyer said, "I have had the priv ilege of working closely with the DfE and Ofsted in my current position at PaJeS. I look forward to building on these relationships”. Sarah Anticoni, PaJeS Trustees chair commented, “This appointment is a clear recognition of Rabbi Meyer's expertise in the education sector.”

Ofsted appoints Rabbi Meyer

DISTRIBUTED Expert Advice Family Fun 35 Sport opened the gates of the Soviet Union for the great wave of Jewish immigration to Israel in the President1990s.”Isaac Herzog described Gor bachev as one of the 20th century’s “most extraordinary figures”. “He was a brave and visionary leader, who shaped our world in ways previously thought unimaginable,” said Herzog. “I was proud to meet him dur ing his 1992 visit to Israel.” Gorbachev’s five day visit to Israel came at the invitation of Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir when he spoke at Bar-Ilan University in Ramat Gan on June 16, ‘92. His address included a correlation be tween morals and politics, which drew na tionalGorbachevpraise. said, “We are going through a turning point in history. Not only my coun try but the whole world as well has found itself at the crossroads. The road to a new civilisation will be a long and arduous one. It would be hardly possible to comprehend it and to chart it without faith, without a religious foundation. The image of an eter nally blossoming and fruit-bearing Tree of Life holds a special place in the Biblical picture of the world. Let us bear this image in mind when we work for the future and contemplate it.” Bar-Ilan University presented Gorbachev with an honorary doctorate before his ad dress. He also received the Harvey Peace Prize from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in appreciation of his “seminal initiatives” that had a “profound impact on international relations” and improved the “quality of life of hundreds of millions of people.”Gorbachev ended the trip with a symbolic tree planting in Jerusalem Forest. Global tributes have flowed since his death. US President Biden said Gorbachev was a man of “remarkable vision”. “After decades of brutal political repression, he embraced democratic reforms,” Biden noted. “He be lieved in glasnost and perestroika, openness and restructuring, not as mere slogans, but as the path forward for the people of the Soviet Union after so many years of isolation and deprivation. These were the acts of a rare leader, one with the imagination to see that a different future was possible and the courage to risk his entire career to achieve it. The result was a safer world and greater freedom for millions of people. It was easy to see why so many worldwide held him in such high esteem.” UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres commented, “The world has lost a towering global leader, committed multilateralist, and tireless advocate for peace.”

Gorbachev held high profile meetings with world leaders including US Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush. His glas nost and perestroika policies helped end the Cold War with the West.

Gorbachev graduated in 1955 and became the youngest Politburo member by 1980. He served as General Secretary from 1985, following the death of Leonid Brezhnev then his mentor Yuri Andropov and Konstantin Chernenko, until 1991. The last three years Gorbachev was head of state.

Former US Secretary of State, James Baker, who negotiated the end of the Cold War, said that history would remember Gorbachev as a “giant who steered his great nation towards democracy”. Another former US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, added, “Without him and his courage, it would not have been possible to end the cold war peacefully.” Prime Minister Boris Johnson said, “I always admired the courage and integrity he showed in bringing the Cold War to a peaceful conclusion. In a time of Putin’s aggression in Ukraine, his tireless commit ment to opening up Soviet society remains an example to us all.” Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said that Gorbachev’s pursuit of reform “forged a path for diplomacy over conflict”. Starmer add ed, “He will forever be remembered as the last leader of the Soviet Union who had the courage and conviction to end the Cold War.” In Russia, President Vladimir Putin said that Gorbachev made a “huge impact on the course of world history”. He noted in a state ment, “He led our country during a period of complex, dramatic changes, large-scale foreign policy, economic and social chal lenges. He deeply understood that reforms were necessary, he strove to offer his own solutions to urgent problems.” Gorbachev was born in Privolnoye, Rus sia. His family suffered under Soviet dictator Josef Stalin. After World War 2, he helped his father, who fought the Nazis, rebuild his life and received the order of the Red Banner of Labor, which led to admission in 1950 to Moscow State University where he met his wife, Raisa Titorenko, and joined the Communist Party.

Ofsted has appointment Rabbi David Meyer as a non-executive director on its board. The role will help ensure Ofsted's work is carried out "efficiently and effectively".

US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said, “The people of eastern Eu rope and the German people, and in the end the Russian people, owe him a great debt of gratitude for the inspiration, for the courage in coming forward with these ideas of freedom.”

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The Chief Rabbi of Tunisia Chaim Bitan has called on French authorities to act.

The gruesome murder was discovered after Haddad’s family contacted Dridi as they had not heard from him.

The funeral began from Rechov Rappa port and continued until Har HaZeisim where the esteemed Rebbe was buried.

The National Bureau of Vigilance against Anti-Semitism (BNVCA) had confirmed Haddad is from Djerba in Tunisia. His fam ily live in Be’er Sheva in Israel.


Bitan serves on the Conference of Euro peanFranceRabbis.has two Jewish people, Jeremy Cohen, 31, and Rene Hadjaj, 90, being killed in alleged antisemitic attacks this year. Investigations continue in these cases.

The furore reached a peak when Palestin ian President Mahmoud Abass accused Is rael of committing “50 Holocausts” against the Palestinians in a recent meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin. Abbas refused to apologise for the massacre of the Israeli athletes by Palestinian Black September terrorists five decades ago. Prime Minister Yair Lapid spoke with Scholz last week regarding compensation. Black September Group militants broke into the Israeli delegation quarters in the Olympic village on September 5 1972. The subsequent massacre after Ger man police intervened resulted in global headlines.ElevenIsraelis, five Palestinian kidnap pers and a German policeman died after a botched rescue attempt. The games con troversially continued within 36 hours. The decision was heavily criticised. Olympics memorial

A memorial event marking the 50th anni versary of the massacre of 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympics will take place in Ber lin on BereavedMonday.families will attend after settling an ongoing compensation dispute with the German government. Eligible families will receive 28 million euros (1.2 million per family) after a number of derisory offers. A precedent for an international terrorist attack is three million euros per victim. Since the massacre, families of victims had called on Germany to take responsi bility for failings in securing the release of hostages.Representatives have argued that or phaned children deserved a better offer for future generations.

The first ceremony will take place in the Olympic Village in Munich where the mas sacre began. A second ceremony will be at the airport of Furstenfeldbruck where a failed rescue mission ended. President Issac Herzog and German Pres ident Frank-Walter Steinmeier will be in attendance.Bothwelcomed results of discussions in a joint “Thisstatement.agreement cannot heal the wounds, but it includes an acceptance of responsibility on Germany’s part and its recognition of the terrible suffering of the victims, whom we shall commemorate next week, and of their loved ones,” they noted. Herzog commended the years of in tensive activity by bereaved families, the Olympic Committee of Israel, and Israeli and German embassies that has led to an offer to families of victims of the massacre. Herzog thanked Steinmeier for his com mitment to a path of justice, humanity and responsibility.Healsoexpressed his appreciation to Chancellor Scholz for “ensuring repara tions” for the historic injustice done to fam ilies of the Munich massacre. Herzog noted, “Fifty years after this ca tastrophe the time has come to find relief for the bereaved families and to reaffirm the lessons of this tragedy including the importance of fighting terror for future generations.”Steinmeier said, “My thoughts are with the bereaved families. I am grateful and re lieved that a solution was found that opens the door to a joint commemoration.” Steinmeier thanked Herzog for his trust and engagement and for keeping the con versationHerzog’sopen.participation was conditional on a resolution with victims’ families who viewed a past German total offer of $5.5 million as “insulting.”

Bereaved families to attend Munich

The Rebbe, 66, had previously suffered with heart issues according to his family and fell ill earlier in the day. He is believed to have had a heart attack at his home in Jerusalem during the afternoon. Chassidim prayed for his re covery. Paramedics quickly arrived at the scene but were unable to resuscitate him.

“We ask that the French government bring the murderer to justice, perform a transparent investigation, and press full charges against this low murderer to pre vent similar incidents,” he reportedly said.


“The assassination was committed by a Muslim suspect,” the BNVCA said in a press release. “The concern is heightened by the silence surrounding this case.” Dridi, 22, reportedly said that Haddad owed him $100 and used an axe in the hor rificHeattack.isbelieved to have attempted to bury the body before confessing to the murder as Haddad was Jewish.

President Isaac Herzog with President Frank-Walter Steinmeier of Germany PHOTO: HAIM ZACH (GPO)

BY SIMCHA ABIR Police are investigating the brutal murder of Eyal Haddad by his Muslim housemate lastHaddad,month.34, lived in the French town of Seine-et-Marne (Longperrier) in northern France and was allegedly killed by Mo hamed Dridi. The murder is thought to have taken place on August 20. Initial reports the murder was antisemitic have been ruled out in recent days. Jewish groups asked authorities to in vestigate and consider the “antisemitic character” (of allegations) and “shed light on the true motives of the killer.” International Affairs Advisor to the Euro pean Parliament, Manel Msalmim tweeted, “It is not the first time that a Jew is mur dered by his neighbour. We condemn this barbaric and criminal act and we call for justice for Eyal.”

The Zvhiller community is in mourning following the sudden death of its re nowned Rebbe, HaGaon HaTzaddik Rav Shlomo Goldman z’tl, who passed away on Monday evening.

Zvhiller Rebbe Shlomo Goldman z”l


According to reports, Zvhiller lead ers have appointed the Rebbe’s brother, HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Dovid Goldman, Rosh Yeshivas Zhvill, as his successor. An official announcement is expected to be made during shiva this week. Rav Goldman was the son of the Ba’al Ohr Avra ham of Zhvill, z’tl, and grandson of the Ba’al HaY akra D’Malka, z’tl. The Rebbe succeeded his father. He was renowned for his dedication to the community and many mitzvahs of tzedaka. Chas sidim sought his expertise on numerous halachic topics.RavGoldman was mo ser nefesh for the Zhviller mosdos, including Talmud Torah, yeshivot, kollelim and Beit Midrash. A regular visitor to Meron on Lag B’Omer, he worked for 20 years as mashgiach at the Rozhin Yeshiva of RavBoyan.Goldman studied at Yeshivas Sa lonim where he later served. He was mar ried to Shethai, a daughter of Rav Moshe Nosson Nota, the Gaavad of Makova. He is survived by children, grandchildren and brothers who have followed in his ways of Torah. police investigate brutal murder Shock as Zvhiller Rebbe passes away

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Theodore Herzl PHOTO: EPHRAIM MOSHE LILIEN President Isaac Herzog recreating Herzl's pose PHOTO: HAIM ZACH (GPO)

“Herzl bequeathed the responsibility and obligation for deep debate, and most importantly, the duty to put the Zionist vision into action on a daily basis.”

Discussing how to ‘reclaim Zionism’,

People could continue arguing, debating and making decisions about their great dilemmas between normality and indi viduality, but without the fears that had haunted this polemic until then, the fear of antisemitism and persecution on the one hand, and the fear of assimilation to the point of the erasure of identity, culture and spirituality on the other. Herzl transcended the debate about individuality and created the infrastructure for something more ex istential,Herzogindependence.”describedHerzl’s ground-break ing proposal to the Jewish People as a “bona fide revolution”.

He noted, “When we study Herzl, when we follow his movements and pore over his speeches, delivered right here in this hall, we understand just how revolutionary his ideologyTurningwas.”his thoughts to ‘the ‘privilege of being Zionists and engaging in Zion ism’, Herzog observed, “Herzl bequeathed the responsibility and obligation for deep debate, and most importantly, the duty to put the Zionist vision into action on a daily basis.” He continued, “The importance of the founding generation, headed by Herzl, lies not only in the ideological infrastructure that he bequeathed to us but also in the in stitutional infrastructure that he laid down for us, the national institutions established long before the establishment of the State of Israel, and chiefly the World Zionist Or ganisation, then Keren Hayesod and later the Jewish Agency. Herzl created a critical and firm basis for proactive Zionist and Jewish action around the world, and in deed for collective dialogue, including all shades of our dazzling Jewish mosaic, both in Israel and in the Diaspora, a dialogue that we must also persevere in maintain ing today, especially today, as the walls between us seem to be rising ever-higher.”

President Isaac Herzog attended a gala event celebrating the 125th anniversary of the First Zionist Congress at the Stadtca sino Basel concert hall in Basel this week. World Zionist Organisation hosted the evening in the same venue as the original event in 1897 when it was hosted by the First Zionist Congress. The story of the Con gress’ achievements was told. Herzog recalled the historic moment Herzl opened the First Zionist Congress. “I am truly moved to mark the 125th anniversary of the formative moment in history that shaped our entire being, the First Zionist Congress,” he said. Addressing what he termed the ‘three pillars of Zionism’, Herzog first spoke about the ‘Zionist dilemma’. Noting the “pendulum of Jewish history” had swung between a demand for nor mality and pursuit of individuality, Herzog observed that Herzl positioned Zionism’s normality-individuality axis. He explained, “Herzl was Zionism’s greatest instigator. He translated Jewish identity into an effective political doctrine, he opened up the possibility for Jews to experience their identity as an independ ent political community, as a state. He was entirely extraordinary, utterly distinctive and outstanding, even in the company of other heralds of Zionism. “Herzl’s vision was so radical that it shook up the Jewish People, in unpredictable ways, and forced it to reconsider its path. What made his proposal earth-shattering was its departure from the conventional, rigid framework. It defiantly ignored the need to pick a side in the dichotomous struggle between normality and individ uality. Instead, it sought to create a new space for the Jewish People, a space that was at once political, diplomatic, territorial and cultural. A space in which the Jewish


Herzog joins 125th celebrations of First Zionist Congress



Herzog called on the audience to fight an tisemitism and anti-Zionism globally. “History has already shown what dark depths it can reach,” he said. “We must reclaim the term ‘Zionism’ for ourselves as an expression of our own national iden tity, traditions, hopes, pride, enlightened values, justice and commitment to tikkun olam. This is the mission of our generation.” Herzog added, “Zionism is an indispen sable mix of old and new. Zionism rep resents the deepest roots of our identity, which we must not forgo under any cir cumstances, while at the same time it is also utterly modern in its engagement with the constantly changing reality of life and in its contributions to solving the challenges of the present and the future.


“Iran’s behaviour cannot be met with si lence. Iran’s activities cannot go unpun ished. Most critically, such a state must not be allowed to possess nuclear capabilities.”

The First Lady of Switzerland, Dr. Paola Rodoni Cassis hosted Michal Herzog on a tour of Einstein House, the home of Albert

President Isaac Herzog with Swiss President Ignazio Cassis

“From a Jewish and Israeli perspective, Zionism means populating the Land of Israel and building Israeli society. It means fortifying Israeli democracy, with a proper culture of debate and discussion, and the perpetual pursuit of peace and coexistence with members of all peoples and faiths liv ing in Israel and in the whole Middle East. It means guaranteeing aliyah to the State of Israel, fostering Jewish identity among all our nation’s communities, bolstering mutual responsibility in the Jewish world across its many stripes, and of course the He continued, “Modern Zionism gives us our sense of not only shared fate but also shared destiny, as long as it remains anchored in our deepest roots, weaving together the inseparable threads of peo plehood, land, and state. Zionism, both historically and in its modern form, means responsibility. Responsibility that we must bear with pride and etch on our hearts, from generation to generation.”

proud of it, we shall choose responsibility every day and keep our country and our people safe, we shall continue debating and arguing and grappling with questions about normality and individuality, old and new, while fostering a respectful, enriching, and responsible dialogue between all parts of the Jewish People. And not just because ‘Herzl said so’ but because this is the only way, the safest and most responsible way Swiss national science foundations. Herzog praised the bonds between the nations going back to the earliest days of the Zionist Movement that had seen growth in trade, defence, science, agriculture, aca demia and environment. And he called for cooperation for solutions to the planet’s most urgent needs. Herzog added, “The Middle East is at a critical crossroads. While the Abraham Ac cords have created new avenues for trans forming the region into a hub of stability, peace and prosperity, Iran and its proxies continue to spread terror and undermine moderate actors.” Herzog called on governments to ensure the IAEA's independence and oppose the Iranian nuclear program. “Iran has sworn itself to Israel’s destruc tion and is working tirelessly to destabilise our region and the entire world,” he said.

During the two day visit this week, Her zog met members of the Canton of Ba sel-Stadt and Swiss-Jewish community.

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Qureshi’s trial is set for November

Qureshi did not have legal representation, having dismissed his lawyer.

Brighton, actually.

Corbyn faces fresh criticism after tweeting support for Lowkey, real name is Kareem Dennis, following his performance in Am sterdam that concluded a four city tour of the“WellNetherlands.doneLowkey, what energy and good messages you carry!,” Corbyn tweeted.


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CAA have noted that Lowkey’s songs in clude lyrics such as “nothing is more an ti-Semitic than Zionism”. Lowkey is a patron of the Palestine Soli darity Campaign. A month-long CAA investigation in 2017 exposed antisemitic bigotry among PSC supporters on social media. They have re cently noted Lowkey reportedly claimed that “mainstream media” has “weaponised the Jewish heritage” of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to “stave off” inquiries about far-right groups in Ukraine.

A CAA spokesperson said, “Lowkey has previously described Israel as a ‘racist en deavour’ and Zionism as ‘antisemitic’, and has spoken of the ‘Zionist lobby’ in the context of global capitalism. He has also repeatedly associated with the disgraced former Labour MP Chris Williamson and the conspiracist and disgraced academic David Miller, and was recently embroiled in a controversy at the National Union of Students.“Whether despite or because of this inflammatory record, Lowkey has drawn praise from none other than Jeremy Corbyn for the ‘good messages you carry’. Yet still, the Labour Party is happy to have Mr Corbyn as a member. Why is the Party so stubbornly unable to see what all of the rest of us can?” Corbyn is an independent MP after his indefinite suspension by the Parliamen tary Labour Party, but remains a Labour member.Hewas suspended before being contro versially readmitted.

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BY LILLY JOSEPH Campaign Against Antisemitism has blasted former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn for praising controversial rapper and activist Lowkey.CAAhas lodged a complaint against Cor byn who was leader during the EHRC’s find ings. They are seeking Corbyn’s immediate resuspension, and if upheld, his expulsion.

BY SIMCHA ABIR Abdullah Qureshi has pleaded not guilty to racially/religiously aggravated charges ini tially dropped by the Crown Prosecution Ser vice before Campaign Against Antisemitism, Shomrim, CST and other groups intervened. CAA are determined five orthodox Jewish victims from Stamford Hill will get justice following disturbing assaults. The trial is scheduled to take place in No vember at Stratford Magistrates’ Court. A CAA spokesperson said, “While it is re grettable that it took an intervention by us and others to get us here, we are nonetheless pleased to see this case progressing and the CPS making the argument that these were racially motivated crimes. We will do what ever it takes to ensure that the victims of these violent crimes have justice.”

Qureshi, 28, from Dewsbury in West York shire, pleaded guilty at Thames Magistrates’ Court in April to one count of assault by beat ing and one count of grievous bodily harm withCAAintent.revealed CPS dropped the racially/re ligiously aggravated element as part of a plea deal with Qureshi. After communal organisa tions approached CPS, it agreed to reinstate aggravated elements, but Qureshi appeared in court to challenge the aggravated part. Stratford Magistrates’ Court agreed to re instate the ‘aggravated’ element last month.

CAA blast Corbyn over Lowkey

The prosecution argued that Qureshi trav elled from Dewsbury to Stamford Hill “to deliberately target the Jewish community” and “commit antisemitic assaults on Jewish victims,” describing victims as “noticeable members of the Jewish community.” Qureshi, who questioned the victims’ in juries, has been given conditional bail. He cannot enter N16. The judge considered maintaining a GPS tag but Qureshi argued he had observed his bail conditions. The charges relate to assaults in August 2021. In one incident an Orthodox Jewish man was struck in the face. In another a child was slapped on the back of the head, a 64-year-old victim was left unconscious suffering facial injuries and a broken ankle. Two further incidents were also alleged. Three of five alleged incidents were caught onMayorvideo.of London, Sadiq Khan, condemned an “appalling attack,” adding, “Let me be clear, racist abuse and hate crime, including antisemitism, have absolutely no place in ourWhencity.”the incidents were first reported in the media that Quershi had attacked “visibly Jewish” people in a “violent spree”, Silverman said that CPS proved to be the “weak link in a collective effort to secure justice and pro tection for British Jews.” He added, “Polling shows that a majority of British Jews do not believe that the CPS does enough to protect them.”Police arrested Qureshi after the alleged incidents and held him at an East London policeCAAstation.welcomed a swift arrest. “These attacks were not ‘random’ in the usual sense,” said a spokesperson. “These victims were chosen because they are Jews. We applaud the police for their swift investi gation and expect the authorities to ensure that justice is done for the victims of these violent hate crimes.”

Gantz continued, "On the heels of a global pandemic and a war in Ukraine, we see that each country must be prepared to defend itself. We learn that alliances must be deepened. And we see that security is also a matter of food and energy sup plies as well as economic stability. These issues require close cooperation among partners.“Global stability is also threatened by the Iran’s nuclear program and malign activi ties. I have just returned from a visit to our close, shared ally, the United States, where I discussed the nuclear agreement with Iran. This threat requires a united international front led by the U.S.” Outlining positive changes in the world, Gantz said there were opportunities to ad vance peace, such as the Abraham Accords. “Their positive effects will radiate to the Indo-Pacific,” he observed. Gantz thanked Hamada for Japan’s contribution to peace and stability in the Middle East region, through peacekeeping missions and economic investments.

CAA’s Antisemitism Barometer in March 2022 includes data from two polls conduct ed the previous year. The 2019 barometer disturbingly showed antisemitism on the far-left of British politics had surpassed the far-right.




Israel’s Minister of Defence Benny Gantz has signed a Memorandum of Defence Cooperation with Japan. The agreement will extend defence, stra tegic and military exchanges. Gantz was welcomed by Minister Yasu kazu Hamada before the talks. Both ministers praised the memoran dum as it commemorated the 70th anni versary of diplomatic relations between Japan and Israel. Gantz expressed his condolences to Hamada following the murder of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in July. Global condemnation followed the assassination of Abe in Nara, near Osaka, ahead of elec tions. Police arrested Tetsuya Yamagami who confessed to planning the crime.

Benny Gantz Signs Defense Cooperation Memorandum with Japan PHOTO: ARIEL HERMONI (MOD)

Gantz met with senior officials in the Jap anese government including Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsuno Hirokazu, National Se curity Advisor AKIBA Takeo and Minister of Foreign Affairs Hayashi Yoshimasa. Gantz also held a meeting with US Am bassador to Japan, Rahm Emmanuel. Chief of Staff to the Minister of Defence Maayan Israeli, MOD Director General (res.) Amir Eshel, Military Secretary BG. Yaki Dolf and Defense Attache to Japan Alon Yehoshua attended.

“The strategic partnership that we are building comes at a critical time in history, a time of both challenges and opportunities.”

Gantz signs Defence deal with Japan

“He was a great leader and friend of Is rael,” said CommentingGantz.on the memorandum, he noted, “Today, two ancient nations, power ful democracies and engines of innovation, embark on a joint venture, a partnership based on trust. “In Israel, our troops serve in the Israeli Defence Forces, because our mission is to defend our people. Minister, our coun tries share this common goal, defending our homes, seeking peace and stability. Cooperation between Israel and Japan in developing technology and sharing knowledge, will enable us to achieve our common vision.

“The global landscape is changing,” he noted, “While positive and negative pow ers compete, it is vital for our nations to deepenHamadaties.”welcomed stronger military ties with Israel as it will help achieve a "free and openJapanIndo-Pacific".andtheUS back the accord as it can help offset China's growing power in theHamadaregion. also noted that peace and Mid dle East stability would aid Japan's peace andJapanprosperity.facessecurity issues with China and North Korea. Russia's invasion of Ukraine has also impacted the country.

A Hope Not Hate poll shows 34 percent of British people (18-24 age bracket) agree that Jews have an ‘unhealthy control over the world’s banking system’. The overall poll investigated attitudes across British society. Campaign Against Antisemitism described the banking sta tistic as Results“frightening”.reportedly showed that the age group believed the statement to be “prob ably” or “definitely” true. The number fell to 28 percent among the 25-34 age demo graphic, and 12 percent for pollsters over 75Authorsyears. of the survey said findings were “shocking” as they indicated “a higher de gree of openness to conspiracies” in under 35s.“It is clear that while socially liberal beliefs are more common amongst the majority, there is a large cohort of young people who hold more reactionary views, and a smaller minority who hold even more extreme beliefs,” a statement explained.

“Frightening” stats among young Brits

Binyomin Gilbert, CAA Programme Man ager, said: “These are frightening statistics. Even a fraction of these figures would serve to highlight just how widespread antisemit ic conspiracy theories have become. The numbers here are downright terrifying. It is particularly alarming that these tropes are so popular among the younger population, which raises serious questions about the quality of formal education in this area and the critical role that social media plays in propagating these racist ideas. It means that the fight against antisemitism is only going to have to intensify and more must be done to prevent the indoctrination of chil dren into antisemitic conspiracy online.” CAA monitors the far-right, which is a dangerous threat to the Jewish community and minority groups.

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A spokesperson for GB News told CAA, “We’ve been made aware that Peter Swe den, also known as Peter Imanuelsen, who appeared on GB News yesterday to talk about falling birth rates, has been accused of being a holocaust denier. As a result of this information, we have removed clips of Mr Sweden’s interview from our website and our social media channels while we investigate. GB News abhors antisemitism and all other forms of Imanuelsenracism.”told CAA, “I find it sad to see the mainstream media smearing peo ple with lies, stating that I have been/or are a Holocaust denier. This is completely untrue. I have never denied the Holocaust and it is a lie from the far-left trying to dis credit me with views I never had. The truth is that when I was young and started to see the lies in the media, like the lies they now publish about me, I as many lost trust in them and speculated in different views, but Holocaust denial was not one of them.”

Peter Imanuelsen (right) on the Neil Oliver show

James Marlow, a news contributor for GB News when it launched in 2021 said, “Al though we believe in free speech and the right to state views, it most definitely does not apply to incitement, spreading lies and encouraging rising anti-Jewish hatred.” Marlow, NJA CEO, continued, “Something clearly when wrong when a booker for GB News made the wrong call and confirmed Imanuelsen for the Neil Oliver show.”

GB News posted a clip of Imanuelsen on social media, described as a “jour nalist and political commentator”, to discuss population decline in the West. The clip has been deleted following outrage on Twitter and Facebook. A CAA spokesperson said, “It is ex traordinary that GB News would plat form someone who has allegedly propagated Holocaust denial and repugnant conspiracies about Jews. This is, at best, a monumental vetting failure that should give the channel pause about where it looks for some of its guests. GB News was right to delete the video, but we and the general public still expect an apology from the station.”

In a moving video, HaRav Yitzchak Me nachem Mendel Englard, is seen dancing with Reb Meir Elhadad, who also lost two sons, Moshe Mordechai, z’l, 12, and his brother Yosef Dovid, z’l, 18, in the disaster. over denier’

NJA debatememorialHolocaustBibi disasteroverwarnedMeron

In related news, a Hachnasas Sefer Torah took place last week in Jerusalem with the Englard family, who lost two sons, dedi cating two Sefer Torah’s l’illui nishmasam.

The commission deemed Netanyahu knew the site was is “disrepair” and could “pose a risk” to large crowds. Netanyahu did not act as expected from a PM despite “grave reports by the State Comptroller’s office”, the commission stated, adding, “It must be noted that previous governments’ decisions were also ignored.”


12 NEWS 1 SEPTEMBER 2022TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488 THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM ARE YOU SINGLE/DIVORCED? AGE GROUP 35-50? ENJOY AN AFTERNOON TEA WITH SCONES, BRIDGE ROLLS & PASTRIES Meet Like-Minded Single Where:Professionals Golders Green When: Sunday 11th September 2022 Time: 3.30-5.30 pm Cost: £10 All Food Is Supplied By Kosher Certified Caterers. Chalav Yisroel Suitable for Sephardi and Ashkenazi. Shomer Shabbat Private Event Not Affiliated To Any Organisation Friendly Relaxed Atmosphere Book early to avoid disappointment Telephone: 020 8458 6714 Email: forgoldersgreen@outlook.comjewishsinglesevents.moreinformation

Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanya hu may be held responsible for the Mount Meron stampede that saw 45 people fatali ties in Israel’s worst civilian disaster during Lag BaOmer last year. Netanyahu and other officials including Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai have been informed in writing by a state inquiry.

The commission, which issued recom mendations in an interim report released last November, interviewed past and pres ent officials, experts, eye witnesses, victims and members of families of the deceased.

Moshe Natan Neta, z’l, 14, and Yehoshua, z’l, 9, died in the tragedy.

GB News blasted

Imanuelsen gained notoriety in 2017 when outspoken political commenta tor Katie Hopkins posted a picture with him on Twitter. The post was deleted it after an outcry.

CAA have noted offensive tweets by Imanuelsen on its website. Among examples mostly from 2016, he alleg edly tweeted, “I don’t like fascism, but I think hitler had some good points. I am pretty certain that the holocaust actually never happened.”; “I have also heard that concentration camps actually had swimming pools, cinema, theatre, football fields etc (photos). Opinion?”; “they even had a com memorate coin with a swasitka on one side & a so called “star of david” on the other side…” “How is the protocols of the elders of zion ‘anti-semitic’? Is the jews own text on jewish supremacism anti-se mitic?”; “Judaism is an antichrist religion.”; “It is the vatican & the jews who are behind NOW (New World Order).”; “According to statistics 40-75% of jewish households owned slaves. Only 1.4% of whites did” and “These are official stats from the US government.”TheNational Jew ish Assembly is holding a debate on the issue of building a Holo caust Memorial near Parliament on Sunday 11 Septem ber (10.30 am). There are op posing views ex pressed by respect ed leading figures on both sides of the argument. Anyone can join the Zoom meeting. Gary Mond, NJA Chairman, said, “This is a very important issue for the Jewish com munity and fully worthy of a comprehen sive debate. All in the community should be given an opportunity to express their opinion. Moreover, it should be a debate amongst friends. Everyone wants only the best for the future of Holocaust remem brance and education, even though they might differ on the method of achieving this.”The NJA will remain strictly neutral in the debate. To attend:




Jewish organisations have blasted free speech channel GB News for inviting far-right blogger Peter Imanuelsen to speak on the Neil Oliver Saturday night show (August 27). Campaign Against Antisemitism and National Jewish Assembly led the furore. Anti-racism charity Hope Not Hate revealed in 2017 that Imanuelsen, using the name Peter Sweden, was responsi ble for horrendous Holocaust and anti semitic related comments.

1 SEPTEMBER 2022 OPINION 13TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488 THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM OPINION The opinions on this page do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper OPINION PIECE BY FESTENSTEINROBERT

There has also been precious little coming from the communal organisations other than the usual requests for world peace. What is of note is that those people who have recently been writing to the press about youth groups staying over the Green Line have been absolutely silent on this issue. The Jewish News reported that:

So much for a ‘nuanced education about Israel and the conflict.’ I have no idea what youth movement leaders want, but it is clear that words like ‘objective’ and ‘bal ance’ have no place in their vocabulary. Meanwhile the leaders of our community stand by and say nothing about the letter, the imbalance and what amounts to the indoctrination of our youth. This is exacerbated by the fact that these youth movement leaders are wilfully missing the violent reality. This is that Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hamas and the Palestinian Authority hate Jews and want to see them driven from the land of Israel or murdered. Such is their desire to kill us that a few dead Palestinian children are simply justifiable collateral damage. Only they are not justifiable collateral damage. There can be no justification for these deaths. Gold Meir famously said: “Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.” It is absolutely clear that this day has not yet come. What has come and what is needed is for all of us to recognise this. Letters whingeing about accommodation over the Green Line are a dangerous distraction because they fail to address the key issue which is our enemies really do want to kill us. No amount of naïve posturing is going to change that.

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They really do want to kill us what youth movement leaders want, but it is clear that words like ‘objective’ and ‘balance’ have no place in their vocabulary.

Over tisha b’av and in the following days we were witness to rocket fire from Palestinian Islamic Jihad, (which is backed by Iran) sending over 600 rockets into Israel with the express intention of killing Jews. Since the rockets were sent indiscriminately, we can only assume that if any of the victims turned out not to be Jewish, well that wouldn’t really matter. It turns out that many of the victims of the rockets did in fact turn out not to be Jewish; many Palestinians including children were killed as a consequence of some rockets falling short and exploding in Gaza civilian areas. Of course, there was no international outrage about these avoidable deaths.

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Robert Festenstein is a practising solicitor and has been the principal of his Salford based firm for over 20 years. He has fought BDS motions to the Court of Appeal and is President of the Zionist Central Council in Manchester which serves to protect and defend the democratic State of Israel.

The challenge for the communal leadership now is whether or not they are prepared to push back against the non sense of the issue of accommodation over the Green Line and face the murderous reality. The writing on the wall though suggests that their blinkered faint-hearted approach is here to stay. Those of us who see the truth of the situation are just going to have work harder.

This advertisement has been issued by the Development Company for Israel (International) Ltd., which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and registered in England No. 01415853. This is not an offering, which could only be made by prospectus. Your capital is at risk, the rules under FSMA for the protection of retail clients do not apply. An investment in any of these bonds will not be covered by the provisions of the Financial Services Compensation scheme, nor by any similar scheme. Israel bonds are intended as a long-term investment as they are not listed or admitted to dealing on any recognised investment or stock exchange nor is there any established secondary market, as a consequence Israel bonds are not readily realisable before their maturity date. DCI (International) Ltd is not the issuer of these bonds, they are issued by the State of Israel. 08-22 Your capital may be at risk.


The United Jewish Israel Appeal, (UJIA), has confirmed it is investigating how participants on a Birthright tour and Federation of Zionist Youth (FZY) trip were booked into overnight accommodation in a West Bank settlement. A letter circulated last week expressing anger at the arrangements was signed by dozens of youth movement leaders, who said the decision to put groups in settlements “not only upends our nuanced education about Israel and the conflict, but ultimately forces us to be complicit in a system we fundamentally disagree with.”

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I haven’t seen a letter from ‘dozens of youth movement leaders’ condemning any attacks from Gaza, nothing about Israeli civilians being targeted by indis criminate rocket fire and certainly nothing about Palestinian terrorists being respon sible for the deaths of Palestinian children.

I have no idea

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Declarer was now able to pitch two losing Diamonds on the established Hearts and merely lost two clubs with the club finesse failing. All the de fenders took were two club tricks. Declarer won 6 trumps, 4 Hearts, 1 Dia mond and 2 diamonds trumped in dummy, the short hand.

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This deal was used in an intermediate class on play. The bidding was desig nated to be the same at every table, as was the lead of the nine of hearts. At one table, the heart was covered by the queen, king, and ace. Declarer drew trumps with his king and dummy’s ace then led a club from dummy.

At a second table, East, knew not to cover the Queen and played low. Now declarer went onto lose two clubs and two diamonds and go one down.. The correct play was found at a third table. Declarer played the four of hearts from dummy at trick one and immediately took his Ace of hearts then He drew trumps with the king and queen. He now played his remaining heart to dummy’s ten and East’s king. East’s continuation of the queen of clubs was covered by the king and ace. After winning the club continuation with the ten, East shifted to the ten of diamonds. Declarer won with the ace and now crossed to dummy with a trump to the ace to throw his 2 losing diamonds on the established queen and Jack of hearts.

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Young Canter and Edwards

chopping fruit


GIFT hosts ‘A Taste of GIFT’ event for the Giving Kitchen PHOTO: LAWRENCE PURCELLManchester KDH GCSE students are super pleased with their results King David High School Manchester GCSE Students who, as you can see, are really pleased with their results. JamiPeople | JAMIMentalHealth | jami_uk | Jami UK There may be times in our lives when we lose all hope. Jami provides reassurance that things can get Understandbetter. SUICIDAL THOUGHTS JWHP_Jami_Understand Suicidal Thoughts_265mmWx158mmH_AW.indd 1 26/07/2022 15:39 Freddy

Young GIFT hosted a Young Professionals ‘A Taste of GIFT’ evening together with the GIFT Giving Kitchen. The YPs prepared and packaged over 150 fruit salads and rolled hundreds of meatballs to give out to GIFT’s Giving Kitchen recipients, together with their weekly nutritious meal & soups. Tate Edwards, mathematics teacher, who has tutored for GIFT since 2019, told us, “I really enjoyed cooking for such an im portant cause. For me, getting your hands dirty is the most rewarding way to give to charity.”EliClinton-Davis, trainee solicitor & Young GIFT Chair explained, “A huge thank you to all the YPs who gave up their time after work to help prepare and pack meals for GIFT recipients. The turn out was amazing and their efforts have made a great impact on the those who depend on GIFT’s services on a weekly basis. This is just one of the initiatives Young GIFT is running in order to increase awareness of the charity and encourage young people to build the act of giving into their daily lives. Please reach out if you’re looking for volunteering opportunities!”YoungGIFTis planning monthly social, meaningful, giving activities with a major event taking place in November. To get in volved email



3,000 food items donated to Chesed


for several Hebrew speakers to help them nurture their overseas clients. This role is available as a full time (Monday-Sunday) role. However, if you are looking to bolster your studies and want evening, weekend, then they are happy to consider this. You will use your fluent Hebrew and English daily and must be able to write in Hebrew too. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES • Bilingual sales support role where you will liaise with clients in Israel • Processing orders and credit notes • Coordinating deliveries • Dealing with incoming queries over the telephone and email • Providing information on new products, sizing information and information on cut-and-style • Managing invoice queries REQUIREMENTS • Fluent Hebrew • Able to work in the UK • Some previous customer facing experience Please send your CV to

Project Lily double boost for Mental Health Training Campaign



Project Lily’s campaign to provide free mental health training to the Jewish com munity has received a boost this week. The initiative has received certification from Continuing Professional Develop ment on top of a significant National Lot teryThegrant.CPD certification service praised Project Lily’s mental health training, de scribing its comprehensive course having a “clear structure and learning opportunities”. Jonathan Dove, Clinical Director of Pro ject Lily, said, “We are facing a storm of mental health challenges with unprece dented levels of uncertainty and anxiety. Our free online training is a simple way for people to equip themselves with vital skills to respond to mental health issues before they escalate. Our CPD accreditation is a wonderful endorsement of our training and will hopefully encourage more people to join one of our courses.” Project Lily’s’ courses are delivered over Zoom ranging from 90 minutes to three hours.Topics covered include mental health basics, stress, anxiety, depression, PTSD and self-care. This accreditation comes after the lottery grant recognising the work Project Lily of fers the community. Lisa Radford, Operations and Devel opment Director, commented, “We train people to respond, we support our train ees throughout, and of course we rapidly assess and treat more severe cases with appropriate therapy.” She added, “The cur rent economic situation makes funding this work both harder and more important than ever. This vote of confidence from the National Lottery will make a big impact in our helping more people.” Website:

The United Synagogue’s Chesed ‘Essential Food Parcel Project’ has been a success. Over 3,200 items were donat ed by members of different US communities.Fooditemsinclude cereal, rice, milk, pasta and tuna, non-food items are washing powder, handwash and tissues.

Title: Hebrew speaking Customer Services Advisor Salary: Up to £30,000 Contract Type: Permanent Working Hours: Monday – Sunday, different shifts available between 7am – 8pm Working in the office in either London OR Manchester twice a month, and must attend 2 weeks training onsite Sector: Fashion customer support Location: London OR Manchester COMPANY A major UK -owned UK fashion and e-commerce business is expanding fast into Israel and is now

PHOTO: LAWRENCE PURCELLManchester Lubavitch Day Camp at Beis Yaakov Lubavitch Day Camp was held at locations for Boys and Girls around Broughton Park area. looking

There were 349 tins of baked beans collected.Theproject is essential to help a growing number of people af fected by food poverty and cost of living crisis. US Chesed’s work supports 150 families and individuals with weekly food parcels.


3. Return the fried vegetables to the pan, and add the bay leaf, thyme, wine, passata, lentils and some seasoning. Bring to the boil and simmer for 15 minutes until thickened with little liquid remaining.

4. Transfer the mushroom and lentil mixture to a shallow large ovenproof dish (approx. 25cm x 37cm) discarding the herbs.

7. Scatter the celeriac evenly over the pie base and gently press down to level. 8. Add the spring onions and cherry tomatoes and drizzle the remaining tablespoon of oil. 9. Bake for 40-45 minutes or until golden and crispy 0.21 carat, 18 carat white gold, G colour VS1, RRP £800 - our price £90 0.11 carat, 18 carat white gold, G colour VS1, RRP £600 - our price £45 101-page catalogue of all our items in stock is now available. cheaper than all other in the UK

For more recipes and inspiration visit my website:

Another delicious recipe from Denise Phillips

5. Preheat the oven to 200°C / Gas mark 6. 6. Coarsely grate the celeriac using a food processor or box grater. Transfer to a large bowl, drizzle over 2 tablespoons oil, season and toss to coat.



Method 1. Heat a tablespoon of the oil in a large frying pan over a medium heat. Fry the onions, peppers and garlic, stirring for 5 minutes or until softened and lightly coloured. Set aside.

Made with lentils and mushrooms, and topped with smooth celeriac, the family will love this flavourful vegan recipe and ideal during ‘The Three Week’s when vegetarian food is often favoured. Enjoy with a simple green salad or hot green beans.

Preparation Time: 30 minutes Cooking Time:1 hour 5 minutes Serves: 6 Ingredients 5 tablespoons rapeseed oil 2 red onions – peeled and chopped 2 long red Romano peppers – cut into 1 cm 3cubescloves garlic – peeled and roughly chopped 300g chestnut mushrooms – washed and cut into 100gquartersshiitake or wild mushrooms – washed and cut into quarters 1 bay leaf 4 – 5 sprigs thyme 150ml red wine 4 tablespoons passata 200g cooked puy or green lentils 600gToppingceleriac – peeled and cut into large chunks 4 spring onions – sliced 150g cherry tomatoes – sliced


2. Add another tablespoon of oil to the frying pan, add the mushrooms and cook on a high heat until they soften and release the juices.

20 1 SEPTEMBER 2022TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488 THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM CHORAL SELICHOT Central Synagogue London together with The Western Marble Arch Synagogue Jointly invite you to a Choral Selichot Service at: Central Synagogue 42 Hallam Street London W1W 6NW With Chazan Steven Leas & Special Guest Chazan Simon Cohen Accompanied by The Central Synagogue Choir conducted by Benjamin Fingerhut Motzei Shabbat, 17th September 2022 10.30pm Reception 11.15pm Address by Rabbi Joseph Dweck Senior Rabbi S&P Community of the UK 11.30pm Service,NorthwoodandWestEndGreatSynagogues

just a text 07860058823away Remember Jteen is confidential and anonymous and is available for anyone between the ages of 11-20. We can't see your number and we won't ask for your name. Rabbinical board led by: Rabbi S.F Zimmerman (Federation BeisDin)and Rabbi S Winegarten. registered company numer: 12336514registered charity numer: 1195377

As a work of one of the early Rishonim, Chovos HaLevavos quotes and alludes to the full range of Tanach and the Talmud. A reader can easily lose track of the author’s complex thought, and miss his point. In this work, Rabbi Eliyahu Meir Klugman, a Rav and maggid shiur, who has taught Shaar HaBitachon to scholars and layman, selects the guidance and principles of Shaar HaBitachon, using the author’s own words.


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The Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation has created a unique 40-day program to jumpstart our shemiras halashon and make positive speech a wonderful new habit! 40 Days of Caring includes:

A 40-Day Mission …


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Countless Blessings!

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Rabbi Yehuda taught: “Be cautious with your learning of Torah, for unintention al results of mistaken Torah learning amount to intention”. The Bartenura explains this to mean: One must study Torah carefully, reaching the correct Halachic conclusions, for if one does not put sufficient effort into their learning and they then render incorrect Halachic deci sions , the “mistakes” that thereby arise, are considered “intentional” transgres sions. Truth be told, this does not only apply to Rabbis - each person must make an effort to study Torah and thereby become aware of the Mitzvot they must perform and the transgressions they must be aware of. Otherwise, a person would never be held liable for their reli gious shortcomings - they would simply say: How was I supposed to know? Well, ignorance is a lame excuse - similar to how one could not say, “I was not aware that driving in excess of the speed limit was illegal!”. It is the motor driver’s duty to find out the speed limit before driving!

CAN HE DOUBLE-DIP? Dear Rabbi We have a communal fund which distributes to certain needy people and causes. We also give from that fund to some collec tors. However, recently one such collector was seen still knocking on people’s doors. We have told him it is either or. He cannot be given from the communal fund while also collecting from the community personally. Some of our members object and say we have no right to tell him what to do. Can you advise please? Gabi Dear Gabi Jewish law writes that every Jewish community bears an obligation to establish a fund that collects money from the community in order to distribute to those in need. Rabbi Moshe Feinstein rules unequivocally that the “fund system” was not established to supplant private solicitation, but rather as an additional measure to assist the poor. Therefore even as a needy person collects from the commu nal fund, he is still entitled to approach the donors individual ly to ask for further assistance.

Follow Rabbi Schochet at: Twitter: @RabbiYYS Facebook:

Rabbi Shimon taught: “There are three crowns: The crown of Torah, Kehuna (priesthood) and royalty - and the crown of a good name goes above them all”. Although the Mishna taught of three crowns it seems to add a fourth - that of a good name. One way to explain this is that the good name depends on having the crown of Torah, for without studying Torah and performing Mitzvot it is a struggle to earn a good name. Another explanation may be - the three crowns are all great to have, however, a person must ensure that they are faithful to the crowns of Torah, priesthood or royalty by maintaining a clean reputation and not bringing shame to any of the three.

Pirkei Avot

Dear Mich (I’m playing it safe)


24 JUDAISM 1 SEPTEMBER 2022TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488 THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM ASK THE RABBI Looking for answers? Send your question to

WHICH SIDE OF THE MECHITZA AM I ON? Dear Rabbi I recently read a ruling from a respected rabbi who wrote regarding transgenderism: “A full transition surgery assigns to the transition person the full gender that they transition to, in all areas of Halacha. They can sit in the section of the mechitza of their acquired gender, they are obligated (only) in the mitzvot of their acquired gender, and can also marry according to their newNon-surgicalgender. transition, when proven to be genuine, defini tive and irrefutable, also has the ability to assign the new acquired gender on the transi tioned person, for mechitza and gender based mitzvot. I am not however prepared yet to also consider it valid for marriage purposes.”Doyouagree with this? Michelle (formerly Michulum).

Perek 4: Mishna 13

Dedicated in memory of Tova bas Chayim Hillel Monis and Meir Shimon ben Avrohom Yakov

This so-called (sorry of you think he’s ‘respected’) rabbi’s ruling is clearly entirely subjective and based on his own skewed per ceptions. Why is it that someone who identifies as a woman but has not undergone surgical pro cedure cannot be considered for marriage based on their newly assumed gender, even as they assume their chosen identity in respect to everything else? Why is there is a distinction between whether one does full transition surgery or not? Clearly, in his warped thinking, it comes down to the sophisticated plastic surgery, which is essentially all it is. You cannot decide your gender despite your biological sex. This has no basis in science. Regardless of the surgery done, the billions of cells in one’s body will always be xx or xy. By this so-called rabbi’s reasoning, if I can do plastic surgery to put a trunk, big ears and a tail on my self and call myself an elephant, will it be OK for me to mate with other elephants and indeed be absolved from all mitzvot? And if I merely identify as an elephant, can I still be absolved from mitzvot, albeit forbidden to mate with other elephants, because I didn’t transition fully? In our world today, subjec tive views override facts. But Halacha is informed by facts not personal narrative or agenda. Halacha relies on the one hand, on personal autonomy while at the same time submitting to a HigherWhileOrder.some so-called rabbis want to sound intellectually honest while also kowtowing to their liberal cohorts, the fact is that their halachic sophistry has nothing to do with traditional or authentic Judaism. This is not intended as an indictment against transgender people whatsoever, but it is an indictment against so-called rabbis and their made up rulings.

Dear Rabbi I am considering a career in law enforcement as a forensic accountant. This means that I would be gathering financial evidence to be used in litigation proceedings. Depending on the job, this may only entail analys ing transactions and preparing reports for the lawyers, or it may involve actually testifying and presenting the evidence in court. While some cases may involve only monetary penalties if a party is found guilty, other cases may come with a prison term. There is obviously the likeli hood of potentially working on cases involving Jews. Although, this may also depend on the type and location of the job. For example, a forensic accountant in a counterterrorism unit will probably work on few, if any, cases involving Jews, whereas if one works more generally for the government in London, the likelihood greatly increases. What would I need to consider before accepting a job in this field? I know that there might be an issue relating to mesirah? Are there other halachic considera tions as well? Any guidance and resources will be greatly appre ciated. Moshe Dear Mosh It is perfectly acceptable to take on such a job. This is sourced in numerous codifiers, but see in particular Rabbi Moshe Feinstein who makes the point that “mesirah” (tale-bearing to the government) is when you are actively looking to harm someone. In this case you are certainly hoping that no one has done wrong in the first instance. Only, if you discover afterwards, a matter of concern, then as part of your job you’ve got to do what you have to do.


A PATCHWORK In an ideal world we are exposed to surpassing people whose lives display a sweeping range of virtues and values. My teacher, Rav Aharon Lichtenstein, mod eled the entirety of religious and moral experience, providing a ‘gold standard’ in almost every imaginable area of religious endeavor. Sadly, those types of role models are becoming few and far between. Perhaps one solution to our current dilemma is to decentralize role modelling. In leu of great and sweeping personalities who showcase the entire range of values, we must be more appreciative of people who model specific values. We may not benefit from all-encompassing person alities, but we can be inspired by people who model select values or particular traits. We must be more receptive to being “inspire-able” and more conscious of the people in our lives who model desirable traits. We must also better balance our distaste for and fear of personality cults, with our need to be inspired by the lives of others. The writer is a rabbi at Yeshivat Har Etzion/ Gush, a hesder yeshiva. He has smicha and a BA in computer science from Yeshiva University as well as a masters degree in English literature from the City University of New York.

REGIONAL COURTS What is surprising is the geographical sweep of these appointments. The very first verse of Shoftim instructs the appoint ment of judges in every “gate” - b’chol she’arecha. At least in Israel, panels of mag istrates were established in every region and in every city. From a logistical stand point it is odd that every village and every city contains a tribunal of qualified judges.

Wouldn’t it be more economical and more efficient to station courts in major popula tion areas, and require litigants to travel to these regional courts? Why must judges be positioned in every single region of Israel?

Religious growth, and moral challenges in particular, can be very confusing. In the heat of a moral or religious crisis, theoretical notions of right and wrong are often ineffective. Our religious conviction and moral clarity often melt in the heat of the moment, when we face a confusing or overpowering religious predicament. My Rebbe and mentor, Rav Aharon Lichtenstein encouraged us to navigate religious challenges by imagining how our role models would respond to the same situation. Imagining the response of a role model is more far compelling than abstract calculations of right and wrong. Religious excellence depends upon real life exam ples of people who, by their own outstand ing behavior, call us to higher ground. Their influence inspires us to lead ‘driven lives” and prevents self-complacency and excessive self-satisfaction from settling in.

Closer to home, in the Jewish world, we have suffered through numerous scandals in which religious personalities have com mitted horrible crimes. In response, we have legislated strict guidelines to protect against possible abuse and to make our leadership and communal management more transparent.

Israel Shoftim:

WHAT HAVE WE LOST? All these steps are absolutely vital to curb the terrible abuse we have encountered, but just the same, it is fair to consider what we have lost in the process? For the sake of “transparency” have we rendered our lead ership “invisible”? Are we so suspicious and jaded that we have lost inspiration? Regrettably, for many, the very phrase of “role model” is abrasive or even odious. Perhaps human beings in search of meaningful lives, are in greater need of actual role models than we assumed. Perhaps religious excellence is so ardu ous that it is best achieved by simulating the conduct of others, rather than solely through personal development. Role models take vague notions of religion and morality and present them in more vivid form, in ways which are more concrete and compelling. Have we forfeited our ability to be inspired by the lives of others? Have we swung too far?

Additionally, our culture has become jaded by the very concept of a role model. We have been exposed to too much hypocrisy from public figures, and we have been repeatedly victimized by corrupt and dishonest leadership. Inspiration from role models feels dangerously close to person ality cults, and we all know the damage inflicted by excess veneration of charisma. We have learned to distrust because, all too often, our trust in others has been betrayed. Our public trust has been burned too often, and we have taken refuge in the relative safety of distrust and suspicion.

Torah from Disappearing Role Models



Where have our role models gone? In part, the culture of democracy has devalued the image of a role model. Democracy as sumes political and economic equality. In the voter booth and the free marketplace every man stands equal. Political egalitari anism sometimes, incorrectly implies that every value and every moral position is also created equal. The pre-democratic world was forged upon rigid political and social hierarchies which repressed human freedom and were often governed by immoral or abusive leaders. However, a world built upon hier archy suggests a hierarchy or pyramid of values, in which certain values are ranked “higher” than others. By contrast, egalitar ian democracies imply the absence of any absolute or superior moral value, thereby reducing the impact of role models. Why should we be inspired by another person if, fundamentally, everyone is equal? We have fallen into a sad state of self-arbitration in which every “citizen” appoints themselves as sole morally authority. Moral relativism and moral self-arbitration are the bastard children of democracy.


SOCIETIES OF SINAI Several centuries after the first discovery of Hashem, we stood beneath the moun tain of God and received the His directly revealed will, including a blueprint for a society of law and order. Even in our temporary desert camps, we fashioned a rudimentary network of courts braced by agencies of law enforcement. The Torah documents several instances of criminals who were prosecuted and sentenced in the desert. In the second year after the Exodus, both a shabbat violator and a blasphemer were sentenced to death. They weren’t guillotined by a rabid mob, but afforded due process and an orderly trial for their crimes. Thirty-eight years later, land was expressly allocated for five women whose father had deceased. Additionally, several tribes were awarded “extramural land” in the fertile pasture lands of the East bank of the Jordan. In the aftermath of Sinai, a society driven by the rule of law was gradually coalescing. Law lessness was slowly being replaced by ci vility, violence and aggression were ceding to common codes of right and wrong. The will of Hashem was becoming manifest in the human socio-political sphere. Finally, it was time to enter the land of Israel, and it was obvious that a civil society governed by rule of law was a precondition to settling the land and to constructing a city of Hashem. In this light, the mitzvah to appoint judges in Israel, delineated in parshat Shoftim, comes as no surprise.

Apparently, the position of a judge involves more than just judiciary or legal duties and, evidently, judges provide a broader benefit to society. Maimonides de scribes the “expanded” function of judges: to encourage religious observance, correct religious malfunction, inspire religious consciousness, and uphold decrees and in junctions. In short, a judge boosts religious behavior, both through direct enforcement and, additionally, by setting an example of religious excellence. Situating judges in every city assures a national network of local and accessible religious role models.

Man was created free, but freedom can be brutally stifled or violently taken from him. Without stable government, society quickly disintegrates into chaos and anarchy. To prevent a collapse into lawlessness and mayhem, Hashem vested human beings with an innate “political instinct”, and empowered them to con struct governments capable of admin istrating law, protecting human dignity and advancing general welfare. Crafting a moral society, governed by the rule of law is the will of ThousandsHashem.ofyears ago, our ancestors discovered a “one God” but were trapped in a tumultuous world of cruelty and barbarism. At best, societies were man aged by strong-fisted tyrants who offered security and stability at the bitter cost of individual liberty. In most instances though, society degenerated into unruly ruckuses of cutthroat competition and vicious barbarism. Humanity was not yet prepared for organized systems of government, founded upon the rule of law while protecting human liberty.


1ST ALIYA (KOHEN) – DEVARIM 16:18-17:13

Can a person ever truly be impartial? Is it even possible to come to decisions without ulterior motives in life? The opening verse of Shoftim (Devarim 16:18) tells us: “You shall appoint judges and guards in all your gates that Hashem gives you… who must judge Israel righteously.” And the Torah continues with an injunc tion to the appointed judges: “You shall not pervert judgement, nor be partial to a litigant’s presence and you shall not take a bribe, for bribery will blind the eyes of the wise, and make crooked the words of the righteous.” (ibid. 19) Shoftim, which literally means judges, speaks of the importance of appointing judges and a system of courts designed to ensure a society of law and order as well as moralOneclarity.oftheseven

When the nation comes into the Land, they have the right to request a king. That king has to be appointed by G-d (through a prophet) and must be Jewish. The king must not return the people to Egypt in order for him to acquire horses (where many were available and a symbol of prestige). He must also avoid having multiple wives and amassing too much wealth. He is obligated to have his own Sefer Torah, from which he must read daily.


4TH ALIYA (REVI’I) – 18:6-13

The tribe of Levi does not get a portion in the Land, unlike the other tribes. However, the Kohanim are to be given parts of certain Temple offerings to eat. They are also to receive the first tithe of the produce of fruits grown in the Land (terumah gedolah), as well as the first shearing of the flock (reishit ha’gez).

HAFTARAH Taken from the book of Yeshaya, this is the next of the seven ‘haftarot of conso lation’ read after Tisha B’Av. Yeshaya tells the people that they may have suffered punishment, but they can ‘awaken’ them selves and emerge from their captivity. G-d is constantly ready to redeem the nation if they turn to Him.




7TH ALIYA (SHEVI’I) – 20:10-21:9 Before the nation goes to war, it must offer its enemy the opportunity to make peace. However, in the initial conquest of the Land from the Cana’anite nations, their cities and inhabitants must be destroyed (Rashi). If a corpse is found between two cities and it is unclear who is responsible for the death, the elders of the city nearest to the location of the corpse must take a heifer and behead it in a valley, after which the Kohanim shall ask G-d for atonement on behalf of the elders (Rashi). Point to Consider: Why were the elders of the nearest city considered responsible for the death? (see Rashi to 21:7)

Are You Really Impartial?

One must not tamper with someone else’s land boundary. Court cases are determined by the testimony of a min imum of two witnesses. The laws of conspiring witnesses (edim zomemim) are detailed, in which a second set of wit nesses accuses the first set of having been unqualified to give their testimony, since they could not have been at the scene of the incident, due to their being elsewhere (Rashi). When the nation goes out to war, they must not fear the enemy, however mighty they may seem. Before battle commences, a Kohen is to encourage the people, reminding them that G-d is protecting them. Certain people are sent home from the battlefield before war commences.

“When you besiege a city… do not destroy its trees by swinging an axe against them… is the tree of the field a man that it should enter the siege before you?” (Devarim 20:19)

3RD ALIYA (SHLISHI) – 18:1:5

The Kohanim are to be split into different groups, who will rotate performing duties in the Temple. The right to eat designated parts of regular offerings is reserved for whichever group of Kohanim is serving in the Temple that week (see Rashi). After coming into the Land, the nation must avoid the ways of the Cana’anite nations, especially their various forms of witch craft, divinations and sorcery.

Judges and officers must be appointed in all cities (Rashi). Judges must endeavour to avoid showing favour to any litigant. One may not erect (even) a single stone for worship, even to worship G-d. It is for bidden to bring a blemished animal as an offering. Idol worship is subject to capital punishment. If a halachic question or dis pute cannot be resolved by local courts, the case should be taken to the Kohanim in the Temple.

6TH ALIYA (SHISHI) – 19:14-20:9

Noachide laws requires every human being to live within a system of courts and judges. And it is notable that one of the first perversions to occur under Adolf Hitler’s Nazi rule after he became Chancel lor in Germany in 1933, was the subversion of the courts and judges in Germany. Both the courts and the Police (Gestapo) operat ed according to Nazi doctrine and Hitler’s demands as early as 1933. But why does the Torah take the time to list a series of injunctions addressed to judges and the courts? How many of us will really ever sit on the bench and judge a case?Rav Dessler, in his Michtav Me’Eliyahu points out that we all sit in judgement, every day.Imagine that a person wants to see what the halachah has to say about whether one can play Monopoly (a board game involving pretend currency and transactions) on Shabbat. Obviously when exploring what Jewish law has to say on the topic one must remain impartial and abide by what he finds the halachah has to say. But why is a person looking up the halachah in the first place? Obviously because he wants to play Monop oly on Shabbat; so he was never impartial in the first place! The Torah is not just speaking to court judges; the Torah is speaking to all of us as we strive to apply good and healthy judgment in the court of daily human experience.Thefirststage of teshuvah or repentance, is ‘hakarat hachet’. Before we can hope to correct the errors of our ways, we first need to recognize what our mistakes are and take ownership of them. Bribery is so insidious, because most often we do not even recog nize we are being bribed. We have been so impacted by the way we see the world it becomes almost impossible to see it any otherInterestingly,way. on the aforementioned verse concerning bribery, Rashi offers a fascinating comment (ibid. 19): A judge is not allowed to receive a bribe or favor or even a smile from the litigant in order to rule justly! This is because the instant we receive anything we can no longer be objective. We can never be impartial on anything which impacts us, and as we are usually making decisions and rendering opinions about things that do affect us, how can we ever resolve the Maimonidesconundrum?inhisHilchot Deot (2:1) suggests a simple response: a person has to have chachamim to call upon: balanced individuals who can be more objective about our own realities than we are. It is debatable whether true impartiality even exists in our world, but at least we can gain advice from those who are more likely to be less partial than we are about the things that concern us. As we begin to approach Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur it behooves us to be more cognizant of the inherent biases through which we see the world and more diligent in finding ways to invite other more objective, and even sometimes diametrically op posed, sources with which to balance those perspectives. Rabbi Binny Freedman is Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Orayta. He is a member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau (www.mizra

2ND ALIYA (LEVI) – 17:14-20

5TH ALIYA (CHAMISHI) – 18:14-19:13 Moshe tells the people that they will have prophets who will guide them and convey G-d’s messages. A prophet’s legiti macy will be tested by whether his proph ecies materialise or not. Moshe gives instructions regarding the establishment of three cities of refuge (in addition to the three on the east bank of the Jordan River – see Devarim 4:41-43). These cities are to provide refuge for a person who has killed accidentally and is fleeing from the relatives of the deceased. Instructions are given about what constitutes ‘accidental’ and how the community must endeavour to protect the accidental killer from those who are pursuing him. In Messianic times, another three cities will be added (Rashi).

Just as it is a problem to misuse hekdesh (consecrated items), lowering it from its state of kedushah to a state of chol, it is problematic to misuse a garment, failing to reveal anything higher. TZ’NIYUS One of the most misunderstood ideas in Judaism is the concept of tz’niyus, espe cially in regard to women. Many think that tz’niyus means to hide, that the ideal is not to be seen. However, there is an infinitely deeper approach to tz’niyus. In this age, beauty has been corrupted. The term “beauty” generally refers to outer beauty, a surface beauty that distracts from and hides the inner self. Physical beauty is neither good nor bad; it is merely a vessel with the potential to be used for good or bad. While our physical body is immensely valuable, our true self is our neshamah — our soul, our inner mind, our highest consciousness. Our inner world, thoughts, ideas, choices, beliefs, middos, and emotions are the deepest and most genuine parts of our “self.” True beauty is when the physical serves as a vessel that expresses one’s true self — one’s inner essence — into the world.Thefocus must always be on the inner beauty as the ikar. The purpose of tz’niyus is not to hide you but to reveal you! The true you. Tz’niyus shifts the focus from the external trappings to the actual self, the neshamah, which lies beneath the surface and illuminates the physical vessel. True beauty requires a beautiful root and core, and the physical must then be used to project that inner beauty outwards.

TRUE BEAUTY Beauty is much deeper than a description of how a person looks; it’s a way of life. A beautiful life is a life of oneness where we synthesize all the aspects of who we are; where our thoughts, words, and actions all reflect a higher purpose, a higher source, a higher reality. This is the beauty of a Torah life; this is the power of oneness.

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The Journey to your RABBI SHMUEL REICHMAN is an author, educator, and speaker who has lectured internationally on topics of Torah thought, Jewish medical ethics, psychology, and leadership. He received semichah from Yeshiva University’s RIETS and is currently pursuing a PhD at the University of Chicago.


Before Adam sinned, he required no cloth ing (Bereishis 2:25). His physical body radiated light, loyally expressing his angel ic soul. Once Adam sinned, however, his physical body lost this spiritual level, no longer fully expressing the ohr (light) of his inner soul. The pasuk describes how Adam and Chavah suddenly realized their nakedness and became embarrassed, desiring to cover their bodies with clothing (Ibid. 3:7). What is the mean ing behind their embarrassment, and why was clothing the ideal remedy?


Like all things in this world, clothing has tremendous potential when used correctly. However, it can also be corrupted and misused. When used properly, clothing mitigates the shame of our physical bodies and helps us express our higher, dignified selves in the world. When misused, cloth ing can hide our spiritual core, portraying ourselves as completely physical beings. The conflicting uses of clothing are expressed in the Hebrew word for clothing, “beged.” This word is made up of the letters beis, gimmel, and dalet, the three letters that immediately follow the letter aleph. Aleph represents the spiritual root, the soul. If used correctly, our “beged” can loyally express our soul, our inner self, into the world. But the letters of “beged” also spell “boged,” which means traitor and treach ery, because our clothing can instead be used to betray our true inner selves. A trai tor is one thing on the inside but pretends to be something else on the outside — he adopts a fake exterior, a fake outer garment, that does not reflect his true inner identity. When out clothing hides who we truly are, expressing nothing more than our physical surface — our clothing and bodies — our inner self is betrayed.

Ultimate Self

We wear clothes because our bodies, in their current lowly form, are a source of embarrassment. We are souls, holy angelic beings, and yet we appear in the world as physical beings with bodies only margin ally different from animals. For those who understand who and what they truly are, it is embarrassing to be seen as anything less than an absolutely spiritual and transcend ent being. This is the ultimate breakdown between the inner and outer self. The natural response to shame is the desire to hide. For example, if someone is embarrassed in public, their immediate wish is to dig a hole and hide until everyone leaves. If that doesn’t work, they might run away to a quiet room and cry alone. When we are seen as something we are not, or something we don’t want to be, we feel a need to escape the scene. When Adam and Chavah realized their nakedness, their first instinct was to grab fig leaves and hide their bodies (Bereishis 3:7). Hashem then made them garments of ohr (skin), clothing them with dignity (Ibid. v. 21). However, there are two purposes of clothing. The first is to hide the embarrass ment of our nakedness, but the second is to reveal our true selves — to express our dignity as tzelem Elokim. We use the very means of our failure and embarrassment as the solution to our problem. By eating from the Eitz Ha’daas, our bodies no longer reflect our spiritual selves, and we require clothing, but we use that very clothing to elevate ourselves and reflect who we truly are. This is why Kohanim are required to wear such beautiful clothing; clothing allows our physical bodies to reflect the dignity and greatness of our true selves. Hashem covered Adam and Chavah with ohr (clothing), so that they could uplift it and once again reveal their true ohr (light).

The Spiritual Purpose of Clothing

One becomes embarrassed when the way they are perceived externally is not a true reflection of who they are or at least how they believe they should be perceived.

Rabbi Shmuel Reichman is a bestselling author, international speaker, and the CEO of Self-Mastery Academy. He has lectured internationally on topics of Torah thought, Jewish medical ethics, psychology, and leadership. His bestselling book, The Journey to Your Ultimate Self, serves as an inspiring gateway into deeper Jewish thought. He is also a business, executive, and leadership coach and consultant, with a unique approach based on Torah values. After obtaining his BA from Yeshiva University, he received Semicha from Yeshiva University’s RIETS, a master’s degree in education from Azrieli Graduate School, and a master’s degree in Jewish Thought from Bernard Revel Graduate School. He then spent a year studying at Harvard as an Ivy Plus Scholar. He currently lives in Chicago with his wife and son where he is pursuing a PhD at the University of Chicago. To enjoy more of Rabbi Reichman’s content, to contact him, or to learn more about his services, visit his website:


Another word for clothing is levush, which can also be read as “lo bosh” (not embarrassed). Clothing has the potential to eliminate our embarrassment, but only when used correctly. When the focus of clothing becomes the clothing themselves, failing to reveal our true inner selves, the clothing does nothing to prevent our exis tentialMe’ilembarrassment.isyetanotherHebrew word for garment, referring to an outer coat. Yet, the word that shares this same root, “me’ilah,” refers to the prohibition of stealing or benefitting from kodshim, that which was designated as holy for the Beis Hamikdash (Holy Temple). The prohibition of me’ilah is taking that which is kadosh, that which is elevated and belongs to Hashem, and lowering it to a state of chol (mundane).

This is the spiritual concept of bushah (shame). When there is a breakdown between the inner self and its outer expres sion, the inner self feels ashamed that it is being misrepresented, seen on the outside as something that it is not. For example, if someone tells everyone that you cheated on a test, when you did not, you would feel embarrassed, as you are being seen as something other than you really are. And even if you did cheat, you would still be em barrassed, because you know deep down inside that you are better than how you acted and how people now perceive you.

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Sh ofetim


Next up, the royal family. No, not Kate and William, a Jewish one, only to be chosen after the country is conquered. His job is to make sure we keep the Torah and go to battle if there is a war. Remember not to serve idols and don’t copy them either, that’s why we don’t put trees near the beth hamikdash. Magicians and people who were warned not to serve idols twice and then seen doing it, are put to death by a Sanhedrin. Just a btw, very rarely did the Sanhedrin actually put people to death. A Sanhedrin that killed one person in 70 years was called a murderous Sanhedrin.Becareful with trusting a new prophet. Firstly, only very righteous men or women who are extremely clever can have prophecy. Then we must test them and see if a nevuah comes true. If so, trust him wholeheartedly and if not – kill him. FYI, so many people became prophets, the sages say there were double as many as came out of Egypt/Mitzrayim and there were 2 million of those!! Only 7 women and 42 men have had their nevuos written down because they are still relevant now, being about our times, but there were actually approximately 1,000 new neviim every year!


Tangram Challenge!

Using all the shapes on the right can you build the boat on the right?

The Torah tells us how to live, but the Torah can’t explain how every single situation should happen because it would never end! So the Torah tells us some laws. But how do we know how to use those laws? This is why we have shoftim, judges. Every town in Eretz Yisroel, must have a Beit Din of at least three judges. These small courts can settle cases having to do with money and property. But when it comes to the death sentence, it takes a Beit Din of 23. In Yerushalayim sits the head court of the country, the 70 members of the Sanhedrin, headed by the Nassi, the prince of the Sanhedrin. All cases are voted on and the majority wins. What happens if someone does not want to listen to the verdict? He’ll have to deal with the shotrim, a bit like police, they make sure people listen to the shoftim. If a talmid chacham, a wise scholar doesn’t listen he is put to death. That’s because our laws come from Sinai and Moshe who gave them to Yehoshua who gave them to the Zekainim, to the prophets, to all the people listed in pirkei avot (have a look at the beginning of the first chapter) all the way, person to person until Rabbi Dayan who your parents ask their questions to.

Imagine it as a long chain, it means our laws come from Sinai not Rabbi Dayan’s head. If someone who is supposed to be a link in that chain, lets go, he breaks it by not listening to the Sanhedrin, he could ruin everything! So he must die.

The Jewish people are special, holy because we belong to Hashem and our army has to behave in a very nice way as well. Lastly, if someone is found dead outside a city, we need to be careful it wasn’t anyone’s fault for not giving him food or water or just being nice to them so they were in a good mood. The elders of the nearest cities have to say “our hands have not soiled this blood” and perform a special ritual. We need to be nice to everyone, not just not being mean but making sure to play and talk with everyone so that every boy and girl feels happy. See you next week!

1 SEPTEMBER 2022 FAMILY FUN 33TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488 THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM The goal of a word wheel puzzle is to create as many words possible with the letters in the word wheel. Each word must contain at least three letters. You can only use each letter once and every word must have the letter in the centre of the Wordwheel. Wheel Last week’s words: Here are some words you may have found from last week - you may have found more! Use this area to write the words you have found. curcrycoycotcos cistticsicicycut curscotscosycostcity uricscotcystcutscurt scoutscourcuriocrustcourt crustycourtscoituscitrusstoic curiosityrusticoutcrycurtsycurios nta o i vals

34 FAMILY FUN 1 SEPTEMBER 2022TO ADVERTISE CALL 020 3906 8488 THEJEWISHWEEKLY.COM (Answers at the bottom of page upside down) 2)Acoin 1. What has one head, one foot and four legs? Q: Why couldn’t the sailor play cards?  A: Because he was sitting on theQ:deck! Whatdo you call a boy named Lee that no one talks to? A: Lonely  Q: Why did the bicycle fall over? A: Because it two-tired! was 2. What has a head, a tail, is brown, but has no legs? 3)Yourage 3. What goes up, but never comes down? 1.Abed Q: Why was the broom late?  A: It over swept!  1.Feelingundertheweather 2.Abigmisunderstanding 3.Anafterthought 4.Alargeoverdraft 5.Godowninhistory 6.Behindenemylines

The Scottish champions, fresh from a 9-0 drubbing of Dundee United last Sunday, are in Group F where they also face RB Leipzig and Shakhtar Donetsk. Celtic Park will have an electric atmosphere when Real come to town.


Porto, Atletico Madrid, Bayer Leverkusen and Club Bruges com plete the line up in Group B. Manchester City are the bookies favourites ahead of PSG, Liver pool, Bayern and Real. And maybe Guardiola will finally lift the trophy since triumphing with Barcelona. With Halland leading the line City have their best chance of joining the footballing elite.

Maccabi Haifa have landed a dream draw in the UEFA Champions League this season. Barak Bakhar’s side take on European giants Paris Saint Germain, who boast Li onel Messi, Kylian Mbappe and Neymar in a star-studded forward line up. The Israeli club are rank outsiders in Group H as they also face former winners Juventus and Benfica. The Greens are in the elite Euro compe tition group phase for a third time having played in 2003 and 2010. And they face the toughest task but there are no complaints from the club or supporters given the world stars they will welcome to their stadium. Maccabi qualified in dramatic fashion when they edged past Red Star Belgrade 5-4 on aggregate last month. “You’ve brought great pride to all Israelis,” Prime Minister Yair Lapid said in a euphoric message. “We’ll be crossing our fingers for you in the Champions League.” Maccabi stars Dolev Haziza and Omer Atzili made headlines on social media fol lowing the draw with requests for signed shirts from Messi and Neymar. The caption noted, “T-shirt to us please.”

The final is scheduled for the Atat urk Olympic Stadium in Istanbul on 10 June 2023. Maccabi qualified in dramatic fashion when they edged past Red Star Belgrade 5-4 on aggregate last month. “You’ve brought great pride to all Israelis,” Prime Minister Yair Lapid said in a euphoric message.

Reiss Mogilner scored six goals as Maccabi London Lions thumped Scrabble A in the second round of the Cyril Anekstein Cup. The Premier League side racked up a 16-0 win with Daniel Green and Michael Kenley both bagging a hat-trick. Ed Brafman, David Dinkin, and Adam Hassanali completed the rout in a mismatch of a tie. Lions could have scored in the opening minute of the clash but soon opened the scoring and led 9-0 by half time.

“It was a proper old school performance, we battled and defended for the 90 minutes and took our chances. Experience proved


The draw for the 32- team European tournament sees British clubs in a number of outstanding contests. Premier League champions Manchester City lead the way where they line up in Group G with Sevilla, Borussia Dortmund and FC Copenhagen. City boss Pep Guardiola brought sharp shooter Erling Haaland to the club and the hugely talented Norweigian striker has lived up to his billing. Haaland has cracked home a hat-trick gainst Crystal Palace and Nottingham Forrest in recent wins. He will relish taking on his old club Dortmund.Liverpool were last season’s runners up to Madrid and had got off to a slow start in the league but showed intent by thumping newboys Bournemouth 9-0 at theJurgenweekend.Klopp’s side are in Group A with Ajax, Napoli and Rangers. The Reds start out in Italy before a guaranteed hostile atmosphere.ThomasTuchel’s Chelsea have shown indifferent form to date. But they will be well prepared for games in Group E against AC Milan, RB Salzburg and Dinamo Zagreb. The Blues start out againstAntonioDinamo.Conte’s Tottenham Hot spur, in stark contrast to Chelsea, have made an impressive start to the Premier season and are favourites to top Group D. They tackle last sea son’s Europa League winners Ein tracht Frankfurt, Sporting Lisbon andStarMarseille.strikerHarry Kane struck his 200th career league goal in a win at Nottingham Forest on Sunday. Kane is on target to be the club’s all-time top goal scorer as he is fast approach es Jimmy Greaves’ 266 mark. He will then begin his quest to overtake Premier League all-time top scorer AlanGroupShearer.Coffers an intriguing quar tet with Bayern Munich the top seed ahead of Barcelona, Inter Milan and Viktoria Plzen. Bayern, Barcelona and Milan have won the trophy 14 times between them.

Maccabi boss Bakhar ensured the post was taken down. Haziza was quoted in German news paper Bild, “We watched the draw in our locker room. It was absolutely amazing, like a volcano. We play against three of the best players in the world. That’s just huge! I still can’t quite believe it.”

“I’m not really sure there’s anything to say, we are happy to make it through to the next round of the cup,” he commented. Hendon United Sports ran out 3-1 victors against League One outfit North London Raiders.ThePremier side led early in the second half only for Raiders to equalise but struck two late goals to book a place in round three of the competition.

Hendon now turn their attentions to the league as they travel to Oakwood A for a crucial top of the table clash on Sunday (10am).Daniel Kristall’s team stunned the league leaders last month when they won 2-0, a victory would move them to within a point of Hendon with a match in hand.

PHOTO: DAVID SAFFER16-goal Maccabi London Lions

PHOTO: SHUTTERSTOCK Karim Benzema led Real Madrid to a record 14th success in 2022

outfit end the campaign at PSG (October 25) then at home to Benfica (No vemberDefending2). champi ons Real Madrid have won the competition a record 14 times and begin another campaign with an away fixture against Celtic on Tuesday night.

As for the defeat, Emanuel commented, “It doesn’t matter how big a squad you have, you can never account for unavailability or injury. Only five of today’s team played in our recent win over FC Team, a lack of togetherness and poor individual

Haifa LeagueChampions“dream”draw

The Division Two title race also took a twist with league leaders Herstwood Vale going down to a 2-1 defeat at Temple Fortune.Faithfold B have played a game more than Vale but moved level with a 5-3 win at North London Raiders Masters. Jacob Kalms struck twice for Fortune who scored through leading scorer James Milletwith his 17th goal of the season.


The result was all the more remarkable as Temple were down to 11 players with ‘keeper Ben Rebuck dislocating a shoulder in the warm up. “This was a fantastic win given the one will enjoy.” Vale boss Jacob Emanuel was quick to wish Rebuck well following his injury. “First and most importantly, everyone at Vale would like to wish the Fortune ‘keeper a quick recovery, we hope to see him back on the football pitch as soon as possible,” he

The round robin fixtures begin next week and are truncated because of the upcoming FIFA World Cup.Maccabi kick off away to Benfica at the Estadio da Luz on Tuesday then welcome PSG (September 14). A trip to Juventus follows (October 5) before the return clash against the Italian giants Octo berBakhar’s11).




The Division One team, though outclassed, battled away to the end. Lions boss was lost for words at full time such was the display from his team who gave every respect to the opposition.

Sixteen-goal Lions rout Scrabble in Cup

Elsewhere in the latest round of fixtures, 10-man North London Galaxy made it a three-way title race in the only Division One clash of the day after defeating Oakwood B. Jamie Murray saw red early on but Galaxy rallied with goals from Josh Cohen and Jacob Leigh to record an important 2-1 away win.Galaxy head Redbridge Jewish Care A in the table by just one point after 10 matches, third place Fairlop FC are five points behind with two games in hand. Rafi Bloom scored for Oakwood. “It was a fantastic performance in a must-win game,” commented Galaxy player-manager Luke Lewis. “We sat back and allowed Oakwood the ball, given the one-man advantage and looked to hit them on the counter attack with“Bothpace.goals came down the right-hand side. Leigh crossed the first one into Cohen to finish, before slotting home himself. Up to first we go.”

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